
mycosys kickedinthenuts : in my experienc eMythTV and radeon is asking for a world of pain01:51
kickedinthenutsso just dont use it mycosys01:56
kickedinthenutswhat would you reccomend, windows xp and xbmc?01:56
kickedinthenutsi have a dch 6200 STB i need to setup a dvr on01:57
mycosysnot sayin that - jus do some research into the radeon issues02:01
mycosysseems one hell of a machine to be using as a pvr?02:01
Zinnmycosys: Please watch your language.02:01
ZinnPlease follow the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and watch your language.  You can find more information here: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct02:01
* mycosys is flabberghasted02:02
* mycosys wonders if Zinn is oped by ned flanders02:05
kickedinthenutsnah its not th main use i just want to run xbmc in the bc while i play some vidoe games03:15
kickedinthenutsrecord some sports03:15
kickedinthenutswhile im at work and al03:15
kickedinthenutsit says nothing about curseing in the code of conduct03:16
kickedinthenutsi cant find it point it out to me03:17
mycosysnor i03:42
rhpot1991mycosys: all #ubuntu channels are to be family friendly, you never know who may be in here05:36
mycosysi dont know a family that would find the word hell offensive05:36
Zinnmycosys: Please watch your language.05:36
rhpot1991mycosys: think G rated05:36
rhpot1991or maybe PG05:36
mycosyslol - the word would be found in MANY g rated shows05:37
mycosysof course05:38
mycosysCERTAINLY by the time you reach PG it is commonplace05:38
mycosyshence the Ned Flanders reference - Simpsons is PG05:39
rhpot1991different meaning, and I'm not taking the time to teach zinn that05:39
ZinnHi rhpot1991, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.05:39
rhpot1991the way it is his curse detection is dialed down from what it once was when it used a dictionary05:40
mycosys??? it is used in exactly the same way in PG show (inc the simpsons)05:40
rhpot1991eh, whatever, just remember ubuntu rooms are family friendly05:41
mycosyshence not using a cure word, and diverting to using hell05:42
Zinnmycosys: Please watch your language.05:42
mycosysAustralians are not generally known for....... clean language u know05:42
mycosysbtu i am damn (is that a curse word too) sure i have even heard my pastor use h3ll in that way05:43
Zinnmycosys: Please watch your language.05:43
mycosysseriously - wow05:44
mycosysi am SO C&Ping this to the support channel i Op05:46
mycosysthey think _I_ am a language Nazi05:46
newz2000I've gotten mythbuntu working but some of the channels look very grainy compared to Windows media center05:46
newz2000is there something I can do to improve things?05:46
rhpot1991newz2000: which tuner?05:46
newz2000haupage 15005:47
rhpot1991lets see if I can recall where that is at05:47
rhpot1991setup > setup > tv > recording profiles05:47
* newz2000 checks05:48
rhpot1991if you go into those, you should be able to modify the bitrates and resolution05:48
rhpot1991lets see if I have a x50 in anything now05:48
rhpot1991one in my dev box, give me a few minutes and I'll boot that up to check it05:49
mycosysisnt there a pre-gain setting on those (iirc)05:49
newz2000Hmm... I just gave myself a new prob, front end won't start05:49
newz2000Segmentation fault :-/05:52
rhpot1991newz2000: check your logs05:53
rhpot1991!logs | newz200005:53
Zinnnewz2000: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.05:53
newz2000I used that tool and it says it put the gathered logs at the url http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/05:56
rhpot1991newz2000: should have some id after that06:01
rhpot1991there was a bug dealing with it missing that before, not sure if it got fixed, you could try updating it06:01
newz2000that's what I thought. I tried it again and no luck06:01
tgm4883it's updated in the -testing ppa06:01
qwebirc82169> Mythtv has moved to 0.23.1 which uses a modified protocol between back > and front ends. Unfortunately, my system uses Centos 5 as it's backend > and is now out of sync with the main frontend (Mythbuntu).06:02
qwebirc82169any idea when mythbuntu will move to 0.23.1 ?06:02
rhpot1991qwebirc82169: are you using autobuilds?06:03
qwebirc82169no, update-manager only06:04
newz2000I get an error QPixmap: it is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread06:04
newz20002x before segmentation fault06:04
tgm4883qwebirc82169, you need auto-builds06:04
newz2000before this prob started I downloaded icons, hid 2 channels (since un-hid) and did myth fill databases06:04
newz2000I think that's it06:04
newz2000could channel icons cause that?06:04
tgm4883qwebirc82169, mythbuntu-repos doesn't know about 0.23.1 yet, but you can manually edit the 0.23 to 0.23.1 in the .list file06:05
* newz2000 calls it a night, will try again06:18
newz2000thanks for the help06:18
MoMoI have installed Mythbuntu 9 and upgraded to 10.  My TV is displaying a cut version of the desktop.  Mythtv is only running in the upper left corner as well ... how would i go about fixing the display issue19:59
MoMoi have a screen shot -- is there a website i can post it to?19:59
MoMoalso when i watch tv ... the tv is split horizontally and duplicated http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/70/splitl.png20:07
gbuttersMoMo: In setup > appearance on the screen setings page width height and both offset need to be set to 020:09
MoMookay let me try this thanks man!20:11
asscoI'm using mythbuntu 10 with a system built on Asus P5N7A-VM mobo. everything works almost perfectly except two things :) pm-suspend puts my computer into a sleep-like state but with fans spinning and unable to resume... after reboot it always has lost the xorg.conf and runs in lowgraphic mode. My other problem is that myth frontend tends to exit on its own occasionally.20:14
MoMomy front end is running off wireless ... is there a way to set the wireless to connect first, and then run mythtv frontend -- because everytime i restart it asks for the connection information20:15
asscohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend have tried this, doesnt work :)20:16
Zinn[help.ubuntu.com] NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend - Community Ubuntu Documentation20:16
mrandMoMo - you may need to modify the upstart for mythfrontend to wait on network connectivity since it sounds like you have a remote frontend.20:22
MoMoyes i do20:23
MoMohmm -- okay i guess i'll figure out how to fix the screen settings first and then go after the upstart20:24
MoMogbutters: i changed the x offset from 1 to 0 and made sure y offset was 0 ... but the screen is still windowed and cut off on the top and left20:26
gbuttersThats sounds like a xorg.conf problem20:29
MoMookay -- i fixed the size issue, in setup > appearance, i changed the gui height and gui width ... to my screen resoultion20:36
MoMonow its still just offset ... like my TV isn't really at 1280X72020:37
MoMoso i used the tool in screen apperance where you move the arrows, got the correct screen resoultion, and offset .... but it's still up and to the left getting cut off -- is there something else i can adjust ... also it's not just mythtv ... its also the applications task bar at the top, i can't even see half of that20:42
greglMoMo: are you using compiz? If so shut it off..20:48
MoMocan i set that resoultion and offset somehow in x?20:49
MoMogregl: i installed mythbuntu 9 and upgraded to 10 ... does it come as default? or how can i tell?20:49
greglwhat desktop are you using?20:49
greglok then I can't help you..I know nothing of XFCE..20:51
MoMoi can run mythtv on another?20:52
greglI use gnome..20:52
MoMois it recommended i use something other than xfce?20:52
MoMoxfce just seems to come with mythbuntu20:52
greglNo that is the defult for mythbuntu20:52
gregldefault even20:53
MoMois it hard to switch?20:53
greglno clue never used it20:53
MoMohmm .. can you tell it during install that you want to use gnome instead of xfce?20:54
greglIjust a sec20:54
greglI think you can using the Mythbuntu control centre.20:56
greglI am not really sure though...20:56
MoMogbutters was talking about setting the upstart so that the system would wait for my wifi connection to be established before starting mythbuntu ... as right now when it restarts it goes through that green configuration screen when i restart21:11
MoMomy mythbuntu box plays sound ... for instance if i open firefox > youtube.com .. sound plays ... but when i run myth tv ... the tv station doesn't make sound21:22
Zinn[youtube.com]    YouTube    - Broadcast Yourself.21:23
campbellHi I just installed a fresh mythbuntu, I added my video folders into the backend in the Video group.  I have been trying to run mythfilldatabase but it exits early throwing an error "connection 'DBManager0' is still in use, all queries will cease to work22:50
campbelllog is at mythbuntu.pastebin.com/mQZ3B07522:54
campbellmaybe I am looking at this wrong, I have an external harddrive with videos on it, in the storage groups I have pointed Videos to the directories with videos.  In mythvideo I have scanned for videos but no videos show up23:11
campbellI stoped using the storage groups and it works23:41
MoMo... what do i need to do in order to be able to watch tv while also recording23:51

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