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bdrungwgrant: this crash http://pastebin.com/ukEqRveK doesn't happen on maverick00:45
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MuscovyIs Launchpad under maintenance? A package of mine has been sitting at "25 minutes to build" for hours, and https://launchpad.net/builders has been working on the same packages all evening.05:17
cody-somervilleMuscovy, No. Launchpad is not under maintenance. Unfortunately there is a problem with the launchpad build farm at the moment though.05:21
wgrantMuscovy: Not under maintenance -- but something fell over a little over 6 hours ago.05:21
MuscovyWhere's the best place for any updates on it?05:22
MuscovyI checked the Identi.ca page, but it doesn't mention this problem.05:23
MuscovyAnyways, thanks, I can stop refreshing my browser now. :P05:24
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kalon33hello all08:21
kalon33It seems that launchpad PPA buildds are stuck for 9 hours... (according to builders page on edge)08:21
kalon33hello wgrant, is there a problem with PPA buildd ?08:23
cody-somervilleyes there is08:24
kalon33cody-somerville, do you know approximatively when this will be solved ?08:26
cody-somervillefew hours hopefully08:26
kalon33so it's a big one this time?08:28
nigelbsomone with ops may want to add that to the topic.08:40
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njinhelle everybody09:26
njinwhy, at the end of a bug page if i hit report another bug it link to the wiki page?09:26
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njinreply: if a bug is assigned to ubuntu it just suggest how to report bugs :-)09:32
detIs it unusual for a build to not start after 8 hours ?09:33
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wgrantdet: Yes. The issue is being worked on.09:35
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mycaeHello, launchpad won't let me file a bug. IT says "you need to enable REFERRER HEaders", however my Sigh. I can't file a bug; "No Referrer header", however by about:config network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferrer is set to true.11:56
mycaeI am running debian testing, and am trying to request a package sync11:57
mycaeany advice?11:57
mycaeOK, so there looks to be a second setting network.http.sendReferrerHeader.12:07
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herr_nilssonwhy am i not allowed any longer to edit our translation wiki?12:42
herr_nilssonfor a few days now i am not allowed any longer to edit our translation team wiki, which i as the coordinator of the team, wrote myself: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/LowGerman any suggestions?12:47
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riochhi, there are 9 .po files with the status "needs review" in the translations section of my project. I added them at the same time as other languages, a few weeks ago, but they were imported automatically. How can I fix this?15:19
pc_magashi from ssl15:58
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asachmm ... i wanted to mirror https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.maverick to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~asac/linaro-seeds/platform.maverick ... but that doesnt work :/19:13
asacalways see a warning that launchpad wasnt able to mirror19:13
asachow can i mirror in-launchpad ... wasnt there a way to do a lightweight copy?19:14
jelmerasac: can't you just register a bzr branch mirror?19:28
jelmerasac: using the "Register a branch" link on the code page?19:28
asacjelmer: yes, thats what i tried, but the mirror run always failed.19:36
asacanyway. i push manually for now ;)19:36
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thopiekarwhere can I see what the conflicts are? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/53681738/buildlog.txt.gz20:20
jelmerConflict adding file changelog.  Moved existing file to changelog.moved.20:21
jelmerConflict adding file control.  Moved existing file to control.moved.20:21
jelmerConflict adding file rules.  Moved existing file to rules.moved.20:21
thopiekarjelmer: so I need to merge instead of nest?20:27
thopiekarhmm the help pages say that there has to be a debian folder in a branch when merging.. is there a way to say create a dir (here debian) and put the files in it like nest does it?20:30
thopiekaris it right that I can use all commands that are available for bzr?20:36
thopiekar$ bzr help commands20:36
thopiekarlike "mv" "remove"20:37
jelmerthopiekar: If possible, I would recommend just putting the files in a debian/ directory in the packaging branch.20:37
thopiekarthe packaging branch is a import from svn20:38
thopiekarand there is already a debian maintainer who is working on these packages...20:38
thopiekarso less work for me using his files..20:38
thopiekar:( The recipe text is not a valid bzr-builder recipe. Expecting 'merge', 'nest' or 'run', got 'mv'20:57
thopiekarbut I really need something like this ^20:58
thopiekarwhat about nest-part? how does it work so far?21:01
jelmerthopiekar: unfortunately the layout of that upstream branch (multiple source packages in one tree) is unusual21:03
jelmerthopiekar: there is no possibility of convincing the maintainer of that repository to use a separate branch per project?21:03
thopiekarjust mailed him about our problem.. I think he will be online tomorrow afternoon (GMT+0100)21:04
thopiekarjelmer: I'm just working and thinking about a solution without changes in our git..21:05
thopiekarthere is nothing in the help pages about "run".. what does it do?21:06
jelmerthopiekar: you could create a branch derived from the import that just has the canonola-daemon/debian directory moved to debian/ ?21:06
thopiekarit isn't possible to import a git with subdir.. even you don't provide it :P21:07
thopiekartried it but doesn't work..21:07
jelmerthopiekar: You can manually do that though.21:08
thopiekarI even thought about mirroring the imported import branch with the debian files..21:08
jelmerthopiekar: Clone the git import locally, move the canola-daemon/debian/ directory to debian/; commit and push to a new branch. Then use that new branch in the recipe.21:08
thopiekardoesnt work, too, "You can't mirror lp: or http://bazaar.launchpad.net"21:08
jelmerthopiekar: Not using launchpad but on your local machine.21:09
jelmerthopiekar: bzr branch lp:.../git-import git-import; cd git-import && bzr mv canola-daemon/debian debian/ && bzr commit -m "Move to root" && bzr push lp:.../git-import-moved21:10
thopiekaryou are thinking about a script?21:11
jelmerthopiekar: Ah, I thought you were just looking for a workaround for until the git repository gets fixed..21:11
thopiekarwould be great.. but it would be better to make packages on-the-fly :D21:11
thopiekaroh ok would be great for sure!21:12
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thopiekarI even don't think it makes sense to do this work when I just have to wait a day!21:13
jelmerwell, it's about a minute worth of "work" but I'll leave it up to you :-)21:14
* thopiekar just noticed that the debian files are also outdated :( he made new but the guy hasn't published them..21:37
thopiekarit were great rules files! which detect wheather they are running under maemo or a desktop build system21:38
thopiekarthen replacing the control files with the needed..21:39
lfaraoneIs there a way to subscribe a user to all packages in launchpad that are maintained by a particular team or person?21:41
lfaraoneIs there a way to subscribe a user to all packages in launchpad that are maintained by a particular team or person?21:41
nhandlerlfaraone: I know someone on the pkg-perl team had to create a script to subscribe the team to all packages they maintain.21:46
lfaraonenhandler: cool, know of the script / where I can find th epeson who wrote it?21:47
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nhandlerlfaraone: Ryan52 on oftc21:47
lfaraonenhandler: thanks, will ask21:48
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lfaraoneAre there any existing methods for tracking how patches we have in Ubuntu move upstream in Launchpad?21:52
nhandlerlfaraone: Operation Cleansweep was using tags to help track that.21:53
lfaraonehmmm. is it possible to search for bugs in packages subscribed to by a team?22:02
lfaraone(the bugs aren't subscribed to by the team, but the package is)22:02
lfaraonelike, I'd like to perform searches on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+packagebugs, or at the very least show all the bugs in a list.22:14
lifelesson that page22:29
lifelessyou can set subscriber as a field22:29
lifelessso you can do it22:29
lifelessplease file a bug though, it should be easier22:29
Sia-i've approved this name jotyar in our translation for wordpress in launchpad.net but he can't translate look at her: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/6900/91153680.jpg or http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/1518/31879122.jpg23:05
Sia-what is the problem23:05
Sia-no body from roseta her?23:11
lfaraonelifeless: I was talking about "packagebugs", not "assignedbugs". Setting subscriber to "sugarteam" in the link you provided gives no hits.23:33
lfaraonelifeless: in this case, sugarteam is sub'd to the package, not to the bug itself.23:33

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