
=== elky` is now known as elky
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
akgranerwoo hoo!  UbuCon happening at Ohio Linux Fest now :-)  \0/ Happy Dance time!21:21
akgranertime to go play happy band parent and work a concession stand...  (not so happy dance on that one - it's freakin' hot outside :-/)21:22
czajkowskihave fun21:23
pendulum|phoneakgraner: You should see all the gymnastics parents where I'm at now21:24
pendulum|phoneBe glad it's band :p21:24
Austinhello ladies22:08
MarkDudeHello boy austin22:18
Austinwait u can use abbreviation but every one else make a big deal when i do22:24
MarkDudeHow about little dude Austin, better22:31
MarkDudeI was mocking you if that was not clear22:31
MarkDudeQuite a few patient people here, I am not one of them22:32
MarkDudeIf you are genuine tho, this is a really cool group of people here22:32
MarkDudeNo big deal, just try again22:32
MarkDudeIts all good :)22:32
rwwMarkDude: Regardless of the truth of it, http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml tends to work a lot better than calling people trolls. The latter doesn't really help (if they are, the ops generally can figure that out themselves:), and isn't likely to get them to change their behavior.22:34
* MarkDude will leave that to the reasonable folks22:34
* MarkDude 's Elder Statesman progress can only happen at a certain rate, but, I am trying22:35
macoMarkDude: shouting "troll!" at people just makes them defensive22:36
MarkDudeOr sometimes like in this case it was a reality check22:37
MarkDudeIt appears that i was wrong. And that he may have just been mistaken :)22:37
rwwis best to just not say anything, in my experience. I've had #ubuntu-offtopic ops express frustration in places I can read when I (used to) call people out :)22:37
rwwunless nobody's around and it gets to be a large disruption, and then there's the ops factoid22:38
MarkDudeBeing rude - even if unintentional deserves a reaction22:38
MarkDudereasonableness works almost all of the time, not all tho22:38
MarkDudeEspecially with men, I have been spoken to about being to uppity22:39
MarkDudeFact is it is hard for a man to realize what it is like to be called a disrespectful term, unless it happens to them22:40
MarkDude*reality* even if a small % of the time22:40
rwwsome reactions work better than others. some have a net worse effect than not saying anythingg22:40
MarkDudeYou are correct on the whole rww22:40
macoso, next time someone asks "are men allowed here?" the answer is !men22:40
MarkDudeI only reacted after the who sets the rules here22:41
MarkDudeCommon sense here22:41
MarkDudeAnyway , are you going to DVLUG tonight22:41
rwwmaco: if only there were an xkcd about male feminists. we could make a modified copy of !girls :)22:42
macowell for now we have...22:42
ubot4`Yes, men exist within the Ubuntu Women Project.22:42
pleia2thanks maco :)22:42
nhandlerKeep in mind, both the !men and !guidelines are channel specific factoids for here and #ubuntu-women. They won't work in other channels22:43
MarkDudeYep, there should be global reminders tho22:44
maconhandler: well the normal guidelines one will work elsewhere :P22:44
nhandlermaco: Yes, but it will be different :)22:45
macoright but elsewhere doesnt need to be told to read ours22:45
macoi dont *think* !men needs to be global... nobody asks elsewhere whether men are allowed in the channel22:46
pleia2might need a !women elsewhere though (yes, women exist on the internet) :P22:49
* pleia2 removes tongue from cheek22:49
rwwwe have one :)22:49
ubot4`The women and men of the Ubuntu Women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.22:50
ubot4`Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/22:50
pleia2oh :)22:50
MarkDudethe women factoid should say women & men  that play well together22:52
rwwyou and your ampersands :(22:52
macoMarkDude: that could be misconstrued22:52
* MarkDude went to *Im ok - your ok preschool*22:52
macodo they not have appostrophes there?22:53
* maco runs22:53
MarkDudePlaying well with others is the ideal, IMHO22:53
rwwyour okay what?22:53
* rww also runs22:53
MarkDudeNo, but they taught us that that most people are ok, as long as they play well with others22:53
AlanBellMarkDude: it is always polite to help people find their loco team22:57
MarkDudeyes. that is true22:57
AlanBellif someone appears to be in the wrong place, then guide them to a more appropriate place22:58
MarkDudeMinus the spelling, the actions now happening are an improvement from the start22:58
MarkDudeJust sayin'22:59
* MarkDude was set to go on a date a while ago, I was able to look past the spelling on the texting, but, when I saw she did that in email, I was the opposite of stoked23:00
MarkDudeNo biggy Austin . And for the record, I m given a bad time for some of the slang I use.23:12
MarkDudeEven more so from folks in California23:12
Austinwat slang23:20
Austinis anyone still here23:21
MarkDudeThe slang that I use23:23
MarkDudedude, stoked, etc23:23
MarkDude3rd generation Californian - I am one of those23:23
hypatiaAustin: "wat" is not a word in English23:32
altharaI say "dude" a lot too. And "totally".23:33
pleia2MarkDude has contagious slang, 5 months here and I end up with "hella" in my vocabulary23:33
altharaI was just going to mention that one. :)23:33
rwwnah, that's a general Californian thing. You'll probably start abusing 'like' soon, too.23:34
pleia2everyone in the US abuses like23:34
rwwCalifornia started it ;P23:34
altharalike totally23:34
MarkDudeRighteous bro, is a phrase I have been trying to eliminate from my vocab23:36
MarkDudedont forget the word *awesome*23:36
altharaI abuse that one too :)23:36
rwwalthara: #ubuntu-california's bot used to be named LikeTotally :)23:36
MarkDudeI try to use it in the dictionary sense of the word23:36
rwwanyways, we should perhaps shift this over to -women ;P23:37
pleia2rww: aww, I like that better23:37
altharaI use it sarcastically for the most part23:37
MarkDudethe word dude has like 20+meanings23:37
* MarkDude and my excessive use of like as a *filler* word23:38

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