
* jenkins started to file a bug that a project had no apport support but then decided to write the apport stuff for them :)00:17
jenkinsits like a 5 min job when you know how00:17
ChrisWoollardAren't you clever00:22
ChrisWoollardIs apport another one of those things that is python?00:23
jenkinsit is in python. I am not clever it took me ages to understand it all and i still know almost no python00:25
jenkinsquickshot has become cery taxing00:25
ChrisWoollardPython is one of those languages  that i feel i should learn but i just haven't yet. It scares me that white space is important00:27
jenkinsif you mean the white space at the start thats easy once you remember to do it. if you mean something else I have no clue and probably should :P00:29
ChrisWoollardi think it is the bit at the beginning.00:30
ChrisWoollardLast time i sat down to write a program. I got fed up and then just wrote it in perl.00:31
jenkinswell for every time you do an indent its four spaces00:31
* jenkins waits for someone to tell him he has done it wrong00:31
jenkinshey nisshh, would you like apport support for pytask?00:32
ChrisWoollardAnyway Jenkins. I am tired. I should go to bed. Goodnight.00:34
ChrisWoollardGoodnight also to anybody else that is around.00:34
jenkinsnight ChrisWoollard I will be going in a moment00:34
jenkins/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ is where source_pytask.py goes. http://paste.ubuntu.com/477674/00:35
jenkins/etc/apport/crashdb.conf.d is where pytask-crashdb.conf goes. http://paste.ubuntu.com/477673/00:35
jenkinsnisshh: "00:35
jenkinsmake sure you name the files right I have not tested them just run ubuntu-bug pytask and it should work00:36
synergetichey guys -- anyone have any idea if there's going to be a manual meeting in the near-future?00:36
jenkinsgood question synergetic, we should have one soonish, there is not one scheduled as far as i know00:36
ChrisWoollardIn the last meeting. Didn't somebody suggest every two weeks?00:37
jenkinsthere was one on monday just gone so i guess that makes it next week end00:37
synergetici hadn't heard anything in ages and wanted to get involved (been meaning to for months now but never could spare much time before)00:38
jenkinswhat would you like to help with synergetic?00:38
synergeticjenkins: not fussed, really ^_^ was why i was hoping there'd be a meeting -- possibly to find out areas that need work00:39
ChrisWoollardYou could always help proof read e2. That is due for release next week.00:39
jenkinsyou beat me to it ChrisWoollard00:40
jenkinsafter thats out its onto mavrick writting. if you know python we could use a hand with quickshot00:40
synergeticare you guys still working in LaTeX?00:40
synergeticnah, i'm pitiful at programming.00:41
jenkinsthat was a quick response from me (00:40:42) synergetic: are you guys still working in LaTeX?00:41
jenkins(00:40:45) jenkins: yep00:41
jenkinsfair enough so am i :-/00:41
* jenkins needs to learn more before the next release00:41
synergeticso for proofreading -- have you guys got a system in place for how it's done? should i grab the LaTeX files, proofread to my hearts content, recomplie and submit? would i need access to a repository or anything?00:42
synergeticactually. all this stuff is probably on the website, isn't it?00:42
jenkinsdo you have latex installed?00:42
synergeticjenkins: not currently, but it doesn't take long00:43
jenkinsthe info for that is on the website. https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/msg02161.html is the info about the proof reading00:43
jenkinshttp://ubuntu-manual.org/getinvolved/authors is the latex stuff at the end00:44
jenkinsyou need bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e200:44
ChrisWoollardYou can either read the pdf and file bugs or fix them as well if you have the latex stuff.00:45
synergeticok. bzr is what i'll have to learn. hehe00:45
jenkinsyou should also read it has examples of the commands we use http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf00:46
synergeticdid the discussion of a manual-docs website redesign-combo ever get anywhere with the paragraph-edit suggestion box? i still think that'd be awesome00:46
ChrisWoollardThere is a repository for the latex stuff. http://paste.ubuntu.com/438685/00:47
jenkinsbzr is easy, allways update before starting work with "bzr pull" . do your work run "make" check it is all ok, fix it if not. run "bzr pull" then run "bzr commit -m <your changes here>" . then "bzr push"00:47
jenkinsthe ppa is down atm00:47
jenkinsthe website is in the list to do00:48
jenkinsI have to move the ppa an latex 2010 is out soon so I took it down for now00:48
ChrisWoollardHow long has the ppa been down?00:48
nisshhjenkins: woah, sorry about that, i was deeply emerged in a google search, what were you saying about pytask?00:49
jenkinsabout a week, there is a bug in it which does not affect most team members but it does effect me :/ with the team ownership changing stuff i want to restrict who uploads to it ( ChrisWoollard )00:50
jenkinsnisshh: read the scroll back I have done apport support for pytask00:50
ChrisWoollardWHat is the bug?00:50
jenkins00:35 is the time stamp you want00:50
nisshhjenkins: i forgot, what does apport do again?00:50
jenkinsChrisWoollard:  when compiling non english langauges the index gives a japanese letters. kevin does the final compile but I do index order writing for xindy as needed.00:51
jenkinsnisshh: filing bugs with all the info needed00:51
nisshhjenkins: ah cool, thanks for that00:52
* nisshh goes off to test it out00:52
jenkinssynergetic: any problems shout in here we are all busy but you will get a response at some point00:52
jenkinsnisshh: no probs00:52
ChrisWoollardOk, I definitely don't compile non english00:52
ChrisWoollardsome people spend way to long here ;)00:53
synergeticawesome. thanks guys00:53
synergetici'm in GMT so it's quite late. i'm off to bed but i'll have a look at stuff tomorrow.00:53
synergetic*waves* see you all around00:53
ChrisWoollardMe too.00:53
ChrisWoollardI said I was going to do that 15 minutes ago00:54
jenkinsnisshh: does it work?00:57
nisshhjenkins: hang on, not done yet00:57
jenkinswhat id did not tell you is you need to redo quicklys debian rules file to make it install them. I am going to do quickshots one so I will let you know how.00:58
jenkinssorry its late here :)00:58
OmegaHey guys.01:04
jenkinshey Omega01:04
Omegajenkins: Did you look into gummi?01:04
jenkinsyea because our project uses several files in different folders it does not work01:04
jenkinsI will file a bug at some point01:06
nisshhjenkins: works a treat01:06
jenkinssweet, right I am off to bed night all01:06
nisshhjenkins: what about modifying quickly's rules file?01:07
jenkinsit needs to be done so that the files get packaged right I am yet to work out exactly how to do it I might try some time this week.01:07
nisshhjenkins: ok, one last question, where should those two files be put in the bzr branch?01:08
jenkinswhere ever you like :) I have put them in usr ........ and etc ..... temporayly so i remember  where they go in the file system. you can put them where you like as you just adjust your debian rules file acordingly01:09
OmegaLaunchpad should use git :>01:09
nisshhjenkins: ok01:09
jenkinsI will give you a hand with the rules file once I know how01:10
askhl_Hi.  From the manual:  "If ``disconnected'' appears in gray underneath the wired network section, look below to see if an option labeled ``Auto eth$0$'' appears in the list. If so, click on it to attempt to establish a wireless connection."14:45
askhl_Surely eth$0$ is a wired connection, no?14:45
askhl_I've never seen eth0 being a wireless one14:45
nisshhaskhl_: correct, thats a bug in the manual, which manual is that from though?14:46
nisshhe1 or e2?14:46
askhl_It's lucid e114:46
nisshhaskhl_: ah, it might have been fixed in e2 already14:46
askhl_nisshh, probably then14:47
nisshhaskhl_: just let me check, which page is it on?14:47
askhl_it's string 364 in the translation :)14:47
nisshhaskhl_: uhm, ok14:48
nisshhaskhl_: yep, its still there in the latest builds14:49
nisshhaskhl_: can you file a bug on launchpad about it?14:49
nisshhaskhl_: you still there?14:51
nisshhaskhl_: anyway, i have to go now, if you could file a bug on launchpad about it, that would be great, just please target it at e2 NOT e1 or maverick, gnight :)14:53
askhl_To whom it may concern, I reported it as nisshh asked me to.  But didn't see any specification of release to report against15:14
dutchieaskhl_: do you have a link?15:15
dutchie(to the bug you reported)15:17
askhl_dutchie, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61784515:49
manualbotLaunchpad bug 617845 in ubuntu-manual "2 errors: eth0 wireless and 'send and receive' title" [Undecided,New]15:49
askhl_(yeah, different bugs should frequently go into different bug reports, that's sometimes impractical when you tend to get them a bunch at a time, sorry)15:50
ChrisWoollardaskhl_: Thanks for the bug reports.16:47
askhl_ChrisWoollard, you're welcome17:00
* ubuntujenkins__ can't use my normal nick jenkins and has no clue why17:29
=== ubuntujenkins__ is now known as jenkins_
=== jenkins_ is now known as jenkins
jenkinshow is everyone this evening?19:22
thorwilhi jenkins. alright, pushing letter shapes around and trying to forget Ben's communication disaster continuation :)19:39
jenkinshey thorwil, did you hear linuc outlaws podcast and the beardnecks mentioned loads19:39
jenkinsthey mentioned it LOADS it got quite funny. ( them mentioning of it got funny)19:41
ChrisWoollardevening all.19:41
jenkinshey ChrisWoollard19:41
thorwilmaking fun of it is the best thing to do19:42
thorwilhi ChrisWoollard19:42
ChrisWoollardWhich podcast is it that everyone has evenbody been listening to?19:44
jenkinslinux outlaws (discussing), uppc, fullcircle and tuxradar19:44
thorwilthis is the podcast i can't be bothered to listen to: http://linuxoutlaws.com/podcast/16219:45
jenkinsthorwil: yep, i did not read it all i got bored :P19:45
* thorwil very rarely listens to podcasts19:45
jenkinsI like them studying at uni i don't have much time to read stuff so listening is a good way to catch up. Linux outlaws does take some getting use to incomparisson with uupc and the others19:47
ChrisWoollardi tend to only listen to tux radar19:48
ChrisWoollardoutlaws is quite long19:49
thorwiljenkins: you study while listening to podcasts?19:49
jenkinsI liked shot of jaq but they stopped. Tux radar is only every two weeks and they often give news that is getting old, there is not much in it I prefer the longer uups and outlaws.19:49
jenkinsthorwil: yep19:49
thorwilthere are a number of things i can do well while listening to music. doesn't keep from getting into the zone, at least if it's music i already know. but people talking? concentration killer19:50
jenkinsor research or go to bed and listen. I find that i spend two hours in bed thinking at uni as I don't have the time in the rest of the day19:50
jenkinsI think it does depend what you doing I think. I have to listen to the outlaws in a quite room. but I must have got use to it people talk in lectures all the time :/ . it can make it hard to hear the lecture19:52
jenkinsthorwil: flan_ likes the "potential" my lame idea of has http://imagebin.org/108933 are you able to see if you can make it look better / or have any suggestions or criticisms  please19:54
jenkinsor vish ^19:54
thorwiljenkins: sorry, but i see no place to take it to. not even a road19:55
jenkinsthorwil: fair enough I do think it is not the best idea19:57
jenkinsthanks anyway19:57
vishjenkins: thats for the website? or a logo?19:57
jenkinslogo/icon idea19:58
vishjenkins: too complex.. wont work as a logo..19:58
jenkinscool thanks, what about it makes it too complex just so i understand the reasoning19:59
thorwilvish: seen http://www.foopics.com/showfull/ad413fe2ce8e341c3c26b7b327929bb4 ?20:00
jenkinsI will look and see if I have flan_'s comment on that one I can't recall what he said20:00
vishjenkins: if we are to use it in the wbesite , as a backdrop it is ok , but for a logo , it needs to be simple shapes , something that can scale in different sizes and still be recognizable20:01
jenkinsok vish20:01
vishjenkins: we can just get lazy and steal , the f-spot icon , and redo it for quickshot :D20:01
vishthorwil: whats that for?20:01
jenkinshmm I like the shape but that is rather lazy an rip off like20:01
jenkins(22:20:29) flan_: It's clean and simple, but I'm not sure if it conveys any meaning.20:02
jenkinsI spoke to him later that day or the next. I would a project rename make it easier to do an icon? Its rather extreme and I am not sure it would help20:03
thorwilvish: if you really have to ask that question in this context, it's for nothing and shall be burned up and the ash given to the wind, to be never mentioned again :)20:03
jenkinsalso there are allot of people who would have to make that decision but its an idea20:04
thorwilsure, a name like lemon-cow would make it easy to create an icon. but to find another name that would help with creating an icon that makes regarding what the app does?20:06
jenkinslol, yea thats kinda what I thought but I mentioned it just in case :)20:06
thorwilif a client came to me with a case like this one, i guess i would have to turn him down :/20:08
jenkinsyea it is such a strange job I have to say.20:08
thorwiltempting to just place a little camera in front of a stack of pictures. which would likely break down below 64 px20:10
jenkinshmm, I suppose we could redo bens original with out the ubuntu logo.20:11
jenkinshttp://imagebin.org/109676 current icon at small size in the menu20:12
vishjenkins: thorwil: a half-ass'd attempt : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/quickshot.png  ;p20:29
vishjust a rough idea.. probably needs a lot of work..20:30
thorwilvish: that's a logo then, not an icon20:30
vishthorwil: werent we looking for a logo?20:31
vishoh i was confused.. :/20:31
jenkinsanother stupid question whats the difference don't they both look the same?20:32
thorwiljenkins: an application icon has to work in the context of the Applications menu, launchers, software center ...20:33
thorwilthe icon should allow people to make a good guess what the app is about20:33
jenkinsbut they can be the same but don't have to be? could any icon make people guess what quickshot is about?20:34
thorwila logo has to work in the context of a website for the application20:34
vishthorwil: this might work as an icon too.. probably need to scale it well..20:34
jenkinsright so the icon could be part of the logo. Just making sure I understand this better20:34
thorwiljenkins: they can be the same, yes. but if you aim for that, you have to create an icon, then you can use it as is for the logo or spice it up a bit20:35
jenkinsI understand now thanks20:36
thorwilnot to forget that icons have a square canvas, while a logo can be any format20:36
jenkinscan we not put a cartoon camera sat on a stack of screenshots?20:39
jenkinsvery close to (20:10:07) thorwil: tempting to just place a little camera in front of a stack of pictures.20:40
jenkinsflan_: ping20:40
jenkinspopey: when is the next podcast recording?20:40
thorwiljenkins: all the major icon themes are non-cartoony20:40
jenkinswell i ment as suppose to a full detail camera. http://www.core77.com/hack2school/img/cc_camera.jpg view of one20:41
jenkinshttp://imagebin.org/109678 my very quick attempt :P20:46
vishthorwil: btw , that was in 48x48 .. [and i shamelessly used the Ubuntu font ;p]20:47
popeyjenkins: why?20:47
jenkinsI may send you an e-mail thats all20:47
vishjenkins: pretty sure , nikon will try to sue you ;p20:48
thorwilvish: hah, i so used the ubuntu font without even knowing what shame is earlier, already :)20:48
jenkinslol vish20:49
jenkinsthat does convey what the program does right?20:52
thorwilwell, you saw what happens when you try to express it a bit closer20:56
jenkinsyea, I am glad you have both explained all this I feel I have a better understanding of it all20:57
jenkinsI bet ben will not like it but he has not thought of anything yet20:59
thorwiljenkins: who's project is quickshot, anyway? ;)21:01
vishthorwil: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/quickshot24.png  thats how it looks at 24px..21:01
vishhrm.. :s21:01
jenkinsI like vish q but it does not convey the projects purpose21:02
vishbah , i give up! today has not been good :..21:02
jenkinsI did not mean to cause you to give up :P21:02
vishjenkins: hehe , not cause of what you said ..21:03
jenkinsthats good then21:03
thorwilvish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfyvSM-6c1421:04
* jenkins sets about rewriting the debian rules file, fails so far = 021:04
vishthorwil: ;)21:05
jenkinsthis is a good video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc very artistic21:05
thorwilyeah, it's awesome21:06
vish"many of you may mock my interest in the party sciences!"21:14
thorwilgood night!21:16
jenkinsvish: lol thats great21:17
jenkinsfail = 1 a change in the way to do it, I should not have started with an old guide21:55
popeyjenkins: ok, earlier the better, we plan the show before we record - unlike many podcasts ;)22:29
jenkinsyep I will do my best popey, it may have to be for the next one22:30
popeywe record on monday evening, so sometime before 8pm would be the latest22:30
jenkinswow I was thinking sunday morning would be rude I *should* manage that one22:31
jenkinsyou may get a late one popey, flan_ has no internet at home thats why I can't get hold of him.22:32
jenkinsdoh! silly me :-[22:32
popeyout of interest, what's it about?22:32
jenkinsquickshot, we could do with and extra programmer or two I just want to check with flan_ that he is happy with that. Is that suitable for uupc? if not no worries22:33
popeyyeah, totally, calls for help are great22:34
popeyleave us a voicemail! :D22:34
jenkinsI can do that on skype right?22:34
jenkinsright thats a plan22:34
popey"Leave a voicemail via phone: +44 (0) 203 298 1600, sip: podcast@sip.ubuntu-uk.org and skype: ubuntuukpodcast"22:35
jenkinsthanks was about to look 30 seconds right? the more i think the later it could be it may have to wait till next week as I start placement this week. I just need a quickchat with flan for a few things22:36
* jenkins thinks of what to say22:38
jenkinsright night all22:51
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj

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