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* jdong_ giggles00:18
jdong_g-s-m doesn't seem to be optimized for a 24-core machine00:18
ajmitchwhat are you using? a sun box?00:19
jdong_ajmitch: reproduction new mac pro00:19
ajmitchor is this boring old x86?00:19
jdong_err PREproduction00:19
jdong_yeah it's just a 2x6-core nehalem westmere00:19
jdong_it's very shiny00:20
chrisccoulsonthis is the sort of thing i need for building mozilla on ;)00:20
jdong_and expensive.00:20
ajmitch8GB RAM, I thought you'd have more in it00:20
jdong_ajmitch: working on that00:20
jdong_took enough hunting around to find this machine00:20
jdong_I'll have to go on a RAM hunt later00:20
ajmitchgiven that you can buy laptops relatively cheaply with 8GB RAM00:20
jdong_well it's cheap DDR3 1066 RAM in these things too00:20
jdong_I just need to find 6 symmetric sticks00:20
ajmitchprobably a little expensive00:20
jdong_I've got 32GB worth of FB-DIMMs under my desk00:21
jdong_which must be expensive as hell00:21
jdong_too bad it doesn't fit in these new towers00:21
ajmitchso, archive rebuilds on this box? :)00:22
jdong_wouldn't that be awesome?00:22
jdong_they're GenuineIntel 0000's at 2.66GHz00:22
ajmitchas long as you have fast enough storage00:23
jdong_sadly not the default config of these things00:23
jdong_I need to scavenge up a few more drives too00:23
jdong_it only came with 1 hitachi 640GB SATA00:23
jdong_I clearly don't have enough RAM to be make -j25'ing00:24
directhe`jdong_, g-s-m from sles10 sadly doesn't do anything fancy on many-many-core systems00:24
jdong_directhe`: I was just doing some confidential make -j4 builds on it, and that made the lines dance around a bit00:25
directhe`jdong_, iirc you don't get any lines on g-s-m in sles10. i wonder how many cores would be used by g-s-m's crummy drawing code to draw 256 lines00:26
jdong_it's using radeonhd too XD00:26
directhe`Christian Hergert has some infinitely more lightweight & smoother graph code00:27
micahgdirecthe`: do you maintain a PPA of the last moonlight for Lucid?01:09
paultagheyya lfaraone, any chance we could finish up before I kick off for the night?01:51
lfaraonepaultag: yes, I just got back from dinner.02:10
lfaraonepaultag: I just checked with madduck, he says he'd like to be removed from uploaders.02:11
paultaglfaraone: I'll reflect the change02:13
paultaglfaraone: thank you for checking, btw02:13
lfaraonepaultag: okay. I'd commit it directly, but I'm not sure exactly how you're doing your packaging, it doens't seem to be like any git-buildpackage setup I've seen :)02:14
paultaglfaraone: I did not know there was something common? I'm just tracking the debian branch + the tar.gzs to run the builds right off the directory02:15
paultaglfaraone: is that bad?02:15
lfaraonepaultag: well, before in e270e7737d232a283ee18c28f6277e07ae05eb9b, you could run "git-buildpackage -S" from the repository, and gbp would regenerate the tarballs from pristine-tar and handle everything nicely.02:16
lfaraonepaultag: http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.html02:17
paultaglfaraone: ach. Damn. I'll read up on these guidelines :). I have a tendency to do things the hard way02:17
paultaglfaraone: changes noted in git.debian, btw02:18
lfaraonepaultag: hmmm. you're using multiple tarballs, which isn't supported by git-buildpackage, so I guess what you're doing is *okay*.02:19
paultaglfaraone: yeah, my DD asked me to use two tarballs before I left02:20
paultaglfaraone: is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?02:20
lfaraonepaultag: not as far as I can tell.02:20
* lfaraone is building02:27
paultaglfaraone: really, thanks so much, again. This is far above what I expected02:28
lfaraonepaultag: happy to help02:28
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lfaraonepaultag: by the way, what happened to your watchfile? it disapparated between versions.03:06
paultaglfaraone: crud, it might have got lost when I messed up my git directory on my server03:06
paultaglfaraone: Let me import it back in03:06
lfaraonepaultag: I'll just copy it over from your previous version for now.03:08
paultaglfaraone: just did that on the git repo03:09
paultaglfaraone: pushed in03:09
paultagGah, forgot to add changelog03:10
lfaraonepaultag: uploaded, thank you for your contribution to Debian. (and eventually Ubuntu)03:33
paultaglfaraone: thank you so much for your help, you've really helped me along03:33
* paultag hugs lfaraone 03:34
paultaglfaraone: try and make OLF, it's always fun03:34
lfaraonepaultag: it's been a pleasure. I'll see what I can do, re OLF.03:36
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micahgSpamapS: I assume you've tested the mongodb stuff?04:51
micahgSpamapS: BTW, the lintian overrides don't apply in Ubuntu04:51
micahgScottK: does adding a wrapper so a package doesn't need a rebuilt for every xul update need an FFe04:54
micahgI have a question about merging from debian and updating the upstream, how does that work?05:12
micahg1 changelog mentioning both?05:12
RAOFmicahg: Yup.05:19
micahgRAOF: got it, thanks05:19
* micahg now has to fix a 600 line patch that failed in 12 different hunks...05:19
ScottKmicahg: Sounds like a bug fix to me.05:21
micahgScottK: k, thanks05:21
micahgSpamapS: can I copy your license?05:21
SpamapSmicahg: yes of course. :)05:28
micahgSpamapS: thanks05:28
SpamapSmicahg: I did test the mongodb to the level of running mongod, logging in with 'mongo', passing args to 'mongos'05:28
micahgSpamapS: k, and everything works normally w/the wrapper I'm adduming?05:29
SpamapSmicahg: I installed it on lucid and maverick with both and, both worked fine.05:29
SpamapSor I should say, all 4 worked fine. ;)05:29
micahgSpamapS: do you have libmozjs installed?05:34
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SpamapSmicahg: the only libmozjs I have is in /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2.x05:35
* micahg wonders how you could build mongodb then05:36
micahgI can't even generate the source tarball w/out libmozjs05:36
SpamapSmicahg: I've had no problems. Where are you bombing out?05:39
SpamapSmicahg: I did have one time where scons tried to run something that was linked against the wrong libmozjs.so... to fix that I just did 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner-1.9.2 --gre-version` debuild clean' and started over05:41
micahgSpamapS: that won't help when building in a clean env05:42
* micahg tries something05:42
SpamapSmicahg: I believe the only reaosn that was an issue was that I had switched from to while mid-build05:43
micahgSpamapS: nope05:48
lfaraonejcastro: hi, George. You misspelled "Faraone" again :X05:48
SpamapSmicahg: I'm uploading to PPA now, whats the error?05:48
lfaraonejcastro: ref: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/912710482/stack-applet-vanity-for-your-se-rep05:48
micahgSpamapS: I think I need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH in debian/rules, but I could never get it to work right05:49
ajmitchlfaraone: shall we just say "that debian guy"? :)05:49
SpamapSmicahg: Why would we suddenly need to do that now though?05:50
SpamapSmicahg: there can be no dependency on libmozjs.so until we've linked against it..05:50
SpamapSand scons takes care of the rpath..05:50
lfaraoneajmitch: that might work, but I've toiled very hard to build a strong brand identity :)05:51
ajmitchlfaraone: besides, 'that debian guy' isn't overly specific05:53
lfaraoneajmitch: hehe. at least it was corrected when they posted the slides from the Ubuntu-Debian talk online :) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5720/debian%20and%20ubuntu.pdf05:53
SpamapSmicahg: we only have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for when the path changes but the binaries haven't.05:54
macolfaraone: yeah the 3rd time he uploaded ;-)05:54
maco(first upload was old version without that last slide, second was misspelled, then i pointed it out, third is right)05:55
ajmitchlfaraone: oh great, I was hoping I'd see those slides somewhere :)05:55
micahgSpamapS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/477283/05:55
* lfaraone is surprised that it isn't hosted on ubuntu one :)05:55
SpamapSmicahg: yeah thats the one I got when I had to start over from scratch, but I only had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run 'debuild clean'05:56
SpamapSmicahg: I may have exported it tho.. that would be t3h suck05:56
SpamapSmicahg: ugh, I need more cores for building05:56
micahgSpamapS: yeah, let me know if your ppa works :)05:56
ajmitchlfaraone: we can lart jcastro about that later05:56
* SpamapS starts dreaming about a cluster of ec2 machines for compiling...05:57
ajmitchlfaraone: maybe it's because he uses debian & the u1 client isn't in there yet ;)05:57
lfaraoneajmitch: ahaha.05:57
ajmitchhopefully soon05:58
SpamapSmicahg: https://launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/+archive/fixes/+build/191729606:07
SpamapSmicahg: looks like the buildd's are busy. :-/06:07
micahgyes :)06:07
* SpamapS wishes he could stuff quarters in and have it spawn ec2 nodes06:08
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dholbachgood morning08:00
dholbachhey AnAnt08:01
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AnAntI haven't seen persia for some while08:26
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paultag_Hey MOTU. I would like to request a sync with Debian, I have the debdiff if that helps. Where should I file the bug on LP?12:40
AnAntYou'll need to file a freeze exception12:40
paultag_AnAnt: it's not adding new features, and it closes a few lintian errors + lp bugs12:41
AnAntbtw, is it a sync or merge ? you mentioned a debdiff12:41
paultag_AnAnt: sync. I don't know the process12:42
paultag_AnAnt: it will work fine on Ubuntu ( and even theme it's self right )12:42
AnAntrequestsync -se <package> maverick12:42
Laneypaultag_: you want the requestsync script from ubuntu-dev-tools12:42
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Laneyand a Launchpad account12:42
paultagthanks Laney, AnAnt :)12:42
paultagLaney: Yup, all set. I'll rt f'n m :)12:43
AnAntLaney: but still it needs a freeze exception, right ?12:43
LaneyAnAnt: not if it's a bug fix upload12:43
paultagLaney: shucks, will this not let me do it from Unstable?12:44
Laneypaultag: It all depends on what the upload contains12:44
Laneywhere it comes from doesn't matter12:45
paultagLaney: it's erroring out saying they are in sync, it was uploaded and built last night12:45
AnAntby default sync'ing is from unstable12:45
Laneydoes rmadison know about it?12:45
paultagLaney: about my package?12:45
Laneythe new version12:46
AnAntrmadisom -u debian <package>12:46
paultagthank AnAnt :)12:46
paultagLaney: no, looks like it does not12:46
AnAntyour package is not fully uploaded to debian servers, it takes time12:47
Laneyok then you can either wait some time until it does (shouldn't be more than a few hours) or file the request manually12:47
paultagOK, cool. I can wait :)12:47
paultagthanks Laney, AnAnt12:47
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SpamapSmicahg:  https://launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/+archive/fixes/+build/1917296 ... built fine13:17
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sebnerhuhu RainCT :)14:23
RainCTHey sebner14:24
paultagE: Could not connect to fiordland.ubuntu.com:25: Connection timed out (110)16:18
paultagAnyone have advice? I'm trying to run a sync :)16:18
Laneypaultag: try with the --lp option16:19
Laneyyou'll need to manage-credentials create -c ubuntu-dev-tools first16:19
paultagLaney: thanks :)16:19
Laney. o O ( surely not a version of fluxbox with stray .git files ;)16:21
paultagLaney: That took me a minute to figure out that was you on OFTC too :)16:21
paultagLaney: Seriously, though. Is that a big issue?16:22
Laneywell if you'll be uploading a new version to sid to fix it…16:22
paultagLaney: I don't have my DD or DM, so I'll have to get another review. I was going to wait until my DD on flux gets back16:22
paultagLaney: I just wanted to get the critical stuff knocked out before 10.1016:23
paultagLaney: his dad died and he's been out for about two weeks now, and no signs of getting back in the short term16:23
Laneyfair, you should request it but keep on top of what's happening in Debian16:24
paultagLaney: Roger16:24
sistpoty|workpaultag: can you add a build log and state about testing to bug #617445 please? thanks16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617445 in fluxbox (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync fluxbox 1.1.1+git20100807.0cc08f9-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61744516:29
sebnerhuhu sistpoty|work :)16:29
paultagyeah sistpoty|work, I'll do that now16:29
sistpoty|workhi sebner16:29
sistpoty|workpaultag: thanks, and also I'll get personally angry if fluxbox breaks :P16:29
sebnersistpoty|work: no nexuiz ffe work anymore for us I guess, hope xonotic is ready soon though :P16:29
paultagsistpoty|work: me too :P16:29
paultagsistpoty|work: thanks for getting to that so soon :)16:30
paultagsistpoty|work: if this pulls through, we'll be ahead of Gentoo16:30
paultagsistpoty|work: all set, if you need more, let me know. Be sure to check it out, too, I added new themes for Debian and Ubuntu a bit back16:41
micahgSpamapS: I'll take another look over teh weekend at your merge16:43
ScottKsistpoty|work: It's worth noting that paultag is also asking for a freeze exception for Squeeze.16:44
sistpoty|workseen that16:44
sistpoty|workpaultag: I assume rdepends aren't affected?16:45
paultagsistpoty|work: only fluxconf, I filed a severe bug on it, but that package has been broken for over 2 years now. No new damage16:46
sistpoty|workpaultag: ok, great, then I'd say let's get it in :)16:46
paultagsistpoty|work: :)16:46
SpamapSmicahg: cool16:47
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LaneyScottK: Will you be free for a call in … 10 mins ish?22:00
ScottKLaney: Possibly.22:00
LaneyOK. Ping me if/when22:03
ScottKLaney: I'm tied in in work stuff for a bit yet.22:04
LaneyScottK: Let me know when you're free and if we sync up then we can do it tonight, otherwise another time22:07
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* Laney is happy that there is pushback on -devel@23:20
* Laney notes that these were his concerns at UDS23:21
ScottKFeel free to join the 'fun'.23:25
ScottKRhonda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GerfriedFuchs?action=diff&rev1=7&rev2=8 is interesting.  Particularly who made the change ...23:26

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