
mike1STILL having the problem with proxy.   changed/corrected order of NICs in firewall00:23
Iceman_Bhow do I restart samba?00:30
KE1HAsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart00:32
Iceman_Bit seems like 10.04 is full of surprises00:33
Iceman_BI cant access my files on the samba share in Windows, but I can see them00:34
Iceman_Bsudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found00:34
KE1HAIm not at my server, but seems I recall that changing.00:36
KE1HAthat's why i pulled it off the Wiki, guess it needs some work :-)00:36
KE1HAtry sudo restart samba00:37
Iceman_Blets see00:37
KE1HAthen do a sudo testparm00:38
Iceman_Brestart: Unknown job: samba00:38
KE1HAyou sure it's installed ?00:38
KE1HAOh, sri, my bad.00:38
KE1HAsudo restart smbd00:38
Iceman_Bim sure its installed :)00:38
Iceman_Bsmbd start/running, process 286000:39
Iceman_Bis that the correct return?00:39
KE1HAnow do sudo testparm00:39
KE1HAI just upgrade my server from 8.04, lots changed ;-)00:40
Iceman_BKE1HA: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aifXSwzN00:41
Iceman_Bstill, access denied00:41
KE1HAlet me get my share off conf, will patebin it, you need to change the path and username though.00:42
KE1HAIceman_B, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476668/00:45
Iceman_Bthat's a whole slew of new options00:49
Iceman_Blemem try that00:49
Iceman_Btestparm does not display invalid OR default settings, right ?00:51
KE1HAIf it fails it will tell you that.00:51
KE1HAf testparm runs correctly, it will list the loaded services. If not, it will give an error message. Make sure it runs correctly and that the services look reasonable before proceeding00:52
Thund3rXHi all, what version of Eucalyptus comes in bundled with Ubuntu Server Edition?00:53
Iceman_BKE1HA: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476673/00:54
Iceman_Bno errors were thrown00:54
Iceman_Bbut can you explain that discrepancy00:54
KE1HAwhich line do you think is not right ?00:56
Iceman_Bhm>? is that a question or a quiz?00:58
Iceman_Bbecause I dont think the lines are wrong :)00:58
KE1HAThere ya go, ok, does it work ?00:58
Iceman_BIm just wondering why some of the lines vanish in the testparm00:58
Iceman_Blemme see if it works00:58
Iceman_Bnope, still access denied00:59
KE1HAI dont know, Im not an expert on testparm, but know if I get errors using it, I need to fix them.00:59
KE1HAhave you added a user to samba ?00:59
KE1HAas in, dod you do somethign like this at one point: smbpasswd -a [user_name]01:00
KE1HAopps as in, did you do somethign .. ..01:00
KE1HAMan, do i have a big chat-delay or are you checking somethign ?01:03
Iceman_Bah sorry01:03
KE1HASo you added a smbpasswd ?01:03
Iceman_Bi was checking the samba.org  page01:03
Iceman_Band it happens to match my linux pass01:04
KE1HAand did you restart samba after you mand the Share changes ?01:04
Iceman_Bsudo restart smbd right?01:04
Iceman_BI can try again though01:04
KE1HAand just to be sure, you've done all this as sudo, not root yes ?01:05
Iceman_Ball this sudo01:05
Iceman_Bi dont think I can do this as a root01:06
Iceman_Bsomething about ubuntu missing a root user01:06
KE1HAno, you should not do anythign as root in Ubuntu.01:07
KE1HAHow are are you trying to access the shared folder ?01:07
Iceman_Bin windows, I do01:07
Iceman_Bnetwork places > and then the share is listed there01:08
KE1HAthat's good, at least its seeing it. Does WinDoze Ask you for a U/N and P/W ?01:08
Iceman_Bnope, but thats because the Windoze pass is the same01:08
Iceman_Band the user01:08
Iceman_BIm assuming here that in the background, samba asks for credentials, and windows supplies whatever im logged in with01:09
Iceman_Band they match01:09
Iceman_Bim beginnin to suspect another thing here01:09
Iceman_Bthe files im trying to access, were created on another ubuntu system01:10
KE1HANo, it dont work that wau.01:10
KE1HAyour linux box, the first time you acess the sahe should ask you for the info.01:10
KE1HAThere's another way to do this with the conf file, but I dont use it too often.01:11
Iceman_BI think I found the problem01:11
Iceman_Bits the files themselves01:11
Iceman_Bthey are being pwned by root01:11
Iceman_Binstead of my user01:11
Iceman_Bthey all reside on a different hdd, which is mounted on a dir in my ~/01:11
Iceman_Bso that would explain it01:12
Iceman_BI wonder if I can chown the entire drive recurseivly01:12
KE1HABack to the .conf file then ## comment out the previous Share setings then try this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476677/01:12
Iceman_Bwithout breaking the automount01:12
KE1HAand sudo srestart samba again01:12
KE1HAThe access it though IE with \\IP-Address\Share_Folder01:13
Iceman_Bbefore I do that, I want to try the ownership thing first01:14
KE1HASRI, \\IP_Address\username01:14
Iceman_Bbecause if I create a file from windows, ON the share, I can access it fine01:14
KE1HAOwnership of the share ?01:14
Iceman_Bof all the files in the share01:14
Iceman_BI made a kinda complicated setup I guess01:14
KE1HAthat's a diffrent problem, if you can create a File on the Share, then Samba is working.01:14
KE1HAThen cd to the Share and chown -R ./*01:15
KE1HAchown -R username ./*01:15
KE1HAthat's will change the owner, if you want group too: chown -R username:username ./*01:16
Iceman_Bits running now01:17
KE1HAbut first, in the dir share directory, do a la -al and look at the owner and group01:17
Iceman_Bthat said root root01:17
Iceman_Buid 001:17
KE1HAcool, you didn't say you could create files, but not access the old ones.01:17
Iceman_Byeah, I didnt know what info to provide01:17
Iceman_Bor what is critical01:17
KE1HAthat's why, root owned them, not you the user.01:18
KE1HASamba is just the go-between .. like the tunnel.01:18
KE1HAAnyway, Im glad it's workign.01:18
KE1HAOnly took me an hour to help you get it fixed :-)01:19
KE1HAI really need to work-over this 10.04, it's allot difffrent than 8.04 was01:19
Iceman_Balmost there01:19
Iceman_Ball the owner:group are now correct01:19
Iceman_Bbut when I want to open a file, say a pdf01:20
Iceman_Bdo I need my own permission set to 6 or 7 ?01:20
KE1HAnow from windows, dor a refresh on the directory01:20
KE1HAwell, no dee to 777 I'd do 750 if it's only you accessing them anyway.01:20
KE1HAno need for 777 .. .. ..01:21
KE1HAYou could tightening them up real tight, but on you own boxes, probably not needed but it's up to you.01:21
Iceman_Bso whats the syntax01:23
Iceman_Bman pages are usually cryptic01:23
Iceman_Bchown u+ 0700 ?01:23
KE1HAsyntax for what ?01:23
KE1HAchmod [000] [filename]01:24
KE1HAOnce you own the files your just changing the permissions.01:24
KE1HAif yo want to do a whole directory of files, or anything below a certain directory level, just do01:25
KE1HAchmod -R ./*   but besure your in the directory where you want to change the file permissions and the -R is recursive.01:25
Iceman_Bthats fine01:25
KE1HAyou need the permission in there of course, like: chmod -R 750 ./*  would change every file * directory below where your at.01:26
* Iceman_B sighs, still nothing01:30
Iceman_Bso all the files on the share are owned by my own user:group01:31
Iceman_Bpermissions on all the files and dirs are set to rwx------01:31
Iceman_Band still access denied on all those files01:31
KE1HAIceman_B, but you can go from windows to the share directory and create files or from the Ubuntu machine and put new files there and Windows can acess it ?01:33
Iceman_BI can see the share in windows, create file in windows, open THOSE files in windows01:34
KE1HAOnly thing I can think to try is use sudo to change the user:group and then file permission, and see where that takes you.01:34
Iceman_Band write to them01:34
KE1HAas in: sudo chown -R username:username ./*  then do sudo chmod -R 700 ./*01:35
Iceman_BI just rebooted my server01:38
Iceman_Ball the colors from bash are gone now too :?01:38
Iceman_Bbut first this samba issue01:38
Iceman_Bi'll try your suggestion, sec01:38
Iceman_Bchown is running now01:39
KE1HAmust be allot of files :-) Music Archive ?01:41
Iceman_Band anime =)01:42
Iceman_Bsamba should have no problems when im in windows and I access file, that in linux is a symlink, which points to the actual file01:42
Iceman_Bassuming im the owner of all, and I have rwx permissions on it01:43
KE1HALinks are short cuts01:43
KE1HAwhat's the permissions on the files? are they in a diffrent place ?01:43
Iceman_Bwell, physically they are on a different drive, but that is mounted in ~/rin01:45
Iceman_Band I just changed all the permission on those files to 070001:45
KE1HAand you ls all of them ?01:46
Iceman_Bls ?01:46
Iceman_Bhow do you mean01:46
KE1HAHow did you create the links ?01:46
Iceman_Bgood question, lemme think01:47
Iceman_BI have a dir ~/share, I cd to that, and then I do ln -s ~/rin/..../file.pdf file.pdf01:49
Iceman_Band still the same error, access denied01:50
KE1HAand you created those with the other system ?01:50
KE1HAOn the Ubuntu box, move on of the real files to the shared directory and see if windows and open it01:51
KE1HAMove a file, not the link01:52
Iceman_Ball those fiels were created on another system, yeah01:52
Iceman_BI can access them from within ubuntu fine though01:52
Iceman_Bbut I'll try01:52
KE1HAmove one of the actual files, using the Ubuntu server, and see if you can read it from windows.01:53
KE1HAbut dont creat a Ln -s for that file.01:53
KE1HAtry to acess the actual moved file.01:53
Iceman_Bthat seems to work01:56
Iceman_BI can access the files fine01:56
Iceman_Bso I guess the problem is in a symlink ?01:56
KE1HAKill all those links, move the files, move them back ad re-do your links.01:57
KE1HAor, directly acess the file,s which is best.01:57
Iceman_BI cant move the files01:57
Iceman_Bnot enough space on my disk01:57
KE1HAYou just did.01:57
Iceman_Byeah, one01:57
Iceman_BI cant move em all01:57
KE1HAwell, try deleting a link and re-creating it, but I think it's the source (re file) giving you the trouble.01:58
KE1HAoop (real file )01:58
Iceman_Blemem try that01:58
Iceman_Byeah seems to work now02:01
KE1HAWell done :-)02:01
Iceman_Bthanks a million02:02
KE1HAlinks are a pain in the back side, especially hard links.02:02
Iceman_Bbut...what did really change?02:02
Iceman_BI never use hard links02:02
KE1HANo problem, glad ya got it sorted.02:02
Iceman_Bso can you explain whats different now?02:05
Iceman_Bbecause I had a samba share with symlinks in it which were giving me a hard time, now i have the same share with the same symlinks02:05
Iceman_Bbut it works02:05
KE1HANot exactly sure, but I think it was a uid issue from the root ownership, but Im not 100%.02:06
Iceman_Byeah you would think that...02:06
Iceman_But im not so sure02:06
Iceman_BI mean, what really defines the uniqueness of a UID ?02:07
Iceman_Bthe number?02:07
KE1HAI think the uid issue was on the actual file, not the link, but I'd have to go dig on that one.02:07
KE1HAThat's why Linux / Unix is as secure as it is. Sure there's holes, but nothing like on WinDoze02:08
KE1HAIf that was a WinDoze box, you wouldnt' ahve been here askign quesitons.02:08
KE1HAfile / directory permission in WinDoze is horrible.02:09
Iceman_Bbut lets not turn this into a Windoez hating thing :)02:09
KE1HAI dont "hate Windows .. I still have one WinDoze box, just in case, but dont use it much.02:09
KE1HABut I certainly begrudge "paying for huge security risks" and viruses.02:10
KE1HAIn fact, your problem there wasn't a WinDoze issue, was a Linux security feature :-002:11
Iceman_Byeah, that seemed to be the case02:13
KE1HAanyways, Im headed back to the standard UB channel catch ya later, glad its all sorted.02:14
Iceman_Bcool, thanks!02:14
Iceman_BKE1HA: seems I was a bit premature, only the file I moved back and forth seemed to work with a symlink, I was still unable to access dirs, which were symlinked into the SMB share02:34
Iceman_Bfrom windows of course, in Linux I can access fine02:34
Iceman_BI'll throw this on the forum during daytime, off to bed now :)02:34
Iceman_Bthanks again though02:34
PatrickdkIceman_B, over smb?02:38
Patrickdkya, samba attempts to not allow that, unless you enable wide symlinks02:39
Patrickdkand in order to enable that, you have to disable unix extentions or something, that ubuntu uses by default02:39
chai_ok so my home server will let me ssh to it and also will let me read files via sftp. but not write permissions. how can i change permissions? i have sudo03:13
reggianyone here?03:16
* ball nods03:16
ballLast night, as an experiment, I installed Ubuntu Server onto a software RAID array.  I was pleasantly surprised when it booted and appeared to run quite well.03:17
reggii have a really basic question. I'm trying to setup my laptop as a gateway and dhcp server to share my vodafone 3G internet connection. I have followed the instructions on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing and also installed firestarter and used these instructions http://www.howtoforge.com/dhcp_server_linux_debian_sarge (using dhcpd3). I now have conflicting dhcp settings and cannot get it to work. How can I remove03:19
reggiany dhcp configs and start again? thanks.03:19
ballreggi: So you want it to be a dhcp server on its Ethernet port and dhcp client (ppp client?) on its mobile broadband interface?03:23
reggiyes that is correct ball.03:24
ball...and then something to route between those two ports.03:24
ball(to perform NAS, I suppose)03:24
reggiyep. i've tried 3 different methods to achieve this03:25
reggibut there is a conflict with 2 different dhcp settings03:25
* ball has no idea how this stuff works on Linux03:25
reggiwhen I run tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog i get this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/476702/03:26
zashdhcpd should only listen on the eth* port, which should then not be configured with a dhcpclient03:26
reggioh hang on a sec03:27
ballzash: Is that achieved by editing a flat text file or two?03:27
reggii'm getting the terminology confused (i'm used to the windows method of ICS) basically here is the diagram.03:27
reggi internet - <ppp> - <eth0> DHCP + gateway03:28
zashball: /etc/network/interfaces03:28
reggithere are only two lines in that interfaces file, auto lo and iface lo inet loopback03:29
zashreggi: this was a laptop you say03:30
ballOH!  I just thought of another question that occurred to me.  Do the individual drives of a (software) RAID array have some sort of identifier on them, so that they can move around between busses and/or ports and still work?03:30
reggiyep its a laptop zash.03:30
zashreggi: do you have network-manager installed03:30
zashcause it allows you to do this with a couple of click iirc03:30
reggizash, what is a networkmanager? i may already have it and not know it.03:31
reggiI have NetworkManager Applet 0.803:31
zashreggi: the service that is installed by default in normal ubuntu desktops03:31
zashreggi: yes, that's a inerface to nm03:32
zashreggi: IPv4 settings → method = shared to other computers03:32
zashI think that enables a DHCP server03:32
zashand stuff03:32
zashand magic!03:32
reggizash, it's not that easy for me, i'm trying to share the mobile broadband which does not have a simple box to tick to 'shared to other computers'.03:33
reggiI can see the 'shared to other computers' box for the eth0 though.03:34
zashreggi: you set that on the eth003:34
zashreggi: and leave the 3g as it is03:34
reggioh...hmm really? ok i'll try that.03:34
zashreggi: I'm not completly sure, but I thinkt it should work03:35
zashI've shared 3g to wifi somehow03:35
reggihmm ok zash, i've given the eth0 a static ip of 19203:36
reggii can't believe it's so hard to ICS in ubuntu03:37
reggiin xp and vista you can do it in 3 clicks03:38
clustyreggi: i can't believe you just compared ubuntu to windows03:48
clustyeither way this is the wrong spot to ask such questions cause ppl here usually don't even use GUIs03:49
clustyin ubuntu is 3-4 commands03:50
clusty1 dhcp server - not mandatory03:50
clusty1 masquarading firewall rule03:50
reggii'm just frustrated i suppose, steep learning curve, head hurts. I'm forcing myself to learn linux - i've basically gone cold turkey and installed linux on all my machines.03:50
zashreggi: I hope you are aware of that this is #ubuntu-server03:52
reggiclusty: i've been given 3 different ways to ICS, 1. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing, 2. http://www.howtoforge.com/dhcp_server_linux_debian_sarge 3. firestarter. I've asked these questions in the #ubuntu channel and they asked me to post here because it is related to dhcp "server".03:52
clustyreggi: you don't have to have a dhcp server03:53
clustythen you punch in all ips/gateways by hand03:53
reggioh really?03:53
clustydhcp is a service that gives ips to everybody03:54
clustyand helps them configure their routes i guess also03:54
reggiyeah that is what I want to do. I really want to get away from all this gui stuff and do things in terminal03:54
qman__reggi, note that "ICS"/"Internet Connection Sharing" is a windows-specific term, everybody else refers to it as NAT, NAT overloading, or the iptables-specific "IP Masquerading"04:26
qman__what you're really doing is configuring your server to be a router04:26
qman__the reason it's a little bit more complicated is because there's a whole lot more things it can do04:27
reggiah i see. well that is reassuring qman__04:27
qman__a basic setup like you probably want is still fairly straightforward, and with the right guide, shouldn't take more than an afternoon to set up, even your first time04:28
reggiqman, I know that the easy way would be to buy one of those routers with 3G sim card backup but I'm learning a hell of a lot by going down the linux path.04:29
qman__it's worth the effort04:30
reggiqman__: what I would like ultimately is to learn how to setup a server that would do everything a windows server would do, ie, domain name controller / ldap, roaming profile, etc04:30
qman__the tools you learn are the same tools used for pretty much all linux-based routing and networking04:30
qman__well, a full fledged windows-compatible domain controller is a ways off yet, but expect that with samba 404:31
reggiup until a few days ago I was trying to learn by doing google searches and reading up but there is something different when chatting with someone 'live' on irc.04:31
qman__however, LDAP for a centralized linux authentication system is perfectly doable04:31
qman__and samba 3 can manage NT-style domains04:32
reggione of my business clients is hell bent on getting a windows server to serve about 15 users04:32
reggiat the moment they have peer to peer network.04:32
reggii'm trying to talk them into saving money and going for a linux box.04:32
qman__he does know that server 2008 starts at a thousand dollars, right?04:32
reggibut before I can convince them I want to be confident that I can install and support it. luckily I have a couple of old machines lying around that I can install ubuntu server 64bit and play around. I did mention to my client that it would cost a couple of grand for the ms server license and user cals04:34
qman__well, if you don't need full-on windows domain functionality, just a file server/basic network services, it's not that difficult to do04:34
reggiyeah I'm halfway there04:34
reggithe other day I setup my very first freenas box04:34
reggiits so ... so reliable and easy.04:35
qman__yeah, none of that rebooting every time it updates04:35
qman__uses a lot less resources too, you don't need a $5000 server to host some files04:36
reggii bet. i've been studying this guide http://www.howtoforge.com/vboxheadless-running-virtual-machines-with-virtualbox-3.1-on-a-headless-ubuntu-9.10-server and I'll test it out either tonight or tomorrow.04:37
MTecknologyIn my init script - I have a little thing in there that makes sure nobody accidentally stops something for every user - but that catches when the system shuts down. Is there any way to see if the system is shutting down from inside of the script?05:19
Roxyhart0hi there, i need to buy a external HDD of 2TB and munt in my server. Somebody know if ubuntu lucid can mount ok a usb HDD (external) od 2TB?06:18
smoserRoxyhart0, almost certainly.06:18
Roxyhart0thanks :) hopefully as im going to buy 4 of them06:19
mase_wkRoxyhart0: yes it's fine06:48
mase_wkRoxyhart0: with ext4 i think you can go up to an exabyte06:48
Roxyhart0great ! thanks :)06:49
qman__ext3 can handle up to 8TB with a 4k block size07:54
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
kinygoshi all, when i powered up my development server this morning (ubuntu 10.04), i was greeted with a bunch of messages from /usr/lib/update-notifier....can anyone suggest how i can investigate what has happened?08:54
twbkinygos: what messages?08:55
mase_wkkinygos: dmesg or /var/log/messages ?08:55
kinygosthere were 3 pairs, /update-motd-cpu-checker: not found, /update-motd-updates-available: not found, and /update-motd-reboot-required: not found08:56
kinygos(those paths are from /usr/lib/update-notifier...sorry)08:56
kinygosok...dmesg and /var/log/messages show nothing serious, so i don't understand why update-motd would've suddenly broken...has anyone seen anything like this?09:01
Iceman_BPatrickdk: can you repeat again what you said about wide symlinks? approx 7 hours ago, please?10:42
Jeeves_03:38 < Patrickdk> Iceman_B, over smb?10:44
Jeeves_03:39 < Patrickdk> ya, samba attempts to not allow that, unless you enable wide symlinks10:44
Jeeves_03:39 < Patrickdk> and in order to enable that, you have to disable unix extentions or something, that ubuntu uses by default10:44
Iceman_Byes that, thanks10:45
Iceman_Banyone have a clue is accessing hard links DOES work in Samba?10:45
Iceman_BI mean, on a default ubuntu system10:45
twbI believe samba supports hard links10:49
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
twbIt should be easy to check10:51
Iceman_Btwb: I get : Invalid cross-device link10:54
twbCheck with #samba, I guess.  I don't know any more.10:55
Jeeves_hardlinks need to be in the same filesystem10:58
Iceman_BJeeves_: I didnt know that, still kinda new here10:58
Iceman_Bthe files im trying to link to were created on another ubuntu system, and are physically on another drive, which is mounted in ~/mountdir/10:59
derknechti installed ubuntu 10.04 on a sata hotplug pc in ahci mode. i have no expirence with sata hotplug and try to trigger some scripts when a harddisc is added/removed. Can someone give me a hint please? I have found no wiki or howto covering this topic. Thanks11:00
Jeeves_Iceman_B: Than you should create symlinks11:00
Jeeves_ln -s11:00
Iceman_Balready spent 3 hours trying that last night, that doesnt work by default11:00
Jeeves_Those can be cross-filesystem11:00
Iceman_Bhence my first question11:00
Iceman_BI mean, it doesnt with by default in samba, running on Ubuntu11:01
Jeeves_Iceman_B: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35201611:01
Iceman_Bthanks, I'll look into that11:03
sergevndoes anyone has Darwin Calendar server working on lucid? :)11:06
Iceman_Bspeaking of links, how do I remove all symlinks from a dir and leave all other files intact?11:16
Jeeves_Iceman_B: find . -type l --delete (or something like that)11:20
Jeeves_Iceman_B: 'man find' is your best option :)11:20
derknechthow can i realise sata hotplug with hardware supporting it and mode set to ahci please? via scsiadd? hotplug-utils? which way to go?11:34
jetoleI feel stupid for having to ask this, but where is the domain name for a system stored?11:41
alvinjetole: in /etc/hosts11:42
alvinThere is also a 'domainname' command to read/set a domainname11:43
jetolealvin: yeah I tried adding it to /etc/hosts because I thought thats where it should be. There was the line " firewall" which I changed to " firewall firewall.office" and then ran hostname --fqdn and it still just said firewall11:49
jetolegot it11:50
jetolehad to do hostname.domainname then hostname in /etc/hosts11:50
jetolethanks for the help alvin11:50
jetoleAlso, does anyone know how to install the sun jre on server 10.0411:50
alvinjetole: Yes, but you can leave the and add another line with those values (hostname.domainname) and the real IP of the server.11:51
alvinjetole: I haven't done it, but I hear it's in the partner repositories11:51
jetolealvin: yeah I compared it to another server which was displaying the domain name in host --fqdn and it was " hostname.domain hostname" once I switched them to that order in /etc/hosts then hostname --fqdn showed the domain name11:52
* jetole looks at /etc/apt/sources.conf11:52
* jetole looks at /etc/apt/sources.list11:52
jetoleyep. I enabled the partners repo, did an apt-get update and now it's installing sun-java6-jre where before it told me that it's only referenced by other packages11:53
jetolethanks again alvin11:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #616719 in libnss-ldap (main) "slow group indexing when using huge ldap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61671912:31
ttxDaviey: what the status on Eucalyptus ?12:37
Davieyttx: Well the topology issue is looking good...12:38
Davieyttx: The Volume issue, is better than it was - creating them now works.. There *may* be an issue attaching them12:38
ttxDaviey: ok12:39
DavieyDid one more upload after you went last night.. am preparing another, but want to sync with euca to see if they are planning anything new today12:39
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jahilhi everyone12:56
jahilhow to capture sound youtube audio with snd-dummy interface12:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #616754 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61675413:16
hallynttx: current papercuts are supposed to be chosen from https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-beta  right?13:34
hallynttx: I notice for instance that the pgadmin3 one "seems" owned by SpamapS, and ssl passphrase one is owned (for apache2) by zul.13:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #616759 in openssl (main) "CVE-2009-3555 tracking bug" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61675913:36
hallynSo I'm not clear on whether to take those or not13:36
_bthey who kick me from #ubuntu-virt13:38
ttxhallyn: looking13:38
ttxhallyn: that's the right list -- maybe coordinate with them and see if they want those bugs or if you can take them ?13:39
hallynttx: ok, thanks13:40
hallynSpamapS: you already own 2 papercuts, would you want help with bug 610975, or do you want to take that one too?13:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 610975 in server-papercuts "Can not start pgadmin3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61097513:40
hallynzul: bug 582963, I assume you'd like to be assigned that one for the papercuts target (since you own it for apache2)?13:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 582963 in apache2 "SSL pass phrase dialog can't read input" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58296313:41
zulhallyn: sure13:41
zulthat might not exactly be a papercut though13:42
robertpaynehello all13:52
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raphaHi guys13:54
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raphaIs there a way to change user and/or group ownership by default? kind of like uname?13:55
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SpamapShallyn: 610975 is a noop rebuild...14:02
SpamapShallyn: so the only thing needed for it is to wait to see what wxwidgets2.8's fate is14:04
SpamapShallyn: so the only "fix" is to just bump the version and re-upload.14:05
ttxsmoser: what should we do about "ubuntu-on-ec2" on LP ? People continue to file bugs against it, but they are kinda lost: bug 60895814:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 608958 in ubuntu-on-ec2 "Root logins are crippled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60895814:07
smoseri dont know. there is only the one bug.14:09
ttxsmoser: should we just remove the project, or leave it as a placeholder that redirects to Ubuntu ?14:15
smoseri'd be in favor of the placeholder14:15
smoseri have code there14:15
smoser(which obviously could be moved also, but the "automated-ec2-builds" and "ec2-publishing-scripts" seem reasonably well to fit under such a project)14:15
alvinrapha: in what application?14:16
ttxhm, we could also disable bugs for that project.14:16
smosercan i do that for all my projects ?14:19
raphaalvin: well, bash14:19
smoserwhere do i put the "disable bugs" setting for my OS ?14:19
alvinYou can force the group for a directory by using chmod g+s <dirname>14:23
raphaalvin: according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid, that is ignored under linux14:34
zashrapha: I'm quite sure it's not14:35
zashread under setuid and setgid on directories14:35
alvinrapha: yes, it's setUid that is ignored, not setGid.14:36
zashalvin: setuid on dirs?14:37
hggdhDaviey: good morning, and any news from euca?14:38
alvinNo, I was referring to the article. My first thought was "Wikipedia is wrong", but it's not. All is well again. setgid works as it always did.14:38
raphaah okay14:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #616801 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61680114:41
Davieyhggdh: none yet :(14:42
hggdhah well14:42
Daviey... and there telephones seem busted.14:43
DavieyHmm.. it is 6:44am.. so i doubt i'd get anyone anyway :)14:44
sorenjdstrand: Any plans on a libvirt update for Maverick?14:45
jdstrandno offense but 3 people have asked about it :)14:45
jdstrandI am doing it as we speak :)14:45
* soren hugs jdstrand 14:46
* jdstrand hugs soren back14:46
sorenI have a couple of extra patches for it, but I'll just roll a new upload once you're done.14:46
jdstrandI hope to have it uploaded today14:47
jdstrandI have a preliminary package and am testing it, but as usually goes with libvirt, that is about 8 hours of work ;)14:47
jdstrands/8/8 more/14:47
Davieyjdstrand: FWIW we haven't colluded to pounce on you.. We've all wondered for different reasons :)14:47
* Daviey *winks* back at soren14:48
sorenDaviey: He'll never know.14:48
Daviey /msg zul Remember your turn to ask jdstrand next, as we discussed :).14:48
Daviey*oops* :P14:48
zulhow did i get dragged into this? :)14:50
Jinxed-anyone know how to install the mjpg_streamer command for ubuntu 10.0414:50
jdstrandok, I updated the bp, so now I'll just respong with "consult the bp"14:50
shaunodoes JeOS still exist?  I can only find images for Hardy15:05
ttxzul: you always get dragged in crappy plans.15:07
YankDownUnderAnyone using conky or similar for a console monitor?15:26
KaeltenDoes anyone have a fully functioning preseed or kickstart files they'd be willing to share?15:34
zulKaelten: the iso teting iso.qa.ubuntu.com uses one. you might want to check there15:36
Kaeltenzul: I don't see a link to either types of configs15:39
YankDownUnderKaelten, What is it exactly that you're wanting to do, mate?15:45
KaeltenYankDownUnder: I have 20-30 servers to deploy, so I'm wanting to automate things a bit15:45
YankDownUnderKaelten, Roger that - gotcha mate.15:45
KaeltenI have a simple working pxe netinstall up, but I still have to answer a bunch of questions.  I'd love it if I could just have it ask me for hostname and ip address to setup on and auto on the rest15:46
YankDownUnderKaelten, Does this help in the least: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/powerpc/automatic-install.html15:47
Kaeltenit  may fill in some of the blanks15:47
YankDownUnderI always like to refer to some of the older dox cuz some of the newer ones, well, have blanks. Coolbeans.15:48
YankDownUnderKaelten, Just as a side note: http://studio.debian.net/ => a new way to spin yer own - the Debian way - so it ain't SuSE15:49
Kaeltenjust found this too (http://searchsystemschannel.techtarget.com/generic/0,295582,sid99_gci1377934,00.html) which looks to be filling in some of the other blanks15:50
Kaeltenneat site15:50
YankDownUnderwhoa...this I like...this I like...I'll have to read this later, but - cuz it's late, I'm tired, and well, I'm tired. Cheers! Ta for that!15:51
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shaunowhat's the easiest way to obtain a 'minimal' install?16:16
pmatulisshauno: the server iso should give you the option16:18
shaunopmatulis, am I missing something? I only see options for server (750Mb-ish) and UEC16:20
shaunoah, nm, it's under Modes16:20
pmatulisshauno: there are some keys down below16:20
joewilliamsasked this a couple days ago in #ubuntu-kernel but didnt get far, i installed linux-crashdump on a couple (10.04) servers but it doesnt seem to be collecting the core and rebooting. i have to manually reboot the machines. i tested it in a vmware image and it worked fine. any ideas?16:54
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
seicherlbobhi there! I just intalled the new Lucid server and i need a short crashcourse in network-bridging because i'd like to set up a virtual webserver. So long i only used virtualbox on my desktop. my question: I already have the interface virbr0. Now is this the virtual interface to connect a virtual server to or what is it?18:09
sherrseicherlbob: Not sure what virbr0 is - I think it might be the KVM private network. You will probably want a new bridge (e.g. br0) and then put eth0 into it.18:17
sherrMy /etc/network/interfaces and "brctl show" output is here : http://pastebin.com/wcHyhMeS18:17
seicherlbobwhy is eth0 set to manual?18:18
sherrThe bridge network interface is passed to KVM as br0.18:18
seicherlbobso br0 is the hosts interface to the guest(s)?18:19
sherrNot sure - this is the way that worked and what I read works. Life is short - see the man page ...18:19
seicherlbobgrml... i'd like to understand these things. thats the point.18:20
sherrThe guests have real IP addresses as normal machines on our nwtrowk.18:20
sherrThe guests have "eth0" (etc.) inside them, but use the brodge on the host.18:20
seicherlboband whats eth0s ip then?18:20
sherrThe guest can use DHCP or static IP - whatever.18:21
sherrOn the host - br0 has the IP address.18:22
sherrIn a guest, eth0 is just a "normal" net device. Set to get IP from DHCP 9say).18:22
sherr"manual" method : This method may be used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default.18:23
seicherlbobok, thanks so far. I'll just give it a try. there is nothing to loose for now.18:24
sherrGood luck. It's not hard (the basic stuff anyway).18:24
seicherlbobok, so the host gets the address defined in br0. now when i try to start a kvm with ubuntu-kvm-builder, nothing happens.18:28
ruben23hi guys i have installed ubntu server and all are working Ethernet card is working but when i update and upgrade18:36
ruben23my etherenet card disappear- i tried lspci, but no etherenet present.18:36
ruben23any idea guys..?18:40
patdk-wkruben, hardware failure?18:43
ruben23patdk-wk: but its working with base install not update and upgraade18:43
giovaniruben23: you retested it after it stopped showing up with a NEW base install?18:44
giovaniand it worked?18:44
giovanior you're just presuming that it will work again with a base install18:44
kelthi, I noticed that ubuntu server hsa the option of installing for a cloud18:46
keltdoes this "cloud" software enable usage statisics for billing?18:47
smoserkelt, no. UEC does not have any billing infrastructure at the moment.18:50
keltoh, okay... I thought that was the definition of a cloud... lol18:52
kelthow do you do SaaS then?18:52
keltis it a free for all or something?18:53
seicherlbobok, i managed to start the installation of a virtual server with kvm and vncviewer ;) - now i dont get DHCP through. any suggestions? I started with the following parameters: -net nic,macaddr=00:16:3e:02:00:01,model=virtio -net tap,ifname=tap02,script=no18:56
kelthow does this stand up to like vmware or CA products?18:56
ruben23giovani:im installing based now18:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #616936 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61693619:01
kelthmm... so this is just ubuntu server with eucalyptus pre-installed and some helper scripts?19:01
smoserkelt, yes. "just" that.19:02
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keltsmoser: lol... is there a product you can apt-get or install to tie into ubuntu cloud servers for billing?19:06
smoserno. it can be managed via landscape, but i do not believe that that provides billing (airly sure about that).19:07
smoserbilling is something that is a feature on eucalyptus's road map.19:07
keltso landscape keeps up with usage stats?19:07
keltdoes it have soap/rest available for extensability?19:08
smoserwhat is "it" ?19:09
keltsmoser: the cloud19:09
keltif I wanted to extract usage from the cloud19:09
keltso I can write my own custom billing19:09
hallynSpamapS: ok, thx, that was what i'd assumed.19:10
smoserthe cloud provides ec2 api interface19:11
smoserwhich does not pvide you with usage information.19:11
kelthmm, well we want other departments inside network to be able to checkout resources from a private cloud and charge them accordingly...19:12
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ
smoserkelt, yeah, i follow what you'd be after, and I think lots of people are interested in that.19:13
keltsmoser: people aren't just interested... they are *doing* it now :)19:15
keltsmoser: do you know if the cloud does more than just IP ranges? can you do mac or are you stuck at IP?19:15
smoseri dont know that i follow what "do mac" would mean.19:16
smoserbut from a interface perspective, all you have is ec2 elastic ips19:16
keltsmoser: the cloud controls a range of IP addresses19:17
keltwell, I'm disappointed :(19:19
kelthow long do you think it will be before the billing measures will be present?19:20
smoseri really don't know the eucalyptus plans for that feature.19:21
smoseryou could certainly ask19:21
smoseron eucalyptus forums or mailing list19:22
smoseri'd be interested in seeing a response19:22
smoserit is also possible that they even offer it as an add on, i'm not sure19:22
ruben23gys any help setting up an FTP server for my ubuntu..19:30
RoyKruben23: vsftpd is quite simple19:30
RoyKand quite good, it's probably the most used ftp server on the net19:30
ruben23im using pure-ftp and it did not worked out19:31
ruben23so ill used vsftpd i gues19:31
RoyKvsftpd is probably the best for most things19:32
tarvidAug 12 08:57:18 helen kernel: [77401.300041] INFO: task kjournald:385 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 08:57:18 helen kernel: [77401.300236] INFO: task python:1371 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:01:17 helen kernel: [77641.300040] INFO: task kjournald:385 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:01:17 helen kernel: [77641.300233] INFO: task python:1369 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:01:17 helen kernel: [77641.319:34
tarvid00379] INFO: task python:1371 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:07:17 helen kernel: [78001.300042] INFO: task kjournald:385 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:09:20 helen kernel: [78121.300041] INFO: task kjournald:385 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:11:17 helen kernel: [78241.290035] INFO: task kswapd0:47 blocked for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:11:17 helen kernel: [78241.290309] INFO: task kjournald:385 blocked19:34
tarvid for more than 120 seconds. Aug 12 09:11:17 helen kernel: [78241.290469] INFO: task mysqld:1193 blocked for more than 120 seconds.19:34
tarvidmeant to paste just one19:35
tarvidserver was in a bad state when that happens19:35
tarvidbut there are many posts at Google19:35
tarvidany ideas?19:35
qman__out of CPU, out of memory, out of disk, or a nasty kernel bug19:40
ebroderMy money's on the second19:40
qman__mine as well19:41
bogeyd6Anyone can recommend software to manage several linux san boxes?19:42
tarvid4GB memory 10GB swap swappiness = 019:43
alvintarvid: bug 49447619:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 494476 in linux ""Smbd","kjournald2" and  "rsync"  blocked for more than 120 seconds while using ext4." [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49447619:44
tarvidapache had default maxclients setting - 150, reduced to 5019:44
alvinHappens if you use LV snapshots or cause other heavy disk I/O. Server becomes unresponsive, can crash, or you'll not longer be able to log in.19:44
tarvidinstalled modevasive19:44
tarvidalvin - thanks - you're right19:45
alvinLVM snapshots?19:45
patdk-wkheh, I can't remember the last time I had that happen to me19:45
patdk-wkused to happen all the time19:45
tarvidno vanilla19:45
alvinI can. two days ago, last week,... happens a lot19:45
patdk-wkI think my issues was all nfs, and moving from 2.4.x to 2.6.x fixed it all up19:45
tarvidmodsecurity is beating the logs19:45
alvinHmm, I'm a heavy NFS user19:45
alvinyeah, I had rsyslog hang on one occasion. The not logging in part is irritating19:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #616962 in munin (main) "munin after install: 403 forbidden" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61696219:46
alvinSome users report noop as I/O scheduler to be a solution19:46
tarvidnot using LV . Logging is probably the heaviest IO but am running a bunch of Drupal sites so there are other demands.19:48
tarvidmay provide a little insight19:50
tarvidIs that a syn flood in the bottom graph?19:51
qman__looks like19:52
qman__if it were legitimate, the established connections would grow with it19:52
qman__might not be malicious, might just be something like a web crawler, and your server turning it down19:54
tarvidI do block a few in IPTABLES19:56
shsekHey, I'm getting "ALERT! /dev/mapper/foobar-root does not exists" error on boot (after messing up some stuff with initramfs-tools), but I can access my filesystem via the rescue mode of the Ubuntu Server CD. I think its because initramfs doesn't load the LVM2 module properly. How do I tell initramfs to load this module?19:56
shsekI did a stupid mistake and removed initfsram-tools, which caused lots of issues, but most of them are fixed by now. I'm pretty sure the issue right now is LVM not being loaded19:57
qman__shsek, have you run update-grub since fixing your other problems?19:58
qman__that'll regenerate your initramfs19:58
alvinshsek: Are you using a mirror?19:58
shsekqman__, yes, and I also ran update-initramfs -uv19:59
shsekalvin, a mirror?19:59
shsekI'm not quite sure. I have a bash chrooted to20:00
shsekI'm not quite sure. I have a bash chrooted to to my machine from rescure mode, how can I check it?20:00
alvincat /proc/mdadm20:00
alvinIf the file does not exis, you're not using mdadm20:00
alvinIf you have one, you should probably know, so that's not the cause of your problem.20:01
shsekalvin, it doesn't20:03
alvinshsek: What ubuntu version is that?20:03
shsek9.10, the server version20:03
alvinAh, ok. I've had mayor troubles with that version. Couldn't find root on several servers.20:04
alvinIt's better in 10.0420:04
alvinSee bug 36037820:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 360378 in linux "Gave up waiting for root device after upgrade then busybox console" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36037820:04
shsekmy root filesystem is mountable from both the rescue mode and from a live-cd after installing lvm2, running vgchange -ay and mounting /dev/mapper/kelso-root20:05
ewookalvin: I had the same problem.20:05
ewooknasty one that.20:05
shsekbut in the BusyBox initramfs is giving me (after failing with "/dev/mapper/kelsor-root does not exists") I don't seem to have "lvm", "lvm2" or "vgchange"20:05
shsekfrom what I read, I should have it there20:05
shsekit was all caused by me being stupied, I removed (via apt-get) initramfs-tools, which deleted a bunch of other stuff20:06
shsekI reinstalled grub and my kernel since20:06
shsekwell, not me, someone from ##ubuntu helped me with it20:06
shsekbut currently it seems like it all works, other than LVM not loading well for initramfs20:07
alvinI'v always had that problem on karmic. I just rebooted the servers a few times until the root device was found.20:07
alvingrub2 has difficulties with lvm20:07
shsekI've looked around and saw that people can usually use vgscan/vgchange manually from BusyBox, fix what's needed and than run it normally - but I don't seem to have those commands there at all (I do have them from the live cd, and I am able to mount in that way from there)20:08
shsekhmm, I used to have grub-legacy that was updated (but the one from ##ubuntu that helped me) to grub220:09
alvinThose difficulties will be fixes in maverick. Maybe there'll be backports. Booting Ubuntu is a wonderful experience. Blazingly fast, beautiful background, but hit-and-miss. btw, is the lvm2 package installed?20:09
shsekcould reverying to grub-legacy do any good ?20:09
shsekyes, lvm2 is installed20:09
alvinshsek: Couldn't hurt to try. I think you have a chance there. It could be grub, or it could be mountall.20:09
shsekwhere would I look for logs and more information in cases like those?20:10
qman__I've been having a rough time with lucid in general, which is why I'm keeping karmic on my desktop20:10
qman__it runs great and I'm not messing with it20:10
shsekobviously I won't find it in /var/log/messages or syslog, as the filesystem isn't getting mounted at all20:10
alvinshsek: Karmic doesn't have logs. Lucid has /var/log/boot.log, but on the whole it's not very usefull. Try removing quiet and splash from /etc/default/grub and run update-grub20:11
alvinboot logging is on the todo list20:12
shsekalvin, well, I wouldn't have any logs at all, it can't mount my filesystem, how can it save anything to it?20:12
alvinOh, did you try rootdelay?20:12
alvinshsek: That's only logic :-)20:12
shsekalvin, I read about it, but before I'm getting that error I'm waiting for quite a long time (5 minutes) before I get the error20:13
shsekso I assumed it isn't what causing it20:13
shsekbut at this point I'll try anything20:13
shsekalvin, I should set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to an empty string ?20:14
alvinDid you try rebooting a few times? That used to be my workaround.20:14
alvinyes, or add rootdelay=50 for example20:14
alvinthen update-grub20:14
shsekI've rebooted for quite a few time20:14
shsekhmm, so just add rootdelay and keep quiet and splash?20:15
alvinHow is your root drive listed in /etc/fstab?20:15
qman__no, remove quiet and splash20:15
alvinno, remove quiet and splash20:15
qman__that's something I do on every server anyway20:15
qman__it really should not be the defaults20:15
shsekwhat does it mean ?20:16
qman__quiet splash hides all the important messages20:16
alvinIt means: 'hade all scary information from me'20:16
qman__for a "pretty" but un-troubleshoot-able experience20:16
shsekalvin, its listed by the UUID, but the comments says it was /dev/mapper/kelso-root during installation20:17
alvinChange it back to /dev/mapper/kelso-root20:17
shsekSorry, I clicked some weird keyboard shortcut that closed the window20:18
alvinshsek: Might be this bug 56311720:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 563117 in ubuntu "Release upgrade converts /dev/mapper entries in /etc/fstab to UUID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56311720:18
shsekokay, so I removed quiet and splash, added rootdelay=50, ran update-grub and changed it from UUID to /dev/mapper/kelso-root20:18
shsekshould I reboot it now or there's something else I could do/check from rescue mode ?20:18
alvinreboot and report back. I'm thinking about checking UUID somewhere, but can't find it20:21
shsek"ALERT! /dev/mapper/kelso-root does not exists. Dropping to a shell!"20:23
shseksame as before20:23
shsekhmm, from what I read around the internet, on that shell initramfs is dropping me into I should be able to use the 'lvm' command, yet, I can't20:25
shsekdoesn't it mean it doesn't get loaded?20:25
cn1109hello. I'm unable to view my php pages. I have apache2 and php installed and at first I was able to view php pages just fine. Now I'm unable. Tried removing, restarting the server, installing php again. No luck20:26
shsekcn1109, define "unable to view"?20:26
shsekyou get the source and they aren't processed? you get an error from apache? it doesn't connect to apache? blank pages?20:27
shsekalvin, hmm, my chanegs doesn't seem to effected grub, in dmesg I see "Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz.2.6.31-22-server root=/dev/mapper/kelso-root ro quite splash"20:32
alvinHmmm. Did you ran update-grub?20:32
qman__do you have a separate /boot partition?20:32
alvinYes, you did20:32
shsekqman__, yes, I do20:32
qman__make sure it's mounted in your chroot when you run update-grub20:33
shsekokay, I'm rebooting back into rescue mode to do it20:33
alvinshsek: Also make sure your karmic is up-to-date. There was a bug with separate /boot20:33
shsekalvin, just apt-get update+upgrade ?20:34
alvinsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade is what I do20:34
cn1109shsek: Just a blank page. No errors on the error log for apache20:35
cn1109cn1109: Removed php5 and installed it again. restarted the server. no luck20:36
shsekcn1109, can you access static files?20:36
cn1109shsek: Removed php5 and installed it again. restarted the server. no luck :) Sorry.20:36
cn1109shsek: Yes I can20:36
shsekalvin, nothing to upgrade, it just wants to remove libntgs-3g5420:36
shsekqman__, alvin, okay, I mounted /boot and ran update-grub - it seems okay now, it wrote "Found linux image" and "Found initrd image" which it didn't before20:38
alvinWell, I'm out of options. You should check if the UUID from $ sudo blkid is the same as the one grub uses, and redo the update-grub if it still lists quiet and splash. Other than that, I'm out of options. I muast say that I never booted Jaunty/Karmic reliably. The situation in Lucid still has bugs, but is a log better20:38
alvinreboot :-)20:38
qman__that would definitely break things20:38
shsekcn1109, are you sure php files aren't being served without being processed? check the source of your page, it might seems blank but there's acutally PHP code there20:38
qman__cn1109, also try creating a .php file containing only html, and a .php file with only <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it20:39
cn1109shsek: Source of the generated page is blank.20:39
qman__if neither works it's most likely a problem with apache, if the first works and the second doesn't it's more likely a problem with php configuration20:40
cn1109qman__: even with plain html code I get the same issue20:40
shsekcn1109, can you check the status code returned by Apache? you have Firebug installed maybe? if you look in the Net tab you can see it.20:41
shsekalvin, where can I see the UUID grub is using?20:41
qman__cn1109, what method did you use to install php?20:42
shsekoh, you said to reboot, never mind that20:42
cn1109qman__: apt-get install php520:43
shsekokay, it is more verboose now20:43
shsekBegin: Waiting for root file system...20:43
cn1109shsek: Firebug returns nothing at all. Even with chromes dev tools. nothing20:43
shsekI still get the same error afterwards20:43
shsekcn1109, this... makes no sense. Are you looking in the Net tab? you don't see the request there?20:45
shsekyou need to refresh after activating the new tab20:45
shsek* net20:45
shsekqman__, alvin, in order for it to mount from /dev/mapper/, what modules should be loaded?20:46
shsekall I have in /proc/modules is floppy, sis900 and mii - is that normal?20:46
cn1109okay. I get 500 Internal Server Error20:46
shsekcn1109, and you're sure there's nothing in apache's error log?20:46
cn1109shsek: It seems that while someone HERE is trying to resolve the problem. The file owner changes to their username. It only works if the file owner is set to root20:47
shsekits odd you're getting a 500 error and a lank page20:47
shsek* blank20:48
shsekcn1109, it only works if the php file owner is root ?20:48
cn1109shsek: I thought so. Not sure now. One sec and I'll make sure20:49
alvinshsek: grub2 needs to have the lvm2 (or is it called lvm?) module loaded.20:50
alvinBut I'm really out of options here. I struggled with this until Lucid was released. Booting karmic has always been broken in my use cases. (root on lvm)20:51
shsekalvin, and how do I tell it to load lvm?20:52
alvinWell, you have to go into the grub shell during boot20:52
alvinso, that's before it starts searching for root20:52
alvin(ram shift until grub appears)20:52
pwnguini wish we had a better merge strategy for etc files20:53
alvinThen I forgot. There's a grub2 livecd/rescue thing project with good documentation.20:53
cn1109shsek: Here's the error http://pastie.org/108902920:53
pwnguincuz merging this php5 conf file is crazy20:54
shsekcn1109, ps aux | grep apache - what user is running it?20:54
alvinshsek: Check /boot/grub/grub.cfg. See if the UUID is correct20:54
shsekcn1109, assuming its www-data, which is the default, run chown -R www-data /var/www/20:54
shsekalvin, from rescue?20:54
shsekI don't seem to have it from busybox20:55
shsekoh, wait, I could probably mount it20:55
shsekalvin, it uses /dev/mapper/kelso-root as far as I can tell20:56
alvinI think that's good20:57
shsekalvin, I don't quite understand - if grub isn't loading the LVM2 module, isn't this a simple matter of telling it to load it?20:57
alvinshsek: I'm not sure it's not loading it. You can do it manually from the grub shell if you want to be sure. (grub shell, not busybox)20:57
cn1109okay. Sounds bad but it's a fix. I added the user who creates the files to www-data group20:58
shsekalvin, how do I get to the grub shell than ?20:58
alvinram shift until the grub menu appears at boot20:58
alvinThere's an option there20:59
shsekram shift?20:59
alvinhit the shift button :-) I never succeed on the first try20:59
alvinreboot, and hit shift until the menu appears21:00
shsekhmm, it got to "beging: waiting for root file system"21:00
alvinYou have to hit shift at the right moment. It's before the error message, just after your BIOS messages21:01
shsekthere we go21:01
alvin(You can also disable the hidden menu in /etc/default/grub)21:01
shsekhmm, its grub 1.97~beta421:02
shsekthat isn't good, is it?21:02
alvinI suppose so. I have 1.98 on Lucid21:02
shsekoh, I thought 2 is out21:03
alvin(Yes, it's beta software)21:03
shsekwhy is it called grub2 if its grub 1.97?21:03
alvinno, it's called grub2, but it's still in beta21:03
alvinbecause it's actually 'almost 2'21:03
alvinYour troubles are proof of the beta status.21:04
shsekso I got into grub command line, what should I do now ?21:04
alvininsmod lvm21:04
seicherlbobcan someone help me out with kvm? its running and i get vnc control, but i get no network connection in or outbound. I have br0 configured to bridge eth0, but all i get on outbound ping from the guest is: martian source $hostIP from $guestIP, on dev tap0121:04
shsekmy troubles are proof of me being very foolish abd removing initramfs-tools :-)21:05
alvinshsek: I think you have set that error right21:05
shsekalvin, okay, I loaded lvm, how can I tell it to continue?21:05
alvinI'm looking at some docs:21:06
alvinset root=(lvm_group_name-lvm_logical_boot_partition_name)21:06
shsekso set root=kelso-root ?21:07
shsekkelso being the machine name21:07
shsekits usually located at /dev/mapper/kelso-root21:07
shsekokay, so set root to the full path to it?21:08
shsekwhat's next? how can I tell it to continue?21:08
alvinI don't know actually. Can't remember. Try boot?21:09
shsekI ran 'insmod lvm' and 'set root=/dev/mapper/kelso-root', should I now tell it to go agead and boot?21:09
alvinbug 38542821:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 385428 in grub2 "grub2 boot from lvm Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38542821:09
shsekerror: no loaded kernel (after 'boot')21:09
alvinah, initrd21:10
shsekerror: no module specified21:10
alvinlinux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/mapper/VolumeGroup-root ro21:10
alvininitrd /kernel26.img21:10
alvinThen boot. Maybe insmod ext2 (or ext4?)21:11
alvinThe bug says to use grub-mkdevicemap, then update-grub (in rescue mode)21:11
shsekhmm, error: no such disk21:13
shsekfor 'linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/mapper/kelso-root'21:13
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shsekalvin, maybe its not vmlinuz2621:15
shsekalvin, ?21:21
* shsek making coffee, brb21:22
* shsek has no idea what fixed it, but it seems to work now!21:31
tucemiuxanyone knows how to force ubuntu to get a new IP?21:38
tucemiuxim using tomato21:38
tucemiuxforget it,i found it21:40
shsekalvin, qman__, thanks a lot for your help!21:45
bcompdoes anyone know a good video steaming server?21:52
bcomppreferably with a classy php interface21:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #426979 in mailman "Mistakes in mailman strings." [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42697922:12
sponzori did i fresh install. raid1 and it wont boot. it sas init: ureadahead-other main process (780) and (805) terminated with status 422:25
sponzorwhat should that mean?22:25
bcompdoes anyone know a good video streaming server?22:31
raubvogelDuring a new server install, how can I tell it to use a different package source (my internal one in this case)?22:32
bcompin the bios?22:33
raubvogelbcomp: was that reply to my question?22:34
bcompdo you have the package source on your server's hard drive?22:36
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raubvogelI meant that once ubuntu is installed I can go to /etc/apt/sources.list and specify the   fqdn for the servers I want to retrieve packages from. What I would like to do is to set that up during a fresh install22:37
raubvogelbcomp: BTW, i guess I probably meant repository22:37
bcompmost repositories come with the install22:42
bcompare you talking about adding additional repositories?22:42
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raubvogelbcomp: I setup an internal repository and would like to use it instead of one of the normal ones.22:44
bcompah can't say I know how to do that22:45
Hypnoztrying to write a script to see if lines in File1 are present in File2 http://dpaste.de/T04e/22:51
Hypnozit appears to be flaky, any suggestions from someone who knows bash scripts better than I do22:51
jlduggeri think a firewall is blocking snmp traffic22:53
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pwnguinis there a way to query ufw?22:54
PascalFR!wiki ufw22:54
pwnguinStatus: inactive22:56
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raubvogelDuring the ubuntu server install, when it asks whether I want to install openssh (and other crap), is it retrieving those files from cd or repository?22:58
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pwnguinERROR: Description/Type table : No response from remote host23:11
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pwnguin./check_snmp_storage.pl -H host  -C pword -m / -w 90 -c 95 --v2c23:11
pwnguinfor some reason i get that unless i change the host IP to localhost23:12

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