
stratagemI installed mythbuntu-repos package.  updated to latest package versions and now I can't even login in. It just keeps reprompting me for login.  is there a way to revert to default 10.04 pacakges?00:28
tgm4883stratagem, there shouldn't have been anything in that repo that would have broke login00:30
tgm4883-repos only activates the daily builds00:30
stratagemperhaps it's the updated nvidia driver then00:30
tgm4883and the daily builds ppa's only have mythtv fixes00:30
stratagemafter I activated the repos, I did an update.  I noticed some nvidia updates were in there as well.00:31
tgm4883what release are you on?00:31
stratagembut now I can't login, and it's starting in low graphics mode00:31
stratagemor do you mean .23 or .2400:32
stratagemis what I selected00:32
tgm4883there aren't any nvidia packages in our PPA for 10.0400:33
tgm4883so if you got an updated nvidia package, it was from ubuntu00:33
stratagemyeah, I used a repo from a post I found in the forums00:33
tgm4883not to rush you, but i'm about to head home from work00:35
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] [SOLVED] VDPAU Choppy video and stuttering audio after upgrade to 10.04 - Ubuntu Forums00:35
stratagemoriginally I was on 256, I guess I was updated to something passed that00:36
stratagemusing a onboard chipset based on 8200/8300 I believe00:36
tgm4883Ok, so you upgraded from the nvidia PPA then00:36
tgm4883not the mythbuntu ppa00:36
tgm4883It sounds like your driver isn't loading/may not be installed00:37
stratagemyeah, couldn't use VDPAU at all before00:37
stratagemactually I ended up turning off VDPAU anyway00:37
stratagemstil had issues00:37
tgm4883i'm going to refer you to #ubuntu for help with that, as I need to head home and there are more people there to help you00:37
stratagemsuttering was lessened but not entirely00:37
tgm4883i'd try it again after you get the driver working properly00:38
tgm4883should work fine on that chipset I think00:38
stratagemIt's a nForce 750a00:38
stratagemASUS M3N-HD board00:38
stratagempain in the butt since I've had it.00:39
stratagemthanks for putting me in the right direction though.00:39
stratagemI can actually login to the "term" session (not mythbuntu or xfce), and then start mythfrontend00:40
stratagembut no suond00:40
stratagemvideo seems to be ok though00:40
AzelphurHi, I'm using the mythbuntu repos, on my netbook I'm getting this error "The server uses network protocol version 56, but this client only understands version 23056. Make sure you are running compatible versions of the backend and frontend"01:37
Azelphurbut all my machines are running off the mythbuntu repo, what gives?01:37
Azelphurit looks like my netbook has 0.23.0+fixes25423 but my PC only has 2415801:45
tgm4883Azelphur, your backend isn't updated01:45
tgm4883!stab Daviey01:45
* Zinn stabs Daviey with a rusty spork.01:45
Azelphurmy PC ain't updated either xD01:46
tgm4883yea, there was an upstream change in protocols. Daviey was supposed to push a final build to 0.23 with the 56 protocol version....apparently he was eaten by wolves though01:46
Azelphurbut if all my machines are on the same repos how come some work some don't?01:47
tgm4883your options are A) revert your netbook to a previous build. B) Upgrade your backend to a newer build, or C) keep bugging Daviey and telling him he fails for not pushing the build yet, but it's expected because he is british01:48
tgm4883Azelphur, are they all on 0.23?01:48
Azelphuryes all 0.2301:48
tgm4883then it's the issue i just described01:48
tgm4883It was because of an upstream change that got reverted01:49
tgm4883we need to push a final package for 0.2301:49
tgm4883alternatively, you could move to 0.23.101:49
Azelphurbut my PC and backend are all running 0.23.0+fixes24158-0ubuntu201:49
Azelphurand there are no available updates01:49
tgm4883Azelphur, then you don't have the 0.23 repos activated01:49
Azelphurbut my netbook somehow ended up with 2542301:50
Azelphurwell my backend is running mythbuntu01:50
tgm4883on your backend, what is the output of 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list'01:50
Azelphurno such file or directory01:50
Azelphursame on my PC01:50
Azelphurand yea my laptop has that file01:51
tgm4883whats the output of 'dpkg -l mythbuntu-repos'01:51
* tgm4883 already knows the answer to the last question01:51
Azelphurhehe, nothing01:51
Azelphurok I'm getting it01:51
Azelphurweird I thought I got mythtv from the mythbuntu ppa01:51
Azelphurok so in theory get off the mythbuntu repos and all will be well01:52
tgm4883Azelphur, yep, install and update and you should be fine01:52
tgm4883mythbuntu-repos doesn't know about 0.23.1 yet, so you can manually add that to the mythbuntu-repos.list file if you want to update to that01:52
tgm4883you would just replace 0.23 with 0.23.101:53
tgm4883anyway, off to dinner01:53
Azelphurty :)01:53
DavieyOK OK02:08
Davieyi'll upload it tomorrow.02:08
AzelphurDaviey: heard that before :D02:09
Davieybah :)02:09
Nucleus222Hello everyone. i have just installed mythbuntu and the vidio and sound all works but i cannot get the usb drives to auto mount is there a special trick07:02
rileyp /msg NickServ bowser10:54
MildewHi all. Im succsefully using mythbuntu with my Dvico FusionHDTVplus card. I have the FusionMCE remote and while it does work each keypress is duplicated meaning it skips every other item. I have tried editing lirc.conf using examples found on the net however anything i do (after restarting lirc) either results in it not working at all or no change. Would love to get this working - thanks.11:07
rileypnildew  You need yo user driver dvico in hardware.conf11:20
rileypMildew  You need yo user driver dvico in hardware.conf11:20
Mildewso i need to change something in the hardware.conf file?11:21
rileypTo be completely honest with you I have fusion remote and I dont use it anymore as I couldnt get it to wake my machine from sleep11:22
rileypit also has issues working after a sleep which is even more annoying than it not wbeing able to wake from sleep11:23
Mildewhehe, at present that doesnt worry me if that doesnt work - i just want it to not jump every other line..11:23
Mildewi also have a compro remote - maybe i could get that to work if this is unsuccseful11:24
rileypwell if in your hardware. conf  it has driver="dvico" which Im pretty sure it should  else it would not be working at all11:24
Nucleus222Hi all im running mythbuntu quite nicely but when i try to view YouTube videos it crashes any ideas ?11:26
rileyphave you set up using /usr/share/lirc/remotes/dvico11:26
rileypwhen you choose fullscreen? yes?11:26
Mildewdriver  = dvico, yeah11:27
rileyplol I have 2 or 3 machines that do that I think its hardware realted as my asrock ion does not do it and its the only pc I have with  good graphics driver11:28
Mildewand its using  " /usr/share/lirc/remotes/dvico"11:28
rileypthats correct thats what it should be ...11:29
Mildewthats all working as it should - its just this duplicate keypress thing11:29
rileypso your gettiung multiple key presses with each button press?11:29
Mildewx2, yes11:29
rileyptry runniung irw and see how may you get off each press11:30
Mildewso it jump every second ine in menus, or skips a channel in live tv11:30
rileypIll do the same with my microsoft one11:30
Mildewdoh, wrong keyboard :)11:30
rileypI get 2 inputs of each button press unless id like unconfy fast press11:31
Mildewbut even just fast tap doesnt stop it jumping11:31
Mildewwhen in mythtv11:32
rileypwell thats what my microsoft one does and it works great in myth and xbmc11:32
Mildewok - hey thanks for ur help anyway11:32
rileypyou can set repeat rate in lirc11:33
Mildewi did read that somewhere11:33
Mildewhmm, but where  :)11:33
rileypin lircrc repeat =011:35
rileypor whatever you set it at11:35
Nucleus222any hints on my youtube problem ?11:36
Mildewwhere is that file...11:36
Mildewsorry, im not tnat cluey on linux as yet11:37
rileypin ~/.lirc are all the config settings with reapet rates etc for each program11:37
rileypNucleus222,  Id love a solution on that one also never did it in Karmic....11:37
rileypThat I recall anyway11:37
rileypMildew,  go to lirc. org for some tips on repeat and delay etc11:38
Mildewok, i did spend a bit of time there the other day - i shall revisit11:39
Mildewthanks rileyp11:39
rileypMildew, http://www.lirc.org/html/configure.html#lircrc_format11:40
Zinn[www.lirc.org] LIRC - Linux Infrared Remote Control11:40
rileypNucleus222,  Id ask on Ubuntu as I thibnk all vrgins of lucid will do it not just mythbuntu11:41
VulcanRidrMorning all.11:46
MildewAll repeats are set to 011:47
Mildewwere set to zero11:47
VulcanRidrI am completely new to myth. I just built a mythbuntu box, and I have some issues.11:47
rileypyes thats what they all are by default11:47
Mildewyes, so that aint the answer :)11:48
rileypthats normal VulcanRidr11:48
rileypMyth is hardcore and can do you over real fast if you dont read up prior11:49
rileypjust tricky Id say like if you change ip adress and pas workd and stuff it must be done in the backend first or all hell brakes loose11:50
Zinnrileyp: Please watch your language.11:50
VulcanRidrrileyp: Mind if I ask a few questions to try to work it out?11:50
rileypjust ask11:51
rileypmust of been hardcore11:52
VulcanRidrI built a (master) backend to mainly record. My transcode is failing. I click transcode, and my logs say it failed. But I can't find where to set it up in the menus.11:52
rileyplol transcoding is not for the super new  in fact I havent gone there with the mythtranscoder .11:54
womboHi All, does anyone know what the current state of Mythbuntu trunk is?11:55
VulcanRidrWell, I got the stanza set up to recode it for the Nxx0 (N810 and N900).11:55
rileypIt uses ffmpeg yes? an you need to have ffmpeg set up correcly and ffmpegs command swicthes are changing all the time so what worked a year ago on thw wiki will not work today probably11:55
rileypIf you want an easy way to transcode use handbrake- cli andrun it as a user jub11:56
VulcanRidrI guess I could go back to doing it with mencoder by hand like I did when I was running webvcrplus. :)11:56
rileypIts the easiest way to make mpeg411:56
VulcanRidrExcellent idea! I encode into avi (which doesn't work with handbrake, but works on the backend) for the Nokia devices, but I also want to stick it on my fileserver. I may go .mkv or .mp4 for that.11:57
VulcanRidrNext question. How to set up mythweather on the backend only?11:58
rileypIll give you my 2 best links for transcoding..... wait11:58
VulcanRidrNotta problem...12:00
rileyphttp://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1464306 see post number 612:02
Zinn[newyork.ubuntuforums.org]  Errror 2041 after mythexport ipod conversion - Ubuntu Forums12:02
rileypthere are other settings apart from ipod12:02
rileypbut that little piece of works wil have you auto trancoding in 15 minutes12:03
VulcanRidrWow...Thanks man...12:03
rileypjust need to remember that myth tv will need write permissions on the output folder12:03
VulcanRidrRight now, I just took the default, which is /var/lib/mythtv.12:04
rileypwell you wil still need to make a folder to put the trancoded stuff in not just /var/lib/mythtv12:04
rileypeg var/lib/mythtv/ipod12:05
rileypeg var/lib/mythtv/mpeg412:05
rileypVulcanRidr,  you dont need to do all that stuff either anymore12:06
rileypyou can just add the handbrake-cli repo and download /install with synaptic12:07
rileyphang on12:07
Zinn[edge.launchpad.net] HandBrake Snapshots : John Stebbins12:09
rileypfull guide how to install handbrake with synaptic12:10
VulcanRidrBTW, rileyp, I am super-new to myth, but I've been doing Linux for something like 15 years...12:10
rileypyou willl still ned the script though for myth to run12:10
rileypcool so you can help me perhaps one day12:10
VulcanRidrThats fine...Bash and I are old compadres. :)12:10
rileyp12 month son linux12:10
rileypso you create the script and pop it in /usr/bin  make it executible and set it in your backend as a user job12:12
VulcanRidrOk. So in effect, the canned transcoding is broken. Makes me feel better, I thought I was just dumb. :)12:13
VulcanRidrAnd apparently the docs haven't caught up with the code.12:13
VulcanRidrNow the other problem I have is with mythweather. I haven't been able to find many docs at all. I'm running mythweb on the backend, and when I go into the configuration (the key and wrench icon at the top), and click weather, I get a single tab called Screen Settings...12:16
rileypVulcanRidr,  yes thats correct ffmpeg is like a huge headache at present from waht ai Can gather12:16
rileypoh mythweather um12:16
VulcanRidrAnd under that, I have "Inactive screens" saying "Warning!! No types were found in weathersourcesettings for hostname ()12:17
rileypI used it once... dont anymore use xbmc if i want weather fast12:17
rileyppress button on remote12:17
VulcanRidrBelow that, I have Active screens, and buttons for Up, Down, Edit and Delete, but none do anything.12:17
rileyppress m12:17
VulcanRidrDoesn't do anything.12:18
rileypum open setttings plugins mythweather12:19
rileypon frontend12:19
rileypthen selct city etc12:20
VulcanRidrI don't have a frontend. Do I need one for mythweather?12:20
rileypor iscript if you use one12:20
rileypno not if you using your backend as a frontends12:20
VulcanRidrI was just going to access it over mythweb...But if thats not an option, so be it.12:21
rileypso your using 1 machine yes?12:21
rileypIt may be an option but I have nver aset up mythwetaher using mythweb12:21
VulcanRidrI didn't even install the frontend there. Just a master backend. I guess I'll disable mythweather in the control center.12:21
rileyplol great english there12:21
rileypso what are you using to view stuff?12:22
rileypand your remote?12:22
rileypwher are you using your remote to conrol mythtv12:22
VulcanRidrI'm not at this point. I am mainly using it as a recorder, like a dvr. My plan is to eventually put frontends on my and my wife's computers that will run in a window, and then long-term, get dedicated boxes for frontends for the TVs.12:24
rileypasrock ions for front ends ...gold12:26
rileypfro tvs around house12:26
rileypwell the remote prolly works fine in myth just you never tried......12:28
rileypso mythweather you would open advanced>settings>plugins>mythweather and set it up......12:38
rileyphwo are you using myth with a frontend... just install one on your backend and try it out it uses no resources if its not running12:39
rileypthats without12:39
rileypnot with12:39
VulcanRidrI record shows on the backend, then recode to a better format (.avi for the nokias, and ??? for the desktops). We mainly watch content on one of those.12:40
VulcanRidrThis is all a stepping stone. I wanted to prove the function (mainly to my wife) and then upgrade the hardware on the backend and start buying hardware for the frontends.12:42
Nucleus222hey guys my myth tv is showing up to large for my screen how can i change it i cant see the menus anymore12:45
Nucleus222never mind i fixed it12:46
mycosysyou guys know if a 24104 backend will play nice with 24178 frontend?13:51
rileypmycosys no it wont14:09
mycosysthat is the shipped mythbuntu and the precompiled trunk frontend14:12
rileypI could be mistaken14:27
mycosysshouldnt it only depend on whether the db schema or myth protocol have changed in the intervening?14:52
rileypI suppose so14:54
hipitihopI'm currently running 0.22 on 9.10 with autobuilds enabled. Can I just upgrade mythtv component or is lucid a prerequisite ?15:44
qwebirc50575hey all16:01
tgm4883hipitihop, you can upgrade to 0.23 on that16:02
qwebirc50575can someone give me a hand? im having trouble with the db on a fresh install of mythbuntu16:03
tgm4883qwebirc50575, ask your question :)16:03
tgm4883or post your error16:03
tgm4883mycosys, actually, that should I would think16:03
tgm4883or is that 0.22 and 0.23?16:03
qwebirc50575k just a sec16:03
hipitihoptgm4883, just to confirm, I can stay on 9.10 and upgrade to 0.23 ?16:04
tgm4883highvoltage, yep, just reconfigure mythbuntu-repos and select 0.2316:04
tgm4883thats what my backend is16:05
hipitihoptgm4883, should I expect complications ? I assume I should do a db backup16:05
tgm4883hipitihop, yea do a backup. Always do a backup16:06
tgm4883but I wouldn't expect many16:06
hipitihoptgm4883, any functionality I will miss because not on lucid ?16:07
qwebirc50575k, i keep getting 'QMYSQL: Unable to connect' when trying to start the mythtv backend setup16:08
hipitihopI'm oly hesitant to do the lucid upgrade because I had all sorts of problems with usbhid to get my lirc remote functional and I also am running asterisk on same box16:08
qwebirc50575the db is running and set up16:08
hipitihoptgm4883, done backup now thanks (always a first time ;-) .. trying to configure repositories in mcc to 0.23 gives permission error and reverts. Do I need to run mcc as sudo ?16:45
tgm4883hipitihop, no you should16:47
hipitihopbugger, too late16:47
hipitihopnow in update manager and done 'check'16:48
tgm4883patdk-wk, ?16:49
patdk-wkyou said he doesn't need sudo16:49
tgm4883yea he shouldn't16:49
patdk-wkhmm, mcc always runs as sudo on all of my systems16:49
tgm4883patdk-wk, it shouldn't16:49
patdk-wkand in order to change any repo's you must be root16:49
hipitihopthe fact that I'm running it from another machine via ssh make any difference ?16:49
patdk-wkeverytime I run it, it asks for my password16:49
patdk-wkand it's in the system menu16:50
patdk-wksystem -> admin16:50
tgm4883hipitihop, it might16:50
patdk-wkoh, am I htinking something else?16:50
patdk-wkmyth control center?16:50
patdk-wkdefently requires sudo16:51
tgm4883patdk-wk, no it does not16:52
tgm4883what release are you running16:52
patdk-wk8.04, 9.10, and 10.0416:52
tgm4883it might require sudo on 8.0416:52
tgm4883but doesn't on the other two16:52
patdk-wkmy 10.04 still does16:52
hipitihopI'm on 9.10 ....ok, update manager found whole series of things now, I assume I don;t need to stop backend for this update16:53
patdk-wknow, I'm not running from a mythbuntu install or desktop though16:53
patdk-wkI installed mythbuntu ontop of lucid install, and use it via a gnome desktop in a normal user account16:54
tgm4883patdk-wk, that sould be the same16:54
patdk-wkvery odd16:54
patdk-wkI just go to system -> admin -> mcc16:54
patdk-wkthen it asks for my password (gksu)16:54
hipitihopfyi: mine was a 9.04 0.21 mythbuntu clean install from iso, later upgraded to 9.10 0.2216:55
hipitihopok, updatemanager based update kicked off16:57
tgm4883patdk-wk, did you upgrade from a previous version?16:58
patdk-wkya, all the way from 8.0416:58
* hipitihop is hoping this update does not break his lirc / usbhid hacks to get imon remote going. Was a pita to sort out17:02
mrandhipitihop: just back up the important stuff, then no worries.17:02
mrandpatdk-wk: when I fire up mcc, it does not ask for my password initially.  When I go to change some things, then I think it does.17:02
hipitihopI assume this update will migrate the db if needed17:06
mrandhipitihop: myth does that automagically.  Hopefully you are upgrading all frontends and backends at the same time.17:07
patdk-wkhipitihop, migrate, no, upgrade, yes :)17:08
hipitihopmrand, only one machine, both front/back :-)17:08
mrandthen there should be no worries.17:09
hipitihopok, update manager happy... time to reboot17:09
patdk-wkmy brother is update with the upgrade to 0.23, he can't find a windows client that works with it17:09
patdk-wkso using mythweb, that I have been working on fixing17:09
mrandpatdk-wk: Last I checked, the guy that does the unofficial windows builds has it for both 0.23 and 0.23.117:10
mrandSo I'm surprised.17:10
patdk-wkmrand, he isn't using that though17:10
patdk-wkme was using some unoffical thing17:10
hipitihopwhile I'm bothering everyone here, is there a more polite mythtv way I should be using then 'sudo reboot' from my ssh session ?17:11
patdk-wkwinmyth, that is what he was using17:11
patdk-wkhipitihop, that is what I do :)17:11
mrandwinmyth sounds like a third party frontend.  That isn't necessarily bad, except that the third party people tends to not do the protocol versioning stuff correctly.  Myth builds for windows, and there is someone that creates binaries, so I'd have him try that.17:12
patdk-wkI haven't cared, he knows he is on his own there17:13
joel__takes forever for my vnc thing to work nd ssh18:57
joel__whts wrog18:57
=== joel__ is now known as jolaren
jolarenCan't understand what's wrong19:14
jolarenCan't understand what's wrong19:14
statagem_botAny known issues with gdm in recent updates?  keep getting sent back to login manager.19:30
statagem_botno error messages or anything.  not an authentication issue19:30
statagem_bothm, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" just goes back to prompt.19:33
statagem_botI should just reinstall and never do upgrades.  always seem to screw me up somehow.19:34
ZinnIf 9.10 upgrade broke auto-login for you, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/46331419:36
rhpot1991statagem_bot: might want to see if that helps19:36
rhpot1991quite old though, so it shouldn't be your current issue19:37
statagem_botI was on a fresh copy of 10.04 as of less than a month ago.  did a few synaptic updates since then. but the recent one screwed me up.  nvidia driver stopped working and can't login.19:39
statagem_botwas starting in "low graphics mode"19:39
statagem_botso I changed xorg to VESA19:39
statagem_botso I get the login window.  can select between mythbuntu-session, xfce-session and terminal.  only terminal works. of course no window manager loads19:40
statagem_botI had added PPA ubuntu repo to get latest nvidia driver because video/audio stuttered so bad under VDPAU19:41
statagem_botand was working great on 256.  but something was updated recently I think19:41
statagem_botautomaticlogin is enabled in custom.conf19:44
statagem_botso why isn't it automatically logging in :)19:44
statagem_botfigured it would atleast load xfce with vesa if it's an nvidia issue19:46
stratagemrhpot1991: that bug was definitely not my issue.  after removing the ppa x ubuntu repo and reinstalling nvidia-current. my low graphics mode issues seem to have gone away.  but I'm still being prompted for password by gdm even though custom.conf clearly is showing automaticalogin is enabled.  and can't get passed the login screen. any other suggestions?20:16
stratagemI am using .23+fixes packages20:18
MilhousePunkRockHello fellows!20:23
stratagemCan't even unlock Automatic Login Configuration20:24
stratagemafter starting xfce from term manually20:24
MilhousePunkRockOur combined BE/FE crashed earlier and now it won't come back to life. The Backend refuses to start, mythtvbackend.log points towards a corrupted database20:24
MilhousePunkRockCan someone walk me through repairing the database?20:24
MilhousePunkRockOr link me to a guide how to do it? I know hardly anything about MYSQL20:25
Lt_DanMilhousePunkRock: http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-22.html20:36
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythTV, Open Source DVR20:36
Lt_DanThere is a section called "MySQL database is corrupt" and give a command to run from a terminal20:37
stratagemwill this database backup and restore script work on .23 and will it save all the channel/freq/xmltvid info as well?20:38
stratagemI don't really care about the recordings too much.  but it took me awhile to get all my channel info correct.20:39
stratagemsince solving my login problem is a huge waste of time. I'll just reinstall 10.04 and restore database.20:40
MilhousePunkRockLt_Dan: Thanks... I managed to recall mysqlcheck --auto-repair in the meantime20:42
MilhousePunkRockHave a nice day everyone!20:42
qwebirc17737hey hows it going guys, im trying to install mythbuntu pc specs, i7 930 6gb corsair xms3 HD Radeon 5770 and when i boot the live cd i get "invalid format" on my tv, how do i fix this and i dont have a computer monitor just  hdtv that accepts normal pc resolutions21:31
=== qwebirc17737 is now known as kickedinthenuts

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