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chrisccoulsonmicahg - have mozilla added any support for the messaging indicator in to thunderbird?00:37
chrisccoulsonor are they planning to?00:38
rsavoyeI'm cleaning up my packaging dependencies right now...00:39
micahgchrisccoulson: idk, I think that was deferred to 3.2, but I was going to add some simple options to the menu like compose, someone submitted a patch00:39
micahgso TB will appear, just not technically integrated00:40
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i was thinking about writing an extension to implement support for it00:40
chrisccoulsonwe can use ctypes in TB3.1 :)00:40
chrisccoulsonwhich should make it much easeir to do00:40
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, well, I guess that's fine and we can recommend it on install00:40
chrisccoulsonthat's maverick +1 work though, but something we can talk about at UDS00:41
micahgchrisccoulson: you know that stuff much better than I do, I haven't do any extension dev (creation) work yet00:41
micahgcool, maybe we should do the same for notifications00:41
chrisccoulsoni've only written 1 extension so far ;)00:41
micahgthat's one more than me :)(00:41
chrisccoulsonbut i should write some more before i forget everything00:41
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=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1 (Now in Mozilla Daily PPA) Coming to Maverick This Week | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming Mid August | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW | Firefox 4.0 dailies should be working again
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asacchrisccoulson: brian dropped the Xb-... plugin headers from adobe-flashplugin again it seems11:08
asaccan you poke him to keep this fixed?11:08
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, sure11:08
chrisccoulsonasac, the alternative branding stuff is giving me a headache in FF4. if you switch between the 2 different branding packages now, you have to manually delete XUL.mfasl from your profile folder, else the old branding remains cached :/12:03
gnomefreakmicahg: firefox 4 is not fixed as title of channel says13:10
gnomefreaknevermind i think13:11
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, what's up? it's working fine here13:32
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fishorhallo all, [firefox-4.0] i choise to display some video (ogg or webm) in full screen and it will have some strange flickering.14:25
fishorcan any one confirm it?14:25
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: its working here too but yesterday when i did updates it didnt configure but i fixed it14:26
mdeslaurwhat do you guys thing about bug #61218514:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 612185 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Apport leaks the secret name of the Firefox profile directory (affects: 1) (heat: 783)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61218514:28
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, i have no opinion either way. i can change it if you think it's the right thing to do14:30
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: yes, I think it should be changed14:31
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: can I assign the bug to you?14:32
ubot2freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !guidelines14:32
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, yeah, no problem14:33
mdeslaurgnomefreak: ?14:34
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: cool, thanks14:34
gnomefreakmdeslaur: huh?14:34
mdeslaurgnomefreak: oh, thought you did that with relation to something we said14:34
gnomefreakmdeslaur: no im working on something atm14:36
gnomefreaksort of14:36
mdeslaurgnomefreak: oh, cool...sorry for the noise14:36
rsavoyechrisccoulson: I fixed the nasty alternatives for boost in the gnash control file, new snapshot up on getgnash.org14:39
chrisccoulsonrsavoye, awesome, thanks. i'll have a look at that this afternoon14:39
rsavoyeI'll be out this afternoon, but if you see more stuff I should improve, let me know14:39
rsavoyebtw, we build gnash now with support for both ffmpeg and gstreamer, but I assume for Ubuntu, you'd only want gst14:41
rsavoyeit's selectable at runtime, same for rendering backends14:41
gnomefreakanyone know a Yawner(nick)14:44
gnomefreakmicahg: you are now and op in here and you have all rights to topic and everything else you may need to do14:56
gnomefreak^^ per talk the other day14:56
gnomefreakok be back smoke14:58
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, Yawner? i don't know that person15:17
shadeslayerhey \o15:34
shadeslayeri was just handed https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/519/ to package, any other similar packages that i can look at ? :)15:35
shadeslayerchrisccoulson: around?15:49
shadeslayerhi i was told by Riddell that youll be able to help me out ;)15:51
chrisccoulsonyes, possibly15:52
chrisccoulsonis there a compelling reason to package that extension though?15:52
chrisccoulsonwe're trying to keep the number of extensions in the archive at a bare minimum15:53
shadeslayerid guess because its important... id have to check with ScottK tho15:53
* ScottK waves at shadeslayer.15:54
* shadeslayer waves back 15:54
shadeslayerScottK: http://pastebin.com/ct00QPHq15:54
chrisccoulsonhi ScottK15:54
ScottKHello chrisccoulson15:54
ScottKchrisccoulson: We've done a major push this cycle on getting Kolab updated and integrated on the server side: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-kolab15:55
ScottKWe're doing some KDE specific packages on the client side, but Kolab isn't KDE specific, so we want to provide this extension too.15:56
chrisccoulsonhow well maintained is the extension?15:56
ScottKNot sure.15:56
chrisccoulsoni don't mind accepting it, but my only reservation is because we have to support it for the life of the release15:56
ScottKUpstream for Kolab, Kolab Systems is engaged with us on improving Kolab support in Ubuntu.15:57
chrisccoulsonwhich will most likely include several iterations of thunderbird major versions too15:57
ScottKRight.  I'm familiar with that problem.15:57
chrisccoulsonis that the latest version of the extension?15:57
chrisccoulsonit says it only works with TB3.0.x15:58
ScottKWhich is what we have at the moment.15:58
chrisccoulsonbut we're just about ready to push 3.1.x to lucid and maverick15:58
ScottKDidn't realize that.15:58
chrisccoulson3.0.x is approaching EOL ;)15:58
chrisccoulsonor, at least it most likely will be quite soon15:58
ScottKOK.  In that case, we should wait to package it until there's one that supports 3.1.15:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure15:59
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^15:59
shadeslayerok :)15:59
ScottKI'll investigate.15:59
ScottKSee you later.15:59
shadeslayerbye from me too :)15:59
shadeslayerchrisccoulson: thanks :D15:59
micahggnomefreak: thanks16:03
micahgchrisccoulson: did you see the bug about standalone chatzilla?16:03
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i did. what do you think about it? it doesn't look like it uses any binary components, which is a plus16:04
micahgchrisccoulson: no go, upstream is stuck on xulrunner 1.9 IMHO16:05
chrisccoulsonoh, i didn't realist that16:05
micahgthey take the chatzilla from seamonkey and throw it on top of xulrunner, but it's not kept up to date from what I can see16:06
micahgalso at the moment, SM is xul191 and we have xul19216:06
micahgeven if we did it ourselves, it wouldn't be easy, I don't think it's worth it16:06
chrisccoulsonok, makes sense. i'll let you comment on the bug if you like16:06
micahgchrisccoulson: do you notice any improvement in webm since I updated yasm in maverick?16:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's quite choppy on my laptop still, but i'm not sure if that's due to my graphics drivers16:16
micahgjust curious...16:17
micahgchrisccoulson: the good news is TB3.1.2 seems very stable, just a memory hog16:17
chrisccoulsonare you testing it in maverick or lucid?16:18
micahgdo you want to test in maverick?  I can push up debs to my PPA16:18
micahgno enigmail yet, I'll have that later tonight16:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure. i can test that16:19
chrisccoulsondid you resolve the upgrade issue too?16:19
micahgnot yet, not quite sure why it's doing that, I was going to check to make sure the files didn't end up in the wrong package later16:19
* micahg can't remember where the TB upload dir is ATM16:21
* micahg applies for FFe for TB31 :)16:25
micahgchrisccoulson: should be ready for maverick in about an hour: ppa:micahg/mozilla-test16:46
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks16:47
micahgchrisccoulson: also, weirdly ff369 failed on the crashreporter patch, but the file hasn't been modified upstream, so I'm confused16:47
chrisccoulsonstrange, i'll have a look at that in a bit16:48
chrisccoulsonmicahg - did you notice any improvement with the updated yasm?17:11
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering whether to try FF4 on my desktop, which has better graphics HW17:12
chrisccoulsonbut that's running lucid :/17:12
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't have it actually17:12
micahgIf there was a difference, I was going to upload to umd17:12
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can't really tell too much. the performance here is quite bad17:12
chrisccoulsoni'll try my desktop17:13
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1 (Now in Mozilla Daily PPA) Coming to Maverick and Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming Mid August | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW | Firefox 4.0 dailies should be working again
chrisccoulson_micahg - ok, webgl is quite significantly faster on my nvidia desktop17:25
micahgchrisccoulson_: cool, I'm curious how it compares to yasm 0.817:27
chrisccoulson_i'll build yasm on my lucid box and rebuild firefox with it later17:27
micahgchrisccoulson_: I think it has to do more w/the CPU overhead than anything else17:28
chrisccoulson_it's pretty CPU heavy17:29
chrisccoulson_oh yes17:30
chrisccoulson_i just closed the tab with webgl content and it stopped using 100% cpu ;)17:30
chrisccoulson_micahg - so, you think the updated yasm will help with the CPU overhead?17:31
micahgchrisccoulson_: well, adding it initially helped, I can only assume a new version will optimize that further, I just don't know how much the gain is or if it's worth throwing it in umd for that17:32
chrisccoulson_ok, i'll try it later on17:32
chrisccoulson_i  need to leave this machine relatively free for  my GF. she will complain if i start building firefox on it ;)17:33
chrisccoulson_hmmm, fonts suck on lucid too :/17:34
vishhehe , for a moment i thought ^ that was someone complaining on #ubuntu ! ;p17:35
chrisccoulson_that's my fontconfig settings that are messed up on my desktop17:35
* micahg needs to learn how valgrind works so I can figure out why TB is a memory hog17:35
chrisccoulson_lol vish17:35
chrisccoulson_i'm allowed to complain ;)17:36
vishnope! ;p17:36
chrisccoulson_micahg - i could probably decipher a valgrind log for you, but i'm not sure how useful it would be for TB17:36
chrisccoulson_if it's GC issues, then valgrind won't be much use17:36
chrisccoulson_i'm not sure what tools exist to debug memory leaks on mozilla stuff17:37
chrisccoulson_i should familiarise myself with them17:37
chrisccoulson_i'm really digging the new tab animations in FF417:39
chrisccoulson_they even appear to be smoother than chromium17:39
* micahg should probably learn that stuff too17:46
micahgchrisccoulson_: we're not about to add a canonical root CA to NSS, right?17:51
micahgnot asking as in timing, but about feasibility17:52
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not that i'm aware of, how come?17:52
micahgbug 55349517:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 553495 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "SSL cert for news.launchpad.net (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55349517:52
* micahg was going to move to nss and mark won't fix17:52
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, do you have any opinion on what to do with that bug?17:54
chrisccoulsonthere is a well documented process for having new root certs added to NSS, but it takes quite a long time17:55
chrisccoulsoni'm sure it's not something we should do17:55
* micahg doesn't think distros should add stuff to NSS INHO17:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, i closed it as wontfix18:08
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks18:14
* micahg just moved it to nss :)18:15
asacchrisccoulson: how is the crash submission going?19:46
chrisccoulsonasac - it's stalled atm. i got an account on the mozilla server and uploaded our first set of symbols, and then submitted a new key so i can push them automatically from chinstrap20:10
chrisccoulsonasac - i think i just missed you there ;)20:10
chrisccoulson<chrisccoulson> asac - it's stalled atm. i got an account on the mozilla server and uploaded our first set of symbols, and then submitted a new key so i can push them automatically from chinstrap20:10
chrisccoulsonbefore i realised i can't use ssh from chinstrap20:10
chrisccoulsonso i contacted #is and created a RT as advised, and i'm still waiting20:11
chrisccoulsonmeanwhile, my old key that allows me access from my laptop is not working20:11
chrisccoulsonand everytime i ping someone about it, they're always busy ;)20:11
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, is this ok? (bug 616988)20:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 616988 in firefox (Ubuntu) "This is a test, please ignore me :) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61698820:12
chrisccoulsoni think it's scrubbed out all private data now20:12
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: yep! great20:14
micahgchrisccoulson: you should probably rename the pluginred.dats accordingly20:14
chrisccoulsonmicahg - do they need renaming? the reporter of the original bug was concerned about the location of the profile folder being exposed20:15
micahghmm, ok, well I guess one can't know the dir from just the profile name20:15
micahgalthough that might be private too20:15
chrisccoulsonit should be ok. we can always change it if people moan about it20:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm going to tag lp:firefox/3.6 and upload once i've tested it, so we can fix the builds for 3.6.920:29
micahgchrisccoulson: k, can you add the translations20:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll just find the bugs20:29
micahgbug 559083 61419020:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 559083 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Incomplete Vietnamese translation for items listed in desktop main menu (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55908320:30
micahgbug 61419020:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 614190 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Traditional Chinese update for firefox.desktop and thunderbird.desktop (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61419020:30
micahgchrisccoulson ^^20:30
asacchrisccoulson: :( ... busy on moz side or busy on our side if you ping them?20:35
asacchrisccoulson: cant you just copy the chinstrap key down to your local system and use it?20:35
chrisccoulsonasac - on the moz side. i will ping fox2mike again in a minute, but i hate to be a pita ;)20:36
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i tried that, it seems neither key works since i submitted the second key20:36
asacchrisccoulson: right. but why not pull the secret key that is now on chinstrap20:36
asacdouble check20:36
asacif not ping poke be pita20:36
asacor wait till monday ;)20:36
asacits not that urgent, but i would like to see this flying after all the time it took to get this close ;)20:37
asacso ted isnt your contact anymore?20:37
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, ted is still my contact, but i talk to fox2mike about my server account20:48
chrisccoulsonright, dinner time. bbiab20:57
chrisccoulsonmicahg - have you tried getting the KDE patches working in lp:firefox?22:44
micahgchrisccoulson: no, not yet22:45
micahgchrisccoulson: debfx might be interested in doing that22:45
debfxi'll have a look at it tomorrow22:51
micahgcool, thanks debfx, keep in mind, 4.0 is still in flux, so unless you're comfortable fixing regular breakage, you might want to wait until beta 5 or 622:53
* micahg has seen addon authors complaining22:54
debfxmicahg: do you build daily packages from that branch?22:56
micahgdebfx: yes22:57
micahgdebfx: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+packages22:57
chrisccoulsongrrr, my stupid cats22:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - mozilla bug 569836 FYI23:01
ubot2Mozilla bug 569836 in Build Config "Build fails on Fedora Core 13" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56983623:01
chrisccoulsonthat's why 3.6.9 currently fails23:01
debfxok, in that case i'll wait a bit longer :)23:01
debfxchrisccoulson: are they begging you for more food? :D23:06
chrisccoulsondebfx, they keep running around and knocking things over ;)23:06
chrisccoulsonthey are seriously annoying me23:06
chrisccoulsoni might just put them outside ;)23:06
micahgchrisccoulson: that's what I thought, but the time in hg is jun :(23:13
micahgchrisccoulson: is it safe to fix now?23:19
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm just testing it now, as the commit has 1 less #include compared to our patch23:20
micahgchrisccoulson: k, can you fix then?23:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, no problem23:20
micahgs/fix/take care of/23:20
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks23:20
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, idk if you saw, but FFe was granted23:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, i saw that. that's good :)23:21
chrisccoulsonalthough i don't know what we'd do if it wasn't granted ;)23:21
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll have to figure out the dependency issue over the weekend with more debug flags23:21
micahgchrisccoulson: bribe, beg, cry23:21
chrisccoulsonheh, we'd still have to upload it really. not uploading isn't really an option for us ;)23:22
chrisccoulsonwe should just get a standing FFe23:22
chrisccoulsonalthough, i thought the current maintenance model would already cover us for that23:23
chrisccoulsonmaybe i'll speak to pitti23:23
micahgchrisccoulson: we do for minor versions, this is for a major version23:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, but we can upgrade major versions in stable releases as well23:23
chrisccoulsoni'll ask if we can have a standing FFe if we don't already have one23:24
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, I'll probably be delegated to the mozilla package set FFe approval anyways this cycle23:24
micahguniverse stuff23:24
micahglast time I was the backup approver23:25
micahgbut I still have to ask if I can approve my own FFe request :)23:25

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