
=== ep is now known as Guest8392
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administrator__I need some help with thin client I have 10.4 running the thin client boots splash screen shows correctly login and everything is upside down and backwards I know it sound funny but it is happening any help would be appreciated. thanks jc01:07
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
administrator__I need some help with thin client I have 10.4 running the thin client boots splash screen shows correctly login and everything is upside down and backwards I know it sound funny but it is happening any help would be appreciated. thanks jc01:11
administrator__anyone out there01:11
blip99hi all, I have some strange problems that started happening yesterday, sometimes have to click widget config buttons or close buttons twice for them to respond.  Also my "start button" pops up the menu in the top left corner of th escreen rather than above the button.  Should I perhaps delete all plasma related config files in ~/.kde/share/apps/ and have KDE recreate ?01:19
blip99hmm some task list entries need to be clicked twice for hte window to come up also01:20
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OrnateHybridBoy it's quiet tonight02:55
dennisteri haven't been here lately myself, but am searching for a way to geo-block my location from websites02:57
dennisterit's nobody's business if i live in canada or the us02:58
dennisteranyone know of any other solutions than using a proxy server?02:59
OrnateHybridYou could live on the border of Canada and the US03:16
OrnateHybridThat would fool them03:16
Soul_Samplehi, can anyone help me configure phonon in kubuntu? i cannot do it whatever i try, i always end up losing sound03:19
OrnateHybridSoul, I can't say I've ever used Phonon, or know what it is for that matter03:20
OrnateHybridBut I'll do my best to look into the problem :D03:20
Soul_Samplethe default configuration after installing works03:20
Soul_Samplebut only partially - when I start more than one audio appliation, i lose all sound03:21
Soul_Samplesometimes miro breaks the sound, sometimes amarok03:21
Soul_Sampleit's totally random. i even tried pulseaudio, same issue03:21
OrnateHybridHmm, strange03:21
OrnateHybridI'm reading the wiki on Phonon right now03:21
OrnateHybridcan't say if I'll be any help or not03:21
OrnateHybridI've only been using Kubuntu for about a month probably03:21
OrnateHybridActually, I'm about to change my HD over to Ubuntu03:22
OrnateHybridand give it a try03:22
Soul_Samplewell, if your sound works properly, we can start from there :)03:22
OrnateHybridI very rarely use sound on my computer for some strange reason03:22
OrnateHybridMaybe cause I have an iPod stero set03:22
OrnateHybridstereo set*03:22
OrnateHybridwith a wireless, powered subwoofer03:22
OrnateHybridThat satiates my audio needs :P03:22
Soul_Samplei watch a lot of youtube, watch a lot of series, and it's really a problem when I get a message on my messenger and that tiny sound breaks the whole sound system03:23
OrnateHybridThere is some possibility that your audio device has a rather crappy driver for Linux03:24
OrnateHybridMy computer's WiFi card has a rather sketchy driver from Kubuntu03:24
OrnateHybridand it cancrap out sometimes03:24
Soul_Sampleit works perfectly under gnome03:24
OrnateHybridand my wireless N adapter has no drivers at all03:24
Soul_Sampleso, i don't know03:24
OrnateHybridI'd think there is no difference between the desktop environments03:24
OrnateHybridI believe they have the same core functionality03:25
Soul_Samplewell yes, except kde uses phonon, and gnome uses pulseaudio by default03:25
Soul_Sampleand it seems it's a pain to make them switch03:25
OrnateHybridThis thread may provide some useful information03:25
OrnateHybridThough you might have already read it03:25
Soul_Samplewell, this guy basically switched his sound card with another :D03:27
OrnateHybridI wouldn't be suprise if the issue was with your sound card's driver03:35
OrnateHybridAnd alot of proprietary hardware doesn't provide Linux drivers03:35
OrnateHybridUbuntu is 699.4 mb03:37
OrnateHybridand my CD is 700 MB03:37
OrnateHybridthis will be a tight fit03:37
AndChat-My cable moden only connects if fully ready b4 I boot my PC(any OS). Can I use linux to fool it to think I just rebooted?03:45
AndChat-Fixed, thanks ya'll04:01
zeeshanh ru04:18
zeeshanwana chat04:18
bazhangzeeshan, have a kubuntu support question?04:19
bazhang!es | escalona04:21
ubottuescalona: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:21
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ikonneed a tip, I previously installed kubuntu over ubuntu, I updated, through apt, to kde 4.5 but when I reboot it's still running 4.405:23
ikonwhen I run another apt-get upgrade it still shows all the new kde packages as "held back"05:23
ikonmaybe I need to update gdm, or whatever it uses, to launch kde 4.5 instead of 4.4?05:25
sobczykanyone got problem with bluetooth + nokia phone? (n900) I cant send any files to my pc, buth other phone works, also n900 to other phone works05:32
contrastGreets, everyone... Is anyone using desktop search without issue in KDE 4.5?06:05
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otto__hey, i can't get my microphone to work, any suggestions?06:17
otto__can anybody hear me?06:37
harolddongusing the actual search box doesnt work for me, but tagging and searching other ways works fine06:37
DarthFrogotto__: No, it seems your mike isn't working. :-)06:37
otto__grudging lol06:38
DarthFrogotto__: The only suggestion I have would be to use the mixer app to unmute your mike, if it's muted.06:40
DarthFrogIf you haven't already done that, that is.06:41
otto__unfortunately kmix won't start06:47
well_laid_lawnalsamixer in konsole then :]06:48
well_laid_lawnI think you hit F4 for capture cards06:48
well_laid_lawnit'll tell you on the alsamixer screen06:48
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otto__tried raisng the mic, Capture, and Capture1 levels, didn't do anything06:54
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well_laid_lawnotto__: does   arecord -l   show the mic?07:02
otto__here's my output from arecord -l http://pastebin.com/2LcJ3LU07:23
well_laid_lawnotto__: I missed the paste it has expired07:24
well_laid_lawn- Unknown paste ID, it may have expired or been deleted!07:25
otto__oops http://pastebin.com/2LcJ3LUV07:26
well_laid_lawnso that's front and back inputs for the mic on the onboard sound07:27
well_laid_lawnfunny it doesn't turn up in capture cards in alsamixer...07:27
otto__how do you know it doesn't turn up?07:29
well_laid_lawnotto__> tried raisng the mic, Capture, and Capture1 levels, didn't do anything07:30
well_laid_lawn^^from this - did you try F4 in alsamixer?07:30
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otto__yeah i raised every bar that appears in the capture screen07:31
otto__what do you mean by front and back inputs?07:32
well_laid_lawnotto__: the arecord -l found two inputs for the onboard sound card07:33
otto__what's the difference between a front input and a back input?07:34
well_laid_lawnthe front one is at the front of your computer and the back on you have to reach around the back to get to07:35
otto__i see07:58
otto__got it working by hitting space bar to activate capture07:58
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=== Guest92292 is now known as Liquidsky
bambule___hello, i am running kubuntu10.04 with KDE4.5. i have the problem that my xorg is more or less constantly hogging the CPU. as far as i remember this problem started when i updated to 10.04 and is not related to the recent 4.5 kde update08:10
bambule___things are more or less slugish all the time and also the CPU fan never stops08:11
bambule___any idea how i can start to debug this?08:11
bambule___i have already disabled compositing which helped a bit (before kwin was also constantly eating 2-6% cpu)08:12
well_laid_lawnbambule___: you can, in konsole, run   top   to see what is using the cpu08:21
bambule___well_laid_lawn: well, mostly xorg and kwin08:33
well_laid_lawnbambule___: what's the graphic card?08:35
bambule___well_laid_lawn: nvidia Quadro FX 570M/PCI/SSE208:36
well_laid_lawnbambule___: using the opensource driver or the proprietry one/08:38
bambule___well_laid_lawn: the proprietry one08:39
well_laid_lawnbambule___: it is not something I've experienced but from what I've seen on here those that have this issue mostly have luck when they change driver08:40
bambule___well_laid_lawn: ok, ill try08:41
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dhqneed help setting up 5.1 sound on my laptop10:11
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:16
rorkI can't help you with that but someone else might when (s)he picks up the message, in the mean time I hope the documents above can help you further10:17
dhqrork: i have a 5.1 card on my laptop, one port switches between mic and speaker, but how do i do this in kubuntu10:33
rorkdhq: I have no idea10:34
dhqhmmm :(10:34
dhqthankx anyway :)10:34
eMyllerPlease check your GHNS on colore schemes. :)10:37
eMyller** color10:37
Peace-dhq: ?10:38
Peace-!sound | dhq10:38
ubottudhq: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:38
dhqPeace-: it dint see to help10:38
Peace-explain better your prolbem10:39
dhqPeace-: i have a dell XPS m1530, it has 3 3.5mm ports,10:40
dhqwhen i was on 9.10, i could use 5.1 surround, but now one of the ports remains as mic and i cant switch it to line out10:41
Peace-dhq: audio card?10:42
Peace-dhq: have you configured kmix ?10:42
dhqyes i showed  all the devices there10:42
dhqand unmuted them10:42
Peace-well there are 2 things to check10:43
Peace-one is alsamixer -V all10:43
Peace-in a terminal10:43
Peace-then maybe you need to do something about 5.1 surround10:44
dhqsee before i had an option in mic jack (line in, mic in, line out) now i have no line out10:45
Peace-dhq: have you checked this ^? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound10:45
dhqPeace-: do i install pulse audio10:46
Peace-dhq: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3112206.010:47
Peace-eat time10:48
poyntzdoes Alt+F2 work in lucid lynx?10:49
well_laid_lawnshould do10:50
poyntzit doesn't for me :/10:50
poyntzas in the launcher comes up10:50
poyntzbut if i enter any program name in it doesn't launch when i tap enter10:50
dhqPeace-: so i install pulse audio10:50
well_laid_lawnpoyntz: in konsole what does   $PATH   return?10:51
dario_i can't get phpmyadmin running on kubuntu 10.4, though it's insalled with kPackageKit. Any idea how to get it to work?10:57
Peace-poyntz: it works here.11:04
Peace-poyntz: type konsole11:04
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dario_i can't get phpmyadmin running on kubuntu 10.4, though it's insalled with kPackageKit. Any idea where the config-file is?11:10
well_laid_lawndario_: if noone here knows try in #ubuntu-server maybe11:12
poyntzPeace-: didn't work11:13
phoenix_hello well_laid_lawn11:14
poyntzPeace-: or ya want me to try somethin in konsole11:14
poyntzPeace-: do ya kno wat packages Alt+F2 requires?11:14
well_laid_lawnphoenix_: hello :]11:14
dhqPeace-: :( still no luck11:16
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports11:18
poyntz!info Alt+F211:18
ubottuPackage Alt+F2 does not exist in lucid11:18
well_laid_lawnpoyntz: alt+F2 makes the app krun11:19
well_laid_lawn!find krun11:19
ubottuFile krun found in kdebase-runtime-data, kdebase-workspace-bin, kdebase-workspace-data, kdebase-workspace-dbg, kdebase-workspace-dev (and 86 others)11:19
poyntzwell_laid_lawn: i must be missing a package11:20
well_laid_lawnpoyntz: in konsole run   krun   and check for errors11:20
poyntzNo command 'krun' found11:22
well_laid_lawnpoyntz: in konsole what does   $PATH   return?11:25
darklord_hi all12:01
darklord_what irc client do you use / recommend ?12:02
well_laid_lawndarklord_: irrsi seems popular12:08
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amichairif kubuntu hangs at the splash screen, is there any way to see the console output so I can try to find out what's wrong?13:03
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amichairhey BluesKaj13:33
BluesKajhi amichair13:34
emiltonalguem sabe como instalar o flash player no ubuntun 513:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:53
amichairhow can I figure out what's happening when the kubuntu splash screen hangs for a very longs time (but I hear the HD working a bit)?13:56
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James147amichair: bootup or login splash?13:57
amichairJames147: bootup13:57
dfhfdhfdhwhen I open one site in LINUX  it is work!   but in WINDOWS brouser write NOT FOUND!!!!   WHAT?13:57
dfhfdhfdhHOW IS IT POSSIBLE????????????13:58
James147amichair: how do you define a "very long time"?13:58
amichairJames147: 20-30 mins13:58
dfhfdhfdhplease tell me13:58
James147amichair: yeah, thats way too long :)13:58
amichairwell, it came out of it once, the other times I didn't wait13:58
James147dfhfdhfdh: for problems with windows see ##windows13:58
James147amichair: you can try booting to recovery mode... that will at least show you what its doing13:59
James147(hold shift during boot to bring up the grub menu)13:59
dfhfdhfdhno...  I want not to go in this channel...14:00
amichairJames147: it's an upgraded system, so grub legacy - would that be shift or escape?14:00
dfhfdhfdhit is inpossible....   firefoxz of windows can not find  but firefox of linux find14:00
James147amichair: ecs them I think14:00
James147esc ^^14:01
rorkdfhfdhfdh: which site?14:01
dfhfdhfdhrork but if you have only linux you do not see it14:01
amichairJames147: what's the difference between recovery and regular mode other than debug info?14:02
James147amichair: allot of things arnt loaded in recovery mode so that it can boot if soemthing non critical is stopping it booting14:03
James147amichair: ...14:03
James147amichair: ^^ thinking aobut that it might not show you whats wrong ;) but at least will let you in the system quickly if it dosent14:03
rorkdfhfdhfdh: that site works fine on windows/ie (there's no firefox on that computer :S)14:04
amichairok, I tried it, at the menu chose 'resume', and now I'm at a tty and there's no gui, and at least as far as fits on the screen (any way to scroll up?) everything is OK14:04
BluesKajdfhfdhfdh,if you just installed kubuntu , then do sudo update-grub in the terminal14:04
dfhfdhfdhrork  may be my windows die....14:04
dfhfdhfdhBluesKaj .14:05
rorkdfhfdhfdh: do any other websites work then?14:05
James147amichair: for an actual boot you might want to lookinto configuring the system to show a text boot rather then graphical (not sure how to do that exactly sorry, but I think plymouth handel the boot splash screen)14:05
dfhfdhfdhI restarted 3 times and linux show but windows do not14:05
dfhfdhfdh))) other sites work14:05
BluesKajoops sry dfhfdhfdh , I misread14:05
dfhfdhfdhbut windows work slowly slowly....  I think I should reinstall windows14:06
dfhfdhfdhBluesKaj ?    try under windows and say me14:07
James147amichair: (although I have a feeling that if you uninstall plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo it will default to the text boot screen ;)  there might be a way to temporly change it though but I do not know how)14:07
dfhfdhfdhBluesKaj restart you system and start with windows ....  I am waiting for you14:09
dfhfdhfdhand check it14:09
BluesKajno, i'm on my server , no windows partition here14:09
James147dfhfdhfdh: this is not a windows support channel... if you having problems with that see ##windows14:09
BluesKaj!ru | dfhfdhfdh14:10
ubottudfhfdhfdh: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:10
amichairJames147: when I ctrl-alt-f7, I see a tty (graphicy-style) with a bunch of udevd warnings from etc/udev/rules.d/45-libnjb5.rules, any idea what this is about?14:10
James147amichair: not sure14:11
James147amichair: although if your in recover mode ther is no kdm there because kdm hasent been started yet14:11
James147amichair: (sudo start kdm will start it)14:11
amichairit works!14:12
James147amichair: did it boot fine though?14:12
amichairlooks like it14:12
amichairnow I'll try rebooting again in normal mode, see if it sticks14:12
James147amichair: I would try to disable the plymouth graphical theme then and reboot into the normal mode14:12
James147amichair: ^^ that way if it hangs you should see where14:13
amichairdisclaimer: I'm after a HDD clone/upgrade, fwiw14:13
amichairnope, looks stuck like before. 5 blue dots on the splash screen14:14
James147amichair: boot in recovery and uninstall "plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo" that should remove the fancy splash screena nd default to the text one so you can see what it gets stuck on14:15
James147(its probally possibly to disable it rather then uninstall but I do not know how, you can reintsll it after to restore it again)14:15
amichairI'll try (maybe quiet or nosplash or something in the boot command?)14:16
James147amichair: that will probally also work14:17
James147amichair: well, i would try without quite (we want ti to be noisy :D)14:17
amichairyep, I erased both 'splash' and 'quiet' from the boot command... we learned something today :-)14:17
amichairand it just did the whole boot ok. I'll give it another restart... maybe it works every other time14:18
weedarHi, I have KDE 4.5, and somehow the system tray got moved to the left - I can't seem to move it to the right, is this a known bug or am I not doing it right? :)14:22
James147weedar: to move widgets you need to open the panel settings or add widgets window14:23
James147then you can drag them around14:23
BluesKajweedar, add a taskbar to the middle14:24
weedarJames147: I've done that, and then I can click on the system tray and its name is displayed above it. After clicking it follows my mouse pointer, but if I click again when I have the mouse pointer on the far right of my panel it instantly moves back to the left14:24
weedarBluesKaj: ah, brilliant! That also answered my next question, thanks! :)14:25
BluesKajweedar, you have to open the panel toolbox , cashew icon14:25
mfraz74weedar: have you tried removing the panel and creating a new panel?14:25
James147weedar: drag it further untill there is an indication of where it will drop...14:26
James147hmm, now mine seems to be stuck as well :D14:27
James147weedar: mine got stuck on the left hand side of the screena for a min :) draging a widget to the left of it seems to let me move it again14:28
weedarThanks guys, but BluesKaj was right - the reason I couldn't move it was because my taskbar was missing14:29
weedarI had some friends over yesterday, I think one of them deleted my taskbar by mistake14:29
amichairJames147: reinstalled plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo and now it booted properly twice in a row :-)14:29
James147then that means I found a different bug :D14:29
James147amichair: :D14:30
amichairI guess it doesn't like being cloned onto another disk for some reason14:30
amichairJames147: thanks for your help! (as always :-) )14:30
James147can anyone confirm this: in kde 4.5 when I drag a widget to the far left it gets stuck there (unable to drag it to a new location) draging a widget to the left of the stuck widget frees it14:31
BluesKajJames147, , try moving the slider to the center panel position , after opening the panel toolbox14:37
dfhfdhfdhadobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm   trough witch programm I can install it?14:38
James147BluesKaj: dosnt help ^^ its not a major problem, just wanted to see if anyone could confirm it before i send a bug report14:39
BauldrickHi, I have Ubuntu netbook installed, but would like to use kubuntu-netbook - do i just install plasma-netbook?14:40
James147BluesKaj: seems like the left most widget wont let me reposition it (i can drag ti but it snaps back to its positions no matter where i put it, no indication of a dropspot changing either)14:40
DarthFrogdfhfdhfdh:  RPM (Redhat Package Manager) archives are not intended for Ubuntu or other Debian based systems.14:40
dfhfdhfdhDarthFrog I use kubuntu14:40
dfhfdhfdhDarthFrog so ?14:40
James147Bauldrick: I would install "kubuntu-netbook"14:41
dfhfdhfdhDarthFrog so it is inpossible?14:41
DarthFrogdfhfdhfdh: Well, you could try to convert it to a DEB archive using "alien".14:41
DarthFrogNot impossible.14:41
=== onlooker is now known as ixnari
DarthFrogBut you could cause yourself some problems.14:41
dfhfdhfdhDarthFrog opk  I download DEB-archive better )))14:42
DarthFrogdfhfdhfdh: Yes, much better.14:42
BauldrickJames147: cheers, and if all's good - how would I go about removing all unwanted/needed stuff (gnome in this case)14:42
DarthFrogdfhfdhfdh:  The command to install a DEB archive is: "sudo dpkg -i <deb archive>".14:43
James147!purekde | Bauldrick14:43
James147Dont know about the netbook version though14:43
ubottuBauldrick: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:43
mfraz74Think I might have to see what Kubuntu 10.10 looks like on a netbook as I don't like the look of unity14:43
ixnariDoes anyone know how to get the reboot menu show up in the restar computer dialogue? I.e.: So I can just click, for example "boot into Windows" and be done with it?14:45
DarthFrogdfhfdhfdh: BTW, the difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu is pretty much limited to the desktop environment.  Other than that, they are the same.14:45
dfhfdhfdhDarthFrog ))14:46
DarthFrogixnari: I don't know that that capability is available but it would be a nice thing to have.  Why not make it a feature request?14:47
dfhfdhfdhDarthFrog should I tell anywhere that I have ubuntu?  Without more?14:48
James147ixnari: DarthFrog: I remember previous verions you could press and hold the reboot button in the shutdown dialog and get a list of operating systems to boot to, although bit never worked in the past... havent tested it with the latest versions14:50
=== dfhfdhfdh is now known as FrogFrog
ixnariI see. Thanks DarthFrog and James14714:50
ixnariI know such functionality is already available in OpenSuSE and Parus, but Kubuntu is the one I use, so I thought maybe I was missing something14:51
DarthFrogJames147: i never knew that.  Thanks.14:51
James147DarthFrog: took me ages to figure out it was press and hold... but the little arrows told me that there was something more there :D14:52
BluesKajixnari, reboot menu ? grub ?14:52
* DarthFrog goes to look for little arrows.14:52
James147bah, there is the option to turn off/on the shutdown dialog... i completly lost it14:52
=== amichairo is now known as amichair
James147ixnari: you might want to change the "Boot mangager" option to grub in the shutdown tab of the login manager14:54
ixnariBluesKaj: Yeah, I'm sure it's connected to grub some way or another14:54
BluesKajixnari, grub should show the windows partition14:55
ixnariJames147: Will check, thanks14:55
BluesKajixnari, maybe I'm missing the point here14:55
James147BluesKaj: I think what he wants is to select "windows" from kdes shutdown dialog to tell grub to boot into windows next14:55
ixnariYeah, exactly14:55
James147BluesKaj: so that you dont ahve to wait and use the grtub menus when they appear14:56
DarthFrogJames147:  I wonder if that was a capability in Grub 1 that isn't (yet?) in Grub 2?14:56
ixnariOkay, done. Let's see if this works14:57
James147DarthFrog: that might explain why the little arrow disapeard on the reboot dialog14:57
BluesKajJames147, ixnari , I haven't run any other linux OSs with a windows install , din't know it was an option on them14:57
kartihi all14:57
James147DarthFrog: note that with the shutdown dialog you also have the arror, for sleep and hybernate14:57
=== ixnari_ is now known as ixnari
ixnariWell, no dice. I guess I'll write a feature request later on. Thanks anyway, guys!15:02
DarthFrogJames147: I noticed that.15:04
q__how to install driver nvidia on 10.04?15:29
DarthFrog!nvidia | q__15:29
ubottuq__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:29
q__ok thank you15:30
normandQuelqu'un comprends le québecois sur ce canal?15:40
DarthFrog!fr | normand15:40
ubottunormand: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:40
normandMerci pour l'info Darthfrog15:40
=== robin is now known as Guest87206
KageI am using 10.04 amd64 from dvd install, and I for the life of me can not find how to change the desktop theme15:43
Kagenvm, found it15:43
=== root is now known as Guest61399
poyntzwell_laid_lawn: bash: /home/chris/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory16:32
poyntzwell_laid_lawn: that's what $PATH returns16:32
James147poyntz: "echo $PATH"16:33
DarthFrogJames147: The error message returned the path.16:34
DarthFrogpoyntz: What are you trying to do?16:34
* James147 assumed he was trying to get the contents of PATH and just typed "$PATH" >> should be "echo $PATH"16:35
DarthFrogJames147: ;-)   He got his $PATH either way.16:37
V0r34u5Hey guys, I need to open a port to test /dcc get (because I have trouble with), so I want to use iptables but I dont know how to open a simple port and then close it.16:38
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.16:39
DarthFrogV0r34u5: Is the port currently firewalled?16:40
V0r34u5DarthFrog, I have not set any exeption in iptables16:41
DarthFrogV0r34u5: All ports are open, unless they are firewalled.16:41
DarthFrogWhether there is anything listening on any particular port is another matter.16:41
V0r34u5DarthFrog, I think i need to set an exeption for irssi, because I can send files from /dcc send, but I cant get them when someone send me something16:44
DarthFrogV0r34u5: Well, you can issue the command: "sudo iptables -F"  That will flush all the iptables rules and you can test if that's your problem.16:46
DarthFrogV0r34u5: But don't leave yourself open for long. :-)16:46
DarthFrogV0r34u5: Oh yeah, it just occurred to me - the firewall might be on your router.  Do you have the proper port being forwarded from your router?16:47
V0r34u5DrathFrog, good question, I dont know lol16:48
DarthFrogV0r34u5:  Also, before flushing your iptable rules, try "sudo iptables -L" to list the rules currently in force.16:48
poyntzJames147 DarthFrog : /home/chris/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games16:49
poyntzJames147 DarthFrog : I'm trying to get Alt+F2 to work16:49
V0r34u5Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)16:49
V0r34u5target     prot opt source               destination16:49
James147poyntz: that looks like your PATH varible :)16:49
V0r34u5Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)16:49
V0r34u5target     prot opt source               destination16:49
V0r34u5Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)16:49
FloodBotK2V0r34u5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:49
V0r34u5target     prot opt source               destination16:49
poyntzJames147 DarthFrog : I'm trying to get Alt+F2 to work16:50
DarthFrogpoyntz: So what's the issue?16:50
James147poyntz: krunner probally crashed, try rerunning it16:50
V0r34u5DarthFrog, thats all16:50
DarthFrogV0r34u5: You don't currently have a firewall on your system.  Methinks you need to forward the port from your router to your system.16:50
mycobacteriumalguien de Chile16:52
V0r34u5DarthFrog, do you know a good tuto for iptables ?16:52
DarthFrogV0r34u5: I used to. :-)  Many moons ago.16:53
poyntzDarthFrog James147 : nope. it never works16:53
poyntzthe box comes up16:53
James147poyntz: can you run "krunner" in a terminal?16:54
poyntzif i enter any program name in, then tap enter it fails16:54
James147poyntz: so krunner is loading :)16:54
poyntzi tried running it in konsole16:54
poyntzsame problem16:54
poyntzit runs16:54
poyntzbut it wont launch apps16:54
FloodBotK2poyntz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
poyntzand there was no dumb in konsole16:55
James147poyntz: check the plugins16:55
DarthFrogpoyntz: What did you try running in konsole?16:55
poyntzi don't remember installing any16:55
V0r34u5DarthFrog, if i have no firewall, do you think that can be my /dcc get problem ?16:56
James147poyntz: click the spanner icon in krunner, that will open the plugins... there should be some installed by default16:56
DarthFrogDoes the popup box appear when you press Alt-F2?16:56
V0r34u5DarthFrog, all port are closed by default, so the file I want to get cant pass16:56
James147V0r34u5: on ubuntu all ports are open by default (fire wall is disalbed)16:57
DarthFrogV0r34u5: No.  I think your issue is with port forwarding.  The /DCC GET is coming in to your IP address, which is actually the WAN address on your router.  The poor router has no idea what to do with it.  A port forwarding rule will tell it what to do.16:57
poyntzJames147: tried disabling all plugins. didn't change a thing16:57
James147poyntz: you need to enable them to nmake it work ^^16:57
DarthFrogpoyntz: No, you need to enable the plugins. :-)16:58
poyntzJames147 DarthFrog : thanks! that fixed it16:58
poyntzhave a great night16:58
V0r34u5DarthFrog, ok, I need to set iptables and it can resolve my problem ?16:58
V0r34u5setting a chain of rules16:59
James147V0r34u5: no, you need to configure your router16:59
DarthFrogV0r34u5: Nope, I very much doubt that iptables has anything to do whatsoever with your issue.  Iptables on your local machine, that is.16:59
V0r34u5ok thanx, i will googling about "configuring my router":P17:00
DarthFrogV0r34u5: What model router do you have?17:00
mweijtsV0r34u5: http://portforward.com/17:00
V0r34u5DarthFrog, hummm, a router from Bell17:01
mweijtshttp://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm index of routers17:01
DarthFrogV0r34u5: Do you have the instruction manual for it?  Can you log in as Administrator to its admin web page?  "It" being your router.17:01
DarthFrogV0r34u5: Check the link that mweijts just provided.  It may tell  you exactly what you need to do.  You also must know what port you need to work with. :-)17:02
V0r34u5ok, thanx guys !17:03
apparlehow to get the source for the command cksum17:13
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Scunizion boot I always get an error with Akonadi... akonadi_gcal_resource PID (various) .. 11 Segmentation Fault .. How do I make this stop crashing?  I have to kill the akonadi server and Kontact and restart both.. akonadi first then kontact.17:21
epI installed sun java's and used update-alternatives to "prefer it".  However both firefox and chromimum are still using the ice tea plugin.  I need sun's plugin.  WHere can I find instrurctions on how to mangage plugins (eg remove ice tea and add sun)?17:24
epI'd like to use the openjdk but unfortunely it doesn't work well with a few java games I play.17:25
Scunizi!java | ep17:26
ubottuep: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:26
epgod I wish i understood kpackage kit interface  I search for java and get too many hits, I search for plugin and get too many hits  I search 'java plugin'  (without the quotes) and get nothing... i'll search sun brb.17:37
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epFound sun's java6 plugin.  Question  do i need to remove the icetea plugin or disable it or neither?17:42
Scuniziep: probably remove it17:46
Scuniziep: you can always install synaptic17:46
Scuniziep: the link provided by ubottu has the easy method of setting sun-java as the default17:48
epScunizi: I already set sun-java as the defaut.... And it works with stand alone java apps.  Apparenlty it has no affect on the plugins for  browsers  however.17:51
epi didn't install the plugin though,  I'll do that and see what happens17:55
Bauldrickis there a netbook channel?17:56
After730Can someone help me with Kubuntu? I am unable to empty Trash and need help how to do it17:57
James147ep: kpackagekits search box is a dumb search box... it just searchs for the package anme by default... you can set it to search the discription is you want to17:57
epah thanks, that will help17:58
James147After730: to empty the trash navigate to it in dolphin (trash: in the address bar will do that) then right click on an empty part of the view and click "empty trash"17:59
epi installed sun-java6 plugin ; closed firefox; reopened firefox and about:plugins still only listed iced tea17:59
James147ep: try: "sudo update-alternatives --config java"18:00
epi did that 2 days ago but will do it again18:01
James147!pm | After73018:01
ubottuAfter730: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:01
epJames147: the current selection is sun's java 6 (and it works with stand alone java apps, they use sun)18:02
Bauldricki have a problem - my daughters netbook screen broke so I've decided to place it behind TV and use TV as monitor for it (with wireless bits etc...) Unfortunately everytime I restart netbook, the broken screen (LVDS1 800x600) gets mirrored to TV. I can adjust the TV (VGA1) to 1280x1024, but upon reboot it resets to 800x60018:03
James147After730: do you get an error when you click on "empty trash"?18:03
James147Bauldrick: you could create a xrandr script to run at login to change the resalution... or set it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:04
James147!pm | After73018:05
ubottuAfter730: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:05
epokay on the chromimum browser (which is set as my default)  now gives both iced tea and sun's java in about:plugins output.... I see which one it uses18:05
James147After730: try deleting ~/.local/share/Trash18:06
BauldrickJames147: the script option would be better, if I screw xorg up, then I have no access to netbook at all?  Any samples of said script to view that you know of?18:07
After730James147 OK, will try that now18:07
James147Bauldrick: then you would need to create a bash script with the appropate xrandr commands in (dont know xrandr well enough though) "man xrandr" should tell you how to use it... also google :)18:08
James147Bauldrick: (or if you only need one line you can try that directly into the auto start thing via: system settings > advanced > autostart18:09
After730James147 There is no file .local/share/Trash local/share only has: applications, ca-certificates, fonts, man, ppd, sgml, and xml No Trash in that directory18:11
James147After730: "locate trash" then :)18:12
James147^^ or better yet "locate trash | grep /home/"18:12
James147~/.kde/share/config/ktrashrc  might also tell you where it is18:13
berto01ciao a tutti18:15
After730James147 I found it using locate, but need command to delete the directory18:15
epJames147: I think I"m going to try to simply uninstall the icedtea browser plugin , no sence in having two.  I should "aptitude remove" right?   "aptitude purge"?18:15
James147After730: "rm -r DIRECTORY"18:15
berto01ho acquistato un HD esterno da 320 giga ma il lettore dvd no nriesce a caricarlo18:15
James147ep: remove will uninstall it, purge will do the same but delete config files as well18:16
James147ep: (note: "sudo aptitude purge ~c" will delete all config files of programs that where uninstalled :)  )18:16
James147sudo aptitude search ~c to list them18:17
James147^^ that one dosnt need sudo18:17
After730James147 I deleted the directory the way you said. It does not exist when I use Terminal. But The directory and all the files still show when I view in Nautilus. Must I reboot or something?18:20
James147After730: no... which dierectory did you delete?18:21
After730James147 /home/MYNAME/.local/share/Trash/18:22
James147After730: and it repoted no error? can you pastebin the output of "ls ~/.local/share"18:22
=== A_ is now known as nisha_newbie
After730James147 Don't know pastebin, but this is the LS result of what I did18:27
After730James147 /home/MYNAME/.local/share/ ls: akonadi , desktop-directories, local-mail, totem, applications, Empathy, mime, ubuntuone, contacts, gvfs-metadata, pitivi, webkit, desktop-couch, icons, rhythmbox18:27
nisha_newbieis therey any application from which I can read .lit e-book file18:28
James147After730: seems to be deleted :)18:28
James147!pastebin | After73018:28
ubottuAfter730: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:28
James147After730: close dolphin and delete ~/.kde/share/config/ktrashrc and ~/.kde/share/config/trashrc18:29
After730James147 Deleted both files. Then, opened Nautilus and Trash is still full with same files18:35
James147After730: ... I assumeed you where using dolphin.... dont know anything about Nautlius, for that you might want to ask in #ubuntu (they know more about gnome)18:36
After730James147 Maybe a hint here, Nautilus does not identify Trash in /home/MYNAME/ , just straight Trash18:36
After730James147 OK, thank you very much for your detailed step-by-step help18:36
valid_nickname19I have a question regarding SystemSettings in kubuntu 10.0418:36
ixM`Hi !18:37
James147!ask | valid_nickname1918:37
ubottuvalid_nickname19: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:37
ixM`I'm having trouble with my microphone, I can't barely hear anything. I've checked around in internet but didn't find anything. I've seen that there should be a mic boost checkbox in alsamixer but I couldn't find it. Any clue ?18:38
valid_nickname19I had some problems configuring samba, and being new to linux I probably messed things up in the process. Now, the Printer icon has disappeared from the SystemSettings window, and I have no idea how to make it come back.18:39
James147valid_nickname19: there is no good gui atm for configuing samba...18:41
eplife is good18:41
James147ep:  :D18:41
James147valid_nickname19: and samba dosnt have anything to do with the printer icon in system settigns :S18:42
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James147(at least it shouldnt)18:42
valid_nickname19I'm sorry for not being clear in my question. I already had samba configured, but now my Printer icon is not there18:42
James147valid_nickname19: what version of kubutnu and kde18:42
mudassarhello, i have just installed kubuntu 10.04, i have some concerns about usability18:43
mudassarcan somebody help me doing settings ?18:43
James147mudassar: what 'concerns'?18:43
valid_nickname19kubuntu 10.04, How do I check for my KDE version?18:43
James147valid_nickname19: any kde app > help > about kde (i would guess 4.4.218:44
mudassarjames147: First of all, how to drag the above panel to the bottom of the desktop ??18:44
valid_nickname19you are correct sir18:44
James147mudassar: (isent it already at the bottem? thats the default) right click the panel > panel options > panel settigns > click and drag the "screen edge" box18:45
James147valid_nickname19: cant remember the printer options in 4.4... but from what i remember they are incomplete :S18:46
mudassarjames147: I do not see this options when i click on the panel18:47
James147dont know why they would just "disapear" though.. and I hightly doupt it is samba related18:47
valid_nickname19can I download a different Printer manager, then?18:47
James147mudassar: right click... (or just click the cashew thing at the end (the circle thing)18:48
valid_nickname19I should also probably say that in the process of configuring samba I reinstalled a bunch of packages with synaptic,18:48
James147valid_nickname19: hmm, that probally want right :S18:48
James147valid_nickname19: afraid I dont know that much  about printer configuration... you could try installiung kubuntu-desktop and see if the option appears again (should install everything the default kubuntu has) or you can look into configuring cups directly (i think it has a web interface)18:50
James147valid_nickname19: (cups is the printer backend in [k]ubuntu)18:51
mudassarjames147: yes that is done. Now tell me how can I bring the title bar of each window, it is not there for any window and every window seems to be fullscreen without top buttons for minimize, maximize etc18:52
Scunizivalid_nickname19: cups is the backend for most if not all linux variants.. access it through Firefox with http://localhost:631 .. from there you can create a new printer, modify an existing one etc..18:52
James147mudassar: your on the netbook version arnt you?18:54
mudassarinstalled on my laptop18:54
mudassarsome windows do have titlebars but this window (IRC) has no18:55
mudassarso i cannot move it or minimize it18:55
James147mudassar: maximised windows are configured to not show their boarder to save on screen space... (i like this option, dont know how to disable it though) you can "ALT+right-drag" windows to normalise them though18:55
James147mudassar: also there is a button on the panel by default that can normalise windows18:56
James147mudassar: its part of the "current window" widget18:56
valid_nickname19James147: Thank you for showing me cups, Is the printer manager in kubuntu just a wrapper for this cups interface then?18:56
James147valid_nickname19: as far as I know it is18:57
James147valid_nickname19: well, as far as i know kde dosnt actually ahve a proper printer settings/support yet18:57
James147(think thats one of the things they are doing for maverick)18:58
roxy__what do you do if your knetworkmanager keeps crashing?18:59
roxy__anyway to fix it from not crashing?18:59
valid_nickname19James147: Thank you very much, I reinstalled kubuntu-desktop and the Printer Widget is back.19:00
James147roxy__: not seen it actually crash before... what version of kubuntu/kde are you using?19:01
roxy__James147:  i think it is 10.04 not sure19:02
mudassarI cannot see which apps are running, there was one panel for it but i accidently removed it and now i cannot switch using mouse19:03
James147roxy__: lsb_release -r    should tell you your kubuntu version (kde4-config --version   for the kde version)19:03
James147mudassar: the netbook version dosent have a taskbar by default... (you can add one) it uses the current window widget and present windows effect19:04
mudassarhow to add ? i didn't understand19:05
James147mudassar: the taskbar widget is called "task manager" a better one to use might be "smooth tasks" though as it only uses hte icons rather then the icons and text (like win7)19:06
roxy__James147:  it says:19:06
roxy__-pc:~$ kde4-config --version19:06
roxy__Qt: 4.6.219:06
roxy__KDE Development Platform: 4.4.2 (KDE 4.4.2)19:06
roxy__kde4-config: 1.019:06
FloodBotK2roxy__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
roxy__opps sorry19:06
James147mudassar: right click the panel > [panel options > ] add widgets19:06
mudassarthen what to add ?19:07
James147roxy__: :S never seen or hears of that version crashng (many other prblems but not crashing) :S19:07
James147heard ^^19:07
James147mudassar: "task manager"  although i recomend installing the "smooth tasks" widget if you ahve a smaller screen (plasma-widget-smooth-tasks)19:08
roxy__James147: >.> weird. i know on the forms i ask only one person told me that it happen to them before and the only thing that they knew what to do is to redue every thing19:08
roxy__-_- i guess i have to do that19:08
James147roxy__: try creating a new user and see if it ahppens on that... that would at least tell you if its a config error19:09
James147(dont know what to do if it isent, but you can delete the relevent config files if it is)19:09
James147roxy__: if that dosent work you can try using the gnome version (install: network-manager-gnome   run: nm-applet)  or even wicd19:10
James147(wicd will replace and uninstall network-manager)19:10
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roxy__James147:  i have Wicd on my computer but it didnt take knetwork off. the only problem i have with Wicd is that my wireless thing wont work19:12
James147roxy__: hmm... i sware installing wicd unisntalled network-manager...19:14
James147roxy__: do you have network-manager installed?>19:15
James147(as well as network-manager-kde?19:15
James147roxy__: here "knetworkmanager" is a virtual package..... sugesting its not used anymore19:17
James147roxy__: i think its now in "network-manager-kde"19:17
roxy__oh ok19:18
James147but either way, do you have "network-manager" ...?19:18
mudassari m still not able to bring the titlebar of the window19:22
James147mudassar: you might want to consider installing "kubuntu-desktop" and using the normal desktop interface (you can still use the search $ launch activity)19:25
mudassaron my laptop ?19:25
James147mudassar: how big is you laptops screen?19:26
mudassarbut I have bigger screen at office that i attach with laptop... it is 19 inches19:27
James147mudassar: i would say thats about the middle ground for switching :)19:27
mudassarcan I use that version of desktop in my laptop ? I mean that is meant for desktop machines19:27
James147mudassar: the net book version is designed for smaller screens (i would say < about 13-14inch)19:27
mudassarit is very hectic when I cannot rearrange windows ...19:28
James147mudassar: it works just as well on laptops, the only difference is the screen size......19:28
mudassarno problem for size of screen ... bcoz i have bigger screen as well that i mostly use19:28
James147(i mean the desktop version works just as well with laptops, the only difference between netbook and desktop is the screen size)19:29
mudassarbut it is time taking to install the distro again19:29
mudassaris there any setting that can convert the desktop to desktop machine ?19:30
James147"kubuntu-desktop" works just as well works laptops... the netbook version was designed with smaller screens in mind... i think that is about it... in terms of power/lightness netbook and desktop area bout the same19:30
James147mudassar: install "kubuntu-desktop"19:31
James147mudassar: (on kde 4.5, cant remember where on < 4.5) switch system settings > workspace > "Workspace Type" to "desktop"19:32
mudassarbut plz tell me some shortcut, I have configured many other apps now so can't redo the installation19:32
mudassarwhere is switch system settings ?19:33
James147mudassar: kubuntu-desktop is just a package with all the stuff needed for a full desktop... you just need toinstall that not do a complete reinstall19:33
James147mudassar: what kde version do you have (any kde app > help > about kde)?19:34
bullocksmachinexterm and apt-get are fastest way there19:34
James147bullocksmachine: (konsole)19:34
mudassarkde 4.4.219:34
James147(cant remember where the option is in kde 4.4.x... and has no comps with that version... anyone else know where?) either way you still need to install "kubuntu-desktop)19:35
mudassarapt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:38
mudassarwill this work ?19:38
James147mudassar: yeas19:39
James147(although you might still need to change the workspace settings)19:39
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=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
amstan_where can i get kde4.5? is there a ppa that has it?19:58
fabbio84Peace-: quasi fatto penso :-D19:58
amstan_i was using kubuntu-ppa till now, i tought that was enough, but apparently they don't have it19:58
amstan_nvm, i guess i have to use ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports19:59
Peace-fabbio84: you are in englsih channel19:59
amstan_thank you topic19:59
Peace-fabbio84: you have to speak english or go in the italina channel ... ossia di la19:59
fabbio84Peace-: so what? i must speak in english?19:59
Peace-hi Trance20:01
fabbio84Peace-: so what? i must speak in english?20:01
Peace-fabbio84: sudo apt-get install konversation  and remove quassel20:02
Peace-konversation is better than quassel20:02
Peace-for me and so for you xD20:02
fabbio84Peace-: how can i remove quassel?20:02
Peace-sudo apt-get remove quassel20:02
Peace-sudo apt-get install konversation20:02
fabbio84Peace-: ok20:02
fabbio84Peace-: there's a parameter to remove completely a program? like -a or -e20:04
Peace-fabbio84: sudo apt-get remove --purge someprogram20:04
Peace-fabbio84: http://duncan.mac-vicar.com/blog/archives/64420:04
Peace-ryrych: hi20:04
ryrychlibqt4-assistant blocks my packages from upgrade20:04
NAJIdoes kubuntu contain wvdial and usb-modeswitch packages??20:05
NAJII am about downloading it20:05
Peace-NAJI: what do you want do ?20:05
NAJII need them to make my 3G usb modemwork20:05
Peace-explain better20:05
NAJIZTE MF10020:05
Peace-ok i have a nokia 5800 and it works with knetworkmanager20:06
NAJIthey are not installed in ubuntu20:06
NAJIso I am trying with kubuntu20:06
Peace-have you tried with knetworkmanager?20:06
NAJIit wouldn't work20:06
Peace-try then ... you try something else20:07
NAJII have to install wvdial and  usb-modeswitch20:07
Peace-if youare sure install them20:07
NAJIthey configure /etc/wvconf20:07
NAJII cannot20:08
NAJIthey require a lot packages20:08
Peace-you are not on line with ethernet?20:08
NAJIand I need the net to know them20:08
NAJII am on windows now20:08
NAJIthe modem works here20:08
NAJIand I need those package and all the dependencies too20:09
NAJIwhich I don't know!!!20:09
Peace-NAJI: you should get a etherent connection20:09
Peace-or a wifi20:09
NAJIit does work!! I just want to know if wvdial and usb modeswitch are available in the kubuntu CD20:10
Peace-NAJI: mmm i dunno20:11
NAJIok, thanksss20:11
Peace-NAJI: if they are not download dvd should be there20:11
NAJIthe dvd contain more language packs, that's what is there about it20:12
NAJIokay bye20:13
ironbeard(ironbeard) hey guys, was hoping i could get some clarification on setting up a server..if i set my router to static ip it assigns it a non 192.168 address. if i forward ports to my server computer's internal ip, should i be able to connect to my server using the external ip my router gave me? or do i need a service like no-ip.com?20:17
macoironbeard: you need to connect to the router's external IP20:18
macoif that's dynamic, then you need something like dyndns20:18
macothe ip of the server inside the LAN has no bearing on what happens outside20:19
ironbeardright. but i can switch it from dynamic to static, but not sure if that gives me an internal static ip for the router or external ip for the router. would i typically have to pay my isp for the external ip?20:19
macoyou have to pay your ISP for an external static IP20:20
macoif you setup your router to do static, that just means dhcp isnt being used to setup the machines inside the LAN and they'll all have to be manually configured for IP, gateway, route, and dns settings20:20
maco(which is kind of a pain in the butt)20:21
ironbeardright on. so my other option is to leave it as dynamic and install the no ip dynamic update system?20:21
mudassarhow will i activate the desktop (that is installed by apt-get install kubuntu-desktop) ?20:21
ironbeardmudassar you can choose at the login screen20:22
ironbeardmudassar im guessing you installed kubuntu after having gnome ubuntu installed20:22
macoironbeard: setting a static ip on the server inside will make the port forwarding easier. but dhcp reservations are probably the best solution since then dns and route and gateway are automatically set20:23
ironbeardmacro yeah, right on. for me its just a laptop phone and xbox, but i see. havent heard of dhcp reservations, will look them up20:24
mudassari selected KDE but still the same desktop came with same settings20:25
mudassar(there were failsafe, kde and one default (previous) options)20:25
macomudassar: what was your old desktop?20:26
mudassarnetbook ... (the one which comes out when we install latest kubuntu 10.04)20:26
=== ironbeard is now known as ironbeard-brb
mudassari installed the netbook version of kubuntu 10.04, but i want to use the desktop of desktop-version of kubuntu 10.04 i have installed kubuntu-desktop, now how to use it ?20:35
Guinnessmanin big need of help20:37
Guinnessmananyone free? :)20:37
Guinnessmanok, thanks20:38
Guinnessmanhave a compaq 615 lappy, installed ubuntu 10.4 by using xforcevesa on install20:38
Guinnessmancan boot with xforcevesa20:38
Guinnessmanhowever gdmdoesnt start and says there is a graphic issue which I try to siolve but the menu loops20:39
Guinnessmanstart x brings up the desktop but no wifi, no 'dbus' apparantly and no net20:40
Guinnessmananyone know how i can get dbus up and running and my graphics issue solved?20:40
Guinnessmanbad times20:42
ironbeard-brbsorry, cant help you here20:43
=== ironbeard-brb is now known as ironbeard
Guinnessmanok, thanks anyway20:43
Guinnessmananyone else?20:43
matt__#ubuntu ?20:44
ironbeardmacro: are dhcp reservations set on the router or the dhcpd.conf file?20:48
urgenis your 'nix your router?20:50
urgenmost routers do dhcp allocation and can be told from what to what to hand out20:51
ironbeardurgen: no, just basic home wireless router.20:53
urgenlog in there, then, and tell it what you want it to do20:53
ironbeardright on, havnt fooled with the dhcp too much yet, will do.20:54
urgenwhatever your gateway IP is20:54
urgenpoint a browser there20:54
urgendefault logins and passwords are usually one of a few select patterns: user=blank pass=admin or user=admin pass=admin or user=admin pass=password20:55
urgenthere are a few other variations depending on brand and you can look that up online20:55
urgenwhatever it is, change it20:56
ironbeardyeah, im familiar with that, just dont see dhcp settings20:56
ironbeardare there routers that dont include dhcp reservations?21:01
jcpoffDoes anyone ever say anything here?21:51
amstan_ugh.. i just updated to kde 4.5, and now every time i hit ctrl+s in kate i get this error: The filter/check plugin 'python-encoding' could not be found, still continue saving of21:52
amstan_please help, there is no way to disable the warning./.21:52
Bauldrick_Why can Amarok not see my music on a NAS running firefly ?21:55
Peace-amstan_: here it works well22:00
Peace-amstan_: try to rename $HOME/.kde22:00
amstan_Peace-: how did you update to kde 4.5?22:00
amstan_Peace-: no way i'm doing that, it means like 2 hours of reconfiguring everything22:00
Peace-amstan_: just rename .kde not delete... :)22:01
amstan_also.. i notice a severe drop in fps in sauer after i upgraded22:01
amstan_like.. down to 10fps, before i had 20022:01
amstan_and then i tried to disable composition with shift alt f1122:01
Peace-amstan_: create a new user...22:01
amstan_and it switched the "layout manager to spiral mode"22:01
Peace-amstan_: look if something is fixed22:01
Peace-and if it is ...22:01
amstan_how do i disable this layout mode thing?22:02
amstan_god.. i can't move a window22:03
Peace-amstan_: create a new user...22:03
Peace-when you upgrade a dekstop enviroment22:03
Peace-you should create a new user or rename .kde22:03
amstan_well.. too late now is it?22:03
Peace-sudo adduser YOURUSER22:04
amstan_it has worked perfectly before, upgrading from 4.1 to 4.2 to 4.3 to 4.422:04
Peace-no way22:04
Peace-that was luck22:04
Peace-many people had problems upgrading22:04
Peace-the first stuff to try is create a new user22:04
Peace-or rename $HOME/.kde22:04
amstan_but again, that means hours of work22:05
Peace-then if the problem is not solved you have to look in another way22:05
Peace-amstan_: this is a TESTA22:05
Peace-create a new user... means you will not lost old settings22:05
Peace-in the other user...22:05
=== mandragor is now known as weedar
olskolircI'm on Lucid and its asking me to install language support and it has a list of languages...english is grayed out what do they want me to pick please?22:13
olskolircsomeone say my name please?22:16
olskolircand how do I upgrade my kernel version to Lucid from Karmic please22:18
nobarkingi was trying to upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 with the Kubuntu Backports PPA, but i've got 172 packages blocked22:26
nobarkingdoes anyone know what might the issue be?22:26
olskolircyou have a broken package nobarking22:28
olskolircsudo synaptic nobarking22:28
nobarkingolskolirc: can it be fixed throug CLI or do i really have to install synaptics?22:29
olskolirc!language support |olskolirc22:30
olskolircsynaptic should be installed nobarking22:30
nobarkingolskolirc: ok, thanks22:31
sourcemakerwhat is the difference between s/mine and gnupg encryption?22:44
=== leacia is now known as leech
btarik1hello, when i updated thunderbid to the 3.2 version i lost the "inbox folder", the folder where i used to read all the new msgs form me different accounts, how can i get it back?23:18
binskipy2uhey everyone.. with 4.4.5 working well, and being LTS and all.. is there any real reason to install 4.5 or any reason in the next 3 years that 4.4.5 will be a less "viable" option to use?23:23
Tm_Tbinskipy2u: if there's nothing in 4.5 that you need, there's no _need_ to upgrade (:23:25
binskipy2uTm_T thats not what i'm asking.. i have no "need" to upgrade, but is it a good "idea" to upgrade?23:26
binskipy2u1. being its not officially support, and its a backport repo etc.. and 2. being since 4.4.5 is lts23:26
Tm_Twell, it's a good idea if there's something you want/need23:27
Tm_Tit shouldn't be harmful, but shouldn't do miracles either23:27
binskipy2ui'm assuming if there's any bugs...or minor/major issues with 4.4.5 they wil be fixed promptly23:30
Tm_Tconsidering we are supposed to be supporting it several years, those should be sorted one way or another23:31

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