
lamontrsavoye: g'afternoon00:00
rsavoyewow, somebody in my own timezone :-)00:01
* lamont is about to go to sleep... it's just after 1AM here. :p00:02
lamontweather in madrid is kind of hot this week00:02
rsavoyeI bet, I've been there...00:02
rsavoyeit;s gorgeous back here in Colorado :-)00:03
lamontI'll be home this weekend though00:03
lamontlooking forward to it like you can't imagine.00:03
rsavoyeI bet. 78F, and a nice breeze, no humidity now00:03
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ebroderSo...I have a live image that I stripped *way* down, and as a result, compiz isn't passing settings back and forth to gconf00:05
ebroderMy compiz process loaded libccp, which I thought should be enough. Any thoughts on where to look?00:05
ebroder(I have compizconfig-backend-gconf installed)00:06
ebroderI tried simulating installing ubuntu-desktop to see what it would add, but I didn't see anything relevant00:06
ebroderAnd looking in /proc/$(pgrep compiz)/maps, it's mapped /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/libgconf.so and /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4.1.500:07
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micahgrickspencer3: hi, around?00:48
rickspencer3hi micahg00:49
rickspencer3for a bit, yeah00:49
micahgrickspencer3: PM?00:50
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cody-somervilleHobbsee, are you around?05:36
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ebroderSeriously? REVU is hosted on a sparc box? And nobody's...fixed that?06:30
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bilalakhtarbdrung: Thanks for uploading that qgo !09:28
bdrungbilalakhtar: you are too early!09:29
bilalakhtarbdrung: I know, you are still dputting it!09:29
bdrungbilalakhtar: now you can thank me. :)09:29
bilalakhtarbdrung: Thanks!09:29
bdrungbilalakhtar: it was not the dputting part, but the 'press enter to upload' part.09:30
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bilalakhtarbdrung: press enter ? Does dput ask for confirmation before uploading!09:30
bdrungbilalakhtar: nope, but ack-sync asks09:30
bilalakhtarbdrung: ok09:30
bilalakhtarbdrung: Are you an AA ? What's ack-sync ?09:31
bilalakhtarbdrung: got ack-sync09:32
bdrungbilalakhtar: nope, i am not an AA. ack-sync is a script in ubuntu-dev-tools09:32
bilalakhtarbdrung: Ack-sync is NOT in ubuntu-dev-tools. Probably it is in maverick09:32
bdrungbilalakhtar: it's in the bzr branch and it the tarball in maverick09:33
bilalakhtarbdrung: aha09:33
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bdrungbilalakhtar: the package needs some lintian love: http://paste.debian.net/83213/09:46
bilalakhtarbdrung: Not our problem, since package is maintained in debian09:47
bilalakhtarbdrung: but the number of lintian W/I/P Tags are HUGE09:47
bdrungbilalakhtar: it's maintained in debian doesn't mean that it's not our problem. if it's maintained in debian i create a patch and send it to the bts. after getting it accepted, i do the sync09:49
bilalakhtarbdrung: Well, so, fine09:49
bilalakhtarbdrung: I shall do that09:49
bilalakhtarno problem with it09:49
bdrungit depends how much you care about the package :)09:50
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LucidFoxWhy is this even on other architectures anyway?11:08
LucidFoxShouldn't it be limited to [amd64, i386]?11:08
LucidFoxit fails to build on every other architecture11:09
mycaeHello. I am a DM who has uploaded a new package into debian. However I am unfamiliar with the sync process for packages that are not currently in ubuntu, particularly in light of the debian testing and ubuntu feature freezes.11:35
mycaeAfter reading the wiki page DebianImportFreeze and SyncRequestProcess, I am still somewhat mystified as to whether or not I should request a sync.11:37
Laneymycae: For a (source) NEW package you'll need to file a feature freeze exception11:39
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.11:39
mycaeIs that still the case even though testing migration has stopped?11:39
Laneyit's nothing to do with Debian's freeze. :)11:40
mycaeso asking for a pull from unstable is OK?11:40
Laneysure, providing that the freeze break is granted11:40
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mycaeSo, last question, "The ubuntu-release team will consider exceptions, where additions of packages are worthwhile"; what are the guidelines for "worthwhile". My packages is for specialist scientific purposes.11:42
sabdflmycae: should be no problem, just ask for the sync11:43
LaneyYeah new application packages usually aren't trouble11:43
sabdflhi Laney11:44
Laneyhiya sabdfl11:44
Laneyyou ok?11:44
sabdflall good here, sunny in the IoM, long hike planned for the w/e11:44
sabdfla nice announcement queued up for Monday, too ;-)11:45
Laneyyou tease11:45
Laney...and I'll be away!11:45
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* warp10 draws a red circle around "16" on his calendar11:50
MattJWhat's currently the best way (as an application) to detect when a new device is plugged in?11:50
* sebner is wondering what sabdfl means with "nice", nice for whom :P11:50
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looldirecthex: LP #617782 > oo.o fails to build due to changes in the .pc file of mono, which stopped Requiring glib while still including the glib headers12:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617782 in mono (Ubuntu) "openoffice.org FTBFS in maverick - /usr/include/mono-1.0/mono/metadata/assembly.h:4: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61778212:14
Laneylool: will you patch or should one of us?12:17
directhexlool, i'll commit the fix from novell bugzilla to git.debian.org, but i'm not on the right system to build/upload a quick fix to ubuntu right now - if it's urgent, can you ubuntu2 mono with the fix?12:17
directhexor Laney could take care... hang on, Laney can't write to mono.git :/12:17
Laneyno big deal12:17
directhexstill busted in mono-2-6 branch. bah @ upstream12:18
directhexit's just uncommenting, but still12:18
Laneydo you have the commit?12:19
directhexthere's no useful upstream commit12:19
Laneythought it was Fixed In Trunkā„¢12:19
directhextotally changed how it's done in trunk12:19
Laneylet's just revert12:20
directhexmake sure meebey knows about it, before rene goes on the warpath12:25
Laneydpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address12:27
* Laney eyes directhex 12:27
directhexnot gonna lose sleep over a package maintained by a team not having the global ubuntu address there12:28
Laneybuilding the diffgz takes ages12:29
Laneydirecthex: err wait, did 2.6.7 ever get pushed?12:34
directhexi think so anyway...12:34
* Laney eyeballs12:35
sebnermaverick has 2.6.7 yes12:35
Laneyah yes12:35
Laneyno, to git12:35
sebneroh, or do you mean git?12:35
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loolLaney, directhex: Sorry, was away for lunch, I can upload to Ubuntu if you like me to12:49
loolI pinged you ASAP because I saw it's close to Debian and kept in git12:49
Laneylool: no worries, just building now12:49
loolLaney: Oh perfect thanks12:50
Laneyseems serious enough for an Ubuntu upload to me12:50
loolLaney: So there's a Vcs-Git, is the Ubuntu packaging also in git?12:56
loolIf not, would be a pain to have these changed to XS-Debian-Vcs-* when uploading to Ubuntu?12:56
LaneyI don't think there's a branch, but that is a good idea12:56
loolHaving a branch and keeping the fields verbatim is ok, albeit it makes it hard for Ubuntu devs to honor the Vcs (commit before upload)12:57
loolPerhaps using collab-maint would grant access to more people too12:57
Laneyaccess is quite tightly controlled12:58
LaneyUbuntu people could use the UDD branch I guess12:58
LaneyI've not really worried about it to be honest12:58
loolLaney: there's also 9b59c568255ea4f6935287d4aacaf1ddcfcedde913:03
loolLaney: (same change to mono-2.pc)13:03
loolLaney: Apparently, this is caused by the move to eglib13:05
Laneylool: I don't think we install that one13:05
Laneyah, it's not in 2.613:05
loolLaney: So the correct fix is in 2.813:06
loolLaney: You might want to add a note in the patch, as it's likely to apply in 2.8 still13:06
LaneyIs it? I thought they'd fixed in trunk/2.813:06
LaneyI see no Requires: there though indeed13:07
loolThe mono.pc wont apply because they kept the requires as comments and these are missing in 2.8, but the mono-2 one might apply13:08
Laneymono-2 doesn't apply to 2.613:08
loolOk, good then13:08
* Laney debuild -S13:09
* Laney dput13:13
* Laney done. /me leaves13:14
Laneythanks for pointing it out, lool13:14
loolLaney: thanks for the upload13:14
shadeslayerasac: ive poked Riddell about the linphone MIR, still awaiting his reply... kdenetwork which requires linphone was uploaded with linphone deps yesterday14:00
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asacshadeslayer: thanks for the update16:56
tejai hav a problem in hearing sound in ubuntu 10.0417:29
tejaany one please help17:30
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ktovie_ktohello, where can I report bugs regarding themes? Can it be ubuntu-artwork@Launchpad ?19:32
jpdsktovie_kto: light-themes.19:33
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bdrungzul: ping20:01
bdrungzul: you have touched apache2 many times. can you have a look at bug #609177 and decide what to do?20:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609177 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "Apport Hook" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60917720:02
megabrakerwhy GTK2 scrue up with nautilus?20:04
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gesercnd: I just noticed that we have gesturetest and utouch-gesturetest in the archive. It looks like the later is the correct source package name we want to keep, right? If yes, could you please request the removal of the wrong one.23:42

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