
SpamapSmathiaz: ping! - hoping that we can upload moin 1.9.3 before FF tomorrow, if you can take a look at the merge here that would be great: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moin/+bug/58651800:02
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/586518)00:02
mathiazSpamapS: ^^ that's not good ;)00:02
SpamapSttx: I added you to the merge proposal too, since you did the last merge just before lucid release00:02
SpamapSbug 58651800:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586518 in moin (Ubuntu) "Please merge moin 1.9.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58651800:03
SpamapSubottu: I knew you could do it00:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
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hliebermanBetter.  Question: What is ubuntu policy on shipping .pc files (for pkg-config)?00:31
hliebermanIt appears that very few packages use them anymore.00:31
TheMusohlieberman: Actually, a lot of packages use them. .pc files are shipped in a packages -dev package. So if you have a library, you have libname0 for example, and libname-dev, the .pc pkg-config file goes in libname-dev00:33
micahghlieberman: they're fairly common (2114 files in Lucid), is there a specific package missing one00:34
hliebermanOne second, let me check why...00:38
hliebermanAh, got it. Thanks. :)00:55
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tleI'm looking for an open source project to join and contribute to as a developer. Preferably a smaller project that I can help grow. Does anyone have any suggestions?01:47
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RAOFtle: I'd suggest finding a program that does most of what you want, but has some niggles, and then go on to fix those niggles.02:08
tleRAOF: thanks02:12
seiftle, we started a very new small project02:35
seiftle, do u use python02:35
tleseif: I have very little experience. mostly C, C++, Objective-C, Java, C#02:36
seiftle, u can learn python02:36
seifit is very easy02:36
seifhi RAOF02:36
tleseif: so I hear02:36
RAOFseif: Howdie.02:36
RAOFBanshee's fun to hack on :)02:37
seifRAOF, +102:37
seifRAOF, banshee seem like it is going to get an extension02:37
seifdid u vote already02:37
seiffor a zeitgeist extension02:37
RAOFseif: Yeah, I did.02:41
seifRAOF, AWESOME02:41
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kirklandpitti: howdy!  can you please accept https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=screen for lucid-proposed?04:12
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pittiGood morning05:28
pittikirkland: sorry, lucid is still in 10.04.1 freeze05:28
ajmitchmorning pitti05:29
baptistemmhi there05:39
micahgif I'm getting unused substitution warnings, but I ran lesspipe and everything looks ok, should I ignorethem/05:42
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pitticjwatson: good morning! can you please move d-i/lucid-proposed to -updates? (this requires some extra magic)06:58
=== spm changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: LP Down/RO for Updates 0800-0930 UTC | Alpha-3 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
tjaaltonhey, I see dpkg with the sync() patch is still in lucid-proposed since June 28th, are there issues with it or will it get in updates soon?07:45
micahgtjaalton: was there verifiication in -proposed?07:46
tjaaltonnoticed that installing with ext3 took 35min while ext4 made it double07:46
tjaaltonmicahg: the bug shows verification done07:46
tjaaltonoh wait07:46
tjaaltonduh, it is in updates07:47
tjaaltonso the slowdown is something different07:47
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dholbachgood morning08:00
dholbachmvo: bug 586790!08:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586790 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Typo in --help of apt-add-repository" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58679008:07
dholbachmvo: slacker! :-P08:08
mvohey dholbach08:09
* dholbach hugs mvo08:09
dholbachhey slomo08:09
mvoweeehhh … the sponsoring police08:09
* mvo tries to hide08:09
mvodholbach: *cough* but you got me, big indanereherenwort to sponsor it today08:10
dholbachjust merge it in and upload whenever - I forgot about it myself08:10
dholbachsomebody who was at the session at the time just reminded me08:10
slomohi dholbach08:12
garethello, I am having trouble with an upstart job that isn't running on boot (works well once booted) and I can't find clues on where it's failing08:27
garetdoes anyone know where are traces of the init process ? or how I can make a more detail debug session08:28
dholbachpitti, lool: to get bug 525512 fixed, I just need to sponsor the diff of bug 525395?08:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525512 in libtime-modules-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libtime-modules-perl" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52551208:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525395 in backuppc (Ubuntu) "Missing dependency to libtime-modules-perl" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52539508:31
dholbachDktrKranz: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!08:31
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pittidholbach: I'll just move the package to main; but the backuppc (525395) one needs sponsoring as it seems?08:33
dholbachpitti: ok, I'm happy to sponsor it08:33
pittidholbach: moved to main, I'll update the bug08:33
dholbachpitti: muchas gracias08:34
pittide nada08:34
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DktrKranzdholbach: THANKS!08:48
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dholbachpitti, lool: what about python-werkzeug, parsedatetime, libapache2-mod-wsgi and python-xappy? did those MIRs make it?08:53
dholbach(just looking at the moin merge)08:53
loolI have not been active on MIRs this cycle08:54
loolasac/pitti/kees/doko did most of the work I think08:54
lool(sorry for the highlights)08:54
dholbachlool: slacker! :-P08:54
Laneyis the sync queue going to be processed before FF?08:55
dholbach"LP will go down for maintenace in 30 seconds."08:56
Laneygood timing08:57
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sorenWhuh.... If recvfrom returns 0, am I the only one who'd be surprised to find the message buffer actually populated with data?09:06
dholbachLaney: nice reply on the motu list09:08
Laneydholbach: Cheers. I feel like I'm forever redirecting people ;)09:10
dholbachLaney: don't underestimate the service you're doing with that :)09:10
bilalakhtarI just used requestsync. Later, I noticed that lp is down for maintainence. What will happen in such a case?09:29
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tkamppeterThe upload server is down. "dput" (to main) gives a "[Errno 111] Connection refused".10:22
tkamppeterI can ping upload.ubuntu.com though.10:23
ttxnothing like LP maintenance on FeatureFreeze day.10:24
* asac will do MIRs for 1h+ today10:28
tkamppeterdput server is back.10:40
tkamppeterWill Thunderbird 3.1 make it into Maverick?10:41
=== spm changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Alpha-3 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
jibelmvo, Hey, bug 615923 . a keystroke error I guess.10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615923 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Syntax Error - UpdateManager/Core/utils.py" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61592310:50
mvojibel: *gar* thanks, I have a look10:51
dholbachMIR people: what about python-werkzeug, parsedatetime, libapache2-mod-wsgi and python-xappy? did those MIRs make it?10:55
pittitkamppeter: my hero! *hug* :)10:59
dholbachttx: can you or somebody have a second look over the moin merge? it'd be nice to go in, I'm just not sure if all the MIRs made it11:02
mvojibel: fix uploaded11:03
ttxdholbach: I'm on it11:03
tkamppeterpitti, should we add the pt_BR langpack to the CD as the guy who has written the PPD compression is Brazilian?11:24
iontkamppeter: Shouldn’t openprinting-ppds depend on python, btw?11:27
ttxdholbach: done11:29
* ttx lunches11:29
pittitkamppeter: right now pt is on i386 only, but after those savings we can put it back on amd64 as well perhaps :)11:30
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tkamppeterpitti, I have added ${python:Depends} to all binary packages which contain PPD archives.11:39
tkamppeterion, ^^11:39
pittitkamppeter: oh, why? (those only work if you call dh_pysupport)11:39
pittitkamppeter: ah, so the .ppd files are now being generated by a Python module?11:41
tkamppeterion, pitti, "dpkg -p openprinting.ppds" gives "Depends: python, xz-utils", does this not come from "${python:Depends}"?11:41
pittitkamppeter: seems to be alright11:41
tkamppeterpitti, yes, the self-extracting archives in /usr/lib/cups/driver/ are Python programs. They only use standard modules and the xz command line utility.11:42
* dholbach hugs ttx11:54
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SpamapSttx: ^5!12:33
ttxSpamapS: ⁵12:35
kirklandpitti: dang, even for -proposed?12:35
Kanowhy is isohybrid not called on the iso image? then it would be hybrid12:53
Kanoany specific problem to do so12:53
ograKano, file a but ?12:55
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ograKano, we just upgraded to a new syslinux and looking at bug 553581 isohybrid wasnt even included in the syslinux package until the 14th12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553581 in syslinux (Ubuntu) "isohybrid command not found" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55358112:56
Kanoogra: the bug was filed last year12:56
ograKano, last year we still used an old syslinux version and i dont think that had any hybrid support, the new syslinux only eneterd ubuntu in maverick12:57
Kanoi know thats why i reported a bug, now syslinux is new enough but no isohybrid script was called on the iso image12:57
Kanoyou have to do that on your build-box12:58
ograagainst what is the bug filed ?12:58
ograif it needs to happen on the builder, add a task for debian-cd then the cdimage team will see it12:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524803 in Ubuntu CD Images "isolinux hybrid mode should be used - all other major distributions do so since last year" [Undecided,New]13:01
ograthat has an answer from colin with an explanation why its not done yet13:02
Kanothat was 4 weeks ago and nothing changed13:02
ogra(who in turn is on vacation)13:02
ograjust be patient13:02
Kanoit is still the case that all other distos which i test / create can do that since last year13:03
ograwe are not "other distros"13:03
Kanoyes u is special, not always in a good way ;)13:04
ogracdimage team is obviously aware and the person working on it is on holiday13:04
Kanowhy does the kubuntu installer not ask for a bootloader target?13:36
Kanoalso it seems the installer ist broken anyway...13:36
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sladenKano: the person who looks after cdimage/syslinux build is on holiday.  If you want them to get your feedback, can you post it on the bug report13:48
Kanoi got that already, what about the kubuntu installer13:49
sladenKano: alot of the install process is about automation---eg. if there is only one answer, not to ask the question13:49
sladenKano: is that what you're seeing?13:49
sladenKano: if there /is/ a bug, it would be good to get it fixed13:49
Kanofirst of all there is not only 1 option, not only mbr is a target, also the partition13:50
Kanobut it just does not install any bootloader - i used manual partition mode without swap partition13:50
sladenKano: btw, all of the installer logic is in the back-end;  the only difference between K/Ubuntu installers is in the frontend GUI13:50
Kanoand selected one partition with ext4 / format13:50
sladenKano: if you're doing things /manually/;  do you have a bootable partition selected (eg. the root one)13:52
Kanowhen i only select / then this is the partition13:52
Kanothe initrd is not copied nor recreated13:53
Kanoboot/grub empty13:53
Kanoi booted from a hybrid usb stick of course13:53
sladenthe initramfs is updated by  sudo update-initramfs;  in-turn called by  sudo update-grub13:53
Kanoyou can be sure i know how to update/create an initrd13:54
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sladenKano: here in Ubuntu we try to be open and helpful to everyone regardless of prior knowledge, so I hope you'll forgive me for going through all the options13:55
Kanoit is part of the installer to do that13:55
Kanoand that part was skipped13:56
sladenKano: yes, and generally the installer manages to create working installations13:56
sladenKano: but in this case you appear to have managed to create a situation where something has not worked as expected13:57
Kanomaybe somebody should test it...13:57
sladenKano: however, I'm unclear /what/ you sequence you've done, so I'm trying to ask questions to find out13:57
ogra_cmpcit has been tested extensively for alpha3 last week13:57
Kanoi used the daily build13:58
sladenKano: so far, all I've understood is that on the machine in question, it was booted from an USB image, manually partitioned and then has failed to boot13:58
ogra_cmpcif you want a tested image, use that one, if you want to use the daily, file a bug13:58
Kanobecause no initrd was created and no grub installed13:58
sladenKano: right, so if it's a bug, please could you assist the development of Ubuntu by filing it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug13:59
ogra_cmpcor use ubuntu-bug if your test install is networked14:00
Kanoi think there is a much bigger problem, because the domain is not set, no autologin used, no user created...14:04
Kanowill try the alpha3...14:04
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Kanoa3 shows a summary screen where to select the bootloader14:17
sladenKano: so the exact same sequence of keypresses between alpha3 and daily produces a different sequence of output14:20
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Kanowell i missed to change the keyboard to no dead keys this time i think14:21
sladenKano: in which case that clearly is a bug.  Please file it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug (or just type 'ubuntu-bug' at the command line and follow the isntructions)14:21
sladenKano: can you try again with the exact same sequence please---(although it probably a bug either way)14:21
sladenKano: but bugs can only be followed up and *fixed* when they are tracked the bug tracker (otherwise they just scroll off the top of IRC...)14:22
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dholbachkenvandine: I marked 577486 as patch-forwarded-upstream :)15:37
rsavoyehow can I unsubscribe to a launchpad bug email list ? It's obvious how to subcribe, but not to get off15:37
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JForsavoye, there should be something by your name or at the top of the list on the bug if you are logged in that would allow you to unsubscribe15:46
rsavoyethat's what I thought, but couldn't find it15:46
rsavoyeI'd just rather read the bugs via the web page, than overflowing my inbox15:49
kenvandinedholbach, thx15:50
rsavoyeJFo: I still don't see it. All I get us a "subscribe to bug mail", and no "unsubscribe"15:51
JFohuh, let me look into it a bit rsavoye15:53
rsavoyeI thought this should be simple! :-)15:53
JFoit seems to be though I wonder why you can't see it :)15:54
JFoI juswt checked a bug I am subbed on15:54
JFoat the top of the list of subscribers I see a red circle with a minus and the word unsubscribe15:54
JFobut then15:54
JFoI have also had instances where the edit tag pencil was invisible15:55
rsavoyewhere is the list of subscribers ? This is for linaro-toolchain15:55
JFoso anything is possible15:55
JFoshould be on the right side of the screen15:55
rsavoyeI'm obviously not very used to launchpad15:55
JFono problem15:55
rsavoyeso I'm here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-toolchain15:55
* JFo looks15:56
rsavoyeit's just that right now I get more bug reports than spam...15:56
JFoah, I see what you mean15:56
JFoone sec15:56
rsavoyewhew :-)15:56
JFolet me check something15:56
JForsavoye, let me ask someone. seems dumb that there is no unsubscribe15:58
rsavoyethanks, now I feel less like a total idiot15:58
JForsavoye, no one could call you any kind of idiot :)15:59
rsavoyehey, it's good to feel stupid once in a while... :-)15:59
JFoare you on a mailing list for the linaro-toolchain?16:00
rsavoyeyes, since I'm interested16:00
JFoI just wonder if that is where the mail is coming from16:00
JFoon the bugs16:00
rsavoyegot me...16:00
rsavoyethe bug email only lists the bug report URL16:00
JFoseems like there should be an unsubscribe for you if you are subscribed16:00
* JFo tries something16:00
rsavoyesounds like the borg... once assimilated, you never get out...16:01
JFoheh, yes it does16:01
JFoI may have found you an answer though16:01
seb128Riddell, jdstrand, james_w: does any of you has some time for binary new today?16:01
* directhex has one teeny tiny thing in binary new16:02
JForsavoye, I guess maybe I don't16:03
JFolet me ask someone else16:03
JForsavoye, if you go here: https://edge.launchpad.net/linaro-toolchain/+subscribe16:05
JFoare the items checked?16:05
james_wseb128: I shall do some16:05
seb128james_w, thanks16:05
rsavoyeJFo: whre, thanks that did it.16:06
JFoexcellent :)16:06
rsavoyemaybe this should be more obvious to do for us launchpad newbies16:06
JFoheh, yeah16:06
JFoit wasn't obvious to me either16:06
JFoand I should have known16:07
rsavoyeit makes about as much sense as clicking "Start" to shut down a windoze machine...16:07
JFohah! indeed16:07
highvoltagethat's not completely senseless at least, it's like saying "start the shutdown sequence"16:07
seb128james_w, don't new grail binaries if you do, they are brokenly named16:12
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james_wseb128: thanks16:14
RenatoSilvaThere was any recent change in behavior of /var/log/auth.log? It seems the system hopefully won't log wrong passowords in this file anymore.16:26
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=== sistpoty|work changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: FeatureFreeze in effect! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
ogasawaraStevenK: are you on archive admin duty today by chance?  If/when you have a moment, could I get the linux (2.6.35-15.21) packages in the New queue accepted?17:11
seb128doko, could you get https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/autoconf2.64/lp600991/+merge/29328 in debian?17:26
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seb128lool, is somebody still going to review bug #599874?17:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 599874 in kpackagekit (Ubuntu) "kpackagekit makes apt-get upgrade fail while running" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59987417:32
seb128kirkland, hey, could you review the change on bug #591610?17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 591610 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "memory leak" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59161017:34
seb128hallyn, ^ if that bug still revelent?17:36
seb128it seems there was another sru since17:36
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ScottKnhandler: Would you please fix the fridge freeze announcement to just refer to ubuntu-release and not motu-release per robbiew's followup mail.17:54
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loolseb128: Sorry, I'm not very active on the MIR team this cycle18:01
loolseb128: Would be best to ping the other reviewers18:01
fabrice_spHi. Any reason why sync in bug #605774 didn't happen? I can't see any..18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605774 in Ubuntu "Please sync mozc 0.12.410.102-2 (universe) from Debian unstable(main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60577418:42
mathiazpitti: do apport hooks require a FFe?18:57
hallynseb128: checking (on bug #591610)18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 591610 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "memory leak" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59161018:58
hallyntbh i'm confused, i thought that had gone in19:00
mathiazjames_w: hi19:04
james_whi mathiaz19:04
mathiazjames_w: could you look at apache2 pkg branches?19:04
mathiazjames_w: it seems that they haven't been imported for a while now19:04
seb128hallyn, could you close it if the recent update fixed the issue?19:05
mathiazjames_w: BTW who should I report these problems to nowadays?19:05
james_wmathiaz: unsure19:05
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
hallynseb128: close the bug you mean?  or somehow close the merge request?19:07
hallynseb128: I'm afraid I can't verify muchof anything right now - getting 12kb/s...19:08
seb128hallyn, right, close the bug and delete the request19:09
pittimathiaz: not from my side; please go ahead and add them19:10
mathiazpitti: great - thanks!19:11
hallynseb128: ok, thanks, will do (after verifying)19:11
mathiazpitti: BTW - how do you test apport hooks?19:11
pittimathiaz: ubuntu-bug mypkg, and then check the details expander19:12
mathiazpitti: ie making sure that the hook is working correctly (eg no python syntax error)19:12
pittimathiaz: or, write a small __main__ method which initializes a dict, pass that to your add_info(), and print it19:12
mathiazpitti: cool - thnaks!19:12
pitti(you can leave that in production)19:12
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djznany info on 10.04.119:38
ngenenHi there20:02
jason_hello, I have an OpenGL related question. Anyone know of the correct channel?20:05
megabrakerjason_ what about #opengl?20:05
jason_well I worked with Frame Buffer Objects in OpenGL, which required the use of Render Context's. But this was under Windows20:06
jason_What I'm trying to figure out is how to set up Render Context's under linux20:07
jason_the sample I found (under Windows) used wglCreateContext, which I looked at the header and found it was from Microsoft20:08
jason_so I assume that that will not be present under linux20:08
megabrakerjason_ honestly i dont have any idea but are you working with 3d design?20:09
jason_well I'm working with real-time 3d rendering20:09
megabrakergame dev?20:09
jason_yeah, eventually20:10
megabrakerwith what language ?20:10
megabrakerah is it easy to learn 3d dev?20:11
megabrakeri heared that c++ is a lil bit hard20:11
ngenenjason_, this is not the place but.. what do you want to do ?20:11
jason_well, for me, I am able to go back and forth between c++/c#/vb.net like they are the same thing20:11
megabrakerok thanks20:12
ngenenok, from the beginning do not under any circunstance compare cpp with vb.net20:12
jason_ngnen, I am actually working cross-platform here, trying to make it so my game is easily portable from windows, linux, and mac OS20:13
ngenenjason_, ogre3d is for you20:13
jason_hehe, I might use that at some time....but hmmm, you must be suggesting don't try and do it from scratch20:14
ngenenjason_, well.. it's normal start with something "easy" and go depper..20:15
ngenennot the inverse way..20:15
ngenenyou can't do kernel hacks if you don't know bash..20:15
ngenenyou know what I mean ?20:15
ngenenOgre3D has Direct3D and OpenGL inside, and its abstracted to work with objects20:16
ngenenso you don't need to lidiate with internal stuff20:16
jason_btw, this is what I've done in 3d so far20:17
ngenenit's better develop in the way "put a light here" than "in the angle 50º looking to the angle 120º, with a refraction of 40% and it ligthing of 80% respect viewport2"20:18
ngenenjason_, doing that on ogre3d would take.. like a day if you're "learning"20:19
ngenenonce you know it, it took like.. 15, 20min. of code20:19
ngenenseriously, go for ogre3d20:21
ngenenyou'll thank me20:21
jason_I'll probably take a look at it, thanks20:21
ngenen:) u welcome20:21
Laneyyay for syncs20:27
KeybukAndroid scares me20:34
alkisgThe gr.archive.ubuntu.com server has been down for about 10 days causing a lot of grief for non-sources.list-savvy people here, can I report that somewhere?20:36
JFoKeybuk, how so? :)20:36
alkisg(i.e. a temporary dns change to map to another greek server)20:36
Picialkisg: I believe that the sysadmins already know about it, but #canonical-sysadmin would the place to report it.20:37
alkisgThank you20:37
strycoreHello everyone20:38
strycoreGot a tricky question here, it's been bugging me for ages. Here it is : In any GTK program that has text edition capabilities, there is the most annoying behavior with  Ctrl+ Delete20:40
KeybukJFo: using Java as an Operating System20:41
JFoah, yes...20:41
strycoreCtrl + Delete should erase whitespace until a word is found, and stop but GTK deletes the first word found20:41
cody-somervilleKeybuk, I think this might be scarier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JNode20:42
strycoreAn example of good behaviour is Netbeans btw20:44
Keybukthat is scary20:45
Keybukat least Android don't write their kernel in Java20:45
strycore /*  Damn it, I've been writing on the wrong channel all along -_- */20:46
Keybukstrace -ff pbuilder pbuild ...20:48
neerajIf i use debcheckout on a certain package, then it will only download the source of the specific package from the VCS repository maintianed in debian.. right?20:50
LaneyIt'll check out whatever is in control20:50
Keybukpbuilder-build.8033:execve("/usr/X11R6/bin/dbus-daemon", ... ) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)20:51
neerajCan i download the source code of a latest released version of a certain package without using dget command on the dsc file?20:51
neerajLaney: what if I don't have the package with me right now. I just want to quickly download source code of latest release of xyz package in Maverick.20:52
Laneyneeraj: If you have a maverick deb-src line, apt-get source package20:52
Laney…or pull-lp-source package if you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed, or bzr branch lp:ubuntu/package20:53
Laneymany ways20:53
neerajLaney: ok Thanks for the pointers. Last question. If I have lucid and wants to download the source code of xyz package from Maverick, then what flag i should use.20:54
Keybukpitti: there?20:55
Laneydo any of the others than apt-get source, or add a maverick deb-src line20:55
neerajOk. thanks :)20:59
Keybukso, we no longer install Recommends by default?21:13
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ari-tczewjames_w: ping21:19
james_whi ari-tczew21:19
ari-tczewjames_w: hello, are all OK with syncs?21:19
ari-tczewbecause I see that you uploaded packages, but there are no new uploads in launchpad21:19
james_wexcuse me?21:20
LaneyI think he's asking about flushing the syncs21:20
james_wah, yeah, just done that21:21
SpamapSdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: debhelper (>= 7.4.20ubuntu6)21:34
SpamapSmysql-5.1 depends on a version of debhelper that doesn't exist on my archive mirror.. :(21:34
nhandlerScottK: Done21:49
mathiazpitti: is there any integration between scripts found in /usr/share/bug/ and apport?21:49
ScottKnhandler: Thanks.21:51
LaneyWere recommends of Build-Depends ever installed?21:51
ScottKLaney: No.21:51
nhandlerScottK: You are welcome. He sent the follow-up shortly after I did the Fridge post21:51
LaneyI didn't think so21:51
LaneyKeybuk: ^^^21:51
KeybukLaney: upstart has built before ;-)21:51
Keybukthough I could well believe dbus got installed for some other reason21:52
Keybukand something else changed21:52
sorenSpamapS: Maverick has 8.0.0something.22:17
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ScottKThat's a recent change.  Probably just mirror lag.22:54
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SpamapSYeah my mirror seems to not update daily for maverick23:14
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