
scott_ev /away11:17
* nhandler is posting the Feature Freeze announcement16:22
akgranernhandler, thanks!16:34
akgranernhandler, did you see someone found the link to that video that was referenced in the bug report16:35
nhandlerakgraner: Yeah. Who has access to the Ubuntu youtube account thing?16:35
akgranernhandler, I don't know - jono maybe?  He's off til Monday though16:36
akgranerI wonder if popey would have access16:36
popeyI do16:38
popeynot sure it's wise putting copyrighted content from a british news outlet on a youtube channel about ubuntu16:44
akgranerpopey, apparently it was linked to the story originally - I don't know why we can't just relink it  - unless I am missing something16:47
popeyyeah, I'd just change the link to the new video posted16:48
nhandlerpopey: Does the news outlet show the license it is released under?16:48
akgranerpopey, totally unrelated matter - I have a whole new found respect for the Ubuntu UK Podcast folks!16:49
akgraneryou all make is seem sooooooo freakin' easy! :-P16:49
popeyyou have nooooo idea :)16:50
popey(well, I'm sure you do)16:50
akgranerJFo and I recorded our planning call - and even that was interesting16:50
popeybut you know what I mean16:50
popeyskype call recorder?16:50
akgranerI haven't posted it publicly yet....16:50
akgraneryep that's what I used16:51
popeyworks quite well16:51
nhandlerAs a note, google voice lets you record calls. I tried it with myself, and it worked fairly well16:51
popeygoogle voice isnt available here16:52
popeyand as an aside.. we dont use skype on the podcast :)16:52
popeywe have a policy to only use free software16:52
holsteinyou use mumble popey ?16:53
akgranerpopey, that's cool - but I have to use what is easiest for me16:53
akgraneruntil I master something else16:53
popeyyeah, completely understand why people use skype16:53
popeyit 'just works' for the most part16:53
popeyholstein: no, we sit in a room together16:53
holsteinOH yeah, of course ;)16:53
akgranerI like how you can just save the recording in all the various formats16:54
popeyyeah, scr is dead handy16:54
holsteini was thinking *if* you did a call in16:54
popeyand in the repo!16:54
popeyoh, we do call ins16:54
popeybut we use "ye olde telephone"16:54
popeywe have a telephone balance unit which plugs into the phone line16:54
popeywhich plugs into the mixer so we can all talk to the person at the same time and we can all hear them16:55
popeyworks really nicely16:55
holsteini like it :)16:56
holsteinyou guys have a really great vibe anyhow16:56
holsteingood rapport with each other it seems16:57
holsteinand the production is well done16:57
holsteini got some friends that use mumble now16:57
holsteinthey also want to use free software16:57
holsteinand JACK16:57
akgranerpopey, please pass along my "Thanks and appreciation" for all you all do!  I <3 it!17:04
popeyvery kind of you both to say, thanks!17:08
popeywill pass that on17:09
pleia2I used to do a few segments on a wallace and gromit podcast, even that was quite the time sink, sure gave me new appreciation for shows :)17:39
akgranerpleia2, i love wallace and gromit....17:59
popeyi think the fact that we have a team of people working together helps, we record together, one person edits, another mixes, another makes the show notes.. that works for us19:00
popeyif one person did it all, we'd fail19:00
holsteinpopey: yeah, editor FTW20:06
holsteindo you guys hear the music when you record?20:06
holsteindo you run it like a live show?20:06
popeywe record segments out of sequence20:06
popeyand have tea/cake breaks between :)20:07
holsteinnice :)20:07
Pendulumcake \o/20:39
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