
Tm_Talso issues with jovie00:24
macoSput: *shrug* post-reboot it works02:00
macoSput: sorry for the scare02:00
Sputmaco: good :)02:45
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valoriemaco: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FFRoYhTJQQ06:26
valorieRiddell might enjoy it too06:26
valorieBurnistoun S1E1 - Voice Recognition Elevator06:27
nigelbvalorie: HAHAHAHAHAHAH06:40
valorieme too!06:41
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814055930-haywb2xsegwpvkoc * src/libs/ (4 files) documentation++06:59
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814055949-4ty6ues644anmlw0 * src/libs/ (SyncDaemonFilesystem.cpp SyncDaemonFilesystem.h) add factored-out filesystem stuff (:S)07:00
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814060021-8uktn9uxoobthakq * src/libs/ (CMakeLists.txt SyncDaemonStatus.h) do not export SyncDaemonStatus and do not install its header!07:00
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814061419-tdka26kqibtjg1pl * src/libs/ (7 files in 2 dirs) SyncDaemonStatus becomes Status since it really is a type and not an interface, yet the previous name suggested interface (all messed up I say)07:14
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814062127-l9qzy3xbcosoalli * src/libs/ (8 files) make include guard names more explicit07:35
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814063547-cq77ty8kw6fj75jh * src/libs/ (Folder.h Share.h Status.cpp Status.h) Get rid of all the flipping setters in Status and more importantly do not use it when marshaling!!! Instead manually get the d ptr (possible because of friendship) and access the members directly07:36
valoriedang, you are a workhorse, apachelogger!07:37
apacheloggerI am sick... and yet you think I am a workhorse ^^07:38
* apachelogger must be indeed07:38
nigelbapachelogger: fell sick? I find that's the best time to code.07:39
apacheloggernot if you feel like sleeping all day long07:39
nigelbhm, true.07:39
apacheloggerwhich is what I did all of tuesday and wednesday07:40
nigelbI wish I could sleep before 0000 on *one* day.07:40
valorieI'm sorry to hear you are ill, apachelogger07:41
* valorie gets you some virtual tea07:41
nigelband cookies07:41
* apachelogger hugs valorie and nigelb07:41
* valorie hugs apachelogger and nigelb07:42
* nigelb hugs apachelogger and valorie 07:42
valoriegroup hug!!!!!07:42
nigelblove all around :)07:42
* valorie is trying to schedule a global jam07:42
nigelbnow I know the reason for the article which said about our attitude being "kumbaya-or-else"07:42
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814064239-rjo07wypeg9filoo * src/statusnotifier/StatusNotifier.cpp fix restart icon (well, really workaround) ... system-reboot is too systemy, so use view-refresh in lack of options07:43
valorieno singing unless it's in the shower07:43
valorieor ... in tune!07:43
* valorie dares a sane person to sing along with07:44
* valorie is listening to Dig Ophelia by Rasputina on Thanks for the Ether [Amarok]07:44
nigelbvalorie: I'm talking about http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-07-30-028-35-OS-CY-UB07:44
valorieoh, Carla07:44
valorieseriously, I love her07:45
nigelb"In my grumpier moments their relentlessly positive, cult-like Kumbaya-or-else approach makes me want to turn the hose on them. "07:46
valoriewell, she can be grumpy07:46
valorieme too!07:46
apacheloggerI like that mantra07:46
* nigelb too07:46
* apachelogger proposes it to become official kubuntu mantra07:47
apacheloggerwe are getting a new board?07:48
apacheloggersoon we have enough boards so that every contributor can be on at least one board so everyone can feel happy07:48
nigelbapp reivew board... wnder how the whole idea is going to work out.07:49
apacheloggeroh dear07:50
apacheloggerthat thread is too long07:50
apacheloggeralso ScottK spoke my mind in his first reply already ^^07:50
apacheloggerthough granted, the proposed board (other than adding another possibibility for members to get on a board) forms a more monolithic approach to get-software-into-kumbaya-or-else-buntu than what we have right now07:51
apacheloggerI wonder how any process would be working out with that large an agenda though07:52
apacheloggercode review alone would require an own dedicated team IMHO07:52
apacheloggernot to mention that this becomes almost impossible with the billion languages out there07:52
* valorie proposes a board to administer some boards07:52
nigelbapachelogger: which is one problem.  We can never have a group that can code review every app.07:53
apacheloggervalorie: I think the tech board does that07:53
valoriesoon we'll have Kafka singing Kumbaya07:53
apacheloggeror the community board (or whatever it is called) for non-tech stuff07:53
apacheloggerwe could code review C++, just not JontheEchidna or me, I am afraid software authors would get annoyed with the bitching about code style :/07:54
nigelbI dunno into how much detail they would review07:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: on that note ... namespaces are evil, they make the code look silly and introduce a whole new set of style questions07:55
nigelbwhether it would be the entire code or just licenses and if it breaks everything else07:55
apacheloggerlike do I add an empty line between namespace brackets and their content07:55
apacheloggernigelb: well, that is no code review, that is a license review really07:56
nigelbapachelogger: I initially got the feeling whether it was going to be just a REVU review kinda thing07:58
apacheloggerbehaviour question: ubuntuone-kde will not autostart unless you once started it manually, you can turn this off again by various means... now the question is should it turn autostart on each time the user starts it manually or just the first time?07:58
nigelbonly this time it would go into current release rather than development version07:59
nigelbfun picture for you y'all http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs310.snc4/40854_10150248059425258_623250257_14307592_2894366_n.jpg07:59
nigelbBirthday cake for a friend.  I like the writing :)08:00
apacheloggeroh, rekonq creash #508:00
valoriebut it should be Qt08:00
valorieunless they mean QuickTime08:00
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe I am using it wrong but I do not see how rekonq is stable now08:01
apacheloggersurely more stable than before the meeting08:01
apacheloggerbut still way too crashy08:01
valorieit is so NOT stable08:01
valoriecrashes constantly08:01
valorieand unless you are focused on a page as it's loading08:01
valorieyou get no scroll bars08:01
valorieand you lose them as soon as you change focus08:02
* apachelogger had not noticed that one ^^08:02
valorieeffing annoying08:02
nigelboh dear, fb just annoyed me with 13 mails :x08:02
apacheloggerwell, from what I gather rekonq is not meant to be used with multiple tabs anyway ^^08:02
valorieI'm in Lucid until global jam08:02
eMyllerapachelogger: hey dude. do you know where i can find the newest builds of libqoauth-dev?08:02
apacheloggerin maverick08:02
valoriewth, who would use an untabbed browser?08:02
apachelogger!info libqoauth-dev maverick08:02
ubottulibqoauth-dev (source: qoauth): Qt-based client implementation of the OAuth authorization scheme. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0-2ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 31 kB, installed size 160 kB08:02
apacheloggervalorie: that is not the point :P08:03
eMyllerapachelogger: is there any backport for lucid?08:03
valorieooops, I mean: kumbaya08:03
apacheloggereMyller: I don't think so, feel free to request one08:03
* eMyller requests libqoauth-dev to be backported to Lucid.08:04
valoriedon't you have to file a bug for that?08:05
* valorie is just learning the rules around here08:05
apacheloggerat next UDS we could gather around and sing kumbaya-or-else ^^08:05
apacheloggerrecord that as video08:05
apacheloggerthen make08:05
apacheloggerwith that video08:05
apacheloggerit would be epic08:05
apacheloggereMyller, valorie: there is a formal process for that stuffs08:06
nigelbapachelogger: +108:06
apacheloggerusually it will just be best to poke a minion to do it08:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^08:06
valorieespecially the person quietly growling "or else" and shaking a whip08:06
eMyllerhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qoauth&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all :\08:07
apacheloggerthat is interesting behaviour08:08
apacheloggerso rekonq creashed08:08
valorielol, apachelogger08:08
apacheloggerbut I did not restart it08:08
apacheloggerso now I clicked that link08:08
apacheloggerrekonq opens and restores the crashes session08:08
apacheloggerso far so good08:08
apacheloggerand then it goes and replaces the first tab of the old session with the new url?!?!!?08:08
valorieit sometimes does successfully recover08:08
valorieI'll give it that08:09
valorieleaves you in a mixed up whirl of anger and thankfulness08:09
valorieyou've been rekonqed!08:09
eMyllerso will rekonq be in maverick? i heard of many goes-n-backs already.08:12
valorieavailable, from what I hear08:13
valoriebut not the default08:13
* valorie crosses fingers that this is so08:13
valorieunless they fix it up a LOT08:14
apacheloggerwell, someone needs to make it undefault :P08:15
apacheloggerRiddell said that he found it less crashy since we decided to drop it08:15
apacheloggermaybe we should revisit this in an ad-hoc meeting some time soon08:15
eMyllerstill very crashy.08:15
apacheloggerI hope everyone took their vote on http://kde-apps.org/poll/index.php?poll=256 already?08:16
valoriebut I mean, it's on KDE apps08:16
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814071631-1zbhr3dk6fjc00td * src/statusnotifier/Application.cpp less todo - always set autostart to true on startup, sames as we offer to turn it off at manual quit08:17
nigelb\o/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/xiaozhuli/3784846061/in/set-72157601821594666/08:17
eMylleropendesktop sites still have an horrible usability. :\08:20
valorieI was never able to make an account there08:20
eMyllerSeriously, how do I vote?08:20
valorierather buggy, at the very least08:20
eMyller[ bear with me, it's 4:20 am ]08:20
valorieoh, I mean; kumbaya08:21
* valorie is listening to Octopus's Garden by The Beatles on Love [Amarok]08:21
* valorie sings eMyller to sleep.....08:21
* eMyller falls asleep08:22
valoriethat is an awesome lullaby08:22
valorieoh, Ringo.....08:23
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814072334-7979fufnfqpdgd8c * src/libs/ (SyncDaemon.cpp SyncDaemon.h) this is a proper I-have-no-idea-commit08:23
eMyllerapachelogger: http://whatthecommit.com/ :D08:25
nigelb"omg what have I done?" is my favorite08:27
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814072722-rdsqu4ba6w3ltrre * src/kcmodule/FolderModel.cpp Sarah, WE WENT OVER THIS. EXPANDTAB.08:27
apacheloggerlove it08:27
* nigelb wonders who Sarah is.08:29
* apachelogger wonders too08:29
eMyllerI've been thinking about developing a new IM client for KDE08:35
eMyllerI want to follow Quassel's core-client structure08:35
ulyssesSarah Kerrigan, Queen of the Blades?08:36
eMyllera monolythic version + core and client, for people like me :P08:36
eMylleranyone interested?08:36
eMyllerThe project, called Psyko, exists in my mind (and some others') for some months already, but we don't have enough time to develop. :\08:37
valorieinteresting idea08:44
eMyllervalorie: yea :D08:53
eMylleri wish i had time for all this stuff08:54
eMyllerbut i don't like IDEs and templates...08:54
eMylleralso i've never developed a desktop app (i'm a web dever)08:55
eMyllerso i may spend more time than i expect.08:55
* apachelogger is wondering if the Quassel protocol could be enhanced for other messaging protocols08:57
apacheloggerthen again I dunno how far the protocol goes anyway ^^08:58
apacheloggerif it also includes authentication and that stuff, looking into that might be a worthwhile effort08:59
eMyllerI think that they're completely different branches08:59
eMyllerthe protocol structures, i mean08:59
apacheloggerwell, you would want to streamline them anyway08:59
apacheloggerotherwise you end up reimplementing the actual protocols08:59
eMylleri was looking forward a framework like telepathy or libpurple09:00
eMylleri'll look into its source09:00
eMyllerand kopete's09:00
apacheloggerkopete's source is scary ^^09:00
eMylleri imagine. :\09:00
apacheloggerand I do not only mean the code style09:00
eMyllerkopete is so obscure in its UI09:00
eMyllerso guess how it looks inside.09:01
apacheloggerthat said, I want to look into it again for getting a proper Google Talk protocol anyway ^^09:05
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814081156-3da2qabqbm1g7vex * src/share/ContactSelector.cpp (\ /) (O.o) (> <) Bunny approves these changes.09:12
eMyllerapachelogger: you took whatthecommit seriously, uh? :P09:13
apacheloggerfor me it does not get more serious than bunny approved09:14
apacheloggerit is a fluffy dev's dream09:14
* apachelogger hates README writing -.-09:20
apacheloggermakes me more tired than I am already09:20
apacheloggerTonio_: bonjour, ca va?09:20
* eMyller still needs to learn to document after code.09:20
apacheloggeryou document first, then code :P09:21
eMyllerI have a dead project because I didn't documented it.09:21
Tonio__apachelogger, hey :)09:21
eMyller** document right after09:21
apacheloggerunless you are apachelogger, then you document half the stuff before, half the stuff after and forgot 90% :P09:21
eMylleror before, yea09:21
apacheloggerTonio__: you sure are a rare guest ^^ ... busy life?09:22
valoriehaha, apachelogger -- did you know you are referred to in aaron's big blog post?09:24
valorie"despite our love for KDE, GNOME, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Suse and/or fluffy bunnies we must each hold aloft a common goal that trumps all else: F/OSS must succeed."09:24
apacheloggerI have not made my bed yet :/09:24
apacheloggerfluffy bunnies ^^09:25
valoriereally good post!09:25
valoriequite the best in the entire dustup Shuttleworth<>Gnome<>RedHat09:26
apacheloggeraaron always causes a TLDR on my side09:26
valorie'tis long09:26
* valorie read it in bits09:26
apacheloggerthen again anything that cannot be said in one sentence is mostly too long for me ^^09:26
apacheloggeralso, usually I agree with him anyway, so he just says what I would say but with more words09:28
valorieexcept code09:28
apacheloggercode mustnt be read :P09:28
valorieah, maybe that's why I never understand09:28
* apachelogger also doesnt read code, he only jumps through it to get some points to hold on too ;)09:28
valoriesilly me, reading09:28
apacheloggerif code must be read it is bad code09:28
apacheloggeror bad namaing09:28
apacheloggeror both09:29
valorieyou don't do that (*^&^%$%{{++(&^&^ kind, do ya?09:29
valorieoh my09:29
apacheloggerthat would be invalid anyway :P09:30
valorieI should hope so09:30
valoriealthough a million monkeys, with a million typewriters09:30
apachelogger(*foo)->bar(&foobar); maybe09:31
valoriebar, that one I understand09:31
* valorie pours the whisky for all and sundry09:31
* apachelogger is almost done writing a readme, so he can go back to bed09:32
valoriesleep well, and feel better!09:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Tonio___apachelogger, yeah... many things in the process... not much motivation... can change, but I have other priorities in my life than computing right now09:34
apacheloggerTonio___: you are part of the family anyway, its not like apachelogger did a whole lot these days ^^09:38
apacheloggerah, hold on, thats me... :S09:38
* Nightrose huggles apachelogger09:38
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100814083835-ivb2oytnvb0vrjv6 * README tagging release w.t.f.09:39
eMyllerAnybody, tell me the name I should give to a new color scheme, please.09:39
* apachelogger rehuggles Nightrose09:39
apacheloggereMyller: "w.t.f."09:39
eMyllerapachelogger: perfect.09:39
apacheloggereMyller: or teabag (if it looks anything like tea)09:39
apacheloggeror "fez"09:40
apacheloggercome to think of it09:40
eMyllersoon in your nearest GHNS: "w.t.f. grey edition"09:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, maco: we need a fez color theme09:40
apacheloggereMyller: uhh, that sounds indeed perfect...09:40
* apachelogger goes to bed for a bit09:40
eMyllerapachelogger: define 'fez'09:40
valoriepart of a cone you put on your head09:40
valorieand they are red, right?09:41
eMyllerGrey Fez09:41
eMyllerPlease check your GHNS on colore schemes. :)10:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol12:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: id love too... in case i get sponsored to UDS :)12:28
shadeslayereMyller: new color scheme \o/12:43
shadeslayerfrom you! :P12:43
* shadeslayer pokes Riddell to promote linphone libs to main12:45
shadeslayerbug 59517312:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595173 in linphone (Ubuntu) "[MIR] linphone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59517312:48
shadeslayeranyone around? Select Best server is broken again in kpk13:29
shadeslayerlast few lines of konsole o/p when clicking on the button http://pastebin.com/Jns8SW7X13:30
shadeslayeramichair: poke poke13:43
shadeslayeroooohhh danti has done some awesome work with kpk14:07
=== amichairo is now known as amichair
shadeslayerwhee i fixed it15:10
mfraz74fixed what?15:10
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=== CodeGuru is now known as solid_liq
apparlehey guys I want to display an array of RGB values on screen. Do you know know a library for that 15:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: around?19:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: roger19:19
shadeslayerdoes Select Best Server work for you?19:20
shadeslayeralso kde bug 247861 :(19:20
ubottuKDE bug 247861 in general "FindDocBookXML cmake can not handle DTDs more recent than v4 2" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24786119:20
JontheEchidnaTraceback (most recent call last):19:21
JontheEchidna  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/softwareproperties/kde/DialogMirror.py", line 189, in on_button_test_clicked19:21
JontheEchidna    self.connect(self, SIGNAL("test_end(str*)"), self.on_test_end, Qt.BlockingQueuedConnection)19:22
JontheEchidnaTypeError: type 'str*' is not supported as a slot argument type19:22
JontheEchidnapython \o/19:22
shadeslayerim trying to fix19:22
shadeslayerbut im getting a headache19:22
JontheEchidnait's probably expecting a qstring19:22
shadeslayerif you remove str* and the variables passed to the functions it works, but the gui doesnt get updated19:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is select best server?19:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so is that usage of qstring intentional indeed?19:23
JontheEchidnaif you remove the str it won't pass the data19:23
* apachelogger is wondering where that sudden change of feelings came from19:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: in kpk > Edit settings >Choose Sever > Other > Select Best server19:23
apacheloggerI never ever used that option19:23
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: thought so19:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is with that kde bug?19:24
apacheloggerNightrose: I almost can tag l10n in the release script rewrite \o/19:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: many of our packages are ftbfs because the docbooks are < v4.219:25
apacheloggercmdline args are completely missing as of yet :(19:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: what docbooks are < 4.2 if upstream says all their docbooks are compatible with 4.2?19:25
shadeslayerand now because of that bug, we can expect that unless upstream releases new docs19:25
shadeslayerone sec19:26
Nightroseapachelogger: wohooooo19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: kplayer for starters19:26
apacheloggercan I please not get nbs logs19:26
apacheloggerall I have seen thus far were bogus19:26
shadeslayerthat one is a true ftbfs19:27
shadeslayerbecause docbook is in 4.1.219:27
apacheloggerour docbook?19:27
shadeslayerno upstream docbook19:27
apacheloggerI recon that the failure is index.docbook:32: warning: failed to load external entity "dtd/kdex.dtd"19:27
shadeslayerer... what does that mean?19:28
apacheloggerthat it faile dot load the entity?19:28
apachelogger*failed to19:29
apacheloggerthe reason is not obvious from the log19:29
apacheloggerI gather that has nothing to do with the bug report you highlighted19:30
apacheloggersince it was complaining about the find script only looking for 4.2 stock dtds, not KDE dtds19:30
* JontheEchidna wtfs: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53697601/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.kubuntu-debug-installer_10.10ubuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:32
apacheloggeryou broke my debug installer? Oo19:32
JontheEchidnapuzzling, since muon built: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53697479/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.muon_1.0-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz19:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: main vs. universe?19:33
JontheEchidnaah, right19:33
JontheEchidnalibqapt1 needs promoted19:33
JontheEchidnait should be in archive mistmatches already, since qapt-batch deps on it (and it's on the CD)19:34
JontheEchidnaRiddell, ScottK^19:34
shadeslayerkdenetwork is ftbfs too because linphone isnt in main :P19:36
shadeslayeror the part which we want isnt in main19:36
shadeslayerwhee... today is our independence day ^_^19:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: happy independence day19:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: kdelibs now in LP thanks to jelmer :D19:49
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: any idea what needs to be done to fix that?19:51
shadeslayer( the select best server )19:51
RiddellJontheEchidna: libqapt1 moved to main19:52
Riddellshadeslayer: linphone bits moved to main19:52
shadeslayerawesome 19:52
shadeslayercan you retry kdenetwork?19:52
shadeslayerthanks :D19:59
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: nope20:04
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks20:05
shadeslayerwell Riddell must know... he wrote the file :P20:05
JontheEchidnaamichair rewrote the find best server funtion recently. He might know20:06
shadeslayerhes not around :(20:06
shadeslayerLast seen  : now << amichair is hiding from us20:08
JontheEchidnaI see his name in the nicklist just fine...20:08
* shadeslayer stares at amichair20:09
* apachelogger is wondering about how to address a modular distributed argument creation/parsing approach :/20:10
shadeslayerRiddell: what did you move to main? :D20:13
shadeslayeror does it take some time to get moved?20:13
* apachelogger might have an approach for opt parsing20:29
* shadeslayer is at a loss at what to do20:38
apacheloggerhow did that happen? :O20:39
shadeslayeri dont have anything to do :P20:39
apacheloggerthat is nonesense20:39
shadeslayerwell.. i could work on the plasma JJ... but im not in the mood20:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: triage bugs :P20:39
shadeslayerhmm... or i could write a article on kubuntu for my magazine20:40
apacheloggeror that20:40
shadeslayeri choose latter20:40
shadeslayereasier :p20:40
* apachelogger is feeling way too sick to do useful things 20:42
apacheloggeryet there is so much to do :(20:42
* apachelogger considers watching chitty chitty bang bang a viable alternative and probably supportive of him falling asleep quickly20:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: there should be no issue if i package kdesupport as a one whole package right?20:53
shadeslayerkdesupport and kdesupport-dbg20:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: shoulder there should20:56
apacheloggerkdesupport is not one package20:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: in neon you can do so20:56
shadeslayeryes i know20:56
apacheloggerin general not :P20:56
shadeslayerfor neon20:56
shadeslayerof course..20:56
apacheloggerright right20:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats the command to export the svn tree?20:57
apacheloggersvn export20:57
shadeslayeroh oh ... ubuntu one kde bug20:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://imgur.com/EwhT620:59
apacheloggerI wonder how that came to occur20:59
ulyssesI am unable to install ubuntuone-kde because unmet dependencies (ubuntuone-sso-qt broken, so aptitude removes ubuntuone-kde)20:59
apacheloggerubuntuone-sso-qt? Oo21:00
ulyssesI try to install ubuntuone-kde -> can't install because libubuntuone-qt-api0 cannot be install -> ubuntuone-sso-qt cannot be install21:01
ulyssesthere is only ubuntuone-sso-qt-kwallet and ubuntuone-sso-qt-gnome-keyring package in maverick21:02
apacheloggerdid I now really name the package ubuntuone-sso :P21:03
apacheloggerI only have ubuntu-sso-qt-*21:03
ulyssesme too21:03
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/git/release-script$ apt-cache show libubuntuone-qt-api0 | grep sso21:04
apacheloggerDepends: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libkdecore5 (>= 4:4.3.4), libkdeui5 (>= 4:4.3.4), libkutils4, libqjson0, libqoauth1, libqt4-dbus (>= 4:4.5.3), libqt4-network (>= 4:4.5.3), libqt4-svg (>= 4:4.5.3), libqtcore4 (>= 4:4.7.0~beta1), libqtgui4 (>= 4:4.5.3), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), ubuntuone-client, ubuntu-sso-qt21:04
apacheloggeronly lists ubuntu-sso-qt for me21:04
apacheloggernot ubuntuone-sso-qt21:04
ulyssesyou're right21:07
apacheloggerso do not use silly aptitude21:07
ulyssesI shouldn't be n IRC when I'm tired:( I used Muon, but it does the same then aptitude21:08
apacheloggerdid you update your cache already?21:10
ulyssesI do it right now21:10
ulyssesubuntu-sso-qt conflicts with ubuntu-sso-client as it said21:13
apacheloggerit also provides it21:13
apacheloggerwhich makes ubuntu-sso-client savely removable21:13
apacheloggerwhich apt-get should figure out just fine21:13
ulysseslibubuntuone-qt-api0 depends on ubuntu-sso-qt, but when I install it, libubuntuone-qt-api0 tells it depends on ubuntuone-client, but installing ubuntuone-client removes ubuntu-sso-qt and install ubuntuone-sso-client21:22
ulyssesIt's an endless hook:/21:22
apacheloggerulysses: with apt-get?21:31
apacheloggerthat is not right21:33
apacheloggerulysses: if you just install ubuntuone-kde what happens?21:34
apacheloggeroh wellz21:35
apacheloggersupposedly it should not conflict  but only replace and provide21:35
ulyssesubuntuone-kde depends on libubuntuone-qt-api0, but it is not marked for installation21:36
ulysses(= 0.0.0~alpha1+7-0ubuntu0~maverick0~ppa1)21:36
shadeslayerproject-neon-qt-dbg_1.0+1200~maverick1_amd64.deb (70.8 MiB) :(21:40
shadeslayermeh.. wrong channel21:40
Riddellnhandler: "21:24 < nhandler> [vote] Enable bug info retrieval in #xubuntu and #kubuntu" what's that all about?22:34
Tm_TRiddell: the bot will reply for bug 122:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122:42
Tm_Tlike that22:42
macowait bug info retrieval was off in here?22:43
macooh wait no.. its always on here right? thats for support channels. nevermind22:43
Tm_Tmaco: right (:22:43
shadeslayerRiddell: kdenetwork still cant find linphone libs22:44
nhandlerRiddell: Yeah, the bug info stuff was disabled in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, and #xubuntu. We are going to trial it for a few weeks in #kubuntu and #xubuntu and see how it goes. If it causes problems, we will disable it at the next meeting. If it works well, we will expand the trial to #ubuntu22:45
Tm_Tnhandler: sounds good22:47
nhandlerWe would definitely appreciate it if you can make comments to either the ML or at the next meeting about whether or not you feel it has a positive or negative effect on #k22:47
Tm_Tnhandler: I will definately comment if it has any negative or positive effect22:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: around23:23
shadeslayerwell.. any idea what needs to be added to get sesame2 storage backend in soprano ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/478108/23:23
Tm_Tshadeslayer: you don't want sesame backend23:25
shadeslayerTm_T: this is for neon23:26
shadeslayernot the usual kde packages :)23:26
shadeslayerwere enabling everything.. all optional deps23:26
amichairshadeslayer, JontheEchidna: evening folks :-)23:31
shadeslayerfinally :D23:32
shadeslayeramichair: one sec :D23:32
shadeslayerok so Select Best Server is broken23:32
amichairshadeslayer: who broke it?23:33
shadeslayerpossibly you :D23:33
shadeslayeri dont know 23:33
amichairshadeslayer: probably :-)23:33
shadeslayercould be anybody :P23:33
amichairshadeslayer: in what way is it broken?23:33
shadeslayeramichair: doesnt work in anyway23:34
amichairin Lucid?23:34
shadeslayergetting traceback hold on23:34
amichairdoes it work in Lucid?23:34
shadeslayeramichair: http://pastebin.com/0Bp7jvZX23:34
shadeslayerneeds testing :P23:34
amichairsteps to recreate?23:35
* amichair fires up the virtual machine23:36
shadeslayerjust open kpk > Settings > Edit Software sources > Server > other > Select best server23:36
shadeslayeramichair: id like to help fix it :D23:36
amichairshadeslayer: the dialog comes up ok in Lucid, does it fail in Maverick before the dialog shows?23:39
shadeslayeramichair: the dialog wherein it starts pinging servers?23:39
amichairthe dialog after selecting 'Other...' from the dropdown list23:40
shadeslayeryes go on23:40
shadeslayergo on to  Select Best server23:40
amichairok, now it has the progress bar, pinging all over the place23:40
shadeslayerdoesnt on maverick23:41
amichairthen it's broken :-P23:41
amichairI actually haven't had the pleasure of touching it since Lucid - I didn't see any important kde-specific bugs opened (if at all)23:42
shadeslayerok.. i can fix it on maverick, just dont know how, but i know where its crashing23:42
amichairmaybe diff what changed in maverick23:43
amichairsee what changed that broke it, and go back from there23:43
shadeslayeramichair: nothing i see that touched that file23:45
shadeslayeronly been 2 revisions23:46
amichairmaybe the common backend?23:46
shadeslayerwell the backend was changed to qapt23:47
JontheEchidnathe updater that comes when you close the app is now qapt-batch23:47
JontheEchidnabut nothing else23:47
shadeslayermake that qapt-batch23:47
amichairI meant the superclass that's common to the kde and gtk frontend23:47
JontheEchidnaqapt-batch is not related here23:48
amichairif it still exists23:48
Riddellnhandler: why was it disabled23:48
Tm_Tshadeslayer: to get sesame backend built, you need working java environment beneath I think23:48
shadeslayerwe can live without sesame then23:48
Tm_Tso you might like to bypass the check or something?23:49
JontheEchidnasesame doesn't work anymore iirc23:49
shadeslayernah.. leave it.. 23:49
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: yeah23:49
shadeslayerit was dropped in favour of virtuoso23:49
shadeslayerbah... libsrtp needs to be in main too23:57
shadeslayerRiddell: ^23:57
shadeslayeri wonder how it compiled earlier23:57
shadeslayerin the previous upload23:57
rbelemhey Riddell 23:59
Riddellevening rbelem 23:59
Riddellshadeslayer: retried again23:59
rbelemRiddell, :-)23:59
shadeslayerRiddell: with srtp in main?23:59
Riddellyes, does it have a MIR?23:59

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