
ChrisWoollardMuscovy: Thanks for helping out. It is much appreciated.00:08
infosoftHello everyone! :)09:33
infosoftI was a little bit inactive and don't know all the news... Do we have lucid-e2 writing freeze? If not, is the freeze date known?09:35
nisshhinfosoft: hang on a sec thers an image somewhere09:49
infosoftI already found it09:49
infosoftI guess lucid-e2 writing freeze is August 16th09:50
nisshhabout there yea09:50
nisshhinfosoft: found it!: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1887929/dev-infographic.png09:51
ChrisWoollardinfosoft: We are currently going through e2 to iron out any bugs10:18
jenkinsevening all20:26
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
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