
paultagjames_w: Hey, are you around?03:29
james_whi paultag03:32
paultagjames_w: Howdy. I'm playing with recipies, and I have a non-std source directory. Just wanted to bounce it off you, if you have time03:33
paultagjames_w: my upstream is http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/fluxbox.git, I have it mirrored at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~paultag/p5/debian-fluxbox03:35
paultagjames_w: Paul's un-Paralleled Personal Project Pile03:36
paultagjames_w: just my local mirror of random stuff03:36
paultagjames_w: so the issue is that the source is not in the top level, the debuild -s goes on in the fluxbox-* dir under the root, and that pulls the tar files from ../03:39
james_wthat's certainly not standard03:40
macopaultag: oh youre trying to do funny things with source packages and VCS too???03:40
paultagjames_w: :)03:40
paultagmaco: yeah, P.S. I just got this version of flux uploaded :)03:40
macoi had james_w confused with what im doing for gally, but its how the lp recipe stuff suggests!03:40
macopaultag: yay03:40
paultagmaco: hahaaha03:40
paultagmaco: :)03:40
paultagjames_w: it's far from standard, but we can't ship binaries in the debian/ dir, and this is a mirror from git.debian, so I can't do a merge03:41
paultagor a nest, rather03:41
paultag( the second tar.gz has our branding in it )03:41
macoby the way, i <3 firefox all-in-one-sidebar and tabmix. *really awesome* for vertical screen real estate03:41
paultagmaco: yeah?03:41
macopaultag: my browser is not recognised as firefox by others :P03:42
paultagmaco: thats when you know it's right :)03:42
paultagI've been playing with uzbl lately03:43
paultagit's pretty cool03:43
paultagjames_w: any bits of wisdom for me?03:45
james_wpaultag: nope, I'm not sure how to deal with that03:45
paultagjames_w: is the backend using debuild -s ?03:46
paultagor dpkg-buildsource03:46
paultagor something else like that03:46
james_wdebuild, yes03:49
paultagjames_w: that will complete with success if the recipie allows me to cd before the build03:49
paultagjames_w: is there any way of having it debuild from a child directory?03:50
paultagjames_w: so, no solution, wontfix ?03:52
paultag( that's not that much of an issue, this is a special case )03:52
james_wyou can file a bug03:53
james_wthere's no way to do that cd now03:53
paultagjames_w: would it be worth it to do so?03:53
paultagI'm just not sure this would ever happen in an LP native package03:53
paultagand I don't think that what I'm doing is "right"03:54
paultagOK. Thanks james_w :)03:54
paultagnight maco :)03:57
aragood morning all!07:46
jussiHuomenta Ara!07:49
arahey jussi :)07:51
dpmgood morning all!07:52
dpmmorning ara, morning jussi07:52
jussiHei dpm07:53
dholbachgood morning08:00
dpmgood morning dholbach, kim008:02
dholbachhey dpm, kim008:03
aramorning dholbach, dpm, kim008:03
* ara reboots after upgrading her laptop08:03
dholbachhola ara08:08
arahey dholbach08:08
dholbachnigelb: seems we only made a bit of a dent: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/patches/08:09
kim0dpm: dholbach morning folks08:14
* kim0 waves morning to all08:14
kim0morning ara :)08:14
nigelbdholbach: \o/08:24
* nigelb hugs dholbach 08:24
dholbachnigelb: more patch review days08:24
nigelbdholbach: definitely.08:25
nigelbIf we can get it to <500 I would be very happy08:25
dholbachwe should talk to the guys from yesterday and see what their experience was like08:25
dholbachand maybe we can do something for UGJ08:25
nigelbdholbach: OMG!08:27
nigelb19% !!!!!!08:27
* nigelb pops the champange08:27
nigelbdholbach: Yes, we should talk to the bug squad guys/gals to know what their experience was like.08:27
dholbachnigelb: thanks for looking into this! :)08:36
dholbachhola randa_09:40
=== randa_ is now known as randa
randahola dholbach09:40
dholbachara: do you think we need to prepare much for the berlin jam? I think I could download all the ISOs in the office again, so we could get folks to upgrade and test09:41
aradholbach, that would be great, yes09:46
dholbachara: and I guess we should use squid-deb-proxy again :)09:47
dholbachok, looks like you have everything sorted out already :)09:47
arado I?09:49
dholbachara: well, there's nothing on your todo list for it, is there? :)09:49
araah, OK, it looks like it09:50
dpmkim0, where did you add the ignoreabi option for your nvidia driver?10:55
kim0dpm: add this line to xorg.conf ServerLayout section =>   Option  "IgnoreABI"     "true"10:56
jussitheres an example xorg ;)10:56
dpmthat's what confuses me, in one instance it is under ServerLayout, and on the other under ServerFlags. In any case, neither works for me.11:00
dpmthanks kim0 and jussi11:00
jussidpm: you do have the ppa added...?11:01
jussidpm: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates11:02
dpmyeah, and the latest nvidia driver installed11:04
dpmaccording to man xorg.conf it should go under ServerFlags - not that it makes a difference on my system11:08
kim0dpm: that's nvidia-current version for me => 256.44-0ubuntu0sarvatt311:09
kim0dpm: might wanna join #ubuntu+111:09
dpmsame here11:10
dpmI should probably ask on the x guys channel11:10
paultag_nigelb: where do I file debdiffs for syncs to?12:37
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
czajkowskimorning aloha12:58
paultagczajkowski: heyya :)12:59
nigelbpaultag: no need of debdiff for  a sync13:11
paultagnigelb: I asked in motu and got a response. sorry for the ping13:12
nigelbjust have a bug.  there is a synctool or something in ubuntu-dev-tools AFAIK13:12
paultagin devscripts,  yeah13:12
* nigelb hugs paultag :)13:20
* paultag hugs nigelb 13:20
paultagnigelb: it looks good, and it's almost done https://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=fluxbox13:20
nigelbpaultag: woohoo!13:21
paultagnigelb: http://i.imgur.com/qsrT4.png <-- debian build, http://i.imgur.com/9JYf8.png <-- ubuntu build13:21
nigelbpaultag: ROCKING!13:26
paultagnigelb: it should be nice to rid the debian swirl from the ubuntu release13:27
nigelbpaultag: well, its subjective.13:37
nigelbI, for one, do not mind.13:37
nhandlernigelb: AFAIK, that script still hasn't gotten the official OK from the archive admins. I would still use requestsync for now13:43
paultagnigelb: it just looks rank amateur to look like you've not even put 10 minutes of work into the package :)13:43
paultagnhandler: that's the one I'm using :)13:43
nigelbnhandler: wait, requestsync is what I was talking about.14:09
nhandlernigelb: Ah, ok. There is another script (not sure if it is in u-d-t yet) that basically allows developers to actually perform a pseudo-sync14:10
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
akgranerGood Morning :-)  and Happy Happy Friday!14:37
nhandlerHello akgraner14:38
akgranernhandler itnet7 pointed out the formating on the NC team reports and how it was appearing on the wiki page14:39
akgranerI fixed it on the newsletter but I wanted to show a couple people who help with the reports on the NC team why a little different formating was needed - so I'll fix the team reports page once I show them the example14:40
nhandlerakgraner: What was the issue with that team again? (I can't keep the various problems straight)14:41
* czajkowski hugs nhandler 14:42
czajkowskinhandler: just think if we had all 142 teams doing them!14:42
akgranerit's just not lining up with the other US team reports14:42
akgranerit just needs a == NC Team Report == above the include14:42
akgranerso it will line up when you run your script otherwise it's not indented correctly14:43
nhandlerakgraner: Well, it might be worht mentioning that the TeamReport page already includes a title for their report. By including "Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team" in the report itself, it shows up twice14:44
akgranerwe can fix it :-) we can just delete it from the include14:44
akgranerjust wanted to let you know we were aware of it14:45
akgranerAlanBell, ping15:12
akgranerAlanBell, daviey got it - someone wanted mootbot-uk added to a channel ;-)15:17
* akgraner <3's mootbot-uk15:17
* AlanBell will get back to work on the voting feature of the python one this weekend15:18
dholbachok my friends - I'm heading out for the weekend - have a good one and see you soon!16:28
paultagdholbach: before you go --16:28
paultagdholbach: I got my package in Debain, it builds the theme as you suggested, thanks for talking me off the ledge :)16:28
dholbachpaultag: ROCK ON16:30
dholbachhave a great WE16:30
dpmhey, any wiki experts around? I'm trying to find out why this page redirects to a pdf attachment: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Surveys/TeamsHealthcheck (at least on my firefox it does)17:06
paultagdpm: not that page?17:06
paultagdpm: let me test with FF17:06
paultagdpm: yeah, nothing here that redirects to a PDF17:07
paultagdpm: are you sure you don't have an ?attachment at the end of your url ?17:07
dpmpaultag, I'm pretty certain, I've tried it several times. In any case, if that works for you, that's a great help, as now I know it's a problem on my side, so thanks :)17:08
paultagdpm: sure, I'll see if I can't reproduce some other way17:09
paultagdpm: Ah, I see why17:10
paultagdpm: the pdf is embedded. Is it this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Translations/Surveys/TeamsHealthcheck?action=AttachFile&amp;do=get&amp;target=SurveySummary.pdf17:10
paultagdpm: might want to change  * {{attachment:SurveySummary.pdf}} to be a [[  ]]17:11
paultagdpm: the {{ }} is for images IIRC ( showing them in-page ) and it's trying to render it as an object in the browser. Mine failed because it does not have the plugin, but I could see it redirecting to try and save face17:11
dpmpaultag, right, but why can that possibly cause the redirect?17:11
paultagdpm: see above :)17:11
paultagdpm: it's throwing it in <object> tags17:11
paultagI'm pretty sure FF would freak out at that17:12
dpmpaultag, ok, great, thanks. Yeah, I had installed adobereader for some testing, and the plugin loads the embedded document. Let me change it to [[]]17:12
paultagdpm: let's try and duplicate, one sec17:12
paultagdpm: http://me.pault.ag/test.html17:14
paultagdpm: does that do the same thing?17:14
dpmpaultag, yeah, it does exactly the same thing in FF17:15
paultagdpm: OK, if you look at the source, that's the exact line from the page. Looks like a FF / MoinMoin issue, I'd file a bug if that's something you were expecting -- might want to [[ ]] to work around it17:15
dpmpaultag, changing {{}} to [[]] did it, thanks a lot!17:19
paultagdpm: sure thing :)17:19
* nigelb goes what in the.... http://www.impactlab.net/2010/07/29/amazing-miniature-pencil-sculptures-by-dalton-ghetti/19:28
AlanBellwould appreciate feedback on that one22:30

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