
zinoWhat's the recommended method for testing gdm themes in Lucid? gtmthemetester seems to have dissapeared from the distribution.12:35
knomezino, try gdm2setup (you can find that in a ppa at least)15:03
zinoknome: Thanks. Seems the general themeability of gdm has been removed in Lucid though. You can change background, logo, and fiddle a bit with the colours and fonts. Other than that nothing. :-/16:00
zino(From what I've been able to gather. I'll try out gdm2setup and see if it gives me any other clues.)16:02
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lontrahi i just installed the updated light-themes and gtk2-engines-murrine on lucid and now my gdm theme is using raleigh or something else. what do i need to edit to tell it to use ambiance?21:25
lontrathe new ambiance21:25
kwwiilontra: I think the update to the new theme engine broke the gdm theme, you can edit a gconf key as the user gdm (I hope) to fix it21:38
lontrakwwii: someone on irc.gimp.net #gdm gave me some instructions ... we'll see if they work ... brb21:39
lontrakwwii: i got it work via gconf-editor21:40
lontraright click the theme and clicking 'set to default'21:40
kwwiilontra: cool, good news21:40
lontrain ... /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme ... of course21:41
kwwiicool, I'll pass that on it anyone else notices the same problem21:42
lontrakwwii: do you know if following http://ppa.launchpad.net/murrine-daily/ppa/ubuntu lucid main ... will keep me up-to-date with the new light-theme for maverick? i like it much better than the one on lucid and don't want to run maverick21:43
kwwiilontra: generally speaking yes21:44
kwwiilontra: sometime soon the freeze will effect the engine package though21:44
lontrakwwii: ok21:44
kwwiiso that the engine offered in that ppa will be ahead of the version offered in maverick21:44
lontrakwwii: the gtk2-engines-murrine theme?21:45
kwwiilontra: yes21:45
lontraand freeze is 26th?21:45
kwwiilontra: usually that does not cause any major breakage21:45
kwwiilontra: some things might look different though21:45
lontramaybe i will add a deb-src of maverick in a few weeks and roll my own gtk2-engines-murrine and light-themes from there21:46
kwwiifeature freeze already happened so theoretically only bug fixes are allowed now21:46
lontraoh ok21:46
lontrafor UI too?21:46
lontraand artwork?21:46
kwwiino, final artwork will still change21:47
kwwiiand the theme engine might be updated21:47
kwwiiif there is a bug to fix it is easy to slip in an update as well21:47
kwwiithe point of the freeze is that no new changes will be accepted without review21:48
lontrai hope ubuntu sticks with the new light theme and only modifying it as necessary from now on out ... i thought human-theme was nice and distinct and i think ambiance is too especially ambiance in maverick21:49
kwwiiI think you will see a progression of the light theme over the next releases21:50
kwwiionce you start something this big you have to stick with it for a while :-)21:50
lontragood to hear ;)21:50
zniavrebetter to see   :o)21:51
lontraone of the nicest thing about mac os x ... is that it always looks polished21:51
kwwiiindeed :-)21:51
lontrawith the same theme21:51
kwwiithe idea is not to let a good idea evolve21:53
kwwiiis *to* let21:54
kwwiifunny error21:54
kwwiigetting late, probably time for bed21:58

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