
=== jcrigby is now known as ed_is_a_hoser
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=== joewilliams is now known as joewilliams_away
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smblag, can u hear us? :)08:43
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lagsmb: I can now08:48
* abogani waves09:19
* abogani is wondering why if I download Maverick's git tree through http it results in outdated tree....09:19
_rubenhrm, cant seem to find the proper #include line to get me 'struct sk_buff' .. there's linux/skbuff.h in /usr/src/linux-headers..../ but it doesnt seem to look there (by default)09:25
smbapw, lift your finger09:29
lagsmb: He's double-clicked it09:29
smblag, I know, I forgot the sarcasm tags09:29
lagapw: Let us know when you're back09:29
lagapw: And we'll 'un-mute' you :)09:30
apw_Bah looks like my internet just broke ...09:55
smbMust be up again now09:55
apw_Mid rant too ... most annoying09:56
smbHm maybe havn't even heard the start of it09:56
apw_No am on my phone09:56
smbOh. Doh!09:57
apw_Modern I am ... all mod cans09:57
apw_Cons even09:57
smbYou can use your phone as AP now. :)09:58
jk-mod cans are cooler09:58
apw_May be on its way back10:02
apwcking, heloooo10:26
ckingapw, hi10:26
apwjust checking yuou are alive10:26
smbcking, or awake10:26
ckinggotta few critical bugs on my plate at the mo10:27
lagcking: I now have images of this: http://images.travelpod.com/users/paulandmel/worldtrip.1131078600.epv0041.jpg10:34
M-Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any tips on where to start looking if I wanted to incorporate a patch into a lucid kernel package?12:13
M-I've done it before with hardy, but the binary-custom stuff seems to have been deprecated in the interim :)12:13
lagDaviey: ping13:39
Davieylag: o/13:40
lagDaviey: How goes it?13:40
Davieylag:  "adequate" :)13:40
Davieylag: yourself?13:40
lagDaviey: It's the best _you_ can _ever_ hope for13:41
lagDaviey: Excellent13:41
Davieyheh :)13:41
lagDaviey: Do you want to sleep with me?13:41
DavieyErm.. big spoon or little?13:42
lagI have to be big spoon - anything else would just be inappropriate 13:42
lagAre you bunked up with anyone already?13:42
lagDo you snore? 13:42
DavieyOK.. but if you abuse me in my sleep.. i'll be upset :'(13:43
Davieynot afaik.. MrsDaviey has never commented.13:43
lagCool, so you're in?13:43
lagI'll send you the link, wait one13:43
Davieylag: Are you confirmed on that outbound flight?13:44
lagWhich one?13:44
DavieyYeah, 10-ish?13:44
* lag checks13:44
DavieyI expect you managed to get biz class. 13:45
lagDaviey: It's the only way to travel 13:46
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apwgit log 9fe6206f400646a2322096b56c59891d530e8d51..origin/master arch/arm14:52
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
apwgit merge-base  9fe6206f400646a2322096b56c59891d530e8d51 <arm branch>15:14
JFoapw, did we put out a fix for that framebuffer race condition?15:15
JFoor whatever it was?15:15
apwi believe we merged something into our maverick tree yes15:16
JFoso still badness for lucid15:16
apwjfo yes15:17
JFok, thx15:17
apwcommit 9fe6206f400646a2322096b56c59891d530e8d5115:19
apwAuthor: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>15:19
apwDate:   Sun Aug 1 15:11:14 2010 -070015:19
apw    Linux 2.6.3515:19
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apwlag branch name15:23
JFobjf, mashed almost 2k incompletes last night15:24
apwjfo liking the sound of that, got a link to nice graphs15:24
JFoyep, one sec.15:24
JFoapw: http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/qapkgstatus/linux15:25
JFoover 2k I mean15:25
apwjfo so wahts the total bug count ?h15:25
JFoapw, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~kernel-bugs/+packagebugs says 5402 for all packages there15:26
JFothat is for all open status15:26
apwjfo njce15:27
lagapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476969/15:32
JFotgardner, you around?15:32
JFobug 51329215:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 513292 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Heron LTS 8.04.3 and 20100126's 8.04.4 don't support Intel 82574L NICs (affects: 5) (heat: 44)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51329215:32
JFolooks like we lost a net card support after an update15:33
=== joewilliams_away is now known as joewilliams
tgardnerJFo, looking15:37
JFojust wondered what you want me to do with it. i.e. is it worth putting on the list for review15:38
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
joewilliamsask this a couple days ago but didnt get far, i installed linux-crashdump on a couple (10.04) servers but it doesnt seem to be collecting the core and rebooting. i have to manually reboot the machines. i tested it in a vmware image and it worked fine. any ideas?16:43
bdmurrayJFo: I think it would make more sense if the expired response linked to the development release instead of http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download16:52
JFosigh* that needs to be fixed. I'll work that now. Thanks for the heads-up bdmurray 16:52
bdmurrayJFo: no problem - thanks for working on it16:55
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JFochange pushed17:03
JFotesting now17:04
=== cnd is now known as cndougla
apwjoewilliams, not sure we have much experience of that here, have you asked on #ubuntu-server, they tend to use those things more heavily18:05
joewilliamsapw: cool, i asked there too, we'll see how it goes. while havent gotten a core yet ive seen the same stack trace a few times https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61485318:06
ubot2Ubuntu bug 614853 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:06
joewilliamsis that something you could help with?18:06
rsalvetitgardner: just sent you a merge proposal for linux-meta-ti-omap4, to update the ABI so our image can pull the latest kernel version19:13
rsalvetitgardner: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/ubuntu/maverick/linux-meta-ti-omap4/update-abi-903/+merge/3248919:13
rsalvetiplease let me know if it's not right or if I should do something else19:13
rsalvetiit wasn't update with latest kernel update form omap419:14
tgardnerrsalveti, ogasawara  is already working on it. we'll have it updated in a bit19:14
rsalvetitgardner: oh, ok, nice19:15
ogasawararsalveti: gimme 2 sec19:15
rsalvetiogasawara: if you want you can just merge it, I'm just following the previous commit19:15
rsalvetiogasawara: sure, np :-)19:15
ogasawararsalveti: nah, just as easy for me to fix it up by hand19:16
tgardnerrsalveti, that merge request thingy is a launchpad gizmo, right? 19:16
rsalvetitgardner: yep19:16
rsalvetiogasawara: true :-)19:17
rsalvetiI created the merge so you could look at it later on19:17
tgardnerrsalveti, all of our kernel packages are maintained in git on kernel.ubuntu.com. As such we don't use the LP mechanism for updating packages. I'm allergic to bzr most days.19:18
rsalvetitgardner: haha, but this one is on bzr, lp:ubuntu/linux-meta-ti-omap419:18
rsalvetibut I do understand you :-)19:19
tgardnerrsalveti, its only in LP because a branch is automatically created every time you upload a source package.19:21
rsalvetitgardner: true, just found the meta package on git19:23
rsalvetididn't know you were all using git even for tracking packages19:23
rsalvetibut makes sense :-)19:23
ogasawararsalveti: just uploaded, it's queued to build in about an hour - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta-ti-omap4/
rsalvetiogasawara: nice, thanks19:32
mpoiriertgardner: should the title read "SAUCE: (drop after 2.6.35)[PATCH] UBUNTU - ARM: Using gpmc function to init nand flash" ?20:52
tgardnermpoirier, ogasawara can fix it up when she applies it to maverick. you don't need to resubmit.20:56
ogasawarampoirier: yep, I was gonna fix it up anyways when I apply it20:56
mpoirierwhat's with the "M+1" part ?20:57
ogasawarampoirier: but just for future reference, it'll look something like "UBUNTU: SAUCE: (drop after 2.6.35) ..."20:57
mpoiriergot it, make sense - thanks.20:57
tgardnermpoirier, M=1 refers to whatever we're gonna call the Maverick plus one branch. The name has not been announced20:58
mpoirieryes, it's all clear now.20:58
ogasawarampoirier: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/StablePatchFormat - might be helpful also20:58
ogasawarampoirier: the policies outlined there also generally apply to the current development release20:59
mpoiriervery useful.20:59
econdudeawesomehi y'all. I have a really weird issue. Anytime I run chromium or a very heavy load (like flash) I appear to go into a kernel panic. I'm not sure it really is kernel panic, but it's the best explanation for whats going on.22:13
econdudeawesomeThe only info I have to go on is what I see (computer appears to attempt a restart, load into something like if I pressed alt+sysrq+e, but won't stay around, can't even open tty shell)22:17
econdudeawesomein the log, I just get that SAK is killing everything22:17
econdudeawesomeAnyone around?22:20
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=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone

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