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micahgchrisccoulson: you can try asking about the branding/cache issue in #developers on moznet or ask gavin and see if he knows00:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i might do that tomorrow00:18
sn9are there any non-ff gecko browsers in the lucid repos?00:59
micahgsn9: seamonkey, conkeror01:00
sn9hmm, i just installed conkeror and moonlight-plugin-mozilla and i get:01:05
sn9$ conkeror01:05
sn9Attempting to load the system libmoon01:05
sn9Segmentation fault01:05
micahglibmoon = broke in lucid01:05
sn9is there a ppa?01:06
* micahg will have to fix at some point01:06
sn9any besides seamonkey and conkeror?01:31
micahgsn9: I think we dropped the rest, oh there's fennec01:32
sn9that's a shame01:34
micahgsn9: well, we couldn't maintain them, also it won't fix your problem01:34
sn9my problem is that firefox does not unload plugins when you close a tab01:35
sn9it's an intolerable memory leak01:35
micahgsn9: well, we'll have a 4.0b3 PPA soon01:35
micahgshould be a little better with the memory01:36
sn9a little? that's not all that encouraging01:36
micahgsn9: idk I haven't used it much yet01:36
sn9and there is a daily ppa, right?01:36
micahgsn9: yes, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa01:37
sn9can the 4.0b4 build there coexist with 3.6.8?01:42
micahgsn9: yes01:43
micahgsn9: beta PPA will be the same way01:43
sn9can they run simultaneously, too?01:43
micahgsn9: yes01:43
micahgasac: how do I get a new tarball for enigmail?07:16
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ftaasac, your (old) no_tree_sink_v8.patch diverged. is it still needed?09:45
ftaasac, you said "use -fno-tree-sink for gcc44 to workaround armel gcc inlining bug wrt -fno-strict-aliasing", but upstream fixed the strict aliasing in that file09:48
asacfta: good question. upload to real archive without it and see what happens?10:24
ftait's in the daily ppa, i dropped it already10:24
ftabut there's no armel there10:24
asacright. but daily ppa doesnt build armel10:24
asaclets just wait till next time you push to real archive10:25
asacif that fails we can see whats going on10:25
asaci assume that happens soon enough10:25
ftaasac, btw, in case you missed it, i tweaked the user-agent to expose both chromium and ubuntu/version, i hope that won't create regressions10:30
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ftaasac, chrisccoulson: i wonder what the feature freeze means for chromium, it will jump from 5 to 6 shortly11:23
chrisccoulsonfta - i talked to micahg about this yesterday, because we just had to do a FFe for thunderbird (to go from 3.0 to 3.1)11:23
ftaand ?11:24
chrisccoulsoni'll see if we can get a standing FFe11:24
chrisccoulsontbh, asking for a FFe is kinda pointless, as we need to migrate to the new version anyway11:24
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asacchrisccoulson: how aobut shipping ffox 4 beta for release? ;)13:06
asacj.k. :-P13:06
chrisccoulsonasac - you wouldn't be the first person to suggest that ;)13:06
asacyeah. though i remember the bashing i received for shipping a beta in hardy ;)13:06
asacbefore release everyone loves you ... after release they all trash and bash you for all the bugs they see is your fault :-13:07
chrisccoulsonheh :)13:07
asacchrisccoulson: did you get a list of bugs you wanted to look at?13:07
asacsecurity bugs (tbird)?13:07
chrisccoulsonasac - not yet, i'm going to do that today13:07
Dimmuxxit's soon mid august so is there a more specific date than mid august for the beta ppa yet?13:09
asacin the past they always mentioned "tbird is not really affected because it has no js support by default" ... seems they dont do that anymore13:09
asaci think most of the bugs there are already open13:10
asacif you find a bug lets talk about that13:10
asac(a bug that isnt open)13:10
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll have a look through those13:11
ftachrisccoulson, jdstrand: fyi, for the next chromium update, i will need to also update gyp and the codecs13:15
chrisccoulsonfta - that applies for lucid also doesn't it?13:16
ftachrisccoulson, yes13:16
ftawe get gyp from debian in maverick, not sure if we should block that13:16
chrisccoulsoni think we should carry on getting that from debian for now if we can13:17
ftathey're stuck at 0.1~svn824-1, i need 837 min13:22
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micahgDimmuxx: next week :)16:26
micahgasac: how do I make the enigmail tarball?16:27
asacmicahg: hmm. debian did that, didnt they?16:27
micahgfta: we can jump higher than Debian if needed, I think chrisccoulson was just suggesting syncing when possible16:27
micahgasac: to 1.1.2?16:27
asace.g. i think they asked me the same question and then i told them: please do that!!16:27
asacand i got a complain, but then never heard back ;)16:27
asacmicahg: well. would be a win if they managed to upgrade to any new upstream snapshot ;)16:28
asaclets see16:28
micahgasac: is the make-orig script yours?16:28
asacok seems they sticked to the same version i prepared16:28
asaclet me look ;)16:28
micahgI was going to use the enigmail upstream tarball then I saw that it's modified16:29
micahgor rather we use a modified one16:29
asacmicahg: yeah16:29
asacthat make-orig is mine i guess ;)16:29
asacmicahg: you have to combine the tarball with the buildsystem tar.gz16:29
asacthats what make-orig does for you16:29
micahgasac: from xulrunner?16:29
asaci think i used that last time16:30
asacyou can also keep the same that is currently in there if there are no problems16:30
asacbut maybe bumping the build system makes a bit sense16:30
asacjust to see how fragile this whole thing is (or hopefully not)16:30
micahgwell, I would think enigmail 1.1.2  requires xul 1.9.2 build system16:31
Dimmuxxmicahg: nice :)16:45
micahgDimmuxx: it would not have been possible w/out all the work chrisccoulson has put into it16:45
asacmicahg: will you see what happens if you try to upgrade?16:53
micahgasac: well, I tried creating a new tarball andt the script didn't like me16:54
asaci think the mammouth patch kind of landed upstream ... so we should drop it and see how that fails and then improve the patch16:54
asacmicahg: you need the enigmail tgz from upstream and a xulrunner buildsystem tgz16:54
asacwhat happens?16:54
micahgasac: what's targetdir supposed to be?16:54
asacnot sure ... just specify some empty dir in /tmp/test16:55
asacor something16:55
asacguess thats where it puts the orig to16:55
* micahg guesses renaming the upstream tarball isrequired16:56
asaccant tell until i see how it fails ;)16:57
asaci can try later today maybe ... but not sure ;)16:57
micahgasac: ^^16:59
asacmicahg: did you create /tmp/test/ ?17:03
micahgI have to do everything? ;)17:03
asacmkdir /tmp/test17:03
asaci wouldnt be shocked if you have to ;)17:03
micahg:) seems to have worked17:03
asacas i know me i wouldnt have dont it until i got annoyed by it ;)17:03
asacfeel free to improve and add a [ ! -d /tmp/test ] && mkdir /tmp/test17:04
asacor something ;)17:04
micahgasac: k :)17:04
micahgasac: thanks, I hope I can finish this over the weekend then...after that it's only the upgrade dependency issue for TB/locales17:05
asacso then i guess the mega patch doesnt apply. i upstreamed it, but patrick (the enigmail upstream) had to fix a few things so he could still build the "upstream" style17:05
asacand now i dont know what happens17:05
asacif it builds etc.17:05
asacfrom what i know someone in debian complained about something, but i think i failed to follow up back then and now i dont know where we stand :-P17:05
asacso would love to have 1.1.2 prepared and then just tell them that we upload to debian ;)17:06
asacanyway. lets check that on weekend17:06
asacor monday in case i fail to show up17:06
micahgasac: k, I'll try w/out the patch first and see what happens17:09
asacthe patch is definitly upstreamed. just landing might have caused some regressions ;)17:10
micahgthe rest of the patches apply :)17:10
asaccool thing17:15
asacwhat happens?17:15
micahgtrouble finding mozilla headers17:17
micahgchrisccoulson: nspr 4.8.5 minimum for next mozilla release, in source is 4.8.617:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - is that for
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, that's why the dailies broke17:23
chrisccoulsoni'll get those in to the PPA soon17:23
asacmicahg: paste problem please17:24
asac(finding mozilla headers)17:24
micahgasac: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/477506/17:26
* asac sneaks out to buy some food etc. but will be back later as he still has a cold ;)17:27
asacmicahg: do you pass --with-system-nss etc.?17:27
asacin debian/rules ?17:27
asaci think that needs to be explicitly mentioned17:28
asaci had a patch against xulrunner in whatever version i built it against before17:28
asacmaybe you guys dropped that? or didnt port to 1.9.2?17:28
asacdoes the current package build at all still ;)?17:28
micahgasac: yes17:28
asacanyway, debian uses with-system-nss and -nspr as they dont have the patch17:28
asacso we can do that too17:28
micahgasac: I had to add -fshort-wchar to debian's to build though17:29
asacmicahg: oh that patch was against thunderbird17:29
asacso that is only in 3.0 atm i think17:29
asacmicahg: that fshort-wchar should automatically happen on 64-bit iirc17:29
asacanyway. upgrade ours and use --with-system in debian/rules17:30
asaci hope thats enough17:30
asacif you still need -fshort-wchar we need to check17:30
asacsomething is wrong then ;)17:30
asacor regressed17:30
asacok out for a bit17:30
chrisccoulsonasac - i can't view mozilla bug 571106 ;)17:45
ubot2chrisccoulson: Error: Error getting Mozilla bug #571106: NotPermitted17:45
chrisccoulsonand 57045117:47
chrisccoulsonand 568148. those are the only ones i can't see ;)17:48
ftadamn, with the new themes, chromium is ugly18:12
asacchrisccoulson: bgo email is?18:13
chrisccoulsonasac - chrisccoulson@ubuntu.com18:13
asacchrisccoulson: should work now18:14
chrisccoulsonasac - thanks18:15
Milos_SDHi. A new way Firefox handles tab close button is so anoying... Can you make so There are always visible, and not only when you click on that tab? :D18:53
fishorhallo all, do any one can confirm  problems on video playback in fullscrean in firefox-419:10
fishorhere is my example http://videobin.org/+1kz/1u6.html19:10
gnomefreakfishor: IIRC it was known and you asked yesterday19:10
fishorgnomefreak: yea i asked, but i didn't get an answer19:11
gnomefreakfishor: it is known19:11
fishorgnomefreak: thank you, any progress on it? is it reported upstream?19:12
gnomefreakMilos_SD: i dont have it open atm but try adding the center section back (under addressbar)19:12
gnomefreakfishor: i dont know19:12
fishorgnomefreak: so it is know only here?19:12
gnomefreakfishor: again i dont know. i have to guess and say it is known upstream since it is their bug not ours19:13
Milos_SDgnomefreak, you mean bookmark bar?19:13
gnomefreakMilos_SD: yeah sounds good19:13
Milos_SDI have that :)19:14
Milos_SDso the problem is not there19:14
gnomefreakplease file a bug19:15
gnomefreakunless someone here sees this but atm i have alot of shit going on19:15
Milos_SDgnomefreak, I can see close buttons on tabs when I enter that new tab view, and go back... but if I close one of that tabs, it is back to hiden :)19:16
gnomefreakwell i dont it is our bug but more of an upstream bug. Please file a bug with us and we will decide if it is ours or upstreams19:17
* gnomefreak gone while testing19:20
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micahgI bumped xulrunner 191 and 192 .head nspr so it builds, I'll bump for FF later19:44
micahgchrisccoulson: did we replace Firefox 3.5 in jaunty?19:44
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skierpageHey, thanks for getting thunderbird-3.1 working!23:20
skierpageI've added ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa in KPackageKit in Kubuntu Lucid.  Should I install  thunderbird-3.1-gnome-support as well?23:22

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