
* lfaraone waves02:30
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
manusheeldfarning: Good morning.15:46
dfarningmanusheel, good morning15:50
manusheeldfarning: Thanks for the message for the workflow on patch creation and submission.15:51
dfarningmanusheel, i was hoping to here back from luke about if it was resonable.... then I would fill it in in more detail15:53
manusheeldfarning: Sure. I think we also need to take care off non-traditional packages in .bzr.15:54
* dipankar says hello to all. Sorry for being late15:55
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.15:58
dipankardfarning, hello. How are you today?15:59
manusheeldipankar: Let us focus on the full screen view issues today as discussed.16:00
dipankarmanusheel, yes sure sir16:00
dipankarmanusheel, last night I tried searching a lot16:01
dipankarmanusheel, sir, but I was unable to find any relevant information16:01
dipankareverywhere the flags were discussed16:01
dipankarthe flag which will be useful to us is '-f', that we are already using16:02
manusheeldipankar: ok.16:02
manusheeldipankar: Let us post this question at usr today.16:03
manusheelSee if we can get a response.16:03
manusheeldipankar: Did you get a chance to discuss this with Aleksey Lim?16:04
dipankarmanusheel, no sir16:04
dipankarcan I ask now?16:04
manusheeldipankar: yes.16:05
dipankaralsroot, around?16:05
dipankaralsroot, need your views and help regarding this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61438816:06
* alsroot looks16:06
alsrootdipankar: there is some kind of logic to use not-full screen mode if screen is sufficiently large and fallback to "-f" mode, /me looks to code16:14
alsrootdipankar: yeah, current code assumes that if screen is less then 800x600, full screen mode is activated -- for myself, I'm not sure what the best option is, use "-f" all time, current code, or rely only on command line arguments16:19
dipankaralsroot, ok16:23
dipankaralsroot, so what do you suggest?16:29
dipankaralsroot, can we add a button in window mode to switch to 'maximized' mode?16:31
alsrootdipankar: dunno, it shouldn't be trivial, since we have to set fullscreen mode for Xephyr itself16:32
satellit___can you install an icon on Desktop with sugar-emulator -f  and label sugar fill screen. then Menu item is not full screen but have option with icon on desktop for full screen?16:32
satellit___s/full screen16:34
dipankarsatellit__, thats what I was thinking too16:37
dipankaralsroot, I didn't get onw thing16:38
lfaraonedfarning: mail sent to d-o-d@l.a.d.o16:38
alsrootdipankar: myself, too :)16:38
dipankaralsroot, xephyr's fullscreen is not maximized mode16:38
dfarninglfaraone, thanks16:38
dipankaralsroot, can you help me in understanding the code please?16:40
dipankaralsroot, where to start with looking inside the code16:40
alsrootdfarning: btw, the original #614388 issue is that there is a mess, if I recall right, in one code 72 scalling is assumed, in another 100 -- there is a patch http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1747 wich set 72 by default16:41
alsrootdipankar: start w/ sugar/src/jarabe/util/emulator.py16:42
* dipankar is looking into emulator.py16:44
dfarningalsroot, ^^ in which tracker.16:47
dipankaralsroot, ohk16:47
dipankaralsroot, Its as desired16:48
alsrootdfarning: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61438816:48
dfarningalsroot, yes weird stuff happen because of inconsistant scaling.16:50
manusheelalsroot: Thanks for the pointers.16:50
dipankarlfaraone, regarding flipsticks-activity, is it out of tasks now?16:50
lfaraonedipankar: it's there, but halted.16:51
dipankarlfaraone, ohk. I thought it was dropped due to some reasons.16:51
lfaraonealsroot: so polyol is a collection of libs?16:52
* lfaraone is looking at http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activity_Team/Polyol16:53
alsrootlfaraone: it is sugar-toolkit rewritten in Vala (to support not only python activities)16:53
alsroot+ some additional stuff in gui module16:53
lfaraonealsroot: okay. is it ready to be packaged? :)16:54
dipankarI hope yes!16:54
alsrootlfaraone: not yet, I'm busy w/ refinery stuff, planing to get refinery.sl.o working (i.e. 1st stage of 0sugar impl), and will return to polyol to release it16:56
alsrootand libjournal as well16:57
lfaraonealsroot: fair enough, thanks.16:57
dipankardfarning, around?17:02
manusheelishan: Please go through Sugar Control panel test cases at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_cases_8.2.0#Sugar_Control_Panel17:34
ishanmanusheel sir okay17:35
manusheelishan: Info. on sugar control panel can be found at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Control_Panel17:35
manusheelmukul: I would like you to go through the above 2 links too ^^17:35
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok17:36
manusheelmukul: Send you the TA meeting logs too.17:36
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok17:37
mukulmanusheel sir:read the logs17:55
manusheelmukul: neat.18:04
manusheelmukul: What did you gather?18:04
mukulmanusheel sir: What I actually packaged was renamed as Turtle Blocks18:05
mukulwhile Turtle Art is actually turtle art mini18:06
manusheelmukul: Kindly update the package and rename it as Turtle Blocks.18:07
manusheelmukul: Ok, we'll need to package Turtle Art Mini too. We'll do that in the coming week.18:07
mukulThey are also planning to get a newer 94 version which some changes.I guess James will be looking into that18:08
manusheelmukul: Sure. We don't need to bother about that at this juncture. We don't have a timeline on that part yet.18:09
mukulmanusheel sir: It has been mentioned by Walter Bender that he doesn't expect Turtle Art to be used18:09
mukulmanusheel, by turtle art i mean turtle art mini18:09
manusheelmukul: I am not sure on that part. That is why, I'll check and get back to you during the coming week.18:10
manusheelmukul: Kindly update the Turtle Blocks package today.18:13
mukulmanusheel sir: The source of Turtle Art-93.tar.bz2 file in itself remains to be renamed as turtle art while all that which is diplayed on Sugar after installation is renamed as Turtle Blocks18:13
mukulmanusheel sir: I will surely do that18:13
manusheelmukul: Great.18:13
mukulmanusheel sir: I suppose I just have to create a new repository which is to be named as sugar-turtleblocks-activity and push my package in it.Will make the necessary changes todday18:14
manusheelankur: Hi Ankur.18:36
dipankarbernie, around?18:38
* dipankar needs help in 'detecting network interfaces available through Network Manager'18:40
manusheeldipankar: This is lunch time. Bernie might not be around.18:41
dipankaroh no18:42
manusheeldipankar: Kindly send an e-mail at USR mailing list. Will ask Bernie to have a look at it.18:42
* dipankar good night all :)19:01
manusheelankur: Hi Ankur19:02
manusheelmukul: Hi Mukul19:02
mukulmanusheel sir: Hi19:02
mukulmanusheel sir: Version 94 of Turtle blocks was updated yesterday as I can see.19:03
manusheelmukul: Ok.19:03
mukulI will be packaging it19:03
manusheelmukul: Need any help on that front.19:03
ankurneeraj: around?19:03
ankurhi manu sir19:03
manusheelankur: Any help required on the development front?19:04
mukulmanusheel sir: I don't think it has to be any different from what I had done earlier. If there are any technicalities which I am missing, please point it out19:04
ankuryes, in maintainer feild of the package for which i am creating patch , maintainer team will be Ubuntu Sugarteam ?19:05
berniemanusheel: I'm around... but I'm having lunch next to the kbd because I'm overwhelmed by work :)19:05
manusheelbernie: Sure. You need to celebrate this weekend.19:06
ankurUbuntu SugarTeam <ubuntu-sugarteam@lists.ubuntu.com> more specifically?19:06
manusheelbernie: Will send you an e-mail.19:06
manusheelmukul: I think the steps are the same.19:06
manusheelmukul: Kindly check with Neeraj if there is any difference.19:06
manusheelankur: No, ankur@seeta.in19:07
mukulmanusheel sir: thanks, I will check if I can manage on my own19:07
mukulmanusheel sir: Okay19:07
ankurno no ,sir, see point 4 in this that is why i got confused : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff19:07
berniemanusheel: I will celebrate on monday night, after the RC images are released :-)19:07
manusheelankur: Yes, please use Ubuntu SugarTeam <ubuntu-sugarteam@lists.ubuntu.com>19:07
manusheelankur: right.19:07
ankurokay sir19:07
manusheelmukul: Great. Glad to hear.19:08
neerajankur, yes19:08
manusheelbernie: Neat. You should. Great work on Sugar. keep it up.19:08
ankursir was in process of completing the patch. will send it in some time19:09
ankuri will get it checked first19:09
manusheelankur: Sure.19:09
manusheelThat would be great.19:10
berniemanusheel: :)19:14
ankurmanusheel:  the package i downloaded from debcheckout was  toolkit-.9019:47
ankurwhat did i needed to patch?19:47
manusheelankur: Your source changes.19:48
manusheelankur: Send you an e-mail.19:48
manusheelFrom David.19:48
manusheelPlease check.19:48
ankurmanusheel: sir which mail u are refering to?19:49
manusheelankur: Let me resend.19:52
lfaraonemanusheel: where are these bug numbers coming from? they are not in launchpad, nor in SL...19:52
manusheellfaraone: They are yet to be reported to launchpad or SL. They came from discussions at IRC and an e-mail by David.19:57
manusheelankur: Re-send both the e-mails.19:57
ankurmanusheel: sir got it19:58
lfaraonemanusheel: okay, they're from "USR Issue and Tracker"?19:58
manusheellfaraone: Ok, I see. David pointed them to us.19:59
manusheellfaraone: on IRC.19:59
manusheellfaraone: Can you send me the link?19:59
lfaraonemanusheel: okay, so there's a list of them... where?19:59
lfaraonemanusheel: I don't have a link. I'm asking for them.19:59
manusheellfaraone: They are in my e-mail right now. Let me send it at USR list serv. I prefer a wiki page for that. Can you develop one for the field issues?20:00
manusheellfaraone: After documenting them well, we can add them at the bug tracker.20:01
manusheellfaraone: Following the QA cycle process.20:01
lfaraonemanusheel: I think they should probably be reported in a bug tracker *first*, such as http://launchpad.net/usr20:02
manusheellfaraone: Yes. This is what I was thinking too. Don't like e-mails for QA.20:03
manusheellfaraone: I'll do that at Launchpad.20:03
manusheellfaraone: Will ask David to raise bugs at LP too.20:03
lfaraonemanusheel: great. that way we've got transparency in our process, and I can figure out what in the world everyone's talking about.20:03
ankurlfaraone:  is toolkit renamed to tools?20:04
ankuri mean20:04
manusheellfaraone: Neat. +120:04
manusheellfaraone: Absolutely. Transparency is the key.20:05
ankuri was able to find it it in lucid but not in maverick branch. IF i need to patch toolkit, what source shuld i find.When i used debchecktou , it gave more advanced version tahn 0.88 , i.e. it gace 0.8920:05
lfaraoneankur: why would it be renamed to tools?20:05
lfaraoneankur: you couldn't locate https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-toolkit-0.88?20:06
ankurwell , i dont have idea about that , but i was reading somewhere that toolkits was obsolete.20:07
ankuroh, i was looking at this  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/python-sugar-toolkit20:07
ankurbut couldn't find maverick one.......20:08
ankursorry abt that20:08
neerajlfaraone, when I run debuild on sugar-0.88 it automatically updates debian/patches directory. I have to update that patch file manually.right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/477586/20:26
lfaraoneneeraj: it automatically makes your changes into a patch, yes.20:28
lfaraoneneeraj: but you should A) be creating patches yourself using quilt, and B) be tagging and naming them descriptively.20:28
neerajlfaraone, ok. After creating a patch using quilt, then on LP, I have to submit the *.patch file only?20:37
neeraj* http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/quilt.html#creating_a_patch20:38
lfaraoneneeraj: no, submit the entire debdiff.20:38
neerajOhk. but then I need to delete the automatically created file in debian/patch..20:39
neerajline 16-17 http://paste.ubuntu.com/477586/20:39
lfaraoneneeraj: that file  is not generated if there is a patch created the quilt way that coveres your changes20:40
neerajlfaraone, ok. Making changes using quilt.20:41
neerajlfaraone, I am have modified the source so that while running emulator in reduced resolution, then all items of control panel becomes visible.21:12
lfaraoneneeraj: cool, how'd you do that?21:12
neerajAt present they get cropped because of limited horizontal width. For this, I removed the offset margin from controlpanel/gui.py file21:12
neerajNow, all items are visible.21:13
neerajI am not confused with tagging. I did went through http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/21:13
lfaraoneWhy would this fix not be worth submitting upstream?21:19
neerajhmm.. I was not sure whether we should send it to upstream or not. :(.21:24
neeraj*Changing it21:24
lfaraoneneeraj: would people who don't use Ubuntu benefit from this?21:26
neerajlfaraone, yes. they will get benefit.21:26
lfaraoneneeraj: then that's a sign to push upstream.21:27
neerajlfaraone, here upstream means the debian upstream or the sugar-0.88 main upstream21:27
lfaraoneneeraj: do you think only people who use Ubuntu and Debian will benefit from your fix? Would Sugar as a whole be better?21:27
neerajlfaraone, depends.  I mean in we don't run sugar in reduced resolutions every where. Do we?21:29
lfaraoneneeraj: that's correct, but it'd be useful regardless of whether you're using Ubuntu, Fedora, etc, right?21:30
neerajlfaraone, right. :)21:30
neerajlfaraone, in debian/patches series folder, some patches are comment out and some are not. How we decide it?21:32
lfaraoneneeraj: well, commented out patches are not applied...21:32
neerajlfaraone, ok. our patch will not be commented out, as I am applying the changes.21:34
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
neerajlfaraone, http://paste.ubuntu.com/477634/ debdiff file.22:27
neerajDo I need to change/correct anything22:27
lfaraoneneeraj: post it to the bug, that's the preferreed way to review a debdiff.22:28
neerajlfaraone, sure :)22:28
lfaraoneneeraj: just make sure your report  has the steops to reproduce, etc, clearly written out, and subscribe  me.22:28
neerajlfaraone, ok. ishan has already post the bug report. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/617582/22:29
lfaraoneneeraj: okay, post it then :)22:30
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
manusheelmukul: Hi Mukul.22:46
mukulmanusheel sir: I think there is some problem in the latest version of Turtle Art/Block22:50
mukulmanusheel sir: I have tried several times to package the 94 version but there is an error which doesn't seem to evade. I was able to build the package of the 93 version (changed the name to Turtle Blocks) successfully with one lintian warning for which I'm trying to figure out22:53
manusheelOk, Mukul.22:55
manusheelmukul: Post about this issue at USR mailing list.22:55
manusheelmukul: Copy Neeraj, me and Dipankar on it.22:55
mukulmanusheel sir: I think I have not subcribed to it22:56
mukulmanusheel sir: I have subcribed to debian-olpc22:56
mukulmanusheel sir: Okay,will do that tomorrow morning22:57

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