
=== elky` is now known as elky
lanoxx #ubuntu+102:22
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lanoxxim wondering what is necessary to approve a pending merge request for bzr? If I have read the code changes and think they are ok, can i approve a merge or do i need to part of some special group to do such a thing?02:25
lanoxxIn Launchpad I can choose approve Approve and enter a "review type" what should i enter there?02:25
lanoxxdoes that have any effect?02:25
micahglanoxx: for Ubuntu, it's ubuntu-dev, you can help test by joining the reviews team02:25
lanoxxthe particular packet is update-notifier02:26
lanoxxDo I need to show that I have programming experience or anything to be in the review team?02:27
RAOFNote that approving the merge is purely metadata - it's not going to actually merge the code.02:27
RAOFIf you're familiar with kernel or X development, consider it the same as a Reviewed-By: tag.02:27
ajmitchmaybe some time in the future, approving a merge on LP will do the merge, and automagically create a package from that. But not now02:28
micahglanoxx: I don't think so, you can get more information in #ubuntu-reviews, do you have a link to the merge in question?02:28
lanoxxyes i post the link, one moment02:31
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LucidFoxE: light-themes: debian-changelog-file-contains-invalid-email-address james@james-laptop04:30
ionSeems valid to me.04:31
ionPerhaps a bit difficult to reach, but valid nevertheless.04:32
TheMusoThere is no dot in that address.04:32
TheMusoWhich is why its claiming invalidity.04:32
ionNon-compliant to the policy, sure, but not invalid. :-P </nitpick>04:33
TheMusoion: Hense saying it claims invalidity.04:33
TheMusoion: I am not saying that it is invalid.04:33
StevenKI *think* the RFC says it's invalid04:34
SpamapSwhich RFC?04:35
StevenKDamn it, I knew someone was going to ask that04:36
StevenK822 is what my brain is prompting04:36
SpamapS   An addr-spec is a specific Internet identifier that contains a04:36
SpamapS   locally interpreted string followed by the at-sign character ("@",04:36
SpamapS   ASCII value 64) followed by an Internet domain04:36
SpamapSthats 282204:36
SpamapSMy whois client says james-laptop isn't found. Maybe james just forgot to renew?04:37
StevenKI wonder how much it costs for a GTLD04:38
ion. would be even cooler to own.04:39
pittiGood morning05:23
pittiKeybuk: I'm now05:23
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pittitkamppeter: ah, seems the "cups does not start" problem was now fixed in lucid-proposed06:19
pittitkamppeter: bug 554172  FYU06:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554172 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "system services not starting at boot" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55417206:19
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hamishHi - Is anyone actively on line?07:25
pitti!ask | hamish07:25
ubottuhamish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:25
hamishOk - I have downloaded 10.1 Maverick - has anyone got mono-develop running and using C# development IDE?07:27
tseliothamish: doesn't it work?07:28
tseliothamish: maybe file a bug report with the following command? "ubuntu-bug monodevelop"07:30
hamishjust thought I'd pick someones brains - but I will maybe get back to it :-)07:30
tseliotyou may also find a bug report with the same problem07:30
directhexwhat specifically sin't working?07:33
hyperairanyone using reprepro here? i'm wondering if there's a more elegant solution than sed -i -e '/ddeb/d' when using reprepro in the presence of pkg-create-dbgsym07:49
dholbachgood morning08:00
pittihey dholbach08:01
dholbachhey pitti08:02
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directhexi guess hamish was having trouble due to mono being in NEW on i386 but not amd64, so it's uninstallable on all arches other than i38608:40
pittididrocks: right, it gets held back here08:42
didrocksdirecthex: ^^08:43
directhexwhich is due to upstream sticking a new library in their minor bugfix update. which isn't new behaviour for them, really08:43
RAOFOr to switch “long-term-support” to a 2.6 release? :)08:44
directhexRAOF, i understand the reasons for that... i wish they were a bit more honest up front though08:45
directhex2.6.7 is definitely where it's at though, it aligns us with novell's enterprise products08:46
pittidirecthex: mono NEWed08:51
directhexpitti, thanks!08:51
pittiand new kernel with it, while I was at it08:52
directhexyou're a queue-mangling superstar08:52
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jibelmvo, Hey, could you have a look at bug 606150 , it was fixed in bug 571743 but this time the problem is with mythbuntu-desktop10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606150 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "mythbuntu 10.04 fails to upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60615010:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571743 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "system upgrade 9.10 --> 10.04 could not calculate upgrade when both xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop are installed" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57174310:04
mvojibel: yes10:04
jibelmvo, thank you10:07
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tkamppeterpitti, I have seen it in my e-mail. Great.11:02
tkamppeterpitti, only problem is that this has somehow distracted us from switching CUPS over to native upstart.11:03
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jdstrandmdeslaur: hey. at some time convenient for you would you mind giving virt-manager a workout with the new libvirt I uploaded? I tested it for several things but not super-extensively13:58
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mdeslaurjdong_: yeah, sure14:01
mdeslaurjdong_: sorry, not you14:01
mdeslaurjdstrand: yes, sure14:02
jdstrandmdeslaur: thanks14:04
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robbiewsuperm1: ping15:26
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superm1robbiew, pong16:21
robbiewsuperm1: looks like bluetooth is busted in maverick...have you noticed this?16:21
superm1robbiew, i've only been testing installer stuff in maverick, so no i haven't.  how busted is it?16:22
robbiewdoesn't work16:23
robbiewbut it's recent16:23
robbiewcould just be a desktop issue, i.e. the underlying plumbing stuff could be fine16:23
robbiewI haven't looked into it yet16:23
superm1robbiew, well plumbing stuff looks quite suspect, it was just updated 18 hours ago16:28
robbiewok...hadn't checked that16:30
* robbiew only found out today16:30
mathiazpitti: hi!16:32
LucidFoxHow does one add a screenshot to software-center?16:32
mathiazpitti: while reviewing the apache2 apport hook I noticed that there is already a apache2 .bug-script for reportbug16:32
mathiazpitti: I wonder if there is any integration in apport to automatically support all of these scripts?16:33
robbiewLucidFox: ask mvo16:41
mvoLucidFox: go to screenshots.ubuntu.com and upload it there16:41
mvo(hello btw :)16:41
LucidFoxDidn't even know it existed16:42
mvoLucidFox: yeah, we need to make more noise about it16:42
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pittihey mathiaz16:56
pittimathiaz: no, there isn't; I had a look at them some time ago, and most of them weren't very useful16:56
mathiazpitti: ok16:57
pittimathiaz: and they don't have a predictable structure, so we could only put the entire blob as one attachment16:57
mathiazpitti: for apache2 the hook was doing the same thing as the script16:57
mathiazpitti: right - that's what I'd suggest16:57
pittimathiaz: but if the apache one is useful in particular and does nontrivial stuff, of course feel free to include it using command_output()16:57
mathiazpitti: cool - thanks for the advice16:57
pittimathiaz: but the bug scripts are geared towards email inclusion in reportbug16:57
pittimathiaz: i. e. they could (and some do) also ask questions on stdin, etc.16:58
mathiazpitti: and it seems that they can also prompt the user16:58
pittithose are better done with the interactive apport hooks16:58
* mathiaz nods16:58
mathiazpitti: it's probably a case-by-case basis then16:58
mathiazpitti: and for the non-interatice ones, command_output() is enough16:58
kees__pitti: sent you some email...17:03
pittiasac, seb128: argh, I just fixed a bug in the WI tracker cron job which would prevent team membership updates; that'll explain the problems that you saw17:14
pittisilly thing17:14
pitti     # stuff that we do daily only17:14
pitti-    if [ `date +%H` = 0 ]; then17:14
* seb128 hugs pitti17:14
pitti+    if [ `date +%H` = 00 ]; then17:14
asacwow. very good17:14
asacnow i can pick up 1000 new WI for all the newcomers ;)17:14
asacand make them feel bad :-P17:14
pittiasac, seb128: I run a refresh now17:15
pittibut unfortunately these days the bloody thing runs for 1.5 hours17:15
seb128pitti, thanks17:15
pittiSpamapS: ^ help17:15
asacthanks. i will go hunting for the expected WI increase in a bit then ;)17:15
pittiSpamapS: didn't you say you'd enable per-user charts for some teams only?17:16
asacpitti: how long does a run take nowadays?17:16
asac1h ?17:16
pittiasac: 1.517:16
pittiit produces nearly 2000 files each run now17:16
asacmight make sense to parallelize it in the cloud to put more pressure on launchpad ;)17:16
asaci guess most time its talking to launchpad? or is it really pure processing?17:17
pittiasac: pure processing17:17
pittinow I can watch my one WI for beta with very high granularity :)17:17
asacyou are lagging ;) ... by 1 item for beta17:17
asacguess you can easily catch up though ;) ... ok i will check in 2h then17:18
pittiso, good night and have a nice weekend everyone17:18
asacenjoy your weekend!17:18
SpamapSpitti: they're generated for everybody17:18
pittiSpamapS: ah, I thought I remember limiting it to some teams17:19
SpamapSpitti: but there's a bug, WI's are selected for any specs you're assigned to17:19
pittibut that might have been for one of jiboumans' features17:19
SpamapSpitti: inprogress is limited to teams17:19
SpamapSwe didn't want to mess with peoples' numbers17:20
SpamapSin case they're graphing the todo somewhere, inprogress might confuse that17:20
pittiSpamapS: maybe it would be enough to produce the per-user charts for the current milestone or the entire cycle only?17:21
SpamapSpitti: it takes 1.5 hours for the whole thing?17:21
pittias it is right now, lillypilly constantly runs 100% cpu for this thing17:21
pittiSpamapS: yes17:21
SpamapSpitti: how much of that is waiting on launchpad? ;)17:21
pittiI had to decrease the cronjob from being hourly to 2-hourly17:22
pittiSpamapS: maybe 10 mins17:22
pittiSpamapS: collect doesn't take any more time17:22
pittiSpamapS: it's just generate-all17:22
SpamapSpitti: maybe the indexes had some unexpected side effects?17:22
SpamapSor is it just that the box is fairly limited?17:22
pittiSpamapS: no, it's just the sheer quantity, I think; it has to calculate and create over 1800 files, after all17:22
pittiof which 1/3 is pychart17:22
SpamapSon my macbook pro it takes 40 minutes to do the whole thing, but 25 of that is querying launchpad17:22
pittiLP is fast, it's in the DC after all; maybe 10 mins17:23
SpamapSright, for me LP is halfway around the world17:23
pittiSpamapS: lillypilly is a 8-core 2.4 GHz17:23
pittibut of course we don't parallelize17:23
SpamapSpitti: might be worth profiling it again.. I used the python profiler and found right away that it was spending all of its time on the selects in report_tools17:24
SpamapSif nothing else, make sure sqlite is using the indexes.17:24
SpamapSpitti: on your other point, I think it makes perfect sense to skip generation of past milestones.17:25
pittiSpamapS: right, that would already help a lot; could you do that?17:26
pittior just the currently active milestone17:27
* pitti waves, have to run now17:27
SpamapSpitti: will take a look at it17:28
SpamapShave fun board breaking. :)17:28
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jdstrandslangasek: hey, so qt4-qws is massive (and coming from alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org). could you tell me (or point me to a page stating) the end goal of this package?17:45
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ScottKjdstrand: It's in New?17:51
jdstrandScottK: yes17:51
ScottKOh my.17:51
ScottKNothing like a "small" code copy.17:51
jdstrandmy thoughts exactly17:51
jdstrandEstimated lines of source: 183103217:51
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slangasekjdstrand: sorry, not familiar with it.  Is it actually a code copy, or is it a fork of the upstream code?18:10
slangasekjdstrand: I assume it's qt building for a non-X target, but I don't know why that should be a fork18:11
slangasekjdstrand: looks like https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-qt-on-embedded is the thing18:11
jdstrandslangasek: it seems like he took Riddell's package and updated a few debian/* files, changing references to qt4 to qt4-qws... :\18:13
jdstrandand there is no bug18:13
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jdstrandwithout looking at it super closely, it seems these things could just be integrated...18:14
Riddellnot without making it much harder to maintain the qt4-x11 package18:15
slangasekwhy would it make it harder to maintain?18:15
slangasekincreased build time?18:15
jdstrandI am really leery of an almost 2 million line cody copy that is sure to diverge18:15
jdstrandregardless, this should be tracked in a bug18:16
slangasekwhat should be?18:16
Riddellyou'd have to build it and package it twice, that's going to make the packaging much harder to maintain (currently we don't have much diff from debian) as well as the increased build time18:16
jdstrandis this destined for main?18:17
slangasekRiddell: as far as I'm concerned, that's an argument for coordinating this change with Debian, not for pushing it out into a separate source package containing identical sources18:17
SpamapSRiddell: we do that for a lot of server side packages that are pretty big.. mysql.. php.. its common to need several configurations of a single code base18:18
jdstrandRiddell: perhaps you should be the one accepting it, but it make me really uncomfortable. I have a debdiff in /tmp/jdstrand between what is in maverick and the package. if it were left to me, I would reject it, asking the submitter to file a bug so that people could comment on how to best get it included18:18
jdstrandin fact, I think I am going to reject it saying just that18:20
Riddellalf__: best defend yourself quickly :)18:20
Riddellor asac18:20
alf__alf: what?18:21
alf__Riddell: what?18:21
Riddellalf__: see above conversation about qt4-qws18:21
slangasekalf__: archive admin concerns about not shipping two nearly-identical source packages of qt4 in maverick18:21
slangasekalf__: do you know of reasons why this shouldn't be built from the same source package?18:21
jdstrandnearly identical with almost 2 million lines of source, that are sure to diverge at some point, making a maintenance nightmare18:22
* Riddell notes that having 36 hour long builds is also a maintenance nightmare18:22
jdstrandit seems clear this is contentious at best18:23
jdstrandit needs to be discussed somewhere and tracked outside of irc18:23
slangasekI would have expected that everything outside the core gui bits could be shared between the builds, making the total build time significantly less than 2x the current built time, no?18:23
Riddellslangasek: no18:23
alf__jdstrand: agree with riddell + the complexity of having multiple build runs for the same source package18:23
superm1is it only building again for non-X for arm though?18:24
slangasekRiddell: why not?  e.g, libqt4-network has no GUI dependencies18:24
jdstrandwe have 36 hour or longer builds for other packages due to arm. why should this be different, assuming slangasek's comments don't apply18:24
Riddellsuperm1: it's for any arch18:26
Riddellslangasek: it's a different ABI18:26
slangasekRiddell: really? why?18:26
Riddelljdstrand: mostly because that makes it my problem whereas this way it's nicely kept as linaro's problem :)18:26
Riddellslangasek: dunno18:26
jdstrandbut linaro will surely not be keen on that as soon as there is a security or bug fix update18:27
didrocksjdstrand: can you bin new utouch, please?18:28
slangasekRiddell: it's not just linaro's problem; if the packages are completely disjoint, that's going to start leaking across into dependencies of packages that use qt and can run with either variant18:28
slangasekwhich is much less elegant18:28
jdstrandto me, it seems like a code copy is that absolute last resort, after demonstrating why doing it other ways doesn't work18:28
Riddellslangasek: being a different ABI packages can only run with one variant18:28
slangasekRiddell: do you have a pointer to more information about how the ABI is different?18:29
jdstranddidrocks: ok18:29
didrocksjdstrand: thanks a lot :)18:29
Riddellslangasek: nope18:29
jdstrandok, well, I am going to reject, asking for more information as to why this is the way it must be18:30
slangasekalf__: do you know anything about ABI differences when building for X11 vs. QWS?18:30
alf__slangasek: I will forward you an email with upstream18:31
slangasekalf__: thanks18:31
alf__slangasek: anyone to CC to?18:35
slangasekalf__: you could cc: it to jamie@ubuntu.com18:36
ScottKslangasek: shouldn't it go to ubuntu-archive?18:39
slangasekalf__: ^^ you can send it there too18:40
slangasekScottK: I'm not subscribed to ubuntu-archive, so I generally neglect that list for anything other than archival of information :)18:40
ScottKOh.  OK.18:40
ScottKActually I'm not either.  I just read the web archive sometimes.18:41
neerajHi, I have copied my .gnupg folder from lucid to my maverick, but my keys aren't getting synced. I am also not seeing password and keys manager in applications->accessories.18:41
alf__slangasek: sent (not to ubuntu-archive though, you were not fast enough :))18:43
slangaseksmoser, mathiaz: do we need 10.04.1 builds of EC2/UEC, or is this already covered by the regular image refreshes?18:46
mathiazslangasek: we don't need to publish EC2/UEC images for 10.04.118:46
mathiazslangasek: EC2/UEC images are taken care of independently18:46
slangasekthought so, but wanted to double-check18:47
smoserslangasek, yeah, there are a couple bugs that i want to have in before there would be a 10.04.1 refresh. we're hoping (with landscape team) to have something soon ish after that.18:47
mathiazslangasek: 10.04.1 deliverables for the server team are the two -server isos (amd64, i386)18:47
slangaseksmoser: ok18:47
slangasekmathiaz: server up, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all18:48
mathiazslangasek: great - thanks18:49
slangasekogasawara: are you still maintaining http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/weatherreport.html ? can we get that switched to point at lucid for 10.04.1?18:49
ogasawaraslangasek: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/weatherreport-10.04.html, but gimme a sec to make sure the scripts are pointing at the right data18:52
slangasekogasawara: I guess not, a lot of 'manifest not found' there :-)18:52
ogasawaraslangasek: indeed18:52
slangasekpaths should be lucid/daily-live/current, kubuntu/lucid/daily-live/current, ubuntu-server/lucid/ [...]18:53
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slangasekalf__: thanks for that mail!  I'm going to give it a ponder, but I suppose he's right and we have to have completely disjoint sets of binaries :(18:55
ogasawaraslangasek: do you know the paths for the DVD's?18:59
slangasekogasawara: would be lucid/dvd/ if we had any, but I had no plans for publishing those19:00
ogasawaraslangasek: ok, I'll just comment them out from the script19:00
slangasek(whoever turned lucid on in the cronjob didn't include DVDs, and we've certainly foregone them in the past)19:00
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SpamapSslangasek: when you said "server up", did you mean its coming, or its already up? I get a 404 on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100813.2/lucid-server-i386.iso19:06
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slangasekSpamapS: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/lucid/daily/20100813.2/lucid-server-i386.iso - the ISO tracker doesn't do the best at handling point release URLs19:13
mathiazSpamapS: are you planning to do some iso testing for 10.04.1?19:19
mathiazSpamapS: if so - I'd suggest to start by doing the raid1 test case19:19
mathiazSpamapS: that would be very helpful19:19
* slangasek stares at bug #61751619:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617516 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Audio mutes moments before boot finishes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61751619:20
slangasekcould people please stop using the plymouth package as a dumping ground for everything that doesn't work at boot?19:20
ionand go back to using the upstart package for that19:23
SpamapSmathiaz: yes I had planned to do that test again19:24
mathiazSpamapS: great - I'm going through the other tests first19:24
slangasekion: exactly :)19:24
mathiazSpamapS: so if you start by raid1 we'll meet up at some point19:24
SpamapSmathiaz: I may not get to it for 1 or 2 hours.19:26
mathiazSpamapS: that's ok - any help in this area is appreciated19:26
SpamapSmathiaz: to me, the lvm/raid1 stuff is the only really important part of the ISO's anyway. ;)19:28
mathiazSpamapS: :)19:28
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slangasekogasawara: kubuntu netbook is also included in the .1, btw - could you pull it into the report?19:33
ogasawaraslangasek: yep19:33
ogasawaraslangasek: I assume some of the packages in the images are being pulled from -proposed correct?19:34
slangasekyes, they are19:34
ogasawaraslangasek: I've added it to the report, currently showing "Manifest NOT found"19:43
ogasawaraslangasek: once it's there, the report should show it19:44
* ogasawara skips out for a quick bite to eat19:44
slangasekogasawara: ack19:46
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rickspencer3tedg, we had a community process for picking featured apps!20:40
tedgrickspencer3, Oh, what is it?20:41
rickspencer3we had a wiki page where community members nominated apps20:41
rickspencer3then we had some criteria, discussed in a meeting, etc...20:41
rickspencer3I forget it exactly20:41
rickspencer3I guess we need to think about starting it again for maverick :/20:42
tedgrickspencer3, Yeah, I guess I was thinking something formalized, etc.20:42
tedgrickspencer3, i.e. who gets the "final call"20:42
rickspencer3tedg, that was me20:42
rickspencer3but I didn't have to make any "calls"20:42
tedgrickspencer3, I know, and I love you rick, but you're still not elected :)20:43
rickspencer3the community sorted it out without needing any interventions20:43
rickspencer3well, elected or not, it was still my responsibility :)20:43
tedgrickspencer3, Yes, I guess I would worry about someone half as cool getting the responsibility -- and how do we deal with that.  Not as much that what we have is broken, but how do we make it better.20:44
rickspencer3tedg, I think hear you volunteering20:45
* rickspencer3 writes blueprint, assigns to tedg20:45
tedgrickspencer3, heh, sure.  saacfl (self appointed application chooser for life) ;)20:45
tedgAll in all, I thought that's what jono's post was about -- and I thought it was a good idea :)  Now, the fact that I read it wrong is a different problem :)20:47
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saacflnot sure I like having a nick that is pronounced "sack full"20:49
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tedgrickspencer3, I think it just means you throw big parties: http://www.lyricsdomain.com/1/acdc/big_balls.html20:59
rickspencer3I'm not even going there20:59
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loolWas sparc dropped already?!21:11
loolHmm I guess I need to poke someone to build glib2.0/sparc by hand or so21:12
* lool mailed lamont21:15
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rsavoyeI thought sparc was stil being supported21:23
* micahg saw a post on -devel that it's being discussed at the next TB meeting21:24
rsavoyewe talked about it at UDS21:24
micahgrsavoye: right, but the decision was to evaluate at Feature freeze if anyone has committed to maintain which they'll do at the next meeting21:25
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ScottKlool: sparc is not dropped, but glib2.0 was eating buildds.  That's why it was banned.23:16
ScottKrsavoye: So far no on has appeared, so it'll be dropped shortly.23:27
ScottK(barring last minute maintainers from nowhere)23:28
rsavoyesounds fair, if nobody wants to support it, why bother...23:28
rsavoyeespecially if it causes problems23:28
ScottKThat last sparc installer that worked was in Gutsy.  It doesn't run on Karmic or Lucid as I understand it.23:28
ScottKIt may compile stuff, but it's really quite dead already.23:29
rsavoyeI think with Oracle, Sparc is dead anyway23:29
* ScottK nods23:29
lamontlool: still around?23:58

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