
micahgnorax: so then you just need -sponsors :)00:00
micahgSpamapS: what do you think of pulling in mongodb 1.6 in maverick?00:08
SpamapSmicahg: heh, we have what, 24 hours to get 'er done? Why not!00:08
micahgSpamapS: k, I'll see if I get to it later :)00:08
SpamapSmicahg: as of the last merge, the only delta was the upstart file00:08
SpamapSmicahg: oh hah, I see.. 1.6 just hit unstable00:09
micahgSpamapS: cool, it's already in debian, so we'll see if it'll be easy00:09
SpamapSmicahg: https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/mongodb .. gets a lot easier once 1.6 shows up there00:10
micahgSpamapS: since I"m rushing, I won't be using UDD00:10
lifelessSpamapS: btw00:11
micahgwill try to use it more next cycle00:11
lifelessSpamapS: are you on the launchpad-dev list ?00:11
SpamapSlifeless: I'm not, but I've been meaning to join. :)00:11
lifelessplease do00:11
micahgyeah, you get cryptic messages in foreign languages :)00:12
lifelessSpamapS: I was thinking of you when I wrote https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg04228.html00:12
SpamapSsi? idiomas que no son ingles? bueno.00:12
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SpamapSlifeless: measurement just makes the world seem less scary. :)00:13
SpamapSlifeless: great report! definitely gives an idea of which pages are being the most naughty.00:16
SpamapSok I have to run.. will digest it more later.. :)00:16
=== fta_ is now known as fta
highvoltageSpamapS: your nick sends me in an infinite loop!01:30
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pindongahi again, ajmitch , did you manage to get a look at django-configglue?02:13
ajmitchpindonga: yes, it's awaiting an archive admin now02:14
pindongacool. so it passed initial review? whom shall I bother now?02:14
ajmitchI'd say look at the queue, but it just timed out for me02:14
ajmitchit's best not to bug archive admins about stuff in general02:15
ajmitchit's been uploaded, they'll most likely get to the backlog soon02:15
ajmitchfreeze time is very busy for them, as you can imagine :)02:16
pindongayes, so basically now we sit and wait? and it should get archived into maverick? that's awesome!!02:16
pindongaajmitch, thanks so much... it was a lot of effort, and you made it worth :)02:17
pindongawhere can I see the queue? just in case I get too anxious02:17
pindongacool, I'll sit and wait now02:18
pindongahappy hacking :)02:18
=== fta_ is now known as fta
nigelbdangers of using irssi :/03:22
nigelbajmitch: 42!03:22
micahgI've got a weird problem with source format 3 not applying patches when I run debuild -b, am I doing something wrong?03:25
ajmitchprobably :)03:27
ajmitchdebian/patches/series ?03:28
ajmitchactually, is the problem that you're doing -b? since the patch applying is done prior to that, I think03:29
paultagnot using pbuilder is doing something wrong ;)03:30
paultag+1 ajmitch03:31
paultagdpkg-sourcec does it03:31
paultagdpkg-source *03:31
paultagat least according to my last build logs03:31
paultagdpkg-source: info: applying fix-xterm-keybinding.patch03:31
micahgajmitch: weird, it's worked fine in tehe past03:31
micahgpaultag: I use pbulder to test once it works :)03:32
paultagmicahg: looks like it's patching ( i use source 3 ) via dpkg-source. Were you using source3 before?03:32
paultagmicahg: it could be that your rules file called depatch03:32
micahgpaultag: it's a merge between source format 1 and 303:33
paultagmicahg: were you using quilt before?03:33
micahgpaultag: yes03:33
paultagmicahg: were you patching in the rules file or was it handling it on it's own?03:33
micahgon its own03:34
paultagmicahg: did you take ajmitch's advice and check debian/patches/series ?03:34
micahgit's fine03:34
paultagmicahg: could you try a pbuild, perhaps?03:34
micahgit'll probably work...03:35
micahgbut the build is broke03:35
micahgso I need interactive03:35
paultagmicahg: it really looks like it's dpkg-source that does it03:35
paultagmicahg: and dpkg-source is also a debsrc3 thing iirc03:36
paultagmicahg: so it might be due to a migration from format 1 to 303:36
micahgk, I'll get back to that in a minute, I'm trying to do about 5 uploads tonight, so we'll see what actually gets done03:38
paultagsure :)03:38
lfaraoneIs the Feature Freeze now in effect?03:40
=== fta_ is now known as fta
paultaglfaraone: not yet, in a few days03:40
paultaglfaraone: deb is frozen ( as you know ;) )03:41
* micahg hopes not03:41
micahgshould be sometime today/tomorrow03:41
lfaraonemicahg: mk. is pyxpcom anywhere near shippable? :)03:43
micahglfaraone: no, chrisccoulson took that over03:43
* ajmitch saw python-xpcom uploaded to debian as a separate source03:43
micahglfaraone: try him in the morning03:43
ajmitchhe was around about 40 minutes ago, might still be03:44
micahgwe can still get it in before beta if it's feasible and ubuntu-release is nice to us :)03:44
ajmitchwhat's left to fix up on it?03:44
micahgajmitch: idk, he started packaging it, but there are questions about viability03:45
micahglast commit was 6 months ago03:45
ajmitchhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=591894 fwiw03:46
ubottuDebian bug 591894 in wnpp "ITP: pyxpcom -- XPCOM bindings for Python" [Wishlist,Open]03:46
micahgis a patch target no longer needed in source format 3?03:46
ajmitchwow, it really hasn't had many commits in the last year03:46
paultagOK. I'm off for the night. lfaraone I sent you an email, I got flux to behave. I'd really be indebted to you if you got to it sometime03:46
lfaraonepaultag: will do.03:47
micahgoh, debian's trying for it too03:47
* micahg subscribed03:47
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MTecknologyThe other channels seem kinda dead so I hope nobody minds me asking here too...05:29
MTecknologyIn my init script - I have a little thing in there that makes sure nobody accidentally stops something for every user - but that catches when the system shuts down. Is there any way to see if the system is shutting down from inside of the script?05:29
LucidFoxheh "Currently building on crabapple (armel)"05:39
LucidFoxI read that as "crappable"05:39
MTecknologyLucidFox: your first line - I did too :P05:47
micahghi simar05:47
simarmicahg: Hi :)05:53
simarmicahg: i am in ubuntu bug control now :)05:53
micahgsimar: I saw congrats05:54
simarmicahg: ya, a lot of..05:55
simarmicahg: I found that I should focus on papercuts as fas as ubuntu packaging is concerned, rather than FTBFS, what do you say?05:56
micahgsimar: up to you05:56
simarmicahg: I think papercuts will make my entry more smooth :__|05:57
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* micahg hates packages that run configure to build a source package06:49
SpamapSmicahg: dh_autoreconf / dh_autoreconf_clean06:54
micahgSpamapS: thanks :)06:54
SpamapSmicahg: oh wait, I think I misread that..06:54
SpamapSconfigure or autogen.sh ?06:54
micahgSpamapS: mongo db is failing because of mozjs now06:54
SpamapSmicahg: right I was reading that bug report06:55
SpamapSmicahg: I'm ready to test if you need a tester. :)06:55
* micahg needs to figure out how scons works06:56
micahgI guess this one bites the dust too06:56
SpamapSmicahg: I think this is my fault.. the merge probably was done wrong. :-/06:58
SpamapSisn't libmozjs what xulrunner replaces?06:58
micahgheh, don't worry about it, yeah, but it's not in /usr/liib like in debian06:58
micahgmy happy packaging night is turning sad :(07:00
SpamapSactually I remember now where Mathias fixed that.07:00
SpamapS$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner- mongos07:01
SpamapSerror: no args for --configdb07:01
micahgSpamapS: I get it during build07:03
SpamapSmicahg: is it as simple as providing a wrapper script and dumping the actual binaries in /usr/lib/mongodb?07:03
micahgSpamapS: first I want it to build :)07:03
micahgit might be, idk07:03
SpamapSmicahg: 1.6 won't build, or 1.4?07:04
SpamapSI'm building 1.4 now, ugh.. I forgot how painful this build is07:04
ajmitchyay for weird build systems?07:05
micahgSpamapS: trying 1.607:05
SpamapSIts not weird, its just giant07:05
micahgSpamapS: no, it's weird07:05
SpamapSajmitch: C++ might qualify as weird actually. ;)07:05
SpamapSisn't libtool supposed to embed the full path to the depended on lib?07:06
micahgSpamapS: the path changes with each xulrunner release07:07
* micahg thinks maybe to try mediatomb again07:08
SpamapSwhy, exactly, aren't we dumping an ABI compaible libmozjs.so.1.9.2 in /usr/lib ?07:08
micahgSpamapS: because it's not guaranteed to stay compatible for 1.9.207:09
micahgand we don't want people using it until mozilla commits to providing it07:09
SpamapSAh lovely07:10
SpamapSugh building this on my lap is proving to be a burn hazard07:10
SpamapSbut at least its killing my battery so I can justify going to sleep earlier07:10
SpamapSlinking.. running tests.. ok 1.4 builds fine07:14
SpamapS10395 clint     20   0 49304  29m 2720 R 11.7  2.9   0:00.36 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.4/cc1plus -quiet -I/usr/include/nspr -I/usr/include/xulrunner- -I/usr/include/xulrunner-1.9.207:15
micahgSpamapS: maybe I should just merge 1.4.4-3 and be done with it then07:15
SpamapSI just love C++07:15
micahgSpamapS: wrong path :P07:15
micahgor your system isn't up to daye07:15
SpamapSoh wait, thats reasonable.. 1 second before copying that, it was 385m not 29m07:15
SpamapSmicahg: is old? s***07:15
micahg1.9.2.8 is current07:16
SpamapSI have been updating my pbuilder but not my system.07:16
SpamapSwell rebuilding w/ did fix mongos when is installed... :-P07:19
SpamapSmicahg: seems like we need to be manually setting the depends on xulrunner to be (== on build07:19
micahgwell, gjs does that ATM, we're trying to move away from that07:20
DktrKranzdirecthex: there is, for binary-NEW packages, we're waiting for RT input before accepting those, source NEWs pass regularly (holiday in progress, though)07:24
directhexDktrKranz, is it maintainer responsibility to check with RT and hand over that feedback, or does that happen in the background directly between you? my understanding is the RT is okay with meebey's plan regarding mono 2.6.7, but i don't know if that's been communicated to the ftp team07:26
DktrKranzdirecthex: I created a page to help them track bin-NEWs, I think I can accept any exp package, but if someone say "please go", I'm even happier :)07:28
* DktrKranz doesn't want to break freeze with a simple "A" pressure :P07:29
ajmitchDktrKranz: do it! :)07:31
ajmitchnoone will mind...07:31
SpamapSmicahg: so really we just need to file a "needs noop rebuild" bug for all of xulrunner-1.9.2's rdepends, whenever we upload a new version?07:34
directhexDktrKranz, 2.6.7-1 is an exp package, and i kinda badly want to merge it into ubuntu. i believe there's clearance for -2 into unstable->squeeze a week later, but i wasn't involved in the discussion so can't present any evidence07:34
micahgSpamapS: well, just a couple at the moment, most of them have wrappers07:34
DktrKranzdirecthex: I saw meebey raised the topic in #d-release, I'll drop a sentence me too07:36
SpamapSmicahg: so wrap mongod/mongos and all is well?07:40
SpamapSmicahg: (I think this is happening in lucid too, so will be looking at doing an SRU this week)07:40
micahgSpamapS: yeah, no source rebuild should work for lucid, wrapper might work, needs to be tested07:42
SpamapSmicahg: works for me to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH properly07:47
micahgSpamapS: in a wrapper?07:48
SpamapSmicahg: well, in /etc/init/mongodb.conf and/or on my own via the cmdline07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557024 in mongodb (Ubuntu) "mongo / mongod as packaged can't load libmozjs.so" [High,Triaged]07:49
micahgyou should do xulrunner-1.9.2 --gre-version07:49
SpamapSwell, need to sleep, feel free to correct me w/ another comment. ;)07:51
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dholbachgood morning08:00
ubottuGnome bug 626593 in User Guide "Gnome ate my boyfriend! Help!" [Critical,Resolved: invalid]09:41
Quintasangood morning by the way09:41
bilalakhtarI'm facing a dilemma over here. Should I sync or merge? Just a minute, I explain the situation09:59
bilalakhtarThe only ubuntu change is that the python version everywhere is changed to 2.6 from 2.510:00
bilalakhtar^^ including debian/rules10:00
bilalakhtardebian has accepted the changes, except the one-line change in debian/rules10:00
bilalakhtarWhat should I do?10:04
directhexbilalakhtar, talk to the ubuntu python team10:06
bilalakhtardirecthex: fine10:06
bilalakhtarAnAnt: Assalam alaikum10:23
AnAntbilalakhtar: wa alaykom as-salamu wa rahmatu Ullahi wa barakatoh10:23
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: there isn't only one way to fix a bug in a package. Is the Debian version broken?10:24
bilalakhtarAnAnt: lp is down, once its up I need you for some acking.10:24
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I don't think so10:24
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: most of the python2.6 compatibility fixes in Ubuntu were non-optimal (or even horrifically ugly)10:24
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: then sync10:24
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I think syncing is better10:25
bilalakhtartumbleweed: yup10:25
AnAntbilalakhtar: LP is working here10:25
* bilalakhtar checks lp10:25
bilalakhtarAnAnt: It is read-only10:26
bilalakhtarThat's akin to be down10:26
bilalakhtarAccording to the schedule, It should be up in 5 mins10:27
bilalakhtarLP IS UP!10:30
bilalakhtarAnAnt: bug #61665510:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616655 in grig (Ubuntu) "Please sync grig 0.7.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61665510:36
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: that doesn't look like it came from requestsync10:38
bilalakhtartumbleweed: requestsync is failing10:40
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I got 2 failure messages from some *.ubuntu.com server10:40
bilalakhtartumbleweed: so I filed one manually10:40
bilalakhtartumbleweed: sorry I had to dash a description10:41
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I will re-qrite it after 10 mins10:41
AnAnttumbleweed: what failures ? SMTP ?10:42
AnAntbilalakhtar: ^10:42
bilalakhtarAnAnt: no, some 'Cannot connect to launchpad' issue10:42
bilalakhtarAnAnt: it still comes10:42
bilalakhtarAnAnt: LP isn't up completely10:42
* abogani waves10:45
aboganiAnyone could pinpoint me how configure dput for working behind a proxy?10:45
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Why did you assign that bug to yourself?10:45
tumbleweedabogani: can you ssh? then use sftp mode10:45
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: that's ack-sync10:46
bilalakhtartumbleweed: But, This is the first time I saw a sponsor assigning instead of acking10:46
AnAnttumbleweed: so, you're going to upload it?10:46
bilalakhtartumbleweed: you're gonna upload?10:46
bilalakhtargot it10:47
tumbleweedAnAnt: I can answer that in 20 secodns10:47
bilalakhtarthanks tumbleweed and AnAnt10:47
tumbleweedAnAnt: yes10:47
bilalakhtartumbleweed: it appears requestsync finally worked. bug #616662. please mark dup10:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616662 in grig (Ubuntu) "Sync grig 0.7.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61666210:48
bilalakhtarwhy did I get failure messages then?10:49
aboganitumbleweed: Ah! Thanks!10:51
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Thanks!10:51
AnAnttumbleweed: does sftp work with ubuntu , revu & PPA ?10:55
bilalakhtarAnAnt: only PPA10:56
bilalakhtartumbleweed: free? Another sync: bug #61667611:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616676 in mirage (Ubuntu) "Sync mirage 0.9.3-5.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61667611:02
tumbleweedbilalakhtar, AnAnt: I thought it worked for upload.ubuntu.com too?11:32
jpdsIt works with ubuntu.11:33
bilalakhtartumbleweed: probably, I don't know, I am not MOTU11:33
tumbleweedexcept I do most of my sponsoring on debian, where dput doesn't support sftp...11:33
directhexDktrKranz, can you please let mono 2.6.7-1 into exp, for ubuntu's sake? we can worry about uploading to unstable and release team fiddling at a later date11:58
AnAntHello, could someone comment on 616685 ?12:19
AnAntLP #61668512:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616685 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Please merge nginx 0.7.67-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61668512:20
tumbleweedAnAnt: doing so12:20
AnAnttumbleweed: thanks12:20
AnAnttumbleweed: I don't understand12:24
AnAnttumbleweed: those errors are not in the Debian package12:24
tumbleweedAnAnt: oh I missed that, fix it12:25
tumbleweedAnAnt: that reminds me of how apache used to install it's default index.html but I don't know the details of the changes there...12:26
AnAntthe changelog is misleading too12:27
AnAnttumbleweed: this has been there since karmic12:36
kaushalis java6 update 20 ported to hardy ?12:37
tumbleweedAnAnt: the lintian warning seems pretty reasonable12:45
AnAnttumbleweed: can you suggest a fix/workaround ?12:45
tumbleweedAnAnt: you can look at apache2.2-common's default-site installation method, as this was inspired by apache2.2-common's old method12:49
DktrKranzdirecthex: will do12:49
SpamapSmicahg: did you give up on mongodb 1.6 for now?12:50
tumbleweedAnAnt: basically, don't have the deb install stuff there, but if there's nothing there (fresh install) or old default site, you can copy a default site in12:50
DktrKranzdirecthex: I sent a last-notice, it seems transition was discussed on IRC only, so it will take a while to upload to unstable anyway12:50
SpamapSAnAnt: I'd agree with tumbleweed.. it can be very simple. cp -n /usr/share/doc/nginx/examples/nginx-default/* /var/www12:58
SpamapSAnAnt: done in a postinst maintainer script that would not clobber any existing files at least.12:58
directhexDktrKranz, thanks luca12:59
kaushalAny clue to my query ?13:07
AnAntkaushal: $ rmadison sun-java6-jre13:11
AnAntsun-java6-jre | 6.20dlj-0ubuntu1.8.04.1 | hardy-security/multiverse | all13:11
AnAntsun-java6-jre | 6.20dlj-0ubuntu1.8.04.1 | hardy-updates/multiverse | all13:11
AnAntI dunno if that is what you ask for or not?13:12
pindongaAnAnt, tumbleweed, I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday reviewing django-configglue13:17
tumbleweedpindonga: np13:17
AnAntpindonga: no problem13:17
DktrKranzdirecthex: accepted13:20
directhexDktrKranz, awesomes!13:21
sebnerDktrKranz: awesome! \o/  :P13:36
DktrKranzdirecthex: sebner bribed me :)13:37
* sebner hides13:37
shadeslayercan anyone complete the sponsorship process at summit.ubuntu.com ?13:51
jpdsshadeslayer: Yes.13:52
shadeslayeri cant :(13:52
shadeslayerwaiting for like 15 mins and it still is at http://summit.ubuntu.com/openid/login/?next=/uds-n/sponsorship/done/13:52
shadeslayer^ isnt loading13:53
jpdsshadeslayer: Talk to jcastro.13:53
shadeslayerjcastro: poke poke13:53
shadeslayeri cant complete the sponsorship process, its on a endless load loop :P13:54
shadeslayerWaiting for summit.ubuntu.com -> waiting for login.launchpad.net -> waiting for summit.ubuntu.com13:54
shadeslayeralso... it seems the process is complete as such because i get : You've already requested sponsorship to uds-n. If you have any queries about your request, please e-mail jorge@ubuntu.com. We'll let you know whether or not your request has been accepted after March 26th13:55
shadeslayerthat date needs fixoring :P13:56
directhexthere's an uds-n? :o13:56
directhexorlando..... i'm taking my family holiday there next summer. the wife would kill me13:57
directhexi'll wait for Outrageous Ocelot13:57
shadeslayerdirecthex: hehe :P13:59
shadeslayerthis is probably my first and last chance of attending UDS :P13:59
AnAntDktrKranz: I don't understand, why do you need to ask before uploading to experimental ?14:19
AnAnthow many hours till freeze ?14:22
DktrKranzAnAnt: overrides are shared between experimental and unstable, so it could happen that a subsequent upload lands in unstable without any barrier, triggering an unplanned transition. Worst case is *deliberately* doing that, but we hope it's a corner case.14:41
DktrKranzand even if testing is frozen, it doesn't mean new troubles can't arise14:42
* DktrKranz is too picky at times :)14:43
directhexwell, aba gave you an ack for mono anyway ;)14:43
AnAntDktrKranz: I don't understand15:11
AnAntDktrKranz: how could a subsequent upload land in unstable ?15:35
shadeslayerhi anyone around to help me package a mozilla plugin ?15:46
AnAntshadeslayer: I'm sure -mozillateam would be useful15:49
shadeslayerAnAnt: im there ... but its pretty dead15:49
AnAntI see15:49
DktrKranzAnAnt: you just have to target an upload to unstable, and it will be accepted.15:49
micahgSpamapS: yes, for the moment16:05
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Maverick Feature Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi
juli_hi everybody! Give me advice plz. I want to upload an update for  a package before FF but the library it relies on is still in NEW queue.  I built this package in pbuilder using local deb. Is is ok to upload it or I should ask for FFE?16:24
lfaraonejuli_: if FF is not in effect, sure, uplaod it, and it'll  just be in depwait16:25
sistpoty|work*cough*, pointing at topic :P16:25
sistpoty|workjuli_: source or binary new?16:27
juli_sistpoty|work, new upstream release16:27
sistpoty|workjuli_: sorry, meant the package that's needed as build-dep16:27
juli_sistpoty|work, binary16:27
sistpoty|workjuli_: ok, then please make sure that it won't break things and upload (as it'll sit in dep-wait then as lfaraone explained)16:28
lfaraonejuli_: you're a few minutes late :)16:29
juli_sistpoty|work, thanks! I'll upload soon.16:29
juli_and for the future - is there an exact time when FF happens?16:31
sistpoty|workjuli_: the date should be always described at the release schedule (wiki.ubuntu.com/<dist>ReleaseSchedule).16:32
juli_sistpoty|work, I know thw date, but exact time?16:33
sistpoty|workjuli_: well, once the announcement is sent :P16:33
juli_sistpoty|work, :))) it is not easy to be in time if you don't know it:)16:34
sistpoty|workjuli_: sure it is, just make sure to land new features a day earlier then :P16:34
juli_sistpoty|work, I'm trying but too many dependencies:(( I should wait for approvals on REVU and in NQ16:35
juli_sistpoty|work, anyway thank you for help!16:36
didrockshyperair: trying to avoid duplicated work, do you plan to update banshee this week?16:36
directhexsomething bansheeish went into RFS earlier today16:37
directhex<CIA-6> debian-pkg-cli-apps: hyperair pristine-tar * rf1951ad banshee/ (banshee_1.7.4.orig.tar.gz.delta banshee_1.7.4.orig.tar.gz.id): pristine-tar data for banshee_1.7.4.orig.tar.gz16:37
directhexso that'll be in debian as soon as a DD uploads it there16:37
didrocksdirecthex: oh awesome! thanks for the info :)16:38
didrocksI know hyperair is quick at that :-)16:38
SpamapSmicahg: ok, I'm adding wrappers to 1.416:39
micahgSpamapS: k, if I finish my other stuff, I might come back to trying to get 1.6 in maverick, but feel free to do it16:40
micahgSpamapS: after getting an FFe of course ;)16:41
micahgSpamapS: BTW, I can sponsor that for you :)16:41
SpamapSmicahg: mongodb is one of those things where each release fixes so much, its probably worthwhile to apply for FFe for 1.6, though I haven't looked through the changelog.16:43
* micahg was more concerned for security, but apparently there are no CVEs16:45
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hyperairdidrocks: yeah i'll be doing the merge as well, unless you want to handle it?17:12
didrockshyperair: if you want to handle the merge, do not hesitate. I have a lot on my plate right now :)17:12
hyperairdidrocks: sure.17:12
didrockshyperair: thanks a lot :-)17:12
hyperairnp =)17:12
hyperairthanks for your netbook on banshee =)17:13
didrockshyperair: heh, my pleasure ;)17:13
didrockshyperair: so, no more hal dep, right? \o/17:13
hyperaireh? O_o17:13
hyperairare we ready for that?17:14
didrockshyperair: hum, the udev branch should have been in this release, I didn't check17:14
hyperairi didn't detect anything from *.m417:14
hyperairor configure.ac17:14
didrocksah… maybe false alarm so. I'll check with them (not now, but tomorrow)17:14
LaneyI don't think it got merged17:17
hyperairyeah i don't think it did.17:18
hyperairlool: regarding your upload to banshee.. did you mean to purge the entire /usr/share/mime, or did you mean to leave /usr/share/mime/packages behind?17:26
hyperairnevermind, the changelog entry seems to answer the question17:28
SpamapSmicahg: ugh, I just read through the reasons why libmozjs.so isn't in /usr/lib. What a crock.. "we can't provide a stable release because we have to change things too fast"17:46
micahgSpamapS: well, its their choice17:46
SpamapSmicahg: has anybody considered forking spidermonkey to provide a stable lib?17:46
SpamapSSeems like it wouldn't be too hard to simply maintain a branch that imports fixes and makes sure they don't break ABI compatibility.17:47
micahgSpamapS: even if they did idk if we'd take it since it's a security nightmare17:47
SpamapSI mean, thats.. sort of what we do here, isn't it? ;)17:47
SpamapSmicahg: the alternatives aren't all that attractive though, right?17:48
micahgSpamapS: idk17:48
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SpamapSmicahg: seems incredibly silly for us not to just maintain our own stable release branch. The alternative is breaking everything that depends on it every time we roll out a release.17:50
SpamapSs/breaking/potentially breaking/17:50
SpamapSwrappers work, but they might not if the ABI is in fact broken17:51
hyperairiirc we've got some agreement about keeping the firefox branding only if we do not deviate from upstream firefox17:53
micahgSpamapS: security maintenance would be a nightmare, that's the issue17:56
micahgI think...17:56
micahgSpamapS: we have enough trouble getting supported stuff out the door in time :)17:57
* micahg points to TB3.1 not in maverick yet :-/17:57
SpamapSmicahg: true, mongod that won't start is definitely more secure than mongod that starts with an insecure library version. ;-)17:58
micahgSpamapS: let's get a wrapper around it then so it doesn't need rebuilds17:59
SpamapSmicahg: right, working on that, but I guess my point is, if we can't guarantee ABI compatibility, we're just delaying the inevitible bug reports that will happen when it does get broken, instead of at least being able to know when that will happen.18:10
SpamapSlibmozjs.so is not a special snowflake18:10
SpamapSits just an orphan needing somebody to give it a nice stable home and a hot cup of soname.18:11
micahgSpamapS: that works with upstream support, we don't have it, Debian's trying anyway, bbiab18:14
Laibsch1Hi, is this the right place to ask about a sync request? -> bug 60577418:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605774 in Ubuntu "Please sync mozc 0.12.410.102-1 (universe) from Debian unstable(main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60577418:32
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
Laibschthis may not be a regular sync, the package is not yet in Ubuntu18:32
Laibschit only entered unstable a few weeks ago18:32
fabrice_spLaibsch, we are past feature freeze, so you need a FFe first18:33
fabrice_spstrange, the ack is one month old, and archive admin is subscribed18:34
fabrice_spbut no sync happened18:35
shadeslayerhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/53569501/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.kdepim-runtime_4:4.5~beta2-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz << any ideas?18:36
fabrice_spshadeslayer, ../../../migration/kmail/imapcachelocalimporter.cpp:212: error: 'class OrgKdeAkonadiMaildirSettingsInterface' has no member named 'writeConfig'18:43
shadeslayerfabrice_sp: err... ok, but the same thing builds in maverick18:44
shadeslayercould be that i downgraded boost to 1.40 from 1.4218:44
fabrice_spshadeslayer, where is defined OrgKdeAkadoniMaildirSettingsInterface class defined?18:45
fabrice_spdoesn't seems to be linked to boost18:45
shadeslayerlemme check kdepim runtime sources18:45
Laibschfabrice_sp: yes, the ACK is old.  FF happened today?18:47
LaibschI also wonder why the sync got stuck18:47
fabrice_spLaibsch, yes. I'm asking the same in ubuntu-devel18:47
shadeslayer!find OrgKdeAkonadiMaildirSettingsInterface18:47
ubottuPackage/file OrgKdeAkonadiMaildirSettingsInterface does not exist in lucid18:47
shadeslayeroh wait.. it cant search files... dang18:48
jpdsThat would take a while.18:48
jpdsKeeping in mind the whole archive is about 380G.18:48
Laibschfabrice_sp: thanks.  joining the channel myself now.18:48
shadeslayeryeah :P18:49
fabrice_spno answer yet (quite quiet there)18:49
ScottKfabrice_sp: If the request was made prior to FF, then no FFe is needed.18:50
* Laibsch is glad18:50
fabrice_spScottK, ok. Thanks. As more recent sync request has been processed, I was wondering if I made something wrong18:51
LaibschScottK: I'm not sure, can you do the sync?18:51
ScottKNo.  Needs shell access to the archive.18:51
Laibschthe people in charge are already subscribed to that ticket, right?18:51
Laibschso, there isn't really much us "mere mortals" can do, correct?18:52
* Laibsch is the merest of the mortals ;-)18:52
ScottKLaibsch: That's correct.18:53
ScottKDidn't malone used to have a link to the full history of the bug?18:53
ScottKI don't see when the archive was subscribed and can't see how to find it.18:53
fabrice_spSee Full Activity log at the bottom?18:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605774 in Ubuntu "Please sync mozc 0.12.410.102-2 (universe) from Debian unstable(main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:54
ScottKNote sure why it wouldn't have been done.18:55
ScottKMabye james_w is still doing syncs and can look?18:55
shadeslayerfabrice_sp: no idea :(18:58
shadeslayercant find it in kdepim18:58
shadeslayerfabrice_sp: ill build kdepim first and then kdepim-runtime19:06
fabrice_spdid you do a grep -R on /usr/include ?19:06
shadeslayerfabrice_sp: more like on the sources19:09
shadeslayernope... nothing there too :P19:10
shadeslayermaybe i dont have the headers installed :P19:11
fabrice_spinstall the build dependencies, to check19:12
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shadeslayerwill have to wait till tommorow then19:13
fabrice_spno idea. Sorry19:14
shadeslayerthanks anyways19:16
SpamapSHmm.. so.. is it necessary/a good idea to add a copyright/license header to a 5 line shell script?19:17
SpamapSI feel like "more explicit is always better" .. but it feels like using a jackhammer in a sand box.19:18
* micahg forgot to add one when I added a wrapper, but gxine has one19:19
micahgSpamapS: probably a good idea I would think since it gets installed on the system19:19
ScottKSpamapS: If you want it to be legally distributable, then yes.19:19
SpamapSwell said Scott. :)19:19
* micahg needs to update tuxguitar w/a liicense for the wrapper19:19
SpamapSaccidentally cleaned out my working dir for mongodb..19:24
* SpamapS waits 10 minutes more for it to finish compiling19:25
tyarussoIs 'cd' not available in debian/rules for some reason?  It doesn't appear to be working for me....  (The real issue being that I made a package with the 3.0 source format, and now I'm trying to modify it to build on Hardy, and quilt isn't finding its series file because it's one directory too high.)19:31
paultagtyarusso, did you put it on one line?19:31
paultagtyarusso, remember make sends each command out on it's own, so a cd on the line before won't work. Try an19:32
paultag    cd ../ \19:32
Laneythere's an environment variable for that, but what? the series file should be in the same place19:32
paultag    echo pwd19:32
tyarussopaultag: Oooohhhhh, that would explain it.  (Make is Greek to me)19:32
tyarussopaultag: Don't I need && or ; between commands then still?19:33
Laneyincluding quilt.make should set it all up for you19:33
paultagtyarusso, yeah, a ;, but Laney is giving good advice as well19:33
tyarussoLaney: could you expand on what you mean by that?19:34
Laneytyarusso: usually adding include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make and having clean: unpatch configure: patch is all you need19:34
paultagtyarusso, and just fy(future)i -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/477073/19:35
tyarussopaultag: what are the @ for?19:35
tyarussoLaney: where would I put the include statement?  Just up at the top?19:36
paultagtyarusso, just makes it shut up, sorry, habit :)19:36
tyarussoLaney: I don't have a configure target currently, just build.  Will that work, or should I make one?19:37
Laneynope, you can add it to build19:37
Laneywhichever target you need the patches available for19:38
tyarussohey, that appears to have worked.19:39
tyarussoOf course, now I get a different (unrelated) error that I thought I fixed already, but hey...19:39
Laneythere you go, you just learned how to add quilt to a package :)19:40
tyarussoOh, debhelper compat change.  /me looks back at the man page.19:40
tyarussoOf course, with the new source format you just make the patches directory and it's all magic.19:40
LaneyIf you like that sort of thing ;)19:41
tyarussowhoooo, successful pbuilder exit status19:45
* paultag hugs tyarusso19:45
paultagtyarusso, great job :)19:45
tyarussoNow to see if soyuz does it happily too.19:47
micahgSpamapS: I'll have a look this evening, thanks20:40
SpamapSmicahg: np, thanks for the encouragement. :)20:42
micahgSpamapS: np, it's good to know someone with experience with the app, I don't have any :)20:42
Rhondajames_w: Thanks for the syncs. :)20:43
SpamapSmicahg: my experience with mongodb is setting it up about a year ago to compare it to CouchDB and TokyoTyrant. :)20:45
micahgSpamapS: still more than me :020:45
SpamapSmicahg: I do find it odd that all of these server side apps are using javascript.20:46
micahgSpamapS: usually in their admin interfaces20:47
SpamapSmicahg: in couchdb's case.. almost everything ends up being javascriptable.20:48
bdrunghas anyone a idea why audacity fails to build on maverick (but builds on lucid): http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53254262/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.audacity_1.3.12-5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:31
ajmitchbdrung: the only obvious error I can see is /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lhpi21:33
ajmitchah, and earlier errors, I was reading from the bottom :)21:34
bdrungajmitch: configure: error: "Your version of portaudio does not include required functions"21:34
ajmitchyeah, I see that now21:35
bdrungajmitch: but it uses the portaudio version provided by upstream21:35
ajmitchthe --with-pa-include=../portaudio-v19/include ?21:35
ajmitchthat is the directory name?21:35
* ajmitch is waiting for the laptop to stop thrashing before checking it21:38
lfaraonedyfet: idle question re bug 617026, any idea why it would only ftbfs on armel and sparc, yet work fine on all other arches?21:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617026 in imageshack-uploader (Ubuntu) "ftbfs - incomplete syslog support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61702621:40
dyfetlfaraone: yes, that seems strange to me also, is the version in ports archive different?21:45
lfaraonedyfet: I don't see why it would be, I just uploaded the package unmodified to all arches in Debian...21:46
lfaraonethat is, I didn't do anything specific for different arches.21:47
lfaraonein debian, the buildds do not  have problems with it: https://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=imageshack-uploader21:47
dyfetwell, av_log_level doesnt seem to exist anywhere within the package itself, maybe it is an oddball dependency difference then ..I will try to verify that.21:48
dyfetlfaraone: let's do this, lets change the status from new to something else...and remove sponsors from it for the moment...21:50
dyfetOh, never mind, I see you already mostly did that :)21:51
lfaraonedyfet: I unsubbed sponsors because I was going to sponsor it, but it didn't make sense :)21:52
lfaraonethe problem, that is. I don't doubt your patch solves it.21:53
lfaraonedyfet: shall I assign it back to you and set it to in-progress?21:53
dyfetYes, it may be fixing the wrong issue...that makes sense to send it back to me and set in progress.21:54
lfaraonedyfet: by the way, you didn't happen to be at debconf, were you?21:55
dyfetif i had i would have been the one with the eye patch21:57
bdrungajmitch: the directory is lib-src/portaudio-v19/include22:09
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chilicuilgood afternoon, I'm trying to upload a new debdiff to the bug #462193 , however my diff ( http://pastebin.com/dHLELxfE ) looks differente to one uploaded by the last person ( http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52823113/lp462193.debdiff ) , since it's a dump change I'd not like to upload the wrong diff, I've make it with $ bzr diff --old ../previous_copy, do you think is it ok?22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462193 in djvulibre (Ubuntu) "djvulibre-bin produces garbage in the root (/man1/*)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46219322:34
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micahgchilicuil: he added some stuff22:47
micahgchilicuil: he gave you credit for what you did and made some packaging fixes22:48
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paultaglfaraone: howdy :) -- did you get a chance to take a look at the changes I made?22:50
chilicuilmicahg: I'm sorry, I dont get it, do you think the last patch ( http://pastebin.com/dHLELxfE ) is ok?, I've never worked debdiffs with bzr22:51
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lfaraonepaultag: sorry, I didn't get a chance . I'll take a look now.23:03
paultaglfaraone: sorry, if you don't have time, I don't mean to be an ass, I just know how often I forget about stuff / did partial amounts of stuff23:03
lfaraonepaultag: no, it just slipped lower in my inbox :)23:04
paultaglfaraone: happens to me all the time :)23:04
lfaraonepaultag: so you opted to not go for the lower date? (not a problem, just making sure it was intentional)23:05
paultaglfaraone: aye, I won't push more then once a day, I was just trying to make sure I understood what was going on ;)23:06
paultagI like knowing where the "gotchas" are23:06
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lfaraonepaultag: fyi, when you change the upstream version part you reset the debian revision to -1 :)23:15
lfaraonepaultag: I know what you were trying to do, so no harm :)23:15
=== Guest85221 is now known as Lutin
paultaglfaraone: Ah, shucks. Thanks, I should have figured that out23:16
lfaraonepaultag: in debian/changelog, you mangled some unicode character somehow.23:16
paultaglfaraone: is it OK to leave for now?23:16
paultaglfaraone: whoh, what? where?23:16
lfaraonepaultag: "* Fluxbox decoración y xmms (closes: #311669)." became "* Fluxbox decoración y xmms (closes: #311669)."23:16
paultagwhoh what23:16
lfaraonepaultag: *how* you did that is beyond me :D23:17
paultaglfaraone: whoh, that's from way far back. Can I edit that safely?23:17
paultaglfaraone: looks like Dmitry did that23:17
paultaglfaraone: I was told never to edit old changelog entries23:17
lfaraonepaultag: you can modify the changelog entry. in fact, you should, because something you did mangled it :)23:17
paultaglfaraone: let me fix that23:18
lfaraonepaultag: I'll just fix the ó when I upload, but it's usually a good idea to review the diff of your changes to catch things like this.23:18
paultaglfaraone: thanks :)23:18
lfaraonepaultag: also, FYI, you misspelled Ubuntu: Ubuntnu. I'll fix that too.23:19
paultaglfaraone: yeah, I'll have to modify my workflow to keep old builds to check against23:20
paultag_My connection just died, sorry23:21
lfaraonethat's exciting.23:21
lfaraonepaultag: long time no see.23:21
paultagfor the love of...23:21
paultaglfaraone: :)23:21
paultaglfaraone: my work laptop is acting up, it barfs on my network all the time for no reason23:22
lfaraonepaultag: why was Denis Briand <denis@narcan.fr> removed as an uploader? I didn't see a mention of that in changelog.23:22
paultaglfaraone: oh yes, he quit a few weeks back, it must have been lost when I reset my git.pault.ag repo23:22
paultaglfaraone: nasty situation :(23:23
lfaraonepaultag: I see. Dmitry's the one whose father passed?23:23
paultaglfaraone: yessir. and narcan ( Denis ) was a DM on the project, but he was really fed up with it ( he did not like working on a project "alone" ) so I have no way to get stuff uploaded :(23:24
paultaglfaraone: just pushed that edit to git.debian23:25
paultagerm, pushing23:25
lfaraonepaultag: if I had known you used git, we wouldn't have needed to use mentors :)23:26
paultaglfaraone: git.debian and git.pault.ag :)23:26
* lfaraone uses git for almost all his packaging.23:26
paultaglfaraone: flux is in collab-maint, just fyi23:28
* lfaraone saw.23:29
paultaghey lfaraone, I was just checking old revisions, that unicode error has been in there for years23:29
lfaraonepaultag: interesting, diff told me it wasn't in the most recent version of the package published in debian.23:30
paultaglfaraone: I just checked fd19439c9208f8cfc60c51ffd14652af4fc121f3 ( 1.1.1-3 )23:30
paultagyeah and 1.1.1-123:31
paultagsorry, 223:32
lfaraonepaultag: compare http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/fluxbox.git;a=blob;f=debian/changelog;h=05d4fd96ce04f882e0ec362748572728f588d66a;hb=e270e7737d232a283ee18c28f6277e07ae05eb9b#l278 and http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/fluxbox.git;a=blob_plain;f=fluxbox-1.1.1%2Bgit20100807.0cc08f9/debian/changelog;hb=HEAD23:34
paultaglfaraone: Ahha, sorry. They both looked messed up :)23:35
paultaglfaraone: You're right, I'm wrong23:36
lfaraonepaultag: no worries.23:36
lfaraonepaultag: any reason why you didn't ask madduck?23:49
paultaglfaraone: he's been inactive for a long time, Dmitry left him on because they worked closely, I think he wanted to be removed23:49
paultaglfaraone: I don't really like pestering people if I can help it23:50
paultag( you worked on this once 4 years back, mind doing some work on it? kthx ) ;)23:50
lfaraonepaultag: do you want me to collapse the changelog entries since hte last debian upload?23:51
* lfaraone will brb, dinner.23:51
paultaglfaraone: that would be great23:51
paultaglfaraone: sure, I'll be here23:51

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