
=== elky` is now known as elky
* AndrewMC thinks the floodbots are very cool03:15
AndrewMClike they take shifts03:15
AndrewMCits SO cool03:15
AndrewMCsomeone spent alot of time programming i imagine03:15
Seeker`AndrewMC: how can we help you?03:17
AndrewMCnoting just complemanting the designer of the flood bots03:17
Seeker`AndrewMC: thanks, but please take note of the topic and part this channel if there aren't any issues you need dealing with03:18
AndrewMCoh whoops sorry must be in my bouncers auto join list i will remove it now03:21
IdleOneI don't know of any bouncer that rejoins on part03:36
IdleOneAndrewMC: Please part now.03:36
AndrewMCreally sorry guys03:36
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: point is Ubuntu periodically updates !LTS versions with point releases (e.g. 10.04.1). These point releases contain only packages already published through normal update channels. If you already have a fully-updated version, you're running the latest point release already!03:48
IdleOnemight need to find a better alias for that, point is already taken with a pretty funny response03:49
ubottuDo you have any?03:49
* IdleOne slaps ubottu with a trout03:49
IdleOneanybody with sufficient access to the bot around to add that factoid?03:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from picard1400)05:52
bazhang<fancybit> no, I'm trying  to shutdown the robot   <--- ubottu ?06:51
IdleOne<fancybit> who playing the fuking robot?07:02
IdleOnebazhang: might be07:02
bazhangIdleOne, he's in -cn as well and myke2 from there just joined; I'm going to idle there for a bit as it seems to be a new troll jumping off point (in re issues yesterday with bonly and ymlf)07:03
IdleOnethey will get bored and leave07:13
IdleOne1 down07:14
bazhangtwo mutes in one!07:14
bazhangtrying to mute dodge by parting and rejoining07:16
IdleOneshows lack of irc experience and how modes work07:17
IdleOneNow see if jjohn returns as a troll07:21
bazhangnot exactly smart to troll with a cloak07:21
IdleOneI am not to sure they were trolling to be honest but his comment about a debate made me think he might be07:23
IdleOnethey == jjohn07:23
bazhangsure they were07:24
IdleOnewell then I did the right thing muting07:25
bazhangI thought elkclone might be joining in as well07:25
bazhangIdleOne, beat me by milliseconds!07:25
IdleOneelkclone is helpful but sometimes goes -ot07:25
bazhangokay, that nick seemed kind of off07:25
bazhangjjohn just started trolling another channel, so yeah07:27
bazhangyep him and randomlycool are tag-teaming multiple channels r'lycool klined07:33
ubottuemma called the ops in #ubuntu (jacobs)08:52
Flannelsame guy from earlier08:53
Flannelban the IP08:53
ikoniaI'm about to explode15:58
PiciI say point him to #vbox and let them deal with him if he continues.15:59
ikoniaI like your style15:59
PiciI think this guyd did this the other day... checking logs.16:01
jpdsPici: Just go and stare at http://www.acc.umu.se/technical/statistics/ftp/monitordata/ and you'll feel better.16:01
ikoniaPici: you're right he did16:02
ikoniahe did that hate me thing too16:02
Picijpds: http://status.nullcortex.com/other/other/irccount.html16:03
ubottusaji89 called the ops in #ubuntu (Phonex01)16:03
ikoniaignore it16:03
ikoniaPici: he's in the right channel and pm'ing me the same thing16:09
Piciikonia: majdekale?16:09
ikoniahe's spamming everywhere16:09
ikoniaobviously I can't read it16:09
Phonex01is it kicked people room ?16:12
PiciPhonex01: You seem to be unaware or ignorant of the rules in #ubuntu16:13
Phonex01no man16:13
Phonex01i repst these rules16:13
Phonex01i respect it16:13
Phonex01why you just keep kicking me out ????16:14
Phonex01coz you are the manager !!!16:14
Phonex01ok i have question16:14
Phonex01answer it16:14
PiciWell, you don't seem to be following the channel guidelines to me.  Theres the 'proxy' url that you've posted after being asked not to.16:14
Phonex01no i just post it one time16:15
PiciYou posted it yesterday as well.16:15
Phonex01and when you told me its not allowed i stoped16:15
Phonex01me ?????16:15
Phonex01man i did it 2 hours ago16:15
Pici11023002:2010-08-12 08:14:45 <?majdekalel> www.echostech.com/writer/x/16:15
Pici11023005-2010-08-12 08:14:57 <Pici> majdekalel: This channel is only for Ubuntu support.16:15
Pici11023006-2010-08-12 08:15:06 <?majdekalel> oh man ok16:15
Phonex01ok its today16:15
Phonex01not yesterday16:16
PiciNo, today is 2010-08-1316:16
Phonex01i have just post this16:16
Phonex01belive me man16:16
Phonex01ok no problem16:16
Phonex01i'm sorry16:16
Phonex01i have question16:16
Phonex01can i build domian controller on ubunt server ?16:17
Phonex01like in windows >?16:17
PiciThis isn't a support channel.16:17
Phonex01oh god16:17
Phonex01and when i enter the support room the kick my ass16:17
Phonex01what i have to do !!!16:17
jpdsLearn to respect the rules.16:18
Phonex01i respect it16:18
Phonex01oh english man16:19
Phonex01i respect them16:19
Phonex01are you from USA ?16:19
Phonex01where ?16:19
Phonex01in which galaxy you live in ?16:20
ikoniathis is stupid16:20
ikoniawhy are we wasting time discussing this with liars/time waters16:20
charlie-tca"it" is a single rule; "them" are all the rules16:21
PiciPhonex01: Can we get back on topic of your ban?16:21
PiciPhonex01: Do you understand why you were removed from the channel?16:21
Phonex01oh oh oh16:22
Phonex01hi all of you guys ????16:22
Phonex01i will ask16:22
Phonex01can i build an domain controller on ubuntu ?16:23
Phonex01like in windows ?16:23
bazhangstill not a support channel16:23
Phonex01oh god16:23
Phonex01in this room you learn me how to respect rules ???16:23
Phonex01is there any test for this ??16:23
PiciPhonex01: Please answer my question.16:23
Phonex01which one ?16:24
PiciPhonex01: Do you understand why you were removed from the channel?16:24
Phonex01no i don't16:24
Phonex01and you dont have the right to kick me out16:24
Phonex01coz i dod nothing wrong16:24
PiciPhonex01: Please take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and let me know if that helps you figure out why you were removed.16:25
Phonex01i dont want to take a look16:25
Phonex01ok thank you16:25
Phonex01i will go out by myself16:25
Phonex01coz i dont think you are here for help16:25
jpdsOK, see ya.16:25
PiciHave a nice day.16:26
Phonex01hi jpds i'm chating with pici not with you16:26
Phonex01so keep your moth shut16:26
PiciPhonex01: We are all being civil, we kindly ask the same of you.16:26
Phonex01i'm civil too16:27
Phonex01pici how old are you ?16:27
PiciPhonex01: Why does it matter?16:27
Phonex01oh , its just a question16:28
Phonex01ok i'm sorry to ask this question16:28
Phonex01but i hope you are not a woman16:29
PiciWhys that?16:29
Phonex01i dont like women16:29
Phonex01at all16:29
Phonex01Benjamin is it a Female name ?16:30
PiciPhonex01: If you can't answer my question, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave here until you can.16:30
bazhang!no sv is <reply> Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se16:31
ubottuI'll remember that bazhang16:31
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se16:31
Picibazhang: ...16:31
Pici!no sv is <alias> se16:31
ubottuI'll remember that Pici16:31
Phonex01pici ?16:31
bazhangPici, yes?16:31
Picibazhang: I had already fixed it16:31
Phonex01oh oh16:32
bazhangand I knew that how?16:32
Phonex01its a gain of managers16:32
Picibazhang: because you're psychic ;)16:32
Phonex01hi people16:32
Phonex01pici are you woman ?16:32
Phonex01plz answer me16:32
ikoniaend this16:32
bazhangthis is the guy from earlier16:33
PiciPhonex01: That shouldn't matter to this conversation.16:33
Phonex01for me it is !!16:33
ikoniayes Phonex01 and majdekalel and whysoserious are the same user.16:33
Phonex01clever man16:34
macothen you need to explore what's wrong with you that makes you have a problem with women16:34
ikoniaThe user is a known liar and is unable to discuss the issue sensibly so lets end this16:34
Phonex01you gonna fix me !!16:34
Phonex01i need a doctor16:34
Phonex01pici if you are a man and not from USA then i'm sorry16:35
Phonex01but if you are a woman or from USA i'm NOT sorry16:35
Phonex01ok now i'm ready to respect the rules16:35
Phonex01get me back to support channel16:35
PiciPhonex01: I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that.16:35
* maco thinks respecting people is part of respecting the rules16:36
PiciPhonex01: You may depart here when ready.16:36
Phonex01ready for what ?16:36
Phonex01is it a correction ?16:36
PiciPhonex01: Since you don't seem to understand the rules enough to understand why you were banned, I'm afraid that I cannot unban you.16:37
Phonex01unban ?16:37
Phonex01i'm not Iran16:37
jpds 16:37
ikoniathis is beyond a joke16:37
Piciikonia: I'm aware.16:38
bazhangPhonex01, please part the channel16:38
PiciPhonex01: I'm asking you to leave.  In a moment I will do it myself.16:38
Phonex01oh oh oh16:38
Phonex01ok ok16:38
Phonex01i'm sorry16:38
Phonex01i respect the rules16:39
Phonex01i respect the rules16:39
Phonex01i respect the rules16:39
bazhangokay then. bye.16:39
* popey hugs Pici 16:39
jpdspopey: Do you have a hilight on toodles?16:39
knomeor a script :P16:40
popeyno, what do you think I am? mental?16:40
* popey sets a hilight on toodles16:40
bazhangerr no!16:40
Picierrno ENOTOODLES?16:40
macoAlanBell has a hilight on "chicken" doesnt he?16:40
PiciAnyway, sorry for dragging that out.16:40
knomemaco, haha16:40
ikoniano, shouldn't have interupted16:40
popeyi have marmite on hilight16:46
bazhang[ipc] (~mtm@bas1-richmondhill34-1176125496.dsl.bell.ca): mtm  ban removed?16:52
bazhangban evading as of yesterday16:54
IdleOnestill ban evading17:08
bazhangalready parted17:08
IdleOnegood morning17:08
bazhanghe's got tons of proxies/etc17:08
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 499 bans)17:23
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:24
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:24
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:24
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu mrman208 (~mrman208@ Did the swear and run trick.17:43
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:43
FlannelThat ikonia, he's a troublemaker.18:07
knomealways trying to explaing boring and lame rules stuff18:08
knometotally offtopic asl well!18:08
IdleOneFlannel: knome Should I set a perm ban on him?18:08
FlannelAlso, can't these things just be spammed in -monitor?  instead of pinging everyone and their mother?18:09
knomeIdleOne, yeah, he's never able to solve out all his bans. ;)18:10
IdleOneFlannel: +1 on that18:10
knomeFlannel, is ubottu also in ircnet? i mean, my mother is not in freenode, but exclusively in ircnet18:11
Flannelknome: You're obviously not everybody!18:12
Flanneler, everyone.18:12
knomeFlannel, damn. :) so does that mean ubottu is not in ircnet? :(18:12
knomepoor mom18:12
knomedoesn't get notices18:12
Flannelknome: She's missing out18:12
IdleOnemom could do multi network18:12
knomeIdleOne, she's already at ircnet and messenger. :)18:13
IdleOneso adding freenode wouldn't be to complicated18:13
knomeIdleOne, no, not really, with the vnc connection i can take18:13
AntiStupidzWho knows SSL18:18
AntiStupidzFucken useless bastards18:18
IdleOneAntiStupidz: aka ipc aka MTMz this is not a support channel18:18
IdleOnethe language rule applies here also18:19
IdleOneseems my ban forward works on him now18:19
knomei'm sure he was the least patient guy i've ever seen18:19
IdleOnehe's a troll18:20
knomesure, but still, that was pretty quick.18:20
knomei'm sure he used all the time between the lines typing the other.18:20
Flannelslow typer18:20
knomethat too18:21
knomehe should have a script for that18:21
knomeoh wait... no18:21
macohe also can't spell his swearwords18:21
knomemaco, aha, so HE'S the one who owns the words?18:22
IdleOnehe also fails at /msg18:23
knomehow cure18:23
knomeif a bad troll can't type his swearwords, what does it make me when i can't type "cute" ?18:24
IdleOnenow in debian calling channel ops retarded18:24
knomei think being a bastard is better than being a retard18:24
PiciI don't think I'd like for anyone to be called either.18:25
IdleOneagreed, both are very not nice18:27
knomeof course, but if you have to choose one..18:28
IdleOneWhen the road ahead of you splits in two, pick the third path18:28
knomeor pee on the crossway.18:29
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 502 bans)18:51
ubottuIn ubottu, maco said: !no guidelines-#ubuntu-women is <reply> The guidelines for using the Ubuntu Women project channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines The overall Ubuntu channel guidelines also apply and can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:13
Flannelmaco: Done22:24
macoFlannel: thanks22:24
macoand just putting that -#channelname will automatically make ubottu do the right thing, right?22:24
macooh looks like yes. yay!22:25
nhandlermaco: Yeah, the -#channelname makes it a per channel factoid22:27
maconhandler: yeah i just had reason to use it ;-)22:31
ubottuIn ubottu, maco said: !no men is <reply> Yes, men exist within the Ubuntu Women Project22:33
maco(you know, to go with !girls)22:34
macoSeeker`: REALLY common question!22:34
Seeker`they have men on the internet now?22:34
maco"are there men here?"22:34
macooh dang22:34
macoany way to make those apply to #ubuntu-women-project too?22:34
macolike !foo-#ubuntu-women*  ? or should use an alias, or what?22:35
nhandlermaco: Just create an alias to the channel-specific factoid22:35
maco!no guidelines-#ubuntu-women-project is <alias> guidelines-#ubuntu-women22:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, maco said: !no guidelines-#ubuntu-women-project is <alias> guidelines-#ubuntu-women22:35
macolike that?22:35
nhandlermaco: Added.22:36
nhandlerAnd you only need !no if it already exists22:36
macoubottu error'd at me when i tried !guidelines-#ubuntu-women is <reply>... and when i tried without the ! in a PM22:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:37
nhandlermaco: For !men, should that be channel specific? !girls is more generic and not only applicable to Ubuntu Women22:37
nhandlerHmm...I thought tsimpson had fixed that bux. Let me check the status of that on LP22:37
macothe UW channels are the only place anyone ever asks "are men allowed in here?"22:37
macoi guess it could be universal and nobody would bother with it elsewhere...22:38
nhandlermaco: Added22:38
maconhandler: alias for -project too please?22:39
nhandlermaco: Already added that :)22:39
macowait which?22:39
nhandlermaco: Both guidelines and men22:39
macoubottu didnt respond when i said men-#ubuntu-women-project22:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:39
macooh i guess it wouldve error'd22:39
macoso it probably was like "i already said taht, you silly!"22:39
macothank you nhandler *hug*22:40

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