
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ToStItOswhere is libdvdcss I cannot find it05:01
well_laid_lawnin the medibuntu repo afaik05:01
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:01
ToStItOsok thank you05:02
TomwaAnyone actually here?05:12
well_laid_lawnnope ;]05:14
TomwaIs there a person online who can answer some questions?05:42
bazhangTomwa, ask and see06:02
=== Sysi_ is now known as Sysi
Laserbeak43hi, i'm looking but i can't find a way to install JDK(not open JDK)07:11
Laserbeak43does anyone know?07:11
well_laid_lawnthe one you get from sun ?07:12
Laserbeak43well_laid_lawn: yes07:14
well_laid_lawnLaserbeak43: http://www.clickonf5.org/linux/how-install-sun-java-ubuntu-1004-lts/777707:16
Laserbeak43well_laid_lawn: thanks07:17
well_laid_lawnnp :]07:17
Laserbeak43i'm trying to run build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev08:35
Laserbeak43and i get a message saying build-essential: command not found. can anyone tell me why?08:35
well_laid_lawnit is a package not an application08:35
well_laid_lawn!info build-essential08:36
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4build1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB08:36
Laserbeak43oh i have to run sudo apt-get08:36
Laserbeak43ok thanks08:36
Laserbeak43invalid operation build-essential08:37
Laserbeak43is what i get now :/08:37
well_laid_lawnit is   sudo apt-get install stuff08:38
bazhang!manual | Laserbeak43 have a read08:38
ubottuLaserbeak43 have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:38
Laserbeak43sudo apt-get install build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev08:39
Laserbeak43is what i'm trying to do08:39
Sysiyay, now we can "RT!M"08:39
Laserbeak43i did leave out install08:40
Laserbeak43it's getting late08:40
well_laid_lawnnp :]08:41
=== noobuntu is now known as dreamtraveler
=== noobuntu is now known as dreamtraveler
dreamtravelerheya, i wanna make a hotkey to open terminal what is the command to use?10:03
well_laid_lawnyou can do that from the menu in window manager settings10:08
dreamtraveleryeah but i dont know whats the commands to bind it to a hotkey eg in gnome is gnome-terminal10:08
well_laid_lawnxfce4-terminal iirc10:09
dreamtraveleri see thank you10:10
well_laid_lawnthe app will be in /usr/bin to check10:10
dreamtravelerthanks again10:11
rileypyoutube crashes when I slect full screen11:44
justSimplyBobGood Morning everyone13:07
Laserbeak43hi slow-motion13:49
Laserbeak43is this the correct way to add variables to PATH?13:50
Laserbeak43repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git13:50
Laserbeak43i mean13:50
Laserbeak43export PATH=$HOME/android-sdk/tools:$PATH13:50
rileypyoutube crashes when I slect full screen14:10
Sysilow-end machine?14:10
rileypyeah inetl vga14:11
rileypintel vga14:11
Sysinonfree flash used?14:11
rileypumm yes I think so14:11
Sysiit's flash, it's heavy and sucky, live with it14:11
rileypmedibunt enabled14:12
rileypso unless i have good graphics card no go with flash?14:12
Sysicpu also14:12
rileypits intergrated inetl vga14:12
rileypand single core ion14:12
rileypintel gma 850 i tthink14:13
Sysiit maybe depends a bit, old intels work kinda badly with new kernels14:13
rileypso only 1600mhz14:13
rileypit worked in karmic14:13
rileypIf I recall correctly14:14
Laserbeakhttp://pastebin.org/478960 <-- i get this error when trying to install ADT, please help14:25
Laserbeakfor eclipse14:25
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
pteague_workany ideas on how to turn off laptop speakers when plugging headphones in? i've tried a number of things yesterday & finally gave up & recompiled alsa only now i don't get anything in my headphones15:15
ceschi there15:34
cescI installed xbuntu on an old pc (pentium 3, 128 Mb RAM, 20 Gb HD) and everything went fine except the serial COM mouse. It doesn´t work. Any ideas how to fix it?15:35
rdingramHello to all. I am having some trouble with nautilus taking over my desktop in Xubuntu. Has anyone else experienced this?16:48
charlie-tcaXubuntu comes with Thuar instead of Nautilus16:49
rdingramExactly. But when I rebooted this morning I was greeted with a nautilus window. I had installed Eclipse yesterday.16:50
rdingramThe problem with nautilus is that it takes over the desktop if not run with --no-desktop.16:50
charlie-tcaWhat about removing Nautilus?16:51
rdingramSo when I try to kill the nautilus process it just comes right back.16:51
rdingramWhich I think would interfere with removing it.16:51
rdingramMaybe I should just drop to a shell and try to remove nautilus that way. I just don't know if it is a requirement for Eclipse/PyDev.16:55
Laserbeakwhy can't i install anything in eclipse?16:57
Laserbeakall kinds of errors16:57
rdingramSo I removed nautilus with it running. Then I had to kill the process after removal. (strange) Now I have no desktop, but I do have the xfce toolbar. Is there a command for the Xfce desktop?16:59
charlie-tcayou have the background image or a solid color?17:00
knomerdingram, xfdesktop417:00
knomerdingram, sorry, xfdesktop17:01
rdingram@knome Bingo! Gracias.17:01
rdingramI guess Eclipse or PyDev installed some kind of bulk gnome package yesterday that included nautilus.17:03
rdingramThank you all.17:03
charlie-tcaLaserbeak: what do you mean, install anything in eclipse.17:04
knomerdingram, no problem.17:09
* charlie-tca shrugs. Why ask for help if you aren't really here?17:14
knomecharlie-tca, maybe he also can't answer any questions in xchat17:15
knomeno, just kidding :)17:15
charlie-tcaNo, he has a notice up that "I'm not here right now"17:16
knomethat's marked as default in pidgin (?) after 5 (?) idle minutes or so, iirc17:16
knomeso it's not that he manually made that notice17:16
charlie-tcaOh, sorry then17:17
knomenp ;)17:17
Cr0pany support here pleasE?17:17
knome!ask | Cr0p17:17
ubottuCr0p: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:17
charlie-tcaCr0p: for Xubuntu there is17:18
Cr0p0.0.. ok... i'm on an old portable pc(laptop).. 256 ddr266.. intel celeron (i know ! Not the best).. when i run xubutu 10.04 alternate i386.. i am having a big issue.. it does not allow me to install ANY KERNEL during the Install the base system STEP17:19
Cr0pwhat basically happens.. is a i get the classical error, saying i can skip the step which i know i cannot.. so around 71% of the installation this happens.. i got 3 choice of kernel.. but all three ends with same error.. so i am pretty sure it is an issue with my laptop17:21
knomewhat's the error?17:21
Cr0pemm... says error: unable to install <package>.. You can skip this step and run it later17:22
Cr0pwhen i am installing the base system17:22
Cr0pi got the partition ok.. 284mb swap and ext4 around 5gb..17:22
Cr0p<package> in my issue would be generic_package for the kernel :/.. I hope i knocked the right door :(17:23
Cr0pright before I clicked the "INSTALL XUBUNTU" from the selection menu I had removed the parameter quiet from the boot options and have set "acpi=off" to work as i found linux distros tend to freeze when loading for acpi17:25
Cr0pany suggestions from you guys? I'm right now downloading xubuntu desktop 9.10 i38617:29
charlie-tcadid the cd pass the integrity checks?17:30
Cr0pthe cd looks find17:30
Cr0pi even had a verification check for bad sectors after burning17:30
Cr0pi burned the first one at 52x.. then later on decided to play safe, i burned a second one at 24x max17:31
Cr0pboth ends with same error.. I'm so frustrated... tomorrow i shall try again, but frankly, I'm not putting in much hope17:32
knomeCr0p, maybe you should try the previous lts17:33
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:33
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.17:33
Cr0pi need xubuntu17:34
Cr0pbecause of the XFCE interface which makes it really light weight...17:34
Cr0pokay.. i just got xubuntu 9.10 desktop i386 downloading17:34
Cr0pfor info, i was installing using xubuntu 10.04 ALTERNATE i38617:35
Cr0pwould the ALTERNATE be the issue?17:35
charlie-tcanot normally.17:36
Cr0pbecause i clearly notice, that the KERNEL is not willing to install17:36
Cr0pohhh, thanks for clearing this doubt..17:36
Cr0pThe worst is i wasted my time downloading 10.04.. so I prefered upgrading my connection to download 9.10..17:37
knomeCr0p, there's also a xubuntu 8.0417:37
Cr0pany big difference?17:37
knomedifference to what?17:38
Cr0pMy expectation are having a LINUX distro, same as ubuntu.. able to do load basic apps as winex, vlc, etc17:38
Cr0pdifference in kernel, etc17:38
knomeit's an older version so naturally it has older kernel and older versions of applications17:39
Cr0pbecause since my pc is kinda old, i strongly think that the kernel is not adapting to my pc'specification17:39
knomebut it might work better for you since you don't have too much memory after all17:39
knomeyes, that's why i suggested 8.0417:39
Cr0pyes memory is low on my laptop :/17:39
Cr0pgood thanks17:39
Cr0pi'm downloading it right away17:40
Cr0pas on all system17:40
Cr0pi don't have 256mb ram full.. it is kinda shared17:40
Cr0pso 248 + 8 shared17:41
knomethat's how laptop's are built sometimes17:41
Cr0pyea.. sucks a bit :/17:42
charlie-tcaTry installing xubuntu 8.04 and then running an upgrade to 10.04 before customizing too much17:43
Cr0paieee.. the server holding the xubuntu 8.04 is so laggy 0.0.. downloading at 24kbps when i should be at 124kbps17:43
knomeCr0p, you can try the torrents17:44
charlie-tcajust kill it and try again. It will use a different server17:44
Cr0pokay nice idea.. maybe from the xubuntu XFCE interface i will be able to check kernel compatibility before17:44
Cr0pi live in mauritius.. torrents here are really not the solutions here17:45
Cr0psorry for 'faulty' english.. not my mothertongue :/..17:45
Cr0permm.. i can notice the desktop and alternate version.. on the alternate version they say it can run below 128mb ram.. should i go for this one or stick with the desktop one?17:47
knomeCr0p, no problem, most of us do have a different native language than engligh17:47
Cr0pbtw I am grateful some people still use IRC :)17:47
knomeCr0p, if you want desktop anyway, alternative won't help you with that.17:47
knomeCr0p, the below 128 ram means you can install the command line interface with less than 128 ram17:48
Cr0pohhh.. i see..17:48
knomeCr0p, but not really the desktop...17:48
Cr0psorry.. i guess ubuntu is based from debian.. which makes me look stupid in some of my requests :S17:48
charlie-tcaI would use the alternate image with your system17:48
knomeCr0p, that is true.17:48
charlie-tcaIt will still install the same thing as the end result17:48
knomeCr0p, ubuntu is based on debian17:49
knomecharlie-tca is also right. but using alternate install doesn't really make the requirement for ram with desktop any lower17:49
charlie-tcano, it doesn't. It just helps get through the install easier, sometimes. The full gui requires the same ram to run in.17:50
Cr0pokay.. i see.. my issue is kernel compatibility afterall.. my processor, ram, graphics are really a big downside..17:50
knomecharlie-tca, yup :)17:50
Cr0pbut i seems to go in the installation process pretty well.. so ram isn't the issue.. nor is a misburn cd or anything else17:51
Cr0pexcepts what puzzles me is the "acpi=off" option which seems to be my ultimate transition from the bootscreen to the installation process17:51
charlie-tcaYou might try 10.04 without using that option17:52
Cr0pi tried17:53
knomei understood that didn't work *at all*17:53
Cr0pbut it looks that my pc cannot handle the acpi17:53
Cr0pi tried everything i could17:53
charlie-tcaI noticed somewhere between 9.04 and 10.04, the kernel got smarter and I did not need that anymore, myself.17:53
Cr0pbut you guyz are my last resort17:53
knomeCr0p, nah. a local linux expert is your last resort, but that is not free. ;)17:54
Cr0pif something goes smarter, my laptop goes dummer17:54
Cr0pi hope that 8.04 is NOT too outdated, as i don't want to face a primitive gui17:57
knomeit's still a supported17:59
Cr0pI'm "bookmarking" this channel.. tomorrow, i will come back to you! for now i am off battling my way through installing 10.0417:59
knomesure, good luck and have fun17:59
Cr0pyou mean, it is a long term release?18:00
Cr0pi shall knome 0.0 i shall -.-18:00
Cr0pwhen was it released?18:00
knomesupported until 04/201118:00
Cr0p0.0 wow18:00
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:00
knome8 == 2008, 04 == april18:00
Cr0pthat IS some smart way of versioning its release18:01
Cr0p2008.. hmmm 1-2 years after my laptop was manufactured18:01
knomeyes, it's pretty straightforward18:01
Cr0pxubuntu comes build in with a good bunch of drivers?? isn't it?18:02
knomethe 8.x series are still quite a lot lighter than the 9.x18:02
knomeyes, pretty many drivers, but of course, the support in 8.04 is a bit worse than in the latest release18:03
Sysion highend newer are still faster18:03
knomeSysi, yes... slightly.18:04
Cr0pnewer for my laptop has inverse effet18:04
Sysihard to say because i didn't have this hw then18:04
knomeCr0p, don't worry about Sysi, he's silly ;)18:04
Sysii'm just stupid kid18:04
Cr0psysi is making out a good point.. newer = better processing.. less resource consumption... except for vista -.-18:05
Cr0pif i got the slightest chance with a 8.x series... i would love it18:06
Sysinewer (always) means more ram needed18:06
knomeCr0p, i'm sure things can be sorted out at least somehow :)18:06
knomeSysi, yes, but not in vain - you also get more features etc. with newer stuff18:07
Cr0psurely.. btw, i tried all the distros all you guyz can think of, except xubuntu18:07
knomeCr0p, at least you will end your journey with the best then ;)18:07
Cr0pvista = xp with new themes with bad memory management.. windows should take example from *nix systems18:08
Sysithey can't, really18:08
Cr0pexherbos?? i mean all well-known distro 0.018:08
Sysiyou said "you guyz can think"18:08
knomeSysi, no, even if he said so, i don't think you can *think*18:09
Cr0plike ubuntu, kubuntu, slax, knoppix, fedora, redhat, mandrake, little linux, puppylinux, etc18:09
knomeSysi, stop trying already18:09
knomeCr0p, dsl?18:09
Sysidamm small linux18:09
Cr0pdamn small linux.. is damn small18:10
Cr0phad an OS even fitting on a single floppy disk..18:10
knomehave to say that it might be sometimes be an even better alternative than xubuntu for low-end systems18:10
Cr0pbut i'm not here for that xD.. well i will try off the LTR and give you a proper responce18:11
Cr0pxubuntu, for me, is better, but i cannot really say why18:11
Cr0pit is just the filling of hearing the "ubuntu" part18:12
knomexubuntu *does* have more features and better usability :)18:12
Cr0pand stability18:12
knomestability i can't say much about18:12
knomei don't know how stabile dsl is as i haven't tested it.18:13
Cr0pohhh.. no worries.. i trust xubuntu as i got so much request of installing it18:14
Cr0ptomorrow guyz.. timezone force me to go to bed18:20
knomeCr0p, good night and good luck18:20
Cr0p21:20 here GMT +4..18:20
Cr0pdont laugh18:20
knomenope, some people do go to bed early, and that's fine18:21
Cr0pi know its kinda early, but my website got me stucked late these days18:21
Cr0ptomorrow guys18:21
knomesee you18:21
j-mooseHello, Can anyone tell me which version of flash player is right for Xubuntu 10.0418:38
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:38
charlie-tca!info flash18:39
ubottuPackage flash does not exist in lucid18:39
Sysiif 64bit, newest you can find18:39
rdingramThe package is "flashplugin-installer" I believe.18:52
Sysiflashplugin-nonfree if you don't want entire restricted-extras18:52
j-mooseThanks, I got it, opened the terminal followed some code as it was writing line for line, its OK now19:06
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
Laserbeakcharlie-tca: yeah i had to leave suddenly19:26
Laserbeak(12:01:36 PM) charlie-tca: Laserbeak: what do you mean, install anything in eclipse.19:27
Laserbeaki gett these weird errors i've never seen19:27
Laserbeaki'll paste them19:27
Laserbeakthis is what i get when trying to install ADT for android19:28
Laserbeaksomeone suggested that I install PDE and then that's the error i got19:30
teunvDhow are you trying to install pde?19:52
amminiHi all..20:15
amminiI have newly started using Ubuntu20:16
amminicurrently I am using xubuntu20:16
amminican you please suggest any better version which more suitable for beginners?20:17
Sysii started with xubuntu20:19
IledenFor beginners, I've heard good things about Mint linux too... but I would go with ubuntu.20:22
Sysimint is ubuntu with restricted-extras and new background20:22
IledenSysi: really, no other changes?20:22
Sysii'm not sure20:23
Sysiit's propable older too, and smaller community20:23
well_laid_lawnand green...20:27
Sysigreen ♥20:28
j-moosewas having some trouble earlier today with getting the flashplayer working, and then the OS found the plugins and installed them, now its great, tested it out on youtube21:59
charlie-tcaGlad to hear you are enjoying Xubuntu :-)22:12
* dreamtraveler zZzzZzZ22:49
pcrequesttest.  i'm installing xubuntu23:14
pcrequestwaiting for the setup to complete23:15
Laserbeakdoes xubuntu come with an editor that detects CRs?23:40
Laserbeaki'm trying to find them on command-line but it's not working23:41
Laserbeaki guess i could use eclipse23:42
Laserbeakthat didn't work23:46
teunvDwhat's a CRs if I may ask?23:48
LaserbeakteunvD: Carriage Returns23:49
Laserbeakfrom windows files23:49
teunvDah offcourse23:49
teunvDwhat do you want to use the software for? except for detecting the Crs23:50
Laserbeaki want to remove them from a script23:51
Laserbeakbash script23:51
pcrequestso i can get help here?  i installed xubuntu 10.4.  setup seemed to go well, however on reboot, i get a grub rescue prompt. not sure what to do.23:53
j-moosehi, does anyone have some advise on how to get netflix to stream to Xubuntu?, It tells me the OS is not supported.23:53
teunvDLaserbeak: you might want to install the package 'fromdos' this includes a program called dos2unix which will delete the CRs from your scripts23:55
Laserbeaki think i will thanks23:55
Laserbeaktrying to get it sorted in bash but nothing's working23:55
teunvDLaserbeak: sorry typo, the package is called: 'tofrodos'23:55
j-moosegot it23:56
andynevery time i try playing a video with totem in lucid my system crashes with blank screen, switching to text console doesn't work and after reboot xorg log says "Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error". how should i start hunting down the problem?23:58

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