
ogasawaratgardner: http://people.canonical.com/~ogasawara/config2options00:28
* vanhoof is glad to see some perl around here :D00:55
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* abogani waves08:15
aboganiSorry for stupid question...08:17
aboganiAnyone know how many and what are the "fakeroot debian/rules COMMAND" issued by a simple dpkg-buildpackage?08:17
aboganiI'm trying to verify every step without restart the entire build process every time :-(08:17
aboganiThanks in advance!08:17
amitkabogani: look at 'debuild -nc'08:18
amitkor dpkg-buildpackage also takes that option, I believe08:18
aboganiamitk: I'll take a look! Thanks!08:26
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__bjftgardner, you in the office?15:18
__bjftgardner, i'm heading in now15:21
tgardner__bjf, yep15:24
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mpoirierGrueMater:  o/16:18
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cndtgardner, apw, ogasawara: heads up:16:43
cndthere's a 3M multitouch patch that's in the works right now16:43
cndsabdfl has explicitly said he wants it in the very next kernel update16:44
cndeven if it's not upstream16:44
ogasawaracnd: ack, send it to the list then.16:44
cndno budging16:44
cndwill do, as soon as it's ready16:44
ogasawaracnd: I just uploaded yesterday, so will probably not do another till early next week if he's wanting an ETA16:45
bdrungwhat do i need to do to get the lirc patch (bug #550369) also applied to the lucid kernel?16:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 550369 in lirc (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Hauppauge TV Card is detected as Leadtek IR in lucid (affects: 13) (dups: 3) (heat: 87)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55036916:51
ogasawarabdrung: I'd say open a new clean bug report, as that one is already marked Fix Released16:52
ogasawarabdrung: it'll then need to go through the Lucid SRU process (ie patch sent to the kernel-team mailing list and garner the appropriate number of acks etc)16:53
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ogasawaraJFo: bug chat today?17:28
* smb cries17:35
smbTotally failed to do anything really on that 17:35
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bdrungogasawara: the linux task is wrongly marked as invalid. can i reopen it or should i use a new one?17:52
ogasawarabdrung: I17:52
ogasawara'd say open a new one to avoid confusion17:53
bdrungogasawara: but it's the same issue, because the linux kernel uses a copy of lirc source code17:53
ogasawarabdrung: you are free to do what you want, I'm just giving my recommendation17:54
ogasawarabdrung: ie you can re-open the linux task17:54
bdrungogasawara: where do i get the linux source tree?17:55
ogasawarabdrung: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git17:55
vanhooftgardner: ping17:59
vanhooftgardner: if you have a sec can you check out bryan's last comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ureadahead/+bug/49194317:59
ubot2Ubuntu bug 491943 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Kernel trace buffer should be set to less unrealistic value (affects: 16) (dups: 2) (heat: 88)" [High,Triaged]17:59
vanhooftgardner: im thinking we should spin another bug for this, wanted to see if you agree17:59
tgardnervanhoof, I'd like to chat with keybuk about profiling the number of CPUs and system RAM before allocating ureadahead buffers.18:02
tgardnerright now its a fixed value18:02
vanhooftgardner: cool18:05
vanhooftgardner: i just didnt want to spin that bug (which fixed up the AMD issue) into something new18:05
tgardnerthough this particular bug looks like it might be related to 32 bit PAE18:05
tgardnervanhoof, I'll develop a patch for ureadahead that Bryan can test.18:06
vanhooftgardner: awesome18:07
vanhooftgardner: the immediate urgency died down for the project we're involved with due to time constraints18:07
tgardnervanhoof, yeah, you just killed ureadahead, right?18:08
tgardneror removed*18:08
vanhooftgardner: yeah, bug was found the day of the deadline, so it was the only option we saw18:08
vanhoofthanks tgardner 18:09
robbiewogasawara: fyi...it appears the tech board will approve the removal of sparc and ia64 before next week's meeting.  Here's the thread -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-August/000441.html18:16
ogasawararobbiew: sweet, thanks for the note18:16
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JFoogasawara, yeah, I'm a jerk20:11
JFoI took longer than planned to get my glasses20:11
JFoand I completely forgot the bug chat20:11
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tgardnerbjf, ogasawara : http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-notes.html21:13
sorenWhen would the kernel choose to send SIGKILL to a process on its own? I'm desperately trying to get a user-mode-linux thing to work, and I have these odd problems getting it to boot.21:34
sorenAnswer: When the process exceeds its stack limit which is excruciatingly often when you're using a version of uml compiled against linux-source-2.6.32 at an /extremely/ unfortunate time.22:57

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