
chrisccoulsonoh, it's changed? i've not used it yet00:00
rickspencer3hi robert_ancell00:00
RAOFchrisccoulson: It's changed since last I used it, which may have been Karmic00:01
chrisccoulsoni might have to try it next time i do an upgrade00:02
Amaranthdang I need a longer scrollback00:04
AmaranthIf my scrollback can't make it through a line in _this_ channel it's way to short :P00:04
TheMusoRAOF: BTW were you able to confirm either the pulse behavior I told you about the other day, or my theory?00:06
RAOFTheMuso: When I tried running “pulseaudio -k” before shutting down the behaviour remained, but my system was moderately messed up at that point.00:07
RAOFNow that gdm is actually working, so I'm in a real, live GNOME session, I'll try again.  In ~50minutes, when these 80 updates will have finished installing :(00:08
TheMusoRAOF: ah ok00:08
TheMusoIs it possible to monitor the signals a process receives, and log them?00:08
RAOFYou could attach gdb and have it log the signals00:10
RAOF“handle SIGFOO nostop print”00:11
chrisccoulsonyou can use strace as well can't you?00:12
RAOFrobert_ancell: Hey, is there a vala PPA somewhere where I could install valac 0.9.5 so I could build shotwell from trunk so I could confirm that their fix fixes my bug?00:12
RAOFchrisccoulson: Yeah.  Probably neater.00:12
TheMusoThanks guys.00:16
robert_ancellRAOF, on phone, be back in a bit00:19
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robert_ancellRAOF, so no PPA, but I was planning on updating to 0.9.5 if dx is ok with it00:53
robert_ancellI'll do the update and push to the desktop ppa00:53
RAOFThen I'll see if shotwell still takes 7 minutes to import 7 photos :)00:54
robert_ancellRAOF, I'm still not seeing that problem...01:00
RAOFrobert_ancell: The hypothesis is that it's a side-effect of a gphoto bug (where gphoto is unable to extract the thumbnails from my raw files) which results in shotwell re-copying all the files from my sd card every import, hashing them, then rejecting the duplicates.01:02
rickspencer3good night guys01:03
rickspencer3have a good day!01:03
robert_ancellRAOF, ah01:03
RAOFrickspencer3: Good night!01:04
RAOFTheMuso: So, the thinking is that running “pulseaudio -k” then shutting down should result in me coming back with non-muted audio?  Does it matter that pulse will immediately get respawned, or do I also need to turn of autospawn?01:11
TheMusoRAOF: Probalby easiest to log out, then go into a VT and check to see whether pulse is still running as you. If it is, kill it, then restart.01:12
Keybukthank god Pulse is well maintained ;-)01:15
TheMusoKeybuk: heh01:16
TheMusoBut I don't think the bug RAOF and I are talking about is a pulse bug, however this is yet to e 100% proven.01:16
Keybukdid you see the discovery that Pulse's bugs in RH's Bugzilla have gone untouched for >6 months01:20
SarvattRAOF: forget to pull xorg-server first? :)01:24
Sarvattsorry about that01:24
SarvattKeybuk: dang, guess that explains why there were hardly any pulse uploads in maverick01:27
TheMusoKeybuk: Lennart is obsessed with systemd I dare say.01:29
TheMusoSarvatt: This is true.01:29
Keybukit's his new "thing"01:29
Sarvatt"Would "Fix your existing broken crap before taking up something new." be less antagonistic?" :D01:30
micahgI think we got a poke: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2010-August/140170.html01:30
* TheMuso sighs. Lennart, that was not a flame war post.01:31
Keybukof course01:32
KeybukLennart is ... consistent01:32
RAOFTheMuso: Logging out, switching to a VT and running pulseaudio -k didn't change the behaviour; I still logged in to a muted system.01:33
robert_ancellPackaging question:  I'm packaging the latest vala and they've versioned the binaries so you can have multiple versions installed, i.e. valac-0.10.  There are provided symlinks (valac->valac-0.10).  If I install vala 0.11 at a later date will dpkg "do the right thing" with these duplicate symlinks?01:33
TheMusoRAOF: Right, I'll have to try it again myself, it worked for me...01:34
RAOFWhy is pulseaudio hanging around after I've logged out, anyway?01:34
RAOFSarvatt: Actually, no.  I forgot to *push* xorg-server first :/01:36
TheMusoRAOF: It shouldn't...01:37
TheMusoThe only pulse you should see is gdm...01:37
RAOFLet me try that again, then.01:38
rickspencer3micahg, don't let those pokes bother you01:40
micahgrickspencer3: just wanted to point it out, reading this thread makes me feel good about the distro I chose :)01:41
* TheMuso hoes Lennart doesn't get all snarky and antagonistic at plumbers.01:41
Keybukof course he will01:41
rickspencer3that's his way01:41
Keybukhe didn't get his way about the track leaderships, for a start01:41
rickspencer3we can still love him for all that he does01:41
TheMusoIndeed, he is very smart and has good ideas.01:42
rickspencer3just whatever happens, don't let a guy like that drag you into name calling matches01:42
devildantemicahg: what's the problem with pulseaudio? (just curious)01:42
rickspencer3if you take the bait, no one wins01:42
micahgdevildante: people are jumpy :)01:43
* rickspencer3 goes away to have a life again01:43
TheMusorickspencer3: Yeah I know, I will have to be up to the task.01:43
devildantemicahg: indeed :p01:43
rickspencer3TheMuso, just don't forget, we do what we do, and we do it well!01:43
TheMusorickspencer3: Yep01:43
rickspencer3maybe not everyone can understand it, but the results speak for themselves01:43
* rickspencer3 really leaves this time ;)01:43
SarvattRAOF: audio muted on startup? is that the old alsa-utils bug rearing its head again? try commenting out line 385 of /sbin/alsa-utils?01:44
TheMusoSarvatt: no its not01:44
TheMusoSarvatt: at least for me01:44
Sarvattah ok, i had that problem for a long time during jaunty and karmic01:45
RAOFTheMuso: Ok.  The reason why pulseaudio stuck around the first time was that I logged in to the VT before logging out of my X session.02:04
RAOFThe second time around I logged out first, there was no stray pulse process, but restarting still left me logging in to a muted session.02:05
TheMusoRAOF: hrm02:07
TheMusoI'll do some more testing of my own a bit later.02:07
robert_ancellRAOF, uploaded new vala now - the package is now called valac0.1003:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: Ta.  Is that to the archive, or desktop-team PPA?03:42
robert_ancellRAOF, desktop-team PPA, I want to get it reviewed by seb, slomo and the dx team first.  Please look over it too if you're keen (lp:~ubuntu-desktop/vala/ubuntu)03:44
RAOFI don't think I'm *that* keen.  I'd prefer to play chase-the-free'd-pointer through X/ati/drm/kernel/drm/ati/X.03:45
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TheMusoRAOF: A question about your pulse test earlier. Prior to logging out and killing pulse, did you unmute/adjust audio volume so you could hear stuff?04:43
TheMusoRAOF: Ok, because When I do the following, I get correct volume settings when logging back in: 1) log out 2) kill pulseaudio for my user if it is still running with pulseaudio -k 3) restart 4 ) log back in. I hear the startup sound/other sounds without needing to set volume again.04:47
RAOFLet me try again...04:48
RAOFTheMuso: Nope.  Still comes back muted.05:18
TheMusoRAOF: hrm sounds like alsa may be doing something funky as well. This is weird, because I can reproduce the symptoms I get on 2 machines.05:19
RAOFI also don't seem to get the drums sound for gdm on this machine, which is probably related.05:20
TheMusoRAOF: Very possibly.05:20
TheMusoRAOF: in fact yes that is related.05:21
pittiGood morning05:23
TheMusoMorning pitti..05:26
pittihello TheMuso, how are you?05:30
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks, yourself?05:30
pittipretty well, getting used again to getting up at 6 :)05:31
ajmitch6 is just far, far too early :)05:32
RAOFI might get up that early in summer.05:35
TheMusoI certainly will be getting up that early in Summer.05:51
robert_ancell_pitti, hey, why did you update to gnome-power-manager 2.31.1 and not 2.31.6?06:57
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pittirobert_ancell: because .2 ports to gtk3 and gsettings, etc.06:58
robert_ancellpitti, are we ok to stay on a 31.1 release for maverick final?06:58
pittirobert_ancell: I guess we have to..06:59
pittiwe can backport important fixes of course06:59
pittibut I thought seb said that we don't want to pull gtk3 stuff into maverick06:59
robert_ancellyeah, gtk3 is out for maverick (though we want it in universe for trying out)07:00
* micahg thought they reverted everything for 2.31.607:00
robert_ancellI wonder if they are planning on making it work with gtk2 for 2.3207:00
robert_ancellmicahg, cool, I'll have a look07:01
micahgrobert_ancell: the announcement said they pulled 2.30 versions for some components, so I'm not 100% sure07:01
pittirobert_ancell: oh, indeed07:08
pittirobert_ancell: there's now a gnome-2-32 branch with gtk2 again07:08
pittirobert_ancell: I guess last time I looked at it we still were at .507:08
pittirobert_ancell: so, want me to update?07:09
robert_ancellpitti, sure, I think you're more familiar with it than me07:09
pittirobert_ancell: argh, that appindicator patch is a bitch to port across releases07:15
robert_ancellpitti, heh, we have a number of those :)07:16
robert_ancellRAOF, if you have a package that needs GL/gl.h, what is the correct package dependency? mesa-common-dev?07:18
RAOFrobert_ancell: You're after libgl1-mesa-dev07:40
robert_ancellRAOF, thanks07:42
* didrocks likes to begin the day with a broken X :)08:15
RAOFdidrocks: Oh?08:16
pittihey didrocks08:16
didrocksRAOF: nvidia card and still no nvidia driver, I tried to add:08:16
pittididrocks: btw, tseliot fixed jockey to add a magic option to the nvidia-current driver, so that it  works with 1.908:16
didrocksSection "ServerFlags"08:16
didrocks    Option "IgnoreABI" "True"08:16
pittiright, that08:16
didrocksbut doesn't seem to work :/08:16
didrockspitti: oh, really? (hey btw! had a safe travel?)08:17
didrockshum, I'm trying the jockey way so08:17
pittididrocks: yes, I arrived Wednesday; I've been here all yesterday :)08:17
didrocks(still on nouveau driver)08:17
pittididrocks: tried the experimental nouveau 3D?08:17
RAOFdidrocks: Where nature intended!08:17
didrocksRAOF: haha :-)08:17
didrockshow can I trigger the experimental nouveau 3D?08:17
RAOFInstall libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental08:18
* didrocks is in the last day before vacation, can experiment :)08:18
RAOFAnd Watch Your Friends Be Amazed!08:18
didrocksheh, let's try08:18
didrocksRAOF: nothing in xorg.conf?08:18
RAOFIt's the free driver; it Just Works™ :P08:18
RAOF(When it works :)08:18
didrocksahah :-)08:19
didrockslet's see08:19
* pitti declares victory over gpm's appindicator patch and uploads08:19
RAOFYou should be able to play around with a very-nearly-flawless unity, too.08:19
didrocksoh, the nouveau driver fix unity bugs too?08:19
didrocksawesome ;)08:19
didrocksok, restarting X, see you :)08:20
pittiit fixes everything, including the stale taste of your morning coffee!08:20
pitti(... right?)08:20
RAOFMy morning coffee is never stale!08:21
RAOFMaybe it's because I run nouveau :)08:21
pittiRAOF: that's because you are running nouveau08:21
pittiRAOF: hm, seems that didn't go quite so well for Didier then..08:23
pittiooh, he's back!08:23
* pitti sees a three-dimensional didrocks08:23
didrocksRAOF: I'm really sorry to tell you I'm not amazed nor impressed :p08:23
RAOFpitti: Man, it'd be *awesome* if my laptop booted in under 3 minutes!08:23
didrockspitti: it's a fake, still didrocks 2D :)08:23
pittiRAOF: *shrug* 8 seconds, what's the problem :) http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/donald-maverick-20100805-1.png08:24
baptistemmssd ftw08:24
pittiRAOF: seriously, 3 mins? my old Latitude D430 with the world's slowest-ever HDD booted in one min08:24
RAOF5400 RPM laptop drive + broken btrfs partition FTL08:24
pittiI'm on btrfs, too08:25
didrocksone min here too, but two restart of gdm, trying to a load a unity session and so on :)08:25
pittiand it didn't break yet, and that after a whole week08:25
RAOFpitti: Try a couple of unclean restarts.  I'm sure you can get btrfsck to segfault while checking consistency!08:26
baptistemmpitti: what is your ssd?08:26
didrockspitti: I'll be trying the jockey way, uninstalling/reinstalling the nvidia driver should do it, right?08:26
pittibaptistemm: ... awesome!08:26
pittibaptistemm: erm, how can I find out? intel-something-crazy-fast08:26
baptistemmand the brand and model ?08:26
* pitti pokes /sys08:26
baptistemmx25-m ?08:26
didrocksoh intel-something-*, good choice :)08:27
baptistemmthis is certainly btrfs which gives you the 250 MB/s where I top to 150 with ext408:28
pittiwell, I'm not sure08:28
pitti$ cat /sys/block/sda/device/model08:28
pittiSAMSUNG MMCRE28G08:28
pittibaptistemm: would this be the correct file?08:28
RAOFbaptistemm: Oh, so you haven't noticed the performance regression under write loads in 2.6.35?08:29
baptistemmit seems so I have INTEL SSDSA2M16008:29
baptistemmI still run lucid08:29
pittiRAOF: hm, as far as I can remember, Linux got utterly slow and stuttering under heavy IO load since about dapper08:29
pittiRAOF: but then again, my Dell never saw maverick, I kept it on lucid08:30
baptistemmI didn't know samsung was a ssh manufacturer08:30
RAOFAh.  That might be part of it.  There's apparently a ~10x performance regression under write-heavy loads in 2.6.3508:30
pittiso it could have gotten even worse for sure08:30
pittiRAOF: oh, hang on; I recently read something like that08:30
pittiRAOF: but only for btrfs, right?08:30
RAOFpitti: Indeed, yes.08:30
RAOFpitti: Yeah.  It'd be interesting to see whether those desktop-interactivity patches are backportable.08:30
RAOFI think they're in 2.6.36 now.08:31
* pitti fainlty remembers something like "*mutter mutter* doesn't allocate new blocks fast enough yadayada"08:31
RAOFYeah, something like that.08:31
pittiI think the general stuttering on IO is rather a scheduler problem08:31
RAOFWhich I think is what the interactivity patches claim to fix.08:31
pittiwasn't there a CFQ->BFQ patch mentioned on the list the other day?08:32
pittibaptistemm: ^ udev seems to confirm08:32
pittipalimpsest says it's 250 MB/s avg08:33
pittiwhere my old disk was a mere 2008:33
baptistemmmehh, it's only 140MB for me08:33
pittiso in another three year's time it will be 5000, right?08:33
* didrocks puts all his trust in jockey now :)08:33
pittididrocks: it doesn't do much else than setting the ignoreabi flag08:34
didrockspitti: the one in the section I listed? weird it didn't work08:34
* pitti checks08:34
pittioh, oops08:34
pittiseems that tseliot didn't actually commit it yet08:34
didrocksahah, false hope so :-)08:35
* didrocks checks what he saw on the Internet08:35
pittiself.xorg_conf.addOption('ServerFlags', 'IgnoreABI', 'True', optiontype='Option', position=0)08:35
pittididrocks: but seems it's exactly the same08:35
didrockswhy why why nvidia is so evil with me so…08:35
baptistemmdamn palimpsest says I have feunct sectors :/08:35
didrocksI've waited for the update on purpose and saw this workaround08:36
baptistemmseb128 is off ?08:36
didrocksso, settings this and rebooting :)08:36
didrocksbaptistemm: he arrived more at 10 as he is working late08:36
RAOFdidrocks: How was nouveau 3D failing for you?08:36
didrocksRAOF: like a failing :-)08:37
RAOFOr we can investigate after exhausting the binary possibilities :)08:37
didrocksRAOF: unity didn't start, I'm still in low graphic resolution08:37
RAOFOh, so even the 2d driver isn't working properly?08:37
didrocksRAOF: yeah, I always have low resolution with it08:37
didrockswell, low resolution beeing 1280x1024, but I have 1900x normally :)08:38
RAOFSmells like VESA?08:38
tseliotpitti, didrocks: I didn't have the time to test jockey, therefore I haven't committed my changes yet. I'll do it today08:38
RAOFCare to pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?08:38
didrocksRAOF: sure08:39
didrockstseliot: ok, thanks :)08:39
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didrocksRAOF: all for you pleasure :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/477333/08:39
RAOFIncidentally, having the timestamps on Xorg.0.log has been immensely useful.08:40
RAOFdidrocks: Yup, there it is.  VESA.08:40
RAOFdidrocks: Hows about dmesg, too? :)08:40
didrocksto see that I'm failing in 17seconds ? :)08:40
didrocksRAOF: one sec, which part do you need of dmesg?08:41
tseliotRAOF, didrocks: it looks like vesa with the nvidia libraries08:41
didrockstseliot: hum, sounds a good mixture :-)08:41
tseliotin the X log, that is08:41
baptistemmis it safe to switch to maveick now, is X upgrade 's done ?08:41
RAOFdidrocks: Could I just have all of it?08:41
didrocksall is there :)08:41
RAOFbaptistemm: As long as you're not reliant on nvidia or fglrx X is golden in Maverick.08:41
RAOFWell, also as long as you don't want to play around with GNOME screensaver preferences on -radeon.08:42
tseliotyep, the nvidia kernel module is there too08:42
baptistemmRAOF: okay I'm on Intel so it'll  be good I assume08:42
RAOFbaptistemm: Should be. 2.12 is a bit faster and seems to work slightly better on the old, troublesome cards too.08:43
baptistemmpitti: Could you help me to review bluez from debian, the bluetooth dbus policy is not the same.08:43
didrocksbaptistemm: I confirm, apart from nvidia, all is good :)08:43
RAOFApart from the general tendency of intel GPUs to mysteriously hang, all is well on intel :)08:44
tseliotdidrocks: you'll need 2 things: 1) my nvidia package with the updated dependency on xserver 1.9 (not uploaded yet) 2) my new code for jockey both of which I will commit today08:45
baptistemmpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/477336/08:45
didrockstseliot: are there some branches somewhere or source package? I can gladely test them (still need 3D for unity update :))08:45
tseliotdidrocks: the nvidia driver (at least the packaging scripts) is here: http://github.com/tseliot/nvidia-graphics-drivers08:46
baptistemmI guess we should keep our policy08:46
RAOFdidrocks: The other option would be to properly remove nvidia, but it might be worth you testing the new binary drivers.08:47
pittibaptistemm: looks fine; we never used netdev, so if Debian dropped it as well now, so much the better08:47
pittibaptistemm: or is it the other way aroud and they added netdev?08:47
didrockstseliot: RAOF: as you wish, tell me what I should do to help you too if I can test something with nouveau and such :)08:48
tseliotdidrocks: I think it's also available in the xorg-edgers PPA and I can should you how to configure it if you're in a hurry08:48
pittibaptistemm: OTOH we don't use the "bluetooth" group either08:48
tseliot(I'm not sure about xorg-edgers though)08:48
pittibaptistemm: it might be best to just use at_console for now, if bluez still doesn't use PolicyKit08:48
didrockstseliot: I tried xorg-edgers and it didn't work as well (with the same IgnoreABI bits)08:48
baptistemmpitti: netdev was from our package08:48
pittibaptistemm: ah, I see; our's already has at_console, so it should be fine08:49
baptistemmpitti: do you have an example to look at for at_console policy ?08:49
baptistemmah okay08:49
pittibaptistemm: please do drop netdev then, and "bluetooth" along with it08:49
pitti        <policy at_console="true">08:49
tseliotdidrocks: do you have the X log with nvidia from xorg-edgers?08:49
pittibaptistemm: ^ it's nothing more08:50
didrockstseliot: I can reinstall it and try08:50
didrockslet's do that08:50
tseliotdidrocks: ok08:50
baptistemmpitti: and what the lp group? I guess we should keep it.08:50
pittibaptistemm: yes, I think so08:51
baptistemmI need to update again the hal patch, pitti whould be better with upstream if we could have a hal witch at configure ?08:54
pittibaptistemm: what is "the hal patch"?08:55
pittiwe don't use hal any more..08:55
baptistemmpitti: a patch you did to remove hal call in bluez08:56
pittibaptistemm: I don't think a switch makes sense at this point -- it should just disappear for good08:56
pittibut if other people want to keep it, then a configure option might do, yes08:56
baptistemmbetter I could just the patch upstream and see the reaction :)08:57
baptistemm10 o'clock just ring and seb128 is here didrocks was true09:01
baptistemmhello seb12809:01
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pittihey seb128, bonjour09:01
seb128lut baptistemm09:01
seb128hey pitti09:02
seb128baptistemm, ?09:02
seb128in fact I would have been a bit earlier today if I didn't run into a fsck after restart09:02
baptistemmI just asked if you were off, and didrocks told me you arrived at 1009:02
seb128do you need me for something?09:02
pittiwe always need you, seb!09:02
baptistemmnot at all, at least for now09:02
* pitti hugs seb12809:03
* seb128 hugs pitti09:03
seb128baptistemm, I did the bluez update btw09:03
seb128since your update had a conflict and was an outdated version now09:03
seb128lut didrocks09:03
pittididrocks: what happened to your proxy?09:03
didrocksahah, driver acceleration again \o/09:03
didrockshey seb12809:03
pittididrocks: ooh! with nvidia?09:04
didrockspitti: well, my proxy is at home and for a month, I prefered to shutdown the power there :)09:04
didrockspitti: yeah ;)09:04
pittididrocks: oh, right, where are you again?09:04
didrockstseliot: xorg-edgers fixed it. I was pretty sure to had a try earlier but it was before the coffee09:04
didrockspitti: I'm in the Alps, near Annecy09:04
tseliotdidrocks: I can understand ;)09:04
didrockstseliot: heh, thanks a lot for your support. So hopefully, next update will fix that for nvidia user. Will you readd the dummy dep to avoid breaking on apt-get upgrade btw?09:05
didrocksRAOF: thanks to you too  :)09:05
didrocks(first thing to do now: disabling xorg-edgers to avoid cry and sadness in the near futur :-))09:06
tseliotdidrocks: are you referring on the video abi thing=09:06
didrockstseliot: I don't remember what exactly, RAOF told me there where a dummy dep to avoid this kind of thing happening for each new Xorg-server update (surely a dep having the video abi in the name)09:07
RAOFYeah, it needs to have a dependency on xserver-xorg-video-$CURRENT_ABI; tseliot's on it.09:08
tseliotdidrocks: I guess it's bug #616214 (a fix is available in my git branch)09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 616214 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Should Depend: on appropriate xserver-xorg-video-$ABI (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61621409:08
RAOFtseliot: Did you notice the equivalent one for fglrx?09:08
didrockstseliot: exactly, great to know it will be fixed when you push that! thanks :)09:08
tseliotRAOF: I don't remember if something like that was in place in fglrx. Let me check09:09
didrocksRAOF: tseliot: later, if you want to have more try on a clean machine on the nouveau 3D, I can deserve a little time testing (not today but after my holidays)09:09
RAOFdidrocks: Eh, not really.  I'd expect the 3D to work, but I *don't* plan to do anything more vigorous than ensure it builds; it's named “libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental” for a reason :)09:10
didrocksRAOF: ok, make sense :-)09:10
tseliotRAOF: there's no such thing in fglrx09:10
RAOFtseliot: Right, but there should be.  I'm sure I filed a bug last night about it?09:11
didrockswaow, the links are blue again in evolution now09:11
tseliotRAOF: right, bug #61621509:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 616215 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "Should Depend: on appropriate xserver-xorg-video-$ABI (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61621509:12
RAOFAh, yeah.  There it is.09:13
tseliotRAOF: I think I'll just commit my changes in the upstream git branch for fglrx as the driver isn't ready for the new X yet09:13
tseliotoh, and I'll have to be backward compatible with the old xserver09:14
vishseb128: hi , about Bug #615793 , looks like making this change upstream would be nice?  shall i forward this upstream? or is this because of our notify-osd changes?09:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 615793 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "For each file received over bluetooth, a dialog is opened and must be dismissed (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61579309:14
vishseb128: mpt mentions to use the normal window there09:15
kiwinotemvo: goodmorning! atm in the appdetailsview the action button grabs focus. Is it ok to let the application name grab focus instead for a better a11y experience?09:15
seb128I guess upstream will blame it on our notifications09:15
RAOFtseliot: The -geode driver recently got some work to make it do the right thing against both old and new xservers; you might want to look at that.09:17
tseliotRAOF: ah, great, thanks for mentioning that09:17
Sarvattdidrocks: you want ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates not xorg-edgers if you just want nvidia :)09:26
didrocksSarvatt: well, too late, I just apt-get install the right pieces (apparently ;)), but thanks :-)09:26
baptistemmbluez is a pain to maintain due to init compatibity ...09:30
didrocksbaptistemm: lot of diff there?09:31
baptistemmyep ...09:31
seb128who gave robert_ancell upload rights09:34
seb128pitti, how crazy is today for you?09:38
tseliotmaybe seb128 needs a holiday ;)09:38
pittiseb128: need to spend some hours on a project, but what's up?09:38
seb128pitti, robert_ancell just screwed poppler09:39
seb128he put soname7 in libpoppler609:39
pitti14.2 bumped ABI again?09:39
seb128and I'm on fire to get dx and touch changes in and reviewed and release updates for the meeting today etc09:40
pittioh, maybe that explains the sudden segfaults in latex09:40
seb128pitti, yes, that's why I didn't do the update09:40
seb128I would really appreciate if somebody could sort that09:40
pittiseb128: I can just revert it for now09:40
seb128pitti, or rename the binary09:41
seb128but then we need a transition09:41
pittiI don't have time to do a full ABI bump today with a million rdepends, I'm afraid09:41
seb128the api change is small it's only one function09:41
pittiseb128: well, we need to fix libpoppler6 first, so we need a reversion first09:41
seb128pitti, ok please get the reversion09:41
seb128we will deal with the update later on09:41
seb128pitti, or rather "if you could revert his changes while I'm sorting those other things that would be great"09:42
* seb128 hugs you09:42
seb128pitti, thanks a lot09:43
seb128lut huats09:49
seb128huats, did you fix your build yet? ;-)09:49
huatssalut seb12809:49
huatsseb128, I couldn't find tim yet :(09:49
huatsthis moring09:50
huatsI hope09:50
huatsseb128, on the other hand it is quite tricky to fix something to you cannot reproduce :)09:50
seb128huats, I'm sure you can reproduce it09:51
seb128get the maverick source09:51
huatsseb128, I am sure it is not doing it on my pbuilder09:52
huatsI have rebuilt it since the fail09:52
huatsseb128, just to please you, I am doing it right now :)09:53
seb128no need to use pbuilder09:54
baptistemmpitti: Should we carry patch provided by http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=53507509:54
ubot2Debian bug 535075 in bluez "bluez: Udev rules for hid2hci do not match any event" [Important,Fixed]09:54
huatsseb128, well it is the way I build my stuffs :)09:54
huatsseb128, so once again it might be related to that (we have faced that in the past already)09:55
baptistemmpitti: the patch is http://patch-tracker.debian.org/patch/series/view/bluez/4.69-1/010_udev_rules_agent.patch09:55
baptistemmhmmm, we don't have any /lib/udev/bluez09:57
pittibaptistemm: presumably the new bluez ships that itself?10:00
pittibaptistemm: not sure, if we can stop using this silly hid2hci thing, so much the better10:00
pittibut it'd be interesting to know what /usr/lib/bluez does10:00
pitti(which is not a good name at all)10:00
seb128baptistemm, pitti: the rules is in /lib/udev/rules.d in ubuntu no?10:01
pittiright, in Debian as well10:02
pittibut /lib/udev/bluez is apparently a new callout10:02
seb128hum, does anybody know what create debhelpers logs?10:03
seb128I couldn't get bluez to build a source package without those in the diff.gz yesterday10:03
seb128it's ridiculous10:04
pittidebhelper logs?10:04
pittithose shold be temporary only10:04
huatsseb128, I don't understand : the sources in maverick fails to build, while the sources I have uploaded (I still have them here) builds fine :(10:05
huatsseb128, I have to dig :)10:05
seb128huats, debdiff those?10:05
seb128pitti, apt-get source bluez10:06
huatsthat was my next move10:06
seb128$ cat debian/bluez.debhelper.log10:06
seb128for example10:06
seb128I rm debian/*.log10:06
seb128debuild -S -sa10:06
seb128and the logs are in back and in the diff.gz10:06
mvokiwinote: I think changing that makes sense for a11y10:06
pittiseb128: maybe it wasn't cleaned at all?10:06
pittiseb128: debclean shold remove them?10:06
kiwinotemvo: great, thanks10:07
seb128pitti, it doesn't10:07
seb128I just ran debclean and they are still there10:07
pittiseb128: hm, does it have debian/compat?10:08
mvokiwinote: I had this idea to create failing tests for some of the bugs I'm aware of so that noone is bored while I'm away for a week, do you think that would be interesstng?10:08
seb128pitti, yes, set to 710:08
mvowe could have little prices even :)10:08
kiwinotemvo: yeah, that could sound interesting10:09
mvoI will give it a go and commit something to trunk soonish10:10
kiwinotemvo: I think next week I will also look at the startup-speed branch as well, to try and win back some time10:10
kiwinotemvo: then there is the history pane which also needs a bit of care. I started on that a little while back, but got stuck when the treeview started lagging10:11
kiwinotemvo: I haven't looked at it yet, but I think I'll be able to use some of the branched installed pane code for that10:12
baptistemmsorry I have to go10:12
sabdflseb128: non-feature-freeze question for you: in gnome-terminal, when you add a second tab, you get borders left right and bottom of the window. can those be suppressed? np to reply next week when the dust has settled :-)10:15
seb128hey sabdfl10:16
seb128I don't know offhand, would need to check the code but I guess that should be possible yes10:17
seb128I will let you know after checking but probably not today, today is going to be busy ;-)10:17
pittiseb128: poppler reversion uploaded and building, and fixed 0.14.2 prep'ed; I'll upload this once the reversion has built (otherwise they'll fail to upload)10:17
seb128pitti, thanks a lot10:17
seb128pitti, you can wait next week to upload the new version if you want then we can deal with the soname change in a better way10:18
pittiseb128: well, we can just leave it in NEW a bit10:18
pittiseb128: and even if it is accepted, it doesn't really hurt, just some NBS, right?10:19
pittiI can deal with some rebuilds10:19
seb128thanks for fixing that mess today10:19
sabdflseb128: thanks very much10:20
didrockspitti: take care, there are a lot of them (just look at the activity report from this week, most of the rebuild are listed there). As I first built all locally, it took times :(10:22
mvokiwinote: the stuff that nzmm was working on? to show a treeview in the installed pane?10:26
kiwinotemvo: yep, I haven't looked at it yet, but I presume it is that same as what the history pane should use10:26
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seb128mvo, update manager buttons are weird since a recent update, is that a design change or a bug?10:42
seb128they are thin10:42
pitticonfirmed here10:43
pittiif that is a design change, it's a very strange and objectionable one10:43
mvoseb128: a bug, or rather the result of changing a different bit of the UI10:46
seb128mvo, I also get package description displayed in german!?10:47
mvoseb128could you file a bug and target it for beta10:47
seb128some of those at least10:47
mvoseb128: oh?10:47
seb128but I'm using a french locale10:47
mvoseb128: woah10:47
seb128but that's not really new I think10:48
mvoseb128: could you please check if /var/lib/apt/lists/ has some *de* translations10:48
seb128mvo, it has10:48
mvoseb128: for what packages10:48
mvoseb128: what is your "echo $LANGUAGE" output?10:49
seb128$ echo $LANGUAGE10:49
mvoseb128: there you go10:49
seb128so it means it will do french, german then english?10:49
mvoseb128: yes10:49
seb128I never set that10:49
seb128I guess it's another language selector thing10:50
mvoyeah, could you open it and check ?10:50
mvoits really a odd setting10:50
seb128I had german before english10:51
mvoshow that apt is cleve ;)10:51
mvoclever even10:51
seb128I might have played with the thing trying to figure how the ui was working and inverted german and english10:51
mvothe UI is a problem in itself :(10:51
mvoits not a11y friendly at all10:51
mvoso if someone has spare cycles it would be awsome to add "up" and "down" buttons10:52
mvoso that people without mouse can actually drive the UI10:52
mvompt: see above, I think you talked with arne about the a11y problem, not sure if there is a solution yet (design-wise)10:53
mptmvo, yes, you should be able to Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move the selected language10:55
mptbut it looks like you can't even select a language in the list10:55
mvook, if those keys are known to people who needs them, I'm of course fine with that solution10:56
seb128mvo, pitti: bug #61729510:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 617295 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "buttons are thin since recent changes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61729510:56
mvothanks seb12810:57
* mpt wonders idly if today is a good day to upgrade to Maverick11:00
pittiuh, oh, it's Friday the 13th11:04
pittiseb128: ^ that might explain a few things :)11:04
seb128rodrigo_, could you drop the couchdb-glib json-glib libubuntuone ubuntuone-client build-depends on gir-repository-dev?11:21
seb128rodrigo_, I think it should not be required nowadays11:22
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mptmvo, are apturl and gdebi removed from the seed now?11:22
seb128rodrigo_, the gir are coming from the independent sources now11:22
mvompt: no, not yet11:31
mvompt: let me do that now11:31
mptmvo, and the Provides: and Replaces: marked?11:35
mvochrisccoulson: hi, apturl should no longer be needed for ubufox, you can remove that dependency, software-center will deal with that11:35
mvompt: replaces means something different (file replaces). provides is appropriate, but I think we don't need it, the amount of rdepends is very small11:36
chrisccoulsonmvo - for the plugin installer part?11:36
mvompt: also, s-c does not provide gdebi in the sense that it has all the same features, e.g. showing the filelist etc is not support (intentionally) in s-c so a providesis not quite right11:37
mvochrisccoulson: I guess, I don't know what ubufox is using it for11:37
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, it's for that. so, calling apturl will invoke SC?11:37
mptmvo, so is it possible to configure it so that (a) upgrading to Maverick uninstalls apturl and gdebi by default, but (b) it's still possible to reinstall them (without uninstalling software-center) later?11:37
kiwinotechrisccoulson: s-c doesn't support plugin finding11:38
chrisccoulsoni'm confused now11:38
mpt... plugin finding?11:39
mvompt: yes, we can do that via the upgrader. also for upgrade we can simply give s-c a higher priority in the deb handling than gdebi so that all debs are opened by default iwth it. but users who look for it can still find it easily11:39
chrisccoulsonmpt - yes, ubufox calls apturl to install browser plugins11:39
mptmvo, brilliant.11:39
chrisccoulsonubufox provides our plugin finder for firefox11:39
mvompt: gdebi is now unseeded11:39
mvompt: from ubuntu, the other seeds/flavours will make the decision about this on their own (but I think they will just follow suit)11:40
mptchrisccoulson, are you making a distinction between finding and installing?11:40
* mpt is disappointed he can't upgrade to Maverick today11:41
mvompt: whats wrong? do you get a error messgae?11:42
chrisccoulsonmpt - i was just trying to understand mvo's suggestion that apturl is no longer needed for ubufox ;)11:42
chrisccoulsonbut now i've just got confused instead11:42
mptmvo, "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."11:42
kiwinotechrisccoulson: if a user browses to apt:pkgname, then s-c will take care of the rest11:43
mptchrisccoulson, so software-center replaces apturl as the handler for apt: links. Is there anything else apturl did that I didn't know about?11:43
chrisccoulsonkiwinote, ok, that's orthogonal to the plugin installer, which is what ubufox really needs apturl for11:43
kiwinotechrisccoulson: I'm not quite sure precisely how the plugin finder code works11:43
chrisccoulsonthe plugin installer calls apturl directly11:44
chrisccoulsonmpt - how does SC replace apturl as the hanlder for apt: links? it needs to register the handler in firefox first11:44
kiwinotechrisccoulson: that's what we do atm11:44
chrisccoulsoncurrently, apturl does that itself (registers itself as a handler)11:44
chrisccoulsonok, i see11:45
mptSo is this just a search-and-replace needed in ubufox?11:45
chrisccoulsonso, what we really need is to update apturl to not register itself as a handler11:45
chrisccoulsonubufox still needs apturl until it's ported to something else11:45
kiwinotechrisccoulson: so does the plugin finding itself happen in apturl or ubufox?11:46
mptchrisccoulson, until *what* is ported to something else?11:46
kiwinotechrisccoulson: I had thought the latter..11:46
chrisccoulsonkiwinote, in ubufox11:46
chrisccoulsonmpt - ubufox11:46
chrisccoulsonubufox calls apturl specifically to install browser plugins ;)11:46
chrisccoulsonthat's separate to the handling of apt: links in firefox11:47
kiwinotechrisccoulson: does ubufox call apturl with a pkgname, or with a mimetype request?11:47
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chrisccoulsonkiwinote, with a packagename11:47
kiwinotechrisccoulson: if that is the case, then we can just replace that call with a s-c call for a pkgname if s-c is installed11:48
chrisccoulsonok, that's easy enough11:49
kiwinotechrisccoulson: nice ;)11:49
kiwinotechrisccoulson: were there any other things ubufox relies on apturl for, or is that it?11:49
mptIs this a case where we really should use Provides:, then? i.e. software-center intercepts the call for "apturl package-name" if apturl isn't installed11:50
chrisccoulsonkiwinote, that's all IIRC11:50
kiwinotechrisccoulson: great, thanks!11:50
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chrisccoulsonkiwinote, is there a minimum version of software-center required to be able to use it from ubufox to install plugins?11:59
chrisccoulsoni'd like to ensure it's still possible to backport ubufox to older ubuntu versions and still work properly11:59
kiwinotechrisccoulson: yes, 2.1.912:00
chrisccoulsonkiwinote, thanks12:00
* kiwinote -> lunch12:01
dpmhi mvo, the translation for the "Distribution updates" message in update-manager does not seem to be loaded (see http://imagebin.ca/view/h_QyhW.html). Before I file a bug, would you know off the top of your head if that message is supposed to come from somewhere else (e.g. aptdaemon, python-apt, etc.)?12:18
pittiseb128: oh, the small buttons also affect firefox -- itz gtk bug?12:19
seb128pitti, where?12:21
seb128pitti, could be iz light-themes bug12:21
pittiseb128: open a LP bug page12:21
pittithe "Send reply" or "Save changes" button12:21
pittisorry, "Post comment", not "send reply"12:21
* pitti lunches12:22
seb128pitti, hum indeed, weird12:22
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=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
mvodpm: update-manager should be the one13:19
asacdidrocks: are you there? or on vacation this week?13:20
didrocksasac: I'm on vacation starting next week13:23
mvodpm: odd, is the other stuff translated ? like Recommended upgrades for example?13:24
mvodpm: it should be all the same code13:24
mvodpm: the other headers I mean13:24
asacdidrocks: kk. enjoy. in the meantime we will probably rape clutter as projected in the mail ;)13:24
asacseems we will have to take it over until it flows upstream. the approach keeps it as compatible as possible to debian (e.g. by keeping same package name etc)13:25
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didrocksasac: as some packaging system? did you discuss more with debian, (that means, reping pochu about it, and such?)13:29
asacdidrocks: we cant wait for debian13:29
didrocksasac: still didn't have the time to came to your email, very busy day13:29
didrocksasac: as long as you ensure merges, no pb for me :)13:30
didrocksbut I don't want to merge such high gap13:30
asacpochu: are you there?13:30
seb128asac, if you want to do clutter changes please talk to me while didrocks will be on holidays13:31
asacseb128: sure. you can review the package in alfs repository13:34
asaci dont see debian to be flexibile enough to take this atm as they are already in freeze13:35
asacwe made it so that there are zero changes for GL/intel stack13:35
didrocksasac: at least, they can upload to experimental, what they would have done in any case13:35
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asacdidrocks: yeah, though imo we are not in the position to drive this in debian. if pochu wants to take it now i would be happy. if not we cannot block on that anymore. its getting far too late13:36
didrocksasac: as long as you handle futur merge, again, no pb on my side :)13:37
seb128asac, I want their opinion at least on the change before uploading13:37
asacright. thats clear.13:37
seb128asac, they don't need to upload13:38
asacseb128: the change is done in a way that doesnt change anything for you guys ;)13:38
asacbut ok ... if pochu doesnt reply we cant wait for him though13:38
seb128asac, well it change the packaging system13:38
asaclet me reply to the mail and ask pochu to review13:38
seb128asac, but right, we will not block on that13:39
asaci will CC you13:39
asacwhats pochus email?13:39
seb128asac, can you unblock didrocks' mir requests btw?13:40
seb128I will make sure clutter goes in in exchange ;-)13:40
didrocksahah, the tradeoff :-)13:40
asacright. thats my bargain13:41
pochuhey guys13:41
asaci am preparing MIR rush13:41
asacpochu: whats your email=13:41
asacpochu@debian.org ?13:41
pochuis this about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=588244 ?13:41
ubot2Debian bug 588244 in clutter-1.0 "Clutter eglx packaging" [Wishlist,Open]13:41
asacright. though we have a much better approach now13:42
asacpochu: give me your email and i will forward you the stuff13:42
pochusorry for not looking at that yet, didn't know you were blocked on it13:42
pochuasac: you've said it twice already ;)13:42
asacno problem13:42
asaclet me also include the bug in the CC ;)13:42
asacpochu: ok sent ;)13:44
asacits a reply to a mailthread ... so read all the inlines etc ;)13:44
asacpochu: if you have questions we are here13:44
asacpochu: what we did is leave the glx packaging as much as possible untouched. ensuring the the eglx build has a compatibile api and us the fake soname there to ensure that we can drop-in replace it ;)13:45
asacbut read the mail13:45
asacmissing api element in eglx was just one function which we implemented in software for now (hooking up the x11 function)13:45
asacand after that we add code that will pick up egl/gles extension from hw if implemented13:46
asacpochu: that part we will get into clutter 1.3 too ... since everyone agrees that its the right thing to do apparnelty13:46
asacand intel with moorsetown probably will see that as well soon ;)13:46
pochuasac: there's no patch in your mail AFAICS ?13:47
asacpochu: not included because its too big ... let me get you the .dsc13:48
kenvandineseb128, good morning13:48
kenvandineseb128, can you restart https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgwibber/0.0.3-0ubuntu1/+build/191689513:49
pochuasac: I'd rather look at a debdiff if possible13:49
asacalf__: can you reply to the mail i just sent and attach the debdiff13:49
dpmmvo, I'm not sure if the other headers in u-m manager are translated, that's the only one I saw. I think I'll file a bug.13:49
asacpochu: debian vs. our proposal?13:49
pochuasac: is there an upstream bug for the upstream 1.3 bits?13:49
pochuasac: or the current unpatched Ubuntu package vs the proposed package13:50
pochuto keep the diff minimal13:50
mvodpm: ok, I have a look now13:50
asacok let me see13:50
pochuasac: or if Ubuntu has the same clutter version, Debian vs. proposed package is fine too13:50
seb128kenvandine, hey13:50
seb128kenvandine, retried13:51
seb128hey nessita13:51
dpmthanks mvo :)13:51
kenvandinehopefully whatever broken  depends are all published now13:52
seb128kenvandine, can you drop the libgwibber build-depends on gir-repository-dev13:52
seb128I'm trying to get gir-repository back to universe13:53
seb128now that the useful gir come from sources13:53
kenvandinei'll try13:53
seb128if you lack a gir let me know which one13:53
seb128but I doubt you do13:53
kenvandinei probably need that13:53
chaoticah you are :)13:53
asacalf__: please collapse changelogs to the topmost when rebasing to latest in future ;)13:55
alf__asac: sure :)13:56
asacpochu: ok sent debdiff ... because we had to do a two run build, we moved to dh7 ... and also added .symbols for tracking abi etc.13:56
asacalf__: also can you file a bug against upstream clutter to add the texture_pixmap to the eglx api?13:57
nessitahi seb128, how are you?13:57
asacpochu probably feels more comfortable about that13:57
seb128nessita, I'm a bit tired but otherwise rather fine, thanks, what about you?13:57
nessitaI'm great, is FRIDAY! :-)13:58
alf__asac: I can do that, but they will probably not do it as it is not needed any more for 1.3.x13:58
kenvandinenessita, it's friday the 13th!13:58
nessitakenvandine: the best friday ever ;-)13:59
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asacalf__: well. there still is a frontend api isnt there?13:59
asacfor texture_to_pixmaps?13:59
asacor is there approach to use cogl directly?14:00
asacor did they drop the clutter*pixmap symbols alltogether?14:01
kenvandineseb128, i think i can drop that14:01
alf__asac: in 1.3.x one can call clutter_x11_texture_pixmap, and it does all the magic depending on the cogl variant that is used.14:01
kenvandineif i convert it from a --includes DBus to --pkg14:02
asacalf__: ok so all this goes away? what changes do we need for 1.3 to work as we want?14:02
seb128kenvandine, we should maybe have a try to get dbus building a gir14:02
asacalf__: i doubt its just ready (TM)14:02
seb128kenvandine, I will add that to my todolist14:03
asacalf__: whatever we need to do on 1.3 we would have to file an upstream bug14:03
asacor it just a packaging thing by then? e.g. two run build, hack soname, put into two packages?14:03
kenvandineseb128, ok, that works... i can drop it14:05
alf__asac: packaging thing, plus handling (or not) of extra variant symbols eg clutter_eglx_display14:05
seb128kenvandine, no hurry, whenever you do the next uploads14:06
seb128kenvandine, there is a lot of rdepends to clean it will not be done this week14:06
alf__asac: of course, programs should be changed to use clutter_x11_texture_pixmap and just ignore clutter_glx_texture_pixmap14:06
asacalf__: right. but unless upstream drops clutter_glx_texture_pixmap completely we have to add it to eglx14:07
asacjust as a convenience func14:07
kenvandineseb128, yeah, it'll require a release of libgwibber anyway14:07
kenvandineneeded to change the Makefile a bit14:08
asacalf__: so if clutter_glx_texture_pixmap isnt dropped in 1.3 upstream we have to file that upstream bug ;)14:09
alf__asac: they won't drop it, but i doubt they will want an api called clutter_glx_texture_pixmap to the *eglx* variant14:09
pochuasac: I added a symbols file in Debian too14:09
alf__asac: i will file the bug but i don't expect much14:09
pochuasac, alf__: yeah, I'd rather API additions go upstream14:09
pochuasac, alf__: what are the tests binary packages needed for?14:10
asacpochu: ok thats good. you should definitly take our patch that hides the backend symbols though14:10
asace.g. the one replacing cluter  with _clutter14:10
asacotherwise you cannot have same API for egl/glx afaict14:10
pochuasac, alf__: gtg for lunch, I'll finish looking at it after it14:10
asacpochu: we have those test binaries to allow easy testing14:10
asacpochu: also as benchmarks etc.14:10
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asacpochu: also for egl we have the embedded world with all the drivers not being ready ... so its convenient to tell them: look at those tests and make them work ;)14:11
alf__asac, pochu: do you still need that debdiff?14:11
asacpochu: you rock.14:11
asacalf__: i sent it already14:11
alf__asac: ok, thanks!14:11
asacalf__: its definitly dirty, so if pochu really reviews it this way we should send him a beer or something14:12
asacbut otoh its a few month of work, so its expected to be large14:12
asacbut we can probably better tell him what changes are for what topic14:12
asaclike the backend symbol hiding bits etc.14:12
pochuasac: well, can't you tell them to make 'make check' pass?14:12
asacpochu: its really convenient to have the test cases packaged. why is that a problem ;)?14:13
asacmake check runs all those tests?14:13
pochuasac, alf__: it would also be great if you can send the upstream patches upstream14:13
asacat least the SGX from TI passes make check, but the tests are buggy iirc ... also some stuff is slow and you dont see that in make check14:13
pochuasac: I dunno, I'd hope so :)14:13
asacpochu: yes, but upstream doesnt reply to us14:14
asacpochu: i dont think it does that. those tests are running infititely so you need human interaction to check etc.14:14
pochuasac: I've sent 3 patches upstream already and they've replied to all of them, 2 are already committed14:14
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pochuasac: ah ok14:14
asacpochu: right. we can send paches upstream, but for 1.2 its too late and as alf__ explained above a bunch of things changed in 1.3 ... but yes, we should send the backend hiding patch at least14:15
pochuasac: you can also prod ebassi on #gnome-hackers (I needed to do that)14:15
asacalf__: ^^14:15
pochuI'd rather there's a bug report without replies, than none because you think they won't reply at all :-)14:15
asacalf__: is the backend hiding symbols patch still neede din 1.3 ?14:15
pochuanyway, lunch14:15
asacpochu: enjoy14:15
pochu(also they probably want bug fixes for 1.2.x)14:16
alf__asac: I am not sure, I haven't checked in a while14:16
asacalf__: i think we should file two bugs: a) backend symbols need to be hidden (i know they already said they dont care, but still)14:16
asacb) add clutter_glx_texture_pixmap that calls the x11 function for eglx14:16
alf__pochu: have a nice lunch14:16
asac(unless they killed clutter_glx_texture_pixmap altogether)14:16
alf__asac: do you mean for 1.3?14:17
asacyes, everything we talk about here for upstream is 1.3 (or rather trunk)14:17
alf__asac: ok, i'll file them, but as I said don't expect much for (b)14:19
asacalf__: why? if upstream does not drop clutter_glx_texture_pixmap for 1.3 we still should add it to allow drop-in ... even if its just a simple wrapper around x1114:22
asacif they dropped it from 1.3 then its indeed a null op ;)14:22
alf__asac: they can't drop it because of backwards compatibility (clutter 1.3.x is still "clutter-1.0")14:24
alf__asac: What i meant is that is not likely that they will wan't to accept the patch for (b) upstream14:25
asacalf__: right. so we want to add it for egl14:25
asacalf__: we should try. we have strong argument as we can then drop-in replace which will also come handy for other distributions etc.14:26
alf__asac: we will try :)14:26
asacalternatively they could make a good pluggable backend architecture ;)14:27
asacbut even then you would need that symbol for -1.014:27
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seb128pitti, do you update the team members in the workitems tracker?15:05
seb128pitti, how often?15:05
mvokiwinote: thanks for oyur work on the a11y, I just merged your branch15:08
kiwinotemvo: thanks15:09
mvokiwinote: is there more come? otherwise I will upload it soonish into maverick15:09
kiwinotemvo: you can do the upload whenever15:09
mvokiwinote: ok, thanks!15:09
kiwinotemvo: there is still more to come, don't worry ;) I'm just working out how to get the pkgstatusbar accessible without changing too much of the gtk structure..15:10
kiwinotemvo: but that can wait until after the upload15:11
ftait seems empathy is not reporting the proper status to gtalk, is that known?15:14
ftaor am i missing something?15:14
pittiseb128: every day15:16
seb128pitti, hum, it didn't pick it up today15:16
seb128pitti, we still have server specs on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html15:17
pittiseb128: but perhaps that's broken; asac also pointed out a problematic one15:18
pittiI have that on my TODO, just no time to get to that yet15:18
seb128pitti, ok thanks15:18
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chrisccoulsonmvo - software-center isn't actually registering as a handler for apt url's yet (it's missing some keys in software-center.js)15:22
mvochrisccoulson: oh, what is missing?15:23
chrisccoulsonmvo - it's missing the network.protocol-handler.app.apt key, which is the one which tells it to use software-center15:24
devildantemvo: here?15:25
mvohey devildante15:25
devildantemvo: hi :)15:25
mvohey devildante15:26
devildantemvo: what's the state of affairs? (slept really late, sorry I wasn't present earlier :( )15:26
mvodevildante: no worries, FFe is filed and under investigation15:27
mvochrisccoulson: thanks, fixed now15:27
devildantemvo: thanks :)15:27
chrisccoulsonmvo - thanks15:27
devildantemvo: can we still fix bugs in trunk?15:27
mvodevildante: absolutely15:28
mvodevildante: we can and should do that :)15:28
mvodevildante: do you have something pending?15:28
devildantemvo: nah, just curious15:28
devildantemvo: but do you have a nasty bug you want to get rid of? I can fix it if you want :)15:28
mvodevildante: there is one  where the viewswitcher behaves oddly when channels get added, but I don't have found a reliable way to reproduce yet15:29
mvodevildante: there is also bug #61392815:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 613928 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Install/Remove button is missing in app details view whenever another install/remove is in-progress (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61392815:30
mvothat is a bit anoying and would be nice to get fixed (shouldn't actually be too hard)15:30
devildantemvo: hey, that's fix released!15:31
mvodevildante: oh! lalala15:31
devildantemvo: "don't fix what ain't broken" :p15:32
mvodevildante: heh :)15:32
mvodevildante: even bettter,!15:33
devildantemvo: for the first bug, how can you even add channels right now?15:33
mvodevildante: yeah, that happens e.g. when something is purchased and that makes it so tricky to reproduce15:33
devildantemov: so you purchased something? in secret? :p15:34
mvodevildante: its all dummy code currently and dummy packages, you can purchase the "hello" package (apt-cache show hello)15:34
* mvo needs to run out for some minutes15:35
devildanteokay, take your time :)15:36
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chrisccoulsonmvo - if ubufox is using software-center to install the plugins, is there any way of knowing when the install is finished? (apturl just used to exit, which is easy to detect)15:39
kiwinotechrisccoulson: no, there isn't atm, as the user may already have s-c open or may keep it open. we could use a dbus signal for that perhaps15:41
chrisccoulsonkiwinote, that's pretty difficult to pick up from a browser plugin though :/15:41
devildantekiwinote: just by curiosity, shouldn't we just open the firefox appdetailsview in the future? (if my addons branch ever get merged)15:42
kiwinotedevildante: by the looks of it your current firefox screen doesn't actually list any addons..15:44
kiwinotedevildante: ah, wait, it crashed15:44
devildantekiwinote: http://i.imgur.com/FW1TI.png15:46
kiwinotedevildante: thanks, the plugins we are referring to are things like flash and totem plugins which don't seem to be in that list15:48
pittigood bye, have a nice weekend!15:48
seb128pitti, thanks, have a nice weekend as well15:48
devildantekiwinote: oh15:48
kiwinotedevildante: in the future it would be nice to build 'search for mimetype' functionality straight into s-c15:48
devildantekiwinote: maybe we could have explicit add-ons in sc, and I mean add-ons manually added, and not automatically added via Recommended and stuff15:49
mvodevildante: there is one bug in the back-forward handling in the addons, for some reason show_applicaton does not properly register so going back from a details view in a plugin does not return to the original app (e.g. app is gimp, click on gimp-gutenprint, click back)15:49
mvodevildante: if you are keen on work on on another one :)15:50
devildantemvo: okay :)15:50
kiwinotedevildante: I've had a quick look at the branch15:50
kiwinotedevildante: great work, just a few minor points i found15:50
kiwinotedevildante: http://paste.ubuntu.com/477481/15:51
kiwinotedevildante: missed one: if the big icon in the detailsview is meant to be a missing_pkg_icon then it isn't displayed15:52
devildantekiwinote: mvo: thanks for the infos, will take care of this now :)15:52
devildantemvo: aren't you supposed to be on vacation? :P15:53
mvodevildante: tomorrow :)15:53
devildantemvo: okay :)15:53
devildantekiwinote: the big icon bug has been fixed :p16:10
kiwinotedevildante: nice ;)16:10
alf__asac, pochu: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=226716:13
ubot2bugzilla.clutter-project.org bug 2267 in General "Hide internal glx and egl(x) backend symbols." [Normal,New]16:13
pochualf__: cool16:20
asacpochu: any first complaints ;)16:21
asacthanks alf__ !!16:21
pochuasac: I'm looking at it, looks good generally16:23
pochualf__: shouldn't eglx_texture_pixmap.patch go upstream too?16:23
pochuI'm not comfortable adding APIs downstream16:23
asacpochu: so i see we killed the control.in feature ... is it a problem for you to a) move to dh7 like suggested and b) to readd the control.in feature for your@GNOME_TEAM@ tag?16:23
seb128kenvandine, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-social-api16:23
asacpochu: yes, he will submit that now16:23
seb128kenvandine, can you postpone all the items about api and widgets that didn't land?16:23
asacpochu: but its essential to add to keep both APIs drop in replace for the glx one16:24
asacso its not really extending api ... just synching api ;)16:24
asacso with this change you can build against glx and run with egl lib ;)16:24
kenvandineseb128, yeah, will do16:25
pochuasac: dh7 -> I'd rather stay with CDBS, the latest versions have support to build different flavours quite easily, but I can probably handle that when merging the changes if you don't want to do it16:25
asacbut still. alf will submit it16:25
seb128kenvandine, thanks16:25
asacpochu: we need a two run build which is awful with cdbs in my way. if you want to stick i would be really happy if you could implement it there ;)16:25
pochuok, np16:25
asacif you say latest cdbs is better, then go for it ;)16:25
asachow is that done now?16:26
asacpochu: i assume you also dont need the control.in fix for dh7 then? ;) ... can you copy the rest of control file over to the control.in ?16:26
pochuasac: sure16:26
alf__asac: actually, we need a three run build ;)16:26
asacalf__: heh :)16:27
asacor that16:27
alf__asac, pochu: I will submit the eglx_texture_pixmap.patch on Monday because I want to prepare both a 1.2 and 1.3 version (as I did with the previous patch)16:30
pochushouldn't these patches go upstream too? fix_gles1_detection.patch, fix_motion_events.patch, fix_po_makefile_out_of_tree_build.patch, fix_SIGSEGV_clutter_stage_has_full_redraw_queued.patch, remove_gl_dep_for_gles.patch16:30
asacalf__: i think just 1.3 is enough ... noone will pick things like that for 1.2 i guess upstream. but since we have that already we can do that16:30
pochualso I'm not sure I get the point of x11-unified.patch16:31
asacpochu: yes, if they still apply for 1.316:31
asacpochu: thats most likely soname hacking. we want to use the same soname for the eglx build16:31
asacbut i havent looked ... so i might be wrong ;)16:31
pochuit's stuff like16:31
pochu+-libclutter_@CLUTTER_WINSYS@_@CLUTTER_API_VERSION@_la_LIBADD = \16:31
alf__asac: you are correct16:31
pochu++libclutter_glx_@CLUTTER_API_VERSION@_la_LIBADD = \16:31
asacalf__: why is WINSYS replaced by a fixed glx?16:32
asacah now i see16:32
alf__pochu: to force the soname16:32
alf__asac: ^16:33
pochuwhy would you do that?16:33
asacpochu: so you can drop in replace16:33
pochudidn't you say you have compatibility symlinks for that?16:33
pochuthough it makes sense now anyway16:33
asacright. but in this way you can also build against that16:33
asacand still flip back ;)16:33
asacotherwise you always have to painfully switch to the real glx package to compile16:34
pochuah right16:34
asacand then switch back16:34
asacalf__: you should check what makes sense to upstream for 1.2 from the patches above though16:35
pochumaybe it would be better to just remove CLUTTER_WINSYS, without adding _glx_ ?16:35
asacpochu: that would change the upstream soname16:36
pochuso you have libclutter-1.0.so everywhere16:36
asacwhich we felt would have been quite a bold step if we do that in ubuntu16:36
asacsure. i think that would be the right step upstream16:36
asacbut i dont think we should make our glx SONAME incompatible with the rest of the world16:36
asacupstream should do that next time they break abi16:37
pochuoh, right16:37
asacand then maybe have supplementary libs for just egl/glx funcs with a shared and useful api in that libclutter...so16:37
asacbut upstream didnt reply to that suggestion a while back ;)16:38
pochufile a bug :)16:38
asacso we adapted to try the best we can do downstream ;)16:38
alf__pochu: one note, the fix_motion_events.patch fix_SIGSEGV_clutter_stage_has_full_redraw_queued.patch are not currently used (not in series)16:38
asaci think we should use the x11-unified.patch to trigger this discussion16:38
pochuI guess so, it feels awkward we need such a hack to have the different builds compatible16:38
asace.g. file a bug to take that for 1.3 ... and then they probably dont like it and then suggest the right approach and ask for help to implement that ;)16:39
didrocksalf__: fix_motion_events should be used16:39
didrocksalf__: let me check16:39
pochuasac: yup16:39
alf__pochu: i just forgot to remove the files. they were superseeded by 01_speed_current_position_detection.patch16:39
didrockssame for fix_SIGSEGV_clutter_stage_has_full_redraw_queued.patch16:39
didrockspochu: those are upstreamaed btw ^16:39
didrockspochu: no reply on the patch16:39
pochudidrocks: bug# ?16:40
didrockspochu: let me ask to Jason, he most of the time file the bug upstream after I apply them to ubuntu, hence the lack of reference16:40
alf__didrocks: debian/patches/01_fix_motion_events.patch, 02__fix_SIGSEGV_clutter_stage_has_full_redraw_queued.patch: removed, included in 01_speed_current_position_detection.patch16:41
didrockshum, he is not there today16:41
didrocksalf__: right16:41
didrocksalf__: on the current version in maverick (and no quilt, so no debian/patches/series)16:41
didrockspochu: I'll get back to you ASAP Jason answered me, but I told Jason to file them upstream (what he has at least for the two previous 01_fix… and 02_fix…) not sure about the latest one because I didn't check16:42
didrocksI know he spoke about it with upstream at least (it's a huge speed improvment)16:43
pochudidrocks: ok, let me know about it16:43
pochuJFYI, I'm OK with shipping patches that make sense and are not committed upstream, but I want them to at least be forwarded16:44
didrockspochu: note that I'll be on vacation next two weeks, so that can take time. I would say, if you want to take something in the meantime, you can discard that patch: no API or anything added IIRC16:44
asacright. i understand ... and it makes sense to push them there at least16:44
didrockspochu: they are, just need to find the reference :)16:44
pochu+  * debian/*.symbols:16:46
pochu+    - Add symbols introduced by 01_speed_current_position_detection.patch.16:46
pochuso it seems it adds API...16:46
didrockspochu: ok, I didn't remember that sorry, too old now :)16:46
pochuI've done a quick look on bugzilla.c-p, no luck, but that's probably my fault for not using the right search terms ;)16:46
didrockspochu: let me have a look16:47
seb128chrisccoulson: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-chromium16:47
seb128I think the new documentation system will be delayed to next cycle for GNOME316:47
seb128so you can probably postpone that work item16:48
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seb128RAOF, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-xorg-in-mm, should the remaining alpha3 items be closed or moved to beta?16:49
pochuI have to go now, bbl16:49
seb128RAOF, (letting that in backlog for next week)16:49
seb128Riddell, do you have some minutes for NEW reviewing?16:53
seb128Riddell, i've some stuff to finish and I'm running late16:53
didrockspochu: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=223716:53
ubot2bugzilla.clutter-project.org bug 2237 in General "[PATCH] Optional picking mode which does not utilize glReadPixels" [Enhancement,New]16:53
Riddellseb128: what's needed?16:53
didrockspochu: it is so :)16:53
seb128didrocks, can you tell Riddell what is still in new that you uploaded?16:54
didrocksRiddell: seb128: let me have a look. I think there is at leat utouch16:54
seb128Riddell, that's a dummy one to install other things should be easy to review ;-)16:55
seb128Riddell, can you bin NEW the other touch ones?16:55
seb128Riddell, thanks a lot16:55
* seb128 hugs Riddell16:55
* seb128 goes to finish release status update before having to run out16:56
didrocksRiddell: there is also utouch-geis for your great pleasure ;)17:00
mptmvo, hi, did you get the FFe?17:03
didrocksRiddell: thanks :)17:13
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devildantehi mpt :)17:21
mptdevildante, are you fixing the FIXMEs? :-)17:22
devildantekiwinote made me a list here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/477481/ :p17:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'll postpone that one. thanks17:24
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks17:30
mptdevildante, good good. mvo's on holiday next week, but you get those fixed early we could line up some other reviews on the merge proposal17:44
devildantempt: okay :)18:13
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didrocksRiddell: can you bin new utouch, please? :)18:27
Riddelljdstrand is doing New.  it's his archive day18:27
didrocksoh ok, thanks :)18:28
devildantempt: meh, there's an outstanding bug18:37
* mpt wonders how it's possible for software-center.pot to be the only file containing a particular string18:38
devildantempt: when clicking on an add-on pkgname, it shows up, but there's no way to return to the original app18:40
mptdevildante, because Back goes to the wrong place?18:41
devildantempt: yes, it returns at "Get software"18:41
devildantempt: I tried to fix this, but for now, I didn't find a solution :(18:42
devildantempt: if this persists, we'll have to disable clicking of pkgnames18:42
mptdevildante, that's something tremolux (Gary Lasker) would need to fix, I think. He knows the Back/Forward code.18:42
devildantempt: so I can just leave it as-is until tremolux fixes it?18:43
mptdevildante, I guess you'd better disable the links until then. He won't be working next week either.18:43
devildantempt: okay18:43
mptI'm going home now, ttyl18:44
mptthanks again for your work18:44
devildanteargh, too late for a goodbye :p18:44
* didrocks waves goodbye and see you in two weeks!18:53
devildantekiwinote: selecting an add-on is now snappier than ever ;)18:54
kiwinotedevildante: great!18:55
devildantekiwinote: and the cancel button works :)18:55
mvodevildante: nice, what did you do to make it faster?18:55
devildanteput update_totalsize() into a gobject.idle_add18:56
mvodevildante: nice18:56
devildantemvo: I also wanted to put set_addons() into a thread, but it causes problem when going to another app18:57
devildantekiwinote: I can't reproduce the firefox details crash18:57
kiwinotedevildante: you may have fixed it in your current revision, I'm still running the last one you pushed18:59
vishlooks like everyone is going on a vacation leaving seb128 all alone to have fun ;)18:59
devildantekiwinote: I pushed my latest rev, go test it :)18:59
devildanteI mean I'll push it :p18:59
kiwinotedevildante: hehe, will do, once lp has updated19:00
devildantevish: can I have fun too? :p19:00
devildantekiwinote: pushed :)19:00
vishhrm , why dont i get a stack for this gdb! :(19:01
devildantemvo: did the build-dep issue get fixed?19:01
mvodevildante: yes, just uploaded the fix (10min ago)19:01
devildantemvo: is it in maverick now?19:01
mvodevildante: probably not build yet19:02
mvodevildante: but uploaded19:02
devildantemvo: okay :)19:02
devildantehmm, seems that debian bug watches aren't working19:03
kiwinotedevildante: you can change line 815 of details_gtk to "if not icon or not icons.has_icon(icon):"19:08
devildantekiwinote: nice catch, thanks :)19:08
kiwinotedevildante: an app_details object returns none if it has no icon19:08
devildantekiwinote: yeah19:09
devildantekiwinote: oh, and good work on .deb handling :)19:09
mvokiwinote, devildante: you guys rock! really cool to see this buzz :)19:09
mvoI will miss the fun of looking for nice new branches in the week I'm away19:09
devildantemvo: just make sure we don't go on vacation ;)19:09
kiwinotemvo: all the more fun when you get back ;)19:10
devildantemvo: is there someone who will replace you? (so I can bug him with fixes :p)19:10
vish_hmm , what am i doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/ZQjzavPS there is no stack for this unity crash.. bah..! no didrocks :(19:11
mvodevildante: usually its tremolux, but he is away as well19:11
mvodevildante: just bug kiwinote ;)19:11
devildantemvo: thanks for the info19:12
devildantenow I can do "kiwinote: ping pang pong" :p19:12
mvoheh :)19:12
* mvo is afk again for a little bit19:14
Sarvattvish_: looks like you're using a GPU without NPOT support?19:26
vish_Sarvatt: hmm , not sure what that means , i was testing unity ppa but it kept crashing and didrocks wanted a gdb from a live cd.. so ran the gdb19:28
vish_Sarvatt: mutter works fine , only unity keeps crashing19:29
vish_Sarvatt: its an ATI X1400, iirc its an rv515 /19:32
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devildantekiwinote: do you know the exact color for the "Version", "License"... labels?19:33
kiwinotedevildante: in the details_gtk file there is a class for a infotable19:34
Sarvattthe invalid value error is probably from it trying to use a texture thats not power of two sized and its just hanging instead of crashing, i can't  use unity on intel either at the moment because of a bad renderbuffer format error19:34
devildantekiwinote: yeah, I copied the "dark" color, but it's not applied correctly on the "Total size" label19:34
kiwinotedevildante: hm, let me look19:35
vish_Sarvatt: so we just need to wait for better drivers ?   :)19:36
Sarvattvish_: install the clutk debug package and break on ctk_render_target_resize and check out the dimensions19:36
* devildante will be afk for an hour or two, just leave a message19:37
vish_Sarvatt: but that doesnt allow me to install: "  libclutk-0.3-0-dbgsym:   Depends: libclutk-0.3-0 (=0.3.48-0ubuntu1) but 0.3.50-0ubuntu2 is to be installed"  :(19:38
vish_oh , wait there is another dbg package!19:40
* devildante is no longer afk :p19:41
kiwinotedevildante: it seems to be that the self.style object is different. The correct one returns <__main__.MurrineStyle object at 0x2d0f6e0 (MurrineStyle at 0x2ee6e30)>, the 'wrong' one returns <gtk.Style object at 0x3871280 (GtkStyle at 0x2c62020)>19:54
kiwinotedevildante: it probably has to do with that the correct one is set on the 'realize' signal, and the 'wrong' one is set straight away19:55
kiwinotedevildante: but that would need investigation.. ;)19:56
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kiwinotedevildante: anyway, I'm off now. Have fun ;)20:14
Sarvattbefore i dig into the bugs does anyone know if there are known issues? every software-center upgrade gives a huge spam of - WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:error processing: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ubuntu-restricted-extras.desktop 'catalogedtime' and using add-apt-repository gives a spam of .save extensions being invalid for files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/?20:22
Sarvattvish_: I can reproduce that crash with MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=-GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two unity20:36
Sarvattoops he isn't in here20:36
Sarvattshouldn't unity detect if GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is available and not run before trying to use it?20:39
Sarvattvish_: there are probably tons  of bugs with the same problem already if its broken on all <= r500 radeons20:47
vish_Sarvatt: yeah.. there are a lot of people saying unity doesnt start and they have the same symptoms , but didrocks mentioned that they didnt really know what was the exact cause20:49
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vish_one problem was the gnome-panel systray conflit20:49
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Sarvattunconditionally using NPOT textures when its not supported is why20:51
vish_then a few other the problemwas solved using export CLUTTER_VBLANK=none20:51
Sarvattdid you see if you had GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two advertised in glxinfo?20:52
Sarvatt(enable universe and install mesa-utils on that livecd)20:52
vish_yeah doing that now..20:52
vish_doh! i had already checked it : http://paste.ubuntu.com/476865/20:53
vish_thats the glxinfo^20:53
Sarvattoh dang not even advertised?20:54
vish_totally forgot that i had pasted the glxinfo yesterday :D!20:54
vish_Sarvatt: with the latest mesa,Mesa 7.8.2 : http://paste.ubuntu.com/477605/20:57
Sarvattany difference if you run MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two unity20:57
* vish_ tries20:57
Sarvattif r300 from xorg-edgers doesn't work it looks like its going to need r300g to run unity on r300-r500 :(20:59
vish_oh! i saw a hint of unity and it disapeared!21:00
vish_using the override..21:00
Sarvattyeah try edgers for sure, if that does work you can use Option "Gallium" "True" with edgers to make it work with r300g. switching to r300g by default was a goal for maverick but r300g in mesa 7.8.x isn't good enough21:01
vish_http://paste.ubuntu.com/477608/ when i tried ~$ MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two mutter --replace --mutter-plugins=libunity-mutter21:03
* vish_ installs edgers21:03
Sarvatt7.9 is very different than 7.8.x, glxinfo/glxgears needs to be packaged seperately and all of the egl/opengles/openvg stuff is very different so it didn't get packaged yet. they didn't release it on schedule and are waiting to add more features and it wont be released until october so its risky :(21:03
devildantevish_: got time?21:12
vish_hmm! october..! :(21:12
vish_devildante: heh , i'm still sctatching my head or unity :D21:12
devildantevish_: okay, just ping me when you're finished :)21:13
vish_devildante: sure..21:13
vish_Sarvatt: restarting X should be sufficeint right, to use the edgers update?  where/when do i set the "Gallium" "True" option ?21:14
Sarvatttry without the gallium too though to see if the normal r300 dri driver works if ya can21:16
* vish_ re-starting x21:17
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vishSarvatt: around? with the -edgers the problem is even worse , mutter too [which works with the daily] just hangs and i can see nothing but the wallpaper : http://paste.ubuntu.com/477636/22:35
devildantevish: still having problems? :p22:36
vishSarvatt: unity segfaults : http://paste.ubuntu.com/477637/22:36
vishdevildante: yup , the fun kind ;)22:36
devildantevish: about bug 399591 (which you reported), is there still time so I can work on it?22:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 399591 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Rename Update-notifier > update-manager-daemon (affects: 4) (heat: 21)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39959122:37
vishdevildante: yup , thats not affected by FF, its just a renaming22:38
devildantevish: can I work on it?22:38
vishdevildante: sure..22:38
devildantevish: thanks :)22:38
vishdevildante: thanks :) ,22:39
devildantevish: np22:39
vishdevildante: oh wow! thats exactly 1yr since me and mpt discussed about it! :D22:39
devildantevish: yeah :P22:39
vishSarvatt: how do i try the Gallium option?22:41
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* vish not really comfortable with webcaht! ;) needs to boot back to xchat :D22:41
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Sarvattvish: http://paste.ubuntu.com/477646/ -- make that your /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:56
vishSarvatt: cool! , thanks! :)22:57
* vish tires again...23:06
devildantevish: you are tired again? :p23:08
vishSarvatt: that dint help either :(  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/477654/ , unity just freezes..23:25
* vish brb , re-booting 23:25
* vish re..23:32
bdrungthe ubuntu-desktop team needs to improve in regard of sponsoring. there are 18 sponsor request for ubuntu-desktop packages.23:38
bdrungsource: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/23:38

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