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RhondaScottK: Who is Danilo?07:54
chilicuilhi, good afternoon, when dealing with bzr branches and quilt, should I remove the patches pile before using debcommit?08:16
chilicuilI've added a new patch to a pkg using quilt and then I've used debcommit (leaving the changes), when I run $ bzr bd -- -S -uc -us, I get the following error: "dpkg-source: error: cannot read xsane-0.997.orig.oG0rqG/debian/patches/fix_umask_permitions.patch: No such file or directory", that patch is the one I made, what I'm doing wrong?, is this the correct channel?, or should I ask in another one?08:26
tumbleweeddid you bzr add that patch?08:33
chilicuiltumbleweed: not afaik08:34
chilicuiltumbleweed: ok, that made the trick, thx, and sry to bother u08:36
tumbleweedchilicuil: np08:51
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ScottKRhonda: No idea.10:36
ScottKJust odd that anyone not you is editing your page.10:36
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AnAntwhat's the difference between base.cow & base.tgz ? I mean11:59
AnAntI mean, will creation of a base.cow will download packages again, if I already have a base.tgz ?11:59
AnAntbilalakhtar: welcome back12:01
AnAntdoes 616685 need FFe ?12:01
AnAnt^ LP #61668512:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616685 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Please merge nginx 0.7.67-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61668512:02
bilalakhtarAnAnt: I don't think so12:02
bilalakhtarAnAnt: no feature is being added12:03
ari-tczewAnAnt, bilalakhtar: if this upload will fix any bug, it doesn't need FFe12:03
Laneyif the upload does not introduce any new features, that's the test12:03
bilalakhtarari-tczew and Laney: The only changes being incorporated are that an extra configure option is being added12:03
bilalakhtarand Standards-Version is being bumped12:04
bilalakhtarno need for FFe12:04
Laneybilalakhtar: It'd be nice if you pasted the entire new changelog into the bug12:04
Laneyoh, sorry, AnAnt12:04
bilalakhtarLaney: I filed the merge12:04
Laneywell, whoever :P12:04
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: upstream changelog12:04
Laneyif it's a new upstream release then that too indeed12:05
bilalakhtarari-tczew: Why?12:05
bilalakhtarari-tczew: Its not a new upstream release12:05
bilalakhtarLaney: ^^12:06
LaneyI know.12:06
Laneyput in what's appropriate and sensible basically12:06
bilalakhtarThe problem is12:06
bilalakhtarThe current Ubuntu package installes files in /var/www12:07
ari-tczewif merge doesn't include new upstream, you don't need include upstream changelog :)12:07
bilalakhtarLaney: ^^12:07
bilalakhtarari-tczew: We never include upstream changelog12:07
LaneyIf you want the sponsors to be able to easily confirm that it doesn't need a FFe then include as much detail as you can12:08
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: ehh, listen: if you want to upload a merge and this package includes new usptream release, then in bug you have to paste an upstream changelog12:08
ari-tczewduring FFe of course12:08
bilalakhtarari-tczew: But not in debian/changelog, right? That's what I meant12:08
AnAntbilalakhtar: ?12:09
bilalakhtarAnAnt: ??12:09
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bilalakhtarfta: You have been disconnecting every now and then12:09
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: yea, most upstream changelog is in file called ChangeLog12:09
ari-tczewor NEWS12:09
Laneyin the bug12:09
AnAntbilalakhtar: I think that you would have to put the changelog entry of -312:09
ftabilalakhtar, i know. it sucks. that's my adsl link flapping12:09
bilalakhtarfta: I have also faced a problem like yours12:10
bilalakhtarAnAnt: Why?12:10
AnAntbilalakhtar: in case the debian packaging introduced a new feature for example, you said something about adding an extra config option12:11
bilalakhtarconfig option? ^^12:11
AnAntAFAIK, Debian is considered upstream for Ubuntu12:11
bilalakhtarAnAnt: yes12:11
LaneyIt's just nice for the sponsors12:11
bilalakhtarDebian is upstream for us12:11
Laneyto be able to see what changes you are making12:11
bilalakhtarAnAnt: But FF blocks UP-Upstream updates12:11
ftabilalakhtar, started a few weeks ago, but nothing's wrong on my side. it's somewhere in the network but tricky to isolate12:11
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: I encourage you to fix RC bugs12:34
ari-tczewyou can fix rc bug by sync/merge12:34
bilalakhtarari-tczew: rc bugs?12:34
ari-tczewjust you need to test if it works12:34
bilalakhtarWhat's that?12:34
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/maverick/12:35
bilalakhtarfta_: again? :( I understand12:36
fta_bilalakhtar, yep, 20~30 times a day :(12:36
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LucidFoxIs there a specific team responsible for maintaining Wine in Ubuntu?13:14
LucidFoxI'm in favor of including the winepulse patches into the Ubuntu build of Wine, but I feel like uploading them right away would be steamrolling.13:14
geserLucidFox: if things didn't change then YokoZar is taking care of wine in Ubuntu13:15
YokoZarLucidFox: the "Wine Team" is me13:16
LucidFoxYokoZar> Ah, good13:16
YokoZarLucidFox: And I'm watching the pulse situation pretty closely13:16
YokoZarFor openal-based games Wine 1.2 actually uses native OpenAL now (next step is to expand mmdevapi.dll to use openAL for other programs)13:17
LucidFoxWell, I know they're going to implement a New and Improved sound architecture in some distant release, but until then, I have long been running the vivnet PPA builds with the winepulse patches13:17
LucidFoxYokoZar> Why does Wine try to build on multiple architectures? Wouldn't Architecture: amd64, i386 make more sense?13:32
LucidFoxit fails to build on any other one anyway13:33
shadeslayerYokoZar: poke13:37
shadeslayerdo you know about software-properties package ?13:38
shadeslayerlike the internal workings and stuff13:38
shadeslayerbah.. not here13:39
shadeslayerYokoZar: software-properties-kde is broken, it cant "Select Best Server" , backtrace here : http://pastebin.com/Jns8SW7X, will try and fix13:40
shadeslayerif the new package doesnt fix it already13:40
YokoZarshadeslayer: no13:41
YokoZarshadeslayer: I want to know more about it eventually though13:41
shadeslayerok... well ill wait for mvo then13:41
shadeslayerand try to fix with no idea of python internals :p13:42
bdrungchilicui1: around?15:34
chilicui1bdrung: yep15:34
bdrungchilicui1: regarding bug #462193. i recommend to use the full name in the changelog stanza and not the nick name.15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462193 in djvulibre (Ubuntu Lucid) "djvulibre-bin produces garbage in the root (/man1/*)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46219315:35
bdrung"-- chilicuil <chilicuil@i.am>  Thu, 12 Aug 2010 17:02:53 -0500"15:35
chilicui1bdrung: ok, I'll do it next time, thx for the comment15:38
bdrungchilicui1: can you update the debdiff or give me your real name (then i can fix it)?15:39
chilicui1bdrung: sure, it's "Javier Perez Lopez"15:40
bdrungchilicui1: uploaded15:50
chilicui1bdrung: thx =)15:50
bdrungchilicui1: you might want to add your realname to https://launchpad.net/~chilicuil15:58
chilicui1bdrung: oki doki15:59
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AnAntHello, is removing an un-necessary package from Depends , something that requires a FFe ?16:53
AnAntso I can immediately upload the package ?16:57
geserFF is to stop "adding features" and to concentrate on to fix/stabilise the existing ones16:57
AnAnthmm, I am using syncpackage to sync zekr from experimental. Currently maverick has the -0ubuntu1 revision, and I am syncing -1, now why is the source.changes having the orig tarball ?17:09
Laneyjust use requestsync ;)17:10
AnAntLaney: and ?17:11
bdrungAnAnt: maybe a bug?17:11
Laneyit does rather sound like a bug17:11
AnAntbdrung: well, syncpackage gives those messages:17:11
AnAntsyncpackage: Warning: Overwriting modified Ubuntu version 1.0.0+repack-0ubuntu1, setting current version to 1.0.0+repack-017:11
AnAntparsechangelog/debian: warning: 'since' option specifies non-existing version17:11
AnAntparsechangelog/debian: warning: use newest entry that is smaller than the one specified17:11
bdrungsyncpackage: D: needs source tarball: False17:13
AnAntbdrung: yup, I get that with verbose option17:16
bdrungAnAnt: ok, found it. i will fix it17:17
AnAntbdrung: line 276 ?17:18
bdrungline 28117:18
AnAntyou want to add if ! need_orig ?17:19
AnAntor just else:17:19
bdrungAnAnt: pushed17:21
bdrungto lp:ubuntu-dev-tools17:21
AnAntbdrung: thanks, I manually fixed it here17:21
bdrungAnAnt: you're welcome.17:22
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RhondaScottK: Didn't you edit it, too? :P18:10
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jenkinsI am trying to write a debian rules file for a project I am working on. I do not have any questions yet but which channel would be best to ask questions in?21:08
jenkinsthanks geser21:10
shadeslayerbug 603831 if anyone is interested23:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603831 in fprint-demo (Ubuntu) "Please Merge fprint-demo from debian" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60383123:41
gesershadeslayer: as this a new upstream version (sort of), have you checked if any new features got added?23:50
shadeslayererr...no, ill do that right now23:50
shadeslayeri guess ill need a FFe  if that is true23:51
shadeslayerthats the NEWS file23:53
shadeslayernothing new there23:53
geserand in the git commit log also nothing that would qualify as new feature23:56
geserso looks like you got lucky not needing a FFe :)23:57

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