
devildantecan someone confirm and triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/617044?00:19
ubot2Ubuntu bug 617044 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdmsetup unlock screen doesn't show what is done (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]00:19
yofelactually, the button does nothing here (running KDE right now) :/00:28
yofel** (gdmsetup:17596): WARNING **: Failed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .service files00:28
devildanteyofel: that's another bug :P00:28
yofelwell, it prevents me from confirming yours :P00:28
devildanteyofel: isn't the screenshot enough to confirm?00:29
yofelwell 'An application' is certainly very descriptive...00:29
yofelwhat's written under 'details' ?00:30
devildanteno, I meant that it should show a primary message, just like software-center/aptdaemon do00:31
devildantelike "Authentication is required to modify login settings" in bold00:32
yofelwell right, I'll confirm the bug for now,00:33
devildantesorry for disconnect :(00:37
devildanteyofel: thanks for confirming :)00:40
yofelnp, bed time for me00:40
devildantegn :)00:42
rajatkhandujaI've applied for an Ubuntu Member but haven't received any reply in this regard. .. .how long can it take to get a reply?07:20
rajatkhanduja*applied for Ubuntu **MENTOR** not member07:21
kermiacrajatkhanduja: do you see your name at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors/Students  ?07:21
kermiacah, you're the second last name.. right?07:22
rajatkhandujakermiac, yes I do... .Rajat Khanduja07:22
rajatkhandujakermiac, the name's there..but how long can it take for a reply?? Pretty eager to get started07:24
kermiacrajatkhanduja: have you done everything outlined at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors (under the "How To Request a Mentor" heading)07:24
KE1HADuring the the last meeting, they discussed this with the Mentors, and have seen several notes coming out but with the upcoming release of 10.4.1, the bug Mentors are pretty busy.07:25
rajatkhandujakermiac, yes I think I did everything as mentioned...once I forgot to give the link to my wiki page..but then I re-applied (as the first application was rejected)07:25
kermiacrajatkhanduja: how long ago did you apply? also, there are only a limited number of mentors & I know that there are a few students who have requested a mentor that are still waiting to be assigned07:27
kermiacrajatkhanduja: please feel free to get started by reading the "how to triage" documentation. Ask any questions you may have in here & if someone is around who knows the answer they will help you07:28
rajatkhandujakermiac, yes I did read the documentation .. and also tried triaging some bugs .. I shall continue with that until i get a mentor..thank u ..07:29
kermiacok rajatkhanduja, please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have... Thanks for helping!07:30
rajatkhandujakermiac, btw I had applied around 18 july07:30
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kermiacrajatkhanduja: what is your launchpad id?07:31
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rajatkhandujarypervenche : ok07:39
njinhello everybody08:17
zushi nkin08:21
zuslol it's late here08:21
njinzus, here 9.22 AM08:22
zus3:22 am here08:22
njinzus:good night08:22
zusi was about to log off and seen ya said  hello.  figureed i would say hi back08:22
njinzus:good morning08:22
zuslol it's  kind of both at moment08:23
njinhello, hitting alt/tab in metacity or compiz, monitor start to flashing, is only a my bug ?08:53
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yofelnjin: about [10:26:39] <njin> why, at the end of a bug page if i hit report another bug it link to the wiki page?10:20
yofelthat's because that link goes directly to the launchpad bug filing page, without adding the 'no-redirect' option to the link, and as a normal user you get redirected to the wiki page in this case10:21
yofelas you generally shouldn't file bugs this way10:21
yofelso that's intentionally, not an issue with launchpad ;)10:21
njinyofel: hello, yes is a feature, because if i start from a page assigned to ubuntu and ask to report another bug it link to the wiki page, well10:22
njinthanks for explication10:23
njinyofel, are you experiencing the alt+tab bug ?10:24
yofelI don't use gnome and kde works fine (maverick)10:24
njinok, thanks10:24
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vishom26er: snap! that was fast ;)11:41
om26ervish, I have hawks eye on my emailbox ;)11:42
vishom26er: yeah , looks like he was in a hurry to get it sponsored :)11:44
vishom26er: if we had another 10 more people like him, we might probably have lesser bugs.. ;p11:46
om26ervish, the other bugs 'freenode as default irc' when empathy 2.31.90 releases that patch should be removed and a one line version should be added11:46
vishom26er: yeah..11:47
om26erwe have to edit 'irc.gimpnet.org' to 'chat.freenode.net' and tada its fixed11:48
penguin42A bug of mine has been converted to a support tracker; I disagree - what's the right way to turn it back to a bug  - bug 40467011:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 404670 in ubuntu "Can't reload alsa modules because pulse won't die (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40467011:57
devildantehi all :)11:58
penguin42Hi DD12:00
njinhelp i don't understand what he wrote https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/40589012:19
ubot2Ubuntu bug 405890 in ubuntu "Bad color choice in virtual console when running screen (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]12:19
penguin42hmm not sure how you get load average in screen - perhaps it's a config option12:22
jfiI guess that's the bottom lines of byobu12:22
njinpenguin42: click on convert to a bug12:23
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jfiby default it using darkgray on yellow for me12:24
penguin42I guess the question is whether it's really byobu he's using or if he has some other screen config12:24
jfimaybe asking for a screenshot will ease the understanding?12:25
njinwell, thanks boys i reply as not described well12:25
penguin42njin: No!12:25
penguin42njin: Because someone who understands screen would ask better questions12:25
penguin42njin: I would ask specifically if he is using normal screen or byobu and what his screen configs are12:26
penguin42njin: It's not that clear a report, but after a bit of thought I can see the type of problem he has but don't understand exactly the config - so one to ask more info, not to tell them off for an unclear report!12:27
njinPenguin42: no, i would use the stock option to request a major precision in the description12:30
penguin42njin: and I'm saying that would still be wrong given that it just needs some specific info12:31
penguin42njin: Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean that others can't get most of the idea12:31
njinpenguin42: ok, then i ask him if it using a normal screen or byobu12:32
jfiI am sure that by default screen does not display uptime12:33
penguin42jfi: Yeh I'm fairly sure you're right, I  assume you could configure screen to do it somehow? (is there a .screenrc or the like?)12:40
yofelpenguin42: there is, mine's empty though as I use byobu which has the configs in .byobu/12:46
yofelpenguin42: about your bug, press 'Convert back to a bug'12:47
njinyofel: then the bug is confirmed ?12:48
yofelwell, I do remember fighting with PA for the same reason once, can be worked around by disabling autspawn in /etc/pulse/client.conf12:48
njinyofel: i was talking about the screen12:50
njinyofel: ok for PA12:51
yofelhm, I'm still reading it, sec12:51
yofelhm, well, without a screenshot I can't really tell what he means, I would suspect he meanst the byobu info bar too, but my configuration is different from the defaut and it's completely fine here12:53
yofeland vim has more than one color sheme too...12:54
penguin42a screen shot or his .screen config (although since it's console it's going to have to be a camera!)12:54
njinor probably after one year ha cames to a solution ;-)12:56
njinpenguin42: ok for your bug, i forget the workaround, sorry12:58
jfi_hum, miss that is using console, when using console the colors are clearly horrible and readable13:00
jfi_(not readable)13:01
njinjfi: in lucid package ?13:02
jfi_no, I have run in the maverick console to a server using 9.0413:02
jfi_I mean, I open a ssh byobu connection to a 9.04 server using my 10.10 desktop13:02
njinjfi, better, then can you confirm this ?13:02
jfi_I cannot confirm the bug, the color issues is not concerning the load but the cpu frequence and memory info13:04
jfi_is there a way to "screenshot" a console except using a camera?13:04
penguin42not easily13:05
jfi_well, I am going to search where I put my camera so:)13:05
penguin42you can copy the textual contents (cat /dev/vcs0 etc) and if it's framebuffer based there maybe a way of doing it, but I don't know how13:06
jfi_my camera fails to take the photo... focus does not work....13:13
njinpressing Alt+Tab with some apps opened you screen flahes ?13:16
njinjfi_: what i have to do to reproduce then i take the photo13:18
ubot2Ubuntu bug 617752 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Pressing Alt+Tab screen flashes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:19
jfi_njin, control+alt+f2 then login then start byobu13:19
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jfi_the color issue is the gray on cyan and green (Ghz, GB, %) which are not readable13:24
jfi_I guess than the same kind of issues that he wants to report13:24
njinjfy_: can i use your photo to ask him, my phome makes it all blank13:26
jfi_yes you can use the photo as you want, I don't plan to use any commercial copyright :-)13:27
njinLOL, thanks13:27
kermiaccan someone pls confirm who can set "Expired" status13:32
jfi_njin, maybe you should attach the photo and not link it to imageshack, I am not sure that imageshack keeps files13:33
yofelkermiac: everyone, but it's only settable with launchpadlib or by email13:34
kermiacah, that answers my question... Thanks yofel :)13:34
yofelkermiac: I have a script to set it for a specific bug if you want it https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+junk/lp-scripts13:35
kermiacthanks yofel, I'll check it out. Should we mention that you need to use launchpadlib or email interface to set this status at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status13:36
yofelkermiac: probably, can you add one?13:37
kermiacyofel: yup, I'll add it13:38
yofelthanks :)13:38
kermiacalso, before I do... should we mention "opinion"? is that official yet or still too experimental to be added13:38
yofelno idea, I wouldn't mention it for now (I didn't hear anything final myself yet)13:39
kermiacyofel: ok, sounds reasonable. I haven't heard anything official either, but I'm seeing more and more people use it13:41
* kermiac pings vish - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/14/%23ubuntu-bugs.html#t07:2013:41
vishkermiac: hmm , yeah, there is no one in that slot similar to stlsaint , maybe we should make that clearer on the wik13:43
kermiacvish: ok mate. perhaps we could email them asking if they are available at other times or willing to workaround the issue by asking whoever is around in here for any "immediate" questions & asking less urgent or general questions via email... I don't know how else the timeslot issues can be worked around13:46
vishkermiac: yeah , i'm updating the wiki with that info..13:48
vishkermiac: but kinda not sure about the whole program or what to do,..  since some of the mentors on the wiki are not really willing to mentor either  :(13:48
vishhggdh: too..^13:49
* vish will probably not be assigning mentors for a while :s13:49
vishkermiac: a few mentors like yourself are eager , but some no matter how much we try to poke them to keep the program on track seem to get pissed .. so not really sure :s13:51
kermiacvish: I don't know what to do about that... I think that the mentorship program is a great idea. plenty of people seem to be able top bitch & moan about new triagers making mistakes, this is the perfect way to help solve that issue13:52
kermiacsorry about the language, I'll tone it down13:52
vishkermiac: np..  its hard to tone it sometimes  ;)13:53
kermiacvish: it is, but I still apologise... I'm one of the first people to mention keeping things "G" rated. I was just talking to someone about a swear helmut a few minutes ago haha13:55
bilalakhtarvish: Which mentors are you and kermiac talking about?13:56
vishbilalakhtar: well the mentors know who they are, so, not really needed to call them out ;)13:58
bilalakhtarvish: You meant bug mentors, packaging mentors or which TYPE of mentors?13:59
vishbilalakhtar: you can guess that by the channel are you in.. ;p13:59
bilalakhtarvish: Really? Are there bug mentors in reality? like bdm<tab>14:00
kermiacbilalakhtar: I wasn't talking about anyone in particular, I was simply making a *very* general observation14:00
bilalakhtarkermiac: I have been caught making over-simple observations about people14:01
bilalakhtarkermiac: once, I commented on the insistance of DDs to clean packages of errors while the packages they make might be having hundreds of errors14:02
bilalakhtarInsistance of DDs to clean packages THEY Sponsor of errors14:02
bilalakhtarnot their own14:02
bilalakhtarthis sparked off a large debate on #ubuntu-motu14:02
gorillaDDs ?14:03
bilalakhtargorilla: Debian Developers14:03
gorillabilalakhtar: Ahhh.14:03
kermiacbilalakhtar: I see your point, but i still stand by my general observation. Obviously not everyone can be "tarred with the same brush" & I don't want to "make a mountain out of a mole hill" but I was just making a very generalised observation that the mentorship program is a great way to help guide new triagers in the right direction instead of simply complaining that mistakes are made14:04
bilalakhtarTo be clear, I never told you anything, kermiac14:05
KE1HAJust a general question, until us non-mentored students get our act together, what's the best way to help with bugs, without causing additional work for somebody else?14:06
kermiacKE1HA: find a package that you're familiar with & try to reproduce bugs... you can look through the triaging guide (see the topic) & ensure that bug reports have enough information such as the relevant log files, package version numbers, etc to be able to reproduce the bug14:08
KE1HAkermiac, that's one thing I've seen allot of, "not enough information" so I've been talking allot of notes on that one.14:09
kermiacKE1HA: also remember, if in doubt please feel free to ask someone in here for help :)14:09
KE1HAkermiac, the problme fer me was  / is to a large extent, figuring out how to get all the info properly, particularly when apport is not available to pull it.14:11
vishkermiac: what bugs me is that , its a simple thing , people can get busy and no one is forced to be a mentor!.. like for example, greg--g, he was busy and he marked himself as not available, simple aint it? is that so difficult for a person to do .. *sigh* ... they know they are on the list, pedro_ has mailed them too,they get the mail that they have a student assigned, but still they just want to have the best of both worlds or whatever reasons they14:11
vishare being callous ...14:11
vishand they are active too..14:12
vishanyways.. </rant>14:12
* kermiac hugs vish14:12
Thomas_BatesCan someone help me file a bug (I was told if the update/upgrade did not work, I should file a bug on the situation). I've no idea what package, best I can do is give a link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9718649&posted=1#post971825115:19
devildanteThomas_Bates: ndiswrapper is for wifi, not for all windows drivers15:21
Thomas_Batesndiswrapper was something I was told to try15:22
Thomas_BatesRead further, I did not continue using it.15:22
devildantefrom  what I've seen, you want to mount in /mnt, but you're looking in /media. Try: "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" and look in /mnt15:27
Thomas_BatesYes, I've done that.15:32
Thomas_BatesIt does show "usbstick"15:32
Thomas_Bateshowever, that isn't the name of the device15:32
Thomas_BatesNor is the folder the device15:33
devildanteyou mean, there's nothing in "usbstick"?15:36
Thomas_BatesFor one15:36
Thomas_BatesThe file has a 288 GB free space15:36
Thomas_BatesNot a flash drive...15:37
Thomas_BatesBut I have tested it to see if files placed there show when I put the flash drive in my laptop15:37
devildanteThomas_Bates: I read you somehow lack permissions for flash devices. Can you put them back?15:38
Thomas_BatesYes, it is somehow only one drive. I have both an 8GB flash drive, an external HDD, and then the drive that is not showing. Somehow, the *GB flash drive has now doesn't like me.15:39
Thomas_BatesI have permissions for all drives, minus that one.15:40
Thomas_BatesAn error somewhere.15:40
penguin42sorry, I missed the start of this discussion15:40
Thomas_BatesI've done nothing to transfer permissions, so I've no idea how it changed.15:40
penguin42Thomas_Bates: So you plug this drive in, it shows up (with the wrong name) and you can't write it - correct summary?15:40
Thomas_BatesThe drive in question doesn't show up at all, on this computer.15:41
penguin42ah ok15:41
Thomas_BatesI have another drive, which is throwing a tantrum.15:41
penguin42Thomas_Bates: Does it show up on lsusb ? WHen you plug it in what does dmesg show?15:41
Thomas_BatesShould be somewhere near the middle after assorted tricks #ubuntu and I tried15:42
Thomas_Bates ah15:43
Thomas_Batesthat was last night, if you need an updated one, I'm happy to oblige15:44
penguin42ok, so I guess the Seagate RSS LLC is that drive15:44
Thomas_BatesNo, that would be my external, which is functioning correctly.15:44
penguin42ah ok, so what make/model/size is this drive?15:45
Thomas_Batesupdated: http://pastebin.com/qruPEeQa15:45
Thomas_Bateswell heh, I bought it from ThinkGeek, it is actually an 8GB drive in the watch. http://www.xonixe.com/products/USBWatch/spec.php  Watch X-UL15:46
devildantepenguin42: an usb watch :P15:46
Thomas_BatesMy computers both meet requirements (Linux 2.0 or higher)15:46
penguin42erm right, a usb watch ....15:46
* Thomas_Bates actually needed one, despite your thoughts.15:46
penguin42Thomas_Bates: OK, so do an lsusb with and without it plugged in - is there any difference at all? (I can't see it in that list); also take a dmesg before plugging it in and then after plugging it in - again, what lines get added15:47
Thomas_Bateswithout drive: http://pastebin.com/CxdjW8PH  with drive: http://pastebin.com/40Jt4rgA15:51
Thomas_BatesI can't fit DEMSG, it cuts off the entire thing15:51
penguin42have you got a before and after dmesg?15:52
penguin42you could just take the diff15:52
Thomas_BatesNo, I mean it is cut off.15:52
Thomas_BatesIn terminal15:52
Thomas_BatesThere is too much, I scroll all the way back up and it is in the middle of displaying things15:53
penguin42do dmesg > before  then plug it in and do dmesg > after   and you should have two files15:53
penguin42called before and after15:53
penguin42well the good thing is it shows up in the lsusb15:53
Thomas_BatesI don't think your getting me...15:54
Thomas_BatesIt cuts off the display in terminal, because there is too much15:54
Thomas_BatesI can't give you a complete dmesg15:54
Thomas_Batesbefore, or after.15:54
Thomas_Batesthe last few lines are all USB related, however15:54
Thomas_Batesthese are the last few: http://pastebin.com/Jh9D8LA715:55
penguin42Thomas_Bates: But what I mean is if you do   dmesg > afile   it'll put it all into a file rather than the terminal15:56
Thomas_BatesThat gives me a syntax error,15:57
Thomas_Bateshold on15:57
penguin42put a space before and after the >15:57
* Thomas_Bates did.15:57
penguin42odd that really shouldn't give an error15:58
Thomas_Batesit is the location15:58
Thomas_Batesthere we go16:00
Thomas_BatesBefore Drive: http://pastebin.com/BCAMjK0N  After: http://pastebin.com/VRmkbiNa16:01
* Thomas_Bates goes to Kompare16:01
penguin42hmm curious16:02
njinhello, someone using kubuntu can take a look at this ?https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/40640316:02
ubot2Ubuntu bug 406403 in ubuntu "task manager always group even when the "only when taskbar is full" is checked (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]16:02
Thomas_Bateslines 926-94816:03
penguin42hey? That one only goes upto 925!16:03
Thomas_BatesI'll get you the difference16:03
penguin42the one at ...Na finishes with 925 [ 3537.048171] usb-storage: device scan complete16:04
Thomas_Batesthese are the lines it is having an issue with apparently http://pastebin.com/YQxqJpgf16:05
penguin42Thomas_Bates: OK, that's not good - did anything happen between 3537.048171 and the 3558.100731 that starts with?16:07
penguin42the last entry in your previous paste bin is the 3537, the 1st one in that is 3558 - hence I wondered what's missing16:08
Thomas_BatesHold on16:08
Thomas_BatesOk, I had to redo it because the generic names got me mixed up. Between without and with the drive, these are the only files that differ, and they differ withdrive http://pastebin.com/K421Nuda16:11
penguin42right, now that's the same as the first diff you showed, but the one at your ...pgf had much more errors in16:13
penguin42ok, 1st obvious one from those errors - unplug the drive, quit rhythmbox, make sure it's quit, and plug the drive in and see what happens -16:13
Thomas_BatesIs there a reason a media player would effect an empty USB drive...?16:14
penguin42it shouldn't unless the firmware is broken in the drive; but you can see in that log a complaint about a scsi command issued by rhyhtmbox16:14
Thomas_Batesrbox is quit, drive is plugged in16:15
Thomas_BatesThat is quite odd.16:15
Thomas_Bates8.5GB File System and something called "usb1" (which is pictured as a drive, unlike the other) have appeared in the places menu16:16
Thomas_Bates8.5 File System won't open. usb1 takes me to /media/usb116:16
Thomas_BatesIndeed it is16:17
Thomas_BatesHow very peculiar.16:17
penguin42so does that work or just get further?16:17
Thomas_BatesNormally, I can click on the thing that says xxGB File System, and it takes me there, but I guess this has the same effect16:18
Thomas_BatesLet me put a file in and plug it into my other comp and see if it works16:18
Thomas_Batespermission denied16:18
penguin42ok, do a df, a mount and a udisks --enumerate and pastebin the output16:19
Thomas_Batesbtw, it says "unable to mount location: Internal error: No mount object for mounted volume16:20
penguin42ok, now it's in that state get a dmesg16:20
penguin42Thomas_Bates: Is this plugged straight in or via a hub, and if it's a hub is it a powered hub?16:21
Thomas_Batescurrently, it is plugged into the actual computer, through an extender16:21
penguin42by an extender you mean just a normal cable or do you mean something that's special?16:21
Thomas_Batesnah, cable16:22
Thomas_Bateshere is that, http://pastebin.com/YNMYiaVn16:22
Thomas_BatesNow you want another Dmesg?16:22
penguin42well the output of df, mount and udisks looks ok, assuming usb1 is the device in question16:23
Thomas_BatesI believe it is16:24
Thomas_BatesUnless the other one has wiped my graphs off of it, in which case I'll be raging16:24
penguin42ok, well that looks happy enough16:26
penguin42so if it's just permission denied, try a sudo -s and see if you can write to it as root ?16:27
Thomas_BatesI can sudo move stuff in there16:27
Thomas_Batesjust not in nautilus16:27
Thomas_BatesI think I can chown or something, but eh16:28
penguin42ok, well so that drive obviously doesn't like whatever rhythmbox did to it16:28
Thomas_BatesI'm fine with sudo mv or cp16:28
Thomas_BatesI suppose to use it I'll have to kill rythmbox16:28
penguin42With it mounted try doing a chmod a+rwx /media/usb1 or whatever it's called16:28
Thomas_BatesI wonder if a different player will have the same effect16:28
Thomas_BatesOps not permitted16:29
penguin42Thomas_Bates: I think it's most likely faulty firmware in the drive that's not recovering something properly16:29
penguin42it could be something rhythmbox is doing that is nasty, but I guess a scsi expert would have to pick over the command and see whether it was fair16:29
Thomas_BatesThe driver which came with it was for Win98, which freaked me out a tad16:29
penguin42I'm guessing that's just adding usb disks to 98 or the like16:31
penguin42usb storage should just work !16:31
Thomas_BatesProbably, what shocked me was that people still use Win9816:31
Thomas_BatesApart from things which it is good for, I mean16:32
penguin42I doubt many do, but I guess it's a stock CD from somewhere16:32
Thomas_BatesI changed permissions with sudo chmod, but I'm still getting a permission denied.16:33
Thomas_BatesAnd without sudo, it says Op denied16:33
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Thomas_BatesBut I'm happy it is working at all16:34
penguin42https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB has a thing about permissions16:37
Thomas_BatesBetween my lappy and my desktop, it mounts differently. I know I messed with FSTAB on the desktop16:38
penguin42but I'm fairly sure I've heard of other with permissions on flash drives16:40
Thomas_BatesYeah, so have I, just never had them myself.16:41
Thomas_BatesI am just wondering why, rather than mounting as the CBM name, it is mounting the folder it is supposed to be mounted to16:42
Thomas_BatesIt is still writing to the device, so it doesn't really matter16:42
Thomas_BatesI just find it odd16:42
Thomas_BatesThanks for the help penguin, it is much appreciated, I'm going to make some changes and reboot16:49
penguin42no problem16:49
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devildantepenguin42: thanks for helping thomas :)17:51
yofeldoes anyone know if there's a reason why there aren't any -dbgsym packages for -backports ?17:53
penguin42devildante: No problem17:54
njinhelp, in plymouth, sametimes appear the phrase: Checking of drives. i want to know at wich package assign the translation of this phrase? thanks18:08
yofelI *think* mountall18:10
yofellet's see if that's translatable..18:10
njinnjin huges yofel18:10
yofelnjin: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/mountall/+pots/mountall/ I think18:13
yofelthat's for maverick18:13
njinyofel:thanks, looking18:16
njinyofel: strike, thanks18:25
njinyofel: at wich package assign ati restricted?18:36
njinyofel: we don't support propritary driver, right ?18:37
yofelsource package should be fglrx-installer18:39
yofelwell, we do support it, we can't fix driver crashes obviously18:39
njinyofel: then in this case we cannot fix the problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/40716718:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 407167 in ubuntu "black spaces and spots displaying in various parts of the desktop (affects: 1) (heat: 9)" [Undecided,New]18:42
penguin42njin: I'd make sure it's reported against the fglrx-installer package though - then the guys who maintain that can think about it18:43
penguin42njin: But that is an old bug (9.04) so it's worth asking if it still does it18:43
njinok, i assign to fglrx-installer asking if still present with latest packages18:45
njinthere's a reason because from is not possible charge phones means battery ?21:42
njin*means Usb21:42
njini'm connected again '21:44
njinpenguin42: there's a reason because from is not possible charge phones means Usb ?21:45
penguin42depends on the phone - some of them a bit odd, also can depend on power budget on each port; don't know of any specific kernel versionism21:47
njinpok, i've a nokia and a bug with a nokia21:47
njingoodnight everybody, see you soon22:46

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