
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
=== squidly_ is now known as squidly
=== dgroos_ is now known as dgroos
g4tsuHi. I've got a problem with Italc+LTSP on edubuntu. I launch ica on port 58001 on a workstation. I can do a telnet ip_workstation 58001 but when I add a computer in italc with this informations, I have "Host not responding"12:10
g4tsuAny Idea ?12:10
g4tsu(Apologies for my bad english)12:11
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ping-a-ling17:42
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
leveldochi ppl19:25
leveldoccan someone give me pointers on how to effectively demo edubuntu?19:25
mhall119dinda: is there a way to get a few promotional CDs, stickers or shirts to use when presenting to a school?19:30
leveldocdoes anyone have a presentation for edubuntu?19:39
coz_hey guys... I brought this up once let me say again.... I notice on some kde applications that knotify4 starts up... now I dont use digikam so I dont think I need this to actually run applications but  some games  like kreversi always start knotify4  so I went into /usr/bin and changed the executable to knotify4.old20:01
coz_any issues this might cause?20:02
dindamhall119: you can contact maria randazzo, she's doing the shipit for locos and such20:04
highvoltagebencrisford: pongalong-will-be-back-in-5-min20:15
mhall119dinda: can you give leveldoc her email?20:16
* bencrisford will ping highvoltage again in 5 :)...20:16
dindamhall119: sure, tell them to email me:  dinda AT ubuntu.com20:21
mhall119leveldoc: ^^^20:22
leveldocdinda, mhall119: done20:22
highvoltagebencrisford: howdy :)20:27
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yo :) I was pinging you to ask whether it would be a good idea to email a couple of ubuntu tutorial websites and suggest some edubuntu tutorials20:29
highvoltagebencrisford: that would be nice!20:29
bencrisfordI was on this site http://ubuntuvideotutorials.wordpress.com/ after techunit commented on a couple of blog posts of mine, and he has an install guide for a ton of derrivatives, but no edubuntu20:29
bencrisfordhighvoltage: so i'll email there and a couple of other sites?20:31
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, I guess it would probably be a good idea to start with one or two at a time, might be easier to keep track of, I'll leave it to your good judgement :)20:35
highvoltagecoz_: not that I can think of, someone on #kubuntu might be able to tell you for sure20:37
bencrisfordhighvoltage: heh, well I'll email this guy techunit and see how he feels about making an install guide.  If he makes one we can use the teams blog/tweet/dent/MList/ing powers to spread it and then see what people think :)20:37
coz_highvoltage,   sounds reasonable thanks :)20:37
highvoltagebencrisford: good idea20:45
dindahighvoltage: are there any 'official' Edubuntu CDs/DVD being produced anymore?  the ones with the shiny covers?20:58
dindahighvoltage: a group from Mozambique just contacted me to get them some Edubuntu CD/DVDs21:00
bencrisforddinda: I'm not sure, but I think they were available some time ago, but were discontinued by canonical21:02
dindabencrisford: yeah, that's what I thought, thanks21:04
mhall119dinda: I bet leveldoc would like some too21:05
dindamhall119: yeah i don't think they're being produced anymore by canonical21:06
mhall119maybe ondisk.com?21:06
mhall119on-disk.com that is21:07
dindamhall119: is that where you get the qimo CDs made?  or do you them yourself?21:07
mhall119dinda: they sell Qimo CDs, the ones we had at SCaLE we had run ourselves21:07
mhall119on-disk.com will print individual CDs and sells them at cost21:07
mhall119we just need someone to upload the ISO and cover art21:08
dindamhall119: the request from this trainer in mozambique was for any educational linux CD, how much would 20 QIMO CD cost me?21:08
mhall119dinda: I don't have any to send, unfortunately21:08
mhall119$79.80 from on-disk.com though21:09
mhall119not sure about extra shipping for Mozambique21:09
mhall119dinda: hal from the NY team works at on-disk.com, he might be able to give you better rates or bulk pricing21:10
mhall119their disks have a small on-disk.com watermark on them, but otherwise very nice21:13
dindamhall119: thanks, I've asked maria for info on getting leveldoc and me some CDs, will ask her about any potential issues with shipping to mozambique21:14
dindasometimes our stuff gets stopped in customs and sometimes receivers are asked to pay extra costs21:14
mhall119you're talking Ubuntu CDs, right?21:14
dindamhall119: yeah, that's all we have right now21:15
dindabut in general curious about shipping to such countries21:15
mhall119that's what I thought, last time I asked they said shipit wouldn't print other CDs21:15
isakillMy wife and I are attempting to homeshcool our children and a lesson planner solution for linux is needed..  is there an answer?  Preferably a local solution not web based.23:37

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