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tcopelandhas anybody had problems with vino in Maverick?00:11
khemtcopeland: I used it once couple of days ago00:12
khemwas fine00:12
tcopelandmine keeps crashing00:13
tcopelandand says my ip is localhost00:13
tcopelandanyone else's vino server crashing?00:17
tcopelandand saying their ip is localhost?00:17
BUGabundoFriday the 13th!!00:25
BUGabundogonna sleep and dream with flying rocks00:40
yofelthat'll be one heavy dream ^^00:40
DaekdroomDoesn't sound too scary, depending on the rocks00:41
BUGabundodid you miss the Perseides shower?00:42
PingJockyanyone know if its safe to dist-upgrade to alpha 301:12
PingJockyis xorg still borked?01:12
Andre_GondimPingJocky, today I did a upgrade and doesn't crash to me01:16
DaekdroomPingJocky, it's working alright now.01:18
PingJockytaking the plunge!01:59
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PingJockyyep... alpha 3 still borked!02:45
PingJockylooks like no intel modsetting drivers detected...02:48
PingJockyanyone else having issues with the intel drivers in alpha 3?02:49
Raydiationhi is 10.04.1 out yet?03:40
ubottuDo you have any?03:44
IdleOnehahahah bot made me laugh out loud03:44
IdleOneRaydiation: Ubuntu periodically updates !LTS versions with point releases (e.g. 10.04.1). These point releases contain only packages already published through normal update channels. If you already have a fully-updated version, you're running the latest point release already!03:47
Raydiationi know03:47
IdleOneok then why did you ask if 10.04.1 was released?03:48
bjsniderthat message should be rewritten. two uses of the word 'already' in one sentence03:48
RaydiationIdleOne: because i want to download it for future installs03:51
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:51
IdleOneshould be at the first link Raydiation03:52
IdleOneor not03:53
philip___when I click on Places|Home Folder (or anything) VLC would start up instead of nautilus. What do I do?05:32
jameswi can't get HDMI out to work on maverick, does anyone have any suggestions please? I am using open source drivers and using vga cable for now. not sure if i am using nvidia binaries or not05:52
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ZykoticK9jamesw, to determine what driver you are currently using "lspci -vnvn" then find the 'VGA compatible controller' section and the 'kernel driver in use' line06:20
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kim0hey folks .. I'm trying to debug a crashing application .. when I get a hex memory address, anyway to know which library that belongs to (so as to install its dbg syms) ?08:58
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yofelkim0: usually you would run the application in gdb -> crash it and get a backtrace, the trace should then contain the used libraries09:35
kim0except the bt contains hex memory addresses only09:36
kim0and no library names\09:36
kim0anyway .. I got a script that figures out what dbg pkgs I should install and I'm installing them now09:36
Ian_corneyofel: that's assuming gdb doesn't crash along with your program :p09:40
Ian_corneI've had it with pidgin09:41
mamrjust because I'm interested: will Kubuntu get the new Ubuntu installer in Maverick, as well?09:54
Jordan_Umamr: I would be surprised if it didn't.10:07
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Volkodavwhat's up with openoffice now ? removed and not installed on last upgrade ?13:26
[4-tea-2]Howdy, trying to save some time for pointless experiments... does anybody know whether the propriety ATI driver (fglrx) is working again?13:27
yofelwell, only if it already supports the new xserver 1.913:28
yofelVolkodav: dunno, it's held back here13:28
Volkodavsomething with java maybe ?13:29
[4-tea-2]yofel: last time I checked it wouldn't even DKMS-build with the current kernel.13:29
[4-tea-2]Well, I guess that means no HD video for me, yet. *sigh*13:29
yofelok... I just restarted and even though I logged in to KDE I have nautilus running in the background, wtf...14:07
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LucidFoxAfter a restart, I had to remove indicator-application15:55
LucidFoxotherwise the indicator applet crashes15:55
LucidFoxany idea why?15:55
LucidFoxOkay, never mind, got it to work16:06
funkyHatMy desktop background appears to have a 2px grey border :/16:26
funkyHatAh, killing nautilus seems to have fixed it16:26
akioI found the file yesterday, it had one boolean directive to control lookups with avahi I think.16:41
akioAnybody know this file?16:42
akioDon't want to disable avahi completely, just change how it does lookups.16:42
akioThis is killing me I saw it just yesterday and now I can't find it.16:42
akioSleepytime still where you guys are?16:50
mfraz74Just trying UNE 10.1017:04
mfraz74I don't like the new look17:05
mfraz74The icons on the side take up too much space17:05
mfraz74And Help isn't specific to UNE17:07
Nitsugayeah! nvidia driver is broken! (again :D) [irony off]17:27
bjsniderthe nvidia driver will be fine as soon as the new version is built and published17:29
Ian_corneOtlIcr ~ m n a g e17:30
Nitsugabjsnider: i think so. Fortunately nv works.. Becaouse nouveau is broken too17:32
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funkyHatwoow more nautilus dodginess17:56
funkyHatmiddle-clicking on a dir crashes it17:56
Andre_Gondimin last upgrade my openoffice is missing18:25
NitsugaAndre_Gondim: yeah, I saw synaptic trying to uninstall openoffice and so i did a safe-upgrade instead.18:26
NitsugaAndre_Gondim: some dependendies problem, i'll get fixed soon18:27
neerajHi, I have copied my .gnupg folder from lucid to my maverick, but my keys aren't getting synced. I am also not seeing password and keys manager in applications->accessories18:51
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yofelanyone else getting errors in dput ? 'Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'" in <function terminate at 0x1563e60> ignored'21:01
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KnifeySpooneyIs anyone else getting "error inserting ramzswap" when they try to run an alpha liveusb/cd? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/60078222:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 600782 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "ubuntu 10.10 alpha2 gives a fatal error on startup - "ramzswap: Unknown parameter `disksize_kb'"" [High,Confirmed]22:43
yofelwell, as the bug is confirmed, yes ;)22:48
yofelfor some reason the module parameters changed and now the initramfs script fails :/22:49
djusticei cant get ubiquity to compile... help?23:37
BUGabundousing rm -rf /23:37
djusticenot sure that helps...23:37
djusticemake[2]: Entering directory `/home/user/Downloads/ubiquity/src'23:37
djusticemake[2]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.23:37
djusticedesktop, pixmaps, po, ubiquity dirs all make fine, the src fails. with no error. just that.23:38
yofelsounds like missing makefile, where did you get the source from?23:39
djusticeyofel: the actual ubuntu mirror. i had 'bzr clone lp:ubiquity', but it faild there too.23:39
djusticeso now im trying with 2.3.5 released tar23:39
djusticesame fail..23:39
djusticeand yep, no makefile, just Makefile.am and Makefile.in23:40
djusticeconfigure decided it didnt like this dir it seems....23:40
* yofel branches lp:ubiquity...23:40
djusticeusing configure & make, not dpkg-buildpackage, ofc23:41
yofeldjustice: tried running autogen.sh?23:45
yofelmeh, missing build-deps and my mirror is down -.-23:45
djusticeyofel: i did23:46
Roeycan anyone here help me out... my X video is broken but the system boots into KDE.   I want to re-install the NVidia drivers in a command-line environment.  How do I start Maverick in command-line mode?23:51

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