
Sarvattalf__: thanks again for packaging up cairo-perf, I've been meaning to do that for a long time now :) we probably should have a package with a few traces in it and change the default search patch to somewhere in /usr/share/03:55
Sarvattoh it already does look in cairo-traces:/usr/src/cairo-traces:/usr/share/cairo-traces03:56
RAOFalf__: Rocking!  Thanks!03:57
Sarvatti've got it in here if you want to try it, he changed it so the trace stuff was suggested instead of a hard dependency on -dev and -dbg after but i haven't rebuilt it with the update - https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/ppa04:01
Sarvattman desktop interactivity has been complete crap for the past few months04:05
Sarvattextracting archives or updating your system = unusable desktop till its done04:05
Sarvattbenchmark/ (the small directory) from cairo traces is 548MB extracted04:08
Sarvatt208mb of that is firefox-talos-svg though04:08
RAOFSarvatt: And you aren't even burdened with a btrfs partition that suffered a ~10x regression in write-heavy loads!04:11
Sarvattoh man04:11
Sarvattyeah this is ext404:11
Sarvatttakes a good 30 seconds for docky to unhide while extracting a lmza archive on this atom nows04:12
Sarvattbeen wanting to try the fixes in 2.6.36 but its failed every day on the mainline kernel site04:13
RAOFOh, those desktop-interactivity patches?04:16
RAOFAFAIK there aren't patches to fix btrfs yet, sadly.04:16
Sarvattyeah pretty sure i saw them pulled upstream04:16
Sarvatt[  0]     xlib           swfdec-giant-steps   14.209   14.209   0.00%    1/104:18
Sarvatt[ # ]    image: pixman 0.19.104:18
Sarvatt[  0]    image           swfdec-giant-steps   12.166   12.166   0.00%    1/104:18
Sarvatt[  0]     xlib           swfdec-giant-steps  194.422  194.602  0.05%   604:19
Sarvattlast one was what it was a year ago04:19
Sarvattwell last june04:19
RAOFWell, it's not a regression then :)04:20
Sarvattpixman sped up a crapload too04:22
Sarvattit was 45 seconds back in 0.16.x04:22
RAOFPretty good!04:22
Sarvattgo figure gnome-do is segfaulting when i try to record a trace to see whats going on making it suck on nouveau04:33
Sarvattoh wow, we've actually got security locked down so we can't even attach to a process in gdb by default now?04:41
RAOFSarvatt: Isn't that fixed by the new libcairo, which doesn't hugely penalise drivers which don't support server-side gradients?04:48
Sarvattand also removes server side gradient support for the drivers that do slowing them down? like my intel :)04:49
Sarvattthe slow docky was a gradient problem?04:49
RAOFI didn't look at the patch, but I thought it just set “buggy-gradients” on more drivers.04:49
Sarvatti dont know, haven't been able to pry my nouveau laptop away from the wife to test it :)04:49
Sarvattit set it unconditionally unlike what the changelog said04:50
* RAOF restarts X on Ein.04:50
Sarvattbut its a necessary evil apparently, fedora is doing it too04:50
Sarvattthe nvidia blob people weren't happy about it either because they accelerate it even though server side gradients were causing all kinds of rendering errors there04:52
RAOFYup.  Do is now snappy again on Ein.04:52
Sarvattoh woohoo!04:53
Sarvattdidn't know that fixed it04:53
RAOFmutter doesn't like nouveau very much.04:53
RAOF(Although much, much more than it likes radeon)04:53
Sarvattfedora has a crapload of patches for mutter/gnome-shell on ati04:54
Sarvattat least they did when i was looking at f13 before that released04:54
Sarvattspread across mesa mutter gnome-shell and clutter04:55
* bryceh waves07:21
* RAOF shores07:40
* tjaalton drowns07:42
tseliotany survivors? :-P07:45
tjaaltonafter working some time on X? heck no...07:50
tjaaltonbtw, do you know if the nvidia-current module in lucid compiles against backported 2.6.35 from maverick?08:00
Sarvattpretty sure i remember having to add a dkms patch for 2.6.34 but its been a long time08:01
tjaaltonalright. I could always just backport the nvidia as well08:01
tjaaltonfor local use08:02
Sarvattthe one in x-updates/lucid isn't any different than maverick's except with 256.44, no packaging changes08:03
tjaaltonk, thanks08:04
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alf__Sarvatt: Hi! I started packaging the traces from upstream some time ago, but it seems they have no licensing (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28914).08:32
ubot4`Freedesktop bug 28914 in general "Missing licensing information for cairo-traces prevents redistribution" [Normal,New]08:32
Sarvattugh good point, no way thats going to happen..08:33
Sarvattso maybe a little script that downloads it from cairographics.org and extracts it? :D08:34
RAOFThat's what I was expecting we'd do, given (a) they're nicely available in git, (b) they're huge, and (c) they're of quite limited audience.  There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of point in distributing huge source packages on all the mirrors.08:35
Sarvattsome snapshots here - http://cairographics.org/snapshots/08:35
Sarvattnice, the 38mb snapshot has all of /benchmark in it that was 548mb extracted08:36
Sarvattneed to download, extract, un-lzma everything in benchmark/ into /usr/share/cairo-traces in a script08:37
RAOFCan't it go in ~ somewhere?08:37
Sarvattgotta be in cairo-traces:/usr/src/cairo-traces:/usr/share/cairo-traces08:38
RAOFAnd this isn't trivially patchable?08:39
Sarvattyeah it is, whats wrong with /usr/share/cairo-trace/ though?08:39
RAOFNothing, I guess.08:40
Sarvattthat newest snapshot is missing a few of the tests that show off the more recent pixman arm improvements :(08:42
Sarvattoh they dont work with our cairo either08:44
Sarvatthttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/cairo-traces/commit/?id=4c51a0e0c868586c506df7242215479134790b30  -- those were the arm ones08:45
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mvoRAOF: the upgrade is currently a bit unhappy: http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/current/ubuntu/apt.log (from lucid to maverick). I think if you change "breaks: xserver-xorg-video-6" to a "conflicts: xserver-xorg-video-6", that should help apt deal better with that 12:09
mvoit seems to be partly because xserver-xorg-video-v4l is not available for -video-8 afaics12:10
RAOFmvo: It is available, at least on amd64.12:46
RAOFIt looks to me like it's complaining about -tseng?12:55
RAOFBut AFAIK there are only 4 things in the archive which are broken by -video-8: nvidia, nvidia-173, nvidia-96 and virtualbox-ose12:56
RAOFAnd, you know what?  10pm on a Friday evening.13:03
tseliotI'll fix nvidia-current today13:10
tseliot173 and 96 will remain broken13:10
tseliot(for now, at least)13:10
mvoRAOF: I think tseng is a red herring, its just the first thing that it encouters13:20
asacRAOF: do you think there is any chance we get good gallium for GM965/GL960 this cycle?13:27
asacwould really love to be able to use that :(13:27
asacor is nouveau the only thing that has chances to work for now?13:27
* tseliot is uploading nvidia...13:52
Sarvattasac: no way regarding 965g15:48
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jcristauSarvatt: mv softpipe i965g, nobody will notice17:19
Sarvatti dont even install it in xorg-edgers17:20
SarvattDr_Jakob even split it to 2 configure options now too, enable-gallium-i915 (working) and enable-gallium-i965 (aka broken)17:21
seb128bryceh, hey, are you there?17:22
brycehseb128, yes17:22
seb128bryceh, how is https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-xorg-extract-failsafex going for maverick?17:23
seb128is that something concerning the default installation?17:23
seb128shouldn't that be landing around now for the feature freeze?17:23
brycehseb128, yeah it should; I uploaded it to universe but it got rejected.  I've not had a chance to get back and fix it up though17:24
brycehseb128, probably not a good thing to change post-FF though17:25
brycehseb128, but your call17:25
seb128bryceh, I would say it's late now and you seem to not have lot of time to debug it etc17:29
seb128bryceh, I would say let's defer to next cycle17:29
seb128bryceh, what do you think?17:29
brycehseb128, sounds good17:29
brycehseb128, I'm of similar mind17:30
* seb128 defer it17:30
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Sarvatthmm Mesa 7.9-devel implementation error: Bad renderbuffer format: 21 on i915 with mesa git when launching unity17:54
Sarvattoh might be related to the failed upgrade because of the poppler stuff18:03
vish_Sarvatt: how do i do this "break on ctk_render_target_resize and check out the dimensions"  ?19:44
* vish_ thought here was better than -desktop19:44
Sarvattgdb unity, then break ctk_render_target_resize then run20:01
Sarvattvish_: ^20:01
Sarvattit'll print the dimensions20:01
Sarvatti havent looked at this clutk before, i'm guessing it just assumes NPOT works if the extension is advertised when earlier radeons have some restrictions on its use and its breaking20:02
vish_oh ok , /me tries20:03
Sarvattyou'll probably need to cont a bunch of times until you get to the error20:06
Sarvattjust found some discussion on it in #radeon - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rN3nzrCKJhEJ:www.radeonhd.org/%3Fpage%3Darchive_display%26c%3Dradeon%26m%3D6%26y%3D2010%26d%3D2010-6-13+radeon+NPOT&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us20:07
Sarvattlooks like its something r300g does much better :(20:09
Sarvattactually theres a bunch of fixes for r300 classic NPOT in mesa 7.920:10
Sarvattcould try xorg-edgers and see if it works there, *hopefully* 7.9 will make it into maverick20:11
vishyeah , will try the -edgers too20:11
Sarvattdunno if you missed these messages but - 20:12
Sarvatt<Sarvatt> you'll probably need to cont a bunch of times until you get to the error20:12
Sarvatt<Sarvatt> just found some discussion on it in #radeon - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rN3nzrCKJhEJ:www.radeonhd.org/%3Fpage%3Darchive_display%26c%3Dradeon%26m%3D6%26y%3D2010%26d%3D2010-6-13+radeon+NPOT&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us20:12
Sarvattbefore you came on as vish 20:12
vishyeah , it crashed :)20:12
Sarvattif edgers works thats a really good justification for a 7.9 FFE so it'd be interesting to know :)20:12
vishSarvatt: if i run gdb mutter --replace --mutter-pligings=libuinty-mutter  and then give the break ...,  it just frooze and i could do nothing..20:13
vishohh! thats tempting !20:13
Sarvattif you just want it to work you can add Option "Gallium" "True" to a driver section with radeon in it in an xorg.conf20:14
Sarvatt(with edgers)20:14
Sarvattafter seeing if r300 classic works20:14
Sarvattyou couldn't run gdb unity and break on that function?20:15
Sarvattyou'd have to run mutter over ssh from another machine if you want to do it in gdb20:16
vishSarvatt: hmm , if i give only the break  option it runs , but if i set the "handle SIG33 pass nostop noprint" , it seems to freeze20:16
vishbtw , i'm running the gdb on a daily cd20:16
Sarvattgotta have a *lot* of ram to upgrade to edgers on a livecd :D20:17
Sarvattoh maybe  not, its the kernel upgrades that are killer20:17
vishhehe if it doesnt work out, i guess i'll try that from my install , i only have 2gb ram ;)20:18
Sarvattif you have a large persistant storage on a usb stick and aren't using a real cd it'll work at least20:25
vish_Sarvatt: it says: Breakpoint 1, ctk_render_target_resize (self=0x8939f08, width=1280, height=800) , but the system frooze , so not really sure if its right : http://pastebin.com/rKMmP4wh20:28
Sarvattvish_: I can reproduce that crash with MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=-GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two unity20:36
vish_Sarvatt: cool! , so i can add an xorg-*-ati task to bug #616997  ?20:38
ubot4`Launchpad bug 616997 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity keeps reloading with a white background (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61699720:38
Sarvattvish_: can ya join #ubuntu-desktop so the people that made clutk and stuff see the discussion? :D20:38
vish_ /me joins20:39
vish_ /join #ubuntu-desktop20:39
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