
IdleOnethank you for clearing it up for me00:02
nhandlerThis was one of the changes made with the switch to ircd-seven earlier in the year03:30
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (TheWorst appears to be abusive (test - contact LjL if this misdetects too badly))04:23
ilovefairuz#ubuntu is now a troll happy land!04:38
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (for the second time volunteers here are being insulted)04:42
macoi need an alias that banforwards to -ops04:45
macoelky: ipc thinks that was me and is PMing me now04:45
macojussi: do you know how to make quassel tack on #ubuntu-ops to a ban?04:47
macoelky: ipc is a repeat-problem. language issues in -ot yesterday that got him removed by tony, then tried to PM me inappropriate things, screwed up and hit ? instead of / on his /msg so it went to #ubuntu and got removed by someone else04:48
macoby idle04:48
elkymaco, i'm at work, btw.04:49
macoelky: ok04:49
IdleOnehow did he get back into #ubuntu?04:49
macoIdleOne: did you set a ban or not?04:50
macoi thought you just removed04:50
IdleOneI did04:50
macoooh ban evasion?04:50
IdleOnelooks like it04:50
IdleOnehmm I thought I banned him04:50
IdleOnemaybe i didn't04:51
macoyou did04:51
maco367 #ubuntu *!*@bas1-richmondhill34-1176125552.dsl.bell.ca$#ubuntu-ops IdleOne!~IdleOne@ubuntu/member/idleone 128150000204:51
maconew ip address04:52
IdleOnewell then good catch04:52
IdleOneadd to comment he was ban evading so we know for next time04:52
macook im adding one04:54
macooh wow more ban evading i think...04:55
macoreading the last 24h on the bantracker, i see another nick with the same IP... and you banned in #u in that case too IdleOne04:56
macoor hmm was that a ban or remove04:57
maconevermind, that was just a remove04:57
macomm ...04:58
macoIdleOne: how do i tell whether something in the bt is a ban or a remove? some i see (removed) written but in this case it doesnt say (removed) but there's also not a corresponding ban04:59
IdleOnewhat's the ID?05:01
IdleOneWell under the Nick/Mask  if it says (removed) the the ban was removed05:04
maco27738 and 39 and 40 are all the same IP05:04
maco38 has a different nick than 39&40 (which are ipc)05:04
IdleOneyou know what, my alias is messed up05:06
IdleOneit is doing remove/forward instead of ban/forward05:06
IdleOneI think05:07
macono i saw +b's05:07
macoit removed and then it did a +b with a forward05:07
macobesides, i did /ban on the chanel05:07
macoyour ban is still set with the forward05:08
IdleOnewell he had a different ip now so that explains him being in the channel.05:11
IdleOneanyway yeah the bans that have (removed) are obviously removed05:11
macowhats 38?05:13
IdleOnenot sure05:15
IdleOne38 is a +q05:16
macoah ok05:17
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 485 bans)06:11
ubottuIn ubottu, Stale_ said: What is WineHQ?06:15
ubotturyaxnbuntu called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()08:08
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !suicide is <alias> o4o08:16
ubottuIn ubottu, intel said: wat is bot ?11:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:30
Pici!no #ubuntu is <reply> #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:33
ubottuI'll remember that Pici13:33
ubottucontrols-#kubuntu has no aliases - added by tsimpson on 2010-04-04 01:51:5313:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about controls13:57
Pici!forget controls-#kubuntu13:57
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici13:57
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side14:27
gnomefreaksee :)14:28
gnomefreakits not per channel14:28
bazhangkangarooo reaaaally wants ubottu to give out bug info in support channels14:28
gnomefreakdoesnt it do that now?14:29
Picinot in #ubuntu, #k,or #x14:29
gnomefreaktoo many people14:29
gnomefreakeach one played with it it would be way too busy. cant he just /msg ubottu bug #14:29
bazhangsays it wastes his time14:30
charlie-tcaKangaroo will argue anything, just to be right14:30
gnomefreakoh well it cant be that important14:30
jpdsIs nr number?14:32
charlie-tcaI think so, but sometimes it is difficult to tell with him14:33
charlie-tcaHe is, I think, a hyperactive type, who really needs to find a way to get rid of the extra energy.14:34
bazhanghe's still pushing it, now in xubuntu channel14:56
charlie-tcaI have hopes that the bugs will stay the way they are right now. I got over 100 invalid bugs from the same reporter in a month14:57
PiciI gave him the only option that I could, put it on the IRCC agenda, if he doesn't want to take that then I'd say hes being disruptive.14:57
ikoniaI've spoke to him about this, his agrument is flawed14:58
ikoniathe bot spits out info in bugs14:59
ikoniaif he wants to fix things, then he should hang out in -bugs14:59
charlie-tcaI have asked him to stop, let's see what happens14:59
ikoniahe has to learn that if he wants something to happen, ranting in a channel won't do anything.15:00
ikoniahe's been told this many times15:00
PiciOh, vim-full doesn't exist anymore :(15:21
PiciAnd vim-tiny is in the minimal task.15:22
ikoniavim should still be on his box15:23
ikoniaPici: ask him what he's deleted, he seems to be holding back a little15:33
ikoniaPici: what was it ?15:36
Piciikonia: vim.tiny installs as an alternative to vim, for some reason he doesn't have a symlink from usr/bin/vim -> /etc/alternatives/vim -> /usr/bin/vim.tiny15:37
ikoniaahh, I wonder if that's what he deleted15:37
PiciHes definitely changed something, thats not normal.15:38
ikoniahe half slipped a little earlier, but then wouldn't answer the question15:39
ikoniaI know he deleted something15:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:37
ramki need help fixing ubuntu sound17:05
ramklet me know if this is the right place17:05
Piciramk: This isn't a support channel. Please join #ubuntu and ask there.17:05
ramk@Pici, thanks17:05
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #kubuntu (test999 swearing and bad attitude)17:48
PiciI actually just got back to my desk and was watching.17:49
PiciSomething had set off my hilights.17:49
IdleOneHe was trolling and had no intention on changing17:49
PiciSame thing in #freenode now.17:52
* Pici watches17:52
IdleOnehahahaha my cat just fell off the desk17:54
jpdsIdleOne: Harsh.17:54
IdleOneshe tried rolling over and rolled right off the desk17:54
IdleOnelanded on her feet, she;s ok.17:54
ubottuIn ubottu, erUSUL said: no, chat is <reply>The Instant Messenger Client Empathy supports MSN,  XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also  !Kopete20:41
FlannelDoes empathy support MSN, Gadu Gadu, Novell Groupwise, etc?20:45
FlannelI know it doesn't let you add IRC easily20:45
jussiFlannel: Kopete supports them, so I guess empathy would. but not a gnome user so cant check20:46
Flannelchat is alias im which is alias pidgin, so obviously we should just update im to alias empathy, but empathy isn't so informative20:47
ubottuEmpathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin20:47
h00kstandby for facts!20:56
Picis/$/real ubuntueros use irssi/20:58
h00kthat's all the schtuff it supports21:00
PiciI use my mouth when I want to chat to 'people nearby'21:00
jpdsgr.archive UP.22:11
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 491 bans)22:16
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1541 users, 6 overflows, 1547 limit))22:31
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1540 users, 5 overflows, 1545 limit))22:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1534 users, 5 overflows, 1539 limit))22:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1542 users, 5 overflows, 1547 limit))22:31
ikoniais someone going to disable ubottu from messaging the channel22:34
ikonialhavelun1: hi22:35
lhavelun1ikonia: Hello.22:42
ikonialhavelun1: how can we help today ?22:43
lhavelun1ikonia: You could fix freenode. I'm lhavelund/MenZa :P22:43
ikonialhavelun1: I just asked if that was you, I didn't recognise your nick, but it sort of spelt your name22:43
lhavelun1Yeah, it's me.22:43
funkyHatlies! It's an impostor22:44
funkyHatWeird. irssi is telling me you're not identified still.22:44
FlannelIt's because that nick isn't associated with his account22:51
Flannelso you don't get the "is signed on with account foo"22:51
=== lhavelun1 is now known as lhavelund
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
jpdsDear Freenode.23:11
lhavelundjpds: Ooh, ooh, let me finish!23:12
lhavelund"Sort yourself OUT."23:12

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