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macoapachelogger: on that screen for configuring public folders, wordwrap would be good. the end of the "Below the folders can be..." sentence gets cut off on small windows.  also, i think you need a comma after "Below"03:25
danttisomeone knows how do I reenable APT::Get::AutomaticRemove ? I really don't know how this changed (maybe testing kpk removing and installing k3b too many times ) :P03:47
JontheEchidnaI personally use amor :P04:03
danttik3b is shorter :P04:10
JontheEchidnadantti: I think synaptic might be able to control that option in its config04:23
JontheEchidnathinking about it04:23
danttihmm I'll try as soon as I fix kpk again :P04:24
danttiJontheEchidna: no, I could not find it..04:31
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macook i have a reason why to switch back to konversation from quassel06:03
macoquassel isnt kde-enough to work with the univeral menu plasmoid06:03
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jussimaco: hrm? which plasmoid?06:24
macojussi: universal menu plasmoid for KNR that agateau is making06:24
jussimaco: worked last time I checked...06:24
macohmm does quassel but not quasselclient work with it?06:25
jussino, it should. I had it working at UDS...06:25
macocuz i see menu in the normal spot and the universal menu plasmoid says "no items"06:25
jussimaco: maybe someone broke something, either in quassel or universal menu06:28
macoid guess quassel because kmail and choqok both do it right06:29
macohuh thats funny. just realised i type q with my ring finger instead of pinky06:30
danttiok, time to sleep almost 3am06:40
danttiRiddell: you can get KPackageKit from svn, tough it wasn't tested enough and the dialog does not hide the details, there is probably some bugs yet http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopgo156606:42
danttibut I won't change strings anymore06:42
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macohttp://kde-apps.org/poll/index.php?poll=256  <-- Kubuntu wins with 16%08:03
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markeyis there a Qt Creator 2.0 package for Lucid?09:35
apacheloggermarkey: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta09:36
apacheloggeralthough I am not entirely sure why it is in beta backports :S09:37
markeyok, I'll check09:37
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ why is it in beta backports?09:38
debfxprobably because it requires qt 4.7 beta09:38
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813090423-dlddu2v46o7uc5a5 * src/kcmodule/FolderModule.cpp wordwrap++ comma++ maco++10:07
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813090846-aglh5im4y1v53opq * sn-kcm-close-kcm-authkwalletaccess.kcrash remove fixed crash backtrace10:09
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813092300-8zf9rkyatvkegnwl * src/share/SharePropertiesWidget.h documentation++10:23
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813092404-81w0xmdwyv4zkq1a * src/share/SharePropertiesWidget.h include fix10:24
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CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813095440-w9n1aj51x5jnbk4o * src/ (3 files in 2 dirs) documentation++10:54
Sputmaco: noone told me before about issues, but I can have a look into that before the stringfreeze... what is this "universal menu plasmoid" doing? does it use dbusmenu?11:17
jussiSput: it steals the menu from $open-application and puts it to the plasmoid in the panel11:21
jussiso makes it somewhat apple like...11:22
Sputoh, we're not talking the tray menu, but the application menu?11:22
Sputhmmm... that should work, Quassel is using a proper KMainWindow (unless maco was using the non-KDE version of course)11:23
jussiSput: yeah, I havent tried recently, but I expect it works....11:23
Sputactually that sounds like it's a pure-Qt feature even11:24
jussilast time I tried (at UDS) it worked11:24
jussiSput: have we gotten any closer to channel specific/word specific highlighting?11:26
Sputapparently not11:26
jussithats like bug 181 or so! :(11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181 in Launchpad Bugs "Bug mails should be threadable" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18111:27
jussioh shush ubottu11:27
CIA-61[libqapt] mlaurent * 1163138 * trunk/kdereview/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Fix mem leak12:28
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813115655-k6sltebp7s63nl0f * src/ (libs/Share.h libs/SyncDaemon.cpp statusnotifier/Main.cpp) documentation++12:57
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813115720-2oc7btua2us816k0 * src/share/Messages.sh make ubuntuone-share translatable12:57
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813121900-rccbcgi3ywjazq22 * src/ (5 files in 2 dirs) factor file stuff into own class13:19
Riddelldavidbarth: did you test the new konversation build?13:19
ScottKSput: Quassel works great with agateau's appmenu.13:32
ScottKRiddell: Did the planet KDE maintainers go insane?  I have literally 4,632 new p.k.o posts in my Akregator this morning.13:32
davidbarthRiddell: hi; i did13:33
davidbarthRiddell: the messaging menu part works well13:33
davidbarthRiddell: i think the bug is closed now13:34
davidbarthRiddell: however, there is an issue with the appmenu part: no kde apps I have here do export their menus13:35
ScottKdavidbarth: Are you starting the apps in the session or are they restored from saved session?13:36
* ScottK has had some trouble with the latter.13:36
davidbarthScottK: starting from a new session each morning13:36
davidbarthit may be that the patch doesn't use the latest namespace which was renamed from WindowMenu.Registrar to AppMenu.Registrar13:37
RiddellScottK: sorry about that, bug during upgrading software13:37
davidbarthie, org.ayatana....13:37
davidbarthon dbus13:37
ScottKI didn't try it from Gnome, but from Plasma Netbook it seems to work pretty well.  All KDE apps I've tried have worked and the supported gtk apps have worked.13:37
ScottKRiddell: Meh.  OK.13:37
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813123759-medvol5smp1i3z7j * src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) cleanups and appname changes13:38
* ScottK has seen the thread on adding more stuff to p.k.o and thought that might be a bit much.13:38
davidbarthin kde, the namespace must be consistent, whereas across desktops, diverging sources don't have the same versions and the namespace issue kicks in13:38
ScottKdavidbarth: When did the namespace change?13:38
davidbarthin prague i think, so ~3 weeks ago13:39
* ScottK checks.13:39
davidbarthi'm almost sure agateau had updated his patch at the same time13:39
Riddellyes he did13:39
ScottKhttp://skitterman.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/menubar-for-gtk-and-qtkde-apps-on-kubuntu/ was before Prague, so I'll try again.13:39
* ScottK doesn't immediately have the netbook handy however.13:40
Riddelldavidbarth: the most recent patch I got from for qt is to fix some cross desktop issues13:40
davidbarthRiddell: should be that13:41
davidbarthRiddell: do you have a link for me to check?13:41
Riddellqt4 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu4 should include kubuntu_15_appmenu.diff patch with number 2010081013:42
Riddelllaunchpad confirms is does https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/qt4-x11_4%3A4.7.0%7Ebeta2-0ubuntu3_4%3A4.7.0%7Ebeta2-0ubuntu4.diff.gz13:42
Riddellso make sure your qt is up to date I guess13:43
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100813124525-q04ea3a72ag8i9n9 * src/ (libs/SyncDaemon.h statusnotifier/StatusNotifier.cpp) documentation++13:45
ScottKDo we want the patch in the "[PATCH] Akonadi server passing data-dirs parameter to mysql" threat on kde-devel?13:46
davidbarthRiddell: i'm running the latest qt, 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu4, confirmed by apt-cache policy13:47
davidbarthRiddell: and the latest indicator-appmenu (with the AppMenu.Registrar namespace) as well13:48
davidbarthRiddell: so it seems it's not at the patch level, it's something for agateau to check when he returns13:48
Riddelldavidbarth: yes I think so13:48
davidbarthRiddell: yup, mailed him for monday13:50
CIA-61[libqapt] jmthomas * 1163181 * trunk/kdereview/libqapt/src/backend.cpp debug--14:07
macoSput: im pretty sure its the kde version, because it works with the tray stuff14:12
Sputmaco: well, it seems to work for others14:13
Sputand I can't test because I don't run ubuntu14:13
ScottKmaco: Quassel works with the app menu for me.14:38
dantti_workRiddell: did you see my message about kpk?15:01
Riddelldantti_work: nope15:02
Sputmaco: the tray stuff works in the pure-Qt version as well, it's using dbus15:03
Sputyou could make sure by checking in the Help menu if there's an "About KDE" or an "About Qt"15:03
dantti_workRiddell: I won't change strings and UI, it's usable now, but still have some bugs to fix, if you package the svn version now then later we just update it15:03
Riddelldantti_work: groovy15:04
Riddelllet me do that15:05
dantti_workRiddell: I fixed in this version one crash that end up in tons of bug reports but now i found another bug which at least don't crash :P15:05
dantti_workRiddell: ah and there is DEBCONF_SUPPORT=ON, which does not work yet (not sure why)15:07
oxymoronWhere do I find rekonq 0.5?15:13
shadeslayeroxymoron: err... for lucid?15:21
oxymoronshadeslayer: Yes? :P Sorry if I bother with same question but I cannot found it on ppa yet?15:21
shadeslayermy bad actually... remind me on sunday15:22
Riddelldantti_work: when installing I get the "Additional changes are required" dialogue but it does the download and install anyway behind it 15:25
Riddellwhich is fine since I never did see the need for that dialogue :)15:25
dantti_workRiddell: hehe, yup I have just spoted and fixed this problem15:26
Riddelldantti_work: clicking on a category doesn't seem to do anything, I get all the packages listed whatever I click on15:26
dantti_workRiddell: I'm going to add a checkbox to Don't show this dialog when additional or updates are required15:27
dantti_workRiddell: can you try what I have just uploaded15:28
RiddellI had to refresh our patch to stop the automatic updates, you might want to check it over for sanity http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu_06_no_automatic_updates.diff15:28
oxymoronshadeslayer: No prob, but possible to release it in public ppa so its going to update from 0.4 => 0.5?15:28
dantti_workwhat do you mean by clicking on a category15:28
RiddellI mean "Groups" the first thing you see on startup15:29
dantti_workreally? it works here15:30
Riddelldantti_work: "can you try what I have just uploaded" I don't see any recent commits in svn15:30
Riddelloh, I'm using anonsvn15:30
dantti_workRiddell: are you using aptcc? I never had a problem on clicking in groups15:31
dantti_workRiddell: yup that patch will prevent auto_updates, I should probably add some build option for that15:36
Riddelldantti_work: current svn seems to fix the issue of installing while showing the "Additional changes are required" dialogue15:36
Riddellgroups don't work though15:36
dantti_workbut that doesn't prevent automatic refreshing cache which I don't know if you want to disable15:37
RiddellI am using packagekit-backend-aptcc: 0.6.7-0ubuntu115:37
dantti_workdoes it emit any kind of error?15:37
shadeslayeroxymoron: yep.. but it wont be a official ppa15:39
oxymoronshadeslayer: Why not? :S Isnt Rekonq the new default one? :S15:39
shadeslayerwhen did quassel change its icon color 0_o15:40
shadeslayeroxymoron: nope15:40
shadeslayerits been revoked for now i think15:40
shadeslayerRiddell: any luck on kdenetwork? 15:41
oxymoronshadeslayer: What? :S SO Konqueror is still default? :S15:41
shadeslayeri do believe so...15:41
shadeslayerit was revoked since rekonq 0.5 was quite crashy till kde rc15:42
Riddelldantti_work: anyway I'll upload this, groups issue is a bug, as long as the feature is in we're all good :)15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: I did manage to recreate the issue15:42
dantti_workRiddell: is this text good "Do not show this confirmation when installing or updating additional packages"15:42
shadeslayeroh goody 15:43
Riddelldantti_work: yes15:43
shadeslayeralso kdepim is ftbfs for lucid :(15:45
Riddellshadeslayer: kdenetwork issue goes away if I install linphone15:50
Riddellso that must bring in something else that it needs15:50
shadeslayerthanks for the heads up, ill look15:51
Riddellshadeslayer: libortp-dev doesn't depend on libortp815:54
Riddellit depends on some other random library15:54
Riddellsimilarly libmediastreamer-dev doesn't depend on libmediastreamer015:54
Riddellthat's the problem15:54
shadeslayeri guess thats a new change15:55
macoSput: i'll double-check when i get home15:56
Sputmaco: thanks.15:59
shadeslayeranyone know which git repo i  should clone for qt webkit?16:03
ScottKRiddell: Do you have the release meeting covered?16:14
RiddellScottK: yes should do16:16
ScottKOK.  Good.16:17
RiddellKDE 4.5 up, ubiquity needing changes (which I'm working on), anything else I should add?16:17
Riddellkdebindings still needing arm love16:17
ScottKIf the appmenu issue confirmed/worth mentioning?16:17
RiddellI wouldn't think so, it's  bug and we've only just started the bug fixing part of the cycle16:18
ScottKYou might forshadow a coming FFe for the new Kolab pim package.16:19
shadeslayerRiddell: and the kdenetwork package 16:21
shadeslayer( needs a FFe when i fix it )16:21
ScottKRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus needs some updating too.16:42
shadeslayerbrr... anyone know the bug number of the kopete google talk bug?16:49
ScottKRiddell: Coffee break or WC?16:50
shadeslayerbah.. found it16:51
RiddellScottK: coding ubiquity!16:51
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shadeslayerRiddell: with regards to rekonq favicon problem, adjam will introduce new functions to headers to have a seprate cache for icons, they should work after then since QWebSettings is broken while storing these icons16:56
maco<robbiew> [ACTION] dyfet to solve all ScottK's problems :)   <-- hehe17:05
shadeslayerhmm... something is wrong... i cant open files with OOo17:35
* ScottK reads http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libqapt0 and then looks for JontheEchidna.17:50
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ScottKRiddell: We should consider making a fully split seed for -mobile that doesn't need anything from bindings or higher in the stack so they can at least have something this cycle.17:55
shadeslayerRiddell: you were right about kdenetwork .. it did cross my mind that libortp8 might be needed, but then thought that the devel package would have pulled it in, so didnt check17:56
Riddellshadeslayer: yes it's a bug in the linphone packaging17:57
RiddellScottK: yes17:57
shadeslayerso contact debian people ?17:58
lelamalHi all, I reported a bug against konqueror with webkit, and I've been told "It seems to be a distro problem. If you can poke whomever is responsible to update the kwebkitpart package from extragear that would be great. They should use the latest version for KDE >= 4.4."18:00
lelamaldoes anyone know how to do that?18:00
shadeslayerlelamal: which bug?18:01
shadeslayerif you could give us the URL18:01
lelamalshadeslayer: sure, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24754118:01
ubottuKDE bug 247541 in general "Konqueror with WebKit breaks scroll on middle-click" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]18:01
ScottKWhat are we supposed to use instead of libqt4-webkit-dev again?18:02
lelamalit seems there's a problem with proper numbering, where v. 1.0.0 would be older than 0.9.something18:03
lelamalthe latter being the one kubuntu should use, they say18:03
debfxScottK: libqtwebkit-dev18:03
ScottKdebfx: Thanks.18:04
shadeslayerRiddell: ready to upload kdenetwork for me?18:06
Riddellshadeslayer: surely it's linphone that needs uploaded first?18:06
shadeslayeryes, ive sent a mail to debian people18:07
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Riddellshadeslayer: we should just fix it in ubuntu for now18:07
shadeslayerfor the mean time ive added the deps separately .... so we can either wait for them, or fix in ubuntu18:07
shadeslayerill fix that first18:07
Riddellbetter to do a correct fix than a messy one18:08
shadeslayerlelamal: ok ill ask for new upload of webkit on sunday :) .. i hate breaking FFe18:11
lelamalOk, glad I found the right people finally =). Many thanks!18:12
ScottKlelamal: Are you on 10.04 or Maverick?18:13
lelamalScottK: 10.0418:13
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^ your update won't help him.18:13
ScottKWe'd need to do an SRU.18:14
shadeslayerthen that will have to wait18:14
shadeslayeri need to get it into mav first..18:14
ScottKshadeslayer: If a user asks for something you need to check what release they care about.18:15
shadeslayersorry... skipped my mind :(18:15
ScottKNo problem.  Just remember for next time.18:16
shadeslayerScottK: btw we still have to upload to mav first, i think thats the procedure right?18:16
shadeslayermav update -> lucid SRU18:16
ScottKYes.  That's correct.18:16
ScottKAnd the SRU would have to be something smaller than an entire new release.18:16
shadeslayeryeah.. 18:17
ScottKIt would need to be a patch focused on the actual problem.18:17
shadeslayeroh i remember...18:17
shadeslayersee the debian webkit part mailed me that  there were no specific chages to the package18:17
shadeslayerapart from a few library so version bumps18:17
shadeslayerhmm.. and yet our packaging version is higher...18:19
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/Qg8q8atd << 18:22
debfxour webkitkde version is lower, 0.9~svn1127626-0ubuntu2 < 0.9.6svn1158036-218:23
shadeslayermeh ..spaces18:23
shadeslayerdebfx: which means i need glasses 18:23
Riddellshadeslayer: debdiff more useful to me18:25
shadeslayeryeah, will post once it builds fine18:25
CIA-61[trunk] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100813173523-b1aelxdb815pddrb * debian/changelog Rebuild for libqapt0 -> libqapt1 transition18:35
JontheEchidnaScottK: ^18:35
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/FG1iDF8k18:40
shadeslayerthen kdenetwork can go in with the debdiff i posted before18:44
Riddellwhere's that?18:44
shadeslayerawesome :D18:44
Riddellgot it18:44
shadeslayerah :D18:44
shadeslayerwas about to paste a new one :)18:44
shadeslayerQuintasan: kdelibs import could take weeks18:49
shadeslayerit switches to other imports after every 1k fetches :P18:50
yofelshadeslayer: actually no, it continues with the next 1000 after that, but the import will fail if another kde import is being done already on the same import machine :/18:52
shadeslayerwhut? :O18:52
shadeslayerso if there are 2 imports on pear, they both fail ?18:52
shadeslayeryofel: poke jelmer with this on #launchpad18:52
yofelno, one fails, as the first one locks the sql db where it seems to store the rev data in18:52
shadeslayerohh 18:53
shadeslayerstill... poke jelmer ;)18:53
yofelshadeslayer: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53640313/vcs-imports-kdelibs-kde4.log18:53
yofeloddly enough kdebase didn't fail even once yet..18:54
shadeslayerwhoa : E: Unable to locate package libmediastreamer-dev18:59
shadeslayerhey kronos19:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: It seems that Adept Installer was using some libept .desktop file class which no longer is around in libept1 :(19:07
JontheEchidna(which I assume is why mornfall put an embedded copy of libept in adept in one of his more recent adept uploads)19:08
RiddellI'm sure it was using a KDE class19:09
Riddellit had an overly generic name I think but it created the tree of info from the .desktop files19:09
Riddellmight be worth just asking mornfall19:09
JontheEchidnahttp://pastebin.com/iudjTHuT <- the class19:10
* Riddell out19:13
macoRiddell: bye bye19:14
shadeslayeryofel: whee... kdepimlibs is done19:21
yofelyay, actually I think I've almost got kdelibs packaging working, now it complained abou the dbg package ^^19:25
shadeslayeryofel: go go! might look into neon on sunday19:30
shadeslayeror tommrow 19:31
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ScottKDo the qt4-x11 packages in the beta PPA for Lucid have the appmenu patches?20:28
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JontheEchidnaCould an archive admin push muon through binary new please?22:12
JontheEchidnaoh, it has been. nevermind :)22:13
JontheEchidnafwiw, armel still needs accepting, but that's not really a huge priority22:14
danttisomeone knows why qt assistant from qt7 has a so ulgy layout22:14
Tm_Tdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-help_4%3a4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_help_cs.qm', which is also in package libqtcore4 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu123:29
Tm_TI hope no regular users have that kind of errors23:30

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