
_DGM_Chiggins: i cant say for sure.. its either eth0 or your wireless.. they both seem to have an ip looking at your ifconfig00:00
tripelb-irssithune I am so happy you are talking to me. (I believe in this thing I call bbs-telepathy (showing my age, but it's not an overtheweb thing it's a chat thing) and I get smarter wehn I'm talking to someone smart.00:00
dansananybody?  user-level screen resolution setting (Gnome, not kubuntu)?00:00
Chiggins_DGM_ I didn't know I had a wireless, INSIDE my desktop00:00
_DGM_Chiggins: apparently you do.. theres a wlan interface so.. but what i dont get.. is your wireless unprotected or something?00:00
tripelb-irssithune3 I am so happy you are talking to me. (I believe in this thing I call bbs-telepathy (showing my age, but it's not an overtheweb thing it's a chat thing) and I get smarter wehn I'm talking to someone smart. -- I'll try the install now. (after I copy your advice to my save file on the flashdrive)00:00
headkase314zopiac, so you can boot into a GNOME graphical environment? I was assuming you were stuck on a command line.  If so, when you log out what session manager appears?  Can you choose icewm from there?00:00
pwpInteresting note, I just added a wireless to my desktop this weekend...00:01
Chiggins_DHM_ The wireless in my house? No it has a password on it00:01
zopiacheadkase314: when i log out it brings me back to CLI00:01
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headkase314zopiac, but you do have a graphical gnome desktop?00:01
chemical_deathzopiac: did you see my pm?00:01
zopiacchemical_death: yes i did00:01
_DGM_Chiggins: hmm weird. well i really dont know.. i wonder if it picked up wlan0 wrongly or something for some reason then. Either way.. it seems to work :P if you can access anything else on your own network its probably the wired eth0.00:02
arrrghhhso i've mounted an nfs share as /tmp, but i can't umount it now.  says device is busy, even with -f.  how can i unmount this nfs share?00:02
pwpSorry, cat... I guess the keyboard lessons I got it didn't work.00:02
Chiggins_DGM_ Well I can access my router and such, so I guess I'm good, hah00:02
headkase314zopiac, if you have the desktop then shouldn't there be *some* session manager running, even if it is not GDM?00:02
_DGM_Chiggins: must be wired then.. theres no way it can magicly connect to a secured wireless network :P00:02
zopiacheadkase314: idk, really. I would assume that it does not /need/ it00:03
dansanwhy does one login account (gnome-based) have a different screen resolution setting than login screen & another account? (how do I change it?)00:03
zopiacheadkase314: brb00:03
Chiggins_DGM_ Thats what I'm thinking. So if this does happen again at next boot, do I just manually ifconfig eth# up ?00:03
headkase314zopiac, I'm not sure either but I was always under the assumption that the session manager bootstrapped the desktop.... idk!00:03
_DGM_Chiggins: it seems the sudo dhclient did the trick, but you might need to ifconfig eth0 up before that00:04
_DGM_Chiggins: it *should* remember that its up though00:05
Chiggins_DGM_ Alright I'll make note of that, thanks so much again!00:05
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pwpHello, I am having a problem such that my X Window will periodically crash at random intervals... I have a Xorg.0.log if anyone wants to look as well as a listing of the output of lshw -c display. From the log, it would appear to have something to do with AIGLX, as it consistently shows up like that right before it crashes. Thank you. X log: http://pastebin.com/iFNS6KT8 lshw:http://pastebin.com/CafiMuqN00:05
pwpHello, I am having a problem such that my X Window will periodically crash at random intervals... I have a Xorg.0.log if anyone wants to look as well as a listing of the output of lshw -c display. From the log, it would appear to have something to do with AIGLX, as it consistently shows up like that right before it crashes. Thank you. X log: http://pastebin.com/iFNS6KT8 lshw:http://pastebin.com/CafiMuqN00:07
_DGM_yea you mentioned that :P00:07
headkase314pwp, If you have compiz enabled install the "Compiz Settings Manager" and in that (under System > Preferences) go to the "Workarounds" section and there is a fix specifically for AIGLX.  Don't know if it will resolve your situation however.00:07
Kyle__How do you reconfigure the network from the command line?  dpkg-reconfigure networking doesn't do it.00:07
tripelb-irssigparted still quits on me.00:07
piercedwaterikonia: that link only made my hdd read-only for ubuntu :(00:07
lap_dragondoes anybody use ubuntu with tinychat?00:07
lap_dragonAnybody at all?00:08
_DGM_Kyle__: what is it you want to configure?00:08
Kyle___DGM_: I want to reconfigure the hostname/ipaddress/etc.00:08
* lap_dragon got the camera to work, but not the microphone 00:08
* lap_dragon also didnt get his sound to work00:08
_DGM_Kyle__: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/00:08
_joeywhy so many people prefer ubuntu to debian?00:09
_joeywhat is the catch?:)00:09
_DGM__joey: a little bit more time spend into user friendlyness00:09
Kyle__How do you re-launch the network-setup-script that's shown in the setup?00:09
_joeygnome is pretty much universal env00:10
headkase314_joey, Debian is much more stable because it uses more tested packages but is updated less frequently than Ubuntu because of that stability testing.  Also Ubuntu is much easier for a newbie to install.00:10
arrrghhh_joey, ubuntu is just more popular... it's supported by a company and pushed heavily for general use.00:10
_DGM__joey: for a while ubuntu was one of the first that made stuff work out of the box, before debian did. I dont know if debian caught up by now00:10
qwdIf I have a partition with Windows 7, can I do full disk encryption for the rest of the disk during Linux installation or do I need to use the entire disk for that?00:10
logos_Is there a recompiled version of Counter Strike for linux? I mean, without running wine or cedega.00:10
_DGM_logos_: i doubt. But cs runs fine on wine00:10
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_DGM_logos_: i'd be surprised if you notice any difference in speed00:11
logos__DGM_ i know, just for knowledge00:11
rebirthit seems like the linux OS could be much more advanced and stable if there weren't so many different distributions, but maybe i'm totally wrong00:11
arrrghhhqwd, you may want to look at truecrypt if you want encryption for the entire drive.00:11
logos__DGM_ i heard someone talking about that.00:11
headkase314logos_, no but there are rumors of a Steam client for Linux in the works.  It would seem to me that CS:S would be a no-brainer to port if that ever happens.00:11
_DGM_logos_: ID games seems to be one of the few that make patches like that.. like for doom 3. But i dont think valve does00:11
arrrghhhrebirth, how so?  they all use the linux kernel.00:11
pwpheadkase, I din't think that I have compiz enabled because it won't let enable anything but no graphic effects... Odd considering that it hardy let me do whatever effect I wanted.00:11
rebirtharrrghhh: just because the same work gets done over and over00:12
piercedwaterDoes anyone know why my hfsplus mounted hdd is read-only? I made sure the volume was not journaled00:12
headkase314pwp, if compiz is not enabled then likely that setting wouldn't be the issue..00:12
arrrghhhrebirth, eh, anybody can make a distribution.  hence the reason for there being hundreds.  you can tailor-make a distro to your liking if you really wanted to.00:12
_joey_DGM_ don't know about install. Debian is completely automated. http://www.instalinux.com/cgi-bin/coe_bootimage.cgi You enter all your usual configs and it will build a small iso for you (10Mb); you put it you system and it'll install everything you need with little interaction00:12
qwdarrrghhh: Truecrypt doesn't have a free license so I'm not really interested in it. (and yes I'm aware that windows isn't free either :)00:12
arrrghhhqwd, i don't see the problem, but whatever.00:13
DILtruecrypt not free????00:13
_DGM__joey: i'm talking about desktop use. I used both debian and ubuntu around the same time, simply because i was trying out distributions. On ubuntu, all my hardware (especially 3d acceleration) just worked out of the box only on ubuntu. I have used ubuntu since. I don't know how debian is now though.. they might be the exact same by now... it was 3 years ago00:13
sponzorshould be /boot seperate from / /home /var.. on its own partition?00:13
arrrghhhqwd, the source is available, i don't knwow hat else you want.00:14
arrrghhh*know what00:14
qwdDIL: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Truecrypt#Licensing00:14
headkase314DIL, I've read about Truecrypt being open in code but not Free compatible with their particular licenses.00:14
ndevastatorsponzor, "should be" is all a matter of preference... but it does make things easier00:14
arrrghhhqwd, so some floss guys say it's not truly open source.  but the code is available, and the product is free in the sense that you don't have to pay money.  you're not going to find a better encryption product for the price.00:15
arrrghhhqwd, look at pointsec and complain about licensing there :D00:15
headkase314arrrghhh, there is free as in beer and Free as in speech.  Truecrypt is not Free.00:16
qwdarrrghhh: Why use truecrypt when I can use dm-crypt which is actually a part of Linux distributions?00:16
arrrghhhheadkase314, agreed.00:16
arrrghhhqwd, does that work with windows?  you said you also use windows.00:16
_joeyfor ubuntu would be the choice since it uses new versions of sfotware00:16
_joeyas for installer00:16
_joeyI don't see much difference00:16
qwdarrrghhh: I don't care about encrypting Windows. I was asking if I could do full disk encryption for the Linux partition while having a Windows partition.00:17
qwd(...or if I need to use the entire disk)00:17
sponzorhmm ok00:17
arrrghhhqwd, oh, i misunderstood.  you should be able to encrypt just the linux partition with dm-crypt.  i thought you were wanting to encrypt the entire disk.00:17
gio_gthello everybody, I am using weechat version 3.0, because it's the one in the Ubuntu repos, but version 3.3 is already out (3 versions later). Is there a way to notice the package mantainer about this, please?00:17
muellisoftgio_gt: they should already know. But feel free to package a new version :-) Should be easy.00:18
arrrghhhgio_gt, ubuntu is usually a few versions behind so they can test it.  if you want the newest, you'll have to find your own repo or grab debs.00:18
_DGM_gio_gt: they probably already know, but have a reason not to update just yet, perhaps because of a needed library or some other issue.00:18
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piercedwaterDoes anyone know why Ubuntu won't write to a hfsplus drive that isnt journaled?00:18
qwdarrrghhh: thanks! hope you're right :)00:19
gio_gtmuellisoft, arrrghhh and _DGM_ : ok, thanks for the answer, I understand the problem00:19
iflemagio_gt except for major security fixes the version will not change in a particular release cycle (version) of ubuntu. PPA's are available with the latest versions of applications but are not recommended and can void your upgrade path......00:19
Wiesshundgio_gt newest versions of things arent auto added to the repositories, they have to be submitted and then tested or something along those lines00:19
_joeywhat's easiest way to run x applications on ms windows from remote X-org server?00:20
_DGM_gio_gt: you could always grab the version from their website and install it that way. But doing so is without support and at your own risk00:20
dansan_joey: maybe cygwin, not sure00:20
dansan_joey: my last expiernce wasn't what I would call "easy" though :)00:21
Laggg|newbhow do i repo sync and get my whole system up to date???00:21
_joeythere should be a client for ms windows00:21
_DGM_i dont think cygwin can run x stuff? as far as i know theres no *free* client for windows00:21
gio_gt_DGM_: yes, I am a quite experienced linux user, I know that... I just should learn making packages, I never did it, but it could be interesting to learn00:21
dansan_joey: you got it backwards, you want to run the xserver on windows and the xclient is the actual app that runs on the linux/unix machine elsewhere00:21
headkase314gio_gt, as soon as you start adding ppa's to your system the chances something will go wrong on the next distribution update (dist-upgrade, not regular updates) really increases.  If you reinstall clean with each distribution (I do since it seems to make everything just work) then adding ppa's is not really an issue - add away!00:21
_DGM_gio_gt: whats keeping you from just grabbing that version then? :)00:22
dansan_joey: xwindows is a little backwards like that... afk though00:22
Wiesshund_joey xwin_32 but its not free00:22
_joeyoh well00:22
_joeydansan precisely00:22
_joeyWiesshund sthanks00:22
Wiesshund_joey it isnt freeware though, not sure how their demo works00:22
anmol284Guys I have installed Ubunt Desktop and would like to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix, how can I do so ?00:23
_DGM_headkase314: i just build source in my home dir and not install, but just run it from there. That way it never interfears with anything.. works 99% of the time unless you change something major00:23
gio_gt_DGM_: I just wanted to understand if there was a reason because the package was not updated, and now you told me... probably there is another reason: weechat is not an application for "everyone", so maybe it is not updated regulary as, for example, Firefox00:23
_joeyWiesshund I remember using it it was good00:23
gio_gtheadkase314: what does ppa mean, please?00:23
_joeyfew years ago:)00:23
jlcOpera has locked up on my machine, how do Ib kill it?00:23
_joeyThat's whaty I was looking for00:24
_DGM_gio_gt: that might be a reason to. The ogre3d package from ubuntu is waaaaaay outdated.. i think they dont have a proper maintainer for it or something00:24
Kulljlc: killall opera00:24
anmol284@jlc killall -9 opera (in terminal)00:24
headkase314gio_gt, Personal Package Archive, updates for programs before the next Ubuntu release00:24
Kulljlc: or pkill opera00:24
Wiesshund_joey you can try xmanager, eXceed, or weirdX but i have no personal knowledge about them other than what they are00:24
headkase314gio_gt, you can search for what you are looking for here -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas00:24
gio_gtheadkase314: oh, I see! I am like you, I always reinstall clean, so thanks for your advice00:25
anmol284Guys, how can I install UNR in Desktop ?00:25
KullClean install > not clean install00:25
jlcworked like a champ, thanks annol284 & Kull00:25
headkase314gio_gt, and how to use them here -> https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA00:25
iflemaanmol284 install the ubuntu-netbook package should get you there00:26
headkase314gio_gt, if you always reinstall clean then adding any ppa is not really an issue.  It's only on that day if you dist-upgrade only that they come back to bite you!00:26
anmol284@iflema dont have ubuntu-netbook package, I am missing some repository.00:27
bastonesHi all. I have a Broadcom BCM4211 WiFi card and I originally used the proprietary Broadcom driver but I had connection issues and me thinking its down to the proprietary driver and I tried the free version but no option for WiFi was provided...so I decided to see if NDISwrapper was an option, and I added the blacklist to the blacklist.conf file, and I couldn't find any Windows driver for WiFi card I use, so I decided to remov00:27
bastonesed the blacklists in the .conf file using gedit. I restarted the computer, and when back into Hardware Devices and I can only see the free wifi version to install and the proprietary nvidia graphics driver...no other wifi option I had before? (and by the way I have a wired ethernet connection temporarily)00:27
headkase314gio_gt, also look at ppa purge if you need to get rid of a ppa -> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/ppa-purge-now-available-via-getdeb.html00:27
gio_gtheadkase314: I see :) well, I can just enable the ppa to install weechat and be a little bit careful on the dependencies, then I can disable ppa again00:27
headkase314gio_gt, once enabled you should keep the ppa enabled so you get further updates!00:28
Wiesshundgio_gt does 3.3 add anything new worth bothering?00:28
ChosenOnehi folks - are there any good tutorials you know about creating ad-hoc wifis with ubuntu (networkmanager-solutions prefered)00:28
gio_gtWiesshund: well, on weechat website says that there is an important fix in 3.1.100:29
iflemaanmol284 install the ubuntu-netbook-remix package sorry00:29
drew_Hello. Wanted to ask if I made a Linux distro, how much source would I have to include?00:29
anmol284@iflema dont have ubuntu-netbook-remix either.00:29
drew_Out of curiousity, of course. :)00:29
^cheekyhi, if i want to install windows 7 and ubuntu 10.4, iam about to installed windows .. on a 1 tb hdd but how do i partition it , install windows 7 completely on the hdd and then gpart it and make room for ubuntu ?00:29
gio_gtWiesshund: and then I see a lot of bugfixes on later versions, too00:29
Daekdroom!ot | drew_00:29
ubottudrew_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:29
_DGM_drew_: what?00:29
gio_gtWiesshund: do you use weechat, too?00:30
janickoneed help with D 050d:935a Belkin Components00:30
drew_Sorry. I just saw xchat in the menu. Signing off, then. :)00:30
Vooloohow do I resize images with f-spot.. I can't find it. And there is a tutorial on the net to install an extension but that option is nowhere to be found in my version00:30
headkase314gio_gt, here is a ppa with weechat -> https://launchpad.net/~hggdh2/+archive/ppa <- it also comes with "coreutils" I'm not sure what that does.  Basically at a console type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hggdh2/ppa" then "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" and if you have the weechat installed from the standard repo that should update it to the latest version.00:31
Wiesshund^cheeky well personaly i would make the windows partition, leaving how much cpace youd like for ubuntu open00:31
piercedwaterDoes Ubuntu permit write access fro HFS+ drives?00:31
iflemaanmol284 System / Administration / Software sources ubuntu-netbook-remix in in universe http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components00:32
Wiesshundgio_gt no, actualy i use mirc00:32
gio_gtheadkase314: thanks a lot00:32
rebirthcan someone link me to a good beginner's guide to the command line00:32
gio_gtWiesshund: mirc? with wine?00:32
Wiesshundgio_gt yes00:32
headkase314gio_gt, you're welcome and make sure to read about ppa-purge too, sometimes you need to get rid of a ppa that interferes with things and ppa-purge is what you use for that.00:33
Vooloois ubuntu using some kindof lightweight f-spot or something....00:33
gio_gtheadkase314: already bookmarked all the links you gave me :)00:33
^cheekyWiesshund: so allocate like .. 100 gigs .. i only want windows .. /SC2:)00:33
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headkase314gio_gt, you can get ppa-purge from -> http://www.getdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/10.04/ but getdeb also upgrades lots of other things with it.00:34
anmol284@iflema are you implying that I should enable universe ? It is already enabled.00:34
iflemaanmol284 that components link is redirecting to another page i notice sorry.....00:34
headkase314gio_gt, excellent, it would be good advice to read all about it before trying it ;)00:34
gio_gtheadkase314: yes, I will do it... meanwhile I can live with 3.000:34
Wiesshund^cheeky well the amount of space is up to you, i cant answer your space needs of course00:35
headkase314gio_gt, right on then - so you're good now? ;)00:35
Wiesshund^cheeky but yes as an example, you could install windows and have it make a 100gb partition00:35
gio_gtheadkase314: yes! you were very helpful, thanks a lot00:35
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iflemaanmol284 if you are using ubuntu yes.... what version are you currently on?00:35
headkase314gio_gt, you're welcome!  Glad I could help!  Cya later!00:36
^cheekyWiesshund: and the use Gparted to install ubuntu later ..00:36
anmol284@iflema lucid00:36
Wiesshund^cheeky yes, the rest of the drive will be empty, so you can make the linux partitions during its install with out having to resize and wait etc00:36
TrentonAdamsHi guys.  I'm doing software raid for my boot and root partitions, and my root partition is LVM.  I'm doing this after installation on 10.04.  Do I have to setup anything in /etc/initramfs-tools/ to get it to boot properly?00:36
^cheekyWiesshund: thank you :)00:37
TrentonAdamsI can't seem to get it to boot, it always drops to shell, and I have to assemble my raid devices manually, and exit the shell, to boot normally.00:37
zopiachow do i boot into IceWM from CLI?00:37
lov255Okay I am beyond frustrated now I still have no internet connection at all and now Network manager is gone00:39
lov255please elp00:39
TrentonAdamslov255: what's happening exactly?00:39
Dr_Williszopiac:  you could make a .xinintrc file the has the lines to start icewm, then use 'startx'  to start up X.00:39
anmol284@@iflema Thanks dude, I manually edited sources.list to enable universe and finally have found what i was looking for. Seems I still cant trust GUI.00:40
Dr_Williszopiac:  example for .xinitrc (2 lines) --> xterm &     exec icewm00:40
iflemaanmol284 thats the spirit00:40
lov255TrentonAdams: There is no NetworkManager icon - I can not access the internet with Ubuntu 10.04, it worked perfect last night00:40
TrentonAdamslov255: Have you rebooted?00:40
lov255TrentonAdams: I did a bit of reading and add the ath0 line to some file I forgot....yes I have rebooted a ton of times00:41
stratagemwhat's up with latest nvidia driver. totally screwed me.00:42
stratagemanyway to revert to 256?00:42
sullyDoes anybody know what packages are currently required in order to compile 32 bit executables in 64-bit ubuntu (using -m32)?00:42
sullyThis changes constantly.00:42
lov255Any suggestions?00:43
TrentonAdamslov255: I'm new to ubuntu myself, so I'm trying to find out how the network manager starts itself.00:43
gio_gtoh, speaking about network manager...00:43
gio_gtis there a way to disable network manager, please?00:44
lov255and how do you enable it?00:44
Oerlov255 did you edit /etc/network/interfaces ?00:44
joey_what's cool lean windows manager?00:44
lov255oer: yes that is what I edited00:44
lov255oer: it only had an lo line00:44
TrentonAdamslov255: mine only has lo, and iface lo inet loopback00:45
TrentonAdamslov255: And my stuff works perfectly.00:45
gio_gtI have a desktop computer, always connected to the same router with an ethernet cable, therefore I don't need network manager. And moreover, it is very difficult with KDE to set-up a system connection for the network manager, I would prefer that network will just come up as soon as possible during boot00:45
joey_and what was the text based utility to configure the services?00:45
gio_gtwill editing /etc/network/interfaces and stop network manager service be sufficient, please?00:46
TrentonAdamslov255: Yeah, I guess I'm not much help.  I don't know the internals of ubuntu yet.00:46
TrentonAdamslov255: I'm used to gentoo linux00:46
lov255thanks TrentonAdams00:47
mlegerhello, I was wondering if anyone is familiar with gcalcli and if not, does anyone know where I can speak to people that are familiar with this program? Thanks!!00:47
lov255anyone else can help?00:47
* joey_ is expecting some answers :)00:47
TrentonAdamslov255: What does "service network-manager status" from a command line shell tell you?00:47
chemical_deathgio_gt: deinstall network-manager and editing /etc/network/interfaces should work ig uess00:47
jefinclov255: repeat the question :)00:47
lov255jefinc:There is no NetworkManager icon - I can not access the internet with Ubuntu 10.04, it worked perfect last night00:48
joey_ps auxw00:48
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:48
mlegerDoes anyone know of a way to see how a text is delimited? Specifically I am looking for the output of gcalcli agenda and how it's delimited so I can parse it using sed. Thanks in advance!!00:49
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lov255Jefinc:I hae tried a few things - added auto eth0 to interfaces00:49
gio_gtchemical_death: ok, thanks, I will try that... I think I will try first to just disable the service on startup00:49
lov255jefinc: and eth0 inet dhcp00:49
lollathe computer freeze randomly specially when the net disconnected cannot use the mouse or the keyboard and i when turn off the router everything goes well- linux mint00:50
bichonfrise74question: what happens if I go to a website that contains a spyware? will my ubuntu machine get infected by it?00:51
lov255I need ath0 not eth000:53
lov255Wow I am Smart!00:53
Oeryou are ubuntu !00:54
kthomasphp.ini is where00:55
bichonfrise74uestion: what happens if I go to a website that contains a spyware? will my ubuntu machine get infected by it?00:55
Oerkthomas terminal: locate php.ini00:56
MilitantPotatoIn firestarter, how do I allow a range of IP's, like through
kthomastiks Oer00:56
kthomas*thanks too00:57
=== drew is now known as Guest54444
MilitantPotatobichonfrise74: Most likely not.  There are very few viruses targeted at ubuntu and linux in general in the wild.00:59
Wiesshundbichonfrise74 if you let the site install something you could compromise your user account, you cant "infect" the operating system itself though01:00
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
MilitantPotatobichonfrise74: 3rd party apps like flash, java, etc. are a different story, but they likely won't get control of your computer.01:00
OerMilitantPotato, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firestarter https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo01:00
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MilitantPotatoty oer01:02
cba123I'm getting random lockups, where would I find a logfile that could help me figure out why?01:03
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Wiesshundcba123 http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-log-files-location-and-how-do-i-view-logs-files/01:06
Acido-can anyone get into that chan...?01:07
=== Mats is now known as RaketMats
Izinucsdid I come in durning a netsplit?01:10
RenfieldI upgraded a computer to 10.4 LTS and E16 stopped working.01:10
WiesshundAcido i can yes01:10
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RenfieldNow, when I try to move windows, resize windows, close windows, or iconify windows, nothing happens.01:11
car|0scan someone help? i need a GUI to chooser between 3g and edge network for a 3g modem01:11
RenfieldI can open up the desktop menu, but I can not manipulate any windows. How do I fix this?01:11
sullygcc-4.4-multilib wound up being what I needed01:11
sullythanks for the help, everybody. :P01:11
WiesshundRenfield system admin hardware, make sure your video driver is enabled01:12
cba123Wiesshund, Is there a way I can get it to show me the last things that happened before my last reboot (I had to Ctrl+Alt+R+E+I+S+U+B)?01:12
RenfieldI tried apt-get --reinstall install e16, but that didn't help.01:12
car|0scan someone help? i need a GUI to chooser between 3g and edge network for a 3g modem. Its ZTE MF63601:12
Wiesshundcba123 there may be, but im not sure exactly which log to start viewing01:12
RenfieldWiesshund: I'm sorry, how does the video driver affect my ability to manipulate windows? All graphics display correctly.01:13
WiesshundRenfield im not sure exactly what the reason is, but ive had same thing happen when i updated soemthing and it needed to default the video driver as inactive, and i had previously had desktop effects enabled on high.01:14
RenfieldOh, ok. Well I'm not using a desktop that uses openGL or anything.01:15
WiesshundRenfield hurts nothing to check it. Your using 10.04 yes? it uses compiz01:16
RenfieldI'm not using compiz. I'm using Enlightenment 16.01:16
RenfieldI suspect something didn't upgrade properly as it said that the upgrade was not error free.01:16
delinquentmehey so whats the ubuntu package that handles RAID01:17
WiesshundRenfield ah. is gnome hosed as well? or only e16?01:17
delinquentmespecifically hardware raid :D01:17
rsyringDoes ubuntu have anything akin to a slackpackage?  e.g. I want to build the latest version of etckeeper, but I want to do it the same way it would be done on the ubuntu system.01:17
RenfieldWiesshund: I'll have to check as I don't use gnome.01:17
car|0scan someone help? i need a GUI to choose between 3g and edge network for a 3g modem. Its ZTE MF636. I know it can be done with minicom... but, is there a simpler way?01:18
rsyringI guess, I am looking for a buildscript.01:18
Izinucs!repeat | car|0s01:18
ubottucar|0s: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:18
car|0ssorry =(01:18
WiesshundRenfield just to rule it out, might check if gnome works as intended. I cant tell you anything e16 specific unfortunately, i havent used enlightenment in eons01:19
eztopno one will answer you because that's the way01:19
eztop1382 ppl and no answer01:20
Wiesshundezrafree perhaps we do not know the answer01:20
jim__Hello all01:20
eztopubuntu -> official linux distro wannabe and replace DE with only gnome01:21
mdsnleztop whats up?01:21
headkase314eztop, for a guaranteed answer Canonical does offer paid support!  Here is free and the knowledge of the moment flows with those who happen to be here ;)01:21
eztopI asked about lxde and lubuntu here many times and always ignored01:21
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mdsnlwhat is your question?01:22
Wiesshundeztop if you wish to pay anyone here, who does not even work for canonical, and surely doesnt get paid......01:22
eztopheadkase314: Thanks for answering01:22
eztopmdsnl:  why no resources or support for that distro or DE?01:22
Wiesshundezrafree Ubuntu is not Kunbuntu or Lubuntu etc, they have thier own channels specific to them01:23
headkase314eztop, keep trying - sometime someone with the knowledge will be here.  Also post at ubuntuforums.org!01:23
eztopit's very buggy01:23
joey_easiest way to configure samba on linux in console to share fs01:23
eztopI'm not talking about you guys but ubuntu devs01:23
mdsnlouch, you'd prolly be better with linux mint huh?01:24
eztopWiesshund:  yes, but those channels are empty or no one talking01:24
rsyringjoey_: for a current system or a new one?01:24
eztopmdsnl:  yes, I might try it or peppermint01:24
delinquentmeRAID software for ubuntu ??/ anyone??01:24
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:24
RenfieldWiesshund: I tried e16-GNOME, GNOME, and Failsafe GNOME. All of the started up with E16, but with Gnome bars on the top and bottom. All have the same window problem. I looked at system->administration->hardware drivers and it said no proprietary drivers are install in this system.01:25
eztopI made two bug reports ...only one person replied in each01:25
joey_rsyring what do you mean current or new one? there is freshly installed system and samba; I need to configure it in console01:25
Wiesshundeztop like was mentioned, these irc channels are just normal people hanging out and offering help when they can, there is paid support given by canonical where you get a guaranteed answer.01:25
joey_is there a script or a tool?01:25
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rsyringjoey_: the reason I asked is because if that is your soul goal, then you might want to look at TurnKey linux01:25
eztopWiesshund:  yes, but you know the rep is poor for bug work in ubuntu01:26
mdsnl[the community] puts alot of work into ubuntu, but the lubuntu-ubuntu-lite-xubuntu-fluxbuntu have a small community compared01:26
rsyringthey have an appliance with SAMBA already setup for file sharing01:26
WiesshundRenfield ok, you need to enable your vid drivers01:26
rsyringjoey_: by appliance, I mean configured ubuntu image01:26
RenfieldWiesshund: Oh, how do I do that?01:26
joey_i am asking how configure samba01:26
eztopmdsnl: I agree w/ you01:26
WiesshundRenfield same panel where you see it say no drivers are currently enabled on the system01:27
joey_file :)01:27
joey_there should be a front end application or a script01:27
eztopI have a question... if I d/l and try 10.10 Alpha 3, is the latest?01:27
Patcheshey guys01:27
headkase314joey_, see -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba01:27
WiesshundRenfield you should also be able to enable a driver. what video hardware do you have?01:28
joey_headkase314: thanks01:28
eztopI need to test two things01:28
Patchescan anyone tell me how to set up an internal bluetooth device in slax01:28
headkase314joey_, np post back if anything there is unclear ;)01:28
eztopI was asked to test for a bug and the other thing I want to try is check certain package versions01:28
RenfieldWiesshund: It said no drivers in use in the system. There is nothing in the list, and only to buttons, help and close.01:28
WiesshundRenfield what video hardware do you have?01:29
Patchesanyone know?01:29
RenfieldWiesshund: Intel 82945G01:30
eztopanyone know?01:30
lov255Know what?01:30
WiesshundRenfield did you say you upgraded from 9.X to 10.04 ?01:30
Patcheshow to install a blluetooth device thats internal01:30
eztopstate of ubuntu 10.10?01:30
RenfieldWiesshund: I'm not sure what I was running before.01:31
lov255eztop:I am not using it01:31
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RenfieldWiesshund: But in the upgrade-manager, I selected 10.4 LTS.01:31
WiesshundRenfield but it was a version upgrade as opposed to just updates?01:31
brad8171i just had a question what is a proprietary driver01:31
eztopMy install of ubuntu is 10.04 w/ kernel 2.6.32-15?01:31
RenfieldWiesshund: It was both. First I did updates, then I did an upgrade, then I did more updates.01:31
lov255eztop I have 10.0401:32
headkase314eztop, to check package versions start up synaptic (if you have gnome installed) under System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager.  Then search for the package in question and you will see whether it is installed and the version.01:32
eztoplov255:  oh, this is just for my info... I was curious01:32
Patcheshhmmm i guess noone can oh well01:32
WiesshundRenfield i know the i8XX's were blacklisted in kms, im not sure how that will affect you driverwise. i got something you can try as a work around though01:32
eztopheadkase314:  well,  I was wondering what versions 10.10 is at... I guess I have to d/l and run live cd to check, huh? :)01:32
headkase314eztop, Ubuntu 10.10 is in Alpha 3 right now I'm pretty sure.  That means it is strictly for testing - there will be issues with it, will be!01:32
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RenfieldWiesshund: Ok, I'll try anything.01:33
WiesshundRenfield see what happens if you go to system > prefs > appearance and turn desktop effects to off?01:33
WiesshundRenfield that worked for me until i got a driver installed01:33
eztopheadkase314:  okay... well, do you know if 10.04 packages are up to date to partition 4kb disk drives?01:33
headkase314eztop, give a second01:33
thune3eztop: you might look into ubuntu testdrive. it can put latest daily build into a vm for testing01:33
eztopif I partition a drive ntfs, is it the same as windows' ntfs?01:34
eztopubuntu test drive?01:34
eztopnot familiar01:34
RenfieldWiesshund: Visual Effects are already set to none. I tried to set it to normal, but it said that it could not set them.01:35
eztopI will install 10.04 on my desktop soon... right now, adding components01:35
Wiesshundpartition and fs are not the same thing exactly, but windows should recognize the partition id tag.01:35
hiexpoeztop,  ntfs is ntfs01:35
WiesshundRenfield lemme look up something a sec01:35
thune3eztop: https://launchpad.net/testdrive01:35
eztopWeisshund:  well, mostly for aligning01:35
eztophiexpo:  thanks :)01:36
control_how do i enable my wireless?01:36
Wiesshundeztop if you make a partion tagged as ntfs, windows should have no trouble seeing it formatting etc01:36
headkase314eztop, alignment seems to be the biggest issue with 4kb sector drives, it is talked about here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145625101:36
eztopWeisshund:  that's what I figured... can it align it, though...is the Q01:36
psilo2I have two identical 32GB SSDs, but `fdisk -l` shows one as 32G and the other as 30.8G      What could be the explanation?01:36
Izinucspsilo2: one is formatted and the other is not?01:37
control_i am on a dell latitude d600, the wireless drivers are in i think, says broadcom, but how do i enable it or manageg wireless connections?01:37
psilo2Izinucs: neither is formatted01:37
psilo2Izinucs: I'm talking drives not partitions :\01:37
eztopcontrol_:  I think broadcom needs the non-firmware installed?01:37
eztopright, guys?01:37
eztopwell, it used to01:37
control_how do i do that?01:37
Izinucspsilo2: there's something on the drive probably left from the factory.. you could delete the partitions and recreate them and see what happens.01:38
eztopI had a broadcom wireless card in a thinkpad of mine for a while before I changed it to an Intel 2200bg01:38
WiesshundRenfield in synaptic package manage, look for i8 in the search bar01:38
hiexpopsilo2,  sometimes drives are not actual size stated01:38
Izinucsthat too01:38
eztopcontrol_:  search synaptic for broadcom firmware01:38
control_its built in to the laptop, broadcom like 430001:38
eztopcorrect me if I'm wrong, anyone... this is how it was before01:38
psilo2Izinucs: there are no partitions01:38
thune3psilo2, that they are identical make/manufacturer is weird. could you pastebin the fdisk -l output ?01:39
eztopi don't know if it's open source now but before it wasn't ....maybe still isn't01:39
psilo2I guess I could zero the whole thing and see what happens.01:39
psilo2thune3: sure just a sec01:39
headkase314control_, with a wired connection to the internet go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers.  Hopefully you will see your wireless there and can activate it.  You probably have to run System > Administration > Update Manager and check for updates at least once before you go to hardware drivers.01:39
Izinucspsilo2: no idea then.. partition/format and you'll probably end up with the same difference01:39
eztopcontrol_: you in ubuntu now?01:39
nwaHalo need support Plz01:39
control_i have no devices in the hardware drivers01:39
control_im in ubuntu now01:39
eztopcontrol_:   i would try starting synaptic and search 'broadcom'01:40
nwai need to install kde desktop inside ubuntu but i got err as soon i try01:40
psilo2thune3: Izinucs: http://pastie.org/1089511 [+]    Note that there is a partition at the moment, but the stated size was the same even before that partition existed.01:40
nwaThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.01:40
control_ok i installed everything that said broadcom01:40
headkase314control_, no devices, did you run Update Manager at least once and check for any updates?  If you haven't then do so, install everything offered, and after reboot check hardware drivers again?01:40
psilo2This is a major issue because I am attempting to clone a 32GB disk image onto this disk.  30.8G is just not going to cut it.01:40
sm3galhow i get ubuntu tweak?01:40
control_ok ill try that again01:40
_DGM_sm3gal: ubuntu tweak?01:41
nwawhat do i need no understanding --Help01:41
headkase314control_, if there is a kernel update you'll have to reboot other than that probably not01:41
ilovefairuzcontrol_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; lshw | pastebinit -01:41
sm3galits a program01:41
sm3gali also need media codecs01:41
control_what does that do ilovefairuz?01:41
Gerrincan anyone aid me in setting up a JACK server01:41
sm3galto play avi. mp4 mp3 etc...01:41
_DGM_sm3gal: download it from the website?01:41
hiexposudo apt-get install ubututweek01:42
hiexpoor syn manager ubuntu tweek01:42
thune3psilo2: i was hoping to see both of them01:42
_DGM_i dont see a package named ubuntutweek01:42
ilovefairuzcontrol_: it will paste your hardware info so that we know what card do you have (and check for drivers)01:42
headkase314sm3gal, install VLC, "sudo apt-get install vlc"  It plays practically everything.01:42
hiexpo1 sec01:42
psilo2thune3: okay, I'll connect the other, jst a sec.01:42
sm3gali like totum01:42
sm3galVLC laggs01:42
ilovefairuzGerrin: what's your issue with it?01:42
headkase314_DGM_, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/01:42
eztopcontrol_:  you need 'b43-fwcutter' firmware installed...might be already but doesn't hurt to confirm01:43
Dr_Willisnewest versions of VLC have hardware acceleration support.01:43
_DGM_headkase314: yea i found that. but theres no package named ubuntutweak01:43
Dr_Willis_DGM_:  go to the Ubuntu tweak homepage and download  tghe .deb01:43
_DGM_sm3gal: if vlc lags for you most other programs will probably lag to01:43
_DGM_Dr_Willis: i know :P sm3gal is asking for it, not me01:43
headkase314_DGM_, package is: "ubuntu-tweak"01:43
sm3gali found it01:43
RenfieldWiesshund: I reinstalled xserver-xorg-video-intel, and restarted E16-GNOME, but that didn't fix it.01:43
cypher-neo_DGM_, Ubuntu Tweak is not listed in the repository. You have to download it and use the GDebi Package Installer to load it.01:43
_DGM_not for meeeee! lolz01:44
RenfieldWiesshund: The only other i8 packages were i810switch and i8ksomething. The second was for Dell laptops.01:44
sm3galI usally ask my friend Flare183 but he is afk01:44
Dr_WillisUbuntu-tweak program can add its own ppa/repos to the repo listing..01:44
Gerrinjust trying to get it set up so i can use IDJC01:44
psilo2thune3: http://pastie.org/1089521 [+]01:44
eztopno one has tried to partition in ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 on new drives?01:44
_DGM_but like i said if vlc lags for you, chances are theres something more wrong.. or you just have slow hardware01:44
WiesshundRenfield yea not alot listed there for sure. hmm01:44
hiexpoubuntu-tweak yes it is01:44
_DGM_vlc is pretty fast :P its not the fastest but its fast01:44
eztopi like vlc01:45
psilo2thune3: as you can see, that one's happy :)   Also, I have another pair of disks, different brand, but they are also exactly 32017047552 bytes.01:45
eztopbut i'm getting used to mplayer, too01:45
Izinucspsilo2: also that one looks to  be formatted..01:45
headkase314_DGM_, when you install the .deb file from http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ it automatically adds it's source to your sources.list file - I believe and if not you can add it using its own built-in sources editor.01:45
_DGM_i like the test version gpu decoder in vlc, it makes my laptop play full hd easy01:45
psilo2Izinucs: at the moment yes but I guarantee the reported sizes were the same beforehand.01:46
_DGM_headkase314: thanks for helping but for the 4th time its not for me, its for sm3gal. I was merely stating to him/her that there is no such package and that (s)he should just download it form the site01:46
chazzhi, `modprobe ipv6` on the default ubuntu (x86_64) kernel gives out "FATAL: Module ipv6 not found.", so how do I enable the ipv6 module?01:47
eztopDr_Willis:  but, how well does it work?   does it work with ATI cards? lol01:47
headkase314_DGM_, okay, sm3gal -> redirect my comments to you! ;)01:47
psilo2thune3: is there any point in zeroing the entire device?01:47
control_http://pastebin.com/WxVhDCMd this help?01:47
ilovefairuzcontrol_: open a terminal and try this: sudo ifconfig eth0 up; iwlist eth0 scan01:47
_DGM_i'm looking at that program though and i dont see anything that the "normal desktop doesnt provide" as it claims01:48
Seeker`Grub isn't letting me boot in to windows properly. Keeps on giving me "invalid signature" when I select the windows 7 option. Any ideas?01:48
control_eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.01:48
WiesshundRenfield im kind of at a loss on the next step, aside from installing from a livecd instead. your vid hardware doesnt use any proprietary drivers that i can point you to an update for01:48
eztopcontrol_  has a broadcom BCM4309 802.11a/b/g card01:49
RenfieldWiesshund: Why must I be using proprietary drivers in order to move windows?01:49
WiesshundRenfield i myself have had the upgrade go bad on a machine or two for unknown reasons, but cd install went perfect01:49
chazzAnyone know how to enable the ipv6 kernel module?01:49
headkase314control_, so did you have any updates in Update Manager?  I know Update Manager needs to be run once before Hardware Drivers will show listings.01:49
ilovefairuzcontrol_: sudo tail -n 600 /var/log/messages | pastebinit -01:49
eztopcontrol, do you know how to use synaptic?01:50
RenfieldWiesshund: Well, I don't want to blow away this computer and start fresh.01:50
_DGM_Renfield: what was your problem exactly?01:50
thune3psilo2: i can't see a reason. if there was a hidden area, i think it would show up as a seperate device. So I can't see how zeroing would do anything useful.01:50
WiesshundRenfield you dont, your misunderstanding. drivers for your hardware are built in, they should just work (obviously they are not though)01:50
Renfield_DGM_: I've upgraded to 10.4 LTS, and now my plain vanilla Enlightment 16 no longer allows me to manipulate the windows. Move, resize, close or iconify all don't work.01:50
ilovefairuzcontrol_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic01:51
ilovefairuzcontrol_: restart your machine after this01:51
control_k brb01:51
_DGM_Renfield: aah alright.. cant help with enlightment i'm affraid. Was wondering if it might've been a compiz problem but its obviously not01:51
eztopyes, you need non-free repo, maybe01:52
_DGM_shouldnt have anything to do with the video driver.. i cant imagine that having anything to do with eachother01:52
ilovefairuzcontrol_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic  (i had a typo in the second command, redo it again)01:53
whelitongood evening. i need some help to change the resolution of my ubuntu. can anyone help me?01:53
eztopilovefairuz:  I think control disconnected01:53
Wiesshund_DGM_ his video driver doesnt appear to be working. he can go back to gnome with same issue and cant enable desktop effects etc01:53
thune3psilo2: i'm not clear about the "raid" part, and if you have a hardware raid controller that might be doing something to cause this. otherwise this falls into a "contact the manufacturer" recommendation.01:54
headkase314wheliton, do you know what your video card is and do you know if you have the driver set up for it?01:54
psilo2thune3: nope, the raid is just a partition type.01:54
eztopmy thinkpad had a broadcom card when I tried ubuntu 9.1001:54
RenfieldI really don't understand how the video driver could be not working. Everything about video display works except that the window manager doesn't respond to my window manipulations.01:54
_DGM_Wiesshund: either way i dont see how that could be related. Even if he had a standard vga or vesa driver he prolly still cant move windows01:54
headkase314wheliton, for the generic resolution settings, go to System > Preferences > Monitors and you will see the controls there.01:54
psilo2thune3: yeah, I will have to return the drive and tell them the serial number of the good one, and demand an exact match.01:54
_DGM_it would be on a whole other layer01:55
RenfieldI am even able to resize Firefox using the firefox corner. Just not the corner of the window borders themselves.01:55
control_ok i did all that and restarted, now how do i test the wireless?01:55
psilo2thune3: unfortunately they've *really* inconvenienced my employer by rounding the size.01:55
Dr_WillisRenfield:  sounds like the 'window manager' part of the desktop has crashed.  Try opening a terminal and running (for example)  metacity, or some other window maanger.. do you SEE the windows titlebars?01:55
RenfieldDr_Willis: I see everything just as I expect to see it.01:55
RenfieldWindows look correct in Enlightenment.01:56
thune3psilo2: of course they might say that both drives exceed "spec" in terms of size, and that anything over X, was just unused fail/redundancy that that you get as bonus.01:56
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RenfieldWindow interiors are fully useable.01:56
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Dr_WillisRenfield:  as a test. You could make a new user, and see if the problem affects them.01:56
_DGM_psilo2: you'll have a hard time getting that. Usually it has bad sectors that are hidden on the low level format. Thats why its smaller. It will have a size around... but never exact01:56
RenfieldIt's just the window borders that I can't effect.01:56
RenfieldDr_Willis: Thanks, I'll try that.01:56
eztopcontrol_:  is there a pair of monitor icons anywhere in the corner?01:56
Dr_WillisRenfield:  id also be curious if alt-click in a window lets you move the window.01:57
whelitonheadkase314 - i dont know what is my video card.01:57
psilo2_DGM_: three out of four drives (different brands) have the exact same size down to the byte.  I think the correct size is the norm rather than exception01:57
whelitonheadkase314 i know there is a command for me to get the information about my videocard, but i dont remenber it.01:57
eztopcontrol:  no where?01:57
Dr_Williswheliton:  lspci01:58
eztopi think in ubuntu, it's in top right corner?????01:58
headkase314wheliton, are you on a fresh install?  You can go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and see if any are offered for your machine.  Hopefully that will show either an Ati or an Nvidia solution.01:58
_DGM_psilo2: those were probably bigger drivers, where they set it to be that exact size in the low lvl format01:58
eztopI'm using lubuntu so for me, it's at bottom right01:58
Wiesshund_DGM_ i had same issue while i had driver removed and was building a new driver.01:58
GerrinTrying to setup JACK so i can use IDJC can anyone help me out01:58
eztopcontrol_ if you go to hardware drivers, is there any option for wireless?01:58
control_completely blank01:59
control_and only icon is xchat up top01:59
headkase314wheliton, if one is offered there you just need to activate it.  Then reboot and your display should be at its native resolution.  If there is nothing there then its a bit more complex and someone else will have to jump in too.01:59
eztopwhat about in the menu?01:59
connhow goes everyone01:59
eztopI forget which category... my de is lxde on this machine01:59
sm3galwhat brand is recommended for a wireless g usb adapter01:59
sm3gallinksys doesn't make ubuntu compatable01:59
sm3galaccording to a sales rep02:00
Dr_Willissm3gal:  it would depend more on the chipset in the thing, then the brand.02:00
whelitonHEADKASE - that is right. i am not offered any resolution but 600x80002:00
eztopsm3gal:  I will suggest ralink and zydas chipsets... anyone agree?   maybe linksys or d-link for brand02:00
whelitonHEADKASE324 - that is right. i am not offered any resolution but 600x80002:00
control_I have to admit, i was messing around with drivers trying to get this worked, and i installed multiple network tools and uninstalled them02:00
Gerrinive never had a problem with Belkin, ive used them on 3ubuntu systems02:00
Gerrinwas just plug and go02:01
RenfieldDr_Willis: When I use the diamond key and click in a window I can move it around.02:01
Oersm3gal, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported#Wireless%20USB%20Adapters   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported02:01
eztopsm3gal:  my usb wireless adapter is a belkin with zydas chipset02:01
eztopworks out of the box02:01
picard1400hey guys..02:01
headkase314wheliton, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers, do you see something that says Ati or Nvidia there?02:01
picard1400super duber question02:01
eztopralink is very supported now... if you can find a brand with that chipset02:01
Dr_WillisRenfield:  sounds like the window manager is confused about somthing.  if it works with a newly made user. that would point to a config issue.02:01
eztopcontrol:   why not check synaptic for 'broadcom?'02:01
Gerrinanybody know how to set up JACK, i need help02:01
picard1400i have GDM installed but i want it to log into DWM... not GNOME.. i know at hte bottom of hte login screen i can choose, gnome and gnome failsafre... how do i get DWM as an option in there??02:02
control_How do I fix this guys?02:02
brandon__whats the command to reload the current theme02:02
eztopcontrol:   what is in your sources list?  do you have any non-free repositories?   you might need one for the broadcom firmware...02:02
control_i just installed the broadcom firmware and crap02:02
eztopcontrol:  b43 firmware?02:03
control_yes i think so02:03
whelitonheadkase314 - i was said that there is no drive properties in the system02:03
brandon__whats the command to reload the current theme02:03
control_how do i get the b43 firmware?  i got the cutter...02:03
eztopcontrol:  that is the firmware02:03
control_the fwcutter? ok then its installed02:04
brandon__whats the command to reload the current themee??? trying to make my own theme02:04
eztopcontrol: what is the output of 'iwconfig'02:04
headkase314wheliton, that statement really doesn't make sense.  Go to the "System" menu in the upper-left corner, select "Administration" and then choose "Hardware Drivers", in that - exactly what does it say?02:04
joey_okay samba is configured02:05
control_lo        no wireless extensions.02:05
control_eth0      no wireless extensions.02:05
eztopoh, you need, 'sudo iwconfig'02:05
eztopi think02:05
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control_same output02:06
control_but this command shows diff02:06
control_control@server1:~$ lspci -vnn | grep 14e402:06
control_02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5705M Gigabit Ethernet [14e4:165d] (rev 01)02:06
control_02:03.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4324] (rev 03)02:06
FloodBot3control_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
chris63546541651i am having trouble accessing my external hdd, it says that /dev/sdb1 is not a valid block device02:06
whelitonheadkase314 - IT SAYS: "there are no driver properties in the system"02:06
eztoppost those in pastebin :)02:06
RenfieldDr_Willis: I logged in with a user that's never use E16 before and it is even more messed up. Nothing looks right and no menus are available. I did a reinstall of E16 but that doesn't help.02:06
eztopyour wireless card is at least detected... sounds like you need to load the modules02:07
headkase314wheliton, There are no proprietary drivers on your system, not properties?  Is there any listed that you can activate - Ati or Nvidia?02:07
control_i dunno what the f im doing02:07
psilo2thune3: Fry's is going to let me open drives and plug them in until one has the right size :)02:07
eztopcontrol:  you rebooted, right?02:07
control_Yes sir02:07
Dr_WillisRenfield:  i would say check the forums. Or i recall some E16 PPA's  - every time i use 'E' it lasts for about 30 min.. then i get sick of it02:07
whelitonHEADKASE314 - sorry. i had problems when translated. they said "no proprietary drivers". proprietary, not properties02:08
eztopcontrol:  oh... okay... it's been a while since I used a broadcom wifi card... sorry, takes me a while to remember02:08
whelitonheadkase314 - but the list i was given is blank02:08
control_yeah i dunno what to do lol02:08
techwizrdI just installed Lucid on a desktop that was running Jaunty fine. Everything works fine (compositing, etc.) except for one thing: I have some weird horizontal "flicker".02:09
headkase314wheliton, ok, if the list window is blank then someone else is going to have to help - first need to find out what your video hardware is and then see about getting you to a resolution higher than 800x600.  Sorry, this is the limit I know myself - someone else will have to help from here.02:09
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eztopcontrol:  for me, it worked sometimes and other times, not... so, i switched to in an intel 2200bg wifi card lol02:09
control_yeah i dont have that option02:09
picard1400have GDM.. want to get DWM as a login option????02:10
picard1400do i edixt Xsesion or what?02:10
whelitonheadkase314 - ok. i did appreciate your help. thank you so much.02:10
iflemacontrol_ you may require the b43legacy firmware02:10
headkase314wheliton, you're welcome ;)02:10
Ubuntu-UserI'm looking for unoficial ubuntu wiki.i have forgot addres but it was one simple page. By clicking any link page is scrolling to exactly place02:10
Dr_Willispicard1400:  if its not in ghe GDM Menus. make a proper .desktop entry file for it for GDM to use.02:10
techwizrdcontrol_: have you tried the b43-fwcutter package?02:11
picard1400Dr_willis what do you mean02:11
control_thats what i just installed techy02:11
thune3psilo2: that'll work02:11
control_but it didnt do anything...02:11
Dr_Willis picard1400  GDM gets its menu items from .desktop files -- ie: ---> /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop02:11
control_i installed it through package manager and rebooted...02:11
Dr_Willispicard1400:  copy that, rename it, edit it.. make it run what you want02:11
eztopmaybe control has to enable the modules?02:11
eztopI dunno...02:11
psilo2thune3: to be safe I'll buy two identical models, as well.  I will take the bunk patriot drive and use it as a voodoo doll against the patriot.com mailserver drives02:12
picard1400if i want to create my own script Dr_Willis what would i do?02:12
control_all i did was install the cutter thing, am i supposed to config it or something?02:12
techwizrdcontrol_:  What is your exact wifi card? I've installed b43-fwcutter on several different laptops with broadcom wifi cars with much success.02:12
control_How do i show you that tech?02:13
techwizrdcontrol_: no configs or anything needed02:13
control_its a dell latitude d60002:13
bindihmm. I wonder where the problem is. probably not related to ubuntu at all. But I've got a ubuntu 10.04, running on a core i3 530, as a htpc. It's connected to a 42" TV using hdmi... and the picture is GREEN <.<. What's supposed to be black, is green.. I tried the same computer and hdmi cable with my monitor, and it worked without problems. I tried some googling and all i could find out was its related to HDCP02:13
headkase314Dell Latitude D600 Hardware specs: http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/dell-latitude-d600-notebook/4507-3121_7-20906166.html02:13
sm3galis ettercap-gk in the repos02:14
eztopcontrol:   I don't know if this will help but take a look:   http://sc.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154953802:14
techwizrdcontrol_: sudo lshw -short | grep Wireless02:14
control_Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g (rev 03)02:15
techwizrdcontrol: Mine is BCM4318. Installing b43-fwcutter should work.02:15
control_didnt output anything...02:15
control_i already installed b43-fwcutter and anything that said broadcom on the package manager02:16
twotenI just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and it won't boot, just says GRUB and a blinking cursor02:17
twotenwhat should I do?02:17
techwizrdremove all the stuff that says broadcom except b43-fwcutter02:17
control_ok removing it all now BUT the fwcutter02:18
control_do i restart after?02:18
control_by the way, am i supposed to install a network manager?02:18
control_or should something pop up saying wireless?02:18
techwizrdcontrol_: you are using gnome, right?02:19
control_gnome, xubuntu, xfce got them all in here, but using gnome atm02:19
TrentonAdamsSo, anyone here know how to do raid after installation?  Can't get my system to auto boot02:19
techwizrdcontrol_: you should have nm-apple by default then02:20
eztopcontrol_:  do you have network manager?   you should see something in there for wireless?  no?02:20
techwizrdcontrol_: *nm-applet02:20
control_what is the best network manager to use02:20
control_i dont have that installed anymore02:20
eztopyeah, nm-applet, the double monitor with antenna icon02:20
techwizrdcontrol_: You should have nm-applet.02:20
lov255So I am trying to read up on .conf files.  These are config files, I am more intereseted in how they relate to in /etc/modprobe.d/?02:20
lov255I hope this is the right channel for this question02:20
sponzorthe 10.04 has a lot of bugs :/02:21
eztopcontrol_:  whatever one is installed now is probably good enough?   i dunno...02:21
Izinucssponzor: maybe on your machine..02:21
twotenmy new install won't boot either, off of my SCSi drive02:21
headkase314sponzor, 10.04 has been rock solid for me.  It really depends on the hardware in your machine - luck of the draw sometimes.02:21
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lov255sponzor: I have had nothing but head aches with 10.04 but half of it is because I am a noob02:22
lov255anyone can help with my question?02:22
Izinucslov255: depends on the question02:22
techwizrdlov225: .conf files are just regular config files. A lot of apps have them.02:22
twotenI like 10.04, I left KDE for gnome becuase of 10.0402:22
eztopcontrol_:  do you use ebay? :)02:22
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Wiesshundsponzor 10.04 works really well but it doesnt work on some of the older hardware that 9.X ran on. Also the 10.04 upgrade seems hit and miss compared to a cd install. that part is a bit flawed02:23
eztopcontrol:  do you know anyone who can?02:23
lov255techwizrd: How would a .conf file relate to a driver?02:23
Izinucstwoten: 10.04 has a good kde dm02:23
techwizrdextop: I hope you're not suggesting he buy a new wifi card.02:23
eztopcontrol_:  oh...02:23
picard1400ok guys still havin a problem Dr_Willis ok what i did was actually create dwm.desktop in /usr/share/xsessions/02:23
picard1400this is what it contains02:23
eztoptechwizrd:  yes, that's what i was going to02:23
lov255techwizrd: also in follow up, how would I go about finding the location of a preloaded driver on ubuntu 10.04?02:23
eztoptechwizrd:  I had a broadcom card and I changed it to intel 2200bg... way better ...easier02:24
techwizrdFind the package, and look at where it install files.02:24
eztoptechwizrd:  c'mon...broadcom cards have been a pain since hardy!02:24
picard1400and when i tried to boot up i did not have the DWM as an option02:24
Izinucslov255: lots are part of the kernel and therefore not a separate file02:24
eztopstill don't work well...and pain to configure02:24
picard1400im not sure what i did wrong?02:24
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eztopeven when i got it to work, i bought an intel one anyway02:24
techwizrdeztop: I wasn't able to get my card working until 8.04. After that I just install b43-fwcutter and everything is abreee.02:25
Nazdravihi all - I'm trying to setup kpsat to run alerts for psat IDS. I can't get the kdialog command to work when called from inside a shell script. I've tried using the absolute path, running DISPLAY=localhost:0.0, and even xhost +local:....nothing seems to be working...if I run the line from the command line, it works fine. I'm getting the following error: kdialog: cannot connect to X server02:25
eztoptechwizrd:   yeah, but control is having trouble with it02:25
twotenI just installed off the cd but it won't boot, I guess I should reboot off the cd and see if I can fix grub from there02:25
techwizrdeztop: If it makes a difference, I'm using a laptop. I've got no choice.02:25
eztoptechwizrd:   me too... thinkpad t41 here02:25
IzinucsNazdravi: you might get a technical answer to a kde issue here but if you don't try #kde02:25
eztopI have the same video card as control's as well, btw02:25
picard1400anyone know what im doin wrong?02:26
eztopthinkpad t4x series has many of the same options in hardware components as many dell d6xx series02:26
twotenno-one cares about me, I will now kill myself02:27
eztopcontrol_ :  still there?  sorry, my broadcom troubles was long ago... it should still work... maybe something is missing02:27
techwizrdcontrol_: Uninstall all the broadcom stuff including b43-fwcutter and make sure to use the purge option (or completely remove option in Synaptic). Then reboot and install b43-fwcutter and reboot again. Report back telling us if it works or not.02:27
traviscjhi there. i'd like to disable errors on the startup screen02:27
Nazdravithanks! I'll check it out02:27
lov255Izinucs: I am wondering how I would interact with the preloaded driver called rt2870sta - and how I can get that driver to run my wireless USB WUSB100 by linksys - everything I read says thats the driver and many articals say it is installed on Ubuntu 10.0402:27
headkase314control_, _just to make sure_ is your wireless turned on?  You know, the switch on the laptop... ;) Just making sure! :D02:27
control_there is no switch, its an older laptop02:28
eztopyeah, try the install in command line :   sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter02:28
headkase314control_, ok then, just making sure ;)02:28
control_this is crazy02:28
picard1400Dr_Willis http://pastebin.com/gpSGxJvg02:28
ilovefairuzcontrol_: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source02:28
control_maybe i dont have a network manager or something02:28
twotenshouldn't your handle be _control? then it would read as "under control"02:28
a16BitSoft_Running 10.04 32bit - its the greatest OS ever made02:29
techwizrdcontrol_: Have you tried my instructions yet? (the whole completely remove bit And make sure you have nm-applet installed and running.02:29
ilovefairuzcontrol_: type nm-applet in a terminal and see if a new icon appears02:29
lov255ilovefairuz: how is it going?  I am still determined to get this WUSB100 to work02:29
control_nm-applet i cant seem to find02:29
Izinucslov255: if it's there and compatible with your usb adaptor then you should be able to use network-manager to connect.. up by the clock is a network icon.. right mouse click, edit connections, wireless etc.etc..02:29
control_** (nm-applet:9527): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 002:29
eztopsudo install network-manager???02:29
lov255izinucs:nothing in network-manager02:29
Dr_Willispicard1400:  so? what of it.02:30
headkase314control_, hold Alt+F2 then in the window that appears type "nm-applet" and ok.02:30
Izinucslov255: it helps if there is no encryption on the link .. once connected and functional then you can add that later.. you won't see the card there in network manager02:30
picard1400Dr_willis i created that in02:30
techwizrdDoes anyone have screen flickering issues with Radeon 9600? It worked in Jaunty but I am getting screen flickering issues in Lucid.02:30
ilovefairuzcontrol_: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome02:30
eztoptechwizrd:   I have issues with a Radeon 9000... you are not alone02:30
picard1400i created it in /usr/share/xsessions Dr_Willis and named it dwm.desktop02:30
headkase314control_, hold Alt+F2 then in the window that appears type "nm-applet" and Run actually..02:30
techwizrdI'm also using the default radeon drivers that come with ubuntu if that matters.02:30
Izinucslov255: is your network broadcasting the ssid? if not you'll have to name the network manually02:31
picard1400but when i booted up it did not have it in an option next to the other stuff?02:31
ilovefairuzlov255: rebooted since yesterday? sudo tail -n 600 /var/log/messages | pastebinit -02:31
lov255izinucs:so if I do not see the card in Network Manager how do I use it?02:31
eztopwait until _control wants to do anything with video....ouchie02:31
Dr_Willispicard1400:    You dident edit the contents of the file.. you need to tell it what to run.02:31
lov255ilovefairuz I rebooted a lot LOL02:31
eztoptechwizrd:   that's all you can use... we have only radeon open source driver as a choice02:31
ilovefairuzcontrol_: install the package i gave you02:31
picard1400i did02:31
picard1400it says02:31
picard1400run dwm02:31
Izinucslov255: single click the icon.  Create wireless network02:31
picard1400intead of the gonem thing02:31
Wiesshundpicard1400 your pastebin says to run xterm02:31
FloodBot3picard1400: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
headkase314control_, I'm on a pretty default install and I have nm-applet.  Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type nm-applet there and press enter: what does that say?02:31
ilovefairuz!enter | picard140002:32
ubottupicard1400: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:32
Dr_Willispicard1400:  your paste id showing xterm for the name and program to exec.02:32
control_An instance of nm-applet is already running.02:32
Aemaethif anyone knows "Dash" loops that will run in a current sh prompt then please respond, i need a simple for loop but i've having problems with this language02:32
control_but i see no icons02:32
eztopcontrol_:  I would reboot but that's just me...02:32
picard1400Dr_Willis here is the pastebin02:32
control_k brb02:32
eztopsorry, if that is wrong move, guys :)02:33
eztopbut, he can't find network manager?   can't find the applet02:33
ilovefairuzIzinucs: lov255: bad advice, create wireless network makes an adhoc network, doesn't even connect to an existing one02:33
techwizrdilovefairuz: But I'm getting horizontal screen flickering. Should I try fglrx or xorg-edgers or should Ijsut downgrade back to Jaunty?02:33
Dr_Willispicard1400:  you dident c change the NAME line..    and you MUST restart GDM for it to see the new files.02:33
ilovefairuztechwizrd: pastebin: lshw -C display02:33
picard1400name line..02:33
eztopi have had applet problems in the past... i think a reboot might help... reloads it maybe?02:33
picard1400i will redo it02:34
perlmonkey2Is eclipse 3.6 in the pipeline for 10.04?02:34
Wiesshundpicard1400 you have the name just saying GNOME02:34
Izinucsilovefairuz: didn't know that.. thanks.. it's not clear .. one of my many gripes with nm02:34
Dr_Willispicard1400:  yes... ie: --> http://pastebin.com/Jsq3Ba2p02:34
picard1400lol thanks Dr_willis02:34
Dr_WillisFile a bug on DWM package - tell it that it needs a .desktioop file02:34
eztoptechwizrd:   fglrx isn't applicable to your card02:34
lov255ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/CCvvXkwa - also take a look at this, I found the true id's to the card and the script we have been using is wrong http://pastebin.com/CWKMycdN02:34
WiesshundDr_Willis lol i like yours hehe02:35
eztoptechwizrd:   flgrx supports cards from hd 3xxx on02:35
headkase314techwizrd, what is your graphics hardware?02:35
Dr_Willis!info dwm02:35
ubottudwm (source: dwm): dynamic window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.7.2-1 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 160 kB02:35
techwizrdilovefairuz: http://pastie.org/108957902:35
eztopheadkase314:  we all have radeon 9xxx cards here lol02:35
sm3galhow i get the bar at the bottom like in this screenie02:35
flyeng4Having trouble with mounting nfs share on my ubuntu server.  mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: timed out, giving up02:35
Dr_Willissm3gal:  if its a Mockup - then its just a image file someone pasted together02:35
eztophis is radeon 9600, iirc02:36
headkase314eztop, fglrx supports HD2000 and later on Ubuntu 10.04 before that you *must* use the built-in Ati open-source driver.  The reason is that Ati's legacy driver does not support the new x-server in 10.0402:36
flyeng4The command is sudo mount ~/tmp/mnt/02:36
techwizrdMy graphics card is  "RV350 AP [Radeon 9600]"02:36
Aemaethplease anyone that can get a line of "sh pageParser.sh $varString/$varInt" $var2"   where var int starts at a max number and drops to zero to loop in dash, please shout my name so i see your response02:36
lov255ilovefairuz: can you give me the command to paste bin the /etc/udev/rules/w-usb100.rules file...I am not sure what it is02:36
Dr_Willissm3gal:  that can be one of many different docks..02:36
Wiesshundsm3gal software center, look for dock02:36
Ardjuni instealled some ffmpg codecs and suddenly my mp3 playing isn't working, i ininstalled the codecs but it's the same. How could i restart the whole system so it would function?02:36
sm3galthank you02:36
iggy_does anyone know whats the best way to convert flash video to a format to burn to cd02:36
eztopheadkase314:   you sure?  i was sure radeon hd 2100 was only OSS02:36
iggy_like mp302:36
Izinucssm3gal: that could be awn, gnome-do, and there are others.. icons will probably be a bit different02:36
ilovefairuzlov255: wrong id? it's the same id as in the blog post, why do you think it's wrong?02:36
iggy_gnome do is awesome02:36
headkase314techwizrd, you have to use the open-source driver - it should be installed with Ubuntu by default.  eztop, I'm almost positive HD2000+02:37
Aemaethsimple for (i=var; i>0; i--) in dash is all i ask, this will unlock most of dash's secrets that it's hiding from me02:37
Dr_Willisiggy_:  ffmpeg/mencoder can take the audi from a flash file and save as mp3.02:37
iggy_thanks dr_willis02:37
eztopheadkase314:  i know someone who has hd 2100... i think i am right but I'm not betting ;)02:37
headkase314eztop, HD2000+ for proprietary fglrx driver hardware older than that Open-Source driver02:37
iggy_is it in the softwar center02:37
techwizrdheadkase314: I'm using the open source driver, but I'm getting this weird horizontal flicker. Like the edges of lines and things of that nature look wiggly and are flickering02:38
headkase314eztop, the OSS driver works on newer than HD2000 hardware but the proprietary driver doesn't work on older than HD2000 hardware.02:38
Izinucssm3gal: check out http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2010/06/avant-window-navigator-for-ubuntu-linux.html02:38
lov255ilovefairuz: let me show you the file with the changes02:38
agonyHow can I stop the apache server by default ?02:38
ilovefairuztechwizrd: have you selected changing monitor frequency ?02:38
North_Italian69If I move "locate" from "cron.daily" to "cron.hourly" it is sufficient to make update every hour or I have to edit/modify the task?02:38
lov255ilovefairuz: I need the command to pastbinit to you02:38
ilovefairuzlov255: sudo pastebinit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-wusb100.rules02:38
thune3sm3gal: looks like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock to me02:39
corpsegrindrI have a cisco ae1000 on 10.04. It works for a few hours most of the time, but it always ends up losing connection. When it does I get "bad password" when i try to reconnect to my router. Also i can not bring the router back up from console. the only way to reconnect is to reboot02:39
ilovefairuztechwizrd: check if you can select a different frequency for the monitor02:39
headkase314techwizrd, I don't know what to suggest but I know you have to use the built-in driver.  Perhaps it is something to do with your monitor timings?  If it is be very careful in adjusting them as bad numbers can damage some monitors.02:39
Izinucsthune3: sm3gal I'd forgotten that one.. could be02:39
lov255ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/ZFQxyrGb02:39
techwizrdilovefairuz, There are no other frequencies, only 60 Hz @ 1680x105002:40
Wiesshundtechwizrd lcd? if so 60 is what you want to use02:40
Ardjunsound isn't working on my 10.04 versions, any clues how to put it all in default settings?02:40
ilovefairuzlov255: wrong syntax, restore it to original form http://razcx.wordpress.com/2010/04/11/getting-a-linksys-rangeplus-wusb100-17370078-working-with-ubuntu-9-10/02:41
agonyI would like apache-server to be close when I open my PC. Do you know anyone how I can do this?02:41
eztopoh, you're right hd 2xxx is last series supported02:41
headkase314techwizrd, this page may help -> https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa <- MAKE SURE to read it all as sometimes you will get a bad update that may leave your system broken until you remove these packages.  Happened to me once!02:41
techwizrdWiesshund, I am using an lcd. Lowering the screen resolution from the default (1680x1050) gets rid of the screen flickering, running at 1440x900 is not cool.02:41
iggy_dr_willis i dont know what application your talking about02:41
Wiesshundtechwizrd is 1440X900 its native?02:41
techwizrdWiesshund, the native is 1680x105002:42
headkase314techwizrd, I used X-Org Edgers to get an HD2600 working that wouldn't work any other way - worked great until one day there was a bad update.  Happens infrequently but does happen with that PPA02:43
eztopheadkase314:  does that work with radeon drivers too?02:43
eztopheadkase314:  i mean, with radeon mobility 9000 cards?02:43
Ardjunis there a way to make my sound to work other than reinstalling this system? i'm really new with this02:43
headkase314eztop, here is the driver list -> https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only02:44
lap_dragonwhat does this mean?  Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead02:44
shockmounthow often do you guys do your updates02:44
lov255lap_dragon means you are about to cause a collision02:44
lap_dragonwhich is02:45
headkase314shockmount, I'm OCD about it, I run Update Manager every hour or two - brb, going to run Update Manager...02:45
lov255lap_dragon:when two items conflict with one another02:45
eztopheadkase314:  thanks... i ask because i had video driver issues too02:45
lap_dragonok, is that serious?02:45
lap_dragonmy screen has been blinking a little, does that have anything to do with it?02:45
lov255lap_dragon: can be extremely serious depending on the situation02:45
agonycan someone to help me? I want to close the apache-server and only when I need to start it02:45
lap_dragonI should probably shut that terminal then. It has been doing this for about 300 lines02:46
eztopdoes anyone like their ati cards?  anyone use a newer one?02:46
lov255ilovefairuz: we will have to wait a bit mouse is acting up again02:46
headkase314eztop, just remember x-org edgers is a development ppa - sometimes after an update your graphic mode will be borked and you have either the choice to uninstall the whole ppa or apt-get upgrade for a few days from the console until they fix it!02:46
shockmountheadkase314: *laughs* well suppose someone hack the repository an inputted a bad mod that hacks your stuff?02:46
lov255lap_dragon: good idea02:47
connblarg, can anyone help me create a xorg conf file02:47
eztopi need to get a video card sometime... i passed my nvidia one to a relative... i don't want to use an old x300se  ...lol02:47
North_Italian69If I move "locate" from "cron.daily" to "cron.hourly" it is sufficient to make updates every hour or I have to edit/modify the task?02:47
techwizrdeztop: I mostly use integrated intel cards (I mostly have dell laptops(. They work perfectly for me.02:47
headkase314shockmount, well there were no updates when I just checked ;) was a record for me 2 whole hours since last check! Thanks for reminding me ;)02:47
Izinucs!xrandr | conn02:47
ubottuconn: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:47
eztopheadkase314:  oh! um...... :)02:47
Blue1North_Italian69: why do you need to do it once/hour?02:47
agonyPlease someone to speak with me?02:48
biodegabrielHi All, are there any GUI SSH interfaces for Ubuntu 10.04? Don't shoot me for asking!02:48
eztoptechwizrd:  well, I ask for my desktop... i'm fixed for my laptop...no choice but to use radeon! :o02:48
shockmountheadkase314: lol i get tired of doing updates sometimes i wish they do them once a month02:48
Blue1biodegabriel: well putty02:48
Blue1biodegabriel: but that's windows02:48
alketHow to upload image at ubuntu wiki ?02:48
techwizrdI'm going to try the xorg-edgers ppa and report back on whether it works or not. Wish me luck!02:48
Izinucsbiodegabriel: I think nautilus will do ssh02:48
Blue1agony: sup?02:48
North_Italian69Blue1: i need to test a new configuraton in "updatedb.conf"02:48
lap_dragonxchat was causing a collision o.o02:49
eztoptechwizrd:  good luck!!!! lol02:49
biodegabrielBlue1, Izinucs: i mean, like with buttons and 'up/down' arrow controls, like old DOS style?02:49
agonyBlue1: what do you mean?02:49
Blue1North_Italian69: ahh you should be ok02:49
shockmounti wonder which tech channel has the most viewers ... do anybody here knows?02:49
Blue1agony: you asked for help, what cn we help with?02:49
headkase314shockmount, I'd rather have security updates as soon as they are available - if you don't like the frequency you can modify how often it prompts you by going to: System > Administration > Software Sources, and under the "Updates" tab is the setting.02:49
North_Italian69Blue1: ** i need to test a new configuration that i made in "updatedb.conf"02:49
connso am I reading dated material when I read that you need to enable UXA in xorg, to get the most out of your intel graphics card02:49
Izinucsbiodegabriel: I don't know what old dos style you're referring to.. what I remember of dos never had arrow controls..02:49
techwizrdI love how they are called Xorg crack pushers. Anyways, I'm going to reboot now. I'll see you all in a few minutes.02:50
agonyI want to close the apache-server but by default02:50
Blue1North_Italian69: you should be able to just update the cron.hourly then02:50
Izinucsconn: could be02:50
shockmountheadkase314: Yeah I will do that02:50
eztophaha, crack pushers02:50
Blue1agony: I am NOT the apache guy, sorry.02:50
North_Italian69Blue1: i never done before02:50
biodegabrielIzinucs: Yeah, I know, i guess it doesn't exist. fuggetaboutit.02:50
headkase314shockmount, yup - set it to what you like!02:50
eztopi can't help with apache either, sorry02:50
Blue1North_Italian69: hang on - priviate message ok?02:50
eztopagony:  try googling it... what you want to do...02:51
connIzinucs, whats the best way to get the best perf out of an intel graphics chipset (noob usr002:51
eztopapache server is popular02:51
Izinucsconn: sorry I use nvidia.. never messed with intel02:51
sm3galubottu, hammertime02:51
eztopshould i get a nvidia or ati card?02:51
Blue1eztop: nvidia02:51
headkase314eztop, ati02:51
eztopfor my desktop....02:52
connIzinucs, its all good :), more so trying to figure out how to create a xorg to test the enabling "uxa" mode i have read about02:52
connxorg.conf rather02:52
Izinucsconn: good luck02:52
iflema!yay | sm3gal02:52
ubottusm3gal: Glad you made it! :-)02:52
North_Italian69Blue1: are you there?02:52
agonyI know how to stop  sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop but  when I restart my PC it is again open02:52
techwizrdI'm back. xorg-edgers did not fix my problem unfortunately. I still have this annoying horizontal screen flicker02:52
Blue1North_Italian69: I am02:52
eztopthat is last component i need for my desktop to finally be built02:52
lov255ilovefairuz: I am rebooted - still no mouse - I did iwconfig no wireless extensions.  Should we put something in the /etc/network/interfaces   ??02:52
headkase314eztop, Ati actively supports an open-source driver by providing documentation to developers while nvidia only offers proprietary drivers.  This means 5 years from now you will be able to run old Ati cards while nvidia has remained closed and you can't get drivers anymore.02:53
techwizrdagony: Do you have apache start at startup?02:53
ilovefairuzlov255: sudo tail -n 600 /var/log/messages | pastebinit -02:53
eztopheadkase314:   but, ati is so slow at fixing problems and bugs... and their binary drivers which you need for most tasks especially 3d are horrible02:53
headkase314techwizrd, you should ppa-purge x-org edgers then if it didn't solve the issue.02:53
courpseAfter googling, havent found any info, wheres the x64 netbook ubuntu install of 10.04?02:54
techwizrdheadkase314: I will. xorg-edgers is pretty dangerous.02:54
Blue1North_Italian69: sorry folks -- format for cron jobs is:  # m h  dom mon dow   command02:54
eztoptechwizrd:   my google earth doesn't start and before ... it was really slow02:54
headkase314eztop, Ati HD4670 here, works perfect.  All id games (really the only commercial 3d games) work fine @ 1680x1050.02:54
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dsfwea23what the heck is it with ubuntu lately?  I did another update and things broke again.  Fourth time in the last two months.  This time I have no icons on my desktop but the files are still in ~/Desktop  Last time it was my shutdown/logout buttons were corrupted.  Even after reboots.02:55
eztopand my screen goes all green writing and borked when i shut down... 'ubuntu' colours are often messed up02:55
headkase314techwizrd, yes because if it doesn't fix your immediate problem then you are looking at perhaps someday getting a bad update from x-org edgers.02:55
Blue1headkase314: older ati cards are no longer supported - they are in legacy mode --02:55
lov255ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/Bn6sjMnm02:55
techwizrdblue1: that's my02:55
Izinucsdsfwea23: must be your system.. doesn't happen here.02:55
control_Nothing works02:56
eztopheadkase314:  i see... well, hd 4xxx cards ... ati maybe has those covered since they're older02:56
dsfwea23Izinucs, might be a good guess if it didn't happen to my wife's laptop as well02:56
techwizrdBlue1: the whole unsupported legacy card thing is terrible.02:56
headkase314Blue1, that is where the documentation Ati is providing to the Open-Source community comes into play.  The open-source drivers are getting better each month - Ubuntu 11.04 will probably be rock solid with old Ati!02:56
Izinucsdsfwea23: both the same type of lappy?02:56
eztopheadkase314:   but, there's still no hardware acceleration with them at all02:56
Guest57170hey im trying to setup a ftp server. can anyone assist?02:56
Blue1headkase314: that's several months away02:56
dsfwea23Izinucs, not even close, I have a i7 generic desktop, she has a core2 dell laptop02:56
eztopi use my card for video so would like ha02:56
techwizrdheadkase314: Ubuntu's open-source drivers are hit-or-miss with pretty much all ati and nvidia cards.02:56
Blue1headkase314: biggest change in 10.10 will be reporting things in decimal instead of binary - must shuttleworth copy apple?02:56
headkase314eztop, compiz effects were perfect before I installed 10.7 proprietary, games no compiz yes.  And I am looking long-term with Ati's openness.02:57
dsfwea23Izinucs, she has SSD and I've got standard HD, different hardware all the way around.02:57
eztopheadkase314:  not perfect now???? :)02:57
North_Italian69Blue1: ok, but once modified have i to move the cronjob to daily?02:57
eztopI was looking at hd 4770 before but now i want either hd 5xxx card or equivalent nvidia02:58
dsfwea23But seriously, this isn't the first time an update broke things.02:58
Izinucsdsfwea23: weird.. I've got a dell vosro 1400 .. no issues at all.02:58
headkase314eztop, Open-Source Ati drivers won't do Doom 3 right now, I'd bet by Ubuntu 11.04 they just may!02:58
North_Italian69Blue1: *** sorry hourly02:58
Izinucsdsfwea23: except maybe getting a little hotter on 10.04 then 9.1002:58
eztopheadkase314:  maybe...02:58
Guest57170Setting up ubuntu server. anyone that can help please msg me02:58
techwizrdheadkase314: They've been saying that for _years_. It's always the year of the Linux desktop I suppose.02:58
Blue1North_Italian69: yeah just copy it over02:58
ilovefairuzlov255: sudo modprobe rt2500usb    and check iwconfig02:58
eztoptechwizrd:  yeah!02:58
dsfwea23my desktop is completely blank, trying to browse through places/desktop is blank, but if I got to terminal and cd Desktop, everything is there02:58
eztopati is always saying fix will be in the next release ;-)02:59
North_Italian69Blue1: ok, i try. hank you02:59
headkase314techwizrd, the difference in my mind is that Ati is providing documentation to the team writing the open-source driver.  nvidia provides no documentation and the nouvou driver team is on their own.02:59
dsfwea23and whatever update happened a week or two ago messed up my username and shutdown button so I couldn't logout/shutdown my systems02:59
Blue1you know it's been a long day, when you enter into your browser:  sudo apt-get install ....02:59
eztopheadkase314:  how much documentation are they providing?03:00
eztopthey are so slow03:00
lov255ilovefairuz still nothing on wireless extension03:00
Izinucsdsfwea23: did you do an upgrade from a previous release or a fresh install?03:00
headkase314eztop, yes its slow.  Someday.. ;)03:00
eztopi read that xv output doesn't work and there's tearing03:00
alketHow to upload images to ubuntu wiki ? please help03:00
dsfwea23Izinucs, fresh install on my system, upgraded from 9.10 on wife's laptop03:00
techwizrdheadkase314: ati and nvidia are pretty bad on ubuntu. The only thing that has worked for me out of the box is intel integrate chips (not the gma crap).03:00
eztopi'm a video junkie and nvidia has vpau or whatever their ha is03:00
headkase314eztop, I fully recommend an HD4670 as that is what I have.  It's worked well for me.03:01
dsfwea23[   30.363568] ecryptfs_write_tag_70_packet: Internal error whilst attempting to convert encrypted filename memory to scatterlist; expected rc = 1; got rc = [-12]. block_aligned_filename_size = [128]03:01
linxeheztop: VDPAU03:01
WiesshundHD4850 works very well too03:01
eztoplinxeh:  thanks ;-)03:01
dsfwea23That's the only error I get... but again, filesystem is okay if I use terminal03:01
eztopheadkase314:  those must be cheap now?03:01
ilovefairuzLov255: sudo modprobe -r rt2500usb  && sudo modprobe rt2870sta && iwconfig03:01
headkase314eztop, I think they're sitting at $50-$70 - dirt cheap!03:02
eztopwell, i wasn't going to spend much on it for now... since i had to buy a few components already03:02
Izinucsdsfwea23: tried kubuntu?  I run that on my desktop after 5 years of gnome.. gnome on the lappy.. I like the new itteration of kde03:02
lov255ilovefairuz modprobe -r rt2870sta?  it comes back with no command03:02
lov255ilovefairuz without the -r03:03
dsfwea23Izinucs, no I haven't.  I haven't liked KDE so wanted to stick with gnome.  If I have to reinstall, I'm moving to something stable like debian03:03
zoZohow badly do i risk breaking my system or getting owned by booting into an earlier kernel to get my wifi working03:03
lov255ilovefairuz: no wireless03:03
headkase314eztop, here's a link to a good one -> http://www1.sapphiretech.com/us/products/products_overview.php?gpid=27903:03
zoZoand you know I only need wifi when working on the road03:03
Izinucsdsfwea23: I never liked kde in the 3.xx versions.. but 4.xx is smooth03:03
WiesshundzoZo should not be a problem, how old are we talking?03:04
ilovefairuzLov255: i don't get what you did, what did this say: sudo modprobe rt2870sta ?03:04
lov255ilovefairuz: should I try booting without my cat5 in?  Would that make a difference03:04
ilovefairuzLov255: no reboot, just tell me if there are any error messages03:05
* Izinucs smiles03:05
dsfwea23Izinucs, but it doesn't matter what DE/WM I use, other things are breaking.  They (ubuntu) broke my digital tablet since 9.04 when they remove HAL/evdev and replaced it with something non-working.03:05
alketHow to upload a screenshot in Ubuntu Wiki ?03:05
techwizrdzoZo: You don't really risk much. Honestly, It should be a problem is they are a few version numbers a part eg> 2.6.32-24 and 2.6.32-2103:05
zoZoWiesshund 2.6.32-2203:05
littlecwhy do you want to upload?03:05
ilovefairuzLov255: sudo modprobe rt2870sta .. says what?03:05
dsfwea23Izinucs, I filed bugs in 9.10 and they got closed because "it's not the current version of ubuntu"  So I moved to 10.04 and it was still broken.03:05
zoZoinstead of 2.6.32-2403:05
lov255ilovefairuz: on command sudo modprobe rt2870sta comes with FATAL: Error running install command for rt2870sta03:05
techwizrdzoZo: I don't think you will have any problems. Don't worry about it03:06
zoZothe only thing i have noticed is the splash03:06
Izinucsdsfwea23: wacom?03:06
WiesshundzoZo i see no problem with that, nothing terrible happens aside from having to reboot and pick diff kernel from grub menu03:06
eztopheadkase314:  I'm checking it out... ;)03:06
dsfwea23Izinucs, no, generic tablet that worked "out-of-the-box" in 9.04 with evdev03:06
zoZo<Wiesshund><techwizrd>yeah it's wierd but works03:07
ilovefairuzLov255: sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/rt2870sta.conf    and try last command again03:07
dsfwea23Izinucs, 9.10 removed hal + other things that broke it.  Wacom driver did work but then they restricted support for non-wacom tablets, so even in 9.10 it wouldn't work03:07
techwizrddsfwea23: Do you mean udev?03:07
Izinucsdsfwea23: my wacom hasn't had any issues.. graphire 4 .. if you're running a tablet are you into photography?03:07
MuelliLov255: I don't know the context but dmesg will give you details.03:07
dsfwea23techwizrd, no I mean HAL03:07
Ameisehow well does Ubuntu work on tablets03:08
dsfwea23Izinucs, I used inkscape and gimp.  it worked out of the box in 9.04 with just evdev03:08
Ameisetablet pcs03:08
headkase314eztop, the prices aren't as low as I hoped - do some comparison shopping with a HD 5670 too!03:08
techwizrddsfwea23: Have you tried downloading the latest wacom drivers and installing those?03:08
lov255ilovefairuz: done03:08
lov255muelli: ?03:08
Ameisemy girlfriend has a slight issue with Windows on her tablet -- namely she manages to break any security I eer put on it and get trojans03:08
Ameiseso I'm considering Ubuntu03:08
dsfwea23I'm running the wizardpen driver on 10.04 now but it's buggy and things crash or my mouse (not tablet) stops working03:08
ilovefairuzLov255: no errors for both commands? check  iwconfig03:09
Izinucsdsfwea23: ah.. design stuff.. if you're into photography check out "darktable".. there's a ppa for it..03:09
WiesshundzoZo nothing weird, its normal to work unless you start trying to use kernels from a different family , like trying to us an old 2.4 kernel etc. then it might not boot right, still no damage done03:09
dsfwea23Izinucs, nah, more graphic design03:09
macoAmeise: trojans are the result of gullibility. user education is what's really needed for them03:09
macoAmeise:  it *is* entirely possible (ie, has happened) that someone could tell her to run a malicious command03:09
lov255ilovefairuz: no erros - still no wireless03:10
dsfwea23I don't care so much but it was working perfect in 9.04.  So I filed bugs in 9.10 when it came out and they just deleted the bugs when 10.04 came out03:10
dsfwea23and it still doesn't work well.  The new xinput stuff that replaced hal is buggy yet again.03:10
Ameisemaco - it's more, the tends to say 'yes' to those popups03:10
lov255ilovefairuz: Just a shot in the dark but what if we add it to /etc/network/interface   ?03:10
Ameisei have no idea HOW she bypasses what i put on ther03:10
Ameisebut she does.03:10
AmeiseI'm either going to put Windows 7 or Ubuntu on there03:10
reggihi folks, a few days ago there was discussion on what was the best distibution of linux for an old laptop (pentium D 1.8Ghz). Can anyone remember which distro was mentioned?03:10
headkase314Ameise, what kind of tablet?  Any specialized input for it like a touch-screen or a pen?  If so, it may be difficult to get drivers for those parts in Ubuntu.03:10
Ameisebut she needs proper tablet functionality03:10
Ameiseit has a pen03:10
eztopheadkase314:   yeah, I am comparing hd 5670 and nvidia hd 240 ;)03:11
macoAmeise: mmhmm.... so, like i said, user education03:11
Ameisei've tried that03:11
Ameiseit failed.03:11
jinxzshow can i print in this computer in a shared printer installed in windows. i really dont understand in samba documentary03:11
ilovefairuzLov255: has nothing to do with it, we need to find the right kernel module03:11
jinxzsim so newbie03:11
dsfwea23All I wanted was a stable system.  Even with 10.04 LTS it's still breaks something every other update. >:(03:11
ilovefairuzLov255: lsmod | pastebinit -03:11
macoAmeise: just because there havent been any viruses released in the wild for a few years for linux (which is what people mean by "no viruses") doesnt mean its immune to everything bad on the internet03:11
reggihi folks, a few days ago there was discussion on what was the best distibution of linux for an old laptop (pentium D 1.8Ghz). Can anyone remember which distro was mentioned?03:11
ilovefairuzreggi: try lubuntu03:11
macoreggi: lubuntu?03:11
headkase314eztop, when I buy a new system later this year it's going to have a GTX 480 in it and run Windows - just for gaming! I'll probably use this computer I'm typing on right now for everything else just cause I love the Ubuntu! ;) :D03:11
ilovefairuz!lubuntu  > reggi03:12
ubottureggi, please see my private message03:12
WiesshundAmeise since a trojan is a legit app (so to speak), no OS is immune if the user is willing to install/run it03:12
reggiah i think that was it. thanks maco :)03:12
dsfwea23so what am I supposed to do to get my desktop back now?03:12
Lov255Uilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/viWgBh5v03:12
Wiesshundreggi you could try an older ubuntu dist, or you could try puppy linux03:13
reggiWiesshund: linux puppy has gui?03:13
Wiesshundreggi of course03:13
dsfwea23Seems there  was only one gnome, gnome-exe-thumbnailer03:13
eztopheadkase314:   i thought you were an ati guy, though!  u changing your mind? lol03:14
reggiah thanks Wiesshundi might check out a youtube vid of puppy and install it on a virtual machine03:14
eztopheadkase314:  btw, go for gtx 460 instead03:14
lov255ilovefairuz: rt2870sta is there..hhhmmmm...weird03:14
headkase314eztop, I've been Ati for 10 years now but those 480 benchmarks are _smokin'_! ;)03:14
ilovefairuzLov255: yeah because we modprobed it03:14
lov255ilovefairuz: I C03:15
Wiesshundreggi http://puppylinux.org/news/userfiles/lucid-puppy510-desktop-500px.png03:15
eztopheadkase314:  true... but, it runs hot... gtx 460 close to performance but runs way cooler... newer nvidia cards probably built on that design or at least use part of it03:15
Wiesshundi believe puppy is based off of ubuntu, atleast partialy03:15
reggicool thanks Wiesshund :)03:15
Ameisemaco - well03:15
reggiWiesshund: looks good - simple.03:15
eztoplubuntu is on my laptop... but i might try out xfce some time or xubuntu ...dunno yet03:15
Ameiseit'd still be harder for her to break.03:15
headkase314eztop, It's still a while off before I put together my next rig.  Perhaps by then an Ati 6000 series will be out and I'll have to think about that too!  Thanks for the 460 tip, I'll check that out too when the time comes!03:16
Ameisebut, we'll see03:16
Ameiseonce i blow it away03:16
Ameiseill put ubuntu on it, see how hard it is to get drivers03:16
eztopheadkase314:  no prob... true... hd 6000 will come out but unfortunately, probably not supported whatever ubuntu ver. is latest... oops ;-)03:16
headkase314Ameise, do you have Windows restore media in case Ubuntu doesn't work out and you need to reload Windows?03:16
Ameisemaybe ill just put MS DOS on there, and teach her how to use telnet.03:16
Ameiserestore media?03:17
AmeiseI do everything myself.03:17
headkase314eztop, I've read rumors that this fall the 6000 series will be coming to market - maybe early in 2011 at the latest.03:17
jinxzswhat driver i will use in T13, there is no such T13 in the list03:17
eztopi am hoping i can align partition ntfs with ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 gparted... anyone think this can be done?03:17
techwizrdeztop: Everyone says xfce is so much lighter than Gnome, but I don't really think it is. LXDE is much lighter by far.03:17
Wiesshundeztop i dont know what you mean by align?03:17
eztopheadkase314:  yeah, but what x.org will ati support with that one?03:17
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macoAmeise: headkase314 means an install cd for windows03:17
AmeiseI have an MSDN subscription.03:17
AmeiseI have a copy of everything.03:18
eztoptechwizrd:  by far?  really?03:18
ilovefairuzLov255: sudo modprobe rt2800usb && iwconfig03:18
techwizrdextop: really.03:18
eztoptech but, i find lubuntu really buggy...very disappointed with it so far03:18
headkase314eztop, the new rig is going to be a gaming system so it'll run Windows as it's priority with maybe a dual-boot with Ubuntu.  This machine I'm keeping too and will be my "everything-else" system ;)03:18
lov255ilovefairuz: lo and eth0 both no wireless extensions03:18
eztopi don't want to install lxde on ubuntu because this is on my laptop... i don't want all the extra packages03:18
ilovefairuzLov255: lsmod | pastebinit -03:19
eztopheadkase314:  that's what i'm building too ...but, i can't afford a super duper gaming card right now..lol03:19
zoZo<techwizrd> lxde is sweet, very lite03:19
eztopalso, i'm building with a lot of used components03:19
headkase314eztop, I hear you - pinching pennies too ;)03:19
eztopzoZo:  yeah, i like the de itself...if only lubuntu could be improved... it looks good until you encounter all the bugs03:20
eztopthere's a terminal window bug i reported but still not fixed...03:20
zoZo<eztop>i use it with lenny(sshh! no bugs!)03:21
eztopwell, i will try a live cd of 10.10 to see if there's any change03:21
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo ifconfig ra0 up && iwconfig03:21
eztopzoZo:  same here03:21
Niglopwhere can I see some good looking bashrc files?03:22
_genuser_hello poeple03:22
eztopi have three partitions, xp, sqeeze lxde (shhhhh)....and lubuntu ;)03:22
SimonSayezI found the fix to stop Google Earth from crashing on most users Ubuntu Linux 10.0.4 systems03:22
_genuser_can someone please explain the sound arch on ubuntu?03:22
eztopheadkase314:  yeah, hate to admit it...but, then i volunteered my desktop to a relative's computer that died... but, i am recycling some of the powerful hardware from there...lol03:22
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lov255Ilovefairoz: ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device03:22
eztopand doing a switcheroo03:23
Guest4403greetings                                                                                                                                                                                       to all03:23
eztopSimonSayez:  yeah?   how about getting it started?!? lol!03:23
headkase314eztop, This 4670 I have has an HDMI Adapter, I just may repurpose this computer as a media server plugged into my HDTV, all the ports are there!03:23
zoZo<eztop> i also like sidux kde light with ceni as the network manager for my Toshiba Satellite M4503:23
eztopbut, yeah, it's crashing for me, too....what is the fix?!??????03:24
SimonSayezezrafree, Follow these instructions http://kaliphonia.com/content/notes/how-to-fix-google-earth-crash-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx03:24
SimonSayezeztop, , Follow these instructions http://kaliphonia.com/content/notes/how-to-fix-google-earth-crash-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx03:24
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eztopi will try it out but alas not in lubuntu right now.... shhhhhh ;)03:24
_genuser_what is lubuntu?03:25
thune3_genuser_: for actual architecture the graph on this page is a good intro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PulseAudio03:25
Guest4403just popped in to see wat things are like on this03:25
eztopSimonSayez:  thanks !   something to try now...wooohooo03:25
ilovefairuzLov255: so?03:25
eztopheadkase314:  good idea... that's all i'd be buying for now... a htpc calibre card03:25
sarge1221Hey was wondering if someone could offer some advice on a good ubuntu backup software for the OS?03:25
SimonSayezeztop, Tell me if it works for you ?03:25
Guest4403was just checking things out03:25
lov255Ilovefairoz:<lov255> Ilovefairoz: ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device03:26
mjnhi all...i have a hopefully quick question, if anyone interested?03:26
headkase314eztop, been a good chat - I gotta go for now: good hunting!03:26
TELL0sarge1221, back in time03:26
_genuser_thune3: so pulseaudio is the default in ubuntu? I'll look at the link.03:26
SimonSayezGoogle Earth is up and running on my Ubuntu Linux system it works great03:26
_genuser_thune3: thanks.03:26
eztopzoZo:  i have sidux on my old desktop...but, haven't updated it... not being used... is sidux still any good?  i had some issues with it but it was interesting ;)03:26
Guest4403im a newbie lol03:26
eztopi think it's at 2.6.27 ...lol03:26
mjni am a window and ubuntu user, but clueless about macs03:26
lov255Guest4403: normally the people signing in with Guest are newbies03:26
TELL0SimonSayez, how you did that?03:27
ilovefairuzLov255: go to http://eng.ralinktech.com.tw/support.php?s=2  and download second link03:27
mjni have some data from a windows system that i recovered, and want to pass it on to the user, who is now a mac user..03:27
SimonSayezTELL0, Did it work for you yet ? http://kaliphonia.com/content/notes/how-to-fix-google-earth-crash-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx03:27
Wiesshundmjn Mac is a playstation with a keyboard <jk> go ahead and ask03:27
Guest4403just got on ubuntu been wanting to try it so this is my frist time03:27
zoZo<eztop>yeah it has been quite stable lately;)03:28
SimonSayezI am downloading flv videos from youtube and converting them to mp3s using ffmpeg right now03:28
zoZo<eztop>it actually runs 24/7 at my house03:28
mjncan i/how can i format a hard drive so that the mac user can read it? will HFS do (which i think just requires gparted?), or does it have to be hfs+?03:28
TELL0I'll check SimonSayez. Thanks03:29
SimonSayezTELL0, Good Luck03:29
indroramjn: there's a set of tools that do HFS(+) partitions, but iirc, its kinda spotty03:29
mjnwhitedog: actually a netbook03:29
Guest4403see yall later im going to bed bye fr now03:29
Wiesshundmjn cant mac read fat32?03:29
eztopzoZo:  oh?   well, my desktop will be my experimental machine... i'll disk room and enough power... maybe i'll try a fresh install03:29
eztopanyone use VirtualBox here?03:30
mjni don't know...i am mac ignorant...is this a default, or does it depend/03:30
eztopbetter to have multi-partitions when trying distros or use VBox?03:30
_genuser_thune3: so pulseaudio is stand alone sound architecture? does it replace alsa per the image on the article and fool the apps into thinking they're using alsa? What about side by side with alsa drivers?03:30
Wiesshundmjn lemme see if mac reads fat32, a cd is also an option03:30
lov255ilovefairuz: give e a few min I need to down load a decompresser03:30
=== NightKhaos|Ghost is now known as NightKhaos
XuMuKhi there!03:30
mjni thought of the disc option, but it is a lot of data03:30
zoZo<sarge1221>remastersys is good03:30
Spaztic_OneMy windows share folder is failing to "fetch the list" and so I have been unable to access my other computers via my laptop03:31
ilovefairuzLov255: tar xvf DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.4_20100604.tar.bz203:31
Wiesshundmjn OSX can read and write fat3203:31
_genuser_thune3: nevermind. I see that it sits on top of the alsa/oss layer providing the pulseaudio layer.03:31
jinxzsWhich one i choose if i install Epson T13. there is no T13 in the list of epson software03:31
zoZoeztop>definately  give it a try... I would even try a dist-upgrade just for fun.......it would be huge!03:31
XuMuKI have two layouts on my laptop: spanish and russian and that's all I need, but since not long time there appears US one...03:31
mjnok, i will format it that way, instead of ntfs or hfs....thank you for the help whitedog03:32
Wiesshundmjn you can READ ntfs but not write to it03:32
XuMuKI try to remove it, but after each reboot it appends there automaticly!03:32
zoZoeztop>the manual makes most things simple03:32
ilovefairuzLov255: cd DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.4_20100604; sudo apt-get install build-essential03:32
mjngot it....thank you so much...i knew one of you would know off the top of your head...03:32
XuMuKany idea how can I remove it permanently?03:32
ilovefairuzLov255: after the install finishes: ./configure && make .. tell me if there are any errors03:33
eztopzoZo:  yeah, i should do the dist-upgrade for fun...see what happens ;)03:33
mjnso is /ext3 or 4 even close to the mac format?03:33
SimonSayezIt is so cool running Google Earth on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 without Crashes03:34
Wiesshundmjn that i do not know03:34
lov255just as I thought I do not have tar03:34
magicianlordeztop: it just upgrades the kernel03:34
eztopi have a separate grub partition but not operated via sidux so nothing would get broken that would cause trouble... except maybe booting to it haha03:34
thune3_genuser_: i'm not an expert, it does to alsa interception at the library layer (i think)03:34
whileimhere231Hi. Is it possible to boot directly into X and then startup a program automatically without the need for all the desktop stuff?03:34
mjnwell, thank you for your willingness and ability to help....saved me a lot of random searching03:34
jinxzsHow to Install Epson T13 there is no version in epson list of driver03:34
XuMuKthanks for your help!03:35
ChigginsHow can I force-kill a running program? kill #### wont work for me :(03:35
SimonSayezjinxzs, Does your Epson t13 come with a USB cable ?03:35
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ilovefairuzLov255: what ubuntu version are you running that doesn't have tar!03:35
jinxzsyea it is but is it in the other computer. its shared.03:36
Wiesshundwhileimhere231 its possible yes, youd need to have it auto logon03:36
Wiesshundwhileimhere231 and of course set the session to be the app you want run03:36
SimonSayezjinxzs, Did you plug in your printers USB cable and reboot your system it should detect it03:36
mjnWeissHund rocks!...late!03:37
jinxzs@simonSayez is that the only way to install it? we want to just share it..03:37
lov255ilovefairuz: 10.0403:37
lov255ilovefairuz: I have to redownload03:37
zoZo<eztop>brush up with the manual on how to goto init3 and do the dist-upgrade with the -d switch and all that03:37
WiesshundChiggins killall -9 appname ?03:38
SuperMiguelwhats a good word processor for engineers???03:38
jinxzs@SimonSayez there is no driver of T13 in the epson lists03:38
lov255ilovefurz: Okay it is extracted03:38
Raydiationhi is 10.04.1 out yet?03:38
macoSuperMiguel: i suspect many engineers would be familiar with using LaTeX for typsetting (physicists and mathematicians as well) rather than a word processor03:38
SimonSayezjinxzs, Does Ubuntu Linux detect your printer when you plug it into your system and reboot ?03:39
ChigginsWiesshund - Nope. Its conky, if that helps03:39
SuperMiguelmaco actually whats what i was looking for :)03:39
traviscj_maco +103:39
SuperMiguelmaco didnt remember the name03:39
RaydiationSimonSayez: it should detect it automatically03:39
macoyay i win03:39
SimonSayezRaydiation, that is what I am trying to tell jinxzs03:39
sacarlsonwow rt73 wifi is now plug and play on ubuntu 10.04 for me.  it was broken in 9.1 for me now magic it works.03:40
RaydiationSimonSayez: what printer does he have?03:40
lov255what is rt73 wifi?03:40
lov255is that  a card?03:40
jinxzsits T13 and its not physically connected in this computer..its shared03:40
SimonSayezRaydiation, Some kind of Epson Printer T13 model ???03:40
sacarlsonrt73 is a chipset in wifi.  I saw someone with rt wifi problem so I had to see if mine was working03:40
lov255ilovefairuz: I have it extracted03:40
Raydiationjinxzs: shared via samba or is it a network printer03:41
TELL0SimonSayez, where did you get the Google Earth installer? At Google Earth page?03:41
jinxzsim newbie. i already installed samba. what am i gonna do next?03:41
sacarlsonrt73 is one of those usb wifi dogles  the vendor on mine is tplink03:41
ilovefairuzLov255: cd DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.4_20100604; sudo apt-get install build-essential03:41
SimonSayezTELL0, Click here http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html03:41
lov255what is samba03:41
Raydiationjinxzs: describe exactly where and how your printer is connected03:41
RaydiationLov255: windows shares03:41
TELL0SimonSayez, thanks03:42
jinxzsi have 2 computer. 1 server 1 client. the printer is on the server. i want to shared it with this computer.03:42
jinxzsbtw the server is Windows03:43
Raydiationjinxzs: if you go to system -> system -> printing you can add a printer03:43
lov255ilovefairuz: it can not find file03:43
Raydiationjinxzs: look at network printer and windows printer via samba03:43
lov255ilovefairuz: that file is not in that dir03:44
ilovefairuzLov255: where did you extract it? just cd into it03:44
lov255yeah I am in the dir03:44
jinxzsi am here at choosing the driver but i dont see the T13 driver03:44
lov255I am looking in it, that file is not in there03:44
Raydiationjinxzs: did you see the input directory SMB Printer smb://03:45
SimonSayezTELL0, Did you get Google Earth up and running yet ?03:45
ilovefairuzLov255: what file? it's a directory? ls | pastebinit -03:46
Raydiationjinxzs: http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2250/h46o888b_png.htm03:46
sacarlsonSimonSayez: TELL0: ya that same place I got google earth it works for me on ubuntu 10.04  and before that it worked on 8.0403:46
mjnhey WeissHund....a hitch:  went to reformat that disc, and I was formatted FAT32..03:46
jinxzsyea i just browse it to the printer (server)03:46
SimonSayezsacarlson, Thanks03:46
lov255ilovefairuz: sorry03:46
lov255ilovefairuz: installing right now03:47
jinxzsthe only problem is what driver i would use since there is no T1303:47
mjnwhat's me next best option? (please don't say disc)...I have a working Windows system, if that helps03:47
zruty10:04 power management: Dim display when idle - does not seem to work. What can I check?03:47
zrutyOr rather, unchecking that option does not seem to work...03:47
bsmith093 is there a way to make the encoding detection a little smarter? I can read files perfectly well in open office, but in gedit i get ecoding not detected erors,03:48
hariomIs it possible to upgrade Hardy installed as Guest OS on VMWare to 10.04 LTS?03:48
whileimhere231wiesshund Thanks how do I set the session to be the app I want to run? I can get something like fluxbox to start and then start the program but I would like to forgo the extra added desktop to just boot into the program itself in fullscreen.03:48
_joeyhow do I install true type fonts03:48
lov255ilovefairuz: it is installed03:49
ilovefairuzLov255: type: make03:49
Wiesshundwhileimhere231 i think you can make a desktop file for the app in /usr/share/xsessions, and then have the auto logon use that for its default session03:49
_joeywhat is the fiefox package name? :)03:50
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository03:50
skumarai get these error every time i start computer. http://pastebin.com/3eFkj1Y9 i have tried reinstalling grub2 but the error still happen. I need to type ls /dev/sda6 every time to start ubuntu. but i can start windows without problem. and my cdrom also not detected in ubuntu. help please03:50
mjnhariom..i did run across some instructions at somewhere on the regular upgrade, but i didn't have to do that, and was pressed for time, so i'm sorry, but i don't know the specifics03:50
Spaztic_OneMy windows network folder is failing to "fetch the share list" and so I have been unable to access my other computers via my laptop03:51
mjnmy experience with vmware is, that were you to find those instructions, it should pretty much work the same as if it wasn't a virtual machine03:51
SimonSayezHey bot, this is the Google Fix to stop Google Earth from crashing on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 http://kaliphonia.com/content/notes/how-to-fix-google-earth-crash-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx03:52
lov255ilovefairuz: it go to stage two then cp: cannot create regular file `/tftpboot`: Permission denied make: ** [LINK] Error 103:53
elitexrayUbuntu is fun to learn engineering software :P03:53
skumaraanyone got any idea with my problem?03:54
lov255ilovefairuz: should I   sudo make?03:54
Raydiationjinxzs: hm, im not sure which printer you should select03:55
sacarlsonskumara: at boot can you hold shift and pick another kernel to boot from than the default?  make sure you install you grub2 to the sda1 disk also.03:55
thune3SimonSayez: isn't libGL.so.1 a driver/hardware dependent file. How can your solution be universal (and running some random library seem to violate my security sensibilities).03:55
Raydiationjinxzs: i dont see support for linux drivers on their hp too http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/ink/DL1.do03:55
mjnskumara, not really but maybe....back up a little about your system info....03:55
mjnyou're running a dual boot ubuntu/windows?03:56
jinxzsweeeeeeeeee thanks to both of you its working now.. i just use the T20 ang set the passwords..03:56
skumarasacarlson i have two kernal modules and tried both. its the same error03:56
skumaramjn i dont understand. what do u want actually?03:56
jinxzsOh my gosh its working now..03:56
Raydiationjinxzs:  :)03:57
ilovefairuzLov255: no, just: make03:57
lov255ilovefairuz: I did sudo make...it is done03:57
skumaramy grub2 is installed on sda1.03:57
lov255ilovefairuz: it wanted to stick some directory in root03:57
mjnim probably over my head here, but if i can help, i'll at least try; and if not i'll try to stay outta your way...03:57
lov255ilovefairuz: now what?03:58
ilovefairuzLov255: man i told you just make03:58
lov255ilovefairuz: sorry did it before you responded, we should be good though?03:58
ilovefairuzLov255: anyway, type: ls *.ko and see what shows up03:58
skumaramjn iḿ running dual boot. my sda 1 is boot device and it has windows. my sda2 is my windows d: drive. my sda6 is ubuntu parttion and this where my ubuntu is.03:58
mjnyour running a dual boot system with ubuntu and windows side-by-side?...and the grub error occurs when you try to boot to ubuntu, and the error occurs, where?...03:58
shsekshould I be worried about "could not access PID file for nmbd" during boot if everything seems to be working fine?03:58
sacarlsonskumara: maybe problem in /etc/fstab  try change that id number thing to the /dev/sdax format03:58
Blue1what's the trick to getting GoogleEarthLinux.bin to run?03:59
Blue1tried chmod +x03:59
=== Mozlatz is now known as ubuntu_nu_B
lov255ilovefairuz: nothing...scratching my head it must not have compiled?03:59
QuantumBlue1, http://kaliphonia.com/content/notes/how-to-fix-google-earth-crash-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx04:00
sacarlsonskumara:  so I guess you can change the /etc/fstab file root mount to /dev/sda604:00
QuantumBlue1, Bookmark the page hit Control-D http://kaliphonia.com/content/notes/how-to-fix-google-earth-crash-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx04:00
Blue1Quantum: trying now thanks04:00
QuantumBlue1, np04:00
skumarasacarlson, yes. I can change it to /dev/sda6. but isn it uuid is better.04:00
thune3Quantum: isn't libGL.so.1 a driver/hardware dependent file? How can your solution be universal? (and running some random library seem to violate my security sensibilities).04:00
Quantumthune3, It works04:01
sacarlsonskumara: well in thery yes but it seems it can't find it04:01
Blue1Quantum: nope still get command not found04:01
QuantumBlue1, is Google Earth installed on your system04:01
=== wolf is now known as Guest83059
skumarasacarlson, any idea why? and also my cd rom device also missing in ubuntu. i can even open the cd rom lid.04:02
Blue1Quantum: ltr GoogleEarthLinux.bin04:02
Blue1-rwxr-xr-x 1 nwayno nwayno 31388873 2010-06-11 14:00 GoogleEarthLinux.bin04:02
sacarlsonskumara: it could be the sda6 partition is corupted and you could try fsck /dev/sda604:02
Guest83059I have a question about 9.10 and logitec wireless ...04:02
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
QuantumBlue1, Go here http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html04:02
Blue1Quantum: I've done that...04:02
netherwolfeHello abhijit04:02
QuantumBlue1, open a command line and type ./googleearth04:03
QuantumBlue1, I mean a terminal04:03
sacarlsonskumara: sounds like the cd has been mounted as boot device and your running from that so it won't eject04:03
Blue1Quantum: no directory04:03
QuantumBlue1, check in /opt for google earth04:03
QuantumBlue1, cd /opt04:04
skumarasacarlson, what? how this can happen?04:04
sacarlsonskumara: corumpted disk?  can hapen from bad power down event or many other things04:04
Blue1Quantum: just chrome there04:04
abhijithi netherwolfe04:04
sacarlsonskumara: if you didn't try the fsck /dev/sda6  you might try that first04:04
Lov255Ufound it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:05
skumarasacarlson, ok. iĺl try fsck. but my sda6 is mounted. do i need restart in lice cd to do this04:05
ilovefairuzLov255: sudo modprobe ./namehere.ko04:05
sacarlsonskumara: you will have to do it by booting a ubuntu live boot disk04:05
Guest83059help ??04:06
skumarasacarlson, ok. thank you. Iĺl reboot now and fsck /dev/sda6 now. thank you.04:06
sacarlsonskumara: good luck04:06
Blue1Quantum: ./GoogleEarthLinux  -- that uncompresses it...04:07
abhijit!help | Guest8305904:07
ubottuGuest83059: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:07
QuantumBlue1, I thought you knew how to run a .bin file04:07
Blue1Quantum: I did, but when you put sudo apt-get install in a browser, it's been too long a day....04:08
Guest83059I have a question about 9.10 and logitec wireless ... I updated from 8.04 => 9.10 but now the wireless kbrd & mouse don't work... how to activate ?04:08
QuantumBlue1, okay04:08
QuantumSo now you have Google Earth installed on your system right ?04:08
Lov255Uilovefairuz: keeps saying rt3070sta.ko  FATAL: Module rt3070sta.ko not found04:08
Blue1Quantum: it's installing as we speak04:09
whileimhere231wiesshund Sorry the internet bumped me did you have a response?04:09
Lov255Uilovefairuz however I am in the DIR staring at it!04:09
Wiesshundwhileimhere231 i think you can make a desktop file for the app in /usr/share/xsessions, and then have the auto logon use that for its default session04:09
QuantumBlue1, How old is your computer ?04:09
ilovefairuzLov255U: add ./ before module name04:09
Blue1Quantum: 2 years04:09
whileimhere231wiesshund thanks Ill look into it04:09
Blue1Quantum: amd6404:09
mjnanyone here know about cross-platform filesystems?  i'm kind of an idiot, but a basically nice guy that tries not to irritate all that much?04:10
whileimhere231Would a system be lighter booting into say fluxbox and then auto running a program or into gnome-terminal and then auto launching a program?04:10
QuantumBlue1, is it a dual core system04:10
sacarlsonGuest83059: I think the wireless keyboard is probly a bluetooth device?04:10
Lov255Uilovefairuz: says same thing04:10
QuantumBlue1, when it finishes installing type ./googleearth from a terminal04:10
Guest83059i think so ... not so sure04:11
ilovefairuzLov255U: use full path to the module, type: pwd, then append this before module name04:11
Blue1Quantum: all is good except I don't have any of my places...04:11
FreshPrincei've installed virtualbox with gdebi, now i see a new version of virtualbox is available, so how do i upgrade to this package with gdebi? i already downloaded the deb package04:11
QuantumBlue1, What ???04:11
Blue1Quantum: all of the places I "bookmarked" in google earth are gone04:12
abhijit!bluetooth | Guest8305904:12
ubottuGuest83059: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:12
sacarlsonGuest83059:  try >system>preferences> blue tooth manager04:12
Lov255Uilovefairuz: append this?04:12
sacarlsonabhijit: Guest83059:  good call that link04:12
ilovefairuzLov255U: the string that shows up from pwd04:13
Guest83059ty will read it04:13
QuantumBlue1, Do you know how to run Google Chrome in incognito mode on startup04:13
ilovefairuzLov255U: where's the .ko file? what directory ?04:13
Blue1Quantum: negative.04:14
QuantumBlue1, make a Google launcher on your desktop do you have one present04:14
Lov255Uilovefair so you want me to do path then ~(filename)?04:14
Blue1Quantum: yes already there04:14
ilovefairuzLov255U: in what directory is it? just cd to where it is and type: pwd04:15
hvhow can I find some attributes about a (usb) device to use in udev rules?04:15
Lov255Uyeah I have the dir04:15
ilovefairuzhv: lsusb04:15
Lov255UI am in it04:15
QuantumBlue1, Right click on properties and type /usr/bin/google-chrome --incognito04:16
ilovefairuzLov255U: paste here: pwd04:16
johnnylee194Hi, I have an Apache server running on port 80, and a Tomcat running on 8080. Currently I'm using www.domain.com:8080/project to access my tomcat project, how can I config to use www.domain.com to access my tomcat project directly? thanks a log04:16
QuantumBlue1, put the word --incognito after /usr/bin/google-chrome04:16
Blue1Quantum: what does that do?04:16
Wickedhmm hello all. im using ufw and i had a rule to allow ssh over ipv6...but i now removed the rule...but when i scan with nmap to verify..its showing as filtered...id really prefer it to not send anything back so it just shows as closed04:16
QuantumBlue1, then it should stop up in incognito mode means it doesnt record your history aka Porn Mode04:16
Quantumstart up04:17
Blue1Quantum: ahh got it04:17
Lov255Uilovefairuz: it is /home/lov255/temp/04:17
QuantumBlue1, Did it work if it worked you should see a guy with little a hat in the left hand corner of Google Chrome04:18
sacarlsonjohnnylee194:  well you could just put a forward link in your index.html file to redirect to your other port04:18
ilovefairuzLov255U: ls -l /home/lov255/temp/rt3070sta.ko .. shows info or an error ?04:18
hvilovefairuz: I see, thanks04:19
Lov255Ushows the dir04:19
Lov255Uand file04:19
Lov255Uno error04:19
PeterDrophi, i installed a software without a simlyns, where i can find the executable file?04:20
PeterDropi can run the software xD04:20
ilovefairuzLov255U: it should show only ONE line with the file name, does it?04:20
st__PeterDrop, "which"?04:20
PeterDropst__ visual paradigm04:20
PeterDropis a uml case tool04:20
PeterDropi cant find it04:21
Lov255U-rw-r--r-- l lov255 lov255 745144 2010-08-12 23:19 /home/lov255/temp/rt3070sta.ko04:21
QuantumTime to get some sleep04:22
QuantumWell folks its been real see yah !04:22
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko && sudo ifconfig ra0 up && iwconfig04:22
sacarlsonQuantum: nite04:22
Lov255Uilovefairuz says   insmod: error inserting 'rt3070sta.ko': -1 Device or resource busy04:23
Lov255Ubrb ilovefairuz04:25
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo rmmod rt2500usb && sudo rmmod rt2870sta04:25
* lap_dragon wonders what would happen if everybody in here talked04:25
Kalidarnhmm, when i am queuing some music with rhythmbox, any idea why gvfs unmounts my SMB share that i'm queuing from?04:26
sacarlsonilovefairuz: what version of ubuntu are you playing with there with that rt3070sta thing?04:29
pinPointHey I just ran this command sh -c "sleep 30 && empathy -h &"04:29
pinPointtwice by mistake, How do I disable the second entry?04:29
ilovefairuzsacarlson: lucid04:29
sacarlsonKalidarn: every time you run rythmbox and only that?04:29
Kalidarn[ 1101.903583] gvfsd-smb[2331]: segfault at 28 ip 0000000000411d04 sp 00007fff9f5d4cd0 error 4 in gvfsd-smb[400000+26000]04:29
Kalidarnfound that in messages04:30
Kalidarnyeah seems to only be sacarlson04:30
lov255ilovefairuz: sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko works, sudo ifconfig ra0 up   brings back ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device04:31
lov255should add ra0 to interface?04:31
ilovefairuzlov255: sudo tail -n 100 /var/log/messages | pastebinit -04:31
skumarasacarlson, are u there?04:32
sacarlsonskumara: yes04:32
skumarafsck does not help i get error04:32
papnaWhat's the best way to perform encrypted backups? Should I drive image my drive with the encrypted folders in place or mount an encrypted drive and put the files on it?04:32
sacarlsonskumara: so fsck gave errors?04:33
lov255ilovefairuz: http://pasebin.com/D9eeNeib04:33
biodegabriel http://pastebin.com/D9eeNeib04:33
lap_dragonhow do you take screenshots on ubuntu?04:34
papnalap_dragon: Hit the print screen button04:34
lap_dragonoh no ctlr?04:34
sacarlsonskumara: if not then mount /dev/sda6 and change /etc/fstab  and change the root mount to /dev/sda6  and see what that does04:34
Kalidarnlap_dragon: or use the screenshot util in accessories04:34
jrmyk who can help me with my gnome issues?04:34
jrmyim runnign in fail safe cause its not working for some reason04:34
ilovefairuzlov255: lsmod | pastebinit -04:35
elkclonelap_dragan : i think there is an app that does it too.04:35
jrmyeven after using recovery mode04:35
MozlatzHow can I learn the differences between Windows and Linux?04:35
jrmyupdated grub as well04:35
resnohow do i install a minimal ubuntu server? should i use jeos?04:35
ilovefairuzresno: yes04:35
jrmylast memory test said all but 1 mb was cached04:36
sacarlsonilovefairuz: I didn't see you guys try iwconfig  maybe they changed the device name,  mine uses wlan004:36
elkcloneMozlatz: by installing ubuntu like i did last night. now I can run both os.04:36
lov255ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/GfaYGqGJ04:36
resnoilovefairuz: someone told me of another option outside of jeos04:36
MozlatzUm, I mean, the technical diffences... file system, imaging tools, etc04:36
ilovefairuzsacarlson: where are still trying to find the right module04:36
Jordan_U!minimal | resno04:36
ubotturesno: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:36
Kalidarnmeh i got no idea why ithappens :P04:37
jrmyis there a problem with teh encryption of teh file system and thats why it doesnt work?04:37
skumara_sacarlson, http://pastebin.com/dxNJTess04:37
jrmyor am i completely screwed?04:37
corpsegrindrHi, I just got a linksys AE1000 usb card. I used the ndiswrapper and it seemed to work ok, but every few hours it turns off and i have to reboot once or twice until it will be detected again.04:37
sacarlsonskumara_: what version of ubuntu boot disk are you using to get this?04:38
jrmydoes no one know how to make gnome work?04:38
resnoJordan_U: is the disk minimal or the actual install minimal?04:39
skumara_sacarlson, lucid 10.404:39
sacarlsonskumara_: wow and you sda6 is in ext2 format?  must be old?04:39
ilovefairuzlov255: cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/modalias | pastebinit -04:39
* resno chuckles04:40
lov255rebooting the system04:40
jrmyi dont understand why the recovery system didnt work04:40
skumara_sacarlson, am i missing something? during ubuntu install I manually edit partition and create ext2 partition. my windows in ntfs.04:40
Jordan_Uresno: debian-installer, which is used by the mininal, server, and alternate CDs allows you to make the install as minimal or "bloated" as you want. The minimal iso contains very few packages on the CD itself so it's a smaller download.04:41
resnothanks Jordan_U ill give it a spin!04:41
sacarlsonskumara_: oh ok well I'm not sure I haven't seen ext2 used for some time you might want to reinstall and use ext3 or ext404:41
jrmyi swear im gonna have to wait for teh install cd to get here04:41
Jordan_Uresno: You're welcome.04:42
jrmythough they havent sent me an email about the shippment04:42
jrmyi never realised how whiney i get04:42
jrmytill now04:43
jrmythats pretty sad04:43
Jordan_Ujrmy: Booting into recovery mode in and of itself does not "recover" anything.04:43
skumara_sacarlson, whats the advantage of ext3 over ext2?04:43
jrmythen why did it fix it last time?04:43
jrmyor seem to do so04:43
jrmywhy im saying gnome doesnt work is because teh panels dont show btw04:43
sacarlsonskumara_: I don't know I'm no expert on that but they keep improving to make files systems more reliable04:43
Jordan_Ujrmy: Did you select any of the options from the rescue mode menu?04:43
jrmyit was about an hour or so ago04:44
Jordan_Ujrmy: What happens when you try to start gnome normally?04:44
jrmyit starts up i see the cursor04:45
sacarlsonskumara_: really old files systems don't even let you have 1 tera byte disks,  disk keep getting biger and they have to change things04:45
jrmymakes teh start up noise04:45
jrmyand i see teh background04:45
LangTuBuonhelp me please04:45
jrmythats it04:45
lov255ilovefairuz: heep://pastebin.com/k5BjcFnb04:45
jrmyoh and teh encryption passphrase prompt well teh first time it was made04:46
jrmybut yeah04:46
skumara_sacarlson, thanks. i think i need to upgrade my partition. is there a way to upgrade partition without reformat?04:46
jrmyi dont get why the panels dotn show04:46
jrmyi can right click and make a folder and what not but yeah04:46
LangTuBuonhelp me please04:46
sacarlsonskumara_: if there is something you need on the disk you can also try another supperblock number but I don't know what the numbers are I forget04:46
maurer_How do I set which version of autoconf my system invokes by default?04:46
sacarlsonskumara_: no you need to reformat04:47
skumara_sacarlson, ok than. i need to backup first...04:47
LangTuBuoncó ai ngu’ò’i viêt nam hôk ?04:48
shsekshould I be worried about "could not access PID file for nmbd" during boot if everything seems to be working fine?04:48
jrmywhen i installed i selected the erase and install option so i dont think that has anything to do with teh problem04:48
lov255ilovefairuz: that is http://pastebin.com/k5BjcFnb04:48
Wiesshunder ubottu know cantonese?04:48
sacarlsonskumara_: so there is something you created on that partition that you want to save?04:48
rwwubottu: vn | LangTuBuon04:49
ubottuLangTuBuon: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ04:49
tewihello linux bros04:49
LangTuBuonthanks rww04:49
jrmyand before when it last stopped working before i reinstalled i tried loading a game that made it freeze04:49
jrmyso i rebooted04:49
jrmyand when i logged in gnome didnt work right again04:49
jrmyso i decided to reinstall04:50
jrmybut its still not04:50
GneaHI all, trying to burn an .iso image to a USB device, but cdrecord doesn't seem to be able to see it, is this even possible?04:50
WiesshundGnea trying to make a live USB drive?04:50
corpsegrindrIs it possible that i would get a more stable wifi connection using wep instead of wpa2? or would that have nothing to do with my disconnects?04:50
sacarlsonskumara_: here an option to restore your super block http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/806-4073/6jd67r9m1?a=view04:50
z340use dd to write an iso to usb04:50
jrmymaybe my harddrive is messed up04:51
GneaWiesshund: trying to write hiren's bootcd to it04:51
jrmybecause of what happened04:51
z340dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX04:51
jrmyi really dont get it04:51
Gneayeah, tried that, no go04:51
jrmyim way to much of a linux noob to figure any of this out04:51
WiesshundGnea you could try using unetbootin, dont think it cares what ISO you use04:51
jrmyare any of the other os' easier to use?04:52
jrmyor have less problems04:52
resnojrmy: no os is perfect04:53
Wiesshundjrmy ubuntu is probably one of the easiest to use linux distros out.04:53
jrmywhy havent i ever had a problem like this with windows?04:53
ilovefairuzLov255: go to the folder of the driver we downloaded, find the file os/linux/rt3070sta.mod.c .. open it with gedit, you'll find a lot of device ids, add yours to the end: MODULE_ALIAS("usb:v1737p0078d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*") ... then in terminal type again: make04:53
jrmyand i dont know what distro means04:54
Wiesshundjrmy think of distro as brand i guess04:54
jrmyor make/model04:54
corpsegrindrjrmy: Its the distrobution name, such as karmic koala or lucid lynx04:55
jrmyi'll think of it as cars04:55
ilovefairuzLov255: its "MODULE_ALIAS("usb:v1737p0078d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*");" note the semi-colon at the very end04:55
resnojrmy: well linux/ubuntu isnt for everyone and every use04:55
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resnocorpsegrindr: karmic koala, isnt the distro name. thats ubuntu/ suse/ etc.04:55
corpsegrindrresno: bah, yeah its late sry04:55
resnocorpsegrindr: :-)04:56
jrmywell i dont like teh idea of spending $400 on an os04:56
resnojrmy: there are multiple car makers. there are multiple linux versions (distros) ubutnu/suse/fedora/ etc04:56
jrmywhen i can get one for free04:56
jrmyor 20004:57
jrmyhow ever much04:57
resnobecause its free it takes some work to make it perfect.04:57
ilovefairuzjrmy: and it's a lot more "free" than what you think http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html04:57
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elkcloneim am sitting in the dark ffs.04:57
SpiderDanI copied .gtk-bookmarks from my home directory to /etc/skel so that it would propagate to new users, but the system does not correctly adjust the path.  Manually editing the file to point to /~/ instead of /home/me/ doesn't work.04:57
Wiesshundjrmy didnt see your problem, but sounded like you had some kind of spontaneous failure? if its hardware related, even windows will crash from it04:57
a3ropuncham n3wbi304:57
SpiderDanHow can I resolve this?04:58
Lov255Uthe file is not writable only readab le04:58
jrmywell my audio card, and ethernet card work04:58
jrmyso unless its with something on the motherboard04:59
ilovefairuzLov255U: did you extract as root?  anyhow, chmod -R a+rwx .04:59
jrmyperhaps i try reinstalling without encryption?04:59
sacarlsonSpiderDan:  maybe use a symbolic link?05:00
LangTuBuon-=Bây giò’ là=-=11:00:00 (GMT +07:00)=-=Thú’ Sáu=-=13/08/2010=-05:00
LangTuBuonKe² khen ta, khen ðúng là ban ta - Ke² çhê ta, çhê ðúng là thâ`y ta - Ke² khen ta, khen không ðúng là ke² thù çµa² ta.05:00
ZykoticK9Lov255U, be careful with ilovefairuz suggestion above, not really idea to set everything as executable...05:00
jrmyand btw my cd isnt a prefect copy thats why i think i need to use recovery mode05:00
Wiesshundjrmy can be many many things, instability in ram or cpu, bad power, hardware timed beyond specs (over clock) etc etc, i missed what your original trouble was05:00
xanguajrmy: did the sound and internet work in the live cd session¿05:00
SpiderDansacarlson: What, specifically, are you suggesting?05:00
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: that x wasn't needed yes (just typed it so) but they are C files so it's meaningless05:00
afr0beatzi need help05:00
xanguajrmy: perfect copy¿05:00
xangua!ask | afr0beatz05:01
ubottuafr0beatz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:01
WiesshundLangTuBuon i dont think anyone here speaks vietnamese, can you ask in english?05:01
jrmywell i didnt configure prferences at teh time i tried that back 4 days ago05:01
jrmybut teh ethernet card worked05:01
a3ropunchhow to change admin password,i use karmic koala??05:01
jrmywell i think the cd isnt exactly how its suppose to be05:01
jrmyi think some small portions are missing05:02
jrmyotherwise i thihnk it would work correctly05:02
elkcloneok dl some ubuntu books.05:02
resnoa3ropunch: open termianl. type pwd and type new password.05:02
sacarlsonSpiderDan: I'm not I don't really know I don't fully understand the problem or what the skel does if it's a script or what.05:02
MercurymanApparently ubuntu one sync of contacts has been down.  Any idea when it will be up?05:02
jrmybtw what am i suppose to do when the terminal thing boots after recovery is done05:02
elkcloneI <3 ubuntu05:02
ZykoticK9resno, pwd = present work directory, did you mean passwd?05:02
jrmyand you select resume with normal boot05:02
resnoZykoticK9: heh, yes i did thanks :)05:03
afr0beatzso i hv jst upgraded to ubuntu 10.04, but i hv this problem my computer keeps freezing and restarting automatically, i have run linux anti vruses i can find but none show a virus. so wats wrong?05:03
* resno sighs05:03
jrmyi enter my user and pass but i cant get it to go to teh normal login screen its justr in teh black screen terminal mode05:03
jrmyor whatever it is05:03
jrmyso i eventually hit ctrl alt dlete05:04
jrmyto make it restart05:04
ZykoticK9jrmy, try to cut down on the enter key if possible...05:04
jrmywhen it loads up it says error unknown command terminal05:04
jrmysorry its a habit05:04
ilovefairuz!enter | jrmy05:04
ubottujrmy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:04
Wiesshundjrmy what makes you think your CD is "missing parts" ?05:04
sacarlsonafr0beatz: maybe run from a live boot cd in fact an older one and see if you restart problem persist to find out if the problem is hardware or not05:05
jrmyit says error after restarting after its complete with installation05:05
cannonfodderhey you guys, i bought an asus eee pc. it has no disc drive and i have no usb. it has windows 7..is there a way i can split the disc into 2 partition and insta05:05
jrmyat that point it ejects the cd05:05
cannonfodderinstall a boot sector?05:05
Wiesshundcannonfodder unetbootin is what you want05:05
xangua!wubi | cannonfodder05:06
ubottucannonfodder: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:06
ZykoticK9!dualboot | cannonfodder05:06
ubottucannonfodder: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:06
ZykoticK9cannonfodder, don't use wubi if you don't have too05:06
WiesshundDont use wubi if you dont have to05:06
resnoWiesshund: ZykoticK9: is wubi not reliable?05:06
Wiesshundwubi is vewy ebil05:06
jrmyoh yeah and when it says error its a long list05:06
cannonfodderubottu, will it create dual boot?05:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:07
ilovefairuzcannonfodder: yes05:07
xanguawhy don't you write in an english we can all understand¿ i mean plain english05:07
ted__Can I install 10.04 from DVD without re-partitioning the disk?05:07
ZykoticK9resno, wubi makes ubuntu rely on windows - does that sound like a good idea to you?05:07
sacarlsoncannonfodder: you have no sub flash drive?  you could do a pxeboot if you have another computer to use to support boot off lan05:08
ZykoticK9cannonfodder, as ubottu relied - ubottu isn't a real person - she's a bot.05:08
Lov255Uilovefairuz: I am getting Make: *** No rule to make target '/os/linux/config.mk'. Stop.05:08
sacarlsoncannonfodder: sorry usb flash drive you don't have one?05:08
resnoted__: unless you install it on a virutal machine. if you are dual booting, you will ned to repartiton05:08
cannonfoddersacarlson not atm05:08
ilovefairuzLov255U: cd ../../05:08
ZykoticK9ted__, or use Wubi (not the best idea)05:09
shubbarvirtualbox says my cpu does not support VT-x, but its a new cpu intel core due 2 e750005:09
ted__resno: I compiled GnuPG 2.0.16 and my login screen went away...05:09
cannonfodderi was thinking though that i can slit my partition then install a boot sector into the new artition so it can install ubuntu netbook05:09
ilovefairuzLov255U: do 'make' in the initially directory containing all files not os/linux05:09
cannonfodderubuntu netbook edition05:09
sacarlsoncannonfodder: well then pxeboot is your only posible option if you have anther computer that can suport it like windows or linux system05:09
jrmywhats teh channel for US, PA?05:09
ted__I did this to both of my Ubuntu machines...05:09
cannonfodderguess ill just have to buy a flash drive lol'05:09
ZykoticK9shubbar, check "cat /proc/cpuinfo"05:09
Lov255Uilovefairuz: all set with that now?05:10
ted__If I can get the login GUI back, that's all that's necessary.05:10
jrmyi mean whats teh channel for ubuntu for pennsylvania05:10
ilovefairuzLov255U: did you type make? did it finish with no errors?05:10
lov255same error as before with not being able to put files in root05:10
abhijitjrmy, channel are categories as per language. which langugae is spoken in pennsylvania?05:10
lov255but the driver we need is compiled05:11
abhijitjrmy, then this is the channel only05:11
abhijit!irc | jrmy05:11
ubottujrmy: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:11
sacarlsoncannonfodder: oh ya it still runs windows so you could repartition with partition magic and install with wubi05:11
ilovefairuzLov255U: good, sudo rmmod rt3070sta && sudo ismod os/linux/rt3070sta.ko05:12
KE1HAjrmy, try #ubuntu-us-pa05:12
ted__resno: I'm sure the answer is simple.  I just eludes me.05:12
abhijitjrmy, ther is #ubuntu-us05:12
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jrmythanks abhijit05:12
abhijitjrmy, http://www.ubuntu-us.org/05:13
Lov255Uback to dose not existg in /proc/modules05:13
rwwjrmy: #ubuntu-us-pa05:13
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ilovefairuzLov255U: cd os/linux, sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko05:13
ted__resno: X comes up, but no signin screen.  I'm hoping that it can be fixed from the command line.05:13
abhijitjrmy, http://ubuntupennsylvania.org/05:14
jrmyrww :thanks but im there already05:14
resnoted__: i dont aynthing about fixing that, sorry05:14
rwwabhijit: United States LoCos are per state, not per country/language.05:14
Lov255Uilovefairuz that worked05:14
ted__resno: Thanks, anyway...05:14
abhijitrww, hmm ok05:14
TomwaCan someone answer me this: If I want to try multiple Disto's (I want Kubuntu, Ubuntu, and Xubuntu) is it better to install Ubuntu and the install KDE and XFCE or install them all seperately?05:14
lap_dragonsudo apt-get intall the game05:14
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo ifconfig ra0 up && iwconfig05:14
lap_dragonwrong channel sorry05:14
abhijitTomwa, seperately is very much better.05:15
resnoTomwa: the main difference is just the gui05:15
shubbarZykoticK9, i couldn't tell if it support VT-x  http://pastebin.com/G9uiLTz105:15
Lov255Uilovefairuz: ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:15
resnoTomwa: you can install them on one machine and switch between them05:15
TomwaAbhijit: What difference is there?05:15
KE1HATomwa, I have a box set up similarly, several /root partitions one fer each distro. Works pretty good.05:15
sacarlsonTomwa: you can try them all in virtualbox from a standard ubuntu-desktop install05:16
TomwaSo many people at once @.@05:16
Lov255Uilovefairuz: give me two sec brb05:16
z340Tomwa: you can twy them all together, just will ccause some theme problems, and a bunch of redundant underlying bits (screen saver, network manager applet) and is a bit cumbersome05:16
abhijitTomwa, they dont messes up eath other! :P05:16
ilovefairuzLov255U: dmesg | tail -n 50 | pastebinit -05:16
Suit_Of_SablesSo, in my attempts to set up an osx/linux dual boot machine I followed several guides but it seems I must deviate from them a bit as I need a pure GPT partition table and not a hybrid. if I want seperate /boot, /root, /home, and swap partitions for Linux and OSX requires it's own Partition as well as one for the EFI. Thats 6 partitions and the hybrid MBR/GPT is limited to 4! :(   after using parted to make partitions for the 05:16
Suit_Of_Sablesi need for linux I am told I need to sync my two partition tables with rEFIt!? wah! what was it that created the MBR partition table thus mucking up my pure GPT. any ideas? The bottom line is, I don't want to be limited to 4 partitions05:16
ZykoticK9shubbar, it's the "flags" line you want - and it doesn't look like your CPU support virtualization i'm afraid.05:16
brandon__can anyone tell me why my custom mouse theme doesnt work over every window05:17
xanguabrandon__: restart your user session05:17
shubbarZykoticK9, too bad, it was listed on wikipedia that it support virtualization05:17
brandon__xangua thats not the problem05:17
ZykoticK9brandon__, turn off compiz and i bet you mouse theme works properly.  no solution.05:17
brandon__its been like this for months05:17
brandon__theres n o way around that ZykoticK9 ?05:18
ZykoticK9brandon__, not that i know of.  compiz seems to cause problems with mouse pointer i'm affriad.05:18
TomwaAbhijit: How large of a partition do I need for each OS generally I use 70GB partitions for OS's and I use the rest of my main HD for storage but with 4 partitions (Windows 7, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu) that's 280GB05:18
Lov255Uilovefairuz: catch you up quickly with that I did...when I complied the first time the .ko file was in the destination folder so it did not get made, I deleted the old one and recomlied the new file that we made, sudo rmmod rt3070sta worked now05:19
brandon__youre right ZykoticK9 it worked, but i gotta choose compiz over the mouse theme :(05:19
abhijitTomwa, approx 10gh per OS for normal day to day activito -office work, printing, entertainment, /home depends on user05:19
brandon__thanks for your help05:19
ZykoticK9brandon__, i hear that...05:19
Lov255Uilovefairuz: sudo: ismod: command not found05:20
Marco01hello there. I just bough an Lenovo s10-3 netbook. I tried to install ubuntu from an usb three times today and each time it told me either the usb key was malfuntioning or the hard drive was bad. I ran the ubuntu "disk utility" tests on the usb key and everythig seemed fine. I guess the netbook's hard disk might be Ok since it is running windoze 7 allright. Any hints on how should I get ubuntu into this netbook?05:20
abhijitTomwa, its 10GB05:20
ZykoticK9Lov255U, lsmod for list modules05:20
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko05:20
Tomwaabhijit, really? Windows 7 ate up 90% of it's 70GB just from it's office tools and updates05:20
cheaseeanyone familar with truecrypt? i installed libfuse and dmsetup, created a truecrypt container but after creation it told me "Error: Incorrect password or not a TrueCrypt volume." trying to mount gives same05:20
ZykoticK9Lov255U, i think it's modprobe to load stuff05:21
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: synonymous05:21
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, no ismod command on 10.0405:21
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, no INSmod command on 10.0405:22
abhijitTomwa, actual ideal requirement is not that much. now i tell you my case i have apprx  5 major heavy software and i use my pc for day to day office work, development,programming,entertainment but still my ubuntu partition hardly excced 8 GB. but i need very large space for my /home partition becuase i have ltos of movies and songs05:22
picard1400hey guys i have LVM encryption on.. and when i try to install a program in GDM05:22
picard1400it does not appear in my applications thing>>> do i need to change my LVM settings? it seems like nothin' is installin05:22
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/en/man8/insmod.8.html05:22
Lov255Uilovefairuz I am getting the No such file or directory again05:23
jamesw-and-tomi can't get HDMI out to work on maverick, does anyone have any suggestions please? I am using open source drivers and using vga cable for now. not sure if i am using nvidia binaries or not05:23
ljsoftnethow do i make a window open in a fixed postion?05:23
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, insmod is a valid 10.04 command05:23
Tomwaabhijit, my windows program files are over 180GB lol I had to start moving programs to my storage drive how is linux so lightweight?05:23
ilovefairuzLov255U: as we did before, cd os/linux05:23
abhijitTomwa, because linux uses concept of library sharing. thats why05:24
Lov255UI get the same thing05:24
KE1HAjamesw-and-tom, u should ask maverick questions in #ubuntu+105:24
ilovefairuzLov255U: paste here: pwd05:24
abhijit!filesystem | Tomwa also you just look at this:05:25
ubottuTomwa also you just look at this:: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier05:25
Lov255Uit is /home/lov255/temp/DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.4_2010060405:25
picard1400is there a permissions thig i have to set in LVM?05:25
ilovefairuzLov255U: cd os/linux.. works?05:26
KE1HApicard1400, when you df is your LVM being listed, as in, can you acess it normally?05:26
kishis apparmor comparable to selinux05:26
picard1400oen sec05:26
Lov255Uilovefairuz: yes but everytime I do the command from there is says that it can not find it05:26
ilovefairuzLov255U: ls *.ko05:27
Lov255Uif I move the file to /lov255/temp/ it will work, but then I am not sure if it will be able to find the other files05:27
ZykoticK9Lov255U, are you trying "ismod" or "insmod"?05:27
picard1400i have to turn the machine on hold on ..05:27
Lov255Uthe file is ther...the .ko file05:27
picard1400but i mean isnt there a setting or something i have to run to make the stuff permissive or somethin?05:27
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: OBVIOUSLY insmod05:27
Tomwaabhijit: that is fantaaaaaastic05:27
Lov255UI am doing insmod05:27
abhijitTomwa, yay!!!05:27
ZykoticK9Lov255U, ilovefairuz and insmod is the correct command ;)05:28
Marco01hello there. I just bough an Lenovo s10-3 netbook. I tried to install ubuntu from an usb three times today and each time it told me either the usb key was malfuntioning or the hard drive was bad. I ran the ubuntu "disk utility" tests on the usb key and everythig seemed fine. I guess the netbook's hard disk might be Ok since it is running windoze 7 allright. Any hints on how should I get ubuntu into this netbook?05:28
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko05:28
Tomwaabjihit: I'm gonna add all three of these Distro's and if all else fails I can always resize partitions right :)05:28
abhijitTomwa, yes.05:28
abhijitTomwa, got to go. bye.   :)05:29
TomwaAbhijit, btw the total count of my windows 7 program files is over 300GB05:29
ljsoftnethow do i make a window open in a fixed postion?05:29
Tomwapeace mate :)05:29
ZykoticK9Tomwa, installing 3 version of Ubuntu on the same machine is kinda a waste of space, but if you prefer it, and have the space - who cares.05:29
abhijitTomwa, :)05:29
Lov255UDamn me the file is not there!05:29
brandon__ZykoticK9, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/how-to-change-mouse-cursor-theme-in.html05:30
ilovefairuzLov255U: you just said the file is there05:30
TomwaZykoickK9, Lol yeah but I like different aspects of them all it's too hard to choose :)05:30
ilovefairuzLov255U: cd /home/lov255/temp/DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.4_20100604 && make05:30
sacarlsontomwa: also in virtualbox the diskspace only grows as needed up to the max you will allow.05:30
slgmaworks perfect ZykoticK905:30
GnurduxTomwa, you realize you can install all the packages in all of them in one install, right>05:31
slgmato change cursor05:31
Lov255UI just did, I think that error is not letting it be made05:31
slgmawith compiz enabled05:31
=== ianwizard is now known as IanWizard
philip___when I click on Places|Home Folder (or anything) VLC would start up instead of nautilus. What do I do?05:31
picard1400ok i just got hte machine back online?05:31
ZykoticK9brandon_ (gone) slgma thanks!05:31
picard1400what do you guys want me to do to test the LVM05:31
slgmanp zyko, knew someone had to know how to do it05:31
slgmaworking perfeclt yo fmr05:31
slgmafor me&*05:31
slgmajust logout05:31
FloodBot2slgma: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
slgmaand back in05:31
slgmagotta copy the theme folder to /usr/share/icons05:31
ilovefairuzLov255U: what error?05:31
KE1HApicard1400, if you not seeing the lvm after boot, or with lvm lvdisplay, just to a sudo lvmchange -a y to activate it.05:32
TomwaSarcarlson, I use Oracle's VB bot I prefer running them seperately, and Gnurdux, I know I can install KDE, XFCE, all under ubuntu but that caused weird problems05:32
ilovefairuzLov255U: whatever, run it as root as you did first time05:32
distant2what is wrong with the designers? i'm surprised they placed those window icons on the left like on the mac. now i'm reconsidering my choice of ubuntu.05:32
picard1400no... like hte i have to type in the password before it boots05:32
* IanWizard want's somethin' good to do with Ubuntu05:32
ilovefairuzLov255U: unless the error is not about the /tftp stuff05:32
picard1400so like after bios i type in a password then it starts to load the OS05:32
ZykoticK9!controls | distant205:32
ubottudistant2: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side05:32
Lov255UOKAY - My bad, sorry for that, it is there now05:33
Lov255Ulets go from this point05:33
IanWizardpicard1400: encrypted partition?  or bios lock05:33
philip___when I click on Places|Home Folder (or anything) VLC would start up instead of nautilus. What do I do?05:33
sacarlsonTomwa: ya you don't get the real performance from virtualbox but I like to start there if it looks good then I take another step05:33
ilovefairuzLov255U: lsmod | pastebinit -05:33
picard1400IanWizard the partition encryption05:33
picard1400from the Ubuntu mini iso install option05:33
picard1400i encryped home directory and the LVM encryption thing05:33
IanWizardyeah, I just got it setup on mine, congrats05:33
IanWizardme too05:33
IanWizardand I encrypted windows with truecrypt05:34
sacarlsonTomwa: I'm not sure why but virtualbox install is like 10X faster since I install direct from the iso file so it's faster than a real cd05:34
=== Aciid_ is now known as Aciid
IanWizardthe most someone can do is bootloader and my boot partition05:34
dp_How do i create  a copy of a folder in linux05:34
ilovefairuzdp_: cp -R foldername newfoldername05:35
KE1HApicard1400, ok, and what are you not able to do after the install was complete?05:35
sacarlsonTomwa: oh and no cd to burn.  but to each his own05:35
distant2i'd like to know why in the download page it says that 64bit (i have core 2 duo) is not recommended...05:35
IanWizarddp_: from the command line, or the file manager05:35
picard1400KE1HA ok LVM is running.. but when i install a program... it does not show in my application tab in Gnome05:35
IanWizarddistant2: it's uses more ram, so for everyday use, it's more of a hassle05:35
picard1400no apps are installed05:35
picard1400i think the LVM is blocking them or somethjing05:35
FloodBot2picard1400: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
dp_commandline IanWizard05:36
IanWizarddistant2: but for heavy number crunching, it's better05:36
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko05:36
IanWizarddp_: cp -R source_dir  dest_dir05:36
KE1HApicard1400, tha't more likely applicaiton specific, not all installed apps place an icon in one of the menu's which app is not showing up?05:36
ZykoticK9distant2, see the "bug" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594005:36
dp_ok thanks IanWizard :)05:36
Lov255Uinsmod rt3070sta.ko worked05:37
picard1400well its not working either correctly05:37
picard1400i followed same instructs..05:37
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo ifconfig ra0 up && iwconfig05:37
picard1400once with the LVM all setup05:37
picard1400the other time no LVM...05:37
FloodBot2picard1400: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:37
ZykoticK9!enter | picard140005:37
ubottupicard1400: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:37
ljsoftnethow do i make a window open in a fixed postion?05:37
ilovefairuzpicard1400: group your words on one line and stop using enter05:37
picard1400the time with NO LVM works fine... the time with LVM the app does not install correctly.. i think there a permissions thing?05:37
Lov255Uilovefairuz ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:38
ilovefairuzLov255U: sudo tail -n 100 /var/log/messages | pastebinit -05:39
picard1400like a way to make LVM enable all install or something?05:39
KE1HApicard1400, so it's no lvm non encrypted, then lvm encrypted and the problems are on the lvm encrypted install?05:39
ilovefairuzLov255U: are you sure you have edit and compiled the module correctly because if you didn't, all this will be in vain05:40
TomwaSancarlson, yeah i have noticed that virtual installations are waaaay faster xp install is like a 3 minute process lol05:40
picard1400i have two installs05:41
KE1HApicard1400, also, with the no LVM, did you elect encrypted drive there as well? in other worked, it it limited to LVM encrypt only or does the same happen with no LVM and encrypt?05:41
KE1HAworks is it ..05:41
picard1400no i did one install with the LVM and encrypted drive and the encrypted home directory05:41
Tempus_FugitHow do i put firestarter in the startup programs??05:41
picard1400the other drive had no encryption whatsoever05:41
distant2i don't really understand. well, i know my usage is somewhat particular: i do desktop all right, and also video watching. but, i don't turn off the computer. i just hibernate it. i usually reboot the computer only after two or three weeks (this slows down the software a little, like the browser, not the computer itself). and i have 2gb ~600mh ram, so does this mean that 64 is still not recommended for me?05:41
Rad-Hey someone told me to rm -rf / and I can't figure out what it did but my computer doesn't work anymore. What do I do?05:41
KE1HApicard1400, ok, no what apps are you installing that's not showing up on the LVM encrypted setup ?05:42
macoRad-: it deletes your entire system05:42
macoRad-: thats like deleting C:\05:42
Rad-So that's not good?05:42
ZykoticK9distant2, if you're willing to do a "little" more work for things - 64bit makes a better desktop then 32bit05:42
macoRad-: that person is a jerk05:42
KE1HA:-) No, not good rad :-)05:42
philip___good in that you get to install a fresh system :)05:43
macoRad-: you need to reinstall the OS05:43
Rad-Some guy said some mkfs could fix it. Does that work?05:43
Tempus_FugitRad-: Ummmm no you no longer have an OS05:43
macoRad-: they're wrong05:43
ilovefairuzLov255U: pastebinit rt3070sta.mod.c05:43
picard1400KE1HA qt-facetrainer is not installing correctly05:43
* Scunizi sniff.... sniff... 05:43
macoRad-: mkfs formats the drive. thatd be another round of deletion05:43
Rad-Dang it.05:43
phoenix_hello everyone05:43
Rad-So is there anyway to get my data back?05:43
macoRad-: pay a data recovery service $500-$2000?05:43
Tempus_FugitRad-: did you have a back up05:43
phoenix_i have some problem with aptitude, can anyone help me05:43
ZykoticK9!anyone | phoenix_05:44
ubottuphoenix_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:44
Rad-*sigh* nvm. i'll cutmy losses see thaks05:44
Tempus_FugitHow do I put Firestarter in my startup programs?05:45
distant2ZykoticK9: i don't really understand what you mean by doing a little more work on things (me or the computer, too). (english isn't my native language)05:45
phoenix_ZykoticK9: thats because one one responds to the question and so i feel that this way is good05:45
z340Tempus: System: preferences: startup programs05:45
KE1HApicard1400, ok, im not up to speed on that app. But the no-encrypt v.s. encrypted LVM is what's puzzling me.05:45
Lov255Uthe script did not save correctly05:45
ZykoticK9distant2, 64bit doesn't always work exactly as it should, requires some research/hacking to get "some" stuff working.  64bit just means more troubleshooting then 32bit does...05:46
Tempus_Fugitz340: yes I did that and it is not in the list and asks for a cmd in which to add it to the startup list05:46
ZykoticK9phoenix_, i sent the !anyone factoid because you didn't ask a question05:46
phoenix_ZykoticK9: aptitude is asking me to remove important files, i feel that if it is removed , i wont be able to use the desktop environment05:46
Yud_ZrocVerson question: 1.8ghz celeron(sc), 1gig memory, intel media gfx card (8mb onbaord intigrated upto 128mb shared) is kubuntu asking too much?05:47
KE1HApicard1400, whar repo did you get the app from, it is a custom compile?05:47
z340Tempus: enter the command that you like manually05:47
ZykoticK9phoenix_, what are you removing?  is it saying it will remove the ubuntu-desktop metapackage?05:47
IdleOnephoenix_: what files?05:47
picard1400yea cutomm05:47
picard1400here one sc.05:47
Tempus_Fugitok tried it time to reboot05:47
distant2ZykoticK9: i guess this is just characteristic of ubuntu? or general linux distros? if not, this is somewhat scaring.05:47
KE1HApicard1400, pass, without looking through the app, no way of tellign what's going wrong. are there any Ub-Supported apps not installign correctly ?05:48
philip___when I click on Places|Home Folder (or anything) VLC would start up instead of nautilus. What do I do?05:48
sacarlsondistant2: I ran 64bit in ubuntu 8.04 and had do many workarounds to make me happy.   I never got my canon printer driver to work.  I had to install dual libs 32bit and 64bit.  it wasn't worth it and later I learned it didn't even speed things if you don't have more than 4 gig ram or like that.05:48
ZykoticK9distant2, the 64bit thing is a linux issue, not an ubuntu issue05:48
ZykoticK9distant2, see sacarlson message above05:48
macophilip___: start nautilus from a terminal, right click a folder, go to properties, set open with nautilus (and um there might be a checkbox to make that permanent)05:48
phoenix_ZykoticK9: when i started aptitude, it suggested 4 removals , i then examined and saw that , it is recommending to remove "ubuntu-desktop" and the supporting files05:49
phoenix_IdleOne: those are the files05:49
Wiesshunddistant2 there are lots of existing things in the windows world that dont work in 64bit either, not exactly just a linux thing05:49
distant2ok, well i understand.05:49
IdleOnephoenix_: you can safely remove the ubuntu-desktop package05:49
distant2but i think it's too bad to not be able to profit from faster cpu technology like that...05:50
ZykoticK9phoenix_, if you remove anything from the "base" ubuntu it will remove the "ubuntu-destkop" metapackage - which can be removed safely... if you need it.  FYI updates will be an issue.05:50
phoenix_IdleOne: then i wont be able to use the workspace05:50
KE1HApicard1400, obvious question but, are you sure you have all the build deps met correctly?05:50
ilovefairuzLov255U: don't compile again, i'm compiling it05:50
distant2Wiesshund: yeah? like? are you talking about win7?05:50
picard1400i followed the guide exaclty both times05:51
IdleOnephoenix_: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, a list of packages but when removing it does not remove all the packages in the list05:51
ZykoticK9phoenix_, i mean updateing from version to version05:51
picard1400thsi time for some reason05:51
phoenix_ZykoticK9: so you people say that it is safe to remove it right?05:51
picard1400not installin (P):05:51
kibahey hey hey05:51
ZykoticK9phoenix_, generally yes05:51
Yud_ZrocCan't see the list....is ubotu still around?05:51
KE1HApicard1400, and this is on a modified GMD install as well yes ?05:51
Wiesshunddistant2 any 64bit win.05:51
phoenix_ok i will try that , thank you ZykoticK9 and IdleOne05:51
ZykoticK9!bot | Yud_Zroc05:51
ubottuYud_Zroc: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins05:51
IdleOnephoenix_: welcome05:51
philip___maco: that did the trick thanks. I don't know how VLC managed to hijack it like that05:51
picard1400not really05:52
picard1400its basic05:52
picard1400ubuntu server05:52
=== jamesw-and-tom is now known as jamesw
picard1400+ the wiki guide05:52
FloodBot2picard1400: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
ZykoticK9!enter | picard140005:52
KE1HApicard1400, but not a full Gnome or KDE install right?05:52
ubottupicard1400: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:52
distant2Wiesshund: can you give me a concrete example? because in the case of software i know that 32bit sw works in 64bit. so where would be the problem?05:52
picard1400but like i said KE1HA... i have the exact same thing on two machines.. one with the encryption the other without...05:52
KE1HApicard1400, I'd do like what we talked about last week, and do the Dev work on a full install, then scale it back to what you dont need.05:53
kibaMy ubuntu netbook is broken05:53
Lov255Uilovefairuz okay compipled - rmmod rt3070sta.ko worked and insmod rt3070sta.ko works, although sudo ifconfig ra0 up is not working05:53
Wiesshunddistant2 not all 32 bit software works, and 32bit drivers dont work05:53
kibaI got an empty screen05:53
kibacan't login or do anything05:53
kibaI have a xmonad windowing and xmobar status bar setup05:53
FloodBot2kiba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:53
Lov255UI just read your comment on you compliinig05:53
ilovefairuzLov255U: another file needed to be modified, wait05:53
kibamy login screen is broke and no hint05:54
distant2Wiesshund: yes, drivers, good point.05:54
picard1400KE1HA right.. but like i said i did it without any of the fulll install.... without ecryption no probs..05:54
Lov255Udo you want to do the modify and compile cause this is a mess on my system05:54
KE1HApicard1400, I dont know mate, that does't make sense to me, but there's something in the build that' not rght for encrypted LVM's05:54
picard1400now i did with ... problems.. has to be something with LVM05:54
picard1400alrighty i guess no encrypt install05:54
picard1400is there a way to temporarliy turn off the encryption to see?05:54
ZykoticK9!enter | picard1400 last time05:55
Yud_ZrocDo desktop enviornments use video memory or system memory05:55
ubottupicard1400 last time: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:55
phaidonxHi. I am about to upgrade to 10.04 from 9.04 but would rather go through a fresh install. I backed up my /home and /etc folder to an external hard drive, but I was just wondering if there was a way of installing the 10.04 as a dualboot to make sure that it works fine on my laptop, and progressively migrate my old /home directory. What steps do I need to take? partition first then install? or will the installer have that as an option?05:55
kibano login screen. Just a _ at the top05:55
=== andregondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
gryllidaWhat alternative to Gnome or KDE can you suggest?05:56
rwwphaidonx: the installer should have an option to resize the existing partition05:56
gryllidaThey both have lots of redundant features, and are slow.05:56
ZykoticK9gryllida, fluxbox, xfce, lxde?05:56
sacarlsonphaidonx: ya you can do that.  you will need a free partition to install it on05:56
z340phaidonx: sure, you might have to resize your drive, and update grub, but the install gui can guide you pretty easily by selecting resize partitions and all that05:56
rwwgryllida: /join #ubuntu-bots; ask "BestBot, what's the best desktop environment?"05:56
KE1HAgryllida, xubuntu or do a custom build05:56
Lov255Uphaidonx you get the option to do that when you install05:57
kibaI can't login or do anything on my netbook at all05:57
kibazip zero nada.05:57
IdleOne!details | kiba05:57
ubottukiba: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:57
kibaIdleOne: that IS the details05:57
phaidonxalright, seems like it's an option during install. Great. Now, once I am satisfied with 10.04 and what not, what do I do to get rid of 9.04? just go into GParted and delete the other partition?05:57
kibano login screen to look at.05:57
kiba_ at the top05:57
IdleOnekiba: what did you do before it stopped working?05:58
lov255!details | ubottu05:58
ubottulov255: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:58
Aemaethi need my computer to speak to me like a dalek, any support for that?05:58
kibaI installed erlang05:58
kibait boot up normal..than BAM. give me the black screen with _ at the top.05:58
sacarlsonphaidonx: keep it for a while later when you need space you can reformat it and use it as a data patition or mount it later as your /home folder05:59
st__why Xorg use half of my CPU when I move mouse?05:59
kibaI edited xorg file05:59
lov255kiba: ywah05:59
lov255kiba: that happens to me, wait a few seconds05:59
kibaI can't escape to anywhere05:59
ZykoticK9kiba, "mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig" then restart05:59
kibahow am I supposed to...06:00
IdleOne!nox | kiba06:00
ubottukiba: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:00
ZykoticK9kiba, can you login with ctrl+alt+f1?06:00
IdleOnekiba: boot to text mode and then do what ZykoticK9 said06:00
phaidonxsacarlson: yeah I intend to keep it for a while, but I mean once I copy all of the things I want from my old /home, will it be straightforward to merge the 2 partitions? it won't be an issue that i am deleting the "first" partition with the old 9.04 and keeping the 2nd one? or will GParted figure it out and just merge the two together?06:00
st__phaidonx, you cannot 'merge' partitions06:01
phaidonxerr, btw, what about the grub? I hear that ubuntu 9.04 uses a different version ... will I still be able to dual boot into 9.04?06:01
ZykoticK9IdleOne, "team canada" ;)06:01
gary_inNYChi, can someone point me to a good guide on what directories to back up and exclude?06:02
IdleOneZykoticK9: Ubuntu Without Borders.06:02
st__gary_inNYC, why would you need backup for?06:02
sacarlsonphaidonx: you don't need to merge the partitions you can still mount and access the partititon as it was another directory06:02
gary_inNYCst__: so i can always go back in case i mess something up06:02
ZykoticK9gary_inNYC, generally you'd want you home directory and possibly /etc?06:02
lov255ilovefairuz: I have to get going to sleep it is 1am here and I have to be somwhere in 7 hours - can you either save the file and I will catch up with you tomorrow?  Thanks for all your help...we will get this working :)06:02
ZykoticK9gary_inNYC, s/you/your06:03
lov255ilovefairuz: We seem to be on a good track now...06:03
lov255Night everyone06:03
KE1HAgary_inNYC, depends on what level of paranoia ya have about recovery, but here's something to consider: http://www.desktoplinux.com/articles/AT2280165098.html06:03
ilovefairuzLov255U: taking forever to upload, edit common/rtusb_dev_id.c and add "{USB_DEVICE(0x1737,0x0078)},"06:03
gary_inNYCawesome thanks06:03
sacarlsonphaidonx: no the new install will not touch your old install partition.  it will just use a free partition that you create to install on06:03
lov255ilovefairuz: its okay we can work on it tomorrow I really have to get to sleep, I have to be up in less then 7 hours for a very important day06:04
elkclonereading wiley. ubuntu linux secrets06:04
sacarlsonok I got to go eat now.  be back later06:04
lov255ilovefairuz: thanks I will be on tomorrow night06:04
ilovefairuzLov255U: at least try this one06:04
phaidonxsacarlson: I understand that part. but I eventually envision not wanting to deal with a second partition and just get rid of the old one after I am satisfied with the new release. I would just want to use the space in there and not worry about having to mount it as a different directory..06:04
Jordan_UAemaeth: The default male voice for espeak isn't too far off :)06:04
kibaI tried to swap caps lock to ctrol key06:05
kibafor my netbook06:05
kibasince it was hard for me to use my plam to access the left key06:05
kibaand caps lock I never use anyway06:05
st__is it normal for xorg to use CPU?06:05
z340st_: yes06:05
ZykoticK9st__, of course.  you could try disabling compiz if your currently running it.  X is Xorg or the GUI environment.06:06
Aemaethwhy doesn't mythtv work for me? am I the only one?06:06
Wiesshundkiba, can you keep your stuff on one line? its hard to follow06:06
st__isn't compiz hardware accelerated?06:06
ZykoticK9Aemaeth, Myth is difficult to setup the first time round.  what are you having trouble with?06:07
Aemaethit won't play any music, haven't even tried video06:07
kibamy configuration for xorg went like this:06:07
ZykoticK9Aemaeth, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?06:07
kibaoption  "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch, ctrl:nocaps"06:07
Tempus_Fugitok when I go to add something into startup programs and it needs root permission to start how would i add that into startup ... sudo firestarter pw?06:08
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AemaethZykoticK9, yes06:08
ZykoticK9Tempus_Fugit, that probably won't work - unless you add firestarter to sudoers file06:09
Aemaethas far as other programs, (if that matters) video and sound work great (mostly)06:09
Wiesshundkiba what are you trying to remap from and to ?06:09
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z340Tempus: i don't suggest using the startup programs for running something as root. you should add it to init06:09
kibaWiesshund: to ctrl06:10
Wiesshundkiba what key are you trying to remap to control?06:10
kibacaps lock06:11
Tempus_FugitZykoticK9: how do I add it to that file06:11
ZykoticK9Tempus_Fugit, sorry - i'm gonna take a pass on those directions - best of luck.06:11
Wiesshundkiba in terminal reun xev, hey caps lock a few times and note the keycode number.06:11
Tempus_FugitZykoticK9: ok ty06:11
KE1HATempus_Fugit, are you sure the app needs "root" permission and not sudo permission to start ?06:12
ZykoticK9KE1HA, sudo = root ... just sayin'06:13
Wiesshundkiba then do xmodmap -e "keycode (code you noted) = Control_L" or Control_R either one06:13
KE1HAZykoticK9, Yes, I know that, but to get it fired up at stat should be with sudo not root.06:14
Tempus_FugitKE1HA: from my understanding ubuntu does not offer root permission only sudo06:15
ZykoticK9KE1HA, BUT sudo will require a password - thus the problem06:15
linux_fanybody here06:15
Tempus_Fugitlinux_f: nope06:16
sacho!ask | linux_f06:16
ubottulinux_f: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:16
ZykoticK9linux_f, 1306 people06:16
ZykoticK9!language | linux_f06:16
ubottulinux_f: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:16
KE1HATempus_Fugit, Have a read here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo   and Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firestarter06:16
Tempus_FugitKE1HA: looking now ty06:16
KE1HAYou can do this with system init's06:16
KE1HAor cleverly through update.rc.d06:16
z340or chkconfig06:17
Wiesshund!spam >> linux_f06:17
linux_fshutdown -r now06:17
linux_finit 606:17
Wiesshundkiba did you figure that out?06:19
plouffethere aren't enough people in this room06:23
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syslqplouffe: I'm here06:23
syslqplouffe: and that has to mean something06:23
ZykoticK9!ot | plouffe syslq06:24
ubottuplouffe syslq: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:24
rocket161305 people are not enough? =-O06:24
syslqpurpzey: because I'm a human being and my life has value :)06:24
rocket16What is a decent replacement for OneNote? I tried Basket, but am not really impressed with it, :(06:25
rocket16Is there any OneNote-like Notebook software for Ubuntu? I don't like most Microsoft products, but I like OneNote, :( and hence it would have been great, if there would have been one.06:27
KE1HArocket16, NoteMeister, Gnome Vazaar, BasKet (which you've tried), Newton Desktop Wiki.06:27
KE1HATomBoy maybe?06:27
rocket16KE1HA: Thanks, :) and I mostly tried every software among those, :( and Tomboy/Gnote is simple, but not so feature-rich like OneNote. Still thanks,06:28
roscogruenANYONE: dual booting with Win7 on a notebook and get great speed???!!106:29
roscogrueni'm Distro shopping for a new notebook.06:29
KE1HAroscogruen, sure, lots of folks, depends on the notebook.06:29
KE1HAroscogruen, I really can't recommend "brands" persay, but if you get a descent level CPU/RAm and common GPU card, should do just fine.06:31
roscogruenI run Mint on the current desktop and love it.  but i think the OS might need to be more leightweight for a notebook like this one06:31
roscogruenKE1HA: that is the new notebook we bought and needs to be dual booted06:31
KE1HAroscogruen, One thing to do, is check the hardware compatability lists for GPU & WiFI support, also sound, those are the touchy areas.06:31
IanWizardroscogruen: Ubuntu runs pretty much great on anything.  I've had it on my 700 Mhz netbook, and it ran ok.06:32
heyboyany idea how to use "chattr" to set attributes to files. I mean any usage case documentation available?06:32
roscogruenKE1HA: good thinking.06:32
KE1HA10.04 recommends 1gb of RAM for the full desktop flavors, if you have ligher weight systems, xubuntu is sometimes a better choice.06:32
acidjazzthats odd .. i just did a typical 10.04 install of ubuntu on vmware and my keyboard doesnt work to login .. mouse works fine.06:33
Wiesshundroscogruen doesnt tell me what kind of wifi it has in it, ram wise it is fine at 3gb06:33
roscogruenKE1HA: & IanWizard i've heard the architecture of notebooks sometimes doesn't agree with a certain OS.  Mint/Ubuntu doesn't have good drivers for monitor06:34
ZykoticK9acidjazz, if you don't get an answer here, i'd recommend trying to find some vmware channel/support.  Good luck.06:34
acidjazzthanks ZykoticK906:35
roscogruenI'd hate to burn more DVD's checking distros.  i already have like five ubuntu's three Mint's five puppylinux, jolicloude, etc06:35
KE1HAroscogruen, depends on the MFG of the hardware, some are better with open-source than others. A little preparation before hand, can save lots of troubles post install. Use the LiveCD to check things out.06:35
ozfalconMy internal Mic volume under alsa keeps reseting to 0 on reboot. How do I make it stick?06:36
Wiesshundroscogruen got a usb drive?06:36
roscogruenKE1HA: yeah, i'm trying to prepare, but dont' know tech words or even thoughts.  so searching for this stuff is hard.  like i said, i have wasted 20 DVD's on distros that don't fit06:37
roscogrueni've a disck with lubuntu on it and another with kubuntu i think.  maybe mint.  getting a pendrive linux OS takes me hours06:37
KE1HAroscogruen, hardware lists are good to review, then use a re-writable media.06:37
WiesshundWiting a bootable usb drive takes hours?06:38
roscogruenKE1HA: yeah, this is a very good idea.  where do i check this out?  where are the reviews?06:38
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fancybitwho playing the fuking robot?06:39
roscogrueni've found a few and now see a forum post for a wifi problem w/ linux and its wifi06:39
Wiesshundfancybit ?06:40
KE1HAroscogruen, broadcom is one fo the troubled Nics, but that's a kernel thing, which is soon to be fixed, but review the list, it's a good source.06:40
roscogruenk.  am doing it now.  THX for this idea.  it was something i was overlooking06:41
roscogruenKE1HA: ^06:41
st__i'm getting messages that something has been slowing my system and composite desktop was truned off, why this happwens?06:41
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KE1HAroscogruen, I'd much rather have yo here now asking question, than coming back shouting at us cuz it aint work'en :-)06:42
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Wiesshundfancybit what robot?06:42
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ZykoticK9!away > _3rr0r_06:42
ubottu_3rr0r_, please see my private message06:42
gryllidarww: ok, BestBot would list the environments for me at least.06:43
roscogruenKE1HA: one huge problem i've not fixed - transferring huge files from the win7 notebook to the Linux machine06:43
roscogruenKE1HA: i have resorted to placing them on an unsecure public drive06:44
Wiesshundroscogruen from what i can tell so far, you are fine cpu and ram wise, video is good, audio appears to be ati (via) and ok, but i dont know what the heck the wifi in it is06:44
KE1HAroscogruen, USB storage Drive, there cheap for that sorta thing.06:44
fancybitcertainly you made the protection actions..06:45
grendal_primeanyone else having problems with yahooo?06:45
grendal_primeim that is06:45
Wiesshundfancybit you have a question or?06:46
KE1HAgen_cornwallis, define problems :-) ... but yes, e-mail been slow all eveing.06:46
roscogruenAetheros wifi driver seems to have caused at least one issue06:46
KE1HAsir grendal_prime  that was fer you :-)06:46
Wiesshund!pm fancybit06:47
Wiesshund!msg fancybit06:47
goten_how to export these values " -Dunicorn.home=/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/unicorn/ " as values for the environmental variable $CATALINA_OPTS in my bash_profile and source it.06:47
grendal_primeok ...i was wondering..hehehe ok..well my im client is doing funky things..(pidgeon) just wanted to make sure the yahoo server wasnt jacked up before i started digging further.06:47
ZykoticK9Wiesshund, you need to put a | between factoid and nic06:47
fancybitI wan't to kown ,WHAT IS NON-LOGIN SHELL...06:47
grendal_primeFirefox can't find the server at www.yahoo.com.06:47
grendal_primethat..sounds ...well bad06:48
WiesshundZykoticK9 oops. Fancybit ive no clue what your pming me about?06:48
KE1HAgrendal_prime, i can see it, it's rendering here, but the mail clinet is just slow fer me.06:48
Wiesshundfancybit if youve a question ask it in the channel, i know nothing about a robot trying to compile scripts and shut down your computer06:49
ZykoticK9!hi | uncle_sin06:49
ubottuuncle_sin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:49
fancybiti'm a chinese , and trying to add my scripts in ubuntu of some commets  by my mother language. that's all06:49
bazhang!cn | fancybit06:49
ubottufancybit: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:50
KE1HAgoten_, have a read here: http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/basic/path.shtml06:50
fancybitno, I'm trying  to shutdown the robot06:50
goten_KE1HA, Thanks06:50
bazhangfancybit, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu support. Please stop06:50
fancybitbut more persons here,right?06:51
bazhang!ot | fancybit06:52
ubottufancybit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:52
JoshDreamlandIs there a good way to identify the SD slot, regardless of volume name, if I know the name now?06:52
fancybitI konw, I'm studing bash now and wish some help06:53
bazhangfancybit, #bash06:53
Jordan_UJoshDreamland: Depending on your end goal, /dev/disk/by-path/ may be usefull.06:53
ZykoticK9JoshDreamland, could you use the /dev/sdX#06:53
KE1HAfancybit, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html06:54
JoshDreamlandZykoticK9: thanks.06:54
fancybitKE1HA , thanks06:54
grendal_primedamn looks like yahoo is broke...is it just me?06:55
goten_KE1HA, is this right export CLASSPATH=$CATALINA_OPTS: -Dunicorn.home=/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/unicorn/06:55
saravanhi i installed vlc reccently but audio is not working any one help me out06:55
Wiesshundgrendal_prime could be the particular yahoo server answering your route. they have many servers06:56
otokoEvening everyone, I'm trying to get broadcom drivers working my Inspiron 131806:56
sacarlsongrendal_prime: yahoo.com looks good here in thailand06:56
grendal_primeyahoo has many servers?06:56
grendal_primehow do they do that?!!!06:56
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx otoko06:56
livingdaylighthello oooBoonToo users06:56
Wiesshundgrendal_prime because a single server would die when the entire internet tries to access it06:57
ZykoticK9livingdaylight, only ubuntu users here ;)06:57
KE1HAgoten_, looks reasonable ..06:57
livingdaylightZykoticK9, but in repos and synaptic i see Oubountu etc also ;)06:57
KE1HAgoten_, http://download-llnw.oracle.com/javase/1.3/docs/tooldocs/solaris/classpath.html06:57
grendal_primewerid im in california we dont have server downtime...its illegal.  costs to much money so we made it illegal06:57
Wiesshundgrendal_prime can you access google or msn etc fine?06:57
goten_KE1HA, but i get error goten@Netpad:~$ export CLASSPATH=$CATALINA_OPTS: -Dunicorn.home=/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/unicorn/06:58
KE1HAgoten_, its for Oracle, but the concept is same.06:58
goten_bash: export: `-Dunicorn.home=/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/unicorn/': not a valid identifier06:58
grendal_primeWiesshund, yes those are fine.06:58
Wiesshund!pastebin | goten_06:58
ubottugoten_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:58
KE1HAgoten_, look above06:58
livingdaylightgrendal_prime, I have been to kalifornia once. I like. Your governor comes from my country06:58
rwwgrendal_prime: Comcast is currently experiencing some network issues. I would guess that's why.06:58
Blue_ok, who wants to help me fix my audio?06:58
bazhanglivingdaylight, support issue?06:58
shawnboycan someone help me convert filenames with nonsense characters to filenames with correct characters (with accents)?06:59
Wiesshundgrendal_prime then your system is fine, its a problem somewhere between your ISP and yahoo06:59
livingdaylightbazhang, thx, can you tell me should I rip out pulseaudio?06:59
KE1HAgoten_, another example: http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/basic/classpath.shtml06:59
livingdaylightbazhang, where were you yesterday when I needed you?06:59
grendal_primerww, dude im totally on comcast...06:59
grendal_primehow did you know?!!!06:59
KE1HAgoten_, you want this one for bash: xport CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/java/classes:/home/tchin/myclasses06:59
bazhanglivingdaylight, outline your issue to the channel, removing pulse is not a good choice06:59
rwwgrendal_prime: /whois grendal_prime06:59
goten_KE1HA, I did that one already07:00
rwwgrendal_prime: plus, I'm in California and also on Comcast, and currently having a heck of a time connecting to my webserver, hence me knowing things are weird right now.07:00
Wiesshundgrendal_prime it tells us when you join the channel07:00
ZykoticK9livingdaylight, +1 on bazhang's "not a good choice" comment07:00
shawnboyI've installed convmv but I can't seem to figure out what character set is being used and which char set I need to convert to.07:00
livingdaylightbazhang, I wondered what the take on pulseaudio is currently. After a fresh install previously people were ripping it out. Apparently it is rubbish and the reason why many avoid Ubuntu. Why does Ubuntu use it then?07:01
KE1HAgoten_, finger {username} and make sure you know which shell you in.07:01
kjozHello, can someone help? I just installed the new Ubuntu and having issues with wireless... I am using BCM4401 card07:01
grendal_primethank you Wiesshund. I was being facetious.07:01
livingdaylightI've just installed Ubuntu fresh here and wondered what I need to do to fix sound issues that could arise as a consequence of pulseaudio being installed by default.07:01
bazhanglivingdaylight, not really a support question; if you have particular audio issues then pastebin error logs and describe your exact problems07:01
Wiesshundlivingdaylight i wouldnt rip it out. what is your issue ?07:01
KE1HAgoten_, to to set path do: export CLASSPATH=//java/myapp07:02
grendal_primeya yank pulsaudio and run alsa07:02
livingdaylightI installed Spotify and spotify config page says to set Audio to OSS and I see that it is on Alsa currently. Are we using OSS or Alsa, anyone?07:02
KE1HAgoten_, to export class: export CLASSPATH=//java/myapp://java/appletstuff/applet1/07:02
goten_KE1HA, okay07:02
SwedeMikelivingdaylight: ALSA works, but generally applications should use pulseaudio.07:02
grendal_primepuls works fine on my inspiron 1420 (but it came with linux pre installed)07:03
livingdaylightSwedeMike, but I see no pulseaudio option in wine config manager07:03
kjozHello, can someone help? I just installed the new Ubuntu and having issues with wireless... I am using BCM4401 card07:03
KE1HAgoten_, putting an example in pastebin for you07:03
goten_KE1HA, I want to set this variable  -Dunicorn.home=/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/unicorn/ tell me how to set this one07:03
saravanaudio is not working in vlc player any one help me please07:03
Wiesshundlivingdaylight you can pick alsa oss or pulse, depending on the app, and depending on what the app works best with. wine wise, alot of games like OSS07:03
KE1HAgoten_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/477306/07:04
sacarlsonlivingdaylight:  I think alsa sound can only support a single application at a time.  if two apps want to make sound I guess it says it's busy.  pulseaudio I think you can here like more than one thing like beeps and music play at the same time.  I could be wrong tho07:04
KE1HAgoten_, what is this [-Dunicorn.home] ?07:04
Blue_any one want to help me with my audio?07:04
livingdaylightk, thx guys, agues I'll just leave it for now and hope for the best07:04
Wiesshundpulseaudio does quite a few nice things, like virtual devices to play to or record from07:05
Blue_i have an x-fi that i would like to get working07:05
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kjozHello, can someone help? I just installed the new Ubuntu and having issues with wireless... I am using BCM4401 card07:05
goten_KE1HA, I want to install and compile the Unicorn validator.w3,org07:05
ZykoticK9saravan, if other audio is working.  VLC / Tools / Preferences / Audio / Output module / try ALSA and/or Pulse07:06
KE1HAgoten_, that's a bit OT, but your building from source ?07:07
saravanzykotick9, i installed vlc two days back07:07
ZykoticK9kjoz, do you see anything in System / Admin / Hardware Drivers for you wireless?  Have you plugged in an ethernet cable and done updates?07:07
=== wildbat is now known as Guest48134
goten_KE1HA, yes can u try this one, hg clone https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/unicorn07:07
kjozZykoticK9, cant do the ethernet way my good man07:07
KE1HAgoten_, I know what it is, I'07:08
KE1HAgoten_, just not installed it locally on my server.07:08
saravanzykotick9, i can play the videos but audio is not working07:08
Wiesshundkjoz no possible way you can get to a wire? not even for a short time?07:08
KE1HAgoten_, they have an Install how too, have you followed that ?07:08
goten_KE1HA, yes how to install it locally on my server07:08
livingdaylightWiesshund, I know that people at #winehq think pulseaudio sux :s07:09
kjozYa, no possible way for a wired... Can get the drivers from another machine and USB it..07:09
ZykoticK9saravan, sorry beyond my previous suggestion - I have nothing.  I don't use VLC.  Good luck.07:09
Jordan_Ukjoz: BCM4401 is an ethernet card, not a wireless card.07:09
kjozdamn, let me get the wireless then07:09
Wiesshundlivingdaylight so dont use pulseaudio for wine, youve got 3 choices07:09
kjozlspci right?07:09
KE1HAgoten_, you download the source code, then compile, use their directions, and make sure you have the deps met.07:09
Blue_can some one help me get my x-fi working07:10
goten_KE1HA, I downloaded the Unicorn and gone inside n read the Read me file07:10
Wiesshundkjoz yes07:10
raskahHello all =)07:10
ZykoticK9kjoz, "lspci | grep Wireless" might show it.07:10
saravanZykotick9, ok what about movie player even in movie player audio is not working07:10
KE1HAgoten_, I'd have to do that myself to figure it out, best best is to check with them.07:10
ZykoticK9saravan, is audio working for anything?07:10
raskahI am havings some issues regarding fdisk/cfdisk. Would anyone be available to answer a few questions for me?07:10
ZykoticK9!ask | raskah07:11
ubotturaskah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:11
RandomlyCoollinux is dog shit07:11
goten_KE1HA, okay have u tested unicorn before07:11
bazhangRandomlyCool, wrong channel07:11
KE1HAgoten_, it lookes pretty straight forward, just enter their commands.07:11
kjozZykoticK9, BCM431207:11
JJohnI agree with RandomlyCool/07:11
gryllidaRandomlyCool: /part then07:11
KE1HAI've used the Valdator for years yes, but not built one for a long time.07:11
ZykoticK9kjoz, sorry i'm no help with that part - just giving you direction to find it...07:11
* gryllida ensures bazhang is here yet07:11
saravanzykotick9, not at all working07:11
RandomlyCoolSo who likes Mac?07:12
sacarlsonraskah: did you try sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 ?07:12
ZykoticK9saravan, sorry i'm not an audio expert.  good luck.07:12
gryllida!ot | RandomlyCool07:12
ubottuRandomlyCool: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:12
bazhangRandomlyCool, please take chat elsewhere07:12
goten_where should i execute this command ant retrieve generate_observer generate_tasklist default_conf war inside the unicorn root or anywhere07:12
goten_KE1HA, where should i execute this command ant retrieve generate_observer generate_tasklist default_conf war inside the unicorn root or anywhere07:12
JJohnLets have a small debate.07:12
WiesshundLets not07:12
KE1HAin a terminal07:13
elkcloneother than my docs stuck in win7 os. I am just as functional in ubuntu. pretty easy with gnome interface.07:13
KE1HAgoten_, in a terminal where you downloaded the source code example /Download/src..../.../07:13
frykholmmDo anyone know why the daily mainline kernels aren't built anymore?07:13
goten_KE1HA, okay07:13
elkclonejust gotta migrate the docs onto the net then dl them to ubuntu.07:14
sacarlsonraskah:  beter yet sudo fdisk -l    and l i lowercase L07:14
Wiesshundelkclone win7 in same machine as ubuntu? if so you should be able to access your docs?07:14
raskahThis has been the same across 2 old and 1 new HD. I can always oipen a drive in fdisk, but it shows up weird errors saying it will be corrected by write. So i make a new ms-dos partition table and write it and it opens in cfdisk fine. If i make a new partition table (whether using fdisk or cfdisk).. I can no klonger open the drive in cfdisk and fdisk opnce again shows up errors. I have tried on Ubuntu, slack and knoppix always the same\07:14
Wiesshundelkclone dont you see the win7 partition in Places?07:14
Blue_can someone help me get my x-fi working?07:15
roscogruenKE1HA: where are the reports where i can search for acer aspire 5251?07:15
elkclonepossible just havn't been looking.07:15
elkclonebut gennerally no it doesn't show on a dual boot. which is what I am running.07:15
Wiesshundelkclone if you click Places you should see the windows partition.07:16
steph021i am following this guide using lucid https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization, but i get this error  E: Could not open file /dists/lucid/extras/binary-i386/Packages.new -  open (2 No such file or directory) when running this command apt-ftparchive -c $APTCONF generate apt-ftparchive-deb.conf07:16
sacarlsonraskah: does it have to be in ms-dos format?  can't you use ext3 or other like fat3207:16
goten_KE1HA, http://paste.ubuntu.com/477308/ I get this output07:17
elkclonesystem is the only thingy that looks like a disk07:17
raskahwell thats just the option making the partition table.. i then make type 83 for my installs and a swap partition07:17
Wiesshundelkclone win partition would be listed by its partition name07:17
Wiesshundelkclone this isnt a wubi install is it?07:18
KE1HAgoten_, you need the ant libs :-),, and I dont know where to get those.07:18
KE1HAroscogruen, is that the model number of the box itself ?07:18
goten_okay if i install the ant libs means it will work right07:19
sacarlsonraskah: well if your going to use type 83 (that's ext3 I think) then that's what you should be using in fdisk not ms-dos07:19
elkcloneyah i did a wubi07:19
raskahok.... you need a partition table to vcreate opartitions on.... hence 45 primary or with extended p[artitions this is ms-dos format partition table. Youn then make new partiutions of type 83 which is linux.... and you cvan then format the partition with whatever fs you want07:20
raskahthats how it works07:20
Wiesshundelkclone oh. you do realize that wubi is not exactly a linux install, there is no linux partition, its booting a compressed image saved on the windows partition07:20
sacarlsonraskah:  just delete all the patitions you created and boot a live ubuntu cd and let it auto select how it thinks you should partiton the disk unless you have multi boot in the drive07:20
raskahthats not what i want607:21
saravani installed vlc player in ubuntu 9.10 videos is working bur audio is not working07:21
raskahmy pount is to have control over partitions07:21
elkcloneseems to work fine07:21
elkcloneother than not accessing winbows. while im running ubuntu. i can live with that.07:21
kjozwhats the name for ubuntu 10.4?07:22
Wiesshundelkclone yes but it has some important differences, such as you can never remove windows, and if windows dies so does ubuntu07:22
raskahand i have my own poartition schemes... with multiple OS's.  just not sure why fdisk/cfdisk keep bugging out on new old sata ide whatever drives07:22
bazhangkjoz, lucid lynx07:22
elkcloneso far I like not having to deal with disk druid or fdisk etc. lol.07:23
Wiesshundelkclone and i dont think via wubi you can access the windows partition since that could potential break wubi07:23
elkcloneI have done red hat and slack installs in the past . this was easy.07:23
Wiesshundelkclone hehe yea, ubuntu uses gparted, its much simpler, helps you resize partitions etc07:24
sacarlsonraskah: well what schemes are you really wanting and what is already there.  you should pastebin a copy of sudo fdisk -l  here so we get an idea07:24
nimbioticsHi guys. I was using twin view wit my envidia card and now I cannot open the Monitors utility. I get The following message when I try "Could not get screen information. RANDR extension is not presnt.". What can I do?? TIA!07:24
elkcloneI used red hat in the 2000 and was all slack before that.07:25
Wiesshundelkclone but yea unfortunately i believe the wubi method makes directly accessing the win7 partition not possible, to prevent bad things from happening07:25
raskahits variable dude.. i have like 6 HD's. These bugs/errors/fucks/ show upn on EVERY drive i try on nEVERY distro07:25
null____Question:  On Ubuntu 10.04 and 1.06-1ubuntu1.1 if I 'vlc http://www.di.fm/aacplus/goapsy.pls' , control+Z, bg; VLC quickly leaks about a gig of ram and almost kills my computer.  Known bug?  There is no update available for Ubuntu.  Can someone try to reproduce this?07:25
elkcloneits fine. I only have a few docs authored by me. so no prob.07:25
raskahsrry for swearing07:25
elkclonethe rest of my stuff is just downloads, music books. etc.07:26
roscogruenKE1HA: sorry, missed that.  is that the model number of the box?  here is its description:  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Acer-Acer-AS5251-1245/14575789#ProductDetail07:26
sacarlsonraskah: even windows don't use ms-dos anymore07:26
elkcloneraskah: np07:26
Wiesshundraskah sign of a failing hdd controller perhaps?07:26
raskahyou mean for the original partinion table?07:26
raskahhmmm possibly07:26
sacarlsonraskah: yup07:27
raskahI was getting a few cyclic redundancy check errors in winblows on my other hd07:27
goten_can anyone tell me how to install ant libraries07:27
AnxiousNutwhich is the best app for getting the output of a pci video capture card?07:27
KE1HAroscogruen, Yeah, wnet looking, and the reviews if you will are more on the component level, v.s. the system level other than what's posted on the site.07:27
Wiesshundelkclone If you felt like creating one extra partition on the drive, i do believe win7 and wubi can share it, since wubi doesnt live on it07:27
goten_KE1HA, thanks for the help07:27
KE1HAgoten_, dod you get it ?07:28
Blue_                                can some one help me get my x-fi working?07:28
elkclonenot so keen on hacking up the drive on a laptop. this way reminds of using knoppix cd's. back in the day.07:28
Wiesshundraskah sounds like youve more of a hardware problem, could be mb/controller, could be bad ram or cpu, can even be an unstable power supply07:28
elkclonebt4 now.07:29
raskahsacarlson, create new empty DOS opartyition TABLE not ms-dos partition... my error07:29
Wiesshundelkclone thats fine, may want to pick up a cheap jumpdrive, both os's can share it easily07:29
roscogruenyeah, i'd have a problem searching for component issues and ubuntu.  but i'm trying.  i'm on ubuntu.org searching, "acer aspire 5251" and not getting anywhere07:29
goten_KE1HA, No but I found this ant-doc, ant-gcj, ant-optional(updates the library), ant-optional-gcj07:30
raskahdamnit. was going to use this system as a fiule server when i build my new system but its just too old to bother if bits are breaking07:30
elkcloneyah gonna keep offloading the downloads under ubuntu to disk so I dont jam up the drive space on the compressed disc image.07:30
Wiesshundelkclone if you ever decide to move to a linux partition install, ubuntu makes it really really easy, virtualy windows point and clickish :)07:30
KE1HAgoten_, ok, its looking for the Ant libs, so you need those as deps.07:30
goten_KE1HA, Not solved same error07:30
sacarlsonraskah: just reformat it.  it might still work but use a type that is usable like ext307:31
AnxiousNuthow do i know the location of a mounted device? (pci card)07:31
elkclonei don't have a usb drive which is what is common method.07:31
KE1HAgoten_, only thing I can suggest there is, ensure the lis are built, then export the path to them before you run the rest.07:31
goten_KE1HA, can u me how to get it07:32
raskahyou don't understand me sacarlson... its the partition table.... nothing to do with the filesystem on any disk or partition07:32
elkcloneI got a tonne of apps running though. lol.07:32
KE1HAgoten_, no Idea how they are built or installed, I assume from source.07:32
Jordan_Uraskah: Can you actually pastebin the error you're getting from fdisk?07:32
roscogruenheck, KE1HA is it ubuntu.com?07:32
raskahyeah i gotta plug my other disk back in brb07:32
KE1HAroscogruen, from the link I sent you earlier07:33
sacarlsonraskah: the partition table is what controls what filesystem that linux and or windows uses.07:33
roscogrueni got nothing on it.  all directions and stuff07:33
Wiesshundraskah if you cant set up stable disks on that machine (you said youve tried many different disks) id say the hardware itself is having an issue07:33
roscogruenhow to fill out a testcase.  KE1HA unless i missed something07:33
sabyhow can i clean up my memory07:34
Wiesshundsaby what do you mean exactly?07:34
roscogruenKE1HA: which ubuntu is good for notebooks.  i need to know which OS my search should include.  fast, "out of box" and good at dual booting07:34
KE1HAroscogruen, Um, :-) you could try it, but that's typically for commercial venders, like Dell, HP etc.07:35
Q_ContinuumRunning 10.04-amd64, gnome-power-manager has a memory leak.  @ 272MB now and climbing 0.1MB every 10-15 seconds07:35
sabyWiesshund, like some part of the memory is used for cache and isnt needed07:35
sabyso how can i clean it up07:35
pure_hatesaby, sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches07:35
KE1HAroscogruen, All of then really, if your resouce limited (Lower CPU, 512MB Ran etc) you may try Xubuntu, but the NetBoox-Remix is good for those as well.07:35
euphorialFor a notebook, I would seriously get Linux Mint (which is ubuntu, only with stuff already activated)07:36
sabythanx pure_hate07:36
euphorialalready supported*07:36
roscogruenthat link is out of my history.  what does it start with so i can search web history history?07:36
KE1HAroscogruen, Xubuntu and netbook-remix are the lightest, KDE and Gnome take more resources.07:37
WiesshundYou can also try puppylinux which is based off of ubuntu but tailored to low spec and legacy hardware machines etc.07:37
dri245someone please tell me a good free anti virus for ubuntu, please :)07:38
bazhangdri245, clamav if you must07:38
distant2what are the alts to ubunto gnome/kde in terms of DE?07:38
euphorialyou do not need anti-virus on ubuntu07:38
Wiesshunddri245 you dont really need AV for linux07:38
dri245if there is such. or if you can use such. since i'm new on linux, never used it. i am a complete noob.07:38
bazhangdistant2, lxde xfce4 and tons of others07:38
Wiesshundunless your going to make a file server07:38
dri245i'm not.07:38
roscogruenwhat is the homepage for ubuntu?  the official one?07:39
bazhangdri245, then no need07:39
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sacarlsondri245: you only really need anti virus you you are supporting windows users on your linux system07:39
euphorialdri245: Viruses are a Windows thing07:39
bazhangroscogruen, yes07:39
distant2bazhang: and are those limited in features compared to gnome?07:39
Jordan_UWiesshund: Puppy is not based on Ubuntu.07:39
Wiesshunddri245 there really arent any viri for linux in the wild07:39
dri245i love this OS!07:39
sabyit has been more than 12 hours since i started building gnome-shell and it still hasnt completed07:39
dri245thanks a lot!07:39
bazhangdistant2, to a degree, though much quicker as a result07:39
euphorialUbuntu will update you from time to time for its security07:39
WiesshundJordan_U no? how come it comes in karmic and lucis etc?07:39
bazhangdistant2, you can try lubuntu-desktop and see07:39
nimbioticsHi guys. I was using twin view wit my envidia card and now I cannot open the Monitors utility. I get The following message when I try "Could not get screen information. RANDR extension is not present.". What can I do?? TIA!07:39
rwwJordan_U: yes it is07:39
KE1HAroscogruen, http://www.ubuntu.com/07:39
Wiesshunder lucid07:40
Jordan_UWiesshund: Seems I'm just remembering wrong, sorry.07:40
rwwJordan_U: they switched relatively recently07:40
appuru_gurucan anyone point me in the right direction as far as getting iTunes running on Ubuntu 10.04??07:40
WiesshundJordan_U no worries lol07:40
rtronkivjust installed ubuntu server with no added package's, do i have sshd already?07:40
Jordan_Urww: Ahh, thanks.07:40
roscogrueni thoght you said that was for companies, KE1HA ?07:40
KE1HAroscogruen, the hardware certificaiton process is, but not the Software, its for everyone.07:40
roscogruenis the ubuntu netbook edition okay for this 15.6" notebook?07:41
sabyappuru_guru, you can use iTunes through Wine07:41
distant2bazhang: i'm wondering for things like compiz (the advanced fluid gui fx) if they're on the alts to g/k ubunto.07:41
appuru_gurusaby: any version of itunes?07:41
KE1HAroscogruen, maybe Im confused, what you looking for ?07:41
WiesshundCool thing about puppy , if you sit down and learn woof, is you can have a custom distro made exactly for your machine. kind of neat even though many dont use that.07:41
sabyyes appuru_guru07:41
bazhangdistant2, sure, but not much point as kubuntu has its own compositing, and lubuntu is so memory light that running compiz is counter-intuitive07:42
KE1HAWiebe, LFS :-)07:42
appuru_gurusaby: thanks07:42
rwwxfce4 has its own compositor too <307:42
roscogruenKE1HA: a distro to dual boot w/ win7 on the notebook07:42
rtronkivwhat do i apt-get install ? for sshd?07:42
rwwrtronkiv: openssh-server07:42
sabyappuru_guru, welcome :)07:42
bazhangdistant2, but certainly can be done if you wish to go that route07:42
KE1HAroscogruen, all of them will Dual-Boot, but some are better suited for lower resource machines.07:42
distant2bazhang: i don't really need that for the low mem usage, just for the looks - i prefer win98 looks and feel.07:43
Wiesshundroscogruen any modern distro can dual boot with windows07:43
KE1HAroscogruen, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot07:43
distant2and could definitely use a little boot in power07:43
sacarlsonrtronkiv: apt-get install ssh07:43
bazhangdistant2, you could check some screenshots, or try with the kubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop etc, or just run in a vm07:43
Wiesshundsshd isnt it?07:44
distant2kubuntu is KDE?07:44
bazhangyes distant2 kde407:44
distant2i hate kde.07:44
rwwWiesshund: ssh is a metapackage that installs openssh-server and openssh-client. sshd isn't a package.07:44
KE1HAroscogruen, this ins't a UB site, but a good illustration: http://www.hackourlives.com/dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/07:44
Wiesshundrww ah ok07:44
distant2i don't wand windows on a linux os07:44
sacarlsonrtronkiv: rww:  eather way works ssh or openssh-server    ssh is just a dumby package07:44
WiesshundKDE has some neat features but its too time consuming to sit around building warfs etc.07:45
distant2it's all shiny, glossy and stupid07:45
roscogruenKE1HA: bookmarked that page.  thank you07:46
distant2worse than mac os x07:46
bazhangdistant2, that is getting offtopic07:46
rwwopinions are like IRC clients, everyone in here has one and the ones that aren't irssi suck07:46
KE1HAdistant2, Linux is like cars, you can get'um in many diff flavors, if ya dont like one, there's another down the road.07:46
macoWiesshund: building warfs?07:46
Wiesshundits not my fave but in its defense, it can look like virtualy anything you want, but its a pain in the butt to put together07:47
KE1HAroscogruen, welcome07:47
bazhangrww, will be glad to debate you in #ubuntu-offtopic :)07:47
ianwizard1Ok, so my hotkeys worked with liveCd, but now that I'm installed, nothing...07:47
roscogruenKE1HA: while i've got your help, i'm having issues sharing files from this win7 notebook with a linuxMint/ubuntu Karmic.  printer sharing is also issue07:47
Wiesshundmaco yea, they called soemthing else now?07:47
macorww: s/irssi/quassel/07:47
distant2ianwizard1: that's funny07:47
macoWiesshund: uhh i hear warf and i think of something to do with coastline. what are you talking about?07:48
roscogruenwould you have a link with a guide for that?  KE1HA i dont' know the terminology to get a all-in-on guide07:48
macoWiesshund: and yes, i use kde...07:48
dri245another question.07:48
Wiesshundmaco kind of think of it as a dock07:48
KE1HAroscogruen, is this on the same machine, or two diffrent machines07:48
dri245i configured wine. and i installed macromedia flash. how do i uninstall the wine-installed applications? or do i just delete them from that virtual C drive?07:48
macoWiesshund: oh the panel?07:48
roscogruenKE1HA: two machines07:49
macoWiesshund: do you mean what was called kicker in kde3 and panel in kde4?07:49
Wiesshundmaco with draws and buttons, located anyplace you write it to be. middle of the desktop if you wanted07:49
KE1HAroscogruen, and here's a good base reference manual for you: ttp://ubuntu-manual.org/07:49
macoWiesshund: oh, plasmoids07:49
macoWiesshund: or widgets in non-geek-speak07:49
Wiesshundmaco ive not used kde in a while, used to be called a warf07:49
roscogruenwin7 notebook (wireless) to router.  Karmic ubuntu atheth0) to router07:49
roscogruenoh, THX again07:50
macoWiesshund: was that in kde3? i didnt know kde3 even had them...07:50
rwwor wharfs, which is what they've been called since before KDE existed :307:50
roscogruenah, the entire manual?  kewl07:50
KE1HAroscogruen, put this in google, and read to your hearts contest: Ubuntu 10.04 file share with win7 "07:50
* maco only knows kde4 terminology. disliked kde307:50
raskahthe problem appeared to be something to do with having windows type partitions created by fdisk... nfi its fixed now just keeping windows and linux on seperate disks07:51
Wiesshundmaco mm im thinking back in say slackware 3 redhat 5 etc07:51
macoWiesshund: oh, like KDE 1.0...07:51
Wiesshundlol possibly07:51
raskahalso to do with my own lack of understanding on the functionality of the MBR07:51
roscogruenKE1HA: do you have experience dual booting with win7?  i bet win7 caused LOTS of problems on purpose07:52
the_wench2hello, in a cron entry can't I use MAILTO along with /dev/null 2>&1 ?07:52
sacarlsonraskah: very good07:52
Simeon_Hare there any canonical employees in here?07:53
distant2lol. well i don't know if it's logical to run lubuntu on a 2gb ram system.07:53
KE1HAroscogruen, I now how to do it, but I've no machines running it, only one Win box in the house, and that's cuz Im waiting on a kernel patch an i855 chipset07:53
the_wench2anyone ?07:53
Wiesshundmaco i didnt like gnome alot way way back but it was kind of big and chunky feeling back then. now its like it doesnt even exist on the desktop07:54
roscogruendual booting xp/vista and dual booting with win7 are too totally different ball games07:54
KE1HAroscogruen, :-) .. Its jsut somethign I dont do, no real need fer it.07:54
Simeon_HI purchased software from the canonical store a week ago and still no download link :(07:54
Simeon_Hand no reply to my email07:54
WiesshundIve no problem multi booting with win707:55
roscogrueni'd not dual boot if i ddin't have to.  i'd never use any windows if i absolutely didn't have to.  but i must for just one thing07:55
distant2where is "ubuntu light?"07:55
bazhang!minimal | distant207:55
ubottudistant2: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:55
roscogruenWiesshund: really.  install M$ first, then ubuntu?07:55
KE1HAroscogruen, Im not knocking, dont get me wrong, I just personally dont ahve a need fer it at the moment.07:56
sacarlsonthe_wench2: I guess I need the whole crontab line07:56
the_wench2saby: one sec07:56
KE1HAroscogruen, Yes, that's the recommended way.07:56
roscogruenKE1HA: i envy you in a big way.07:56
Wiesshundroscogruen yes install winXP 1st, then win7 (if you want 2 windows) then ubuntu07:56
sabythe_wench2, ok07:56
distant2ok in that case the official ubuntu became the 'light ubuntu'07:57
roscogruenjust one install of win7 and one of linux.  won't use XP at all07:57
roscogruentwo partitions is all i want (excluding ext and swap)07:57
KE1HAroscogruen, Another option, Install Ubuntu all the way, then use Win7 in VirtualBox, but ya need some Umph in the computer to do that.07:57
Wiesshundroscogruen just install win7 1st, on 1st partition prefferably, then install ubuntu.07:57
roscogruenvbox will not work in this case.  spent weeks in #vbox channel.  camera needs more07:58
KE1HAroscogruen, ditto, that's what I'd recommend as a preferred methind.07:58
the_wench2sacarlson: saby: http://pastie.org/private/wyworiaaxbf4rjhw0ylgew07:58
KE1HAroscogruen, Like Wiesshund said, Win7 1st, then UB07:58
roscogruenWiesshund: right now, i've got win7 taking up entire space.  does the ubuntu distros have partition manager options in install process?  as does mint?07:58
distant2does anyone know a linux audio editor? you know, the best.07:58
emmaroscogruen: yes you can create your partitions manually in the ubuntu installer.07:59
Wiesshundroscogruen yes gparted will handle that07:59
KE1HAroscogruen, if you go to screencasts.ubuntu.com you can watch video's of it all as well.07:59
bazhangdistant2, no best, try audacity for starters07:59
sabythe_wench2, this is for ?07:59
roscogruengparted is during the install process?  yes?07:59
the_wench2the question I asked07:59
sacarlsonthe_wench2: you will need to put you command in a script or maybe you can put 'xxx' around it the 'wget xxxxx'08:00
the_wench2you said me ok when I said I am giving the corn entry08:00
roscogruenk.  Wiesshund you had xp installed, then installed win7 then ubuntu?08:00
the_wench2"hello, in a cron entry can't I use MAILTO along with /dev/null 2>&1 ?"08:00
tensorpudding!best | distant208:00
ubottudistant2: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:00
KE1HAroscogruen, Linky: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/08:00
Wiesshundgparted is the partition tool and its used during install, no cryptic disk druid or fdisk08:00
emmaroscogruen: i guess it is using gparted, but durring the installation you can either have ubuntu create default partitions for you or you can opt for manual where you can create as many partitions you want and mount them to whatever directories you specify.08:00
Jordan_UWiesshund: Ubuntu has its own partitioner built into the installer, it does not use gparted.08:01
sabythe_wench2, oh hehehe sorry was for someone else08:01
roscogrueni'm looking in the forums and it looks like others have had problems dual booting with win708:01
KE1HArr gparted needs to be installed after if you want it.08:01
rwwthe_wench2: redirecting to /dev/null is overthinking it. just use the -q option to wget.08:01
emmayeah and for some reason gparted is not on the livecd.08:01
Wiesshundi thought the installer one was gparted? well in any case the installer partition tool is very easy to use08:02
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the_wench2rww: how would that help ?08:02
emmabut once you have booted the livecd you can sudo aptitude install gparted08:02
the_wench2sacarlson: ? didn't get you08:02
sacarlsonemma: no gparted on live cd I will have to check that08:02
KE1HAroscogruen, Make a rescue CD, back up your data, then follow the Install guide for Dual-Booting08:02
rwwthe_wench2: umm, because the point of redirecting to /dev/null is to throw away any output...08:03
emmasarts: yeah i don't think gparted is on the livecd but you can install it from inside the live session with sudo apt-get install gparted08:03
nimbioticsHi guys. I was using twin view wit my nvidia card and now I cannot open the Monitors utility. I get The following message when I try "Could not get screen information. RANDR extension is not present.". What can I do?? TIA!08:03
rwwemma, sacarlson: gparted is on the live cd.08:03
the_wench2I see , so in order to make MAILTO work I need to remove dev/null, right ?08:03
rwwwas when I used it, anyway08:03
sacarlsonthe_wench2: you have spaces in it cron don't like spaces.  you will have to put single quotes around it.  i normaly just create scripts that have what's needed in them08:03
the_wench2also wget is downloading files, how do I stop that ?08:03
Jordan_Uemma: Gparted is uncluded in the Ubuntu LiveCD, just not used in the installer.08:03
emmarww: im not so sure about that.08:03
the_wench2sacarlson: could you edit that entry and explain ?08:03
roscogruenKE1HA: i need to make backup disk for Acer driver and what-not.  12GiB.  it will take 4 DVD's to do that.  and the blank dvd's i have aren't acceptible to acer???08:03
the_wench2rww: did you read that? too many people speak here so my lines went way abv :P08:04
sacarlson*/10 * * * * /home/myaccount/wget_script.sh >> /dev/null 2>&108:04
rwwthe_wench2: I have no idea what you're trying to do. As far as I can see, you're using wget, which downloads files, except you don't want to download files, and you're redirecting to /dev/null, which throws away output, except you don't want to throw away the output :\08:05
KE1HAroscogruen, I'd go sped 20 bucks for a USB External drive.08:05
Wiesshundrww partition tool on live cd is GPartEd eh im guessing thats not quite the same08:05
the_wench2rww: that url does some crawling processes and updates the mysql DB08:05
distant2audacity _is_ cool, used it in windows.08:05
holtyHello..I could use some help with ampache08:05
the_wench2and I can't use path, just because it uses lots of MVC files, basically controllers, models, libraries, helpers, etc.08:06
the_wench2now the thing is, I want to send output/errors to my mail id and also not download any files because of wget, how do I do that ?08:06
sacarlsonrww: the_wench2: rww has a good point08:06
KE1HAroscogruen, The RescueCD will ahve all the drivers on it, in case you need to restore, what you really need to get secured, if your file data.08:06
the_wench2sacarlson: lol, who has a good point? :P08:07
rwwthe_wench2: ah, okay, I see now08:07
the_wench2cool :)08:07
fr0y0zHello! I have a question about exporting access databases to mySQL via myPHPadmin. I downloaded MDB Tools and exported the mdb database which was exported as a txt file. I tried to Import it into MyPHPAdmin and I got the following error: #1051 - Unknown table 'TABLE_NAME' I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong and I'm not sure if anyone here can help with it but if anyone has encountered this, some help would be very much appriciate08:07
Wiesshundok im off to bed, night all08:07
emmarww: i think perhaps it is included on the livecd but not installed?08:07
rwwemma: correct08:07
FreudlundI'm trying to install a game(bztank) ./configure says I need curl, and should install it, but I know I have it. # curl --version says 7.19.7...what should I do?08:08
_3rr0r_why does gnome-look.org and kde-look.org always forward me to a sports blog page when I try to download wallpapers?08:08
the_wench2rww: so ?08:08
emmarww: ahh yeah then, i meant that you have to install it.08:08
rwwthe_wench2: I'm thinking, one sec08:08
Jordan_UFreudlund: bztank is avialable in the repositories. Install it via Applications > Ubuntu Software Center08:08
the_wench2rww: no probs,take your time ;)08:08
FreudlundJordan_U, cool, didnt think to look there...08:09
=== _3rr0r_ is now known as Laggg
Jordan_UFreudlund: It's the first place you should look when installing any software.08:09
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fr0y0zoh my gosh sorry folks wrong room08:09
sacarlsonthe_wench2:  yes wget is for downloading files so I guess that's what you want to do.  what do you want to do with the file it downloads?08:10
emmaFreudlund: however a game like that from the repositories is likely to be well behind the latest thing you can compile from source. I am not saying that is true in your case since I don't know about bzflag.08:10
the_wench2I don't want it to download any file sacarlson08:10
nimbioticsHi guys. I was using twin view wit my nvidia card and now I cannot open the Monitors utility. I get The following message when I try "Could not get screen information. RANDR extension is not present.". What can I do?? TIA!08:10
FreudlundStJordan_U, I usually do...still if the installer fails on this wrong error, somethings knocked, i'd like to figure out what...?08:10
sacarlsonthe_wench2: well what is the purpuse of this function doing?08:10
the_wench2client doesn't wants the filesystem to get filled every min lol08:11
the_wench2the cron will run every min08:11
EddieV113nimbiotics: when i install the driver non of my windows will render, even the login screen so it ruins the system, i'm going without the driver for now until I find out whats going on08:11
Jordan_UFreudlund: I assumed you were actually talking about bzflag, I've never heard of bztank before.08:11
roscogruenKE1HA: we won't have anything, like a video that someone else would want.  but browser history and if we pay bills online, we'll want that history hidden.  plus, i'll have a firewall up.  not sure if malware can get into ubuntu firewall and go through for personal information (passwords and credit card info)08:11
rwwthe_wench2: "wget --delete-after" will delete any files it creates. "wget -q" stops all output, "wget -nv" shows only basic output, and I don't see anything for "just error output". You could probably do it with shell redirection (which is the >> and > stuff you have in that pastebin), but I'm no good with that, so I wouldn't know how.08:12
nimbioticsEddieV113: thanks08:12
EddieV113whats a good irc client with favorites lists?  Im using chatzilla now08:12
rww(as in, delete the downloaded copy, not the server copy)08:12
FreudlundJordan_U, nope, didn't read your comment that good, it's actually bzTank...a 3d multiplayer game...08:12
EddieV113but no favorites is getting annoying08:12
sacarlsonthe_wench2: well if it does nothing then you don't need to add it to cron.  just delete the line.08:13
FreudlundJordan_U, never mind...we are talking about the same...08:13
the_wench2ok, thanks rww08:13
rubydiamondhi guys..08:13
rubydiamondI am running an app on port 300008:13
=== Laggg is now known as coffee
rubydiamondcan I share my IP:300008:13
Jordan_UFreudlund: Yeah, just found the about page "BZtank is a BZFlag server network located in London, United Kingdom."08:13
rubydiamondin network08:13
=== coffee is now known as Laggg
rubydiamondusing Ubuntu 9.1008:13
KE1HAroscogruen, well, your not going to actually bash the data files on the Win7 partition, it's the MBR that your concerned about trashing, and that's where the Rescue comes in, but there's ways to fix MBR's without a rescue disk in a couple commands.08:14
emmaFreudlund: Is it called bztank or bzflag?08:14
ezrafree_i have a "UUID" set in my /etc/fstab but now i can't mount my external hard drive... any ideas?08:14
roscogruenKE1HA: does the new ubuntu come w/ grub2?08:14
ezrafree_is there some way to get a new UUID?08:14
Jordan_Uroscogruen: Yes.08:14
bazhangezrafree_, sudo blkid?08:14
KE1HAroscogruen, yes08:14
rubydiamonduname -a: Linux anil-desktop 2.6.31-22-generic-pae #61-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 03:15:32 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux08:15
kermitis there an open source flash plugin?08:15
ezrafree_bazhang: thank you kindly, let me try that08:15
Freudlundemma, eeee, it's bzFlag, my mind played tricks on me08:15
emmaFreudlund: try sudo aptitude build-depends bzflag08:15
emmaFreudlund: and then try compiling from source again.08:15
bazhangkermit, none worthwhile08:15
roscogruenJordan_U: & KE1HA grub2 will take care of the MBR issue?08:15
Jordan_Ukermit: There are a few, none of them particulary good yet.08:15
rwwezrafree_: sudo tune2fs -U newuuidgoeshere /dev/devicenode, but I'd highly recommend figuring out what's not working instead.08:15
the_wench2rww: -l --delete-after or just --delete-after ?08:15
kermitJordan_U: like what? i'll try08:15
KE1HAroscogruen, yes, Grub will become the new boot-loader.08:15
quietoneEddieV113, xchat08:16
papiCan anybody help me?08:16
bazhangpapi, ask a question08:16
Jordan_Ukermit: lightspark (a relatively new project), gnash, and swfdec.08:16
KE1HAroscogruen, Have a read though this site, answers allot fo quesitons: http://lifehacker.com/5403100/dual+boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-in-perfect-harmony08:17
emmaubuntu should but BURG in as the interface to Grub2. It would be nicer for people to look at.08:17
roscogruenKE1HA: if grub2 is installed and that takes care of the MBR issue, no need, right?08:17
papiwith live cd i can acces a external hard drive but after install of ubuntu i can't  acces08:17
KE1HAIt's for 9.10, but the context is what's inportant.08:17
EddieV113_im running xchat now, how do i add a server/channel to my favorites?08:17
KE1HAroscogruen, It's jsut for background information and how ti all works.08:18
rubydiamondCan I share my IP:3000 (a web app) over network without changing IP tables08:18
rwwthe_wench2: just --delete-after. I'm not seeing what -l has to do with anything :\08:18
emmapapi: is it connected by usb? If so perhaps try lsusb to find it08:18
SoftwareExplorerI'm looking to buy a joystick for flightgear. How is ubuntu's joystick support?08:18
bazhangEddieV113_, under xchat menu network list edit ubuntu servers add there08:18
papiit says i don't have enough permissions08:18
Jordan_Uemma: BURG is a fork of GRUB2 maintained by only one person, and GRUB2 has it's own graphical themeing system (BURG's is a fork of the theming system that already existed in GRUB2).08:18
KE1HAEddieV113_, Server >> Join Channel etc etc08:18
bazhangEddieV113_, separate with a ,08:18
Jordan_Uemma: While Ubuntu will likely include a nice graphical theme for the grub menu at some point, it will not be from BURG.08:19
emmaJordan_U: oh well does Grub2 have that nice menu or is it still the old one that looks the same as always?08:19
KE1HAEddieV113, Wehn you first log-in, you can add all the rooms you want, and t re-connects for you.08:19
papiit's mout automatic but i can't acces it08:19
emmapapi: it mounted?08:20
papiit says08:20
Freudlundemma, no go..trying repo instead, still bugs me tho08:20
bazhangKE1HA, for autojoin? that needs to be edited in08:20
KE1HAbazhang, Yes, it's a pain08:20
bazhangKE1HA, at any rate he quit08:20
emmapapi: then go to it and type sudo chown <your user name> <the name of the directory>08:20
KE1HAbazhang, it's burried about 3 panels down to get the re-connect sites on there.08:21
KE1HAShould be Right-Click, re-connect on log-in, how tough is that :-)08:21
Jordan_Uemma: http://apebox.org/wordpress/linux/261/ is a theme made for grub2, unfortunately most people are making themes for BURG instead.08:21
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ccherretthey guys!08:22
papican't acces08:22
emmapapi: you mean it shows up as mounted, as a directory of its own but when you try to use files in it, it says you can't access them>08:23
papii can't see it on the desktop or the menu08:25
emmahow do you know it's mounted?08:25
papionly in the disk utility08:25
sacarlsonpapi: emma: i'm guessing that's it's mounting read only.   try the command in a terminal mount  also08:26
papii suppose because i have ubuntu in spanish08:26
sacarlsonpapi: pastbin the results of both fdisk  -l   and mount08:27
emmasacarlson: but he says its not even showing up on the desktop nor the places menu08:27
emma!pastebin | papi08:27
ubottupapi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:27
bazhanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com  <----- papi08:28
KE1HAcopy, paste, hit send, then copy the link and post it here08:28
sacarlsonemma: ya must no be mounted or his privliges?08:28
AeroniusGreetings, is there a way around DRM for WMV files?08:28
emmaSomeone with factoid editing privs should shorten that pastebin factoid. It's kind of ironic when the invitation to use a pastebin uses more lines than if the person would have just pasted into the channel.08:28
kermitemma: hahah08:28
emmasacarlson: i think either not mounted, or needs to use chown or chmod, but i don't know that stuff well enough and i don't want to mess him up.08:29
sacarlsonemma: well with the fdisk -l and mount we should see08:30
emmacould be you need to chmod the directory +x  i think when a directory is not +x then you can't access it.08:30
Aeronius*anyone*, is there a way around DRM for WMV files?08:30
KE1HAAeronius, those are, well illegal activities, if you Goggle it, I'm sure you'll find the answers your looking for.08:30
emmaAeronius: a sure way to avoid that is to use ogg instead.08:31
the_wench2*/10 * * * * <--- says bad minute08:31
the_wench2I am getting error08:31
sacarlsonAeronius: DRM?  you can't view wmv files?08:31
AeroniusI thought it wasn't illegal...08:31
Aeroniusyeah, it's one file in particular08:31
DasEiDoes anybody know what's up with streamtuner ? the stations won't appear under their folders no more, though the urls are up08:32
Aeroniusjust shows a bunch of jumbled digital mess08:32
the_wench2rww: any idea?08:32
the_wench2*/10 says bad minute08:32
KE1HAAeronius, that's it's design.08:32
EddieV113why can't i join python channnel anymore?08:32
sacarlsonthe_wench2:  it look write to me but like I said you other parts of you line has spaces in it08:33
papiSo... what do you think?08:33
KE1HAEddieV113, I dont see a Python channel listed.08:34
EddieV113its #python on freenode08:34
EddieV113can't join atm tho08:34
KE1HAAt least not a ubuntu associated channel08:34
sacarlsonpapi: I don't see the results of the command fdisk -l  or mount in you paste  and I don't speak spanish08:35
Aldeos_BBCHi all08:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:35
KE1HAEddieV113, the #python would not let me join either.08:35
emmapapi: try: sudo chown -R papi /media/usb008:35
the_wench2this is my cron entry bud -> http://pastie.org/private/tywedul6hwuapuvklyqow08:36
emmapapi: asuming that your login name is papi on your machine.08:36
Aldeos_BBCI like the linux mint ui.. Is there an ubuntu theme that will make it look like mint?08:36
stimpsonYinYulong: 没有中国人08:36
papiemma: and them?08:37
sacarlsonthe_wench2:  to prove it is correct you can try this line */10 * * * * /bin/ls >> /dev/null 2>&108:37
emmapapi: then try it again.08:37
the_wench2sacarlson: it says bad minute :(08:37
the_wench2I mean the error08:37
sacarlsonthe_wench2: yes cause it's looking at the seperation of your command that has spaces in it08:38
x90hey fag fucked ferry faggot fag fucks, lay off the fag fucked jacobs moms nasty snatch hole08:38
the_wench2which spaces ?08:38
KE1HAAldeos_BBC, is this what your after? : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cassandra+Mint+Green?content=6499808:38
haldostimpson: sure?08:38
x90oh come on08:39
haldostimpson: #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw08:39
the_wench2sacarlson: ?08:39
x90heres a good seperation command split(/faggots/, "fags faggots fags");08:39
the_wench2this small issue has wasted 1 hour of mine, DAMN08:39
Aldeos_BBCHa that looks good sir!08:39
papibut why and how?08:39
holtyI could use some help with ampache loggin if someone has the knowledge08:39
sacarlsonthe_wench2:  wget<space>http://yoursite.com<space>  those spaces  they need to be in quotes or in a script that you run08:39
KE1HAAldeos_BBC, Here's another one: http://www.sizzledcore.com/2008/08/09/ubuntu-themes-awesome-themes-for-linux/08:40
the_wench2really ?08:40
llutzsacarlson: since when?08:40
sacarlsonllutz:  what did I miss?08:41
llutzsacarlson: look at examples in "man 5 crontab" and see that you're wrong :)08:41
papiemma: what that command do08:41
DasEiAldeos_BBC: no mintsupportt here, but basically can have other desktops too, looked at gnome.org for a theme already ? else fluxbox and such work flawless on ubuntu, too, and there is kubuntu, too08:41
MagixHello. My sound doesnt work in my webbrowsers. How to fix that. In other applications it does work. But not in the webbrowsers.08:41
sacarlsonllutz: ok than what's wrong with her line? http://pastie.org/private/wyworiaaxbf4rjhw0ylgew08:42
MagixThen i am talking about: Firefox, Opera.08:42
emmapapi: changes the owner of that directory to you.08:42
emmapapi: i don't know if it will do what you need or not though.08:42
the_wench2llutz: so whats the solyution ?08:42
papi and who was by default?08:43
papiit works08:43
llutzsacarlson: sorry, i don't have www access yet, cannot look at  paste08:43
sacarlsonthe_wench2:  did this work? */10 * * * * /bin/ls >> /dev/null 2>&108:43
MagixThen i talk about: FLASH videos.08:43
emmapapi: it's working now?08:43
papiemma: yes08:43
emmapapi: WOW! ♥08:44
papiemma: thank you08:44
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emmapapi you are the first person i've ever helped for a non trivial propblem!08:44
papiemma: :-[08:44
KE1HAMagix, check out Chromium, and Enable HTML-5 .. Makes Web-Vid sing and no choppy U-Tube. No need fer flash.08:44
tasslehoffI have a laptop with ATI graphics running the proprietary driver. What should I use to setup dualscreen? Is there a graphical ATI-tool?08:45
pocoyohello, everyone08:45
sacarlsonllutz: how can you see this without internet access?08:45
MagixKE1HA: How to enable HTML-5. And Sometimes the vids does work. SOMETIMES.08:46
MagixKE1HA: I now installed chromium08:46
KE1HAMagix, You go to the U-Tube site, and there's a button, job done.08:46
llutzsacarlson: internet != www08:46
sacarlsonllutz: oh ok08:46
KE1HAMagix, Search on Utube HTML-508:47
KE1HAwith google08:47
papiemma: there's a new problem08:47
sacarlsonllutz:  the line was this: */10 * * * * wget -S http://www.example.com/track/cronjobs/updateLinkStatus >> /dev/null 2>&108:47
emmapapi: im afraid it's unlikely i can solve two problems.08:48
emmapapi: but what is it, in case someone can.08:48
papiemma: well is not really a problem08:48
emmapapi: okay it's getting better already!08:48
parapanhi there fellows > pls provide me with a linux software for photo batch conversion ...resize of 10 pictures at once ....something like the faststone from the win world ....08:48
sacarlsonllutz: so what's wrong with that line?08:49
MaRk-Iparapan: Phatch08:49
papiwhen i acces using the live cd the icon is different from what is lokking now08:49
llutzsacarlson: idk, seems correct08:49
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parapanMaRk-I: hmm ..let me check -it ..thanks it's a GUI software or command line ?08:50
sacarlsonllutz:  so maybe the problem wasn't on that line?  I guess I should have tried it08:50
saji89parapan, Please visit this- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=502925108:50
MaRk-Iparapan: it's gui go to software center and look for phatch08:51
dandre2How can I activate the network interfaces at system startup instead of user login?08:51
papiemma: now it appears the right icon08:51
emmapapi: yay!08:51
MagixKE1HA: Im now exctracting the files..08:52
papiemma: this is a little crazy08:52
KE1HAMagix, Here's a Video How Too :-): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wteih8XzJX008:52
sacarlsonllutz: I didn't get any errors so I think your right08:52
KE1HAVery clear instrucitons.08:52
jacobsomfg there is this new virus that effects this crazy part of the brain in fags and makes the seek out lil kids to kill in there sleep08:52
emma!ops | jacobs08:52
ubottujacobs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:52
emmaoops i didn't know it would spam like that.08:53
emmabut anyway maybe the ops in here care about jacobs. Whatever.08:53
papiemma: now both icons appears one works and the other don't08:53
kermitJordan_U: yeah, gnash almost worked but not really, i didnt get the other two installed08:54
emmapapi: that's pretty weird. i don't know what to make of that.08:55
Jordan_Ukermit: If you're wanting FOSS support for Youtube then try html5 or totem's youtube browsing plugin.08:55
papiemma: thank you anyway because it works08:56
papigood night08:56
emmaJordan_U: how do you 'try' HTML5?  I thought that was something your browser either did or not.08:56
emmapapi: goodnight08:57
rwwemma: http://youtube.com/html5, I assume08:58
Fb14I have some questions about tune DVB card. Anybody know something about that?08:58
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Fb14In Ubuntu...08:59
Jordan_Uemma: There are a few different factors. First, youtube by default will always use flash, even if your browser supports html5 (and the codec that particular video uses). Second, up untill recently youtube has been using h.264 as the codec for their video files with html5, but Firefox doesn't support h.264 because it's not a Free codec.08:59
MagixKE1HA: Sound doesnt work....08:59
EddieV113how do i get terminal to change directory to a flash drives drive?08:59
TheStreetRacerplease command for enter ubunti it chat09:00
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sacarlsonEddieV113:  normaly you will find flash drives in /media09:00
emmaJordan_U: somehow the ipad is able to view YouTube videos without flash I guess.09:00
KE1HAMagix, Well, that's half the problem solved at least :-)09:00
emmaJordan_U: does that codec have to be built into firefox when it's compiled?09:01
tasslehoffI have a 1080p laptop w/ati graphics. When I setup cloned display to an external 1080p monitor, the image doesn't fill the external monitor. I'm pretty sure it's not scaling in the monitor that's an issue.09:01
Jordan_Uemma: Yes, they don't use a web browser for browsing youtube IIRC, much like what you can do with totem (which rather than having a full built in web browser just grabs the videos directly from youtube's servers and plays them)09:02
MaRk-ITheStreetRacer: /join #ubuntu-it09:02
Jordan_Uemma: Firefox can't be compiled with h.264 support, and probably never will be able to be. But...09:02
KE1HAMagix, From bug reports: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer09:03
quietoneEddieV113, cd /media/<name>09:04
Jordan_Uemma: Google recently released their VP8 codec under a royalty free licence, meaning that it can be used in Firefox.09:04
KE1HA+1 on h.264 and the Big Goog.09:04
Jordan_Uemma: So if you install the latest development release of Firefox you will be able to watch those videos that have been made available using html5 and webm (the new open video format that uses vp8).09:05
shawnboyThe more I look at this, the more confused I get. I need help with ssh command line going through non-standard ssh port.09:06
KE1HAJordan_U, You need FF 4.X +09:06
kiamoamarok wont play my mp3s.  I'm guess I need to install mp3 playback support, however rhythmbox works fine.  Am I missing something?09:06
Jordan_Ushawnboy: ssh -p 1234 user@host09:06
rwwkiamo: they use different backends. for amarok, try installing the package libxine1-ffmpeg09:07
shawnboyJordan_U: Thanks. I'll give that a try.09:07
Jordan_Ushawnboy: You're welcome.09:07
kiamorww, thanks I'll try that09:07
whysoseriousHI, whats up09:07
whysoseriousI want to talk a lot about09:07
EddieV113whats the command to run a .o file?  I have a main.cpp file that i compiled and it gave me a main.o file, so how do i run that?09:08
kiamorww, so because I'm running amarok, does that mean I'm running both gnome and KDE?09:08
kwtmEddieV113: Don't you have to link the object (.o) file?09:08
milen8204why when I turn WLAN and LAN on, the icons in uplet disappears09:08
llutz!ot > whysoserious if its not ubuntu support related, talk there09:08
ubottuwhysoserious, please see my private message09:08
whysoseriousYour mouse will looks like KDE09:08
rwwkiamo: kinda. depends on how you define GNOME and KDE, I guess09:08
whysoseriousYou understand that09:09
kwtmkiamo: You have both KDE and GNOME libraries, but your window manager is still Gnome WhateverIt'sCalled (Ubiquity?)09:09
EddieV113kwtm, im not sure, first time compiling a c++ file on linux09:09
rwwkwtm: metacity or compiz. ubiquity is the Ubuntu Installer09:09
EddieV113kwtm, what should i do?09:09
kwtmEddieV113: How are you compiling?  What command line?09:09
whysoseriousYou willbe on KDE, by using amarok, or K3B, just because your mouse cursor will be on the same on being in kde09:09
Jordan_UEddieV113: Did it also create a file name "a.out" or give any error messages? What command did you run to compile main.cpp?09:09
shawnboyJordan_U: another question just to make sure, if you don't mind. I set my router to forward port 1234 to 22 on 192... Then command you showed should work, right?09:09
rwwwhysoserious: running KDE programs in GNOME doesn't change your cursor :\09:10
kiamoah ok, so it's not a bad idea to run KDE apps alongside gnome apps?09:10
milen8204why when I turn WLAN and LAN on, the icons in uplet disappears? How to avoid that?09:10
kwtmwhysoserious: Are you sure?  I use KDE and GNOME apps in Kubuntu.  Does that mean I'm using GNOME on KDE?09:10
rwwkiamo: nope, it should work fine09:10
Jordan_Ushawnboy: Yes.09:10
parapanMaRk-I: You're the man bro; thanks for the tip; it's working as expected - fast and light :d09:10
kwtmkiamo: People do it all the time, running KDE apps in GNOME.09:10
rwwand vice versa09:10
whysoseriousNot so fast I mean09:10
MaRk-Iparapan: yw09:10
llutzwhysoserious: nonsense, running any kde-app under gnome wouldn't make you "running kde"09:10
whysoseriousI use kubuntu desktop on ubuntu09:10
shawnboyJordan_U: problem must be somewhere else. I'll keep looking. Thanks again. At least I know I have the command line right.09:10
kiamokubuntu is just ubuntu with the KDE window manager?09:11
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whysoseriousIts all a mess, because my cursor is of KDE full time09:11
rwwkiamo: basically, yes09:11
kwtmwhysoserious: "Not so fast I mean".  What are you referring?  To?  I can't see which part of the conversation this connects to.09:11
kiamoaah I see09:11
whysoseriousAnd all that bunch of progrmas of kde desktop is implanted on gnome09:11
rwwubottu: kubuntu09:11
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde09:11
EddieV113kwtm, i used anjuta to compile it, I have no errors just a main.o file and the main.cpp in that folder09:11
whysoseriousI just talking, typing, kwtm09:12
KE1HAkiamo, and allot of different apps designed fer KDE, some cross over, some don't.09:12
kwtmEddieV113: I confess that I've actually never actually compiled a program in Linux before.  But let me look up "anjuta" and see what options it has.09:12
whysoseriousI have have some thoughts about be in a place for one single pourpose, and do not avoid it until its done09:13
KE1HAkwtm, pretty easy ./configre   ./make && make install   :-) if all goes well it works :-0)09:13
Jordan_Ushawnboy: It's often helpfull you use telnet to test basic connectivity, if you "telnet hostname 1234" I'm guessing you'll get "Connection refused".09:13
whysoseriousDo You understand that?09:13
KE1HAneed sudo fer make install most of the time09:13
rwwwhysoserious: I think #ubuntu-offtopic would be more suited to you.09:13
kwtmKE1HA: Well, I've done *that* before.  But we're talking about compiling one's own software, not someone else's which already has a makefile done.09:14
whysoseriousAnd my point is: Can you/we/me manage ours/mine connection on linux?09:14
kwtmEddieV113: Check out http://library.gnome.org/devel/anjuta-manual/stable/build-compile-and-build.html.en09:14
whysoseriousI mean, can we do that?09:14
emmaEddieV113: i suggest using checkinstall.09:14
kwtmEddieV113: It looks like instead of Build > Compile, you may want Build > Build.09:14
KE1HAkwtm, Ahh :-) Makefiles can be a bit interesting.09:14
whysoseriousWhen I am doing any download, an youtube tab do not load anymore09:14
emmawhen you use make install it's possible that so many binaries will be made in so many places you cannot practically ever uninstall it.09:14
emmawith checkinstall you can.09:15
whysoseriousI ask if it is the same to everyone on the linux world09:15
shawnboyJordan_U: good idea.09:15
whysoseriousWell, i have to stop now to read someone09:15
=== easter_egg is now known as easter_egg`Afk
kwtmwhysoserious: Sorry, couldn't I just get you to clarify: are you asking a question to try to get us to help?  You seem to be giving a lot of information that doesn't quite connect, and I don't know whether I should make the effort to try to understand you, or whether "I just talking, typing, kwtm"09:16
whysoseriousemma is female?09:16
KE1HAthere's aps that track install, but yes, it can be touchy, especially on a packaged base system.09:16
whysoseriousI will be more especifc09:16
KE1HAplease dont.09:16
shawnboyJordan_U: Thing is, it works when I use standard port 22, but when I try non-standard, I get no connectivity.09:17
kwtmwhysoserious: So: You can run GNOME and KDE software in a KDE environment.  I run KDE, like you.  Not sure what that has to do with "the cursor is KDE".09:17
whysoseriousCan we manage our very connection  of download and whatever?09:17
whysoseriousIs that making any sense?09:17
* llutz smells a lousy troll09:17
whysoseriousand make whatever09:17
bazhang!enter | whysoserious09:17
ubottuwhysoserious: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:17
whysoseriousI am seriouslly09:17
bazhangwhysoserious, stop with the enter key09:18
kwtmwhysoserious: I would agree with ubottu.  So, I am going to ignore you until you ask a specific question that is all on one line.  Thanks.09:18
bazhangwhysoserious, not kidding09:18
whysoseriousI am seriouslly here, please, help09:18
EddieV113kwtm, in anjuta after i compile the build option stays greyed out ?09:18
rwwwhysoserious: What's your native language?09:18
papiCan anybody help me?09:18
whysoseriousSorry my bad english09:18
rwwubottu: pt | whysoserious09:18
ubottuwhysoserious: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:18
DasEi!details | papi09:18
ubottupapi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:19
kwtmEddieV113: Interesting.  You might want to create a makefile, or read up on it if you are not familiar with that, and then use the makefile to get to an actual compiled program.09:19
rwwwhysoserious: probably would get a better result there.09:19
whysoseriousI like chat09:19
KE1HA!ask | papi09:19
ubottupapi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:19
bazhangwhysoserious, this is NOT a chat channel09:19
whysoseriousAnd even can help09:19
whysoseriousYou mean it09:19
papiThe file '/media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility/setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit. ubuntu 10.0409:19
bazhangwhysoserious, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat NOT here09:19
KE1HAchmod +x {filename}09:20
kwtmEddieV113: Basically, an object file is halfway to a fully compiled executable.  It needs to be linked in order to get to the final step.  I see that the Anjuta web site says you don't have to worry about that since it's automatic, but I don't know why it is not so for you.09:20
DasEipapi: thats a windows file, you want to run it in wine ?09:20
papii'm trying to open with wine09:20
papibut The file '/media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility/setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.09:20
emmapapi well since that is an .exe i guess that's for windows and it's not going to run on ubuntu.09:20
DasEipapi: sudo chmod +x  YourFile.exe09:20
whysoseriousHow can I connect on the pt channel?09:20
milen8204any one knows a program for files downloading, which can continue the downloading if it had stoped09:20
KE1HApapi, then after wine setup.exe09:20
llutzmilen8204: ftp, rsync, wget09:21
KE1HAbut wine needs to be instaled of course09:21
bazhangwhysoserious, /join #ubuntu-pt  /join #ubuntu-br09:21
kwtmmilen8204: Yes.  I recommend rsync (for command line) or grsync (for graphic interface); it is capable of resuming partial downloads.09:21
whysoserious<milen8204> any one knows a program for files downloading, which can continue the downloading if it had stoped JDOWNLOADER09:21
kwtmWho is pocoyo?  I didn't like that Chinese quit message.09:21
milen8204thanks dudes09:21
whysoseriousIf I leave here, how to connect so? I am seriouslly09:21
milen8204you rock09:21
DasEiwhysoserious: see above09:22
KE1HAmilen8204, curl, rzync wget most of them have flags for that. rzync probably easiest on BW.09:22
KE1HAWhoops rsync ..09:22
whysoseriousI will stop for a while so I can read09:22
kwtmKE1HA: Did you mean rsync, or is "rzync" another program I don't know?09:22
KE1HAzsync is diffrent, Im not sure if it has a resume or not.09:23
whysoseriousmilen8204 I have the website so you can add the app of the download manager09:23
KE1HAI ment rsync09:23
whysoseriousI dont know if I can post here09:23
whysoseriousCan I???09:23
bazhangwhysoserious, no09:23
papidasei: th file or the directory does no exist09:23
TrentonAdamsanyone have ideas for me on why my system won't boot with raid?  I have to manually assemble the raid after it drops to a shell.  I've run update-grub and update-initramfs09:23
milen8204whysoserious, thanks09:23
KE1HAkwtm, I thin for using zsync you need a (.zsync) file association as well, but not 100% on that.09:24
paviA video n00b question : I have videos from camera in .mov format how do I convert it to a free format prefarably ogg using mencoder ?09:24
papiany other solution?09:24
rwwKE1HA: it does resume by nature, and does need a .zsync file09:24
DasEipapi: one word ahead : not all files can be run in wine, now whole story, what do you want to achieve ? which programm  / function ?09:24
TrentonAdamspavi, do you want a scriptable way?  Or a GUI that uses mencoder?09:24
ezrafree_anyone know if a usb wifi adapter by Tenda will work in Ubuntu?09:25
KE1HArww, TNX I dont use it much, didn't know if it had a resume or not.09:25
papidasei: it worked when it was in cd live session09:25
kwtmpavi: I am familiar with that.  Basically, "mencoder -o MyOutfile.avi MyInfile.mov", or whatever extension you need.  There are many options you can use.  I'll paste in the one that I use the most.09:25
=== easter_egg is now known as easter_egg|off
DasEipapi: what worked ?09:25
whysoseriousDadei is female?09:25
papidasei: the setup file with wine09:25
whysoseriousProbably not09:26
bazhangwhysoserious, stop that09:26
rwwwhysoserious: the gender of channel members has nothing to do with you.09:26
pavikwtm, yes thats the syntax but is ogg is the output video formats ?09:26
bazhangwhysoserious, being offtopic.09:26
DasEiwhysoserious: stop that, or you'll be removed , I ignore you now09:26
whysoseriousOK, I am done.09:26
kwtmpavi: Trying to remember: when --hang on.  I'm going to castigatge whysoserious09:26
DasEipapi : good sign, so let's get it done, open a terminal..09:27
papidasei: ok09:27
kwtmwhysoserious: People are seriously warning you: you need to stop talking/typing in this channel because you are being rude.  Please figure out what you are doing wrong (READ what people are telling you) and then correct your behaviour or the ops will prevent you from typing.09:27
DasEipapi : where is the file ? Desktop ?09:27
whysoseriousI am quiet here now09:27
papidasei: in a usb hardrive09:28
sacarlsonpapi: DasEi: as DasEi asked you before what is you windows exe file/package you try to run do?09:28
kwtmpavi: Sorry.  Anyway -- Ogg is a container format, and most files named "*.ogg" are actually Ogg VORBIS, which is an audio format.  Trying to rmember what the video format is called.09:28
DasEipapi : sudo mkdir driver09:28
rwwkwtm, pavi: theora09:28
paviKwpolska, ogv format I guess09:28
kwtmpavi: Got it:  Ogg Theora is the video format.  Having said that, I don't know how to get Theora on mencoder.09:28
Kwpolskapavi: what?09:28
DasEipapi : sudo fdisk -l  (-l is lower L)09:28
llutzkwtm: ogm ogg-video09:28
papisacarlson: yes09:28
DasEipapi : which device is the usb  ?09:29
anditosanI got a zen vision m which is not being detected on kubuntu, I can't see it when I do lsusb. I do mtp-detect and get: no raw found09:29
rwwKwpolska: mistab, I'd guess09:29
pavikwtm, llutz  I want the video as free . no propreitary formats involved09:29
kwtmkwtm: In fact, my mencoder does not play Ogg Vorbis files.  Probably needs some library installed.  But yes, presumably you would use the "-ovc ogg-video" option.  Hang on, let me look up.09:29
DasEipapi : /dev/sd...09:29
papidasei: the external hard drive09:29
DasEipapi : sudo fdisk -l  (-l is lower L)09:29
whysoseriousI Have a question fr you big brains09:29
DasEipapi : which device is the usb  ?09:29
whysoseriousI Lost my entire HD 500Gb09:30
papidasei: /media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility09:30
whysoseriousAn, there is a solution of get back my files sing Linux?09:30
rwwubottu: recover | whysoserious09:30
ubottuwhysoserious: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:30
DasEipapi : sudo cp /media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility/setup.exe /driver09:31
DasEipapi : sudo cp /media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility/setup.exe    /driver09:31
kwtmpavi: Okay, buried deep in the mplayer man pages (which I had to specifically reformat to make them understandable) is this: "vcodec=libtheora".  Now let me look up how to use that info...09:31
whysoseriousThe entire HD war formated just once, and I am preventing this HD of using, so I can have more chances of recover my files entire with no messing09:31
KE1HAI got lost on this one, what's he trying to do ?09:31
pavikwtm, llutz  Is http://oggconvert.tristanb.net/ available ?09:31
DasEipapi : cd /driver09:31
Jordan_Upavi: You probably want to use ffmpeg rather than mencoder, or for an easier solution "oggconvert"09:31
DasEipapi : ls09:31
DasEipapi : file there ?09:31
papidasei: done what's netx09:32
whysoseriousIt was NTFS partition, then entire Hard Disk, its an odd. In ext3 you lost forever?09:32
anditosanI got a zen vision m which is not being detected on kubuntu, I can't see it when I do lsusb. I do mtp-detect and get: no raw found09:32
DasEipapi : file there ?09:32
kiamowhy does amarok need acess to kdewallet every time I start it?09:32
paviJordan_U, I don't want anything to do with ffmpeg . I am better off with oggconvert . strange that mencoder doesn't support IRONY !!09:32
papidasei: setup.exe09:32
kwtmpavi: Okay, I see that you're supposed to put "mencoder -<codec>opts vcodec=libtheora", replacing "<codec>" with the actual codec, but I don't know what that is yet.09:32
DasEipapi: is the setup.exe in /driver  ?ah, good09:33
DasEipapi: using lucid ?09:33
whysoseriousExile seems amarok, with you use gnome you do not have to install amarok kiamo09:33
ZhorikÎ÷åíü íóæíà ïîìîùü â óñòàíîâêè ìîäåìà E175009:33
kwtmpavi: Probably something like "mencoder -lavcopts vcodec=libtheora", but I don't know if the "lavc" codec supports libtheora.09:33
DasEipapi: chown $User setup.exe09:33
bazhang!ru | Zhorik09:33
ubottuZhorik: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:33
DasEipapi: chown $USERser setup.exe09:33
kwtmkiamo: Because the KDE designers think it's cool to force you to use the MySQL database to run KDE. :P09:33
Jordan_Upavi: mencoder was designed from the begginning for the avi container, it's not greate with other formats (ffmpeg is though, and the syntax is practically identical).09:33
DasEipapi: chown $USER setup.exe    ,Typoking^ ^09:34
papidasei: /media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility ubuntu 10.0409:34
kwtmpavi: Yes, it's available.  Check http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=oggconvert&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all09:34
kiamowhysoserious, sorry I didn't understand :(09:34
DasEipapi: chown $USER setup.exe   , done ?09:34
pavikwtm, yeah got it . installing it09:34
kiamokwtm, lol there must be a reason...09:34
kwtmpavi: In fact, you might find the general ubuntu packages check page useful.09:34
kwtmkiamo: Well, it is fairly powerful.  But so much for KDE not being bloated. :)09:35
papidasei: is mising something09:35
DasEipapi: you are in /driver         directory ?09:35
whysoseriousI had this entire HD with multimedia, bunch of stuff and 2 operating systems, so I went to resize some partition and the movement ends with Shit09:35
bazhangwhysoserious, watch the language09:36
papidasei: /media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility09:36
DasEipapi: please answer my questions :)09:36
DasEipapi: you are in /driver         directory ?09:36
whysoseriousSo, I search for some tutorials that what said to me that I dont have to use this HD for recover but to take another one and save back to there09:37
papidasei: yes09:37
DasEipapi: sudo chown $USER setup.exe   , done ?09:37
DasEipapi: your location ?09:37
whysoseriousUnderstood? So I am preventing this HD of being used, because its more easy to recover thefiles without any lost09:37
karlohow to change number of workspaces in terminal ?09:37
papidasei: /media/usb0/Julio/Programas/UT4063/Utility09:37
DasEipapi: please answer my questions :)09:38
DasEipapi: your location ?09:38
bazhangwhysoserious, you were given some links. Please read them.09:38
papidasei: that's the location09:38
DasEipapi: geography, needed for repo coming.. spain, Us..09:38
papidasei: ooooooohhhhh09:38
whysoseriousCan I recover not the expecifycally any files, like .JPEG ,DOC ,BMP, but the entire folder, like My documents or something.......................09:39
DasEinever hearrd of ..09:39
whysoseriousThats the point09:39
papidasei: santiago, Dominican Rep.09:39
bazhang!recover | whysoserious read these09:39
ubottuwhysoserious read these: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:39
whysoseriousRecover not the type of file... but the entire bunch09:39
bazhangwhysoserious, stop repeating and do some reading of links09:39
whysoseriousYes, I got the links09:39
KE1HAwhysoserious, short answer, yes you can, you can DD your data partitions off the drive, but you need someone local knowledgeable enough to perform the task.09:39
DasEipapi:http://pastebin.com/ACpwxm6j  ,one command in one line09:40
whysoseriousWait there is more09:40
whysoseriousI heard that you even can recover an entire partition09:40
KE1HAwhysoserious, That's the answer to your problem.09:40
whysoseriousKeiha is male i supose09:41
whysoseriousI got it09:41
KE1HAI've not descided what I am, but that's nothign to do with your problem.09:41
DasEipapi: this will give you a better wine in few seconds09:41
kiamoamarok won't see my music :\  I changed the collection directory in prefs and rescanned but it didn't add anything.  Is there something else I have to do?09:41
DasEipai  : repo added ?09:41
papidasei: Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys F9CB8DB009:42
papigpg: solicitando clave F9CB8DB0 de hkp servidor keyserver.ubuntu.com09:42
papigpg: clave F9CB8DB0: clave pública "Launchpad PPA for Ubuntu Wine Team" importada09:42
papigpg: Cantidad total procesada: 109:42
papigpg:               importadas: 1  (RSA: 1)09:42
FloodBot2papi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
kiamonm, it just took ages to refresh09:42
kwtmkiamo: Okay, so it's working?  I use Amarok also, although I liked the KDE3 version better.09:42
DasEi!paste papi : , a simple yes would have benn k, too09:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:42
DasEi!paste | papi : , a simple yes would have benn k, too09:42
ubottupapi : , a simple yes would have benn k, too: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:42
KE1HADasEi, +1 :-)09:42
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:43
papisorry im'm new09:43
DasEipapi : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:43
kwtmpapi: WHy are you giving us the output of that command when it was successful and basically there was no problem?  Never mind, other people have beat me to it saying the same thing.09:43
kiamokwtm, yea its seems to be working, although it doesn't feel like its well integrated into ubuntu.  My media keys on the keyboard don't work with it, and its a bit sluggish.09:44
papidoes anybody have team viewer?09:44
=== easter_egg|off is now known as easter_egg
whysoseriousHow to get on the pt channel?09:44
DasEipapi : update through ?09:44
cofffeeeWhere can I get intltool 0.35.0 or later?09:44
bazhangwhysoserious, /join #ubuntu-br  /join #ubuntu-pt09:45
papidasei: working09:45
kwtmkiamo: My media keys to work.  So there's hope, although I found there was a LOT of reconfiguring needed for Kubuntu KDE4 before it worked decently.09:45
DasEipapi: nice, say when done09:45
whysoseriousWhere I paste this link?09:45
yunintegralthere is any simple and easy draw tool? like windows default draw tool09:45
kwtmwhysoserious: That is the 3rd time you have asked and been answered, not counting the private messages I sent you.09:45
DasEipapi : if wine was installed before, will have the updated version after this procedure09:45
whysoseriousAs you banned me, so I look you message09:46
whysoseriousFirst time i've ever rea a private  message09:46
papidasei: i installed today09:46
kwtmwhysoserious: If you type "/join #ubuntu-pt", then instead of those words appearing on screen, you will end up joining the #ubuntu-pt channel.  So, please say this: /join #ubuntu-pt09:46
whysoseriousAn first time I understood this layout of this channel program.....09:46
papidasei: don't you have team viewer?09:46
kwtmDid you type it yet?  /join #ubuntu-pt09:46
DasEipapi : so it'll be then, sorry, not team view here09:47
KE1HAGo To Gate, Open gate, Go Through gate, Close gate, Run Run Run :-)09:47
whysoseriousright bottom and go to th channel, simple09:47
milen8204i have download one game caled Savage 2 now i have this file Savage2Install-2.1.0-i686.bin , How to instal it ?09:47
whysoseriousAnd you making all that mess.09:47
whysoseriousI got it now, thanks for all.09:47
icerootmilen8204: chmod +x Savage2Install-2.1.0-i686.bin  then just type ./Savage2Install-2.1.0-i686.bin09:48
papidasei: is quicker if you download team viewer than wating for the updates09:48
=== easter_egg is now known as easter_egg|off
milen8204ok thanks a lot09:48
whysoseriousnone online, must be because is 5:48 A.M.09:48
kwtmbazhang: Is that whysoserious?09:49
kwtmThe ban, I mean.09:49
KE1HAWas more like ;-)09:49
papidasei: it's 50 minutes09:49
kiamokwtm, Im not using kubuntu, just regular ubuntu.09:49
DasEipapi : slow connection so, well , updates are neccesary for a consistent OS..09:50
kwtmkiamo: Behind the scenes there's not that much difference.  Hmm, I wonder if it affects the media keys.09:50
kiamokwtm, should I consider installing kubuntu if I want kde apps to run better?09:50
kwtmkiamo: You can do this: go to Amarok and configure shortcuts.  When it says "what key do you want to use for Play?" or whatever, just press your media key.09:50
papidasei: i installed it today09:50
DasEipapi : newermind, when it's done it should just be wine setup.exe now, if the defaults on live where used, too09:51
DasEinevermind, I'm really a typoking today, papi09:51
kwtmkiamo: I don't think you need to have KDE... with KDE the KDE apps work better between them; e.g. if you want to cut and paste from (say) Kolourpaint into Kmail, or something, but just using Kolourpaint itself or Kmail itself should be the same in KDE and GNOME.09:51
megabrakerhow to close an open port ?09:51
sacarlsonDasEi: what is that setup.exe application papi is trying to install?09:51
kwtmmegabraker: ?? Explain.  Open port?09:51
DasEimegabraker: man ufw tells you09:52
zfmfhe guys i try to install php5-clamavlib but i get the message not found, must i activate a another source ? the universe sources are activated or is it called different on lucid lynx anyone an ideA?09:52
megabrakerhow to close open port 3520 in ubuntu lynx 10.04 ?09:52
DasEisacarlson: a driver I don't know more about, but pap.. said it worked under live-cd, so I left him whole story then09:53
papisacarlson: connect to a router for downloading bittorrent with the computer off09:53
megabrakeri know there is a one in backtrack but i forgoten it09:53
kwtmmegabraker: What DasEi said.  You can use ufw (uncomplicated firewall).  I'm not that familiar with it so I'll let DasEi tell more.09:53
dany_can you tell me if exists a library that reassembly http packets starting from tcp packets?09:53
kwtmzfmf: No such package --is that not the exact package name?09:53
sacarlsonpapi: I don't think you need it.  I do bitorrent all the time don't need any windows stuf to do it.09:54
DasEimegabraker : which port ? whch protocol ?09:54
kwtmzfmf: I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120572409:54
megabrakerDasEi port 3520/tcp09:54
kwtmzfmf: Looks like you do add another repository.09:54
th3hateany way to umount "/" to repartition hardisk?09:54
kermitdany_: i use sniffit09:55
icerootth3hate: use a live-cd09:55
DasEimegabraker: sudo ufw deny 3520/tcp09:55
papisarcarlson: i do with my pc off09:55
zfmfkwtm: thanks ;)09:55
kwtmth3hate: I doubt it.  You'd have to reboot using a live-cd so that "/" is not your current hard disk.  But you can't do it while you've booted from your current hard disk.09:55
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DasEith3hate: use live cd09:55
sacarlsonpapi: I think if there is any hope for you project you will need to run windows like in virtualbox.  but good luck09:55
megabrakerDasEi could this port be opened when an up need to work on it?09:55
th3hatecan i edit ext4 partition from windows?09:56
DasEimegabraker: remotely by ssh, sure or again by ufw allow, yes09:56
sabgentonyou can edit  ext309:56
kwtmth3hate: Depends on the software.  Maybe Partition Magic can do it?09:56
papisacarlosn: but it worked with live cd why not now09:56
Jordan_Uth3hate: Not easily, but it's possible.09:56
DasEith3hate: no, and also not read subdirs, ext3 can be /read/write in win, but not resized09:56
sabgentonpossibley it might detect/mout as ext309:57
sacarlsonpapi: you installed wine in live cd?09:57
th3hatei don't have any live cd's ... so no way to resize ubuntu partition?09:57
megabrakerok thanks but this is not what am searching , lets try again is there any command to show the process that openes a specific port?09:57
papisacarlson: yes09:57
sacarlsonpapi: well then I must be wrong.  goog luck09:57
sabgentonhey whats a command to check what groups user bob belongs to09:57
kwtmth3hate: How did you install Ubuntu?  From Wubi?09:57
DasEith3hate: usb stick least one gb handy ?09:58
sabgentonor do I just have to less /etc/group09:58
papisacarlson: thanks09:58
sabgentonnice command?09:58
icerootsabgenton: id bob09:58
th3hate i have mint virtualbox running on windows, can i resize ubuntu's partition from there?09:59
kwtmth3hate: Resizing a hard disk partition while you're using it is like trying to fix a car while you're driving it.  It's not feasible.  Can you download a Ubuntu 10.04 CD (only 700MB)?  If not, you can buy programs like PartitionMagic or Partition Expert.09:59
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DasEimegabraker: there is, but I think you don't get iptables..09:59
kwtmth3hate: It doesn't matter what software you are running.  As long as you are using the hard drive to boot, you can't fiddle with the hard drive (at least, not with that partition that you booted from).09:59
Jordan_Uth3hate: You can boot from an iso file without burning it to disk with grub2, with a distribution that supports loading completely to RAM, and resize from there.09:59
th3hateJordan_U: thanks10:00
KE1HAsabgenton, grep developers /etc/group   for example.10:00
sabgentoniceroot what does the number represent in  groups=number10:00
Jordan_Uth3hate: You're welcome.10:00
DasEimegabraker: iptables controls the behaviour of your firewall, that means how a port will react on in or outgoing traffic, an app itself connects to a certain port, if blocked, it will fail10:00
KE1HAsabgenton, to add sombody: useradd -G developers sombody10:01
icerootsabgenton: the gid, the number of the group10:01
sabgentonKE1HA: I like  id better :)10:01
KE1HAOk cool10:01
megabrakerDasEi the connection will be blocked but the port would still accesible localy10:01
sabgentonoh it was the first numbeer10:01
sabgentonthe users number10:01
papiSorry it's too late for me good night10:02
sabgentoniceroot: thanks :D10:02
DasEimegabraker: no, if you block a port, there will be neither acces nor a response (drop)10:02
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KE1HAjust do id username10:02
Rockydoes anyone know what libnl does?10:02
megabrakerDasEi from localhost10:02
DasEimegabraker: no, if blocked, no pass through the blocked port10:03
icerootRocky: library for dealing with netlink sockets10:04
KE1HAlibnl is a library for applications dealing with netlink sockets10:04
RockyIt does not comple for me for a ppc target10:04
KE1HAMan, my inet is SLOW10:04
sabgentonwhat is the sudo group for10:04
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:05
sabgentonI knotice it has all permisions10:05
KE1HAdoing sudo things10:05
sabgentonlike admin10:05
DasEisabgenton: root privilegs10:05
sabgentonyeah but %admin in /etc/sudoers  give users root privileges10:06
KE1HAsabgenton, :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:06
sabgentonwhy is there  a %sudo with all access aswell?10:06
KE1HAsabgenton, not on a RootSudo system t doen't, root is effectivly disabled.10:06
DasEimegabraker: FYI, netstat might be worth a look, and also search web for iptables10:07
megabrakerDasEi netstat -lup10:07
sabgentonI no the root account is disabled10:07
Jordan_Usabgenton: Note the comment in front of that line in /etc/sudoers, it's just an example.10:09
KE1HAsabgenton, another option, create a custom group, and give them access or control over things you want specifically.10:10
sabgentonJordan_U: hmm I'm on ubuntu server that maybe why10:10
sabgenton%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL10:10
sabgentonis uncommented on server lucid10:10
sabgentondon't know why cause theres nothing under the sudo group10:11
Jordan_Usabgenton: Are you sure that's not a local modification?10:11
ciphersson1has any one else had problems running 10.04 with  a ATI Radeon Express 200M?10:13
wolchey guys, my wireless is not working, i need some help, using a broadcom wireless, the driver is activated and also installed the bcmwl-kernel package from synaptic10:13
wolcwhat do i do10:13
erUSULSystem>admin>hardware drivers wolc10:14
Jordan_Uwolc: Try de-activating the bcmwl driver and activate the b43 driver.10:14
wolcJordan_U: b43 driver is that something i have to install?10:15
wolcJordan_U: from the synaptic i mean10:15
ciphersson1whenever my laptop goes in to hibernation after i get it out of hibernation Ubuntu keeps on making the display messed up and makes horizontal lines on the screen and displacing everything on the screen and the only way to get rid of it is by restarting the computer10:15
wolcerUSUL: the hardware driver is already activated10:15
Jordan_Uwolc: It should be an option in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers (which will then install and setup the package b43-fwcutter).10:15
wolcJordan_U:  so i should uninstall the bcwml package and then reinstal the hardware driver?10:16
ra100hi, i´ve just found PPA for the newest kernel 2.6.35 in Lucid Lynx- https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid10:16
ra100have you anybody tried it yet?10:16
Jordan_Uwolc: Do you have two options in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?10:16
ra100any issues?10:17
shledahi, is there a way to overcome broken dependency issues in ubuntu?10:17
Jordan_U!details | shleda10:17
ubottushleda: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:17
skysurfer37morning all10:17
shledaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:17
shleda  php5-xdebug: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.14-0.dotdeb.0) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed10:18
shledaE: Broken packages10:18
wolcJordan_U: jus checked the hardware driver section and now my wireless doesn't even show up there!!!!10:18
shledaJordan_U: I am trying to install php5-xdebug package and all I see is this -> The following packages have unmet dependencies:   php5-xdebug: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.14-0.dotdeb.0) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed E: Broken packages10:19
Jordan_Ushleda: Remove the dotdeb repository and any packages you've installed / upgraded from there.10:20
skysurfer37guys is this just a help page for people or is it genral ubuntu chat as well10:20
erUSUL!ot | skysurfer3710:20
ubottuskysurfer37: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:20
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shledaJordan_U: Thanks, am ashamed, I didnt pay attention to the message10:22
Jordan_Ushleda: np.10:22
shledaJordan_U: I also see this message after I install some thing from apt-get -> W: Unable to read /etc/apt/preferences.d/ - FileExists (2: No such file or directory)10:23
shledathere was a prefrences.d folder I renamed it but I still see this message10:24
erUSULshleda: sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/preferences.d/10:24
shledaerUSUL: there was a folder but I renamed it10:25
chelzshleda: why did you rename it?10:25
xitocalawhat channel takes care of nick problems?10:26
chelzxitocala: #freenode10:26
shledaummm...just out of curiosity :(10:26
chelzshleda: if you haven't gotten a message before, then you change something and you start getting a message *with* the name of something you changed in the message, the cause might be what you changed :P10:27
shledachelz: right said fred, I will check it10:27
chelzi should check on 10.04.110:28
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KE1HAchelz, +1 .. Im writing that one down :-)10:30
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sabgentonJordan_U: unless the installer ask me or something I haven't touched /etc/sudoers10:30
chelz10.04.1 LTS on  August 17th (Tuesday)10:31
sabgentonJordan_U: commented or not I'm just interested to why there is a %sudo group10:31
sabgentonwhen %admin does what you need10:31
Jordan_Usabgenton: I don't know, I'm curious now also :)10:31
chelzmaybe stuff left over from debian10:32
dragenovhi I want to use sub2srt perl script but when i choose to open I doesn't   run what should Ido?10:32
chelzsince i'm pretty sure debian uses a sudo group10:32
chelzdragenov: pastebin what your terminal says when you try to run it10:32
sabgentonwhy something has uncomented it in my /etc/sudoers10:33
sabgentonalludes me10:33
ghisenHi, anyone know where i can find drivers for Realtek 8112L network card? I was surprised that ubuntu did not have drivers for it because its the card on Asus most common motherboards today....10:33
chelznot sure. it is commented in mine10:33
Kartagis!info php5-clamavlib10:35
ubottuPackage php5-clamavlib does not exist in lucid10:35
sacarlsonghisen: does system>administration>hardware drivers  show anything?10:35
Lagggwhy is my terminal all greyed out?10:36
KE1HAghisen, Have a look here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/no-network-detected-realtek-8111-8168-issue-615047/#post302999810:36
chelzghisen: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146570310:37
chelzactually yeah, that other post is better10:37
chelzghisen: disregard my link10:37
ghisenKE1HA, ok thank you10:38
KE1HAghisen, Im suprised as well. Sever a forums reported positive results on the script.10:38
JustSimplyBobI have a permissions problem I can't get around. I am creating a GRUB partition. All I have to do is copy the grub.cfg to the partition. I am using a boot flash drive to make everything. It says I can not copy the file b/c I don't have permission to. How do I get permission?10:38
ghisenKE1HA, i will have a go at it when i get home10:39
chelzJustSimplyBob: sudo10:40
DasEiJustSimplyBob: you can prefix the cp -command with sudo10:40
howlymowlyhi poeple... is it somehow possible to run ubuntu software center in kde without crashing itß10:40
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DasEihowlymowly: #kubuntu ; softwrecenter should run there, system up - to date ?10:40
howlymowlyjupp...  my software center runs...  but when installing an applications it immediatly crashs with a segmentation fault after sudo authentication10:41
sabgentondon't know10:42
russellNNNNPlease help -  screen blanks after short period of use 10.4 -10:42
howlymowlyDasEi: although it still manages to install the application..10:42
KE1HAghisen, I have an Asus A6V Lappy, did not have any trouble, although, I don't recall the exact NIC, but my server board are all Asus, and I've never had UB Nic issuers with any of them.10:42
DasEihowlymowly: start it from terminal as root and paste the error output from the trml10:42
sobydigital projector not detected in ubuntu 10.04?? help needed....10:43
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SauLusHi, I lost the root-pw at some of my machines and need to restore it. I dont want to boot by cd, edit /etc/password, I've heard about the init=/bin/sh trick. But this does not seem to work with grub2, right? How do I regain control of the root account?10:45
Rockysoby,  which digital projector?10:46
sobyrocky: ordinary projector ....:)10:46
Rockywhich make/model10:46
DasEiSauLus: can try boot singlemode, if not disabled and change pass there10:46
sobyrocky: dunno dude10:47
sobyis that necessary10:47
SauLusDasEi: right, thats nice. ty - I totally forgot10:47
Rockyyeah, u need to connect it through some interface like/ usb/firewire/hdmi10:47
Rockyand the respective drivers have to be present to be able to use it10:48
sobyrocky: i need to connect throug display port10:48
howlymowlyhmm...  DasEi:  it runs as sudo without any problems...  it just crashs when running it as user10:48
howlymowlyi get some warnings before the crash, when running at as user, though...   "WARNING:root:No styling hints for Raleigh were found... using Human hints." DasEi,10:49
DasEihowlymowly: see... you will have a permissionproblem then, as it can install soft, need it for that10:49
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Rockysoby, r u next to the box now10:49
Rockyr u connected now10:49
DasEihowlymowly: the second complains about libs for themes not found, a question for #kubuntu10:50
deployDoes anyone else have problems with windows occasionally disappearing (remain running but become impossible to see/focus) after using Show Desktop in Compiz?10:50
sacarlsonsoby: I'm sure you tried having the monitor/projector pluged into your system and powered up at boot time of you computer yes?10:50
sobyrocky: no10:50
sobysacarlson: yea10:50
RockyU can cycle through through working resolutions using "Ctrl Alt + " and " Ctrl Alt -"10:50
Rockyand see if it works10:50
sobyrocky: okke10:51
Rockyif not you might have to add entries to X11 configs10:51
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sobyrocky: how abt if i want to connect another display??10:53
sobyrocky: i meant monitor10:53
_ikke_I have a HP DV6 2030sd laptop, and have trouble to get my microphone to work (both internal as external). You can find information about my soundcard here: http://bit.ly/clfBRp. I'm running Ubuntu 10.4. I have tried to look for the problem on google, but I don't know where to look for. Can anybody guide me to the right direction?10:55
sacarlsonrocky: soby: I think the new xserver does some smart stuf that  reads the model of the display and uses that info to setup  the driver configs.  I had problems with a samsung monitor cause the software didn't recognize the name and didn't know how to set it up.  you can see what it tried and what it sees in /var/log/Xorg.0.log  and maybe w10:57
sobysacarlson: oke..i will check it10:58
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:59
bullgard[GNOME 2.30] On an external  USB hard disk I created a new directory and named it »Music«. I'd like to appear it in Nautilus having a one-note emblem in Nautilus  just as the directory »Music« in ~. Right-click does not offer thid emblem. Where to copy it from?11:00
erUSULbullgard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65896 <<< add new emblems ?11:02
xitocalahow do I verify sasl is working properly?11:03
AlexC_my /tmp is mounted with options 'nosuid,noexec' - I've just created a bash script in /tmp and set it to executable - yet I can still run it, why is this?11:03
erUSULAlexC_: how did you run it ?11:04
bullgarderUSUL: The procedure which you suggest, does not work. As I said: " Right-click does not offer this emblem."11:05
AlexC_erUSUL: '. /tmp/foobar'11:05
erUSULAlexC_: so you sourced the script you di not executed it ...11:06
erUSULAlexC_: ". /tmp/foobar" is not the same as "./tmp/foobar" spaces are very iomportant in command line11:06
AlexC_erUSUL: true, true. Thanks :)11:07
erUSULAlexC_: no problem11:07
P3n7Aneed some help please11:07
xitocalabullgard: on the folder, right click, open emblem tab, scroll down to the note img11:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:07
xitocalahow do I verify sasl is working properly?11:08
SauLusDasEi: the single mode setting also asks for the maintainance=root password.11:08
P3n7Agot some problem  with sound not playing on virtual box guest OS(guest OS is Win2k3) host OS is ubuntu 10.0411:08
DasEiSauLus: that can be on security orientated systems, so no other way then live > chroot11:09
SauLusthere isnt any grub switch that forces single mode without the ubuntu recovery menu?11:09
P3n7ASaulus: 1 or Single will do that...11:10
sacarlsonP3n7A: did you give the guest os rights in virtualbox to use the sound?11:10
DasEiSauLus: no, you could pass single to the default kernel, but if if root is protected, it's same there11:10
nkHi - I'm having some trouble with loading a java applet in firefox. I get the error "start applet not initialized" in the firefox status bar. Most other java applets (inc testers) work fine... Just my trading platform applet doesn't... Funny thing is that it works fine on my other ubuntu machine. Any ideas why this is? Thanks11:11
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P3n7Asacarlson: how do I do that?11:11
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RockyI have static allocation of my hard-drive partitions. Will I be able to install over it now11:11
SauLusok, ill have another try11:11
RockyI have static allocation of my hard-drive partitions. Will I be able to install LVM over it now11:11
janickoHello, i need a help no set a wireless router. It is being recognised, it even saing that is connected, but i can't connect to internet and when i press on connection information it show me the speed of 54 mb/s, what with wired connection should be 100. And it is ok that with wireless connection it is showing diferent ip?11:11
sacarlsonP3n7A: in the virtualbox setup.  what version of virtualbox you have installed?11:12
Jordan_USauLus: init=/bin/bash should work.11:12
Rockysacarlson, thanks on the Xserver info11:12
SauLusJordan_U: where do i add this to grub2? ive treied it several times11:13
erUSULRocky: without reformatting ? keeping existing data? no that i know of11:13
sacarlsonP3n7A: when you first start virtualbox you select the guest you want to modify settings there you will see sound settings make sure that is enabled11:13
bullgardxitocala: Music > right-click > Properties > (Music Properties) > Emblems does not offer what you suggested. Rather it offers »Sound« and »Multimedia« which have a double note.11:13
Jordan_USauLus: Press "e" to edit the menu entry and add it to the list of kernel parameters, after "quite splash " (and on the same line).11:14
erUSULbullgard: as i said. go to ggogle find an image you want and add that image to the aviable emblems11:14
erUSULbullgard: i find one in openclipart site11:14
P3n7Asacarlson: sure I checked the Enable Audio Box11:14
Jordan_USauLus: Then press ctrl+x to execute the modified entry.11:14
P3n7Asacarlson:  the vbox version is 3.1.6_OSE11:14
erUSULbullgard: i'm sure there are others11:14
sacarlsonrocky:  I thought it was soby who wanted the info.  hope it helped11:14
RockyerUSUL, I had to go for this option because the11:15
RockyDVD I got for 10.04 did not have any lvm support11:15
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SauLusJordan_U: thanks for the detailed explanation. i tried it yesterday with sh instead of bash and didnt get it. maybe i did a mistake.11:16
Rockysacarlson, I did'nt check the Xserver features recently. It was interesting11:16
RockyI will go check sometime11:16
P3n7Asacarlson: any other idea?11:16
sacarlsonP3n7A:  I use virtualbox version 3.2.6  it works fine with windows xp , vista, and windows 7,  maybe you should try that version.  I never used vbox.11:17
Jordan_URocky: This doesn't help much now, but if you want to install to LVM you need to use the alternate installer, which is available (along with the default "Desktop" installer) on the Ubuntu DVD.11:17
xitocalabullgard: you want a specific png to suit your specific need?11:17
erUSULP3n7A: does the guest od see (as in has the drivers installed etc ...) the sound card emulated by virtualbox ?11:18
RockyI did allocate les for by /usr. I am pretty sure, it is going to screem on me within days from now11:18
bullgardxitocala: I'd like to duplicate the symbol of ~/Music there.11:19
erUSULbullgard: http://www.openclipart.org/detail/3864 <<< this one. download svg file drag and drop in nautilus window -> Edit>Emblems and backgrounds11:19
sacarlsonerUSUL: P3n7A:  good point if your windows don't have the drivers installed it may not work.  but windows normaly has sound at start.11:19
bornfreequick question: where do i join for questions about boot loader files? sorry for interrupting.11:20
SauLusJordan_U: it worked fine, ty!11:20
Jordan_USauLus: You're welcome.11:20
sacarlsonbornfree:  this is multi tasking you can chat at the same time.  boot loader files like grub2?11:21
bornfreealright, so i'll just shoot and hope for the best11:21
bornfreei have a question, i was trying to install 10.04 using a usb, and it seems it installed the boot loader in the usb. i reinstalled it using a live cd, and that installation works fine. but now i have a bootloader in my usb, and i want to do another install. which files on the usb do i delete for grub not to run on the usb?11:22
ravenhow to change to utf8 in irc client?11:23
erUSULraven: i guess it depends on the irc client you use11:23
acidjazzim rockin windows 7 .. just installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop w/ workstation 7.1 .. are visual effects in ubuntu/gnome possible?11:23
acidjazzi do have 3d acceleration enabled in vmware btw11:24
ravenerUSUL, but there is any command to change it11:24
sacarlsonbornfree: you want to boot multi kernels from a single usb flash drive?11:24
xitocalabullgard: are you using nautilus when you are looking at this folder and is the folder you want to have the 'music' emblem shown to you as an icon? if it is and you right click on same said folder, and click on 'properties' and then click on the 'emblem' tab, and then scroll down, do you not see the 'music' emblem?11:24
gotenKE1HA, I found this  http://rioastamal.net/2008/10/tutorial-how-to-install-apache-ant-on-ubuntu-linux/11:24
erUSULraven: no that i know of...11:24
ravenerUSUL, with mirc and xchat it is11:24
bornfreeno, i just want to keep the usb as an install usb, no grub or anything.11:24
janickocould somebody help me to set wireless route> it is recognized but ia can't connect.11:25
IMI_BAT_JOCbornfree just format the usb and do it bootable again:D11:25
KE1HAgoten, Ok, I was under the impression you already had LAMP or a web0server installed.11:25
erUSULraven: in xchat you configure that in the Server preferences.11:25
erUSULraven: crtl + S --> highlight server. choose edit.11:26
gotenKE1HA, yes i installed LAMP11:26
sacarlsonbornfree: well to be an install usb it needs grub or grub2 installed.  after boot you can still mount the partitions on the usb I guess to view the files on it.11:26
KE1HAgoten, but it didn't have the exports for ANT ?11:26
bornfreesacarlson: problem is i don't have the iso anymore, and the internet is slow as hell today. need to satisfy my urge to keep installing ubuntu on different computers :-!11:26
bullgardxitocala: No, I do not see it. (I told you that before.)11:26
gotenKE1HA, then what is the problem11:27
KE1HAgoten, Oh, I see, you have to install Apache-Ant, not Apache211:27
xitocalabullgard: I can't help you, sorry11:27
KE1HAgoten, that's where your Ant-Libs come from.11:28
bullgardxitocala: Thank you.11:28
sacarlsonbornfree: so you just want to access the files on the usb flash I guess.  you can still boot your system without you usb installed then plug it in and read the files and I guess create a new iso file or whatever.11:28
navidhi. anyonecan help me setting vpn connection?11:28
gotenKE1HA, I have apache2 but not apache-ant11:28
KE1HABot good, as the W3 app need Ant11:29
KE1HAOpps Not good.11:29
gotenI don`t understand11:29
bornfreealright, i'll restate my question. when i try to use the usb, it tries to search for a hard drive because i guess when i did the first install, it updated the grub on the usb. now when i try to install in another computer using the usb, it tries to find that hdd (which is not there) so it does not go into "live cd" mode.11:29
sacarlsonbornfree: but I think I would wait till you had an iso file.  maybe try bittorent the ubuntu iso.  it might be faster to download that way11:29
bornfreehow do i fix that?11:29
bornfreebittorrent is not allowed in our univ11:30
KE1HAgoten, The Aoolicaiotn your installing requires Ant Lib's and Apach2 doesnt' have them, it requires Anache-Ant.11:30
Jordan_Ubornfree: Try "sudo syslinux /dev/sdX" where sdX is your flash drive, likely "sdb".11:30
IMI_BAT_JOCuse internet download manager(under wine)11:30
navidhi. anyonecan help me setting vpn connection?11:30
erUSULbornfree: i gues you have to actually install grub mbr in the usb disk ( probably in the first machine it got installed in main disks mbr ) ?11:30
gotenKE1HA, do u know how to install apache-ant11:30
Jordan_Ubornfree: But make sure you choose the right device, as choosing the wrong one could make your computer unbootable.11:31
KE1HAgoten, follow the Apache-Ant Web Instrucitons.11:31
janickoHello, i need a help no set a wireless router. It is being recognised, it even saing that is connected, but i can't connect to internet and when i press on connection information it show me the speed of 54 mb/s, what with wired connection should be 100. And it is ok that with wireless connection it is showing diferent ip?11:31
gotenokay any links11:31
KE1HAgoten, http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html11:31
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zodihaxanyone knows where to get the newest x-fi beta drivers? ive searched all over the place.. all ive retrieved is that they seem to be "XFiDrv_Linux_US-1.18" but i cant find them anywhere11:31
gotenKE1HA, thanks11:31
ndxtghttp://members.ozemail.com.au/~hodsond/dbp.html <--- could anyone please help me to check these tgz files? how come I cannot open it in Ubuntu 9.0411:31
KE1HAgoten, The Binary is an RPM version, you probably need to build it yourself.11:32
bornfreeerUSUL: yes, i did install the bootloader meant for the mbr into the usb, now figuring out how to remove it (if possible)11:32
DjAngo23Hello everyone. How can i check whether a cron is executed or not11:32
oCean_ndxtg: what is the error?11:33
bornfreeJordan_U: yes, that was my mistake. should have checked under the advanced tab in the installation11:33
ndxtgoCean_: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format11:33
ndxtgtar: Child returned status 111:33
ndxtgtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors11:33
ndxtg(sorry failed copy & paste)11:33
Jordan_Ubornfree: I meant when you run "sudo syslinux /dev/sdX" to restore syslinux, which is the bootloader that unetbootin installs.11:33
navidhi. anyonecan help me setting vpn connection?11:34
oCean_ndxtg: nvm, should not paste here. I tried 'tar xvfz dbpSrc-1-1-9.tgz'  - goes just fine11:34
DjAngo23Any one any idea bout the Crontab ?11:34
bodomHi there. Is there any hope I can have my CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE sequence working?11:34
KE1HADjAngo23, man cron11:35
Soldiersetup vpn http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-6038003.html11:35
oCean_DjAngo23: just make a test entry in your cron, one which outputs to a logfile, then you'll know11:35
oCean_KE1HA: that is not helpful11:35
bornfreeJordan_U: do i run the syslinux command on the usb? or some other syslinux?11:35
Geierbodom: you mean http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html ?11:35
Jordan_Undxtg: What command did you use to try to unpack it?11:35
ndxtgoCean_: I still get that error "stdin error"11:35
KE1HAoCean_, I dont understand, that's the manual fer it.11:36
sacarlsonerUSUL:  bornfree: I think he just needs to reinstall the boot installer on the usb flash.  we used to have a utility that was preinstalled on ubuntu 8.04 that created one.  I don't see it on my present version ubuntu 10.04.11:36
oCean_ndxtg: better re-download, there's no problem with the archive11:36
Jordan_Ubornfree: On the usb drive, and again I reapeat that you should be sure you choose the correct device.11:36
ndxtgJordan_U: http://codepad.org/ebzM5sg1 full log11:36
janickoHello, i need a help no set a wireless router. It is being recognised, it even saing that is connected, but i can't connect to internet and when i press on connection information it show me the speed of 54 mb/s, what with wired connection should be 100. And it is ok that with wireless connection it is showing diferent ip?11:36
oCean_KE1HA: there are manuals for all commands. Don't refer people to read the manual page if they come here with specific questions regarding that command11:36
DjAngo23KE1HA, Yeah, you are right.11:36
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bodomGeier: yep, I also mean that the "dontZap" option doesn't change anything for me. The sequence is always disabled anyway11:36
DjAngo23oCean_, didn' t htink about that, thanks.11:36
ndxtgoCean_: I tried all other versions as well, still have that thing. So I guess this is Ubuntu error?11:36
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bornfreeJordan_U: alright, will try to do that. thanks.11:37
oCean_ndxtg: no, I don't believe that11:37
SoldierVPN https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient11:37
Geierbodom: and you did sudo dontzap --enable?11:37
shekarhi i am new to ubuntu can some tell me how to compile11:37
oCean_shekar: why would you compile? and what are you compiling11:37
Geiershekar: what do you want to compile?11:37
Dave111guys im trying to install something and getting this message "Your system does not seem to be set up to build kernel modu.."11:37
bullgarderUSUL: Your last advice: "-> Edit>Emblems and backgrounds" is too short for me to compfrehend. What file should I edit?11:37
SoldierKernal Compile https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile11:37
Dave111how to i go about getting these modules?11:37
GeierDave111: what are you installing?11:37
KE1HAoCean_, I didn't see a specific question about cron, only "does  any idea about cron"11:38
SoldierCompile dpkg http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man5/cross-compile.5.html11:38
erUSULbullgard: is not a file. is a menu entry in a nautilus window. it opens a dialog where you can *add* emblems11:38
navidhi. anyone can help me setting vpn connection?11:38
bodomGeier: here is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/3KR7x1P611:38
Dave111im installing guest additions for the virtualbox11:38
erUSULbullgard: open any nautilus window. Places>home for example. there go to Edit>emblems and backgrounds ( or some such)  a new window will open11:39
Geierbodom: at ubuntugeek it says "DontZap" "false"11:39
oCean_KE1HA: yes, but that one is referring to the actual question couple of lines earlier.11:39
Geiernot "off"11:39
shekari am installing the software called insight i have to compile to use the software11:39
KE1HAoCean_, I didn't see those, do appologize for the short answer.11:40
SoldierInsight http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151270011:40
bodomGeier: it doesn't make difference (from xorg manual: the following boolean option values are recognised as FALSE: 0, off, false, no )11:40
_ikke_I can't get my microphone to work on my HP DV6 laptop on ubuntu 10.4. Can anyone point me in the right direction?11:40
Geieralright bodom11:40
shekarGeier: software called insight3d11:41
classicalPlz someone help me install minitube i download a deb package but have error Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt4-network (>= 4:4.5.3)11:41
classicalthen i download source but minitube file does not executing11:41
sacarlsondave111: you need the kernel header files for the kernel you are using11:42
Soldieraudio microphone http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man1/adintool.1.html11:42
shekaroCean:software called insight3d please help11:42
rileypHi all im running lucid  quite nicely but when i try to view YouTube videos ifull screen it crashes any ideas ?11:42
classicali have even try from ppa but E: Couldn't find package minitube11:43
fishbeinghi,i have a problem with blender_2.53.anybody could help me?(sorry for my poor English : ) )11:43
classicali have added it in soruce.list and the updated it by apt-get update11:43
shekarhello please help me how to compile the software insight3d11:44
fishbeingit is no UI11:44
SoldierFor insight3d it needs java11:44
bodomGeier: so, no way?11:44
Geiernothing i know11:44
Geieralways worked for me :(11:45
Geiershekar: install build-essential and the things mentioned in the README.txt11:46
christaIs there anything known about a workaround for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55417211:46
christaits a little bit annoying to have to cups start manually after booting..11:46
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shekarya but how to use that i should open terminal11:46
christamaybe re-naming the symbolic link in rc2.d from S50 cups to S99cups might help(?)11:47
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Geiershekar: have you installed that stuff?11:47
SoldierThis should help to compile insight3d http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2857278&group_id=270681&atid=115117711:48
shekari dont now how to install i am confused :)11:48
Geiershekar: open a terminal.11:48
shekarya i did11:49
SoldierOh, sorry then Geier is on his way to helping11:49
sacarlsonshekar: I saw this but look like they had problems too http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2857278&group_id=270681&atid=115117711:49
GeierSoldier: not really11:49
shledahi, I have a command like this in a script -> echo 'print "hello" ' | at now <- what would it mean?11:50
mschiffanyone knows a repo that has x86_64 kernels for x86 lucid?11:50
shekari downloaded from insight3d.com11:50
Geiershekar: oh, that's clear11:51
Geierbut you need the dependencies11:51
Soldierit is a php start script11:51
Geiershekar: better ask in a forum. Installing by compilation is __really__ complicated sometimes11:51
Soldierecho then print commands11:51
andyn!hi | hollowcrap11:52
ubottuhollowcrap: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:52
shekarthankyou very much:)11:53
Soldierlet me try and compile insight3d before i give you bad info11:53
KE1HAGeier, He's also going to need OpenCV, this particular app is not a simple build.11:53
jattwhich program should I install to connect my laptop to a video projector_11:54
GeierKE1HA: yeah, and opencv ist apparently not in the repositories, so good luck :(11:54
KE1HAGeier, No, it's not, it's a build app as well.11:54
dany_hi all, in english you say "a http request" or "an http request" ?11:55
Soldiershekar give me the website from where you are downloading insight3d11:55
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Soldierk let me look at this11:55
shirtlessWhy did ubuntu move the icons to the left side of the window for lucid?11:56
shirtlessIs shuttleworth a lefty?11:56
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Soldierok so need help install a .gz file11:56
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MWelchUK_work_Hi guys, can anyone think of a good way of determining the interface of each disk in a system? I.e. I have sd[a-c] one is a SATA drive, one is a PATA drive and one is a USB Falsh drive, I wan't to work out which is which from a script...11:57
Soldieror compiling then install11:57
littlepenguingz is an archive like a zip11:57
shekarSoldier will u help me11:57
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Soldiershekar as much as i can sure will do whatever possible11:57
shirtlessSoldier: is it a .tar.gz or a .gz11:57
shekarok ok thankyou :)11:57
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KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, are all the drives on the same system ?11:58
ezrafree_anyone know how i can get a Tenda 11N usb wifi adapter to work in ubuntu?11:58
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MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, yup.11:59
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, df -hT will give you a claen print, then awk / sed the lines11:59
SomelauwI can't figure out how to open a certain postscript file. I tried using open-office, but it doesn't work. I can upload the postscript file, if you want me to.11:59
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, sridf -hT12:00
p3N7Aok, back with the same problem, guest OS(win2k3) not playing sound on virtual box, the host OS is ubuntu...12:00
shirtlessSomelauw: what is contained in the postscript file12:00
p3N7AI tried everything ossible12:00
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, df doesn't give me the interface type, just the filesystem type12:00
Somelauwshirtless I created it using mpost, if that helps.12:01
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, it give you the /dev's right,12:01
Soldierok, shekar12:01
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, as in /dev/sdx or /dev/sdd1 etc etc12:01
shirtlessSomelauw: Yeah, but what kind of data is it. Is it a book about your dog? What is it12:01
shekarSoldier are u downloading the software12:02
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, I've got the dev's - I need to know which interface each dev uses12:02
littlepenguinp3n7a have you installed the guest additions??12:02
Soldierthis website of ubuntu will walk you through it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo12:02
MWelchUK_work_i.e., is the disk SATA or PATA or USB12:02
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, Ah, ok.. let me tink abt that one fer a min.12:02
Somelauwshirtless, it was an example for metauml: http://metauml.sourceforge.net/old/faq.html12:02
Soldiershakar check it out see if you can do it yourself you will need to know how in the future12:02
sacarlsonMWelchUK_work_:  take a look at this package smartmontools12:03
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, Not sure it's trivial - there doesn't seem to be anything obvious in /sys/ but I could have missed something.12:03
Soldierfirst command sudo checkinstall12:03
p3N7Alittlepenguin:yeah, all vbox related apps in the repo are installed..12:03
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Somelauwshirtless, I followed the compilation step using mpost and it created a file called example.1 but I can't open it.12:03
RockyMWelchUK_work_, sda are generally SATA devices (usb/sta harddrivers)12:03
Rockydo u want to know that info programatically ....12:04
littlepenguinnoo p3n7a that is no meant..if your machine is started check upper menu for the option of "install guest additions"12:04
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, well, you know the /dev/sdx is SATA  .. /dev/hdx is IDE and /dev/sdd is USB, but Im not sure about PATA12:04
N3VV3Khey guys is there a better app than gedit12:04
littlepenguinn3vv3k for what purpose?12:04
MWelchUK_work_Rocky, or actually scsi or usb-storage12:04
RockyKE1HA, how is /dev/sdd  USB ?12:04
shirtlessSomelauw: you should be able to open it with gv/ghostscript.12:04
shirtlessSomelauw: i googled and it seems like OO is not very good at postscript.12:05
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, I don't that;s the point.12:05
KE1HAYeah, like plug ins a USB key and it shows as /sdd12:05
Soldiershekar i did download the software12:05
N3VV3Kjust basic stuff i was looking into leafpad12:05
RockyKE1HA, it shows up as sdd as u already have sdb/sdc12:05
littlepenguinp3n7a menu -> vm->guest->install vm tools12:05
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, I need to look at that PATA one fer a minute.12:06
Rockyotherwise it might have showed yuo sdb or sdc12:06
littlepenguinn3vv3k whats wrong with gedit?12:06
MWelchUK_work_Rocky, Yes, I need to discover it programatically12:06
p3N7Alittlepenguin:ok, let switch on the vm and do it, give you feedback in a minute12:06
RockyMWelchUK_work, what are you targetting. A script to what12:06
littlepenguinok p3N7A12:06
MWelchUK_work_Rocky, yup a script for testing machines.12:06
N3VV3Knothing really i kinda just want the best of the best of everything12:07
shirtlessN3VV3K: if you want the best editor, it's not leafpad ;)12:07
littlepenguinn3vv3k that depends on yourself normally12:07
Rockydo you know if there a defined list of  Drivers that go inot these machines12:07
Rockycertian brand/make/model/PCI-IDs12:07
N3VV3Kthanks shirtless and littlepenguin what are some of your favorite linux applications?12:07
SoldierShekar when you download insight3d there is a file called readme.txt that walks you through how to compile12:07
MWelchUK_work_Rocky, no, different machines will have different drives and controllers12:08
N3VV3Kim looking for some good desktop widgets12:08
Soldierput in a folder and right click extract here Shekar12:08
N3VV3Ki didnt really like screenlets12:08
shirtlessN3VV3K: for an editor on ubuntu: gedit for no learning curve, or use Vim or emacs for a powerful editor.12:08
shirtlessDon't bother with underdeveloped reinventions of the wheel12:08
shirtlessuse good stuff12:08
N3VV3Kthanks shirtless12:09
KE1HARocky, that maybe becasue I compile the kernel for libat and it makes everything /dev/sd12:09
littlepenguinn3vv3k mobloquer awn wireshark..editor vim or gedit...virtualbox..and as game pingus :d12:09
Soldiershekar Makefile and source code is in the "insight3d" subdirectory. There's no configuration, just execute "make" in the "insight3d" subdirectory.12:10
janicko1Hello, i need a help no set a wireless router. It is being recognised, it even saing that is connected, but i can't connect to internet and when i press on connection information it show me the speed of 54 mb/s, what with wired connection should be 100. And it is ok that with wireless connection it is showing diferent ip?12:10
RockyKE1HA, Awhich kernel are you using12:10
N3VV3Kmobloquer works like a charm i use vmware and what do you use wireshark for @ littlepenguin12:10
littlepenguinn3vv3k network related issues or informations12:11
KE1HARight now?12:11
Rockygenerally MAJOR=8 are SATAs12:11
shirtlessjanicko1: what kind of wifi configuration do you have b/g/n, wep, wpa?12:11
RockyMAJOR=3 are IDEs12:11
littlepenguinN3VV3K: its a sniffer12:11
KE1HAright now on this box its a 32-3412:11
sacarlsonMWelchUK_work_:  this does what you want sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda   give vendor and model of hard drives12:12
KE1HAoops 32-24. not 3412:12
littlepenguinN3VV3K: also etherape is usefull12:12
janicko1shirtless: actually i need help with that, i have no idea what to set there and how to get that information12:12
Matthes_someone here who can help me with my sound problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155086912:12
Somelauwshirtless, I tried ghostscript, but it gave me an error.12:12
shirtlessSomelauw: what was the error?12:12
Matthes_oops, wrong link12:13
N3VV3Kis that for penetration lottle penguin12:13
littlepenguinno N3VV3K etherape shows to what hosts your machine is connecting12:13
KE1HAsacarlson, but if ya throw SCSI in the mix, it falls over. MWelchUK_work_ is right, this isn't straight forward.12:13
RockyKE1HA, u can base your login on MAJOR numbers I guess12:13
Rocky MAJOR=8 are SATAs && MAJOR=3 are IDEs12:14
MWelchUK_work_Rocky, usb-storage devices seem to get enumerated as major 8 as well12:14
sacarlsonKE1HA:  MWelchUK_work_  it may not do all of them but it's a start12:14
NiglopIf i have a 2 harddrives and 2 monitors next to eachother, is there a way i can make the monitors share the same mouse?12:15
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, Gnomes Disk Utility can display the "Fabric" of a Host Adapter.12:15
Niglop2 different os's12:15
littlepenguinN3VV3K: you could get app informations through freshmeat.net, linuxappfinder.com, fossfor.us12:15
p3N7Alittlepenguin:no effect...sound still not playing..12:15
[nrx]Niglop, you want a KVM12:15
ClearFistmeinst das klingt so zu schmalzig?12:15
pushdownhow can i install KDE 4.5 in Ubuntu12:15
littlepenguinp3N7A: what settings have you chosen thorugh vbox menu?12:16
Niglopwhats a KVM [nrx] ?12:16
[nrx]Niglop, http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=define%3A+kvm&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a12:16
N3VV3Kyour awesome littlepenguin12:16
shirtlessSomelauw: Can you PM me a link to the file?12:16
littlepenguin:d N3VV3K12:16
Niglopis it an object or what [nrx] ?12:16
RockyMWelchUK_work, beacuse usb is emulated SCSI12:17
[nrx]It's a physical piece of hardware.12:17
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, Yeah, but I dont know how to export the data it pulls.12:17
Niglopwhere could I get such a thing [nrx]12:17
KE1HAat least froma command-line where you could port it to a script.12:17
[nrx]Google for it. Ebuyer, Radioshack, Maplin, e-bay, etc.12:17
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, :-) I know it's frustrating isn't it!12:17
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, It's gonna keep me awake fer sure :-)12:18
p3N7Alittlepenguin: I use "Pulse Audio " and "PulseAudio"12:18
Niglopis this it [nrx]  http://cgi.ebay.com/4-Port-USB-KVM-Switch-Box-cables-USB-VGA-keyboard-mouse-/310235211303?pt=COMP_EN_Networking_Components#ht_4100wt_113912:18
littlepenguinok p3n7a is sound card found in guest system??12:18
N3VV3Ki could never download from dc++ does it suck12:18
N3VV3Kwho uses it12:18
shekarSoldier i did not get12:18
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SoldierShekar ok first you have to sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall12:19
zodihaxi got this wierd problem.. im about to install some drivers, so i unpack them with tar -xvzf and then try to execute configure with "./configure".. which says it cant be done - what's wrong? im certain it has something to do with permissions - i just cant sort it out12:19
zodihaxit says: "sh: Can't open ./configure"12:19
Soldierhit yes when it tells you12:19
Soldieror type y12:20
shekarshould i open terminals12:20
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, well, my best "guess" and that's all it is at this point, is your gonna have to do a series of (if, else) statements and check for null values.12:20
littlepenguinzodihax: is there a configure script in this folder?12:20
Soldierdo you know where your download of insight3d is12:20
Niglop[nrx]» would having 2 monitors/harddrives running use a lot of power?12:20
ab415I have a folder containing 2 file types. I want to transfer all .nef files. What command would i use?12:20
andynzodihax: are you sure you cd'd into the directory in which that script resides?12:20
shirtlesszodihax: is configure in your current directory when you type that?12:20
KE1HAif it's a null value, then you not a Device iType is not connected.12:20
[nrx]Niglop, not really.12:20
Yud_Zrocis the netbook edition good for normal laptops also?12:20
zodihaxyes, there is.. i can open it if I use sudo ./configure.. but then I cant install it (gives me errors)12:20
KE1HAWhop, then you Know it's not.12:21
[nrx]Niglop, forgive me for saying.. but you don't seem to be the most tecnically savvy... why do you need two pc's running?12:21
shirtlesszodihax: cd .. sudo rm -rf ./thatdir && tar xvzf file.tar.gz again.12:21
shirtlesszodihax: don't untar it as root12:21
littlepenguinzodihax what app you want to compile?12:21
Niglop[nrx]» I am big on tech, I am just not good with hardware ATM :p I will be using it to run windows/linux simultaneously12:21
zodihaxits a driver for my xfi soundcard.. ill try to do what you said shirtless, thanks (i didnt untar as root tho)12:22
shekarSoldier should i open the terminals12:22
shirtlesszodihax: well if you didn't, you might need to chmod 755 configure12:22
N3VV3Kdamn littlepenguin your the shit they have so many apps that arent in the software center12:22
[nrx]Niglop, why don't you just run virtual machines then? I piece of hardware, 2 monitors and VM's12:22
niohello all12:22
shirtlesszodihax: also check if you're using bash, that might be a problem, but I'm not sure.12:22
shirtlessls -l /bin/sh12:22
SoldierYes open terminal one12:22
Niglop[nrx]» I will be using linux as my full time operating system, and windows for other things such as sony vegas/music editing12:22
nioi need to unsquashfs kernel which is lzma compressed12:23
[nrx]Niglop, fair enough.12:23
niocould not  find any solution any help guys12:23
Niglop[nrx]» I dont think virtual machines will handle sony vegas very well :p12:23
Mjukselhi guys12:23
littlepenguinyep N3VV3K ..there is a lot of stuff which is helpfull..12:23
[nrx]Niglop, if your pc's well specced enough, no reason why not ;)12:23
Mjukseli have an error when checking for updates12:23
Mjuksel2 ppas are not found, can i delete these in ubuntu tweak ?12:24
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, Just a though, grep dmesg for the known drives you have and see how you can pull the controller info out for the respective drives.12:24
jattwhich software do I need to connect my laptop to a video projector?12:24
[nrx]jatt, nothing. Just a cable.12:24
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, Yeah - think I might have to resort to that. Cheers.12:24
littlepenguinjatt nothing because it will be treated as a monitor12:24
Yud_ZrocWill Ubuntu Netbook edition still work on normal laptops with normal functionality or faster?12:25
zodihaxshirtless, after doing chmod 755 i was able to execute configure, but it gives me the following error: "configure: error: cannot find sources (src/ctalsa/ctalsa_main.c) in . or .."12:25
pradeephello everyone12:25
jattlittlepenguin: thanks, I tried yesterday in a company meeting12:25
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, problem is, New Kernels are treating IDE as SATA, and it's gettign real confusing as to what is real and what's transformed. Same with PATA12:25
vita`Hi all, I am wanting to pick someones brains for a simple (hopefully) issue I am having installing ubuntu server-10.04-i38612:25
jattI connected my laptop (runs ubuntu) with the projector but it wasn't automatically recognized12:25
[nrx]vita`, just ask, don't ask to ask :)12:25
alec_im trying to transfer all of one file type from a folder containing different file types. what command do i use?12:26
jattmy laptop has buttons to switch to the projector, it works on windows 712:26
vita`hehe, sorry :) didnt want to directly inturrupt the current convo12:26
jattI pressed those buttons but it didn't work under ubuntu12:26
jattthat's why I am asking if a special software needs to be installed.12:26
littlepenguinjatt then try to set 2nd monitor through grafics properties..also there could be a fn+a key on your laptop to activate the other vgaoutput12:26
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littlepenguinbut depends on laptop modell12:26
Somelauwshirtless, here it comes12:27
vita`My installation is stopping on starting up the partitioner.... scanning disks   at 43%12:27
shirtlessSomelauw: you mean by DCC?12:27
vita`I have left it for apx 5 hours, but its not going further12:27
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shirtlessSomelauw: It won't work, because I'm behind a firewall.12:27
alec_jatt: dont know about your laptop specifically, but try going into system>preferences>monitor12:27
jattlittlepenguin: yes I tried the fn+f4 which  has this icon for external monitor12:27
Fudgehow can i  apt-get remove gnome? not sure how to look for installed packages12:27
littlepenguinok jatt and in ubuntu desktop properties for your grafics crad ??12:27
jattoh I see12:27
janicko1need help to find my wep key12:28
jattthere is a button detect monitors12:28
sacarlsonKE1HA: smartctl supports ATA-3 and later ATA, IDE and  SCSI-3 hard  drives.12:28
nioi am using ubuntu 8.04 lts hardy do i have to patch squashfs with lzma to decompile the squashfs image12:28
Somelauwshirtless, wait I'll upload12:28
jattcurrently the laptop is not connected to a projector but I guess I do need to click on "Detect monitors" so I can use it12:28
KE1HAsacarlson, understand, but he needs to identidy the controller associated with a particular drive.12:28
KE1HAThat could be as many as 4x diffrent "real" controllers in a single box.12:29
littlepenguinjatt beamer needs to be connected and powerd on12:29
KE1HAThat being, SCSI, IDE, PATA, or even PCI now with SDD's12:29
jattlittlepenguin: sure, thanks for your suggestions, I will try it in my next company meeting!12:30
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Somelauwshirtless, my upload-site doesn't work, but since it is readable as text, I pastebin'd it: http://www.pastebin.org/47870012:30
shirtlessSomelauw: that's best anyway12:30
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, sacarlson you know, probably the best guys to ask this question to  is the Kernel Dev guys, they know this stuff inside out.12:32
vita`has anyone come accross the "starting up the partitioner..." issue with server-10.0412:33
vita`I have tried two seperate machines / hardware and am frazzled12:33
alec_can anybody help, im trying to transfer all .nef files to a separate folder, im not sure how i enter the command so that it transfers all of that file type.12:33
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, sacarlson, I'll have a bit more of a poke first you've given me a few more hints cheers.12:33
Ghostlyfor some reason the grub menu doesn't show up afeter i have installed ubuntu, only the grub command line does12:34
littlepenguinalec cp /sourcefolder/*.nef    /targetfolder12:34
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, If you get the answer, let us know :-)12:34
alec_thanks little penguin.12:34
MWelchUK_work_KE1HA, Will do (and right up a page on my website!)12:34
shekarSoldier please help should i open terminals12:34
pradeepin my office i use the LAN here and it is on dhcp too, but still i cant surf the internet but other windows computers can surf the internet on my network dont really know what is wrong here. i can ping the router but cant ping external addresses like eg. www.google.com, www.yahoo.com what can i do please...12:35
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, Good Idea L-)12:35
Wolphiepradeep, check with your network admin whether or not you use a proxy.12:36
pradeepfunny enuf i am the net admin12:36
littlepenguinpradeep maybe some dns issue?12:37
DasEipradeep: check your firewall settings, f.e. by firestarter12:37
pradeepbut windows computer are working well12:37
sacarlsonpradeep: it could be your office doesn't want you to surf the internet and are filtering all but some IP address access to it.12:37
Wolphiepradeep: and you're positive you don't use a proxy on the Windows machines? DNS issues would be unlikely if you're able to ping google etc.. reliably.12:37
pradeepi dont use a proxy12:38
Wolphiepradeep: do you use iptables or any kind of firewall on linux?12:38
creI have a core i5 750 with 8GB RAM...I want ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso?12:38
jpdscre: Yes.12:38
DasEicre: yupp12:38
pradeepvsat - modem- cisco 1800 router- switch- computers12:38
creDasEi / jpds: thank you!12:38
pradeepthat is d layout12:39
pradeepbut when i did this $route add default gw
pradeepit worked but when ever i restart i would have to run the command again12:40
DasEi!firestarter | pradeep12:40
ubottupradeep: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.12:40
gotenI want to learn ubuntu gnome development suggest me how to start12:41
Wolphiepradeep: you need to open up the network settings for ubuntu and add the route there.12:41
Wolphiepradeep: although I don't really understand why you should if DHCP is set-up correctly12:41
littlepenguingoten reading a developement book :D12:41
pradeepWolphie, how do i go about it12:41
sacarlsonpradeep: oh so what is the default gateway address before you add that one manualy?12:41
gotenlittlepenguin, Can u be more specify12:42
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sed`is there a GUI way to set the HTTP proxy to be used by apt?12:42
zinoWhat's the recommended method for testing gdm themes in Lucid? gtmthemetester seems to have disappeared from the distribution.12:42
littlepenguinok goten 1 mom pls i will look for sthg12:42
Wolphiepradeep: it should be under System > Network12:42
gotenlittlepenguin, Okay sure12:43
sacarlsonpradeep: so if it was already there why would you have to add it?12:43
philinuxsed`: system>prefs>network proxy12:43
DasEizino: for all kinds of experimental stuff I use vm's12:43
littlepenguingoten http://developer.gnome.org/doc/GGAD/ggad.html12:43
DasEi!virtualbox | zino12:43
ubottuzino: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:43
sed`philinux: i only want a proxy for Apt though, not other applications12:43
elkylittlepenguin, can you please type the full words, I'm having trouble understanding you.12:43
philinuxsed`: as far as I know thats it.12:43
Ghostlyfor some reason the grub menu doesn't show up afeter i have installed ubuntu, only the grub command line does12:43
sacarlsonpradeep: I'm not sure why you dhcp isn't working but sounds like a solution would be to setup a static address and route by changeing /etc/network/interfaces12:44
gotenlittlepenguin, Okay thanks12:44
littlepenguinwhat you mean elky?12:44
Wolphiepradeep: I'd try sacarlson's suggestion.12:44
pradeepsacarlson, i think it has to do with my laptop12:44
zinoThat would work of course. Thanks. But I think figuring out Xnest will be faster then.12:44
pradeepcos every other system works fine on the network12:44
sed`littlepenguin: probably "pls", "sthg" and "mom"12:44
littlepenguinah ok sed...i understand..12:45
littlepenguinok = okay12:45
vita`Hmm, could the issue I am having with the instalation of 10.04 partitioner/checking disks halting at 43% be because I am using a 32bit system (I am using the 32bit version)12:45
pradeepi have about 80 systems on the work12:45
pradeepnetwork* and all are working just fine12:45
elkylittlepenguin, yes as sed said. thanks :)12:46
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shirtlessSomelauw: I think I found a solution for this12:46
shirtlessSomelauw: install texlive-fonts-recommended12:46
shirtlessi'm trying that12:46
shirtlessBy the way, what is this metapost thing?12:46
sacarlsontime for a beer. catch you all later.12:46
shirtlessI might be interested12:46
phoenix_can anyone help problems related to kde. there is no one the kubuntu and kde channels12:46
shirtlessphoenix_: i can probably show you how to fix your own problem, if you give me enough information.12:48
phoenix_shirtless: i am having problems with the font anti aliasing12:48
pradeepWolphie, sacarlson http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tTtQuZj012:48
shirtlessphoenix_: In what part of the UI? Qt widgets?12:49
phoenix_shirtless: i enabled the anti aliasing and every app looks good excepy browsers12:49
shirtlessphoenix_: and your browser is mozilla firefox, right?12:49
pradeepbut when i run the command i get this12:49
jayeolahow does one restart X on ubuntu? /etc/init.d/gdm restart tells me some cr** about upstart12:49
phoenix_shirtless: chrome.does chrome overide the kde settings12:50
shirtlessphoenix_: is chrome written in Qt?12:50
shirtlessphoenix_: if its not, your KDE anti-alias settings don't apply to it.12:50
phoenix_shirtless: no gtk12:50
littlepenguinjayeola log out12:50
shirtlessphoenix_: that's why12:50
shirtlessphoenix_: you need to set font and anti-aliasing settings in your gtkrc.12:50
littlepenguinjayeola: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:50
phoenix_shirtless: i will check if there is a setting for the gtk apps12:51
littlepenguinjayeola: log out would do a restart or the command..12:51
shirtlessphoenix_: there might be, but if not ~/.gtkrc* will be the file to edit.12:51
pradeepWolphie, sacarlson http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/bXZq3GFc12:51
pradeepdid you see the difference12:52
phoenix_shirtless: i will examine that file now12:52
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littlepenguinjayeola: sudo service gdm restart12:53
KE1HAjayeola, just curious are you really using "root" as the user?12:53
havarnovhi, just install 9.10 and installed correct drivers to my graphic card(gma500 :( ) and everything works! But can I know update without doing anything or do I need to run some config again?12:54
MWelchUK_work_havarnov, that would depend on how you installed the drivers.12:54
jayeolanot using root, i just wanna fix this error.... .xsession-errors file12:55
philinuxhavarnov: update manager will pop up with anything new. Sit back and enjoy12:56
littlepenguinjayeola: start in recovery mode and rename in home folder .config to .config_old..after a restart it should get rebuild12:57
havarnovMWelchUK_work_: i followed this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/12:57
philinuxhavarnov: Or just run update manager manually anytime you want12:58
webwandererhi folks, i need to make nautilus mount one of my partition with write permission for normal user. How may I do this?12:58
havarnovphilinux: are you sure? I'm not sure but I think I remember from last time i installed ubuntu that there where some trouble when i took a full update....12:59
rileyp youtube crashes when I select full screen12:59
KE1HAhavarnov, if you installed 9.10, there's lots of updates, probably would hurt, either through Update manager or terminal, so update and dist-upgradeupdate dist.12:59
rileyprunning lucid and intel vga12:59
jayeola littlepenguin , this is a new install. a new user would have no clue what to do. neither do i ;-)12:59
MWelchUK_work_havarnov, since they are packaged by Ubuntu rather than installed from source or a random script, they will probably be OK.12:59
eldaranyone got the mic on their creative x-fi card working? sound works perfectly, mic doesnt..12:59
philinuxhavarnov: I update when update manager pops up no problem. nVidia 8600GT12:59
KE1HAsri .. sudo apt-get update .. then .. sudo apt-get upgrade12:59
rileypand on another lucid and nvidia 560013:00
KE1HAor dist-upgrade which ever you prefer.13:00
jayeolalittlepenguin: also i ran mv .config config.bak and this still happens13:00
havarnovphilinux: yeah, but my graphic card is a pain in the ass. I special case....13:00
Somelauwshirtless, I tried install texlive-fonts-recommended, but it told me I already have the latest version.13:00
littlepenguinok jayeola when its a fresh install its right..that would not change sthg..stop gmd and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:01
philinuxhavarnov: In that case use synaptic to pin the version so it wont upgrade13:01
afeijohi guys, how can I update phpmyadmin that ubuntu install? it is quite old13:01
littlepenguinjayeola: sthg=something13:01
afeijoapt-get should do it, but didnt13:01
Ginbun2is there a way to automount all my hd drives when I log into gnome?13:01
KE1HAhavarnov, understand, probaby best to use the update manager then, and select what you want updated.13:01
KE1HAafeijo, try going through the Package Manager itself v.s. terminal if you can.13:03
afeijoKE1HA: I'm using terminal13:03
afeijobut I believe the package has not been updated :( they do it very rarely13:03
MWelchUK_work_afeijo, Which version of Ubuntu are you using13:04
KE1HAafeijo, what version you using ?13:04
h0f1uli need help...13:04
KE1HAafeijo, better yet, sudo apt-cache policy phpmyadmin13:04
MWelchUK_work_afeijo, run "lsb_release -d"13:05
afeijo 4:3.1.2-1 013:05
afeijo        500 http://br.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages13:05
FloodBot2afeijo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
afeijosorry about the flood13:05
afeijoI need to upgrade my ubuntu then...13:06
KE1HAafeijo, latest is so your not too far off.13:06
Ghostlyfor some reason the grub menu doesn't show up after i have installed ubuntu, only the grub command line does shows up13:06
afeijoKE1HA: yeah I'm running 9.04, I will execute the update13:06
KE1HAMWelchUK_work_, is for the UB version.13:06
afeijodo I need to update to 9.10, then 10.04 ?13:06
eldaranyone got the mic on their creative x-fi card working? sound works perfectly, mic doesnt..13:07
icerootafeijo: yes13:07
philinuxGhostly: Is the the grub_rescue prompt ?13:07
afeijoiceroot: thanks13:07
alazyworkaholicI have 2 disks & want to dual boot ubuntu & windows using raid 1 for both operating systems. Is it possible to make ubuntu mdadm &/or dmraid work nicely with a raid 1 windows setup?13:07
afeijoiceroot: with this? sudo apt-get install update-manager-core13:07
DasEiafeijo: might be less stressy to do a fresh install after a backup13:07
iceroot!upgrade | afeijo13:07
ubottuafeijo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:07
biharii have a problem i have installed ubuntu lucid on my system  problem is when i run this ubuntu for 30 mins automatically system get frezz it stuck off and screen become unlcear pictures become irritating i dont know why13:08
icerootalazyworkaholic: hardware-raid windows is using?13:08
KE1HAafeijo, depends, if is in the repor's for 9.04, then probably not as the deps should be met also, if not then you may have to if you want it real bad.13:08
Ghostlyphilinux:no only grub command line that you usally can get by pressing some key13:08
icerootalazyworkaholic: or fake/software-raid?13:08
KE1HAafeijo, is there a specific reason you need the next version up ?13:08
philinuxGhostly: Is only ubuntu installed on the machine?13:09
biharii have a problem i have installed ubuntu lucid on my system  problem is when i run this ubuntu for 30 mins automatically system get frezz it stuck off and screen become unlcear pictures become irritating  and then when i restart  my processor will sto working i dont know why13:09
afeijoKE1HA: I like to be always up to date, with everything I use13:09
MWelchUK_work_afeijo, That's the latest version packaged for 9.04. To get a newer version either upgrade to 10.04 (to get 4:3.3.2-1) or uninstall it from the package manager and manually install the latest version from source. It will clearly not be controlled via the package manager after that and if an update breaks it, you get to keep the pieces...13:09
philinuxGhostly: which version of ubuntu13:09
alazyworkaholiciceroot: THanks for answering. I'm talking about the fakeraid that came with the motherboard that I can use with windows.13:09
KE1HAafeijo, understand, same here, but you may have to add allot of things you dont need to get it, but if it's a bug or feature need, that's diffrent.13:09
Ghostlyphillinux: no i have a second harddrive with windows xp and i use ubuntu 10.0413:09
icerootalazyworkaholic: you can also use the fakeraid with linux13:10
afeijoKE1HA: that ubuntu was 8.04, I upgraded it up to 9.04 some time ago... its time to do it again :)13:10
iceroot!fakeraid | alazyworkaholic13:10
ubottualazyworkaholic: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:10
afeijodownloading 1272M lol13:10
justSimplyBobgood morning everyone13:10
Ghostlyphilinux: no i have a second harddrive with windows xp and i use ubuntu 10.0413:11
alazyworkaholiciceroot: Ubuntu's my main OS, but I have to keep windows around. With one disk I've been able to read/write to win using ntfs-3g. I want to put another disk in the computer & I'm wondering if I'll be able to have both OSes running raid 1, & keep the ability to read/write to ntfs from ubuntu.13:11
KE1HAafeijo, roger that, if it were me, I'd do a clean install after backup, 1x upgrade is ok, but your looking at going up two and that cna cause issues in the long run.13:11
DasEialazyworkaholic: you can first install win on that fake, let's say half of disk space of 1 drive, then afterwards ubuntu.. where you can decide if you want to use fakeraid (little tricky installation) or use softraid (more reliable, really jus slightly slower on recent cpu's)13:11
KE1HAbut, tix up to you of course.13:11
afeijoI'll try the upgrade, if anything weird come up I do a clean install13:12
classicalwhy html5 does not work on chrome ?  its in flash13:12
classicali have latest chrome13:12
KE1HAafeijo, well we're hre if ya need anything.13:12
havarnovif i make a new user, how do i give him the same sudo rights as the user made under installation have?13:12
DasEihavarnov: man visudo13:12
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DasEihavarnov: use this command to edit the sudoers file13:13
alazyworkaholicDasEi: do you mean first install win onto fakeraid using half of BOTH disks? Then install Ubuntu using either mdadm or dmraid?13:13
philinuxGhostly: I would reinstall grub from a live cd. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:13
DasEialazyworkaholic: yes13:13
Ghostlyphilinux: i have tried that several times to no awail13:14
OctDoes anyone know if upstart is compatible with logrotate ?13:14
Gangrelhello all13:14
DasEialazyworkaholic: say you got 2 times 100 gb,  so win on 50 and ubu on 50 (or whatever relation you want)13:14
biharican any one tell me how to test a system hardwqare13:14
alazyworkaholicDasEi: mdadm is slower than dmraid? Do you know if I'd be able to read/write to the windows half?13:14
Gangrelanyone can help me on setting up an ad-hoc wireless network because the guides i have found are not working13:15
philinuxGhostly: Does XP boot? Run this script from the livecd. http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/13:15
eldaranyone got the mic on their creative x-fi card working? sound works perfectly, mic doesnt..13:15
DasEialazyworkaholic: will be, by dmraid, but as said dmraid with the last lucidinstaller was tricky, idk if it is fixed meanwhile13:15
* antivirtel is away: work13:15
Ghostlyphilinux: yes i have no problems booting xp if i change the boot the drive windows is on13:16
janickoI need help to set my wireless router13:16
guillaumewhat do you want exactly janicko13:16
icerootalazyworkaholic: i dont see a problem13:16
DasEialazyworkaholic: there is a trick : use the alternate karmic installer, set up the raid, after that is done, proceed with lucid cd (dmraid)13:16
guillaumewhich kind of router you have13:16
philinuxGhostly: The script will reveal all.13:16
alazyworkaholicDasEi: if there's a dmraid problem with 10.04 it ought to be fixed by 10.10?13:17
SomelauwSince shirtless disappeared, I will ask my question again.13:17
SomelauwI have a postscript file, but I can't open it. Here is it's source: http://pastebin.com/asMzJedV Here is the error message: http://www.pastebin.org/47870013:17
DasEialazyworkaholic: you can look at the changelog, maybe it's done13:17
Ghostlyphilinux: ok will try that13:18
janickoguillaume: ubuntu recognize my wireless router, it even say it is connected, but i cant browse on internet and in connection information it say it have spee 53mb/s but in wired connection i have 100. So i need to help to set it properly13:18
nioi am using ubuntu 8.04 lts hardy do i have to patch squashfs with lzma to decompile the squashfs image13:18
dinosaurvskittengnucash seems more geared toward day to day use. Are there any decent budget applications that are more for long term planning, "what if I save x%" scenarios?13:18
philinuxGhostly: Use this to post back the results.txt http://filebin.ca/13:18
guillaumeI have a problem for something, I have a laptop (ACER) with a camera and a mircophone inscrusted. The camera is working correctly, however the microphone is not working, there is nothing, why?13:18
DasEijanicko: does ifconfig provide this info on the wired internet ?13:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:19
janickoDasEi: let me check13:19
alazyworkaholicDasEi: / iceroot: how about reliability? I've gone through a lot of forum posts but didn't get a good answer. What are the chances of data getting corrupted because of a crash, failure to resume from suspend, bad program, or any of the other things that would make me push the reset button?13:20
guillaumesomeone has an ideo for the microphone of my laptop, it's not working13:20
guillaumemaybe its a problem of drivers13:20
guillaumecos my camera is okey13:20
MohShamihey guys, I have a 3 year old AMD64 3600+, which can't play 1080p movies except in windows, I read that the new cards from nvidia have support for decoding those movies, will that work on ubuntu, if so, can someone recommend a "cheap" card for me?13:21
DasEialazyworkaholic: on a raid have a much fairer chance concerning hardwarefailures, but corruption of fs due to wrong handling makes no difference13:21
janickoDasEi: it wrote down stuff but i do not understand that13:21
guillaumeSomeone could help me?13:22
DasEijanicko: sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:22
littlepenguinwhat is the irc command to diable login/out messages in here?13:22
DasEijanicko: ifconfig | pastebinit             ,give url here13:22
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DasEiguillaume: haven't read your question, again ?13:22
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, If high reliability and date integrity are the primary concerns, HW-Raid is the industry standard, if that's an option.13:23
philinuxlittlepenguin: which chat client?13:23
KE1HADate Integrity*13:23
DasEiKE1HA: ;-)raid513:24
KE1HADasEi, At least RAID-5 if not 1013:24
DasEias we all do, hehe13:24
guillaumeDasEu: I've a laptop, and on my laptop i've a camera and a microphone incrusted. My camera is working correctly, however, my microphone is not! Nevertheless, when I plug an headphone, with a microphone, I can speak and I heard my voice when I do a test call on Skype or MSN13:24
twotenthe 10.04 installer put grub on the wrong drive, how can I write the grub bootloader onto the correct mbr?13:25
abhijit!fixgrub | twobitsp1ite13:25
ubottutwobitsp1ite: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:25
guillaumeDaSEi: It's just my incrusted microphone who is not working :s13:25
abhijit!fixgrub | twoten13:25
ubottutwoten: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:25
alazyworkaholicDasEi: I'm going to go for raid 1 because I want faster reads & some protection against a hard disk mechanical failure, but I have had to reset far too often thanks to some bad programs & would like to know if raid would actually Increase!? my chances of data corruption cuz the disks might not match due to crashes, cpu overheating, etc... i.e. all bad things besides hard drive mechanical failure.13:25
littlepenguinphilinux: freenode webchat ...13:25
littlepenguinphilinux: its a website which lets me in here...isnt there a command for irc instead of a setting in the client?13:26
Ghostlyphilinux: http://filebin.ca/fkqqay/RESULTS.txt13:26
DasEialazyworkaholic: the fact is that it writes to both disks, but apart from complicating things that itself won't touch corruption13:26
guillaumetoo much thing to read for u lol13:26
iromliis libavahi-discover removed in lucid?13:26
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: thanks. Unfortunately hw-raid's not an option. Between dmraid & mdadm, what's best for data integrity?13:26
icerootlittlepenguin: /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS13:27
littlepenguinthx iceroot13:27
icerootlittlepenguin: but that is client-side, this example was for irssi13:27
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, Good quesiton, unfortunately, no easy to answer, as either one could be better in a given enviroment.13:27
Niglopwhat is the difference between the default xchat-gnome that comes with ubuntu and normal xchat?13:27
Roeyhttp://pastebin.org/444819  <--- hey why do I get this when I try to apt-get dist-uprade, and how can I fix it?13:27
DasEijanicko: looks good, apart from a far too less throughput13:27
littlepenguinyes iceroot found that site also with the explaining..ignore is unknown command on server+13:27
DasEijanicko: sudo apt-get install ethtool13:28
icerootlittlepenguin: use a real client, e.g. xchat13:28
DasEijanicko: sudo ethtool eth0 | pastebinit13:28
littlepenguiniceroot yes if i could i would do..im at work atm13:28
icerootlittlepenguin: ah ok, then i think you have to live with the "spam" here :(13:28
pietro_hi, following site guide for creating bootable USB stick I went to point 6. That's it! When the process completes, you'll be ready to restart your computer and begin installing Ubuntu. - But after announced 4 minutes process I see progress window with Creatopn of persistent file, 100% done. And nothing all. I see this window for 2 hours now. Something went wrong. What can I do now? tnx13:29
guillaumeNoone could help me? :s My laptop mircophone is not working13:29
DasEiNiglop: eye kandy, better integration in the desktop, smoother apperance13:29
abhijit!sound | guillaume13:29
ubottuguillaume: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:29
littlepenguinok iceroot..13:29
NiglopDasEi» which13:29
guillaumethanks you guys13:29
guillaumewill try13:29
DasEiNiglop: gnome-xchat13:30
philinuxGhostly: As you can see you got legacy grub in the mbr of /dev/sdb and grub2 files on sdb1. So legacy grub needs to be replaced with grub213:30
guillaumeIt's an output device hun??13:30
ioNiglop: xchat-gnome is only a frontend.13:30
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, bottom line is, Fakraid is not much more than BIOS trickery for system with a functional RAID system. You'd be better off with a robust backup system than a SW / FakeRaid.13:30
DasEijanicko: that side looks good, too, set to 100mb13:30
guillaumeit's just my microphone, the rest is completely good13:30
DasEijanicko: so you connect wired to your router by dhcp ?13:31
Ghostlyphilinux: odd i guess a sudo grub-install will do?13:31
abhijitguillaume, which version of ubuntu?13:31
guillaumethe last one13:31
abhijitguillaume, and what is the problem?13:31
guillaumeThe microphone of my laptop is not working13:31
guillaumejust that13:31
janickoDasEi: what is dhcp?13:31
philinuxGhostly: So from the livecd so need to install grub2 to the mbr of /dev/sdb NOT sdb1 partition13:32
guillaumemy camera is ok13:32
littlepenguinx-chat gnome is total crap..some most important settings like proxy is missing13:32
=== emc_ is now known as emc
DasEi!dhcp | janicko13:32
ubottujanicko: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP13:32
guillaumeit's incrusted devices13:32
abhijitguillaume, it is not working for all aps or only not working for any specific aps?13:32
philinuxGhostly: the script is good yes?13:32
Ghostlyphilinux: yea easy and small13:32
guillaumeit's not working for msn or skype, however, when i use an headphone with a microphone its ok13:33
DasEijanicko: pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces13:33
guillaumejust annoying to use my headphone all the time13:33
guillaumewhen i have a video conference13:33
abhijitguillaume, first in this article see microphone section: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks13:33
philinuxGhostly: so the problem is that legacy grub in the mbr look for its files on sdb1 but they are not there. Grub2 files are there.13:33
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: can you tell me a bit more about the environment differences you mentioned? I have a dual booting desktop. They'll be a 640 GB WD-black pair on a Gigabyte 780g motherboard. I hope I'll be able to read/write to the ntfs raid 1 as I can with just one disk. I've heard that fakeraid is bios trickery. I'm just trying to really figure out the implications of that.13:34
guillaumeI have always checled :/13:34
janickoDasEi: http://pastebin.com/RymdaRk713:34
abhijitguillaume, before that just have a look here: http://titotheman.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/microphone-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/13:34
DasEijanicko: sudo dhclient                     <<does this assign a IP  ?13:35
guillaumeabhijit, My laptop is an ACER13:35
Ghostlyphilinux: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/[media] /dev/sdb will work just fine i guess13:35
guillaumedo you think its ok?13:35
_DGM_guillaume: brand has nothing to do with if it should run or not. We'd need specs instead13:35
_DGM_guillaume: type of cpu, amount of ram, videocard etc13:35
abhijitguillaume, yah. but just try those intsructions. i cant gurantee. but they should work. read them carefully13:35
philinuxGhostly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20213:36
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, There are many solutions, but an easy example would be to do an incremental rsync to a second drive..13:36
philinuxGhostly: I use method 3 chroot13:36
Ghostlyphilinux: ok i will work on it thanks for the help so far :D13:37
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: I thought about just backing up, but it would be nice if I could wring some extra performance out the the system too, at least for the reads.13:37
DasEijanicko: sudo dhclient                     <<does this assign a IP  ?13:37
zambai'm trying to redirect output from a program into file.. problem is that output is written in 4096 bytes large blocks13:37
zambainstead of continously13:38
philinuxGhostly: Although this is a little clearer. http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html13:38
zambais there a way i can alter this behaviour?13:38
S_p_or_t_o!ubottu make error codes13:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:38
S_p_or_t_o!ubottu make13:38
nenn3Hello , i added a script to /etc/bash.bashrc . I need it to be run when people log in to gnome. however it is only run at terminal login13:38
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, What yuo need to think about is, what or how would you recover from any Single-Point failure in the system. In the case of FakeRaid, if that's the single point failure, your data's lost.13:38
abhijit!factoid | S_p_or_t_o13:38
ubottuS_p_or_t_o: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:38
DasEi!brain > S_p_or_t_o13:38
ubottuS_p_or_t_o, please see my private message13:38
nenn3What file runs at GUI login that i can use?13:38
=== RichardG[away] is now known as RichardG
_DGM_zamba: that might be the cluster size of your partition. Theres a difference between size on disk and actual size13:38
zamba_DGM_: so what can i do to get continuous output?13:39
_DGM_zamba: the actual file size should be what you expect it to be13:39
S_p_or_t_oDasEi: ubottu dont know nothing about no make error codes13:39
abhijit!ask | albuewather13:39
ubottualbuewather: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:39
pietro_hi, following site guide for creating bootable USB stick I went to point 6. That's it! When the process completes, you'll be ready to restart your computer and begin installing Ubuntu. - But after announced 4 minutes process I see progress window with Creatopn of persistent file, 100% done. And nothing all. I see this window for 2 hours now. Something went wrong. What can I do now? tnx13:39
DasEiS_p_or_t_o: so write a factoid :)13:39
=== SWFu64 is now known as SWFu
S_p_or_t_oanyone know what make error code 2is13:39
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, and Single Drive performance sill always outperform a Mirror Implementation, through Disk I/O alone.13:39
_DGM_zamba: you don't. Thats how partitions work. If you have a 4kb cluster size on a partition, the file would always take up atleast 4kb even if you write 1 byte into it. Its normal.13:40
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: I guess I'll just wait for them to arrive, install a few ways & start a thread about it. KE1HA, DasEi, iceroot, thanks for the help.13:40
abhijit!details | S_p_or_t_o13:40
ubottuS_p_or_t_o: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:40
S_p_or_t_oDasEi: sure, once i figure it out lol :p13:40
_DGM_zamba: even further, you could have a 10gb file that only takes up 2 bytes of actual space on the disk.. therefor having "more" on the disk then thats actually possible :)13:40
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, Anytime, if you need more help there's lots of good info in the channel.13:41
zamba_DGM_: no, you misunderstand13:41
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: huh?? a single drive will outperform a raid 1? makes no sense. writes have to go to both, but reads should be ~2x fast. Why's that wrong?13:41
zamba_DGM_: i'm not looking at the file size now.. i'm doing 'tail -f' and noticing that nothing happens for long periods of time13:41
gianni_aiuto non riesco ad accedere nella posta di hotmail13:41
gianni_c'è qualcuno in ascolto ?  non riesco ad accedere nella posta di hotmail13:42
_DGM_zamba: but if you're piping from a command, it will write when either the buffer is full or when the program has finished running. Thats just the buffer size then.13:42
abhijit!en | gianni_13:42
ubottugianni_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:42
KE1HAalazyworkaholic, Check out a couple applications called IO-test, and IO-meter, they will tell you the real performance of your disks & disk I.O choices.13:42
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: I think even with 2 disks (up to about 4 top of the line ssd's i imagine) I'd be a long way from saturating the sata 3gbps.13:42
SomelauwI have a postscript file, but I can't open it. Here is it's source: http://pastebin.com/asMzJedV Here is the error message: http://www.pastebin.org/47870013:42
abhijitgianni_, which language you speak?13:42
log|injoin #shellium13:43
alazyworkaholicKE1HA: will do, thanks.13:43
FloodBot2log|in: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:43
Pici!it | gianni_13:43
ubottugianni_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:43
_DGM_zamba: you will have to recompile your kernel and change PIPE_SIZE to something smaller then 409613:43
zamba_DGM_: and then suddenly a whole chunk of data.. when in fact, if i don't redirect stdout, then it's a continous stream of output13:43
S_p_or_t_oi'm following a guide online for thinning out ubuntu, going for a 1000fps steam server, i dl'ed 2.6.33 from kernel.org and i keep seeing error 2 regarding drivers with make & make-kpkg13:43
_DGM_zamba: because stdio buffer clears on \n, instead of when the buffer is full13:44
zamba_DGM_: ah, so there's no way i can force this?13:44
zamba_DGM_: maybe pipe it through something first?13:45
_DGM_zamba: only by changing it in the kernel and recompiling as far as i know13:45
S_p_or_t_o^^ it has something to do with make menuconfig prolly13:45
zamba_DGM_: ok13:45
_DGM_zamba: in the kernel code search for PIPE_SIZE or something similar13:45
zamba_DGM_: recompiling the kernel is out of the question for this :)13:46
_DGM_zamba: the only other way would be seeing if the program has some kind of logging feature on itself, instead of piping13:46
jordan1010Anybody know how to add HFS+ support to Gparted13:46
zamba_DGM_: yeah, i'm investigating that now13:47
Ghostlyphilinux: Hurray finaly it works, the chroot really worked nicely thanks a lot! :D13:47
_DGM_zamba: i *think* you might also be able to write a simple C program that executes through fork. If you then change the stdio to a file descriptor before you do that, i think it will not use the pipesize. but thats just a guess13:48
FoolsRunHi, everyone. I have a weird X11 config issue: My nVidia video card and display are both capable of 1080p resolution, and I've used the proprietary nVidia driver and tool to set the 1080p resolution. However, after reboot, it defaults back to 640x480, the loweset available resolution for the driver. Is it possible to change this default and have it automatically pick the 1080p resolution?13:48
=== emc_ is now known as emc
philinuxGhostly: Nice one. Would have been hard to solve without meifeira's script. Chroot is excellent13:48
alazyworkaholicDo all common linux filesystem work well on an mdadm or dmraid soft-raid 1 array? or do some suffer, stutter & die?13:49
KE1HAjordan1010, what version of UB are you on ?13:50
monkeystadorHaving some trouble with volume change notifications coming up using the laptop keys for volume. Anyone know which program controls these notifications?13:50
jordan1010KE1HA: 10.413:50
amehi . i install fvwm-crystal . but my xterm font is too small. how can i let it more big ?13:50
amehi . i install fvwm-crystal . but my xterm font is too small. how can i let it more big ?13:51
jordan1010KE1HA: Just figured it out tho, hfsprogs needed to be installed13:51
KE1HAjordan1010, Intersting, I thought that support was available in like 0.38/0.39  somthing like that.13:51
Vooloohow do i get the latest f-spot in 10.04 ? do I need to go unstable?13:51
silverashHey all, I'm looking for a tut or something to configure a virtual user in vsftpd, anyone got any good links for me?13:51
amehi . i install fvwm-crystal . but my xterm font is too small. how can i let it more big ?13:52
jordan1010KE1HA: I dunno, hope i dont need to LiveCD and do this again (Might forget name of package),13:52
jordan1010Now to fix my tri boot13:52
KE1HAjordan1010, Yes, that was the actual patch or fix if you will :-)13:52
monkeystadorwouldnt xterm have its own configuration file too  ?13:53
KE1HAjordan1010, 332.25 is in the repos13:53
_DGM_bleh where the ** did they move samba service on ubuntu this time :P its not in init.d anymore13:54
jordan1010KE1HA: 332.25 of what?13:54
justSimplyBobHi everyone, I have another issue. I am trying to re-install XP, I am mutli-booting XUbuntu/Peppermint/XP(well trying) and my computer is not booting from disc any more. I have a GRUB2 partition that seems to work just fine booting the Xubuntu and Peppermint. any suggestions?13:54
KE1HAjordan1010, hfsprogs13:54
jordan1010Yeah just installed it13:54
jordan1010Hope this works right13:54
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: "booting from disc", you mean it won't boot from the CD?13:54
philinuxlittlepenguin: /set irc_conf_mode on13:55
monkeystadori think he means from harddisk.13:55
justSimplyBobCorrect it will not boot from any CD13:55
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: how are you trying to make it boot from CD?13:55
KE1HAjordan1010, cool, glad it's sorted.13:55
mrcanhiku, i changed my orginal /etc/hosts file for youtube but now i have problem when i write sudo su it says "sudo: unable to resolve host" but it works i want fix this so i need orginal hosts filen anybody can upload it?13:55
mrcanhi , i changed my orginal /etc/hosts file for youtube but now i have problem when i write sudo su it says "sudo: unable to resolve host" but it works i want fix this so i need orginal hosts filen anybody can upload it?13:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:55
justSimplyBobFrom the quickboot menu at start up and selecting boot from CD13:56
littlepenguinnice philinux ...but now it tells me im no admin operator so i think  its not possible so13:56
monkeystadorthis is an issue of your bios. you have to put the cd drive before all harddisks.13:56
philinuxlittlepenguin: more google foo needed then.13:56
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: what _does_ it do? Have you tried other bootable CDs?13:56
MWelchUK_work_Vooloo, You could try the PPA - https://launchpad.net/~f-spot/+archive/f-spot-ppa13:56
monkeystadorHaving some trouble with volume change notifications coming up using the laptop keys for volume. Anyone know which program controls these notifications?13:56
VoolooMWelchUK_work_: nice thanks13:56
littlepenguinphilinux: its not that important..ill get through with those nervy messages..at home everything is correct configured :d13:56
justSimplyBobIt says hit any key to boot from CD and when I do that nothing happens and the CD spins to a stop after a bit. I tried the Recovery Disc that Came with the computer and a new copy of XP I had also.13:57
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: are you using a USB keyboard for this?13:57
jerrylucanyone having trouble returning from suspend with gma500? 9.1013:57
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: when did it work last?13:58
KE1HAjustSimplyBob, are you wanting to get ride of the linux partitions altogether ?13:58
monkeystadormight be just that the xp cd isnt bootable and the recovery disc is not working anymore cuz you maybe killed your recovery partitions?13:59
justSimplyBoba few hours ago, before I made a GRUB partition and GRUB213:59
VoolooMWelchUK_work_: what is the full line?13:59
VoolooMWelchUK_work_: nevermidn, found it14:00
KE1HAwell, that wiped out the MBR at that point, is that what you want back on, to recover the MBR?14:00
_DGM_justSimplyBob: try burning the disc again at a slower speed14:00
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: GRUB shouldn't interfere with the BIOS. Have you tried changing the boot order in the BIOS to put the CD at the top?14:00
justSimplyBobKE1HA:No I want to keep the Linux partitions and I already have a XP partition made and in NTFS format14:00
=== tfrew is now known as t-frew
_DGM_justSimplyBob: being able to boot from the cd/dvd has nothing to do with anything on the harddrives. Its either a broken disc or a bad drive. Try reburning the disc on a slower speed14:01
zinoAnother GDM question: How do you change GDM theme? I've tried changing GraphicalTheme to an existing one (Tropic) in both /etc/gdm/custom.conf and /etc/gdm/gdm-ccd.conf without effect.14:01
justSimplyBobFoolsRun:not yet, will that make a difference from the one time boot menu?14:01
KE1HAjustSimplyBob, boot from a USB key if you can get the CD-Rom/Media funcitonal for whatever reason and recover Grub214:01
monkeystadortotally. its all in the bios or the discs.14:01
KE1HA"if you can't get"14:01
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: no, it won't affect the one-time menu, it'll make the machine try to boot from the CD-ROM drive before even looking for hard drives.14:01
* zino runs off to a meeting14:01
justSimplyBobFoolsRun: Thank you I will give that a try.14:02
realeyeshey guy, I just installed Ubuntu and ran 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' :: What else should I run?14:02
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
FoolsRunCan anyone help me figure out how to set the default resolution for an autologged-in user? GDM defaults to the lowest available resolution rather than the highest.14:03
monkeystadoranyone knows why the gnome notification popups interrupt flash fullscreen?14:03
KE1HArealeyes, Info on RE : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats14:03
KE1HAthere'a few other tweaks it talks about on the page.14:04
abhijit!resolution | FoolsRun14:04
ubottuFoolsRun: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:04
=== emc_ is now known as emc
FoolsRunSo, "figure it out yourself". Alright.14:04
=== RichardG is now known as RichardG[away]
KE1HAFoolsRun, Im not a X11 guru, but I would think, once ur logged the first time, change the session settings, and they should stick.14:06
studentzFoolsRun which video card are you using?14:06
FoolsRunKE1HA: I would think so, too, but it doesn't. I'm setting them with the nVidia proprietary tool which is probably part of the problem14:06
studentzFoolsRun which driver for nvidia are you using?14:07
abhijit!nvidia | FoolsRun14:07
ubottuFoolsRun: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:07
KE1HAFoolsRun, What is an autologged-in user? no pw logging or somethign, that's a new term to me.14:07
FoolsRunKE1HA: probably not an official term or anything. I have a user set to automatically log in and start XMBC14:08
_DGM_KE1HA: you can set a user to auto log in.. that way you dont have to type your pass all the time when rebooting14:09
FoolsRunstudentz: great question. I'm not in front of the machine at the moment and my remote session won't show me. I'll probably have to ask again when I'm near the problem machine.14:09
=== lit3l is now known as litel
KE1HAFoolsRun, Oh, ok, I'd think chaging the xorg.conf default set would do it, but lets let these other guys help ya on this one asn im not that swift on X.14:09
KE1HA_DGM_, tnx.14:10
rileypyoutube crashes when I slect full screen14:10
rileyplucid intel vga any help much appreciated14:10
oikcan anybody help me? I'm trying to boot ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64 on a dell e6400. I've seen posts on the internet which indicate people have installed it successfully, but I can't even get it to boot. I've tried optical media and usb but I just can't do it. I can boot 32 bit just fine14:11
FoolsRunJust kinda sucks that it doesn't work automatically. Newer versions of X are supposed to be all fancy and .conf-file-free14:11
abhijitoik, does it give any error?14:12
HydroUKhey, ctrl-f4 ha stopped working, how do i reset that? its used to close currect document/tab14:12
FoolsRunoik: do you get the menu from the LiveCD? "Install", "Use without changin..." etc?14:12
MWelchUK_work_oik, boot 32-bit from CD and run "cat /proc/cpuinfo" from a terminal14:12
oiki get the menu but when i hit enter it does nothing14:12
FoolsRunoik: ignore my question and listen to MWelchUK_work_.14:12
oikonly menu option that works is boot from hard disk14:13
FoolsRunoik: that sounds more like a bad burn14:13
KE1HArileyp, is it an i8xx series chip-set?14:13
oikwhen i tried to boot a loopback iso, it said 'you need to load the linux kernel first'14:13
abhijit!md5 | oik14:13
ubottuoik: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:13
MWelchUK_work_FoolsRun, Unless syslinux runs in 32-bit mode14:13
HydroUKhey, ctrl-f4 ha stopped working, how do i reset that? its used to close currect document/tab, anybody?14:13
FoolsRunMWelchUK_work_: shhhhhh14:13
FoolsRunHydroUK: don't keep asking; someone will help if they can14:14
HydroUKsure, you guys rarely answer14:14
HydroUKbut three will answer to one person heheh14:14
rileypKE1HA,  yes it is14:14
icerootHydroUK: you mean alt + f4?14:14
FoolsRunHydroUK: being a dick won't get you help faster.14:14
MWelchUK_work_HydroUK, You haven't even specified which application14:14
janickocould i have help to set up my wireless router?14:14
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: how'd it go?14:15
KE1HArileyp, bad news mate, there's loads of trouble with it.14:15
HydroUKno alt-f4 closes the application14:15
HydroUKFoolsRun: your mouthy huh14:15
abhijit!wifi | janicko14:15
ubottujanicko: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:15
FoolsRunHydroUK: My mouthy what?14:15
_DGM_HydroUK: you're the one that wants help.. not us14:15
PiciFoolsRun: Please mind your attitude here.14:15
oikargh thanks for the help guys it's a bad image14:15
rileypUmm it might be intel gma hang on14:15
KE1HArileyp, there's a work-around page, but its hit or miss on wether is works on a given box.14:15
rileypIll llok14:15
HydroUKi wouldn't of responded if you weren't so quick to tell people to sshhh14:15
FoolsRunPici: fine, fine. Early morning. Sorry.14:15
monkeystadori found the thing about the notify-osd package. Anyone know how to disable specific onscreen notifications?14:16
KE1HArileyp, I'll go find it.14:16
FoolsRunHydroUK: I wasn' telling anyone to shhh. I was making a bad joke.14:16
HydroUKok cool14:16
* HydroUK has had one of those days also ;)14:16
justSimplyBobFoolsRun: It didn't work. after I hit the key for "press any key to boot from CD, it said Checking system hardware..(I forget the exact wording) then it will stop14:16
FoolsRunChecking system hardware.... which CD is this?14:17
KE1HArileyp, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes14:17
justSimplyBobI the CD is good I just did an install from it yesterday14:17
justSimplyBob*I know14:17
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: which CD was this?14:17
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: be aware that the restore CDs from your manufacturer might wipe out the whole drive.14:18
_DGM_any idea why my sound is so quiet even though all sliders are maxed out14:18
justSimplyBobFoolsRun: XP14:18
Rogue1Enquiry: I have a server which won't boot from a Live install on a USB flash drive - it the best bet just to use an ISO on a CD-ROM, as opposed to editing grub to allow boot from USB?14:18
justSimplyBobFoolsRun: I used a XP cd I just burned14:18
FoolsRun_DGM_: try sudo alsamixer. For some reason other sliders sometimes appear there.14:18
_DGM_FoolsRun: ye i just found out after i asked that they're not in sync thanks :P14:18
_DGM_thats .. dumb14:19
oCean_Rogue1: are you sure the bios of your server is set to boot usb?14:19
FoolsRun_DGM_: totally dumb. I spent a weekend fighting with Pulse before I tried that.14:19
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: Do you have another CD-ROM drive you could try? Could you try making a bootable USB key?14:19
MWelchUK_work_justSimplyBob, you tried cleaning your cd drive?14:19
janickoabhijit:hopefully it would help14:19
abhijitjanicko, ok14:20
Rogue1oCean_, don't have a boot-from-USB option, unfortunately.14:20
_DGM_justSimplyBob: did you try burning at a *slower* speed like i suggested?14:20
_DGM_4x or 8x for example14:20
_DGM_2x if its a dvd14:20
oCean_Rogue1: in that case I'd say boot from the cdrom indeed14:20
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: it still sounds liek a bad burn to me. Do you have any manufactured (not burned by you) bootable CDs you could try?14:21
justSimplyBobI want to make a bootable USB key, but I can not figure out how to make a XP USB key in Ubuntu14:21
_DGM_i might aswell talk to a wall lol14:21
rileypKE1HA, Intel GMA 950)14:21
HydroUKbartpe is the only way to boot xp live14:21
justSimplyBobI do not have another one, and I do not have another disc to burn14:21
FoolsRunHydroUK: that's a good point. justSimplyBob: would you consider trying to burn a MiniPE or BartPE disk and booting that?14:22
_DGM_well if the disc is unreadable right after you burned it, its a faulty burn.. the only way to fix that is burning it slower14:22
amstani'm in a restricted envoriment at work with windows only facing the internet, how can i do a apt-get update without internet?14:22
rileypKE1HA, http://www.gigabyte.com.au/search/search.aspx?kw=23014:22
amstani know synaptic has the generate download script, is there something similar for update?14:22
KE1HArileyp, well, then Im not sure, but supposedly, the 9xx series were clear of that problem.14:22
* HydroUK has discovered ctrl-w sorts the ctrl-f4 issue kinda ;)14:22
oCean_!offline | amstan14:22
ubottuamstan: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD14:22
_DGM_but PE on itself is limited to 24 hours runtime isnt it? after that it just reboots14:23
KE1HArileyp, in fact it says to mod to i915 on boot, but that didn't work for me at all either.14:23
FoolsRun_DGM_ it would prove whether it's the disk or the drive, though14:23
amstanoCean_: that is not the question, the question is how to do update, my problem is that the database on the isolated computer is out of date causing a lot of 404s when i try to download14:23
justSimplyBobIf I can do it to a usb yes14:23
monkeystadoranyone know what packages/script/daemon takes care of evaluating laptop buttons?14:23
janickoabhijit: no help there14:23
monkeystadorspecial laptop keys.14:23
MWelchUK_work_amstan, Windows only proxy per chance?14:23
KE1HAjustSimplyBob, have you read though this How-Too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:23
justSimplyBobI would have to try and scrounge up a blank CD14:23
abhijit!details | janicko14:23
ubottujanicko: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:23
amstanMWelchUK_work_: by proxy... it's more like... USB flash drives14:24
_DGM_FoolsRun: its probably the disc. It happens a lot with cheap discs to me :P14:24
MWelchUK_work_amstan, ouch.14:24
_DGM_FoolsRun: i just burn it 1 step slower and its fine14:24
FoolsRun_DGM_ Yeah14:24
amstanyeah.. retarded admins14:24
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: you said before that you have restore disks that shipped with the machine. Can you try booting one of those (carefully, don't let it restore)?14:24
MWelchUK_work_amstan, I'd probablt think about creating a repository mirror on a USB hard-drive14:24
janickois somebody here who would help me to set wireless router? System recognize it, it even say that its connected, but cant browse on itnernet and in connection iformation it say it got speed 53 mb?s but on wired is 10014:25
amstanMWelchUK_work_: that might be too big, i only want to install stuff like ssh, git and python-qt14:25
rileypKeiha I have a amd 64 with a nvidia 5700 that does it as well running lkarmic open youtube full screen and it closes14:25
NiX4446Waterantif I made a backup of my filesystem, can I restore svn from it? seems like I should've use 'svnadmin dump', but I didn't :O14:25
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justSimplyBobFoolsRun: I did try with the restore disk and it got just as far14:25
KE1HArileyp, doing a quick google, there's lots of activity on the 9xx seres as well.14:25
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: have you tried the restore disk since changing the boot order?14:26
justSimplyBobFoolsRun:yes I did14:26
MWelchUK_work_amstan, you can always download the packages you want and just click on them in the GUI, though you will be in dependancy hell.14:26
abhijitjanicko, first of all that 52mbps and 100mbps are not you internet speed. that are the speed  of the connection medium 52 mbps is the maximum capacity of your wifi and 100mbps is the maximum capacity of the wire connected to you comptuer.14:26
ePirati have a simple question, ubuntu server has a ui?14:26
amstanMWelchUK_work_: i'm trying to avoid that14:26
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: and your CDs don't have huge scratches or fingerprints on them, right?14:26
rileypKE1HA,  thats what I thought so Ill leave it for now its not used ofetn to wacth anything anyhow as its my mythbackend server in the shed14:26
justSimplyBobClean as a whistle14:26
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: might be your CD drive. Desktop or laptop?14:27
abhijitjanicko, to see the internet speed  go to system>administration>system monitor there you can see it under resoures14:27
janickoabhijit: ok, fine, but problem is that i can't connect thru wireless router and need help with that14:27
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: yuck. Got another laptop you could swap a drive from? How about another machine to try booting the disks in to prove it's not the disks?14:27
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justSimplyBobIt is also strange that in Xubuntu my Cd drive comes up twice14:28
KE1HArileyp, yep, I've got a brick on the shelf until this gets fixed as well.14:28
MWelchUK_work_amstan, ask your admins to do it? ;-)14:28
gryllidahow do I change password in bash cmd?14:28
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FoolsRunamstan: is it a proxy or a filter?14:28
justSimplyBobNot at the moment. I have to wait till my room mate wakes up and I am not sure she'll let me on her comp14:28
gryllidamy own user password, like 'passchange' command or something14:28
KE1HArileyp, the server editions runs well on it though :-)14:28
abhijitjanicko, do you get any error?14:28
FoolsRunjustSimplyBob: Since it's not a software problem (or doesn't seem to be) I think I'm at the end of my abilities.14:29
amstanMWelchUK_work_, FoolsRun : they don't want to touch the ubuntu comp, it's all alien him and it doesn't have an antivirus :O!!!14:29
justSimplyBobOk thank you very much14:29
FoolsRunamstan: if it's a filter you might be able to authenticate to it manually14:29
janickoabhijit: no error, just  it say its connected but i can't go on internet at all, it does not load14:29
abhijitjanicko, can you ping to www.google.com?14:30
MWelchUK_work_amstan, tell him it's either an internet connection or un-patched machine...14:30
rileypKE1HA, I use my single core atom as my mythbackend server. Ive re3corded 12 sd channels at once on it without error14:30
amstanFoolsRun: i would rather solve this offline somehow14:30
GlowballProbably quite a stupid question, but if I install Ubuntu with a language other than English, will the language pack be fully downloaded automatically after install or do I still have to do that manually?14:30
amstanMWelchUK_work_: unpatched machine is not really a problem when there's no internet14:30
janickoi'm doing it whole morning14:30
KE1HArileyp, atoms are nice.14:30
amstanMWelchUK_work_: only a problem for me, lol14:30
abhijit!who | janicko14:30
ubottujanicko: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:30
abhijitjanicko, go to application>accessories>terminal there type ping www.google.com does it vive you reply?14:31
MWelchUK_work_ansgar, Then create a full repository mirror - if they complain ask for the internet connection...14:31
MWelchUK_work_sorry amstan ^^^^14:31
amstanMWelchUK_work_: how big is the repo again?14:32
janickoabhijit: could try14:32
FoolsRun"Why are you downloading two hundred gigabytes of data?"14:32
MWelchUK_work_amstan, v. big at a guess.14:32
mrconnertonI'm looking for a freelance linux sysadmin to help with security of my clients vps when development of their sites are finished before they go live, and then monthly checkups.14:33
MWelchUK_work_amstan, When it comes to leverage, the bigger the better.14:33
LogicalDashCan I do incremental-type backups with Ubuntu One?14:33
syn-ackyes and no14:33
KE1HALogicalDash, sure, use a smal scrypt and something like rsync and ur goo to go.14:34
syn-ackLogicalDash, Use sbackup and save to your ubuntu one directory.14:34
LogicalDashthat works14:34
FoolsRuneasiest question ever14:34
FoolsRunor answer14:34
FoolsRunThat's a great idea14:34
KE1HALogicalDash, but like said, it's on a small space, so compress well or get the expansion that's available.14:35
pietro_problem resolved on another linux box with Ubuntu 9.1014:35
amstanMWelchUK_work_: well.. here's my list http://pastebin.org/47901614:36
amstanMWelchUK_work_: if you can help me track down those 404s14:36
MWelchUK_work_amstan, they will probably be updated packages, which you'd need to update the package lists to detemine (and any new dependencies)14:37
KE1HAthat's allot of 404's :-)14:37
MWelchUK_work_amstan, packages.ubuntu.com will probably help.14:37
FoolsRunamstan: is this Ubuntu machine a desktop or a laptop? If laptop, coulnd't you just bring it home?14:38
amstanFoolsRun: desktop14:38
FoolsRunNo internet at all? Can't even SSH tunnel to your home network and dowload from there?14:38
KurlonI'm stuck trying to track down samba issues on a Lucid box.  I've eliminated a kernel triggered lockup by moving to a mainline kernel, but I'm still having failures over time that feel like a memleak/etc within Samba itself.  Is there a straight forward way to upgrade to the Maverick Samba build without moving the whole box to Maverick?14:39
FoolsRunWhat about setting up your Windows box to share its network with the Ubuntu machine?14:39
cambazzhello, what was the name of the command that removed unnecessary packages14:39
FoolsRuncambazz: apt-get autoremove ?14:40
MWelchUK_work_amstan, are you connected to a network?14:40
amstanMWelchUK_work_: no.. no network14:40
FoolsRunamstan: no network connected?14:40
Raydiationhi im looking for a good soundcard (NO CREATIVE) that works fine with 10.0414:40
MWelchUK_work_amstan, so, um, what use are ssh server, mercurial and vnc?14:41
FoolsRunMWelchUK_work_: I want to see if he can set up an SSH server on a Windows box and tunnel the internet from there. Mostly because that would be awesome.14:42
MWelchUK_work_FoolsRun, but he's not connected to a network14:43
FoolsRunMWelchUK_work_: I thought it was just that he couldn't reach the internet because of a windows-only proxy or filter14:43
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MWelchUK_work_FoolsRun, no sounds like no network connection at all. Is that right amstan?14:44
dnhi everyone, recently I've  installed Google Earth on my Ubuntu 10.04 and it doesn't work properly. When I start the program and zoom in 3d earth many stripes appear and I can't see normally towns etc.. Please help me14:44
FoolsRunCan't he just... plug one in?14:45
BobSappsounds like its conflicting with compiz14:45
BobSappguys a little help please i have a samsung r60 laptop with an ati radeon xpress 1250 integrated graphics14:46
kanzieIm trying to get ssconvert running but fail with error: GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Not running within active session). Any takers?14:46
FoolsRunBobSapp: did you ask your question already?14:46
BobSappi can install ubuntu if i use the nomodeset boot parameter, but when i boot the resulting installe ubuntu i get a black screen.14:47
BobSappi guess my question is how can i boot ubuntu?14:47
FoolsRunBobSapp: if you press CTRL+ALT+F2 do you get a login prompt?14:47
BobSappalso ctrl+alt+del wont work14:47
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FoolsRunCTRL+ALT+DEL won't do anything anyway.14:48
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FoolsRunSounds like one of those silly laptop display issues14:48
FoolsRunHang on, I found the answer to this once14:48
Jirielyay I created my first shortcut on the desktop14:48
BobSappcould well be, i could run 9.10 just fine14:48
afeijo_bryou guys said that its a good option to do a clean install and restore the backup.  How would that work?14:48
KE1HABobSapp, Best thing I can suggest is the Radion Driver support page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver14:49
dnwell I've installed already Compiz, I think I need proprietary drivers for my video card. My output is: ~$ sudo lshw -C display14:49
dn  *-display14:49
dn       description: VGA compatible controller14:49
dn       product: RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]14:49
dn       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc14:49
afeijo_brany tool to automatize it?14:49
FloodBot2dn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:49
dn       physical id: 514:49
_DGM_dn: yes you need proprietary drivers for proper 3d acceleration14:50
_DGM_which google earth uses14:50
augustuscan someone help me revert from nvidia 256.44 driver to 256.35?14:50
FoolsRunBobSapp, the livecd works OK?14:50
_DGM_augustus:  why would you want to do that?14:50
BobSapponly when i set the nomodeset boot parameter14:50
KE1HABobSapp, did you see my post, it says your Driver is supported on the How-Too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver14:50
FoolsRundn, have you installed proprietary drivers?14:50
BobSappyes im looking there now thanks KE1HA14:50
BobSappit says my card is supported14:51
KE1HAOk, sri, there was a huge flood there for a moment :-)14:51
merniliohi all! I found a pretty fast pc, but it has a "raid-bios", is it possible to just write it over with a standard bios?14:51
dnon debian I can install but for ubuntu I can't find them or I try and it doesn't work lol14:51
augustusDGM:My nvidia gt 240 freezes http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15387514:51
_DGM_mernilio: what? why do you want to do that?14:51
FoolsRundn, click System/Administration/Hardware Drivers14:51
trond-afeijo_br, run rsync to backup your computer and you can then decide what to restore and what not to restore.14:51
mernilio_DGM_: i dont use RAID, that's why14:52
afeijo_brtrond-: backup everything!?!?14:52
_DGM_mernilio: you can always just disable it. My bios supports raid to i dont use it either14:52
trond-afeijo_br, with rsync you can exclude stuff you don't want to add.14:52
afeijo_brI want to virtualize my server, to move to vmware14:52
beppoi don't get nfs server running, showmount results in ->clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered14:52
sburjanhello. can someone tell me how can I disable the lock screen from 10.04 ?14:52
trond-afeijo_br, kinda of server? Ubuntu?14:52
mernilio_DGM_: well, i could, and it works right now, but the boot-process is somewhat slow.14:52
sm3galok i got a theme i like for emerald14:52
afeijo_brtrond-: yes the question is, which folders should I copy?14:52
afeijo_bryes ubuntu14:52
sm3galhow i install it?14:52
dnyup it says - No proprietary drivers are in use on this system14:53
michelinuxHi. Just installed Openshot, but all the transitions and Effects are missing. Already tried on a different computer without any problem. Am I missing any dependencies?14:53
_DGM_mernilio: what motherboard do you have?14:53
FoolsRundn: does it offer any?14:53
sm3galsburjan, did you lock your self out?14:53
dnjust Software modem lol14:53
_DGM_mernilio: my crosshair iv is rather slow on the boot too compared to my other computers14:53
KE1HAmernilio, How does it run after the boot though, thats what's really important I would think.14:53
mernilio_DGM_: i dont remember, i found the pc down the hall. Oki ^^14:53
mernilioKE1HA: true14:53
_DGM_and yes what KE1HA says14:53
FoolsRundn: it's possible no 3D drivers are available and so 3D programs like Google Earth just won't work14:54
Jirielalright, so I am using 10.04, just created my first launcher on the desktop, how do I change the icon? I found out how to set an emblem for it which is kind of cool.14:54
trond-afeijo_br, I would go for etc and home at least. Just to have backup of those. If you have a webserver under /var/www, backup that as well.14:54
_DGM_dont try just overwriting the bios with another.. the chance that that works is reaaaally small14:54
KE1HAmernilio, Hopefully, reboot isn't an issue :-)14:54
_DGM_and you could trash the whole board14:54
afeijo_brok I will, thanks!14:54
dnok I got it back to debian X_X14:54
dnty anyway ;)14:54
Jirieldn - ubuntu doesnt mess around. You got saaaaaaaaaacked. :P14:54
_DGM_it ran fine on debian?14:55
_DGM_meh ati drivers never play nice on linux anyway :P14:55
mernilio_DGM_: but it was quite a good find. An 2Gig Athlon64, the only thing i had to do was to install a h-drive and memory14:55
FoolsRunBobSapp, it works with nomodeset  right? Have you tried full updates and proprietary drivers?14:55
mernilioGhz *even14:55
_DGM_mernilio: they just drop those in the hallway? sounds suspecious :P14:55
v00lcanoguys, I have a newly installed 10.04 machine and am trying to follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication however there are looooots of inconsistencies, for example it asks to restart nscd but I have no /etc/init.d/nscd, also my /etc/libnss-ldap.conf is missing and I can't seem to find it anywhere else (updatedb && locate), I've found a libnss-ldap.conffiles in doc, but that just mentions /etc/init.d/libnss-ldap. Is there 14:55
sm3galwhat is a good place to get themes for ubuntu14:55
FoolsRundn, I only said it's possible. I'm not sure that's the problem.14:55
mernilio_DGM_: No.. ;-)14:55
dnyea I've found one day a web site which many commands to do that so I spend about 5-7 mins to configure my Ati proprietary driver on lenny14:56
trond-have just reinstalled ubuntu, and since some pages are using flash, which should I use. Which one is known to be more stable? Adobe Flash Plugin that comes with Ubuntu, or Gnash??14:56
GlowballJiriel: Right click > Properties. Tab 'Basic' (the one that opens by default), click on the icon. Then you can select any image file.14:56
dnits ok ty :)14:56
_DGM_dn: thats why i avoid ati and stick to nvidia.. that and a couple of other reasons14:56
dnright Nvidia kick asses :)14:57
KE1HAv00lcano, those Server docs were for 9.04/9.10, most tof the server restart things /init.d changed, to sudo service-x restart / start / stop14:57
FoolsRun_DGM_, I just don't like red boards ;)14:57
augustusCan someone assist me with installing nvidia 256.35 driver?14:57
KE1HAv00lcano, there being updated, but it's taking a while.14:57
_DGM_FoolsRun: red boards?14:57
kanzieIm trying to get ssconvert running but fail with error: GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Not running within active session). Any takers?14:57
JirielGlowball: Woah, awesome.. Thank you!14:58
FoolsRun_DGM_, ATI tends to make their cards red14:58
FoolsRun_DGM_, stupid joke.14:58
_DGM_FoolsRun: haha oh yea i didnt think of that. The last ati i had was like 7 years ago. An old radeon :)14:58
janickoI need help to set my wireless router, it is recognized, it also say it is connected, but I can't go on internet14:58
_DGM_i'm never giving up my nvidia's anymore :>14:58
BobSappscripts init bottom does anyone know what that is? its the last thing i see when booting before i get a blank screen14:58
v00lcanoKE1HA: but was libnss-ldap no longer required? or why can't I find any conf for it?14:59
FoolsRunBobSapp, I asked above but you might have missed it: can you use nomodeset to get a functional desktop? Have you tried updates and proprietary drivers?14:59
KE1HAv00lcano, best place to ask for up to date info is probably in the ubuntu-server channel although, there may be folks here with server but ther's loads in the other channel that are realy up to speed on it.14:59
BobSappFoolsRun: how do i use nomodeset in grub?14:59
v00lcanoKE1HA: but I'm trying to configure a client not a server :)14:59
FoolsRunBobSapp: great question! I'll let our studio audience fill you in! (I have no idea)15:00
KE1HAv00lcano, pass mate, I've not built a 10.04 server yet, waining on the 10.04.1 realse then gonna go that direction.15:00
BobSappI just tried booting in recovery mode and it halts the computer after it says someting about scripts/init-bottom15:00
KE1HAv00lcano, Oh, man, I thought you were talking about the server ... my bad.15:00
NginUSdoes anyone use btfrs on a fileserver?15:01
BobSappi think theres a big difference between the kernel on the 10.04 cd and the one thats actually installed15:01
v00lcanoKE1HA: thanks anyway :)15:01
KE1HAv00lcano, but the service scripts are the same for function, like samba, used to be init.d and now its sudo samba restart etc etc.15:01
FoolsRunBobSapp: but there have been a few kernel updates since then; if you can get updates to run you might find it fixes your issue.15:01
sipiorNginUS: that might be a bit premature for data that you care about :-)15:02
FoolsRunHey, everyone: BobSapp needs to know how to add a parameter to GRUB, from the GRUB menu. Is this possible?15:02
BobSappi cant even get to gdm FoolsRun. it looks like the computer halts some point during bootup(capslock light doesnt respond)15:02
NginUSsipior : thats what i was afraid of, zfs nas's dont support virtio, & those that do don't do checksumming yet15:02
sipiorNginUS: i hear things are moving along rather swiftly with btrfs, so it may not be too long before it's polished enough for serious use. fingers crossed.15:04
BobSappok after some googleing it looks like i have to kopt=nomodeset in grub15:04
FoolsRunBobSapp, worth a shot. Might at least get you a desktop or terminal prompt15:04
Alias01I Installed ubuntu into a USB pen drive, but when i try to boot from it i get the following error: "remove disks or other media. press any key to restart" i tried on my netbook and on my pc, same error on both. what am i doing wrong?15:05
ibm-t60How do I check to see to what bus my individual devices are connected to through the terminal?15:05
OerBobSapp, maybe this page is any help > i915.modeset=1 or i915.modeset=0; nVidia: nomodeset; Generic: xforce  http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/15:06
ibm-t60I apologise for that15:06
BobSappOer: thanks i just saw that in google15:06
ibm-t60What did I miss?15:07
=== ibm-t60 is now known as fruitbag
Picifruitbag: sudo lshw is probably the easiest way to get that information.15:07
fruitbagThank you, Pici15:07
monkeystadoralias01, i have some kind of this error too.. but i could be very specific to my bios. Try to stick in your usb boot stick, start computer go straight to bios and then make that special usb stick first boot device. save and exit.15:07
Picifruitbag: programatically, look at the manpage for lshw for the files that it looks at, they're in /proc15:07
janickoI need help to set my wireless router, it is recognized, it also say it is connected, but I can't go on internet15:07
fruitbagI have a SCSI DVD drive ;w15:07
KE1HAAlias01, how did you create the USB Boot Key, was it a procedure you followed ?15:07
Alias01monkeystador:i did, the USB stick is the first one to boot. what else can it be? i don't have any hdd on my netbook so im trying to install it to the USB stick15:08
Nicekiwi9is the wubi app for kubuntu 10.04 broken?15:09
baconhi please i'd like to know: The build-deps present in a debian/control file are needed for the installation of the package, or the execution of the programm contained in the .deb package?15:09
monkeystadorthen your boot stick is not working probably.15:09
KE1HAAlias01, have a read though this procedure, is this what you followed to make the USB/ Key? : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver15:09
sipiorfruitbag: you probably don't :-)15:09
fruitbagsipior, why does it show it to be associated with SCSI?15:10
sed`Does Ubuntu 10.04 recognize SSDs and optimize settings like the I/O scheduler for it? If not, what are some recommended settings for SSDs?15:10
Alias01KE1HA:the link you gave me is for radeon driver15:10
fruitbag"vender: MATSHITA    physical id:1   bus info: scsi@1:0.0.015:10
fruitbagvendor *15:10
sipiorfruitbag: check to see if you have a similar line attached to your ide controller.15:10
KE1HAAlias01, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick   Sri about that.15:10
monkeystadori made my boosticks with the windows tool .15:11
KE1HAAlias01, the other link was for Bob's issue :-)15:11
fruitbagMy IDE controller is associated with the PCI bus15:11
Alias01KE1HA:im not trying to install from a USB stick, im trying to install TO a USB stick15:11
monkeystadoror unetbootin15:11
BobSappstill no further15:11
sipiorfruitbag: no "logical name: scsi0"?15:11
BobSappim gonna try turning off all kernel params15:11
fruitbagNo, sipior15:11
KE1HAAlias01, Same Page, further down: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Installing%20Ubuntu%20directly%20on%20a%20USB%20Flash%20drive15:11
fruitbagOne moment...15:11
Alias01KE1HA:thanks, i'll look into it15:12
fruitbagActually, yes15:12
sipiorfruitbag: the scsi id is a fiction the modern linux kernel uses to address disk devices.15:12
sipiorfruitbag: of all types, not just genuine scsi disks.15:12
fruitbagI have: "logical name: scsi0;   logical name:scsi115:12
fruitbagWhy is that the case, sipior ?15:12
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sipiorfruitbag: simplicity.15:12
fruitbagIs the SCSI protocol used at all?15:13
sipiorfruitbag: certainly15:13
fruitbagDo you personally have any criticisms about such an approach?15:13
sipiorfruitbag: i'm not a kernel hacker. my criticisms (if i had them) would be worth very little.15:13
fruitbagVery well15:14
v00lcanoso guys, can noone help me configure ubuntu 10.04 as an openldap client? :( I'm googling around and can't seem to find anything for 10.0415:14
fruitbagHow do I determine exactly to what bus the DVD drive is connected to?15:14
sipiorfruitbag: there should be a physical id line in the lshw output15:15
Kurlonfruitbag: I think you can trace it using the files in /proc, lemmie dig for a sec...15:15
amstanfruitbag: lshw not helping?15:15
fruitbagIt is15:15
sipiorfruitbag: or look for "bus info"15:15
fruitbagDon't worry about it, guys... I don't want to put you through any trouble15:15
KE1HAcant you cat dmesg | grep DVD ?15:15
littlepenguinv00lcano: http://tuxnetworks.blogspot.com/2010/04/ldap-client-lucid-lynx.html15:16
Nicekiwi9is the wubi app for kubuntu 10.04 broken?15:16
fruitbagOne other thing...15:17
janickoI need help to set my wireless router, it is recognized, it also say it is connected, but I can't go on internet15:17
KE1HAfruitbag, dmesg | grep DVD pulled it on my box.15:17
fruitbagcdda2wav apparently 'Cannot open SCSI driver.'15:17
wiilljaniko, do you have another computer which has internet acces on that same router15:17
KurlonThat sounds more like a permissions issue15:18
wiilljanicko, do you have another computer which has internet acces on that same router15:18
scryption5hello all15:18
Nicekiwi9i downloads the kubuntu 10.04 disc and tried to do a wubi install, it went well untilll it started trying to download a torrent of the kubuntu ISO????15:19
bwolfehello experts, quick question.  I have two internet connections, one wireless and one wired.  Is it possible to tell certain applications to preferentially use one connection over the other if its available?  can someone point me to an app or some documentation on how to do it?  thanks!15:19
scryption5how would i force notify bubble to show on top of fullscreen firefox ? it now stay's beneath firefox when it is running in F11 mode15:19
scryption5any tips are welcome15:19
scryption5i use the notify-deamon to get the info bubble15:20
fruitbagAny thoughts here on what I could do, guys?15:20
BobSappok wowo15:20
salhowfor ubuntu, which is preferred, nvidia or amd video card?15:20
BobSappi just think i solved it :)15:20
scryption5with zenity its the same thing15:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:20
BobSappeither its radeon.nomodeset=015:20
NginUSbwolfe: vyatta firewall can do that, it's called multi-wan15:20
scryption5unless i can force it on top somehow15:20
BobSappor its the fact that i still had the ubuntu cd in the drive15:20
Calinousalhow: nvidia is better... i think15:20
* bwolfe goes to check it out. 15:21
bwolfethanks NginUS !15:21
egiptoextremohola venezuela15:21
wiilljanicko, were you ever able to connect to the net with that router15:21
KE1HA+1 on NV15:21
afeijo_brdamn, after I updated my ubuntu distro to 9.10, mysql cant start :(15:21
FoolsRunBobSapp, congrats!15:21
salhowCalinou: better driver support and such?15:21
egiptoextremoalguien habla español aqui15:21
Calinoui think...15:21
Calinoui can play games "normally" with nvidia15:21
Calinouyou get some bugs with ati, that's harder15:22
afeijo_br/var/logs/mysql/msyql.log didnt help15:22
salhowCalinou; ok ty15:22
janickowiill: no, i just get it the other day and yesterday i managed to get it recognized by ubuntu15:22
_DGM_salhow: nvidia is much better supported on linux as a whole15:22
KE1HAfruitbag, Did you check dmesg for the infor your looking fer?15:22
_DGM_salhow: always has been15:22
sacarlsonafeijo_br: maybe just restart it?15:22
wiilljanicko, which brand is it15:22
afeijo_bralready did that15:22
afeijo_brwhere does mysql save error log?15:23
sacarlsonafeijo_br: no errors when you restart from term15:23
afeijo_brnot that I noticed15:23
ikoniaafeijo_br: what sort of error ?15:23
afeijo_brjust "...fail!"15:23
sacarlsonafeijo_br: was in /var/logs  last I checked but maybe I should look15:23
janickoits belkin F6d4230-415:23
fruitbagI have, KE1HA, though cdda2wav apparently cannot find SCSI drivers15:23
afeijo_br/var/log has a empty mysql.err15:23
savidDoes anyone know of an app that will monitor my windows and track the amount of time different windows are focused?15:24
janickowiill:its belkin F6d4230-415:24
sacarlsonsavid: wow good idea never seen one15:24
afeijo_brhmm found something15:24
wiilljanicko, ok so your Ubuntu comp recognize and is able to connect to the wireless network, but you are unable to browse the web15:24
BobSappis there a way to list kernel parameters?15:24
KE1HAcdda2wav is that the CD name / type or somethign ?15:24
v00lcanolittlepenguin: thanks15:24
wiilljanicko, is that right15:24
bwolfeNginUS: vyatta seems to be a full firewall OS solution.  is there anything I can just install on my current OS to just control it?15:25
janickowiill: yes it's right15:25
SimonSayezKE1HA, What are you trying to do ?15:25
wiilljanicko, try running "nslookup google.com" from the terminal15:26
janickowiill: at lest it would write that my wireless modem is conected15:26
janickowiill: you mean under  the wireless router?15:26
KE1HASimonP86, me? help fruitbag figure out his CD-Rom issue.15:26
wiilljanicko, on you computer15:26
sacarlsonjanicko: well sounds like progress, do you get an ip address from your dhcp server to see look at ifconfig15:26
NginUSbwolfe: maybe, but I'm not entirely sure. There's something called bonding- a mode of bonding called alb, stands for adaptive load balancing- makes 2 NICs share a MAC (hardware) address somehow15:26
BobSappradeon.modeset=0 fixes it15:27
KE1HASimonSayez, sri .. Wrong Simon, just trying to help him figure out the issue on his CD-Rom15:27
wiillsacarlson, he wouldn't be connected if he didn't had an ip15:27
Kingsydoes anyone know of a decent app that does reminders? i.e you can set a reminder on certain dates and times on a calender with a note? and it pops up at that set time?15:27
Pachaanyone here can give me a little help?15:27
gryllidaHi. I installed xfce, now some applications are seen in the menu twice (e.g. apps - accessories - I have 2 terminal menuitems). How do I get rid of them / put it back to place / uninstall xfce?15:27
janickosacarlson: yes i have15:27
NginUSbwolfe : dunno if that'll work in your case tho- I think you need an external solution to do multiwan15:27
=== afeijo_br is now known as afeijo
gryllida!details | Pacha15:27
ubottuPacha: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:27
wiilljanicko, I just want to check if your DNS server is able to resolve names15:28
KE1HABobSapp, Glad you got it sorted BobSapp I know that cna be frustraiting.15:28
SimonSayezKingsy take a look at this see if it works for you: http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php?option=com_rny_download15:28
bwolfeNginUS: yeah, thats not it.  I want Thunderbird+skype+irc to use my wireless but Firefox and everything else to use my wired connection15:28
OerBobSapp, sudo sysctl -a | sort | more  >> http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,2114123,00.asp15:28
PachaI had an ubuntu liveUSB in my pendrive, but unfortunatly it is not working for some strange reason. By running the compatibility mode, I can use the terminal, so Im trying to recover my files. The problem is that I am not being able to mount my windows partitions, where I want to put the recovered files.15:29
pkkmHow to install kde?15:29
BobSappthanks oer15:29
wiilljanicko, if you can tell me what "nslookup google.com" returns it might give an hint15:29
NginUSbwolfe: can't help with that- never heard of anything to that extent, Id have to put them each in their own vm if i were to do that15:29
Pacha@pkkm sudo apt-get install kde15:29
BobSappand kE1HA thanks too15:29
Pachaanyway to know my partition ID without fdisk?15:30
Pachawith ID I mean sdxx15:30
pkkmPacha, "no installation candidate" (I'm on Lucid)15:30
Pachaopen the package manager15:30
KingsySimonSayez - exactly what I wanted thanks15:30
_DGM_Pacha: you're the one that partitioned :P shouldnt you know anyway15:30
fr0y0zHello, I have a stupid question. Would anybody hapen to know what I type into terminal to start iReports? For some reason it's nowhere on the web15:31
Pacha_DGM_ in fact, no, the computer is not mine, the pendrive is15:31
Nicekiwi9hmmm $140USD for paid support for ubuntu...15:31
PachaI can run the terminal on it15:31
monkeystadori like to disable the onscreen notifications for volumeUp/Down. Anyone done that beforeß15:31
janickowiill: it gives answerNon-authoritative answer:15:32
gryllidaExcuse me, did anyone even notice my question?15:32
Pachano sorry15:32
wiilljanicko, ok so your server does resolve names15:32
Pachaagain please15:32
kavurtPacha: sudo blkid15:33
gryllida10:27 < gryllida> Hi. I installed xfce, now some applications are seen in the menu twice (e.g. apps - accessories - I have 2 terminal menuitems). How  do I get rid of them / put it back to place / uninstall xfce?15:33
wiilljanicko, now try in firefox to navigate to that address it gave you15:33
bihari i have 2 gb in which i have install ubuntu and now i wants to make vbox and it asking for space so how much shud i assign space ?15:33
Pachakavurt: let me tell you the full story15:33
Picigryllida: You could run alacarte to customize your menus.15:33
PachaI have an pendrive with an ubuntu liveusb15:33
monkeystadorcan someone help me on deciphering the dbus messages? i like to know which program send the notification message action.15:33
bihari i have 2 gb in which i have install ubuntu and now i wants to make virtualbox-ose and it asking for space so how much shud i assign space ?15:33
gryllidaPici: well, okay, and how do I uninstall xfce?15:33
Pachabut for some reason now I can only open the terminal15:33
Picigryllida: How did you install it?15:34
PachaI want to recover my files on it15:34
Pachabut not being able to mount my windows drive15:34
Pachaas the fdisk isnt working15:34
gryllidaPici: I think it was sudo apt-get install xfce15:34
KingsySimonSayez - have you used that app before?15:34
sacarlsonwhy is this pidgin chat client seem to lock up about 2 times each day.  It requires me to log out and in again to get it to work.  maybe if I knew what to kill there would be another way but that's what I know.  on ubuntu 10.0415:34
Pachaso, I want to know the ID of my hard drive, sdxx, to mount it15:34
KE1HAbihari, you have 2GB space let of that is your total Ubuntu install space ?15:34
kavurtPacha: have you tried sudo blkid? it will show you the drive with ntfs.15:35
Picigryllida: sudo apt-get remove xfce415:35
afeijowhat is the command to check the syslog?15:35
monkeystadorsacarlson: figure out how to enable debug output on your pidgin maybe15:35
PachaI will try that. I come back with the results in some minutes(as I need to restart the computer)15:36
sacarlsonmonkeystador: like recompile it with debug on?  I'll leave that to the experts15:36
gryllidaPici: "Package xfce4 is not installed, so not removed15:36
Pici!es | mikrl15:37
ubottumikrl: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:37
wiillmikrl, hola como estas15:37
sacarlsonmonkeystador: but you got me thinking at least I'll run it in a term and see what comes out.15:37
=== sleepinglapdrago is now known as Lap_Dragon
murlidharis there any way to automount two of my partitions ? if so how can i make it to automount them ?15:37
monkeystadorsacarlson:  and maybe you can start pidgin with some parameter ...15:37
mikrl     i can will  startt in mode text15:38
wiilljanicko, so how does it looks15:38
mikrlwhat press?15:38
fr0y0zHello, I have a stupid question. Would anybody hapen to know what I type into terminal to start iReports? For some reason it's nowhere on the web15:38
mikrlfor dont start gnome15:38
wiilljanicko, if you navigate to on firefox15:38
Picigryllida: Well, You can remoev xfwm4, that should prompt to remove a bunch of other stuff that depends on it as well.15:39
bihariyes in 2GB i have installed ubuntu15:40
biharinow i wants to install virtualbox-ose and it asking for space15:40
bihariso how much shud i give15:40
gryllidaPici: Maybe. But currently it does not remove anything. It ouputs "Package xfce4 is not installed, so not removed".15:40
gryllidaPici: With 2 Terminals in Accessories menu.15:41
Picigryllida: My second command said xfwm4, not xfce415:41
Oerbihari, 4 gb or 8 gb, no problem, it will be expandable15:41
bihariso how much shud i give?15:41
bihari1 gb for my virtual xp15:41
KE1HAbihari, I dont believe that's enough space. Normal installs take 3GB to 4GB of space on average, more when you add applicaionts.15:42
gryllidaPici: Oh, I see. Doing it now.15:42
KE1HAbihari, my /root partition w/VirtualBox is 6.4 GB and very few addiotnal apps.15:42
wiilljanicko, you still there?15:43
sacarlsonbihari: 1gb ram?  give it the default it is setup to give just what you need15:43
afeijowhat is apparmor?15:43
gryllidaPici: I removed xfwm4 but the additional Terminal in the menu is still there. It is called "Terminal Emulator" and looks differently. How can I get a list of what I installed today?15:43
=== alloy1124_ is now known as alloy1124
KE1HAbihari, 1Gb for Vbox, but you need 1GB for system too.15:43
KE1HARAM that is, 1GB for each.15:44
bihariKE1HA, tell me what  to do15:44
afeijoapparently my mysql cant start due to that apparmour ?15:44
ikoniaafeijo: that's unlikley15:44
KE1HAbihari, I dont think you can do it, 2Gb is not enough space.15:44
afeijoikonia: Aug 13 11:41:09 galpao kernel: [ 2552.534494] type=1503 audit(1281710469.385:437): operation="open" pid=7927 parent=4251 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=0 ouid=0 name="/sys/devices/system/cpu/"15:44
Picigryllida: Take a look at /var/log/dpkg.log15:44
sacarlsonafeijo: apparmour?  never heard of it15:45
ikoniaafeijo: the default appamour profile will not stop mysql, so what did you do15:45
afeijosacarlson: my first time too15:45
Pelmen!apparmor | afeijo15:45
ubottuafeijo: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor15:45
afeijoikonia: I upgrade ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1015:45
biharii have only 2 GB ram on my system in which i have installed  this ubuntu lucid and  now i wants to make virtaulbox and it asking for the space15:45
biharinow tell me guys what to do?15:45
ikoniaafeijo: that won't enable a non-existant profile15:45
IledenHi! How can I make sudo not ask for a password when editing rfcomm binds with command "sudo rfcomm bind" and "sudo rfcomm release"? I've tried editing the /etc/sudoers file to set /usr/bin/rfcomm to NOPASSWD but that doesn't seem to work. Then again, I'm not very good with /etc/sudoers... Any ideas how to proceed?15:45
ikoniabihari: give it space15:45
afeijoI'm puzzled as well15:45
sed`Where can I find Sun/Oracle Java 6 in Ubuntu 10.04 amd64?15:46
ikoniaafeijo: easy test, disable appamor15:46
KE1HAbihari, are you running Ubuntu from the LiveCD ?15:46
The_CanuckI am currently running a linux firewall via Pfsense or Smoothall. I would like to use iptables to protect my network instead.15:46
Picised`: Its in the partner repositories.15:46
bihariKE1HA,  i have installed it on my system15:46
Pici!partner | sed`15:46
ubottused`: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:46
Kingsyanyone in here use rainlender?15:46
=== bwolfe_ is now known as bwolfe
janickowiill: sorry had to leave for sec15:47
Picibihari: YOU need to choose how much ram you'd like to dedicate to your virtualbox session when it is running.15:47
ikoniaafeijo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87598615:47
twobitsp1itedon't you hate it when you look at your IRC terminal, see you have a highlight in one of your channels, only to find that it's scrolled off the lastlog?15:47
KE1HAbihari, in a terminal window, Applicaiotns >> Accessories >> Terminal type this ins and tell em what it says: df -hT15:47
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gryllidaPici. Okay. How do I uninstall xfce?15:47
bihariyes pici15:48
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afeijoI stoped apparmor, same error on mysql, damn15:48
sacarlsonThe_Canuck: well those programs probly just setup iptables what do you want iptables to do?15:48
janickowiill: and that url get me on google15:48
KE1HAhe needs at least 1GB for the system and 1Gb for the Vbox, bue he needs disk space too.15:48
janickowiill: now are you here?15:49
sed`Pici: thanks!15:49
bihariPici yes15:49
Picigryllida: remove xubuntu-desktop15:49
ikoniabihari: what part are you not understanding, YOU need to decide how much resources to give15:49
Picibihari: I can't make that decision for you.15:49
biharihttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/haFk740w KE1HA15:49
bihariikonia  yes15:50
The_Canucksacarlson: I am basically not happy with pfsense and would like to learn how to do with using ip tables....15:50
sacarlsonbihari: I told him use defaults it always works for me15:50
The_CanuckI am just wondering what distro would be the best for us15:50
ikoniabihari: ok, so what's the issue ?15:50
abhijit!best  | The_Canuck15:50
ubottuThe_Canuck: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:50
wiilljanicko, ok hi did you try navigating to
PiciThe_Canuck: You're only going to get "Ubuntu" answers here, ##linux for distro-agnostic answers.15:51
KE1HAbihari, Ok, yo have enough space. Make your Vbox Disk at least 10GB, and slect 1GB of RAM.15:51
gryllidaPici: I removed xfwm4 and xubuntu-desktop. Still two "Terminal" menuitems there.15:51
bihariissue is that it asking for memory <base memory size>15:51
sacarlsonThe_Canuck: well I'll talk private with you about it I use iptables.15:51
janickowiill: i did and i got to google15:51
Picigryllida: You can try removing xfce4-terminal15:51
ikoniabihari: so YOU have to tell it how much you want to give it15:51
The_Canucki am not very knowledgable regarding linux and what is out there to complete this task... hence i am here asking for assistance or somm direction...15:51
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janickowiill: but that is on wired connection. wirelless router is problem...15:52
wiilljanicko, ok so it makes you go to google, and when you type in google.com it doesn't work15:52
ikoniabihari: the answer to my statment is not "yes"15:52
abhijitThe_Canuck, see distrowatch.org and ask this question in ##linux about which distro to select15:52
ikoniabihari: I'm telling you - YOU have to think about how much ram to give it, and put it in that box15:52
biharithats what i wants to say < i am just 18 and newbi and english is my second language> :( sory for that15:52
wiilljanicko, oh you were supposed to do that on the wireless comp15:52
Picibihari: Depending on how much ram you want to leave for your normal desktop taks, you need to decide that.15:52
ikoniabihari: the answer is NOT yes15:52
wiilljanicko, try the nslookup google.com on the wireless comp15:53
ikoniabihari: the answer is YOU work out how much ram YOU want to give your virtual machine, and put it in that box15:53
KE1HAbihari, wait before you do that, type this in the terminal: cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal  and post what that says.15:53
gryllidaPici: Great, it is gone. Now I see that it really is the xfce installation result, not anything else. But now I'm looking at two "Dictionaries" in "Office" menu and wondering whether there is a better nonmanual way to remove it all.15:53
sacarlsonThe_Canuck:  I have sent you a private message15:53
janickowiill: i am doing it on the one what i have wireless. So in that case i would need to go offline and try it on that router15:53
Picigryllida: You can try: sudo apt-get autoremove, but that may prompt to remove more things than you'd like15:53
mooglenorphHi all. I just installed ubuntu netbook remix on my netbook, and I want to purge gnome, the login manager, and the entire netbook interface from it. Preferebly from aptitude. How do I do that?15:54
murlidharis there any way to automount two of my partitions ? if so how can i make it to automount them ?15:54
Monkey_Dustmurlidhar: mount them in fstab15:54
rocket16BibleTime ramains blank, and nothing is displayed. How to use it?15:54
janickowiill: do you think that trying to hack wep key would help me?15:54
Monkey_Dust!fstab| murlidhar15:54
ubottumurlidhar: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:54
bihariKE1HA,  bihari@bihari-desktop:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal MemTotal:        2023340 kB15:54
murlidharty Monkey_Dust15:54
sed`i must admit, i like ubuntu's software center alot. (long-term debian user here).15:54
xanguaand what desktop enviroment do you use now mooglenorph¿15:54
wiilljanicko, is you access point protected15:54
BluesKajmooglenorph, so what are you going use as a desktop /15:54
mooglenorphBluesKaj: xmonad and X1115:55
wiilljanicko, by wep or wpa15:55
KE1HAbihari, thanks you. You need to use 1GB for your Vbox, so assign it 1GB or it will not run to well ok.15:55
xangua!purekde | mooglenorph15:55
ubottumooglenorph: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:55
mooglenorphubottu: oh, cool. so I'll just stop after the "remove all" part. thanks very much!15:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:56
Monkey_Dustubottu, I admire your intelligence15:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:57
ukkoI'm having some issues when building a driver for a touchscreen display http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/21aLRPT4 can someone help? I think that is missing some package in my system15:57
KE1HAbihari, You can use this for an exanple of how to set up your first Vbox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/FirstVM15:57
wiilljanicko, anyway, just go wireless only and try "nslookup google.com" then come back with the results15:57
biharii saw that KE1HA But thats for linux15:57
biharinot for XP15:57
KE1HAbihari, ur welcome.15:57
mooglenorphdon't get me wrong, I love UNR for the way the kernel supports my netbook hardware so well. I'm just not into the heavy GUI thing.15:57
Phonex01hello guys15:59
Phonex01nice to see you15:59
Monkey_Dust!hi| Phonex0115:59
ubottuPhonex01: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:59
abhijit!hi | Phonex0115:59
Phonex01new proxy15:59
ikoniaPhonex01: why are you posting that here16:00
Jirielconsider it spam16:00
Phonex01hi hi16:00
ikoniaPhonex01: stop16:00
Phonex01its not spam16:00
ikoniaPhonex01: why are you posting that here16:00
PiciPhonex01: Please don't advertise here, this is a support channel.16:00
Phonex01ok i will stop16:00
Phonex01ok ok16:00
Phonex01i'm sorry16:00
ikonia!topic | Phonex0116:00
ubottuPhonex01: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:00
Phonex01oh god people you are so hard !!!16:00
[nrx]no, you're just lame.16:01
JirielYeah seriously, it is common sense to not advertise crap like that.16:01
ikoniaJiriel: dro pit16:01
Phonex01jiriel " consider it as spam " man do you hate me ????16:01
ikoniaPhonex01: please drop it16:01
Phonex01i dont even know you16:01
syn-ackGood morning kids.16:01
Jirielhiya syn-ack16:01
JirielMan do I hate you syn-ack :P16:01
JirielNot *you* in particular, just.. I have seen syn ack too many times lol16:02
zopiacFor absolutely NO REASON at ALL, ubuntu decided to nuke my sound16:02
Phonex01oh really experiance man16:02
[nrx]Ubuntu = female.16:02
Phonex01i dont know that16:02
syn-ackJiriel, I'm sorry?16:02
Jiriel"syn ack" logs..16:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:03
Phonex01who is the admi here ?16:03
Phonex01admin ?16:03
ikoniaPhonex01: what do you want ?16:03
Phonex01oh you are the admin ?16:03
ikoniaPhonex01: what do you want, please.16:03
saji89!ops | Phonex0116:03
ubottuPhonex01: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!16:03
zopiacEvery few hours ubuntu decides its going to destroy my installation in one way or another16:03
ikoniasaji89: ok, I'm here16:03
Picisaji89: No need for that.16:03
Phonex01why dont we open arabic chaneel ?16:04
macoPhonex01: there is one16:04
ikoniaPhonex01: there is one16:04
Pici!sa | Phonex0116:04
ubottuPhonex01: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:04
janickoso i wrote down nslookup google.com at i got back ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached16:04
janickoWill: are you here?16:04
wiilljanicko, yeah16:04
wiilljanicko, sorry16:05
zopiac"maybe ill torch your login screen" "how about I obliterate your sound" "now I will make it so you cant boot" "now im going to destroy your sound again!"16:05
saji89ikonia, Oh ok... :)16:05
wiilljanicko, so how does it look16:05
janickowiill:so i wrote down nslookup google.com at i got back ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached16:05
bihariKE1HA,  U THERE check this http://img404.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1ij.png/16:05
zopiacive had it with ubuntu! there are too many horrid, horrid problems that arise for no f***ing reason! i dont know how I have dealt with it on and off for four years16:05
owd95i installed xubuntu on my fuji siemeans laptop and the audio works great when i use the laptop speakers but when i plug in my big speakers it's become quite, i had even tried with my headset and checked the settings in alsamixer.... heeeelp!16:06
KE1HAbihari, yes, you need to make that 1000.16:06
biharii did 102416:06
KE1HArr good to go.16:06
janickowiill: and for the other question what you gave i have no wep or wpa and have no idea how to get it16:06
Picibihari: If you have any further Virtualbox questions, please direct them to #vbox, they will be able to help you faster than we can.16:07
wiilljanicko, ok now try doing an "ifconfig -a" right now16:07
majdekalel_who kicked me out ?16:07
monkeystadorowd95: try pulseaudio volume control16:07
wiilljanicko, you don't have to be only on wifi16:07
janickowiill: got it16:07
majdekalel_hi hi people are you here for help16:07
majdekalel_i have been kicked out16:08
owd95monkeystador: how do i that?16:08
majdekalel_فعلا انك قليلين حيى16:08
monkeystadorinstall it through synaptic.16:08
[nrx]oh ffs.16:08
majdekalel_ولك انت واياه16:08
Pici!sa | majdekalel_16:08
ubottumajdekalel_: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:08
[nrx]majdekalel_, please stop that.16:08
majdekalel_مين طردني16:08
Picimajdekalel_: #ubuntu is english only.16:08
majdekalel_بحكي معكو هندي16:08
[nrx]in-Stereo kick there.16:09
KurlonI didn't even know my terminal could display those characters.16:09
bihariKE1HA,  and for boot hard disk ?16:09
KE1HAbihari, you mean ISO image ?16:09
Phonex01hi pici i was talking with someone at private16:09
Phonex01why you kicked me out ???16:10
bihariwait let me give you screen shot16:10
Pici11:08:40 <?monkeystador> install it through synaptic.16:10
Pici11:08:42 <[nrx]> oh ffs.16:10
Pici11:08:45 <?majdekalel_> ولك انت واياه16:10
Pici11:08:48 <Pici> !sa | majdekalel_16:10
Pici11:08:49 <ubottu> majdekalel_: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:10
FloodBot2Pici: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:10
janickowiill: do you want to pastebin it?16:10
wiilljanicko, do you have a wlan section16:10
Phonex01hi hi16:11
Phonex01dont kick me out16:11
Phonex01why the fuck you do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!16:11
PiciPhonex01: Please join #ubuntu-ops16:11
wiilljanicko, also I;m sorry but i have to leave16:11
Black_Phantomhey all, anybody know how to print an image on ubuntu in a way that it will cover all the A4 paper ?16:11
janickowiill: no, there is not wlan section16:11
rtKsalut comment fait on pour améliorer la quélité de la police sous KDE ?16:11
wiilljanicko, it's a shame i couldn't solve you problem on time16:11
oCean_!fr | rtK16:11
ubotturtK: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:11
CalinourtK: #ubuntu-fr16:11
[nrx]Black_Phantom, just remove the margins, no?16:11
PiciSorry for the spam folks.16:12
Black_Phantom[nrx] I removed the margins, but I still cant see the image covering the whole paper16:13
Black_Phantomits covering only half16:13
CalinouPici: how many langages know ubottu ?16:13
janickois there anybody who would help me to  get my wireless router working? It saing it is connected but it wont  be able to get on internet16:13
PiciCalinou: Alot, search yourself with http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi16:13
bihariKE1HA,  CHECK THIS http://img101.imageshack.us/i/screensho.png/16:14
sacarlsonjanicko: I guess I'll take a wack at it16:14
janickosacarlson: thx mate. so what should i do?16:14
sacarlsonI think I'll take you private16:15
ePiratwhat is grub rescue ?16:15
KE1HAbihari, I use fixed 10GB for mine. But I mostly do ISO testing and things like that.16:15
janickosacarlson: could it be problem that i have no wireless security?16:15
bihariso what i do ?16:15
bihari5 GB ?16:15
OerCalinou, ubuntu 8.,04 150+ languages and i stopped counting16:15
KE1HA10G fixed16:15
KE1HAbihari, that gives you lots of room to add things without worrying.16:16
mernilioOne thing i have never been able to do, is to use the build-in network-card and soundcard. Why is that? Is it because no drivers exist for linux? I havent put so much thought in it, because i have used separat sound and network cards16:17
biharior fixed size?16:17
KE1HAThen select a location for it like /home//bihari/virtual_machines16:17
oCean_bihari: are you aware that this is not virtualbox help channel?16:17
Cryp71cWithin the past couple of weeks my numpad (even when numlock is on) no longer puts in numbers, but ALWAYS moves the mouse cursor...any idea how to turn this off?16:17
erUSULmernilio: doubt it; integrated sound is either hda or ac97 both supported. and linux has support for many nic's16:17
biharioki brb16:18
OerCryp71c, yes, goto system > keyboard, last tab > use numpad as mousepointer16:18
TillDawghello to all16:19
oom8ailanyone experiencing any problems with crypt root since latest update of lts 10.04?16:19
OerCryp71c, sorry, 4th tab16:19
mernilioerUSUL: maybe so.. i know linux knows about my integrated soundcard tho. It's no big deal tho.16:19
Cryp71cOer, thanks!16:19
mernilioI't so booring when "it just works" (tm) ;-)16:19
nytek_I'm having a problem with my brightness and etc keys on my compaq presario cq62 laptop, I can't adjust brightness levels, nor sound from keyboard. Any ideas?16:20
TillDawg<<<<<< has made the switch to ubuntu and loves it ...like to get rid of windows for god16:21
Friktionhey somone that has some experience with valgrind and kdevelop ?16:21
FriktionTillDawg: same here =)16:21
oom8ailafter the recent update I found myself in the busybox shell because my crypted root lvm partition could not be mounted. when i mount the cryptroot by hand in the initramfs shell, everything works though. can anyone guide me how to debug this issue? its quite annoying that there is no password question during start...16:22
TillDawggot it running on a 4 year old toshiba and it faster then it ever was with xp16:23
littlepenguinok so irc works...why everybody is silent?16:25
monkeystadorcan someone help me on deciphering the dbus messages? i like to know which program send the notification message action.16:26
NinjaNumberNineHi guys, does anyone know how to access the system files in a Live CD environment? (Kubuntu 10.04, but the distro doesn't matter)16:26
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, you cannot change data on a cd16:26
NinjaNumberNinenot to change, it, just to copy from it.16:27
littlepenguinok cd is mounted?16:27
NinjaNumberNinei need the original xorg.conf. yes the cd is mounted.16:27
amr_using ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates ... after installing chromium .. whenever i go to www.gmail.com my cpu peak to 100% until after 30 seconds my browser shows me aw. snap!!! please help ... this issue is also in google chrome but not firefox ???16:27
TillDawgis irssi worth messing with  ?16:28
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin, i just wansn'16:28
ioTillDawg: Yes.16:28
NinjaNumberNine't sure where on the disc they are16:28
littlepenguinninja why not just create a new one?make backup of old file and delete xorg.conf16:28
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, after this do : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:28
TillDawghmmm looks confusing as hell16:28
littlepenguinnormally xorg.conf is under /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:29
ioTillDawg: It is possibly the least confusing IRC client being CLI.16:29
savidDoes anyone know of an app that will monitor my windows and track the amount of time different windows are focused?16:30
TillDawgio really ? ok i must reread and play with more16:31
gio_gtTillDawg: if you like CLI IRC clients, I suggest you give weechat a shot, too16:31
TillDawgi'm really starting to like using the terminal16:31
ioTillDawg: It is useful for running within a screen, so that you can attach/detach from wherever you are.16:31
Dr_WillisWeechat is very nice16:32
enavjoin / #jquery16:32
TillDawgstill trying to get xchat down16:32
MTMzI have such a headache!16:33
=== MTMz is now known as ipc
jc hello! I'm looking for a  little help with 10.4 ltsp specifiacally tftp boot upgraded from 9 to 10 and now my clients won't boot they get their ip but fail with sometype of permissions  this is for a grade school in HSV AL no paycheck just trying to help the school16:33
KE1HAthe whole dpkg-reconfigure is really not doing anything, a better way would be: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/477491/16:33
Dr_Willisxchats rather straightforward. :)16:34
gio_gtTillDawg: yes. If you are new to CLI applications, weechat has got more nice defaults, imho. irssi is a lot configurable, but before you can have a nicklist you have to install plugin and configure them. Weechat has got a nicklist by default and it is usable just as it is, after installation16:34
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: i'm afraid i've been doing that all morning, with small variations and/or in exact copy. It always restarts into console tty and when i run startx, it says something about there being no screens found, (set up for dual screens with nvidia geforce 7xxx (i think it's 7300 to be exact) card and has been working well for several weeks. I have tried deleting, then reconfiguring, but to no avail... not to mention, the dpkg-reconfigure -p high16:34
NinjaNumberNine xserver-xorg just blinks you to a new line when you hit enter, no sign of action, (unless it's just really fast, and does it in the background) i really appreciate your trying by the way- just tired of pulling out my hair, thats all. ;)16:34
amr_using ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates ... after installing chromium .. whenever i go to www.gmail.com my cpu peak to 100% until after 30 seconds my browser shows me aw. snap!!! please help ... this issue is also in google chrome but not firefox ???16:34
littlepenguinjc what is the error exactly?16:34
stanley_robertsohi all16:34
ipcGot lag?16:34
Dr_WillisTillDawg:  i find WeeChat more configurable/flexible then irssi. :) but both irssi and weechat will take a little bit of reading and learning16:34
NinjaNumberNinestanley_robertso: hi16:34
* philinux +1 for xchat16:34
jcit is the forbidden directory and the access violation16:35
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, did you install nvidia driver16:35
ActionParsnipNinjaNumberNine: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html16:35
NinjaNumberNineyes, and i've uninstalled/installed 4 times so far.16:35
NinjaNumberNinethanks parsnip, i'm reading that..16:35
gio_gtDr_Willis: BTW, have you noticed that in the default ubuntu repos there is only weechat version 3.0, but 3.3 is already out?16:36
TillDawgDr_Willis:   TY i will check it out ...been doing alot of reading lately it remembering what is hard lol16:36
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, try sudo nvidia-xconfig16:36
Dr_Willisgio_gt:  thats normal for UBUNTU16:36
NinjaNumberNinehave done...16:37
gio_gtDr_Willis: some people here yesterday suggested me to install the new version with ppa, but I just found a daily updated repo, and I don't want svn snapshots16:37
littlepenguinjc check who has permission on folders for clients16:37
NinjaNumberNinethe problem seems to be getting the combination right.16:37
gio_gtDr_Willis: so I guess I can just learn to make packages and then make my own updated weechat package16:37
Dr_Willisgio_gt:  yep. Or use source. Its not too hard to compile from source.16:38
gio_gtDr_Willis: no, it's not, but I don't like to "make install"16:38
NinjaNumberNineActionParsnip, i'm afraid this isn't my problem... :) (yipes, what am i doing saying i'm afraid i don't have a PROBLEM!!)16:38
Dr_Willisgio_gt:  and making 'packages' is that much better? :)16:39
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, maybe you have the wrong drivers..you could try to use envy for graficsdriver installation16:40
gio_gtDr_Willis: easier to remove it and update it16:40
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: at this point i'd be glad to get back to even the vesa drivers and work from there... i cannot use envyNG in tty.16:40
gio_gtDr_Willis: in my humble opinion, eh16:40
littlepenguinenvy has a cli16:40
Dr_Willisenvy is still around?16:41
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: btw i wonder if there's anything to the new nouveau drivers ubuntu made for the nvidia cards?16:41
bazhang!find envyng16:41
ubottuPackage/file envyng does not exist in lucid16:41
Calinou"littlepenguin: btw i wonder if there's anything to the new nouveau drivers ubuntu made for the nvidia cards?" T_T16:41
Calinou"nouveau" shouldn't be in that sentence16:41
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: it does? i hadn't known, mind telling be how to access it?16:42
Calinou!find alsa-utils16:42
ubottuFound: alsa-utils16:42
Dr_Willisthe nvidia drivers install are supposed to blacklist teh nouveau drivers.  I cant even get the mouveau drivers working very well on my systems. I have to install the nvidia drivers to get a console.16:42
gio_gtI remember about a couple of years ago, there was a bot message about envy saying that if you use envy, you would envy the people that didn't use it! or something like that... lol16:42
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine,  sudo envy16:42
i_chase_bunniesI'm having troubles with my intel wireless 5100 agn card. My connection will perform fine at first, but after a period of time (seemingly random) I just stop receive packets. (maybe ~500bytes/s at most). I'm running 10.04, any ideas?16:43
KE1HADr_Willis, same here, but not that 173 driver, that one tanks on all my NV cards.16:43
NinjaNumberNinetrouble is I'll have to reboot into my broken system, losing the chat... or can this indeed be done from the LiveCd i'16:43
NinjaNumberNine'm in now?16:43
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, ok sry did not know16:43
littlepenguinenvy is not more supported16:43
NinjaNumberNineah, too bad.16:43
Dr_WillisNinjaNumberNine:  You can install irssi or weechat so you can get to IRC from the console if needed16:43
NinjaNumberNinei understand... i just like a gui while i can have it.16:44
NinjaNumberNinehere's the driver project i mentioned:16:44
NinjaNumberNineoh, drat, paste don't work16:45
littlepenguinyes NinjaNumberNine i heard of this ..so could you first put lspci in and tell which card you have exactly?16:46
ActionParsnipi_chase_bunnies: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail    it will give clues16:46
janickoso that didn't help me with my wireless router16:46
NinjaNumberNine01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300  a1)16:47
techwizrdI'm having a little bit of trouble with my wacom tablet. The table is small, but unlike most tables I've used, when I start to draw anywhere on the tablet, it jumps to that place on my screen and then draws from that point.16:47
techwizrdAnyone understand what I'm saying?16:48
lunavoraxHi everybody16:48
ActionParsniptechwizrd: yep, i understand it16:48
janickohelp! I lost the guy whou tryed to help me with my wireless router16:48
ActionParsniptechwizrd: what model is it?16:49
lunavoraxDoes anyone else is having troubles with making a video call w/ Empathy/Pidgin uding the Gtalk protocol or is it just me ?16:49
ActionParsniptechwizrd: wacom make a wide range16:49
NinjaNumberNinejanicko: he might be back right away, just a guess though16:49
techwizrdActionParsnip: Bamboo Pen. I just installed thed linuxwacom driver from the linuxwacom sourceforge site.16:49
ActionParsniptechwizrd: then I'd report a bug16:49
NinjaNumberNinejanicko: i often have accidentally shut down my irc client16:49
techwizrdActionParsnip: It's like the device wants the tablet to map to my screen.16:50
sacarlsonjanicko what happend16:50
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/NouveauEvaluation this should help..maybee...16:50
ActionParsniptechwizrd: may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom16:50
littlepenguinNinjaNumberNine, your card is under supported cards listed16:51
lunavoraxNobody can help with my video call problem?16:51
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: that's encouraging, reading the page now16:51
sacarlsonjanicko: back to private chat16:51
ipcHow come this network was attcked with bots yesterday?16:51
jccan you tell me the directory and file16:52
Oeripc there was no attack, it was a disconnection between 2 servers.16:52
ActionParsnipjc: directory and file of what?16:52
ipcthat was funny16:53
xangualunavorax: haven't really tried that feature, you can ask in #pidgin for...well pidgin help16:53
littlepenguinyessss.-..my weekend starts in 6 minutes...16:53
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: lol16:55
littlepenguin4 :D16:55
NinjaNumberNinelittlepenguin: me too, finally someone from my own timezone!!16:56
* NinjaNumberNine does happy dance16:56
Quantum_Ionseems as though is the IRC server doesn't like your nickname for some reason it will boot you16:58
lunavoraxoh sure xangua16:58
utilitytrackplease say me17:00
Oer!hi | utilitytrack17:00
ubottuutilitytrack: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:00
utilitytracksomebody experienced problems with ALi m5602 webcam?17:00
nimbioticsHi guys. I was using twin view wit my nvidia card and now I cannot open the Monitors utility. I get The following message when I try "Could not get screen information. RANDR extension is not present.". What can I do?? TIA!17:01
littlepenguinwweeeeeekkkkend...bye bye17:01
NinjaNumberNinebye littlepenguin, thanks!17:01
utilitytrack@nimbiotics try run nvidia-settings17:02
CubJohnhey, sometimes my screen randomly turns off and it won't come back on until I put the computer into sleep mode and wake it up17:02
=== sam_ is now known as sinusoid
CubJohnrunning lucid17:02
ipcDo you think its professional at all for people to see netsplits?17:03
nimbioticsutilitytrack: Thanks a bunch, that worked!17:03
bazhang!ot | ipc17:03
ubottuipc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:03
ipcnot really17:04
utilitytrack@ nimbiotics yes!! I very glad!17:04
bazhangipc, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support17:04
ipcIt has to do with everything17:04
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:04
sipioripc: see if you can get a refund from the freenode folks.17:04
florentindhy all17:04
bazhangipc, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here17:04
ipcso unprofessional17:05
sipioripc: bye now.17:05
=== antivirtel` is now known as antivirtel
CubJohnSometimes, the display goes very dark and I can just barely see the contents of the screen, but there is absolutely no illumination involved.17:05
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utilitytrack@CubJohn What PC/laptop?17:06
ipcthe rooms you tell people to goto are +m17:06
CubJohnInspiron 152517:06
Alias01KE1HA:i installed ubuntu into a usb stick but it's not bootable, i need to install GRUB? or what should i do17:06
bazhangipc, please stop17:06
Alias01sorry for the speak :X17:06
utilitytrack@CubJohn What videocard/drivers?17:06
lunavorax#pidgin is like totally unreactive17:07
florentindcan someone help me?17:07
utilitytracksomebody experienced problems with ALi m5602 webcam?17:07
florentindprv me!17:07
vocxAnybody has a scanner plugged in and ready to use? I'd like to see your "lsmod" output to see if I'm missing a kernel module, so I can try to load it. My scanner is a Canon CanoScan LiDE 100; I think I've read it doesn't work with Linux; still trying though.17:07
CubJohnI um, how do I find out my videocard/drivers?17:07
utilitytrack@vocx look drivers on official cite17:08
arthur_how do i get a service to start at boot, i want motion to run with out logging in,17:08
florentindhelp me or not?17:08
sacarlsonAlias01: so that link Ke1ha gave you didn't work?  it looked good I was going to try it.17:09
florentindprv me!17:09
bazhangflorentind, ask here17:09
vocxutilitytrack, If you have a working scanner it would help me to see "lsmod", nevertheless17:09
arthur_how do i get a service to start at boot, i want motion to run with out logging in,17:09
florentindso...today...i've copied ubuntu 10.4 i think..and now i'm trying to get connected on net...17:09
florentindi've read something but i dont get it!17:10
utilitytrack@vocx Why you need lsmod?17:10
florentindi specify that i dont have a cd-rw so i've copied ubuntu on a mp3 player..i've formatted17:10
MichRTI have a problem: I was messing with the top bar, and i antecedently removed the status notification dohicky, and when i added it again, my wifi meter ended up in the middle of the bar. Help?17:10
gtm_utilitytrack: hi, i'm titomax82 :)... can we pvt?17:10
arthur_how do i get a service to start at boot, i want motion to run with out logging in,17:11
florentindso...bazhang ????17:11
sacarlsonarthur_:  you can do it with cron  or other ways but I like cron17:11
MichRTHello Potato_17:11
Potato_So is anyone not running ubuntu?17:11
=== florentind is now known as SinnerSaved
vocxutilitytrack, perhaps some of the kernel modules is not loading properly, this happened to me before, My USB drives were not recognized, and it turned out the "usb_storage" was not loaded. After loading it and writing it to /etc/modules, it works okay.17:11
SinnerSavedies potato17:11
* Potato_ loves Xubuntu17:12
SinnerSavedso and i17:12
sacarlsonarthur_:  heres a link that looks like what I would do http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2004110507050978317:12
rockhopperis there a speparate channel for ubuntu netbook version?17:12
SinnerSavedpotato..pls help me17:12
SinnerSavedcan...you enter into my pc?17:12
LicuadoraAnyone knows a good video editor?17:12
Potato_i cant17:12
rockhopperhi, is there a speparate channel for ubuntu netbook version?17:12
Potato_What are you trying to get me to do/17:12
LicuadoraI am using OpenShot video editor, but it doesent let me add text17:13
sipiorrockhopper: don't believe so, but i might be mistaken. you've an ubuntu question?17:13
SinnerSavedpotato? listen...how do i connect to internet through the ubuntu?17:13
Calinou /join #ubuntu-netbook17:13
amr_does any one here notices that ppa:c-korn/vlc is not working on ubuntu 10.04 ?????????17:13
SinnerSavedi cant make the connection17:13
sipiori stand corrected. thanks, Calinou.17:13
Potato_It should automatically connect17:13
bazhangCalinou, there is no such channel17:13
SinnerSavedohhh...jesus...let it be!17:14
rockhopperCalinou, no such channel17:14
CubJohn"00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)"17:14
SinnerSavedon logged now on ubuntu17:14
CubJohnI think that's the graphics card I'm using17:14
Potato_If you are using wireless, you need to plug in ethernet port and goto hardware drivers in the panel and enable wireless drivers.17:14
sipiori guess i stand uncorrected again.17:14
rockhoppersipior, Yeah, i want to know how to configure the cpu scalling on my netbook..17:14
Oeramr_, ppa:c-korn/vlc is out of date, remove it, and use synaptic to install vlc17:14
rockhopperI couldn't find howto on google17:14
Potato_Then restart computer with the ethernet unplugged.17:14
SinnerSavedi have...a fiberlink connection and a usb card17:14
Potato_If you are using wireless, you need to plug in ethernet port and goto hardware drivers in the panel and enable wireless drivers.17:14
Potato_Then restart computer with the ethernet unplugged.17:14
SilentxHey please help me with the wireless adpater Alfa :( .. it is connecting to the network but I can browse using it .. I've searched everywhere ..17:14
Potato_thats different17:15
rockhopperSilentx, whats the problem if you can connect to network and browse?17:15
Potato_is it considered Broadband? mobile broadband?17:15
rockhoppersorry for my poor english17:15
ActionParsnipSilentx: if you manually add DNS servers, does it work?17:15
sipiorrockhopper: i'm afraid i'm not terribly familiar with ubuntu netbook interface. is there not a cpu scaling applet available?17:15
MichRTI have a problem: I was messing with the top bar, and i antecedently removed the status notification dohicky, and when i added it again, my wifi meter ended up in the middle of the bar. Help?17:16
rockhopperuhm... I've never used a netbook before sipior.. So i thought of knowing how to configure it..17:16
Silentxrockhopper, I cant browse it works just for the first 10 sec17:16
Potato_Ubuntu netbook edition is only ubuntu with the netbook desktop.17:16
ActionParsnipSilentx: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf     delete ALL text and add these 2 lines: nameserver     nameserver
rockhoppercoz the battery;s rated for 8 hours on wifi..17:16
Monkey_DustMichRT: right click on it > move17:17
ActionParsnip!resetpanel | MichRT17:17
SilentxActionParsnip, I'm not on ubuntu now as I cant reach the internet ..17:17
ubottuMichRT: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:17
SilentxI'll do it after restart17:17
ActionParsnipSilentx: you dont need it, you are editting local files17:17
rockhopperand I've seen a review, says they got 6.55 hrs out of it.. but its only getting me 5 hours of backup17:17
vocxAnybody has a scanner plugged in and ready to use? I'd like to see your "lsmod" output to see if I'm missing a kernel module, so I can try to load it. My scanner is a Canon CanoScan LiDE 100; I think I've read it doesn't work with Linux; still trying though.17:17
SilentxActionParsnip, I mean if you want me to do something tell me everything because I'll go to resart17:18
Silentxrestart *17:18
ActionParsnipvocx: canon support is a lot lacking in Linux17:18
insulinahello, I update ubunto and now I have a compilation problem error: stddef.h: No such file or directory , what can I do ?17:18
Potato_There is support for lexmark right?17:18
SinnerSavedpotato...yeah broadband17:18
sacarlsonSilentx: I just tried the package wicd to setup my wifi it works very good for me.17:18
hybr1derare touchscreen drivers universal?17:18
ActionParsnipSilentx: I have told you all you need to do. Edit the file then try the web. You will benefit from connecting with a wired connection and get fully upidated17:18
Potato_Idk what version you are on SinnerSaved17:18
SinnerSavedcome on..enter into my pc...and solve the problem17:18
vocxActionParsnip, that's what I've been reading. I told this guy before we bought this "buy the HP one"... but not, he preferred the slightly less expensive Canon. I knew this was happening...17:19
SilentxI've no wired connecting but I'll try to go out and be closer to the AP ..17:19
sipiorrockhopper: have a look here, at point 5 in particular: http://maketecheasier.com/13-ways-to-customize-ubuntu-netbook-remix-for-better-usability/2010/02/0717:19
Silentxjust wait brb ..17:19
Potato_I cant do that sinnersaved.17:19
Potato_But i can tell you how to fix it17:19
SinnerSavedidk? what is it?17:19
SinnerSavedso lets do it fast?17:19
Potato_Maybe under the connection icon17:19
SinnerSavedi dont have time17:19
sipiorrockhopper: and point #13.17:19
FloodBot2SinnerSaved: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
ActionParsnipvocx: yep, buy HP, they love Linux. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103318117:19
Potato_click broadband17:19
MichRTTHANK YOU ubottu!17:19
Potato_or something17:19
gio_gtwhat does a * mean in ls -l, please? for example: -rwxrwxr-x  1 user group   76 2010-08-13 18:18 eclipse*17:20
arthur_it looks like it wasnts to get saved to /tmp/crontab.xlPjdz/crontab  , is that right?17:20
gigglefighthello! Ubuntu Studio inquiries.17:20
Potato_maybe then you can set it up17:20
Potato_ive used mobile broadband using that with my cell phone.17:20
SinnerSavedwhere to click broad band?>17:20
rockhoppersipior, ty for the link..17:20
ActionParsnipgio_gt: means the owner and group have full access and all other users only have read and execute17:20
SinnerSavedis a fiberlink broadband17:20
SinnerSavednot a mobile17:20
Potato_It might only be available in ubuntu netbook edition17:20
Potato_Well idk17:20
rockhopperI didn;t come across it!17:20
Potato_I dont know much about that.17:20
gio_gtActionParsnip: I see, thanks a lot17:21
SinnerSavedwhat is IDK ?????????????????????????????17:21
Potato_Sorry bro :(17:21
sipiorSinnerSaved: ironically, "i don't know".17:21
=== insulina is now known as kulhas
IdleOneSinnerSaved: IDK is abbreviation for I Don't Know17:21
gigglefightHow to install Ubuntu Studio? from Lucid Lynx? I'm on Ubuntu right now.17:21
* Potato_ Crys in apology to SinnerSaved17:21
bazhanggigglefight, ubuntustudio-desktop?17:22
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SinnerSavedhow to start?17:22
Potato_Maybe you can use another type of connection?17:22
gigglefight@bazhang - yes17:22
SinnerSavedapliction..or sistem?17:22
bazhangSinnerSaved, dont use the enter key so much17:22
Potato_Maybe you can use another type of connection?17:22
Potato_If you are using wireless, you need to plug in ethernet port and goto hardware drivers in the panel and enable wireless drivers.17:23
gigglefightbackground - I'm using Blackmagic Design's Intensity pro capture card. according to the forums, it's suggested to use ubuntu studio.17:23
Potato_Do that17:23
SinnerSavedno...wireless potato17:23
Potato_And then you should have internet17:23
Potato_What kind of computer?17:23
SinnerSavedis thrugh the cable link17:23
bazhanggigglefight, the package name is ubuntustudio-desktop17:23
milen8204how to share LAN trought WI-fi ?17:23
milen8204please help17:24
Potato_Im confused. Im not an idiot but i dont know.17:24
unclemantisis anyone else having trouble with these guys?
ionine_??DCC SEND "ff???f?????????????????????????????????????????????????????" 0 0 017:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.17:24
unclemantis[Fri Aug 13 12:57:42 2010] [error] [client] script '/var/www/judge.php' not found or unable to stat17:24
hybr1derare touchscreen drivers unique? or are they like mice and keyboard?17:24
tstillerylooks like weechat is going to take some time to learn17:25
IdleOnehybr1der: I would guess there are genric drivers but probable like most other devices each manufacturer has there own drivers17:25
SinnerSavedis a intel p4 2,8 ghz netkork realtek rtl813917:25
mechbangircso i need libjpeg-turbo for zoneminder, my only concern is about libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo api compatibility. can anyone tell me about compatibility between libjpeg-8.0 and libjpeg-turbo-svn-225?17:25
Potato_SinnerSaved: Use ethernet cord for internet17:25
sacarlsonmilen8204: doesn't your access point do that for you?17:25
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89Desktop
SinnerSavedpotato?  is a intel p4 2,8 ghz netkork realtek rtl813917:26
hybr1derIdleOne: ok thx17:26
gio_gttstillery: I think it is worth learning, though17:26
milen8204sacarlson, I have a laptop whit ubuntu and PC whit windiws17:27
ubuntushopto get wireless working you use Windows Wireless Drivers put your cd in drive and look for the inf that fits your driver  , , ,17:27
milen8204the PC have Wi-fi stick17:27
gigglefighti'm installing ubuntustudio-video. would it be better to install ubuntustudio-desktop vs. ubuntustudio-video?17:27
sacarlsonmilen8204: so?17:27
Potato_I wish people had a IQ higher than what microsoft thinks they have.17:27
milen8204i want to share internet whit laptop wi-fi17:27
tstillerygio_gt: i hope so because im really confused cant make since out of it right now lol17:27
gigglefightokay i got it. just need the video stuff. thanks all!17:28
sacarlsonmilen8204: well I could do it with two ubuntu but I can't help you I'm not a windows expert17:28
KnatI'm trying to install ubuntu on virtual box, during installation I get what looks like "Keyboard = Man in circle"  what does this mean?17:28
IdleOne!ics | milen820417:29
ubottumilen8204: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:29
Potato_Eboard with FICS is extremely buggy and seems to not interact with the server correctly.17:29
rockhoppermilen8204, i think you run a dhcp server and allow others to connect to it...17:30
sipiorKnat: have you tried hitting a key?17:30
rockhopperI'm sure it'll do the soultion17:30
Knatsipior: yes17:30
sipiorKnat: and it's stuck there?17:30
Knatsipior: ye17:30
Potato_How come my actual hostname shows up? >;x17:31
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sacarlsonmilen8204: the problem is putting your wifi into adhoc mode so you can connect two none access points together.  I'm not sure how to do that eather17:31
IdleOne!register > Potato_17:32
ubottuPotato_, please see my private message17:32
IdleOne!cloak > Potato_17:32
Knatlooks like it was a problem with virtualbox, its working, thanks17:32
gio_gttstillery: well, it depends a lot of what you really want to do with your IRC client. If you like to be always connected and access it easily from everywhere via SSH and screen and if you like to customize your client with an easy scriptable interface, weechat is perfect.17:32
sacarlsonmilen8204: and you need to put the wifi on both side windows and linux in adhoc17:32
Potato_Thanks ubottu :D17:32
gio_gttstillery: it is good if you want to use everything for the keyboard and forget your mouse, too17:33
Potato_So is anyone here running 64 bit Ubuntu?17:33
headkase314Potato_, I was for a while but switched to 32-bit17:33
sacarlsonPotato_:  I was until about 2 weeks ago for about 2 years17:33
Potato_I am but its sorta pointless17:34
Potato_b/c it can read all of my RAM17:34
philinuxPotato_: 64 bit here17:34
Potato_Nice philinux17:34
headkase314Potato_, I only have 3GB of memory so didn't need 64-bit. If you have 4+GB then 64-bit is what you need.17:34
sacarlsonPotato_:  yes without more than 4gig ram it's pointless,  I spent many hours getting what I needed to work with it17:34
Potato_But doenst process 'better' in a 64 bit os?17:35
j-mooseHello, I just installed xubuntu, on a satellite A305 with a Ocz 96G SSD17:35
vocxActionParsnip, hey, the link you gave me seems to give hope about the Canon scanner. Sadly, I don't feel like compiling sane, better wait till Ubuntu 10.1017:35
deFryskall apps work with 32 bit, some apps have quirks with 64 bit17:35
philinuxPotato_: 2 gig ram but this swayed it for me. http://www.tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-904-32-bit-vs-64-bit-benchmarks17:35
husimonhey i'm switching hard drive controllers and i was wondering where all do I need to change reference of hda to sda?  I've tried the menu.1st, the fstab but i'm still getting boot problems of it looking for the old hda references.  Are there references built into initrd or something that i'd have to recompile to fix?17:35
sacarlsonPotato_: sure if you have like 6 gig it might make an improvment17:35
Quantum_Iontrue you need a lot of RAM in most machines nowadays at least 2GB or more17:35
Quantum_Ionminimum is 1GB of RAM17:35
deFrysk32bit is a safe choice for a desktop os17:36
LaibschDoes anybody have an idea how to easily make available several releases of netinstaller CDs via PXE and tftp?17:36
philinuxsacarlson: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-904-32-bit-vs-64-bit-benchmarks17:36
Quantum_IondeFrysk, right17:36
sacarlsonPotato_: now they have a 32bit kernel that supports 4+ gigs mem also17:36
coz_husimon,  so you are not able to boot at all ?17:36
Potato_Thanks philinux17:36
Potato_Today is Friday the 13th! :O17:36
husimoncoz_, it drops me into some single user mode thing17:37
philinuxPotato_: been running 64 nit for 18 months now no problem at all.17:37
husimoncoz_, but i have a live cd mounting it righ now.17:37
littlepenguinPotato_, jason is coming for you17:37
coz_husimon,   try  sudo update-grub  to see if it recognizes  the dirves17:37
Potato_Nice :O17:37
Potato_If im interested in trying Debian, What problems should i encounter?17:37
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
coz_husimon,  but if you put the hd controller in after installation it may have some difficulty but i dont think it's impossible to remedy...however you may want to try the ##linux channel for more indepth info on this17:38
littlepenguinPotato_, try and see :D17:38
headkase314So, I hooked my computer up to my HDTV via HDMI.  Works really good!  So now my computer is officially a Home Theatre PC ;)17:38
enzotibPotato_: you could ask on #debian17:38
Potato_Well i only have 1 disc17:38
deFryskPotato_, older software, older kernel, more to do afa config is concerned17:38
Potato_And i dont want to waste17:38
littlepenguinPotato_, virtual machine :D17:38
Potato_Thanks guys :)17:39
Potato_And girls17:39
deFryskPotato_, if you get debian to work properly is faster and more stable usually17:39
husimoncoz_, k i'll try17:39
sacarlsonphilinux: it looks like it make a difference in ogg encoding.  but the rest looked flat about the same.  so when they have everything compiled in 64bit I'll be back17:39
deFryskPotato_, go for the testing install, the current debian stable version is a bit stale17:40
vocxPotato_, some feel like using Debian is like graduating from the Ubuntu school... I don't care personally, I want to be spoon fed by Canonical and company.17:40
philinuxsacarlson: Java and Flash17:41
j-mooseI really like this OS on a SSD, I was going to use a external hard drive , but couldn,t resist giving it a home on this drive17:41
deFryskubuntu vs debian ? i choose ubuntu hands down17:41
sacarlsonphilinux: but I've been running 32bit for 2 weeks now and notice nothing but having a working canon printer driver and the same speed that I remember having with 64bit17:41
bullhorni just got back into ubuntu17:41
* philinux Choice17:41
bullhornim on my gsm modem, trying to figure how to connect with my ethernet cable modem17:41
bullhorni think it recognizes it as 'eth0' but i need to write some username and password... im not sure :X17:42
Rogue1Gah - I put an Ubuntu Desktop 10.4 i386 CD into a server I have here, booted to the live install ok... froze. Power-cycled the machine, and now not only can I not get the CD to do anything useful, I can't get the existing OS to do anything. Goes through BIOS then shows a blinking underscore on the screen17:42
bullhornany ideas?17:43
splnetI have installed 32 bit 9.10 on a system. But I need to install 64 bit version. Whats the best way to do that?17:43
decosplnet: reinstall17:43
sacarlsonphilinux: well I guess I don't use java and flash much or the speed is just unnoticable17:43
decosplnet: there's no other way17:43
mrb_bullhorn: Does your ISP use PPPoE?17:43
bullhorni am not sure about this17:43
sacarlsonphilinux: what about never having skype?17:44
splnetdeco: hmm ok. What is the best image for that? http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso <-- is that it?17:44
decosplnet: yup that's the only one for the desktop17:44
decosplnet: wait no that's an old release17:44
decosplnet: get 10.0417:44
philinuxsacarlson: Skype I've never used17:44
splnetdeco: ok thats not the live cd is it?17:44
decosplnet: just a sec17:44
bullhornmrb_, can you give me the two methods than, for PPPoE enabled and disabled?17:44
coz_splnet,   if it says  "desktop" then it is the live cd17:45
decosplnet: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download    , click on 64bit17:45
AndrewMCbullhorn~ well if it is PPPoE you need to know your ISP login info17:45
=== JMS is now known as JoeMaverickSett
sacarlsonphilinux: I also needed to bend over to install 32bit libs and install 32bit firefox to enable watir in ruby took me 3 days just for that17:45
mrb_bullhorn: "pppoeconf" in terminal will help you there if you have the details AndrewMC mentions17:45
woutHello, is it possible to completely get rid of ubuntu on a computer without reinstalling Windows 7 in a dual boot configuration?17:45
philinuxsacarlson: You're better off with 32 bit I can see17:45
sacarlsonphilinux: if I had known I would have never started 64bit17:46
splnetdeco: ok will that blow away all of my files? or can I do an upgrade?17:46
decowout: yes remove the ubuntu partitions and merge them with the windows partition17:46
bullhornmrb_,  AndrewMC, can we try the without-PPPoE method first and if it fails, ill gtfo back to my windows xp and try to dig out the info..17:46
=== CubJohn is now known as john{mcdBear}
C-S-B-N900losing nfs shares when suspsending whats the best solution?17:46
decosplnet: do you have a seperate /home partition ?17:46
mrb_bullhorn: well first of all, do you get any kind of IP to your eth0 ?17:46
=== RichardG[away] is now known as RichardG
splnetdeco: good point. no I don't17:46
IdleOnewout: How did you install ubuntu?17:46
decosplnet: it will reinstall over it then17:46
decosplnet: so make a backup17:47
sipiorC-S-B-N900: are they mounted with the "soft" option?17:47
sacarlsonphilinux: but I know there will be a day for 64bit or 128 bit who knows17:47
woutUm,i have 3 partitions, i'm no genius with computers, but i have a 100mb system reserved partition, and a windows 7 and linux partition, i installed ubuntu from the live cd17:47
sipiorC-S-B-N900: also, is this via an automounter?17:47
bullhornmrb_, how do i check? im seriously new to this..17:47
splnetdeco: ok thanks17:47
decosplnet: np17:47
mrb_bullhorn: open a terminal and type "ifconfig"17:47
AndrewMCwout~ well what you need to do is boot a live CD use gparted to make the windows partition take the whole drive... then you need the windows disc to reinstall the Microsoft MBR17:47
Potato_Has anyone here ran 'ttylinx?17:47
littlepenguinsacarlson, i think something really new will be invented..17:47
mrb_bullhorn: it's a verbose version of the windows "ipconfig"17:47
sarah32hi where can i ask question about lucid an problems with graphic card?17:47
decosarah32: here ?17:47
IdleOnewout: ok you can use Gparted to format the linux partition17:47
ubuntushopMicrosoft Windows <><> UGH17:48
AndrewMCsarah32~ ask away17:48
woutYes, okay, but i don't have the windows 7 cd anymore, do i need it?17:48
coz_splnet,  you may want to try the minimal install cd17:48
Potato_I wish people had an IQ higher than what Microsoft thinks they have.17:48
decoPotato_: lol17:48
sipiorPotato_: you said that already.17:48
coz_splnet,   it will download the current updates  as of today17:48
splnetcoz_: you mean the server install?17:48
Quantum_Ionwout, Didn't you make a backup copy of Win7 CDROM17:48
Potato_I know17:48
ubuntushopDefinatly dont need it whith Ubuntu17:48
sarah32when i boot up system it starts and after 10 sec screen goes black with info [drm:radeon_ttm_backend_bind]*ERROR* failed to bind 1294 pages at 0x0000000017:48
decowout: you need to reinstall window's boot manager17:48
C-S-B-N900sipior: i just stuck it in fstab17:48
coz_splnet,   no  although the server is available with the minimal17:48
sarah32how to sort it out?17:48
woutCan i do this from a usb drive?17:48
IdleOnewout: there is a gparted live cd available for windows. Yes you will need to fix the MBR master boot record. see ##windows for info on that17:49
C-S-B-N900sipior: i didnt use soft17:49
coz_splnet,  the minimal allows for  kubuntu   ubuntu edubuntu  including all the servers17:49
sipiorC-S-B-N900: can you show the relevant line?17:49
decowout: you'll need your windows cd17:49
bullhornmrb_, i dont see an IP there... i do see some TX and RX data though17:49
splnetcoz_: do you have a link? Don't see that here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/17:49
coz_splnet,  you decide by ticking which you want install with the space bar at one point17:49
j-mooseYea I used a live CD to install Xubuntu, Its great, I needed another choice beyond, 7 Ultimate17:49
Quantum_IonNew Windows 7 always gives you the option to make a Win7 reinstallation CDROM17:49
coz_splnet,  yep  hold on17:49
coz_splnet,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:49
biharilii got this error message when i am trying to install windows xp in my vbox FATAL:No Bootable medium found ! System halted17:49
biharii got this error message when i am trying to install windows xp in my vbox FATAL:No Bootable medium found ! System halted17:50
coz_splnet,  its a much smaller download an burn but I would still burn this at 1x  if possible17:50
woutSo there is no way to do it from a external hdd, and i had the (cracked) version of windows 7 on a cd, but the cd broke.17:50
mrb_bullhorn: no "inet xx.xx.xx.xx" info?17:50
coz_splnet,  both 64 and 32 bit minimals on that link17:50
decobihari: you didn't load the cd or iso properly17:50
Quantum_Ionmost people dont make Win 7 reinstallation CDs before their computers hard drive gets corrupted17:50
splnetcoz_: cool thanks17:50
coz_splnet,  when that boots just hit "enter"  to get menu17:50
bullhornmrb_, this is the closest to that, but no:17:50
sacarlsonbihari: what are you using a real cd to boot from?17:50
IdleOnewout: We don't support Windows ##windows but you won't get much help with cracked versions.17:50
C-S-B-N900sipior: FS17:50
bullhorneth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1b:38:70:e8:4f17:50
bullhorn          inet6 addr: fe80::21b:38ff:fe70:e84f/64 Scope:Link17:50
woutwell, i'll go try there.17:50
vocxAnybody has a scanner plugged in and ready to use? I'd like to see your "lsmod" output to see if I'm missing a kernel module, so I can try to load it. My scanner is a Canon CanoScan LiDE 100; I think I've read it doesn't work with Linux; still trying though.17:50
coz_splnet,   then it will install similar to alternate install disk17:51
arrrghhh!pastebin | bullhorn17:51
ubottubullhorn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:51
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bullhorngot it17:51
mrb_bullhorn: ah k, IPv6.17:51
sacarlsonbihari: use an iso file to simulate the cd17:51
IdleOnewout: like I said Gparted has a windows version and you might still be able to use grub to boot Win7 but I am not sure17:51
bullhornit isnt supposed to be ipv6 afaik... :/17:51
bullhornits a crappy 2.5mbit cable connection17:51
Oervocx canon lide 100 is a pain with linux17:51
C-S-B-N900sipior: /home/xbmc/Videos/Moviez nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr17:51
arrrghhhbullhorn, it'll still have ipv6 info even if it's not using the protocol.17:51
decoIdleOne: he can still use grub because it gets installed at the master boot sector of the hdd17:52
coz_splnet,   this is NOT  a live cd   there will be no booting into desktop environment17:52
sacarlsonbihari: oh maybe for you that's all you got a cd.  I use iso files for everything including window install17:52
sipiorC-S-B-N900: might be useful: http://palebluedot.nl/jml/computer-stuff/26-umountnfs.html17:52
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IdleOnedeco: so if wout formats his linux partition he should still be able to boot his windows ?17:52
vocxOer, I know, I just found a few threads about it. Seems that the new sane in git works though. I don't feel like compiling the new modules, so maybe it will work by Ubuntu 10.1017:52
decoIdleOne: yes17:52
decoyotta911: using grub17:53
decoIdleOne: yeah using grub17:53
FloodBot2deco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
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rooksi wanna plug my script upon installing new kernel , where do i plug it into ubuntu?17:53
IdleOnewout: according to deco you should be fine with grub17:53
Oervocx verry little chance, i am afraid.17:53
mrb_bullhorn: what happens if you just open up a webbrowser (without any other NICs connected), are you taken to a login page? Otherwise I would look at finding the details of the ISP config/plan to see if it's PPPoE17:53
vocxOer, what's your experience?17:53
bullhornmrb_, nothing happens, it keeps trying to connect17:53
* ubuntushop <--- Never uses Microsoft Windows for anything can barely even breath thinking about it .. . 17:53
bullhornill go back to windows xp and try to get some of the info out17:53
j-mooseThanks everyone, If I have problems I'll be back17:54
rookshow to automaticaly run my script on each kernel upgrade?17:54
Oervocx i have 1 canon lide 100 for sale, and bought myself a epson photo rx600 incl scanner :(17:54
bullhornill be back in a few minutes via winxp brb ->17:54
Quantum_IonI always keep a backup copy of Windows XP17:54
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents17:54
Quantum_IonI need it to run some legacy programs17:54
sarah32what irc channel is for people with problems in lucid?17:54
Oervocx a few hardware will never work, canon has a few, also soundblaster !Live 24 ..17:54
arrrghhhsarah32, desktop?  this channel.17:54
IdleOnelet's stick to the topic which is Ubuntu support please17:54
mrb_Anyone encountered problems with flashplayer after following this lovely guide? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609517:54
IdleOnesarah32: this is the one17:55
cmpsalvestriniGreetings A/all17:55
Mjukselanyone got advice for a dreamweaver type program?17:55
sarah32 when i boot up system it starts and after 10 sec screen goes black with info [drm:radeon_ttm_backend_bind]*ERROR* failed to bind 1294 pages at 0x0000000017:55
sarah32[drm:radeon_gem_object_create]*ERROR* failed to allocate GEM object (5300224,2,4096, -22)17:55
sarah32<sarah32>  Failed to allocate:size:trying to bind memory to unitialized CART17:55
sarah32and now my system is ubuntu lucid and card ati hd485017:55
rookshow to automaticaly run my script on each kernel upgrade?17:55
arrrghhh!pastebin | sarah3217:55
ubottusarah32: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:55
Matthes_hello  lsmod gave me the outout snd_hda_intel          25677  017:55
Matthes_and much more17:56
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arrrghhhsarah32, please pastebin all your output.17:56
sarah32<arrrghhh> ok17:56
cmpsalvestrinirooks: perhaps a cronjob?17:56
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vocxOer, this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1033181&page=1   Not saying you should try it, or that because of that Canon is now good, just that it may work with the next stable release.17:56
Matthes_does it mean tht the sound modul is disabled?17:56
sacarlsonsarah32: wow glad I don't have a radeon video card I see alot of people complain about them17:56
rookscmpsalvestrini, nah, im more interested in some hook that kernel launches on upgrade like auto grub relaunch, i am thinking on hooking up to grub, but i believe tehre are better solutions17:56
Raydiationchanging the volume via the applet causes my sound to freeze for 2-5 seconds. is this normal?17:57
Raydiationthis issue appeared after i installed a new soundcard today, onboard sound was working fine: asus xonar dx 7.117:57
sacarlsonremember to buy nvidia!! it works17:57
Oervocx lucid 10.04 is a stable, lts release ... Canon has show little to no support for its products on Linux.17:57
sarah32<sacarlson> this is not a card problem this is driver problem17:57
vocxMatthes_, no that I know of. Typically if it appears in "lsmod" it works.17:57
Matthes_ok, thanks17:58
sacarlsonsarah32: I'm sure it is17:58
cmpsalvestrinirook: Understood, hooks are a bit out of my league, I'm more into generic support and/or evangelism17:58
arrrghhhsarah32, yes, generally support for nvidia cards in linux is better.17:58
rookshow to automaticaly run my script on each kernel upgrade?17:59
BullHornLim back17:59
sarah32now that the output im getting everytime i boot up lucid screen goes black and there is this info http://paste.ubuntu.com/477522/17:59
IdleOnesacarlson: sarah32 you are both right, the card needs the drivers and the devs needs the specs to get make the drivers for the card, so yeah both are the problem.17:59
Quantum_IonWho will rule the post Microsoft Era world is up for grabs either Ubuntu Linux or Google Android17:59
BullHornLWAN Miniport (L2TP) - does it tell us anything? :x17:59
arrrghhhrooks, someone said cron, is that not good enough?17:59
IdleOne!ot | Quantum_Ion17:59
sipiorrooks: you could use inotify to watch for changes in /boot, and trigger your script appropriately.17:59
ubottuQuantum_Ion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:59
rooksarrrghhh,  cmpsalvestrini, nah, im more interested in some hook that kernel launches on upgrade like auto grub relaunch, i am thinking on hooking up to grub, but i believe tehre are better solutions17:59
ubuntushopSarah32 use google translator and check this site http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/drm-radeon-ttm-backend-bind-error-installatio/#post-256917317:59
sarah32i did but no solution18:00
arrrghhhpossibly, but i don't know how much help this room is going to be for your rooks18:00
splnetrooks:  what kind of script?18:00
arrrghhhsarah32, i'm assuming you have the proper drivers installed for the card?18:00
sarah32i didnt install anydrivers18:00
sarah32there is no support from catalyst for lucid xorg18:00
rookssipior, i want to run my custom mkinitramfs along with regular ones, for some custom netboot system im making for my uni18:01
sarah32so i use driver already installed probably open source or something18:01
sacarlsonsarah32: can't they just force the vesa drive on it to at least get it to boot?18:01
arrrghhhsarah32, well that may be your problem then.  the vesa suggestion may work for you, but you won't get any features on the card.18:01
ubuntushopSarah32 check / etc/X11/xorg.conf18:01
_mrb_bullhorn: that's a VPN tunnel/pppoe adapter18:01
sarah32i booted without problem18:01
rookssipior, teh best solution i have is plugging my stuff into grub.d scripts, but i was wondering if theres is more straightforward way to do it18:01
arrrghhhsarah32, so what's the issue if you can boot?18:02
rookssipior, like some official hooks available on upgrading a package18:02
sipiorrooks: you could always provide your own kernel packages.18:02
rookssipior, lol, too much work and totally unneded18:02
sipiorrooks: that has the advantage of giving you complete control.18:02
sarah32<arrrghhh> i could boot yesterday today when i boot up in 10sec black screeen with the info about radeon18:02
sipiorrooks: only a few minutes work.18:03
sipiorwell, an hour, maybe,18:03
ubuntushopSarah32 is that a pci or AGP18:03
arrrghhhsarah32, so you could boot yesterday but not today?18:03
rookssipior,  just wanna hook my script and have whole solution as COTS as possible :p18:03
sarah32so i guess pci18:03
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rookssipior, i guess ill go with pluging into grub then :) itll be ugly, but itll do :018:04
sipiorrooks: have fun18:04
rooksthx :)18:04
splnetrooks: perhaps you can check into modifing apt. in the case a regex matches such as kernel on update fire off your script18:04
sacarlsonsarah32: also look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:05
sipiorsplnet: he didn't want to make his own kernel packages, so imagine modifying apt is off the table ;-)18:05
rookssplnet, hmm, sounds interesting, any pointers on that? like some path where to look in my filesystem or some man page?18:05
sarah32<arrrghhh> yes yesterday was ok the thing about lucid is that everytime i boot up i need to restart udev cuz there is an issue with optirac dvd or soemthing after i restart udev cpu is used in about 3 to 5% than everything is working or was working generally ok today i installed few things like drivers for wifi some themes etc and now i wanted start lucid again and it doesnt work anymore18:06
sarah32and that what i see after 10 sec http://paste.ubuntu.com/477522/18:06
splnetrooks well just check out more on how apt update process works. I can't help beyond that. I'm sure there is a cheap hack you do to make that work18:06
arno__witam wszystkich kto ma chęć popisać18:08
sipiorrooks: hey, does update-initramfs not do what you want?18:08
rookssplnet, hm... i guess ill settle for pushing my script into /etc/grub.d scripts for now, dont have time for making it more solid, i just hoped for some place to plug a scriopt on package update, like if-up dir for network interfaces18:08
rookssipior, im actually doing something in paralell to that18:08
sarah32<arno__> speak english not a spanish18:08
arno__proszę po polsku pisać18:09
sipiorsarah32: that's not even close to Spanish :-)18:09
ted__I installed 10.04 server, ubuntu-desktop.  apt-get issues error statements near the end of the process.  I want a GUI plus the power of the server.  Is there another way to do this?18:09
sipior!pl > arno__18:09
ubottuarno__, please see my private message18:09
ubuntushopit is german18:09
sipiorubuntushop: nein18:09
IdleOneubuntushop: I think the word "polsku" makes it clearly not german18:10
sarah32<sipior> si chico18:10
Flannelted__: You can certainly have a GUI with a server, what are the errors?  There's no reason to think you should have errors18:10
ubuntushopOh sorry come in at the wrong time on that sorry18:10
ted__Flannel: I was afraid you'd ask that.  I'll re-do it to get the errors.18:10
ted__Flannel: brb18:11
sipiorsarah32: quite the polyglot18:11
ubuntushopI was talking abou the weblink i gave sarah earlier18:11
sarah32<sipior> it was polish18:12
biharii wants to know  shud i connect it through local area network or directly through the internet ? my vbox OS ?18:12
sipiorsarah32: i know.18:12
sacarlsonok linguist majors18:12
sarah32<sipior> so how to make  lucid working with ati hd4850?18:13
sarah32what the solution to my problem?18:13
sipiorsarah32: no earthly idea.18:13
Oerbihari choose local, if you don't want to access internet18:13
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BluesKajsarah32, intel hda ?18:13
bihariOer and if i wants to access internet then?18:13
Oerbihari then do not choose local.18:14
sarah32<BluesKaj> yes intel hdi and ati hdmi18:14
biharii have chosen local18:14
biharinow if i want to access internet then ?18:15
sensouciHello, did anyone got the saa7134 dvb card working on a 64bit lucid ubuntu ?18:15
bihariif i wants to access internet in future then what shud i have to do ?18:15
sacarlsonsarah32: well I guess this at least proves your card can work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKRps2gcGeM18:15
yanick_hi, according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbeans/+bug/595000, Netbeans 6.9 's package is released... but it doesn't show up in Synaptic (or apt). Anybody know where/when it will be available?18:16
ted__Flannel: I did a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-deskop >desktop.install 2>&118:16
sarah32<sacarlson> are you sure its ati and lucid?18:17
sarah32<sacarlson> do you believe in everything you see on tv>?18:17
ted__Flannel: It produced almost 400 lines of output.  Three of them are telling.  How do I get them to you?18:17
sarah32or youtube?18:17
Flannelted__: paste.ubuntu.com18:17
sacarlsonsarah32: hay I just showing you what I found I thought it was very cool and all you need is hope18:17
ted__Flannel: um, the name of the 3-line file is ``segfault.''18:18
thune3yanick_: according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbeans 6.9 is for 10.10 maverick.18:20
techwizrdI finally got my Wacom table working in lucid. I just installed the drivers from the linux wacom sourceforge site. I solved the whole cursor jumping around thing by adding Option "Mode" "Relative" to my /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-wacom.conf18:20
yanick_thune3, really? that is sad :(18:20
techwizrdNo bug report needed, although that should be the default. :)18:20
sarah32<sacarlson> hehehehehe i still have bit of hope18:20
prakritiusing compiz cube desktop and rotate cube,  when i drag a window to the edge the cube spins madly18:20
kulhashello, I am receiving this error error: stddef.h: No such file or directory , could this be a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.3/+bug/35540818:21
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prakritiis there any way to keep it from going nuts and just flipping to the next face?18:21
Alias01im trying to boot ubuntu from a usb stick and it just prints "j" and a blinking "_" and does nothing, what should i do?18:21
Oerprakriti, no, just release the mousebutton18:21
prakritiOer, it still flips like 10 times before stopping in a random place18:22
ted__Flannel: 4753518:22
sacarlsonsarah32: I wonder if you look in system>administration>hardware drivers if it would show you anything?18:22
Flannelted__: er, oh.  alright.18:23
sacarlsonsarah32: if not I found this: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
peggys_mousehey all...is it possible to export photos to my ipod touch? i tried f-spot but don't see the option.18:24
Alias01all files are inplace, the stick is formated to ex4 and bootable, why can't i still boot :(18:24
Flannelted__: Are you sure? "47535" looks like code, and we're up to six digits now :)18:24
sarah32<sacarlson> do you know whats the xorg version lucid use?18:24
sarah32it isnt 7.518:24
ted__Flannel: 47753518:24
ted__Flannel: 477535,6,7...18:24
deFryskpeggys_mouse, it should be possible but never got it to work, thanks you steve18:25
sacarlsonsarah32: I see in synaptic xorg 1.7.518:25
ansimationany idea why after installing 4gb of ram and using the 2.6.32-24-generic-pae kernel it's only seeing 3.2gb of it?18:25
kryptykansimation: you are using a 32bit OS18:25
Flannelted__: Don't have the full thing?  Well, I can verify that you've got an error.  Try installing shared-mime-info (sudo apt-get install shared-mime-info) and pastebin the results18:25
kryptykansimation: it is a limitation of the architecture18:26
Alias01no one can help me? :/18:26
ted__Flannel: 10-4.18:26
deFryskkryptyk, pae kernel should see it right ?18:26
ansimationkryptyk:  yes, with a kernel that is compiled with pae18:26
decoAlias01: what's your question ?18:26
MrGandoHello guys, I'm trying to be able to make a subdomain of mine to redirect to www.subdomain.com when I type subdomain.com (without www ) in my browser. It's setup as a virtual host, and I have tried server alias and mod_rewrite with no luck. Could anyone help me a bit here ? (I'm using Ubuntu server 8.04)18:26
Alias01deco:im trying to boot ubuntu from a usb stick and it just prints "j" and a blinking "_" and does nothing, what should i do?18:26
luanlmdhow do I set a background for a whole gnome-panel? not just the middle.... when I try to set the menus and the notification area stay the same!18:26
kryptykansimation: Yes, PAE should take care of it18:26
sarah32<sacarlson> so you mean i should try this driver i mean catalyst 10.6 ? will it work with lucid? or will brake everything?18:26
decoAlias01: so it does boot the usb but just hangs ?18:27
ansimationthat's what i thought as well. but unfortunately it isn't18:27
decoAlias01: what did you use to get it into the usb ?18:27
sacarlsonsarah32: I would look in system>administration>hardware drivers  first that should be tested by ubuntu already18:27
Alias01deco:to boot from it? bios settings18:27
decoAlias01: no i mean what did you use to get the ubuntu iso into the usb18:28
PeterDrophi all, iam looking for some software, for web pages mockup, any suggestion here?18:28
Alias01deco:i made it bootable from windows using "diskpart" could it be because of it?18:28
ActionParsnipPeterDrop: do you mean html writing?18:28
benjamin_hi, my graphical interface doesnt work properly anymore, ie. I can't use nvidia anymore. When I do I get the xorg message that EDID of CRT-0 can't be found or something like that. What do I do?18:28
sacarlsonsarah32: oh but it won't boot now so how do you install it?18:28
Alias01deco:i didn't get the iso into the usb i installed ubuntu from a live cd to a usb stick18:28
decoAlias01: use  unetbootin , ti's for windows too18:28
PeterDropActionParsnip: no, just the mockup18:28
decoAlias01: ah18:28
ted__Flannel: Can we start over from the bottom up?  I have the server install disk; I can d/l the desktop disk?18:29
ted__Flannel: Would this be cleaner?18:29
decoAlias01: how big is the usb ?18:29
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: it means that udev is asking the monitor what it can do, and its not talking back18:29
decok hmm18:29
Flannelted__: It would be.  Alternate CD is probably more useful for your purposes18:29
BluesKaj!usb  | Alias0118:29
ubottuAlias01: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:29
benjamin_ActionParsnip: ok, how do I fix that?18:29
Alias01«BluesKaj» im not trying to install FROM im installing TO a usb stick18:30
decoAlias01: did you use the ubuntu usb creator app thing ?18:30
ted__Flannel: brb.  researching your information.18:30
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: if you run: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,the system will make an xorg.conf file with some ok settings for refresh rates which will tell the system what's what instead of the system working it out for itself18:30
Alias01deco:whats that?18:30
sarah32<sacarlson> someone told me to change something in grub to boot with minimal graphic18:30
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: you can then reboot and it should be ok18:30
benjamin_ActionParsnip: I tried that it didn't do anything useful (ie. it didnt work at all)18:31
decoAlias01: wait i thought you said you used the live cd to make a bootable usb ?18:31
decohow ?18:31
BluesKajyeah Alias01 , but that's the procedure to use to put the installer on the stick , you can't just copy from the live cd18:31
sacarlsonsarah32: and that works?18:31
luanlmdhow do I set a background for a whole gnome-panel? not just the middle...18:31
Flannelted__: Alternate CD uses the same method as the server CD (debian-installer) to install, instead of a liveCD based installation.  It provides more flexibility for your install18:31
Alias01deco:yes i did18:31
benjamin_nvidia-xconfig simply adds "nvidia" it doesnt add modelines or anything18:31
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: does your xorg.conf file now have text in it?18:31
decoAlias01: but how ?18:31
sacarlsonAlias01: did you try this link for your usb boot?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:31
benjamin_ActionParsnip: of course18:31
benjamin_ActionParsnip: at the moment I use "nv" instead of "nvidia"18:31
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: lucid doesn't ship one so no, not ofcourse18:32
Alias01deco:i don't have an hdd on my laptop so in the install i just selected the usb stick18:32
benjamin_I am not sure what that is but at least I get something like a graphical interface18:32
Alias01«sacarlson» yes i did18:32
sacarlsonopps didn't see it up there18:32
PeterDropActionParsnip: something like this http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups# , very cool18:32
decoAlias01: where did it install grub ?18:32
sarah32<sacarlson> im asking some<sacarlson> im going to try it now18:32
Spaztic_OneMy windows network folder is failing to "fetch the share list" and so I have been unable to access my other computers via my laptop, what do I need to do to get it working again?18:32
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: you need to put stuff in the screen and monitor sections to define refresh rates as your monitor is not talking back to the system18:32
benjamin_ActionParsnip: if there is no xorg.conf how does the graphical interface know which driver to use?18:32
Alias01«deco» not sure, shouldn't the ubuntu setup install grub?18:32
benjamin_ActionParsnip: but I dont know those settings18:33
sacarlsonsarah32: ok good luck18:33
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: hunt online for sample files, you will find sections or code you can use in your file, you will need: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,to get write access18:34
bichonfrise74In Ubuntu 10.04, how do I highlight something and it will be copied automatically to the clipboard?18:34
hsrHow to save any playing media irrespective of website in firefox?18:34
ActionParsnipPeterDrop: I don't have flash, I don't do anything like that either, sorry18:34
luanlmdbichonfrise74, click the middle button to paste18:34
benjamin_ActionParsnip: but how do I know which settings to put there? if I just copy a file from the internet it will most probably not be a good setting18:34
benjamin_ActionParsnip: it should be possible to autodetect such settings18:35
Oerbichonfrise74, i use parcellite Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager18:35
PeterDropActionParsnip: http://ubuntulife.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/mytunez.gif18:35
Alias01«deco» i'll tell you exactly what i did, i used virtualbox in windows and booted the ubuntu 10.04 image, from there i formated to ex4 and installed it on the usb stick, i made it bootable from windows with "diskpart"18:35
bichonfrise74luanlmd - I'm using a latop with a touchpad... so I don't have a middle button.18:35
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: it is but you monitor doesn't do it18:35
Alias01«deco» am i missing anything?18:35
hsrHello! Can anyone help me here?18:35
benjamin_ActionParsnip: hmm or how do I get the EDID to work? I mean something is obviously wrong since the new release of ubuntu (it worked perfectly before without entering anything)18:35
King_Arthurbichonfrise74, i use parcellite Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager18:36
OerKing_Arthur, you too ? nice :-D18:36
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: new monitor, or connect it to the white connector instead of vga18:36
King_ArthurOer: it is handy18:36
z340hsr: if you know the url, why don't you use wget?18:36
bichonfrise74King_Arthur - Thanks, I will check it out.18:36
PeterDropActionParsnip: ian gonna give  a shot to qt4 designer, seem very cool18:37
ActionParsnipPeterDrop: if you are using a gtk based desktop you will pull in qt libs as dependancies18:37
Alias01so does anyone know what did i do wrong? :X18:38
hsrz340: How to wget?18:38
hsrz340: How to use wget?18:38
z340hsr: open a terminal, wget <URL HERE>18:38
PeterDropwget url18:38
synvillaHow do I get photoshop to my linux?18:39
macosynvilla: CS2 can be installed with wine18:39
bichonfrise74synvilla - use wine?18:39
maco!wine | synvilla18:39
ubottusynvilla: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:39
synvillaI have wine on my computer18:40
macosynvilla: newer CS's work for photoshop too, but not for say... illustrator18:40
PeterDropy cs4 too18:40
synvillaseems like wine is the best solution for everything18:40
bichonfrise74synvilla - so get the CS installer and use wine to install it.18:40
ActionParsnip!addpb | synvilla18:40
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:40
PeterDropsynvilla: if su think that, get back to windows xD18:40
hsrz340: I tried that, It doesn't save media, it saves only the website18:40
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synvillaPeterDrop: dear nerds, be nice to me. I've only had linux since yesterday, and so far people have only been telling me to use wine for stuff18:41
stratagem_botI have the ppa ubuntu repo added.  recently did an update/upgrade and some nvidia packages were updated.  now x is starting in low graphics mode.  anyway to revert?18:41
PeterDrophsr: wget url/to/media/18:41
z340hsr: yeah, if you know the media url, that is how you get it...if you can figure out the media url, then you can get it....is it flash media or something playing from a totem|vlc plugin18:41
ActionParsnipsynvilla: try adopting open and free alternatives then18:41
arrrghhhsynvilla, wine is the best solution to run windows-based applications on linux.  my suggestion if you want to use linux full time is use something that's native to linux.  so ask 'what are some linux alternatives for photoshop?" instead of how to run photoshop on linux.18:41
hsrPeterDrop: Could you elaborate on that?18:42
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stratagem_botI tried changing xorg to use VESA, and I get login manager, but after entering valid password, it jst keeps kicking me back to login window.  if I enter in wrong password, it'll say authentication failed.18:42
P3n7Ahey, my ubuntu box can no more play sound, I use lucid lynx, what can I do to set sound system back to default18:42
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arrrghhhsynvilla, gimp is very good, but it's not photoshop.18:42
synvillaActionParsnip: I want to be able to do similar stuff as I did in windows. I don't really care about the exact software, no. It doesn't have to be a closed software, I just want to have similar functions.18:42
cmpsalvestrinip3n7A: probably pulseaudio needs to be restarted18:42
PeterDrophsr: z340 tell u all about that, read up18:42
ActionParsnipstratagem_bot: try running: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,then rebooting. You could also try (first): sudo apt-get --reinstall install dkms18:42
Ludo6431hello, sometimes when i use the cross to close a window it closes another window, what is the problem ? thanks18:42
BluesKajhsr, you have to make sure you choose the right url if you are trying to download media content with wget18:42
ted__Flannel: Will I have to re-partition the disk (and lose all my /home/ data?18:42
ted__Flannel: I avoided that in the server install.18:42
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arrrghhhLudo6431, do you have another window behind it and you're perhaps misclicking?18:43
Ludo6431arrrghhh, no...18:43
ActionParsnipsynvilla: try gimp then18:43
cmpsalvestrinited__: there is a way to repartition your HD to have your /home in a different partition, it's safer that way18:43
cntrationaltrying to use UIM related things gives me this error message: http://pastebin.com/8nJwyVZ418:43
synvillaActionParsnip: can it edit photos+18:43
cmpsalvestrinitry googling for ubuntu move home ted__18:43
arrrghhhLudo6431, i've never heard of that problem, it sounds like there's something going on...18:43
P3n7Acmpsalvestrini : I made a dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio, should I restart the system?18:43
hsrz340: Its playing media from unknown player (in-built maybe), the media url cannot be found out...18:43
arrrghhhsynvilla, yes of course.  it's just not quite as powerful as photoshop.18:43
sacarlsonshaullx: I hope you tried this usb-creator in ubuntu it's a gui that looks like it does everything.18:43
stratagem_botActionParsnip: tried the nvidia-xconfig alrady. in fact I think it did that for me after the update.  I'll try the dkms thing.18:43
PeterDropsynvilla: the best way always is try urself18:43
ActionParsnipsynvilla: sure. Its a fully functional graphic package. Check it out18:43
Picisynvilla: It is similar to photoshop in function. see http://www.gimp.org for details.18:44
decosynvilla: use inkscape for vector graphics18:44
cmpsalvestriniP3n/a: try restating the pc, if all else fail try reinstalling pulseaudio18:44
Ludo6431arrrghhh, i'll make a vid and post the problem on the forum, thanks18:44
ActionParsnipstratagem_bot: could rename xorg.conf to see if udev is nice to you18:44
shaullx«sacarlson» it makes a liveusb as far as i know18:44
arrrghhhLudo6431, please do.  like i said, i've never heard of that.18:44
P3n7Acmpsalvestrini : ok, thanks try it and give you feedback in a couple of minutes18:44
sacarlsonshaullx: so did it work?18:44
stratagem_botYou can find Gimpshop which remaps shortcuts to make them similar to Photoshop.  but I still think Photoshop is far superior.18:45
shaullx«sacarlson» i'm not trying to make a liveusb18:45
synvillahm.. I need icecream to be able to deal with this. When I get back, I'll ask more stupid questions.18:45
glazequestion for y'all18:45
* cmpsalvestrini never had udev problems...18:45
glazei have a ten year old sister and i want to do something sexual with her. we're really close and she gets touchy feely with me (straddling me, etc.) and she doesnt seem to mind when i do stuff to her (casually rub her pussy through pants and jeans)18:45
hsrApart from using wget, is there a way to download any planning media from website? Any add-on in mozilla will also help.........18:45
glazeBUT how can i actually make this happen?18:45
z340hsr: sorry bro, i'm sitting this one out...sounds like a flash player, try something like flash get18:45
sacarlsonshaullx: oh you want persistant?18:45
shaullx«sacarlson» yes18:45
cmpsalvestriniglaze: apart from being illegal, why do it with your sister?18:45
Picicmpsalvestrini: Hes gone.18:45
Rockyis there a java plugin for w3m?18:46
ActionParsnipcmpsalvestrini: its a troll pici sorted it18:46
sacarlsonshaullx: ok when you figure that out I would be interested18:46
arrrghhhcmpsalvestrini, yes, he got kicked.  don't encourage that type of behavior.18:46
hsrz340: What's flash get? How to use it?18:46
cmpsalvestriniPici: thanks18:46
ted__Flannel: I'm putting the image on a ram stick that used to contain data...I've moved it to my home directory.18:46
BluesKajhsr , Firefox has an add on that will give the embedded url , but I forget what it's called18:46
arrrghhhPici, thank you indeed :D18:46
zamaraxhello, I'm wondering if it's possible to use the grep command to search files recursively in a directory, find a string a text and remove it from those files18:46
hsroh yeah18:47
ActionParsniphsr: if you want to download youtube vids you can use youtube-dl ,its in the repos18:47
ted__Flannel: s/it/the data/18:47
cmpsalvestrinizamarax: in the true spirit of linux, read man for grep ;)18:47
ActionParsnipzamarax: sure, linux is great at that stuff18:47
hsrBluesKaj: Inspect this! is the add-on maybe...18:47
arrrghhhzamarax, sounds like sed would work better.  grep can't really remove text.18:47
ActionParsnipzamarax: the guys in #bash should also be able to help so18:47
zamaraxok, awesome, thanks!18:48
Jari0001I have Aiptek drawing tablet HyperPen Mini18:48
jgcampbell300can anyone recommend a channel that would offer help/support for setting up a home network to look like a domain so i can test diffrent os's , tools, servers, etc ...18:48
Jari0001my drawing is always on after the first draw.18:48
neerajHi, I have copied my .gnupg folder from lucid to my maverick, but my keys aren't getting synced. I am also not seeing password and keys manager in applications->accessories18:48
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: how does something look like a domain? Its either a domain or a workgroup18:48
ActionParsnip!maverick | Jari000118:48
ubottuJari0001: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:48
bwolfejgcampbell300: like dyndns?18:48
BluesKajhsr, then you can use that embedded url with wget18:49
Jari0001im with 10.0418:49
ActionParsnipJari0001: you copied the file to maverick, you said18:49
jgcampbell300well ya ... i want to use dyndns to set up a domain on my home network so i can try diffrent things that need to be ran on a domain ... but i am new to this side of things18:49
FreeaqingmeI got myself a new graphics tablet, can I somehow make sure it works for my primary screen only?18:49
jgcampbell300was just wondering if there was a channel some where i could listen in on and maybe ask questions when i get stumped18:50
Jari0001i said, i have Aiptek HyperPen Mini drawing table.18:50
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: thing running on a domain are only different by there being a domain controller centrally managing access18:50
Jari0001it has drawing always on, after the first time i draw.18:50
arrrghhhActionParsnip, his usage of the word isn't quite correct, cut him some slack :D18:50
arrrghhhjgcampbell300, you can get help in here for all sorts of ubuntu stuff... anything in particular you're trying to do?18:51
ActionParsniparrrghhh: just trying to get info dude18:51
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: what are you trying to achieve?18:51
arrrghhhActionParsnip, well he said he wanted to setup a web server it sounds like.  so domain controllers have nothing to do with what he wants (from the sounds of it, i agree we don't have enough info)18:52
jgcampbell300well, I am trying to get the grasp of networks a bit better so i can setup a openchange server properly ... among other things18:52
arrrghhhoh you're trying to setup openXchange?  nvm.  i'm out.18:52
dri245in ubuntu, where my name is on top right of the screen, next to the shutdown button. the sign next to my name is marked with "X", something like offline. can i fix that, so i can choose available, or so? i cant click any other statuses.18:52
jgcampbell300i am trying to replace a MS Exchange server is my goal18:52
cypher-neoI'm having a sudden problem with Google Chrome. When I click a link to download, the file sits in the download tray and acts like there is no connection at all (the remaining time registers infinity), and then Chrome closes.18:52
git__anybody here use Zimbra?18:52
arrrghhhjgcampbell300, zimbra would probably be something better than openXchange...18:53
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: if you want a grasp of networks then study addressing and routing etc. Great place to start.18:53
benjamin_I am back18:53
teunvDdri245: are you using empathy?18:53
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: try different dns servers18:53
nsouerZimbra is a neat product, but I've found it to be fat18:53
benjamin_my whole computer froze for some reason18:53
dri245teunvD, i don't really know, i am new to ubuntu. i don't think so.18:53
arrrghhhnsouer, what would you recommend to replace exchange?18:53
git__nsouer, I'm looking to install zimbra on ubuntu18:53
benjamin_the module "nv" somehow managed to get some modelines: (II) NV(0): Modeline "1440x900"x0.0   88.75  1440 1488 1520 1600  900 903 909 926 +hsync -vsync (55.5 kHz)18:53
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jgcampbell300zimbra you say .. i will have to look that up ... just as long as it is very secure and stable18:53
git__nsouer, and use kvm18:53
peggys_mouseanyone ever have any luck exporting photos to an ipod?18:53
benjamin_what do I put in xorg.conf know to get it working with "nvidia" ?18:53
lisa__i can't connect to my router. how do i do that?18:53
teunvDdri245, try starting up empathy (alt + F2: enter empathy)18:54
ezrafree_anyone know how i can get a Tenda 11N usb wifi adapter to work in ubuntu?18:54
arrrghhhjgcampbell300, in my experience there is no replacement for exchange unfortunately.  at least not a drop-in, feature complete replacement.18:54
nsouerarrrghhh, replace all of exchange or what parts?18:54
git__all of exchange18:54
jgcampbell300benjamin, I have had a lot of luck using the built in restricted drivers option ... much easyer than manualy editing xorg18:54
arrrghhhnsouer, jgcampbell300 was just asking about what to replace exchange with.  the only thing that came to mind is zimba or openXchange which i heard doesn't play so well.18:54
hsrThank you18:55
peggys_mousebenjamin_: i backed up my xorg.conf (moved it out of the way) and rebooted. that usually works unless you have some funky configuration.18:55
philinuxProblem: Headset mic has no sound at all. Playback stuff is fine18:55
dri245ya it works now, teunvD . so that was the problem. thanks man :)18:55
lisa__started up empathy, now what?18:55
jgcampbell300well the reason i chose openchange is that it said it was built to spcificly run with outlook with out extra software18:55
jgcampbell300on the client side that is18:55
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arrrghhhjgcampbell300, zimbra will as well (i believe, don't quote me on that :P)18:56
nsouerZimbra is the closest thing in my experience to exchange, however, I would question whether people need all the features of exchange really, or if they really just want mail and maybe calendering18:56
benjamin_jgcampbell300: it complains about not finding EDID18:56
BluesKajlisa__, wired or wireless ?18:56
jgcampbell300i see18:56
arrrghhhnsouer, honestly what else is there other than zimbra & openXchange tho?18:56
arrrghhhto have pushmail, i'm not talking posix18:56
jgcampbell300think im going to look up zimbra right quick18:56
z340Does anyone know how (or can point to some better documentation) to use ifenslave to bond two wireless nics?18:57
nsouerarrrghhh, nothing else of substance18:57
Ludo6431arrrghhh, the problem : http://ludo6431.comyr.com/tmp/pb-ubuntu_wm.ogv18:57
fs-aHi. Does anypne know the difference between command1&&command2 and command1;command2?18:57
arrrghhhnsouer, didn't think so :D18:57
benjamin_in the first case command2 is only executed if command1 was sucessfull18:57
Ludo6431fs-a, in the first case command2 is executed only if command1 return a 0 status18:57
peggys_mousephilinux: have you checked the sound config? there are a sometimes a bunch or options in the hardware section.18:57
fs-anice thanks benjamin_ Ludo643118:58
cypher-neoWhere do I find the settings for DNS on Chrome?18:58
Lap_dragonhow do I find out which sound card came with my computer?18:58
benjamin_where do I put the Modeline?18:58
benjamin_or how do I get nvidia driver to work?18:58
nsouerarrrghhh, what I meant to say is that I don't think people really need exchange, I think most people just need a mail server... postfix is hard to beat18:58
smwcypher-neo, it uses the local settings18:58
brandinihello all, I need some info on getting my belkin f5d8013 pcmcia wifi card working18:58
arrrghhhLudo6431, you never hit the X.  it seems you're having an issue dragging windows when they're maximized...18:58
BluesKajcypher-neo, google dns ?18:58
philinuxpeggys_mouse: been through alsamixer gnome-alsamixer padevchooser etc nothing muted18:59
cypher-neosmw, I don't think DNS is the problem here. It locates all webpages and loads them just fine.18:59
Ludo6431arrrghhh, i dragged them but it's the same problem with the X button, it closes the other window18:59
cypher-neosmw, It only crashes when I'm downloading a file18:59
benjamin_my normal xorg setup doesnt work because the EDID is not found, what exactly do I have to manually put there to get it working?18:59
arrrghhhnsouer, but syncing contacts and having mail pushed is the main reason most run exchange.  that and calendar syncing.18:59
smwcypher-neo, you asked about DNS...18:59
jlk30Just dled phpmyadmin with apache mysql etc. But now that I'm logged into PHPMyAdmin i get "Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed."18:59
cypher-neosmw, Sorry... up above I asked about a Chrome problem, and someone said DNS18:59
jgcampbell300i am seeing in zimba site a 60 day trial ... but i see no pricing ???19:00
areonhi all19:00
cypher-neosmw, I'm having a sudden problem with Google Chrome. When I click a link to download, the file sits in the download tray and acts like there is no connection at all (the remaining time registers infinity), and then Chrome closes.19:00
arrrghhhLudo6431, looks like you've done some customizations on top of gnome... not being sure what you did, do you have this problem on vanilla ubuntu?19:00
philinuxpeggys_mouse: headset headphones work fine19:00
jlk30Anyone know what I can do to get rid of this error and how will this error effect it?19:00
_mrb_benjamin: I downloaded the proprietary stuff from nvidias site directly and ran the shell script according to their guide. http://uk.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/256.44/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.44.run19:00
cypher-neosmw, Chrome just started doing this, like... 2 hours ago.19:00
smwcypher-neo, no idea19:00
_mrb_benjamin: I run Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit with a Geforce 880 GTX OC'd19:00
benjamin__mrb: so the one from ubuntu didnt work for you?19:00
_mrb_benjamin_: no19:01
arrrghhhcypher-neo, i don't think chrome is final for linux yet is it?19:01
lisa__help! how do i connect to my router using ubuntu?19:01
benjamin__mrb_: you also got the EDID message?19:01
arrrghhhlisa__, plug in a cable...?19:01
decoarrrghhh: not even on windows19:01
lisa__already plugged in19:01
distant2is there a software for defragmenting the disk?19:01
_mrb_benjamin_: I got all kinds of errors, and a big splash when I started Ubuntu in graphical mode that it didn't have the proper video-settings etc.19:02
arrrghhhdeco, it's not beta for windows...19:02
BluesKajcypher-neo,` torrent files ?19:02
ActionParsnipdistant2: its not needed with ext3 and ext419:02
z340distant2: not necessary for extX, are you using ntfs?19:02
cypher-neoBluesKaj, What about torrent files?19:02
arrrghhhdeco, it was actually one of the fastest beta-to-final product google has released i believe.19:02
dri245anyone knows if hamachi is usable with ubuntu? hamachi = virtual network19:02
Oerlisa__, check connection info, and use the 'gateway' ip to enter your router19:02
pilhello everyone - I am on lucid ubuntu - sometimes it freezes and I have to restart the computer because of that - it freezes especially when I am on the terminal and all of a sudden, it highlights the terminal inside and I cannot get out of there and from that point on, everything freezes - also it happens when I work with openoffice - does anybody have the same problem like mine?19:02
benjamin__mrb_: hmm I think you have a different problem19:02
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: deco: Google chrome is out of beta for both Linux and Windows.19:02
ActionParsnipdistant2: there are defrag tools for ext2 but the benefit is next to zero19:02
benjamin__mrb_: my problem is that the EDID is not found and that it cant determine a modeline19:02
BluesKajcypher-neo,`are you trying to DL torrents ?19:02
_mrb_benjamin_: well it won't hurt to run that script in console-mode and see if it makes any diff for you19:02
distant2z340: i don't know yet if i'm gonna dual boot or not, but in any case, yes, ntfs.19:02
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z340pil: could be a number of things, are you using a 3rd party device driver?19:03
cypher-neoBluesKaj, If you're asking is that what I'm downloading, no, I'm not19:03
benjamin_well it takes time19:03
benjamin_and I only got very limited time left19:03
ActionParsnipdistant2: ext3 is designed well rather than crappy ntfs which fragments like crazy19:03
arrrghhhJordan_U, so it is final for linux?  hmmm.... cypher-neo you may want to go into the chrome room for help.19:03
benjamin_but ok19:03
cypher-neoBluesKaj, I'm on deviantART trying to download a wallpaper pack.19:03
distant2but why does ext not need defrag? even after say 5 years use?19:03
benjamin_I try with 32bit version (that I first have to find)19:03
Flannelted__: The alternate CD is the same installation process as the server CD, so no, you won't need to, assuming your home is on a separate partition19:03
pilz340: you think compiz does that?19:03
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: Yes.19:03
arrrghhhdistant2, the FS cleans up itself.19:03
arrrghhhJordan_U, thanks for the info.19:03
macodistant2: its to do with the way things are arranged on disk19:03
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: You're welcome.19:03
ted__Flannel: It is...19:04
Ludo6431arrrghhh, what is a vanilla ubuntu ?19:04
arrrghhhdistant2, defragmenting drives is a windows-only thing.19:04
ActionParsnipdistant2: the journal keeps things nicely organised. Windows filesysytems simply sling data onto the drive as it finds space.19:04
macodistant2: http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting19:04
benjamin_hmm, no it takes too long I dont know the model etc19:04
Flannelted__: Then yeah, you reinstall "around" your home partition19:04
lisa__so how do i connect wirelessly to my belkin router?19:04
benjamin_so how do I enter modelines etc manually?19:04
arrrghhhLudo6431, as in no modifications to the system?  vanilla ubuntu?  fresh install, no changes made whatsoever?19:04
BluesKajcypher-neo, click the download indicator box , save file , ...does it time out ?19:04
dri245anyone knows if hamachi is usable with ubuntu? hamachi = virtual network19:04
ezrafree_hi... does anyone know how i can get a Tenda 11N usb wifi adapter to work in ubuntu?19:04
peggys_mousephilinux: in sound prefs -> hardware. do you see a bunch of options there like "analog stereo duplex"?19:04
ActionParsniplisa__: use a wireless adapter and connect19:04
ted__Flannel: It's about 1/2 downloaded.19:04
benjamin_no help here19:04
arrrghhhdri245, hamachi works with ubuntu.19:04
benjamin_arg I just try and error19:04
benjamin_thanks for nothing19:04
Ludo6431arrrghhh, ok, i don't know, will try19:04
ActionParsnipezrafree: the make and model are moot. You need to know the chip inside19:05
arrrghhhdri245, last i played with it, it was a little awkward to setup but it worked.19:05
_mrb_... >_> hardly nothing when I gave him an option...19:05
teunvDlisa__ what kind of hardware are you using?19:05
distant2so what about the file system. which is the default on ubuntu and which is the best to use? i'm on a core2duo w/ 2gb ram.19:05
_mrb_he just chose not to do it19:05
philinuxpeggys_mouse: yep19:05
arrrghhhLudo6431, just curious to see if you did something to your system to cause the behavior.19:05
pilz340: youthink compiz causes that problem?19:05
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: how can i find this info out?19:05
ActionParsnipezrafree: if you run: sudo lshw -C network ,you will see the chip and can websearch for guides19:05
peggys_mousephilinux: have you tried changing those options?19:05
BluesKajdistant2, ext419:05
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: thanks i'll try. may take a sec cause i have to switch my wireless keyboard over to that computer to do it, so brb :)19:06
ActionParsnipezrafree: I'm betting is a broadcom 43xx as they are cheap and a lot of companies use them.19:06
bhargavHi! This is my first irc message.19:06
z340pil: would probably be something other than compiz, but compiz could trigger it...ive got to run, can you check your logs and see if you get any additional info?  someone here could probably help you...i had a sim problem with my ati card on an old computer just the other day...best of luck19:06
cmpsalvestrinidistant2: default fs for ubuntu is ext4 afaik. If you want to create other partitions for /home and so on you cna use a wide array of filesystems including reiser and jfs. imho ext4 is more than adequate though19:06
aeon-ltdbhargav: congratulations19:06
ActionParsnip!welcome | bhargav19:06
ubottubhargav: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:06
pilz340:thanks alot19:06
bhargavIs there any guidelines to follow just to use it effectively?19:07
ted__Flannel: The sudo apt-get install shared-mime-info process still runs, and I can't kill(15) it.  Should I try a 9?19:07
lisa__i have a network adapter card already, this laptop worked with the router fine with xp. i don't know how to configure the connection using ubuntu?19:07
arrrghhhted__, kill -9 will pretty much kill anything.19:07
arrrghhhlisa__, wired?  is it statically configured?  you should just be able to plug it in if it's dhcp.19:08
Flannelted__: You're planning on reinstalling, so that won't cause any troubles19:08
ben_qhey, could someone be so kind and help me with a bash regex-problem.. I am desperately trying to match lines from lsof against something. but not even this: "if [[ $line =~ ".*" ]];" is returning anything true19:08
ActionParsniplisa__: then run: sudo lshw -C network ,and this will show the chip. You can then websearch for guides. I also suggest you use a wired connection to get fully updated too19:08
shaullx«sacarlson» all i had to do is install grub from the livecd:)19:08
shaullx«sacarlson» now it works19:08
synvillawhat was the name of the editing software? gimp? do I install in software centre or do I need to go out on the internet?19:08
ted__I know, but it's a cruel, heartless, and stupid way to get rid of a process because of unintended consequences.19:08
arrrghhhben_q, there's a #bash room... may get more attention there.19:08
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Yadiradoes anyone knows how to run lightscribe on terminal19:08
ben_qok arrrghhh19:08
ted__Flannel: Thanks.  Kill -9 it is.19:09
Yadiraplease not the lacie aplication19:09
Flannelsynvilla: The repositories have GIMP19:09
lisa__its plugged in now to a wired connection to the router but i need a wireless connection19:09
Yadirajust lightscribe19:09
ActionParsnipsynvilla: yes, it stands for (g)nu (I)mage (m)anipulation (p)roject19:09
synvillaFlannel: What's a repos...?19:09
ActionParsnip!repo | synvilla19:09
ubottusynvilla: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:09
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: where in this output would it say the chipset?19:09
arrrghhhsynvilla, ubuntu installs basically everything thru repo's.  software center, synaptic, terminal are all places to install things from the repo's.19:09
ted__Flannel: it's gone :-~19:09
Flannelsynvilla: The repositories are what contain the software that software center goes out and installs from.19:09
ActionParsnipezrafree: the product line will say it19:09
synvillaI don't really wanna know how it works, just how to use it19:09
jeremynenigmail with thunderbird likes to make a sound whenever it pops up a confirmation box on whether i want to send an email. how can i disable this sound?19:10
teunvDlisa__ is your wireless adapter working eg. are there networks in the list of the networkmanager (it's in the upper right corner)19:10
ActionParsnip!info gimp19:10
arrrghhhsynvilla, it's basically a way to ensure no viruses or bad packages make their way into the system.  those links help you use it as well.19:10
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.8-2ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 4309 kB, installed size 12552 kB19:10
Flannelsynvilla: Short answer: yes, software center has gimp19:10
arrrghhhlisa__, can you see your wireless network?19:10
synvillaFlannel: that's all I needed to hear. installin' now19:10
OerYadira, lightscribe for ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe19:10
ted__arrrghhh: It did the trick...19:10
PeterDropActionParsnip: http://pencil.evolus.vn/en-US/Home.aspx , exactly what i want! very cool19:10
ActionParsnipsynvilla: sudo apt-get install gimp ,will install it. You can then launch it from the graphics menu in the application menu19:10
arrrghhhted__, it always does...19:10
teunvDlisa__ when you try to connect what happens?19:10
babu__wat's diff bn ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04..pls tell guys19:10
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: strange, i have a product: line on the first *-network (my wired adapter) but not on the second one for my usb wifi adapter19:10
synvillaActionParsnip: allready downloadin' it from software centre19:11
lisa__the icon pulses as if its working but no internet19:11
arrrghhhsynvilla, pretty cool huh?19:11
cypher-neobabu__, They are basically the same, except 10.04 is the current stable LTS release.19:11
ted__Flannel: um...I couldn't find the Alternate CD, so I am downloading the Desktop CD.19:11
benjamin_what do I need to do to get x running with the "nvidia" driver if EDID doesnt work (it complains about not finding the EDID) so I manually want to specify it. I dont have that much time, I would just like to know what I need to add to xorg.conf to get it working...19:11
YadiraOer, thats the lacie aplication19:11
Yadirai dont want that19:11
teunvDlisa__ what's the security on your wireless?19:11
Yadirai have that19:11
synvillacan someone tell me everything I need to know in order to get along with my computer?19:11
Flannelted__: 10.04, for i386?19:11
ActionParsnipezrafree: ok then run: sudo iwlist scan ,does it find access points?19:12
banishedCan I install a lucid version of an application on hardy? (just by downloading the .deb file and installing it)19:12
arrrghhhsynvilla, that's a pretty broad statement.19:12
ted__Flannel: AMD6419:12
lisa__wep 128bit19:12
synvillaarrrghhh: I take that as a no, then19:12
decobanished: no19:12
ted__Flannel: What is what I have.19:12
arrrghhhsynvilla, well i don't know how to answer that question.  i could write 1,000 pages on that.19:12
Flannelted__: ted__ http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso19:12
Yadirai want to run on terminal the real lightscribe,,it is a command for that,,i had it before,,,someone here help me before and give me the command19:12
ActionParsnipsynvilla: nobody can tell you that dude19:12
distant2i have a 160GB hard drive, but my actual use is this: i get it filled with downloaded files until it reaches 10% free space, then i free that up to get to say 20% then fill again... do you still think i wouldn't need defrag on linux?19:12
teunvDlisa__ have your tried pre-configuring the network in the edit connections menu?19:12
banisheddeco: why not?19:13
Flannelted__: (http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ has them all)19:13
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: yes i have access points (mine and two others in the area) showing up from that command19:13
synvillaarrrghhh: do I really need to know 1000 pages of stuff to get along with my computer?19:13
peggys_mousebenjamin_: have you tried my suggestion?19:13
ted__Flannel: k. brb19:13
BluesKajbanished, no , you need the hardy version , otherwise you'll have brken dependencies etc19:13
lisa__but i don't know what to do when im there19:13
decobanished: they are compailed against newer libs19:13
arrrghhhsynvilla, well i need to know how or in what way are you not 'getting along' with your computer?19:13
benjamin_peggys_mouse: what was your suggestion?19:13
ActionParsnipdistant2: no, it will be fine. If you remove the journal so it is ext2 there are defrag tools for ext2 but you won't gain much at all19:13
benjamin_where you the one which suggested to download the driver from nvidia?19:14
peggys_mousemv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak and reboot19:14
mikeruhow can I remove an accidental installation of GRUB2 into MBR?19:14
mikeru(I didn't mean to install it there)19:14
benjamin_I try but it wil fail19:14
benjamin_I know it and I will lose so much time19:14
ActionParsnipezrafree: great then the hard bit is done. The OS has detected and installed the driver automagically19:14
arrrghhhdistant2, i told you the FS cleans itself up.  ext3, ext4 - they do NOT need to be defragged.  doesn't matter the usage.19:14
benjamin_you really want me to do that?19:14
synvillaarrrghhh: well I assume there is more stuff about ubuntu I still haven't figured out19:14
ted__Flannel: <blush>You're right, as usual</blush>19:14
benjamin_all right bbl19:14
peggys_mousebenjamin_: perhaps less time than sitting here and waiting for another answer.19:15
philinuxpeggys_mouse: yep nada19:15
arrrghhhsynvilla, certainly, i as well.  but what are you trying to _do_?19:15
ActionParsnipezrafree: what interface does it say did the scan (scroll the terminal up) common names are wlan0 and ath0..19:15
distant2arrrghhh: well, ok!19:15
peggys_mousephilinux: sorry. that was my best guess19:15
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: it's wlan019:15
arrrghhhdistant2, that's a windows mindset :P19:15
lisa__WEP 128 bit19:15
jgcampbell300ok so i took another look at the software i have been looking at ... zimba , Open Xchange, and OpenChange ... seems that OpenChange is the only free one ... does anyone here have experience using any of these ... Have any suggestions/advice ?19:15
statagem_botHm, it seems my issue is more than just the nvidia driver.  I just changed my xorg to VESA instead of NVIDIA.  I get the login manager.  But once I type in my correct password, it flashes to a terminal and then just pops back up prompting for password again.  Any way I can see why I'm not able to login?19:16
synvillaarrrghhh: I just want to use my computer for normal stuff19:16
philinuxpeggys_mouse: loud click when pluggin in but silence from mic19:16
Yadiradoes anyone know how to run lightscribe on terminal19:16
i2chello is there a way to install 9.10's default theme onto 10.04?19:16
ActionParsnipezrafree: ok that's good, so if you click on the network tool in the top right, do you see the access points?19:16
synvillaarrrghhh: and for work19:16
distant2linux doesn't need defrag, doesn't need antivirus, ... it's great.19:16
teunvDlisa__ is your ssid hidden?19:16
Yadiranot lacie that 4l app is not good19:16
statagem_botI'm running mythbuntu 10.0419:16
lisa__not that i know of19:16
peggys_mousephilinux: do other mic's work?19:16
aeon-ltddistant2: still needs a firewall though to prevent hijacking19:16
ActionParsnipdistant2: there are viruses but they aren't wild.19:16
PSXVery fast19:16
Yadirau need antivirus if u share,,just to be on the safe side19:16
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: not so much if you have a router19:17
synvillaare there linux antivirus thingys?19:17
distant2does the windows viruses/script affect linux? i don't think so but...19:17
peggys_mousephilinux: and does that mic work on other setups? windows?19:17
PSXDon't think u need it19:17
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: yes i can see the access point there as well19:17
ActionParsnip!av | synvilla19:17
ubottusynvilla: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:17
jolarenmy server goes into some sort of a lockdown mode after restart19:17
mikeruActionParsnip, yet most of those viruses were in fact written for the authors of the exploited tool to notice, or for educational purposes.19:17
aeon-ltdActionParsnip: couldn't hurt to have a router firewall and a local firewall :)19:17
jolarenit takes like 10 hours to connect after restart with ssh/vnc19:17
Yadiracantivirus is called clamav19:17
teunvDlisa__ what does it say at the product line when you run # lshw -C network19:17
ActionParsnipsynvilla: they are good for file servers to stop windows client infecting each other19:17
Yadirais on sypnatic19:17
distant2in what form can those viruses be on linux? disguised as software?19:17
benjamin_ok, I tried the method of moving xorg.conf and rebooting and it didnt help at all19:18
aeon-ltdsynvilla: there are virus scanners if you plan on sharing files with windows users19:18
benjamin_all it does is use the vesa driver which is absolute crap19:18
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: bit ott, depends how extensive you tinfoil hat collection is19:18
philinuxpeggy only got ubuntu19:18
peggys_mousebenjamin_: is there an "nv" or "nvidia" line in the new config it created?19:18
arrrghhhsynvilla, are you having trouble with anything in particular?19:18
benjamin_there is no config created19:18
peggys_mousereally? hm.19:18
benjamin_it used "vesa"19:18
synvillaI can admit that one of the reasons I stopped using windows was because I had a major software crash, caused by 12 viruses on my computer, and people told me I was too reckless to be a windows user19:18
benjamin_nto nvidia19:18
statagem_botis there a log for GDM somewhere?19:19
benjamin_"nv" works but it also is crap19:19
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: but if i try to connect to it, it just tries to authenticate and then brings up the Authentication Required window again after awhile19:19
ted__Flannel: The one you specified is downloading.  Whee!  Only 700M. vs 710Mb.19:19
benjamin_besids "nv" doesnt allow a lot of settings19:19
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: then rerun: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,to get a virgin file19:19
benjamin_yes that fails19:19
benjamin_I already tried this two days agi19:19
i2chello is there a way to install 9.10's default theme onto 10.04?19:19
ezrafree_should "Mode" be set to Infrastructure or Ad Hoc19:19
ActionParsnipezrafree: do you use any security on your wireless?19:19
aeon-ltdActionParsnip: very, got 2000 variants inluding a sombrero. top that... heh heheh heh *shifty eyes*19:19
benjamin_I already told you it doesnt find the EDID19:19
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: yes, it's WPA WPA2 Personal19:20
synvillaarrrghhh: just wanting to get stuff set up19:20
ted__Flannel: But it's going at over 1Mb/sec instead of 800kb/sec19:20
teunvDi2c: what theme are you referring to?19:20
benjamin_so apparently I need to manually specify all the settings (which is of course bullshit but I dont have time)19:20
ActionParsnipezrafree: try using wep, not all adapters can do wpa19:20
benjamin_so what settings do I need to specify where?19:20
mikerudistant2, you only need antivirus for windows viruses. they won't affect your system, but if a windows user somehow gets the infected files (e.g. usb drives or download from your linux server) they can get infected.19:20
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: i'm connected to it fine through the windows machine i am using to talk to you now19:20
i2cteunvD: the stock 9.10 theme, I think it was called human? let me find a a screenshot for you19:20
synvillaoh and another question. Currently I'm using utorrent via wine, is there a better solution?19:20
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: using the same card19:20
ted__Is KiB kilobytes or kilobits?19:20
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: I have one but I simply don't care19:20
owen1does alternate cd have live CD?19:20
benjamin_the thing is: either I get this working within the next 20 minutes or the user will switch to windows19:20
aeon-ltdsynvilla: use a local native torrent client :)19:20
synvillaaeon-ltd: such as?19:21
banishedowen1: no19:21
lisa__where do i type that in?19:21
aeon-ltdsynvilla: rtorrent(if you like cli), transmission19:21
benjamin_I would hate for this to happen that is why I try to get this fixed quickly19:21
arrrghhhsynvilla, ...ok what are you wanting to setup!!?!  like pulling teeth here.19:21
ActionParsnipezrafree: windows is a different OS with different support so it doesn't make any difference what windows does or doesn't do19:21
owen1banished: sad )-: i can't run live CD on my macbookpro. it used to work on 9.10 but not on 10.419:21
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: well the card definitely supports WPA WPA2 Personal, since it's working under that security method in another box19:21
teunvDi2c: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Human-Lucid?content=11954619:21
smw synvilla there are many torrent programs native to linux19:21
Pici!torrent | synvilla19:21
ubottusynvilla: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:21
mikerudistant2, therefore, they're for preventing the spread of them to other windows machines, if they're connected to your linux system...19:21
banishedbenjamin_: what happens when you just install the driver via the packet manager? Which card is it?19:21
owen1banished: i tried both ubuntu and xubuntu19:21
synvillaWell transmission wouldn't work19:21
i2cteunvD: this is what I'm talking about http://beta.seadvd.com/media/seadvd.com/2009/07/30_ubuntu-9.10-alpha3.jpg19:21
i2cok let me try your link19:21
mikeruTransmission is also Qt, I believe19:22
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: so you're saying ubuntu won't support WPA/WPA2 Personal?19:22
teunvDi2c: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Human-Lucid?content=11954619:22
Yadiraktorrent is the best19:22
statagem_botActionParsnip: Is there a log for GDM somewhere that might tell me why I can't even login19:22
ActionParsnipezrafree: it depends on the chip19:22
synvillaarrrghhh: you seem impatient. think of me as a five-year-old and you'll be fine.19:22
smwmikeru, nope, I think it is gtk19:22
Yadirau can search also inside the program for torrents19:22
ActionParsnipstatagem_bot: set your password in root recovery console19:22
mikerusmw: there's also a Qt frontend.19:22
aeon-ltdsynvilla: i suggest you learn to use rtorrent, its pretty good, considering you'd never look at your torrents anyway until there fully dl'ed and unarchived19:22
mikerusmw: and GTK, and web, and cocoa...19:22
synvillaHm, should i try rtorrent then? is that via software centre too?19:23
distant2mikeru: but how come, is it possible for a linux av to identify windows viruses? they have their own logic right?19:23
statagem_botActionParsnip: my password is already set. I'm not sure I understand?19:23
aeon-ltdsynvilla: yeah it should be in the repos19:23
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: and for some reason i can't figure out what chip this adapter uses... hmm19:23
arrrghhhsynvilla, for ease i recommend tranmission.  you're just not being very specific.19:23
synvillaaeon-ltd: I actually stare at the downloading until it's done.19:23
well_laid_lawn+1 rtorrent19:23
mikerusmw, indeed there's a Qt one: http://www.transmissionbt.com/images/screenshots/Qt-Large.jpg19:23
ActionParsnipsynvilla: I use transmission in a headless way then use transmission-gui on my lappy to control it19:23
i2chow do I do autocomplete on the command line? I thought it was the tab button?19:23
smwmikeru, you missed one. CLI FTW19:23
Yadirawhat are u looking for synvilla19:23
teunvDi2c: you can also look for the human-theme in synaptic19:23
aeon-ltdsno: hell yeah, you using irssi?19:23
ActionParsnipstatagem_bot: if you can't log in, you can reset the password so you know its good19:23
statagem_botI  like utorrent in WINE.  They're apparently working on a native version of utorrent for linux though.19:23
distant2mikeru: and windows files (exes for example) are different from linux.19:23
aeon-ltdi2c: it is the tab key19:23
mikerusmw: oh noes! disgrace befall on me.19:23
adi11hi all. is anyone familiar with this graphic card here: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter19:24
arrrghhhdon't get me wrong, i LOVE rtorrent.  just not so newbie friendly.19:24
smwmikeru, I don't really care, I use rtorrent on a headless server anyways :-P19:24
mikerudistant2, yes. but they scan for .exes and know their internals.19:24
synvillaarrrghhh: are you asking me what I use utorrent for?19:24
adi11i am on karmic and cant make it higher than 900X69019:24
lisa__still there?19:24
ActionParsnipezrafree: lspci ,may tell you. You may have to dig around online. Try using wep instead. If that works then you know what the issue is19:24
arrrghhhsynvilla, no, i know what you use utorrent for :P19:24
adi11i am shure it can get as high as xp19:24
mikerudistant2, that's like saying openoffice can't open .doc files because they're from office.19:24
mikeruMicrosoft Office®19:25
distant2yeah got ya19:25
adi11anyone please. thanks19:25
benjamin_banished: you are not help, I dont have time to answer all those obvious standard questions all over again19:25
arrrghhhsynvilla, i'm just asking you to be more specific.  instead of saying "set stuff up" or "for work" - let me know EXACTLY what you're having problems with.19:25
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: okay, i'll give it a shot. i really prefer the security of WPA to WEP though19:25
statagem_botActionParsnip: I'm not getting an "authentication failure" message.  if I do type in the wrong passwrod. it'll tell me.19:25
teunvDis rtorrent in the universe repository? i'd like to try it out19:25
well_laid_lawn!reolution | adi1119:25
synvillawell I don't have problems *yet*19:25
ActionParsnipezrafree: poor support from hardware manufacturers dude19:25
statagem_botActionParsnip: it looks like it starts to do something and just throws me back to gdm.19:25
well_laid_lawn!resolution | adi1119:25
ubottuadi11: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:25
arrrghhhteunvD, it's definitely in the repo's.19:25
statagem_botActionParsnip: any logs for gdm you're aware of?19:25
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distant2mikeru: then again, the reason i asked this is because most win av are buyable, while linux av have the same functionality for free...19:26
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: yeah, i know. and i'd buy a better card if i weren't so completely broke right now.19:26
adi11well laid lawn : yeah resolution on a crt monitor19:26
ezrafree_just trying to get my machine online again so i can work =/19:26
ActionParsnipstatagem_bot: I've seen people mess with /tmp in recovery root, but unsure of specifics19:26
statagem_botActionParsnip: I did do a "passwd (name)" in console though and it didn't help19:26
adi11i am gettin mad with this F sis19:26
ActionParsnipezrafree: if you have a buddy you could arrange a swapsie :)19:26
ezrafree_ActionParsnip: unfortunately i just moved to denver heh19:26
ezrafree_so i don't know anyone here except my roommates19:27
lisa__can u please help me connect to the internet wirelessly?19:27
i2cteunvD: thanks I'm all working now19:27
jwendellhi, folks. How do I tell a service not to start automatically in Lucid? (for instance, mysql or ssh server)19:27
mikerudistant2, well... the people working behind clamav wanted to make it free. plus, right now a company is paying for their work, and infact it's installed & used in some professional routers.19:27
arrrghhhezrafree_, welcome!  i live in denver too :D19:27
ActionParsnipadi11: those cards need an xorg.conf to play nice and I doubt you will get 3d accelleration (no compiz)19:27
ezrafree_arrrghhh nice! thanks man19:27
ezrafree_know any web development companies hiring? hehe19:27
ezrafree_i live in DTC19:27
peggys_mousebenjamin_: you must be a very important person to  be so busy. sounds like more important than anyone else here.19:27
ezrafree_been scouring craigslist but no luck so far19:27
mikeruanyone here with an EFI machine? I'd like to know why efifb takes soooooooooooo long to load. The grub screen stays there for 10 seconds, then 1 second of plymouth and straight to X19:28
adi11action parsnip : i allready have gonne through the xorg.conf  . i just want a better resolution. no 3d19:28
arrrghhhezrafree_, we are but not for web development...19:28
i2cdoes anyone notice that using a usb mouse with linux is just different than windows? I can't explain it, but the way it moves, it's just different (no wise jokes please I know that sounded silly) I like the way windows moves it's mouse better, does anyone else know what I'm talking about?19:28
Piciezrafree_: this channel is only for Ubuntu support.  #ubuntu-us-co would be more relevant, it sthe Colorado LoCo team.19:28
benjamin_peggys_mouse: that doesnt help me one bit either19:28
Oermikeru macbook ?19:28
benjamin_I only have 10 minutes left to fix it19:28
ezrafree_Pici: ahh nice, thanks for the advice19:28
ActionParsnipmikeru: run: dmesg | less ,when you get logged in. Look for large time gaps in the lefthand colomn19:29
benjamin_then I have to format the linux system, it is not my pc and I am really disappointed about the support here19:29
aeon-ltdi2c: its black on white? instead of white on black?19:29
mikeruOer, yup19:29
ezrafree_arrrghhh: may i message you?19:29
benjamin_I asked a very specific question what I get back are standard questions that I all tried looong ago and that dont work19:29
arrrghhhbenjamin_, how much did you pay for this support?19:29
aeon-ltdi2c: the sensitivity is about the same unless you like it rreally fast19:29
benjamin_I just compare it to the old days19:29
arrrghhhezrafree_, sure.  you may want to ghost your other nick as well ;)19:29
ActionParsnipadi11: then add the resolutions you want in the screen section. Use tab to complete nicks too19:29
benjamin_where people knew what they were talking about19:29
mikeruActionParsnip, [    4.057471] generic-usb 0003:05AC:820B.0005: input,hidraw4: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [HID 05ac:820b] on usb-0000:00:06.0-1.3/input019:29
mikeru[   30.501102] udev: starting version 15119:29
mikerufrom 4 jumps to 3019:30
peggys_mousebenjamin_: perhaps we can all quit our jobs to focus on serving you better, since you are so nice about the free help we are trying to provide. it would complete my life.19:30
ezrafree_arrrghhh: yeah heh it's set up in a screen i can't get to atm19:30
benjamin_you dont help at all19:30
benjamin_I dont want to waste anymore useless time here19:30
benjamin_thx for nothing bye19:30
ted__Flannel: I have ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso now.19:30
ActionParsnipmikeru: any other jumps. Sounds like your mouse takes a while to wake up19:30
xangua!attitude > benjamin_19:30
i2caeon-ltd: I do have it decently fast on windows, however on linux even on the default speed it seems I'm not nearly as accurate, I 'overshoot' where I'm aiming to click when I move the cursor, it's very hard to explain but I don't like ubuntu's mouse...call me a whiner I guess19:30
lisa__i still need help with configuring a wireless connection19:30
Sandjeungratefull people i hate it19:30
peggys_mousewhat can you do?19:30
brandinilisa__: me too19:31
ActionParsnipSandje: +1 dude19:31
brandiniit seems to trunk my onboard with my pcmcia19:31
adi11action parsnip: this is my xorg.conf  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/477567/19:31
Sandjety :-)19:31
peggys_mousei'm glad you all are here to help when i need it. even if i don't find a solution every time.19:31
mikeruActionParsnip, the internal trackpad?19:31
ActionParsniplisa__: if you run: sudo iwlist scan ,do you see access points?19:31
peggys_mouselike today ;)19:31
mikeruActionParsnip, there's [   44.637530] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.219:31
mikeru[   61.371993] input: Mikel's Magic Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:06.0/usb4/4-1/4-1.1/4-1.1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0/hci0:11/input1219:31
mooglenorphHi all. Trying to remove ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-netbook with aptitude purge only removes THAT package, and not all the depends.19:31
mikeruActionParsnip, but that's while in X19:31
ActionParsnipmikeru: possibly, keep hunting. You may need a bios upgrade19:31
brandiniActionParsnip: if I plug in my rt2860 and disable my hw radio on my laptop my rt2860 doesn't work19:31
adi11ActionParsnip : where to add the resolution?19:32
mikeruadi11, he just left19:32
mooglenorphSo I'm still trying to figure out how to get rid of gnome and the netbook UI19:32
adi11ah thats ok19:32
b3li3v3I am interested in developing Transmission, the bittorrent client, where do I join?19:32
brandiniis there anything special I need to do when I update my kernel when I'm dual booting letting windows manage the bootloader?19:32
tucemiuxmooglenorph, you dont get rid or gnome, you just dont use it19:32
mikerub3li3v3, not here.19:32
PSXn e 1 here now how to copy ps2 games19:33
brandinibecause ubuntu won't boot afterwords19:33
PSXmake copys19:33
teunvDmooglenorph: do you want to use xfce or what are you trying to achieve?19:33
wildc4rdevening all19:33
tucemiuxb3li3v3, this is ubuntu support, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic19:33
PSXALso my PS3 got YLOD yesterday19:33
ezrafree_what was that channel, #ubuntu-co-us ?19:33
lisa__lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.19:33
lisa__eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.19:33
lisa__eth1      No scan results19:33
mikerub3li3v3, try looking for a contact page in http://www.transmissionbt.com/19:33
mooglenorphteunvD: I want to use just xmonad, and no login manager19:33
rookshow to get information on what version of package is installed?19:33
adi11is there anyone to help me with a xorg.conf  sis graphic card and xorg?19:33
Picirooks: apt-cache policy packagename19:34
adi11just some resolution problems19:34
aeon-ltdPSX: i don't think theres an ISO ripper for linux, ask in  #windows19:34
PSXSound card is set wayy to loud19:34
mikeruhey, a barcode generator program?19:34
brandiniman, this channel has a very high noise/help ratio19:34
aeon-ltdPSX: tailored for ps2 games anyway19:34
migsterquestion: I am compiling a C++ program and I don't have root access to the machine. So I compiled gcc from source entirely. What do I need to link to the compiler to tell it where to look for libraries and where to look for runtime libraries?19:34
ted__lisa__: ifconfig?19:34
Rogue1aeon-ltd: Ubuntu supports ripping ISOs by default19:34
s5fsmigster, ask the admin19:34
teunvDmooglenorph i have no experience with that window manager, if you install it can you select it on the login screen?19:35
mikeruPSX, ubuntu does support ripping ISOs19:35
PSXK thanks19:35
lisa__          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
lisa__          inet6 addr: fe80::212:3fff:fe1e:7df8/64 Scope:Link19:35
lisa__          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:119:35
lisa__          RX packets:4703 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:019:35
lisa__          TX packets:3805 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:019:35
lisa__          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100019:35
FloodBot2lisa__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
_DGM_PSX: im sure you'll find something about it if you google :)19:35
PSX:) Tried but19:35
PSXIm not that good at it19:35
adi11this is my lspci: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter19:35
PSXIm new to Linux and WIndows19:35
PSXtoo complicated19:36
mikeruPSX: Right click the disc, select Copy Disc, then Copy disc to: [Fi19:36
mikeruPSX: Right click the disc, select Copy Disc, then Copy disc to: [File Image          ]19:36
adi11anyone had advantures on this sis19:36
PSXDid it b4... Too much error19:36
_DGM_google tip: be specific but not too specific, dont use sentences, but only keywords. its a good idea to avoid plural19:36
mooglenorphteunvD: I'd prefer to get rid of the login manager and GNOME desktop, and just use startx.19:36
ted__lisa__: What's on? eth0, eth1, ...?19:36
mooglenorphteunvD: as I'm never going to use them19:36
Rogue1PSX, right-click the ISO in Ubuntu and you should have an option similar to "write to disc" or "write to cd" ... select that, choose the correct drive, speed, etc. and away you go19:36
ted__Flannel: I have the Alternate CD now.19:37
_DGM_Rogue1: he wants to make an iso from a cd from what i gather :)19:37
arrrghhhmooglenorph, are you running a headless server?19:37
mikeruPSX: actually it's quite easy. you just right click the DVD icon and select copy disc. and if you want to burn an iso, do as Rougue1 says.19:37
PSXmikeru: Thanks19:37
PSXGot it19:37
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mooglenorpharrrghhh: no, a netbook. and I'm using UNR because I assume that the kernel for UNR is different?19:37
mooglenorpharrrghhh: if that's not true, I'll just install server edition on my netbook and install X packages from there, and then the WM that I like19:37
aeon-ltdmooglenorph: it might have a few more modules but i doubt its drastically different19:38
arrrghhhmooglenorph, i don't believe so, the kernels are the same.  same goes for server, unless you're running 64-bit.19:38
ted__lisa__: Do you know about nmap, the port scanner?19:38
Oeradi11, maybe this answes is any help > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8657260&postcount=219:38
qjcghow can i pass an environment variable to program launched via a desktop icon? what i want to do is basically "LC_ALL=C progname"19:38
arrrghhhqjcg, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables19:38
mooglenorphaeon-ltd: is there any changelog or diff or something that I could consult? to see what the differences actually are between UNR and normal ubuntu? because it would be way less hassle to not have to remove this stuff.19:39
qjcgarrrghhh: thanks, checking19:39
banishedqjcg: you can edit the "icon"'s settings19:39
qjcgbanished: right, but putting "LC_ALL progname" in the exec line doesn't work19:39
aeon-ltdmooglenorph: not sure, maybe you should try googling for package lists of each version, though comparing them would take a while19:39
lisa__what is nmap port scanner?19:40
mooglenorphaeon-ltd: yeah, I've been looking at that... I was hoping for a centralized, summary type thing19:40
JackWootis there a difference between apt-get and aptitude?19:40
s5fslisa__, nmap.org19:40
OerJackWoot, yes, aptitude will be removed in the next maverick 10.1019:40
=== APERSON is now known as darkhazard
teunvDJackWoot: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude19:40
Raydiationhm why does vlc quit when i jump to a different position in a video?19:40
arrrghhhs5fs, nmap is in the repo's/19:41
JackWootok thanks19:41
Raydiationmkv issue only19:41
lisa__what am i looking for?19:41
ted__s5fs: That's a confusing site for a beginner...so is man nmap.  Can you just give an example?  I can't... :-(19:41
PSXHey I have a question19:41
s5fsarrrghhh, the question was "what is nmap", i think their website does a pretty good job of explaining what it is.19:41
coz_PSX,  spit it out :)19:42
ted__Flannel: How do I get the .iso to the USB drive?19:42
s5fslisa__, nmap is a port scanner and generally useful tool for scanning networks to identify hosts, etc.19:42
s5fslisa__, what is your interest in nmap?19:42
Rogue1ted__: Unetbootin?19:42
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:42
PSXIs there a program for Live Satellite19:42
qjcganyone? i could create a script specifying the variable, but I'm wondering if it setting an environment variable can be done from within a .desktop file19:43
PSXor is that like19:43
ted__Rogue1: Is it simple, like for one who hasn't done it before?19:43
lisa__im just trying to make a wireless connection to my belkin router19:43
banishedPSX: like in Sattelite TV?19:43
aeon-ltdted__: dd19:43
PSXLike google earth19:43
PSXExept it live19:43
aeon-ltdPSX: you have a satellite?19:44
PSXLOL No19:44
_DGM_satalites and google earth dont have too much in common :P19:44
aeon-ltdPSX: yeah its illegal19:44
ted__OK...which? dd or Unetbootin19:44
PSXI knew that19:44
_DGM_aeon-ltd: not if you pay for the lisence19:44
arrrghhhs5fs, my bad.  damn room moves so fast ;)19:44
aeon-ltdPSX: in most countries heh heh heh19:44
teunvDgoogle earth aren't satalite images, mostly aircraft photographs19:44
ted__aeon-ltd: and what parameters to dd?19:44
PSXIt b cool tho19:44
IledenHi! How can I make sudo not ask for a password when editing rfcomm binds with command "sudo rfcomm bind" and "sudo rfcomm release"? I've tried editing the /etc/sudoers file to set /usr/bin/rfcomm to NOPASSWD but that doesn't seem to work. Then again, I'm not very good with /etc/sudoers... Any ideas how to proceed?19:44
banishedPSX: there are unlikely publicly accessable sattelites and googles images are usually taken by plane19:45
_DGM_google earth is nothing special, nasa had a program exactly like it years before google19:45
aeon-ltdted__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles#Ubuntu do the cli part19:45
PSXCan track down people and your friends and scare them19:45
teunvDIleden why would you want to do that?19:45
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adi11Oer : thanks for the link. i downloaded and put  it on the drivers folder. i will now log out let see if this one works...19:45
coz_Ileden,  no sure what it will do but you could change permissions on the file19:45
mikeruSatellite TV is illegal???!!!19:45
aeon-ltdmikeru: no he meant spy satellites basically19:46
PiciPSX: Please stay on topic, this channel is for Ubuntu support only.19:46
aeon-ltdmikeru: maybe in china19:46
_DGM_mikeru: no, but you need a decoder to watch them. And you need a lisence.. as its not free. So using a decoder without paying would be illegal19:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:46
PSXOk no problem.19:46
IledenteunvD: I have a script I use to connect to net via Phone GPRS, and it requires me to do a rfcomm binding. I would like to be able to run that script without having to type my password every time.19:46
lisa__i guess no knows how to configure a wireless connection on here.19:46
* Potato_ Hates Microsoft.19:46
aeon-ltdIleden: change permissions19:46
_DGM_Potato_: dont be a hater.19:46
teunvDIleden through what user does you phone run the script?19:46
mikeruahh-- sorry but I don't see the connection between spy satellites and ubuntu... how did he get there o_o?19:47
PSXEvery OS isn't perfect.19:47
Iledencoz_: I'm not sure that helps, the /usr/bin/rfcomm is already accessible, but certain actions require sudo rights19:47
FlannelIleden: Adding that command to your sudoers (editing it with visudo) would be the way to go.  Have you seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers19:47
arrrghhhlisa__, what do you mean?  i thought you said you could see your network?  click on it, connect to it...?19:47
mikeruPotato_, *Everyone Hates Microsoft19:47
FlannelIleden: Specifically, the "shutdown without a password" would be immediately relevant19:47
Questinerboio. Am I able to access the TTY consoles from the X11 terminal?19:47
_DGM_microsoft's visual studio is actually one of the best existing ide's.. where linux ide's are seriously lacking19:47
banishedeclipse is not that bad after all19:47
coz_Ileden,   mm then I am not sure   you could try   ##Linux channel   they seem to have a broader base of info across linux19:47
Pici!ot | _DGM_19:47
ubottu_DGM_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:47
lisa__no, it won't connect to the internet19:48
_DGM_eclipse is a horror... and so is java19:48
IledenFlannel: I'm not sure if I've read that, I'll take a look. Thanks!19:48
b3li3v3Hi Lisa, Did you add the HWaddr of your laptop to the router?19:48
lisa__not wirelessly19:48
arrrghhhlisa__, that's real specific.19:48
mikeru_DGM_, it's the best IDE for linux though19:48
_DGM_mikeru: i disagree. I'd rather use codeblocks or vim19:48
Iledencoz_: thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that if I can't get it working here...19:48
_DGM_or anjuta19:48
_DGM_those 3 are all better then eclipse19:48
janickosacarlson: are you here?19:48
ted__aeon-ltd: I have an .iso file; do I need to get an .img file?19:48
mikeru_DGM_, ohhh anjuta is soooooo buggy. I'll never ever use it again.19:49
b3li3v3I basically added it from a working computer19:49
adi11Oer: it didnt work :(19:49
lisa__i don't know what u need to know, iv never used ubuntu19:49
Pici_DGM_, mikeru: #ubuntu is only for support, if you want to chat, feel free to do so  in #ubuntu-offtopic19:49
adi11i am still on 900X69019:49
coz_Ileden,  cool... as I said they may have a broader base of working knowledge19:49
aeon-ltdted__: probably not, but what do you iintend to do with the isos?19:49
Iledenaeon-ltd, coz_ : what should the permissions be? The /usr/bin/rfcomm is owned by root, but it does have global execute rights.19:49
ted__aeon-ltd: install desktop ubuntu 10.0419:50
PSXWhen you move a window near another one it looks as if its riping it. Is this normal?19:50
arrrghhhlisa__, i keep losing you in the mix, so i can't really help you without more info.19:50
coz_Ileden,  that sounds appropriate but I am not sure as I said19:50
lisa__like what info do u need?19:50
banishedPSX: can you take a screenshot of this?19:50
_DGM_PSX: install the compizconfig settings manager. In there you can change all that behaviour really easily19:50
PSXOk thank you.19:50
SinnerSavedhy all19:51
arrrghhhlisa__, since you're not using my name can i PM you?19:51
_DGM_PSX: and it lets you do really cool things like 3D cube desktop and all that sort of thing19:51
aeon-ltdted__: i think ubuntu uses hybrid isos now(can't confirm), but for usb sticks img is reccomended19:51
mikeruPSX: 'sudo apt-get install ccsm' (or software center then search for ccsm install compizconfig settings manager)19:51
ted__aeon-ltd: I'll check it out.19:51
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mikeruPSX: after that, open it, go to General19:51
b3li3v3lisa: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?19:52
mikeruPSX, select tab Display Settings and click Sync to VBlank19:52
xerox1i am trying to play a video dvd on a 64 bit ubuntu 9.10; i can see the copyright warning etc, but not the video itself; on 32 bit i used win32codec & libdvdcss2; what to do?19:52
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=== fatix is now known as yukis
mikeruPSX, if you're using an Nvidia card I'd highly recommend to uncheck Detect Refresh Rate and move the slider to 6019:52
JK3MPPSX: Be sure you don't need proprietary graphics drivers. If so make sure you install and enable them. System > Administration > Hardware Drivers ??19:52
aeon-ltdIleden: wait if its in /usr/bin you can set all users to execute that in the /etc/sudoers file, (edit with visudo)19:53
xerox1normally totem told me, which codecs are missing; not now19:53
PSXYes I am19:53
=== yukis is now known as fatix
mikeruJK3MP, there's no way he would be using compiz otherwise19:53
PSXIt works fine just that with some programs19:53
PSXwhen you drag it19:53
JK3MPmikeru Oh wasn't aware he was using effects. Sorry. lol19:53
PSXit freezes19:53
PSXLIke it lags19:53
mikeruPSX, did you even look at my explanation?19:53
Potato_Why use a GUI?19:53
lisa__i am using the 10.04 version19:53
Potato_Terminals dont lag.19:54
PSXIm trying19:54
IledenFlannel: I have the NOPASSWD definition set for /usr/bin/rfcomm as the link suggests, so unfortunately no help :(19:54
PSXNot the terminals19:54
aeon-ltdPotato_: but framebuffers do lag19:54
Potato_I know19:54
ted__aeon-ltd: .img files are for the netbook-armel processors.19:54
b3li3v3Lisa: Try this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/connecting-wireless.html19:54
ascheelDoes Ubuntu periodically clean out /tmp?  If so, what process handles it?19:54
ted__lisa__: Good version ;)19:54
aeon-ltdted__: ok, use the iso then19:54
b3li3v3Lisa: This is the basic guide.19:55
banishedascheel: every time you boot it gets emptied19:55
econdudeawesomeHowdy! How do I open multiple tabs in a tty shell?19:55
Iledenaeon-ltd: I've tried setting NOPASSWD for it in /etc/sudoers, but it doesn't work19:55
azuma #ubuntu-it19:55
ascheelbanished: Thanks.  :)  Do you know what process handles it?19:55
ZolI'm trying to setup VNC on my local network at home.19:55
ZolI've installed x11vnc, I use the guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC#Guide to example scenarios19:55
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: use screen19:55
ted__aeon-ltd: What are/were the dd parameters?19:55
well_laid_lawn1info screen | econdudeawesome19:56
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: what does that mean? I can't--gui is broken, can't fix (that's my next problem to address)19:56
well_laid_lawn!info screen | econdudeawesome19:56
ubottuecondudeawesome: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 595 kB, installed size 1016 kB19:56
sabyhow can i extract split archives in ubuntu19:56
xanguaascheel: every 30 days i believe19:56
ascheelxangua: Thanks.  :)19:56
FlannelIleden: try adding this in there: ileden ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rfcomm19:56
ZolI've started x11vnc with the command "x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0", it says The VNC desktop is:      localhost:1, PORT=590119:56
PSXOh I am soo dumb I didn't activate the drivers.19:56
ZolBut the guide says I should use port 5900?19:56
ZolShould I use 5901 instead?19:56
FlannelIleden: and then save it (remember to edit with visudo), and then sudo -k (to clear your cached password) and then `sudo rfcomm`19:57
sabyhow can i extract split archives in ubuntu19:57
jk_ascheel: it's in RAM, not on disk, so goes away automagically when you reboot19:57
Jordan_Usaby: Do you mean files that have been split with the terminal utility "split"?19:57
andrew__is this the supprort channel for karmic koala?19:57
Flannelandrew__: Yes19:57
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: So I'm giving #lubuntu a try, but I have more of a GNOME questions. What happens if gdm and gnome-desktop-settings "breaks"? As in, won't fully install on an upgrade?19:57
banishedjk_: /tmp/ isn't mapped to ram, that'd be a huge waste19:58
xerox1no one watching video dvds on 9.10 & 64 bit?19:58
ted__Flannel: You're back!  aeon-ltd suggested dd to transfer the .iso to the USB drive.  Can you tell me what parameters to use?  Or Unetbootin.19:58
econdudeawesomexerox1: try VLC and make sure you have the codecs installed19:58
sabyJordan_U, rar files with extension .r00, .r01..... .r1319:58
ascheeljk_: So it's using a ramdisk?  Thank you.19:58
PSXThanks for the help. :)19:58
jk_banished: isn't that where type tmpfs lives?19:58
andrew__is there a wlaay to get google chrome on karmic koa19:58
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: you can to try and remove them then install ubuntu-desktop again19:58
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: is there any way to fix the packages? Aptitude, dpkg and apt-get all give me crazy errors19:58
xerox1econdudeawesome, if you could tell me which codecs i would do a happy-dance!19:58
Jordan_Usaby: I believe file roller ("archive manager") can deal with them but I've never tried myself.19:59
Jordan_U!rar | saby19:59
ubottusaby: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:59
econdudeawesome:-) xerox1 I'm not fully sure--I usually just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package and leave it at that19:59
ted__lisa__: Unless the Belkin is an older model, it seems as though it should 'just work'.  Perhaps the drivers are not present/working.  Someone else will have to help you with that.  Just a thought.19:59
econdudeawesomexerox1: vlc works fine for me after that in 9.10 x6419:59
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: does   sudo apt-get install -f   do anything?19:59
xpuseris it necessary to encrypt your /home to secure your computer?19:59
IledenFlannel: that's pretty much what I have there, but I'll try that exactly19:59
sabythank you :)19:59
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: sudo apt-get install -f <packages> then? Let me give it a shot20:00
xerox1econdudeawesome, ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version...20:00
stackhi , what theme provides the standard black ubuntu theme?20:00
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: try it with no packages first20:00
Flannelted__: The same method you used for your server install should work just fine.20:00
xpuseris it necessary to encrypt your /home to secure your computer? why is there c code keep appearing in my home directory?20:00
stackerhm , what package20:00
ted__Flannel: I used a DVD.20:00
stacknot theme20:00
prowerhello :> for anyone who's used to building packages -- is there a way to specify to dpkg-buildpackage that you want all files to be installed to /usr/local rather than the default /usr? or is that done another way?20:01
Mattheshello, i have nearly no sound at my ubuntu 10.4 system20:01
ted__Flannel: So, write the iso to a cd and boot from that, then?20:01
IledenFlannel: btw, what's the deal with editing with visudo? I did accidentally edit the file with "sudo nano" once, can this cause the problem (I have rebooted since)20:01
Flannelted__: Ah, and no more discs?  Alternate/Server CDs and USBs aren't straightforward.20:01
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: will do20:01
Flannelted__: That's the most reliable method, yes.20:01
adi11hi. is there anyone familiar with sis graphics cards in ubuntu?20:01
ted__Flannel: I have DVDs and a DVD writer.20:01
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: I get a dpkg error status 220:01
Flannelted__: that'll work just fine20:02
adi11i mean  resolution problems with sis20:02
ted__Flannel: ...and a command line... no fancy GUI for the appliance operators.20:02
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: there would have been errors mentioned earlier in the output20:02
FlannelIleden: visudo does a syntax check on the file when you save it.  A single syntax error can render you unable to sudo, so having that extra layer of protection is a good idea :)20:02
xerox1dvd-error:  dvdnav demux error: cannot set title (can't decrypt DVD?)20:02
FlannelIleden: visudo isnt an editor, its a wrapper around your default editor that does the syntax cehcking (and calls your editor)20:03
Matthesxerox1: I think I have similar problems, but I couldn't fix it20:03
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: yes20:03
IledenFlannel: makes sense :)20:03
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: im in tty shell and pretty unfamiliar with it--not sure how to cut for a pastebin via elinks20:03
Matthesxerox1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs20:04
janickocould i have help to set up my wireless router? It is recognized, even it say it is connected, but i am not able to go on internet...20:04
well_laid_lawn!pastebinit | econdudeawesome20:04
ubottuecondudeawesome: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:04
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: aptitude reports a broken package... how to fix?20:04
Parmenideshi everybody20:05
coz_Parmenides,  hey guy20:05
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: the   sudo apt-get install -f   command is supposed to do that20:05
Parmenidesi would like to know if anybody knows how to install in a 2Gb microsd card an Ubuntu, in order to install afterwards ros (robot operating system)20:06
IledenFlannel: Well, well, it seems that your line works! I apparently had some mistake. :) Thanks a lot!20:06
sierranevadanapt-get install ipython is somehow depending on X11 now. Can I install ipython with apt and tell it not to install things that require X11?20:06
banishedIs it possible to get a list of all packages that would be downloaded by a upgrade between two ubuntu versions?20:06
xerox1Matthes, thx, i think if done everything of that; maybe i'll do a really old windows trick: rebooting...let's see20:06
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econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: it wont...20:07
FlannelIleden: If you want to give more users the ability, you'll want to substitute out your username for a group (per that page) with all of the users in it20:07
qjcganyone know how I can set an environment variable in a .desktop file?20:07
Flannelbanished: Sure, but not in a single line (well, unless you just make it one long line with a few commands in it)20:07
banishedParmenides: what do you mean by 'install in a microsd card'?20:07
banishedFlannel: what would I do?20:08
IledenFlannel: not necessary, I'm the only user of the computer. Thanks, though.20:08
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: I don't know what to do when that command doesn't work sorry - someone else will20:08
Parmenidesi would like to have Ubuntu installed in a microsd card, literally. It's for a quadcopter, and people has asked me to have it. It should be able to boot, of course20:08
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coz_qjcg,  what do you want to change ?20:08
banishedParmenides: which CPU does the target use?20:09
Jordan_UParmenides: You can use unetbootin to make a bootable microsd card with Ubuntu.20:09
Flannelbanished: make sure you're completely up to date (which is what you want to do before any version change): sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, then edit your sources.list to be the next version (this is only temporary, we'll be moving this back later), then sudo apt-get update to fetch the info, then sudo apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade (then revert the changes in your sources.list and do another sudo apt-get update)20:09
Flannelbanished: That'll give you an idea (probably around 99.5% accurate) of what you'd get if you used update-manager to upgrade20:10
Arcidiashi all20:10
banishedFlannel: ah, thank you20:10
Jordan_Ubanished: Such a list is presented to you before you commit to the upgrade, though in a GUI rather than a text file.20:10
aeon-ltdted__: did you read the page i linked you?20:11
janickocould i have help to set up my wireless router? It is recognized, even it say it is connected, but i am not able to go on internet...20:12
aeon-ltdted__: google for dd iso to usb ubuntu20:12
mfraz74janicko: are you able to connect to the router's setup page?20:12
kJunikszhello, someone has installed OSX in Virtualbox?20:13
OerkJuniksz, is is not legal to do that :(20:13
Matthesxerox1: does it work?20:13
xerox1Matthes, yes; restarted was missing ;)20:14
janickomfraz74: what you mean? On internet?20:14
banishedOer: that's only true for the USA20:14
* xerox1 is doing a happy-dance20:14
hareldvdwhich package do I need to install to enable postgres dblink?20:14
dri245question please. i installed a wine program. i uninstalled it after. yet, it still shows up in my start menu, under the wine programs. how can i remove it from there as well? it's just shortcuts that need to be deleted but i have no idea how to get in there20:14
xpuseris it necessary to encrypt your /home to secure your computer? why is there c code keep appearing in my home directory?20:14
kJunikszOer: if it isn't legal, why can i found an OS option?20:14
xerox1Matthes, thx :)20:15
MatthesI did nearly nothing hehe20:15
OerkJuniksz, check the UELA20:15
banisheddri245: right click on Applications->Edit menue and remove the shortcuts there20:15
mfraz74janicko: no, the router should display a page on your web browser if you enter it's IP address20:15
Matthesbut my dvd drive is still not working what an irony20:15
dri245thanks banished20:15
Flannelxpuser: Depends on your definition of "secure".  There shouldn't be random code appearing in your homedir, are you sure you're not accidentally putting it there?20:15
dri245i knew that but i'm just too dumb. thanks a lot :)20:15
Arcidiasjanicko: your wireless router's config page should be something like
xpuserFlannel lol no...... I think it is coming from browser20:16
Arcidiastype it in a browser20:16
coz_qjcg,  did you get an answer to your question?20:16
janicko mfraz74: no it didn't20:16
banishedjanicko: do you have a manual for the router?20:16
kJunikszOer: and can i try somehow that system? i am very curious20:16
mfraz74can you ping the router?20:16
qjcgcoz_: i think i answered it myself! "Exec=bash -c 'LC_ALL=C command ...' "20:17
ted__Flannel: I only have dd; I cannot install wodim or genisoimage because of the process-halting errors.20:17
coz_qjcg, ah ok20:17
qjcgcoz_: thanks for following up!20:17
coz_qjcg,  I was wondering if you could open that in gedit as well and set variables20:17
ted__Flannel: Or am I barking up the wrong tree?20:17
qjcgcoz_: what do you mean exactly?20:17
coz_qjcg,   just that I was wondering if a .desktop file could be opened in gedit to cahnge variables  let me check20:18
qjcgcoz_: most definitely20:18
Mattheshelp! I have no sound details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9716702#post971670220:18
thune3ascheel: for my own edification I looked this one up: for Lucid, /tmp cleaning is handled by init (boot) script /etc/init/mounted-tmp.conf (from mountall package) , and uses TMPTIME variable defined in /etc/default/rcS (specified in days), to determine what should be cleaned.20:18
EddieV113in anjuta how do i compile and run some code just for debugging without installing it?20:18
EddieV113and im coding in c++20:18
qjcgcoz_: my problem was just to do with a specific bash *environment variable*20:18
janickobanished: yep, but not runable under ubuntu. I was able to install it, it also showing that is working on iwconfig.20:19
coz_qjcg,  oh ok   understood then :)20:19
trumeecan some guru explain me this http://pastebin.com/p4F6g0p220:19
Flannelted__: What process-halting errors?  Your apt-get ones?20:19
trumeewhy doesnt that driver compile20:19
ted__Flannel: yes.20:19
trumeemake[1]: *** No rule to make target `modules'. Stop.20:20
Rogue1janicko: which model router is it? And have you identified it's IP address from ifconfig?20:20
janicko banished: i also had advice to install Wicd but it still didn't help20:20
ted__Flannel: pages of them before it errors out.20:20
banishedjanicko: isn't it just a pdf or some printed sheet of paper that explains how to set it up?20:20
trumeemake[1]: Leaving directory `/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/build'20:20
Arcidiastrumee: check your dependencies20:20
youtubesalut danis est tu la20:20
ascheelthune3: You are a scholar and a gentleman!  :)20:20
danicoui jean-sebastien20:20
Flannelted__: Hmm.  And you can't just install genisoimage (as oppoesd to trying to install a full desktop, etc)  (it happens on any package?)20:21
danicComment va tu ?20:21
danicASV SVP?20:21
youtubeça vas pas pire et toi20:21
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:21
banished!es | youtube20:21
ubottuyoutube: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:21
janickoRogue1:It is Belkin F6D4230 and i didn't but i try now20:21
Aemaethhow do i get ubuntu to say "Exterminate!" in daleks ?20:22
janickobanished: actually it wasn't it was whole aplication whta done it itself whole lot20:22
Rogue1janicko, if you go onto ifconfig you should have a gateway(?) address, which should be the IP address of your router - shove it into your browser, and see what happens?20:22
trumeeArcidias: there are no dependencies. it is a wireless driver20:22
xanguathat's not spanish banished :S20:22
cablopi'm pretty annoyed with a linux feature20:23
ted__Flannel: It seems to happen with every package I've tried to install.20:23
Rogue1janicko: manual is availabe in PDF form from http://www.belkin.com/support/product/?lid=en&pid=F6D4230-4&scid=22120:23
cablopi DON'T want to paste text on middle click!!!! how can i disable this "feature" but NOT DISABLING the middle click?20:23
ted__Flannel: Is `dd' a possibility?20:23
Flannelted__: Hmm, that's troublesome.  Can you stick it on a USB and sneakernet it to another computer to burn?20:23
Flannelted__: Not onto a CD20:23
ted__Flannel: Well, we DO have a Windows computer... :-~20:24
banishedcablop: in firefox or in general?20:24
Flannelted__: That'll work.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto  Has some free ISO burning tools for windows20:24
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: Finally got it to work. I'm running lubuntu and there was an error in the upgrade of lxdm and lubuntu-default-settings packages. I deleted /etc/alternatives/lxdm.conf and it worked out20:25
ted__Flannel: Thanks.  This was instead of ``Windows?  Work'' In the same sentence???20:25
janickoRogue1: i done it but it won't show ip or gateaway adresss20:25
jamesq2i have an issue with hcitool scan not finding any of my devices20:25
jamesq2lsusb shows Bus 006 Device 003: ID 413c:8140 Dell Computer Corp. Wireless 360 Bluetooth20:25
Rogue1janicko, have you considered resetting your router to factory defaults?20:26
jamesq2hcitool dev20:26
jamesq2but hcitool scan just hangs20:26
jamesq2had been working but then just quit20:26
well_laid_lawnecondudeawesome: well done :] - I would never have known to do that20:26
jamesq2any idea?20:26
cablopbanished: in general20:26
severnayahello, im trying to go to init level 3 but it's not working. i typed "init 3" and "telinit 3" command and nothing happened20:27
emericaIn a terminal is there a keyboard shortcut that will bring the pointer to the beginning of a command?  I dont want to hold the arrow key to send the pointer back through the whole command, takes forever,  any ideas?20:27
janickoRogue1: you mean by pressing reset button on router? Already done, but could try again20:27
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: luck, my friend, and backing up the file before I removed it20:28
Aemaethemerica home?20:28
econdudeawesomewell_laid_lawn: but now it's in the logs, so hopefully when this error is repeated someone can find it20:28
econdudeawesomenow to restart end ensure it works...20:28
emericaAmaeth ; Wicked thanks!20:29
Rogue1janicko, try holding it down (or if it's a reset button  in a pin-hole, put a paperclip in) and hold it down for, say, over ten seconds -- should reset everything20:29
EddieV113wtf why is anjuta running "Hello word" script instead of my program i have open and compiled?20:29
DUEDAHLis it possible to manage your ubuntu servers (ssh) through ubuntu-landscape?20:29
Rogue1janicko, do you know which version of the router you have? 1xx, 2xx or 3xx?20:29
OerEddieV113, fix it ?20:30
EddieV113Oer, how?20:30
Aemaethwow, i got a mp3 for "Silent" sound effects, like "Man watches television with volume set to 0"20:30
EddieV113Oer, my program doesn't even have hello world in it20:30
AemaethEddieV113, are you maybe compiling into one file and running another location without copying the file?20:31
sharperguyHow do I restart hal in 10.04?20:31
OerEddieV113, hello world is the standard graphical example  when you install anjuta , so your20:32
janickoRogue1: 1xx And I'm after finding out that i am not able to open that manual becouse of some error :-(20:32
sometuxHow to enable bluetooth on my Acer laptop?20:33
Aemaethi was really happy i could get Neverhood to run in wine20:34
EddieV113Oer so the program i just compiled adn it said it compiled is not getting run when i click execute, why?20:34
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banishedsometux: is there some switch/button?20:35
OerEddieV113, maybe you are missing components, i'm not sure, the basic sample 'hello world' should work fine.20:35
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cablopbanished? any ideA?20:36
sarah32hi i have other problem i can boot lucid normally but when i try to connect to internet using wicd 1.7 and i press connect systme freeze and i need to restart i tried many times and it doesnt work everyth=ime im trying to connect to internet wicd freeze lucid i cant use network manager cuz i uninstakkled it and now i would need to download under windows all lib network mgr applet etc to much trouble what are other options to connect to in20:36
sarah32ternet in lucid ? are there other programs clients i could use ?20:36
banishedcablop: not really, it's probably possible but I never felt the need to disable it - why does it bother you?20:37
Kagai have a problem, when i login ubuntu tells me that power manager needs to close before i LOG OUT and this error message appears everytime20:37
canthus13sarah32: Can you connect direct to your router via ethernet?20:37
sometuxbanished, no20:37
Kagai dont even need power manager on my desktop20:37
panozzajanyone care to help with a webcam problem?20:38
banishedsarah32: are you using ethernet or wifi?20:38
sometuxbanished, on windows its activated by acer software20:38
sarah32<canthus13> didnt tried20:38
cablopbanished i just use middle click to autoscroll on webbrowsers and to activate windows without throwing any other event, just gaining focus on them and nothing more20:38
sarah32i use wifi20:38
sometuxbanished, you know the problem!!!20:38
canthus13sarah32: Try that and see if you can get online.20:38
banishedsometux: paste lspci -k and lsusb20:38
canthus13sarah32: If you can, then you can reinstall network-manager20:39
banished!paste | sometux20:39
cablopi just middle click on the text area to switch windows faster20:39
ubottusometux: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:39
cablopand... my wrist use to pain too much if i need to do too much mouse movement20:39
Aemaethcablop, you have a point, i don't ever remember linux doing that20:39
EddieV113is there something easier to use than anjuta?20:39
Aemaethbut there's gotta be someone who has fixed this20:39
cablopso it's a very importabnt thing to me to avoid moving the mouse20:39
sarah32<canthus13>  i know:) are there other clients in ubuntu i could use to connect to internet?20:39
manfredhave two cdrom-drives installed. both serial. one is sr0 = reader and one is sr1 = writer. the writer works fine. however I can't get the reader working properly. it opens and closes immediately again. I used setcd, however no success.anybody got any idea how to correct this?20:39
brontosso, anyone see issues pasting from gvim to openoffice docs?20:40
Aemaethyou need a camera to record your eye movements for moving mouse and clicking20:40
brontosright now I have to paste to gedit then to oo20:40
sarah32wicd network mgr anything else?20:40
Aemaethcablop, so what would you call that pointer feature?20:40
cablopand if that "feature" annoys me, being just a normal healthy guy, i think this is a real pain to some people with disabilities20:40
banishedsometux: what do you mean?20:40
Manfred-Hi there, which mp3/FLAC devices sync best with amarok ?20:40
cablopwell... i'll call the no-event middle click or the CUSTOM-event-middle click20:41
Aemaethlike, i'd like to help you google around for a fix, but it's like a middle-mouse scroll?20:41
cablopwell, let me think20:42
ghisen|homeHi i have a P7P55D ASUS motherboard... with a Realtek® 8112L networkcard... on a fresh installation i hade no network.. was suggested to install the drivers from realteaks homepage... r8168-8.018.00.tar.bz2 and i did... and it worked.. but now i only have 10mbit network instead of 1gbit... any ideas how to fix this?20:42
sometuxbanished, http://paste.ubuntu.com/477593/20:42
cablopin google i found it as "middle-click paste"20:42
shaullxi can record myself on the sound recorder but no one hears me on Teamspeak3 can someone help?20:42
lap_dragonwill steam work with ubuntu?20:42
banishedcablop: well, for scrolling just go to about:config in firefox and set autoscroll to true20:43
Aemaethcablop, http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=middle+mouse+click+scroll+in+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-820:43
cablopand they say there's no way to disable it, except to fully disabling the middle click... and i use the middle click more than the doiuble click, so to disable the middle click is not an option20:43
DUEDAHLis it possible to manage your ubuntu servers (ssh) through ubuntu-landscape?20:43
cablopbanished, yes, that solves the problem for me in just firefox20:43
Aemaethbanished, so it's called autoscroll?20:43
sometuxbanished, http://paste.ubuntu.com/477594/20:43
cablopnot chrome, not opera, not seamoneky and a big amount of others :(20:43
Aemaeththat does help with firefox20:44
Aemaeththanks banished20:44
banishedcablop: well, there is a plugin for chrome that does that…20:44
cablopbut... what i want is to not to paste garbage in my code20:44
sometuxbanished, the problem is the bluetooth have to be activated first before the kernel can detect it.20:45
shaullxi can record myself on the sound recorder but no one hears me on Teamspeak3 can someone help?20:45
cablopi really switch windows faster and i'm willing to avoid having the pain on my wristles again i had this year before...20:45
ciphersson1has any one got Star Trek online running properly in wine on Ubuntu? i tried play on linux also but to no avail. I have a intel i7 920 with a nvidia GTX 260 with 8gb of ddr3 ram20:45
EddieV113geany is a million times easier, it worked first time20:45
jgcampbell300hello again20:46
banishedsometux: hm, can you activate it in BIOS?20:46
sometuxbanished, I tried to use acerhotkey which is packaged by ubuntu as source code to compile but with no luck20:46
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Aemaethgrep-v *20:47
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sometuxbanished, no option in BIOS for activating bluetooth device20:47
banishedciphersson1: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1096920:47
banishedsometux: what model is your laptop?20:48
sometuxbanished, acer travelmate 4052lci20:48
jgcampbell300I am in need of more advice, I am setting up 2 small computers to run as DNS servers, they are not tall boxes at all. both 1G 512M ram 30G HD 10/100/1000 . I am trying to figure out if that is enough resources to run the DNS's and if I can spare the resources to maybe install diffrent stuff on them like maybe a sql server on one and a web server on other ... you know stuff like that20:49
trumeeguys, how do i install kernel-source, i did apt-get install source and i have a .tar.bz2 in /usr/src20:49
trumeebut not sure whether this is the right kernel for the system.20:50
jgcampbell300this is a local network for testing so besides me and maybe a friend or two the usage should not be to hard20:50
sometuxbanished, I suppose there must be an option in /sys to enable or disable the device, and that what acerhotkey does20:50
jgcampbell300oh there both using ubuntu server 1.0420:50
trumeeuname is Linux joggler 2.6.31-20-generic #58 SMP Wed Apr 14 02:29:59 CEST 2010 i686 GNU/Linux20:50
trumeehow do i get the correct kernel for this?20:50
* Mogga is struggling with kerberized nfs... unmatched host. Looking for a nudge in the right direction.20:50
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Aemaethjgcampbell300, yea, as long as you get it all setup i'm not sure why you couldn't20:51
dri245what can i use as an alternative for daemon tools, please?20:51
dri245i have .iso files i need to use.20:51
ZykoticK9!iso | dri24520:51
ubottudri245: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:51
Aemaethnever setup a dns before, but the webserver is easy20:51
trumeealso, where should /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/build point to?20:51
dri245thanks ZykoticK920:51
dri245let me try20:52
trumeei dont know nothing about ubuntu (more of a gentoo guy)20:52
Aemaeththat's a double negative :(20:52
jgcampbell300ya i was just wonder if 512M ram is going to do it for the DNS and sql ... other box DNS2 webserver20:52
Moggahas anyone had succcess with kerberos and nfs on 10.04? i'm stuck... "unmatched host"20:52
henkpoleyI'm seeing 50% ICMP ping packetloss over my rt73 supported wireless USB stick. Anybody there to help me debug this a bit? (nothing in dmesg)20:52
dri245ZykoticK9, what do i put for mountpoint?20:52
ZykoticK9dri245, anything you want.  /mnt would work.20:53
janickorogue: it didn't work20:53
Picitrumee: Have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile yet?20:53
distant2are opentype fonts usable in ubuntu?20:53
jacob_I've been using ubuntu desktop for a few years now. I work at godaddy.com and have been using godaddy shared hosting for a while, now I want to use ubuntu server and host my site myself. Is there a control panel I can install on ubuntu server to make management of DNS and email a little easier?20:53
dri245and in ISO-filename i put the whole path? or do i just go in the path folder first, before doing the mount command?20:53
trumeePici: thanks for the link, checking it out20:53
Aemaethjgcampbell300, i had a rackmounted server with 512 it was good for apache, mysql, also torrents20:53
ZykoticK9dri245, path obsolue or relative, of the ISO yes.20:54
Rogue1janicko, did it not reset the router to factory defaults? if that's the case, plugging direct into the router ONLY should allow you to ifconfig and identify the router's IP address (will most likely be  acting as a DHCP server)20:54
dri245thanks, trying now20:54
RainRainnew to ubuntu - trying to uninstall an app - its not listed in the ubuntu software centre under installed apps - any help appreciated20:54
well_laid_lawnjacob_: if noone here knows someone in #ubuntu-server might20:54
fcuk112anyone got experience with freebsd, wonder how 8.1 compares to ubuntu?  i am setting up an old pc as a simple fileserver and am wondering whether i should try freebsd for fun.20:54
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jgcampbell300Aemaeth; thanks ... i guess I should be fine then ... these are not hot computers but its not like the work load will be very high on them20:54
ZykoticK9RainRain, was it an app you installed with Software Center/Synaptic/or Apt?20:54
Aemaethjgcampbell300, xubuntu takes slightly less ram for install anyway, so if you're saving up megahurtz that might be worth a try, although i never observed a noticable change20:54
fcuk112one thing that turns me off is that i read the boot time for freebsd is 30 sec.  is that still the case with 8.1?20:55
RainRainit was installed via terminal20:55
jacob_well_laid_lawn: thanks20:55
well_laid_lawnnp :]20:55
ZykoticK9RainRain, how did you install it?  was it a source compile?  or binary?20:55
janickoRogue1: it did restart, but that's it. I am still not able to connect on internet...20:55
jgcampbell300ok thanks for the advice ... and about the sql ... I should not have a problem running all of these servers on different boxes should i ?20:55
MatthesI still have no sound20:55
dri245ZykoticK9, i went into the path of the image and did "sudo mount -o loop D154NP.daa /mnt", the result was mount: you must specify the filesystem type20:56
RainRainZykoticK9, not sure - it's called toggl - i followed the instructions on their site - i didnt compile anything i dont think20:56
Matthesbut I found out that when I play sound, the gnome sound recorder's sound level goes up20:56
Aemaethidk sql i hate that stuff, glorified xml20:56
Matthesso I think there is a software loop between output and input without hardware in between20:56
arrrghhhRainRain, i don't think daa image files are supported in linux... you *may* have to convert it to an ISO.20:56
Rogue1I know you wont' be able to connect to the internet. you have a separate modem plugged into it, correct?20:57
ZykoticK9dri245, .daa is that an ISO?20:57
RainRainarrrghhh, not sure what you're talking about at all ??20:57
arrrghhhRainRain, .daa files i don't believe are supported image files.  you're trying to mount a .daa file as a disc image, no?20:57
jgcampbell300well i am off to see if i crash all my computers or not lol ... thank you all for your advice20:57
ZykoticK9RainRain, i'm sorry you'd need to revisit that same website and see if they have uninstall instructions... best of luck.20:57
RainRainarrrghhh, think you have me mixed up with someone else20:58
RainRainZykoticK9, thanks will do20:58
jgcampbell300oh ... one more question ... would i use open ssh to work on my headless servers or is there a more secure way ?20:58
arrrghhhRainRain, i apologize you are correct :D20:58
Aemaethcomputers were built to be crashed, like they told Galileo "You can't do that to a toilet!"20:58
shaullxsound recorder can record me but i can't use my mic in teamspeak, please help me20:58
dri245nop. sorry. then what do i use for .daa?20:58
RainRainarrrghhh, no worries20:58
arrrghhhdri245, you're the guy.  i don't think .daa files are supported in linux.  you'll probably have to convert the file to an iso.20:59
=== DonSpice is now known as aperson
Jordan_Udri245: Try right clicking it and see if there is an "Open with archive mounter" option, if not then you'll need to use a tool like daa2iso to convert it to an iso file first.20:59
RainRainZykoticK9, can i ask though - is there not a standard way of uninstalling an app that was installed via terminal - i used sudo get-app or something ?20:59
babu__is there any applcn to send text mess to phone..20:59
dri245ok, thanks20:59
ZykoticK9dri245, if this is an audio cd you wan't be able to convert that to an ISO i'm affraid - you MIGHT be able to convert to bin/cue - but not so easy to mount20:59
jgcampbell300sudo apt-get remove appname21:00
ZykoticK9RainRain, "sudo apt-get remove foo" only applies to things you installed with apt-get, not manually installed stuff.21:00
AndrewMCbabu__: Look in the synaptic package manager21:00
RainRainZykoticK9, i dont think i manually installed it though ?? -  i had to type in about 3 commands into terminal21:01
babu__wat to type for searching21:01
ZykoticK9RainRain, link to instructions you used?21:01
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ZykoticK9!away > q_a_z_steve21:01
ubottuq_a_z_steve, please see my private message21:01
distant2are opentype fonts usable in ubuntu?21:02
jgcampbell300is open ssh the most secure "best" way to work with my servers ?21:02
q_a_z_steveZykoticK9: will do21:02
dri245and how do you unmount an .iso?21:02
ZykoticK9jgcampbell300, probably21:02
RainRainZykoticK9, https://www.toggl.com/public/widgets21:02
ZykoticK9!iso | dri245 second time ;)21:02
ubottudri245 second time ;): To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:02
Jordan_Udri245: sudo umount /mountpoint21:03
dri245ya, i mean UNmount :)21:03
ZykoticK9RainRain, "sudo apt-get remove toggl-desktop"21:03
Jinxed-So my aunt has a virus on her usb stick and I had an idea, and i wanted to know if it would work. I was planning on burning the ubuntu live cd, booting it up plugging in the usb drive, copying the files she needs  Then I want to reformat the usb drive and completly wipe it out (any advice on how to do that would be appreciated) then download the filess21:03
RainRainZykoticK9, thanks21:03
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FlannelJinxed-: That would work.  Assuming the virus wasn't piggybacking on any of the files (macroviruses or what have you)21:04
Aemaethso, i wrote a quick dash script that mirrors images on 7chan, makes me feel like a hero21:04
Jinxed-Flannel, any other suggestions on a safer way to get the virus off her usb driver?21:04
FlannelJinxed-: That's certainly the safest21:05
ghisen|homeHi i have a P7P55D ASUS motherboard... with a Realtek® 8112L networkcard... on a fresh installation i hade no network.. was suggested to install the drivers from realteaks homepage... r8168-8.018.00.tar.bz2 and i did... and it worked.. but now i only have 10mbit network instead of 1gbit... any ideas how to fix this?21:05
jgcampbell300oh thats strange ... i just installed ubuntu 10.04 server on two computers just alike in hardware and the first info loged in says on one computer 61 processes and the other is 65 processes lol thats strange21:05
AemaethJinxed-, sounded good, i would scan it with clamAV or totalvirus.com before you moved it to a vulnerable system21:06
Aemaethlike, remember when sony put those rootkits on their cd's for win users?21:07
IVerbNounsI wish I had iTunes & a stable internet connection.21:07
babu__is there any applcn to send text mess to phone..21:08
Aemaethbabu__, do a syrch in synaptic for sms21:09
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nanotubehey, how can i stop thunderbird from eating cpu all the time? tb2 didn't use to do that...21:11
etrnlTrying to install server edition 10.04 and keep getting debootstrapping errors while trying to install the base system21:12
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etrnlits not one or two files, it's pretty much half the installation files21:12
Guest76236"i686-pc-linux-gnu failed"  Any help??21:13
Nexus1etrnl: Already tried burning it again at a slow speed?21:13
etrnlNexus1, three different disks21:13
splnetI'm trying to install ubuntu on a macpro intel with no cdrom. Any pointers?21:13
etrnlwell 2, about to burn three21:13
etrnlsplnet, bootable usb21:13
etrnlthere's a guide on the site21:13
Rogue1enquiry: in-built burning only allows me to go as low as 10x on my external DVD-RW drive, but the drive's maximum speed is 8x?21:13
=== Guest76236 is now known as intrusion
intrusion"i686-pc-linux-gnu failed"  Any help??21:14
splnetetrnl: I have a bootable usb but, I can't get the mac to boot off of it.21:14
OzoneNerdI have an Inspiron 17r with a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.4.  The internal speakers work fine, but when I plug in headphones, they go mute and no sound comes out of the headphones.  Any advice?21:14
Oerintrusion, can you give more info ?21:14
Aemaethcan macs netboot?21:14
etrnlNexus1, i havent tried burning at a lower speed, but havent had a problem in the past with other cds21:14
shirtlessOzoneNerd: are they regular headphones or USB?21:15
splnetetrnl: it doesn't show the usb device as an option21:15
Rogue1Aemaeth, yes.21:15
shirtlessOzoneNerd: did they work before with another OS?21:15
Aemaeththen that might have to be his answer if no cd/usb21:15
OzoneNerdshirtless: Standard audio jack.  The hardware is functional.21:15
Rogue1Aemaeth: hold down Option (Alt) when booting, and you'll have the choice to boot from hard drive, and any available optical drives or netboots?21:15
shirtlessOzoneNerd: do you have a headphone jack in the front and back of your computer (ie) one direct to the sound card? Have you tried *both* jacks21:15
ThqrmtAUDIO PROBLEM: application wide; internet radio site and rythmbox disply same issue; ISSUE: clicking play does not move "time cursor" or play and sound. time cursor is moveable with the mouse but will not play sound and not move from the position to which you set it. again this is application wide21:15
ghisen|homeHi i have a P7P55D ASUS motherboard... with a Realtek® 8112L networkcard... on a fresh installation i hade no network.. was suggested to install the drivers from realteaks homepage... r8168-8.018.00.tar.bz2 and i did... and it worked.. but now i only have 10mbit network instead of 1gbit... any ideas how to fix this?21:15
Aemaethmicro splnet rogue1 told you21:16
intrusionOer  "error: /bin/bash ./config.sub =i686-pc-linux-gnu failed" i'm trying to setup AVR libc, but when i run the configure command (with options) it just gives me that21:16
etrnlsplnet, probably not formatted with a GUID partition table21:16
OzoneNerdshirtless: There is only one audio jack on the side of my laptop.21:16
shirtlessOzoneNerd: have you checked all the volume settings in preferences?21:17
shirtlessOzoneNerd: try running alsamixer as well21:17
splnetetrnl: hmm maybe so. I used usb-creator-gtk21:17
OzoneNerdshirtless: I ran alsamixer and gave every volume setting a 50% or so.  The problem persisted.21:17
Jordan_Usplnet: It's a bug in Apple's BIOS implementation.21:17
splnetetrnl: is there a trick to it?21:17
etrnlsplnet, http://support.apple.com/kb/HT194821:17
Oerintrusion, did you install install build-essential ?21:17
D-coyI have a blackberry curve (rulz!) but my ubuntu 10.04 no found the device T_T, any idea?21:17
intrusionOer yup i tried that, but still didn't work21:18
shirtlessOzoneNerd: lspci for your sound card and google the name of it with linux or ubuntu linux21:18
shirtlessOzoneNerd: see if anyone has had the same issue21:18
shirtlessOzoneNerd: if not, i'd file a bug.21:18
OzoneNerdshirtless: On it.21:18
ghisen|homeHi i have a P7P55D ASUS motherboard... with a Realtek® 8112L networkcard... on a fresh installation i hade no network.. was suggested to install the drivers from realteaks homepage... r8168-8.018.00.tar.bz2 and i did... and it worked.. but now i only have 10mbit network instead of 1gbit... any ideas how to fix this?21:18
splnetetrnl: trouble is I already have ubuntu installed.. any idea how to format it that way WITHIN linux?21:18
livingdaylightI don't know whether its Adobe Air, but bbciplayer won't install and a couple other apps like DT a twitter client keeps crashing when I go to it. Installed the adobeair from synaptic this time; previously followed the adobe website i believe and did not experience these issues. Anyone else have experience with this and care to comment?21:19
OzoneNerdshirtless: I apparently have two audio cards.  One is a "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)" and the other is a "02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan HDMI Audio [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series]"21:20
OzoneNerdIs this relevant?21:20
shirtlessOzoneNerd: interesting21:20
Aemaethweird, 30,000 files in a folder makes nautilus a little slow, anyone have a better file browser, thunar?21:20
shirtlessOzoneNerd: lets take a look at that21:20
RanakahOzoneNerd one card on motherboard21:20
Ranakahand one on your graphic card :)21:20
lontrahow can i change the gtk theme for gdm 3?21:20
shirtlessOzoneNerd: preferences->sound->hardware21:20
shirtlessgo there21:20
lontrawhere is the .conf file that needs to be edited21:20
shirtlessOzoneNerd: how many devices do you see21:21
OzoneNerdshirtless: I'm there.  Both are listed, but there doesn't seem to be much to change.21:21
shirtlessyou should be able to click the other one to give it higher preference21:21
shirtlessif not, you can do that in ~/.asoundrc21:21
Jordan_Usplnet: One possible solution is to use grub-efi on the flash drive, but that unfortunately brings its own complications.21:21
MagixWhats the opengl libary called?21:21
Magixsuper maryo ask it21:22
shirtlesslibGL actually21:22
janickohow to kill aplications?21:22
Magixmagix@MagixPC:~/games/smc$ sudo apt-get install libGL21:22
MagixReading package lists... Done21:22
MagixBuilding dependency tree21:22
MagixReading state information... Done21:22
FloodBot2Magix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
MagixE: Couldn't find package libGL21:22
shirtlessMagix: use a pastebin21:22
OzoneNerdWhen I disable the first choice, labeled internal audio, the volume goes mute.21:22
shirtlessMagix: you didn't ask what the *package* was called21:23
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shirtlessMagix: you asked what the library was called21:23
shirtlessit's libGL..21:23
OzoneNerdIt does not enable the headphones.21:23
Magixshirtless: It gives that error.21:23
rebirthso when you enter an incorrect password to log in and it says "checking" for half a second, that's total bs isn't it? it doesn't take that long to check if a string is equivalent21:23
shirtlessMagix: if you don't have GL installed try pulling it in as a dependency by installing mesa-utils21:24
etrnlrebirth, those strings aren't stored in plain text21:24
shirtlessI'm not sure how to install it, it's always been pulled in as a dependency for me.21:24
Mattheshello I think I have a loop between mic and speaker port somehow21:24
Mattheshow can I revert it?21:24
benkevanI'm getting http://pastebin.com/kdkWeFx6 .. xsessoins won't start.. but if I ssh -X to the box, x applications come up.. GDM / XDM won't come up (but I hear the noises) what gives?21:24
ThqrmtWOAH polarized glases make my laptop screen appear blank from certain angles <3 physics21:24
Magixshirtless: magix@MagixPC:~/games/smc$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev21:24
Magixshirtless: That one does work21:24
Jordan_Urebirth: That's so that you can't enter passwords extremely fast, making brute force guessing of the password more difficult.21:24
OzoneNerdNo permutation of settings seems to allow the headphones to work.21:24
MagixGot it from another channel.21:24
arrrghhhMatthes, what makes you say you have a loop between your mic & speaker?21:24
dreamer000Matthes: simply mute the mic with alsamixer in a terminal21:25
shirtlessMagix: yeah, thats mesa though. It might do everything in software.21:25
rebirthhow would won gain access to an ubuntu account without the password? theoretically21:25
rebirthone not won*21:25
shirtlessI haven't researched whether mesa's GL lib will push stuff onto the gfx card, but it might.21:25
arrrghhhrebirth, brute force, trying several hundred if not thousand passwords one after the other using a script or program.21:26
Mattheswhen I play music the "Level" of the gnome sound recorder goes high21:26
arrrghhhMatthes, so what's the problem tho?21:26
Jordan_Urebirth: LiveCD, or reboot and enter recovery mode.21:26
rebirthcould you run a script at the startup screen somehow?21:26
Aemaethrebirth, knowledge of regular expressions21:26
MatthesI can't get sound of my speakers21:26
arrrghhhrebirth, if you have physical access to the machine it's pretty easy.  most people don't lock down grub.21:26
=== BengtRibba is now known as dennis__
etrnlrebirth, if you could the whole concept of security would be a moot idea21:26
etrnlif you're trying to hack, start with brute forcing21:27
livingdaylightanyone using adobe air tweeter app?21:27
arrrghhhMatthes, you said you can play music tho...?21:27
etrnlhacking 101 right there21:27
arrrghhhthis is NOT a hacker room.21:27
etrnlI know it isnt21:27
arrrghhhwe're not teaching people to hack :D21:27
etrnltrying to blow the obvious out of the water21:27
rebirthi'm not trying to hack i just want to know21:27
arrrghhhlol fair enough.21:27
etrnlrebirth, take the path I mentioned, it explains enough21:27
etrnlasking in here, not a good idea21:28
etrnlbanhammer ;)21:28
Matthesi can play music but I can't hear it21:28
rebirthi don't think i should be banned for asking a question, i never said i was going to do anything unlawful21:28
etrnllove the complete stoner mentality in that though21:28
arrrghhhMatthes, ah, i see.  you don't get a login sound either when you boot up then...?21:28
Matthesi made a forum post21:28
etrnl"can't you just run a script before the login screen?"21:28
Aemaethask on freenet, you can ask anything there and the people are helpful and friendly, often putting hundreds of manhours into your problem21:28
Matthesno but when I logout I hear a beeo21:29
arrrghhhMatthes, laptop?21:29
Magixshirtless: Hmm. It gives still a error:21:29
Magixchecking for main in -lGLU... no21:29
Magixconfigure: error: Unable to find the OpenGL library21:29
livingdaylightI'm getting constant download issues with adobeair from ubuntu repos21:29
arrrghhhMatthes, from the look of that thread you did a LOT of stuff without asking.  does sound work from the livecd?21:30
DJonesPaddy_NI: "/whois Snuxoll"21:30
arrrghhhMatthes, clean install.  without knowing what you did exactly, that'll be the easiest method to fix it.21:30
babu__i installed gammu-smsd..but i don,t know how to run it...it doesn;t appear as a item in menu21:30
Mattheshehm I asked here many times but noone could help21:30
Paddy_NIDJones cheers man21:31
Matthesi shall reinstall ubuntu?21:31
arrrghhhMatthes, if it works on the livecd, you probably did something that bungled it.  again, without knowing what you did, a clean install will be the easiest fix.  yes.21:31
Matthesbut what will happen to my files?21:31
Matthesmy home folder21:31
arrrghhhbackup any vital data.21:32
arrrghhhif you put /home on a separate partition, you can just not format that partition.21:32
babu__i installed gammu-smsd..but i don,t know how to run it...it doesn;t appear as a item in menu21:32
arrrghhhbut if / is the only partition, then there's not much you can do other than backup your files and make /home a separate partition next install.21:32
arrrghhhbabu__, have you tried running it from alt-f2 or gnome-terminal?21:32
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: The Ubuntu installer allows you to re-install without reformatting /21:32
Aemaethdon't die befor me, arrrghhh21:32
MatthesI think I'll create another user and check with this one21:33
babu__yes..but in vain21:33
Matthesmaybe it#s only local configurations :)21:33
arrrghhhJordan_U, really?  how?21:33
RabbitbunnyI've noted some odd activity. Namely, about 50kbps constant going to amazonaws.com and stun1.ideasip.com  lsof -i  shows that java has about 15 connections to these sites. Google seems to imply that the first is the Amazon Cloud, and the second has something to do with OpenVPN. What in the sam hill is going on?21:33
arrrghhhMatthes, i guess you don't need to format...?21:33
AemaethRabbitbunny, that's pretty interesting turn off java?21:34
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: Choose manual partitioning, select your current / partition to be used as / and make absolutely sure that "format before using" is *not* checked.21:34
RabbitbunnyAemaeth: kill -9 does nothing, it restarts.21:34
arrrghhhJordan_U, that won't cause issues?21:34
etrnlrebirth, it was the context in which your question was being asked that you should be directing it towards another type of channel21:34
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: Not that I know of.21:34
guntbertbabu__: for sending sms? you don't need gammu-smsd for that - just gammu21:34
MatthesI have 57.8 gb i my home folder21:34
arrrghhhJordan_U, so... what happens with the previous install?  it's just overwritten?21:34
ted__Flannel: I've put the alternate CD onto the Windows machine.  I'll have to overwrite the USB drive's contents, won't I?21:35
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: System directories are overwritten.21:35
Matthesbrb, searching for hdd21:35
arrrghhhMatthes, not sure what that has anything to do with... but Jordan_U is telling me (you) that you don't have to format.21:35
=== 13WABBIOJ is now known as ^hiku
Mogga1) if i'm nfs exporting directories does the file server need to be the kerberos server or can that be a third server? ie. fileserver, client server, kerberos server21:35
sandkingwhat's the easiest way to change list of bootable os'?21:35
babu__the wat gammu-smsd for n how to install gammu21:35
arrrghhhJordan_U, and custom configuration files...?21:35
Mogga2) what keytabs do i need to create and where?21:35
RabbitbunnyMogga: Stop that.21:36
AemaethRabbitbunny, not sure if this will show anything, but maybe check your system monitor set to show dependencies and see if something else is using java?21:36
DasEihow does one convert bmp's (bitmap or jpeg) scannerimages to pdf ?21:36
etrnlTrying to install server edition 10.04 and keep getting debootstrapping errors while trying to install the base system, I've tried redownloading the image, and burning three different cds, still not working21:36
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: If they're in system directories they will be overwritten / removed, if they are in your home directory they will be preserved.21:36
RabbitbunnyMogga: All on one line. This room moves very fast.21:36
arrrghhhDasEi, the easiest would probably be a pdf printer.21:36
=== Austin|Xchat is now known as Austin|X-Chat
RabbitbunnyAemaeth: seeing how to do that.21:36
arrrghhhJordan_U, interesting.  i guess i just assumed you had to format /.21:37
Nexus1What's a good printer that works in ubuntu?21:37
DasEiarrrghhh: any app in mind ?21:37
arrrghhhNexus1, i like HP's.21:37
=== Austin|X-Chat is now known as Austin
arrrghhhDasEi, built-in feature with linux/cups.21:37
DasEiNexus1: hp and canon I got best results with21:37
guntbert!who | babu__21:37
ubottubabu__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:37
Nexus1Alright thanks21:38
guntbertbabu__: I didn't understand your last question21:38
dominicdinadawhat is the safe way to remove gnome desktop and xorg ? ?21:38
arrrghhhdominicdinada, uhm... install the server edition?21:38
RabbitbunnyAemaeth: Genius. It seems someone installed freenet. Thank you very much.21:38
etrnldominicdinada, command line?21:38
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: that was not the question21:38
etrnlor rather ssh into the box21:38
AemaethRabbitbunny, lol, i love freenet21:38
DasEiarrrghhh: you think of using sth. like gimp, choose print, then in file ?21:38
dominicdinadaetrnl: yes21:38
etrnldominicdinada, ssh in remotely21:39
splnetIs there a way to create a usb install disk with out using the USB creator gui?21:39
arrrghhhDasEi, i believe so.  i can boot up my ubuntu box if you want me to walk you thru it, but i'm pretty sure ubuntu has pdf printing out of the box.21:39
AemaethRabbitbunny, there's even a "Search for open files" that could have probably helped (also in system monitor ctrl-O)21:39
DasEisplnet: many,  I like unetbootin21:39
arrrghhhsplnet, pendrivelinux.net21:39
dominicdinadaetrnl: well yes it would be ssh access but I guess when removing the gnome/xorg crap what do i risk losing ? confs in samba or network files etc?21:40
Aemaethto talk of penprograms other than unetbootin is blasphemy21:40
splnetDasE, arrrghhh ok do either of those options support GPT partition type?21:40
arrrghhhdominicdinada, you want the server edition it sounds like.  why are you trying to butcher up a desktop install when the server edition has what you want?21:40
DasEiarrrghhh: I'll come back onto it, just searched synaptic.. ups, 700 MB of stuff to down (yes, some other, too)21:40
Jordan_Usplnet: GPT has nothing to do with your problem.21:40
arrrghhhsplnet, no clue, but i would agree with Jordan_U.21:41
thune3Rabbitbunny: my connection to amazonaws.com is from ubuntu one syncing.21:41
etrnldominicdinada, oh the only files you should lose are conf files for those respective programs21:41
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: to much data to lose, To much data to back up21:41
splnetJordan_U: ? why do you say that?21:41
etrnldominicdinada, since samba and such aren't dependant21:41
DasEisplnet: gpt on usb ?21:41
arrrghhhdominicdinada, hrm... still sounds like you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.21:41
etrnlhe might have files and such already setup, its not that hard of a conversion really21:42
Jordan_Usplnet: The only option for creating a USB drive that is bootable on a mac is to use grub-efi or elilo, and there is currently no tool for automating the process. I can help walk you through setting it up manually if you'd like.21:42
dominicdinadaetrnl: but for the network manager the desktop makes things simple with auto network, samba, etc that will be lost ?21:42
etrnlwouldn't you just have to specify which runlevel to boot into and change some processes to boot at that runlevel instead of runlevel 5?21:42
dominicdinadaetrnl: was that for me ?21:42
etrnldominicdinada, all the network manager is a GUI for ifconfig/dhcp21:43
etrnldominicdinada, could be, was pointing out to arrrghhh21:43
splnetJordan_U: ok that would be great. What software do I need?21:43
Jordan_Usplnet: Apple's firmware is unfortunately full of bugs and limitations, one of which that it's BIOS implementation doesn't recognise external drives (though its EFI implementation does).21:43
arrrghhhetrnl, i don't think that method would work so well.21:43
dominicdinadaetrnl: oh ok so the auto load of those files wont change ? because when it was just commandline they didnt auto load the network and samba etc :/21:43
guntbert!runlevel | etrnl21:43
ubottuetrnl: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:43
ted__Flannel: I have unetbootin ready on the Windows box.  Under the 10.04 Ubuntu distribution there are these options: NetInstall_x64, HdMedia_x64, and Live_X64.  Which one do I use for the Alternate CD?21:44
splnetJordan_U: I just installed grub-efi21:44
etrnloh, nevermind then21:44
Jordan_Usplnet: That's all you need software wise.21:44
ted__Flannel: Going to a USB drive, that is.21:44
splnetJordan_U: So what's the idea? boot into grub-efi -> usb device?21:45
etrnldominicdinada, probably better installing server edition21:45
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livingdaylightanyone know why when I have two instances of Adobe Air Installer in drop-down menu when right-clicking to install an air app?21:45
arrrghhhLOL sorry dominicdinada.  it really is the best solution.21:45
Flannelted__: Uh, I've never heard of HdMedia before, Netinstall isn't what you want, nor is Live...21:45
dominicdinadaetrnl: arrrghhh LOL it is the server edition with the xorg,gnome overlay because it was such a hassle long ago and now well....21:46
ted__Flannel: Thas is my thought.21:46
Jordan_Usplnet: First of all, make sure that grub-efi-amd64 was installed rather than grub-efi-ia32 (unless you have an old 32 bit intel mac).21:46
ted__Flannel: It's the only one left over after the obviously inappropriate ones.21:46
arrrghhhdominicdinada, uh... should i even ask why you installed xorg on a server?!?  normally i tell people to install the desktop edition if they want a gui...21:46
arrrghhhdominicdinada, did you install xorg with aptitude?  you may be in luck then.  if you used apt-get, you're probably SOL.21:47
etrnlGUI's and servers are bleh21:47
dominicdinadabecause it was such a hassle. long ago nothing properly saved. No KB to boot it up each time and mount and turn on network etc...21:47
etrnlinstall windows if you want that21:47
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: yup21:47
AndroidBruceare there any details on these latest distribution updates?21:47
splnetJordan_U: ok good catch.  done. whats next21:47
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: running aptitude gnome shows up as a installed package so i do believe it was installed via aptitude21:48
Flannelted__: With what little information I've scraped from google, it appears that that might be the correct one21:49
arrrghhhdominicdinada, that's not an indicator that it was installed by aptitude... they're both front-ends for apt.21:49
Flannelted__: Since we're just trying this on a USB and not a CD, I suppose we don't lose much by trying :)21:49
intrusion"i686-pc-linux-gnu failed" any help??21:49
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: correct but i dont use apt21:49
Jordan_Usplnet: I assume that you have a fat32 partition on the flash drive. Mount that partition to /mnt (or wherever you want, I will use /mnt as the path in my instructions).21:50
DasEiarrrghhh: yes, works this way gimp > print...> to file, choice of pdf,svg,postscript,  even does boxe and such, nice..21:50
arrrghhhdominicdinada, oh but you do... you just use front-ends that connect inot it.21:50
thune3AndroidBruce: which updates? which ubuntu version?21:50
mike12345Hi, I'm running 10.04 on my laptop and my desktop. If I connect the UMTS stick Huawai E160 to my laptop, it works fine. If I connect it to my laptop it does not work. I checked dmesg. It seems that the modem-manager on the laptop does not pick it up.21:50
arrrghhhDasEi, I said it was built-in :P21:50
mike12345sorry, on the desktop21:50
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: let me get this right... you are arguing with me about gnome/xorg if i used aptitude or apt and i say it is showing up in aptitude and never use apt.21:51
splnetJordan_U: done21:51
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: oranges or apples ?21:51
arrrghhhdominicdinada, no one is arguing.  i apologize if you feel that i am.21:51
arrrghhhdominicdinada, i'm just telling you how things work21:51
RainRaintrying to use toggl on ubuntu but there's something wrong with it - anyone know of a similar replacement21:51
DasEiarrrghhh: if you google it, there are really funny tuts, and synaptic wasn't helpful O:-)21:51
intrusion"i686-pc-linux-gnu failed" any help??21:51
arrrghhhDasEi, hrm.  i guess i always saw the print to pdf option and never thought twice about it ;)21:51
Jordan_Usplnet: Now run "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt"21:52
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: deductive reasoning says that if it is listen in APTITUDE and I NEVER USE APT then it was installed via, Aptitude21:52
arrrghhhdominicdinada, you're not using logic here... do you want me to explain how aptitude and apt-get are really just front-ends for apt?21:52
splnetJordan_U: ok got that21:52
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: Gonna need some more info.21:53
Flanneldominicdinada: No, it could've been installed with the Software Center, or Synaptic, or a number of other frontends21:53
arrrghhhdominicdinada, i just don't want to bust up your system by giving you a command that may or may not work.21:53
arrrghhhi don't think anyone else here wants to do that either.21:53
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: well true and i accept that21:53
arrrghhhtruth be told, you shouldn't have put a GUI on your server install in the first place dominicdinada...21:54
intrusionRabbitbunny: "error: /bin/bash ./config.sub =i686-pc-linux-gnu failed" i'm trying to setup AVR libc but when i try to run the configure command it just gives me that. i've tryed build-essentials package and it still dosent work. i've run out of idea's, was hoping someone else might know a trick21:54
arrrghhhdominicdinada, that's what webmin and ebox are for :D21:54
dominicdinadaFlannel: in order to use synaptic or software center doesn't the xorg gnome front end have to be there :O well even if not I would not have installed synaptic and software center before the desktop21:54
Jordan_Usplnet: I'm getting out my intel mac and confirming that things work as I go, so it may take a while.21:54
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: EBOX = Biggest fail ever21:54
splnetJordan_U: ok21:55
arrrghhhdominicdinada, uh ok.  i've never used it...21:55
arrrghhhi use webmin, although it's not "officially" supported in ubuntu any longer.21:55
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: http://pastebin.org  One lines isn't going to help, it said something before that that was useful.21:55
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: that crap effed up my system so bad, tried it 10 diff times21:55
arrrghhhhrm.  i'm going to stay away from that comment...21:55
dominicdinadaarrrghhh: i have webmin but dont like that someone cant just release a mod for the samba etc21:55
AndroidBrucethune3 lucid lynx 10.0421:55
FlannelAndroidBruce: You're looking to remove what from your system again?21:56
Flannelsorry AndroidBruce21:56
Flanneldominicdinada: You're looking to remove what from your system again?21:56
AndroidBruceFlannel, it's ok21:56
AndroidBrucei am just curious about this dist update that i've receieved on 10.0421:56
arrrghhhFlannel, from what i've gathered, X and gnome-desktop.21:56
Matthescouldn't find powercable of hdd >_>21:56
dominicdinadaFlannel: well it might be more headache than it is worth now that i think of it21:57
Flanneldominicdinada: See if autoremove does what you're looking for.21:57
intrusionRabbitbunny: http://pastebin.org/48033621:57
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, can you explain more?  are you running 10.04?21:57
etrnlweird so I move the image over to my macbook and burn it at 10x and now I am cruising through the base system install21:57
ted__Flannel: After ``Installation Complete, Reboot (Current), UNetbootin has these messages: After rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu. (No problem there.)  Next line: *IMPORTANT* Before rebooting, place an Ubuntu alternate (not desktop) install iso file on the root directory of your hard drive or USB drive.  These can be obtained from cdimage.ubuntu.com (The `alternative CD' is not in there.)21:57
etrnlyay for two badly written cds @ 24x21:57
burak_hey ;)21:57
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, yes21:57
Flannelted__: Thatd be the file I linked to your earlier, the alternate iso21:58
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Flannelted__: I can give you a new link if you need it21:58
acidjazzwhat package in ubuntu do i need to install to run the 'deb' get commands21:58
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, so what's the question?  i'm not sure what you mean.21:58
the20yearusing places>ftp , how do you change directory permissions? When i right click properties/permissions , it says the file type couldn't be determined21:58
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, is there a way to see a changelog of recent updates?21:58
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, yea, i think apt has a log somewheres...21:58
ted__Flannel: I've put the alternate CD image on the USB drive.  Do I just set the BIOS to boot from it?  Is that all it means?  Or is there something else?22:00
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, i removed compiz and it looks like it's do a dist update and redownloading compiz22:00
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: You're missing libboost.     sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev22:00
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, hrm... interesting.  is there a /var/log entry for apt?22:00
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, lemme take a look22:00
dominicdinadaAndroidBruce: purge compiz?22:01
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, looks like there are some .logs22:01
AndroidBrucedominicdinada, i removed compiz with synaptic22:01
arrrghhhthe20year, that's for connecting to an ftp server.  you have to change permissions on the server itself.22:02
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arrrghhhAndroidBruce, perhaps those will point you in the right direction...22:02
the20yeark , so i can't do it without a dedicated ftp program?22:02
arrrghhhthe20year, do you have access to the ftp server?22:02
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, was a partial upgrade22:02
Flannelted__: What that's saying is "when you boot to this USB drive, it will boot this program, and that progrm will look for that iso for data"22:02
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, ew... i'm sorry.22:02
splnetthe20year: if you have permissions on the directory you can do it from within ftp22:02
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, yea?22:02
the20yearyeah , it's my server , i'm on it w/ admin privledges22:02
Flannelted__: So yeah, once you've stuck it on the root of that drive, reboot to the USB22:02
AndroidBrucewhat is a 'partial upgrade'?22:02
ted__Flannel: k22:03
ted__Bye for now...22:03
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, yea, partial upgrades suck.  basically everything could not be updated correctly - package dependencies, hardware issues, there are a ton of factors.22:03
splnetJordan_U: are you still around?22:03
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, ohh mother22:03
arrrghhhthe20year, what do you serve ftp with?  proftp?  vsftp?22:03
Jordan_Usplnet: Yes.22:03
the20yearnot really sure what the server is using22:04
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, basically.  did you have issues upgrading from karmic recently i'm guessing.22:04
intrusionRabbitbunny: didn't work22:04
arrrghhhthe20year, who setup the box?22:04
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: pastebin?22:04
the20yearthe  hosting  company, it's a shared server22:05
arrrghhhthe20year, talk to them.,22:05
the20yearnevermind i guess, i was able to get filezilla22:05
splnetJordan_U: so does efi-grub replace the mac boot manager?22:05
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, no i did a fresh install of lucid22:05
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, really?  when did you get the partial-upgrade message?22:06
AndroidBrucejust now22:06
AndroidBrucea 15 mins ago maybe22:06
Jordan_Usplnet: No.22:06
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, were you installing something?  updating anything?22:06
intrusionRabbitbunny: exactly the same output22:06
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, my wife was using firefox at the time22:06
klax0ni woud run ftp server,how can help me?22:06
AndroidBrucei was stupid and didn't look at what was updating22:06
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, i saw that it updated flash player as well22:06
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd22:07
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, hrm... that's very odd.  seems like you just had a bad update.22:07
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: that's near line 15 of a normal build.22:07
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, ahh ok well i will see. any word on the next update?22:07
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, i may have missed it, but is something _not_ working?22:07
jgcampbell300can anyone point me to a "newbie" tutorial / guide to setting up and understanding domain controlers, dns, servers, and any other information related to the basics of both?22:07
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, no22:07
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, well the next ubuntu upgrade is in october.  maverick drops 10.10.10 i believe.22:07
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, i wouldn't worry about it then ;)22:08
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, lol ok22:08
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, if it ain't broke don't fix it.22:08
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, is that maverick merecat?22:08
hosokahello, do I at the right room for sound issues with Alsa on Ubuntu 10.0422:08
AndroidBrucemeerkat rather22:08
Rabbitbunnyhosoka: Yes.22:08
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, yes.22:08
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-dc.html22:08
caimGood evening22:08
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, when that releases is there an easy way to backup all of my data, settings etc?22:09
distant2i'd like to know, when having ubuntu+windows on a system, if there's a risk for the windows personal data files to be accessed from ubuntu (via the inter/network) and vice versa.22:09
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip: thank you22:09
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, im a fairly new ubuntu user22:09
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html22:09
klax0nno, i woud install wordpress in localhost but it say give ftp u & p22:09
hosokaRabbitbunny: I have sound issues with Alsa which can explain on site http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=571219e8d46cfb9ca02ac317614d2c83e6c2b0ea22:09
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: all I did was websearch, you could have done that22:09
opc_0deHI everyone, Does anybody know of any ubuntu software having similar functionality to pikybasket (windows only) - http://lifehacker.com/358571/copy-and-paste-scattered-files-with-piky-basket . thanks.22:09
hosokain the Alsa room nobody answers.22:09
Rabbitbunnydistant2: That question doesn't really make sense as file acces isn't normally considered a risk if it's running on the same hardware.22:09
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, no worries.  uhm... as far as backups go there's several options.  having a separate /home is a good start, and there's several backup suites if you want to just backup files.  for the most part upgrades are pretty tame.  i've had some fail, but not many.22:09
caimI am trying to boot my dom0 kernel over xen 4.0 and I get the following error : (XEN) Dom0 kernel not specified. Check the bootloader configuration.  Dom0 is specified correctly and should work22:09
Jordan_Usplnet: Ok, now run "sudo mkdir /mnt/efi; sudo cp -r /mnt/boot/grub /mnt/efi/"22:10
intrusionRabbitbunny: any idea's?22:10
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, i gotcha. so best bet is to put my /home on it's on partition22:11
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: I'd consider fulfilling the rest of the dependancies.22:11
hosokaI am running the Ubuntu 10.04 and have sound issues with Alsa running on a soundcard snd_hda_intel22:11
janickois there any way how to open bin file?22:11
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, that's just for ease of formatting, which evidently you don't have to format / if you do a fresh instlal.22:11
opc_0de*: anyone?? i did google search but that didn't help22:11
splnetJordan_U: ok22:12
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, yeah i gotcha. is there anyway to put my /home on it's own partition now?22:12
xanguahosoka: ubuntu uses pulseaudio by defaultm what issues¿22:12
^hikuopc_0de: I don't know of anything like that for linux. not a gui anyway22:12
ActionParsnipopc_0de: pyou can use find -exec paitrings to search for files which are so old / modified when etc and copy those22:12
intrusionRabbitbunny: i'm almost certain they are all done. this is the last little thing i have to do and unfortunatly its the only one that has gone wrong22:12
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, eh... it gets kinda tricky if the hdd is already partitioned.  if you have free (raw) space on the drive it's pretty easy.  but not many people leave that unless they're doing disk spanning...22:12
Rabbitbunnyhosoka: That doesn't show what the problem is.22:12
Jordan_Usplnet: Now unmount the flash drive and try booting with the flash drive plugged in holding option. If the USB drive still isn't showing up as a boot option you may need to install rEFIt.22:13
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: That's how it always works.22:13
intrusionRabbitbunny: bugger.22:13
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, i wouldn't worry about the home partition honestly.  just backup your vitals and you'll be fine.22:14
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, yeah def not the case here. is it possible to throw another harddrive in and dd /home to that and tell my install somehow where the new /home is?22:14
opc_0deActionParsnip: I want to interactively just go folder by folder and select files to be copied (GUI)..22:14
splnetJordan_U: ok rEFIt is alreaady installed22:14
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, yea, but again... i wouldn't worry about it too much.  it only comes into play when doing a fresh install, and i guess you don't have to format / to do that anymore :P22:14
splnetJordan_U: secondly, I haven't installed the installer onto the flash yet22:14
Jordan_Usplnet: Then just boot with the flash drive plugged in and it should show up as an option in rEFIt22:14
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, i see ok22:15
splnetJordan_U: well.. it wasn't working before. Thats why I was trying to do the guid parition type22:15
AndroidBrucearrrghhh, but ideally you want /home, /system, /boot on sep partitions22:15
Jordan_Usplnet: This is just a test, after we've confirmed that grub loads I'll walk you through setting up grub to boot from the Ubuntu iso.22:15
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, so long as you backup stuff that can't be replaced - docs, music, etc you'll be fine.22:15
janickowould i have help to set wireless router? It is recognized, but i can't connect to internet22:16
irulemay I export display from an ubuntu to another to show an application on the other remotelly?22:16
distant2i'd like to know, when having ubuntu+windows on a system, if there's a risk for the windows personal data files to be accessed from ubuntu (via the inter/network) and vice versa.22:16
splnetJordan_U: ok. give me a couple of minutes22:16
arrrghhhAndroidBruce, uhm... back in the day there used to be advantage to slicing those out into separate partitions... i don't see the advantage of it any more, unless you're concerned about space usage.22:16
xanguaarrrghhh: since when there is no advantage¿¿ :S22:17
KnifeySpooneyHi, if I completely wipe my usb flash drive with the command `sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M`, would it still be bootable if I used unetbootin to write an iso on it?22:17
Oerdistant2, no risk. as long as you do not mount it, ubuntu will not acces a windows partition.22:17
^hikuKnifeySpooney: yes22:18
RainRaincould someone point me in the right direction -  i downloaded timeedition as a tgz file - trying to install it22:18
rwwKnifeySpooney: part of unetbootin's job is to make it bootable, yes22:18
^hikuKnifeySpooney: though you need to have at least 1 partition before I think22:18
arrrghhhxangua, what advantage do you get from it?22:18
^hikuKnifeySpooney: and that part needs to be formated fat32 or fat1622:18
distant2Oer: what is mounting? and also how does ubuntu get installed from within windows (inside the ntfs partition?)22:18
KnifeySpooneyhiku, rww,ok :) good, i've done this plenty before but it appeared the boot sector was corrupt (hopefully the drive is not dying)22:19
_DGM_distant2: you cant really install on an ntfs partition. The only way to run it "inside windows" would be on a virtual machine22:19
xanguadistant2: you mean !wubi ¿22:19
Oerdistant2, installing inside windows, you use WUBI for that.22:19
^hikuKnifeySpooney: nice. I hope it's not a bad usb stick =(22:19
KnifeySpooneyhiku, do you know if unetbootin rewrites the boot record every time it runs?22:20
Oerlivingdaylight, mstcorefonts can be found in restricted extra's22:20
KnifeySpooneyand partition table22:20
^hikuKnifeySpooney: well, it's installing an OS everytime you run it, so I'd have to say yes =)22:20
KnifeySpooneyhiku, okay, sounds good, thanks22:20
distant2yes i mean wubi, and i wonder how it does that22:20
^hikuKnifeySpooney: no problem. good luck22:21
^hikudistant2: magic22:21
distant2does it install without having an additional partition?22:21
^hikudistant2: yes22:21
gmachine_24I need to know what program is good for editing PHP please? Thank you.22:21
guntbert!info ttf-mscorefonts-installer | livingdaylight22:21
ubottulivingdaylight: ttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.2 (lucid), package size 35 kB, installed size 196 kB22:21
distant2^hiku: well then i think my personal files from the inactive os would be at risk then won't they.22:21
^hikudistant2: wubi is really for test driving the os without the need for a cd/dvd to boot from to test it out.22:21
Greg-Oi have a question22:21
livingdaylightguntbert, can't find it22:22
^hikudistant2: well, if it's "inactive" then how would they be at risk?22:22
gmachine_24Just out of curiosity, can anyone see my typing?22:22
distant2^hiku: they would be accessible.22:22
guntbertlivingdaylight: did you enable the multiverse repository?22:22
^hikugmachine_24: yes22:22
RabbitbunnyGreg-O: Ask it, Everyone is waiting for a question they know the answer to.22:22
Greg-Ocould someone help me with something please?22:22
RainRaini have an executable file which is giving me an error when i double click it - am i supposed to do something special to install it22:22
gmachine_24^hiku: thanks22:22
livingdaylightguntbert, is it 'ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.2 ?22:22
distant2^hiku: i'm talking about personal files, which can have access codes etc. very sensible.22:23
^hikudistant2: are you worried that the wubi install within your windows install is gonna kill your windows files?22:23
xanguaRainRain: by executable you mean a windows app¿¿ install !wine22:23
^hikugmachine_24: your welcome22:23
RabbitbunnyRainRain: You means an exe meant for windows?  try running it from a terminal.22:23
RainRainwell i downloaded the package for linux22:23
gmachine_24^hike how do we type your name correctly?22:23
splnetJordan_U: ok I just attempted to boot from the usb device. no dice22:23
gmachine_24^hiku: I meant hiku22:23
RabbitbunnyRainRain: that's not and exe then. it should be *.deb22:23
^hikugmachine_24: use the "tab" key to auto-complete22:23
splnetJordan_U: same problem22:23
RainRainRabbitbunny: will check again22:24
gmachine_24^hiku, ok22:24
distant2^hiku: i may be more worried by this: when working on windows (having installed ubuntu by wubi) the files i put on ubuntu system would be accessible from windows by a thrid party.22:24
Greg-Oso i downloaded konversation and its not showing up under applications, so i dont know how to start it22:24
Thqrmtcan I output sound thru the headphone jack and built in speaker simultaneously?22:24
guntbertlivingdaylight: the package is ttf-mscorefonts-installer, the version is 3.2 yes22:24
RabbitbunnyGreg-O: Still typing?22:24
livingdaylightguntbert, thx22:24
xanguaGreg-O: launch it from terminal or the launcher22:24
RabbitbunnyThqrmt: Neve seen an option for that one.22:24
guntbertlivingdaylight: you're welcome :-)22:24
RainRainRabbitbunny: no it says linux and it's got an "executable" file it it when i extract22:24
RabbitbunnyRainRain: From where?22:25
Greg-Ook, is there a way for me to put it under applications22:25
^hikudistant2: yup cause it's on the windows partiton and the ubuntu files will be readable. so, install ubuntu on another "second" disk and dual boot.22:25
xanguaGreg-O: it should be on apps>internet22:25
RainRainRabbitbunny: http://www.timeedition.com/en/downloads/index.html22:25
Jordan_Usplnet: There should have been a new icon in the rEFIt list (the onld one would still also be there, still non-functional)22:25
^hikudistant2: or part out your primary disk and install ubuntu on the second partition22:25
ThqrmtRabbitbunny do you know of the most advanced ways to modify sound preferences in ubuntu?22:25
Greg-Oxangua: but it isnt, and thats the problem22:25
distant2^hiku: and that can be done by the live cd?22:26
RabbitbunnyRainRain: That's an archive, right click on it and extract it.22:26
^hikudistant2: and, if your "really really" worried. Run ubuntu from a usb drive with a persistant file system for storing your data.22:26
splnetJordan_U: no there was nothing. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1948 <- this says it needs to have guid partioning22:26
RainRaini know and inside it's got an "executable" file which errors out when i double click it22:26
^hikudistant2: for that I would read up on - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot22:27
kreeperwhere can i find a list of commands for grub rescue22:27
^hikukreeper: man page?22:27
distant2^hiku: hmm. interesting. but won't the files inside the usb be readable when inserted without booting?!22:27
RainRainRabbitbunny: when i access the properites it says under type "executable (application/x-executable)"22:27
DasEi!grub2 > kreeper22:28
ubottukreeper, please see my private message22:28
^hikudistant2: from windows? no22:28
kreeperi cant use the man pages it juns says no command "man"22:28
^hikudistant2: hmm, check that... yes. nver mind22:28
RabbitbunnyRainRain: You'd have to run it from console, but it won't work anyway.22:28
xanguawhat about gnome menu extended Greg-O ¿ http://gtk-apps.org/content/show.php/Gnome+Menu+Extended+%28Debian+Package%29?content=7351522:28
distant2^hiku: no, from the systems that'll recognize the file system on the usb.22:28
^hikudistant2: so basicly your trying to do what?22:28
RabbitbunnyRainRain: I went ahead and grabbed it, It errors out.22:28
RainRainRabbitbunny: thanks for that22:28
test_Hi, is there someone who knows if there exists any alternative to Adobe Reader to display Java Serialized Objects ?22:29
Mqueuehow do I create a harddrive image of my windows drive to a new drive using live C22:29
^hikudistant2: yes and the file system on a usb drive (installing via unetbootin) will be format fat22:29
DasEikreeper:whole story ?22:29
OerMqueue, DD22:29
Greg-Oxangua: i have no idea what that means, i just got ubuntu 2 days ago< and im not very comp savvy22:29
RainRainfinding it very hard to get a decent time tracking program working on ubuntu - trying to replace toggl - any suggestions22:29
f0dhow can i install rpm files in ubuntu22:29
Mqueuethanks you :)22:29
Oer!info dd22:29
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in lucid22:29
DasEikreeper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:30
^hikudistant2: I would just dual boot your system. that way, ubuntu can be setup to not see the windows drive, and the other way around =)22:30
kreeperi tried starting my computer and it just goes to a cli screen that says GRUB RESCUE>22:30
vemonf0d, you'd have to use something like alien to convert the package to deb. i'd still recommend finding the real ubuntu package for the job22:30
rwwOer: it's part of the 'coreutils' package22:30
f0dvemon: i cant find it22:30
^hikudistant2: you could alway encrypt the usb filesystem with a password =)22:30
rwwubottu: alien | f0d22:30
ubottuf0d: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)22:30
luckybunnyI think I killed terminal22:31
Oerrww tnx22:31
f0dvemon: and i don't think its available22:31
distant2^hiku: encrypt it from the installation inside the usb itself?22:31
OerMqueue, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem22:31
RabbitbunnyRainRain: Search the Software Center for 'hamster'22:31
vemonf0d, i'd even go as far as installing from source rather than using alien22:31
distant2^hiku: i mean, no wait.22:31
janickowould somebody help me to get my wireless router working?22:31
RainRainRabbitbunny: thanks22:31
DasEiMqueue: dd is part of a metapackage, sectorwise copying tool; sudo apt-get install dd && man dd22:31
^hikudistant2: more like after the unetbootin installation22:31
^hiku!ot | janicko22:32
ubottujanicko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:32
f0dvemon: heh22:32
f0dvemon: well22:32
arandMqueue: dd is one way, but fsarchiver or a clonezilla-liveCD might be a more efficient/easier choice.22:32
luckybunnyterminal disappears every time I open it. immediately, and without a command prompt22:32
vemonf0d, what's the app you're missing?22:32
xangua^hiku: why is that !ot¿22:32
Jordan_Usplnet: Apple's documentation lies :)22:33
f0dvemon: sgifonts.22:33
Rabbitbunnyluckybunny: You have something in your .bash_rc?22:33
coz_luckybunny,   hit alt+F2  and type gnome-terminal  and see if it opens that way22:33
distant2^hiku: now this made me think that even if my files on my windows system aren't accessible from another user in windows, if someone can remove the hdd and plug it somewhere, would he be able to access and read all the files on that hdd? oh my...22:33
DasEijanicko: solved your wired problem ?22:33
f0d22:27 < f0d> is it possible for someone to use git to manage file handling like, backups and so on22:33
hosokaubuntu 10.04 is using Alsa and I have issues with sound22:33
f0d22:27 < f0d> other than just source code versioning control22:33
hosokaall are at maximum but still no sound22:33
luckybunnyit doesn't22:33
Jordan_UDo you have an efi/grub/grub.efi path on your flash drive?22:33
Jordan_Usplnet: ^^22:33
coz_hosoka,   you mean from terminal    alsamixer   all sliders are at max and none muted?22:34
^hikudistant2: of course, but that's always been the case. if anyone has access to the computer and can touch it, then they can do just about anything they want22:34
splnetJordan_U: yes I did22:34
=== frankbro is now known as frankbro|out
vemonf0d, http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2026302 :D you don't seem to be alone with that22:34
hosokacoz, via alsamixer have put all on the max.22:34
splnetJordan_U: mkdir /mnt/efi; cp -r /mnt/boot/grub /mnt/efi22:34
f0dvemon: seen that yeah22:34
distant2^hiku: actually i would be at ease if they could just destroy the hardware but not access the files!22:34
livingdaylighti've installed mscorefonts but when i look in software center i dont' see that it's installed22:35
kreeperso will all of the grub 2 commands work in GRUB RESCUE?22:35
coz_hosoka,  when you open    alsamixer from terminal  is your card printed out at the top?  does it recognize the sound card i mean?22:35
distant2i wonder why i never thought about this. doesn't the os put the in-system protected files in some protected area that even an external system can't read?22:35
Jordan_Usplnet: I'm not using GPT on my flash drive and it's working fine here, if you want to try it though just use gparted to create a GPT label on the flash drive and try again.22:35
DasEikreeper: grub-rescue, do you mean busybox ?22:35
Jordan_Ukreeper: No.22:35
splnetJordan_U: yeah I'm a step ahead of you:) I'm getting this error on grub-install though:22:36
luckybunnycoz_: It immediately closed again, still22:36
hosokayes, HDA Intel with chip Intel G45 DEVCTG22:36
Jordan_Udistant2: No.22:36
splnetJordan_U: /mnt/boot/grub doesn't look like an EFI partition.22:36
Jordan_Usplnet: Is it formatted fat32?22:36
splnetJordan_U: ext222:36
kreeperi'm not sure, it says cant read from hd 0,1  and then under it it says GRUB RESCUE>22:36
vemonf0d, the hard way would then be to learn how the font system works, extract the fonts from the rpm and manually install them to your system22:37
hosokahave gone through Alsa update with 1.023 and felt I am missing sound at the max. Very low on sound output.22:37
Jordan_Usplnet: Apple's firmware only supports fat32 and hfsplus.22:37
coz_luckybunny,  try this in alt+F2    gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Default22:37
xanguahosoka: what about with pulseaudio¿22:37
Rabbitbunnykreeper: Last time I saw that message I bought a new hard drive. Mine was a heat failure.22:37
splnetJordan_U: ah ok I'll try it with mkfs.vfat then22:37
Jordan_Ukreeper: Is this a fresh install?22:37
=== crunchbang is now known as MrHappyface
Rabbitbunnykreeper: I'd try datarecover first, then grub recovery, then fresh install if grub can't be recovered.22:38
kreeperno i've had it for about a month22:38
luckybunnycoz_: still immediate disappearance22:38
Jordan_Ukreeper: Do you have more than one hard drive?22:38
Rabbitbunnykreeper: By doing data recovery first you make sure that if the drive only has 10minutes life left, you use that time getting your data.22:38
kreeperwe had a power outage yesterday too so maybe that has something to do with it22:38
palai have a wired 802.1.x secured network - is there any way i can save the password in network-manager?22:38
palait doesn't seem to have that option22:39
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
kreeperi only have 1 hdd22:39
splnetJordan_U: ok I'll try this again. Hopefully that will do it22:39
mifadirhow can i get my cam work on ubuntu 10.0422:39
distant2well then can anyone tell me what's the most efficient way to protect files with sensible data form being read by anybody besides the system? is encryption the only solution?22:39
Rabbitbunnykreeper: Uh, this is not sounding good.22:39
coz_luckybunny,  mm   open the home directory.... hit  ctrl+h and look for the  .bashrc  file22:39
thune3luckybunny: maybe alt+f2 run "xterm", then try launching gnome-terminal from that and see if you get any error messages22:40
coz_luckybunny,  move that to the desktop and restart the terminal22:40
kreeperi know. i could reinstall it but i have files i want to save22:40
_DGM_distant2: the "system" programs that need to read them should be ran as a specific user. Then you chrown those files to only allow read to that specific user. That will do what you want22:40
Rabbitbunnykreeper: Uh, it doesn't really sound like you'll be getting any data.22:40
RainRainRabbitbunny: thanks - tried out hamster but what i need is something that will track time spend on projects22:41
hosokapulseaudio mentions Daemon already running22:41
Rabbitbunnykreeper: I'd seriously start on some data recovery.22:41
luckybunnyno .bashrc.... O.O22:41
_DGM_distant2: for example if your program is called blah, you'd make a blahuser and make those files owned by the blahuser, then you modify the rights of the files to read only to owner22:41
hosokabut if 10.04 comes with Alsa by default there should be no issue with sound.22:41
coz_luckybunny,  it should be there somewhere22:41
xanguahosoka: doesn't ubuntu uses pulse by default¿22:41
distant2_DGM_: i'm talking about unplugging the hard drive so to read all files inside it from another computer.22:41
RabbitbunnyRainRain: Hmm, it seems to track them kinda well...22:42
hosokaxangua, no. I do not see that.22:42
syn-ackxangua, ALSA is the hardware framework as well as userland22:42
headkase314hosoka, "gstreamer-properties" in a console lets you choose your audio system to use.22:42
erUSULdistant2: make it only readable by the owner of the file22:42
_DGM_distant2: then the only true safe way is to encrypt them. Trusting on userrights is not enough as it is easy for a hacker to completely circumvent these settings and read the raw data22:42
coz_luckybunny,  did you  hit alt+F  type in   xterm  then run   gnome-terminal from there as suggested?22:42
luckybunnycoz_: found it, moved it, still no joy22:42
hosokaI am in terminal and see Alsamixer 1.0.2222:42
kreeperrabbitbunny: i cant i tried with windows minipe but it cant find my partitions, should i just reinstall it and use a file recovery program to get my files back?22:42
RainRainRabbitbunny: i didnt see anywhere to put in projects or clients , just to track time by activity22:42
syn-ackxangua, out of the box though, yes Ubuntu does use Pulseaudio by default so it would go GNOME>PULSE>ALSA22:43
hosokahave been upgraded to 1.0.23 and that does fix the sound but not happy with the output.22:43
Rabbitbunnykreeper: No. reinstalling will delete your data. You need to be doing forensic recovery.22:43
coz_luckybunny,   were there errors when running   gnome-terminal   from xterm?22:43
RabbitbunnyRainRain: Clients are activities...22:43
kreeperit wont work it doesn't show my c drive in the list22:44
hosokaI have HP620 and using HDA Intel soundcard with chip Intel G45 DEVCTG22:44
syn-ackkreeper, you don't have a C:\ drive in linux22:44
coz_luckybunny,  do you recal what you were doing prior to gnome terminal crashing?  installing?  uninstalling?   changing thing in terminal profile??22:44
_DGM_kreeper: but were your partitions ntfs? you should be booting an ubuntu live cd and looking at your harddrive through that22:44
cfeddeHow do I but 8.04 recovery mode w/o it trying to start networking?22:44
distant2erUSUL: would that work even when having the drive as external and accessing all its contents?22:44
_DGM_kreeper: when you insert the ubuntu disc pick "try ubuntu without change to my computer"22:44
Rabbitbunnykreeper: You don't want minipe. google 'forensic file recovery', that's what you're trying to do.22:44
luckybunnyI installed a load of things last night, and all was working fine when I went to bed22:44
kreeperok brb22:45
luckybunnyjust today, I logged in and it's gone22:45
_DGM_Rabbitbunny: thats one step too far imo.. sounds like he hasnt even tried mounting in linux yet22:45
coz_luckybunny,  ok do you remembe the "load" of things you installed?22:45
distant2i don't know, this unrecognized security hole seems strange.22:45
Rabbitbunny_DGM_: ... You do know that he's got grub errors, and just suffered a power outage, right?22:45
coz_luckybunny,  several things...you could reset gnome to defaults or  create a new user account22:45
headkase314cfedde, holding shift at boot will give you a grub-menu, one of the options is recovery mode and you can boot to the console without networking I believe22:45
coz_luckybunny,  either way if this continues to happen then something is seriously wacked on that end22:46
_DGM_Rabbitbunny: no i didnt, but that doesnt mean he cant boot a live cd and try to mount his stuff anyway. The only thing i know of is a rare case with ext2 partitions becomming unreadable.. but we dont even know that for certain yet22:46
cfeddeheadkase314: thanks.22:47
Rabbitbunny_DGM_: This is true, but the outage kills I've seen all killed the drive within 15 minutes of powerup. data recovery > playing with LiveCD.22:47
RainRainRabbitbunny: no.... i had a good play with it but it wont work for me - no project management, client management or anything that i can see... thanks though22:47
headkase314cfedde, you're welcome, the recovery mode will only give you a console however there is an option to start X in a failsafe mode if I recall correctly..22:47
luckybunnyupdate: xterm actually did the same thing22:47
RabbitbunnyRainRain: Well, Hmm. So you need something a little more contracter freindly. I know I saw something for that...22:47
coz_luckybunny,  whoa22:47
Rabbitbunny_DGM_: Granted, opinion.22:47
coz_luckybunny,  mm  I am going to suggest resetting gnome to defaults22:48
_DGM_Rabbitbunny: not all i've seen. Either way, data recovery for linux partitions is expensive.. i'd rather try the free way first :)22:48
cfeddeheadkase314: I can handle command line mode i think.22:48
BuckWildI actually use the liveCD to recover windows files for people on a pretty regular basis22:48
coz_luckybunny,    if you want to do that let me know22:48
luckybunnyyes please22:48
Rabbitbunny_DGM_: data recovery is free22:48
cfeddeheadkase314: and thanks again22:48
BuckWildbecause I don't feel like messing around in their messed up computers and trying to get stuff copied22:48
headkase314cfedde, excellect : irrsi is a good console irc client "sudo apt-get install irssi"22:48
coz_luckybunny,  ok copy and paste this next command alt+f2 and restart x22:48
coz_luckybunny,    sudo rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity22:48
RainRainthis is a far out question but is there any way to have a tiny internet window open in a taskbar22:49
RainRaini mean just the same height as the taskbar22:49
coz_luckybunny,  if that doesnt work via alt+F2  you can hit ctrl+alt+F  log in and run that command    write it down first of course22:49
cfeddeheadkase314: exactly.. Personaly I like the white background themes.  irssi is the best.22:49
BuckWildRainRain, to what end?22:49
* dreamtraveler zZzzZzZ22:49
coz_luckybunny,  rather  ctrl+alt+F122:49
RabbitbunnyRainRain: http://www.fanuriotimetracking.com/features.html22:49
RainRainto put a tiny iframe in it from a website22:49
kreeperrabbitbunny: do i have to find one in a debian package?22:49
coz_luckybunny,  if that does work   restart x and come back here22:49
RainRainRabbitbunny: ta22:50
headkase314cfedde, yup, have that in one of your virtual terminals for here and the other doing whatever it is you can't have networking to do.. ;)22:50
RainRainRabbitbunny: thanks but my budget is limited to freeware22:50
BuckWildI don't really know of a pre-configurable way, I would think it would be pretty easy to code that22:50
thune3distant2: physical-access = root-access . This is a well recognized security issue22:51
RabbitbunnyRainRain: I suggest writing a gnome panel applet then.22:51
BuckWildyeah, I wouldn't even necessarily do it with a full web browser22:52
RainRainRabbitbunny: gnome panel applet ??? roughly what will that do?22:52
BuckWildjust grab whatever you need from the server and display it in the applet22:52
BuckWildif you control the server side at all I'd make it a separately parseable thing22:53
BuckWildor just the string text that shows up in the applet22:53
RabbitbunnyRainRain: Anything. You have to write it.22:53
RainRainbuckwild: sorry i was missing all that - thanks22:53
arnaudHi all22:53
RainRainRabbitbunny: will check it out22:53
Oerhi arnaud22:53
luckybunnynope... no dice22:54
BuckWildhas anyone ever found a good way to replace having to have outlook open using linux?22:54
Rabbitbunnykreeper: http://foremost.sourceforge.net/22:54
jgcampbell300so what search engine do you guys find to be the best for finding tech instructions , manual , tutorials, etc for Ubuntu ? Google seems to send me to places i do not want to be these days22:54
distant2_DGM_: you said"Trusting on userrights is not enough as it is easy for a hacker to completely circumvent these settings and read the raw data"22:54
BuckWildmy company has owa, but I hate having to have that browser open, and it doesn't notify me of meetings22:54
distant2_DGM_: does this apply to linux too?22:54
distant2_DGM_: or yo uwere just referring to windows systems?22:54
_DGM_distant2: yes. You say you take it into another computer. So i assumed its something like a mobile usb drive22:54
_DGM_distant2: correct?22:55
xanguaBuckWild: outlook¿22:55
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: You'll have to learn to use better keywords. I can coach a little if there's something particular you're looking for.22:55
coz_BuckWild,   I am not sure what you mean...could you say again differently?22:55
BuckWildcoz_, I want, very simply, something to check my outlook calendar, and to alert me of incoming email22:55
BuckWildcoz_, I don't even care if I have to open owa to read the email22:55
distant2_DGM_: i don't see why you even use the word hacker, because as one said physical acces _is_ root access, so the person doesn't need to hack anything to access it, right?22:56
nerdy_kidhow do i get a backtrace out of a program?  i compiled a program and set the release type to debug; but when it crashes all it says is "segmentation fault" and nothing else.22:56
BuckWilddistant2, if you have data on a hard disk without encryption it can easily be read22:56
jgcampbell300well i have tried to look up how much ram it would take to run several things and i never find the information i am looking for ... for instance i just tryed to find how much ram is recommended to run ubuntu server 10.04 and samba4 as a PDC and got all kinds of windows information22:56
BuckWilddistant2, if you have encryption on the other hand, little more difficult22:56
_DGM_distant2: no no wait a sec.. what is the drive you are talkign about? you have a harddrive or some sort.. which you take with you.. correct?22:56
synvillahey people22:56
synvillaHow do I rip music from CD to harddrive?22:57
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: Give me a moment to look around22:57
Rabbitbunnysynvilla: Brasero22:57
BuckWilddistant2, you could attempt to rely on the filesystem to provide you user only access, but that really only gets you so far, the data is still on disk, so it can still be read22:57
coz_synvilla,   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping22:57
jgcampbell300thank you22:57
coz_BuckWild,   I am not sure then    sorry22:57
synvillabrasero seems to be a burner though?22:58
BuckWildcoz_, I tried evolution, but I don't know if the settings are off serverside or something, any combination of owa settings doesn't appear to work22:58
synvillahow do I use it the opposite way?22:58
BuckWildI want something that can just read the exchange server crap22:58
savidDoes anyone know of an app that will monitor my windows and track the amount of time different windows are focused?22:58
coz_BuckWild,  eveolution would have been my suggestion but let me see if I can find something else22:58
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: "ubuntu 10.04 server minimum ram" First page has the answer. You won't find an answer for samba, as disk use will dramatically affect requirements.22:58
luckybunnycoz_: I tried both twice now. Still no success22:59
Rabbitbunnysynvilla: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/burncopy-cddvd-discs-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/22:59
bgiarroccoHey all - Is it possible to map a network server so that it looks like a local drive on my ubuntu machine?22:59
jgcampbell300i see ... so the short story is ... i am just going to have to load some things and find out if my hardware will run it23:00
Rabbitbunnybgiarrocco: Yes. sshfs if linux.23:00
distant2_DGM_: talking about the local drive, that can easily be removed form computer and plugged anywhere else ;)23:00
nsouerbgiarrocco, what kind of server?23:00
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: Yes.23:00
bgiarroccosome sort of linux/unix box -- not sure what... It would be accross VPN23:00
Rabbitbunnynsouer: What does it matter what process are running?23:00
BuckWildsshfs rocks23:00
nsouerRabbitthunny, server as in platform not application23:01
_DGM_distant2: then its unsafe to not encrypt it. When somebody steals it's relatively easy to read any data on another sytem if its not encrypted. They can completely ignore userrights and everything. They dont even need to be root on their system to do that23:01
nsouerbgiarrocoo, nfs is your answer23:01
coz_luckybunny,   whoa  ...something is seriously wrong then23:01
coz_luckybunny,  did you create a new user account?23:01
Rabbitbunnynsouer: Oh, so you meant to ask what OS..23:01
bgiarroccowhat's nfs -- do i need to get it from apt?23:01
distant2_DGM_: yep. it didn't really get to me before, i wonder why!23:01
BuckWilddistant2, the rule is pretty simple, if you have really sensitive data, you pretty much have to encrypt it...preferably with strong non-dictionary passwords and the strongest encryption mechanism possible23:02
distant2i have to find an encryption software for win at the moment.23:02
luckybunnyI created 3 in the past week (I share the laptop, and having been using Uuntu for the first time this eek)23:02
coz_BuckWild,   is  evolution-exchange package installed?23:02
nsouerRabbithunny, stop being pendantic, he/she knew what I was asking23:02
Rabbitbunnybgiarrocco: network file share.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo23:02
nsouergreat information there23:02
headkase314bgiarrocco, Tutorial -> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html23:03
BuckWildcoz_, I had it installed at one point, is that the OWA one, or the one that tries to connect directly to exchange?  I've had both23:03
_DGM_distant2: if its really that important you will also need proper encryption software.. as it is also relatively easy to decrypt in some cases if they know what encryption is used.. and the type of it obviously23:03
coz_BuckWild,  I believe it is the one that tries to connect directly23:03
BuckWildcoz_, I could get the exchange server email thing to work, but the calendar didn't23:03
jgcampbell300ok ... thank you ... you would not happen to know of any tools that would help me plan my network projects would you? I am trying to build a local domain at home and trying to figure out witch computers should have what roles to be the most effective23:03
BuckWildcoz_, it said something about "Error opening calendar 'calendar'" or something when I tried to access it23:03
bgiarroccothanks guys... how is that different from sshfs you talked about Rabbitbunny?23:03
kreeperwhat is ubuntu cloud best used for?23:03
coz_BuckWild,   check this out    http://motersho.com/blog/index.php/2010/05/14/howto-install-evolution-2-30-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/23:03
BuckWildbgiarrocco, NFS is unencrypted23:03
kreeperwould it be good for a web server?23:03
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: I pretty much guessed until things stopped breaking. May want to consider some books.23:04
distant2_DGM_: is there any parameter for a better encryption (software) other than the number of bits-encryption?23:04
BuckWilddistant2, http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads23:04
bgiarroccoah ok -- I'd rather use sshfs then23:04
bgiarroccoor would it matter if its already across vpn?23:04
jgcampbell300lol ... i have sure been doing that ... I have reinstalled ubuntu on my 3 boxes im working with 3 times each today lol23:04
BuckWildbgiarrocco, doesn't really matter via VPN23:04
_DGM_distant2: since you're in #ubuntu, can i suggest just using the encrypt home dir feature?23:05
bgiarroccogreat - thanks for the help!23:05
headkase314bgiarrocco, Howto -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS23:05
BuckWildbgiarrocco, SSHFS adds some encryption overhead, it's great for external networks, NFS is faster if encryption doesn't matter23:05
luckybunnycoz_: Should I just insert the live disc and reinstall?23:05
distant2so there is a built-in feature for that.23:05
BuckWildcoz_, thanks, I'll take a look23:05
coz_luckybunny,  if you dont have much to backup    I would  try that yes.... then if you want to install extra packages  ..and are not sure  if they are compatiable  ...come here first23:06
jgcampbell300well thanks for the info again ... im sure i will be seeing you guys later :)23:06
coz_BuckWild,  I am actually trying that  out now to see the difference23:06
luckybunnycoz_: ok. Thanks23:06
WormfallHenkpoley: Do you remember me? I had the problem with my Ubuntu hibernating at bootup?23:06
BuckWildcoz_, yeah, mapi, that's the one I used to get email working, it seemed pretty cool in that regard, now if only they could get calendaring working23:07
coz_luckybunny,  no problem... on this next install...just recall what you have installed later on in case it happens again...its a good idea to keep some sort of notes23:07
henkpoleyWormfall: hah, yeah. Again it's past midnight here :P23:07
pilhello everyone - I am on lucid ubuntu - sometimes my desktop freezes - especially when I am working in openoffice or in terminal, it automatically hightlights the text and I cannot get out of there no matter what I do -and from there on, everything freezes in my desktop - you think compiz triggers that because I have many compiz stuff working in the background.. anybody has any idea?23:07
BuckWildcoz_, I don't know if I was running 2.28 or 2.30 tho23:07
WormfallHenkpoley: I fixed the problem! turned out that I have to have my battery in my computer in order for ubuntu to boot up. I was running it straight through A/C power23:07
coz_BuckWild,  if its ubuntu lucid then it is the  2.28 I believe23:08
BuckWildpil, have you tried turning desktop effects off to see if it makes a difference?23:08
WormfallHenkpoley: after i plugged my computer in and had the battery in, that fixed the problem. Using Ubuntu as we speak actually :)23:08
distant2_DGM_: wouldn't the built in encryption in ubuntu be weak?23:08
henkpoleyWormfall: but your computer did work using another OS ?23:08
pilBuckWild: honestly, I did not - I know it sounds stupid but I will now23:08
distant2BuckWild: i see that truecrypt is for entire disk encryption. i only need individual file enc.23:09
_DGM_distant2: i think its good enough really.. do you really think people will spend days trying to get your files ? are they really that important?23:09
henkpoleyWormfall: seems to me like your CMOS/PRAM was resetting while reading it, because of the missing battery23:09
BuckWilddistant2, you can do either23:09
Jordan_Usplnet: Any progress?23:09
WormfallHenkpoley: yup windows booted normally.. I'm not sure if having your battery in is a requirement for ubuntu to boot? as in, it cna't boot off of a/c23:09
_DGM_distant2: are you storing secret cia information or something23:09
nerdy_kidhow do i get a backtrace out of a program?23:09
BuckWilddistant2, you can actually have a fully unencrypted drive, and use a file as an encrypted volume23:09
WormfallHenkpoley: yea, but eitherway its fixed. Wanted to thank you for all your help!23:09
pilBuckWild: I thought maybe ithas the same problem like mine - the compiz thing was my idea of that problem thats why I said compiz23:09
Rabbitbunnynerdy_kid: use a debugger, like gdb.23:09
discozohanHello! I am going to create software raid 10 with 4 hdd, and confused, what the values for "number of active devices" and "number of spare devices" ?23:10
discozohan4 and 0 ?23:10
distant2_DGM_: not that much i believe. but data about other persons' stuff that's why, security info.23:10
distant2BuckWild: i... don't get it.23:10
BuckWildpil, turning it off would relieve any concern about that being the cause of the problem.  Personally, I've never had an experience with desktop effects causing freezes23:10
Fagundesanyone knows how to fix the dell inspiron 1525 webcam on ubuntu 10.4?23:10
BuckWilddistant2, so if I have a hard drive that's mounted on /23:10
pilBuckWild: thanks so much..23:10
BuckWilddistant2, I can make a file /something23:10
distant2_DGM_: does that home encrypt suggest multiple algos or is just a simple push button function?23:11
_DGM_distant2: then i'd recommend just using the encrypted home folder of ubuntu.. it will be good enough23:11
BuckWilddistant2, and I can mount /something (the file) as a truecrypt encrypted drive23:11
_DGM_distant2: i dont know i've seen it in the setup when i installed 10 a while ago.. i have no need to encrypt my files so i didnt look at it23:11
_DGM_but i'm pretty sure its good enough :P23:11
BuckWildI wouldn't imagine that ubuntu would build in crappy home directory encryption, I'm sure it's using industry standard encryption mechanisms23:12
BuckWildI'm encrypting files other than my home directory :)23:12
distant2BuckWild: "create encrypted file container" is that it?23:13
BuckWilddistant2, sounds about right23:13
discozohanPing: is it ok to choose 4 active devices and 0 spare devices for software raid 10 ?23:13
distant2BuckWild: yeah, i will test that out.23:14
lov255what is the dir /proc/modules ?23:14
lov255and do you happen to know why I can not get to it?23:14
Rabbitbunnylov255: /proc is a bad place to play.23:14
nerdy_kidRabbitbunny thanks :)23:15
lov255every time I try to sudo rmmod a .ko file it tells me that it can not find the module in /proc/modules23:15
Rabbitbunnynerdy_kid: np23:15
cfeddefor some reason this 8.04 server wants to start networking in recovery mode.  and so it hangs about half way up.  Does anyone know a workaround?23:15
lov255Would that be because of the driver .c file before I compiled it?23:16
lov255<---is a noob23:16
BuckWildbtw guys, I recently redid a lady I know's computer using Ubuntu (from windows xp) I had her bring all the peripherals she intended to use with it with her, and every single one of them worked fine23:16
BuckWildUbuntu has come a long way in a short time23:16
jgcampbell300is there a way to find out what type of memory is in a computer from cli ?23:17
BuckWildI was really surprised when the printer/scanner fired up without a problem23:17
OerBuckWild +123:17
jgcampbell300like for instance find out if it is pc 2700 ecc etc23:17
Oerjgcampbell300, memorytype is hard to get, use sysinfo, it is not CLI23:18
MorayJWhat make of printer/scanner was it?23:18
lubun2lov255, it means it's not loaded23:18
benkevanI'm getting http://pastebin.com/kdkWeFx6 .. xsessoins won't start.. but if I ssh -X to the box, x applications come up.. GDM / XDM won't come up (but I hear the noises) what gives?23:19
jgcampbell300ok thanks23:19
JPetersonI have a python program with  # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-, how do I get it to print "Häagen-Dazs" correctly in the terminal?23:20
JPetersoninstead of replacing the ä with a ?23:20
Marine_Marine is gaming.  !gameinfo for more info.23:20
JPetersonie the file has the 1-byte-peter-letter cp1252/latin-1 character set23:20
JPetersonbut the linux terminal seems to have another character set in my case23:21
JPetersonis there something similar to the windows "chcp 1252" command?23:21
holoceneanyone know when the 10.04 point release will be?23:21
iggy_hey guys i have a dlink wireless adapter and i was on alien arena and it froze i restarted my computer and now i lost wirelees23:21
thune3holocene: looks like any day now: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.04.123:23
holocenethune3, I hope so!23:24
_DGM_holocene: why? anything specific you need?23:25
iggy_hey guys i have a dlink wireless adapter and i was on alien arena and it froze i restarted my computer and now i lost wirelees23:25
teunvDiggy_ did you lose you wireless adapter, or your network?23:26
teunvDiggy_ is it still showing up on lshw?23:26
_DGM_iggy_: try sudo ifconfig wlan0 up23:26
iggy_teunvd the network the adapter blinks and when i unplug it it says connection lost but the only way i can get internet is through ethernet and whats lshw23:27
synvillaI failed miserably :(23:27
teunvDiggy_ nvm my comment, try what _DGM_ said23:27
_DGM_iggy_: whats the output of that command23:27
iggy_it said no device found did iwconfig seen it was wlan1 and then it out put nothing23:28
iggy_when i changed sudo ifconfig wlan1 up23:28
iggy_should i reboot23:28
_DGM_iggy_: pastebin the output of ifconfig please23:29
intrusiondoes anyone know of any AVR cross compilers?23:29
holocene_DGM_, I wanted to install on another box but not from a cd that requires 250MB addl download23:29
_DGM_intrusion: avr gcc23:30
iggy__DGM_, np http://pastebin.com/aaVA98cY thanks so much23:30
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: #AVR exists.23:30
andynintrusion: avr-gcc?23:30
intrusioni tried that, but it still says it needs one. hmmm...23:31
_DGM_iggy_: ok try sudo dhclient23:31
_DGM_intrusion: be more specific please23:31
BuckWildcoz_, that exchange stuff still isn't quite working, kind of a shame, at least it's come some way since I last looked at the problem23:31
coz_BuckWild,  oh man!  that's a shame23:31
_DGM_intrusion: the ubuntu package is named gcc-avr, but you also need avr-libc for it to work23:32
BuckWildcoz_, I expect I'm not the only one who would like to rid themselves of outlook23:32
coz_BuckWild,   i cant think of another application to do this with MS exchange server23:32
intrusioni would if i could, i'm trying to configure avr libc, but when i run the code, it says it needs to be built with an avr corss compiler23:32
andyn_DGM_: funnily enough the package is gcc-avr but the binary is avr-gcc23:32
_DGM_andyn: yea i know :)23:33
BuckWildcoz_, I tried something called DAVMail or something that was a daemon that actually worked as an intermediary between the exchange server and kind of turned the services that the exchange server provided into reasonable protocols (IMAP, CalendarDAV), but that wasn't quite working well either.  Not sure I'm sold on that as a solution either.23:33
aeon-ltdandyn: yeah probaably to avoid confusion as -avr could be a parameter23:33
_DGM_andyn: thats probably the naming convention of ubuntu. avr-something23:33
_DGM_woops gcc-something23:33
andynyeah, since it's obviously a gcc extension or something23:33
coz_BuckWild,    go to ##linux channel ...they may have a solution that we are not aware of23:33
_DGM_iggy_: did that help anything?23:33
coz_BuckWild,  I am betting that opensuse may have applications that do this better  ....<< just a thought23:34
BuckWildcoz_, yeah, not a bad thought23:34
iggy_im not sure let me reboot23:35
=== frankbro|out is now known as frankbro
_DGM_iggy_: no, what was the output of dhclient ?23:36
splnetJordan_U:  if you are still around.. I had to leave for the day. but it still didn't work. BUT... In partition manager there was an error with the partition. So I think I screwed up with gparted. This will have to wait until next week though23:37
iggy___DGM_, it didnt work :(23:37
_DGM_iggy__: i needed the output of sudo dhclient :P23:38
_DGM_iggy__: please dont reboot just yet, because theres no need23:38
tautos_priesasserver irc.ktu.lt23:39
Rabbitbunny/connect must be too long.23:39
holocenewhat's the name of that lucid iso (maybe only 25MB) that allows you to boot and install over the network?23:39
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:39
iggy__http://pastebin.com/rSyUh7BV _DGM_23:40
XaseOkay... so trying to fix overscan, anyone know -anything-?23:41
jgcampbell300ok i think i am getting confused about some terminology ... i am trying to set up a pdc dns and back up dns at my house ... would this be a local domain ... but i also want to setup a dyndns to link to my home net .. why am i getting so confused here ?23:41
holoceneerUSUL, that did it .thanks23:41
erUSULholocene: no problem23:41
coz_BuckWild,  did you try the ##linux channel yet?23:41
Xase/join #xorg23:42
BuckWildcoz_, nah not yet, let me try that23:42
hiexpoIdleOne,  rvening23:42
_DGM_iggy__: hm i think you need to reconfigure the wireless settings. Have you tried doing so through the gui?23:42
BuckWildcoz_, I apparently have to have a registered nick to go to that channel :)23:42
coz_BuckWild,  oh!   didnt realize that    sorry23:42
_DGM_BuckWild: just register yourself with nickserv23:42
_DGM_BuckWild: /msg nickserv help23:43
DasEiXase: nvidia card ?23:43
ActionParsnip!register > BuckWild23:43
ubottuBuckWild, please see my private message23:43
coz_BuckWild,  I suggest that channel... and I am sure there are others...because this particular issue is not common practice with general users :)23:43
Wiesshundjgcampbell300 what are you trying to set up? might help someone answer you better23:43
XaseDasEi, No.23:43
iggy___DGM_, its a belkin d_link i had to use the windows wireless drivers and ndiswrapper23:43
XaseIt's an intel 4500mhd23:43
=== BuckWild is now known as BuckWild`
ActionParsnipiggy__: does the chip have no native driver?23:43
DasEiXase: sorry then, don't know a tool for it23:43
XaseI know nvidia has an overscan feature.23:43
BuckWild`coz_, yeah I kind of figured :)23:44
iggy__ActionParsnip, i dont think so its the dwa-13023:44
XaseI don't need a tool, that isn't already included in Ubuntu.23:44
hiexpocoz_,  whats his prob > BuckWild`  that is ?23:44
iggy__ActionParsnip, if there is one please point me too it23:44
XaseI know there is a tool but I don't know how to use it.23:44
BuckWild`coz_, I'm actually running ubuntu on my work computer under virtualbox, it would be really cool to be able to fire up evolution or something on there and have it work instead of outlook, I bet it would actually save ram to do it that way too23:44
jgcampbell300ok ... my end goal is to have a samba4 server at my home ...23:44
ActionParsnipiggy__: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network    the make and model is moot23:44
ActionParsnipiggy__: we only need the product line for the chip23:45
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: If you're running linux on everything, you don't want samba,23:45
jgcampbell300well i have been reading all day on this stuff and i am having a hard time describing exactly whats in my head lol23:45
coz_BuckWild`,  mmm another issue may be that it is running virtually.... you might want to check into that as well23:45
BuckWild`coz_, I'm not running it virtually here :)23:45
jgcampbell300well i am runing linux on everything but i need to learn to build a domain that uses mac and windows as well23:45
BuckWild`coz_, I'm at home right now23:45
coz_BuckWild`,  oh ok  sorry I misread :)23:45
Aemaethi need a daleks voice for linux so it can be superior23:46
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: Oh, you're trying to use the lesser OSs... disregaurd then.23:46
nerdy_kidi have an input latency issue with pulseaudio, so that if i try recording anything i get stuttering.  is there any way i might be able to fix this?23:46
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, I think that windows might be able to use NFS if encryption isn't an issue23:46
iggy__ActionParsnip, _DGM_  here you go and thanks http://pastebin.com/wubsE9tE23:46
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, and I'm pretty sure that mac can too23:46
jgcampbell300ok let me step back a bit ...23:46
janickois anybody here who would help me to get my wireless router woriking? it is recognized, but it is not able to get on internet.23:46
jgcampbell300let me describe excactly what i have and need to do23:47
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: one line, remember.23:47
hiexpojanicko,  what kinda router ?23:47
jgcampbell300i have 3 computers one 2g and the other two are 1gig23:47
jgcampbell300oh ya sorry23:47
ActionParsnipiggy__: its a broadcom 43xx23:47
ActionParsnip!broadcom | iggy__23:47
ubottuiggy__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:47
coz_janicko,  I am probably the biggest "doof" with networking issues on this channel :)23:47
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: Describe this a little more, You have connectivity via cat5, but not wireless?23:47
BuckWild`hiexpo, I'm trying to figure out a workable way to access calendar/email from an exchange server on linux23:48
ActionParsnipiggy__: i think you got too bogged down with it being a dlink that you missed the smart bit23:48
iggy__no i bought the dlink wireless usb because the broadcom was such a pain in the ass to setup23:48
BuckWild`hiexpo, evolution works okay for email through the mapi plugin, but calendaring is another thing23:48
janicko hiexpo: belkin F6D4230-423:48
hiexpoBuckWild`, oh ok wrong guy here  lol23:48
BuckWild`I think I might end up just writing my own OWA google chrome extension23:49
hiexpojanicko,  is it pw protected?23:49
intrusionRabbitbunny: ok so i fixed my problem, it might have been because there was a space in the command :S23:49
janickocoz_: so you are the guy who i need then. I tryed second day and i just managed to get recognized router, but it still not working.23:49
intrusionRabbitbunny: thanks for your help23:49
jgcampbell300ok one 2g computer 2 1g computers ... i am trying to set up dns and back up dns on the 1/gs .. the big computer will run as a openchange server later on .... but i would like to set up a local domain at my house use dyndns to direct internet trafic to my house ... i am under the impresion i will need a pdc for this ... the pdc i think should be samba4 ... i think that is how it works but i just cant get this strait in my head23:49
janickohiexpo: no it's not23:49
Rabbitbunnyintrusion: That's nothing, yesterday I edited the wrong fil and complained loudly that the output wasn't changing.23:49
coz_janicko,  no I think you misunderstood me :)  I am the last person you want to deal with networking issues  ..honest23:50
ubuntucan anyone here help me out... my X video is broken but the system boots into KDE.   I want to re-install the NVidia drivers in a command-line environment.  How do I start Maverick in command-line mode?23:50
intrusionRabbitbunny: the joys of linux23:50
hiexpojanicko,  so you can connect to it wireless but no internet?23:50
XaseOVERSCAN help please. 720p Panasonic tc-p42c223:50
Rabbitbunnyjgcampbell300: Note that most residential ISPs will block your ports if you host. It's normally specifically barred.23:50
iggy__ActionParsnip, _DGM_  no i bought the dlink wireless usb because the broadcom was such a pain in the ass to setup i could not for the life of me get the laptops wireless card to work so i bought dlink and now im having a hard time with that23:50
ubuntuActionParsnip: oh hey :)23:50
=== ubuntu is now known as Roey
ActionParsnipubuntu_: yo23:51
erUSULubuntu: #ubuntu+1 for maverick help23:51
isakillMy wife and I are attempting to homeshcool our children and a lesson planner solution for linux is needed..  is there an answer?  Preferably a local solution not web based.23:51
nerdy_kidanyone know how to workaround this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/55881323:51
RoeyerUSUL: thanks23:51
coz_ok break time... I am hungry :)  be back in a bit23:51
DasEiubuntu: wron chan here, sudo service gdm stop23:51
janickoRabbitbunny: i have connectivity on wire but when i try on wireless it is not woriking, even if it saying that there is connection23:51
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, are you trying to run some kind of company from your house or something?  that seems like quite a complicated home network you're attempting to create there :)23:51
ActionParsnipiggy__: the chip has a native driver, installable with the hardware driver item in system hardware23:51
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: Check encryption.23:51
DasEijanicko: throughput sufficient on wired meanwhile ?23:51
Scuniziisakill: even the web based versions you can run locally on a machine setup with apache..23:52
jgcampbell300well not really ... but i am trying to learn how to set a net up for that use23:52
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, PDC if I'm correct is a windows NT type of terminology, is there some reason you really need a "domain", because that seems like something Microsoft only shops tend to function with23:52
Wiesshundjgcampbell300 do you really need to run samba sharing from your home? not exactly clear on what your trying to attempt completely?23:52
hiexpohey DasEi23:52
Rabbitbunnyisakill: Might be a good resource for you  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=818907   don't stop homeschooling23:52
iggy__ActionParsnip, are you talking about broadcom cause i tried everything i asked here read tons of forums and couldnt get broadcom to work but now i bought dlink besides its better connection23:52
DasEilöle hiexpo23:53
janickoRabbitbunny: what is that?23:53
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: WEP, WPA, WPA223:53
janickoDasEi: yes23:53
hiexpoDasEi,  lole23:53
DasEijanicko: fixed interfaces file, too ?23:53
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: I dealt with this quite commonly when I was doing tech 1. I bet you've got the wrong password entered.23:54
isakillScunizi, not really, because they are all subscription based.  Rabbitbunny I'll look at that link23:54
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, samba is also typically used as a file sharing technique (I think it might share printers too, etc.) but I'm confused by the terminology you are using, the east thing for me would be to try to understand how linux fits into this picture23:54
tsLightAny idea what package I need to install gcc "backward compatible headers"? (now deprecated, such as iostream.h).  I need it to compile an old project.23:54
janickoRabbitbunny: i am not able to get it cose i don't know them23:54
jgcampbell300I need the windows side of things just for the knolage and some friends that come over ... the most important thing here is that i learn how to make this model work properly ... this is mainly for my own benefit so i can reproduce working environment in a office setting if i need to23:54
ActionParsnipiggy__: if ndiswrapper works then i'd stick with it, 43xx normally uses the firmware cutter23:54
thune3nerdy_kid: i don't have a solution, you *already* have a workaround23:54
Scuniziisakill: I was thinking of the gpl versions of software for schools.. calendaring, grades, testing etc..23:54
andynevery time i try playing a video with totem my xubuntu lucid system crashes with blank screen, switching to text console doesn't work and after reboot xorg log says "Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error". how should i start hunting down the problem?23:54
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:55
DasEi!wireless | janicko23:55
ubottujanicko: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:55
isakilllike edline?  you have to buy stuff like that23:55
janickoRabbitbunny: i didn't put any password23:55
jgcampbell300ok ... i use ubuntu on everything at home ... my servers is where i dont have enouf knolage ...23:55
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: Hey look, we found your problem.23:55
DasEijanicko: first tell us which chip23:55
RoeyDasEi: thanks for the service stop command; the thing is I need to boot to command-line mode to fix the NVidia drivers (nothbing to do with Maverick).23:55
jgcampbell300my brother and family use windows kuz they will not learn something new and better23:55
janickoDasEi: been there, done that, didn't help23:55
nerdy_kidthune3 i meant can i workaround the bug in pulse's config files?  like is there a line i can edit or would it require recompiling to fix it?23:55
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, trying to reproduce a windows domain type network in a home environment will probably run you quite a bit in licensing fees, besides, I'm still convinced that nobody really knows how to run a windows domain, none of the network people I've ever bumped into really have any idea how any of that works23:55
Wiesshundjgcampbell300 what is knolage?23:55
DasEiRoey: just ask23:56
iggy__ActionParsnip, yeah it was working i played alien arena it froze i shutdown and turned on only to find the connections were lost in the task bar the dlink usb is still blinking like it works and when i unplug it it says connection lost but i cant get wirless internet23:56
janickoRabbitbunny: and what is solution?23:56
jgcampbell300i have found a few very interesting sites if you would like them23:56
uniqueif i want file.txt to be shared between two users what permission do i give? chmod or chown?23:56
Guest79615wifi problems, can't ping anything but have ip from comcast router via dhcp, on dell with broadcom-sta driver, how to troubleshoot from here?  ethernet connection to same router works23:56
jgcampbell300one tells you exactly how to set the samba4 up to be a pdc23:56
RoeyDasEi: OK, how do I boot into the command-line mode?23:56
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: Figure out how to enter the password.23:56
BuckWild`jgcampbell300, if you want to be able to do windows filesharing, samba will do that for you.  If you're looking to share files across linux, windows and mac, I think SSHFS works in a lot of cases (you can use an SFTP client on windows), I hate SAMBA personally because of how slow it is, and I have no idea if it works on mac23:57
ActionParsnipBuckWild`: you should come to our lpace, most people here are MCP23:57
ActionParsnipBuckWild`: samba is a lot faster than sshfs dude23:58
Wiesshundsamba is going to run slow as snot piped across the internet on a dsl or cable connection23:58
DasEiRoey: first you need kernel-headers and build essential, too, then it is a good idea to first remove old driver, then ..23:58
janickoRabbitbunny: but have no idea how to get password23:58
RabbitbunnyActionParsnip: I'd like to see evidence of this.23:58
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, transfer wise, probably, no encryption overhead, however, latency is horrible in SAMBA23:58
jgcampbell300http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1499753 is that link btw ... very detailed23:58
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, NFS is faster than SAMBA23:58
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: It's your router... If you didn't set it, try the default password.23:58
tsLightAny idea what package I need to install gcc "backward compatible headers"? (now deprecated, such as iostream.h).  I need it to compile an old project.23:58
ilyekkakaihow do I select my freepulse bluetooth headphones as the sound output device in lucid? I can't find any way to do it. You used to be able to just go to sound prefs and select it in intrepid... what happened? How do I select it now?23:58
RoeyDasEi: I can fix the driver fine, I just need to boot to a command line to do it23:58
BuckWild`I like the "use anywhere" nature of a SSHFS connection23:59
erUSUL!find iostream.h23:59
ubottuFile iostream.h found in autoconf-archive, fp-docs, gap-dev, ivtools-dev, libasio-dev (and 27 others)23:59
DasEiRoey: sudo service gdm stop will log you off, install the new driver, reboot, and again run nvidia-xconfig , and restart gdm23:59
janickoRabbitbunny: so no help here?23:59
djonesukthis must be some previous unheard of definition of "use anywhere" that I wasn't aware of23:59
jgcampbell300hmm ... i am thinking i should take a break for a while ... been reading all day ... this will problaby be much clearer in the monring :)23:59
DasEiRoey: sudo service gdm stop is what you want then23:59

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