
rebirthhi, i am trying to record using an maudio ozone (external soundcard) as an interface.  in the pulse volume control i can see that i am getting a microphone signal, but when i try to use the mic in audacity or skype, no audio is being picked up00:24
rebirthnevermind, i just fixed it00:31
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
holsteinrebirth: COOL00:58
digitteknohippiehow big is the default install of ubuntu studio?  and how small a space could i get away with (leaving stuff out, obviously)?01:12
holsteindigitteknohippie: ubuntustudio?01:13
holsteinOH yeah01:13
holsteini see01:13
holsteini fit it on a 4gb SD card once01:13
holsteinthat was intrepid i think01:13
holsteini would say if you got 10gb's01:13
digitteknohippieah cool, that'l be me sorted if i can get away with the same for lucid01:13
holsteinand your recording everything to an external drive01:14
holsteinyoud be pretty well set01:14
digitteknohippiei've got a partition just shy of 5gb i was thinking of putting a ubuntu based distro on01:14
holsteindigitteknohippie: plain ol buntu will fit01:14
holsteinand you can just add what you like from the studio packages01:15
digitteknohippiebeing a creative chap, of course my first thought went to ubuntu studio.    i already use crunchbang as my primary distro.01:15
holsteinyou got USB boot?01:15
holsteinyou could install plain ol buntu to an external drive01:16
holsteinand upgrade it to studio pretty easily01:16
holsteinalmost anything you would do in ubuntustudio would require some HD space01:17
digitteknohippieyeah, i'll likely put most of my creative apps on my existing crunchbang (which i just dd'd from usb to hd), and tbh, i'm mainly just wanting to install an ubuntu based distro to my small partition, just to fix my boot menu.   lol.   cos it's the easiest way to do it.  ;)01:19
holsteincan you do it from the live CD?01:19
digitteknohippiebut it'd b cool if i could get it tight n tidy enough to have a few useful apps in there.01:19
digitteknohippie:/   "do it"?01:19
holsteinfix your boot menu01:20
digitteknohippiei dont plan on using a live cd every time just to boot into existing ....01:20
digitteknohippiewe'll see.   dling ubuntustudio just now,01:20
* holstein has used that before01:20
holsteindigitteknohippie: ubuntustudio is not a live disc01:20
holsteinyou running the newer debian based crunchbang?01:21
digitteknohippiegag seems like overkill.   i like things kept minimal n simple.01:22
* holstein ran the older one based on ubuntu 9.04? i think01:22
holsteini liked it01:22
digitteknohippiethe one i'm curently running is an upgraded ubuntu based.01:22
digitteknohippiewas the 9.04, now 10.04.  ;)01:22
holsteinso you can just seach ubuntustudio in synaptic01:22
holsteinif your on the lucid repos01:23
holsteinand see what packages are there01:23
holsteini usually just get ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-controls01:23
digitteknohippieyeah, i know that.   i used to use ubuntu studio a few versions back, and have, like i said, already got all my creative apps i need in crunchbang01:23
holsteinright on :)01:24
digitteknohippiei'm more thinking about using it for my tiny partition.01:24
digitteknohippiejust incase something happens to one, i have a backup then you see.  ;)01:24
digitteknohippiei do tend to fiddle... n that can often break things.01:24
holsteini hear you01:24
holsteini always say, your not doing it right til you break everything and have to reinstall01:25
holsteinat least twice ;)01:25
digitteknohippiei get where you're coming from with that, but i've always also been ken on the idea that a true gnu\linux system, ideally, you never need to either reinstall, nor even reboot, and that it can always be fixed.01:26
digitteknohippie... of course, in practical terms, it's often easier just to reinstall after a major bork.  ;)01:26
holsteinim getting closer to that01:26
holsteini hope01:26
holsteinas i learn01:26
digitteknohippieyeps, n thats the beauty of it.01:26
holsteinbut for now, i can still get into some tight spots really easily01:27
digitteknohippiehands are tied with proprietary software.  "not allowed to know that".01:27
digitteknohippieomfg...   this looks like it's gonna take more than 2 days to dl01:30
holsteinOH just the iso01:30
holsteinthats strange01:30
holsteintry another mirror01:31
digitteknohippiegot another dl on at the moment too, should be better once it finishes01:31
holsteini usually get the big iso's from ubuntustudio in less that an hour01:31
holsteinyeah, that could be it01:31
digitteknohippieyeah, rolling decent speed now. :)02:32
digitteknohippieo, btw, add xigit04:00
loadedhi everyone04:01
digitteknohippieoops, wrong window04:02
loadedcan anyone tell me how can i set up UbuntuStudio tu run in RT?04:07
holsteinloaded: sure04:15
holsteinyour interested in running JACK i assume04:15
loadedyes i use jack04:15
holsteinhave you installed the RT kernel?04:16
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-rt04:16
holsteinthen check out04:16
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:16
loadedlet me just ask you this 1st?04:16
loadedwhen i run jack04:16
loadedin the display shows RT04:16
loadeddoes it mean im using RT already04:16
loadedor just jack in RT04:17
holsteinthat means JACK is trying too04:17
holsteinare you having any issues?04:17
loadedsorry for the noobish questions boot im a real noob when it comes to linux04:17
holsteinnah, no worries ;)04:17
holsteinask away04:17
holsteinin jack control04:18
holsteinwhen you click on 'setup'04:18
holsteinbefore starting JACK04:18
holsteintheres a checkbox04:18
holsteinfor realtime04:18
loadedits RT checked04:18
holsteinchecking that just tries t get JACK running in realtime04:18
holsteinand the generic kernel might be able to do that now04:19
holsteini know lots of folk here just use the generic kernel04:19
holsteinif your not getting xruns04:19
holsteinor you dont need lowerlatency04:19
loadedwhat does xruns mean?04:19
holsteinfor soft synths04:19
holsteinor realtime effects04:19
holsteinxrun = bad04:19
holsteinsomething is competing with JACK04:20
loadedthe thing is that04:20
holsteinand JACK is not winning04:20
holsteinif your getting xruns04:20
holsteinis this an internal card?04:20
loadedi use 2 cards04:20
loaded1 for output04:21
loaded1 for input04:21
holsteinyou do some ALSA hacking to get JACK to do that?04:21
loadedinternal SBlive 5.104:21
loadedand external USB edirol04:21
holsteinedirol in04:21
holsteinand SB out?04:21
loadededirol i pug the guitar04:22
holsteinthats probably pretty nice actually04:22
holsteingreat idea04:22
loadedand let the SB do all the outs04:22
loadedthe reason why im asking04:22
loadedabout RT04:22
loadedis really concerning the sequencer04:22
loadedthey advise to use either RT or blackbox, fluxbox etc04:23
loadedsince i dont know how to run any of those x managers04:23
holsteinyou use a proprietary graphics driver?04:23
loadedi might try seting up RT04:23
holsteinthats an issue04:23
holsteinthe RT kernel doesnt like that04:24
loaded192 if im not mistaken04:24
loadedlet me check (its the desktop pc)04:24
holsteinlet me look at something04:24
loadednvidia 195.36.24 driver04:25
holsteinloaded: OK04:26
holsteinyou got a couple options04:26
holsteintheres another kernel04:26
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency04:26
holsteini have no idea how that one works with the nvidia driver04:26
holsteinwe know generic is fine04:26
holsteinand i know the RT one from the repo is not04:27
holsteinthere is a PPA04:27
loadedthe one witht the repo is not with prop driver or in general?04:27
holsteinthe guy that does http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/04:27
loadedcause ill change the driver04:27
holsteinhas a PPA04:28
holsteinthere is a LOT more than just a kernel in there04:28
holsteinyou'll get quite a bit of updates04:28
holsteinyou can use PPA purge if something gets borked04:28
loadedlet me ask u again04:29
holsteini use PPA purge in http://ubuntu-tweak.com/04:29
loadedthe RT in the repo04:29
holsteinBUT falk has patched that RT kernel for the nvidia driver04:29
holsteinits called linux-realtime04:29
loadedthe issues are just with nvidia drivers04:29
holsteinloaded: yeah04:29
loadedah ok04:29
holsteinthe other option04:30
loadedso if i chenge the driver to open source one04:30
holsteinjust roll with the kernel you got04:30
holsteinand dont sweat it04:30
loadedi can get the Rt from the repo with no probs?04:30
holsteinloaded: thats my understanding04:30
loadedi see04:30
holsteini havent tried going back and forth like that04:30
holsteini just use the nv driver04:30
holsteinBUT that should be the case04:31
holsteinbut again, sequencing is relatively light-weight04:31
holsteincompared to other tasks04:31
holsteinif you dont need low latency04:32
holsteinand your OK with the lag04:32
loadedim not04:32
holsteinjust relax your JACk settings a bit04:32
holsteinyeah, if you want to actually PLAY a softsynth04:32
loadedit aint funny playing guitar and getting the sound 1 sec latter04:32
holsteinyou need sub 10ms latency04:32
holsteinyeah, that too04:32
holsteinloaded: what latency are you getting?04:33
holsteinsomewhere in there?04:33
loadeda bit more maybe04:33
loadedlet me check04:33
holsteini think i can really start to hear it around 15ms04:33
holstein14 maybe04:33
holsteini think if you can get around 5-8 ms04:34
holsteinmight be do-able04:34
holsteinloaded: AH04:34
holsteinanother option04:34
holstein^^ that is a live distro04:35
holsteinwith an RT kernel04:35
holsteindebian based04:35
holsteina lot of the same software really04:35
holsteinyou could just burn that and try it with your hardware04:35
holsteinbefore you start really tweaking04:35
holsteinto see if an RT kernel is worth the effort04:35
loadedok just installed RT from repo04:40
loadedusing rakarrack with 3ms04:40
loadedusing a sample rate of 4410004:41
holsteinrakarrack is awesome04:42
loaded@ 96000 is runnig @2.604:42
loadedthat i did not expect04:43
loadedbtw im still using the prop driver on the gcard04:43
holsteinyeah, the generic kernel has come along way04:43
loadedu recon i should change it04:43
holsteinyou cant push it like that04:43
holsteinloaded: hmmm04:43
holsteini say, if it aint broke04:44
holsteinbut just be aware04:44
holsteinyou should be able to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a recovery console04:44
holsteinand change the driver to nv04:44
holsteinTransmogrifox hangs out over in #opensourcemusicians04:45
loadedive spoken with him today04:45
holsteinand of course #rakarrack04:45
loadedgave me lots of usefull info04:45
holsteinyeah, good people04:45
loadedi still need to compile rak new version since 0.4.2 its outofdate04:46
loadedguess it wilol improve a lot sound quality04:46
holsteinyou checking out the looping function?04:47
loadedtks for the help holstein04:47
holsteinloaded: anytime04:47
loadedlooping function04:47
loadedwhere @?04:47
holsteinloaded: in rakarrack04:47
holsteinthe git version04:47
loadednah man04:47
holsteinthe 'testing' branch or whatever04:47
loadedi havent started to compile the new version yet04:47
holsteinrak is GREAT04:48
loadedim @ my laptop so i need to switch to desk to do that04:48
holsteingood luck04:48
loadedtks man04:48
holsteinlet us know how it goes :)04:48
loadedho i will04:48
loadedi have some stuff recorded04:48
loadedbut ill do a re recording using the new version04:49
holsteinif you want04:49
holsteinthe guys in #opensourcemusicians will play your stuff on the show04:49
loadedits silly how much $$$ one had to spend b4 these projects came along04:49
holsteinits a nice community over there04:50
loadedtell me more pls04:50
holsteingrowing listenership04:50
loadedthey do a podcast?04:50
holsteincheck them out when you get a chance04:50
loadedcan i spam my music page here ?04:53
loadedaltho the recordings were done in Win Apps?04:54
holsteinloaded: SURE04:55
holsteini got some that i made with cubase04:56
loadedgonna switch over to the desktop04:56
holsteinnot too long ago04:56
loadedhi again05:00
loadedfunny thing05:02
loadedi keep earing a flicker05:02
loadedin the background05:02
loadedsince ive done the RT change05:02
holsteinit dont like it05:03
loadedany thoughts of what might be?05:03
holsteini thought the screen was flickering05:03
loadedmy bad05:04
loadednah sound05:04
loaded<<<< poor english skills05:04
holsteinnah, your good :)05:04
holsteinim not sure what that would be05:04
loadedit sounds like a far away metronome05:04
holsteini dont use the RT kernel without JACK really05:04
loadedu can switch RT and normal through grub?05:05
loadedi see05:05
holsteinsudo gedit /etc/default/grub05:05
holsteinadd that #05:06
holsteinto that line05:06
holsteinand then run sudo update-grub05:06
holsteinafter saving and exiting05:06
holsteinand you'll get too choose05:07
loadedits blank wth?05:07
holsteindid you type it in right?05:07
holsteindid i type it in right ;)05:07
holsteinubuntu 10.04 right?05:07
loadedi just ran a locate on grub05:07
loadedno show on /etc/default05:08
holsteindid you upgrade all the way from hardy or something?05:08
loadedcan it be grub.d?05:08
holsteinused to be05:08
loadedi did05:08
holsteinbut i would have though you would have grub205:08
loadedupgrade from jaunty05:08
holsteincheck out05:08
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.05:09
holsteini forget how to do it for the old grub05:09
loadedoh k05:09
holsteinyou might not need to05:09
loaded1 sec05:09
holsteinif you see the list05:09
holsteinat boot05:09
holsteinjust use the arrows05:09
holsteinand pick a different kernel05:09
loadedwich one will it be05:09
loadedthe RT one05:09
loadedi mean?05:10
holsteinit'll be obvious05:10
holsteinor something-RT05:10
holsteinand those are the only ones you have05:10
loadedno i have more05:10
loadedthats for sure05:10
holsteinwell the only 2 types05:11
holsteinyou probably got a ton of -generic ones ;)05:11
holsteinupgrading from jaunty05:11
holsteinthats awesome05:11
* holstein is glad to know that worked well05:11
loadedgonna check out ubutoo´s tip05:12
loadedwhy is that05:12
loadedshould have done a clean install?05:12
holsteinloaded: nah05:13
holsteinif it worked, thats great05:13
holsteinsome folks have issues05:13
loadedso far so good05:13
holsteini did a couple of test upgrades05:13
holsteinand it worked well for me05:13
loadedappart from the latency.....wich is solved tks to u guys all is good05:13
* holstein friended you on myspace05:14
loadedu guys obviously know lots of working with linux05:14
loadedi wonder if u could help me out on another issue05:15
loadedregarding mapping keys05:15
holsteini'll try05:15
holsteinwhats up?05:15
loadedi play wolfenstein enemy territory05:15
loadeda FPS game05:15
holsteini'll have to update flash to check out your music :/05:15
holsteini'll get on that later though05:16
holsteinloaded: OK05:16
loadedcan i go on?05:16
holsteini know of wolfenstein05:16
loadedso heres the deal05:16
loadedi run a cfg script as my autoexec05:16
loadedto bind keys etc05:16
holsteinthis is in WINE right?05:16
loadedits native05:17
holsteinim not sure05:17
loadedthe thing is05:17
holsteini remember using some app to map05:17
holsteinin xp05:17
holsteinsomething from logitech05:17
loadedu can find the game @ playdeb if u want 2 check iy out05:17
holsteinloaded: gotcha05:17
holsteintheres a guy05:17
holsteinover in #opensourcemusicians05:18
holsteinbig gamer05:18
holsteinhe does this podshow http://partnersinlag.linuxgamers.net/?p=3105:18
holsteini bet he would know05:19
loadedbookmarked it05:19
holsteini remember him referencing playdeb on his show05:19
loadedits a gamming portal05:19
loadedwhere u can get the deb files for games05:19
holsteinthats great05:20
holsteini really dont game that much05:20
loadedwell but05:20
holsteini checked out nexuiz a bit05:20
holsteinand i game on my android phone a little05:20
loadedcan u tell me why is that when i use CTRL key along with another key05:20
loadedit forces the game to Menu mode05:21
holsteinthats not cool05:21
loadedCTRL is my croush key05:21
holsteincan you remap crouch?05:21
holsteinthat might be a global 'back to the menu' key05:21
loadedyes but after 6 years playing with it on CTRL my game dynamics will be off05:22
loadedand i do some cups and tournaments05:22
loadedso its kinda s***ty when u need to crouch to revive a teammate05:22
loadedand u go to menu05:23
holstein[lsd] is the guy for that question05:23
loadedill look for him05:23
rebirthok.. so my maudio ozone is not working again. just like before, it's not showing up in the pulseaudio volume control.  lp?susb shows that the device is plugged in.  i tried installing madfuload which fixed it before, but it is already installed. hel06:04
rebirthlsusb* wow sorry for all the typos06:05
holsteinthats strange06:05
rebirthhow do you uninstall a package?06:05
holsteinyou can do it in synaptic06:05
rebirthi want to try uninstalling madfuload and reinstalling06:05
holsteinfind madfuload06:05
holsteinand mark it for reinstallation06:05
holsteinthats pretty easy06:05
holsteinBUT we should try and figure out what is killing it06:06
holsteintry that and tell me if it works06:06
rebirthok, reinstalling now, see if it fixes06:06
rebirthi'm going restart06:07
rebirthholstein: you still there?06:50
holsteinrebirth: whats the word?06:52
* holstein is heading out for the nite soon...06:53
rebirthsorry after i restarted my computer i couldn't connect to irc for some reason06:53
rebirthit's still not working06:53
holsteinim out of ideas06:55
holsteinyou should try #opensourcemusicians06:56
rebirthok thanks06:56
holsteinand i'll think about it06:56
holsteinthats just odd really06:56
holsteini dont suppose it can be an issue the the USB ports06:56
holsteinif it shows up in lsusb06:56
* holstein will give it a think06:57
* holstein gotta crash ...06:57
rebirthok goodnite06:59
orly_owlany video editing software that exports each frame to an image?08:44
orly_owleven cli app08:44
armutHi, im looking a software like Band in a Box on Linux platform12:07
loadedhi all14:36
crysazhello loaded14:47
loadedwhats up14:51
crysazjust chilling and listening to some dubstep14:51
loadedim installing rakarrack v0.614:52
loadedrelated to dub reggae?14:52
crysazkinda. it's dub, but there is no ragga in it. just wobling basetunes and playing around14:53
loadedyou´re playing?14:53
crysazno, i'm not a dj, but i do like to go dubstep parties14:54
loadedah thought u were playing some instrument along with a track or something14:55
crysazthere is harly any instruments beoynd synths.14:56
crysazhttp://www.getdarker.com/  if you wanna check out14:56
loadedjust checking out the podcasts14:57
loadedsounds chilling xD14:57
crysazi assume, that rakarrack is jack compatible?14:58
crysazlooks nice. i'll give it a try some day14:58
loadedit is14:59
loadedspecially cause sounds as good as payed Apps14:59
loadedand u get 1st hand support14:59
loadedhi blank14:59
Blank__i'm just off actually15:00
loadedu can easily fit some guitar riffs in these tracks15:02
crysazyeah. you could, but i haven't heard any15:08
loadedsounds nice tho a bit boring as all dub does (2 me anyway) xD15:13
* MengXingHun 春天在哪里....春天在哪里....16:23
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
edakiriIn what program is it convenient to assemble tiles of images together?  I know GIMP a bit and I do not know and resizing the canvas and aligning seems a bit difficult.  Maybe there is an easier way.20:25
Quiet_guyHi, I'm having a problem getting a USB headset to work with Ubuntu 10.04.  Any help or direction to head.  Thanks21:13
edakiriQuiet_guy: few USB sound devices are supported.  check ALSA21:18
Quiet_guywould i be happier to just return the USB version and get the old plug in type.  that is an easy do if it will make life easier21:20
Quiet_guyAlso, is ALSA a group on here or a web place?21:21
edakirimore info in #alsa21:23
Quiet_guyThanks for the help guys,  from what I am reading the usb is not widely supported therefor, I have boxed the headset neatly and am headed back to the store.  Thanks again you did give me some helpful information.21:44
Quiet_guyLooks like limited line size.  looks like USB not well supported yet so back to old technology for me.21:45

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