
daveisadorkwhy did it only fail with a nested merge?00:00
thumperdaveisadork: a commit was done after a merge00:03
thumperdaveisadork: and bzr 2.2 added a hard constraint that an identity is needed00:04
thumperdaveisadork: and one wasn't provided00:04
thumperdaveisadork: bzr 2.2 is in maverick00:04
daveisadorki see00:04
daveisadorkwell thanks... the recipes and daily build setup is awesome00:06
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micahgcan launchpad do bzr code imports?01:04
wgrantmicahg: As in mirroring a remote bzr branch?01:04
micahgwgrant: yes01:04
micahgawesome :)01:04
wgrantmicahg: Yes. Go to the project page, click 'Register a branch', and select 'Mirrored'01:04
* micahg is working with a team on a sourceforge project, but would like to leverage bzr build recipies/PPAs01:05
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hyperairhi. is there a way i can prevent other members in the team from receiving build failure messages for packages i upload to the team PPA?03:05
StevenKhyperair: Sadly, not that I'm aware of.03:13
hyperairhmm that sucks.03:14
hyperairshouldn't it only alert the uploader about build failure messages?03:14
StevenKThat point is debatable03:15
hyperairwhy so?03:15
hyperairyou don't see all ubuntu developers getting emailed for all build failures that any ubuntu developer uploads to the archive.03:15
StevenKBecause other people on the team may be able to, or better placed to fix the build failures03:15
StevenKIt's useful in some cases -- but I do agree it should be configurable03:16
hyperairi think those cases are rather remote.03:16
StevenKWhy so?03:17
hyperairbecause the uploaded package is generally already on the uploader's computer, and the person who knows best about how to fix it, or who to ask for help to fix it, is the uploader him/herself.03:18
rockstarhyperair, you could set the contact email address of the team to be your email address, or a mailing list that people can opt into.03:19
hyperairi'd ask, why don't you spam all build failures in ubuntu to all ubuntu developers then?03:19
StevenKBecause Ubuntu isn't hosted in a PPA03:20
ajmitchPPA = personal, whether than be a single person or a team03:20
ajmitchrather than a whole distribution03:20
ajmitchI think the intent of teams having PPAs is that it's (generally) a fairly small set of people that can upload to them03:21
hyperairin the case of banshee-team, the team's also subscribed to bug reports.03:22
mwhudsonany problem in launchpad can be solved with another layer of team memberships03:38
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actionxHi! the Launchpad accepts project with Git?05:52
spivLaunchpad can import git branches into bzr for you.05:54
spivIt can't host git repositories directly.05:54
actionxspiv: Can the bzr save the project in a DB or just create directories?06:01
actionxfor example, in Mysql06:01
SpamapSactionx: er, uh.. why would one want to do that?06:03
SpamapSactionx: bazaar is, itself, a database, much more suited to revision control than mysql06:03
actionxSpamapS: correctly06:05
actionxnow I know06:06
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thopiekarwhat have I done wrong here? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53580554/buildlog.txt.gz08:26
yofelthopiekar: I don't know much about it, but I think that should be 'nest packaging' instead of 'merge packaging'08:29
thopiekarhmm ok08:30
yofelthopiekar: at least that's what we use here https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/project-neon-recipe and it works08:30
thopiekaryou are right I'm new here.. what about a branch with a debian folder in it and replacing it with another debian folder?08:30
wgrantthopiekar: Why replace, rather than merge?08:31
wgrantbzr does the whole merging thing fairly well...08:31
thopiekarahh ok so I need to use the merge method when replacing and nest when adding something?08:32
spivWell, you use merge to merge another version of the branch.08:34
spivYou use nest to put a copy of another branch somewhere inside the checkout.08:34
yofelhm, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdepimlibs/trunk fails constantly with 'sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked'    bug?08:35
spmyofel: you're using firefox? try a different browser and/or exit/restart firefox?08:42
yofelspm: er, sorry, it's not the page that times out but the vcs-import08:43
spmyofel: haha; right. ok. that's a different problem then.08:44
sobczykhow to edit attachements in launchpad bug report?08:55
maxb_yofel: It means that there's another vcs-import from the kde repository running on the same import host09:00
yofelah, that would explain why this happens to kdelibs too http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53617052/vcs-imports-kdelibs-kde4.log09:01
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yofelshouldn't they block each other instead of crashing?09:01
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thopiekarI'm waiting now more than an hour for this import: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~canola/canola/e-dep10:02
thopiekaris that "normal"?10:02
thopiekarand another thing.. the import I am talking about includes different software (http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/) when making a recipe for python-ethumb for example I want to use lp:~canola/canola/e-dep/trunk/BINDINGS/python/python-ethumb/ but after editing the recipe it changes the branch location back to lp:~canola/canola/e-dep.. is it because the branch isn't imported yet or isn't it possible to make a recipe like that?10:10
maxbthopiekar: it's normal in the sense it's a manual process10:14
maxbThe purpose of the process is to catch errors in import URLs which will tie up resources doing the wrong thing10:14
maxbthopiekar: For example, in this case, the URL is pointing to a repository root, containing trunk,tags,branches subdirectories. This will not do the right thing10:15
maxbIf that import proceeded unmodified, you would end up with a bzr branch containing a trunk,tags,branches directory structure, which would be of no use10:16
maxbthopiekar: I assume you wanted trunk imported?10:16
thopiekarso I should change the url?10:16
maxbyes, well, ask a vcs-import operator (e.g. me) to do it10:17
maxbHowever, in this case, the branch you want is already registered for import at lp:~vcs-imports/enlightenment/trunk10:17
maxbHowever, it is failing to import: Uses characters invalid in Bazaar paths (\)10:18
maxbUnfortunately you won't be able to import this at present10:18
thopiekarmaxb: what about http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk/ethumb/? would importing this location work?10:20
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maxbthopiekar: I can't easily tell for certain, but if you'd like to request it (under the enlightenment launchpad project, not canola), we can give it a try10:21
thopiekarwhen making such imports don't I need to be member of enlightenment's team?10:22
maxbNo - anyone can create a branch of a public project10:23
maxbPart of the purpose of a project record in Launchpad is to collate all activity around a particular codebase10:23
maxbboth official and unofficial10:24
thopiekark, however I joind now E17 Users10:24
thopiekarhmm it doesn't seem that it's possible to add a import, here https://code.edge.launchpad.net/enlightenment10:26
maxbthopiekar: ah, sorry, Launchpad sucks at actually providing a link to the create form10:27
maxblet me find it10:27
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thopiekarmaxb: works! https://code.launchpad.net/~canola/enlightenment/python-ethumb11:01
thopiekarjust waiting for emotion now ;)11:02
maxbwhat about them?11:02
maxboh, yes11:02
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jelmer'morning maxb11:45
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maxbjelmer: Hi12:07
jelmermaxb: to comment on my closing the space-in-url bug as fixreleased, I think the issue you're actually hitting now is similar to the problem that didn't allow you to import the svn test repo from cvs2svn12:11
maxbok, I will investigate12:13
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thopiekarwhat is wrong here? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53633167/buildlog.txt.gz13:12
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wgrantthopiekar: Your recipe or branches are wrong: there's no debian/changelog present.13:15
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thopiekarahh I need lp:~canola/canola/canola-packaging/canolad/debian but it always changes it to  lp:~canola/canola/canola-packaging/ why?13:19
thopiekarand how can I fix that? , wgrant13:19
thopiekarI mean it my recipe (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+recipe/canola-daemon-git) when I "nest" the debian/* files to the cloned branch13:22
wgrantthopiekar: You can't nest a subtree of a branch.13:23
thopiekarhmm.. k, so I'll need to make for every package a new branch with the debian/* files?13:24
thopiekaror maybe mirrored branches?13:25
wgrantA better solution might be to have a packaging branch branched off the trunk of each project.13:25
wgrantSo you branch trunk, add in the debian/ directory, and then you can merge it in your recipe.13:25
thopiekark, thanks13:26
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nhandlerIf translations for a project are entirely maintained on LP (and the po files are never touched directly from outside of LP Translations) is there any reason not to have them synced back to the same branch LP is checking for .pot files (trunk in this case) ?13:48
dpmnhandler, I think danilos, henninge or jtv can answer that one best, but afaik, there is no reason for not using the same branch, it should only make your life easier by letting LP (and translators!) do all the translations work for you. You might want to watch bug 490668 as well13:51
danilosnhandler, well, if they are entirely maintained in LP, you should probably not import them from the branch, or you'd hit a bug with continuous imports (i.e. translations getting imported, then exported with just the Exported-Date changed, and so forth)13:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 490668 in Launchpad Translations ""Bouncing" between branch imports and branch exports. (affected: 3, heat: 16)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49066813:51
danilosnhandler, dpm linked a bug that I was referring to, thanks dpm :)13:52
nhandlerdpm, danilos: That is a good point.13:52
danilosnhandler, note that you completely work-around the bug by setting your translation imports to import only templates, and the only thing you lose is the "green bar" (i.e. translations will stay marked as "done in launchpad")13:55
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nhandlerdanilos: I just made that change :)13:56
daniloscool :)13:57
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smoserhey all, i was under the impression that I could do something like:15:06
smoserand that a bug filed by following that link would then have 'tags' prepopulated with 'ec2-images'.15:06
smoseris that not the case ?15:06
smoserer... i meant to say, "that is not the case"15:06
smoseris there a way to do that ?15:06
jmlsmoser, Good question. I don't know.15:25
jmlderyck might15:25
deryckjml, smoser -- it won't work because of the ajaxy dupe finder stuff we do.  You can only set the initial summary that way.15:27
deryckI can't think of a way to do this.15:28
deryckgmb, can you?  See ^^15:28
* gmb reads backscroll15:29
gmbjml, deryck, smoser: That's not something you can do at the moment. What we should do is pass on the field values from +filebug to the filebug form when we create it. I'll file a bug.15:30
smoserso its likely that this did work at somepoint in the past?15:31
smoseri'm just wondering if I'm imagining things15:31
smoserok thanks15:31
gmbsmoser, It worked before we introduced the AJAX dupefinder.15:32
gmbBecause it was an ordinary Zope form.15:32
jmlgmb, thanks.15:32
gmbjml, deryck, smoser: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/61741615:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 617416 in Launchpad Bugs "It should be possible to pass GET parameters to +filebug (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged]15:34
deryckgmb, thanks for filing the bug!15:34
smosergmb, thanks.15:35
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pc_magasHow can I get a back up of my gpg keys?16:33
pc_magasHow can I get a back up of my gpg keys?16:35
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paultagsinzui: prod17:28
sinzuihi paultag17:28
paultagsinzui: Hey, you just deactivated a project of mine ( not that big of a deal, I thought it could have been sketchy )17:29
paultagsinzui: I was trying to get some of my git stuff in bzr via LP. Can I do that in a +junk branch?17:29
sinzui+junk is fine with git branches.17:29
sinzuiyou have an unlimited number of branches17:29
paultagsinzui: Righto. Thanks. Sorry for clouding up LP.17:30
sinzuipaultag, you can also push some of your branches to projects that are already registered. they remain yours, but it is clear your branches are based on existing works17:30
sinzuipaultag, np, project registration does a poor job of explaining what a project is...a shared area for communities to work on code and bugs17:31
paultagsinzui: yeah, but most of them don't have a lp project, and I figured one minor project would be a bit easier on the system over 5 or so very minor projects17:31
paultagsinzui: aye17:31
paultagsinzui: anywho, thanks17:32
sinzuipaultag, not so in this case. you will get terrible bzr push/pull performance because each branch will be assumed to be the branch based on the project's focus of development series. since there is nothing in common, you will often see 100% change sets17:33
paultagright, that makes sense17:33
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MuscovyIs there a way to make a PPA with the same name as a deleted one?17:47
lfaraoneHi, I've been getting an OOPS all day when trying to access bug 320915.17:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 320915 in cdbs (Ubuntu) "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies (affected: 1, heat: 21)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091517:51
lfaraone(most recently, OOPS-1686EB2333)17:51
MuscovyI get OOPS-1686D1310 when I try to view it.17:53
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MuscovyAre there any dangers/problems related changing your username, other than needing to remove your PPAs?18:52
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MuscovyMy username was generated based on my email when I first joined Launchpad, and I never bothered to change it before.18:56
MuscovyBut I'm worried it might cause problems with memberships, karma, etc.18:56
beunoMuscovy, it will affect code as well18:56
beunoit won't for membership or karma18:57
yofeljelmer: anything that can be done about those? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53640313/vcs-imports-kdelibs-kde4.log happens when more than one kde import is scheduled on the same import machine18:57
jelmeryofel: python-tdb can be installed on the launchpad machines; that's not really my area though, you'd want to talk to one of the launchpad code folks (abentley, rockstar or thumper)18:58
yofelk, thx18:59
rockstarjelmer, we should chat about that.18:59
Muscovybeeno: what sort of issues?18:59
maxbInstalling python-tdb would be nasty - the importds would recache millions of revisions19:06
maxbWe'd probably get banned from svn.apache.org again :-)19:06
maxbAlso, having been using python-tdb locally on a large repository, I have to say, it's performance utterly sucks if the whole thing isn't in cache19:06
beunoMuscovy, the URLs for all the branches change19:07
beunoall your branches, that is19:08
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MuscovyOh, that's fine in my case, all my code is in group branches.19:11
MuscovyThanks. :D19:11
jelmermaxb: Is that comparing it with python-sqlite ? Because I'm quite sure python-tdb's performance is better in that regard.19:11
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maxbI'll admit I haven't used sqlite in a while. I should try it to recompare19:12
maxbHowever, I've had to resort to catting tdb files to /dev/null at times19:12
jelmermaxb: running "svn log -v" on the apache repository won't get us banned; I've done it myself a couple of times. We got banned because we opened lots (and I mean lots) of connections through cscvs.19:13
jelmermaxb: Catting tdb files to /dev/null? Why?19:13
maxbIt makes bzr-svn go faster19:13
maxbIt seems that the access pattern of tdb accessing its own data is a lot less efficient than getting the whole thing read into cache up front19:14
jelmermaxb: I'm not sure I follow, tdb *is* the cache.19:15
maxbtdb can be very slow at reading if the entire tdb file is not present in kernel disk cache19:15
mathiazhi - is there a way to request that all my +junk branches be upgrade to the 2a format?19:31
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jelmermathiaz: Hi; There is no easy way to mass-upgrade other than talking to a LOSA.19:40
jelmermathiaz: Alternatively, it might be possible to script something using bzrlib and launchpadlib.19:42
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mathiazjelmer: is it possible to upgrade using launchpadlib?19:55
mathiazjelmer: or should a specific bzr command be called?19:56
mathiazjelmer: is there an upgrade-remote-repository command in bzr?19:56
thopiekar_hi .. why don't you support adding subdirs to recipes?19:57
jelmermathiaz: launchpadlib won't let you upgrade remote branches directly as far as I know, but it should allow you to get a list of all your +junk branch URLs19:57
jelmermathiaz: "bzr upgrade" supports remote URLs, although it might do some of its work locally (I'm not sure how much)19:58
mathiazjelmer: great19:58
mathiazjelmer: seems like a good plan19:58
mathiazjelmer: thanks for the help19:58
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thopiekar_or is it possible to copy, move and remove files in recipes?20:07
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flacostesinzui: how can I make the green bar full on https://edge.launchpad.net/pylkk?21:25
flacostesinzui: is there a way to say, it seems that can only happen if i say the translations is done on LP21:26
sinzuiNot yet21:26
flacostesinzui: is that what the new tristate data model intends to solve?21:26
sinzuibrad landed the db 3 days agio21:26
flacostegot it21:26
flacostesinzui: that works nicely though, kudos to you and your team!21:27
sinzuiMy blocked card is blocked because I need to use the tristate21:27
sinzuiIt looks very code21:27
sinzuiIt looks very nice on the page I mean21:28
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thopiekarmaxb: ping22:19
thopiekar"20100813 maxb Please register a project record for pydispatcher in Launchpad and re-request this import within that project. Marked invalid." What is a project record? and where can I register it? , maxb22:20
maxbGo to the front page of Launchpad and choose "Add project"22:20
thopiekarmaxb: it seems that pydispatcher is highly outdated.. just talking with my project team what to do..22:27
maxboutdated? OK. Well, you can still get an import set up anyway it you like22:27
thopiekarso I need to create a project and add it there as code and make a recipe?22:30
thopiekarmaxb: ^22:30
maxba recipe? no22:31
maxbJust create the project and the import22:31
thopiekarI mean to make a import..22:31
thopiekaryeah.. I just want to import and make a recipe, you know ;)22:31
thopiekarthank you for helping me, maxb!22:32
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thopiekarmaxb: just about the debian/* files that I need to build the Canola packages.. Is there no way to get the subdirs of this branch? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canola/canola/canola-packaging/files22:54
maxbbzr-builder, as it's currently designed, cannot do that22:55
thopiekarI can't import every debian/* files for every app because git doesn't support subdir cloning like svn , for example22:55
maxbIs there a reason you're maintaining multiple packages in a single branch?22:55
thopiekaryep the reason is the project wanted to keep it like that (in the past)..22:56
thopiekarbut ok I'll contact the man who is maintaining the mainlines..22:57
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maxbthopiekar: Your other option would be to consider enhancing bzr-builder23:16
thopiekarfor sure!23:17
nhandlerBefore I file a bug, could someone give this a try. Go to a page like https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/classbot/trunk/+pots/classbot and click the 'Last Edited' column. Does it sort the column chronologically or alphabetically/numerically ?23:17
thopiekarsomething like a "sh" command that can execute console commands for copy, move and remove files..23:18
maxbLaunchpad will not offer arbitrary command execution in recipes23:18
maxbI was thinking of perhaps adding a 'symlink' bzr-builder directive23:18
maxbThat way you could nest your packaging branch, and symlink the appropriate debian subdir23:19
wgrantnhandler: It works OK in Firefox, but not Chromium.23:20
nhandlerwgrant: Thanks for catching that. I only tested chromium. Let me file a bug23:22
thopiekargreat idea maxb!23:24
thopiekarhow can I get involved and work on bzr-builder?23:24
maxbjames_w is the main developer, you might like to catch him here on IRC and run ideas past him - then branch, hack, and propose a merge!23:26
maxbalthough the latest revision in its trunk is "Fixes for the nest-part instruction. Thanks Andrew."23:27
wgrantHah. Convenient.23:27
maxbWhich sounds like it might work for your use case23:27
thopiekarmaxb: you mean me? :P23:28
maxband now, I shall depart#23:28
thopiekarso nest-part is another command?23:28
thopiekarhow does nest-part work?23:30
wgrantnest-part packaging lp:~foo-dev/foo/packaging debian23:30
wgrantBut LP doesn't support it yet.23:30
bdrungnest-part let's bzr crash23:30
wgrantbdrung: Hm?23:30
bdrungbzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MergeIntoMerger'23:31
thopiekarwgrant: you mean: nest-part packaging lp:~foo-dev/foo/packaging/and/some/subdirs debian?23:31
bdrungwgrant: ^23:32
wgrantthopiekar: No. For that, you'd do 'nest-part packaging lp:~foo-dev/foo/packaging and/some/subdirs debian'23:32
wgrantbdrung: I wonder if it needs a newer version of bzr.23:32
bdrungwgrant: i am running lucid23:33
thopiekarwgrant: great then!23:33
thopiekarwhen will lp support it?23:33
wgrantNot sure. The issue that bdrung just ran into might be inconvenient.23:33
bdrungat least it's reproducible23:34
bdrungwgrant: what do you think about adding a "safe" removal function to the recipe (that can be enabled on LP)?23:35
bdrunguse case: run rm -rf debian/patches23:35
thopiekarwgrant: when will be nest-part available on lp?23:36
thopiekarcan't wait to make recipes with it!23:36
bdrungthopiekar: quote: "Not sure. The issue that bdrung just ran into might be inconvenient."23:36
thopiekarI'll go now and take some sleep ;)23:38
thopiekargood luck making lp better!23:38
njinsomeone around23:51
wgrantnjin: Nobody.23:52
njinm? wgrant is a bot? ;-)23:53
njini need help23:53
wgrantWhat's the problem?23:53
njinsometimes i receive a reply mail but on the bug page don't result23:54
njin Da: xsnake <393090@bugs.launchpad.net> Reply-to: Bug 393090 <393090@bugs.launchpad.net> A: marconifabio@hotmail.it Oggetto: [Bug 393090] Re: mmc: Timeout waiting for hardware interupt Data: 11/08/2010 01:21:3223:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 393090 in linux (Ubuntu) "mmc: Timeout waiting for hardware interupt (affected: 2, heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39309023:54
njinOops, that is an old mecssage, better i go to bed....23:55
bdrungnjin: you are the second person saying that... :)23:56
njini'm cloned... help23:56
bdrungnjin: i can't help you because i need sleep ;)23:57
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