
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
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adaymeeting time?13:02
wersHi aday13:02
adaywers, JanCBorchardt_: hey13:02
JanCBorchardt_hey everyone13:02
adayandreasn: hola13:02
JanCBorchardt_andreasn, here ;)13:03
adayno mpt.. i can't stay that long today. anything in particular that people want to talk about?13:05
wersmpt's on #ayatana, though13:06
* aday fetches mpt13:07
adaympt: hey13:08
mptSorry, I was so engrossed in specification writing that I forgot what time it was13:08
mptWho's here?13:08
adaympt: me, andreasn, wers, JanCBorchardt...13:09
adayvish: you here?13:09
vishyup , sorta13:09
mptAnyone seen mgunes? He sent a proposed agenda13:10
adayis there anything on the agenda that people want to talk about?13:12
mptmgunes mentioned the Update Manager redesign13:12
mptI didn't know that blueprint existed, but I've been working on a specification <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling>13:13
mptand devildante has implemented a couple of parts of it13:13
mptHe also mentioned the Firefox 4 "Firefox" button13:15
mptAnyone want to say anything about that? :-)13:16
* vish remembers wers' call for help! ;)13:17
andreasnI spoke with Faaborg a bit about the Firefox button at the Mozilla Summit. He said he wanted to do what made most sense for the platform13:17
mptThe problem being multiple platforms13:17
mptGnome Shell and Unity taking quite different approaches to this13:17
andreasnyeah, he was really concerned about that specifically.13:18
adayi'm not that familiar with the workings of gtk-application...13:19
vishmpt: chrome doesnt have a menubar either..13:19
andreasnmaybe a config key, and then the netbooks variant can set "traditional-menu-whatever" to true and it would get a global menu thing13:19
* thorwil says hi and skims log13:19
mptvish, it does on Mac OS X. At UDS we talked about using the same menus when the global menu bar is available13:19
andreasnas it's currently possible to set to "old regular menu" or "new one-button menu" on windows13:20
vishmpt: yes , in OSX , but in gnome , it doesnt right now , and it seems to work pretty well.13:20
mptSo, I guess there needs to be an easy way to tell "what environment am I in? is it Gnome Shell, or Unity, or something else?"13:21
andreasnI have no idea how to solve that13:21
adayseems like this is a conversation that needs to happen between the shell and unity people13:22
vishaday: why mention it as " shell and unity people " !  :s13:23
adayvish: eh?13:23
* vish not really liking that there are two groups.. 13:23
vish <aday> seems like this is a conversation that needs to happen between the shell and unity people13:24
thorwilcurrent gnome, shell, unity ... makes me want to lean back, wait and see what happens13:24
adayvish: i don't like it either :) but that's the situation13:24
vishmight be fun for the concerned parties to fight it out and come out victors but this is getting sorta ridiculous13:24
adayvish: do you know anybody working on both projects?! :)13:25
andreasnand neither of those are actually out, so what makes most sense to do _today_?13:25
mptUnity will be released in UNE 10.1013:25
mptI mean, it will be shipped by default in UNE 10.1013:26
andreasnand the desktop variant of both Suse, Fedora and Ubuntu will have the regular old panel and stuff when FF comes out in December-January13:27
andreasnand Shell is early March13:28
andreasnI like the button approach since it gives more space to actual web content, but I could live with a traditional menu for Firefox 4.0 too13:29
andreasnhey mgunes13:30
mpthi mgunes :-)13:30
mptThe other thing mgunes raised was heuristic bug tagging13:30
mptIn <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/design-m-heuristics-and-bugs> I see a bunch of TODOs assigned to Canonical people13:30
adayandreasn: i couldn't, but i don't see what good us talking about this will do13:30
mguneshi all; I'll be catching up. I have a flaky connection.13:30
andreasnI've been using heuristic bug tagging for Thunderbird a bit (on mozilla bugzilla). Working pretty good so far13:31
andreasneven though it takes a bit of time to get used to at first13:31
mgunesandreasn, is the use of it widespread on bugzilla? how many people actively tag bugs?13:32
andreasnright now it's me and Ludovic (the Thunderbird QA person) who are most active doing it13:32
andreasnand the Firefox UX people are starting to use it more and more13:32
thorwilwhat is the desired result, once those tags are in wide use?13:34
andreasnto be able to put more reason behind bug decisions and be able to establish a common vocabulary in bug reports13:36
andreasnand to be able to prioritize bugs, similar to what we do to, say, crashers13:36
thorwil^^seems all that should be in the blueprint13:36
adayandreasn: do you have definitions or guidance that go along with each tag?13:37
mgunesand create some mindshare for design, since these would be among the official tags (there's a distinction in LP between a project's official bug tags and other arbitrary tags)13:37
vishactually it was mentioned somewhere..13:37
andreasnI used it on a bug where someone was complaining about the dropdown buttons having an ugly color in the Windows theme13:39
andreasnbut it was the same as all other similar controls in windows13:39
andreasnso I felt it was a case of ux-consistency, and made the bug WONTFIX13:40
andreasnthen the reporter told me to fuck off, but that's a different story13:40
mgunesIt should be relatively easier to apply it to an upstream project, since it has a narrower focus13:40
andreasnand everyone else subscribed to the bug agreed that this was indeed the sane outcome and that it should be consistent13:40
andreasnI was hoping for Ubuntu to try it out in action before I suggest applying it to GNOME13:41
mgunessince we have a large selection of packages, it might be a good idea to confine it to a specific set (desktop defaults? ayatana?), and to incoming bugs only.13:41
andreasnwe ran it on uxprio-bugs on Thunderbird first13:42
andreasnso yeah, start small13:42
andreasnjust to learn your way around and to teach others13:42
adaygotta run, i'm afraid - see you all around13:43
andreasnbecause the most important part of it is to establish a way of talking in a common matter on UX issues13:43
andreasnand get away from "I think that..." or "My grandmother couldn't use that (I think)"13:44
mgunesandreasn, agreed; less bikeshedding, more common ground, hopefully13:44
thorwili allowed myself to edit https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/design-m-heuristics-and-bugs13:44
mgunesmpt: do you know if ivanka considers the list of tags on the spec final, or can we add others? and can we help michael forrest with the HIG examples?13:45
mgunesI'd appreciate a log, by the way13:46
andreasnI think she wanted to start with just a couple of them, and then add the rest later13:46
mptI just asked Michael about it, and he mumbled vaguely about getting around to it sometime. :-) I think he'd be happy if anyone took on the task themselves13:46
andreasnbut it probably makes sense to end up with the same list as Faaborg in the end13:47
mptIvanka is away until the week after next.13:47
mguneshmm, noted; thanks.13:47
wersback. look like I missed some stuff13:48
* wers reads log13:48
* mgunes needs log13:48
andreasnhere is the bug btw https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57703213:49
ubottuMozilla bug 577032 in Message Compose Window "A horrible turquoise hover color appears." [Trivial,Resolved: wontfix]13:49
JanCBorchardt_what about those bugs tagged »usability« (most often by the reporters themselves): https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=usability13:49
mgunesI guess the examples would have to be based on the "old" HIG for now?13:49
mptJanCBorchardt_, that's not really a useful tag, because it can apply to so many different types of bug13:50
andreasnJanCBorchardt_, maybe they can be converted to more specific heuristic keywords. "Usability" is so broad13:51
mgunesI think those bugs might mostly be good candidates for initial evaluation beyond incoming bugs13:51
JanCBorchardt_mpt: yep, exactly. I meant in a way of re-tagging13:52
JanCBorchardt_or many times it may not be usability-related at all13:52
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
mptah right13:55
mptSo, are we done?13:56
thorwil"Should we push towards making more active use of the mailing list, or other resources such as the wiki or an IRC channel?"13:57
mgunesmpt, I guess I can find michael on #dx, if I am to take up the HIG examples part?13:57
mptmgunes, he's michaelforrest, online but not in any channels at the moment.13:58
JanCBorchardt_if any IRC channel, just #ayatana?14:00
mpt#ayatana suits me14:00
JanCBorchardt_if we need any feedback from developers, they are there14:00
mgunesmpt, thanks14:00
JanCBorchardt_or what are other IRC channels to join that are similar?14:01
thorwilok, gone -> coffee :)14:01
wersI hope, there's a publicly accessible Google Wave14:01
wersstuff are much easier to track and organize there14:01
mguneson the topic of resources, I think I can do an initial wiki home page similar to..14:02
wersI hope aday's still here. he's good at wikis14:03
wershave you heard of Novell Pulse? is it going to be like an open source Google Wave?14:04
mgunesdoes anyone use Delicious or some other public bookmarking service? It might be a good idea to gather links of interest that we come across, both among ourselves and with the broader community14:04
mguneswers, sounds similar to Etherpad14:06
wersmgunes, hmm yep14:09
wersI dunno.. there's just something about etherpad that doesnt make me so comfortable14:09
* mgunes skims log14:09
werswho's gonna be in GNOME.Asia this weekend?14:10
wersI'm flying to Taiwan tomorrow14:10
=== Ursinha-zzz is now known as Ursinha
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