
TakyojiAnyone know how to open any electronic that is internally secured with no screws or other straightforward methods of getting inside of them? i.e. a laptop power adapter00:16
_diabloTakyoji: i'd use a knife and try to pop it open... but you'll probably destroy it00:17
TakyojiI suppose I wouldn't mind if I just smashed the plastic with a hammer anyway00:37
Adremelechbut then you risk cutting something on the inside without knowing it02:24
Takyojior a hack saw. xP02:56
TakyojiOh joy.. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/08/oracle-sues-google-over-use-of-java-in-android-sdk.ars04:10
Adremelechi tried making something for android04:36
Adremelechbut i didnt quite understant how to begin04:36
Adremelechnot that im a java person though04:36
TakyojiIck. My smartphone has support ONLY for patent-encumbered formats.07:58

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