
Laggg|newbwho wants to see the errors I get when I run conky?00:17
stlsaintpaultag: what made you pick perl?01:30
paultagstlsaint: I never picked perl01:31
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IAmNotThatGuypaultag, get IN01:38
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tenachI have a machine that only goes to the grub cli when it reboots08:09
tenachI do not have a livecd - is there a way to get grub2 to boot from the hdd manually?08:09
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tenachseems that my grub.cfg is missing.08:14
seidostenach, all this grub1 and grub2 stuff confuses me.  I think I have grub1 since I can edit the menu.lst file still.08:18
seidosand it actually makes a difference to the grub menu.  I'm also using moon os with ubuntu-desktop installed...soooo08:19
tenachseidos: I'm just using the default, grub2, from a fresh install08:19
seidostenach, fresh install of 10.04?08:19
seidosI don't know, have you looked at this at all?08:20
tenachyea, I have.08:20
tenachI need to manually boot into windows08:21
tenachso I can reactivate PLoP08:21
tenachso I can use my LiveUSB08:21
tenachAll I get is the grub> menu08:21
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tenachAll because I forgot to grub-update08:23
tenacher, update-grub08:23
seidosI don't know what "manually boot into windows" means08:23
tenachtell grub how to boot08:24
tenachright now all I see is08:24
tenachgrub >08:24
seidosah, so you can boot into windows and ubuntu with the proper command at the grub prompt?08:24
tenachI just need to boot to windows08:24
tenachso I can set the rest up to get into my liveUSB, so I can fix grub08:25
seidosdid you ask in #ubuntu?08:25
tenachit's the same as what you put in grub.cfg08:26
tenachset root=(hd0,1)08:26
tenachinsmod chain08:26
tenachchainloader _108:26
tenachthen, type boot08:26
tenachand BAM08:26
seidosall right08:26
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LagggMy terminal just went all grey...10:37
LagggHow do I fix this?10:37
Laggglike its asking to force quit10:40
Lagggbut its not asking that10:40
geirhaOh, the compiz plugin is telling you it's not responding. Hm.10:41
geirhaI don't think gnome-terminal has ever been "greyed" out for me. I can't imagine what could cause it.10:42
Lagggi opened gedit and then closed gedit10:42
pedro3005Laggg, just kill the termina10:44
Lagggnot working10:45
pedro3005can you open a new terminal?10:45
Lagggbut its still greyed out10:46
pedro3005the new or the old one? or both?10:46
pedro3005hm. maybe try CTRL ALT F1 to kill it, and CTRL ALT F7 to get back10:47
pedro3005I gotta run10:47
pedro3005see you all10:47
Lagggdidnt work10:47
geirhaSo gnome-terminal is freezing10:49
geirhaAlt+F2 -> «pkill gnome-terminal»  should kill all terminals10:49
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duanedesignmorning all11:36
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realeyes hey guy, I just installed Ubuntu and ran 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' :: What else should I run?14:03
duanedesignhello realeyes14:03
duanedesignthat is a good start14:03
realeyesIs there anything else I should do? I hear a lot about 'syncing repos'. Do I need to do that?14:04
zeroseven0183You may want to try installing Ubuntu Tweak. That would help you a lot customizing your Ubuntu14:06
duanedesignrealeyes: I would add the medibuntu repository.14:07
realeyestell me how plx?14:08
duanedesignrealeyes: open a Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)14:09
duanedesignand run the commandL14:09
duanedesignecho deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ lucid free non-free | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list14:09
duanedesignyou are running lucid I assume.14:10
duanedesignand this command:14:10
realeyesit worked, yes i am. Any next step?14:10
duanedesignwget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -14:10
realeyesno errors14:10
realeyesanything else?14:11
philinuxrealeyes: Background info to medibuntu. http://medibuntu.org/14:11
zeroseven0183By the way, Medibuntu means Multimedia, Entertainment and Distractions In Ubuntu14:11
philinuxrealeyes: Have you installed the graphics driver for your card?14:12
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realeyesi just did this: sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update14:13
realeyesis that it? I'm done now? lol14:16
duanedesigna couple of things from the medibuntu repository you might need are the w32codecs14:17
duanedesignthat package contain video codecs for popular proprietary formats14:17
philinuxrealeyes: is this 10.04 you installed. If so you might want to take a look at the sticky thread in ubuntu forum General Help.14:17
duanedesignrealeyes: and if you plan on playing DVD's the package:  libdvdcss214:18
realeyes 10.04.1 do not forget QT 4.6.314:30
realeyesDo not forget update 4.6.3 packages.14:30
realeyesWhat does this mean??14:30
biharii wants to install vbox but it has some issue14:31
serfushey bihari14:36
biharihi serfus14:37
serfusbihari, could you check if there is any other update manger or synaptic is running ?14:37
serfusanother package manager14:38
bihariok i have installed it14:38
biharinow may i know whats the next step ?14:38
serfusnext step for what?14:38
serfusbihari, did you successfully installed what you wanted?14:39
zeroseven0183Are you installing two separate applications, bihari?14:40
biharinot now14:40
biharii have stoped14:41
serfusbihari, great14:41
biharithanks serfus14:41
serfusbihari, you are welcome :)14:41
zeroseven0183bihari: If you want Virtualbox, I would suggest getting the PUEL (Personal Use and Evaluation License) version from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads instead14:42
zeroseven0183Download the .deb file and install on your computer14:42
biharizeroseven0183,  whats wrong with software center?14:45
biharii have downloaded from sofftware center14:45
zeroseven0183The Virtualbox that is in the software center does not have USB support. Meaning, you cannot plug and use a USB device on your virtual machine.14:50
zeroseven0183While on the PUEL, you can do it. It has a feature14:50
zeroseven0183That's ju14:51
zeroseven0183That's just one difference14:51
zeroseven0183Anyway, that's only a suggestion.14:52
bihariok i need suggestion14:54
biharii am on Memory size option14:54
bihariand i need to know about how much shud i give for memory14:55
zeroseven0183How much do you have in total?14:57
zeroseven0183When you create a virtual machine, you'll see there the recommended memory allotment14:59
zeroseven0183for example, if you want to run a VM of Windows XP, the recommened is 768MB14:59
zeroseven0183for Linux, I think it's 512MB14:59
zeroseven0183But if you have enough, you can set a higher number14:59
zeroseven0183Hmm... 192MB?15:00
zeroseven0183That's your total memory on your hardware?15:00
biharii dont know how to check ?15:03
bihariyou know how to check total memory hardware?15:04
zeroseven0183Click System > Administration, then select System Monitor15:04
zeroseven0183on the System tab, you'll see there the Memory under the Hardware section15:05
zeroseven0183Mind you, it won't reflect the exact memory you have. I have 4GB installed, but I only see 3.8GB15:06
bihariin System status i can see Available disk space:427.2 Gib15:06
bihariyes i have 2 gb15:06
biharibut it shows diffrent data15:06
zeroseven0183Alright. You have 2GB15:07
zeroseven0183Now, the allotment of memory would depend on what operating system and applications are you going to use on the VM (virtual machine)15:07
biharihumm windows XP15:08
zeroseven0183By the way, the "Available disk space 427GB" is your hard drive15:08
zeroseven0183Alright, if you're going to install Windows XP15:08
zeroseven0183What applications you plan to use there?15:08
zeroseven0183because running VM will reduce the performance of your laptop15:09
biharii have desktop15:09
zeroseven0183sorry.. desktop15:09
zeroseven0183If you want to be comfortable with Windows XP, then you can assign 1GB15:10
zeroseven0183Good. Then you're on your way to running two operating systems on one machine15:12
serfuszeroseven0183, you make it sound so exciting :P15:16
zeroseven0183@serfus because IT is never boring :-)15:18
bihariIT is full of wonders and magic  ;)15:19
zeroseven0183I hope to see you guys later. I'm going offline for now15:21
zeroseven0183Have an Ubuntu-filled weekend!15:22
bihari i have 2 gb in which i have install ubuntu and now i wants to make vbox and it asking for space so how much shud i assign space ?15:32
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duanedesignbihari: hello did you get your vbox sorted out?16:11
duanedesignok :)}16:14
bihariduanedesign,  YES now a bit problem16:14
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AyumuI have a laptop, hdd partitioned to c and d drive. vistaids is on C drive, I plan on installing ubuntu on D drive. I assume I am going to lose data on D drive?16:27
hobgoblinyes - make sure you backup all you need - or you can resize the drive and install in the spare space - if there is enough room16:36
AyumuThere is definitely enough space in d drive.16:39
AyumuWill I be able to preserve my data?16:40
hobgoblinyou can shrink the drive in the installer which will leave the data alone - more or less - then you can use the space that is created to install into16:45
hobgoblinit is always advisable to have backups anyway - more so if you are going to be editing partitions which is what you will be doing16:46
hobgoblinI'll say that again so you know I mean it - make sure you have backups ...16:46
hobgoblinAyumu: I'll get some links that will show more16:47
AyumuI always back up16:47
AyumuBut its nice not to have to restore16:47
hobgoblinThis is what you will be doing - "Select Guided – resize. In the New partition size area, drag the area between the two partitions to create your desired partition sizes."16:48
hobgoblinabsolutely agree with you - but you never know - you might lose power in the middle of the partitioner doing it's thing.16:49
hobgoblinIt can take a while to do if there is a lot of data as it needs to move it about - alos make sure you;ve defragged the win drive that you are going to be installing on.16:49
AyumuSo the installer will create a 3rd drive?16:50
hobgoblinOne more thing - sometimes it looks like the partitioner has hung - don't be fooled and turn it off. I've had to recover from that scenarion16:50
Ayumu3rd partition.16:51
hobgoblinthe installer will create an extended and then 2 logicals - one for the install and one for swap16:51
hobgoblinor it will want to16:51
AyumuSo I have C and D drive, the installer will install to D and create an E drive, or create an E and F drive?16:53
hobgoblinlinux calls drive much diffrent things - drive one will be sda drive 2 sdb etc - partition one on drive one will be sda1, partition 2 - sda2 etc16:55
hobgoblinlogicals always start at 5 - so it will likely create and extended and call it sda3 and then 2 logicals - sda5 and sda616:56
AyumuI will just wing it and hope for the best.16:58
abhinavhello I am getting problem to boot ubuntu 10.04. I get this: http://i35.tinypic.com/t0hxtz.jpg    Any solutions to this. :)16:58
hobgoblinAyumu: it's not as bad as it seems - you can get online with the livecd assuming you connect with ethernet rather than wireless16:58
AyumuMy router16:59
paultag+1 hobgoblin, damn fine catch. I was confused for a sec16:59
Ayumudoesnt really have spare ports for lan cables16:59
hobgoblinAyumu: so if necessary you can get here while doing the install - which I wish I had known about 4 years ago lol16:59
hobgoblinwell you might get on with wireless16:59
AyumuDo I need to install firefox again in linux?16:59
hobgoblinpaultag: which catch17:00
hobgoblinAyumu: it's default in ubuntu17:00
hobgoblinabhinav: tried booting recovery and then resume from that menu?17:04
hobgoblinis a guess - and a quick one as I am out in 517:05
abhinavhobgoblin: that is the recovery boot screenshot!17:05
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abhinavany solution?17:08
hobgoblinabhinav: no real idea - I'm running out of time - seen some people adding bootwait to device lines in fstab17:09
hobgoblinAyumu: good luck17:09
abhinavok no prob.... thanx anyway! bye17:09
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sensouciHello, did anyone got the saa7134 dvb card working on a 64bit lucid ubuntu ?18:18
philinuxAnyone in !20:03
squaregoldfishWhat's up?20:07
philinuxCant get my headset mic working. Tried everything20:14
squaregoldfishOnly thing I can think to suggest is to make sure you've un-muted your mic channel, as well as setting the level. If you haven't already, of course :)20:18
iktquick question, does anyone know what happened to the 64 bit flash installer/file20:27
iktI can't find it20:27
iktand the 32 bit flash wrapper crashes alll the timeee20:27
squaregoldfish64bit flash has been withdrawn by Adobe.20:28
squaregoldfishikt: http://www.squaregoldfish.co.uk/sekrett/libflashplayer.so.gz20:32
IdleOnephilinux: make sure the right device is selected in the Sound Prefs20:34
philinuxYep tried mic1 and mic2 no dice20:34
philinuxThere's a loud click when I plug in though20:35
IdleOneyou clicked on the speaker and went to Sound Prefs > Input20:35
IdleOnetry running alsamixer20:36
philinuxBeen in alsamixer padevchooser etc etc20:36
philinuxwill have to test mic tomorrow at GF's20:37
philinuxOr could be motherboard mic input20:38
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iktcheers squaregoldfish20:45
squaregoldfishikt: np20:46
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philinuxIdleOne: Ok line in no sound either. Plugged guitar direct into line in and changed input to line one20:54
IdleOneoh snap you got multiple inputs20:54
IdleOnehmm I have never done that before20:54
philinuxPulse prefs simultaneous output ticked.20:57
IdleOnephilinux: maybe #ubuntustudio can be more help20:57
philinuxpulse volume meter working when guitar played so I'm guessing it an output problem20:59
philinuxI'll check out ubuntustudio tomoz it beer oclock21:02
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pedro3005oi stlsaint23:21
bobo123hi stlsaint and pedro3005 :-)23:24
pedro3005hello bobo12323:25
bobo123(beginning to) doing anything fun?23:27

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