
lhavelundmneptok: Dingaling.00:01
mneptoklhavelund: munf00:32
lhavelundmneptok: Migration from MySQL to MariaDB. Easy?00:34
lhavelundA certain company whom shall not be named is making my blood boil a bit recently.00:35
mneptoklhavelund: sudo invoke-rc.d msql-server stop && dpkg -i $CURRENT_STABLE_MARIADB.deb && sudo invoke-rc.d mariadb start00:36
mneptoklhavelund: done.00:37
lhavelundmneptok: All old tables and databases still extant, full compatibility with MySQL-enabled applications?00:37
lhavelundmneptok: shall consider so very heavily in that case.00:37
mneptokthe toughest part will be deciding if you want to try one of the new storage engines we include00:37
lhavelundyeah, I read about that00:38
mneptokFYI, we have no InooDB. we replace it with XtraDB.00:38
lhavelundI think I'm using ISAM or something.00:38
lhavelundThat's the one.00:38
mneptokstill workee00:38
lhavelundMyISAM for most of my tables; CSV for a few.00:38
mneptoktry it on a test box and see00:38
lhavelundExcellent; If I end up migrating, I'll be hurtling support requests at you. <300:39
mneptokshould be dead easy00:39
lhavelundKeep up the whole freedom thing, and stuff. <300:39
lhavelundyeah, I expect so00:39
mneptokno you won't. you'll be buying a support contract from a partner so i can by food and pay my mortgage. ;)00:39
lhavelundAlas, I would if my demands were that high. ;)00:39
lhavelundHowever, I hope it'll succeed, what with the tactics recently used by Oracle... and before.00:40
ubottuheadkase314 called the ops in #ubuntu (tolkad)00:54
FlannelThat's a mark, you stupid bot.01:07
* Seeker` pokes Flannel 01:07
FlannelSeeker`: What?01:07
Seeker`boo :)01:07
FlannelSeeker`: Fancy seeing you here!01:08
Seeker`come here often? ;)01:08
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 504 bans)01:30
FlannelGot Dave01:43
bazhanginstalled win7 from a pendrive?02:29
macoi didnt think that was possible02:29
bazhangits not02:29
macoat least not legally02:29
bazhanghe looks familiar however02:29
macothough i imagine netbook owners are expected to be able to reinstall windows *somehow*02:29
macobut i suspect that how is "with a usb cd drive"02:29
bazhangthey usually have a partition that will recover02:30
IdleOneyes, by burning the rescue cds before they go ahead and format the drive/whatever02:30
macoIdleOne: rescue cd ... not work with netbook02:30
macono cd drive02:30
IdleOnehmm right02:30
IdleOnethen it must have a rescue partition like bazhang said02:31
macobut how do you get to rescue partition when the bootloader is broke?02:31
macothough im pretty darned sure that wubi does NOT install grub right on the MBR02:31
bazhanghe's basically set up a no fix scenario: installed from pendrive, no win7 dvd and formatted the pendrive02:31
macoi think it just chainloads from existing windows bootloader02:32
macoso if its getting to grub at all, the windows bootloader is intact02:32
IdleOneI thought wubi added itself to the windows boot loader02:34
* IdleOne doesn't know :/02:34
IdleOneTHEEAnomaly making random non helpful comments02:35
macoit puts an entry in windows' bootloader, and that entry calls grub to start ubuntu02:35
bazhangtheeanomaly appears to be balzag/crivit/iam36002:35
macoso if he's getting a grub prompt, windows' bootloader is fine02:35
IdleOneso what is the issue he is having?02:36
bazhangserial ban evader troll02:36
IdleOnebazhang: ban him02:36
bazhangIdleOne, just waiting for an opportune moment02:36
IdleOnehe isn't saying anything wrong, just random02:36
IdleOnebut if he is ban evading...02:36
bazhangconfirming now02:37
IdleOnexissburg is getting frustrated at our questions. What does he see on the screen do we know?02:39
macogrub rescue>02:41
bazhanghe claims wubi erased his windows install02:44
* maco is reading http://grub.enbug.org/Manual#GrubShell02:44
macono just made it unbootable02:44
macowhich shouldnt be possible02:44
bazhangwindows is gone was the quote02:44
bazhangit isn't02:44
macoi think he meant gone from boot options02:44
macobecause the menu that should ask "windows or ubuntu?" is gone02:44
maco(and then if you choose ubuntu, it loads grub)02:45
macoso it seems like for some reason its automatically going for ubuntu without asking first (weird) and then having grub be broken02:45
bazhangdoesn't add up02:46
macono it doesnt02:47
macohard disk corruption is the only thing thatd make even a little sense... other than "full of crap"02:48
macobecause "help" should work in grub rescue mode even if the rest of the commands dont02:48
macothe grub wiki says so02:48
macoer manual. thingy.02:48
elkyWow, delightful visitor today02:59
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 507 bans)03:12
bazhangtheeanomaly threatening to ban evade 1000 times03:14
bazhangyep its him.03:41
bazhangthe net cafe manager is now speaking to me on his behalf03:41
IdleOnebazhang: don't fall for that03:57
IdleOneabout 3 weeks ago they tried the same story03:57
bazhangIdleOne, the exact same story. so many cracks in the story to drive a mack truck through03:58
bazhanghe claims he will ban evade 1000 times, then changes it to my isp give out IP I can't do that, and then oh, I'm at a net cafe and here is the manager.03:59
elkyOh him, he's fun.04:11
IdleOneyup that is the story04:32
bazhangfinally claimed he could not understand even a single thing I said. I expect him to ban evade at any time now.04:33
Flannelbazhang: what's the host?04:34
bazhangFlannel, currently @  but it has changed a bit with each ban evasion (hufx jarheadless etc)04:35
FlannelPaddy something too04:37
FlannelOne of the paddys04:37
bazhangpaddy_ni ? don't think so04:38
IdleOnethat's a different person04:38
FlannelOh, that's threembb.co.uk04:38
elkypaddy_NI has appeared from both UK and Ie mobile IPs04:43
elkyI get the feeling he's in or near a bit of an overlap zone, he's genuinely accidentally evaded like this before afaik04:44
bazhangthe net cafe guy/manager? or Paddy_Ni04:45
elkybut no, jarheadless isn't paddy_ni. Not anywhere near as articulate.04:52
bazhangright. hufx/buzag/Iam360/jarheadless are someone else04:53
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:26
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:26
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:26
elkyI wish I could read bot minds, then I'd have some clue about where they're talking about10:35
FlannelMost floodbot bans don't need comments, can we please stop the unnecessary pinging?10:35
elkyReminders should probably go to the bot's monitor channel or whatever where people who want to police them probably already are10:56
bazhangkwpolska telling people to google it10:57
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:35
ikoniacan I AGAIN asl that the bzshells blanket ban be put in place on #ubuntu-server13:34
ikoniathis is the 3rd time this week someone has used it to get around a ban13:34
IdleOneStupid in -ot is ban evading aka ipc16:56
IdleOneMTMz etc16:56
bazhangnot banned there afaict16:56
IdleOnehe was by flannel16:56
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Stupid seems to do his name justice)16:56
IdleOnebut he should be now anyway16:57
bazhangwell that'll do it16:57
IdleOnehe will change ip set it to mtm@bas1-richmondhill34-*.dsl.bell.ca16:58
bazhanghe was removed not banned afaict16:58
* IdleOne needs to open both eyes in the morning 16:59
bazhangjust moments before he was advocating that all staff / operators should be paid16:59
IdleOneahh the ball wash comment in #freenode...same comment he made in #u17:01
funkyHatGetting abuse in pm from Stupid now17:01
IdleOnejust ignore it he gets bored quick, least he did when he tried that with me17:02
bazhangor set +g for a few minutes17:02
IdleOneGood morning liquidsky, how can i help you today?17:05
ubottuzweb called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:31
* elky watches the bots play with him17:32
bazhanghe's been doing that in multiple channels of late (zewb)17:33
bazhangerr zweb17:33
bazhangxeit back as zlt after being muted18:04
ubottuzlt called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:05
bazhang<zlt> Janhouse: install arch linux  just prior to that18:06
bazhang<zlt> ive been ircing as root lately  <-- same nonsense18:07
bazhangcyberwolf92] (~asdf@2001:470:802c:ab8f::5013): Mike Jones and again18:12
bazhangsuggested parameters for a good ipv6 ban on that?18:12
bazhangany suggestions appreciated as he is ban evading every few seconds18:14
knomei have no idea how ipv6 ip's are created, but is there any similarities between his hosts?18:15
bazhang* [xeit] (~lol@2001:470:802c:a85e::ff88): Mike Jones  * [zlt] (~root@2001:470:802c:684d::96ef): Mike Jones18:15
bazhangand above18:15
knome2001:470:802c:* ?18:16
knomeseems to be the static part18:16
bazhangso /mode +b *!*@2001:470:802c:*  ?18:17
knomei'd say so :)18:17
elkyI wish HE would stop giving 'em out like candy.18:17
cyberwolf92so yeah whats your problem with me18:28
bazhangcyberwolf92, hi18:28
bazhangyou were continually asking for support with root password/login as root and asked to stop18:29
cyberwolf92umm what18:29
cyberwolf92i was asking about alsa18:29
cyberwolf92what are you talking about18:29
bazhangyou were then muted as xeit/zlt18:29
cyberwolf92lol whaaat18:29
cyberwolf92i think you are confusing me with someone else18:29
bazhangthen rejoined as cyberwolf92 using another ipv6 address18:29
cyberwolf92because i havent been on this network in like over a month18:30
bazhang* [cyberwolf92] (~asdf@2001:470:802c:ab8f::5013): Mike Jones nope18:30
cyberwolf92yeah my name is mike jones18:30
bazhangxeit zlt as well18:30
cyberwolf92i think you are making a mistake18:30
bazhang* [xeit] (~lol@2001:470:802c:a85e::ff88): Mike Jones18:30
bazhang [zlt] (~root@2001:470:802c:684d::96ef): Mike Jones18:31
cyberwolf92obviously those are doctored logs18:31
cyberwolf92because i only chat under this nick18:31
knomei can confirm they are not18:31
bazhangerr no they are not18:31
bazhang* [cyberwolf92] (~asdf@c-98-196-41-10.hsd1.tx.comcast.net): Mike Jones18:32
bazhangas well18:32
cyberwolf92im not in the mood for your irc detective work18:32
cyberwolf92i just had a simple question18:32
bazhangthen dont ban evade18:32
cyberwolf92and you couldnt just let me get help with it18:32
bazhangand continually ask for unsupported issues18:32
cyberwolf92alsa is a supported issue18:32
bazhangoCean_, hi18:32
oCean_also note <Maser> in #u18:32
cyberwolf92my sound isnt working on my speakers18:32
bazhangoCean_, thanks18:32
oCean_"wrong channel" d'oh18:33
cyberwolf92look can you just stop being a busybody and let me get help with my problem18:33
cyberwolf92and then ban me afterwards18:33
cyberwolf92i just want to get my sound working18:34
cyberwolf92and i cant because some chanop wants to feel important18:34
IdleOnethat attitude is not going to get you any help or unbanned18:34
cyberwolf92and run background checks on every user18:34
cyberwolf92seriously dude just calm down18:35
cyberwolf92you are making your job a lot harder than it needs to be18:35
cyberwolf92just wait until someone actually creates a disturbance before you ban them18:36
cyberwolf92instead of whoising every single person who comes in18:36
IdleOneyou done whining?18:36
cyberwolf92IdleOne: i'm not talking to you18:36
cyberwolf92IdleOne: and im putting you on ignore18:37
IdleOnewell I am talking to you18:37
cyberwolf92not anymore18:37
IdleOnefine then.18:37
cyberwolf9212:37 Ignoring ALL from IdleOne18:37
bazhangcyberwolf92, hi18:37
cyberwolf92why are you completely incapable of banning this xeit/zlt person anyway?18:38
bazhangcyberwolf92, it was you18:38
cyberwolf92if i am who you say i am18:38
cyberwolf92then why cant you keep me out of that channel18:38
bazhangwell you clearly know a lot about ban evading18:38
cyberwolf92you're supposed to be an op, i would think one of the main things is to know how to ban users18:39
cyberwolf92and you clearly have no idea how to do that18:39
bazhangnot really18:39
bazhangits sometimes necessary, but not wished for18:39
cyberwolf92ive seen you ban so many users18:40
cyberwolf92you shoot first and ask questions later18:40
bazhangtoday you several times18:40
cyberwolf92you are very childish and incompetent at your job18:40
jpdscyberwolf92: Not really.18:40
bazhangokay then18:40
cyberwolf92you cant even keep me out18:40
bazhangthis is not a competition18:41
cyberwolf92im just going to rejoin that channel under a different name18:41
cyberwolf92and ill change the mike jones part too18:41
jpdsOr... we could just ban Hurricane.18:41
cyberwolf92lol and now you think im a guy named Hurricane18:41
jpdsNetRange:       2001:470:: - 2001:470:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF18:42
jpdsCIDR:           2001:470::/3218:42
jpdsNetName:        HURRICANE-IPV18:42
cyberwolf92ok then do it18:42
cyberwolf92ban hurricane electric18:42
cyberwolf92i dont think you will18:42
cyberwolf92because a lot of users use that18:42
cyberwolf92and you'll be banning them as well18:42
cyberwolf92and basically removing a major chunk of ipv6 connectivity from the channel18:43
knomeyou're not the one deciding on that18:43
IdleOnesuch a waste of talent18:43
bazhangjpds, that look okay? ie new mask just set18:44
cyberwolf92well im gonna keep connecting with my tunel18:44
cyberwolf92go ahead and ban hurricane18:44
jpdsbazhang: Yep.18:44
cyberwolf92and then ill switch to another tunnel broker18:44
bazhangthanks jpds18:44
cyberwolf92im gonna rejoin #ubuntu now18:45
cyberwolf92see you dumb faggots later18:45
* knome gives a dumb grouphug18:46
jpdsI suppose "later" means "in five minutes".18:46
* knome bets 2 minutes18:46
jpdsIdleOne: Erm, I think that was someone else.18:47
IdleOnemay have been18:47
jpdsAs it was a complete different /32.18:47
knomehe said he's going to use his tunnel18:47
jpdsTelnet Worldwide, Inc.18:48
bazhangyeah taget seemed to be someone else18:48
IdleOnethey will rejoin or maybe come here and if I made a mistake I will apologize18:49
bazhangthey may not notice if you remove the ban18:49
IdleOneI removed only18:50
IdleOnedidn't ban18:50
bazhangmy apologies IdleOne18:51
IdleOne:) no worries18:51
bazhangI am used to seeing the floodbots ban gateway users18:51
bazhangmore coffee needed!18:52
IdleOnesame here18:52
knomecoffee is in the making18:57
* knome takes cups out of the cabinet for everybody18:57
bazhang* [Lord-Nikon] (~dave@2001:470:1f04:f6b::f38f): anonymous  wonder if that is him; the same alsa question as before19:07
bazhangguess need to wait until he talks about irc'ing as root19:07
knomeprobably better19:08
knomeexcept if he uses the exactly same form..19:08
bazhangsame archlinux type commentary as zlt19:10
knomeprobably better not to say/interfere anyway until you are sure19:10
knomeand then just remove/ban19:10
bazhangyep I am tired out from the recent IPv6 chasings19:11
jpds'till only get worse from here.19:11
knomereally, if he needs to think he's wiser than you to behave, i'd just let it go, until he starts to behave badly again.19:12
oCean_hi again19:12
bazhanghu oCean_19:12
bazhangerr hi19:13
oCean_Lord-Nikon has same 2001:470 origin19:13
bazhangyep watching19:13
oCean_and the same talk btw19:13
oCean_ah ok19:13
jpdsHurricane Electric /32.19:13
oCean_good luck with that :s19:13
macoyeah many HE start with 2001: or 2002:19:13
bazhang<Lord-Nikon> what would you say is the best linux distro for people with autism/aspergers?19:15
IdleOnecould be a legit question19:16
bazhangand now with the mint19:17
topyliwell it's not mint, thats for sure :)19:17
bazhangubuntu muslim edition?19:18
bazhangits him19:19
IdleOnebazhang: Torkora ~torkora@   TorKora ~shawn@
IdleOnekeeps joining and quiting19:19
bazhangsame bot question as zlt19:19
bazhangtime for a new specialized IPv6 mask19:21
jpdsCan we please /kill him?19:22
IdleOnejpds: I wish I had /kill powers19:22
bazhang*!*@2001:470:* ?19:23
macothats really broad19:23
macoevery subscriber to HE has a /3219:23
macoeven if they're using privacy addresses, still inside the /3219:23
IdleOneI remember getting banned from the server about for 6 years ago because of a few jerks on comcast19:24
topylithanks IdleOne19:24
IdleOnetopyli: for?19:24
macoyeah all of pennsylvania comcast was banned from linuxchix at one point. i was not happy19:24
topylithe aurism guy19:24
IdleOnesure, it's what i am paid for :)19:24
jpdsmaco: They get a /48.19:25
topylioh yah :)19:25
macojpds: oh? oops sorry19:25
jpdsIt's madness.19:25
macowell ^^ would at least be less likely to hit other HE acocunts19:25
bazhangI once banned most of canada19:25
macohmm im also failing at math. because i meant "1/2 the bits" which is 64, not 32...doh19:26
macoforgot ipv6 was 128 bit19:26
jpdsWhat we need is a -proxy-users floodbot setup for tunnelled v6 people.19:26
macohm hm hm19:27
macoi wonder how i can get a AAAA record...19:27
IdleOnejpds: good idea19:27
IdleOneflood comming in19:28
IdleOne081410-[14:24:10] <Lord-Nikon> hi19:28
IdleOne081410-[14:24:21] <Lord-Nikon> looks like banning me didnt work19:28
IdleOne081410-[14:24:29] <Lord-Nikon> this is xeit by the way19:28
IdleOne081410-[14:24:47] <Lord-Nikon> how are you going to keep me out of this channel?19:28
IdleOne081410-[14:24:50] <Lord-Nikon> i dont think you can19:28
jpdsmaco: Set it in DNS? :)19:29
macojpds: heh well... wondering whether my registrar knows about AAAA19:30
bazhanghe's now making stuff up in #freenode19:30
knomebazhang, dreamtraveler is clearly having connection difficulty @#x19:37
bazhangbanforward to ##fix_your_connection ?19:38
knomei don't know how to do that19:38
knomebazhang, dreamtraveler still having probs20:00
marienzunfortunately not every HE ip is in its own /48, your tunnel endpoint is in a /64 and you get an additional routed /64 per tunnel20:02
marienzoccasionally we get repeated abuse from one or more /48s followed by abuse from those /64s, probably hoping we'll take out the entire /48 they're in20:02
bazhanghe seems to have stopped after the rant as lord_nikon in #freenode20:03
Tm_Thi popey20:45
popeycant believe I hit CTRL+Z earlier and not CTRL+A,D20:47
knomepopey, you should disable ctrl+z20:48
popeydidnt know you could20:50
funkyHat/bind -delete ^Z20:50
* funkyHat just did it too ⢁)20:51
guntberthim is pedo-bear an acceptable nick? (I doubt it)22:38
guntberts /him/hi, /22:38
guntbertaka look in #ubuntu-offtopic22:39
Tm_Tit's sorted?22:41
guntbertTm_T: canthus13 asked him to change it...22:42
guntbertand he did -- I'll be gone -- bye22:43
Tm_Tguntbert: thanks for the heads up22:43
guntbertanother heads up : [Lord-Nikon] (~dave@2001:470:1f04:f6b::f38f): anonymous22:45
guntbertin #freenode ...22:46

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