
Scuniziisakill: check out www.moodle.org ... course management system open source package designed to help educators create effective etc etc. etc00:00
RoeyDasEi: But I am not running this system now; I'm locked out of it until I can log in to a command line00:00
RoeyI'm running on a liveCD00:00
ActionParsnipBuckWild`: samba runs fine here and is most flexible as all OSes can access it without extra software00:00
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, I've also bumped into a lot of people in the industry (my company and companies we've worked with) who are supposedly microsoft certified, yet seem to have no idea how to control a windows computer besides what any novice/mid-level person would know (i.e. nothing is red in the event monitor, so everything must be fine)00:00
Rabbitbunnyjanicko: Uh, it's a google thing. search for your manufacturer, model number, and 'default password', then enter it.00:00
DasEiRoey: locked out ? no x ?00:00
Wiesshundjgcampbell300 http://www.steve-lacey.com/blogarchives/2006/11/linux_as_a_wind.shtml see if thats helpful at all00:00
RoeyX gets stuck00:00
=== DevAkim|aFK is now known as DevAkim
ilyekkakaimy blue tooth headphones say connected under the bluetooth devices menu, but it does not show up in the audio devices in sound preferences -why?00:00
jgcampbell300i would like to thank you guys for all your info and insight00:00
Roeyor rather, the KDE * * * * *screen gets stuck00:00
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, different strokes for different folks :)00:01
Guest79615ethernet works, wifi to same router gets assigned IP but can't ping anything beyond the router .... what to try?00:01
jgcampbell300will see you guys later ... have a good evening00:01
RoeyDasEi: all that above00:01
ActionParsnipBuckWild`: how do you mean "control a windows computer"?00:01
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, s/control/administer/;00:01
elkclonelike remote desktop00:01
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, getting MS certified is without a doubt a good career move, but I don't know that it means you know anything about anything, just as with any other certification00:02
DasEiRoey: boot single user mode (rescue mode) , or hit Alt-Ctrl-F100:02
Roeyit doesn't respond to ctrl-alt-f100:02
Roeyand how do I get the grub prompt to appear??00:02
RabbitbunnyRoey: It's not taking you seriously. Press harder.00:02
SlartibartWhy does compizconfig reactivate some of my windows handling plugins when I "uncheck" them?? No messages at all, nothing about this and that needed for some other plugin to work..00:03
* dlublink is trying to use a Netopia 3347 router with his Ubuntu 10.04 ubuntu. Any time he tries to make a TCP connection, it takes at least 30 seconds to setup. But the weird thing is, pings go through instantly. Windows partition works fine. Is there some tcp parameter in the kernel that was tweaked for ubuntu that might cause such an issue ?00:03
RabbitbunnyRoey: IIRC, grub menu is <shift>00:03
ActionParsnipBuckWild`: oh totally, but when you are a business continuity centre managing thousands of servers, it kinda helps if you know about domains and forests :)00:03
RoeyRabbitbunny: ok.. really?00:03
fbe^which tool can i take for recording videos with my webcam?00:03
DasEiRoey: when grub2 starts to load , tap left shift until you get the bootmenue00:03
RoeyRabbitbunny: ok, I will try that00:03
ActionParsnipfbe^: recordmydesktop00:03
Roeyand from there, single-user mode00:03
Roeyand then service gdm stop00:03
FloodBot2Roey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:03
* Rabbitbunny has no idea00:03
Roeyheh ok00:03
XaseOVERSCAN help please. 720p Panasonic tc-p42c2, intel 4500mhd.00:03
RoeyI'll be back00:03
Roeylike terminator00:04
Roeybut hopefully less than ten years every time00:04
fbe^ActionParsnip: i want to record a video with my headset and my webcam00:04
BuckWild`ActionParsnip, I'd imagine, I'm actually a developer, so high level administration stuff isn't really my bag.00:04
Wiesshunddlublink that an at&t dsl router?00:04
DasEi!who | roey00:04
ubotturoey: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:04
DasEiroey: no..00:04
dlublinkWiesshund, not it is not. It is using Caneris.ca, they don't mess with connections00:04
RabbitbunnyDasEi: He already ran. Hopefully he comes back when it doesn't work.00:05
ActionParsnipfbe^: like record audio and webcam footage, like a piece-to-camera ?00:05
DasEiRabbitbunny: saw it by TAB00:05
Wiesshunddlublink but it is a dsl router? or no?00:05
benkevanI'm getting http://pastebin.com/kdkWeFx6 .. xsessoins won't start.. but if I ssh -X to the box, x applications come up.. GDM / XDM won't come up (but I hear the noises) what gives?00:05
RabbitbunnyDasEi: I is teh slows.00:05
dlublinkIt is an ADSL integrated with the router00:05
uniqueI have a file that is in user1 home dir.. however i want that file to be accessed by user2 (read+write) how can i do that? chmod or chown?00:06
fbe^ActionParsnip: yeah00:06
Wiesshunddlublink you have ubuntu set for auto and ipv6 turned off?00:06
Rabbitbunnyunique: Well, first you move it, then you chmod it.00:06
isakillScunizi, sorry for the delay, I was actually on moodle.  currently looking through their plugin repository00:06
Guest79615unique: either chown to user2 or add user2 to same group as owns the dir and chmod g+r g+w00:07
dlublinkWiesshund, I believe so. I have made no changes to the network configuration00:07
ActionParsnipfbe^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam   shows some apps that can record video00:07
Scuniziisakill: that link to ubuntuforums earlier has a wealth of info.. I've always been interested in this aspect of Ubuntu in local schools to help districts save tons of $$'s and further educate the kids.00:07
erUSULunique: chmod00:07
dlublinkAll the TCP related parameters in sysctl.conf are disabled ( I have made no changes here either ).00:08
dlublinkI think all things network related are still on their defaults. The only extras I installed were amsn, skype and gimp00:08
isakillScunizi, That's the reason I'm looking into it for linux.. my kids and wife know windows well enough.. I've kinda forced linux in my wife's lap by not installing windows on her laptop, and the kids by not switching over to windows on this computer00:09
dlublinkWhat's even weirder, is when I connect to the web interface on the netopia, it works instantly, but when I cross the NAT on the router, it takes 30 seconds00:09
=== adante_ is now known as adante
kbpvalidator.w3.org is down?00:10
uniqueGuest79615: how can i chown to user2 ?00:10
* isakill was hoping edubuntu had a solution but I haven't found one00:10
Guest79615unique: if you do that user1 won't be able to use it00:10
Guest79615is that what you want>?00:11
uniquei want both of them to use it00:11
Xase... i really should've just kept windows...00:11
DasEiunique: create a group00:11
Guest79615either make a group and put user1 and user 2 in it and chmod to the group00:11
Wiesshunddlublink the default settings in ubuntu should work (networking wise) im not aware of any trick setting to use with a normal adsl setup. dlublink can you try something? try to connect to w website by domain name, and then try it again by IP address, tell me if IP address is fast00:11
Guest79615or make it world readable/writable00:11
Rabbitbunnyisakill: Teach the kids python and use the pygames framework, then they can teach themselves to teach themselves, it's learning squared!00:11
xissburglol, how to completely uninstall a program in ubuntu? I need to COMPLETELY uninstall it, remove all files related to it00:11
dlublinki'll be back00:11
Guest79615Xase: no one "really should have just kept windows" :-)00:12
erUSULxissburg: purge00:12
ActionParsnipxissburg: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove00:12
Scuniziisakill: lol!  when my kids machines had gone belly up with virus's I gave up reinstalling windows and put ubuntu on there.  They complained for a while until they understood it didn't really stop them from doing what they like.. with the exception of ipod's and online flash games.00:12
isakillRabbitbunny, maybe in HS but right now I gotta focus on "the three R's"00:12
ActionParsnipGuest79615: there are cases, Linux isn't always the answer00:12
Guest79615ActionParsnip: probably true00:12
xissburgerUSUL, ActionParsnip , Im gonna try it00:12
Guest79615that's why I had the smiley :-)00:13
Rabbitbunnyisakill: Oh, well, definatly get the childsplay package, my 4 year old loves it.00:13
hiexpoDasEi,  ok00:13
WiesshundScunizi ipod and flash works on ubuntu. ive no ipod but others do.00:13
Rabbitbunnyisakill: Also, tuxmath is like a game, but more learning. namely, you have to solve math problems to shoot your lazer.00:14
uniqueso if i already have the user how do i add him to the group00:15
ScuniziWiesshund: maybe with the latest release ipod will work.. but not 2 years ago when I did this.  flash works.. but online flash games that require some type of *.exe install to get it working doesn't.00:16
RabbitbunnyTry introducing them.00:16
uniqueoh nevermind00:16
WiesshundScunizi oh those kind of games. yea no idea on those00:16
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=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
isakillRabbitbunny, lol I just played tuxmath..  it is kinda fun00:17
Rabbitbunnyisakill: Kinda? that thing is like crack for kids.00:18
uniqueso once both users are in the same group what chmod i need to give them... right now its at 64400:18
cheaseeanyone familar with ipmi? im using sol over lanplus interface, rebooted, but when selecting from grub to boot connection drops... i assume i have to enable serial at grub? any special settings needed or do default serial settings suffice?00:18
Aemaethhow would i add a screensave?00:19
Guest79615unique: chmod g+r+w00:19
Rabbitbunnyunique: Probably a 6 in the middle. man chmod00:19
^hikuunique: chmod g+rw file/dir00:20
dlublinkWiesshund, the problem seems to be coming from DNS. I connected using the IP and it works much faster. But when I do dig and host lookups, they are instant. What am I missing ?00:20
zushow can i change the font in ubuntu?00:21
uniqueand chown :group file ?00:21
baltazarI want to hibernate from the command line, when I choose hibernate from the gnome gui it work fine. When I invoke hibernate from command line it dosent work. Any ideas?00:21
dorkoanyone experience a situation where their headphones balance suddenly pops and balance goes to the left? no messages in dmesg or /var/log/messages00:21
Guest79615unique: you can leave user1 as owner00:21
dorkokind of annoying, just started happening00:21
uniqueso chown user1:group file00:21
=== DevAkim|aFK is now known as DevAkim
Guest79615you don't need chown00:22
iggy_ActionParsnip, do u still have any ideas it was working this morning00:22
Guest79615just make a group, put user1 and user2 in the group and chmod the file g+rw00:22
tortoise7hello folks, am getting my ducks in a row to move to ubuntu from os x.....i see on the d/l page that 64 bit is NOT recommended for daily desktop use..... can anyone tell me why this is?00:22
uniquewell chmod g+r+w doesnt let me edit it with user200:22
Guest79615is user2 in the group?00:22
ZykoticK9tortoise7, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594000:22
haavarosWhat's a simple way to transfer a folder via ssh from my server (ubuntu) to my client (putty on win xp)?00:22
tortoise7thank you.00:23
Rabbitbunnyhaavaros: scp00:23
bindihaavaros: winscp00:23
^hikuhaavaros: scp00:23
dorkobrb gonna punch my machine straight in the cock00:23
bindiinstead of putty00:23
Guest79615I'm wrong, chown group00:23
ActionParsnipiggy_: not sure, you could try: sudo rmmod ndiswrapper; sleep 5; sudo modprobe ndiswrapper00:23
Flannelhaavaros: use sftp (almost any ftp client can do this)00:23
discozohanwhat means "basic ubuntu server" software during ubuntu server install ?00:23
ZykoticK9tortoise7, that "bug" is more an opinion of course.  64bit is more "tricky" then 32bit - thus the recommendation.  BUT if you're willing to jump through more hoops, it's a better desktop ;)00:23
discozohanwhat does it include ?00:23
Flanneldiscozohan: No servers, just a basic install00:24
uniqueeven chown :group doesnt let me00:24
ActionParsniptortoise7: 32bit is still slightly more supported with 3rd parties than 64bit. Both are fine. If you have a 64bit CPU then use it. If you have more than 3Gb ram and want 32bit then you can use PAE to access up to 12Gb00:24
discozohan<Flannel>, ok, i can choose it or not. What's the difference ?00:24
Guest79615the perms show g+rw and g owns the file and both users are in g, both should be able to edit00:25
tortoise7ZykoticK9, reading now and concur..... Thank You for the link.00:25
Flanneldiscozohan: No idea.  I imagine it'd assume you picked it even if you didn't00:25
Guest79615chgrp groupname filename00:25
tortoise7ActionParsnip. 8 gigs of ram on a phenom II triple core.... so will go with the 64 bit version.... Thanks.00:26
dassoukiis there a way to switch my pgup / dn with home / end ?00:26
ZykoticK9dassouki, with linux there is always "a way" it's just a matter of find/figuring it out ;)  Good luck man, i don't know how BTW00:27
jofI've got a funky dpkg/apt issue00:27
Rabbitbunnycustom keymap?00:27
jofI have a personal repository that has some metapackages that point to specific (sometimes one version out-of-date) packages00:27
jof and trying to install the metapackage lists some of the dependecies, but fails to install them, saying things like:00:27
jofDepends: python-pyasn1 (= 0.0.7a-1) but 0.0.8a-1 is to be installed00:27
Guest79615wifi can't ping anywhere but has IP from router, wired connection to same router works, what should I try?00:27
dassoukiRabbitbunny: ya the keyboard is layed out for easy browsing where pgup dn works; however the home / end buttons are way up in siberia00:27
jofeven though I've set the state of the package to "deinstall"00:27
jofand manually installing that version with "apt-get install packagename=x.x.x" works00:28
jofI wonder why apt can't resolve the dependency00:28
ActionParsniptortoise7: you can run 32bit apps using ia32-libs and its not hard, i'd shoot for 64bit. thats a whole lot of ram, probably get away with no swap file too.00:28
dlublinkSo, I am having some issue with DNS. It causes slow connections in firefox and ssh, but doesn't come up with basic tests using dig and host. What other tests can I do to determine the source of the problem ?00:28
Rabbitbunnydassouki: I don't know how to make a custom keymap, but i think that's what you need.00:28
dassoukiRabbitbunny: thank you sir/maam00:28
ActionParsnipdlublink: change your DNS to  and secondary
dlublinkI set my DNS to use opendns, and it is as fast as hell. But I would like to better understand the issue00:29
ActionParsnipdlublink: you can even install dnsmasq and use as your primary dns, if the service has learned the resolution it will take 0ms00:29
ActionParsnipdlublink: the dns servers you were using are either being worked on or are having issues00:30
ScuniziI just edited .bash_aliases ... how do I reload bash (or whatever) so the system will see the changes?00:30
^hikuActionParsnip: I'm using the same servers as dlublink and no issues here00:30
RabbitbunnyActionParsnip: Does it still hit your normal DNS for unknowns?00:30
ZykoticK9Scunizi, type "bash"00:30
blunderok i have a question....00:31
tortoise7ActionParsnip: I am trying my best to move to a total 64 bit environment, looking at openbsd, freebsd and ubuntu..... at this time, ubuntu gets the nod.   Thanks.00:31
headkase314!ask | blunder00:31
ubottublunder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:31
avelldirollScunizi: . .bash_aliases ... or open another shell / terminal00:31
whymeScunizi: the command is source ~/.bash_aliases00:31
blunderyeah i have seen that message before00:31
ZykoticK9tortoise7, if you and a "desktop" environment I'd highly recommend Ubuntu over BSD based system.00:31
ActionParsnipRabbitbunny: yes as its the secondary :). You need to edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf to tell it to listen to but thats all you need. You will need to set the DNS in your network app too00:31
blunderthis is rather toughy tho00:31
Guest79615blunder: three messages, still no question00:32
ScuniziZykoticK9: that worked thanks00:32
ZykoticK9Scunizi, glad to help00:32
Scuniziwhyme: bash worked as well00:32
THEEAnomalydont you quit on me now00:32
ActionParsniptortoise7: if yuo swing to bsd, pcbsd is very friendly00:32
RabbitbunnyActionParsnip: Win, Thanks for the tip.00:32
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whymeScunizi: yes, but it creates a new bash session, my way is what you shout use00:32
ActionParsnipRabbitbunny: couple that which chromium's pre-dns grabbing and the web screams along00:32
blunderis it safe to get ubuntu or any linux from the middle east?00:33
Scuniziwhyme: does that mean I now have 2 bash sessions running? if so how do I stop one?00:33
avelldirollScunizi: "exit"00:33
whymeScunizi: yes, you have 2 bash sessions. type exit and notice your terminal doesn't exit, you just exit one session00:33
^hikublunder: stick to the offical mirrors and you should be fine.00:33
blunderdoes anyone here not think that an iranian version of ubuntu isnt going to blow up their computers00:33
ZykoticK9Scunizi, if you exit out of both and restart terminal/bash you should see your updates applied00:34
rwwblunder: I don't think that00:34
whymeScunizi: personally, I have this in my aliases file: alias resource='source ~/.bash_aliases'00:34
^hikublunder: are you paranoid?00:34
rwwblunder: I do, however, think you should consider sticking to legitimate support questions00:34
THEEAnomalysomethings different00:34
blunderreally? have you guys seen all of the muslim distros00:34
Scuniziwhyme: done.. thanks.. good idea on that last line :) ..00:34
ActionParsnipRabbitbunny: all you have to do in dnsmasq.conf is un-comment this line: #listen-address=
^hikublunder: is the sky falling?, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic00:34
Guest79615um if you're in Iran why would Iranian ubuntu want your computer blown up and if you're not in Iran why would you get an Iranian ubuntu, are you a troll?00:34
headkase314!troll | blunder00:34
ubottublunder: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel00:34
rwwBits do not have a nationality.00:35
blunderok switching00:35
whymeScunizi: no problem, glad I could help00:35
^hikurww: don't forget the bytes =)00:35
rwwAssuming that the hashes check out, Ubuntu from an Iranian mirror is the exact same as Ubuntu from a flag-waving patriotic American server00:35
Guest79615if the bites are from bad teeth they're probaly British .. ducking00:36
ActionParsniprww: nice :)00:37
Scuniziwhyme: even after 5 yrs of ubuntu still picking up on the stuff I ddin't need in the past :)00:37
tortoise7ZykoticK9, why would you highly recommend ubuntu over bsd?00:39
whymeScunizi: i've only been using it 2 years and I expect to be constantly learning. There are just so many great tools out there!00:39
Scuniziwhyme: yep..00:39
tortoise7ActionParsnip, never heard of pcbsd..... thanks for the tip.00:40
=== pushdown is now known as dirtybit
ActionParsniptortoise7: its the ubuntu of the bsd world, nice and easy to use but not particularly graceful compared to its peers00:40
Guest79615last try: wifi can't ping, has dhcp ip from router, router works when wired, how to troubleshoot?00:41
tortoise7ActionParsnip, I have no problem with a steeper learning curve..... nice and easy s/w tends to hide to much from my curiosity.00:42
=== THEEAnomaly_ is now known as THEEAnomaly
^hikutortoise7: then try openbsd and get an X server running =)00:42
ActionParsniptortoise7: if you want taxing then jump into gentoo :)00:43
^hikuActionParsnip: ouch... not sure I'd go that far =)00:44
RabbitbunnyActionParsnip: Jesus, you weren't playing. This is a pretty big improvement. Why isn't this shipped like so?00:44
^hikuActionParsnip: yet openbsd isn't much better =)00:44
THEEAnomalyhey bsd is NOT ubuntu00:44
tolkadHow i be installing ubuntu hurd?00:45
* headkase314 dons flameproof suit00:45
tolkadwhy you want me type !gameinfo?00:45
tolkadI need ubuntu hurd how I install?00:45
ActionParsnipRabbitbunny: no idea, it's spiffy. You can also add stuff to /etc/sysctl.conf like so: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-251509.html   makes things faster still00:45
rwwtolkad: you don't, because it doesn't exist00:46
ActionParsniptolkad: not hard at all, cd in, answer some simple questions. Its installed00:46
THEEAnomalyme adds flame proof top00:46
Scunizitolkad: there is no ubuntu hurd.. maybe you mean Hardy.. it's been replaced with a new LTS vs. 10.04 Lucid00:46
THEEAnomalyhurd is dead sadly00:47
headkase314tolkad, hurd is the name of the as yet unreleased GNU kernel.  Ubuntu uses a different kernel called Linux.  You do not need to worry about what is actually used you just put the Ubuntu cd in and install it.00:47
iggy_how do i get the internet to go through my wireless usb adapter00:47
tolkadI need to be using the GNU kernel to protect from proprietary software00:47
tolkadhow I be installing ubuntu hurd?00:48
prince_jammyswell, this ain't the channel for it.00:48
THEEAnomalyubuntu is very far away fron HURD00:48
tolkadthis is ubuntu I want to install ubuntu with the HURD00:48
ActionParsnip!info hurd-kernel00:48
ubottuPackage hurd-kernel does not exist in lucid00:48
headkase314tolkad, there is no GNU kernel yet.  It is unfinished and RMS has stated publically that with Linux filling the void Hurd is very low priority now and is mainly just a research project now.00:48
ActionParsniphttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4948/    ,- idea for a hurd CD00:49
THEEAnomalyhurd is dead00:49
cfeddenot dead.  Just stable00:49
THEEAnomalydead to linux :P00:50
ActionParsnip"Given the years of work we had already put into the Hurd, we decided to finish it rather than throw them away." http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd-and-linux.html00:50
THEEAnomalyit had its chance00:51
tolkadit be very important must install GNU hurd00:51
Guest79615it's better seen than hurd00:51
tolkadwith the ubuntus00:51
prince_jammystolkad: quit trolling.00:51
ZykoticK9tortoise7, i've used FreeBSD (and PCBSD) as a Desktop for many years - but FreeBSD really fell behind linux "for the desktop" - old applications, troublesome update process, less support...  but BSD is still great if that's the way you decide to go.  Best of luck.00:51
tolkadsee? this says the ubuntus be working with the hurd. where I install? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-hurd00:52
Flanneltolkad: You can install Debian Hurd, that's as close as you're going to get.00:52
tolkadFlannel: NO! I Be needings the ubuntu hurds00:52
Daekdroomtolkad, blueprints are "goals"00:52
haavarosbindi: Ah, thx ... winscp did exactly what I needed00:52
Flanneltolkad: Come back in a year or two then00:52
tolkadDaekdroom: yes you be giving me the blueprints with the ubuntu hurd install thank you00:52
rwwor never, since that's when it's most likely to be done.00:53
Daekdroomtolkad, if you read the page, it'll say Implementation: unknown00:53
Guest79615that page talks about Ubuntu packages in hurd, not hurd in ubuntu00:53
THEEAnomalyonly debian tryed to save hured00:53
tolkadI can't use linux kernel because SCO charge me: http://www.sco.com/scosource/00:54
tolkadI dont have money for linux00:54
headkase314!ops | tolkad00:54
ubottutolkad: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!00:54
Flanneltolkad: Please stop.00:54
headkase314Oops hit enter instead of delete on that line :p00:54
tolkadneed install the hurd00:54
THEEAnomalyhurd is 30 ye\rs old00:54
Flanneltolkad: Debian Hurd is your best option00:55
cfeddetolkad: just a reminder.  you owe me $18/month for your irc use.00:55
rwwTHEEAnomaly: 20, actually00:55
tolkadcfedde: what? I never see that.00:55
tolkadcfedde: where does it say that?00:55
cfeddeignorance is no defence.00:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:55
rwwcfedde: stop trolling the troll, please00:55
KB1JWQtolkad: Please troll elsewhere.00:55
Flannelcfedde: Please don't encourage it00:55
THEEAnomalyrww: well that before the debugging00:55
cfedderww: :-)00:55
tortoise7ZykoticK9, I am d/l the amd64.iso as we speak..... Thanks for the quick responses.00:56
marienztolkad: that wasn't very amusing when you tried it on ##linux a month ago, it's not any funnier now.00:56
_DGM_what the hell is he even talking about00:56
ActionParsniptortoise7: remember to MD5 sum it once downloaded00:56
rwwsomething tells me the network staffers put the ops factoid on highlight00:56
marienzrww: very perceptive!00:57
tortoise7ActionParsnip, Absolutely!!00:57
brad8171hello everyone00:57
THEEAnomalyrww: any how its still dead as its always been(thanks to linus)00:57
Oer!hi brad817101:00
brad8171hello Oer01:00
Wiesshundi think i might move my AWS to unbuntu. kind of scary. its the only thing here that doesnt atleast dual boot01:01
brad8171i had a question,i was'nt sure what a proprietary driver was01:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:03
headkase314Wiesshund, I have a laptop coming to me in the mail - if it makes it through that unscathed the next test will be flattening it and getting some good Ubuntu going!01:03
prince_jammysbrad8171: 'proprietary' means it's not free01:03
Oerproprietary driver is a closed source driver, without the original code.01:03
headkase314Wiesshund, it's a Vista laptop being repurposed from family.01:03
brad8171my computer says i havenoproprietary drivers01:04
Wiesshundheadkase314 sounds like a fun project :)01:04
headkase314brad8171, in an open source context proprietary means that only the original vendor is able to improve it.  If it is proprietary the open-source community cannot improve it.01:04
Guest79615brad8171 what makes you think you need one?01:04
Oerbrad8171, that is oke, for Wlan or video.01:04
SeperoProprietary = not open source01:05
zuscan some one  please tell me who to change the font the browser is displaying? i did add the font but i didnt ask for it to be used imediatly as anything other than a project the font was intended for.! its ruining my text01:05
headkase314Wiesshund, I'm looking forward to it!  The only thing I anticipate to be tricky is the wireless networking.. ;)  Can't wait! :D01:05
brad8171i just thought i needed to have them01:05
Guest79615brad8171: you only need them if you hardware that doesn't have an open source driver01:05
headkase314zus, which web-browser are you using?01:05
zuschrome  right now01:06
zusheadkase314,  ^01:06
brad8171my video and everything is ok01:06
Wiesshundheadkase314 if standard ubuntu has trouble with the wifi, you might look at puppy which is ubuntu based but caters to some older and more oddball hardware.01:06
brad8171so ubuntu must ofpicked up the hardware of the computer01:06
headkase314zus, Chrome only allows you to change the font setting when a web-page does not specify which fonts to use.  Most of the time web-pages do specify their own fonts so Chrome won't override them.  I know, I've tried to change Chrome's fonts too.01:06
Guest79615brad8171 : yes sounds like you're ok01:07
brad8171thanks, its been a pleasure deleting vista out of this laptop01:07
headkase314Wiesshund, Puppy Linux?  Yup, got a cd of that with 5.01 Live.  Just in case I need a different rescue disc instead of Ubuntu 10.0401:07
zusheadkase314,   chrome is using the fonts i downloaded for a project i did in gimp...01:07
Guest79615if wifi or webcam or something doesn't work, look for proprietary drivers01:07
brad8171they're ok01:08
Guest79615then sounds like you're golden, welcome to linux :-)01:08
zusheadkase314,  firefox also :(01:08
headkase314zus, my experience with Chrome is that the only time it will use your specified fonts is whenever the web-page doesn't specify fonts.  And practically all web-pages do specify fonts..01:08
zusheadkase314,  all webpages are using the font i last installed, FF also.... how can i change the font back01:09
brad8171why does'nt ubuntu need and virus protection01:09
Wiesshundbrad8171 because it is linux01:09
headkase314zus, Chrome: Tools menu (wrench picture), Options, Under the Hood, "Change Font and Language Settings"01:10
SeperoZus,  have you tried deleting or moving the fonts to a differen location?01:10
Guest79615brad8171 : mostly because so few people use it plus open source is easier to protect01:10
Wiesshundbrad8171 really are not any linux viruses floating around in the wild.01:10
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
headkase314zus, Firefox - don't know - don't have it installed - I'm sitting at a Windows machine at "work"01:10
brad8171my vista got really messed up and it was uncontrollable01:10
Guest79615if 90% of people used linux, it would have viruses too but they would  prolly be spotted/fixed quicker01:11
zusSepero,   no  i idnt i dont know where it got intstalled to.. since the archive thing did everything01:11
WiesshundGuest79615 maybe. if the virus coders got smarter and less lazy. i havent seen a unix type virus in decades01:11
PeterDrophi, how uncompress a bunch of part files. rar?  filespart01.rar filespart02.rar .. etc01:12
Guest79615Weisshund: cracker weenies go for the low hanging fruit01:12
SeperoZus, how did you install the archive?01:12
brad8171does anyone know where i could get some decals for this computer of ubuntu01:12
zusjust so there isnt  a misunderstanding, i installed a font for a project, and was never ment to be used as an everyday font  now it  being used by the web broweser  nothing else.01:13
prince_jammysPeterDrop: install 'unrar'01:13
PeterDropprince_jammys: and ...?01:13
PeterDropunrar what01:13
prince_jammysPeterDrop: then you can 'unrar the_first_file'01:13
zusSepero,   clicking on the .tarball .gz  then i clicked  install font01:13
PeterDropdont work01:13
PeterDropi did that01:13
ActionParsnipbrad8171: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/59801:14
prince_jammysPeterDrop: doesn't work, how?01:14
headkase314zus, I believe you can look in your home folder "~/.fonts" and see if it is there, if so you should be able to move/delete it and log out/back in and see if that corrects the issue?01:14
ActionParsnipPeterDrop: also install rar. you can then run:   rar x file01:14
brad8171oh, yeah thats the one with sase01:14
headkase314zus, then optionally update your font cache with instructions here -> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man1/fc-cache.1.html01:15
SeperoZus, do you still have that tarball? If so,  perhaps you can uninstall it by clicking it again.01:15
zusheadkase314,  thank you...ill try moving it,...01:15
headkase314zus, hope it works!01:15
OerPeterDrop, unrar x -e *.rar01:15
zusSepero,  the only option once its installed its Re-install01:15
PeterDropi put just e01:16
prince_jammysPeterDrop: ah, yeah, forgot the 'e'.01:16
disappearedngwhat's the man page for the bot here01:16
zusheadkase314,  i  do to, the font is wonton and looks as one would expect a menu to look like at a take away join,..01:16
bazhang!factoid > disappearedng01:16
ubottudisappearedng, please see my private message01:16
SeperoHopefully headkase advise works01:16
ActionParsniprar x file is WAAAY simpler than that01:16
disappearedngok coool01:16
clone1018Hello. I'm on a Ubuntu 10.04 machine and I'm trying to setup dual monitors. One of the monitors is being "fuzzy" as if its refresh rate is off. I have a ATI Radeon Xpress 1250 on a Acer Extensa 5420-5687. Any ideas on how to fix this?01:16
zusthe only thing is affecting is everything i read in chrome and looks like  nav buttons in FF01:17
headkase314zus, are you sure it was a .tar.gz file and not a .deb file?  Because if it is a .deb file then you can use Synaptic to remove it..01:17
ActionParsnipclone1018: set the refresh rate higher, you may need an xorg.conf file (or modify your existing file)01:17
z340Hi all!!  Anyone here ever use ifenslave with 2 wireless cards?01:17
clone1018Yes. Where would I get that. I notice Ubuntu dropped its xorg.conf file.01:17
clone1018To ActionParsnip *01:17
PeterDropActionParsnip: rar x filepart01.rar works good, txs01:18
SeperoHeadkase,  yeah.  I was thinking maybe that was the case too.01:18
zusheadkase314,   not rightly sure but ill look in synaptic  - i think it was a.gz on the brown boz icon on my desktop01:18
ActionParsnipPeterDrop: waaay easier to remember too, 2 options to extract is pretty lame IMHO01:19
prince_jammysunrar e file01:19
headkase314zus, Sepero, search in synaptic for the name of the file and if you're lucky it was a .deb file and you can choose to remove it.  Post here first with the name to make sure!  See what people say that is..01:19
PeterDroppacked data CRC failed in volume xD01:19
ActionParsnipclone1018: you can make one by booting to root recovery mode and running: Xorg --configure    you now have a skeleton file you can work with01:19
jchello I'm having an issue with thin clients got them to boot but after login everything on screen is upside down and backwards anyone seen this before01:19
PeterDrophahaha, well i have to download again xD haha, damn01:19
PeterDropthanks guys01:19
headkase314zus, if it was a .deb file it would be a brown box with a picture of a spiral inside of it - the debian logo.\01:20
SeperoI didn't even know ubuntu had autoinstaall01:20
SeperoI didn't even know ubuntu had autoinstaall of gz files01:20
headkase314zus, Unless you are using a custom icon set...01:20
clone1018Alright thanks ActionParsnip01:21
brad8171i just have another question i'm on 10.04 ,if i turn off the internet and open other things on the computer and go back to the internet after it keeps loading for internet but it doen't come back on i,m on a wireless system i have to restart the computer to make the internet come back on, this problem is not all the time01:21
hiexpoauto install gz files01:21
jcnot sure if anyone can see my messages01:21
zuswhy cant there just be a button  in ubuntu to change the font itself? and not  how  it's displayed01:22
hiexpojc yes01:22
ActionParsnipjc: i can see them01:22
jcnew at this just looking for a little help :-)01:22
hiexpojc !ask01:23
_DGM_the internet is big.. it takes a while to load01:23
Aemaethanyone know of a program that can go flv>swf?01:23
jc I'm having an issue with thin clients got them to boot but after login everything on screen is upside down and backwards anyone seen this before01:23
brad8171i,m usually on the internet from putting the computer on in less than 30 sec01:24
ActionParsnipjc: hold CTRL+ALT then press the up cursor, should change orientation01:24
Davide-NYCI have just installed 10.04 and have only one small problem. I cannot "Browse" my windows network which is run by my ReadyNas X6. I want to use this box as a somple SMB client01:25
jccursor up do you mean the up arrow01:26
ActionParsnipjc: you can also use xrandr to rotate the screen etc01:26
ActionParsnipjc: xrandr -o left    for example01:26
brad8171thanks for you help tonight i'll talk to you guys later01:26
ActionParsnipjc: http://xvjf.blogspot.com/2010/08/screen-rotation-script-with-wacom.html has some xrandr commands you can use too, not sure why its so screwed up01:27
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jcAction my server desktop is fine it is the thin client does that make any difference in your response01:30
andyni need to use vesa drivers instead of intel, and that in turn forces me to disable kms, and that results in having to use 915resolution. where should i put those 915resolution lines so that by vga bios gets patched in time? rc.local is too late, because gdm and x have started by then.01:30
Oerandyn, maybe this is any help, solution #2 >> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html01:33
WyleyrabbitHow would I go about checking the specific version of a driver on my Ubuntu installation?01:34
DyNamic_ly-faileHey, what is the best way to clean a usb drive... i currently just burned a version of ubuntu live cd, so i could be confident it wouldn't do anything... but im unsure what the best course of action is now.... should i just get rid of the autorun.inf?01:34
mikelifeguardIs there any easy way to rename a user's account in ubuntu?01:34
andynOer: yes, that works but those intel drivers have showstopper bugs. there's an open ticket in launchpad affecting me + 40 others. i'm using vesa as a workaround.01:34
jcyou still there01:35
andynOer: so i have to use vesa + 915resolution as a workaround01:35
aarcanehey #ubuntu, I have a question regarding the ubuntu windows installer:  does it install ubuntu with an NTFS root, or does it use some sort of image file that resides on NTFS ?01:35
zusmoving the font worked.01:35
ActionParsnipaarcane: wubi is the name of the app and it uses an image in the ntfs to install to01:37
andynOer: in fact modeset=0 does not work because kms modesetting is blacklisted already for i810/i915 series video chipsets and the immediate remedy is i915.modeset=1, not 0. however, like i said, using those buggy drivers is impossible in the long run.01:37
Guest79615aarcane : if you mean wubi.exe IIRC it installs as a file withint ntfs01:37
Oerandyn do you use gma500 ?01:37
WyleyrabbitI have a system with a hardware raid controller. Can anyone tell me how to query the status of the raid?01:38
ActionParsnipaarcane: this inturn will be directly affected by NTFS's amazing ability to fragment beyond all usablility, a true install will not be affected by this and will perform well.01:38
andynOer: my laptop has a 852gm chipset01:38
aarcaneActionParsnip, Yes, I've been using and installing Ubuntu for ages, I know the joys of partitions, I also know the hassle of having to know how much space to reserve for everything ahead of time :(01:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:39
shadghostone quick question, how do you change the login screen to the old one where it asks for username and password?01:39
gino_Is there some trick to getting visudo changes to work? I've made it so my user accound can restart the computer but I still get "shutdown: Need to be root" as an error :(01:39
aarcaneif only wubi was smart enough to install ubuntu with an ntfs root, I could have one GINORMOUS partition, which is suitable for a laptop installation that gets wiped and restored every few months anyway.01:40
ActionParsnipaarcane: simple, 6Gb for / 1xRAM for swap (or 2x if you have less than 2Gb RAM), the rest for home. Laughing all the way01:40
Dave158Umm, could I talk to an operator for this channel in PM? o.o01:42
thune3andyn: i assume you've already looked through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes01:43
ActionParsnipDave158: they are all in #ubuntu-ops01:43
hiexpoActionParsnip,  how it goes01:44
gino_How can I run a php exec(CMD_HERE) as root?01:45
jinxzshow to install autotrash is there someone here using this little app01:45
ActionParsniphiexpo: not bad, you?01:45
ActionParsnipgino_: prepend the command with sudo01:45
Dr_Willis!info autotrash01:46
ubottuPackage autotrash does not exist in lucid01:46
gino_ActionParsnip: But won't that require the sudo password to be entered?01:46
jinxzsic thanks bot01:46
=== lap_dragon is now known as smiler|away
ActionParsnipjinxzs: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/autotrash-automatically-take-out-the-trash.html01:46
ActionParsnipgino_: yes01:46
ActionParsnip!away > smiler|away01:46
ubottusmiler|away, please see my private message01:46
shadghostAny way to change the login screen to the username / password prompt?01:46
andynthune3: yeah, i read it before trying to hack anything01:46
gino_ActionParsnip so how would I enter the sudo password from a php script?01:46
Dr_Willisshadghost:  if you want text based login. disable the GDM service.01:46
ActionParsnipjinxzs: nice app01:46
jcreposting just in case some got on that has seen this before thin client display once login is upside down and backwards any help will be greatly appreciated01:46
Dr_Willisshadghost:  or use the 'TEXT' option to the kernel to totally disable plymouth and gdm on bootup01:47
ActionParsnipjc: did xrandr not fix it for you01:47
shadghostDr_Willis: thanks01:47
DasEihiexpo ? see pm01:47
Flannelgino_: Your best bet would be to give whatever process (www-data?) would be running it access to that command without a password for sudo01:47
smiler|awaywould you stop sending me those annoying messages?01:47
* smiler|away adds ubottu to ignore01:48
jcmy server windows are fine its only the thin client and i can't do anything on the thin client01:48
Dr_Willissmiler|away:  disable the ignore script.. and they will go away01:48
DasEi!brain > smiler|away01:48
ubottusmiler|away, please see my private message01:48
MarkSSHow do I check the Ghz of my quad-core in Linux from CLI?01:48
Dr_Willisoopw i mean away script. :)01:48
MarkSSI want to see how fast my processor is in Linux and I am not sure how to look it up in Linux :(01:48
SylphidMarkSS, cat /proc/cpuinfo01:48
jinxzsActionParsnip, done installing it where to find it?01:49
MarkSSDoesn't list ghz01:49
gino_Flannel yep I tried giving www-data root access with visudo. But no changes I make there seem to take effect01:49
Davide-NYCAny good smb.cong GUI tools?01:49
ActionParsnipjinxzs: its a service. keep reading the link I gave you, you need to setup a cron job to empty stuff01:50
DasEiMarkSS: you want the actual count or the models's specs ?01:50
Davide-NYCI can't browse my windows network with 10.04. Any things I should try?01:50
SylphidMarkSS, its listed as mhz... just divide by 100001:50
MarkSS2.2 Ghz, 2.4 ghz, 2.66 ghz, etc...I want to know01:50
Flannelgino_: if you become www-data in a terminal, can you do it? (just to divide the problem in half)01:50
MarkSSit is 1 then01:50
MarkSSI know it is faster than 1.0 Ghz01:50
MarkSSGrrr this is so confusing01:51
gino_Flannel I'll try that, ummm how would I login as www-data?01:51
Flannelgino_: sudo -u www-data -i01:51
ActionParsnipMarkSS: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep cpu | grep MHz01:51
Dr_WillisDavide-NYC:  enter the server/share name manually, try entering the ip, see what smbtree and smbfind commands show also.   ie: smb://servernam/share   and smb://
* User7024 [W2I=000:u:0:000:]01:51
MarkSSAll listed as 110001:51
gino_Flannel fantastic!01:51
ActionParsnipMarkSS: then each core is 1.1Ghz01:52
MarkSSThat sounds slow lol01:52
Guest796151.1 x 4 = 4.401:52
MarkSSSo is a 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo faster than that then?01:52
ActionParsnipMarkSS: you can try: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model | grep name01:52
ActionParsnipMarkSS: yes, should be01:52
cjmaynarevening folks, i'm trying to get starcraft 2 running through wine. so far i've gotten it to install, but whenever i try and start it up it goes to a black screen for a bit, then crashes. has anyone run into a problem like this before?01:53
MarkSSI guess ghz matters more than cores01:53
Davide-NYCsmbfind seems to not be installed.01:53
ActionParsnip!appdb | cjmaynar01:53
ubottucjmaynar: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:53
Dr_Williscjmaynar:  you been to the wine app database yet?01:53
gino_Flannel: hmm nope, no rights there01:53
DasEiMarkSS: let us see : sudo apt-get install pastebinit && /cat/proc/cpu | pastebinit01:53
Flannelgino_: So, it might be that your sudoers line isn't working as expected01:53
Davide-NYCsmbtree finds my network and lists the machines but throws this error: Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL01:54
Flannelcjmaynar: You might try #winehq, they have more experience with wine01:54
ActionParsnipDasEi: MarkSS sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /proc/cpu | pastebinit01:54
ActionParsnipDasEi: watch your spaces dude ;)01:54
cjmaynarFlannel: ubottu yeah, i'll try there, do some poking around on their forms first though01:54
cjmaynarthanks for the pointers01:54
DasEiActionParsnip: use a pastebin for the carriagereturn ; good party had, well topic here, seems so01:55
gino_Flannel: hmmm01:55
gino_Flannel: too much for me ARGH01:55
xeeello, sorry if I seem noobish. I have a question about grub freezing during an update. this the right place?01:56
StepNjumpHi guys, we are starting a new small company and I was wondering if someone here might be interested to become a consultant to help up set-up our server. It wouldn't pay much but you never know when the money start flowing in, it could become interesting01:56
StepNjumpIM me if interested01:57
ActionParsnipDasEi: yeah crazy party last night dude :)01:57
jimi_Can someone point me at documentation/information for creating an unattended install / kickstart?01:57
SylphidMarkSS, sudo dmidecode -t processor01:57
DasEiActionParsnip: ot entered01:57
SylphidMarkSS, that should show the max speed in case your cpu is stepping down01:58
Davide-NYCentering smb:// allows me to mount the filesystem, but I still cannot browse01:58
ActionParsnipjimi_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && /cat/proc/cpu | pastebinit01:58
ActionParsnipDasEi: same :)01:58
jinxzsActionParsnip yea it is01:58
keishaI can't seem to get my DSL connection working in karmic. I've followed these instuctions with no success http://ubuntuguide.net/fix-dsl-pppoe-connection-problem-with-network-manager-in-ubuntu-9-10. please help01:58
ActionParsnipjimi_: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-unattended-ubuntu-network-install01:59
Davide-NYCDr_Willis: entering smb:// allows me to mount the filesystem, but I still cannot browse the 'neighborhood'.01:59
xeeI made a thread in the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155251001:59
DasEijimi: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/redhat-fedora-linux-help/159047-complete-automated-installation-using-kickstart.html01:59
jimi_ActionParsnip, thanks, will look at that now. trying to create an unattended install that i can mass deploy01:59
ActionParsnipjinxzs: huh?01:59
jinxzsautotrash nice app01:59
MarkSSMax Speed: 3000 Mhz01:59
ActionParsnipjimi_: could setup one then use partimage to clone01:59
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jimi_ActionParsnip, i thought about doing it w/ ghost too, i was worried about if it got deployed to different hardware02:00
StepNjumpis anybody here familiar on how to set-up a server under ubuntu02:00
StepNjumpI need a wiz02:00
SylphidStepNjump, what type of server02:00
StepNjumpSylphid, I don't know02:01
jimi_that sounds like what middle school kids have in their saacs02:01
StepNjumpSylphid, we are starting a small company02:02
StepNjumpSylphid and the money is not yet coming in02:02
FlannelStepNjump: What do you want the server to do?02:02
StepNjumpSylphid but I would like to set up a server so we can all connect to it02:02
FlannelStepNjump: What sort of connecting?02:02
cjmaynarFlannel: doesn't seem to be anyone home there02:02
StepNjumpSylphid and work from our own homes02:02
keishaI can't seem to get my DSL connection working in karmic. I've followed these instuctions with no success http://ubuntuguide.net/fix-dsl-pppoe-connection-problem-with-network-manager-in-ubuntu-9-10. please help02:02
SylphidStepNjump, well you need to know what kind of data you are serving before going any futher02:02
StepNjumpSylphid We are 402:02
SylphidStepNjump, are you looking for file sharing?02:03
Guest79615StepNjump: do you mean a web server with a web interface?02:03
StepNjumpSylphid I was thinking of getting an opensource VPN02:03
Flannelcjmaynar: That happens sometimes.  Just the nature of global communication02:03
cjmaynarannoying, but still expected02:03
StepNjumpSylphid Yes file sharing but also maybe openproj02:03
StepNjumpSylphid ticketing software so we can assign each other's tasks, etc02:03
StepNjumpSylphid no Sylphid just for our own internal use02:04
holoceneis it typical that the 10.04 386 alt cd install to encrypted disk takes much longer than non-encrypted?02:04
StepNjumpSylphid I don't even know how to install applications under linux02:04
roland_maiStepNjump, dude you need to contract with an IT company02:04
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StepNjumpSylphid is it a big job?02:04
StepNjumpSylphid I found some free VPN's we could use02:05
StepNjumpSylphid but our resources at the moment are pretty scarce02:05
FlannelStepNjump: alright, your first step would be to list the tasks you want the server to perform (you're already starting here, but write it down somewhere), then determine what programs do each of those things (there may be a few different ones for some, you'll need to do some research and decide what works best for you)02:05
SylphidStepNjump, If you are unsure of what you are doing with a system then it is unwise to store critical data on that system02:05
DasEiStepNjump: no, and if you don't awit wonders, can have the beginning for free.. it's like a car, the more the owner knows, the les hassle it can become02:05
StepNjumpSylphid right02:06
StepNjumpSylphid do you think you might be interested in helping us out02:06
Guest79615StepNjump : setting up the server and installing the software isn't that hard, things like security and backup are crucial though02:06
StepNjumpSylphid keeping in mind we might be able to pay you in the future?02:06
roland_maiStepNjump, create an RFP and send it to a couple of IT people around town and get a contract, or you'll get screwed or suffer from scope creep02:07
iggy_can anyone help me my usb wireless adapter stopped working after alienarena froze and i shutdown02:07
keishaI can't seem to get my DSL connection working in karmic. I've followed these instuctions with no success http://ubuntuguide.net/fix-dsl-pppoe-connection-problem-with-network-manager-in-ubuntu-9-10. please help02:07
roland_maiiggy_, it's probably overheated02:07
StepNjumpThanks Roland02:08
StepNjumpWell, if someone might be interested in this challenge, there might be a lot of room to grow in our company02:08
shugartokay, I feel like I'm going crazy here, what is the correct package for unrar in 10.04 ? I added the multiverse repo, and it still says it can't find it02:08
ActionParsnipshugart: sudo apt-get install rar unrar02:09
StepNjumproland_mai: What is an RFP?02:09
mek||mallocHowdy folks, I just setup a NFS on my machine and it appears as a shared folder from a server perspective... But when I run: showmount -f <server-ip>  from my client computer, it only lists my /media directory. Any ideas on what I messed up from the server config?02:09
shugartActionParsnip: still comes back with not found02:09
ActionParsnipshugart: you can extract it with:   rar x file02:09
SylphidStepNjump, request for proposal02:09
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
StepNjumpThanks Sylphid02:09
maddiewhy is rhythmbox using so much CPU?02:09
roland_maiStepNjump, RFP = Request for Proposal. Basically it containts what you want your setup to do and02:09
shugartActionParsnip: I can get unrar-free to install, but it's so old02:09
DasEiStepNjump: I am, but I still volunteer, and are not as reliable as I want to, so payment is not in place then02:09
collabrashugart: did you do an sudo apt-get update since adding the repo?02:10
DasEiStepNjump: pm you ?02:10
StepNjumpDasEI yes please PM me02:10
shugartcollabra: yes, I have02:10
ActionParsnipshugart: why is it too old?02:10
shugartActionParsnip: unrar-free is showing unrar -v 0.0.102:10
dr3mroplease i use ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates when ever i install chromium or google chrome and try to login to gmail i get cpu 100% usage and aw snap message .. firefox works great but i like chrome and firefox kinda slow on my machine ... i tried the stable , unstable and beta and chromium from ubuntu and from daily ... tried to resinstall whole system and removed the profile .. all the same it works only from life cd but after install i then i02:10
dr3mronstall it only like i did on live cd but it hangs and gives me aw snap with 100 cpu % ... please help for the record this happens only for the standard view not html .... thnx02:10
iggy_can anyone help me my usb wireless adapter stopped working after alienarena froze and i shutdown02:11
ActionParsnipshugart: if it works, then who cares02:11
shugartActionParsnip: because it won't unrar any rar 3.0 files02:11
Aemaethwhat xid do i set gnash to to be the screensaver?02:12
Jordan_Udr3mro: Have you filed a bug report? Do you have any labs features enabled in gmail?02:12
ActionParsnipshugart: so you have rar unrar and p7zip-rar   installed?02:12
Dr_Willishas anyone ever noticed a tool thzt lets you 'print' web pages better? Im constantly finding web sites that only print 1 out of 5 pages and so forth.. getting really annoying.02:13
shugartActionParsnip: this is what I get when I try http://pastebin.com/1sCX6A3x02:13
ActionParsnip!info rar02:13
ubotturar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.b2-1 (lucid), package size 542 kB, installed size 1164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)02:13
ActionParsnip!info unrar02:13
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (lucid), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB02:13
maddieCan anyone help me with the desktop art plugin in Rhythmbox?02:13
dr3mroJordan_U, i disabled all labs and not working either ... and it's not a bug ... if its a bug it should be on chromium th mother of google chrome becasue it affects all versions ...02:13
roland_maiDr_Willis, try a plugin like fireshot for firefox and then print out the image if you have problems.02:14
dr3mroJordan_U, I have been trying for 3 days now no hope02:14
iggy_can anyone help me my usb wireless adapter stopped working after alienarena froze and i shutdown02:14
=== dexi is now known as Guest56556
Jordan_Udr3mro: It's a bug somewhere, simply because something that should work isn't.02:15
roland_maiiggy_ did you try rmmod ndiswrapper and modprobe ndiswrapper ?02:15
ActionParsnipshugart: rar x file   should extract it02:16
Jordan_Udr3mro: Can you reproduce it from a LiveCD environment?02:16
Dr_Willisroland_mai:  its a 6 + page when printed..  (well 6+ screens worth of info)  The silly tables/formating is not getting done right :(02:16
iggy_roland_mai, do i do the both at the same time and restart or once at a time02:16
Guest79615iggy_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide02:16
=== Guest56556 is now known as dexikiix
shugartActionParsnip: how? rar can't even install because it can't find it02:16
maddiecan anyone help me with the desktop art plugin in Rhythmbox?02:16
dr3mroJordan_U, I just want any one here using chrome to confirm ,,, and no live cd works great i have the package of chrome i install it on live cd works bur after install i do the same steps to install it as i did on life cd but it gives me aw snap02:16
Dr_Willisroland_mai:  heh - the fireshot plugin page  - says its windows only. :()02:17
ActionParsnip!info rar | shugart02:17
ubottushugart: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.b2-1 (lucid), package size 542 kB, installed size 1164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)02:17
roland_maiDr_Willis, try screengrab02:17
dexikiixDoes anyone know of a way to use an image instead of just a color as the window background in 'appearances'?02:17
dr3mroJordan_U, so no not reproducable02:17
ActionParsnipshugart: make sure you have multiverse repo enabled02:17
maddiechrome is currently using 4$ of my CPU02:17
Jordan_Udr3mro: gmail is working fine for me.02:17
roland_maiiggy_ just at the same time02:18
dr3mroJordan_U, i think its ubuntu bug ,,, because i created a simple python webkit browser and have the same issue withit as chrome02:18
roland_maiiggy_ that is do sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper and then sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:18
Dr_Willisroland_mai:  ok.. will look.. Trying to print out some 'notes' for my laptop buying spree tomorrow -> http://www.notebookcheck.net/Comparison-of-Laptop-Graphics-Cards.130.0.html02:18
xissburgguys i need help...I'm "super" frustrated02:18
THEEAnomalychrome is dead02:18
Dr`Ryderdcc send anyonewannayvds02:19
=== TannerF is now known as durr
shugartActionParsnip: oh fuck me, I had an extra t in http....02:19
iggy_thank you guys im going to reboot02:19
* Diamondcite tries to print the site with konqueror(curious)02:19
IdleOne!language | shugart02:19
ubottushugart: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:19
maddie@HEEAnomaly, in what sense?02:19
Sylphid!ask xissburg02:20
xissburgI installed ubuntu using Wubi from Win7. I was using it mins ago then I restarted the machine normally...then when it was starting the OS selection menu didnt show up, but only a message "Unknown device: <hex numbers> " and then a command line "grub rescue"..02:20
Jordan_Udr3mro: Have you tried purging and re-installing webkit?02:20
DiamondciteDr_Willis: This result isn't from an ubuntu box.. but I got 8 pages of postscript.02:20
Jordan_Uxissburg: What version of Ubuntu?02:20
xissburg`0.04 I think02:21
od3nanyone know how to get visual effects running while on vbox with ubuntu02:21
Jordan_Uxissburg: What does "ls" in the grub rescue shell print?02:22
THEEAnomalyat least getr my name right02:22
xissburgI don't know :( . . . I don't have more plugs to turn the other PC on02:22
=== durr is now known as TannerF
=== Jono is now known as Guest56563
xissburganyway...wtf is that? I need to recover my Win7 installation ( and I will make sure to uninstall ubuntu there after...)02:23
dr3mroits a fresh install of ubuntu with nothing except xchat and chrome02:23
xissburgvery bad for this to happen to a new user :(02:23
dr3mroJordan_U,  its a fresh install of ubuntu with nothing except xchat and chrome02:23
iggy_it didnt work guys02:24
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  yea. i got a screengreab image of the site now.. Still looking for a PRINT button on the site. :0 but cant seem to get the image to print properly.02:24
Guest56563I'm running ubuntu server 10.04, would some one be able to tell me what packages or settings I need to change to enable power saving features such as spinning down the HDD and putting the computer to sleep?02:24
iggy_the modprobe -r ndiswrapper followed by modprobe ndiswrapper02:24
macoxissburg: grub is the bootloader for ubuntu. i thought it wubi itd come after the OS selection thing though...02:25
xissburg D:02:25
macoxissburg: and i assure you, the bugs dont decide whether they will happen to new or old users02:25
xissburgOmgosh, I'm so frustrated02:25
Guest79615iggy_ did you try the steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide?02:25
xissburgI just want my Win7 back please02:25
xissburg this is ridiculous02:25
macoxissburg: you can restore windows' boot loader using a windows install disc02:25
bazhang!enter | xissburg02:25
ubottuxissburg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:25
Guest79615xissburg: you installed wubi, quit windows, rebooted and there was no boot menu?02:25
iggy_im on it right now Guest7961502:25
bazhangxissburg, help in ##windows02:25
macoxissburg: just run "fixmbr" from the cd02:26
=== HULK is now known as Guest73954
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  the Print button of tjhe browser prints the 1st page and thats it... rest are blank02:26
macobazhang: its broken grub on wubi02:26
xissburgGuest79615: yes02:26
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  im finding more and more sites that never print properly these days02:26
DiamondciteDr_Willis: May I ask which browsers?02:26
Jordan_UGuest56563: powertop is a utility that will examine your running system and tell you what processes are doing things like waking up the CPU or spinning up the hard drive.02:26
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  Firefox so far. Lets try Googles02:26
THEEAnomalyok so whast up02:26
DiamondciteI guess I'll need to wake the netbok.02:26
xissburgI don't have a Windows 7 disc, I installed it from a pendrive02:26
Guest56563So does ubuntu server 10.04 automatically have power saving features enabled?02:27
IdleOneTHEEAnomaly: Do you have a ubuntu related support question?02:27
xissburgmy machine doesnt have a disc drive02:27
macoxissburg: er.. ok... does the windows install pendrive have rescue utilities?02:27
xissburgmaco: the pendrive was formated02:28
Davide-NYCWhat do I do about a "Failed to retrieve share list from the server" error? It's a ReadyNAS serving out CIFS shares with little to no security.02:28
bttmgreetings, I just burned a ubuntu disk on windows 7 and now trying to install on my opensuse notebook and the disk shows up blank, what im i doing wrong02:28
* maco headdesks02:28
macobttm: did you burn the iso as a file or as an image?02:28
Guest79615xissburg: do you have an ubuntu live cd?02:28
macoGuest79615: computer doesnt have cd drive02:29
Guest79615er usb02:29
THEEAnomalybttm as a image?02:29
bttmi used cdburnerxp and selected the iso option02:29
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  chrome semeed to print it better at least. :_ Not perfect.. but at least i can read the info i need.02:30
toothpastexissburg: Are you on a netbook by any chance?02:30
Guest79615xissburg: if you don't have a windows usb to reinstall, do you have an ubuntu usb to check the boot02:30
DiamondciteInteresting how KDE's konqeuror did fine..02:31
bufu2009i need help:D02:31
xissburgguys. I don't have CDs nor pendrives nor anything by now02:31
Diamondcitebufu2009: We'd love to help, just ask :)02:32
ProculeHello, Ext4 is getting me very mad about the latency and IO wait. When I have something writing on the filesystem, everything is almost stalled on the system. What would be a better filesystem ? Is XFS a good choice ?02:32
xissburghey...grub rescue > ls prints (hd0) (fd0)02:32
Guest79615create an ubuntu pendrive on the computer you're using now, boot the other computer with the pendrive, reinstall grub then reboot it02:32
dr3mroplease i use ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates when ever i install chromium or google chrome and try to login to gmail i get cpu 100% usage and aw snap message .. firefox works great but i like chrome and firefox kinda slow on my machine ... i tried the stable , unstable and beta and chromium from ubuntu and from daily ... tried to resinstall whole system and removed the profile .. all the same it works only from life cd but after install i then i02:32
dr3mronstall it only like i did on live cd but it hangs and gives me aw snap with 100 cpu % ... please help for the record this happens only for the standard view not html .... thnx02:32
THEEAnomalyfragma f**ks02:32
bufu2009i posted to be a runner for diablo 202:32
bazhangTHEEAnomaly, watch the language02:32
bufu2009and nothing has happened yet02:32
Diamondcite...? posted to be a runner?02:32
bufu2009for diablo 202:33
DiamondciteHow do you post to be a runner?02:33
DiamondciteI think I'm missing something here...02:33
Proculewhat would be better: xfs or btrfs ?02:33
xissburgGuest79615: I'll try it but...its a big download . .02:33
bufu2009i posted my request to be a baal runner02:33
Alejandro89I have a problem on Ubuntu start02:33
gino_how do I find out where a command is? isn't it something like "where <CMD>"02:33
xissburgubuntu fucked up my day damn D: :(02:33
Guest56563How do i choose settings for entering sleep mode in ubuntu server 10.04?02:33
bazhang!language | xissburg02:33
ubottuxissburg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:33
Proculegino_, which cmd02:33
Guest79615xissburg which02:33
Diamondcitebufu2009: Does it have anything to do with running the game? Or is an event just not happening in time?02:34
Alejandro89gino_: Application -> Accessories -> Terminal. Something like that02:34
gino_Procule thanks!02:34
Proculenow I want a better fs than ext4 :P02:35
Davide-NYCIs there an easy way to reconfigure all of the network settings in Lucid? I think my smb.conf file is borked.02:35
Proculexfs, btrfs or something else ?02:35
teagesynaptic will not open my .debs. i have to install them through the command interface. what gives?02:35
ProculeDavide-NYC, smb.conf isn't your network settings, it's your SAMBA settings02:36
arjunahi all....anyone familiar with .avi editing, or avidemux?02:36
DocPlatypusokay... having issues with latest Firefox. tab key does not work at all. arrow keys do not work to scroll pages, neither does page down, page up, home, end, spacebar... known problem with the latest Firefox package? this has survived a reboot, reinstall of Firefox + dependencies, new profile, and even a downgrade to Firefox 3.6.3 which I knew at one time worked properly02:36
DiamondciteDr_Willis: Heh.. your printing issue gave me something new to look at and wonder about :)02:36
Jordan_Uteage: Synaptic doesn't open .deb files, gdebi does.02:36
macoxissburg: grub is called by the windows bootloader. if youre getting to a grub prompt at all, then the windows bootloader is intact.  maybe you weren't fast enough at choosing windows during boot02:36
Dr_Willisgino_:  which command02:36
ProculeDavide-NYC, try asking in #samba02:36
Davide-NYCProcule: thanks02:36
teagejordan_U, then maybe i need to reinstall gdebi?02:36
xissburgmaco: I can't choose it02:36
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  yea. years ago i had a progrzm from HP that let you preview/tweak the fonts and layout befor printing..  Now a days i notice the browsers not even giveing me a Print Preview optioopn02:36
teagei will try that02:36
macoxissburg: keyboard not working?02:36
xissburgmaco: how would I choose it? F8?02:37
macoxissburg: maybe02:37
THEEAnomalyyeah try that02:37
xissburgmaco: f8 only shows my HDD and floppy, not even my partitions are there02:37
xissburgI try HDD and I get grub rescue02:37
macoxissburg: choose the hdd02:37
macoxissburg:  are you sure this is wubi and not a normal dual boot?02:38
macoxissburg: because with wubi the windows bootloader MUST load first02:38
xissburgits is Wubi YES02:38
IdleOnexissburg: the arrow keys should allow you to select windows to boot02:38
xissburg it is Wubi02:38
xissburgI installed it yesterday night02:38
xissburgIdleOne: There's no Windows02:38
xissburgI heard Wubi wouldn't mess up with boot stuff....it did...02:39
Guest79615i saw problem with wubi where Dell revocerery over-wrote part of the boot record every time windows started this bug happens on other boxes too02:39
arjunano one here w/ experience w/ .avi editing or avidemux?02:39
Dr_WillisGuest79615:  seen others with that issue in here also.02:39
macoxissburg: what do you get if you type:  cat /grub/grub.cfg02:39
Dr_Willisarjuna:  thats a broad topic. Clarify the question.02:39
aarcanecan ubuntu be installed on NTFS root side-by-side with a windows install ?02:40
Guest79615Dr_Willis nuking the Dell recovery executables in windows solved it for me02:40
Dr_Willisaarcane:  You need to reparittion, or use 'wubi' (and i dont susggest wubi)02:40
=== jeremy is now known as Guest2556
macoxissburg: wubi documentation notes that it adds an entry to windows' bootloader, so you heard wrong. how else would it let you boot ubuntu?02:40
Guest56563Can someone please help me with setting up sleep mode and spinning down HDD in Ubuntu Server 10.04?02:40
smwaarcane, if that was possible, it would not be a good idea02:40
arjunai am trying to take an .avi with an existing audio track, replace it with an external audio track...think i got it in avidemux....02:41
arjunabut when i try to save it crashes...02:41
Guest79615Guest56563: system/preferences/power management02:41
xissburgmaco: I get unknown command02:41
arjunanot sure if it's pilot error, or if avidemux is buggy...or if there's an app that will do this better..02:41
macoxissburg: type "help"02:42
macoxissburg: does it give you some info about commands?02:42
xissburgunknown command02:42
xissburgits funny02:42
xissburgits like "nothing works"02:42
Dr_Willisarjuna:  you coule proberly do the same task via ffmpeg/mencoder. but what about audio sync issues? is it just music? what if its off by 1/2 a sec?02:42
Guest56563Guest79615: I'm using a CLI on Ubuntu Server02:42
macoxissburg: sounds like your hard disk has corruption issues02:43
xissburgmaco: what? everything was fine02:43
macoxissburg: mm wait is it "grub>" or "grub rescue>" ??02:43
xissburgmaco: I restarted from ubuntu and it crashed now02:43
gino_flannel: ok need your help again if you have time, www-data can now restart the server (sudo shutdown now -r) but can't run (sudo service smbd start), it still asks for the sudo password. Any ideas?02:43
macoxissburg: if the latter, try:  insmod /boot/grub/normal.mod02:43
Jordan_Uxissburg: Do you actually have a floppy drive?02:43
xissburgmaco: grub rescue02:43
arjunai haven't tried those...my understanding that they were cli, and i was just looking to get it done....probably a one time thing..02:43
smwGuest56563, get a real name type /nick <newnick>02:43
=== Guest56563 is now known as j0n00
xissburgJordan_U: no02:44
arjunai don't know about the snycing, but if the mp3 was longer that the length of the video, could that cause the crash, or would it just truncate the longer of the two/02:44
smwj0n00, I do not know for sure, but I believe you can install the backend of the gnome power manager02:44
THEEAnomalyyeah cli is probaly the best!02:45
bazhang!who | THEEAnomaly02:45
ubottuTHEEAnomaly: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:45
j0n00smw: And i can use that through a CLI, and without having to install all the Gnome packages?02:45
=== campbell is now known as cecure
arjunatheeanomaly...that cli shoutout was for me?02:45
macoxissburg: what does that insmod command say?02:45
xissburgmaco: unknown file system02:46
THEEAnomalybazhang: please sotp spammimg me02:46
dr3mroplease i use ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates when ever i install chromium or google chrome and try to login to gmail i get cpu 100% usage and aw snap message .. firefox works great but i like chrome and firefox kinda slow on my machine ... i tried the stable , unstable and beta and chromium from ubuntu and from daily ... tried to resinstall whole system and removed the profile .. all the same it works only from life cd but after install i then i02:46
dr3mronstall it only like i did on live cd but it hangs and gives me aw snap with 100 cpu % ... please help for the record this happens only for the standard view not html .... thnx02:46
Dr_Willisarjuna:  winff can proberly do the task with a nice gui also. Ive never really done much 'editing' just convertings02:46
cecurehas anyone else noticed that youtube requires flash 10?  (thus screwing everyone on amd64)... does anyone have a solution?02:46
bazhangTHEEAnomaly, thats not spam. making random comments is not helpful. prepend the nick of the person you are speaking to.02:47
arjunawinff...that's in the repository/02:47
Aemaethhow would i represent the wid of the screensaver window for the gnome screensaver?02:47
smwj0n00, I have never done this before, but I would look into "upower"02:47
macoxissburg: im still thinking hard disk problem, because "help" should be available in rescue mode, so if its not, that means the grub binary is corrupted02:47
smwj0n00, upower is a dep of gnome-power-manager so I think it is the backend02:47
aarcanej0n00, what are you trying to do with power management ?02:47
THEEAnomalybazhang: is that your opuion?02:47
thune3anyone know a way (including extensions) to change stride of a scrollwheel turn for google chrome?02:48
bazhangTHEEAnomaly, channel guidelines02:48
arjunanever mind, i see that it is..02:48
j0n00aarcane: set up sleep and spinning down the hdd in Ubuntu Server02:48
collabrahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  <-------------- cecure02:48
THEEAnomalybazhang: spam is spam please stop it02:48
Jordan_Ucecure: Flash 10 works with nspluginwrapper, and you can also browse youtube without flash using totem or html5.02:48
xissburgmaco: :(02:48
smwj0n00, sudo apt-cache show upower <-- description of pkg02:48
aarcanej0n00, hdparm for the hard drive spin down, and for sleep, you should use a cronjob and the /proc interface of acpi.02:49
DyNamic_ly-faileAre there any programs that i could use with ubuntu to scan my usb drive to fix/remove virsus'?02:49
macoxissburg: id suggest pulling the drive and backing things up to whatever you're using now02:49
macoxissburg: and running a diagnostic on it02:49
cecureJordan_U: thanks02:49
smwDyNamic_ly-faile, clamav02:49
THEEAnomalycecure: flash 10 needn to be updated02:49
DiamondciteDr_Willis: Firefox can preview, and for most browsers I print to pdf or ps first, saves paper and time =P02:49
bazhangDyNamic_ly-faile, clamav02:49
smw!av | DyNamic_ly-faile02:49
ubottuDyNamic_ly-faile: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus02:49
xissburgmaco: man....where this thing has taken me to...I can't believe it02:49
Jordan_Ucecure: You're welcome.02:49
dexikiixAnyone know if theres a way to make an image as the window background rather than just a color in 'appearances'?02:49
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  oddly enough.. i 'see' the print priview button real fast.. then it vanishes for me in firefox.. Sometimes.. :) Somttimes its there...02:50
xissburgI'm absolutely frustrated, you can't realize it..02:50
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  im not even sure what version of FF i got. :) I may be  using some of the beta ppa's02:50
THEEAnomalyhey stop spamming me02:51
Guest79615xissburg: yep, it sucks, but in future always keep reinstall disk or pendrive handy cause you never know when you'll need them02:51
arjunaDr_Willis:  I installed winff, but I don't see where I can replace the audio track?02:51
macodexikiix: not through the appearances thing, but if you write your own theme...02:51
xissburgGuest79615: after this I'll never install this thing here again...enough02:51
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: clamav is there for linux, and from commandline antivir is a fine tool for it02:51
Simeon_HI haven't got a reply with regards to my purchase at the canonical store, is there somewhere I else I can email? I purchased software over a week ago and still don't have a download link02:51
macoTHEEAnomaly: an op asking you to follow the rules is doing their job, not spamming02:51
iggy_<iggy_> how can i change wlan1 to default02:51
iggy_<iggy_>  Type:              802.11 WiFi02:51
iggy_<iggy_>   Driver:            ndiswrapper02:51
iggy_<iggy_>   State:             unavailable02:51
iggy_<iggy_>   Default:           no02:51
iggy_<iggy_>   HW Address:        1C:AF:F7:F3:1A:F502:51
FloodBot2iggy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
tyler_dso in my nm-applet it shows that I have an "Ethernet" connection not as I have configured as "eth1", I have set a static ip within /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 and eth1(2 separate cards) eth0 works and responds... eth1 says no such process? what did I break?02:51
teageok i know the problem now, system is completely screwed. my repo list no longer exists. I can not find a repo list to add manually. (sources.list)02:52
THEEAnomalyflood me not02:52
dexikiixmaco, i wouldn't mind doing it another way, but i just don't know how. is it easy?02:52
DyNamic_ly-faileAnd will i be able to run clamav from the live cd?02:52
Guest79615xissburg: this sounds like a disk drive problem not a linux problem, just happend to show up when you installed ubuntu02:52
macoteage: system > administration > software sources ... the checkboxes can fill it in02:52
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: apart from that can use onlinescans and point them to that drive as there are special cds just for that purpose02:52
teagemaco. will not open02:52
xissburgGuest79615: I can't agree02:52
Dr_WillisDyNamic_ly-faile:  ive installed and ran clamav from the live cd..02:52
THEEAnomalyhey marco     butt out02:52
DasEi!who | DyNamic_ly-faile02:53
ubottuDyNamic_ly-faile: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:53
macodexikiix: i dont know of any nice tools for making themes. afaik, you have to just type them out :(  you could grab one you like on gnome-look.org that uses an image background, open it up, and replace the image..02:53
bazhangTHEEAnomaly, that is not acceptable stop it02:53
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Guest79615xissburg: then try what i suggested of making bootable usb of ubuntu, reinstalling grub02:53
teagemaco. i tried that. i think i have to do it manually through sources.list and upgrade from there i believe.02:53
macoteage: ok what version of ubuntu?02:53
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teagelucid, maco02:53
Diamondcitexissburg: Does the logs show anything when it slows down?02:53
xissburgGuest79615: I'm downloading it :( takes time . . .02:53
smwDyNamic_ly-faile, you can run clamav from a live cd02:53
Guest79615xissburg: i feel for ya, good luck02:54
xissburgDiamondcite: logs?02:54
DiamondciteOr is something like constant disk access of about 500k/sec for roughly 30 seconds?02:54
iggy_hey guys sorry about the flood http://pastebin.com/N7U6ZR7L i dont know how to enable wlan102:54
iggy_or at least i think this is the problem02:54
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: Could you point me to one of those cd's? I need one that would be able to scan a usb drive.02:54
Diamondcitexissburg: Verifying.. is your problem sudden stalling due to disk access? Or did I remember wrong?02:54
tyler_dso in my nm-applet it shows that I have an "Ethernet" connection not as I have configured as "eth1", I have set a static ip within /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 and eth1(2 separate cards) eth0 works and responds... eth1 says no such process? what did I break?02:54
ProculeHello, Ext4 is getting me very mad about the latency and IO wait. When I have something writing on the filesystem, everything is almost stalled on the system. What would be a better filesystem ? Is XFS a good choice ?02:54
macoteage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/477716/02:54
iggy_could someone take a look at that and see whats wrong with my wireless network02:54
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Jordan_USimeon_H: Did you contact them via http://shop.canonical.com/contact_us.php ?02:54
macoDiamondcite: no, broken bootloader02:55
Guest79615Diamondcite: you got wrong guy xissburg has no boot after wubi install02:55
THEEAnomalyhey whats with the negitive   bazhang02:55
DyNamic_ly-failesmw: Dr_Willis last time i had a live cd i started to copy some files and it said i was running out of space...how much space does the live cd have02:55
xissburgDiamondcite: I think not...mine is a boot problem02:55
teagethank you maco02:55
iggy_i seen my wlan1 is disabled and i would like t o know how to enable it02:55
Diamondcitexissburg: Really sorry wrong person then.02:55
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: http://tinyurl.com/ccf6l402:55
smwiggy_, sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter02:55
xissburgheh ok02:55
smwiggy_, then restart and tell me if it worked02:55
smwiggy_, when it asks you if you want to download the firmware, say yes02:56
jimi_anyone using etherboot? I ddi'd the usb image to a flash key drive, but two systems that have the bios set to boot from usb, booted to the hard drive instead. How can i verify that the dd was successfuol02:56
smwDyNamic_ly-faile, "space" is how much ram you have02:56
iggy_Smw, im trying to get a dlink usb adapter to work and have blocklisted all the broadcom drivers at least i think02:56
arjunaDr_Willis:  looking at the cliffnotes for ffmpeg, it looks like this might be what i'm looking for?02:56
arjunaDr_Willis:  ffmpeg -i son.wav -i video_origine.avi video_finale.mpg02:56
smwiggy_, ah, you did not mention that. I just saw the internal brodcom chip02:57
Diamondcitexissburg: Btw, how are you online right now? Laptop?02:57
iggy_i have a wirless usb adapter that was working this morning i was playing alien arena and it froze i shutdown and when i logged in no wireless02:57
xissburgDiamondcite: another PC02:57
iggy_sorry smw02:57
tyler_dwhy when I do ifconfig is eth1 shown right there.... but nm-applet says its dissabled02:57
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DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile:further questions ? I'd use onlinescans02:57
ActionParsniptyler_d: try wicd instead02:58
smwtyler_d, what about iwconfig?02:59
tyler_dsmw: not wireless02:59
smwtyler_d, ok, sometimes networkmanager disables stuff when you do a hard shutdown after a suspend03:00
smwtyler_d, did that happen?03:00
tyler_dsmw: no, I have configured the static ip's in /etc/network/interfaces, eth0 works properly though not shown in nm-applet, eth1 does not work at all03:01
smwtyler_d, you need to explain as much of this as possible upfront. Or else someone trying to help you will assume you are doing normal things03:02
smwtyler_d, did it ever work03:02
tyler_dsmw: sorry, didn't think I had done anything deemed as "abnormal"03:02
tyler_dsmw: no it has not03:03
smwtyler_d, on ubuntu, any editing of config files is abnormal XD03:03
j0n00aarcane: I followed this guide for HDD spindown in hdparm (http://nabeelc.blogspot.com/2007/01/debian-hdd-spindown-kurobox-central.html) but was unable to runthe command (update-rc.d hdparm start 19 2 . stop 19 0 1 6 .) as it said /etc/init.d/hdparm not found03:03
beaver74__hi, i'm using 10.04 LTS and have to commit some options to the X server. Where can i enter these options for the "Device" section?03:03
tyler_dsmw: :p03:03
smwtyler_d, I am not hearing an argument though ;-)03:04
smwtyler_d, can you pastebin your interfaces file?03:04
ActionParsnipbeaver74__: you can make an xorg.conf and add the section03:04
beaver74__ActionParsnip, hi, and these options can set alone in the xorg.conf?03:05
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MarkSSIs Quad-core worth getting?  I been informed it is a waste over dual-core03:05
ActionParsnipbeaver74__: sure, the rest will be detected by udev03:05
beaver74__ActionParsnip, nice, thanks.03:05
smwtyler_d, how about ifconfig?03:05
ActionParsnipMarkSS: depends on your needs, its also offtopic here03:05
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bazhangMarkSS, offtopic for ubuntu support; please try #ubuntu-offtopic03:06
st__I'm trying to open a partition and getting message box, "KDESUDO please enteryour pasword to use this device", wtf?03:06
DasEiMarkSS: or #hardware03:06
tyler_dsmw: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/cGiHtR7j03:06
tyler_dsmw: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yUMVB7Lc03:07
smwtyler_d, eth1 is the one not working? how do you know it is not working?03:07
tyler_dsmw: by doing ifdown eth003:08
smwtyler_d, do ifconfig up eth1 after ifdown, then try to dig @ google.com03:09
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st__why am i asked a password?03:09
smwtyler_d, also try to ping
b__My usable desktop space extends above my viewable desktop space. I am using a dual monitor setup with the desktop extended to the right. Whenever I paste an item to the desktop it automatically places the item at the top of the desktop (and thus out of view). This is above the top panel. I am willing to reward any help given with lollipops and dubble bubble.03:10
distant2did anyone have a power outage (without ups or battery on laptop) and after boot got a problem with the system?03:10
aarcanej0n00, the hdparm init file must not be installed on ubuntu.  I'm not familiar with it, I add individual hdparm commands to rc.local03:11
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AshWatsonWiesshund, can i pm you ?03:11
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sacarlsonst__: because your user is setup that way with no privlidge to mount that device.  don't you have the password?03:11
smwdistant2, yep, but on archlinux not ubuntu :-\.03:11
synvillais there a rubbish bin in linux where I can get back files?03:11
smwdistant2, I still have not gotten around to fixing it...03:12
st__so why I'wasnt asked in Gnome?03:12
smwsynvilla, did you use rm or a graphical system?03:12
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: I couldn't figure out how to make the avira thing scan the usb drive only attached harddrives03:12
synvillasmw: I don't understand the question03:12
RaydiationMarine_ spams03:12
smwsynvilla, how did you delete them?03:12
synvillaI pressed delete button03:13
Raydiationwhat ppa entry do i have to enter for the mainline kernel?03:13
skunkworksHi - I am having an odd issue with the synaptic package manager and the update manager.  In the synaptic package manager - when I click on the settings -> repositories - nothing happens.  I don't get the repository screen.  (lucid 10.04 64bit)03:13
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: did you mount the hd ?03:13
st__DyNamic_ly-faile, propably commercial version can configure it03:13
smwsynvilla, then the answer is yes, there is a trashbin03:13
Raydiationi kept on downloading the debs manually but i cant install the headers, because it complains about missing dependencies03:13
teage__update manager will not open, can i do this in command?03:13
synvillasmw: cool. where?03:13
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: yeah, i have a usb drive that i want to scan and remove virsus from03:13
smwI believe it is in the lower right of the screen03:13
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: did you mount the usb-hd ?03:13
smwsynvilla, I believe it is in the lower right of the screen03:13
sabineHi, I've just upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04, but now animations are all sluggish and the screen even gets corrupted every now and then - what can I do about that? I'm using a Radeon 920003:14
skunkworksIn the update manager - the same thing happens with the 'settings' button.  nothing opens.03:14
j0n00aarcane: How would I go about doing that?03:14
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: how do you mount the usb-hd03:15
aarcanej0n00, vim /etc/rc.local, I believe, and simply add them to the end of the file.03:15
ActionParsnipsabine: reinstall the driver you are using, probably radeon, not ati03:15
Raydiationplus i installed this kernel http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35-maverick/ on lucid. will this be a problem?03:15
smwtyler_d, are you still here?03:15
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: is there a option for terminal ?03:16
synvillasmw: thanks03:16
teage__solved, apt-get -f install is correcting my system03:16
sabineActionParsnip: well, it's the driver that comes with ubuntu, so radeon03:16
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: well there is an option for command line03:16
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: use it !03:16
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: su03:16
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: ... eh bit beyond my command line fu03:16
sabineActionParsnip: there is no proprietary driver for this card anymore, but the open source one wokrd well with 8.0403:16
j0n00so add this: /dev/hda {03:16
j0n00mult_sect_io = 1603:16
j0n00write_cache = off03:16
j0n00dma = on03:16
j0n00spindown_time = 12003:16
j0n00} ?03:16
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: root now ?03:16
FloodBot2j0n00: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:17
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: i actually just booted the live cd, im going to try clamav real quick03:17
DyNamic_ly-faileDasEi: if that doesn't work, i will try the avira thing again03:17
ActionParsnipsabine: xorg was an older version then. Reinstalling the package may make it nicer. You may need an xorg.conf file to set better settings03:17
aarcanej0n00, no, you just add individual hdparm commands to rc.local, try man hdparm on your system03:17
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: FYi, become root, make  dir, mount usb to it, that can scan it, or (prbly better) :03:18
DasEiDyNamic_ly-faile: use ubuntu live cd for support here, call http://www.f-secure.com/en_EMEA/security/tools/online-scanner/ in ff, follow this instructions03:18
sabineActionParsnip: but it's already the latest version03:19
ActionParsnipsabine: sure, but reinstalling it may change a setting due to postrm03:19
arquebuswhat program is good for transfering files from ubuntu by ssh like winSCP does in windows?03:19
ActionParsnipDasEi: no need to become root, just use sudo03:19
sabineActionParsnip: which packet are you talking about?03:19
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beaver74__Using compiz in Gnome under 10.04, did i only have to add Option "AccelMethod" "EXA" in xorg.conf or are there other options i have to setup?03:20
smwarquebus, is it using scp, ftp, etc?03:20
DasEiActionParsnip: it's a avst virus cd03:20
Flannelarquebus: (practically) any FTP client will do SFTP.  So, pick your favorite one, Filezilla, etc,03:20
distant2smw: what's the problem it caused?03:20
ActionParsnipsabine: xserver-xorg-video-radeon   sounds likely03:20
smwarquebus, the default file browser should work03:20
arquebussmw, I just want to transfer a file to a remote shell account I have....thx Flannel, I'll try that03:20
ActionParsnip!info xserver-xorg-video-radeon03:20
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-radeon (source: xserver-xorg-video-ati): X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Radeon display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.13.0-1ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 616 kB, installed size 1476 kB03:20
ActionParsnipyep, that03:21
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beaver74__sry, i am using a i915 gpu.03:21
smwarquebus, I would just use the default file manager.03:21
arquebussmw, how do I access the default file manager?03:22
smwdistant2, it corrupted the filesystem on one of my harddrives03:22
distant2i'm asking because i frequently have power outages running windows without the slightest problem. so was wondering if ubuntu gonna fail me because of this. i normally get a power outage each month or so.03:22
smwarquebus, just go to places -> home or something03:22
castdistant2: get a UPS.03:22
distant2smw: which filesys was that?03:22
distant2cast: well no i don't want to!03:22
smwdistant2, ext303:22
castdistant2: then either OS may fail you.03:22
distant2smw: are you using ubuntu and saying that it doesn't do that?03:23
sacarlsonarquebus:  try places>connect to server>ssh03:23
smwcast, great suggestion. do you have the answer to time travel?03:23
distant2cast: windows xp does not fail me at all!03:23
smwdistant2, does not do what?03:23
castsmw: yes. do nothing. you will naturally travel in time.03:23
sabineActionParsnip: did that, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/562138 seems more related03:23
smwcast, I mean travel in the other direction :-P03:24
distant2smw: does not cause any system/file issue when booting after power outage?03:24
Flanneldistant2: Ubuntu shouldn't either.  However, a small UPS would be a good idea03:24
Aemaethhow would i represent the wid of the screensaver window for the gnome screensaver?03:24
Flanneldistant2: It'll have an unclean shutdown and want to fsck after you boot it03:24
smwdistant2, I am saying the opposite. It has happened to me03:24
ActionParsnipsabine: indeed, i'd still try an xorg.conf file03:25
smwdistant2, it was archlinux and not ubuntu, but it has happened to me03:25
distant2smw: no, you say it happened in archlinux03:26
zerothisStubborn cable modem only connects to pc if modem is fully ready b4 booting pc (all platforms). Can I use linux to tell it I just rebooted without actually rebooting?03:26
smwdistant2, same thing03:26
distant2smw: well, i'm asking about ubuntu, but anyway.03:26
sacarlsondistant2: that's what UPS power supply is for to prevent power from failing.03:26
sabineActionParsnip: what would I write there?03:26
Aemaethi'm using mplayer as a screensaver and it doesn't quit when the screensaver stops, any help?03:26
distant2sacarlson: i don't have money for that addition. win xp does a nice job all alone.03:26
smwsacarlson, but that does not help after the fact. Invent time travel and your advise will be helpful :-P03:27
j0n00aarcane: So would I want to add the command -acdgkmurS12 (the defaults plus S12 for standby in one minute)03:27
sacarlsondistant2: I have outages every week so don't feel bad,  and I've had at least 10 bad power down as of late no failures03:27
ActionParsnipsabine: hunt around for sample files, you can then try them or parts of them to see what flys03:27
sabineit looks like this and worse, it's barely usable :( http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/5052/bildschirmfotosabinesab.png03:28
Maseroh fuck03:28
ActionParsnipsacarlson: i'd buy a UPS03:28
ActionParsnip!ohmy | Maser03:28
ubottuMaser: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:28
distant2sacarlson: what do you mean? can you complte what you just said by whether that applies to you having the ups or without?03:28
aarcanej0n00, try just changing what you need to change.03:28
arjunaDr_Willis:  Brilliant!...that ffmpeg command worked perfectly....can't thank you enough03:28
sacarlsonsmw: no all we can hope to to prevent more failures in the future.  the ext3 and ext4 seem to make bad power down more talerable03:29
j0n00aarcane: so just add hdparm -S12 ?03:29
AndChat-Dist2: hard drives will die with repeated power fails(any OS). UPS is best. Used linux 4 17 years in bad power area never lost a drive. Windows killed 2403:29
smwsacarlson, or we could also fsck the disk so we don't learn the really hard way03:29
aarcanej0n00, more is in vain when less will do :)03:29
jmreichadoes anybody have experience using nagios?03:30
skunkworksHi - I am having an odd issue with the synaptic package manager and the update manager.  In the synaptic package manager - when I click on the settings -> repositories - nothing happens.  I don't get the repository screen.  (lucid 10.04 64bit)03:30
sacarlsondistant2: I have my main server on ups but have 4 other systems for clients that are not like you I can't aford that many but clients don't loose much if they keep data on the server03:30
smw!ask | jmburgess03:30
ubottujmburgess: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:30
smw!ask | jmreicha03:30
ubottujmreicha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:30
j0n00aarcane: the man page said that the defaults were only set when no commands were given.03:30
thirtysixthspanIs there any ay to change the resolution of TTYs? or at least control the font size?03:31
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ActionParsnipthirtysixthspan: you can use the framebuffer driver and get smaller text03:32
distant2sacarlson: i think your replies aren't clear. what do you mean by not losing much, does anything happen to the system? does something go corrupt/ crazy...03:32
smwthirtysixthspan, kernel cheat codes can do it. add vga=nnn where nnn is the code for the resolution you want03:32
sacarlsonthirtysixthspan: yes03:32
thirtysixthspanthanks. is there a way to so it from the terming... maybe setterm?03:33
ActionParsnipthirtysixthspan: follow this: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/  until the embedded video03:33
sacarlsondistant2: sometimes the supperblock corupts but normaly it can be fixed with fsck03:33
HermanDEAnybody with stories about running Sendmail with Exim?03:33
aarcanej0n00, only what you tell it to change is changed, nothing else is.03:33
Marine_I'm back from the game!03:33
distant2sacarlson: so fsck is a tool that i could run right after the outage and it'll be like nothing happened?03:34
sacarlsondistant2: not loosing much mean not very often statisticaly they can fail 10 or more time maybe 1 of those will cause a problem03:34
AndChat-My cable modem requires being fully ready b4 booting my PC (any OS). Can I fool it in linux into thinking I rebooted?03:35
smwtyler_d, are you still here?03:35
sacarlsondistant2: it depends on what the system was doing when the power fails.  it's all luck03:35
distant2sacarlson: and you're saying that in that 1/10 case running fsck solves it?03:35
tyler_dsmw: I am.... restarted03:35
tyler_dsmw: came back with no response, how do I restart wicd?03:35
ssww_FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition begins after end-of-disk03:35
sabineadding radeon.modeset=0 in grub seems to have helped - hopw do I set this permanent?03:36
j0n00aarcane: that seems to contradict the man page "When no flags are given, -acdgkmur is assumed" doesnt this mean that if a flag is given, these defaults will not be assumed, and therefore I should give them?03:36
sacarlsondistant2: I don't remember a time when it didn't but I'm old loosing brain cells03:36
ssww_what the metter ?03:36
smwtyler_d, sudo /etc/init.d/wicd restart03:36
aarcanej0n00, do a test and find outl.03:36
distant2sacarlson: yes, depends on what you're doing, but normally on outages for me i'm just manipulating software/files.03:36
tyler_dsmw: why does it only show 1 network card?03:36
smwtyler_d, actually, I think "restart wicd" would also work03:36
smwtyler_d, no idea03:37
distant2sacarlson: does this fsck take a lot of time, or is it just a one minute check?03:37
sacarlsondistant2: I'm saying 10 power downs with like no failure the 11th maybe will fail.  it's luck03:37
tyler_dsmw: its installed as a service.... so restart wicd, service wicd restart, or /etc/init.d/wicd restart all work03:38
tyler_dsmw: ;)03:38
sacarlsondistant2: if it's the first block it takes like 2 min  if that one is bad I would have to google to find another number03:38
distant2ok, just because on win like this tool can take more than an hour03:38
sacarlsondistant2: and fsck will just find out if it is bad there is another tool that fsck will tell you about to use to fix it03:38
smwtyler_d, sorry, I have been using ubuntu too long03:39
smwtyler_d, before all of this upstart stuff :-P03:39
sacarlsondistant2: the most dangers time for a power fail is if your apt-get install or remove at the time.  then you could have really hard time to fix03:39
distant2sacarlson: in this regard (preventing a problem) which fs is better suited, the ext3 or 4?03:39
tyler_dsmw: :) all good, I'm pretty well versed, but some things are still beyond me... like this03:40
North_Italian69Is it possible to rename the user folder "Desktop" in "desktop" w/o make problem to the system?03:40
distant2sacarlson: it's when installing/removing software i suppose. yeah that won't happen i'd use that in very few times.03:40
sacarlsondistant2: I'm not sure,  I don't have much time with ext4  I'm not an expert on that03:40
j0n00aarcane: Ok, so I added "hdparm -acdgkmurS12 sda1" to rc.local, how can I check that it's working?03:40
sacarlsondistant2: but I have faith in the developers they must be making it better so biger is normaly better03:41
distant2sacarlson: yeah ^^03:41
sabineHow do I add a kernel parameter to grub2?03:41
aarcanej0n00, run it manually, and then check the output of hdparm with varying options03:42
smwsabine, edit /etc/grub/grub.cfg03:42
DiamondciteNorth_Italian69: Will a symlink work instead?03:42
bazhangsmw, you never edit that directly03:42
sacarlsonsabine:  check out the package statup-manager  it's a gui to setup grub and grub203:42
ActionParsnipNorth_Italian69: you could make a symlink03:42
distant2sacarlson: in windows, hdd properties, there is an option that allows to activate 'cache writing' saying that it improves drive performance. drawback: a warning says that an outage can lose or damage data.03:42
headkase314sabine, hold shift while booting to get a grub-menu then highlight the entry you are interested in and press "e"  for a one-time use.  See smw for permanent03:42
sabinesmw: there is no such file03:42
linogewhich are the default groups in a new ubuntu 10.4 inst?03:43
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ActionParsnipNorth_Italian69: ln -s ~/Desktop ~/desktop03:43
bazhang!grub2 | smw please have a read03:43
ubottusmw please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:43
distant2sacarlson: i'm wondering if this cache-writing is enabled by default in ext fs, and if so then if disabling it somehow would result in more problem free outages.03:43
sacarlsondistant2: well as you said your power is unstable so I guess don't do that or maybe you can make it smaller03:43
smwsabine, oops /boot/grub...03:43
smwbazhang, I know most of what is in there :-P03:43
distant2sacarlson: 'make it smaller'?03:44
distant2sacarlson: what?03:44
linogePAPI: /msg ubottu groups03:44
North_Italian69ActionParsnip: yes, i seems more rasonable than make change so heavy03:44
smwsabine, oops /boot/grub/grub.cfg I think03:44
North_Italian69*it seems03:44
sacarlsondistant2: the cache make it smaller,  I don't know never played with it. google it03:44
tyler_dsmw: now wicd only shows the 22. network(eth0) but not the 1. network(eth1) however ifconfig shows that eth1 has an ip and is up03:44
ActionParsnipNorth_Italian69: indeed, the link will work. you will just see 2 folders for desktop in $HOME03:44
North_Italian69ActionParsnip: thank you for the suggestion03:44
j0n00aarcane: The hdparm command worked, but is it possible to check that its being run through rc.local correctly?03:44
Jordan_Usmw: Knowing what is in there doesn't change the fact that your modifications will be overwritten by the next "update-grub"03:45
smwJordan_U, true03:45
=== wildbat_laptop is now known as wildbat
sacarlsonsmw: sabine: I don't think your suposed to modify that it grub2 /etc/grub/grub.cfg   it's overwriten each time you update grub03:46
sabinesmw: such a file does not exist03:46
sacarlsonsabine: maybe you have grub legacy installed then that file wouldn't be there03:46
shivI lost the windows menyu from grub. This is my HDD How do i recreate it :(03:47
shiv Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:47
shiv/dev/sda1   *           1        5163    41471766    7  HPFS/NTFS03:47
shiv/dev/sda2            5164       14778    77232487+   b  W95 FAT3203:47
shiv/dev/sda3           14779       18706    31551330   83  Linux03:47
shiv/dev/sda4           18706       19458     6034433    5  Extended03:47
FloodBot2shiv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
sabinesacarlson: so dist upgrade wouldn't automatically update grub?03:47
aarcanej0n00, reboot and see if the changes are in effect.03:47
j0n00aarcane: how would I check that though?03:47
zuswhen using imageshack can you still load images anonymously  even if you log into an account? or  simply uploading a pic w/o an account does i anon? is there way to  trakc and manage pics  uploaded when not logged in ?03:48
sacarlsonsabine: if you now have grub legacy installed you can apt-get install grub203:48
headkase314sabine, Everything you ever wanted to know about Grub2 -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:48
aarcanej0n00, same way you checked that they were working just now03:48
=== Sam_Fisher is now known as Guest75967
Guest75967Howdy Ya'll!03:48
Jordan_Usabine: No, if you upgraded from 9.04 or earlier you won't be automatically upgraded to grub2.03:48
j0n00aarcane: the only thing I checked was whether the comand ran correctly03:49
iggy_do you guys know how i can activate wlan103:49
XpistosI uninstalled something and it says there are automatically installed and not longer required, Can I delete without hosing my system?03:49
sacarlsonsabine: I just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 but it still kept me in grub legacy,  I think due that I have other multi boot systems on that disk03:49
ActionParsnipzus: you can upload anonymously but an account may have benefits. You can use photobucket too which needs an account and is dead handy, or you can use dropbox and give dropbox links :)03:49
=== RichardG is now known as RichardG[away]
aarcanej0n00, oh.  so walk away for 5 minutes and see if the disk spins down ?03:50
sabineah, that's great, grub2 seems like a hell to configure03:50
ActionParsnip!away > RichardG[away]03:50
ubottuRichardG[away], please see my private message03:50
ActionParsnip!ot | Meeeee03:50
ubottuMeeeee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:50
j0n00aarcane: heh ok, i'll give that a go03:50
sacarlsonsabine: I gave you the solution with the gui to set it up apt-get install startup-manager03:51
PAPIcan anybody help me_03:51
zusActionParsnip,  thank you i never used it before  and i noticed a widget for dranging and droping images to image shack.03:51
Meeeeehi can i install xubuntu 9.10 on xbox then install boxee03:51
sacarlsonsabine: or maybe it can't boot?03:51
ziroday!ask | PAPI03:51
ubottuPAPI: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:51
PAPIi cant acces a hard drive03:52
aarcanej0n00, what you SHOULD do is do what I told you, and that's to read the man pages to get the commands to read the current settings from the drive and compare them to expected results.03:52
zusActionParsnip,  i do have a dropbox,  photobucktet i havent used that since myspace became popular :)03:52
ActionParsnipzus: both are good holders of images03:52
zusthanks again03:53
Meeeeeanyone have any idea?03:53
zusActionParsnip,  actually   withou signing into either one can one still manages and or track  images?03:54
headkase314zus, ActionParsnip, Tweetphoto is another one: you can sign in using Twitter, Facebook, etc -> http://tweetphoto.com/03:54
Guest75967Meeeee, Xbox or Xbox 360?03:54
Meeeeeorig xbox03:54
ActionParsnipMeeeee: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page03:55
Aemaethwhats a good program to play flash outside of a web browser? other than gnash?03:55
distant2sacarlson: seems that "It turns out that ext4 is worse. The cache writing delay with ext3 is seconds, but with ext4 it may be minutes." i think this is what causes damage to files/system, that delay that encounters the power outage.03:55
zusheadkase314,   ya helpped me  with the font  problem  before yeah ?03:55
headkase314zus, I offered what I could!  Did you get it resolved?03:55
ActionParsnipheadkase314: not bad, i use dropbox, it's spiffy03:55
ActionParsnipAemaeth: minitube03:55
zusheadkase314,  moving it  fixed it. thank you. some one else  aided in the matter as well.03:56
sacarlsondistant2: could be,  can it be changed some how?  maybe a /proc value03:56
zusthanks to them as well03:56
headkase314zus, awesome - I'm always happy when something gets fixed! ;)03:56
Meeeeeok checking it out but my main question is will boxee run?03:57
evilaimI'm doing this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/dreamscene-for-ubuntu-ta-very-much.html . I run the script and I get this: http://pastebin.com/mGuPD5z403:57
evilaimDoes anyone have any ideas on what I can do to take care of this issue?03:57
sacarlsonheadkase314: I'm 0 for 4 tried to fix 4 things none fixed for you guys so far.03:57
AemaethActionParsnip, that will work with swf?03:58
distant2does fsck do this: checking the journal and adjusting stuff.03:59
Guest75967ActionParsnip, What steps do you follow to repair Grub in dual boot from one hard drive?03:59
ActionParsnipAemaeth: should do http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/minitube-10-released.html03:59
headkase314sacarlson, I'm crippled - I'm on a Windows machine right now so I can't confirm package names with apt-cache, can't flip through the menus to say exactly where something is..  But hey!  I still have Google darn it! ;)03:59
ActionParsnipGuest75967: I've never dual booted03:59
ActionParsnip!grub2 | Guest7596703:59
ubottuGuest75967: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:59
sacarlsondistant2: testing yest adjusting I don't think so03:59
ActionParsnipAemaeth: i believe mplayer or vlc can play swf, not sure04:00
sacarlsonheadkase314: you can install virtualbox on your windows and test it from there04:00
PAPIHello my mounted hard drive appears with and X in the media folder04:00
headkase314sacarlson, I'm at "work" ;)04:00
Aemaethk, thanks for that anyway04:00
sacarlsonheadkase314: so aren't you the boss?04:00
ActionParsnipPAPI: its mounted with only root able to read it04:00
AndChat-Fixed, thanks y'all04:01
distant2sacarlson: so is adjusting file/data according to journal something that needs to be done manually and by commandlines?04:01
sacarlsonheadkase314: get your employee to install it for you04:01
distant2sacarlson: (after crash)04:01
headkase314sacarlson, Nope just got plenty of downtime - seeing who I can help here.  Back to that! ;)04:01
PAPIiḿ using the live cd session because it was the only way it worked las time04:01
Guest75967ActionParsnip, yes Grub204:01
sacarlsondistant2: yes long ago I did some changes to my disk stuf and it was a command line thing04:02
ActionParsnipPAPI: then run: gksudo nautilus    it will be ok then04:02
ActionParsnipGuest75967: the factoid tells you how to fix stuff04:02
sacarlsonheadkase314: ok maybe I should just setup an account on my system you can vnc or ssh into to see04:03
AemaethActionParsnip, minitube was just throwing phonon errors04:03
sacarlsonheadkase314: well they can always use the help04:03
headkase314sacarlson, no thanks but thank you, aren't you worried I'd to a sudo rm -rf / ? :p ;)04:04
Guest75967ActionParsnip, factoid?04:04
ActionParsnipAemaeth: http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/05/23/how-to-watch-youtube-videos-in-the-ubuntu-media-player/04:04
Aemaethah, i have .904:04
iggy_how do you activate your usb card04:04
bazhangGuest75967, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:05
AemaethActionParsnip, well, i needed the swf file to play as the screensaver04:05
Aemaethbut now i've taken care of that04:05
sacarlsondistant2: didn't you already run fsck?  it should have told you how to fix it if it can04:05
bazhangGuest75967, have a read of that linked above04:05
iggy_ActionParsnip,  do you guys know how i can activate wlan104:05
iggy_that the problem im facing04:05
Guest75967bazhang, thanks!04:05
sacarlsondistant2: you need details on how to run fsck?  you will need a live boot cd04:05
bazhangGuest75967, welcome04:05
distant2sacarlson: yeah i know, trying to DL that.04:06
Aemaethiggy_,  ifconfig wlan1 up04:06
NiglopI am trying to change my PS1 but when do a find in the .bashrc script I see ps1 like 5 times?04:06
distant2my connection fails.04:06
headkase314distant2, the drive you are running fsck on cannot be mounted while you run fsck, I'm pretty sure of that - maybe someone here can confirm that?04:06
sacarlsonheadkase314: no I wouldn't give you that priv but I guess I could setup another virtualbox in your account you could kill yourself04:06
headkase314sacarlson, ;) I wouldn't! :)04:07
evilaimI'm doing this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/dreamscene-for-ubuntu-ta-very-much.html . I run the script and I get this: http://pastebin.com/mGuPD5z404:07
evilaimAny idears04:07
sacarlsonheadkase314: I had a breakin on my website and they couldn't do much,  they could only change the index.html file04:08
nimbioticsHello everyone. Since updating to 10.04 I havent been able to play spades (a java based game) anymore. Can anyone explain me what might be wrong here? TIA!04:08
bazhangnimbiotics, got a link?04:08
sacarlsonheadkase314:  but cool to see what they could do. watch out for those rusians04:08
Guest75967nimbiotics, you mean the game is missing or it won't run?04:08
dexikiixMaco you still here?04:09
sacarlsonnimbiotics: I'm guessing you don't have java installed04:09
nimbioticsGuest75967: I can open the table but nothing woudl show up04:09
macodexikiix: yes04:09
brandoneygreetings,  I am getting error message when extracting archive with file-roller.  "An error occurred while extracting files."04:09
nimbioticssacarlson: i do04:09
sacarlsonnimbiotics: or maybe you don't have java enabled in your browser04:09
brandoneyThen ** (file-roller:1950): WARNING **: Could not get filesystem free space on volume that contains /root/.cache: Error getting filesystem info: No such file or directory04:09
dr3mrousing ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates .. whever i use any webkit based browser i get high cp usage and it crashes if i tired to login to gmail.com ... but all html sites ok even the html mode of gmail04:09
dexikiixmaco, sorry, i wandered off to the store for ice cream earlier, did you mention a link or anything on the window background image thing i mentioned?04:09
nimbioticssacarlson: or so i guess as ive got oo working04:10
distant2headkase314: is what you're saying true? if so then how to run it?04:10
macodexikiix: no. i just suggested deconstructing an existing theme from gnome-look.org and replacing the image in it04:10
nimbioticsbazhang> http://games.yahoo.com/sp04:10
=== e is now known as Guest15311
dexikiixooh thatd work, cool thank you maco04:10
dexikiixdo you happen to know if my emerald title bar will still run or will that over-write it?04:10
=== TannerF is now known as herp
j0n00aarcane: I checked, and the setting wasnt in place after a restart. Do I need to add the sudo command to the line in rc.local?04:11
sacarlsonnimbiotics: I would make sure you install this and see if this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:11
sacarlsonnimbiotics: it could be a flash game this also installs flash04:11
macoGuest75967: 日本語? 中国語?04:11
headkase314distant2, googling tells me that running fsck on a mounted file-system is a bad(tm) idea04:12
macooh wait that one /part'd already04:12
macoGuest75967: sorry, wrong "Guest"04:12
nimbioticssacarlson: thsanks again, will try and let you know04:12
bazhangmaco, chinese04:12
ActionParsnipdexikiix: add a startup entry to run: emerald --replace04:12
sacarlsonheadkase314: distant2: yes you should do that from a live boot cd as I stated04:12
dexikiixActionParsnip, got that already, just making sure it won't be overwritten.04:13
macobazhang: how can you tell? it was so short...couldve been 2 words of either04:13
headkase314distant2, so basically you should boot your live-cd and from a terminal there run fsck on the un-mounted hard drive - "man fsck" should tell you how to specify the drive04:13
bazhangmaco, shenme04:13
macobazhang: ok i guess the answer is "you can read it" .. but there are words that are the same in both, like 電話04:13
nimbioticssacarlson: its already installed...04:13
bazhangsimplified for 'what'04:13
macobazhang: ahh04:13
North_Italian69ActionParsnip: I made "ln -s ~/Desktop ~/desktop" but when i type the path bash says: bash: /home/a/desktop: No such file or directory04:14
sacarlsonnimbiotics: what's the website?04:14
bazhangmaco, japanese use traditional not simplified (kanji)04:14
iggy_Aemaeth, it activates i still dont see the networks in the taskbar but i know its enabled i restart and its disabled04:14
macobazhang: ehhh its a mixed bag04:14
headkase314sacarlson, distant2, Now you know the volume should not be mounted - even on a live-cd an innocent mistake could be to mount the volume.04:14
macobazhang: for example, japanese uses 学 and that's simplified04:14
Lizzard88Q: Ive installed Ubuntu on one HDD and windows on a seperate HDD. When i boot my computer, it automatically boots to windows, unless i take out the HDD with windows, then it boots Ubuntu04:14
nimbioticsgames.yahoo.com/sp, you;d need an account though04:14
bazhangnimbiotics, sorry no yahoo account cant test04:14
ActionParsnipNorth_Italian69: is your username a?04:14
ActionParsnipNorth_Italian69: you can check with: echo $USER04:14
dr3mrousing ubuntu 10.04 fresh install with all updates .. whever i use any webkit based browser i get high cp usage and it crashes if i tired to login to gmail.com ... but all html sites ok even the html mode of gmail04:14
North_Italian69ActionParsnip: yes04:14
Lizzard88Q: How am i able to choose when i start my computer?04:15
Aemaethiggy_, why wouldn't the network manager be helping you?04:15
ActionParsnipNorth_Italian69: ok then run: cd ~; ls     is the link there?04:15
macoLizzard88: need to have grub on the main hard drive04:15
headkase314Lizzard88, holding shift while booting will get you a grub-menu so you can choose what to boot.  Is that what you mean?04:15
Lizzard88Ill try it out04:16
Lizzard88maco: how do i define the main drive?04:16
macoLizzard88: the first one according to the bios04:16
iggy_Aemaeth,  its a usb wireless adapter a dlink dwa 130 and i use ndsiwrapper but i was playing alien arena it froze i restarted and now it dosent work i dont know whats going on04:16
sacarlsonnimbiotics: it seems to lock up my browser ff04:16
Lizzard88maco: I will check it out, thanks04:17
nimbioticssacarlson: at which point?04:17
sacarlsonnimbiotics: at the first page04:17
Lizzard88maco: is there a way to create a partition to store data, without an operating system on it, so it can be accessed on either windows or ubuntu?04:17
distant2sacarlson: mounting means 'booting'? approximately?04:18
sacarlsonnimbiotics: first I was redirected to login then the frist page just locked couldn't do anything.  maybe try another browser04:18
_chunIs it possible to run the ubuntu installer from inside a current ubuntu install? To save me booting from the live disc?04:18
sacarlsonnimbiotics: try chrome04:18
Lizzard88say i downloaded something on ubuntu, and wanted to run it on windows04:18
nimbioticssacarlson: same04:18
Texasboy2584hello everyone, I hate to come one here just asking questions my first time. but i cant seem to get WoW to install right, the updater keeps telling my ints behind a firewall but firestarter and router are setup like the Ubuntu site says04:18
_chunLizzaed88: Yep, have to be ntfs or fat32 though04:18
Texasboy2584me its*04:18
sacarlsonnimbiotics: I've had problems like this sometime in you.tube.com and I run chrome and it works.  not sure what the sites have that do it04:18
distant2sacarlson: nvm04:18
distant2sacarlson: that's it, make it accessible04:19
_chunLizzard88*: Yep, have to be ntfs or fat32 though04:19
headkase314Lizzard88, an external USB hard-drive formatted with the Windows NTFS file-system is ideal for sharing between operating systems.  Whatever it is - USB HD or not - it needs to be a Windows format as Linux will read Windows but Windows will not read Linux.04:19
sacarlsonnimbiotics: I think it's a flash thing04:19
mikelissAnybody ever use screen to run remote commands over ssh, and then disconnect from screen, leaving the remote command running?04:19
macomikeliss: yep04:19
chrysanthemum@mikeliss yup04:19
macomikeliss: are you wondering how to dettach from screen?04:19
mikelissmaco: I am indeed.04:20
dexikiixmaco, im not sure what i'm looking for on gnome-look.org *newbbb*04:20
chrysanthemumCntrl a + d?04:20
sacarlsondistant2: no mounting is not booting you can do the command mount and see what is mounted04:20
nimbioticssacarlson: i cant remember why now, but at some point i had the same theory ... notinhg ive tried has worked though04:20
macodexikiix: gtk theme04:20
sacarlsonnimbiotics: chrome?  you try that?04:20
macodexikiix: look for one that already has an image as the window background04:20
mikelisschrysanthemum: in other words, login with ssh, start screen, run the command I want, then press Cntrl + a, then the letter D?04:20
dexikiix2.x probably, maco?04:21
mikelisschrysanthemum: Then, I can log out of SSH and everything?04:21
macodexikiix: yes04:21
sacarlsonnimbiotics: I've never had the problem with chrome  it's anther browser04:21
nimbioticssacarlson: behaving is even worse w/chrome; it wont even open the table window, but it shows as Im in :/04:21
chrysanthemumMikeless: yes, haven't done it in a while... But that's how I recall it04:21
* Lando-SpacePimp pokes emma.04:22
* emma waves04:22
mikelisschrysanthemum: do you happen to know how to reattach, should I need to?04:22
chrysanthemumI believe you can run screen -r04:22
Flannelmikeliss: screen -r04:23
* Anastasius waves diagonally.04:23
nimbioticssacarlson: and the same is going on on 2 different computers04:23
newbie23is there any ubuntu equivalent for orb?04:23
chrysanthemumMikeliss, look at the man page ( "man screen") it's all explained there :)04:24
sacarlsonnimbiotics: I guess even if you use a diff browser you still use the same flash.  I can't get far enuf into the site to see the source page to even know what it could be04:24
mikelisschrysanthemum, Flannel, Friggin lovely.04:24
newbie23I want to be able to stream media from my PC to other machines04:24
dexikiixmaco, My best guess would be to replace /others/panel/bg.png - is it standard or trial and error?04:24
brandoneyanyone know how to tell why archive won't extract?04:24
unr3a1brandoney, I am sure there is a log somewhere04:25
sacarlsonnimbiotics: you can try a later version of ff I have a self compiled one I haven't tried on your site yet and you could also see if adobe has a newer flash you can install04:25
brandoneyYeah, that is what I was looking for, but can't find it.04:25
newbie23I tried VLC and it does not stream that way04:25
PAPIHello again iḿ trying to acces a hard drive using nautilus, can anybody teach me how_04:25
chrysanthemumDoes anyone know if it would be possible to change the icon for google desktop? It put a little thing in the top right, and it looks really ugly. Can I create04:26
brandoneyI get error in terminal from file-roller but it makes not sense to me.04:26
PAPIbecause i want to copy a folder from one hard drive to another04:26
chrysanthemum...My own icon and use it?04:26
brandoney** (file-roller:1950): WARNING **: Could not get filesystem free space on volume that contains /root/.cache: Error getting filesystem info: No such file or directory04:26
brandoneyI'm extracting to /home04:27
nimbioticssacarlson: i'll adobe, thanks!04:27
brandoney/home/brandon actually04:27
sacarlsonpapi: you should be able to places> hardrive_you_want_to_mount04:27
well_laid_lawnbrandoney: what user are you working as/04:27
brandoneybrandon  then tried sudo04:27
mikelisschrysanthemum: naturally, but you know asking saves a half hour RTFMing.04:28
* Lando-SpacePimp pokes emma.04:28
chrysanthemumVery true04:28
newbie23can anyone with an ubuntu based media server help me out?04:28
PAPIsacarlson i can acces the source hard drive04:28
abhijitnewbie23, what you want to do?04:28
PAPIsacarlson i canńt  acces the source hard drive04:29
newbie23abhijit, stream my media library from it04:29
sacarlsonpapi: make sure your user has mount privliages do you have admin priv?04:29
abhijitnewbie23, from '...........'????04:29
=== herp is now known as TannerF
newbie23abhijit, from my media pc04:29
newbie23basically like orb04:29
newbie23on windows04:29
PAPIsacarlson i have the live cd session becaus04:30
newbie23or slingbox04:30
newbie23so that I can watch it on my other PCs, phone and so on04:30
PAPIsacarlson because it was the only way it worked last time04:30
unr3a1brandoney, you could try to untar it in terminal with verbose:  -v04:31
sacarlsonpapi: well live cd will not have persistance each time you boot you will have to fix it again.04:31
abhijitnewbie23, http://swik.net/Ubuntu+streaming04:31
sacarlsonpapi they showed you before you should have wrote it down04:31
brandoneyI was just looking at man.  would that be tar -xvf file.name ?04:31
newbie23abhijit, thats for iphone only AFAICT... I use android04:31
abhijitnewbie23, http://n00tz.net/2008/07/vlc-media-server-ubuntu-hardy/04:31
well_laid_lawnbrandoney: yep04:32
PAPInow i use gksudo nautilus and iḿ able now to copy04:32
abhijitnewbie23, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/streaming-media-server-in-ubuntu-gnulinux-using-gnump3d.html04:32
brandoneycool, thanks.04:32
unr3a1brandoney, yes it would04:32
sacarlsonpapi: ok problem solved04:32
macodexikiix: no thatll change your panel bg04:32
macodexikiix: you need to find a pixmap-based theme that has an image for the window background already (not all of them do)04:32
brandoneyoh snap.  It is putting files back to absolute paths instead of in current directory.04:33
dexikiixmaco, yeah it looked like that one did, but maybe not... is that what its called "window-bg" maybe? i was just assuming.04:33
newbie23abhijit, yeah, i tried that, but VLC does not adapt to bitrate automatically, this is bad on 3g and wifi04:33
brandoneyIt was backup of a home folder04:33
macodexikiix: yes window-bg sound right04:33
abhijitnewbie23, have you look at flumotion?04:34
HULKhii everybody04:34
well_laid_lawnbrandoney: ctrl+c to kill it04:34
=== HULK is now known as G1Bs0n
dexikiixmaco, also one other thing, is gtk 2 pre-loaded on 10.04?04:34
brandoney:(  too late, what is the undo command?04:34
macodexikiix: thats what all of gnome is written in04:34
dexikiixmaco, see im a newb :p04:34
newbie23abhijit, no I will look now, thanks04:34
unr3a1well_laid_lawn, if it keeps crashing, why would he want to stop it?04:35
abhijitnewbie23, http://www.flumotion.net/04:35
macodexikiix: nah, toolkits aer something only programmers care about04:35
G1Bs0nwho wants to hear a story04:35
well_laid_lawnunr3a1: it was restoring a backupped home folder he said04:35
brandoneyI guess I know why it was failing.04:35
ActionParsnipG1Bs0n: only if its about ubuntu support and is a question04:35
G1Bs0nIs this free node04:35
newbie23abhijit, thats for companies that need webcasts... this is just one user04:36
babu__can anybody tell how to send sms from my lap usin gammu...i don't understand man pages04:36
abhijitwhat is the full form of guadec? and what it is about?04:36
abhijitnewbie23, :(04:36
G1Bs0nno this is about espionage04:36
G1Bs0nand death threats04:36
IdleOne!ot | G1Bs0n04:36
ubottuG1Bs0n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:36
G1Bs0nbetter channnel ?04:36
abhijitnewbie23, search your ubuntu software center for 'streaming'04:37
ActionParsnipG1Bs0n: yes this is #ubuntu which is a channel on freenode04:37
sacarlsonbabu__:  what is gammu?  you can send sms with ruby with skype04:37
mikelissFlannel: <Continuing picking your brain> What happens to a running command if screen is killed accidentally?04:37
dexikiixmaco, is there an easy way to tell if it has an image as a background? some of them, just because it's not a solid color, seems like it is an image, but turns out its not, so it looks at least04:37
unr3a1well_laid_lawn, ah, alright.04:37
ActionParsnipG1Bs0n: #ubuntu-offtopic04:37
Flannelmikeliss: It dies04:37
noobuntui'm currently using ASUS PKLAM-EPU mobo, if changed it to ASUS Maximus III Formula will ubuntu Lucid boots without problem or should I just do a fresh install?04:37
macodexikiix: not that i know04:37
mikelissFlannel: Curses!04:37
abhijitsacarlson, gammu is great mobile handling tool.04:37
newbie23abhijit, I did, thats how I found VLC and mencoder, but they dont do what I want04:37
G1Bs0nrubicon skype channel keys where ?04:37
abhijitnewbie23, and thas how i found flumotion and gmlive and internet dj console etc04:37
brandoneyThe fun part now is figuring out what is going to f*kup now that I copied a bunch of old hidden files to my home folder.04:37
mikelissFlannel: But I can log out of SSH and everything, yes?04:38
abhijitbabu__, gammu have mailing lists which can you very useful for you.04:38
mikelissFlannel: Assuming screen has been detached?04:38
newbie23abhijit, and they dont do what orb does :(04:38
ActionParsnipnoobuntu: should be fine, if you are using proprietary video drivers i would remove them beforehand04:38
abhijitnewbie23, :(04:38
newbie23I guess I have to stick with Win7 for now04:38
abhijitnewbie23, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56639404:39
abhijitnewbie23, see above link04:39
Flannelmikeliss: You can log out even without detaching, it automatically detaches04:39
dexikiixmaco, i found one that appears transparent, whats the chance that it's calling on a blank image?04:39
mikelissFlannel: Woah. </brain action="picking>04:39
macodexikiix: not it...04:40
macodexikiix: a transparent gif wont make a transparent window04:40
abhijit!pm | babu__04:40
ubottubabu__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:40
newbie23abhijit, looking into jinzora and mediatomb now, thanks :)04:41
abhijitnewbie23, :)04:41
noobuntu<ActionParsnip> : okhay I'm using proprietary drivers from nv so I will remove them. Also I'm upgrading to i5 which is 64bit will it still boot?04:41
babu__which s the good applcn to send sms thru internet04:41
abhijitbabu__, no. what i mean is if you dotn get hep here you can get help from gammu mailing list.04:42
abhijitbabu__, gammi04:42
abhijitbabu__, gammu*04:42
PAPIsacarlson the source hard drive is formate ext3 and iḿ using it in a router that i can use bittorrent with my pc off, but i have a problem that i cant acces that hard drive via ftp )the only way= so i thought use ubuntu to acces the hard drive via usb, but im having a 2 days bad time with ubuntu trying to acces the harddrive. So what i did is buy a new hard drive and with a utility that the router use in windows copy the downloaded contend to the hard drive,04:42
babu__which s the good applcn to send sms thru internet04:43
abhijitbabu__, http://wammu.eu/04:43
G1Bs0nChannel to talk about stock  market ?04:43
abhijitbabu__, can you read me?04:43
bazhangG1Bs0n, ##economics04:43
DasEiG1Bs0n: #hardware ?04:44
newbie23abhijit, jinzora does nothing... and mediatomb uses VLC for transcoding (no bitrate adaptation) :(04:44
abhijitnewbie23, uhhh.04:44
babu__is skype sends sms to mobile thru internet04:44
abhijitDasEi, #hardware? for stock talk?04:44
well_laid_lawnI was wondering about that04:45
DasEiabhijit: not really, right04:45
G1Bs0nlol @ babu sms is a joke just like adz2mobile04:45
abhijitDasEi, :D04:45
xissburgIm back..04:45
xissburgIt may sound funny to you but I'm almost crying here04:46
b1t_sn1ff3rwhy lol?04:46
abhijitnewbie23, had you tried running orb in wine?04:46
abhijit!wine | newbie2304:47
ubottunewbie23: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:47
xissburgbecause ubuntu fucked up my boot loader...04:47
xissburgI'm new to it04:47
abhijit!fixgrub | xissburg04:47
ubottuxissburg: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.04:47
xissburgI just installed it through windows using Wubi04:47
IdleOnexissburg: you have been asked to not swear in here04:47
xangua!language | xissburg04:47
ubottuxissburg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:47
xissburgsorry, I'm extremely angry...04:47
abhijitxissburg, join /j #anger04:48
IdleOnexissburg: I understand your frustration but if you do it again I will be forced to ban you.04:48
bazhangabhijit, that is not helpful04:48
xissburgnote....I installed ubuntu using Wubi from Win704:48
abhijitbazhang, sorry. just kidding.04:48
newbie23abhijit, orb does not work on wine, besides, it looks like Win7 is my only option. Apparently XBMC has a beta version which does DXVA2 video acceleration, so I dont need ubuntu for VDPAU or whatever04:48
bazhangabhijit, joking in #ubuntu-offtopic04:48
abhijitbazhang, ok04:49
G1Bs0nwhats a good twitter client for ubuntu ?04:49
gerald309back 2 wubi boot problems heh04:49
IdleOneG1Bs0n: gwibber04:49
abhijitnewbie23, hey have you looked at mythtv?04:49
babu__how to install mysql04:50
xissburgI don't know what to do...I tried recovering the installation through windows CD but no success...04:50
newbie23abhijit, yeah, but it was too complicated04:50
abhijitnewbie23, ohhhh04:50
newbie23abhijit, the interface scared my mum04:50
bazhangxissburg, the win7 dvd?04:50
abhijitnewbie23, ohh :D04:50
newbie23abhijit, xbmc and boxee are nicer04:50
abhijitnewbie23, then? use them?04:50
xissburgwhen I boot in my disc I only get 'error: unknown device"  . . .  and a command line 'grub rescue'04:50
xissburgbazhang: WinxP CD actually....I dont have Win7 CD04:51
newbie23abhijit, I am using xbmc already... I just wanted to be able to use my media on OTHER machines too04:51
newbie23thats what orb does04:51
abhijitnewbie23, I see04:51
xissburgI have no idea about what could be done...04:51
xissburgnor about what is happening04:51
babu__how to install mysql04:51
newbie23I was looking into ubuntu because XBMC works better there... 1080p videos stutter a bit on Win7 on my hardware04:51
IdleOne!lamp | babu__04:52
newbie23but DXVA2 fixes that in the XBMC beta apparently04:52
ubottubabu__: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:52
abhijitbabu__, http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/27986/How_to_install_MySQL_On_Ubuntu04:52
gerald309xissburg .... what did not boot ?04:52
fixworxHelp: Formatting a floppy disk fails. Can't mount one either. This is the message I get when it fails to format: http://pastebin.com/AiBGEcnh04:52
xissburggerald309: ?? nothing04:52
sacarlsonbabu__: we had someone that had a problem with lamp.  maybe just apt-get install mysql04:52
abhijitnewbie23, ok04:52
xissburgI cant boot04:52
brandoneynewbie23 - I had same issue with win7 xbmc and ubuntu works great on same machine.04:52
gerald309i have installed thru Wubi both desktop and notebook... no probs04:53
xissburgmy friend too04:53
gerald309what screen do you get ?04:53
babu__i'm asking how to install mysql in my ubuntu...04:53
newbie23brandoney, yeah, but there is no linux version of orb04:53
brandoneynewbie23 - I just mount remote computer then I can access files04:53
xissburghe recommended it to me....and this is what happened...I got to use it fine for a while04:53
gerald309xiss.... what screen shows?04:53
newbie23brandoney, on your phone?04:53
abhijitbabu__, i am also answering how to instal mysql on your ubuntu04:53
xissburggerald309: grub rescue04:53
sacarlsonbabu__: I already gave you the info in private message04:53
gerald309black background "04:53
G1Bs0nfreebyron for the scoop04:54
bazhangG1Bs0n, ?04:54
gerald309do you know a little about BIOS and Windows ?04:54
IdleOneG1Bs0n: if you feel like random chat please go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:54
abhijitnewbie23, this one? http://www.fluendo.com/  ??04:55
xissburggerald309: not much04:55
gerald309can you access Windows at all04:55
xissburgperhaps through a ubuntu CD04:56
xissburgI don't have one04:56
gerald309okay no screen for access04:56
st__xissburg, boot from live cd or windows cd04:56
brandoneyYou could run a vm on ubuntu then run orb04:56
xissburgfrom windows cd?04:56
newbie23abhijit, there is no trial version of that. I cant buy with without more information04:56
xissburgI tried windows CD04:56
gerald309The BIOS generally opens by tapping F10 onn start up04:56
newbie23brandoney, or I could run windows04:56
st__xissburg, so?04:56
abhijitnewbie23, ok04:56
newbie23brandoney, since XBMC works there anyway without a VM04:57
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gerald309this may enable ability to boot Windows - uninstall all Wubi and try again and check sys requiremetns04:57
gerald309windows 7 ?04:57
xissburgI don't know what to do on Windows CD04:57
brandoneyI thought it had bad video under windows04:57
xissburgwhat is F10?04:57
xissburgWin7 yea04:57
abhijitnewbie23, cant help further.  windows seems to be the only option now.04:57
xissburgI mean, what it does04:57
gerald309The keys up top F1004:57
st__xissburg, depends on version, but most likely you want repair04:57
newbie23brandoney, it does, but I am told the nightly version (downloading now) has DXVA2 acceleration04:57
gerald309like you tap F8 on start up to get to System Restore04:57
newbie23brandoney, all but some 1080p60 high bitrate files playback fine04:58
st__xissburg, then you'll be able to boot windows and invesgate further04:58
xissburgst__: repair, yea I got there but what I have to do there? I tired FIXBOOT, FIXMBR...04:58
newbie23brandoney, with dxva2 everything should work even better04:58
gerald309F10 should open the BIOS panel where you would run a recovery cd from04:58
brandoneynewbie23 - Oh, mine is on all video and audio get's out of synch so win7 not option04:58
xissburgI only have a WinXP CD04:58
xissburgis it enough?04:58
newbie23brandoney, using XBMC?04:59
st__xissburg, if you would really tried fixboot or fixmbr, you wouldn't have 'grub rescue' prompt04:59
abhijitnewbie23, if you have some time then i suggest you to submit this as a wishlist idea or bug to mythv or flumotion. so if they take it seriously we may have it on linux.04:59
gerald309the idea is to get windows back first04:59
xissburgwell...actually, in my disk I have 2 partitons..one with Xp and other with 704:59
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xissburgst__: I did it. nothing changed04:59
newbie23abhijit, maybe, but I would rather they integrated it into XBMC which is what I use anyway :)04:59
IdleOnegerald309: since this convo is going towards windows support can you either move it to ##windows or go private please05:00
gerald309there may have been the grub pp up windows and "install now" - and yes absolutely (drivers included I believe)05:00
abhijitnewbie23, yah xbmc will also do. you can submit idea/bug to xbmc no problem. but i suggest you do it05:00
newbie23abhijit, I am also going to try tversity on ubuntu under wine, maybe that works better than orb05:00
unr3a1fixworx, do "dmesg | grep floppy" or "dmesg | grep fd"05:00
gerald309did you miss that grub window ?05:00
hikunewbie23: tversity doesn't run well under wine...05:00
xissburgI go directly to grub rescue05:00
xissburg I don't see anything else inbetween05:00
hikunewbie23: tried it already =(05:00
abhijitnewbie23, yah but you submit idea. why i am telling you this is becaues i can also submit the idea. but you actually faced the problem so you can describe it well.05:00
newbie23hiku, doesnt run or doesnt run well?05:00
st__xissburg do you have 2 hds?05:01
newbie23hiku, thanks for the heads up05:01
xissburgwell, I have 2 but this other one is in *this* machine05:01
hikunewbie23: well, kinda both. install is tricky to get working... then it is very slugish compaired to my win7 media server05:01
gerald309checking some info....05:01
newbie23hiku, ok, I'll just stick to Win7 :)05:01
xissburgI tried moving this one to the other machine but it doesn't work because of different hardware05:02
xissburgnewbie23: yea :)05:02
hikunewbie23: only thing I'll ever use windows for... win7 media server with netflicks and boxee plugin works great with 2 caputure cards for recording tv.05:02
fixworxunr3a1, i got some info from the second command you suggested05:02
unr3a1fixworx, pastebin it05:02
gerald309they are showing a solved situation at Ubuntu forums....05:02
xissburggerald309: me?05:03
iggy_hey guys my d-link dwa 130 wireless usb adapter stoped working this morning when i was playing alien arena it froze so i restarted and now i cant get it to work again05:03
fixworxhttp://pastebin.com/yvPPLe2r unr3a105:03
newbie23hiku, Yeah thats what I thought about the linux media situation... thanks for your help05:03
sacarlsoniggy_: did you try unplug and plug in again?05:04
hikunewbie23:  np... though keep a look out, there are going to be alot of linux media servers that work great..05:04
sacarlsoniggy_: reboot?05:04
gerald309The wubi should have been automatic with the grub install situation05:04
iggy_i did several times ive been looking at forums ubuntu troubleshooting rebooting tons of time sacarlson05:04
gerald309it is loaded as software like windows05:04
newbie23hiku, it already works great for an HTPC, but not for streaming05:05
gerald309no partition05:05
unr3a1fixworx, one sec05:05
sacarlsoniggy_: did you look at /var/log/system.log or other logs in there?05:05
gerald309is there any other things typed appearing in the black window ?05:05
iggy_i wouldnt know what to look for05:05
gerald309like an error message05:05
xissburggerald309: first it shows05:06
sacarlsoniggy_: grep for usb  or error05:06
gerald309just the grub message ?05:06
RaynesI was cleaning up my top panel, and I removed the update status thing that sits beside the red shut down button (this is on Lucid Lynx). When I did that, it removed the little red shut down button as well. Is there a way to get it back? I tried to find it in the "Add To" menu, but the only shut down applet I see isn't the right now.05:06
akoimeexxHey all; I'm having trouble with networking on my desktop, and can't seem to solve the issue. Anyone up for helping?05:06
xissburgerror: no such device <hex numbers>05:06
unr3a1fixworx, and disk isn't write protected?05:06
=== DanDare is now known as THX1138
xangua!panels | Raynes05:07
ubottuRaynes: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:07
brandoneynewbie23 - orb looks cool but I'm not sure running it as a part of xbmc will be possible.  xbmc seems to already be at the limit of python, no multi-thread or error handling and all05:07
xanguaor just add the 'indicator applet'05:07
unr3a1fixworx, also, verify you have permissions to the disk05:07
fixworxunr3a1, hmm it has been years since i've used a floppy disk. more than a decade actually. when a disk is write-protected, is the hole covered or open?05:07
gerald309it may be the partioning already that may cause a bug...05:07
unr3a1fixworx, covered05:07
gerald309got 2 hit the bricks....but....05:07
fixworxunr3a1, crap, the hole was covered05:07
unr3a1fixworx, wait...05:08
RaynesEh, I don't want to reset the whole thing.05:08
sacarlsonfixworx: write protect would be open05:08
unr3a1fixworx, its been a while for me to05:08
fixworxoh ok05:08
unr3a1fixworx, lol...05:08
sacarlsonfixworx: that just shows my age05:08
gerald309i would guess your best move for now is to F10 BIOS and insert Windows CD Recovery....05:08
gerald309you have 2 much on one machine !05:08
unr3a1fixworx, yea, open.  make sure you have permissions to write to your fd005:08
ja660khey can someone help me with my svn project, im having trouble commiting changes http://pastie.org/109162405:08
xissburggerald309: what? too much?05:08
gerald309is there even memory available ???05:08
fixworxunr3a1, how'd i go about that05:08
gp5sthello. I'm having an issue compiling a program with the intel compilers.  I keep getting: /usr/include/limits.h(125): catastrophic error: could not open source file "limits.h" // # include_next <limits.h>05:08
unr3a1fixworx, ls -al /dev/fd005:08
gp5sti've tried searching for the issues, but none of the entries helped05:09
xissburggerald309: memory? 4 GB RAM?05:09
gerald3093 OS's on one machine ? unheard of05:09
fixworxunr3a1, brw-rw---- 1 root floppy 2, 0 2010-08-13 22:55 /dev/fd005:09
gerald309Hard disk memory05:09
xissburgactually 2, I installed ubuntu using Wubi05:09
unr3a1sacarlson, thanks for the correction. remembered it's like vhs.  you remove the tab to write protect the tape.05:09
xissburgoh 320 GB05:09
gerald309that is RAM memory05:09
iggy_sacarlson, there wasnt any errors05:09
gerald309ok plenty of HD05:09
iggy_it was blank05:09
xissburgits mostly empty05:10
unr3a1fixworx, and you are running this all as sudo, correct?05:10
fixworxmm i don't remember if Disk Utility asked me for my password or not05:10
sacarlsoniggy_:  you mean the grep came back blank there must be something in there05:10
xissburgheey look this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143784005:10
iggy_what is grep05:10
gerald309my guess - possible the already partitioned disk may have interfered / bug....05:10
gerald309I would try to get windows back through BIOS and then access internet for help again on a reinstall by Wubi....05:11
fixworxunr3a1, i think no, not running as su... disk utility doesn't ask me for password, goes ahead and tries to format the disk, the FDD light illuminates and everything...05:11
gerald309sorry not more help right now but gotta go !05:11
dexikiixAccidentally removed my trash can from task bar... can someone tell me how to get it back on?05:11
gerald309later.... good luck !05:11
sacarlsoniggy_: man grep05:12
akoimeexxBeen having an issue with my desktop running 10.04 being able to ping outside servers for about three attempts after I establish a connection, then all network traffic stops. Other computers on the network are unaffected.05:12
brandoneyxissburg - did you look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/92739205:12
sacarlsoniggy:  it does a string seach in all files05:12
sacarlson iggy_ cd to /etc/log  and  grep -r usb *05:13
gagzilladoes anyone know what's causing a popup to come up when I select a URL - it has options to 'Open with Firefox, Send URL, etc' on it05:13
unr3a1fixworx, did you mount fd0?05:13
fixworxunr3a1, when i click on it in Nautilius, nothing happens05:13
xissburgbrandoney: I don't have a Win7 CD05:13
hikugagzilla: did you install a firefox plugin recently?05:13
xanguagagzilla: an addon¿05:14
unr3a1fixworx, try mount05:14
gagzillano it's not in firefox05:14
fixworxunr3a1, as a terminal command?05:14
unr3a1fixworx, yes05:14
iggy_i have log check but no log in etc05:14
hikugagzilla: can you take a screenshot and paste it?05:14
gagzillahiku: it's everywhere- even when I'm typing on in say opera05:14
unr3a1fixworx, mount /dev/fd005:14
fixworxmount: can't find fd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab unr3a105:14
sacarlsoniggy_: oh sorry /var/log05:14
hikugagzilla: hmm05:14
unr3a1fixworx, :P05:14
sacarlsoniggy_:  brain fart05:14
unr3a1fixworx, I hate that error05:14
fixworxi hate all errors ;)05:15
gagzillait disappears soon enough but annoyingly takes away focus from what I was typing05:15
ellanceoIs anyone able to help me with an OpenGL fullscreen scaling issue? I've been requesting help for about the last 2 years, and I just get ignored on the forums. I would greatly appreciate it!05:15
hikufixworx: errors teach you things =)05:15
unr3a1could that be it?05:15
fixworxhiku, then i hate learning! ;o)05:15
akoimeexxellanceo: What's the problem?05:15
newbie23w00t, xbmc nightly fixes my issue ;)05:15
iggy_sacarlson, ok its searching05:15
hikunewbie23: nice =)05:15
ActionParsnipfixworx: http://justanotherwebblog.wordpress.com/2009/03/01/howto-use-floppy-in-ubuntu-810/05:15
fixworxunr3a1, mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified05:16
sacarlson iggy_ cd to /var/log  and  grep -r usb *05:16
unr3a1channel, if fd0 is not in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab would that keep you from formatting a floppy diskette?05:16
hikuunr3a1: no05:16
brandoneynewbie23 - nice for you.05:16
fixworxActionParsnip, does that still apply to 10.04?05:16
ellanceoAkoimeexx: Whenever I use an emulator that uses OpenGL on fullscreen, about 1/5 of the bottom screen is cut off05:16
brandoneymaybe I'll try win7 again, not.  I love my lucid05:16
ActionParsnipfixworx: fstab is fstab dude, it should fly05:17
gagzillahiku: I can't quite take a screenshot since it disappears in a bit05:17
ellanceoakoimexx: I also have experienced the same issue with Diablo 1 under Wine05:17
g00tuxhi room05:17
gagzillais there a utility on ubuntu that will take periodic screenshots?05:17
ellanceogagzilla: try Shutter05:18
gagzillaellanceo: thanks05:18
iggy_sacarlson, its just white05:18
hikuellanceo: ty, couldn't think of the name05:18
sacarlsoniggy_: what is white?  nothing?05:18
Raynesxangua: I managed to get it back. It was "Indicator Applet Session" or something similar. Weird name. :p Thanks for trying to help.05:18
akoimeexxellanceo: on-board graphics or dedicated card? // Up-to-date drivers? (I'm sure you've been asked this before, if you've been looking for help for two years)05:18
iggy_sacarlson, like its waiting05:18
sacarlsoniggy_: what command did you type?05:19
ActionParsnipgagzilla: you can cron a job to run: import `echo $(date)`05:19
gagzillaellanceo: ugh... perl for a screenshot? 16MBof additional download required05:19
ellanceoakoimeexx: nvidia 7300go, latest nvidia drivers05:19
iggy_sacarlson, iggy@Iggys:/var/log$ grep -r usb05:19
sacarlsoniggy_: your missing the "*" at the end  grep -r usb *05:19
ellanceogagzilla: what is the issue? You don't have enough room for Shutter?05:20
sacarlsoniggy_: ctl -c to stop05:20
unr3a1ActionParsnip, so it doesn't matter that the module isn't loaded in the kernel?05:20
smwis there a way to uninstall a metapackage and everything it installed?05:20
gagzillaActionParsnip: no I really need it much faster than cron resolution- trying to capture a quick window that disappears05:20
gnutunhey all; im having trouble creating an initrd for my custom kernel, following the directions at wiki/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild; any ideas?05:20
gagzillaellanceo: yeah I don't... but might make some space05:20
ActionParsnipgagzilla: it can run every second if yuo wish05:20
ellanceogagzilla: sheesh, get a new HD?05:20
ActionParsnipunr3a1: you will need to add it in /etc/modules   to make it load05:20
cannonfodderhey you guys, do you know a power saving software for ubuntu?  i seen one calletd micromiser but i dont know if its legit since no one really mention i05:21
gagzillaellanceo: eventually yeah :)05:21
iggy_sacarlson, a shit load05:21
ellanceogagzilla: i just upgraded my 80GB to a 320GB. Feels  much roomier05:21
unr3a1fixworx, yes, make sure floppy is in /etc/modules05:21
hikucannonfodder: the built-in power app doesnt work?05:21
ActionParsnipcannonfodder: use openbox+lxde instead of gnome+compiz05:21
sacarlsoniggy_: any that look like wifi05:21
gagzillaellanceo: nice05:21
fixworxbash: cd: /etc/modules/: Not a directory unr3a105:22
sacarlsoniggy_:  maybe d-link?05:22
fixworxo wait05:22
unr3a1fixworx, its not a directory05:22
unr3a1fixworx, its a file05:22
hikufixworx: /etc/modules is a file05:22
iggy_sacarlson, http://pastebin.com/rPZegTXm05:22
ellanceoakoimeexx: any suggestions? I've found others with the same issue, but no luck on a solution. It's killing me. I really just want to play with my MSX emulator. =(05:22
ActionParsnipfixworx: try: gksudo gedit /etc/modules    add the word: floppy   to the bottom05:22
fixworxyes, "floppy" is there in /etc/modules05:22
ActionParsnipfixworx: cool, then add the line in fstab and you are ok05:23
akoimeexxellanceo: Poking around a bit to see what I can find... What version of the drivers?05:23
=== thiago is now known as Guest80732
fixworxActionParsnip, this line is in fstab: /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       005:23
iggy_you know the usb is blinking like its on its just not giving me internet or its not activated05:23
gagzillayay... gnome-screenshot with a delay did the trick!05:23
sparkyrandome question can world of warcraft be played on linux?05:23
xangua!appdb | sparky05:24
ubottusparky: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:24
castsparky: probably05:24
gagzillanow where's a good place to post a screenshot to show here?05:24
ellanceoakoimeexx: 195.36.2405:24
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
xanguaimagebin, imageshak gagzilla05:24
smwis there a way to uninstall a metapackage and everything it installed?05:24
ellanceogagzilla: imageshack05:24
unr3a1fixworx, try a different disk?05:24
fixworxgagzilla, imgur.com05:24
cheaseegagzilla: 666kb.com05:24
fixworxunr3a1, on it05:24
akoimeexxellanceo: Looks like you got a reply on your post as well. Still checking it out though.05:24
xanguasmw: what metapackage¿05:24
gagzillawow... thanks.05:24
sparkyok thanks all05:24
sacarlsoniggy_: I see one  /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb2/2-3/2-3:1.0/net/wlan1 (net)05:24
smwxangua, kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-netbook05:24
xangua!puregnome | smw05:25
ubottusmw: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome05:25
gerald309xiss..... maybe cut a floppy disk with Grub... http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/4622/print05:25
unr3a1fixworx, it's working, or you are getting another disk?05:25
hikuswm are you trying to remove those?05:25
fixworxunr3a1, trying another diskette05:25
hikusmw: sorry that was for you.05:25
gerald309did you like start clicking cancel during sinstallation ?05:25
sacarlsoniggy_: I think we need to go private too much trafic here05:25
iggy_sacarlson, thank you wlan1 is the dlink  how can i fix it?ok how05:25
fixworxunr3a1, still fails. gives me the message Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/fd0: Input/output error05:26
ellanceoakoimeexx: yeah,  I already tried what he suggested, several times.05:26
smwxangua, that is not what I want, but it is close enough. thanks :-)05:26
unr3a1fixworx, that could be a bad disk, or a bad drivew05:26
unr3a1fixworx, drive*05:26
hikusmw: I just removed xubuntu-desktop and all the packages that came with it just fine. you can always use apt-cache search kubuntu to find the packages that don't remove if it happens.05:26
gerald309xiss.... do you have floppy drawer on desktop ? may be the magic bullet here05:27
fixworxunr3a1, yeah i wouldn't bet my life on this drive. it's old. i wonder if someplace like best buy even sells floppy disk drives anymore, or if the world has decided there are going to be enough drives to last the rest of time...05:27
gagzillaok finally managed to take this screenshot- http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9113/clipe.png now how do I disable this annoying popup?05:27
unr3a1fixworx, you may be able to find a drive at a best buy, or try a computer repair store05:27
hikufixworx: do you have a fry's near by... they carry them.05:28
gerald309i think xiss left....05:28
fixworxunr3a1, thanks for your help. i learned stuff. not absolutely critical that i make this work right now, i just haven't had a floppy drive around in a long long time and thought it would be fun to play with05:28
fixworxhiku, i keep hearing of this "frys" place but i've never seen one05:28
gerald309ouch on the bug !05:28
hikufixworx: are you on the west coast cause there are tons here.05:28
hikufixworx: ok well not tons...but alot.05:28
unr3a1fixworx, yea, np.  sorry I couldn't be more help.  unfortunately with I/O errors, it could even be a bad floppy controller or cable.05:29
xanguagagzilla: is that opera¿05:29
gagzillaxangua: the browser yes... but the popup is not specific to opera- shows up anytime I select any URL in any darn window05:29
unr3a1fixworx, if its a newer computer, make sure floppy is accessable in bios.  if motherboard is limiting floppy access, no OS would be able to use it.05:29
fixworxhiku, midwest. we don't even have CompUSA here anymore :[05:29
Jordan_Ufixworx: Why are you trying to use a floppy disk?05:29
gerald309outta here05:29
fixworxJordan_U, nostalgia05:29
hikufixworx: ouch... you could also try newegg.com05:29
xanguano idea gagzilla05:29
fixworxunr3a1, this is a Gateway rackmount server from around 200205:30
brandoneyHere is a nice red floppy drive for you.  http://www.directron.com/mitsumibezelyl.html05:30
gagzillaxangua: thx anyway.05:30
hikubrandoney: =)05:30
unr3a1fixworx, :\05:30
gagzillaanyone else know what's causing this popup to show up in Ubuntu when I select  a URL- http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9113/clipe.png05:30
thune3gagzilla: this is 10.04?05:30
fixworxbrandoney, ooh mahogany.05:30
gagzillathune3: yes05:31
brandoneyfixworx - yeah nice.05:31
brandoneyI just bought one05:31
brandoney$8 but they are local for me05:31
akoimeexxellanceo: Found more bug reports on the issue, albeit older: looks like some people had reported this as a combination of xserver/opengl.05:31
unr3a1fixworx, if you wanted to make sure it's not a bad floppy you could put it into a Windows XP machine and see if XP can write to it.05:31
fixworxi'll throw a fdd on my next newegg order05:32
distant2what's the diff between a fs journal and log-structure?05:32
ellanceoakoimeexx: It's obviously an OpenGL scaling issue that is probably stemming from my drivers or xorg.conf file. I checked xorg.conf today and found it is incredibly empty, but I also read that after 10.04 xorg.conf is handled differently?05:32
fixworxunr3a1, my only other machine here runs OS X and i don't trust its ability to do anything with floppy disks05:32
unr3a1fixworx, lol.. yea.05:32
fixworxApple hasn't shipped a floppy disk drive since 1997 or so05:33
ellanceoakoimeexx: Yeah, I'm really not sure how to go about fixing it, but after 2 years, this has gone on long enough05:33
unr3a1well, sorry I couldn't be more help05:33
unr3a1but I g/g05:33
unr3a1work tomorrow05:33
fixworxunr3a1, hey mate no worries. i'd be more upset if this were an important problem ;)05:33
=== fixworx is now known as zeleftikam
brandoneyI still have my dyson ds-dd 5.25" drive for an apple IIe if you want to try it.  ;-)05:34
hikubrandoney: oh wow... =)05:35
smwxangua, ty. It only did minimal collateral damage :-). All I need to do is reinstall kdegames and skype05:36
thune3gagzilla: i'm having trouble finding anything, did you install a clipboard handling application of some kind?05:36
akoimeexxellanceo: are you getting anything in your log file?05:37
smwxangua, oops, it also got vlc :-\05:37
ellanceoakoimeexx: Haha, which one? I never check logs. I'm a bad linux user, very bad05:38
ellanceoakoimeexx: Which log file should I check?05:41
brandoneyhiku - yeah, sad thing is I'm older than that floppy drive.05:42
realeyescan someone help me out?05:43
TrentonAdamshi guys.  I can't boot my ubuntu system without it dropping to a shell.  I tried to enable raid myself.  The raid works fine, booting automatically does not.  When I drop to a shell, I assemble the raid devices, and exit the shell, and everything boots normally.  What am I missing?05:45
amitesh /nick amiubi05:45
rwwubottu: ask | realeyes05:45
ubotturealeyes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:45
realeyesmy sensors arent working05:45
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: You probably need to run "sudo update-grub"05:46
akoimeexxellanceo: Trying to find, couldn't tell you offhand as I'm in clie mode on a piddly little netbook at the moment. Desktop's having... issues.05:46
rwwrealeyes: sensors as in hardware temperature sensors?05:46
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: you again, perfect! :D  I did that, as per our last conversation.05:46
rwwrealeyes: have you installed and configured lm-sensors correctly, per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto ?05:46
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I also re-installed grub on the mbr, but no go.05:46
realeyesi already ran the install command and went through the detect05:46
realeyesalright let me go through this...05:47
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Did you also run "sudo update-initramfs -ck all" ?05:47
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Um, I did "-u" which updated my main kernel ramfs.05:48
realeyesNext, run "sudo /etc/init.d/module-init-tools restart". This will read the changes you made to /etc/modules in step 3, and insert the new modules into the kernel.  <<< on this step I get errors, should I pastebin them?05:48
ellanceoakoimeexx: Well thank you very much for taking the time to help, glad to see someone cares. =)05:48
rwwrealeyes: yes05:48
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I guess the -c makes a new one.  Is that needed if I didn't install with raid?05:48
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: as in, install ubuntu with raid.  Cause I did raid after installation, not during.05:49
rwwrealeyes: that's expected, albeit annoying05:49
_genuser_Hello People05:49
* rww mutters things about Upstart05:49
=== frankbro is now known as frankbro|sleep
realeyesrww: what is it? :P05:49
realeyesit's ... not working, is it?05:50
rwwrealeyes: replacement for the /etc/init.d/ system. Lucid switched over fully to it, except they didn't bother converting all the initscripts in universe05:50
akoimeexxellanceo: Yeah, sorry I can't find out any more about it.... I would think errors would show up in Xorg.0.log or equiv. But nothing pointing here in my own files.05:50
realeyesso ... im screwed...05:50
realeyesthis is why my conky wont show temp...05:50
rwwrealeyes: restarting your computer should be equivalent to that step, albeit more drastic05:51
realeyeswhat about logging out and then back in?05:51
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I'm going to reboot, just ran the update-initramfs -ck all05:51
justin__hey realeyes! im installing conky now cuz i switched from debian to xubuntu 10.04, my friend said it was a desktop monitor or something but whats it like?05:52
jamiewanconky is great05:53
realeyeshard as hell to configure...05:53
justin__not really, seems easy to me05:53
JulywolfHow can I go to Ubuntu-cn?05:53
rwwJulywolf: type /join #ubuntu-cn05:53
ellanceoakoimeexx: Alright, I'll see what i can see. Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it.05:54
akoimeexxjustin__: It's not bad... even got it working on Netbook Edition to show on the desktop. Just wish it'd stay there. :[05:54
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: update-initramfs -ck all did not change anything for me.  It still will not put without manually assembly the raid devices.05:55
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: s/put/boot/g05:55
justin__ok well if possible can somebosy email me thier conky config file for me to use? i really dont like configuring it, i had my friend do it on debian bc i didnt know how but i wanna see ur guyses  configs05:56
akoimeexxSo, anyone? Been having network issues as of late: My desktop system connects and obtains an IP address, then stops being able to send or receive network traffic after a few seconds.05:56
sanjayhey guys, I need some help. I am using Maverick Alpha3. After updating packages last night, my network-manager broke. Nm-applet is disabled all the time and I can't seem to enable it.05:56
iggy_sacarlson, your a genious05:56
iggy_if you were a woman id kiss you05:56
=== amiubi is now known as amitesh
sacarlsoniggy_: cool05:56
jamiewanjustin pm05:57
xanguajustin__: you can get concky confs in http://gnome-look.org/ there is also called 'conky colors' looks pretty good05:57
sacarlsoniggy_: bad thing is you will probly have to ifconfig wlan1 up each reboot05:57
xangua!maverick | sanjay05:57
ubottusanjay: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:57
justin__thanks xangua05:57
iggy_sacarlson, when i booted it notified me to connect05:57
akoimeexxjustin__: Also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=Post+your+conky+config05:57
sacarlsoniggy_: oh it works on reboot very cool.  sometimes you get lucky05:58
sacarlsoniggy_: sure you didn't leave the eth0 pluged in?05:58
iggy_yeah im outside haha05:58
Zelozeloswhat is conkyh anyhow?05:58
sacarlsoniggy_: add that one to the team05:58
akoimeexxZelozelos: System monitoring tool. Very light-weight and easily customized.05:59
realeyesrww: it worked05:59
sacarlsonok time for me to eat breakfast see yall later06:00
justin__hey guys how do you make conky paices show up more in the middle?06:02
amiteshhey, i m new to linux.......i need help to set up proxy server for my home network06:02
realeyesits part of the alignment06:03
realeyesCan anyone tell me what commands are running in the top left of this screenshot? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=17956&d=116147079706:03
castamitesh: then maybe you shouldn't use linux for that06:03
amiteshi have installed squid06:03
abhijit!manual | amitesh06:03
ubottuamitesh: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:03
abhijit!squid | amitesh06:04
ubottuamitesh: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org06:04
amiteshCast: why?06:04
tricktricki want a command in terminal for change my ip somebody can help me06:04
castamitesh: because you don't know much about it.06:05
amiteshi am using ccproxy on windows........is there anything for linux06:05
akoimeexxStill having issues with my desktop system flaking out when connecting to a wireless network... anyone?06:06
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
amiteshi need to connect my desktop and my brother's lappi with my system ........and i don't want to switch back to windows06:08
amiteshcast:can u tell me how one can learn(know) without using the same thing?06:08
justin__whats the terminal command to open the conky config file06:08
castamitesh: read a book.06:08
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, how are you connected to wireless? is it USB or PCI?06:08
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: USB. I can establish a connection, obtain an ip address, then ping google (or other site) about three times before it stops transmitting/receiving data06:09
abhijitamitesh, try teamviewer06:09
justin__what is the terminal command to configure conkys appearance?06:09
akoimeexxBut I still retain an ip address.06:10
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, pastebin your lsusb output with the USB dongle06:10
akoimeexxjustin__: vim ~/.conkyrc06:10
abhijitamitesh, first tre teamviwer. if thats not you are looking for then see tihs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Vinagre06:10
abhijitamitesh, to get teamviwer go here: http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx06:10
akoimeexxIt'll be a sec, have to transfer it from desktop to netbook. =p06:10
Jordan_Uakoimeexx: It's probably better to suggest nano instead of vim for new users.06:11
akoimeexxJordan_U: Fair enough.06:11
abhijitamitesh, in teamviwer you dont need to do any settings or configuration. its so simple = start teamviwer in both computer>you enter your brothers ip and passwod > and connect. thats it06:12
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: You still around?06:16
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Yes.06:17
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: http://pastebin.org/48144406:17
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: So my system still won't automatically boot, after update-initramfs -ck all06:17
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?06:18
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, and you're using the latest ubuntu?06:18
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: Yep.06:19
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, pastebin your dmesg output06:19
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: Not sure why it's failing, I've used this dongle before with no trouble.06:19
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, it could be issue with the driver I'm thinking, which might be solved with using linux-backports06:20
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/ryS7hAn806:20
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: I'll grab that dmesg and pastebin it then... Half a mo'.06:21
skandari have a huawei e1552 hsdpa usb stick. When I plug it in, ubuntu doesn't recognize. There are no messages in the system log either06:21
skandarthis is 10.04 32bit06:21
abhijit!hardware | skandar06:21
ubottuskandar: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:21
jenuehi guys, can any virus penetrate ubuntu?06:21
abhijit!virus | jenue06:21
ubottujenue: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:21
skandarShouldn't it show on the system log when I plug it in though?06:22
richthegeekhi - does anyone know of a screensaver that dims the screens (desktop, CRT, nvidia), or of a terminal proggy that does this gracefully?06:22
skandarWhen I plug the usb stick in, there are no messages from the shell, and ntohing from the system log06:22
The_Janitorhi guys06:22
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Yeah, doesn't seem like anything abornmal in dmesg, eh?06:22
psycho_oreosskandar, it may show up when you do lsusb06:23
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Other than you using reiserfs :)06:23
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: lol06:23
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Why is that abnormal?06:24
The_Janitori have a question, i am trying to install a login theme. i have installed a minimal install of ubuntu with gdm, gnome-core and xorg, nothing else. but when i go to system > art manager, the install button is greyed out. am i missing a package?06:24
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: http://pastebin.org/48145906:24
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Because reiserfs has been dying ever since Hans Reiser was convicted.06:24
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: It is reporting the correct mac address, just blotted that bit out.06:25
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, which driver are you using on the desktop? rt2x00?06:25
The_Janitorany ideas?06:25
* scriptwarlock waves06:26
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: Not sure offhand, what's the best way to check?06:26
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, lsmod| grep rt2x0006:26
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: WOW, had no idea.06:26
psycho_oreos!hi | scriptwarlock06:26
ubottuscriptwarlock: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:26
chilicuilhow do I upgrade to ubuntu maverick from the console?06:27
psycho_oreos!maverick | chilicuil06:27
ubottuchilicuil: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:27
scriptwarlockthanks ubottu i know your not intelligent :)06:27
psycho_oreos!private | jinxzs06:27
ubottujinxzs: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:27
chilicuilpsycho_oreos: I know it's stable, I just wanna test it06:28
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: Looks like it.06:28
chilicuilit's not*06:28
psycho_oreoschilicuil, ask in #ubuntu+106:28
chilicuilpsycho_oreos: ok, thx06:28
The_Janitorguys    do i need compiz to handle login themes or what?06:28
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, so the command line says there's rt2x00? hmm ok I'd try linux-backports06:28
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: So, is there anything else I should look at, to get this working?06:29
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Are there any error messages before you're dropped to a busybox shell?06:30
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: Where can I grab the package I need so I can install it locally on that machine? (No net access otherwise for the desktop.)06:30
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I don't recall any.  All I recall it says is that it couldn't find the root file system, and was dropping to a shell.06:30
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: "mdadm --assemble --scan" doesn't work either though.  I have to "mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3"06:31
skandarit doesn't show up in lsusb, and Vista doesn't even recognize it is plugged in either. Does that mean it is bad hardware?06:31
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, I believe its from the ubuntu repository but it may have dependencies in which you'll need to grab as well, its probably a good idea to physically connect your desktop to the router via wired06:31
psycho_oreosskandar, are you doing this through virtual machine or something?06:32
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: That's the problem. Bad eth port on the hardware.06:32
akoimeexx(Evil dependencies.)06:32
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, well I don't have much other suggestions :) a wired network card costs almost like nothing, maybe a good idea to invest in one06:33
akoimeexxpsycho_oreos: Thanks for helping with troubleshooting the cause. :)06:34
justin__just set up conky anyone wanna see my screenshot im posting it in a few seconds06:34
psycho_oreosakoimeexx, the other is to downgrade I suppose, its probably an issue with kernel afaik06:34
scriptwarlockjustin__: is there something new on your conk?06:35
Poul|RaiderHello, i have eth0 interface with inet connection which response correctly to ping requests. But i get distination host unavalible if i try to ping the ip of my ppp0 interface? Is this standart, shouldnt it be posible to get response from both interface at the same time06:35
thune3i'm on 9.10, even so system>art manager sounds weird. But plymouth handles login theme for ubuntu, compiz has nothing to do with it.06:35
justin__no i just finished setting it up for the first time and i think it looks very nice06:35
thune3The_Janitor: back two ^06:36
scriptwarlockjustin__: well congrats but any concerns regarding ubuntu?06:36
crucialhoaxUbuntu 10.04 Netbook I plugged in a wireless mouse and kbd and now my touchpad doesnt work. Suggestions?06:36
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Are you here for much longer?  I'm going to reboot again so I can see if I can get all th messages that come up06:37
justin__no not really why?06:37
akoimeexxcrucialhoax: Check to make sure it isn't disabled in your System > Mouse preferences.06:37
dr3mroany one here facing problems with google chrome on ubuntu 10.04 loading gmail ?? if you can load it please say yes06:37
kryten107Hi, when trying to open sound preferences, I get "waiting for sound system to respond" and I have 2 processes taking up "n/a" amount of memory whose pids keep counting upwards. any advice for this craziness?06:38
crucialhoaxakoimeexx, Everything is good. I even checked the hardware switch (Fn+F7)..06:38
crucialhoaxakoimeexx, Im not sure whether it was the mouse or recent updates. I want to say the mouse did06:38
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: I'll be in and out for a while.06:40
kryten107and they have no name.06:40
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The_Janitorthune3, what? :P06:42
The_Janitorplymouth you say eh?06:43
scriptwarlockdr3emro: yes06:43
crucialhoaxUbuntu 10.04 Netbook I plugged in a wireless mouse and kbd and now my touchpad doesnt work. Suggestions?06:44
rhonda_hi, i am new to linux....how do i mount cd rom in linux?06:45
psycho_oreosrhonda_, sudo mount /media/cdrom06:46
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: All it says is "ALERT! /dev/mapper/sys-ubuntu does not exist. Dropping to a shell."  sys-ubuntu is my lvm06:47
zcat[1]usually you just put the cd in the drive...06:47
rhonda_can't find /media/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:47
rhonda_is what i get?06:47
zcat[1]Ttry going to places > computer and clicking the cd drive?06:47
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: So, I don't know if it doesn't know how to load lvm stuff, with raid, or what.  I vaguely recall reading something about ubuntu having problems in that area in the past, but I thought that was resolved.06:48
FlannelTrentonAdams: sys being the vg and ubuntu being the lv?06:48
TrentonAdamsFlannel: yes06:48
FlannelTrentonAdams: The only special thing you need (and GRUB2 may not have this requirement) is you need /boot off of LVM06:48
TrentonAdamsFlannel: /boot is it's on /dev/md006:49
TrentonAdamsFlannel: on it's own I mean, in it's own raid.06:49
TrentonAdamsFlannel: mirror06:49
sacarlsonrhonda_: normally when I stick a cd in my drive it auto opens nautilus with the contents seen in the window06:49
MattWBHi, if I manage to 'break' sudo... due to a syntax error in /etc/sudoers... how can I get root to edit /etc/sudoers to fix the syntax error (http://pastebin.com/61Y6hNAZ)06:49
TrentonAdamsFlannel: And grub2 was setup with /dev/md0, which starts the boot process just fine.06:49
rhonda_it seems it is not seeing the cd rom?06:50
gewthi MattWB!06:50
chazzMattWB: go in via a livecd or something06:50
chazzMattWB: fix sudoers06:50
chazzMattWB: reboot.06:50
sacarlsonrhonda_: did you try more than one cd?  if the cd is not readable it won't open.  try others.  try another driver if you have one.06:50
chazzMattWB: either that, or just give up, cry, and reinstall. :)06:51
zcat[1]driver >> drive ?06:51
rwwMattWB: 1) this is why you should have been running "sudo visudo" instead of editing sudoers directly; it checks for syntax problems. 2) reboot, hold down shift to get to GRUB prompt, start a rescue instance, and edit as root from there. or, grab a liveCD, mount your hard disk, and edit it.06:51
sacarlsonrhonda_: that was suposed to be drive  try another drive06:51
gewtchyou forget 'take shotgun to motherboard'06:51
chazzgewt: oh yes. Shooting the motherboard is highly important!06:51
TrentonAdamsJordan_U:Should i put an "mdadm --assemble" shell script in "/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount"???06:52
gewtrww: can't he append init=/bin/bash to the kernel line in GRUB as well?06:52
crucialhoaxUbuntu 10.04 Netbook I plugged in a wireless mouse and kbd and now my touchpad doesnt work. Suggestions?06:52
gewtthat's what rescue does, doesn't it?06:52
rwwgewt: that would also do it, yes. there are various ways of getting single-user mode06:52
TrentonAdamscrucialhoax: unplug them and it will work again I think.06:52
crucialhoaxTrentonAdams: Already tried that and it doesnt work..06:53
zcat[1]rhonda_, lshw | grep cd  should show some possible cd devices06:53
rwwhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword lists them both, in the context of resetting passwords, but it's a similar idea (in both cases, you need root and can't get it from a normal system)06:53
adubanyone in here really good with zoneminder i have the app running fine but having trouble bringing in video wondering if someone can help me troubleshoot?06:54
rhonda_got it., ty06:54
seyfarthhow come I can't drag windows between workspaces since upgrading to 10.04?06:54
zcat[1]Although a friend of mine has a laptop, and since upgrading (by fresh install) to 10.04 his CD drive simply doesn't appear. no /dev/cdrom or whatever, no cd in /media .. and he can play dvd's in VLC but they start getting jerky after 30 seconds.06:55
zcat[1]the drive is obviously working since he installed FROM it....06:55
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Try adding the "rootwait" kernel parameter, if that doesn't help then yes, adding a manual mdadm --assemble will probably work, but it's a bit ugly and shouln't be needed.06:56
gewtzcat[1]: bad drive maybe?06:56
gewtzcat[1]: lose cable?06:56
gewtbad disc?06:56
zcat[1]gewt, he installed from the same drive....?06:56
gewtzcat[1]: bad disc then?06:56
zcat[1]it'll boot a live cd fine, pass the disk self test, etc..06:56
Jordan_Uzcat[1]: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?06:56
gewtand what Jordan_U said06:57
zcat[1]Jordan_U, can't.. he's not here ;)06:57
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: k, I'll try that rootwait.  gentoo linux had something like that, which I think I needed to get raid working.  I had forgotten about that, and never thought to search google for that. lol.  So, how do I get that to survive update-grub?06:57
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Add it to /etc/default/grub06:58
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zcat[1]we spent ages trying to figure out what the problem was, I can't really remember what was in dmesg though.06:58
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: perfect, thanks.  I'll let you know how it goes.06:58
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: You're welcome.06:58
crucialhoaxUbuntu 10.04 Netbook I plugged in a wireless mouse and kbd and now my touchpad doesnt work. Suggestions?06:59
gewtcrucialhoax: reboot07:00
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: did you try lsusb and see if you can see the device.  I asume it's usb07:00
kanenHow do I find the offset in a .iso for the second partition in that iso so I can mount only the second partition as a loopback device?07:01
crucialhoaxsacarlson: I did a "sudo tpconfig -D" and the system recognizes it as a Synaptics device.07:01
sacarlsonkanen: as far as I know iso file is just one partition07:01
rajatkhandujaI would like to mount all my hard-disk partitions at boot...what are the commands that i need to add to the *startup applications*07:01
crucialhoaxgewt: Already tried to no avail07:01
crucialhoaxsacarlson: If I tap Fn+F7 really fast and rub the touchpad it moves the cursor a little bit lol07:02
rajatkhanduja@crucialhoax  : can u give some system details!07:03
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: no idea conflict with your other device?  maybe you have more than one pointing device07:03
crucialhoaxrajatkhanduja: Ubuntu 10.04  Desktop, X86, acer 532h netbook07:03
kanensacarlson: I have an iso that came from a DVD and it is two partitions.07:03
robert__hi i just converted to julinux8 i think its awsome how ever im haveing a problem see im a windows user. and i want to install league of legends its a new game thats been out for wile a ftp07:03
robert__can some one help me when you got moment07:03
crucialhoaxsacarlson: It has worked for over a year... Just last night it started this behavior07:04
sacarlsonkanen: oh never used a dvd iso only cd's07:04
rajatkhandujacrucialhoax: under Preferences... go to Mouse...and check under touchpad07:04
crucialhoaxrajatkhanduja: Already been done everything is enabled, the settings were never touched.07:04
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: No go, rootwait=10 and same result07:05
InverSrobert, is there a *nix version of the game?07:05
rwwrobert__: This channel is for Ubuntu Linux support. "julinux8" is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu; please ask your distributor for support.07:05
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robert__whats that any way07:05
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InverSyou can't necessary play a PC game on a unix based OS07:06
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: well you didn't install any software since it fails so maybe just create another user account and login to it and see if the device works in that account07:06
=== Guest25653 is now known as Kaie`
InverSand this channel is for Ubuntu support :)07:06
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* InverS has just upgraded to 10.0.407:06
crucialhoaxsacarlson: Actually, there was a batch of updates that hit, one being an acpi update, not sure if it was that or the mouse :(07:07
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: It should either be "rootdelay=10" or "rootwait", not "rootwait=10"07:08
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: rootwait basically waits untill the root device is ready, with no timeout.07:08
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Yeah, I started with rootwait first, and thought that might be wrong, so manually edited on the boot menu07:08
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: there you go maybe update broke it.  that's why I never update unless it's already broken07:08
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: rootwait didn't "keep" waiting indefinitely.  It eventually dropped to shell.07:09
crucialhoaxsacarlson: But i wouldnt have known? after the update it still worked.. So thats why Im assuming this mouse changed something :(07:09
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: What scripts should I check on my system, that the initramfs uses, to see what might be happening?07:09
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: maybe it's the mouse.  they take battieries you know07:10
crucialhoaxsacarlson: ?07:10
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: you said wirless07:11
crucialhoaxsacarlson: Im goin to try a new user account Ill be right bak, will you still be here?07:11
crucialhoaxsacarlson: No my touchpad is broken..07:11
crucialhoaxyea haha07:11
the_wench2I am using cron jobs to execute a url (my php script) how can I see which or how many cron jobs are running currently?07:11
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: nm, I found them in /usr/share/initramfs-tools07:12
sacarlsonthe_wench2: ps -a07:12
tanathhelp: trying to check HDD for bad sectors, but it says the disk is in use. it's not mounted, and ps turns up nothing07:12
sdbinwiiexeI'd like to make a suggestion for the future Ubuntu release:07:12
sdbinwiiexe Add the Canadian-English dictionary to firefox automatically if Canada is selected as the user's location.07:12
the_wench2sacarlson:   PID TTY          TIME CMD07:12
the_wench223520 pts/0    00:00:00 ps07:12
Jordan_Utanath: pgrep fsck07:12
sdbinwiiexe(available as an FF add-on from mozilla addons)07:12
tanathJordan_U, nothing07:12
rajatkhandujahow do I mount *all* my partitions using the command line07:13
the_wench2sacarlson: what does that means?07:13
Jordan_Utanath: "sudo fuser /dev/sda" ?07:13
tanathJordan_U, did 'ps -ef | grep sda'07:13
tanathJordan_U, nothing07:13
rajatkhandujawhen I use *mount /dev/sda1/* i get the error saying that sda1 not found in fstab .... but i can mount using GUI07:14
tanathrajatkhanduja, mount -a07:14
sacarlsonthe_wench2: what is that?07:14
the_wench2ps -a07:15
rajatkhandujatanath: not wrking07:15
rajatkhandujatanath, not wrking07:16
tanathrajatkhanduja, "mount -a [-t|-O] ...     : mount all stuff from /etc/fstab"07:16
sacarlsonthe_wench2: oh maybe you want ps -A   those are the process that are running on your system isn't that what you wanted.07:16
tanathrajatkhanduja, then it's not in fstab :P07:16
crucialhoaxsacarlson: Nope a new profile didnt work :/07:16
rajatkhandujatanath, # /etc/fstab: static file system information.07:17
rajatkhanduja# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier07:17
rajatkhanduja# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name07:17
rajatkhanduja# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).07:17
rajatkhanduja# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>07:17
FloodBot2rajatkhanduja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:17
the_wench2sacarlson: no, that shows too many processes lol07:17
the_wench2I just want to see my cronjobs07:17
tanathhelp: trying to check HDD for bad sectors, but it says the disk is in use. it's not mounted, and ps turns up nothing07:17
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: oh it's a laptop make sure you didn't turn off the device with the botton near the touch pad07:17
tanathrajatkhanduja, use pastebin07:17
rajatkhandujatanath, it is not in fstab..but when I'm able to mount using the GUI.07:18
rajatkhandujatanath, sry for the pasting07:18
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: sometimes the touchpad interfers with operation so they have a botton the disables it.  i think there is normaly a light near it showing active07:18
rajatkhandujatanath, should I add it to fstab!07:18
crucialhoaxsacarlson: I didnt.. Its enabled. even the buttons dont work, the left nor right click07:18
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: well it's broke get a mouse and plug it in07:19
tanathrajatkhanduja, /dev/sda1 should be your root...07:19
crucialhoaxsacarlson: How can you believe its broken? lol07:19
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: try boot a live cd and see if it works with that also try older live boots if you have them07:19
rajatkhandujatanath, /dev/sda is the root ... I'm using a dual boot system. and /dev/sda1 refers to the Windows primary partition07:19
crucialhoaxsacarlson: I was just thinking that. alright.07:20
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have an ipod touch and i have tried banshee and rhythmbox to try to move music on the device but it doesn't seem to list the device in any of those apps but the device icon is shown on the desktop and i'm able to browse it, any thoughts?07:20
sacarlsoncrucialhoax: because it's not working there for we call that broke07:20
the_wench2sacarlson: ?07:20
atudeHi, I'd like to have my volume buttons(Fn+F10/F11) work on my netbook in gnome. How should I go about doing this?07:20
sacarlsonthe_wench2: make your question clear07:20
the_wench2I have a cronentry07:20
crucialhoaxsacarlson: It does work, just when I hit Fn+F7 extremely fast haha07:20
crucialhoaxsacarlson: brb07:20
the_wench2that executes a php script every min07:20
sacarlsonthe_wench2: yes that's my name don't ware it out07:21
the_wench2now that php script takes variable time everyti,e07:21
the_wench2so I want to see in the command line07:21
the_wench2how many cronjobs are running atm07:21
tanathrajatkhanduja, here we go: http://www.hackourlives.com/auto-mount-windows-partitions-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/07:22
sacarlsonthe_wench2: how many are running or how many have run?07:22
the_wench2how many ARE running :)07:22
tanathhelp: trying to check HDD for bad sectors, but it says the disk is in use. it's not mounted, and ps turns up nothing07:22
the_wench2I don't care about how many have run :P07:22
sacarlsonthe_wench2: the ps -A will give you all the process that are running count the number that match the name of you program you run in cron07:22
peppohi. is anyone else having massive performance problems with Flash since latest couple upgrades in 9.10?07:23
the_wench2wait let me show you was ps -A shows :P07:23
the_wench2sacarlson: http://pastie.org/private/lylkncziqqwl7cjbnig6tw07:23
sacarlsonthe_wench2: please use pastebin if you do07:23
the_wench2this is a pastebin only bud07:24
tanathas far as i can tell, nothing is using the HDD, but the scanning tools say otherwise and won't work.07:24
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I think I've figured it out.  I'm going to fix it and reboot.  After looking at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/mdadm I noticed it's just using the config, which for whatever reason won't let it auto detect them.07:24
TrentonAdamsSo, if I change my mdadm.conf to be setup properly for my system, it'll probably just work.07:25
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: ^^07:25
sacarlsonthe_wench2: so what should I be looking for?07:25
sacarlsonthe_wench2: I don't see any wget that was in your last cron07:25
the_wench2if a cron is running07:26
sacarlsonthe_wench2: so the answer is none07:26
the_wench2what should I search for in this list? :P07:26
the_wench2wget ?07:26
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I would bet that is what the install does, and since I did it after the fact, the update-initramfs wouldn't work unless I have it setup correctly.  Is that right?07:26
sacarlsonthe_wench2: yes but your cron was programed to run only every 10 min07:26
TrentonAdamsThe mdadm hook file is for initramfs setup, i.e. not a booting hook, right?07:26
rajatkhandujatanath, isn't there any way to do it using the cmd line...just curious07:26
the_wench2I changed that to 1 min for beta testing, as its really frustrating to add on data from backend and then wait for 10 mins for the cron to run heh07:26
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Sounds reasonable, though I haven't done much with raid myself.07:27
sacarlsonthe_wench2: I don't know you wrote the cron not me.  what's in the crontab that you think should be running07:27
tanathrajatkhanduja, of course. most prefer GUI though. you could configure things manually, but that way is faster07:27
Lizzard88Q: how do i dual boot? Ive already installed Xp on one drive and ubuntu on the other07:28
the_wench2sacarlson: ok, so basically if a cron is running, I would see wget in ps -A , right ?07:28
tanathLizzard88, you'll have to install grub on the drive being booted to be able to choose your OS on boot07:28
tanathLizzard88, grub is a bootloader. you can google some guides07:29
sacarlsonthe_wench2: I'm asuming you are working on the same crontab you showed me before that you ran wget yes then you would see wget as one or more proccess in ps -A,  try a big file to verify I'm correct07:29
jinxzs!grub | Lizzard8807:29
ubottuLizzard88: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:29
the_wench2sacarlson: yeah ,its the same, thanks!07:30
rajatkhandujatanath, can u pls guide me as to what all I might need to tinker with....which all files .. like /etc/fstab07:30
sacarlsonthe_wench2: and no if cron is running you won't see wget.  only the time that wget is running will you see it07:30
WinglessThis question is only tangentially related to Unbuntu, but: is there a way to have vim wrap words in a way that doesn't cut words off in the middle?  Like, if a word gets wrapped, then move the entire word to the next line.  I don't want vim to actually insert newlines into the file; I just want it to display the text using an intelligent word-wrap.07:30
the_wench2I c07:30
tanathrajatkhanduja, don't really have time, sorry. brush up on your google-fu :P07:30
tanathrajatkhanduja, good luck07:31
rajatkhandujatanath, thank for the help...well I've tried a lot on google..couldn't get much help07:31
sacarlsonWingless: try gedit that's my fav editor07:31
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: yay, it worked.07:31
FlannelWingless: :set wrap :set linebreak :set nolist07:31
sacarlsonWingless: it can wrap07:31
rypervencheHi everyone.07:32
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Congratulations.07:32
rypervencheI'm new to Ubuntu and Linux.07:32
ActionParsnipNano and leafpad here, gedit is so slow07:32
minhhello...I need help on a OCR-related topic: I need to "read" hundreds of scanned business-cards...can anyone point me to a good programm to do the trick?07:32
sacarlsonActionParsnip: gedit slow?  to start?  I'm slow too so we match07:33
atudebut, how do you make your screen like this? I tried to set the hot key but the Fn+<any key> combination is not read at all...07:33
rypervencheI have a question about about Ubuntu, if anyone is available to help.07:33
Lizzard88Im reading the guide about grub2, but i don't see how to make it run before my default operation system starts up07:33
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: I'm going to udpate the update-initramfs script to add an option for auto generating mdadm.conf from your currently running arrays.07:33
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Probably stick another config option in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm07:34
atudeI'd like to have my volume buttons(Fn+F10/F11) work on my netbook in gnome.07:34
ActionParsnipsacarlson: leafpad is much lighter, gedit has a lot of plugins for highlighting which I don't find necessary for conf file edits07:34
rajatkhandujarypervenche : I'll try07:34
WinglessFlannel: That doesn't seem to fix the problem...why would I have to set nolist?07:34
sacarlsonLizzard88: grub2 will start first and will chain boot your other operating system.  your other operating system can still be default07:34
ActionParsnipminh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR07:34
WinglessFlannel: In fact, none of those sets seem to do anything for me >_<07:35
FlannelWingless: Nolist isn't important, but the first two should solve your issue07:35
WinglessFlannel: Do I have to do something special before the changes kick in?07:35
ActionParsnipatude: set the combination in system -> admin -> keyboard07:35
Lizzard88sacarlson: how can i choose which operating system to run?07:35
sacarlsonActionParsnip: I guess that's part of what I love about gedit it makes everything readable like bash you can see in color what the comments are soooo cool07:35
Lizzard88i dont get that option when booting up07:35
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Thank you^^ Well, I installed Ubuntu on my computer, I got it to work fine. Unfortunately I do not have an Internet connection in my room, so I brought my PC downstairs and am using a different monitor and keyboard. When I start up Ubuntu, it stays on a black screen that says things about my USB ports.07:35
minhActionParsnip: thank you so much...this is a good point to start...07:35
WinglessI've done :set wrap and :set linebreak, but words are still getting broken in the middle at the right edge of the screen07:36
FlannelWingless: wrap makes it wrap on display instead of in the file, linebreak makes it break at lines.  nolist is important because wrap won't work if list is set.07:36
atudeActionParsnip: mind you, the key combination with Fn does not read07:36
ActionParsnipsacarlson: if you like it, sure. I find teext just as readbale without so I embrace speed :)07:36
rajatkhandujarypervenche: can u quote what it says?07:36
atudeActionParsnip: however, other keys works without fn07:36
WinglessI see07:36
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Yes, let me find the picture.07:36
ActionParsnipatude: have you searched for you laptop make model to find linux guides07:37
sacarlsonLizzard88: from ubuntu I guess I would use the gui start-manager  to set what I wanted as the default boot07:37
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Thanks for all the tips by the way.  They helped lead me to a solution.  My solution was only about 30% of what I needed.  You helped with the other 70%07:37
seidoswhy can't I untar the kernel source file that I have in /usr/src?07:38
ActionParsnipseidos: you can: sudo tar zxvf file07:38
seidosActionParsnip, thanks07:39
WinglessFlannel: I understand what :set list does now, and I think I understand what :set wrap does, but I'm not sure what :set linebreak does, and in any case setting both wrap and linebreak doesn't seem to do anything for me here...what could I possibly be doing wrong, or missing?07:39
CoolwhoamiHello, I am having an issue with installing wine, and the guys in the wine help channel sent me over your way because I apparently have a broken package. http://www.fpaste.org/mzGw/ is the problem I am having. Anybody mind taking a look? (I am a newbie to ubuntu)07:39
ActionParsnipseidos: as a user you don't have write access to the folder so you need sudo07:39
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Give me one more minute, I am uploading it to Photobucket.07:39
sacarlsonActionParsnip: well us old farts need all the help we can get.  and to each his own.  I still us vi when i'm in terminal with no graphic but that's all I ever learned07:39
FlannelWingless: linebreak makes it break in between words, as opposed to "at the edge of the screen"07:39
seidosActionParsnip, -zxvf didn't work, but -xvvf did07:39
seidosnot sure if it will extract though.07:40
ActionParsnipseidos: cool, gold achieved07:40
* seidos crosses his fingers07:40
FlannelWingless: I can't think of anything else, #vim might be more help07:40
ActionParsnipsacarlson: its all good. Old or young is the same online07:40
seidosit's still extracting.  but sudo should do it07:40
WinglessI'll go ask them there07:40
WinglessThanks for your help, Flannel07:40
rypervencherajatkhanduja: http://3.ly/GtkB07:40
seidosyes!  thanks ActionParsnip07:40
ActionParsnipseidos: if you are going to be working a lot there then run: sudo -i ,you will not need sudo then07:41
seidosah it doesn't matter, virtualbox is looking for src files in /usr/src/linux or something07:41
rajatkhandujarypervenche: does the booting stop here? or it goes on smoothly?07:42
rypervencheIt stops there.07:42
gewtI am NOT running on battery power!07:42
rypervencherajatkhanduja: It stops there.07:42
gewtI have my system plugged in.07:42
elkclone2 weeks of praying for money.07:43
rajatkhandujarypervenche: so how do u proceed.. or are u using a different PC and OS right now?07:43
gewtI read praying as paying07:43
bazhang!ot | elkclone07:43
ubottuelkclone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:43
tanathwhy does it keep saying my HDD is in use when i just booted off live disc? not mounted, and nothing seems to be using it07:43
tanathneed to scan for bad sectors07:44
rypervencherajatkhanduja: I installed Ubuntu on this computer with Wubi just a few hours ago. In my room with my monitor and keyboard it works just fine. Then I came downstairs with the same PC but with a different monitor and keyboard and it showed up with that black screen.07:44
elkclonegewt: rofl07:44
ActionParsniptanath: you could use lsof to see the open files, use grep to search for stuff. You may find the livecd is using your swapspace07:45
bazhangelkclone, please stay on topic07:45
=== Wingless is now known as Elefant
tanathActionParsnip, reports nothing except that output may be incomplete07:45
rajatkhandujarypervenche : did u hibernate before u took it below!!07:46
rypervencherajatkhanduja: No, I never use that option.07:46
rajatkhandujarypervenche : and not even suspend (because it says failed to resume from hard disk)07:46
rypervencherajatkhanduja: I have read about those problems, and I don't even use them in Windows.07:47
tanathanyone know the command to keep live disc from using HDD swap partition?07:48
GabrielFromBrazihello from Brazil07:48
rypervencherajatkhanduja: In my room I was using a wireless keyboard and mouse and it had no problem. Downstairs I am using the same wireless mouse, but a wired keyboard. Would that do it?07:49
=== Slasher__ is now known as Slasher
EugeneKayCould somebody please point me to the 10.04 Server BitTorrent links? The new website design is somewhat lacking.07:49
alisonhello, when i try to ssh into my server i get the message "Received disconnect from 2: fork failed: Not enough space07:49
wurlingtoni got it EugeneKay hang on07:50
rajatkhandujarypervenche, it shouldn't create such a problem..the problem seems to be in BIOS07:50
rajatkhandujarypervenche, but just to be sure..just disconnect the *keyboard* and try again07:50
rypervencheOk, I will be back then.07:50
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Thanks, I'll be back after trying it.07:50
wurlingtonjust downloaded it myself last night07:51
EugeneKaywurlington - thanks. I was after amd64, but I made the link work.07:51
Coolwhoami_I keep getting a bunch of errors when running package updates, where should I start?07:51
EugeneKayI don't know why it's so hard to find the .torrents on the ubuntu.com site now..... but eh. I'm just after it so I can cross-learn from Fedora.07:51
wurlingtonyea, i was disapointed myself last night07:52
wurlingtoni wanted the superior download speed07:52
wurlingtoncouldnt find it from their site07:52
sacarlsonEugeneKay: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/    http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent07:52
EugeneKayIt's more about the fact that my connection shits out every so often. I use ZNC for my IRC connection to get around that.... HTTP downloads not so much. Thus... BitTorrent07:52
EugeneKaysacarlson - got the direct link I was after already, but thanks. Now I know where to look..... in October.07:53
blognewbis there a secure gui version of ssh one can use when upgrading an ubuntu server remotely?07:53
sacarlsonblognewb: ssh is secure07:54
kenrickHey can i get some help?07:54
sacarlsonblognewb: it's encrypted  you can use keys as an option07:54
blognewbsacarlson: what i meant was a graphical ui version of ssh07:55
kenricki have problems making linux bootable on a usb drive07:55
blognewbinstead of doing command line07:55
sacarlsonblognewb: well ssh is a shell but you can us it like sftp to move files as well is that what you want to move files?07:56
MaRk-Iblognewb: not sure what you mean, there's a ssh tunnel manager called gSTM07:56
sacarlsonblognewb: if so then places>connect to server>ssh07:56
shirtlessAnyone know if there is a widget/desklet for Gnome that can sync to google calendar?07:57
sacarlsonblognewb: you will need to be more clear what you are trying to do07:57
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have an ipod touch and i have tried banshee and rhythmbox to try to move music on the device but it doesn't seem to list the device in any of those apps but the device icon is shown on the desktop and i'm able to browse it, any thoughts?07:58
shirtlessLooks like evolution can do it.07:58
shirtlessparanoidphreak: to migrate your music to an ipod, you can just use nautilus or a shell.07:58
shirtlessparanoidphreak: it mounts as a regular usb storage device.07:59
ActionParsnipshirtless: http://www.google.co.uk/support/forum/p/Calendar/thread?tid=28cb4a5d7afbd49a&hl=en07:59
paranoidphreakshirtless: yes, it mounts as a usb drive07:59
ActionParsnipparanoidphreak: gtkpod07:59
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Yeah, that was stupid. I couldn't choose which OS to boot to without the use of my keyboard. But I don't think that would be the problem. Do you know how I may be able to fix this?07:59
shirtlessActionParsnip: cool08:00
paranoidphreakActionParsnip: i tried that but on the internet it says it doesn't support touch08:00
ActionParsnipparanoidphreak: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html08:00
amageeis anyone here any good at setting up postfix?  i want to set up about half a dozen hardcoded, non-unix accounts, and i want e-mail sent to these accounts to be both kept on the server, and forwarded to a different e-mail address that depends on the account.08:00
paranoidphreakActionParsnip: thanks for the link08:00
kenrickHey I have a brand new Hp elitebook with no os server but no disk drive. how do you boot from a usb from a mac?08:00
ActionParsnipparanoidphreak: or jailbreak it, install rockbox and be free08:01
amageeor if anyone can help me achieve this with some other package apart from postfix, that would also be welcome.08:01
rajatkhandujarypervenche: so when u plugged it back in .. there was the same problem?08:02
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Yes.08:02
ActionParsnipkenrick: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-create-an-ubuntu-installation-usb-on-the-mac/08:02
paranoidphreakActionParsnip: thanks, i'll try jailbreak, i just updated my touch and i lost all the music and video files08:02
kenrickActionParsnip: Thanx08:02
ActionParsnipparanoidphreak: if you'd got a player from a more openminded company you'd be fine08:02
blognewbShould I get the LTS or is it not advisable? 10.04 (OS for web server)08:03
ActionParsnipkenrick: simple websearch dude08:03
rajatkhandujarypervenche: this seems tough!08:03
blognewbIs it unstable, is it hard to upgrade from?08:03
ActionParsnipblognewb: for servers lts is good as you will be able to upgrade lts to lts08:03
paranoidphreakActionParsnip: lol, i'm starting to hate apple, i had bought an mp3 player and just drag and dropped the files without any problems08:04
ActionParsnipblognewb: its also supported longer than the intermediate releases08:04
rypervencheparanoidphreak: It's really only good for the applications :/08:04
ActionParsnipparanoidphreak: yeah but people see te "cool" factor and shiny rather than what it does and doesn't do. Make me sad08:04
blognewbActionParsnip: what if the next version is NOT lts? :( im confused sorry08:04
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: You'08:04
ActionParsnipblognewb: maverick is 10.10 and is not lts08:05
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: ... You're welcome :)08:05
ActionParsnipblognewb: the previos lts was hardy released april 200808:05
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minhActionParsnip: I think it kind of WILL do the trick (OCR)...just have to write some scripts around it...thank you sooo much, once again!08:05
ActionParsnipminh: no worries dude08:05
paranoidphreakrypervenche, ActionParsnip: apple === evil08:05
blognewbActionParsnip: oh i was referring to this.. http://library.linode.com/troubleshooting/upgrade-ubuntu-10.04 so that's not the latest?08:06
rajatkhandujarypervenche: computer info!! configuration and company08:06
ActionParsnipminh: could try: apt-cache search ocr | less ,there may be an app available etc08:06
blognewbMaverick now ok08:06
andynwhere in the boot configuration files should i put my 915resolution lines so that they get run before any modesetting is done?08:06
ActionParsnipblognewb: maverick is still in alpha and is discussed and supported in #ubuntu+1 ,not here08:07
Jordan_Uandyn: I thought that 915resolution was no longer needed.08:07
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Windows Vista on an HP slimline, uhhh 300GB HD with about 120GB left on it. Um what else do you need?08:07
andynJordan_U: you're one of those optimists, aren't you?08:07
blognewbActionParsnip: ", Ubuntu only officially supports upgrades between LTS releases." --> would u reckon i install lucid instead then, as a beginner?08:07
ActionParsnipandyn: /etc/default/grub sounds resonable08:07
rajatkhandujarypervenche: graphic card!08:07
ActionParsnipblognewb: yes as its quite mature now and lts08:07
MaRk-Iandyn:  in /etc/default/grub  you edit the line that says:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"08:08
rypervencherajatkhanduja: ATI Radeon HD 435008:08
andynActionParsnip, MaRk-I: no, i don't want and i cannot use KMS.08:08
ActionParsnipandyn: don't want what?08:09
Jordan_Uandyn: Why?08:09
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Like I said I got Ubuntu to start just fine when I was upstairs. Very fast and no problems whatsoever.08:09
MaRk-Iandyn: you asked WHERE I dont care if you want it or not... that's WHERE you disable it08:09
andynActionParsnip, Jordan_U: xorg intel drivers are unusable on i8xx graphics cards forcing me to use vesa, which explicitly rules out KMS.08:10
ActionParsnipandyn: you must run: sudo update-grub ,to apply the setting08:10
andynMaRk-I: kms is blacklisted on i8xx cards anyway so you don't have to edit that file...08:10
MaRk-Iandyn: fine eh... ignore my comment then08:11
skumarawhen log in my terminal , i keep getting this message every few seconds. is there any problem with my laptop? http://pastebin.com/DK9yc54b08:11
ActionParsnipandyn: I think this page has some code you can use: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes08:11
andynActionParsnip: are you referring to the i8xx/i9xx "black screen on boot" bug?08:12
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: You still there?08:12
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ActionParsnipandyn: I read something on intel 8xx cards earlier but this browser hates most of the ubuntu pages08:12
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: Yes.08:12
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: http://blog.adamsbros.org/2010/08/14/ubuntu-wont-boot-raided-root/08:12
ActionParsnipandyn: it may relate to that. I make my system use framebuffer til it hits desktop08:12
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Anything that consumes a significant amount of time is worth blogging about. hehe08:13
ActionParsnipandyn: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/08:13
ActionParsnipandyn: I use it on my crappy intel based lappy too08:14
andynActionParsnip: anyway, my problem is that since i'm forced to use vesa, KMS is out of the question and i need to revert to 915resolution to patch my video bios before any video mode changes are done. i was asking where i should put those 915resolution commands so that my bios gets patched early enough. that blog posts also points out the same problem so it's not really a triage, i suppose08:15
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Could it be my monter resolution changed?08:16
rypervencherajatkhanduja: monitor*08:16
rajatkhandujarypervenche : lets try this ... type in terminal "sudo gedit /etc/default/bootlogd08:16
rajatkhandujaand change the BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=No to BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes08:17
rajatkhandujarypervenche: and change the BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=No to BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes08:17
shzlnzlanyone got a ubuntu dual boot howto url?08:17
rajatkhandujarypervenche: then try rebooting...and see if /var/log/boot shows something08:17
rypervencherajatkhanduja: When I said I was new to this, I meant really new. How do I get to terminal if I can't get into Ubuntu?08:18
_genuser_hey guys.08:19
rajatkhandujarypervenche: i thought u said Ubuntu's running well with the other monitor and keyboard!08:19
skumaradoes anyone know what this error referring to? or which hardware this error come from: http://pastebin.com/DK9yc54b08:19
_genuser_trying to install sun-java6-jre, it's not found. using netbuntu.08:19
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Oh, ok. I'll have to go upstairs.08:20
rajatkhandujatry taking the monitor upstairs as well and the keyborad08:20
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: If you are actually changing the filesystem containing /boot you should run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc", this will do three things. 1: Update the debconf settings for the grub-pc package so that grub is installed to the correct device(s) when there is an upgrade to the grub-pc package, for instance you probably want to install to both members of your new raid 2: Runs grub-install on the devices you selected 3: 08:21
rypervencherajatkhanduja: Ok so after that I should come back downstairs and try again?08:21
TrentonAdamsJordan_U: Thanks, I forgot about that one.  You mentioned that before.08:24
Jordan_UTrentonAdams: You're welcome.08:24
KurusuI want to uninstall vim-tiny and install a full version of vim on Ubuntu 8.10, but when I use Synaptic to try and remove vim-tiny and vim-common (the only two packages with vim in their name that are currently installed), it also requires me to uninstall ubuntu-minimal.  Is that safe?08:26
shirtlessKurusu: just apt-get install vim-full, and it will ask you if you want to fix that issue when you install it.08:28
shirtlessor vim-gnome.08:29
Kurusushirtless: Okay, I'll give that a shot08:29
Petriukashow make bomb ?08:29
Petriukasi am Lithuania terroris08:29
shirtlessYou kind of suck at terrorism. Maybe you should try learning PHP instead.08:30
Petriukasi kill tou all08:30
rwwPetriukas: This channel is for Ubuntu technical support. Please direct your questionable humor elsewhere.08:30
Petriukasi obama shubama08:30
intelHow can we make a dial-up connection in ubuntu 1008:37
ArMo3System Monitor reports 100% CPU usage when I'm overclocking to 3.2 GHz.08:37
intel Please Help !!!08:37
intelPlease Help08:38
intelanyone willing to help08:38
ArMo3!patience | intel08:38
ubottuintel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:38
xdessonimbrunx ah ...08:40
quietoneHow do I import the .vcs calendar attachment into evolution? Both "import to Calendar" and File->import fail.08:41
HerixHi all ! Any luck with wifi on a Fujitsu M7440G and Lucid Lynx ?08:47
kenrickgeeze........ wont convert .iso to .img on mac. help?08:52
=== DanDare is now known as CaptCaveman
kenrickjust says permission denied08:54
henkpoleyit = ?08:54
murlidharkenrick: maybe you should ask that on a mac support forum.08:54
henkpoleyAnd why ask a Mac question in #Ubuntu?08:54
* murlidhar wonders08:55
LampchairI'm shopping for a nice android smart phone.. which one should I get?08:55
kenrickbecause im bootin an hp elitebook from a usb on a mac...08:55
henkpoleyAlso, on a mac you can only easily burn isos, not *.img files08:55
murlidharkenrick: how is that related to ubuntu08:55
kenrickmurlidhar: because my elitebook has no os server08:56
sarah32hi need bit of help problem in lucid. i use wifi dongle belking with chipset rt2573. the problem is that when im trying connect to the internet lucid freeze totally and i have to restart i know that the problem is with driver it use or it should use  rt73usb driver i tried to install firmaware from ralink but got problems pls look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/477817/08:56
henkpoleysarah32: I'll take a look, you van ask around in #linux-wireless too, not too many people there though.08:57
jagan185hi everyone08:57
jagan185How can I block a non-admin user from accessing a particular folder in ubuntu08:57
henkpoleysarah32: do you have the linux header files of your kernel installed ?08:58
Aemaethfspot keeps crashing, i'm only importing 40,000 pictures08:58
henkpoleyjagan185: a specific user, or any non-admin user ?08:59
murlidharAemaeth: just a personal choice but i found shotwell good in picture management.08:59
s1gmahow do you change gdm themes in lucid?08:59
sarah32<henkpoley> i think so:) i have other dongle with rt2870 and other with zd1211 both work the problem i got is with rt2573 i think it maybe something to do with the driver i mean i installed compat-wireless etc at the moment i blacklisted everythink i mean all other drivers and still rt73 doesnt work09:00
pocoyohi,all. Can Greader user-defined shortcuts like in gmail?09:00
henkpoleysarah32: when you install compat-wireless from ubuntu backports it will remove the linux header files09:01
henkpoleysarah32: if you compiled linux-compat you ought to have them though, else it wouldn't work09:01
Aemaethmurlidhar, checking it out09:02
sarah32<henkpoley> i use aircrack i mean i play with it sometimes there is airmon-ng so with it i checked that rt73 is working i mean it recognisse etc the problem is just with the internet cuz when im trying to connect it lucid freeze totally09:03
spazmiI have been using my gateway with a static IP but recently changed my ISP-subscription to a dynamic IP... what do I need to re-conf in my gateway for it to request a dynamic IP from the modem instead?09:03
quietonejagan185, change the file permissions. maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions will help09:03
henkpoleyjagan185:  you could change the folder's group to his own, and then remove access rights: chgrp username the-folder; chown g-rwx the-folder;09:03
henkpoleysarah32: my rt2571 device (same driver) is also having a lot of problems, like 50% package loss.09:04
henkpoleyno freezes though09:04
henkpoleysarah32: You can report compat-wireless bugs here: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#Bugs09:06
sarah32<henkpoley> i tried in live cd and its working i know i messed something with the driver i will try to install new driver09:06
kisukeOk anyone know the wiki page for setting up samba shares localy? As in on ubuntu accessable from a windows pc? I already did !samba and that's not to relivant09:08
* kisuke looks at time I forgot how slow this chan is at 2un the morning09:10
tonymahoonhey guys i'm struggling with samba permissions can anyone here help me out09:11
BadegakkIs it posible to boot up in text mode insted of the kubuntu splash screen?09:11
oddtodso i have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP to install and configure LAMP. I cannot get PHP to work with apache2 I have followed the troubleshooting guide on that page.09:13
LampchairWhich android smartphone is the best to buy now a days to play around with?09:13
kisukeBadegakk: yes there is but as far asi know it involves editing your grub conf files09:14
rwwubottu: ot | Lampchair09:14
ubottuLampchair: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:14
rwwBadegakk: Do you want to do it once, or set it as the default?09:14
Badegakkkisuke, default09:14
Badegakkrww, defualt09:14
BadegakkI want to see whats going on during boot time09:15
kisukeBadegakk: grub2 right?09:15
rwwBadegakk: run "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" in Konsole, change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to equal "", save. run "sudo update-grub".09:15
Badegakkrww, ahh. thx  :)09:16
rwwBadegakk: (specifically, there are two options you'll remove. "splash" activates the splash screen, "quiet" suppresses some messages during boot)09:16
JackStonerhey can anyone help me with this error??09:17
JackStonerdpkg: failed to open `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Invalid argument09:17
kisukeJackStoner: what package?09:17
JackStonerkisuke: skype09:17
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kisukeJackStoner: that's all it says?09:18
Badegakkrww, my box hangs sometimes during boot, with no disk activity, but alt ctrl del works.. wanna know whats going on, hehe09:18
DiverdudeI am using sshfs, and it works fine, but after having beeing connected for 15-20 minutes something happens to the connections and it hangs. The only way i can reconnect is by restarting the computer and reconnect. This is EXTREMELY timeconsuming. Is this a known bug?09:18
spazmiI have been using my gateway with a static IP but recently changed my ISP-subscription to a dynamic IP... what do I need to re-conf in my gateway for it to request a dynamic IP from the modem instead?09:18
JackStonerkisuke: i tried installing skype and something broke i think and i had to do dpkg --configure -a09:18
henkpoleyBadegakk: what would be the stage of your boot? already seen grub, ubuntu splash ?09:18
JackStonerbut doing that throws me that error09:18
kisukeDiverdude: try looking on launchpad.net09:19
Badegakkhenkpoley, ubuntu splash09:19
kisukeJackStoner: uninstall, reboot, then reinstall might solve it09:19
Badegakkhenkpoley, it just stop loading09:20
JackStonerkisuke: it didnt install completely09:20
Badegakkhenkpoley, only happens every 1 of 3 boot atempts09:20
henkpoleyBadegakk: you could try removing splash and quiet from your kernel command line /boot/grub/grub.cnf(?ini?conf? they changed this a lot)09:21
kisukeJackStoner: ok then try restarting WMD reinstalling09:21
henkpoleyBadegakk: then you'll at least know what has started, so people can guess what doesn't work09:22
rwwhenkpoley: /etc/default/grub , and I already recmomended that :)09:22
rwwrecommended **09:22
kisukehenkpoley: it's in /etc/grub but I don't remember the exact file I beleve it's 01.conf09:22
JackStonerkisuke: is there anyother way around without restarting?? coz i have this uptime im trying to maintain :P09:22
Badegakkchanges are made, lets hope i can manage to see what the problem is,  i have ssd disk so it boots pretty fast09:23
henkpoleyBadegakk: hey, when it hangs it hangs09:23
Badegakkhenkpoley, true09:23
kisukeJackStoner: you don't have to, but it will clean out all the junk that has acculumated09:23
BadegakkThx for the help everyone :)09:23
JackStonermmhh...k  thanks kisuke09:24
kisukeJackStoner: how long have you been up?09:24
JackStonerkisuke: 7 days and a couple of hours :P09:25
kisukeJackStoner: mehi09:25
JackStonerkisuke: on my laptop too :P09:25
lotrpyhello, I am a user of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, I can't apt-get update/remove rhythmbox, is there anyway to fix this? the error log is here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/BWfY1nH509:26
malvhow do you change the default movie player?09:33
oblumalv: system/preferences/preferred applacions09:34
malvmovie player is not in there09:34
oblumalv: then open terminal, and: sudo apt-get install mplayer-gnome09:34
Aemaethso fspot can load about 10,000 images before crashing09:39
intelIn ubuntu is there any stuff like run in Windows09:41
intelit is an open question09:41
intelto all09:41
amageeintel: do you mean alt+f2?09:42
Aemaethintel, that depends on what the definition of "stuff like" is09:42
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intelI mean do we have any command in Ubuntu like cmd in Windows09:43
Aemaeththen amagee got you09:44
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yuleintel: Applications > Accessoires > Terminal ?09:44
intelit is not09:44
intelyou cannot detect the ip address from terminal09:44
yuleintel: try 'ifconfig'09:45
intelcan u ping in terminal09:45
SwedeMikeintel: you can do "everything" in terminal.09:45
yulenow can you install softare from 'cmd' in windows? :)09:45
rwwI note that Windows didn't invent the 'ping' command ;)09:45
Aemaethi download 4chan and 7chan pictures using a terminal script09:45
intelI think you should try typing ipconfig in terminal and check it09:46
Aemaethwget and curl mean you don't really need a browser...if you're into that sort of thing09:46
inteli didn't get any09:46
SwedeMikeintel: ifconfig, not ipconfig.09:46
intelsorry....I got it09:46
=== carlos is now known as Guest4356
SwedeMikeintel: or rather, use the command "ip", "ip -4 a l"  to list the addressses, "ip -4 r l" to list routes.09:47
SwedeMike"ip - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels"09:47
livingdaylightpeople of ooBoonToo I have question: I dl and install things which leave Desktop launchers, but they are like scripts-looking? when I click to launch, it says me that it is not 'trusted' How can I make it trusted?09:47
intelhow to track ip address in ubuntu like we do in Windows09:47
vaibhavhow to reset or recover password of ubuntu??09:47
rwwubottu: password | vaibhav09:48
ubottuvaibhav: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords09:48
SwedeMikeintel: people in here don't really know windows, so please state what you want to do instead.09:48
yuleintel: what do you mean by 'track'?09:48
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llutzintel: traceroute09:48
rwwWindows didn't invent that one, either ;)09:49
llutzwin/ms invented _everything_ though09:49
intelactually I am in search of ubuntu ebook ..... can anyone refer me the link please09:50
rwwubottu: manual | intel09:50
ubottuintel: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:50
Dracona#join !smjg09:50
rwwubottu: terminal | intel09:50
ubottuintel: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:50
intelthanks ones again09:51
joaojeronimoHi guys, isn't the error reporting in PHP turned on by default ? I can't see my errors even if I turn error reporting on...09:53
joaojeronimocan anyone help me ?09:53
joaojeronimoI'm running Ubuntu 10.04, lighttpd and php5-cgi09:53
Niglopany programs I can edit pdf files with?09:55
Geierjoaojeronimo: error_reporting(E_ALL); ?09:55
cmpsalvestriniNiglop: Best bet is to use OpenOffice and save your doc as PDF09:55
joaojeronimoGeier: Yes I also tried that in local .php files but no effect...09:55
Niglopcmpsalvestrini» open office doesnt let me open pdf file09:56
NiglopIt asks me for the character set etc, when I use the default it is encoded09:56
yuleNiglop: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Pdf_Import_Extension09:56
yuleNiglop: do you use that one?09:57
Niglopmm thanks yule09:57
Cork[home]anyone know if theres a way to do something like this with nm-applet? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linuxquestions-org-member-success-stories-23/nic-bonding-between-eth0-and-wifi-678669/09:57
=== joerg is now known as joerg_
Niglophow do I import the extension yule?09:57
itisbasiwhois itisbasi09:58
yuleNitglop: there's a link in the 'Download' section09:58
yuleNitglop: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport09:58
KrupteinHey i installed gnome schedule from the ubuntu repos, and installed to run a script every minute, but that does not happen at all,  if I do the execute now button in schedule the script is ran, but only once (like it should)   how can I check whether the cron is setup right10:00
kuttan_does linux-image-virtual have dom0 support in it ?10:00
=== Patrick is now known as Guest98456
Guest98456can someone help me o.o10:00
Guest98456hellooo O.o10:02
GlowballI'd like to install Ubuntu as a dual boot on my parents' pc, but there's some unmovable file somewhere at the end of the disk (and it has got 'Jrnl' in its name, so it seems important :P). Would it be safe to just change the partition size from within EASUS Partition Manager (when the disk is in use, not sure if that's a good idea) or to do it from within the Ubuntu installation (moving vital10:02
Glowballparts of the Windows filesystem without it knowing.. Not sure if that's a good idea either :P)10:02
yuleGuest98456: just state your problem :)10:02
MatthesI have a partition /dev/sd1 ext4  mountpint: /    size 227.14GB  used: 68.19GB   unused: 158.95   flags: boot10:03
ilovefairuzCork[home]: probably not, but nice link10:04
Guest98456k well i tried to install 10.4 ubuntu and when i was doing all the updates on the first run it asked me something about grub, and i just hit next or whatever without reading it. then when i had to restart it said error: no such device: fc4e2e75-93e0-4dce-947c-17522800c0ce10:04
Guest98456and i cant even get on my windows10:04
Matthesvan I make another partition without the current one being damaged10:04
Guest98456can someone please help me i need to get my windows back atleast10:05
GlowballGuest98456: How did you install ubuntu?10:05
yuleGuest98456: sounds like a problem with grub, the boot manager, I think you need a live-cd to boot and then re-install grub. can someone else confirm this? I guess I could look it up10:05
Aemaethand fspot is starting to crash again10:05
cmpsalvestriniGlowball: Before repartitioning the HD on that computer, try defragmenting it with the option to consolidate free space. The .jrnl externsion seems to me that it is some sort of journal implemented by Win710:05
Guest98456uhh that one program i cant rember the name to install from windows10:05
ilovefairuzKruptein: why not just use crontab? check its man page10:06
Guest98456wubi or something10:06
Aemaethand yeah, reinstall will fix grub issue because grub will reognise dicks fresh10:06
Glowballcmpsalvestrini: I did, with MyDefrag. It says it's unmovable. Also, the extension isn't .jrnl, it's just something in the name, I don't remember the extention. Plus, it's a Windows XP cd10:06
Aemaethtrust me, i've seen that same error hundreds of times10:06
Aemaethwhat i get for typing commands into a computer with no monitor10:06
Krupteinilovefairuz: yes I know crontab,  but in a previous ubuntu install I had also gnome-schedule and it worked fine in that case, so I thought I just could re-use it10:06
Guest98456so should i get the cd install on a disk from this computer and reinstall ubuntu?10:07
Aemaethat least reinstall grub, i think that's at the beginning right?10:07
ilovefairuzMatthes: use gparted from ubuntu live cd to resize the partition and make a new one in the unallocated space10:07
GlowballNot reinstalling Ubuntu from the cd, since Wubi installs it inside Windows.10:07
Matthesok, thanks10:08
Guest98456it says grub saver or whatever and idk alot about ubuntu so im kinda confused10:08
yuleGuest98456: basically, you now have ubuntu installed in a file on your windows partition, so if you reinstall now you probably need to resize that partition10:08
GlowballOnly try to reinstall grub. If it doesn't work out, put in your Windows recovery disk and run fixmbr, then you'll be able to boot Windows again10:08
cmpsalvestriniGlowball: In any case to be on the safe side I'd go around that by installing Ubuntu on an usb stick, until you manage to understand what that file is. Also, I'd ask for permission to your parents before messing with their pc...10:08
Aemaethwhat Glowball said sounds like truth10:08
aurillianceWhat does the "vv" (two v's) do in "tar cvvzf ../test.tar.gz *"??10:09
Guest98456i dont think i have a windows recov disk...but how would i go about reinsalling grub10:09
ilovefairuzGuest98456: first of all, did you install using wubi (the windows installer) or a normal install ?10:09
Glowballcmpsalvestrini: I've got permission ;) The Windows install fucked up not long after I got my own laptop and didn't take care of it anymore.10:09
Guest98456i used wubi10:09
rshakinhey ppl10:09
rshakinhow is going10:09
ilovefairuzGuest98456: do you see grub:sh> or grub:rescue> ?10:09
ilovefairuz!hi | rshakin10:10
ubotturshakin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:10
Glowballcmpsalvestrini: That's why I am going to install Ubuntu now. I am allowed to do it. But they still want an intact Windows install until they approved Ubuntu as usable :)10:10
llutzaurilliance: attempt to increase verbosity?10:10
DVDR8hi, do i have to install ubuntu-restricted-extras in order to get flash plugin working in chromium? i dont want the general flash plugin for all browsers...10:10
ilovefairuzGuest98456: type 'ls' and type here what shows up10:10
aurilliancellutz, does putting it twice up the verbosity even more does it?10:10
ilovefairuz!flash | DVDR810:10
ubottuDVDR8: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:10
Guest98456uhh alright10:10
llutzaurilliance: not with gnu/tar afaik10:11
Guest98456ill be back i gotta go unplug everything from here and plug it in there10:11
Guest98456thanks for helping ill be back in like 10 minutes10:11
aurilliancellutz, hmm just checked and vv lists file permissions and owners as well as files :) thanks for the input tho10:12
llutzaurilliance: i stay corrected, it dies10:12
hardcampaOMG finally! A native spotify client for linux, it's a preview but it works.10:12
Aemaeth!spotify | Aemaeth10:13
Aemaeth!hardcampa spotify10:13
hardcampaGo here http://www.spotify.com/se/blog/archives/2010/07/12/linux/10:14
ilovefairuz!fishing > Aemaeth10:14
ubottuAemaeth, please see my private message10:14
leagamy PC have this problem " ata1: device not ready (errno=-16), forcing hardreset" my PC os ubuntu 10.0410:14
hardcampadon't see it10:14
hardcampaI've got no priv msg from you10:15
{g}Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen! I have fresh Ubuntu install here with no X installed yet. I want to install gnome, but "apt-get ubuntu-desktop" will probably install a ton of bloat. What would be a good way? "apt-get install gnome"?10:15
Kwpolskahi people.10:15
ilovefairuz!hi  | Kwpolska10:16
ubottuKwpolska: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:16
KwpolskaI needed to boot for a while to livecd of 10.04, and can someone tell me: is it some fail of my computer or you HAVE got dmz cursors in tty?10:16
Aemaethno local file support? are they mad?10:16
etherealiteHey I've got my mouse speed topped out in Lucid and it's still slow. Anyone have links for a fix?10:17
ilovefairuz{g}: there's gnome-core (very slim) and gnome-desktop-environment (more packages)10:17
Kwpolskaetherealite: how it worked in another OS?10:17
{g}ilovefairuz: after doing "gnome-core" i will have X? Will I start it via "gnome"? or via "gdm"?10:17
RoutineTI've been using Ubuntu 8 with PHP 5.2.  Do the repositories now have PHP >5.3?10:17
etherealiteKwpolska just fine in XP10:17
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KwpolskaRoutineT: get ubuntu 10.04? or maybe if it's a server get some more serverish distro?10:18
Kwpolskaetherealite: what's your mouse?10:18
RoutineTKwpolska: that's what I'm looking.  I'm building a new server, and I'd very much like PHP 5.3 or better on it10:18
ilovefairuz{g}: use apt-get -s install to see what packages are going to be installed without actually installing them10:18
Guest98456i typed ls in the grub rescue10:18
Guest98456and it said hd010:18
ilovefairuz{g}: a "dry run"10:18
ilovefairuzGuest98456: only that?10:19
etherealitesay Kwpolska Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)10:19
etherealiteMicrosoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)10:19
{g}ilovefairuz: why should I do that?10:19
rwwRoutineT: Ubuntu 10.04 has PHP 5.3.210:19
RoutineTKwpolska: are you implying that 10.04 is not good for a server platform?10:19
Guest98456waht does that mean S:10:19
KwpolskaRoutineT: it is not10:20
RoutineTrww: thanks...normal apt route for install?10:20
KwpolskaANY ubuntu is not good for server10:20
ilovefairuz{g}: to check if that packages will get Xorg/gdm or not10:20
RoutineTKwpolska: why not?  what would be a good distro?10:20
Kwpolskafor servers, you've got debian, centos, BSDs, gentoo, but not ubuntu.10:20
rwwRoutineT: Kwpolska is passing off his opinion as fact. I personally use and know a bunch of people that use Ubuntu Server.10:20
rwwRoutineT: yup. 'php5' package10:20
Kwpolskaubuntu is made for desktop, ubuntu server is evil.10:20
RoutineTKwpolska: I also have been using ubuntu server, and it has worked great.  Any particular reasons for your position?10:21
ilovefairuzGuest98456: how many partitions do you have?10:21
{g}ilovefairuz: i want to use it via tightvncserver. so i would not start gnome manually anyway.10:21
intelhow to make a dial-up connection in ubuntu1010:22
bazhang!dialup > intel10:22
ubottuintel, please see my private message10:22
Guest984562 i think :S computer came with c: windows and d: data. im pretty new to computer stuff like this so sorry :S10:23
ilovefairuzGuest98456: do you have ubuntu live cd?10:25
Guest98456no i used wubi10:25
Guest98456i can make a cd on this computer if i have to though10:25
Alex4108?�DCC SEND "ff???f?𝑹𝑰𝑷𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑼𝑷𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺" 0 0 010:26
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.10:26
rwwwow, haven't seen that in a while10:26
RoutineTwhy would Ubuntu not be a good server platform?10:27
Maserwow floodboot kicked into action10:27
Maser[05:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +ooo FloodBot4 FloodBot1 FloodBot310:28
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
ilovefairuzGuest98456: ok here are the options: a) you can make an ubuntu live cd to that we can investigate this issue further  b) use the windows cd to fix the problem but you'll not be able to access ubuntu and you'll have to reinstall it10:28
=== alexander_ is now known as MrHappyface
Guest98456uh ill make a live cd10:31
Guest98456i didnt get a windows disk10:31
Guest98456with my comp10:31
quietoneintel, I don't use dial up. have you searched the community docs?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer10:32
Guest98456i dont really care about ubuntu10:32
Guest98456i didnt install anything on it yet10:32
Guest98456i just wanna be able to get back on windows10:33
GlowballGuest98456: You can download such a disk from microsoft.com10:33
Guest98456k ill go look10:33
rasuhello i try to get my vsftpd to work i cant get vsftpd to log errors10:33
ilovefairuz!enter | Guest9845610:33
ubottuGuest98456: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:33
Thomas_BatesCan someone direct me to the channel concerning tech support for USB issues?10:34
questionswikitaxi can visit wikipedia off-line but it isn't have image,how to solve it?10:34
KwpolskaThomas_Bates: no such channel?10:35
Thomas_BatesI've got a bit of an issue :/10:35
Thomas_BatesA certain flash drive works on my laptop, but refuses to work at all on my desktop, both are running Ubuntu 10.0410:35
Thomas_BatesI find it quite odd10:35
ilovefairuzGlowball: are you sure there's such a disk ?10:36
Guest98456i cant find anything for it :S10:36
Glowballilovefairuz: Well, I once downloaded a recovery disk for Windows XP.. I assume they also have disks for Vista or 7 to download10:36
ilovefairuzGlowball: from microsoft's website?10:36
GlowballGuest98456: what Windows version have you got?10:37
Guest98456windows 710:37
Glowball(I'm looking for it..)10:38
Guest98456ok thank you10:38
quietoneThomas_Bates, on our 7 yr old desktop the usb ports are unpredictable. one day one port works and the next day not. this happens irregardless of OS (XP/lucid/gNewSense)10:40
ilovefairuzGuest98456: if you don't mind, please also burn ubuntu live cd to further investigate this issue because I've seen this reported here more than once10:40
GlowballGuest98456: Ugh, nope, can't find it.10:40
KwpolskaGuest98456: what do you mean by "recovery disk"?10:41
Thomas_BatesMy desktop is only about 3 years old10:41
Thomas_Batesand I've never had any issue with them.10:41
Kwpolskaand why are you asking for a recovery disk for windows?10:41
GlowballKwpolska: It's like a disk with Windows 7 on it, but you can only use it to fix errors, not to completely install Windows10:41
ilovefairuzKwpolska: the original installation cd, we are trying to find an alternative10:41
ilovefairuzKwpolska: scroll up and read10:42
KwpolskaGlowball: possible to do from the WAIK10:42
Guest98456ill burn the live cd10:42
GlowballI'm 100% sure it existed for Windows XP, but I haven't got any experience with later versions10:42
Kwpolskathere is such a possibility for windows vista or 710:42
Guest98456i just hope i can find a cd thats big enough :S10:42
Kwpolskabut you need a machine and DVD of one of them10:43
Thomas_BatesWhere does Ubuntu keep its drivers?10:43
ectospasmThomas_Bates: what do you mean, "drivers"?10:43
KwpolskaThomas_Bates: kernel, /lib, etc.10:43
ectospasmThomas_Bates: /lib/modules may contain most of them10:43
Thomas_BatesI suppose there is no way for me to specifically tell if it pertains to USB or not?10:44
Thomas_BatesJudging by these file names10:44
ectospasmThomas_Bates: you can try lsmod | grep *usb*10:44
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: depends on what kind of driver, it could be a linux kernel module or an Xorg module10:45
Guest98456k i found a cd and a usb drive if the disk is scratched or something :S gonna go download and burn it10:45
ectospasmor "lsmod | grep *hci"10:45
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: what are you trying to the find the driver of ?10:45
Thomas_BatesUSB drive, anything that would note a driver capable of reading a USB which is present on my laptop, but absent on my desktop10:46
Kwpolskaquestions: what?10:46
Thomas_BatesMy laptop displays usb_storage, as does the desktop, which isn't unexpected.10:46
ilovefairuz!en | questions10:46
ubottuquestions: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:46
Kwpolskaquestions: and you need to change your charset10:47
Thomas_Batesdesktop also displays hid and usbhid10:47
ectospasmThomas_Bates: are you looking to see if a drive inserted via USB is recognized by the OS?  Check dmesg10:47
Thomas_BatesDunno what those are10:47
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: plug the drive in the laptop, and pastebin the output of: lsusb10:47
ilovefairuz!paste | Thomas_Bates10:47
ubottuThomas_Bates: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:47
rypervencheI have a question for anyone who is able to help. I just got Ubuntu and I was wondering... If I have to change monitors, is there anything that I have to do or will it automatically recognize the monitor?10:48
bazhangrypervenche, should be auto10:48
eeerishi guys!10:48
Kwpolskarypervenche: automatically, but you might have to change the resolution yourself10:48
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: plug the drive in the computer, open a terminal, type 'lsmod' and press enter, then copy and paste the text10:48
Kwpolska!hi | eeeris10:48
ubottueeeris: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:48
erUSULrypervenche: System>Preferences>Display also exist ...10:48
Thomas_BatesI got that part...10:48
Thomas_BatesI meant the line of pastebin10:48
rypervencheDo I have to change it beforehand or can I do it afterward?10:49
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: sorry, lsusb10:49
* Thomas_Bates already knew that...10:49
rypervencheBecause when I did it the first time, I wasn't able to boot Ubuntu and I was getting these messages. http://3.ly/GtkB10:49
Kwpolskarypervenche: hmm, what device is it?10:50
ilovefairuzrypervenche: most monitors "just work" try it and if you have a problem, come ask about it here10:50
rypervencheI have since reinstalled Ubuntu, but I still would have liked to know what went wrong.10:50
Israfelこんばんは! Everyone doing ok here?10:51
rypervencheI haven't been able to connect to the Internet yet, so I'm not sure if I have all of the drivers I need.10:51
Thomas_Bateslaptop: http://www.pastebin.com/gDQ0GDaW desktop: http://pastebin.com/gdKV44e0   Both taken with the drive in.10:51
Kwpolska!jp | Israfel10:51
ubottuIsrafel: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい10:51
Israfellol, yes yes. I know it's japanese.10:51
Kwpolskarypervenche: not drivers, modules.10:51
KwpolskaIsrafel: you shall talk here ONLY in english.10:52
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: what brand is the drive?10:52
rypervencheKwpolska: Oh, ok. I am brand new to Linux^^ I am very excited about it though. It looks very fun and promising.10:52
janickosacarlson: are you here?10:52
Thomas_BatesI've no idea, the driver included is called UMSS10:52
IsrafelCan I speak in 1337?10:52
Kwpolskawhat the---10:52
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: and where is it plugged the laptop or desktop ?10:53
Thomas_BatesAlso, the drive is plugged into the keyboard hub10:53
KwpolskaIsrafel: no. us english, canadian english, aussie english, british, welsh, scottish, etc, etc, but no l33t.10:53
Kwpolskarypervenche: yes, yes. what are you using to connect to the inet?10:53
ilovefairuz!ot | Israfel, you know better!10:53
ubottuIsrafel, you know better!: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:53
Thomas_BatesI do not know which port correlates with the output10:53
janickoI'm having trouble with wireless router, It is being recognized, also it's saing it,s connected, but i can't get on internet...10:53
Thomas_BatesAs there is nothing else USB plugged into the laptop...10:54
rypervencheKwpolska: I have had this PC for a while with Windows Vista on it. I just put Ubuntu on it with Wubi last night.10:54
IsrafelOk, I'll stay on topic. What's the best way to get a windows-type IME for japanese?10:54
Kwpolskarypervenche: what is problem?10:54
IsrafelFor ubuntu.10:54
KwpolskaIsrafel: google, or try to install japanese release10:54
rypervencheKwpolska: Well, I have reinstalled Ubuntu since my problem because I couldn't figure out a solution.10:55
Kwpolskarypervenche: bad idea.10:55
Kwpolskawhat is your problem, please?10:55
IsrafelKwpolska: I don't want the entire OS to be in jp. Just an IME. I speak too many languages for just one OS janguage install.10:55
bazhangIsrafel, ibus10:55
Thomas_BatesI doubt this is neccessary, but this is what I have: http://www.xonixe.com/products/USBWatch/spec.php  (XU-L) Ordered from ThinkGeek10:56
kartheehi .. I am importing mysql .. its taking too much time .. How do I use nice  for the mysql-imported to be done faster ?10:56
rypervencheKwpolska: Well, after installing Ubuntu, I went downstairs with my PC and used a different monitor and keyboard and then it didn't load Ubuntu when I tried downstairs.10:56
KwpolskaIsrafel: check out things used for ime and you can install english one10:56
bazhangKwpolska, telling people to google is not an acceptable answer10:56
Kwpolskabazhang: i know, i know10:56
bazhangKwpolska, then don't do it10:56
Kwpolskarypervenche: your monitor might not be correct10:56
Kwpolskabazhang: then do not remind me.10:56
rypervencheKwpolska: and I came back upstairs and it didn't work. I just kept getting that black screen with white lettering with different things on it, all saying "resume from disk failed"10:57
rypervencheKwpolska: Well the one I use is a widescreen and the one downstairs is not.10:57
Kwpolskaresume from disk? did you hibernated it or done something evil?10:57
Kwpolskarypervenche: that shall not be a problem10:57
Kwpolskadid it worked with windows on that pc?10:57
rypervencheKwpolska: I'm on the windows on it now.10:57
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: tail -f /var/log/messages .. unplug and plug it again, paste the messages that show up10:58
rypervencheKwpolska: I never hibernate or anything like that.10:58
Kwpolskarypervenche: maybe the system did it for you?10:58
ChaosRhello, I installed ubuntu on my new laptop, with the kernel that came with the installer (2.6.32-21) everything works fine, but with 2.6.32-24 xserver fails to load the intel drivers complaining about a drm error, anybody knows how to solve this?10:59
Israfelbazhang: Thanks. I think I found it. Kwpolska must think I need a jp install with an English IME.10:59
bazhangIsrafel, that is not correct. Japanese/Mandarin / Korean works fine here with English install. ibus and language packs is it11:00
Thomas_Batesit looks to me like it is disconnecting repeatedly11:00
Thomas_Batesor something like that11:00
bazhangIsrafel, assuming you mean lucid, as scim was for earlier releases11:01
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: looks trimmed to me, more messages?11:01
Thomas_Batesafter the C/P11:01
rypervencheKwpolska: So basically changing hardware shouldn't affect my Ubuntu and it must have been another problem? Or could it have been the monitor resolution that messed it up?11:01
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: does it keep generating messages without you physically connecting/disconnecting it?11:03
Israfelbazhang: Yeah, I have 10.04. I'm setting it up not. I may need to edit my bashrc. Working on it now.11:03
Thomas_BatesWhich is worrying me11:03
Thomas_BatesIt disconnected, according to this11:03
ilovefairuz!enter | Thomas11:03
ubottuThomas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:03
Thomas_Bateswithout being unplugged11:03
Thomas_BatesMultiple points.11:04
* Thomas_Bates does not like the bot.11:04
janickosacarlson: are you here?11:04
bazhangThomas_Bates, then dont use the enter key so much11:05
janickocould i have help with my wireless router? It is being recognized, It also say it is connected, but i can't get on internet....11:06
oCean__janicko: what have you tried so far? Can you ping ip adresses?11:06
sacarlsonjanicko yes11:07
=== oCean__ is now known as oCean_
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janickosacarlson: still have troubles man11:07
sacarlsonjanicko: ok11:07
Kwpolskajanicko: can you connect to your router admin?11:07
janickoKwpolska: no11:08
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: what ubuntu version are you running? and do you have all latest updates install? (especially kernel updates)11:08
Kwpolskajanicko: something is wrong with dhcp or whatever11:08
Thomas_BatesAnd yes, I think so11:09
ilovefairuzjanicko: ping .. does it go through ?11:09
Thomas_BatesAlthough, it only checks ever 2 weeks.11:09
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:09
Friarhello, I want to add my /home/user/programs directory to the list of directories that I can execute programs from without typing out the entire directory. I believe there is a list of these paths somewhere...Does anyone know where that is?11:10
janickoilovefairuz: no11:10
Thomas_Bates running one both.11:10
ilovefairuzjanicko: what error?11:10
=== israfel_ is now known as israfel
erUSULFriar: use  /home/user/bin instead of /home/user/programs and it will authomatically added11:11
KwpolskaFriar: yes11:11
KwpolskaFriar: use /home/user/bin, as erUSUL said11:11
Kwpolskaopen a new terminal window and put "echo $PATH"11:12
ilovefairuzFriar: yes use ~/bin, and type echo $PATH to see the whole list11:12
Kwpolskaif it says /home/usr/bin somewhere - you're good to go11:12
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ilovefairuzKwpolska: it doesn't, only after you actually create a ~/bin11:12
erUSULFriar: see the /home/user/.profile  file. in there they set up ~/bin11:12
FriarThanks guys....so just copy the program to bin after compiling? when I use the g++ compiler I get an a.out file...can I rename a.out to something and then always have a compiled version?11:12
Kwpolskailovefairuz: read first message, plz11:12
israfelMuch better. にほんご is installed. I'll still need to work on my kanji, but at least I can be back on here with my Linux install.11:12
KwpolskaFriar: yes11:12
ilovefairuzFriar: just create the directory and it will pick it up11:13
erUSULFriar: yes you can rename11:13
bazhangisrafel, working?11:13
babu__how to download mysql documentation guide...11:13
KwpolskaFriar: rename it to eg. myfsckingawesomeprogram and put it to ~/bin11:13
Kwpolskaand oyu're good to go11:13
Friarthanks to everyone! I appreciate the quick help.11:13
israfelbazhang, Yup. I'm back on my ubuntu laptop. Just can't find the way to get kanji to display. But at least the hirigana shows.11:13
sdistefanodoes anyone know where the desktop effects settings are stored?11:13
bazhangisrafel, then configure it for kanji11:13
sdistefanoI want to disable them globally but copying .gconf to skel doesn't seem to do the trick11:13
Kwpolskababu__: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/11:13
erUSULsdistefano: ~/.config/compiz/ ?11:14
Kwpolskajust a second of searching in google11:14
israfelbazhang, Working on it. The japanese setting for kanji isn't showing the proper one.11:14
sdistefanoerUSUL let me try .config again11:14
janickoilovefairuz: it say something like too slow to connect11:14
erUSUL!ccsm | sdistefano11:14
ubottusdistefano: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz11:14
oCean_janicko: can you pastebin output of 'ifconfig -a' and 'route -n' and 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'11:14
ilovefairuzjanicko: please type the exact error message11:15
sdistefanoubottu: I just want to disable it globally, for all users11:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:15
sdistefanoubottu: and .config doesn't do the trick11:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:15
sdistefano.config doesn't do the trick11:16
Kwpolskasdistefano: disable? sudo apt-get remove compiz11:16
janickocan you remind me have to pastebin?11:16
oCean_!paste > janicko11:16
ubottujanicko, please see my private message11:16
ilovefairuzThomas_Bates: please file a bug on this if it continued past any  updates11:17
sdistefanoKwpolska still doesn't help11:18
sdistefanoI get a video error i I don't go to preferences and disable effects11:18
sdistefanoand I don't want to do that for every user11:18
sdistefanoremoving compiz didn't help11:18
Friarwell, it appears it isn't so easy...I created /home/nathan/bin, then I renamed a.out to helloworld. then I tried to run helloworld and it said command not found.11:18
ilovefairuzFriar: close the terminal and open it again11:18
oCean_Friar: have you updated your $PATH?11:18
bazhangsdistefano, install fusion-icon then11:19
FriarI also did $PATH and got: nathan@lappy:~$ echo $PATH11:19
hardcampajust run the program as ./a.out11:19
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ilovefairuzoCean_: you don't need to do it manually, it gets picked up if ~/bin exists11:19
KwpolskaFriar: close the terminal and redo it11:19
Kwpolskahardcampa: it's better to use ~/bin11:19
erUSULFriar: you have to reopen the terminal11:19
Friarilovefairuz. I have tried that. oCean, how do I update $PATH?11:19
hardcampanot while you're programming11:19
KwpolskaFriar: please create a file ~/.bashrc11:19
hardcampabut whatever, then just add it to the path.11:20
erUSULFriar: and the file has to have executable permissions11:20
FriarKwpolska, I have one...it is just the default.11:20
oCean_ilovefairuz: only if it exists in $PATH already11:20
Kwpolskaand put inside: export PATH='/home/nathan/bin:$PATH'11:20
KwpolskaFriar: so put the line somewhere11:20
erUSULFriar: run « source ~/.profile »11:20
KwpolskaFriar: you can try source ~/.bashrc as well11:20
hammockheroi've got two users with exactly the same .bashrc and .profile files. but one has terminal colors and the other doesn't. none of these files have references to the usernames. can someone help me figure this out?11:21
Friarwhen i do ls -l for my ~/bin I get: -rwxr-xr-x  1 nathan nathan 9143 2010-08-14 12:15 helloworld*11:21
KwpolskaFriar: who cares11:21
Thomas_Batesilovefairuz: Will do11:21
KwpolskaFriar: just reopen the terminal, please!11:21
ilovefairuzerUSUL: isn't that .bash_profile ?11:21
erUSULFriar: ok then do « « source ~/.profile »11:21
KwpolskaFriar: and put the line inside .bashrc or .profile11:21
erUSULilovefairuz: ,profile is what you get in recent ubuntu11:21
FriarKwpolska, I have already restarted my terminal a few times.11:22
bittin`Hello, somone wanna try something to me check if they can ssh into bittin.homelinux.net at port 1337 ?11:22
ilovefairuzFriar: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastbinit ~/.profile11:22
FriarKwpolska, what line do I put into .bashrc?11:22
geirhaFriar: Restarting the terminal does not make it reread ~/.profile; it is read when you log in11:22
KwpolskaFriar: export PATH='/home/nathan/bin:$PATH11:23
Ginbun2_something is wrong with pidgin :(11:23
erUSULFriar: third time is the charm ? ---> run "source ~/.profile"11:23
KwpolskaGinbun2_: what?11:23
oCean_janicko: so, you also have a wired interface, which is working right now?11:23
Ginbun2_Kwpolska, the window of pidgin turns black quite a lot11:23
FriarerUSUL, what does that command do? I know I should have asked before I ran it, but it worked and I wonder what it did.11:24
KwpolskaGinbun2_: it hangs up?11:24
Ginbun2_Kwpolska, yes11:24
KwpolskaFriar: just doit11:24
janickooCean_: yes, that's why i'm online now11:24
KwpolskaGinbun2_: update your os11:24
erUSULFriar: it reads the file and "execute" it in the current shell11:24
Friarthanks for the help.11:24
FriarI'm sorry I don't want to just run things that I don't know what they do....11:24
oCean_janicko: you got an ip address right there, and a routing table, which enables you to go online. You should compare those settings with the settings when you are on wireless11:25
erUSULFriar: if you rwead the file you see it is there where the path is set. and where ~/bin/ is included11:25
FriarI appreciate the hlep.11:25
th3hateis there a way to resize ext3 partition from windows system?11:25
ravenhow to copy local files to a smb-drive?11:25
Kwpolskath3hate: no11:25
oCean_janicko: there's nothing to debug for a working connection, right?11:26
janickooCean_: how to do that. sorry for my stupidity11:26
Kwpolskath3hate: you can use gparted (it's on 10.04's livecd) for it11:26
janickooCean_: right, but how to make it work?11:26
ilovefairuzjanicko: what was the error you got while trying to ping?11:26
cornelpdtHallo everyone, any UEC gurus around?11:26
ilovefairuzth3hate: probably partition magic supports it but ask in ##windows11:27
bazhangcornelpdt, ubuntuone?11:27
oCean_janicko: no, no it's not stupid. The pastebins you did, show you exact information: your ip-address and your routing. Now that you have pastebin'd them, you can start your wireless, and see if you get the same ipaddress and if your routing table (the route -n output) is the same11:27
ravenhow to copy local files to a smb-drive?11:27
cornelpdtbazhang: Cloud, not ubuntu one11:28
erUSULraven: Places>Connect to Server. then drag and drop the files11:28
erUSULraven: Places>Network>windows Network11:28
ravenerUSUL, via shell11:28
oCean_janicko: you also better disconnect your wired interface, before starting the wireless11:28
ilovefairuzraven: smbclient11:29
zviryatkoпривет всем! кто знает как в alsa включить звук для 4.0, карта nvidia ck80411:30
janickooCean_: so you mean that i should turn of wired and turn the wireless and then do iwconfig?11:30
erUSULraven: mount the share. mount -t cifst -o user=...,password=...., ... //ipaddress/share /mount/point11:30
bazhang!ru | zviryatko11:30
ubottuzviryatko: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:30
ilovefairuzraven: or use fusesmb to mount the share like a regular directory on the file system11:30
tonymahoonhey guys i'm trying to setup samba and am having some issues. when i connet from the windows client i can creat files, edit their content but i can't rename or delete them. i'm confused as to what would be causing this. any ideas?11:31
oCean_janicko: indeed. But iwconfig is all commandline right? There is also a GUI for the setup. You might like that better. It is in Menu: System > Preferences > Network connections11:32
ciphersson12112 @ justin.tv/cipherson11:32
Gimpedtonymahoon: sounds like a permissions problem maybe?11:32
tonymahoonGimped: yeah it is, but it's just weird that i can actually write to the file, and can create a file, but i can't rename it or delete it.11:33
israfeltonymahoon, The files or directories may still be open/active on the Windows client. It won't delete if it's considered open.11:33
ilovefairuz!spam > ciphersson111:34
fancybitwhere should I put the *.info files?11:34
ilovefairuzciphersson1: don't spam links here11:34
tonymahoonisrafel: the thing is i can't delete or rename them on the client, i can on the server11:34
ciphersson1bs im Friday night .................... linux for humans...............11:34
zviryatkohello, help me plz, who know how to add surround4.0 to alsa mixer ???11:35
israfeltonymahoon, Yup. That just screams permissions.11:35
ciphersson1stfu kids11:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!11:35
tonymahoonisrafel: yeah i've just hit a dead end for things to look for. because it seems like i have write permissions ie i can create files, but then i sort of don't have write permissions too.11:36
TSlackMhey, got a litte problem with all space used up. doing a "du" and listing where all space is, it says 71G is used in .   yes just dott .11:36
TSlackMas in 4.0K    ./mnt11:36
TSlackM71G     .11:36
TSlackM71G     total11:36
tonymahoonisrafel: i have found i can't chmod those files on the server end either, but i can delete them11:37
FloodBot3TSlackM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:37
ilovefairuzfancybit: .info files of what?11:37
janickooCean_: and then what next, cose i'll be offline in that moments so i need to now how to solve it11:37
israfeltonymahoon, Can't change them as the root?11:37
well_laid_lawnTSlackM: . is the current folder/dir11:37
tonymahoonisrafel: let me check11:38
zviryatkoman's, help me with alsa =)11:38
halabundcan someone please dowload the first attachment from the ubuntu forum, so I won't need to register just to get a simple fix ... ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148897011:38
ilovefairuz!sound > zviryatko11:39
ubottuzviryatko, please see my private message11:39
ilovefairuzzviryatko: in hardware tab you can select it11:39
TSlackMtnx well laid man, will try to find where the space is used, i only really installed ubuntu as i use it for a server app, wierd all space is used up11:40
oCean_janicko: once you've started that networkconnections gui, you go to tab "wireless" See if your connection shows up. If not, click Add and fill out the settings. If it is already there, click edit and check all your settings. Make sure you fill out the correct information in IPv4 tab (enable dhcp if you are using that). Be sure to tick 'connect automatically', then hit Apply. See what happens, Then run the ifconfig -a command again to see11:40
oCean_ if you got ipaddress11:40
tonymahoonisrafel: yes i can change the permissions, but i still can't delete them on the client side. which is weird because the owner of the created files is the user who created it so it should be able to be deleted11:40
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Gimpedtonymahoon: can you force delete the files via terminal?11:41
tonymahoonGimped: on the server side i can delete the files yes11:41
=== polytux is now known as zeptatux
well_laid_lawnTSlackM: if you ran du with diff hdd mounted they would show in the result]11:41
Gimpedtonymahoon: on client side you cant force delete via terminal?11:41
UhcakHey folks, I'm having problems with some iptables rules >> http://pastebin.com/SSvR4nuZ11:41
lsottanihello. I need support with ubuntu network remix on my PB dot s. I cannot connect to any wireless network, it looks like i don't even have a wireless device! and i am sure that it works because on jolicloud i do not have any problems at all. suggestions?11:41
tonymahoonGimped: I'll check11:41
israfeltonymahoon, So the client has write permission for the directory containing the file that is created?11:42
Gimpedtonymahoon: try "rm -rf [directory/filename]"11:42
UhcakI've got an irc bouncer running on port 1110, and have a redirect for 110 to 1110. That seems to work fine, however I get a connection refused with port 110 when the filter rules are enabled. When I disable them (apart from the redirect) I connect fine on 110 and 1110.11:42
tonymahoonGimped: the client side is windows11:42
well_laid_lawnTSlackM: try   df -h11:42
ilovefairuzlsottani: pastebin: lshw -C network11:42
tonymahoonisrafel: yes, the client owns the directory its 'his' home directory11:42
tonymahoonGimped: i can't delete it form the client side from the shell either11:43
israfeltonymahoon, Maybe it has something to do with the client then.11:43
lsottaniilovefairuz: sorry, i am a linux noob. what should i do, exactly? =)11:44
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lshw -C network | pastebinit -11:45
lsottaniok, i'll try11:45
collabratonymahoon: If you use a GUI on your server side,... I've used system-config-samba with good results.11:46
lsottanican't find pastebinit packet (or something, translated from italian ;) )11:46
Gimpedtonymahoon: ok i'm a little confused: client side = windows, server side = linux? so whats the problem exactly?11:46
lsottanithe previous command worked at last... i'll pastebin the result manually11:46
israfelbe back in a sec11:47
tonymahoonGimped: yep client is windows, server is karmic. the problem is that the client can create a file, can put text in that file, but can't delete or rename the file once it is created11:47
lsottaniilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/5zNetVE211:47
lsottanithere you are :)11:47
Gimpedtonymahoon: can you go into administrative mode [windows] and delete the file?11:48
ilovefairuzlsottani: rfkill list | pastebinit -11:48
Gimpedtonymahoon: rarely hear of windows permission issues..thats very odd11:48
tonymahoonGimped: let me check. yeah i don't get it, but samba permissions have always confused me.11:49
lsottaniilovefairuz: it can't find the pastebinit pack. even with apt-get.11:50
ilovefairuzlsottani: paste by hand11:50
lsottanii just did -.- http://pastebin.com/5zNetVE211:51
ilovefairuz!hi | h32Lg11:51
ubottuh32Lg: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:51
h32Lgthere is no /dev/video0 detected on my acer aspire notebook11:51
ilovefairuzlsottani: same old url11:51
h32Lgi'd like to use my webcam (crystal eye)11:51
tonymahoonGimped: ok i logged in with smbclient on the client side, and it can't delete files on the share either despite being logged in as the right user11:51
ilovefairuzh32Lg: pastebin: lspci11:51
collabrah32Lg: is there a button on your Acer that turns the webcam on?11:51
h32Lgcollabra no :(11:52
ilovefairuz!paste | h32Lg11:52
ubottuh32Lg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:52
h32Lgilovefairuz ok one moment11:52
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Gimpedtonymahoon: sounds like permissions problems11:52
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tonymahoonGimped: haha yep i agree. man i'm confused.11:53
ilovefairuzlsottani: meaning, you pasted the same url again instead of the one for the new paste11:53
h32Lgilovefairuz http://paste.ubuntu.com/47787011:54
lsottaniilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/5cCZZesv this was made with rfkill list11:54
lsottanisorry :)11:54
ilovefairuzlsottani: is it usb-based?11:54
lsottaniuhm. i do not know... my wireless should be integrated. i have no peripherals attached atm11:55
Gimpedtonymahoon: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-set-permissions-to-samba-shares.html <<< try that11:55
ilovefairuzlsottani: pastebin: lspci11:56
lsottanibtw on the connection icon on the top right corner it says Wireless networks: device not ready11:56
ilovefairuzh32Lg: device not on the internal pci bus which is weird.. pastebin: lsusb11:57
sacarlsonGimped: tonymahoon  here's a sample of my /etc/samba/smb.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/477871/11:57
lsottanihttp://pastebin.com/iP7Q9P74 ilovefairuz11:57
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source11:58
Jay-Bookhi there11:58
ilovefairuzlsottani: and reboot11:58
lsottaniE: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto bcmwl-kernel-source11:58
Jay-BookI cannot find Eclipse CDT in the USC? How come?11:58
h32Lgilovefairuz http://paste.ubuntu.com/47787311:58
lsottaniwhich means that he doesn0t find the pack11:58
tonymahoonGimped: thanks11:59
ilovefairuzlsottani: what ubuntu version are you running? this should work on lucid11:59
ilovefairuzh32Lg: what's the model of your laptop ?11:59
lsottaniubuntu netbook remix, just downloaded and installed11:59
sacarlsonGimped: tonymahoon make sure that the file permisions and ower and group match that of the forceuser and forcegroup11:59
lsottanibut it is strange... it looks like he can't find any pack12:00
collabrailovefairuz: it took me two weeks to figure out that i needed to turn on my builtin webcam.12:00
lsottanido you have a pack that you're sure that exists?12:00
ilovefairuzlsottani: well, what ubuntu version are you running?12:00
ilovefairuz!version | lsottani12:00
ubottulsottani: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:00
ilovefairuzcollabra: at least we need to find which bus is it attached to!12:01
lsottanihttp://pastebin.com/wcsC992X ilovefairuz12:01
ilovefairuzlsottani: paste /etc/apt/sources.list12:02
collabrailovefairuz: mine cuts the hardware from the bus,... like unplugging it from the usb12:02
Gimpedsacarlson: tyvm12:02
lsottanibash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied ilovefairuz :( i feel so noob :/12:03
Kwpolskalsottani: use sudo12:03
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list12:03
lsottanisudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found12:03
Gimpedsudo not installed yet maybe?12:03
GlowballHe forgot cat12:04
lsottaniit has to be installed???12:04
ilovefairuzlsottani: you forgot 'cat'12:04
Gimped"sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list"12:04
ilovefairuzlsottani: read the command again12:04
lsottanii pasted what you said =D i try with cat12:05
reggiHi folks, I want to write a script to copy files and folders from a chosen folder into DVD (4.7 GB) size folders. Would you please tell me which commands I need to put this script together? I want to write the script myself so I can learn from the experience. Thanks for your help.12:05
h32Lgilovefairuz sorry haven't seen your question... its an acer aspire: 592012:05
Gimpedlsottani: sudo = superuser, cat = catenization (copies to terminal)12:05
lsottanihttp://pastebin.com/T6S5KZwd ilovefairuz12:06
ilovefairuzreggi: man wodim12:06
Gimpedconcatenatation* sorry (sp)12:06
reggiilovefairuz: what is that? it's showing lots of commands in term12:07
ilovefairuzreggi: that's the command you need to use to compose an iso image and burn it to a dvd12:07
NginUSDVD-ish sized dirs12:08
Gimpedok well, i'm outs - gl all, be safe12:08
reggiilovefairuz: lol so there's already a command that does it? cool! thanks mate.12:08
P3N7Amy sound system is broken(no sound anymore), I tried apt-get --reinstall install pulseaudio, should I restart the system for it to take effect?12:08
ilovefairuzlsottani: looks like things should work, in system > administration > hardware drivers do you see an entry for your card?12:09
lsottanilet me check12:09
lsottaniit just began to download stuff. wait for the finish...12:09
lsottaninow searching for drivers...12:10
ilovefairuz!sound | P3N7A12:10
ubottuP3N7A: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:10
ilovefairuz!hi | Makdaam12:11
ubottuMakdaam: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:11
Makdaamwhat does *buntu do by default when a battery discharges in a notebook? Suspend or hibernate?12:11
ilovefairuzMakdaam: check system > preferences > power  management12:12
MakdaamI can't :) It doesn't wake up anymore12:12
ilovefairuzMakdaam: any errors?12:12
lsottanimaybe it is really really low on battery12:12
Makdaamif someone has a recent Xubuntu install the settings would be the same12:13
ilovefairuzMakdaam: well assuming you recharged it and tried to wake it up12:13
NginUSreggi: It sounds like you want the copy operation to keep track of it's I/O, and make changes to how it streams a large file automatically when it reaches a predefined size? seems alot to me12:13
Makdaamlsottani, no it's not it's a bug in ASUS A8 bios12:13
lsottanioh ok12:13
Makdaamnot the first time it happened, but it's not on warranty anymore12:13
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ilovefairuzMakdaam: check their website for a bios upgrade disk12:14
lsottaniilovefairuz: i opened sys - adm - hardware drivers. it began to update and search for drivers. then, after all, there are 2 entries to be activated, both about wireless. I actived the first, no problem. It is named "Broadcom b43 wireless driver". Then i try to activate the second one, named "Broadcom STA wireless driver" but it fails with the error:"SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archi12:16
lsottanives/lock". What now ilovefairuz?12:16
przemek_thiago_home: thanks12:16
ilovefairuzlsottani: reboot and try wireless12:16
lsottaniok. brb12:16
Makdaamilovefairuz, no rescue disk, I need at least freeDOS to run their updates AFAIK... the newer flashers are Windows only12:17
ilovefairuzMakdaam: make a bootable freedos usb pendrive and copy their utilities to it12:18
airtonixhow do i add an LDAP server to evolution in ubuntu lucid ?12:18
ilovefairuzMakdaam: http://wiki.fdos.org/Installation/BootDiskCreateUSB12:18
collabrah32Lg: alot of people with your model of Aspire notebook are having trouble with their webcams.... a few have solved their problem with the proper driver..... maybe ubuntu needs to catch up to your particular driver... you may have to wait a month or two before it is supported...12:18
Makdaamilovefairuz, no can do, it doesn't even load the BIOS12:19
Makdaamif it only suspends removing and resetting the RAM might be enough12:19
Makdaambut if it does a hibernate it might not help12:19
sarah32hi everyone is there a solution for udev in lucid and problems with optirac CD-ROM ? at the moment every time i boot up i have to stop and start udev12:20
sarah32hi everyone is there a solution for udev in lucid and problems with optirac CD-ROM ? at the moment every time i boot up i have to stop and start udev12:20
ilovefairuzh32Lg: what application are you trying to use the webcam with?12:20
P3N7Aubottu : under sound preference on the hardware tab, nothing  is listed. is that the way it should be?12:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:21
ilovefairuzP3N7A: there's a drop down box there12:21
P3N7Ailovefairuz: the hardware list is empty...12:22
ilovefairuzsarah32: i'm not familiar with your problem, what happens if you don't restart it? anyhow, if you want to automate this, put it in /etc/rc.local12:22
sarah32<ilovefairuz> high cpu usage12:23
Dr_Willisthe cdrom is causing High CPU ussage?  Thats very weird12:23
h32Lgilovefairuz i'm just trying to get it working but different applications such as luvcview and ekiga won't work because there is no driver found in /dev/video012:23
KwpolskaDr_Willis: it  might do so12:23
ilovefairuzsarah32: you could file a bug on this (join #ubuntu-bugs for how to do it) in the mean time, put the command in /etc/rc.local12:23
sarah32<Dr_Willis> its not many people know there is already bug reported year ago i been reading about it and know that there is some problem in lucid and with optirac12:24
sarah32<ilovefairuz> i found but no solution just restart udev and block cdrom12:24
ilovefairuzsarah32: what's the bug url ?12:25
sarah32i dont remember sorry <ilovefairuz> or wait sec i will find it12:26
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ilovefairuzh32Lg: the webcam for this laptop is supposed to be on the usb bus your pastebin shows nothing there12:28
P3N7Awhats the default sound driver(alsa or pulse) for lucid lynx?12:28
ilovefairuzP3N7A: pastebin: lshw12:28
ilovefairuz!paste > P3N7A12:28
ubottuP3N7A, please see my private message12:28
Curly_QSarah32 just curious. Is the Optirac a DVD burner?12:29
collabrah32Lg: evidently there was a program that shipped with your original windows that turned on your webcam,... i'm not sure linux has a similar program.... other than that,... the Acer website is telling their customers to return it to be fixed...12:29
ilovefairuzh32Lg: do you have windows installed? does it work there?12:30
h32Lgilovefairuz no, i hate windows :)12:30
ilovefairuzdon't we all :)12:30
h32Lgbut sure, on windows and with this specific software/drive it will work12:30
h32Lgilovefairuz sure :D12:30
MaMoUsRhythmbox not working12:30
ilovefairuz!details | MaMoUs12:30
ubottuMaMoUs: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:30
sarah32<Curly_Q> yes but i found that there is problem not just with dvd with many other optirac devices12:31
h32Lgok, then i'll have a look for tutorials to write my own driver to detect my webcam :|12:31
MaMoUsI have a problem with Rhythmbox, I'm running Ubuntu version 10.04 When I try to do run Rhythmbox I get the following output : avoid probing device using kernel interface "uvcvideo"12:32
ilovefairuzh32Lg: unless you find what what exactly makes it detectable, that would be largely useless because it's not even "there"12:32
P3N7Ailovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/cYMaQ6ew12:33
h32Lgbut it must be possible to detect it and get it working - its just hardware as the graphic card :>12:33
Dr_Willish32Lg:  sounds liek 'famous last words' to me. :)12:34
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glickhey is there a way i can record outgoing calls in linux?12:34
collabrah32Lg: like i said,... there are alot of people who are in your "boat" Acer is suggesting you return it to be 'fixed'12:34
MaMoUsI have a problem with Rhythmbox, I'm running Ubuntu version 10.04 When I try to do run Rhythmbox I get the following output : avoid probing device using kernel interface "uvcvideo"12:35
Dr_Willish32Lg:  for all we know the windows drivers are using some binary firmware blobs. its had to tell. of course Most of the webcam drivers for linux are done by a small group of dedicated programmers.12:35
researcher1I cant Empty Trash which has just one folder named Mobile pic12:35
Guest50918i installed xubuntu on my fuji siemeans laptop and the sound become quite when i pluged in my big speakers.... it's work with the laptop speakers, i have even check alsamixer settings12:35
ilovefairuzP3N7A: sudo apt-get remove randomsound12:36
ilovefairuzP3N7A: and reboot12:36
cre_Hello, iam burned and booted ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso on my pc, then i select "installing ubuntu", then come the ubuntu splashscreen with the 5 red/white dots, i wait 2 min. and then go my monitor in the "power safe mode"...how i can analyze the problem?12:36
* Kwpolska facepalms on this: http://www.squicky.org/12:37
cre_linux is in the background running, because when i press ctrl+alt+del, then linux eject the cd12:37
ilovefairuz!sound > Guest5091812:37
ubottuGuest50918, please see my private message12:37
raskahMy fresh install of current Ubuntu release put my XP at the bottom of GRUB list and it tells me not to edit boot config file. I have only ever used Lilo. How do I edit the boot loader?12:37
ilovefairuz!grub2 | raskah12:39
ubotturaskah: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:39
ilovefairuz!ot |  Kwpolska, citadelMUSIK12:39
ubottuKwpolska, citadelMUSIK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:39
Kwpolskailovefairuz: oops, I've pressed the wrong number12:40
citadelMUSIKhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJhRZisZLv8 <--- please listen12:40
P3N7Ailovefairuz: Package randomsound is not installed, so not removed12:40
ilovefairuzcitadelMUSIK: stop spamming links here12:40
ilovefairuzP3N7A: what ubuntu version are you running?12:41
ilovefairuzhello abhijit12:42
P3N7Ailovefairuz: 10.0412:42
abhijithi ilovefairuz !!12:43
sarah32<ilovefairuz> are you still here thats the bug for optirac and there is a way more of them https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/37978012:45
ilovefairuzsarah32: will check12:45
Oer!cn | aXING12:46
ubottuaXING: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:46
P3N7Ailovefairuz: any idea?12:47
ilovefairuzP3N7A: little info on that card, pastebin: lspci12:47
ilovefairuzP3N7A: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel and check for the device again12:49
P3N7Ailovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/ULNS8UTu12:49
lsottaniilovefairuz: hey... now my netbook doesn't even start XD12:51
lsottanii am reinstalling 10.04... it will take a bit12:51
Kwpolskalsottani: why?12:51
ilovefairuzlsottani: don't use any "remixes", use official ubuntu images if you want proper support12:51
lsottanii installed an iso downloaded from official website :/12:52
LogicalDashlsottani, did you check the hash?12:52
lsottaniuhm no12:52
LogicalDashdownload errors are pretty common12:52
ilovefairuzP3N7A: looks like there are two audio devices and it's not clear what each one does, did you try: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel ?12:52
ilovefairuz!verify | lsottani12:52
ubottulsottani: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:52
lsottanihttp://www.ubuntu.net/netbook i downloaded from here..12:53
ilovefairuzsarah32: says fix released!12:53
GlowballCould someone on Lucid please tell me what version of GNU Parted is included?12:53
LogicalDashlsottani, you can fix the image you have by starting a BitTorrent download of the same image and pointing it to the directory you have the image in.12:53
ilovefairuzsarah32: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:53
oCean_!info gparted | Glowball12:54
ubottuGlowball: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 461 kB, installed size 4168 kB12:54
P3N7Ailovefairuz: damn it , you rock dude, you rock....sound is on again, should I add that to /etc/modules to load it at boot?12:54
GlowballoCean_: not GParted, but GNU Parted, the backend.12:54
Glowball!info parted12:54
ilovefairuzP3N7A: yeap!12:54
ubottuparted (source: parted): The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 2.2-5ubuntu5.1 (lucid), package size 146 kB, installed size 280 kB12:54
GlowballTy for that command though12:54
abhijitGlowball, 0.5.12:54
abhijitGlowball, 0.5.112:54
sarah32<ilovefairuz> i did sudo update upgrade yesterday :)12:55
ilovefairuzsarah32: could take some time to trickle to your mirror12:55
ilovefairuzsarah32: so do it every morning!12:55
abhijitGlowball, parted 2.2-512:55
abhijit!tab | sarah3212:56
ubottusarah32: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:56
Glowballabhijit: The !info command already told me (thanks oCean_), but thanks anyway :)12:56
abhijitGlowball, ok12:56
ilovefairuzsarah32: it looks like it was fixed in july! so unless you're experiencing a variant of this issue, you should have already got them12:58
ilovefairuzsarah32: do you watch usage in htop? how does it manifest itself otherwise ?12:59
sarah32ilovefairuz,  in system monitor and i can hear fan12:59
sarah32when i restart udev fan stop working13:00
aarHi, I know that "wipe" leaves some traces of the file when used in a journaled file system (like ext3), but is it just as bad as a simple "rm", or still worth it if you've got no better solution?13:00
=== Nname is now known as Crp
ilovefairuzaar: use: shred -u filename or srm13:06
P3N7Ailovefairuz: my guest OS on virtualbox can't play sound...13:06
aarilovefairuz, why are these better?13:06
ilovefairuzP3N7A: is it ubuntu? what version? and do you have sound enabled in the VM settings?13:07
ioHow do you enable syntax hilighting the same as the default "nano" on Ubuntu uses? I checked "man nano" but do not see anything regarding it.13:07
ilovefairuzaar: just what i use13:07
jagan185hi everyone13:08
P3N7Aiilovefairuz: the guest OS is win2k3, host OS is ubuntu 10.04 and yes I checked the enable audio box..13:09
abhijitaar, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tools-to-delete-files-securely-in-ubuntu-linux.html13:09
abhijit!hi | jagan18513:09
ubottujagan185: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:09
lsottanigreat... now it doesn't even start after a new install... :/13:09
jagan185hi abhijit13:09
aarabhijit, thx13:10
ilovefairuzP3N7A: ask in ##windows13:11
P3N7Aok, thanks13:11
jagan185I want to deny access to a folder to a desktop user. I tried sudo 700 /media/sda2/FOLDER. But it didn't work. I installed Pysdm. It auto mounts all partitions at boot time. How to solve this13:11
Kwpolskajagan185: use chown13:11
Kwpolskachown it to root or user which shall have access13:11
tomanhello there, i have a *.mov file and i can't open it properly. I can see no picture (sound only)13:11
tomanwhat should i do ?13:11
ilovefairuzio: it ships a lot of highlighting scripts in /usr/share/nano/13:11
Kwpolskatoman: it's corrupted or you haven't got restricted extras13:12
jagan185kwpolska: How do I do that13:12
ilovefairuz!codec > toman13:12
ubottutoman, please see my private message13:12
ilovefairuzio: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/nano/filelist13:12
tomanubottu, thank you13:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:12
ioilovefairuz: Thank you.13:13
ilovefairuzjagan185: where's that folder and what user owns it?  chmod -R 70013:15
=== andi is now known as Guest92171
sarah32guys do you know what osc mean ?13:18
sarah32OSC control13:18
sarah32open sound control ?13:19
ilovefairuzsarah32: where are you reading it? could be, yes.13:19
sarah32[    0.472421] pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.513:19
sarah32[    0.472438] Firmware did not grant requested _OSC control13:19
Mattheshello. what is the package name of the gnome mixer?13:20
linxehno, thats not Open Sound Control13:20
Matthesit could control pulseaudio iirc13:20
orptray alsamixer13:21
linxehthats a PCI express feature for the device to tell the computer what capabilities it has (Operating System Capabilities)13:21
orptry it13:21
sarah32<linxeh> so i have some problem with something right ?13:21
linxehsarah32: without seeing more lines of that log (use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com to paste it, not in the channel!) it is hard to tell13:22
linxehsarah32: what device is it ?13:22
DestinyAwaitshow can i copy/paste text from rxvt terminal13:22
sarah32i dont know what device it is13:22
sarah32one sec i will paste it13:22
linxehsarah32: paste the full output of dmesg into the pastebin13:23
=== _huseyin is now known as ersoy01
abhijitis ibm symphone open source?13:23
elitexrayDo ubuntu users rely less on the terminal?13:24
orpsorry i came late13:24
linxehelitexray: I depend on the terminal13:24
orpwhat are the problem13:24
abhijit!cli | elitexray13:24
ubottuelitexray: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro13:24
DestinyAwaitshow can i copy/paste text from rxvt terminal13:24
linxehelitexray: I use ubuntu because I want to get my job done, rather than spend hours and hours configuring gentoo13:24
sarah32linxeh, http://paste.ubuntu.com/477901/13:24
abhijitany channel for ibm related question?13:25
orpubuntu spare your time and do the same13:25
fosstuxHi! I'd like to share my mobile broadband over an ad hoc wlan. How can I set this adhoc network up13:25
abhijitlinxeh, +113:25
fosstuxusing the kde network manager13:25
elitexraythe ubuntu software center makes it easy to avoid using the terminal13:25
elitexray@linxeh what sorts of activities do you do on terminal?13:27
k23elitexray, programming, debugging, lots13:27
=== ersoy01 is now known as huseyin_001
ilovefairuzDesignsEdge: xclip13:27
abhijitelitexray, i use it for c/c++/java/postgres programming13:28
ilovefairuzDestinyAwaits ^13:28
DestinyAwaitsilovefairuz: what is it?13:28
DestinyAwaitsilovefairuz: do you know13:28
DestinyAwaits                  │ │13:28
ilovefairuzDestinyAwaits: to copy/paste stuff from X clipboard13:29
ilovefairuzcheck manpage13:29
DestinyAwaitshow can i copy/paste text from rxvt terminal13:29
DestinyAwaitsto clipboard13:29
abhijitDestinyAwaits, what is rxvt?13:29
linxehelitexray: almost everything, file management, editing config files, script editing/writing, remote admin of other machines, starting applications, manipulating source code repos (eg git, subversion)13:29
linxehabhijit: a terminal applicatin13:29
DestinyAwaitsit is a terminal13:29
abhijitlinxeh, DestinyAwaits ok13:30
linxehelitexray: for serious programming I avoid the terminal, an IDE is necessary these days imo13:30
magicianlordwhat's a good twitter app13:30
ilovefairuzDestinyAwaits: what are you trying to copy? you can pipe things in and out of xclip13:30
ilovefairuz!info gwibber13:30
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source social networking client for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 313 kB, installed size 2640 kB13:30
abhijitmagicianlord, i use gwibber.13:30
sarah32<linxeh> did you see paste bin ?13:30
linxehmagicianlord: there is one built into 10.04  - Gwibber13:31
DestinyAwaitslet say what we are chatting and i want to copy some of the selected text to my clipboard13:31
linxehsarah32: yeah, I dont think it is a problem, assuming everything is working for you. can you paste the output of    lspci -v13:31
linxehDestinyAwaits: just select the text. in the other application, middle click13:32
ilovefairuzDestinyAwaits: select the text with your mouse, switch to the other window, and press the middle mouse button13:32
linxeh(or press the wheel if it is a wheel mouse)13:32
DestinyAwaitslemme try13:32
coz_DestinyAwaits,   this works systemincally  ...highlight  to copy  + middle to to paste13:33
abhijit#gnome-do is dead.13:33
abhijiti need help.13:33
coz_abhijit,   in terminal  type   gnome-do   see what the errors are?13:33
DestinyAwaitscan i also have some other options also13:33
DestinyAwaitsfor copying and pasting13:34
abhijitcoz_, no13:34
DestinyAwaitslike CTRL + C & CTRL V13:34
abhijitcoz_, my problem is how to tell gnome twitter plugin to be logged in even after reboot?13:34
coz_DestinyAwaits,  yest ctrl+c  for copy after highlighting and  ctrl+v  for pasting exect in terminal13:34
sarah32<linxeh> http://paste.ubuntu.com/477904/13:34
coz_abhijit,  oh  ooo ok  I know nothing about gnome-do13:34
abhijitcoz_, ok13:35
coz_DestinyAwaits,  in terminal  shift+ctrl+c for copy  and  shift+ctrl+v for paste  and that is for inside the terminal window13:35
DestinyAwaitscoz_: no not one13:35
DestinyAwaitsnot working13:35
splashotehi, what's "Broken pipe (32)" about? I'm doing a local backup with Back In Time.13:37
ilovefairuzsome process is dying13:37
abhijitpeeps there in #gnome do are busy feeding their babys and eating ice creams.13:37
ilovefairuzsplashote: probably the process being fed the files to archive13:38
BluesKajthe normal copy and paste using the mouse, also works in the terminal13:38
sarah32linxeh,  did you see ?13:38
nagnatronshould laptop-mode-tools be installed? my lenovo w500 is getting quite hot even when idle13:39
coz_DestinyAwaits,  which of those options do not work for you?13:39
BluesKajon a tty then one needs the KB13:39
DestinyAwaitsthe ctrl+shift+c & v13:39
DestinyAwaitsthe first one worked13:39
DestinyAwaitsmiddle button13:39
coz_DesignsEdge,  ok if you are in a terminal  you highlight something and wish to copy somewhere else  then justmiddle  click to that other place or visa viersa13:40
linxehsarah32: will look, sec13:40
splashotehm.... this makes not a lot of sense. why would it die? ;)13:40
BluesKajI ususlly highlight and right click/copy & paste13:41
coz_DesignsEdge,  if on the other hand you want to use the keyboard inside terminal  you highlight something   then shift+ctrl+c  to copy from the terminal and then the normal ctrl+v to paste somewhere else13:41
DestinyAwaitscoz_: it is done but can i also have a gnome-terminal copy/paste option as well...13:41
sarah32linxeh, tnx13:41
linxehsarah32: ok, does everything appear to work for you ?13:41
sarah32linxeh,  no cdrom doesnt work with udev13:42
coz_DestinyAwaits,  well yeah  if you want to paste into the terminal window from another source  simple highlight frrom the other source and middle click inside terminal window....or  highlight inside terminal window and middle click to the other source13:42
coz_DestinyAwaits,  that should work systemically13:42
sarah32everime i start lucid i have to stop udev and start it again also i have to block cdrom13:42
linxehsarah32: to me it just likes the PCIE ports on your motherboard dont support that request the kernel made when it installed the firmware, I dont think it will affect you13:42
sarah32but i think i may try update driver for cdrom it maybe help13:43
DestinyAwaitscoz_: yes you are right it is working but i need a keyboard functionality now.13:43
sachoon 10.04, for some reason, my mic input volume gets automtically decreased when I speak louder into the mic13:43
sachohow can I turn that off?13:43
ilovefairuzsacho: with skype?13:43
linxehsarah32: ok, I you can change the udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d13:43
coz_DestinyAwaits,  ok   from which source to which source?13:43
sachoilovefairuz: yeah13:43
=== Amaz|ng^ is now known as Irene-GR
ilovefairuzsacho: there's an option in it's settings dialog to make it stop messing with your sound levels13:44
sachoilovefairuz: I think I got it, thanks :)13:44
DestinyAwaitscoz_: from a term to term or to anything13:44
Irene-GReh.. hello can I ask something please? I am somehow new in ubuntu13:44
linxehsarah32: have you changed your CD drive or something ?13:44
sarah32<linxeh i will just leave everything how it is now it look like my graphic sound everything working maybe not prefect but at least i managed to get cpu to 0 instaed like in the past it was about 40% cuz of udev and ati card13:44
coz_DestinyAwaits,  ok  highlight in the text in a terminal window and hit   shir+ctrl+c  to copy   then   to another terminal   hit  shift+ctrl+v  to paste13:45
sarah32linxeh,  no i didnt change anything13:45
oCean_Irene-GR: sure, go right ahead, how can this channel help you?13:45
Irene-GRthank you oCean_13:45
DestinyAwaitscoz_: not working. clipboard empty13:45
ilovefairuz!details | Irene-GR13:45
ubottuIrene-GR: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:45
Irene-GRah sec :p13:46
oCean_Irene-GR: try to keep the description of your issue in one single line, that'll make it easy to follow13:46
coz_DestinyAwaits,  mmm  that should work easily  and is typcial throughout linux/unix systems13:46
coz_DestinyAwaits,  let me try again here13:46
linxehsarah32: ok, I'm afraid I don't know much about udev - I've not had to do much with it myself13:46
P-NutsWhy is Xorg occupying 427MB?13:46
linxehsarah32: I see there is this though - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/56209213:46
coz_DestinyAwaits,  are you sure you are holding shift+ctrl while pressing c or v ?13:47
mikebeechamhi there...does anyone know of a way that I can access my itunes 9 music library from Ubuntu?13:47
ilovefairuzP-Nuts: leaky driver or an opengl app13:47
* DestinyAwaits nod13:47
ilovefairuz!ipod | mikebeecham13:47
ubottumikebeecham: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:47
mikebeechamilovefairuz: I dont want to put music onto my ipod, I want to be able to access my itunes library from within, say, Banshee13:48
coz_mikebeecham,  here is one thing  http://www.njamin.org/blog/tutorials/import-itunes-library-into-rhythmbox-ratings-and-playcounts-included-121.php13:48
DestinyAwaitscoz_: anything else that i can try13:48
Irene-GRI ve problem with updates and software update center , I  have ubuntu 9.10 . Well a long time now I think updates are not working properly. it says something like : "Failed to fetch (URL) 404 not found" on terminal. Now on software update center while installing a program, it stops at 50% and reports me to check my connection. I noticed that first time today. I cannot install any programme.13:48
coz_mikebeecham,   also here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48888513:49
mikebeechamcoz_: would there be a way via, say, daap?13:49
P3N7Ais it possible to create a writable subfolder in a  read-only folder?13:49
mikebeechamI know that itunes 7 blocked it...but not sure about these days?13:49
coz_DestinyAwaits,   not sure ,,, those options should be working easily13:49
ilovefairuzIrene-GR: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:49
ilovefairuz!terminal | Irene-GR13:49
ubottuIrene-GR: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:49
DestinyAwaitscoz_: is there any term tweak that can do13:49
lsottanihey ilovefairuz i installed again and again ubuntu netbook 10.04 but now my pc doesn't even start!!13:50
coz_mikebeecham,  is daap plugin enabled in rythmbox?13:50
ilovefairuzlsottani: any errors?13:50
lsottaninope, all shine and clean13:50
mikebeechamcoz_ sec lemme check13:50
ilovefairuzlsottani: the computer doesn't even power up ?13:51
lsottaniduring the install, and after the boot, first the boot splash and then black screen with the white char pointer, blinking13:51
mikebeechamCoz_ it is now, and under 'shared' there is a header for my library...but there is nothing appearing13:51
coz_DestinyAwaits,  well if you open gnome-terminal  and go to "Edit"  "keyboard shortcuts"  you might be able  adjust the keyboard shortcuts to your likeing13:51
coz_mikebeecham,   mmm let me check hold on13:51
mikebeechamcoz_: kk13:51
P3N7Ailovefairuz: is it possible to create a writable subfolder in a  read-only folder?13:51
Irene-GRI have the same problem. Failed to fetch (URL) 404 not found. On sudo apt-get upgrade it ended like this : : Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?13:51
Thomas_Batesugh power ourtage13:52
coz_mikebeecham,  is this from a mac to linux you want to do this?13:52
lsottaniilovefairuz: the pc does power up. it stops after the bios splash screen13:52
lsottanifirst the boot splash and then black screen with the white char pointer, blinking13:52
ilovefairuzP3N7A: yes13:52
mikebeechamcoz_: yessir - from my mac min running itunes 9 to Ubuntu 10.0413:53
ilovefairuzlsottani: does the live cd boot there?13:53
coz_mikebeecham,   what you might want to try is to set up  "SharePoints"  on the mac to set up the share of itunes flder and then set the library location in rhythmbox  to the share13:53
lsottaniyes the usb live works perfectly13:53
P3N7Ailovefairuz: just chmod/chown or special thing needed?13:53
DestinyAwaitsI got disconnected13:53
lsottanithe install worked the first time, but since when i messed with the drivers before, if you remember, it does not start anymore13:54
ilovefairuzP3N7A: nothing special, just chmod -w on parent folder13:54
Irene-GRMay I leave and be back in 30 minutes? To ask you again for the problem, hope is not rude, but my family calls me for lunch.13:54
ilovefairuzlsottani: what's the laptop make and model?13:55
coz_mikebeecham,  you might have to "update" the shared folder  before it can be accessed by ubuntu rhythmbox13:55
Irene-GRI will be back later, thanks in advance!13:55
lsottanipackard bell dot s. ilovefairuz13:55
mikebeechamcoz_: will give that a go...I'd love to get daap working, but I think itunes still blocks outgoing daap13:56
coz_mikebeecham,   here is another link    http://benste.blogspot.com/2009/12/upnpdlna-vs-daap-itunes-share-in.html13:56
ilovefairuzlsottani: press esc during the boot screen to see the messages13:56
coz_mikebeecham, ` also in google  ...the search string  to use would be   rhythmbox daap itunes13:57
lsottaniit doesn't even begin to load the OS ilovefairuz, like if there is no OS installed in the machine13:57
ilovefairuzlsottani: that13:58
ilovefairuzlsottani: that's a hardware issue13:58
DestinyAwaitscoz_: any term tweak that can do13:58
ilovefairuzlsottani: take it to support13:58
lsottanioh come on, it worked this morning!13:59
coz_DestinyAwaits,  did you try changing keyborad shortcuts for the terminal ?13:59
lsottaniit can't be...13:59
ilovefairuzlsottani: does the usb live still work?13:59
DestinyAwaitscoz_: are you talking about rxvt term13:59
ilovefairuzlsottani: not hardware then, check the boot order in bios13:59
lsottaniusb, hdd, network13:59
lsottanithis order14:00
coz_DestinyAwaits,  no I was talking about  gnome-terminal   isnt that what we started with??14:00
ilovefairuzlsottani: use hdd first14:00
DestinyAwaitscoz_: rxvt is a seprate process it has no parent thread i mean terminal14:00
lsottanino news..14:00
coz_DestinyAwaits,  then I am out of ideas  for this14:01
ilovefairuzlsottani: boot usb pendrive and pastebin: sudo fdisk -l14:01
coz_DestinyAwaits,  you can try the ##linux channel ...they may have alternative solutions14:01
DestinyAwaitscoz_: Ah, ok14:01
lsottaniok gimme a sec14:02
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KE1HAJust a general question, until us non-mentored students get our act together, what's the best way to help with bugs, without causing additional work for somebody else?14:05
Rogue1hey iceman_323314:05
KE1HAOpps, wrong channel SRI :-)14:06
OerKEISHA, just fill in bugreports, that is a big help14:06
lsottanihttp://pastebin.com/vv0s70yA ilovefairuz14:07
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt14:08
lsottanispace after sda1 ilovefairuz ?14:08
ilovefairuzlsottani: yes14:09
lsottanidone... no output on the terminal. now?14:09
ilovefairuzlsottani: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda14:09
lsottaniwith sudo i suppose14:10
ilovefairuzlsottani: yes14:10
lsottaniok, it saysinsallation finished. no error reported14:11
lsottaniand pray i personally add :)14:11
Knightlustdoes anyone know where the /dev/rfcomm is on Lucid? it seems to be missing or probably renamed14:12
ilovefairuzlsottani: nothing at all?14:12
lsottanino, nothing as before, stop after bios splash14:13
lsottanii removed the usb.14:13
lsottanidid i have to leave it on?14:13
lsottaniok then nothing14:13
lsottanii try with another os to see if it is hdd failure or wha14:14
ilovefairuzgood idea14:14
ilovefairuztry fedora14:14
lsottanii have jolicloud which goes 100% on my pc atm14:15
lsottaniand ready on usb14:15
ilovefairuzit's just very strange that grub doesn't even load14:15
lsottanii guess..14:16
ilovefairuzperhaps a compatibility issue of grub 2 with something on your machine14:16
lsottanistrange is that i installed 10.04 once, and it worked, apart the wireless14:16
adi11hi. i cant play any youtube videos in totem 2.30.2 it gives me this: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.14:17
adi11anyone have any idea?14:17
splashoteonce again: what's "Broken pipe (32)" about? I'm doing a local backup with Back In Time. Tried it several times... no idea what goes wrong.14:17
ilovefairuzlsottani: boot live usb again, we could try grub 1.x14:17
coz_lsottani,  how was jolicloud by the way??14:18
lsottanii am trying to install joli atm, alongside ubuntu14:18
adi11i am on lucid with totem 2.30.214:18
lsottanicoz_ great until 0.9914:18
lsottani1.0 sucks14:18
lsottanilooks retarded14:18
FloodBot3lsottani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:18
coz_lsottani,   ooo ok   It sounded interesting last time I looked14:18
lsottaniproject is interesting. but is not very good for mid-experience users14:19
ilovefairuzsplashote: broken pipe means that a process died unexpectedly, the application probably pipes files to an external process (like tar or gzip) to compress them and it dies, check its logs (if it has any)14:19
coz_lsottani,   have you tried the netbook for gnome or kde's  netbook version which is  very nice??14:19
lsottaninewbies: great, you do not have to do nothing. experts: isuppose that they can tweak something... mid users are stuck14:19
lsottanino coz_14:19
tweakhey. u guys know the cpu scaling monitor you can add to the panel? is there any way to just set my 3 processors to maximum and leave it that way permanantly as each time i restart i have to reset those settings14:19
coz_lsottani,   kde"s  netbook version is visually nice and works much better in my opinion than gnome's14:20
coz_lsottani,   google screenshots and maybe youtube video14:20
splashoteilovefairuz: ok, i'll check the logs. the backup is compressed with tar..14:20
ilovefairuzyeah tar tends to die so dramatically14:20
lsottaniilovefairuz: i halted joli install.. i have not much time left. can we tri grub 1.x?14:22
ilovefairuzlsottani: sure, boot live usb14:22
lsottanion the way14:22
ilovefairuzlsottani: unless you wiped ubuntu ..14:22
lsottaniit shouldn't14:22
lsottaniany way i can check? :/14:22
BluesKajtweak, if you're looking for cpu speed ctrl then you might try an app called cpufrequtils.14:22
ilovefairuzlsottani: it will show up after you boot usb14:23
lsottanii have booted now14:23
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt14:23
splashoteilovefairuz: a new error message in the logs: 15:22:17 fabians-laptop backintime (root): INFO: The application needs to change the backup format. Start the GUI to proceed. (As long as you do not you will not be able to make new snapshots!)14:23
splashoteAug 14 15:22:17 fabians-laptop backintime (root): WARNING: Backup not performed14:23
tweakBluesKaj : thank you14:24
Rogue1Hey, I've tried installing Ubuntu from a CD, and got the "try Ubuntu" GUI up. It worked ok for a while, then froze. Upon restart, after the BIOS I only get a blinking cursor on the screen, be it when booting the Ubuntu CD or when trying to load up the existing OS14:24
BluesKajtweak, np14:24
lsottaniok ilovefairuz14:24
lsottaniRogue1 we have the same problem!!14:24
ilovefairuzsplashote: i don't use the application, try googling the error message14:24
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo mount --bind /dev  /mnt/dev14:25
splashoteilovefairuz: i opened a threat over at the German forum and will post a bug at launchpad. thanks14:25
lsottaniok ilovefairuz what next?14:26
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo chroot /mnt14:26
xissburgI'm back :O14:26
lsottaniok it changed from ubuntu@ubuntu_$ to root@ubuntu:/# ilovefairuz14:27
Rogue1lsottani, any ideas?14:27
ilovefairuzlsottani: ok from there follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Uninstalling%20GRUB%20214:27
ilovefairuzRogue1: it's a rather mysterious issue, we're trying something so hang on and we'll see if it works14:28
BoD[home]Hey, I'm trying to add a screensaver on my system.14:28
BoD[home]I followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1534840  and also this: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/2.14/screensavers-3.html.en14:28
airtonixi can't seem to get evolution or thunderbird retireve a directory list from an ldap server (although i can successfully retireve a list when i use ldapsearch cli tool)14:29
BoD[home]basically I added a test.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/screensavers/14:29
BoD[home]but... It's not listed in the screensaver preferences panel14:29
BoD[home]any idea?14:29
Rogue1ilovefairuz: ok - I 'll be back  shortly    :)14:30
coz_BoD[home],  I would have to go through this tutorial to test it... I have not attempted it  before.... of course that would take time... I cant do this at the moment ...I am going for a break right now14:30
coz_BoD[home],  but i will bookmark these links and test later14:31
BoD[home]thanks a lot14:31
lsottaniilovefairuz: i am stuck at 5.14:32
lsottaniwhen i try A.14:32
bazhang!cn | lym14:32
ubottulym: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:32
lsottaniit says that i have to install something else14:32
lsottaniuhm i have to install update-grub14:32
ilovefairuzlsottani: what exactly does it say?14:32
coz_BoD[home],   remind me later  if you are online :)14:32
BoD[home]coz_: ok14:33
bazhanglym, English here.  /join #ubuntu-cn14:33
ilovefairuzlsottani: wait14:33
lsottanihttp://pastebin.com/3LGz9zSR ilovefairuz if you want14:34
ilovefairuzlsottani: nope, did you  do 4 correctly? sudo apt-get grub14:34
ilovefairuzor apptitude14:34
Apocalyptoi wonder if there is a comparison of ubuntu = xubuntu requirements14:35
lsottaniilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/2cRZQiuW i suppose yes tho14:35
ilovefairuzlsottani: /sbin/update-grub14:36
jaggyis there a way to use the popup thingy in a program, as in, can you do something like execute a command to call it ?14:36
lsottanino such file or directory ilovefairuz14:37
ilovefairuzlsottani: pastebin: dpkg -L grub14:37
ilovefairuzjaggy: notify-send14:38
tmatematikashello everyone!14:38
ilovefairuzlsottani: what the.. sudo apt-get install grub14:38
ilovefairuz!hi | tmatematikas14:39
ubottutmatematikas: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:39
yashi_now thats a big channel o.014:39
lsottanii do not know why it is not installed...14:39
lsottanii am still root atm, do i have to use sudo?14:39
jaggyThanks ilovefairuz :)14:39
ilovefairuzlsottani: ls /home14:40
yashi_is there a practicable way to watch flash videos with ubuntu x64?14:40
ilovefairuz!flash | yashi_14:40
ubottuyashi_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:40
tmatematikasdoes anyone know why after rebooting my xubuntu (hp notebook) resets lan MAC address to original?14:40
lsottaniilovefairuz: with the last command it types only "lsottani" as a dir14:40
ZykoticK9yashi_, are you having "clicking" problems with flash?14:41
pawushwhat is lsusb ?14:41
bazhangpawush, lists usb bus devices14:41
ilovefairuzlsottani: sudo apt-get install grub14:41
bazhangpawush, lspci for pci bus and sudo lshw for general hardware14:41
lsottanihttp://pastebin.com/9ar18evY ilovefairuz14:42
tweakhey guys14:42
ilovefairuzlsottani: why sudo if you're root? remove it14:42
lsottanisame stuff without sudo ilovefairuz14:43
yashi_ubottu: im just asking because adobe stopped the x64 flash support14:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:43
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, i'm not sure why lsottani apt-get is getting an xargs syntax error currently while removing grub... looks like a package issue almost?  "sudo apt-get update" first maybe?14:43
ilovefairuzyashi_: you can run it through a wrapper, check the page14:44
pawushhow to reinstall grub? what write in terminal?14:44
Apocalyptohow much ram does ubuntu 10.04 need (minimum)?14:44
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: i saw it but this is unrelated to the current error14:44
ZykoticK9pawush, do you know if you are using grub or grub2?14:45
yashi_ilovefairuz: the point is they took the plugin offline for a reason14:45
bazhang!requirements > Apocalypto14:45
ubottuApocalypto, please see my private message14:45
ZykoticK9!grub2 | pawush14:45
ubottupawush: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:45
ilovefairuzlsottani: strangely this is the same error we saw while trying to install broadcom driver on the command line, somehow your package database gets screwed up14:45
lsottaniso what i have to do now?14:46
yashi_ilovefairuz: im searching an flash-nonfree alternative (i dont play games only flash videos)14:46
* ilovefairuz scratches his head14:46
ilovefairuzyashi_: you will barely find anything usable14:46
lsottanianyway a brand new install should solve the problem, theoretically14:46
ZykoticK9yashi_, "flash-nonfree" is an alternative to flash64bit really -- it's the 32bit flash (which will work on 64bit system BTW)14:47
ilovefairuzlsottani: try something that uses grub 1, perhaps jolicloud does, and fedora does use it14:47
lsottaniok i try the joli install :(14:47
ZykoticK9lsottani, why not try installing without being root, and using a regular account with sudo - to verify that's not causing the issue?  Just a suggestion...14:48
lsottanii am a noob i do what you tell me :D14:48
pawushUsed anyone 3G modems in Ubuntu 10.4? I'll want manual change Node'B , how to do ? I've Huawei 156g14:49
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ilovefairuzZykoticK9: we are chrooting from a live usb with a bound /dev tree and sudo/su is completely unrelated, this happened with sudo too14:49
BluesKajZykoticK , yashi_ , adobe 64 bit flash is on the back burner no longer officially supported until they finish development on it14:49
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, did you mount proc as well?14:49
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, the 64bit removal is due to a security issue more then anything i believe14:50
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: ah no, but it still happened on a normal install14:50
BluesKajZykoticK9, IC, ok that's pretty important :)14:50
ilovefairuzi don't think mounting proc is necessary but i could be wrong14:51
pawushAnyone used 3G modem in Ubuntu ?14:51
quietoneHow do I import a .vcs calendar attachment into evolution? Both "import to Calendar" and File->import fail.14:51
airtonixok so since evolution and thunderbird fail at LDAP directory services...which email client will allow me to deal with an LDAP server ?14:51
Guest24166pawush: yes, the common ones are detected out the box now.14:52
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, dev proc and sys need to be mounted for Grub to work properly in chroot14:52
lotrpyHello, I can't remove or update rhythmbox, what should I do, Ubuntu 8.04, the error log: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ymE23j7L14:52
nvzI had just installed ubuntu on this machine yesterday and had the wireless working at my house with the b43, now I can't get it to work here with either the open source or proprietary driver..  pastebin coming...14:52
pawushso, do you know ,how change manual Node'B / BTS ?14:52
ZykoticK9lotrpy, does running the command "sudo apt-get -f install" help?14:53
Guest24166no sorry. someone should14:53
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: correct, just check the doc page14:53
ilovefairuzlsottani: still on live cd?14:53
ilovefairuzlsottani: live usb14:54
bullgard[Ubuntu 10.04.1] What is the path+filename  of the ~/Music directory symbol?14:54
lsottaniilovefairuz: what does this mean? "Error informing the kernel about modification to partition /dev/sda5 (the swap btw) -- device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sda5 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting14:54
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: thanks14:54
lsottanii encountered this when choosing the partition size for jolicloud14:54
lsottanican i proceed?14:54
lsottanii can "ignore" or "cancel"14:55
pawushI want to boot Ubuntu live from USB ? Can I do it ?14:55
nvzhttp://paste.debian.net/83278/ it will not seem to stay associated with the AP14:55
ilovefairuzlsottani: can you switch to a terminal? and check: mount14:55
bazhangpawush, sure , use unetbootin14:55
bazhangpawush, assuming your machine allows for boot from usb14:56
lsottanii do not think i can14:56
ZykoticK9pawush, there are several options/methods to boot from USB.  Do you want a LiveCD-type environment or a full install to USB - both are possible.14:56
ActionParsnippawush: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/14:56
lsottanii try to ignore to see if i can proceed14:56
ActionParsnippawush: if you have a windows system flapping around, you can use that14:56
Rogue1ilovefairuz: any progress?14:56
ilovefairuzRogue1: what existing operating system do you have?14:57
lsottanihmmm ilovefairuz the installer found some incorrect issues on the filesystem of sda...14:57
ilovefairuzlsottani: what was the error message?14:58
Rogue1ilovefairuz: it is (was?) VortexBox, based on FC11. Never wanted to use VortexBox, so burned a 10.04 Desktop i386 ISO14:58
=== mikebeecham is now known as Feeyo
ilovefairuzRogue1: and you did or did not install ubuntu?14:59
pawushbazhang: how I schould have size memory at USB pendrive for Ubuntu boot?14:59
bazhang!usb | pawush have a read14:59
ubottupawush have a read: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:59
lotrpyZykoticK9, It has the same error. I paste it at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8eb1J2hP14:59
lsottaninot really explicative, it says (translation to eng from ita) "Found some not corrected errors during the test od the filesystem type ext4 in the n°1 partition of SCSI1(0,0,0) (sda); if you do not return to the partitioning menu to correct these errors the partition will be used "as is"15:00
lsottanithat's it ilovefairuz15:00
magicianlordhow do you force 'shred' to delete recursively, including directories?15:00
pawushok thanks everyone15:00
ZykoticK9lotrpy, hope someone has an answer for you - as I certainly don't :(  Good luck man.15:00
bazhangpawush, welcome15:01
lsottaniand i can go back or continue options15:01
ilovefairuzlsottani: do you have any important files on that disk? wipe all partitions and re-create them15:01
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lsottanino i do not have nothing, actually15:01
ilovefairuz!hi | eff_15:01
ubottueff_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:01
lsottaniso i choose "use entire disk"?15:01
FuGohow to shell hosting on ubuntu?15:01
ilovefairuzlsottani: go to back to ubuntu cd, use entire disk and proceed with installation15:02
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lsottanii tried it 2 times, and the grub problem remains15:02
Rogue1ilovefairuz: never managed to -- the Live system worked ok for some time, then froze. Power-cycled the machine, tried booting - and after the BIOS, all I get is the blinking cursor on the screen. Happens whether I use the CD or try booting the current OS15:02
lsottanigrrrr :/15:02
ilovefairuzlsottani: ZykoticK9 notified me about a missing step15:02
ilovefairuzlsottani: there are a couple more commands that need to be used before trying to install grub 1.x15:03
lsottaniso i have to reboot live again ubuntu?15:03
lotrpyZykotick9, thanks :), It's not a big deal, I just use the console, don't know this software, just show the error msg every apt-get dist-upgrade15:03
lsottanilol ok15:03
lsottanipsst ilovefairuz the wireless driver is working in joli usb15:04
lsottani:facepalm: XD15:04
ilovefairuzlsottani: it's a breath to get working in ubuntu, when we get past the boot problem lol15:05
ilovefairuzto get wireless working, i mean15:05
lsottanii suppose... anyway, 15 minutes left for me15:05
ilovefairuzfor that particular card15:05
cdavisI have found numerious guids on a specific openbox customization however pypanel and netwmpager are not in the repos. Is openbox an older wm? Is there somethign more recent I can be playing with?15:05
lsottaniand then the girl calls :/15:05
lsottanir u here tomorrow?15:05
ilovefairuzlsottani: probably yes15:06
jj_can u tell me how idisble irq16 in ubuntu plz15:06
jj_it keep making my net disconnect15:06
lsottaniok i am live usb 10.0415:06
lsottaniilovefairuz: what next?15:07
ilovefairuzlsottani: install, use erase entire disk15:07
lsottanii have already tried that...15:07
lsottanii try again15:07
lsottani"erase and use entire disk"15:08
ActionParsnipcdavis: openbox is very alive, its just not as "pretty" as the others but it uses a fraction of the resources15:09
lsottaniok installation in progress15:09
jj_how would i disbale IRQ 16 in linux ubuntu ????15:09
ActionParsnipcdavis: http://openbox.org/wiki/Openbox:News15:09
ActionParsnipjj_: i think you'd do that in BIOS15:09
jj_no option ive looked15:10
euphorialhmm.. I do my IRQ in BIOS as well15:10
magicianlordopenbox can be made to look very professional.15:10
megabrakerhi how to add a cosole application shortuct to application menu i tried to add netcat in the commmand fieled i writed nc but fail15:10
ActionParsnipjj_: if you boot with irqpoll you will get rid of the: irq 16: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)   error15:10
ZykoticK9megabraker, try using "gnome-terminal -e $FOOCOMMAND"15:10
magicianlordopenbox also is highly customizable. you can launch applications very esily using hte windows key and other keys, while gnome has problems with it.15:11
detrixany one know how close Ubuntu is to getting gnome 3.0 in the next upgrade?15:11
ActionParsnipjj_: is that what you are getting?15:11
megabrakerZykotick thx very much that is why i love ubuntu :)15:11
ActionParsnipdetrix: i'd ask in #ubuntu+115:11
magicianlorddetrix: it probably wont. but it will get unity, which is like it.  ubuntu needs a change15:11
ZykoticK9!tab > megabraker15:11
ubottumegabraker, please see my private message15:11
bazhangdetrix, 201115:11
ZykoticK9detrix, Gnome 3 might not happen in Ubuntu at all...15:11
detrixI am running the beta right now.  Not really liking it.15:12
magicianlordZykoticK9: it's switching to openbox?15:12
lsottani50% ilovefairuz :)15:12
bazhangdetrix, alpha and #ubuntu+1 for discussion15:12
ilovefairuzlsottani: reboot after it finishes, perhaps it will just work ..15:13
freddymxhi, has anyone experienced this problem? i have ubuntu 10.4 in both a HP and a Toshiba Satellite, in both computer the screen won't come back when I open the lid after suspending it15:13
lsottaninot the first time i tried, tho...15:13
cdavisActionParsnip: Is pypanel and netwmpager old or just not enough desire to have in the repos?15:13
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: if it did that'd be sweet. You can install openbox if you like it. It's in the repos15:13
ActionParsnipcdavis: submit it on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:14
ActionParsnipcdavis: I found this: http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/netwmpager_howto15:14
magicianlordActionParsnip: i use it15:15
bgiarroccoHey guys, does anyone know if it's possible to change the icon for google desktop -- their icon has a white background by default - and it looks awful in my status bar at the top right15:15
magicianlordit should be the default window manager, with ubuntu branding15:15
magicianlordopenbox is superior15:15
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: it is in LUbuntu15:15
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: it's not superior, it's different15:16
magicianlordonly openbox. not lxde15:16
q__salve a tutti15:16
AndrewMCbgiarrocco: I don't think so...15:16
magicianlordActionParsnip: matter of opinion15:16
cptbloodwhat's the best & easiest way of installing nvidia drivers?15:16
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: sure, install Ubuntu minimal, then install openbox15:16
magicianlordalready did that15:16
cptblood(using ubuntu 9.04 with terminal only)15:16
magicianlordim not asking how to do it. i know how to do it15:16
ilovefairuz!it | q__15:16
ubottuq__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:16
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: indeed, but you didn't say it was an opinion, so it looks like you are stating a solid fact15:16
magicianlordim saying canon should build off it and repackage the iso, insteado f gnome15:16
bazhangmagicianlord, getting offtopic now15:17
magicianlordActionParsnip: opinionated fact15:17
magicianlordok bazhang15:17
magicianlordhow's it going dude?15:17
mneptokalso offtopic15:17
paulm9hi, anyone able get me up and running in ubuntu-one?15:17
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: no such thing, that doesn't make any sense at all. a thing is either a fact, or your opinion which just happens to match the fact, or its just an opinion. None of these situations can exist15:18
abhijitpaulm9, ask in #ubuntuone15:18
q__help kubuntu 10.0415:18
megabrakerZykoticK9 when i open the app it disappear how to make it wait like sh while 1 ?15:18
ActionParsnipq__: sup?15:18
paulm9thanks abhijit, ciao15:18
magicianlordit's off-topic, so i wont continue the arguement. but no15:18
smwcan someone point me towards the page for howto properly fill out a hardware bug?15:18
ActionParsnip!bug | smw15:18
ubottusmw: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:18
smwActionParsnip, thanks15:19
q__how to install driver on kubuntu 10.04?15:19
ActionParsnipq__: for what hardware?15:19
abhijitq__, try in #kubuntu15:19
ZykoticK9megabraker, sorry - I have no idea?15:20
smwActionParsnip, just because it is on kubuntu does not mean this is the wrong place to ask the question :-)15:20
ActionParsnipq__: ok what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga15:20
ActionParsnipsmw: i never said it wasn't15:20
cptbloodwhat's the best & easiest way of installing nvidia drivers?15:21
cptbloodwhat's the best & easiest way of installing nvidia drivers?15:21
cptblood(using ubuntu 9.04 with terminal only)15:21
FloodBot3cptblood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
ActionParsnip!nvidia | cptblood15:21
q__nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)15:21
ubottucptblood: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:21
bazhangcptblood, hardware drivers in system administartion15:21
smwcptblood, system -> administration -> hardware drivers15:21
magicianlordi think i should try to finish up some games today15:21
cptbloodas i mentioned, terminal only15:21
ActionParsnipq__: system -> administration -> hardware drivers15:21
bgiarroccoDoes anyone have any good alternative suggestions to google-desktop... I just need a quick launcher for programs (kind of like OSX's spotlight)15:22
aeon-ltdbgiarrocco: dmenu15:22
ZykoticK9cptblood, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" if you wan the "current" version15:22
q__ok thanks15:22
abhijitq__, type /j #kubuntu15:22
cptbloodZykoticK9: ok, thx, only thing i have to do? no editing of files etc?15:22
ActionParsnipcptblood: I use: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18015:22
abhijitbgiarrocco, gnome-do?15:22
cptbloodthat's a rather old driver isnt it? im running 190.x now15:22
ActionParsnipcptblood: why are you only wanting command line?15:22
cptbloodcause i dont have a gui15:23
lsottaniilovefairuz: the installation has just completed the grub parts... let's hope..15:23
ActionParsnipcptblood: then use nvidiaglx-9615:23
ZykoticK9cptblood, after nvidia installation "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to create an xorg.conf file15:23
ilovefairuzlsottani: all the best ..15:23
ActionParsnipcptblood: if you dont have a gui, you don't need nvidia drivers15:23
cptblood(xbmc box that freezes upon start15:23
BKTech86when i try sudo wine, it says /home/me/.wine is not owned by me ? ???15:23
cptbloodso trying new drivers)15:23
cptbloodye, i do ActionParsnip15:23
mneptokcptblood: if you have no GUI, why do you need nVidia drivers?15:24
ActionParsnipBKTech86: why are you running wine with sudo?????15:24
ZykoticK9BKTech86, don't use sudo with wine15:24
BKTech86well because wine is not working without it, honestly15:24
cptbloodmneptok: im running xbmc in standalone mode15:24
q__for 3d acceleration15:24
BKTech86anyone know why i get this error? http://pastebin.com/Li0mmFNm15:24
ActionParsnipBKTech86: try: cd /home sudo chown -R foo:foo ./foo15:24
bgiarroccoabhijit: gnome-do looks interesting, i'll try it-- thanks!15:25
ZykoticK9BKTech86, you "might" want to give that pastebin to the folks in #winehq15:25
ActionParsnipBKTech86: this will make sure all the files are your users, sounds like you have been using sudo in some stupid plaes and screwed up ownerships15:25
abhijitbgiarrocco, i use it. its really a nice launcher.15:25
BKTech86no, I haven't, and I didn't screw anything up.15:26
BKTech86ZykoticK9, I gave it to them.15:26
ZykoticK9BKTech86, wine + sudo = fail15:26
ActionParsnipq__: http://www.howtoforge.com/enabling-compiz-fusion-on-an-ubuntu-10.04-desktop-nvidia-geforce-fx-520015:26
lsottaniilovefairuz: nothing happens15:26
smwActionParsnip, the page you gave me has nothing on reporting hardware problems15:26
lsottanii give up for today15:26
opijwhat's the best way to free up lots of ram on ubuntu?15:26
ActionParsnipBKTech86: its a good command to run. You should be the owner of ALL of $HOME15:26
ilovefairuzlsottani: ok we'll do the grub 1.x stuff next time15:26
ActionParsnipsmw: its how you can log a bug15:26
smwActionParsnip, I need the list of commands to run like lsusb -vvv etc15:26
lsottanii want to try jolicloud install first15:26
lsottanisee ya tomorrow15:27
ActionParsnipsmw: sudo lshw    will help15:27
smwActionParsnip, I know, I remember there being a list of useful commands for hardware related problems15:27
Rogue1ilovefairuz: Motherboard is http://www.delvingware.com/webservices/medialibrary/media/datasheets/ROCKY-4784EV.pdf if that helps?15:28
skumarahow to maunt xd card in ubuntu? i insert the card and nothing happen!15:28
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
smwActionParsnip, I guess I will just do lshw and lsusb15:28
ilovefairuzRogue1: you didn't tell if you installed ubuntu or not15:28
abhijit!hardware | smw15:28
ubottusmw: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:28
ActionParsnipsmw: makes sense, also the output of: dmesg    will help15:30
opijwhat's the best way to free up lots of ram on ubuntu?15:30
cptbloodany reason why sudo sh *.run for nvidia driver isnt recommended?15:30
nits_after using rm -r to delete a file how do u write over the empty space left by the file with 0's?15:30
erUSULopij: what is free ram good for? free ram == wasted ram15:30
smwActionParsnip, it is a usb device (even though it is internal). Should I still use dmesg?15:30
erUSULnits_: you should have user shred or wipe to delete the file15:30
opijerUSUL, i use it for watching high res video15:31
Rogue1ilovefairuz: never managed to -- the Live system worked ok for some time, then froze. Power-cycled the machine, tried booting - and after the BIOS, all I get is the blinking cursor on the screen. Happens whether I use the CD or try booting the current OS15:31
ActionParsnipsmw: yes as it shows the hardware being detected.15:31
erUSUL!ram | opij15:31
ubottuopij: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html15:31
nits_erUSUL: oh.... are those commands similar to rm ?15:31
FurtanoWhat is a easy Mailserver for Ubuntu ?15:31
abhijitFurtano, try in #ubuntu-server15:31
Furtanoabhijit, ty15:32
erUSULnits_: they so *secure* file deletion. they overwritte the file with garbage to make it hard/imposible to recover15:32
ActionParsnipFurtano: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer15:32
nits_erUSUL: cool stuff :D15:32
ilovefairuzRogue1: so the live cd doesn't work any longer?15:32
nits_erUSUL: danke :D15:32
FurtanoActionParsnip, great ty15:33
nits_is it possible to copy and install windows via a usb stick?15:33
nits_i know this is ubuntu room but still....15:33
bazhangnits_, try in ##windows15:33
Rogue1ilovefairuz: nope - if I'm lucky I'll get to the screen with choices for installing Ubuntu, trying it, etc. - but always results in the blinking underscore for anything further15:33
bullgard[Ubuntu 10.04.1] What is the path+filename  of the ~/Music directory symbol?15:33
Rogue1ilovefairuz: also, can only get that far after resetting ESCD15:33
ilovefairuzRogue1: i suggest getting the live cd for another distro and trying it, it's a very odd issue15:34
ActionParsnipRogue1: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html15:34
shane2peruhow can I make FF use less room at the top?  It has the Title bar, menu bar, address bar, bookmark bar, and tab bar, that is excessive, where as Chromium uses less space, and has about the same.15:35
ActionParsnipshane2peru: use tinymenu and liquifox theme15:35
ActionParsnipshane2peru: you can then rearrange the toolbars to get a very thin toolbar15:35
Rogue1ilovefairuz: oddly enough my WinXP CD booted ok, but suddenly found a corrupt file - despite never having had that problem before *shrug*15:35
shane2peruActionParsnip, tinemenu?  is that in the repos, or an option in firefox?15:35
abhijitshane2peru, remove bookmarks bar15:35
shane2peruActionParsnip, and I assume that liquifox is an theme add on.15:36
duffydackshane2peru, remove all the icons and add them to the top bar as well15:36
ActionParsnipshane2peru: http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/?action=view&current=thin.jpg   looks like that :)15:36
Rogue1ActionParsnip: I neither have an nvidia graphics card, not have managed to install Ubuntu - I can't even get the Live CD to run or install15:36
ActionParsnipRogue1: it still can help and its free to try15:37
ilovefairuzRogue1: do a memtest15:37
ActionParsnipshane2peru: tinymenu is an addon and puts all that file, edit, view crap in one button. Liquifox is a theme15:37
shane2peruActionParsnip, yep!!!  that is what I want!@15:37
shane2peruActionParsnip, ok, thanks a bundle!!!15:37
Rogue1ilovefairuz: memtest froze.15:37
ActionParsnipshane2peru: you then have 1 bar with everthing on and is thin15:38
nits_where is the stored log files of this irc chat?15:38
ilovefairuzRogue1: from what cd? XP's?15:38
ActionParsnipnits_: what client?15:38
nits_ActionParsnip: i am using irssi from the terminal15:38
nits_ActionParsnip: there is an online log of the whole irc chat right? jus wanted to know it's address15:39
Rogue1ilovefairuz: nope, memtest on the Ubuntu CD failed. second ISO I've burned to CD, and all seems fine - just can 't escape this darn blinking underscore. Will try ActionParsnip's sol'n15:39
bazhang!1984 | nits_15:39
ubottunits_: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:39
ActionParsnipnits_: possibly ~/.config/irssi/   some place15:39
nits_ubottu : thanks bro!15:40
ilovefairuzRogue1: http://www.memtest86.com/15:40
ActionParsnipRogue1: did you MD5 test the ISO?15:40
ActionParsnipnits_: or try ~/irclogs  too15:40
figure002ActionParsnip: where can i find this tinymenu? i just searched on the firefox addon site, but no results.15:40
ActionParsnipfigure002: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1455/15:40
ActionParsnipfigure002: use normal websearch engines, works nicer15:41
xissburgguys I'm still trying to recover my Windows installation...15:41
ActionParsnipxissburg: just reinstall and restore data from your backups15:41
xissburgI tried with the WinXP CD but in recovery mode it asks for asmin password, which I cant remember in any way15:41
figure002ActionParsnip: got it, thanks15:41
xissburgbackups? haha15:41
ActionParsnipxissburg: ?15:42
shane2peruActionParsnip, seems that liquifox isn't available for FF 3.6.X15:42
ActionParsnipshane2peru: i see15:42
ActionParsnipshane2peru: you may be able to compile it. I dont use firefox anymore15:42
xissburgtge thing is...I installed ubuntu using Wubi from Win7. It trashed my boot loader, but it worked fine a few times...in the 3rd boot it didnt work anymore without any reason15:43
xissburgnow the only thing I get is grub rescue15:43
shane2peruActionParsnip, well I had been using Chromium, but minor things here and there that always worked in FF, drove me back, however now I see how much space that stuff is eating up there.15:43
oledole2Q: I have a RAID5 on /dev/sd[bcdef]1, but Ubuntu 10.04 fails to auto-start/assemble it during boot. I suspect it's because I've got superblocks both on /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1, which confuses mdadm et.al. Is it safe to zero the superblock on /dev/sdb? Will that leave everything else on the disk intact, for example the superblock on /dev/sdb1 and the data on that partition? Thanks15:43
xissburgnow I'm reslly lost...already tried a couple things but nothing works15:44
ActionParsnipshane2peru: liquifox should make it thinner15:44
shane2peruActionParsnip, that is ok, I got it all moved right click on the menu, customize, start dragging and re-arranging. :)  Thanks15:45
shane2peruActionParsnip, the tinymenu helps a lot though, I mean how often do I click on that menu stuff??  not often enough!15:45
Cogitohow can i register mi nick15:46
bazhang!register > Cogito15:46
ubottuCogito, please see my private message15:46
bazhangCogito, /join #freenode for further help15:46
ActionParsnipxissburg: http://www.omaregan.com/?p=583  may help, you can avoid this whole thing with a backup. Remember: your drive motor CAN fail, then where is your data???15:46
ActionParsnipshane2peru: if you dont use the menu at all you can get freaky with user.js and remove stuff outright15:47
xissburgActionParsnip: so where would I backup? Another disk?15:47
xissburgI don't have many15:47
shane2peruActionParsnip, no, I use it, but no much, tinymenu is perfect.15:48
PHP_Arunhi there everyone15:48
ActionParsnipxissburg: anything, a USB device, optical media, another PC. Just another system / physical disk to hold your data as well as the usual one15:48
xissburgits a lot of data15:48
=== joerg is now known as Guest3106
xissburgwell...most of it is not really valuable15:48
ActionParsnipxissburg: how will you feel if its inaccessible....15:48
ActionParsnipthats cool then, if its invaluable then you can possibly afford to not bother15:49
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:49
xissburgI want to get my boot loeader back15:49
shane2peruActionParsnip, I was going to post a screen shot, but not sure where to do that.  there doesn't seem to be a pastebin screenshot. :)15:50
ActionParsnipxissburg: i found a page ages agoo about fixing wubi's boot thing15:50
ZykoticK9!paste | shane2peru15:50
ubottushane2peru: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:50
bazhang!imgbin | shane2peru15:50
MagixI installed Ubuntu but i had a WinXP too.15:50
ActionParsnipshane2peru: use imageshack15:50
MagixWhen i try the XP loader in Ubuntu It only gives a _15:50
MagixAnd it wont load15:50
shane2peruthanks ZykoticK9 bazhang15:50
MagixHow to fix that15:50
jaggyIs there a way to make notify-send have bigger balloons or something? :(15:51
xissburgActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143784015:51
xissburglooks exactly like my problem15:52
ActionParsnipxissburg: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20340/how-to-restore-the-wubi-ubuntu-bootloader/15:52
Magixxissburg: I dont used wubi.15:52
=== solid_liq is now known as CodeGuru
jaggynvm, got it15:53
yakeChinese input "Wubi"15:53
ActionParsnipxissburg: you may need to boot to windows cd to reinstate the windows bootloader, then use that guide to get the wubi nonesense in15:53
* ActionParsnip hates wubi15:53
=== CodeGuru is now known as solid_liq
xissburga friend recommended it to me15:54
xissburgI was afraid of installing ubuntu in my machine because of possible oot issue15:54
xissburghe said it was safe with Wubi15:54
ActionParsnipxissburg: you can install it to a USB stick, a 1Gb stick will do.15:55
shane2peruActionParsnip, http://imagebin.org/109641  That works nice15:55
ActionParsnipshane2peru: nice15:55
ActionParsnipxissburg: not only will your filesystem not get raped by the huge shortcomings of NTFS but it won't screw with your windows boot loader in any way15:56
Magix^^^^ READ THAt please ^^^15:56
Magixthe paste15:56
ActionParsnipMagix: boot to liveCD and reinstall grub15:56
xissburgActionParsnip: that tutorial won't help...I can't boot15:57
Rogue1ilovefairuz / ActionParsnip: md5sum checks out ok. Tried solution 2, freezes with the coloured dots below the Ubuntu logo - gonna tryanother option15:57
MagixActionParsnip: I will try.15:57
xissburgthe only thing I get is a grub rescue15:57
ben_qhey, is rc.local executed on boot or when the first user logs in?15:58
MagixActionParsnip: I will try now.15:58
yakemay be grub fail15:58
MagixActionParsnip: Please stay for even more help.15:58
yakeMagix:kubuntu  is ok?15:58
dr3mrodoes any one here uses ppa:c-korn/vlc and notics its not working any more or it just me ??15:58
werbshow do I make terminal stop blinking/flashing? already edited terminfo15:59
freddymxnobody had the resume after suspend problem on notebook? screen won't come back on?16:00
MagixActionParsnip: Hmm. Cant find it on LiveCD ?16:01
oCean_freddymx: there are several issues with suspend/hibernate (&resume) at launchpad.16:01
dr3mrodoes any one here uses ppa:c-korn/vlc and notics its not working any more or it just me ??16:01
MagixActionParsnip: ?16:03
dr3mroi want to install vlc 1.1.2 in ubuntu 10.0416:03
bindiI have a problem. My HTPC is attached to a TV via HDMI, and the picture is green starting from bios post. Though, when it gets to Windows, it becomes orange. This is normalized by changing channel to something else and then back to HDMI. Though now I have ubuntu, so it's green all the way. I've tested the same hardware and hdmi cable on my monitor, works flawlessly. no green anywhere.16:03
freddymxoCean_: so, for now the only solution is waiting?16:04
dreamtravelerheya, is there a repo mirror for vlc 1.1.216:04
oCean_freddymx: I don't know, you could browse the several issues to see if there are fixes/workarounds. For some reason such issues have been always around.16:05
Rogue1ilovefairuz, no luck.16:06
ilovefairuzRogue1: with the memtest cd?16:06
Rogue1with the solutions that ActionParsnip suggested.16:06
ilovefairuzRogue1: run a memtest16:08
Jordan_UMagix: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?16:10
tejai have problem with my sound card can any one please help16:10
yakesound driver is load?16:11
tejathere is very low sound i can hear16:11
ActionParsnipdr3mro: works fine16:11
aeon-ltdteja: turn volume up maybe?16:11
tejai chekd my alsa drivers16:11
ActionParsnipdr3mro: you may need to remove your current vlc config folder16:11
abhijit!pm | teja if its ubuntu question then ask here16:11
ubottuteja if its ubuntu question then ask here: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:11
aeon-ltdteja: check alsamixer16:11
tejayeah for ubuntu 10.0416:11
abhijit!sound | teja16:12
ubottuteja: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:12
tejai did that16:12
tejasince 3 days i am tryin all16:12
tejabut i cant16:12
gio_gtteja: are you using pulseaudio?16:13
gio_gtteja: if so, you should install pulse audio volume manager and set the volume there16:13
gio_gtteja: I had the same problem on my father's laptop16:13
tejayes i did that16:13
Rogue1ilovefairuz: memtest does nothing - shows a screen listing memory size, no percentages on the pass / test items, and no response from any keyboard input16:13
gio_gtteja: the mixer I am talking about is called "Pulse Audio Volume Control" in the menu16:14
xissburghow to boot from a pendrive using an iso?16:14
ActionParsnipdr3mro: http://pastebin.com/KEQJEkBj   rename those files, then rerun vlc16:14
gio_gtteja: you have to set the volume to the maximum in the Playback tab and in Output Devices tab, too16:15
ilovefairuzRogue1: you have a hardware problem16:15
xissburgI found in the net that you just have to put the iso there but it wont work16:15
gio_gtteja: check that16:15
ilovefairuz!unetbootin | xissburg16:15
ubottuxissburg: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:15
tejai set dat gio16:15
ActionParsnipxissburg: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/16:15
gio_gtteja: already to the maximum? uhm...16:15
slashmeI hear a lot about not mixing apt-get, aptitude and synaptic (for example http://newbiedoc.berlios.de/wiki/Aptitude_-_using_together_with_Synaptic_and_Apt-get ), but the ubuntu wiki page has no such warning ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto?action=show&redirect=AptGetHowto ) What's the deal?16:15
sacarlsonxissburg: try look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick16:16
gio_gtteja: and then open a terminal, type "alsamixer" and the Playback volume to the maximum, too16:16
xissburgActionParsnip: I want to put the win7 recovery dic there16:16
Rogue1ilovefairuz: hardware was fine when I got the unit, and fine when I ran VortexBox - it's only since putting in this Ubuntu CD and trying it, that these problems have appeared :/16:16
ActionParsnipxissburg: ask in ##windows then16:16
tejayes gio16:16
sacarlsonxissburg: sorry this tells how to setup ubuntu16:17
gio_gtteja: you should see just one volume in Playback in alsamixer, because it is the pulseaudio output16:17
ilovefairuzRogue1: perhaps it's just a coincidence16:17
mexwillhy people some one can say me where the servlist_.conf of x-chat is?16:17
gio_gtteja: if the volume is still low, then I really don't know what the problem could be16:17
xissburgI want to boot anything from there...its a pretty open question16:17
caimteja: which sound card is it?16:17
dreamtravelerum can you give me a repo mirror for vlc 1.1.x16:17
tejai can c master,speakers,headphones16:17
tejagio:its intel hda16:17
ilovefairuzRogue1: or that it exercised something in the firmware that brought about that issue16:17
ActionParsnipxissburg: putting a windows ISO on a USB is different to ubuntu16:17
caimteja: also check if thei are muted16:18
slashmeI mean, is it safe for me to use apt-get whenever I want to install stuff, let the update manager update stuff, and then use synaptic now and then as well?16:18
tejacaim:no they r nt mute16:18
Jordan_Uslashme: Yes.16:18
ActionParsnipslashme: totally16:19
oledole2Q: Every time I boot Ubuntu 10.04 it randomly chooses either sda or sdc as the device name for my primary hard-drive, why is this happening? Can I hard-code it somewhere so that my device names stay consistent? Thanks16:19
slashmeCool, thanks!!16:19
ActionParsnipoledole2: you can use UUIDs16:19
xissburgI will extract the iso in the pendrive16:19
caimteja: if you tried every possible solution and nothing works, try the OSSv416:19
tejaplease any one help16:19
ActionParsnipxissburg: you need more than that16:19
sacarlsonoledole2: yes16:19
gio_gtteja: you can try to open pulse audio volume control while you are listening to the audio, if I remember correctly you should see a volume for every application emitting sound16:19
ActionParsnipxissburg: the guys in ##windows will know16:19
tejacaim:wats OSSv416:19
tejai have a problem with sound16:20
oledole2ActionParsnip: where? i want sda to always be my primary disk, so i don't have to use UUID in my fstab, mdadm config, etc16:20
tejai cant hear the sound on my VAIO16:20
xissburgbut.. ActionParsnip , isn't there a general method to use pendrives as if they were CDs to boot?16:20
gio_gtteja: oh so you don't hear the sound at all?16:20
gio_gtteja: be sure that your user is in the pulse-access group16:21
caimteja: is the set of drivers I use to have my sound card working16:21
sacarlsonxissburg: try google  your not even close16:21
tejagio_gt:in speakers i cant but in headphones very low16:21
Jordan_Uoledole2: This is the problem that UUIDs are designed to solve, why don't you want to use them?16:21
Jordan_Uxissburg: No.16:21
xissburg D:16:21
gio_gtteja: oh, so your user is in the pulse-access group, otherwise you could not hear it very low...16:22
caimbut try all of what gio_gt  is telling you. I don't know what you've tried so far, so I can't guess if its a true problem or you are just not used to linux16:22
tejagio_gt:so wat shud i do16:22
ActionParsnipxissburg: no because they use different boot loaders, thats why I keep telling you to head over to ##windows but you keep ignoring it16:22
ActionParsnipoledole2: in /etc/fstab16:22
sacarlsonJordan_U: oledole2: I think it's posible if he made a clone of the drive the uuid could match but what's the posibility of that?16:22
oledole2Jordan_U: i want to use them, in once place, to do the mapping once :)16:23
gio_gtteja: I'm sorry, I gotta go now, I have to go out or I'll have my friends wait... unfortunately I don't have other suggestions, sorry16:23
ActionParsnipoledole2: if you run: sudo blkid    you will see the UUIDs of the partitions, you can then replace /dev/sda1 or whatever with the UUID16:23
aeon-ltdteja: seriously check alsamixer and max out all outputs and check they show 0016:23
tejaaeon-ltd:i chekd dem...since 3days i am havin d prblm16:24
gio_gtteja: well, I have a last suggestion. Be sure that the application you are using to test the audio is configured to use the pulseaudio output.16:24
Jordan_Uoledole2: That one time mapping is /dev/disk/by-uuid/. Device names like /dev/sda can change between boots, and there's not much you can do about it.16:24
gio_gtteja: for example, mplayer and vlc can be configured to use different audio outputs, you should set them explicitly to use the pulseaudio one.16:24
tejagio_gt: ok.....so how can i do that16:25
tejagio_gt: i play my MP3 in rythmic16:25
oledole2Jordan_U: i see, oh well, thanks anyways :)16:25
LADmaticCAis there a way to make htop display memory usage for programs in MB? like system monitor does?16:25
compizzI installed easystrokes' newer version (in the repo is old) but now i want to install it and sudo apt-get remove easystrokes does not find the program, neither does package manager16:26
gio_gtteja: in application settings. If it's a gnome application (like rhythmbox) it just inherits the settings from GNOME settings. I don't use GNOME (I use KDE) so I am not very comfortable with GNOME audio settings16:26
gio_gtteja: in short: be sure that GNOME is set to use pulseaudio output and other non-GNOME applications are set to use pulseaudio output, too.16:26
tejagio_gt: so shud i try with KDE? and wat bout VLC16:26
sacarlsonLADmaticCA: isn't that what the program top does?16:26
gio_gtteja: I gotta run now, really, I am already late. Good luck, bye16:27
tejagio_gt: k cya16:27
gio_gtteja: with VLC you can find it in the settings, the audio section16:27
gio_gtteja: and choose the pulseaudio output there16:27
tejagio_gt: k sure thnx16:27
gio_gtbye teja16:27
gio_gtteja: no problem, bye16:27
HadiWhen ubuntu Ibex is going to be released?16:27
tejagio_gt: bbye16:27
psycho_oreosibex is already released16:28
LADmaticCAsacarlson, im not sure. I get different outputs from top vs gnome system monitor16:28
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.16:28
compizzguys i installed a .deb with packages manager but i cant find it to uninstall16:28
Hadiits like 08.2010 ?16:28
sacarlsonLADmaticCA: with top you can sort on mem usage16:28
LADmaticCAsacarlson, which column is memory usage? VIRT? RES?16:29
psycho_oreosHadi, and its not supported anymore because it has reached its EOL16:29
sacarlsonLADmaticCA: virt is swap mem res is resident ram16:29
xissburg_why ubutu download always fail?16:30
bazhangxissburg_, more details please16:30
Hadipsycho_oreos , which is the next ubutnu to be released ?16:30
avi_hey I'm on lucid and using a theme that makes my login screen look like windows 98. Is there any way to apply a theme to JUST the login screen? Also, would gnome-look have themes for this? thanks.16:30
mneptokHadi: 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)16:30
psycho_oreosHadi, sometime in October, see !10.10 or Maverick Meerkat16:30
HadiThank you16:31
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:31
ActionParsnipxissburg_: try using the torrent, works great16:31
tejai cant hear sound16:31
sacarlsonavi_: wow I should try that win98 theme is that a package?16:31
LADmaticCAsacarlson, is that the accurate usage? my music player for example shows 92m in top, and 69MiB in system monitor16:31
tejaany one plss help in ubuntu 10.0416:31
FloodBot3user_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
mneptokuser_: please stop16:31
sacarlsonLADmaticCA: maybe gnome adds virt and res16:32
avi_sacarlson, Heh, no. Or at least I don't know about it. I'm using the new versions of Ambiance that will ship with Maverick, but they don't play nice with gdm, apparently.16:32
sigmab3taim trying to get fancontrol to launch at startup. it's not working. any suggestions?16:33
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sacarlsonavi_:  I don't care about gdm I don't login I just auto login  so were to get the win90 theme?16:33
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sigmab3tai've put this script: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=219763&postcount=2 into /etc/init.d and chmod +x'd it.16:33
bazhanguser_, stop that16:33
avi_sacarlson, No you don't get it. When logged in everything looks like Ubuntu. It's just GDM that looks different.16:34
sacarlsonwere's that bot when you need him16:34
Fervore !list16:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:34
sacarlsonavi_: oh no good then for me thanks anyway16:34
avi_sacarlson, Sure thing.16:35
pavelzany gnome wizards here? I need to remove a window from tablist or have it ultimately dodge focus at all costs -> it is a movie playing. when editing code and tabbing i seem to always close it...16:35
xissburgwhere can I get the torrent?16:36
offyI can't execute anything on my mounted harddrive. I did chown and chmod and nothing is working yet.16:36
LADmaticCAsacarlson, yeah somethings going on. I was just trying to get a better understanding of (h)top16:36
bazhang!torrents > xissburg16:36
ubottuxissburg, please see my private message16:36
sacarlsonLADmaticCA: never used it (h)top  top is what I use to check status16:37
LADmaticCAsacarlson, alright. hey thanks for the info16:38
xissburgbazhang: thanks16:38
Jordan_UMagix: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?16:38
gwernso, I have a line of shell scripting which runs perfectly when I run it manually in bash, runs perfectly when I run it in dash, and even if I specify a shell out to sh or bash, it still fails whenever I put it in cron! the line looks like: 1,16,31,46 * * * * bash -c "if grep open /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state; then if [ $((`date +%s` % 6)) = 1 ]; then xmessage \"$(((`date --date='9 August 2074' +%s` - `date +%s`) / 60)) minutes left to live. Is what ...16:39
gwern... you are doing important?\"; fi; fi"16:39
gwernthe error looks like: /bin/sh: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution16:39
gwernthis confuses me a little. I'm guessing crontab is quirky in someway.16:40
sacarlsongwem: that's all in the crontab?16:40
mneptokgwern: have you tried saving the file as an executable shell script and calling that file from cron?16:41
gwernmneptok: that's kind of a last resort for me. I like having everything in one place16:41
sacarlsongwern: why don't you put everything you plan to run in a script that cron runs?  I'm sure I don't get the picture16:42
gwernsacarlson: I just dislike dealing with $path issues, and dislike what ought to be unnecessary indirection16:42
mneptokgwern: well, you're closing the double quote before the script completes, and the part outside the double quote has unescaped spaces.16:42
erUSULgwern: use $() instead of ``16:42
erUSULgwern: better when nesting16:42
sacarlsongwern:  in my script I just add cd /home/myhome16:42
ChogyDanhow can I tell what HZ my kernel is running at?16:43
douglI have ubuntu installed and sound from ubuntu box is working great thru my stereo system but I also have a mac with sound output going to my line in of my ubuntu box so I can hear both ubuntu and mac thru my stereo but my line in on my ubuntu does not seem to be working = any suggestions?16:43
sacarlsongwern: fine if you want to confuse yourself and others that may have to support what you create go for it.16:43
mneptokChogyDan: cat /proc/cpuinfo16:43
erUSULChogyDan: grep HZ /boot/config-$(uname -r)16:43
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gwernerUSUL: I'll try that. I vaguely remember problems using $()s but what the heck16:44
abhijain1abhijit: hello16:46
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HandelHi, everyone16:49
xissburganyway guys...when I boot in Ubuntu from the pendrive what should I do???16:57
xissburghow to fix the boot loeader?16:57
PumaManiaHello, how would I edit GRUB so that my Windows boots up by default?16:57
hotstewhi guys, I just got frustrated with gnome and installed xfce16:58
hotstewso far so good, are there any drawbacks to using xfce instead?16:58
awsI know this is #ubuntu, but would anyone here happen to be an ardour user?16:59
peterkirnaws: I'm using Ardour on Ubuntu. ;)17:00
sacarlsonPumaMania: maybe try #grub17:00
DinkIs there a way to tell what flags a package/binary was compiled with ?17:00
hotstewxfce seems kinda snappier17:00
istvanHello, I just installed ubuntu on my powerbook g4 to use as a media server. The wireless works fine, but when I plug in an ethernet cable, it is stil listed as disconnected. here is my /var/log: http://pastebin.com/07zR8D3J17:01
magicianlordistvan: try to edi the ethernet and then save it, but dont change anything17:01
mreichelthi there!17:01
istvanmagicianlord, what is edi?17:01
mreicheltI want to create an Ad Hoc network between multiple Ubuntu 10.04 hosts17:02
istvanmagicianlord, oh, edit? where do i edit it?17:02
tejai hav a problem with sound in ubuntu 10.0417:02
tejacannot hear from speakers17:02
mreicheltis there a good manual to achieve this? I already created an ad hoc network on one laptop and successfully connected to it from another laptop, but only ARP messages are able to get through, no ping requests yet :-/17:02
bazhang!ics | mreichelt this?17:03
ubottumreichelt this?: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:03
magicianlordistvan: in network settings17:03
xissburgok guys...lets me tell the whole story again...Im absolutely lost and dont know what exactly to do17:03
peterkirnaws: did you have a question about Ardour? If it's relevant to Ubuntu in general, post here, otherwise feel free to message me directly outside the channel.17:03
istvanmagicianlord, ok, will do. also, does this line from messages help?  ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready17:03
xissburgI had an HDD with 3 partitions: one for files only, one with WinXP32 and another with Win7 6417:04
xissburgso I installed ubuntu using Wubi from the Win7 6417:04
DyNAmiC_BoaT_FAII am trying to check external hd's and usb drives for virsus's with KlamAV and the live cd, but I am unable to update the definitions... any idea how i can get updated definitions?17:04
sacarlsonxissburg: like going to church to find whores dude total wrong place to look try google17:04
mreicheltbazhang, maybe - I hoped for a simple way using the NetworkManager17:04
bazhangsacarlson, that is not acceptable here17:05
xissburgIt worked ok a few times. I got to boot and reboot around 3 times....then suddenly without any reason my boot loader was trashed17:05
xissburgthe only thing I get when I boot is grub rescue17:05
ChogyDanxissburg: wubi = lies17:05
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xissburg"they" told me it wond't trash my boot loader17:05
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xissburgso the question is: what happened?? What can I do to restore my boot loader?17:06
ChogyDanxissburg: yeah, most of us don't use wubi, so we don't know what is going on.  But someone a couple days ago had the same issue.  Grub was installed with wubi, grub couldn't handle the wubi install, and so during an upgrade grub crapped out17:06
airtonixmreichelt, i assume you refer to wifi connections when you say adhoc ?17:07
GHHwhich software should i use for my laptop webcam please?17:07
IdleOneGHH: install cheese17:07
istvanmagicianlord, no luck :(17:07
mreicheltairtonix, of course17:07
xissburganyway..what is grub rescue?? what can I do to recover my boot loader??17:08
airtonixmreichelt, ok so on this screen, which option are you using in the drop down menu ? http://imagebin.org/10964717:08
IdleOneGHH: if the cam works with Cheese then it should work with other applications17:08
xissburgI need it back urgently17:08
Rogue1ilovefairuz: swapped the optical drive, blew a little dust away, and now at least am on the live cd without much struggling - is agonisingly slow, however - if playing around results in things looking ok, will try installing in a sec17:08
ChogyDanxissburg: do you have a cd you can use to boot?17:08
ilovefairuzxissburg: type: ls and write here the output17:08
xissburgChogyDan: CD with what?17:08
ilovefairuzRogue1: good17:08
xissburgilovefairuz: (fd0)(hd0)17:08
mreicheltairtonix, link-local only in the moment17:08
mreicheltso both laptops configure their IP in a random way, which is preferred17:09
ilovefairuzxissburg: did  you install using wubi ?17:09
airtonixmreichelt, have you tried the other options ?17:09
xissburgilovefairuz: yes yes17:09
mreicheltairtonix, I will try now :)17:09
xissburgilovefairuz: from Win717:09
ilovefairuzxissburg: get the windows cd and fix the mbr17:09
mreicheltbut yes, I tried static IP once17:09
ilovefairuzxissburg: wubi is busted17:09
xissburgI don't have a CD17:09
IdleOneilovefairuz: may I msg?17:09
ilovefairuzIdleOne: sure17:09
mreicheltI will try them out and come back in a couple of minutes, airtonix17:10
airtonixmreichelt, it seems from your mention of arp that you have a grasp of subnetting ?17:10
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mreicheltI ran Wireshark to see what is going on :)17:10
mreicheltbut yeah, I know something about it17:10
ilovefairuzxissburg: ask the guys in ##windows to fix the mbr, perhaps they give you a good link17:10
xissburgilovefairuz: I was looking into Windows 7 Recovery Disc, but I can't run it in a disc..no disc to burn here...I only have a pendrive17:10
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GHHIdleOne, Do you it wont work for any laptop cam?17:10
mreicheltairtonix, brb :)17:11
xissburgIf I get to run it from the pendrive awesome17:11
ChogyDanxissburg: can you ls hd0?17:11
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jtobeis it possible to make a click on a background window simply give it focus instead of being an active click?17:12
xissburgChogyDan: wait I'll try17:12
IdleOneGHH: can you rephrase that last question please. I did not understand17:12
GHHIdleOne, ?17:12
airtonixjtobe, i think you can yes. i have mddle click do this somwhere i thnk.17:12
GHHIdleOne, ok17:12
airtonixjtobe, but i;d thnk you need to differentiate between focus and bring-to-front17:13
ilovefairuzxissburg: what do you have installed on hard disk, xp, vista or 7?17:13
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xissburgChogyDan: it says "error: unknown file system"17:13
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istvanI installed ubuntu on a powerbook g4 to use as a media server. wireless works fine, but the wired connection only shows up as 'disconnected'17:13
xissburgilovefairuz: I have XP in one partition and 7 in the other17:14
bihariMaRk-I,  HI17:14
GHHIdleOne, I mean, Is this software for any specify laptop(I am using asus UL80V)?17:14
ilovefairuzxissburg: do you have an ubuntu live cd/usb ?17:14
kalaubuntu on powerbook, hows that?17:14
jtobeairtonix, i'm coming from osx. on mac when you click on a window that's not the "active window" it simply makes whatever you clicked active and you proceed to click what you want17:14
xissburgilovefairuz: I'm currently downloadding it to 'burn' in a pendrive...but what would i have to do then?17:14
skumarawhen i insert sd card nothing happen. how to mount sd card?17:15
magicianlordwhy would you install ubuntu over mac os?17:15
apparlehow to find the source of /bin/cksum17:15
Rogue1kala: there used to be versions of Ubuntu for PowerPC17:15
ChogyDanxissburg: how about ls /17:15
ilovefairuzxissburg: just to check around the hardisk, pastebin: sudo fdisk -l17:15
jtobei often click anywhere on a window to bring it to the front and give it focus but by default in ubuntu that is like a normal click on the window. i don't expect that and it messed me up a lot17:15
xissburgChogyDan: samething17:15
airtonixjtobe, ubuntu does that by default.17:15
istvankala, ubuntu on ppc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.04/release/17:15
airtonixjtobe, in fact it does it on 'mousedown'17:16
istvanRogue1, they still have them for ppc (see above link)17:16
jtobemagicianlord, i'm not install it over :) i have several computers. i used to use linux all the time and i was osx only for a while. i'm trying to learn more about the current state of linux :)17:16
kalawho loves ubuntu?17:16
IdleOneGHH: the Cheese application can be used on any hardware.17:16
jtobeairtonix, what do you mean? any time i click anywhere on the default install it is treated as if the background window was active17:16
xissburgilovefairuz: I'll try when the download finishes. but do you think it is possible to recover the boot loader from ubuntu?17:16
IdleOneGHH: you can install it using the Software Center17:17
ChogyDanxissburg: http://www.omaregan.com/?p=58317:17
airtonixjtobe, also, you can have a window that is underneath another window or "not active" and if the widget in that 'inactive' window can receive mouse wheel events, you simply hover over it and mousewheel... and the window will remain inactive but process your mousewheel events17:17
GHHIdleOne, Then it's OK17:17
kalaoh yeah, why cant I install anything on software center?17:17
ilovefairuzxissburg: if you have xp, yes, there's a bootloader called 'lilo' that can boot it17:17
GHHIdleOne, software center?17:17
xissburgilovefairuz: and about the 7 installation?17:17
IdleOneGHH: what version of Ubuntu are you running?17:18
xissburgthe 7 is the one which really matters17:18
kalaGHH: applications-> ibuntu software center17:18
airtonixjtobe, because focus is given on mouseover.17:18
bihariMaRk-I,  I Wants to ask you something.17:18
ilovefairuzxissburg: you'll have to find the windows 7 cd for that, or ask for an alternative recovery disk in ##windows17:18
jtobeairtonix, that's the same as osx. i like how you can mousewheel on anything. it's where i click on a button or something by mistake on a window that's not in the foreground and an even is fired that trips me up17:18
albech_for some reason my new kernel is now supporting KVM, which mean that Virtual Box is not running anymore.. I have not installed KVM, so wonder how that came in the kernel17:18
benjamin_how do I calculate a one byte checksum of some data?17:18
airtonixjtobe, it's a feature of the the default window manager for gnome , known as metacity17:18
GHHIdleOne, 917:18
duffydackxissburg, bootsect /nt60 c:\ /mbr17:18
jtobeairtonix, ohhh i think i get you now. how can i change that?17:19
benjamin_ie. I am supposed to add up all bytes to a final checksum byte17:19
IdleOneGHH: ok look in Synaptic Package Manager17:19
airtonixjtobe, maybe try turn off focus on mouseover then17:19
Rogue1istvan: interesting - thanks for pointing that out :)17:19
ghufranhi. i would like to make a video using some images and an audio. whats the best software to do that?17:19
kalaif I press install in software center it loads long and nothing happens?17:19
istvanRogue1, np :)17:19
GHHIdleOne, Thanks17:19
IdleOneGHH: I have to step away, if you need more help just ask in this channel and someone will give you a hand17:19
airtonixjtobe, through gconf maybe, fire up gconf-editor with your run dialouge: press alt+f2 then type gconf-editor17:19
xissburgduffydack: unknown command17:19
jtobeairtonix, hah ok i'll look for that setting :) will the mousewheel events still be received by windows in the background?17:19
cotavoghufran, pitivi?17:19
duffydackxissburg,  from the windows recovery mode...17:19
benjamin_re, I got disconnected17:20
Cube``i have two hard drives, both 500gb, one partitioned 490gb and 10gb, on that 10gb i have a fully functional ubuntu installation. i installed windows and now cant boot to it anymore. and please dont just do "!grub", because what i want is to simply get my ubuntu installation thats fully there back17:20
airtonixjtobe, maybe not, because it relies on the app having focus, which it won't get until you click on it17:20
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duffydackxissburg,  boot from the cd, choose repair.17:20
benjamin_I am trying to get a one byte checksum of some data, any ideas how to get that?17:20
GHHIdleOne, IS there any way making pc to pc call and cam share in ubuntu?17:20
ChogyDanxissburg: were you able to try the commands on that page?17:20
ghufrancotavo, ok let me try it! thanks17:20
skumaraanyone know how to make sd card work in ubuntu?17:20
BedManbenjamin_: I'd do it in C17:20
benjamin_I want to correct the checksum value of a edid.bin datafile which I got17:20
jtobeairtonix, thank you :) i have been searching through gconf-editor for a while looking for a solution :P17:20
kalaskamura, mine works out of box17:20
xissburgops wait ill try17:20
benjamin_BedMan: how? which commands do I use?17:20
BedManbenjamin_: um.. md5sum might give you what you're looking for17:21
benjamin_BedMan: NO17:21
benjamin_I simply want to add all bytes together17:21
ghufrancotavo, can pitivi also crop videos?17:21
benjamin_to get me a checksum byte17:21
benjamin_ie. the last byte of the edid file17:21
GHHIS there any way making pc to pc call and cam share in ubuntu(like yahoo and skype)?17:22
BedManbenjamin_: C is a programming language - so you'd make a program to do it.17:22
benjamin_BedMan: that is my question, HOW?17:22
benjamin_I dont know how to add bytes together17:22
mreicheltairtonix, it worked using the option "Shared to other computers"17:22
benjamin_is there a sample program?17:23
xissburgChogyDan: that is not what happens with me17:23
mreicheltbut it doesn't work with manual IP or link-local connection17:23
benjamin_can I do it with some kind of calculator?17:23
BedManwhile (c=getc) { sum+=c; }17:23
BedManmore or less17:23
ChogyDanxissburg: what do you mean?17:23
xissburgChogyDan: I go directly to the grub rescue command line17:23
benjamin_BedMan: no, you still dont get it17:23
benjamin_BedMan: I need a one byte checksum17:23
benjamin_ie. a cyclic addition17:23
xissburgChogyDan: I can't get to an OS selection or something...I only get grub rescue and get stuck there17:23
benjamin_of one byte values to get a final one byte value17:23
BedManmake sure sum is a unsigned character17:24
BedManthen it works fine17:24
ChogyDanxissburg: those commands are for the grub command line17:24
mreicheltmy question here is: why doesn't it work with link-local addresses or manual IPs? Because that should be the most simple way instead having a DHCP server running on one of the machines17:24
benjamin_BedMan: so unsigned character sum; ....17:24
benjamin_hmm, ok that sounds good I will try :)17:24
BedMangluck :_)17:24
BedManor... :-) even :-)17:24
mreicheltairtonix, do you have a clue?17:24
xissburgChogyDan: but there he says that command line (sh:grub) appears after selecting Ubuntu to boot. I don't/cant select it here17:24
ChogyDanxissburg: right?  Are we lookin at the same thing? http://www.omaregan.com/?p=58317:24
ChogyDanOH, i c17:25
benjamin_how do I specify unsigned char as a hex value?17:25
GHHIS there any way making pc to pc call and cam share in ubuntu(like yahoo and skype)?17:25
xissburgChogyDan: he says " When you boot and select Ubuntu from the menu, instead of booting Ubuntu (if you are having the problem) you will be confronted by a text prompt like this one:"17:25
duffyxissburg, you got no installation cd to boot from ?17:25
xissburgChogyDan: he says he selects Ubuntu...I don't and cant17:25
ChogyDanxissburg: I figured that those commands might work anyway, since they are still grub commands, o well17:26
xissburgduffy Im downloading an ubuntu iso to boot from pendrive17:26
xissburgChogyDan: I'll try17:26
duffyxissburg, you need your windows medoa17:26
duffyxissburg, if you wanna repair windows mbr that is...is that what you want?17:26
xissburgduffy I don't know...I need to repair the boot loader17:27
kalahow to hide menubar on window?17:27
xissburgduffy:  I dont know what happened...I just know that after installing ubuntu using Wubi (it worked/booted ok a few times) it trashed my boot loader17:27
duffyxissburg, so its just grub needs fixing..  well win mbr should be still working,  when grub works that is.  so doesnt sudo grub-install /dev/sda work17:28
xissburgduffy: I want for me to do this command from ubuntu (running from pendrive)?17:29
Rogue1hostname ideas for my new media server, anyone? :D17:29
=== ubuntujenkins__ is now known as jenkins_
Cube``i have two hard drives, both 500gb, one partitioned 490gb and 10gb, on that 10gb i have a fully functional ubuntu installation. i installed windows and now cant boot to it anymore. and please dont just do "!grub", because what i want is to simply get my ubuntu installation thats fully there back17:30
KE1HAive got 2, so it's media1 or media2 .. I can't remember much more than that :-)17:30
zwebyes hello17:31
ChogyDanCube``: you still have to boot with a livecd, and then follow the commands you get from !grub217:31
zwebzweb here17:31
adubhow can i run stuff in rc.local17:31
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!17:31
adubdoesnt stuff there start on boot of linux17:31
FloodBot3zweb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
adubcommands i input and such17:31
benjamin_unsigned char /join c17:32
xissburgduffy: I cant run that command bootsect /nt60 c:\ /mbr17:32
zwebthats a pretty neat bot17:32
LetsGo67I have an Ubuntu computer with Wi-Fi Internet, and iMac with only Ethernet.  Can I share the Wi-Fi Internet with the Ethernet computer by using only a wire?<17:32
zwebis there a way i can get a copyo f ubuttu17:32
zwebto use on my irc17:32
benjamin_can anyone help me with this one byte sum code?17:32
fancybitI want to find all .bin files in my filesystem, what options of find command should I use?17:32
benjamin_maybe post it on pastebin17:32
xissburgI dont have windows admin password17:32
=== abhijit_ is now known as abhijit
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ghufrancan i add transition effects in pitivi?17:33
ghufrani couldnt find any way.. what software would be best for that kind of work?17:34
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
anubishow do i configure my box to mountn a given drive every time i boot?17:34
ghufrananubis put it in /etc/fstab17:35
ilovefairuzanubis: /etc/fstab17:35
niles_hi i need to route my roomates computer trough eth to my wifi connection to share the internet link? anybody can give me some direction :)17:35
VPIn Joomla!, Storing the birthdate in database, want to show current age on Webpage. How?17:35
kalasome direction?17:35
anubiswhat? how? haha :P what is fstab? :P17:36
rooksniles_, i can17:36
niles_how to do it, or whats used?17:36
MagixJordan_U: its now generating the RESULTS.txt17:36
kalai give you direction: www.google.ee17:36
ilovefairuzniles_: what interface has the internet connection? eth or wlan ?17:36
rooksniles_, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward17:36
rooks/sbin/iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT17:36
rooks/sbin/iptables --table nat -A POSTROUTING -o lan -j MASQUERADE17:36
asfasdfwehey all, im trying to download ubuntu through wubi, but its taking an age to download, can anyone help?17:36
LetsGo67Easier than I thought.17:36
ilovefairuz!ics | niles_17:36
ubottuniles_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:36
duffyxissburg, if all you need to do is repair grub ( I didnt know wubi used it tbh ) then use the ubuntu live mode.17:36
kalawe cant help that you have slow internet17:37
ilovefairuzduffy: can't be repaired this way for wubi installed17:37
bihariany one know about gyachi?17:37
niles_thanks people, thats "some direction" :)17:37
asfasdfwei have super quick internet! its only this ubuntu installer thats really slow!17:37
anubisah, got it.. ty :p17:38
asfasdfweits taking 300h to download!17:38
Cogitocan I export files from quickbooks to Gnucash17:38
anubisso i put all mounts, and other startupstuff in fstab?17:38
benjamin_I got disconnected again17:39
asfasdfweplease can anyone help me?? is there somewhere else i can download the files?17:39
kaladownload is17:39
benjamin_I try to get a one byte checksum, I have the following program atm: http://pastebin.com/TymPu8rL17:39
abhijitbihari, any special reason you dont want to use nice empathy or pidgin?17:39
ghufrananubis: its just a file. first find out which drive you want to mount. with "sudo fdisk -l" from terminal. then put mount <your drive> <mount point> in fstab17:39
benjamin_I am not a programmer, so can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? (several things I guess)17:39
bihariabhijit,  gyachi supports voice chat in rooms17:40
xissburgduffy I'll be back when i get ubuntu download17:40
oCean_benjamin_: how is that an ubuntu issue?17:40
abhijitbihari, ahh17:40
ghufran anubis for startup applocations, go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications17:40
bbadbill2I have been trying to install ubuntu from scratch on an old p4 shuttle but my fresh install is constantly getting stuck on configuring APT source at 71%17:41
bihariabhijit,  thats why ! i have installed gyachi from synpatic manager but not working17:41
benjamin_ok, my system now crashes every few minutes17:41
anubisghufran: i know what i want to mount, actually :p i usally do sudo /dev/sdb1 /media/windows :P17:41
benjamin_I drop the whole program it will probably never work17:41
benjamin_or take several hours17:41
anubisghufran: believe it or not, i don't have a desktop, only terminal :p17:41
benjamin_how do I manually add together byte values?17:41
benjamin_ie. with a calculator for example17:41
markie-I'm thinking of upgrading my graphics card mainly for the use of desktop effects and generally a better preformance. I've never done this before, any tips on which card would be best?. I currently have a Nvidia one a later version i believe.17:41
oCean_benjamin_: how does your question relate to the topic of this channel?17:42
IdleOnebenjamin_: try in ##linux17:42
benjamin_that is a helpful answer thx17:42
oCean_benjamin_: even better, there is a ##programming channel17:42
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=== benjamin_ is now known as g0th
coolwhoamiI have some broken packages that I canno reinstall that are causing all sorts of problems. I have tried updating the package installer and reinstalling the packages to no avail. I am a newb at this stuff. Any one mind helping?17:43
bbadbill2does anyone have an idea how to fix my problem I have been trying to install ubuntu from scratch on an old p4 shuttle but my fresh install is constantly getting stuck on configuring APT source at 71%17:43
ghufrananubis, hmm. then just that line in fstab. though i think you missed "mount"17:43
VPIn Joomla! CMS, I'm storing the birthdate in database, want to show current age on Webpage. How?17:43
deeveranyone here using heimdal-kdc? the install script is hanging at: http://pastebin.com/5zp4iQWM17:43
anubisghufran: haha, true :P ty :)17:44
oCean_VP: this is not joomla support17:44
g0thoCean: but I dont want to program this (it will take too long, I just need a good ubuntu program to do that, ie. some kind of calculator that supports it)17:44
ghufrananubis, anytime :)17:45
xeitim having some problems logging in as root17:45
oCean_xeit: yeah, you would, since there is no root password17:45
deeverubuntu: hi17:45
xeitwell thats what i thought17:45
xeitbut i tried an empty password and it didnt work17:46
xeitand ssh is setup to allow empty passwords17:46
anubisghufran: oh.. i get the error "can't open file for writing" :P using vim, and !wq do quit17:46
oCean_xeit: correct, you don't need it.17:46
oCean_!root | xeit17:46
ubottuxeit: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:46
xeiti dont use sudo17:46
ghufranwhats the best video editing software available ? someone suggested pitivi. but its rather minimal17:46
xeiti consider it to be highly insecure17:46
kalacan anyone help me17:46
ghufrananubis try sudo vim /etc/fstab17:46
xeiti just need to know how to change th root password17:46
kalainstalling fonts17:46
oCean_xeit: we don't support that17:47
chrissharp123coolwhoami: can you post any error messages?  if multiline, use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/17:47
kalagetting permission error17:47
xeitwell i dont care if you agree with it17:47
xeiti just need to know how to do it17:47
oCean_xeit: no that is not what i said17:47
xeitbecause this is a support channel17:47
deeverxeit: no, you don't17:47
xeitand i can run my linux system however i wish17:47
oCean_xeit: this channel does NOT support that17:47
xeitand i dont care for sudo17:47
anubisghufran: thought i had, ty again :P17:47
coolwhoamiChrissharp123: sure give me a second17:47
oCean_xeit: indeed, but don't ask here for help17:47
deeverxeit: just use sudo17:47
xeituh no thanks17:47
xeiti dont tell you to use vi instead of emacs17:48
xeiti dont appreciate being told to use sudo17:48
LxndrIs there a method for bulk spellchecking a group of html files?17:48
oCean_xeit: then find another support channel17:48
xeitim running ubuntu17:48
xeitim going to ask for help in #ubuntu17:48
kalainstalling fonts??17:48
xeitanyway i figured it out i just did sudo passwd17:48
xeitwhich is pretty funny17:48
xeitif sudo is supposed to be secure17:49
xeitwhy does it allow you to do sudo passwd17:49
xeitall someone has to do is get your user password and they have complete and total control17:49
oCean_xeit: because you can use sudo because you are the system owner. Remember, this is *not* a discussion channel17:49
xeitwhereas without sudo and with root login disabled, they have to get your user password AND get the root password17:49
fancybitsudo gives the right to current user, or change the current user?17:49
anubisanyone got a non-gui torrent client with web-ui and a little more functionality than transmission?17:50
LxndrI am looking for the ability to do a bulk spellcheck of a group of files. Is there a program that does this?17:50
xeitplus every update to sudo introduces potential zero-day exploits, and thats just not acceptable for something that the security of your entire system is dependant on17:50
anubisto recommend*17:50
bazhangxeit, that is not supported here17:51
oCean_xeit: you're welcome to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is support only17:51
bbadbill2does anyone have an idea how to fix my problem I have been trying to install ubuntu from scratch on an old p4 shuttle but my fresh install is constantly getting stuck on configuring APT source at 71%17:51
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winstonwbbadbill2, boot ubuntu's livecd and run the memtest17:51
winstonwits i nthe boot prompt17:52
LxndrI am looking for the ability to do a bulk spellcheck of a group of files. Is there a program that does this?17:52
deeveranyone here using heimdal-kdc? the install script is hanging at: http://pastebin.com/5zp4iQWM17:52
bbadbill2winstonw i have run the memtest and from what i gather it runs infinitely17:53
=== Guest1794 is now known as Kwpolska
xeitcurrently doing apt-get remove sudo17:53
* solid_liq is now known as WizzesOnCode17:53
abhijitremove sudo?17:54
xeiton ubuntu does su the wheel group?17:54
xeit*su use the wheel group17:54
xeitor is it something different17:54
bbadbill2winstonw what are you thinking the cause would be17:54
xeitjust wanna check and make sure i can su on my user account17:54
bbadbill2winstonw what are you thinking the cause would be17:54
xeitbefore i make any changes17:54
oCean_xeit: your changes are not support here. Seek help elsewhere17:55
winstonwbbadbill2, well it could be a memory issue -- bad memory17:55
xeitoCean_: dude are you serious?17:55
xeiti just want to know if ubuntu uses wheel17:55
oCean_xeit: very.17:55
bazhangxeit, yes17:55
bazhangxeit, please stop17:55
LxndrI am looking for the ability to do a bulk spellcheck of a group of files. Is there a program that does this?17:55
KwpolskaLxndr: you can try use aspell17:55
bbadbill2winstonw how long should i let the memtest run17:56
coolwhoamiChrissharp123: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YijBiqdD Here you go. Its been doing this since I first tried upgrading the packages17:56
chrissharp123coolwhoami: ok - I'll take a look17:56
xeitoCean_: look if you dont want to help me with this then leave me alone17:56
xeitoCean_: i dont care for your opinions on how i run my system17:56
winstonwbbadbill2, I forgot how it works, it should take a longg time, let it run for 4 hours at the most17:56
bazhangxeit, I am asking again for you to stop17:56
coolwhoamichrissharp123: thanks17:56
winstonwit'll let you know of any issues17:56
xeiti didnt come here for pointless commentary i just have simple questions17:57
r1dolccan someone help me with a ubuntu server problem?17:57
jhulianadisculpen pero alguien habla español17:57
bbadbill2winstonw thank you17:57
Kwpolska!es | jhuliana17:57
ubottujhuliana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:57
Raydiationhi i cant manage to install the mainline kernel headers, it says its missing dependencies: linux-image, although i installed it already17:57
abhijitr1dolc, try in #ubuntu-server17:57
jhulianaen donde lo escribo17:58
oCean_!es | jhuliana17:59
ubottujhuliana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:59
winstonwnp bbadbill218:00
chrissharp123coolwhoami: I see one thing (that's not related to your dpkg errors) - the duplicate /etc/apt/sources.list entry - you can do 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put a # in front of one of the lines with 'http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages'18:00
chrissharp123coolwhoami: regarding the other errors, have you tried 'sudo apt-get -f install' ?18:01
chrissharp123coolwhoami: (btw - I'm making lunch - if you're patient with a delay, I'm happy to help :-))18:01
coolwhoamichrissharp123: Not a problem at all, trying the command you suggested now18:03
deeveranyone here using heimdal-kdc? the install script is hanging at: http://pastebin.com/5zp4iQWM18:03
zlthow do i get gnome to use OSS4's vmix mixer18:04
zltinstead of the default /dev/mixer18:04
Janhousewhat should I do if crontab is broken?18:04
Janhouseit is running, tasks are there but they are not executed...18:04
zltJanhouse: install arch linux18:04
Janhousezlt, stfu!18:04
zltwow calm down dude18:04
zltit was a joke18:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!18:05
Janhouse:D Yeah, sorry :D18:05
zltJanhouse is being abusive18:05
oCean_Janhouse: those acronyms are not welcome here18:05
macoJanhouse: watch your language18:05
macoJanhouse: and be nice18:05
Janhousezlt, just don't say anything if you can't help. :)18:05
oCean_deever: what makes you think the install script is hanging? It seems "done" to me18:05
macozlt: other distro discussion goes in #ubuntu-offtopic18:06
coolwhoamichrissharp123: Yeah i'm getting the same errors when I did that as before.18:06
oCean_deever: oh wait, you mean it is 'hanging' at starting the kpasswd18:06
zltive been ircing as root lately18:06
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deeveroCean_: yes18:06
oCean_deever: the install itself seems completed. I have no idea what is stopping the kpasswd from starting. It *could be* that it is a script that, when run the first time, ask for input?18:08
toterIs there a way to remove that "Abort active sessions" popup dialog every time I shutdown KDE?18:08
anubisanyone got a non-gui torrent client with web-ui and a little more functionality than transmission to recommend?18:08
deeveroCean_: i don't know, i'm not the maintainer of that package...;)18:09
magicianlordtoter: yes. do not use kde18:09
totermagicianlord: thank you. problem solved18:09
headkase314magicianlord, not very helpful ;)18:09
bazhangmagicianlord, thats not helpful18:09
oCean_deever: hah, I get that. You could try to stop/start the kpasswd manually. Like /etc/init.d/kpasswd stop (and then try a start)18:09
airtonixanubis, depends on how much setup you want to do.18:10
magicianlordit's a joke18:11
hsrSound icon always remain mute on start up despite it being 100% while shutdown/restart? Any help...18:11
airtonixanubis, deluge has one. (which is just as easy to setup as transmission is)18:11
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bazhangmagicianlord, this is not the joke channel18:11
magicianlordok, calm down all right18:11
cyberwolf92hi all18:11
ilovefairuz!hi | hsr, cyberwolf9218:12
ubottuhsr, cyberwolf92: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:12
magicianlordhi cyberwolf92 . welcome to #ubuntu-is-not-a-joke18:12
deeveroCean_: i did that but the install is still hanging...18:12
airtonix /inb4 bankick18:12
hsrSound icon always remain mute on start up despite it being 100% while shutdown/restart? Any help...18:12
xissburgwell that's funny18:12
cyberwolf92what did i do?18:13
oCean_deever: hm, your manual (re)start did finish? Then I don't know why the script does not finish...18:13
headkase314cyberwolf92, you did nothing - carry on that was about someone else!18:13
cyberwolf92oh ok lol18:13
cyberwolf92anyway im having a problem with ALSA18:13
cyberwolf92i have a laptop18:13
cyberwolf92and the sound works from the headphones18:13
cyberwolf92but not from the speakers18:13
FloodBot3cyberwolf92: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
deeveroCean_: are you a ubuntu dev/packager?18:13
oCean_deever: nope18:14
Raydiationhm recursive dependencies in the mainline kernel headers? http://s10.directupload.net/file/d/2251/r74m6vkj_png.htm18:14
magicianlordwhat is vm-size in task manager vs ram usage?18:15
deeveroCean_: or: are you somehow able to submit a bug rep?18:17
bazhang!bugs | deever you can too18:18
ubottudeever you can too: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:18
=== Hutley_ is now known as Hutley
ghindoI'm trying to download the Adobe Flash installer, but I keep getting a "checksum mismatch," even after switching to the Main Server in Software Sources18:20
trojan_spikewud it be ok to keep a system from updates ?? i.e off the grid?18:20
Kwpolskaghindo: don't use their installer18:20
bazhangtrojan_spike, sure18:20
Kwpolskaghindo: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree18:20
trojan_spikekewl,, cuz i just wana make an on the side o.s off the grid,, hassle free.. t.y18:21
headkase314trojan_spike, as long as you don't connect to the Internet without updates.  That is called the "vector", without a vector to infect you you will be safe from malware.  What is more of an issue is that the updates may fix problems and without getting them your system will not improve - it will stay as it is, warts and all.18:21
bazhangtrojan_spike, why not remaster it18:21
bazhang!remaster | trojan_spike18:21
ubottutrojan_spike: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:21
bazhangtrojan_spike, you may wish to wait until the point release in 3 days time, assuming you are using Lucid18:22
bazhangie 10.04.118:23
headkase314bazhang, I'm on a Windows machine right now so I can't check but I'm sure my 10.04 reports 10.04.1 already in the System Information of Ubuntu Tweak?  Am I missing something?18:23
oCean_deever: I just tried the install myself. This install also hangs on the same script. It's actually from the /etc/init.d/heimdal-kdc script. The sad thing is that "dpkg" reports the install as Failed cfg18:23
bazhangheadkase314, let me check mine, I may have gotten the dates mixed up18:24
headkase314bazhang, thanks18:24
cyberwolf92umm yeah i seem to have been banned for absolutely no reason18:24
cyberwolf92whats the deal?18:24
trojan_spikek bazhang it'll be awhile yet.. will be making some p.c's for custs,, 'windows'.. linux on the side,, as an intro..for them.. should be good18:24
cyberwolf92bazhang: why did you ban me?18:25
bazhangcyberwolf92, exit the channel and join #ubuntu-ops18:25
headkase314cyberwolf92, make your entire question one line so you don't flood the channel18:25
cyberwolf92why cant you talk to me in front of everyone else?18:25
bazhangheadkase314, just 10.04 here , not sure about ubuntu tweak sorry18:26
go|dfishSuppose I should think twice before asking for help in here.18:26
headkase314bazhang, Ok, I'll assume you are correct then as I can't check my home system to verify - sorry, carry on! ;)18:26
guntbertwhowas cyberwolf9218:28
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abhijitwhat does /mode -q does?18:30
abhijitanyone can read me?18:30
ioabhijit: Removes a channel quiet, that is offtopic for this channel though. Please ask in #freenode for further help.18:30
abhijitio removes?18:30
abhijitoh no18:30
abhijitbazhang, ping18:30
oCean_abhijit: we can read you18:31
chrissharp123coolwhoami: try sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic python-pyatspi gnome-orca python-ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome xulrunner-1.9.218:31
abhijitoCean_, ok18:31
IdleOneabhijit: +q == quiet user,  -q removes it18:31
ioabhijit: "-q" is removing, "+q" is adding. If you want to discuss a ban in a Ubuntu channel then use #ubuntu-ops, not #ubuntu.18:31
oCean_abhijit: there are several pages you'll find with a quick search explaining the various /mode18:31
oCean_Maser: ?18:32
abhijitoCean_, ok18:32
IdleOne!caps | Maser also see !ot18:32
ubottuMaser also see !ot: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:32
headkase314Maser, goatse is a troll/shock page everyone please don't search or view that18:32
Maserwrong channel18:32
abhijitIdleOne, u just done /mode -q  and then it shows me some 10 people and address of bazhang. Have i done anything to channel? :-o18:32
Maserhappens alot since they both began u18:32
KwpolskaoCean_: he means probably goatse.christmas-islands, which contains some - we can't say pron, but...18:32
abhijitIdleOne, its not 'u' its 'I'18:33
coolwhoamichrissharp123: It seems to be removing ok, I'm guesing when its done run the command you said earlier?18:33
IdleOneabhijit: when you issue /mode -q without a nick or user mask it lists all the quiet modes set. abhijit please see #freenode for more info this is not an ubuntu issue18:34
g0thWhen I use the "nvidia" driver I dont get to the graphical interface, the monitor just says "No signal". The log message complains about the EDID of CRT-0 not beeing found. Apparently it is quite a serious bug. Does anyone in here have any idea what I still could try?18:34
NabbHey there. I just installed Lucid with encrypted /home. Now when I log in and try to ssh into another machine, I first have to enter my password to unlock my ssh keyring (I don't have to do that on Lucid with unencrypted /home). Is there any way to automatically unlock the keyring when I log in?18:34
KwpolskaNabb: remove the passphrase?18:35
NabbUgh. No other way?18:35
bbadbill2winstonw the memtest has gone through 1 complete pass without any errors18:36
AndrewMCNabb: You wouldn't be able to turn the passphrase off anyway ubuntu requires one18:36
NabbSo is there anything I can do so I don't have to type in my password twice?18:37
headkase314Nabb, if you used the encrypted home option in the LiveCD installer be aware that that option doesn't encrypt the file names just the contents.  So if you are truly paranoid or the filenames can reveal information you need to be private then consider whole-disk encryption where you will be prompted at boot for the password.18:38
NabbThanks for the information, headkase314, but I'm happy as long as the content itself is encrypted ;)18:39
headkase314Nabb, excellent - just a for your information! ;)18:39
g0thWhen I use the "nvidia" driver I dont get to the graphical interface, the monitor just says "No signal". The log message complains about the EDID of CRT-0 not beeing found. Apparently it is quite a serious bug. How do I get the edid data? I dont have access to windows.18:39
bbadbill2Anybody out there have any helpful ideas on how I can resolve my issue. winstonw suggested I run memtest and so far it has not found any errors after one full pass... I have been trying to install ubuntu from scratch on an old p4 shuttle but my fresh install is constantly getting stuck on configuring APT source at 71%18:39
chrissharp123coolwhoami: if it removes without errors, try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'18:40
=== headkase314 is now known as headkase314|Away
g0thbbadbill2: what is the problem?18:40
g0thapt beeing stuck at 71%?18:40
Rabbitbunnyprobably needs to read the system log18:41
Rabbitbunnybbadbill2: err, you should try to read the system log, 'apt gets stuck' isn't very useful for google.18:41
bbadbill2Rabbitbunny how do i do that18:42
thune3g0th: maybe "Screen Blanks/Monitor Turns Off" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia is relevant, maybe not18:42
Rabbitbunnybbadbill2: I don't know. it's been about four years since I did that.18:42
coolwhoamichrissharp123: It ran cleanly and I ran those commands, however none of the packages we removed attempted to even install now.18:43
abhijithow to edit the time of disappearance of google desktop ? when i press ctrl + ctrl then i comes and goes. i need to press second ctrl for long time then only it sits there18:45
deeveroCean_: well, seems to work for me so far, i'll work on it afterwards18:45
rlnoobwhy is ubuntu the biggest channel here?18:47
rlnoobdebian should be on top18:47
ilovefairuzrlnoob: because we are so cool!18:47
oCean_deever: I agree that it is working, however the status of the package is still iF, which might cause problems later on. I did a "dpkg -P heimdal-kdc" and reinstalled with "sudo apt-get install heimdal-kdc" .. after that, the install finishes, leaving the package in an ok status.18:47
=== headkase314|Away is now known as headkase314
jpdsrlnoob: Because we're more popular than Debian.18:47
oCean_!afk > headkase31418:48
ubottuheadkase314, please see my private message18:48
abhijitrlnoob, because Ubuntu is Linux for Human Beings!!!! :) Thats why!! all in this channel are Humans!!!18:48
headkase314oCean_, ok, will do in future.18:48
oCean_abhijit: except ubottu of course :)18:48
abhijitoCean_, :D18:48
oCean_headkase314: thanks18:48
g0ththune3: I already tried this and it didnt help18:49
rlnoobah that sounds reasonable. there are more humans out there than programmers18:49
abhijit!ot > rlnoob18:50
ubotturlnoob, please see my private message18:50
yoyonedubottu: you human?18:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:50
rlnoobhi ubottu do you mean i should quit this channel?18:50
kurt__I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand with my Microphone on ubuntu 10.04 64-bit ?18:50
thune3g0th: so I take you are trying to use a CRT through your VGA port18:50
gsedej_hi! Any idea how to use ppa-purge on badgerports PPA?18:50
AndrewMC!hi | kurt__18:50
ubottukurt__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:50
Kwpolskakurt__: what's the problem?18:50
oCean_rlnoob: no, you're welcome to idle in this channel. It's only that your input should be on topic (technical support questions)18:51
kurt__basically my microphone does not work properly :/ when i playback what it recorded or use it in skype its all fuzzy and sound breaking up18:51
markie-I'm thinking of upgrading my graphics card mainly for the use of desktop effects and generally a better preformance. I've never done this before, any tips on which card would be best?. I currently have a Nvidia one a later version i believe.18:51
kurt__i recently got rid of windows and now only ubuntu on my laptop, so im still getting to grips with ubuntu everything works fine but my microphone :(18:52
kurt__its an internal mic btw18:52
kurt__i was told to install "gnome alsa mixer" but it didnt make a difference :( any ideas ?18:53
bazhangkurt__, what about pavucontrol and padevchooser18:54
g0ththune3: I am not sure what kind of connections I use...18:54
kurt__i havent tried them18:54
g0ththune3: but I tried to specify the option that is given on the website and it didnt work.18:54
chrissharp123coolwhoami: that's to be expected, probably.  You might do 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic python-pyatspi gnome-orca python-ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome xulrunner-1.9.2' to get them back18:54
kurt__they will be in the "ubuntu softare centre" ?18:54
bazhangkurt__, that is for pulseaudio configuration/device choosing18:55
kurt__hmm ok, i need to install them both ?18:55
Kwpolskakurt__: in terminal: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol padevchooser18:55
bazhangkurt__, synaptic package manager would be a surer bet18:55
rsvpwondering if nautilus has a BULK RENAMER like the one under Thunar -- it great because it does regex and also can rename mp3s based on the audio tags.  << ??18:55
Kwpolskarsvp: no?18:55
Kwpolskarsvp: you can always use bash18:55
kurt__i found "PulseAudio Volume control" install that ?18:55
thune3g0th: your error message is basically saying, "I'm expecting a monitor connected to VGA port, and there either isn't one or it doesn't support edid". My guess is that you have nothing connected to vga port. Is this a laptop with internal screen? pci card?18:56
gary_inNYCSometimes my tray indicators start up mangled, requiring reboot.  Can someone look at this picture and tell me why?:    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/587338/mangled_indicators.png18:56
rsvpKwpolska, bash does not look up audio tags (AFAIK as of v4 ;-) to do renames.18:56
bazhangkurt__, let me check18:57
Scunizigary_inNYC: since that is gnome and not kde you might get a better answer in #ubuntu.. however there may be others here that can also answer that question.18:57
Kwpolskarsvp: you can do it with a good script18:57
Rogue1nooo.... install works ok, slows down at dpkg... now (for the second time) showing 98% complete, no other messages, no hard disk activity, no optical drive activity, nothing :'(18:57
abhijitrlnoob, because Ubuntu is Linux for Human Beings!!!! :) Thats why!! all in this channel are Humans!!!18:57
abhijithow to edit the time of disappearance of google desktop ? when i press ctrl + ctrl then i comes and goes. i need to press second ctrl for long time then only it sits there18:57
abhijitrlnoob, sorry for msg repeat18:58
Rogue1oh, and neither keyboard nor mouse are responsiv e18:58
Kwpolskaabhijit: ubuntu is linux for big disks18:58
Scunizigary_inNYC: sorry.. Thought I was in the kubutnu channel :)18:58
bazhangkurt__, apt-cache search turns up pavumeter pavucontrol and you likely will also want to install padevchooser18:58
gary_inNYCScunizi: np18:58
gsedej_has anyone used ppa-purge?18:58
headkase314gsedej_, I have, ppa-purge --help <- have you done that?18:59
rsvpKwpolska, one can do anything in theory with a Turing complete machine, OK -- but here, I'm looking for convenience as to QUICK renames.18:59
Rogue1Any thoughts on the install-freeze, anyone?18:59
ironfoot495Hello I need some help I installed ubuntu 10.4 on my second sata drive and It says not supported and wont boot?19:00
ironfoot495Can someone help me figure this out!19:00
winstonwbbadbill2, try disconnecting your computer from the network19:00
kurt__hmm what am i meant to do with  apt-cache ? its a terminal command or ? sorry im still getting used to linux19:00
abhijitironfoot495, what not supported?19:00
Kwpolskarsvp: thunar?19:00
headkase314gsedej_, basically the parameter you pass to ppa-purge is the ppa line from launchpad.  I don't know how to mangle what is in your sources.list file to the parameter ppa-purge takes19:00
ironfoot495It will just say not support and wont boot?19:01
abhijitironfoot495, what is actual error?19:01
bazhangkurt__, okay, no need for it really at this point; just handy for searching via the terminal: apt-cache search (term here) usually provides lots of potentially interesting/needed software packages19:01
nobotzfresh ubuntu 10.04 install with /boot on /dev/sda1 and root partition on LVM volume on a software raid device drops into initramfs shell19:01
rsvpKwpolska, thunar does great bulk renaming -- how do nautilus users do it?19:02
ironfoot495abhijit:wont boot just says not support?19:02
bazhangkurt__, you might wish to have a look at the ubuntu manual as well19:02
kurt__ahh ok19:02
coolwhoamichrissharp123: trying that now, thank you for the help :)19:02
bazhang!manual | kurt__ this is helpful19:02
ubottukurt__ this is helpful: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:02
abhijitironfoot495, ohh cant help then19:02
kurt__thanks :)19:02
gsedej_headkase314, in sources.list I see this line deb http://badgerports.org lucid main19:03
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:03
gsedej_headkase314, "sudo ppa-purge ppa:badgerports" does not work19:03
ironfoot495abhijit:when installing It said install MBR on first Drive.19:03
ireduxHi all; I am confused about something I read -- does disabling Visual Effects (System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects) in fact change your window manager?19:03
kurt__i installed them 3 things "pavumeter" "pavucontrol" "padevchooser" is that all i need to do install them or i have to run them for my microphone to work properly ?19:04
abhijitironfoot495, yah i dunno further. you ask to channel.19:04
abhijitiredux, no19:04
noob_I am encountering bugs with flash when used with google chrome19:04
Lord-Nikoni seem to be having some problems with my sound in ubuntu19:04
abhijit!sound | Lord-Nikon19:05
ubottuLord-Nikon: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:05
Lord-Nikonwhen i plug in the headphones, the sound still comes out the speakers19:05
bazhangkurt__, right click add them to top panel and adjust there19:05
Kwpolskarsvp: install thunar or use other tools19:05
macoLord-Nikon: driver bug19:05
ironfoot495I guess I'll look further thanks though.19:05
coolwhoamichrissharp123: Awesome! It installed cleanly. Thank you!19:05
macoLord-Nikon: ubuntu-bug -s audio19:05
Lord-Nikonwell you dont even know what driver im using yet19:05
macoLord-Nikon: doesnt matter, if jack sense is broken, its a driver bug19:05
kurt__its there and running19:06
macoLord-Nikon: so whatever driver you're using... it's broken19:06
kurt__but my microphone sound is still fuzzy and breaking up :s19:06
headkase314gsedej_, here is a link -> http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/637-remove-ppa-repositories-via-command-line-in-ubuntu-restore-oficial-package-using-ppa-purge <- but again, I don't know how to convert a sources.list line into a ppa line, I know you should use the same line you used with "add-apt-repository"19:06
Lord-Nikonno because i ran linux before and used OSS19:06
Lord-Nikonand it worked just fine19:06
Lord-Nikonbut that was in slackware19:06
macoLord-Nikon: and ubuntu uses ALSA, not OSS19:06
Lord-Nikoni think its an ALSA bug19:06
macoLord-Nikon: because ALSA is what's in the kernel19:06
chrissharp123coolwhoami: you're welcome!  glad it worked out19:07
ireduxthanks ahbijit -- I was confused because I ran into the problem where remote desktops won't update if desktop effects are on, and most command line solutions were "change the window manager"19:07
Lord-Nikonhow do you disable alsa on startup?19:07
gsedej_headkase314, thanks!19:07
Lord-Nikoni could blacklist that19:07
Lord-Nikonand install oss419:07
Lord-Nikonand hopefully that would fix it19:07
headkase314gsedej_, you're welcome, hope it helps!19:07
FloodBot3Lord-Nikon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
Lord-Nikonbut i dont know how to blacklist modules in ubuntu19:07
macoLord-Nikon: you can patch the kernel with OSS and recompile it and not be supported, sure19:07
_memhi all19:07
abhijitiredux, yah to solve the problem you can try switching the windows manager19:07
kurt__should running PulseAudio have fixed my mic ? :s19:07
noob_Does anybody know how I can fix the bug in flash, I can't jump forward in a youtube video19:07
macoLord-Nikon: but that wont change the fact that the only way the ALSA bug is getting fixed is if you report it19:08
_jesse_hey all, I've done some searching but all I can find is old threads, has anyone had any luck installing the Zune software on ubuntu?19:08
Lord-Nikonoss works as a module i shouldnt have to recompile19:08
_memcan you please compare Ubuntu and Debian Mirrors19:08
Lord-Nikonim sure they already know about this19:08
_memwhich one is more complete/Update?19:08
macoLord-Nikon: dont you want others with your hardware to have it working too?  And parts of ALSA are compiled in (not as modules) in ubuntu's kernel for faster boot times19:08
Lord-Nikontheyve probably already fixed it in a newer version19:08
jpds_mem: What?19:08
macoLord-Nikon: you can test that by trying Ubuntu 10.10 alpha 319:08
macoLord-Nikon: the "fixed in newer versions" thing, i mean19:09
Lord-Nikoneh i dont want to install a whole new thing19:09
jpds_mem: Ubuntu takes a lot of its packages from Debian.19:09
North_Italian69I typed: 'ln -s ~/Desktop ~/desktop' (are system folders). So, the result was terrible. How to safely remove this symlink?19:09
Lord-Nikoni think im just gonna switch to archlinux it seems pretty solid19:09
macoLord-Nikon: we have live cds :)19:09
jpds_mem: Ubuntu updates some of those packages.19:09
Lord-Nikonive been having a lot of problems with ubuntu19:09
headkase314North_Italian69, to remove a symlink just delete the destination link19:10
jpds_mem: You can check the version of packages.ubuntu.com / packages.debian.org19:10
macoLord-Nikon: at least get http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and run it with "bash" so i have info about your hardware, and i'll hand it off to a kernel person19:10
thune3Lord-Nikon: if you are using hda audio, and know codec/mobo there are some module options in /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz that might help19:10
macoLord-Nikon: and i do mean bash, not sh19:10
kurt__can anyone help me with my microphone problem ? please19:10
North_Italian69headkase314: doesn't exists. it is symbolic19:10
headkase314North_Italian69, make sure you don't delete the source, just the link destination you made19:10
xissburgis it possible to burn data in a already burned CD-R?19:10
Lord-Nikonmaco: couldnt i just do lspci|grep audio19:10
macoLord-Nikon: no19:10
macoLord-Nikon: thats almost useless info19:11
headkase314North_Italian69, sorry, worked for me ;)19:11
deeveroCean_: how did you remove the lock left by the first (killed) install?19:11
macoLord-Nikon: the script i linked includes codec revision, subsystem IDs, and pin routing19:11
Lord-Nikoneh i hink im just going to switch to oss19:11
Lord-Nikonit seems a lot simpler19:11
North_Italian69headkase314: i make a try19:11
Lord-Nikonalsa is a huge mess by comparison19:11
oCean_Lord-Nikon: why don't you just stop?19:11
macoLord-Nikon: at least give me the debugging info i need to see it be fixed for others with your hardware19:11
=== chazz_ is now known as chazz
Lord-NikonoCean_: stop what?19:12
ilovefairuzxissburg: data, perhaps (depens wether the session is closed or not).  an iso,  no.19:12
_memsimply can you said which one ?19:12
kurt__can anyone help me with my audio problem please ? : /19:13
xissburgilovefairuz: :|19:13
pibarnasHi folks. What is the command line to handle consolefonts?19:13
bindiHey. Ive experienced green screen using hdmi with my HTPC. With windows, the green screen was gone when windows had loaded, but now on ubuntu, it wont go off even its loaded (it's green screen since bios post). now I've come up with something, but im not totally sure. It's related either to HDCP or then RGB/YUV. I looked up and you can change if the resolution is RGB/YUV on ps3ubuntu, but can you do this on the regular ubuntu?19:13
pibarnassudo dpkg-reconfigure ???19:14
ilovefairuz!sound > kurt__19:14
ubottukurt__, please see my private message19:14
kd8fupcan anyone help me, i'm new to backtrack19:15
macopibarnas: console-setup is the package19:15
erUSUL!backtrack | kd8fup19:15
ubottukd8fup: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:15
Lord-Nikonwhat would you say is the best linux distro for people with autism/aspergers?19:15
macoLord-Nikon: other distro discussion is offtopic here19:15
kurt__yes ilovefairuz ?19:15
kd8fupok thanks19:15
=== Bariferius is now known as GregK
Lord-Nikonmaco: what about mint?19:16
Lord-Nikonits the same as ubuntu19:16
macoLord-Nikon: also not allowed here19:16
Lord-Nikonwhat about kubuntu?19:16
GregKLord-Nikon this is strictly Ubuntu19:16
macoLord-Nikon: we dont support mint in this channel19:16
Lord-Nikonwhat about kubuntu?19:16
Lord-Nikonwhat about xubuntu?19:17
Lord-Nikonwhat about ubuntu muslim edition?19:17
headkase314!troll | Lord-Nikon19:17
ubottuLord-Nikon: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel19:17
=== kwpolska is now known as Kwpolska
macoLord-Nikon: there is no project named that19:17
kurt__can anyone help me with my problem ? the links the bot sent me in private chat were nothing to do with my problem :/19:17
GregKI'm not sure if he was trolling - I *did* read about an Islamic ubuntu distro19:18
macoGregK: there is, but its not called that. its called Sabily19:18
GregKmaco, ah ok thanks19:18
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
headkase314Ubuntu Muslim Edition review -> http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2010/07/22/ubuntu-muslim-edition-10-04-sabily/19:18
Lord-Nikonis there a way i can get a copy of ubottu to use on my irc?19:19
deeveri'm getting "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process". how can i remove this lock?19:19
macoheadkase314: interesting. they're getting the name wrong. both "Christian Edition" and "Muslim Edition" were told they were violating the Ubuntu trademark and had to renamed -- to Ichthus and Sabily, respectively19:19
databridgedeever, kill all apt processes19:19
kurt__can any one help with a microphone problem ? im not sure if its driver or what im new to linux microphone is my only problem19:19
macoLord-Nikon: yes, her code is hosted on launchpad.net19:19
databridgekurt__, what soundcard do you have19:20
Lord-Nikonwhy is christian/muslim edition a violation of the ubuntu trademark?19:20
Lord-Nikoni thought ubuntu was opensource19:20
deeverdatabridge: i'm having this exactly because i killed an apt process19:20
macoLord-Nikon: using the name "ubuntu" while not being ubuntu19:20
Lord-Nikonand freely modifiable19:20
Lord-Nikonand redistributable19:20
laegi used to have frostwire installed through synaptic, it's vanished from my internet menu, and now when i search for it with synaptic there are no results? how can i remedy this?19:20
Lord-Nikonbut they were ubuntu19:20
GregKLord-Nikon and before you ask, the answer is "no". Ubuntu is *NOT* an African word meaning "can't configure Debian"19:20
macoLord-Nikon: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy19:20
Lord-Nikonive run ubuntu christian edition19:21
macoLord-Nikon: no, they are an unofficial derivative19:21
Lord-Nikonits ubuntu19:21
kurt__databridge according to "Sysinfo" its a "Silicon Integrated [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller"19:21
Lord-Nikonthere is no "official" its open source software19:21
IdleOneLord-Nikon: stop now or I am going to ban you.19:21
macoLord-Nikon: you need to go and learn the difference between trademark and copyright19:21
Lord-Nikonby your definition ubuntu is an "unofficial" debian derivative19:21
kurt__"Subsystem: CLEVO/KAPOK Computer Device 0801"19:21
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
GregKmaco, you are a nice guy, but you're being trolled19:21
GregKmaco, don't feed him19:21
topyliLord-Nikon: trademark issues to #ubuntu-offtopic please. this is a support channel19:22
oCean_GregK: they know.. really19:22
kurt__any ideas on how to get it to use my microphone properly ?19:22
databridgedeever, so there is maybe a file in  /var that needs to be deleted19:22
databridgekurt__, in the audio control panel you need to choose your mic and then you can test it there19:22
Lord-NikonWelcome to #ubuntu! This is an autism support channel, please be courteous and patient and we will address you as quickly as we can.19:22
erUSUL!aptlock | deever19:23
ubottudeever: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:23
kurt__i have... it doesnt work correctly there, its all fuzzy and sound breaking up19:23
oCean_deever: oh, I just saw... your config.dat is in use?19:23
oCean_deever: because I had the same thing, since I tried the same install, remember?19:23
kurt__anything else with sound works music, youtube etc but when i use my mic and playback what my mic is recording its so bad sound you cant make a word out :(19:23
databridgekurt__, maybe your soundcard is not 100% supported19:24
databridgei had this also19:24
bazhangkurt__, tried setting in padevchooser?19:24
kurt__im sure it worked before though on 8.0419:24
deeverdatabridge: deleted /var/lock/aptitude but still the same problem19:24
oCean_deever: if you still have that, I can help19:24
databridgedeever, reconfigure apt19:24
kurt__im not sure how to do that, someone told me to install it and left it at that stopped replying to me19:24
oCean_deever: do this: "sudo fuser /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"19:24
bazhangkurt__, add to panel19:24
databridgekurt__, get yourself a cheap cmedia 8738 soundcard19:24
bazhangkurt__, right click add to panel and set there19:24
oCean_deever: it will return the processID using the config.dat file19:25
yrrolIs there an easy way to send keystrokes over ssh (so its as if the connected keyboard sent it, gui apps on :0.0 receive the strokes)19:25
afedstrip naked and whip yourself with a coathanger19:25
xissburgubuntu is taking too much time to run from pendrive19:25
kurt__i have a pulseaudio applet added to my panel cant find a padevchooser though :s19:26
Wiebeyrrol: synergy ?19:26
Wiebeyrrol: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/19:26
A1B2C3hello, i have a bug on the display of the application bar, the logout/disconnet button is not present sometimes, to solve the problem, i have to logout and relogin,  is there a solution ?19:26
yrrolWiebe, I'm using a tablet19:26
Wiebeyrrol: but maybe thats not what you mean exactly..19:26
yrrolcant run that stuff19:26
databridgekurt__, try to enable the mic boost if one is there19:26
Wiebeyrrol: why you even want to send keystrokes over SSH then ?19:27
hiexposup all19:27
deeveroCean_: yes, this was it, thanks! :)19:27
yrrolWiebe, because sometimes I'm lazy and i dont want to get up to make it skip a song or FF a movie :)19:27
oCean_deever: cheers!19:28
kurt__i cant find a mic boost19:28
yrrolbluetooth just didnt work (tried for a long time)19:28
Wiebeyrrol: "it" is your table ?19:28
Wiebetablet *19:28
yrrolyes, of course..19:28
racarterhow can I find out what process is using a file?19:28
yrrolWiebe, Tablet in hand in bed/on couch, ubuntu machine a couple meters away :)19:29
oCean_racarter: use "fuser"19:29
oCean_racarter: or "lsof"19:29
fcuk112hi, how do i copy multiple folders to my NAS in one go using CLI?  i am ssh'd into the source server and would like to do it via cli.  i read i can use lftp mirror -R but i think it does only 1 folder at a time?19:29
Wiebeyrrol: aah so you want to make your ubuntu machine skip a song, not your tablet :P19:29
yrrolhehe yes ;)19:30
kurt__i mean is this pulseaudio meant to even do anything apart from be another type of volume control ? becuase it hasnt changed anything :/19:30
Wiebeyrrol: well i dont know how to send keystrokes via SSH, but you could check if you can control the apps via the CLI ?19:30
GregKyrrol you could use X Forwarding with SSH to do it19:30
GregKyrrol if I understand your problem correctly19:30
thune3A1B2C3: i'd be curious if restarting the panel "killall gnome-panel" fixes it. (another possible workaround short of logging out)19:31
WiebeGregK: but he wants to display the movie on his Ubuntu machine19:31
yrrolGregK, for instance if I'm watching a movie, id rather watch it on the big screen connected to my ubuntu box not on the tiny tablet screen19:31
Wiebeyrrol: why dont you try out Boxee ?19:31
GregKWiebe ah I *did* read it wrong :)19:32
Wiebeyrrol: it has a remote app for iPhone and iPad maybe another way (web interface?) of controlling it too ?19:32
_chunHi - when I installed ubuntu I created a partition (ext4) and set it to mount at /home/db/Downloads -- except it seems to be readonly... any ideas why? fstab: http://pastebin.com/s2iJpuHz19:32
yrrolWiebe, is it open?19:32
A1B2C3thune3, yes it solves19:32
yrrollooks pretty19:32
kurt__anyone mind giving me a hand please19:33
erUSUL_chun: post /proc/mounts19:33
GregKkurt__ ask away19:33
hiexpo!ask > kurt__19:33
ubottukurt__, please see my private message19:33
_chunerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/4vdUYEty19:33
GregKkurt__ note that that isn't an agreement to help you - only telling you what the bot just did in PM :)19:33
Wiebeyrrol: http://code.google.com/p/boxee-web-remote/ :)19:33
kurt__my microphone does not work properly if i try to record with mic or use skype the sound comes out all fuzzy and broke up19:34
GregKWiebe nicely googled!19:34
yrrolthere has to be a simple way to send keystrokes as if it is the local keyboard though, like echo [something] >> /dev/input/by-path/kdb19:34
bindikurt__: are you using a desktop pc? i so, did you plug it in to the front panel?19:34
kurt__a laptop with an internal mic19:34
erUSUL_chun: /dev/sdb6 /home/db/Downloads ext4 rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0 <<< note the rw ( read write ) in the options. what makes you think is read onlly?19:34
bindikurt__: dont know then, sorry :)19:35
kurt__ok :/19:35
_chunerUSUL: in nautilus the folder has a lock emblem and I can't create files in it / move anything into it19:35
erUSUL_chun: prrobably permission problems. create folders inside the pasrtition ( with sudo )  and give apropiate permission to them19:36
bindiyrrol: xmacro19:36
rowverkurt__: lower recording level.19:37
kurt__tried didnt make a difference :(19:37
_chunerUSUL: ok thanks a lot, I'll give that a shot19:37
erUSUL!permissions | _chun19:37
ubottu_chun: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:37
erUSUL!addingfs | _chun19:37
ubottu_chun: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab19:37
headkase314_chun, that means the folder is owned probably by the root user.  It was created by something you did with a "sudo" command?19:37
xissburgubuntu won't start from the pendrive. It is stuck in the ubuntu splash screen, with the 5 dots changing color19:38
xissburghelp :(19:38
lubuserubuntu support is bad for any buntu derivative that isn't gnome... kubuntu not supported, lubuntu not supported19:38
A1B2C3thune3, here is a screenshot of the bug : http://membres.multimania.fr/opensupport/bug.png19:38
kurt__there is still an interference noise in the background19:38
erUSULlubuser: #lubuntu #kubuntu exist19:38
yrrolbindi, thats sort of what I've been looking for (actually, I was thinking about creating something like that in perl if it didnt exist :) )19:38
lubuserbugs aren't fixed19:38
lubuserno one is there19:39
bindiyrrol: great ;) btw, I just googled "sendkeys linux" and found that :p19:39
lubuser5 to 10 people, no one talking19:39
cyberdutchhi, got an installation problem with r-base in lucid. apt-get installs v2.10 and I need 2.11. I would like some help with adding repositories (if that would solve the problem). Thanks19:39
weedarIs it possible to show how much disk-space installed packages use, preferably in CLI?19:39
erUSULweedar: all installed packages ? one in particular ?19:39
xissburgman...everything is going wrong for me after wubi trashed my boot loader...I can't get anything to work . . . :( dammit, I'm almost crying19:40
kurt__so no one can help me ? :(19:40
yrrolbindi, I was googling "send keys linux", "send keystrokes", "scan codes send " lol19:40
yrroli suck19:40
xissburgNOTHING WORKS ;(19:40
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weedarerUSUL: all, actually - I want to sort the output so I can see which packages take the most space so I know which to remove to free space19:40
pocoyoweedar: apt-cache stats ?19:41
justin_hello guys i have a small issue, i would like to know how to move files from my linux xubuntu 10.04 to my windows 7 partition19:41
MichealHjustin_, Mount and copy19:42
justin_what do i mount it with19:42
kurt__hmm im gonna take that as a no :/ im gonna log see if i can find anything on google, really dont wanna go back to windows but seems that my stuff will work better there :/19:42
pocoyojustin_: mount your windows 7 partition , then move files.19:42
MichealHjustin_, At the top Click Places and then your Win Partition19:43
MichealHIt will mount19:43
Rabbitbunnykurt__: Starting is always a little difficult. Consider dual booting until you get the hang of it.19:43
justin_it doesnt show the partition19:43
kurt__tried that before i always find myself just using windows all the time19:43
deeveroCean_: and amazingly the second time, install runs to completion! :o19:43
weedarpocoyo: That only gives me total-stats, and anyway none of them are about disk-space :(19:43
thune3A1B2C3: i'm still looking around for a possible fix, your problem sounds like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9620833 but no good solution there.19:43
headkase314justin_, do you see something which says "XXX GB File System"?  If so, that is probably it..19:44
MichealHjustin_, LIve CD, Proper Install or is it WUBI?19:44
kurt__im not up for not having a fully functional laptop for however long it takes for me to find a solution or someone who can help :/19:44
pocoyoweedar: yeah~ u're right :D19:44
profxavierhow do I add files into file.rar, using the rar command ?19:44
profxavieri cannot figure out the syntax19:44
erUSULweedar: maybe --> aptitude search  --sort installsize '?installed' | tail19:44
justin_fully installed xubuntu 10.04. its a dual boot19:44
abhijitprofxavier, info rar19:44
hiexpoman rar in terminal19:45
profxavierthe archive name is before the files19:45
MichealHjustin_, Can you see omething like "XXGB File System"?19:45
weedarerUSUL: thanks, that might be a step in the right direction :) It doesn't show how much space each package takes, though19:45
MichealHWith X being a number19:45
erUSULweedar: see the manpage of aptitude the -F option19:45
justin_no it just shows my ipod and my filesystem19:46
erUSULweedar: but aptitude already does the sorting for you19:46
xissburghow to boot into live ubuntu ?19:47
profxavierxissburg, do you have a LiveCD ?19:48
bitrateis there a current opensource solution for hosting something like box.net on my shiny new lamp server (file hosting with web interface)19:48
justin_ok thanks guys i used gigolo to mount it19:48
xissburgprofxavier: I installed it in a pendrive19:48
xissburgthe ubuntu iso19:48
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profxavierxissburg, and you can boot from USB ?19:48
profxavierxissburg, its a BIOS setting19:49
abhijitbitrate, #ubuntu-server19:49
xissburgprofxavier: yes I get it and I can select "Run Ubuntu from this USB"...it shows a few lines of text that is loading this and that...then it gets to the ubuntu splash screen and gets stuck there19:49
bitratekk thank you19:49
xissburgprofxavier: I waited like 5 minutes and it didnt move forward :(19:50
profxavierxissburg, is it a LiveCD  though, as there are two -types- of media, for loading/installing Ubuntu19:50
CyberGabberxissburg: How long did you wait? Sometimes i can that a (very) long while before really going further...19:50
profxavierxissburg, you can usually tell by the menu19:50
profxavierxissburg, if there is a menu, to go into LiveUbuntu or install Ubuntu19:51
profxavier[if its the LIVE CD]19:51
oCean_deever: yeah, I had that same thing (the reinstall succeeding) No clue to what happens the first time though..19:51
xissburgprofxavier: it says Installer Boot Menu19:51
profxavierxissburg, and is there an option to go into LiveUbuntu ?19:52
A1B2C3thune3, thanks looking at the problem, it is an anoying one, maybe i could delete some config file from gnome-panel to reset it to default ?19:52
weedarerUSUL: Thanks for your help, I got the output I wanted with "aptitude search -F "%p " --sort installsize '?installed' | tail" :)19:52
xissburgCyberGabber: I waited like 5 minutes and nothing happened19:52
xissburgprofxavier: no19:52
profxavierxissburg, what is the ISO name, that you put on the USB stick19:52
profxaviercopy/paste it into here19:53
erUSULweedar: ?? is %I19:53
weedarHm, something happened with the text I pasted, the formatting pattern should be "percentage P and percentage I"19:53
* erUSUL saw a strange char here19:53
profxavierxissburg, do you -need- the LiveCD ?19:53
xissburgprofxavier: ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso19:53
xissburgprofxavier:  I don't know, really19:54
weedarerUSUL: I'm using Konversation, I'm guessing it uses "% I" for something internally, it didn't show here anyway19:54
xissburgwell...I think I should start a thread in the forums...19:54
xissburgI just didn't do so yet because I'm so frustrated and was looking for a fast solution19:54
xissburgI already wasted like 10 hours with this problem...19:55
moayadIs it safe to upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.4 cause i have very important files in the harddisk ?19:55
profxavierxissburg, what are you trying to do ?19:55
headkase314percentage I italicized the text on this Windows version of X-Chat19:56
xissburgprofxavier: Wubi trashed my boot loader19:56
xissburgprofxavier: when I try to boot I only get a grub rescue command line19:56
xissburgI installed ubuntu from Win7 using Wubi19:56
morbiowhat is the terminal command to restart X?19:56
xissburgprofxavier: I don't really know what to do19:57
nisstyre65xissburg: burn a copy of the windows recovery disk and restore the MBR19:57
thune3A1B2C3: the only think i'm finding that seems like it might work, although it is not exactly related is http://www.ubuntugeek.com/possible-solutions-to-fix-the-missing-network-manager-icon-in-ubuntu-9-10.html19:57
ledbettj@morbio:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start  (or 'sudo start gdm')19:57
nisstyre65microsoft's site has instructions19:57
livingdaylightanyone dl and install apps that leave launcher on Desktop but they don't work because they are 'not trusted' ?19:57
xissburgnisstyre65: I can't burn it on a CD19:57
CyberGabberxissburg: I dont now that version, but try this, Boot from CD, until you see the bootmenu. Press F6 'other option', set a cross at 'noapic', and boot.19:57
livingdaylighthow to fix, apart from deleting?19:57
headkase314morbio, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30432519:58
morbioledbettj, thanks.19:58
ledbettj@morbio:  actually if it's already running you would use 'restart' instead of start19:58
xissburgCyberGabber: what? what CD?19:58
A1B2C3thune3, thanks looking at the problem, it is an anoying one, maybe i could delete some config file from gnome-panel to reset it to default ?19:58
CyberGabberxissburg: Sorry, not CD, usbstick19:58
xissburgnisstyre65: I would like to burn the recovery CD to a usb but I couldnt find a way19:59
headkase314!panel | A1B2C319:59
headkase314!panels | A1B2C319:59
ubottuA1B2C3: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:59
livingdaylightin 9.10 I'd be asked and if trusted then they'd change to a proper launcher icon. This feels regressive in 10.419:59
hiexpoxiss unetbootin19:59
hiexpooops xissburg  unetbootin ?20:00
thune3A1B2C3: ^ that's the way to get defaults, but i'm not sure it would help (wouldn't hurt anything though)20:00
moayadIs it safe to upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.4 cause i have very important files in the harddisk ?20:00
xissburgCyberGabber: there's no F6, neither Other Options20:00
headkase314moayad, always make backups of your files before you attempt a dist-upgrade - if it can go wrong, it will!20:01
hiexpomoayad,  backup files20:01
moayadThanks everyone :D20:01
xissburgactually what is Live Ubuntu?20:01
hiexpomoayad,  why u wanna upgrade ?20:01
profxavierxissburg, UBuntu, loaded into RAM20:01
linux_is_my_herohi there20:02
xissburgI can't do it just using the one I have? which is getting stuck?20:02
profxavierxissburg, that way you can do anything you want on the harddrives, or you can just plain install Ubuntu20:02
moayadhiexpo : I want the long support for the 10.4 version .20:02
profxavierxissburg, it is not a LiveCD20:02
linux_is_my_heroi need help finding printer drivers for a brother mfc-5840CN20:02
profxavier[the one you have]20:02
xissburgI'll try unetbootin20:02
profxavierxissburg, its just an install CD20:02
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, linuxprinting.org check there first20:02
profxavierbut yeah, try that20:02
hiexpomoayad,  stay with 9.10 i personally like it better bugs all gone20:03
headkase314moayad, my experience with dist-upgrading is that it is always better to backup, flatten the works and do a clean install.  It just seems that configuring a new install has less problems than dealing with things that may go wrong in the dist-upgrade.  Just my preference: clean install always.20:03
megabrakerwhy GTK2 scrue up with nautilus?20:03
moayadhiexpo , headkase314 : thanks for you both , I think that i am sticking with 9.10 :D20:04
hiexpodist upgrade = train wreck20:04
headkase314moayad, you're welcome! ;)20:05
hiexpomoayad,  welcome20:05
Rogue1Hi folks, I've been having trouble with an install of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop i386. Fixed the blinking-cursor problems, but now the install gets to 98% and freezes - no hard disk or optical drive activity, and both the keyboard and mouse become totally nonresponsive.  Second time it's done it whilst trying to install (last time was 95%), and the md5sum on the ISO checks out ok -- any ideas20:05
A1B2C3thune3, i'll try that, maybe it is coming since an update20:05
megabrakermoayad saudien ?20:06
VR-Fisthey all20:06
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, you find?20:06
A1B2C3thune3, i'll try that, maybe it is coming since an update20:07
oCean_hiexpo: I think it's only fair to tell people that you speak of your own experience in stead of generalizing.. I did several successful dist-upgrades20:07
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, i have brother dcp 167 and got it working20:07
linux_is_my_herolivingdaylight: no, but i found something else @ the brother website20:07
VR-Fistjust got ubuntu installed over vista32, when booting the system, i can choose ubuntu, but when i do, another screen appears that lets me choose from some two vistas where one boots my vista and the other one leads to vista recovery - any help pls?20:07
linux_is_my_herolivingdaylight: whered u get ur driver?20:07
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, from their website20:07
hiexpoIdleOne,  - how are ya doing buddy log time no talk20:07
thune3A1B2C3: worth a shot, i can't find anything else useful.20:08
A1B2C3thune3, i looked at the ubuntu forum you sent, i already tryed that few weeks ago, it was not fixing the issu20:08
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html20:08
IdleOnegood thanks hiexpo20:08
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html#MFC-5840CN20:09
VR-Fistanyone could try to help me?20:09
headkase314oCean_, if you have NO ppa's added to your system a dist-upgrade goes smoother.  On my system I have plenty of PPA's added and that makes a dist-upgrade fraught with peril! ;)20:09
DrChaoticwhat should I do if an install is hung in the Package Manager?20:10
linux_is_my_herolivingdaylight: do you have x86 or x64?20:10
megabrakerVR-Fist i think you must do a vista update the just fix grub from your live cd20:10
VR-Fistmegabraker: well, i don't have a live cd, i installed with the win installer20:11
oCean_headkase314: during dist-upgrade I disable my ppa's. But the general statement "dist-upgrade = trainwreck" is not fair in my opinion20:11
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, x8620:11
VR-Fistmegabraker: may that be the prob?20:11
linux_is_my_herolivingdaylight: can i just use an apt-get command to get the right driver from somewhere else?20:11
headkase314oCean_, point conceded ;)20:11
megabrakerVR-Fist did your vista run if you choose the first one # not the recovary ?20:11
VR-Fistmegabraker: it run like if it booted before ubuntu install20:12
VR-Fistinstalled from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer20:12
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, did you try just plugging in and seeing whether ubuntu configures it out of the box?20:12
megabrakerVR-Fist i have not used wibu yet but i think it would installed as a program20:13
linux_is_my_herolivingdaylight: it finds the printer no problem, but it cant find the driver.  even after a system update and reboot20:13
linux_is_my_herolivingdaylight: which is why im here :-)20:13
VR-Fistmegabraker: it installs as a program, which downloads the ubuntu system and then runs installer20:13
hiexpoheadkase314,  - i agree depends on whats on old dist i have no good luck with dist upgrade about 12 percent > if it was abasic box it's ok but if not train wreck head on20:13
VR-Fistmegabraker: like this http://www.ubuntu.com/sites/default/files/active/02_ubuntu/U2_desktop/U2.2.2_wubi/U2.2.2_04_medium.jpg20:14
megabrakerjust search in your desktop and you will find the ubuntu icon , for the recovery problem just insert the vista cd and do the recovery20:14
VR-Fistmegabraker: i dont need any vista recovery, the first option boots as it booted when it was the only system20:14
headkase314hiexpo, a dist-upgrade certainly does not succeed 100% of the time.  Pragmatically, again, my experience is a clean install is less of a headache! ;)20:14
livingdaylightlinux_is_my_hero, then its not in repository. Therefore follow the link i gave you. Download and install the two drivers. They are .deb files therefore you can install them either by right clicking and using GDebi Installer or command line using sudo dpkg -i foo.deb20:15
VR-Fistmegabraker: the ubuntu appears after starting the computer, so it is installes as an os20:15
bazhanghiexpo, headkase314 dist-upgrade is not for moving between versions20:15
megabrakerVR-Fist to remove this recovary thing you need to do the recovery i think there is onother way but it isadvenced20:15
bazhang!dist-upgrade | hiexpo headkase31420:15
ubottuhiexpo headkase314: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.20:15
megabrakerVR-Fist you vista loads your ubuntu loads so where is the problem ?20:16
VR-Fistmegabraker: nope, i will explain it better20:16
headkase314bazhang, you're right, I meant "upgrade-manager -d"? I believe that's it but I'm probably wrong again.. :)20:16
hiexpobazhang,  agreed20:16
VR-Fistmegabraker: after the install, the pc rebooted and I chose ubuntu, which booted, shown ubuntu screen and installed the OS20:16
cypher-neoA question about the msttcorefonts. On Wine, I've noticed a few programs that don't seem to work with the new fonts package "ttf-mscorefonts-installer". The program runs but it outputs everything in some wacked out version of ASCII. I'm thinking that maybe some of the corefonts are missing from this updated package. Is there are place that Times New Roman or Arial can be downloaded so I can add them to my Linux manually?20:16
bazhangheadkase314, that would move people to the develop version (10.10)20:16
oCean_headkase314: oh, we were talking about different "upgrades" anyway :|20:16
VR-Fistmegabraker: restarted again, I choose ubuntu (not vista) and some two vista options appear20:17
megabrakerVR-Fist then?20:17
megabrakerVR-Fist what version of ubuntu do you have installed ? and in wich partition?20:18
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ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:18
VR-Fistmegabraker: on C drive, the same as windows20:18
VR-Fistmegabraker: i have the latest 10.0420:19
megabrakerok that is why20:19
gFredI've tethered wireless on a Ubuntu laptop here, and I want to be able to use remote desktop. I use an Android (2.1) phone to tether. My phones IP is and the Ubuntu comp claims its IP is
megabrakeryou try to boot ubntu from C wich leeds to vista load20:19
VR-Fistmegabraker there's a C:\ubuntu folder20:19
gFredHowever, I'm not able to connect to the machine with either of the IPs20:19
gFredAny ideas what I can try?20:19
bazhangVR-Fist, wubi?20:19
VR-Fistbazhang yep20:20
hiexposo it is spoken that it is not wise to upgrade from one version to another bazhang20:20
headkase314bazhang, I'm a bit more clear on it now - however I still do clean installs! :) ;)20:20
VR-Fistbazhang i didnt upgrade, it was clean install over vista20:20
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megabrakerVR-Fist you would execute ubuntu as a program20:20
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ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:20
bazhanghiexpo, no not at all; dist-upgrade itself is just not the way to go20:20
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:20
megabrakerdid you see VR-Fist?20:21
A1B2C3Hello, do someone using vbox ?  looks like creating a fixed image, is bugging ? any experience ?20:21
linux_is_my_heroubottu: that's ironic.  windows is the one that isn't safe!20:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
roydudeHow folks, I'm trying to protect my data for long term digital storage... does Raid 5 protect against bit flipping?20:21
hiexpobazhang,  i agree but why do they have it in synaptic upgrade   ?20:21
linux_is_my_heroubottu: you should work on your marketing skills. lmao...20:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
VR-Fistmegabraker: checking20:21
megabrakerVR-Fist  Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:21
VR-Fistyeah, checking the links20:21
roydudelinux_is_my_hero: I wonder if ubottu is aware of the 3 laws20:22
linux_is_my_heroubottu: !ubuntu20:22
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:22
cypher-neoIs there some place where the default font a Wine program uses can be chosen?20:22
linux_is_my_herolol could be better20:22
linux_is_my_heroroydude: ill never go back to windows. i game on consoles, i work on linux and mac.20:22
wedwowubi is actually an .exe that runs inside win and from which (I understand) you can install ubuntu20:22
pure_hatecyphase, wine is a emulator. the font of the program still applies20:22
VR-Fistmegabraker bazhang: this appears ok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=boot-screen.jpg20:23
ZykoticK9pure_hate, wine = Wine Is Not an Emulator ;)20:23
linux_is_my_heroroydude: the 3 rules from transporter? a deal is a deal, no names, don't open the package20:23
VR-Fistmegabraker may that be because i have a 32 bit system while it downloaded 64 bit?20:23
headkase314pure_hate, WINE (WINE Is Not an Emulator) is not an Emulator, it is a "compatibility layer" or a translation layer between Windows Application Programming Interface's to Linux ones.20:23
linux_is_my_heroif anyone can explain why they still make 32 bit computers, please, just put me out of my misery.20:23
cypher-neopure_hate, That's what I thought. I was just checking to see if it was possible.20:24
megabrakerVR-Fist maybe or maybe you mustn't install ubuntu as the same drive as windows20:24
megabrakerhi pure_hate20:24
hiexpohola pure_hate20:24
VR-Fistmegabraker kk will check the drivers if 32bit doesn work20:24
pure_hatehola guys20:24
VR-Fistthx for your help guys20:24
=== lit3l is now known as litel
AzizLightHi everybody20:26
AzizLightis there a way to display hidden directories with the tree command?20:26
cypher-neoAzizLight, Hit Ctrl-H when you are in Nautilus20:27
megabrakerpure_hate i tried to emulate what you bt guys did , i just wanted to add thc hydra to my application menu in the command fieled i typed gnome-terminal -e hydra but when i execute terminal don't wait and it closes directly after puting thc hydra help any idea?20:27
finickydesertyes ubuntu!20:27
cypher-neoAzizLight, Ctrl-H reveals all hidden files and folders20:27
megabrakerfinickydesert dzayer?20:28
AzizLightcypher-neo: the tree command is a command line tool...what brought up Nautilus?20:28
finickydesertdzayer? what?20:28
linux_is_my_heroanyone wanna help me find a printer driver thats x64? brother mfc-5840cn20:28
pagan0nedoes anyone know how to replicate passwords between machines? i have 3 boxes with useraccount "pagan0ne" and when i change the password on one, i would like it to change it on all, but i want the home directory to remain on each machine respectively? is this possible? where would i start?20:29
megabrakeryou have a desert animal name with desrt lol20:29
gFredWell, the real problem is that Ubuntu can't find any wireless networks. It's a fresh install of 10.04 on a HP Pavillion dv952520:29
thune3AzizLight: tree -a20:29
cypher-neoAzizLight, Umm, there is also a tree command in the Nautilus window.20:29
roydudeHey folks,  I'm trying to echo check >> my raid array any bash returns permission denied (I'm a super user)20:29
linux_is_my_herogFred: have you enabled your hardware drivers for your wifi card? i have an hp tx2500 and i had to get extra drivers for my wifi to work.20:30
AzizLightthune3: I tried that..the -a option is to display hidden files not folders20:30
gFredlinux_is_my_hero: I have tethered conncetion through my phone now, but Ubuntu can't find any restricted drivers20:30
linux_is_my_heroif you can, connect through ethernet.  simple.20:31
ZykoticK9pagan0ne, i highly doubt it's worth the effort - but you could setup LDAP as a centralized login authority for all three boxes (I've never played with LDAP as it's too complicated for my needs)  I doubt you'll find a method for syncing passwords another way (would be a possible security issues I'd imagine)20:31
gFredlinux_is_my_hero: I can't :/20:31
russhi, can anyone tell me where to find xorg.conf in lucid?20:31
cypher-neoAzizLight, If you're looking to display all files and folders in the Terminal, use ls -a20:31
linux_is_my_herogFred: do a system update, then reboot, then go to system-->admin-->hardware drivers and your wifi drivers should show up20:31
xissburgso now I'm at Ubuntu Live.What should I do??20:32
pagan0neZykoticK9, but that would require the machines to have local net access to login right? or can it be configured to keep creds locally on each machine?20:32
xissburgprofxavier: :O20:32
ZykoticK9russ, it's not there by default - you'd need to create one see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file20:32
AzizLightcypher-neo: I know how to use the terminal, I was asking about the tree command...thanks for trying though ;)20:32
GuinnessmanHello, I really need help20:32
gFredlinux_is_my_hero: ok, I'll try that20:32
gFredthanks :)20:32
liamsmithukruss, /usr/lib/X11 ?20:32
Jordan_Uxissburg: You installed via wubi initially, correct?20:32
ZykoticK9pagan0ne, LDAP is a huge undertaking - i'm really not sure of the details - good luck.20:32
linux_is_my_herogFred: sure20:32
xissburgJordan_U: Yes20:32
pagan0neZykoticK9, its worth looking into for me, i like learning new things/setups20:33
linux_is_my_heroanyone wanna help me with finding a printer driver that i cant find? my printer manufacturer doesnt supply drivers for x64 ubuntu :-(20:33
linux_is_my_heroonly x8620:33
AzizLightok the tree command displays hidden folders with the -a option but it ommits .git/ ...20:33
VR-Fistmegabraker: u still on man? got a small question20:33
Guinnessmannew ubuntu 10.4 install on compaq 615. Had to set xforcevesa on boot, but gdm crashes out20:33
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, it may not exist :|  Good luck man20:33
liamsmithuklinux_is_my_hero, what printer do you have?20:33
Guinnessmanalso,  try to start dbus but it says it cannot find the file/?!20:33
roydudeany mdadm users here?20:33
linux_is_my_herobrother mfc-5840cn20:33
russZykoticK9 that's new. I want to turn off response to taps on my laptop touchpad. Is there an easier way?20:33
abhijitbye all!!! :)20:34
linux_is_my_heroliamsmithuk: brother mfc-5840cn20:34
cypher-neoAzizLight, What about using su- or sudo. Maybe the folder will display if you're a superuser?20:34
Jordan_Uxissburg: Then I have a command that should get you booting, windows and Ubuntu, again. But first some warnings...20:34
erUSULlinux_is_my_hero: linuxprinting.org20:34
liamsmithuklinux_is_my_hero, I will look around20:34
ZykoticK9russ, not that i'm personally aware of - it may exist though?  Good luck man.20:34
linux_is_my_heroliamsmithuk: thanks :-)20:34
megabrakerVR-Fist yes :)20:34
Guinnessmanany ideas guys, i've been trying all day with no luck :(20:34
cypher-neoAzizLight, I'm installing tree right now. I'm gonna play with it. Maybe I'll have an answer for you soon.20:34
duffyruss, mouse settings has option to turn off taps.  gpointing-device-settings gives more options, also disabling it20:35
Jordan_Uxissburg: 1: Make sure that you replace "/dev/sda" in the following directions with the device name for your actual hard drive, and do *not* replace it with something like "/dev/sda1" which is a partition. 2: If this works, then there will be some additional steps needed to make sure this doesn't break again.20:35
VR-Fistmegabraker: the proccessor which i have is AMD Turion 64 Mobile, does it mean its 64-bit?20:35
roydudesudo echo check > /sys/block/mdX/md/sync_action returns permission denied... can anyone help?20:35
erUSULVR-Fist: probably20:35
megabrakerVR-Fist probably20:36
Jordan_Uxissburg: "sudo apt-get install mbr; sudo install-mbr /dev/sda"20:36
xissburgif you want please give a quick look in my thread here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9720703#post972070320:36
headkase314VR-Fist, Yes a Turion 64 is 64-bit capable.20:36
megabrakerVR-Fist wait am gona see it20:36
Rogue1anyone ..?20:36
erUSULVR-Fist: you can check from a linux with « grep --color ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo »20:36
xissburgJordan_U: How do I know the actual name of the hard drive?20:36
xissburgJordan_U: I have only one hard drive, but with 3 partitions20:36
megabrakerVR-Fist yes it is 64 bit20:37
VR-FisterUSUL: I;m resolving an issue of linux not booting in :)20:37
poisonborzhi! Is there a way to turn gnome into "resource friendly" mode? I remember to have used it... one that not only disables things like icon zooming, but much more.20:37
xissburgJordan_U: one has WinXp, the other Win7 and the other just files20:37
cypher-neoAzizLight, Try "tree -a -P .*" I'm hoping the search tag will focus on hidden directories that way.20:37
VR-Fistmegabraker: so i must have 64-bit installer, right?20:37
=== Leif is now known as Leif-afk
erUSULVR-Fist: cpu-z for a windows machine ?20:37
VR-Fistmegabraker: or should it work with 32-bit installer also?20:37
EddieV113is there a way to open terminal to whatever folder im looking at in gnome, without having to start from the home directory?20:37
thune3AzizLight: tree -a displays hidden folders for me as well. Are you asking for "hidden folders only" option?20:37
ZykoticK9VR-Fist, you can install 32bit on 64bit machines (recommended actually)20:38
headkase314poisonborz, go to Sytem > Preferences > Appearance and under Desktop Effects choose "None"20:38
Jordan_Uxissburg: If you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" I can tell you, it's almost certainly "/dev/sda" but it can't hurt to double check.20:38
megabrakerVR-Fist yes like ZykoticK9 says20:38
VR-FistZykoticK9, megabraker kk20:38
megabrakerbyt the revese would be a whole mess20:38
Random832has anyone made a distribution where the kernel is 64 bit and programs are 32 bits?20:38
Random832i.e. an entirely 32-bit userspace20:38
AzizLightthune3: tree -a displays hidden files/folders but only .git/ which is weird...20:39
cypher-neoAzizLight, Actually .* is focusing on every period in a filename... that doesn't work. Sorry20:39
hiexpoEddieV113,  not that i am aware of first open in home and cd to it20:39
headkase314VR-Fist, the thing that should make you choose 64-bit over 32-bit is if you have 4GB or more of memory.  If so, install 64-bit or if you really need 32-bit for a specific program then install a 32-bit PAE kernel instead.20:39
MilliganI've got three physical hds in my machine. sda sdb and sdc. sda has my ubuntu, sdb is a currently reserved disk which I'm going to put backups on, etc, and sdc is a crappy disk that has a fresh win7 installation for my games. I'm trying to set up grub. http://pastebin.com/0VyZWVMq Does this look correct ?20:39
chrissharp123EddieV113: this might help: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-gnome-open-terminal-shell-prompt-here/ - it's a couple of years old, but might be relevant20:39
megabrakerRandom832 but 32 bit dev is poassible , kernel is a thing and apps is a different thing20:39
ZykoticK9Random832, my only question would be "why would anyone want that?"20:40
headkase314Random832, If you install Ubuntu Restricted Extras it will install 32-bit libraries for running 32-bit programs.20:40
Random832ZykoticK9: 32-bit processes take less ram20:40
xissburgJordan_U: I don't have mreo cables to connect the other machine to the net so I can't copy paste it...I'll try to type it20:40
Random832and there's little perceivable _benefit_ of running 64-bit user processes20:40
russduffy thanks gpointing-device-settings was what I needed.20:40
erUSULRandom832: is not common in x86 world.20:40
ZykoticK9Random832, not is it's running on a 64bit kernel though20:40
megabrakerbut less speed20:40
ActionParsnipRandom832: if you do a lot of video andaudeo encoding then 64bit gives a BIG difference20:40
hiexpo32 bit runs better on 64 bit system for some reason  > true20:41
erUSULRandom832: well in x86 the increased number of registers can composete the fatter binaries pointers words ...20:41
megabrakerthis depends on the cpu archithecture more than is it 64 or 32 32 could run faster than 6420:41
ZykoticK9hiexpo, false20:41
Jordan_Uxissburg: If all of the lines start with "/dev/sdaX" (where X is a number) then your hard drive is /dev/sda.20:41
Random832megabraker: talking specifically about x86-64 and x86-3220:41
erUSULRandom832: is ppc sparc or mips is common to run 64 bit kernel 32 bit binaries becouse they do not have the register issue20:42
megabrakerRnadom832 even in x86-32 family there are whole differences20:42
marcusbhi.  since well over a year, a bug plagues me across multiple releases: when the system is under load (heavy disk activity), and I type quickly at the same time, the application's kbd input is messed up.  usually the symptom is that a couple of keystrokes come through, then for the next couple of keystrokes every key acts like backspace, then the cycle starts anew.  This appears only under load, and affects only the one application I type in.  Restartin20:42
ActionParsnipmarcusb: are you using a fancy keyboard or is it a beige / black usb brandless thing20:43
AzizLightcypher-neo, thune3: forget it, I was just curious. The issue is weird... I need to go for now. Thanks for the help guys20:43
marcusbActionParsnip: IBM Model M PS/220:43
hiexpopure_hate,  - so hows the trip going   so far  ?20:44
headkase314marcusb, wow.  You could beat someone to death with that old and rugged keyboard and it would still work fine!20:44
ActionParsnipmarcusb: you could try adding a keyboard section in xorg.conf to maybe define the keyboard better20:44
xissburgJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/wSXhnmrQ20:44
marcusb  headkase314: and if somebody tries to take it away from me, I'll just do that :)20:44
headkase314marcusb, ;)20:45
hiexpoActionParsnip,  yup great keyboard20:45
ActionParsniphiexpo: i have zero opinion on keybpards, as long as it works its fine. all these keyboards with weird function nonesese on it make me laugh20:46
hiexpoActionParsnip,  yup20:47
anon__Can i get some help20:47
qUaNtiC_hi can someone help me installing an onda 825up internet key?20:47
anon__I've installed java, but it still says it's not installed!20:47
headkase314!java | anon__20:48
ubottuanon__: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:48
linux_is_my_herobrother mfc-5840cn has no x64 driver...help me20:48
xissburgso Jordan_U , sda1, sda5 and sda6 are my 3 partitions20:48
ActionParsnipmarcusb: http://pastie.org/1092434    add that in /etc/X11/xorg.conf     change the language if its different20:48
Tinman_usais it possible to add two LCD to T60 laptop ? It has one discrete graphics card20:49
anon__Package sun-java6-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:49
anon__This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:49
anon__is only available from another source20:49
anon__E: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate20:49
FloodBot3anon__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:49
anon__Why does it asy that?20:49
hiexpoIdleOne,  - ?20:49
marcusbActionParsnip: that looks like it should already be the default or pretty close to it.  what settings are in effect if there is no kbd section?20:49
headkase314anon__, do you have the "partner" repository enabled?20:50
anon__Um.. Probably not, i'm new to ubuntu20:50
anon__Installed it a hour ago headkase31420:50
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:50
KE1HAActionParsnip, are you familiat wiht the WPN300N wifi setup ?20:50
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: you may have to use a 32bit Linux then20:50
Scunizianon__: enable the partners repository in synaptic and you'll have access to sun-java20:50
duffythats what annoys me with ubuntu, whats wrong with having partner repo enabled by def.. ugh20:50
rob0t7has anyone been able to install puppet and puppetmaster on lucid.  i've been trying for the past 2 days and i am getting no where20:51
ActionParsnipKE1HA: ask the channel, if anyone knows they will reply20:51
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, this is "dated" but "might" still apply http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/linux_faq-2.html#14220:51
Jordan_Uxissburg: Then use exactly the command I gave before, "sudo apt-get install mbr; sudo install-mbr /dev/sda"20:51
anon__headkase314, i did20:51
anon__And it just gave me another blank line20:51
Tinman_usais it possible to add two LCD to T60 laptop ? It has one discrete graphics card20:51
anon__Does this mean it's opened now?20:51
ActionParsniprob0t7: sudo apt-get install puppet20:51
KE1HAIts not for e, its a fella in the Xubuntu channel and we cant get it working with ndiswrapper.20:51
RPistarinohi everybody... is there anyone here that could install rdpv6 client with wine?20:51
headkase314anon__, ok, let's see what others say then as I'm not sure how to proceed.20:51
xissburgJordan_U: just that? you said that there are more steps then, really?20:51
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:52
Jordan_Uxissburg: There are more steps to be run when booted into your Ubuntu install normally, so only if this works.20:52
ZykoticK9RPistarino, you might want to try the #winehq channel if you don't get an answer here20:52
ActionParsnipRPistarino: check the appdb20:52
rob0t7ActionParsnip: wish it was that easy.  Get that part fine.  Its starting it up and configuring it.20:52
RPistarinook, thanks zykotick920:52
brontoeeeis there a nautilus ext for checking and generating hashes, if so what is it called?20:53
xissburg_uJordan_U: I got to connect to the net from Ubuntu here :) gonna try that command her enow20:53
ActionParsniprob0t7: http://www.howtoforge.com/installing_puppet_on_ubuntu    start from step 620:53
headkase314brontoeee, md5sum?20:53
didohi all20:54
headkase314brontoeee, md5sum -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes20:54
ActionParsnipbrontoeee: http://yabblog.com/2008/09/18/top-10-nautilus-scripts/20:54
rob0t7ActionParnsip: done that.  seems to be an issue with ruby 1.8.7 and the ssl library that i am stuck on20:54
anon__I've installed the java6 icedtea plugin in firefx20:55
Jordan_Uxissburg_u: "sudo apt-get install mbr; sudo install-mbr /dev/sda" (in case it saves you some time to have it in your other IRC client)20:55
anon__but still does no work!!20:55
headkase314brontoeee, oops, sorry didn't see the part where you wanted a nautilus extension ;)20:55
xissburg_uJordan_U: Thanks I did it. Well, the second command didnt show any output. Now what should I do?20:56
brontoeeethanks ActionParsnip and headkase31420:56
Jordan_Uxissburg_u: Yes.20:56
xissburg_uok I'm gonna do it. Hope it works :), thanks for your time20:56
headkase314anon__, icedtea is not the official Sun Java so the program that is complaining about Java not being installed may be looking for Sun's Java specifically?20:56
anon__Gah.. okay20:57
duffyanon__,  openjdk-6-jre icedtea6-plugin   are the free java,  sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre  are Sun java20:58
headkase314anon__, So it comes back to getting the official Sun Java out of the partners repository.  Recap every 5-10 minutes the error message you are getting from synaptic and hopefully someone will contribute a solution.20:58
Guinnessmanok,  trying are-install now :(20:58
xissburgJordan_U: now it automatically booted into WinXP20:58
anon__Okay thank you20:58
headkase314anon__, You're welcome ;)20:59
ActionParsnipbrontoeee: they arent bad scripts dude, just tested the MD5 one and the wallpaper one20:59
=== alexlea is now known as Guest80851
duffyanon__,  which version do you have installed and which version do you want to use?21:00
brontoeeeActionParsnip, yes, good enough, i woulf prefer one that would actually compare existing md5 file, but thats ok21:00
xissburgJordan_U: but after loading WinXP for a while I get a blue screen which disappears really quick and the PC resets21:00
Jordan_Uxissburg: It was supposed to make windows' bootloader boot, but windows' bootloader should also have had an entry for booting Ubuntu (put there by wubi).21:00
anon__duffy, i currently have 1.6.0_1821:00
empewoowi've been trying to get my wireless adapter (linksys WPC300N v2) working in ubuntu server with xubuntu-desktop installed21:00
anon__I want to use that one, but when i try to browse a java game, it says it's not working21:00
duffyanon__,  openjdk?21:00
ActionParsnipbrontoeee: edit the script then21:01
headkase314anon__, duffy What is the update alternatives command for Java?21:01
duffyanon__,   installed icedtea6-plugin yet?21:01
xissburgit doesn't show an OS selection screen21:01
anon__duffy, yes i have21:01
duffyanon__, sudo update-alternatives --config java21:01
duffyheadkase314,  anon__, sudo update-alternatives --config java21:01
brontoeeeActionParsnip, ill do just that21:01
empewoowi've been trying to get my wireless adapter (linksys WPC300N v2) working in ubuntu server with xubuntu-desktop installed. i have a driver installed from the ubuntu forums, but when i "ifconfig" it only says eth0 and lo21:01
anon__duffy, headkase314 There is only one alternative in link group java: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java21:01
anon__Nothing to configure.21:01
duffyheadkase314,  anon__, sudo update-alternatives --config java_vm21:02
anon__duffy, sudo update-alternatives --config java_vm21:02
weedarIs there a console-program that allows me to create a partition on a drive without requiring user-input?21:02
Jordan_Uxissburg: Did you install Ubuntu from within windows 7?21:02
duffyanon__, well the only thing stopping it is the plugin..21:02
anon__Can i uninstall it?21:02
xissburgJordan_U: from Windows 7 using Wubi21:02
duffyanon__, did you already?21:03
anon__No duffy21:03
duffyanon__,  icedtea6-plugin21:03
headkase314duffy, anon__, anon: what is the error message again you get when you try to install Sun's Java from partners?21:03
stanley_robertsohi all21:03
xissburgJordan_U: before I had the 4 OS to choose there21:03
duffyanon__, did you apt-get update after enabling the partner repo ?21:03
xissburgI mean 321:03
ActionParsnipweedar: parted has the options: mkpart mkpartfs and --script21:04
anon__headkase314, http://paste.ubuntu.com/478059/21:04
ActionParsnipweedar: could be worth a look21:04
anon__No i didn't duffy21:04
duffyanon__,   bingo then21:04
headkase314duffy, see paste directed to me! ;)21:04
anon__BIngo indeed duffy ;)21:05
anon__I just installed JDK21:05
dri245from some reason, the volume button in the top bar in ubuntu dissappeared. how can i put it back there? i right click it, looked in properties and new panels to find it, but no chance21:05
anon__Or, in the process21:05
hiexpowrong jdk21:05
xissburgNOTHING WORKS21:06
Jordan_Uxissburg: Boot the LiveCD again, and open System > Administration > GParted21:06
n1lqj1need help.  trying to create ubuntu startup disk in 10.04.  tried on usb drive and sdhc drive both through i/o error21:06
FrozenFireIs there any environment variable that is set when a user logs in, which is unique to that user, and cannot be generated without the user's password being entered?21:06
headkase314anon__, if you can now install Sun's Java do, again, "sudo update-alternatives --config java_vm" after it's installed.  Correct duffy?21:06
magicianlorddri245: top button disappeared?21:06
anon__It's already working headkase314 ;)21:07
avi_hey guys, can anyone tell me what the max supported screen res for Plymotuh with the standard Lucid theme is? I've got a 1920x1200 monitor, but I can't push it higher than like 1280x1024. Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!21:07
FrozenFireI'd like to automount a Truecrypt disk, but don't want to store its password in plaintext21:07
duffyheadkase314, and --config java21:07
anon__duffy, i have another problem, it's nothing big21:07
anon__mind taking a look at it?21:07
[thor]dri245: using the "add to panel" add the indicator-applet panel item21:07
ePirathow to make the at symbol on ubuntu?21:07
headkase314anon__, duffy, thank you duffy!  And right on anon!21:07
magicianlordePirat: shift + 221:07
hiexpon1lqj1,  did you md5 iso ?21:07
z340epirat: character map21:07
poisonborzhi! I want to set up samba so certain users would have read/write rights, while others don't... is there an easy way/tutorial to do this?21:07
guntbertFrozenFire:  to my knowlegde that is not possible21:07
ePiratz340, what?21:08
n1lqj1got ubuntu iso from ubuntu site and using the util in the systems menu21:08
z340open a terminal, type charmap21:08
hiexpo!samba | poisonborz21:08
ubottupoisonborz: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:08
magicianlordn1lqj1: select the partition on the disk, not the disk itself. for example, /dev/sdb121:08
FrozenFireguntbert: If there were some sort of unique key that is only available on login, I could encrypt the passphrase using that key, and decrypt it when I go to auto-mount the disk.21:08
dri245[thor], that's what i tried, but the volume sign/name doesn't show up in that list.21:08
xissburgn1lqj1: unetbootin21:08
hiexpohey guntbert21:09
n1lqj1hiexpo did that.  trying to load 10.04 on a netbook21:09
[thor]dri245: it is listed as Indicator Applet21:09
duffyheadkase314, anon__   just tab after update-alternatives, gives you available options like --config, --display and also tab after using one to get available configs also21:09
z340epira: although, sounds like you have a bad keyboard layout if you can21:09
z340't type '@'21:09
n1lqj1currently has eeebuntu 321:09
anon__headkase314, duffy: I've download the windows spotify installer, when i try to run it with wine, it says: The file '/home/anon/desktop/spotify installer.exe' is not marked as executable. IF this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. FOr more details read about the exutable bit.21:09
hiexpon1lqj1,  oh they have netbook edition also21:09
dri245[thor], can you tell me its sign, please? how does it look like? i use ubuntu in a different language and with free translation, nothing is "indicator applet" :) id really appreciate it and sorry for being annoying :)21:09
n1lqj1doesn't matter.  I can't create a start up disk on sdhc or usb drive21:09
n1lqj1dies 1/2 through21:10
headkase314anon__, right-click, choose properties, go to permissions, enable executable checkbox?21:10
duffyanon__, there is a linux beta or something client available afaik...21:10
[thor]dri245: it is (i)  a blue circle with a white i in it21:10
headkase314anon__, If so I didn't realize you had to do that with Windows executables in WINE?21:10
xissburgJordan_U: I see my partitions in GParted21:10
magicianlordor usb drive is bad21:10
VR-Fistmegabraker: so i tried it again and took some photos of it21:10
xissburgit seems to be intact21:11
Jordan_Uxissburg: I'm not sure why XP appears to be set to boot currently rather than windows 7, but a likely way to change that is by changing which partition has the "boot" flag. You can do that in GParted by right clicking the partition and selecting "manage flags".21:11
n1lqj1tryi ng again to get exact error message21:11
guntbertFrozenFire: there is no way to check if the user entered the password - as far as I know - but I'm not too bright tonight - so someonel else might have a better idea21:11
dri245thanks [thor] , found it :)21:11
guntberthi hiexpo21:11
megabrakerVR-Fist am waiting :)21:11
n1lqj1An uncaught exception was raised:21:11
n1lqj1[Errno 5] Input/output error21:11
[thor]dri245: no problem! that's what this channel is here for.21:11
FrozenFireguntbert: I don't actually care about the password being entered. I care about having the decryption key unavailable unless the user is logged in.21:11
anon__duffy, there is but it has to do with resporitys or w/e it's called, and i have NO knowledge in that21:12
anon__headkase314, i'll give it a try, one minute21:12
duffyanon__, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/spotify-comes-to-linux.html21:12
FloodBot3duffy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
headkase314anon__, you should follow duffy's links - a native linux client is inherently better than WINE21:12
VR-Fistmegabraker: after first boot, the screen appears: http://bit.ly/b5xhDK and the installation finishes: http://bit.ly/acHx9f21:12
treydoggQUIT REASON: what a world, what a world21:12
anon__duffy, can you guide me through it?21:12
Jordan_Uxissburg: Note which partitions currently have the boot flag set, so you can return to your current configuration later, then try booting with only one partition flagged as bootable. The first time try booting with only the first partition flagged bootable, then try with only the second, then try with only the third.21:13
duffyanon__,  ugh "The current preview of the desktop app only works with premium accounts for now "21:13
guntbertFrozenFire: as I said I'm not too bright tonight, but if you make that file only readable by that user ...21:13
duffyanon__, losers.....  do you have a premium account?21:13
xissburgJordan_U: so I changed the boot flag.. but won't I be able to select the OS? How to restore the OS selection at startup?21:13
megabrakerVR-Fist so is it solved?21:13
VR-Fistmegabraker: then it restarts, of course, and I can choose Vista and Ubuntu... when i choose ubuntu, I get this: http://bit.ly/cjkiIK21:13
anon__No duffy, i had but it wasn't really good..21:13
FrozenFireguntbert: You should keep yourself dim, because that's a brilliantly simply idea :P21:13
n1lqj1any suggestions?21:13
headkase314anon__, so WINE it is then with the regular Windows client?21:13
duffyanon__, well this article is a month old, might be worth a go.21:14
duffyanon__, just copy paste the commands....21:14
Jordan_Uxissburg: I'm hoping that one of the partitions will get you to Windows 7's boot menu, which should still have all of the options for selecting Ubuntu and XP.21:14
megabrakerVR-Fist when you choose one of them what did you get?21:14
anon__duffy, into the terminal?21:14
duffyanon__, or try the wine version, ive heard it works good.21:14
VR-Fistmegabraker: the first one booted to vista (and set time +2 hours lol), the second one gets to system recovery: http://bit.ly/aEtqY921:14
didohi all21:15
n1lqj1using dd to cpy cd to iso then will try.  have to cut problem in half.  maybe it's  cd?21:15
anon__duffy, i'm confused21:15
duffyanon__, ok, System > Admin > Software Sources.21:15
didohow to get compiz to start automatically with the system21:15
Doonzhey anyone know how to see the model of a motherboard through the cli21:15
megabrakerVR-Fist just do a sys recovery to remove the second one21:15
megabrakerand install ubntu from a live cd or usb21:15
megabrakerin onother partition21:15
NeurotiquetteAm I doing something wrong, or is Kompozer slow for *everyone*?21:15
anon__duffy, i'm there now21:15
guntbertFrozenFire: but maybe dangerous - please think it through21:16
NeurotiquetteSlowest program I've encountered on ubuntu yet21:16
duffyanon__, click Other Software.  and ADD  and paste deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free21:16
Jordan_Uxissburg: I may be unavailable for the next few hours.21:16
VR-Fistmegabraker: i cant backup now and cant risk a loss of data, atm, by doing partition21:16
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:16
rigelso i dist-upgraded to lucid a week or so ago and i dont see my volume control coming up in the toolbar anymore21:16
NeurotiquetteNon-rhetorical question. Need to know if I need to find a new code editor. This thing is getting in the way of my productivity. :)21:16
dri245not to me, Neurotiquette . tho, i preffered using a wine alternative rather than that. that doesn't have all the features common editors have :)21:16
anon__duffy, done21:16
rigeland i dont see it in the add to panel menu anywhere either21:16
xissburgJordan_U: something crazy happenedd...it now booted in WinXP again but it is in the installation screen . . wtf21:16
rigelwhere is it?21:16
Neurotiquettedri245: Not got the memory for good emulation (2gig) I think. I used to use dreamweaver in windows.21:17
megabrakerVR-Fist if you run the live  cd copy all your files in a usb domino in case of humain error :)21:17
empewoowi've been trying to get my wireless adapter (linksys WPC300N v2) working in ubuntu server with xubuntu-desktop installed. i have a driver installed from the ubuntu forums, but when i "ifconfig" it only says eth0 and lo. any advice in what i should try?21:17
dri245i used to use dreamweaver too. and i still use it, along with namo web editor. rather than that kompozer.21:17
scottjCan you use emerald and beryl themes with compiz?21:17
xissburgI need someone else to help me . .21:17
rigelempewoow: try ifconfig -a21:17
Neurotiquettedri245: Is namo ubuntu?21:17
Jordan_Uxissburg: Likely a recovery partition, just exit that and try changing the flagged partition again.21:17
rigelsee if its listed there21:17
xissburgI 'm already tired of this. .  .21:17
VR-Fistmegabraker: the second one is a recovery disk, so there's no way to have ubuntu on the same drive and same partition as vista whatsoever, ok?21:17
duffyanon__, close it, reload21:17
Neurotiquettexissburg: Ya get what ya pay for :)21:17
NeurotiquetteAs they say21:17
empewoowrigel: ok, tried, same result21:18
megabrakerVR-Fist no i think you cant21:18
dri245Neurotiquette, namo is also windows, you can use it with wine. kompozer doesn't display applets, for example flash applets (swf)21:18
n1lqj1must be bad cd.  iso image created from dd is 289 megs onlyugh21:18
anon__duffy, W: GPG error: http://repository.spotify.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4F9946354E9CFF4E21:18
xissburgJordan_U: I set the boot flag in the Win7 partition21:18
Neurotiquettedri245: Actually, I feel like that's what's slowing things down. It keeps fetching stuff from on the web.21:18
rigelempewoow: then try ls[pci|usb] and see if it shows up there. grep it if you have to21:18
soreauscottj: you can use emerald themes with compiz, yes21:18
megabrakerbut am still thinking that ubnuntu is installed as a program and you will maybe find ubuntu.exe not sure lol21:18
Neurotiquettedri245: I'd rather it show me the most basic of layout, and mainly keep it to the source code21:18
duffyanon__, wish they had a decent PPA.. ok, in terminal gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.de.pgp.net --recv-keys 4E9CFF4E21:18
brontoeeeNeurotiquette, kate, geany, bluefish ...21:18
rigelmeaning, i dont know what kind of device it is. if its pci, then use lspci. if its usb, lsusb21:18
megabrakerany one who tried wubi here?21:18
scottjsoreau: how?21:18
duffyanon__, gpg --export 4E9CFF4E |sudo apt-key add -21:19
empewoowrigel: yes its there21:19
anon__megabraker, i have21:19
anon__duffy, okay21:19
Piciguntbert: /3021:19
xissburgmegabraker: MEE21:19
al_hi all21:19
Piciguntbert: darn, sorry.21:19
dri245Neurotiquette, im not that advanced in kompozer since i uninstalled it the same day :) maybe someone else can tell you more, but i need to see my flash applets i use in html pages and it wasn't desplaying them to me21:19
soreauscottj: apt-get install emerald ?21:19
duffyanon__, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt spotify-client-gnome-support21:19
rigelempewoow: so then grep your dmesg for any references to it or errors21:19
megabrakeranon__ did ubuntu would be booted as a normal os or it is installed in a virtual machine in windows?21:19
empewoowrigel: sorry i dont understand what u mean?21:19
al_anyone know a way to search a directory and its sub directorys for *.jpg files over 100k in size and send (copy) them to a new dir?21:19
Neurotiquettedri245:  Thanks for the input :) ALways good to get a response even if it doesn't take you anywhere! hehehe21:19
xissburgmegabraker: It trashed my boot loader21:19
rigelempewoow: it's showing up in your list of devices, but not when you ifconfig -a21:20
anon__megabraker, vir. machine in windows21:20
NeurotiquetteBrontoeee: I'll check those out thanks21:20
anon__you can remove it as a program from windows21:20
anon__duffy, it's installing now21:20
rigeli really dont know what to do in that case because thats never happened to me21:20
anon__duffy, okay it's done21:20
empewoowrigel: i know, so what now21:20
duffyanon__, dont ask me if its any good tho .. I dont care for the program21:20
scottjsoreau: I see, thanks21:20
brontoeeebrontoeee, none is really dreamweaver like btw21:20
VR-Fistmegabraker well the docs say that you dont have to have a partition if u install inside win21:20
rigelso i would say check dmesg for any errors21:20
empewoowrigel: oh... dmesg?21:20
Jordan_Uxissburg: For the record, I disagree with the many people who have made comments trivializing the problem you're having, it's unnacceptable that wubi caused your computer to fail to boot entirely.21:20
n1lqj1to check cd:  cmp /dev/sr0 ubuntu*386*iso ?21:20
anon__duffy, how do i run it now? :o21:20
duffyanon__, be in the menu somewhere.21:21
megabrakerVR-Fist you see what anon said it would be installed under windows just search for ubuntu .exe and enjoy it21:21
rigelso i dist-upgraded to lucid a week or so ago and i dont see my volume control coming up in the toolbar anymore. its not in the "add to panel" dialog either. anyonw know whats up with this?21:21
xissburgJordan_U: ..21:21
megabrakerok thx anon__ and xissburg21:21
magicianlordJordan_U: true. wha do you propose the solution?21:21
empewoowrigel: i did dmesg, cannot grep the Wireless thing (like i used to with lspci)21:21
xissburgIm stuck here for more than 10 hours because of that21:21
rigelempewoow: but its showing up in lspci?21:21
anon__no problem21:21
anon__duffy, it's still for prem. accounts21:21
anon__god damn it :(21:21
duffyanon__, back to wine then lol21:22
xissburgand I'm now afraid that my WinXP is also trashed21:22
empewoowrigel: yes, u want to know what is showing up or?21:22
anon__duffy, i still haven't solved why it says that21:22
anubisdoes anyone know any torrentclients for linux that can run as daemon, has web-ui and functionality like utorrent when comes to labling etc?21:22
anon__I can't open it, because it's not a trusted software or w/e21:22
duffyanon__, make it +x then21:22
magicianlordis 8.04 more stanble that 10.04?21:22
anon__duffy, how21:22
headkase314rigel, I think it's "gnome-volume-control-applet" that you need to add to your startup programs.  Type it in a console with TAB autocomplete to make sure that is the command - I don't have a Linux box to make sure right now.21:22
duffyanon__, right click it, properties...21:22
teunvDanubis have you tried deluge? it doesn't have we webui though, not that i know of21:23
Jordan_Umagicianlord: I've made a few suggestions for xissburg to try, so far none have really helped. As for fixing the bug in wubi, I think it has something to do with the package "lupin-support" being removed in cases where it shouldn't be.21:23
empewoowrigel: it says: 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)21:23
LeempHow would i download and unzip a tar.gz via command line, in one line?21:23
duffyanon__, under Permissions...  at the bottom21:23
=== Erikw1 is now known as Erikw
magicianlordJordan_U: ok. then maybe tell people to not use wubi, but boot directly from the cd and install?21:23
pure_hateLeemp, wget ; tar xzvf21:23
duffyI used wubi today as a test..  Updated the kernel/grub etc, worked ok21:24
anon__duffy, it worked21:24
ZykoticK9rigel, if you audio is working (and you haven't removed Pulseaudio) - Add to Panel / Indicator Applet to show Volume21:24
duffyanon__, you have to get it working in Wine, dont thank me yet21:24
oddtodHello i have installed LAMP using Tasksel but i'm having issues with PHP not working when i do a <?PHP phpinfo(); ?> on the HTML page it does not appear properly. I have uninstalled PHP5 and libapache2-php5-mod and reinstalled it.21:24
anubisduffy: been looking at deluge, haven't installed it yet, but from what i can see it has labling only in the gui/gtx version, not in the web-interface :(21:24
megabrakerxissburg ji have the solution for you21:24
anubisi might be wrong though21:24
rigelZykoticK9: great thanks21:24
anon__duffy, it's already installed through wine :p21:24
duffyanon__, I said "working" ;)21:24
rigelwhy would anyone use wine when you can just use vb to run a full windows vm21:25
Jordan_Umagicianlord: I don't know if the problem is common enough to merit that yet, but possibly.21:25
pure_hateLeemp, wget http://mywebsite.com/foo.tar.gz && tar xzvf foo.tar.gz21:25
rigelunless youre gaming?21:25
anon__duffy, let me log in21:25
anon__one minute21:25
xissburgmegabraker: ??21:25
CheguerzDeluge is a superb client21:25
headkase314ZykoticK9, rigel Adding the indicator applet also gives you the "envelope" or broadcast stuff, if you don't want that then you can synaptic remove "indicator menu" (think its menu) or use the startup programs gnome applet21:25
megabrakerxissburg just run live cd ==>download testdisk==>fix your bootloader and restore lost partitions21:25
duffyTransmission does what I want it to do.  Get a torrent.  not much else to say21:25
Leemppure_hate: Is there any way i can make it use the file that wget downloaded?21:25
Leemppure_hate: Eg, without specifying the file twice?21:25
magicianlordJordan_U: is grub 2 the problem?21:25
xissburgguys the boot loader issue arose after installing ubuntu updates21:25
ZykoticK9headkase314, indicator-mail you mean...21:25
xissburgmegabraker: test disk?21:26
ZykoticK9headkase314, sorry - i follow now21:26
headkase314ZykoticK9, ok, I'm with you! ;)  I'm on a Windows machine at the moment and crippled because I can't check the exact details!21:26
xissburgmegabraker: where? how?21:26
pure_hateLeemp, well you can assign it a variable name if the file name is going to be the same every time21:26
EndrienHello, I can't get my WUSB600N wireless adapter to work. Can anyone help?21:26
anubisduffy: yeah, i liked the simplicity of transmission, but considering i have different folders for tv-shows, movies and such, i'd like not having to move stuff around manually21:26
duffyxissburg, did you yes or no to installing grub during the update?  because a fresh lucid install has kernel and grub updates21:26
magicianlordaren't ubuntu updates supposed to be tested and stable? who is responsible for quality assurance at canonical?21:26
VR-Fistmegabraker anon__ no ubuntu.exe here21:26
Jordan_Umagicianlord: Not really, grub2 is being installed to the mbr when it shouldn't be but as far as I can tell it's a bug in or around the lupin-support package.21:26
megabrakerxissburg sudo apt-get install testdisk21:27
Leemppure_hate: K, didn't know if it had some ability to pipe the file to tar (like you can do with some other things). Thanks! :)21:27
magicianlordall right21:27
megabrakerxissburg just if you have live cd run it in terminal type sudo apt-get install testdisk21:27
headkase314ZykoticK9, rigel here is how to get rid of envelope while keeping volume indicator: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147078621:27
anon__are you trying to delete it or what21:27
xissburgduffy: I don't know...there were a lot of updates21:27
VR-Fistanon__: to get it running21:27
caimHi, I have a boot problem, I'm trying to boot a xen dom0 with grub2, but I get a :gave up root device ... and then end up at the busybox21:27
Jordan_Uxissburg: Have you gone through all of the partitions, flagging each as boot but only one at a time, yet?21:27
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anon__duffy, it's working!21:27
caimSomehow grub is unable to find my root partition21:27
megabraker*run terminal21:28
ravenany commands for brodcasting videos via shell?21:28
magicianlordcaim: did you install from windows?21:28
xissburgJordan_U: I have 3 partitions, one of them is not bootable has not OS in it. I tried the other 221:28
VR-Fistanon__: cause when i get into grub, it doesnt see my ubuntu installed inside win: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Tr3-Pi0d7LQ/TGb3Byg9FzI/AAAAAAAAADw/66Xr7Z-vFr4/s800/IMAG0105.jpg21:28
anon__VR-Fist, download wubi21:28
caimmagicianlord: no21:28
magicianlordcaim: ok21:28
VR-Fistanon__ installed through wubi21:28
MERCAN4933i have a problem about my tvcard21:28
anon__Go into your panel21:28
anon__Conrol panel21:28
empewoowdreamtraveler: it said: Remote Desktop, thats all i know, any suggestion?21:28
MERCAN4933pls help me21:28
xissburgmegabraker: what I do with test disk?21:28
anon__Delete / remove softwares21:28
EndrienHello, I can't get my WUSB600N wireless adapter to work. Can anyone help?21:28
Jordan_Uxissburg: Try the one that you don't think is bootable, it can have code in the PBR even if it doesn't have boot files.21:28
anon__Ubuntu should be removeable through there21:28
anon__Just delete it, and try to re-install21:28
FloodBot3anon__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:29
thune3Leemp: wget -O - "http://.....tar.gz" | tar zxvf -21:29
VR-Fistanon__ i did the reinstallation process alread21:29
megabrakerxissburg testdisk #one word , will restore your bootloader and lost partiotinos21:29
kalaanyone here has ipod touch?21:29
anon__VR-Fist, did you let it reboot?21:29
empewoowrigel: do u have any advice on my wireless adaptor problem?21:29
anon__Or did you reboot it manually21:29
xissburgJordan_U: ok21:29
xissburgmegabraker: but how I use it?21:29
caimmagicianlord: the root partition is a lvm21:29
dreamtraveler empewoow um i thought it was for real vnc21:29
VR-Fistanon__ it started at first, doing some installation21:30
megabrakerxissburg go private chat21:30
kalaanyone has ipod touch?21:30
rigelempewoow: no, its beyond my level of troubleshooting ability21:30
empewoowye its for vnc dreamtraveler21:30
empewoowrigel: k no prob ^^ thanks21:30
VR-Fistanon__ like if you first boot to ubuntu, it goes http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Tr3-Pi0d7LQ/TGb2-w7UnVI/AAAAAAAAADs/DZsU3geh1Hk/s800/IMAG0104.jpg21:30
dreamtravelerbut "real vnc" ? the proprieatary software  ?21:30
VR-Fistgives u tips and blahblahblah21:30
VR-Fistthen finishes and rebootes21:30
kalaanyone has ipod touch?21:30
empewoowoh not "real vnc"21:30
anon__Should not be like that, to be honest i have no idea. Try to ask on http://ubuntuforums.org21:30
hiexpogoogle WUSB600N on ubuntu21:30
anon__They have most of your answers.21:31
anon__Does not take alot of time for them to answer21:31
anon__http://ubuntuforums.org, just register and make a thread21:31
dreamtraveleri know vino is a gnome vnc server21:31
MERCAN4933pardon ya21:31
MERCAN4933çıktım yanlışlıkla21:31
VR-Fistanon__ it reboots automatically after reaching 100%, I choose Ubuntu and get the http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Tr3-Pi0d7LQ/TGb3Byg9FzI/AAAAAAAAADw/66Xr7Z-vFr4/s800/IMAG0105.jpg screen (the second one is a recovery of Vista, D drive)21:31
guntbert!tr |  MERCAN493321:32
ubottuMERCAN4933: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:32
Leempthune3: Ooo, that is the magic i was looking for, thank you!21:32
kalaanyone here?21:32
empewoowdreamtraveler: im using xfce, i thought this one was for xfce :o21:32
ZykoticK9!patience | kala21:32
ubottukala: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:32
hiexpo kala  !ask21:32
manscrotkala: iPhone, but it's practicly the same..21:32
empewoowdreamtraveler: ah i think i have some weird java x11vnc program now that works, thanks anyway21:33
kalaany way to upgrade firmware?21:33
Leempthune3: Mind explaining what is going on? -O is putting to -, and tar is opening -? What is - exactly?21:33
manscrotthrough iTunes?21:33
kaladunno, yeah21:33
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kalabut in ubuntu21:33
kalai see itunes cannot detect ipod21:33
headkase314Leemp, - is a shell shortcut that refers to the output of the previous command21:34
kalaidevicerestore keeps giving me errors21:34
manscrotno, the best way to do it would be to run a windows guest host through virtualbox and do it though there.21:34
VR-Fistanon__ maybe i should edit something in the grub commands?21:34
Leempheadkase314: Ah hah :)21:34
EndrienI can't get my linksys wusb600n adapter to work, can someone help?21:34
kalai got a really slow pc so virtualizing... eemh21:34
thune3Leemp: -O - , is wget option to output to STDOUT, | connects stdout of previous command to sdtin of following command, f - to tar tells it to accept from stdin instead of file.21:34
kalaendrein can you describe a bit more21:34
Leempthune3: Lovely, big thanks :)21:35
ZykoticK9manscrot, you should point out that only VBox PUEL version (not in Ubuntu repo) has USB support.  kala21:35
kalajust downloaded one from their homepage :(21:35
EndrienKala, theres not much more to describe, I plug it in it doesnt work. I tried compiling and installing drivers I found but it didnt work21:35
kalais it mobile broadland or whatever?21:36
gabrieli removed the kernel image through synaptic, how can i recover it?21:36
kalaah nevermind21:36
headkase314kala, if you have a wireless router can you update the firmware directly on the device through wireless bypassing the need for Linux/PC software?21:37
sadielhey there, could anyone recommend me a good app to unerase files from a hard drive?21:37
headkase314kala, ok, just a stab in the dark - didn't know myself!21:37
kalano worries21:37
GlowballCan you resize a Windows parition during installation? Wikipedia says: "Parted has some limitations. For example, it cannot resize NTFS partitions without external tools, such as the ntfsprogs package.". And if so, will files that are written on the part that is to be erased be moved first?21:37
duffyGlowball, worked for me.21:38
headkase314Glowball, you should defragment the Windows volume in Windows before letting GParted touch the drive.21:38
MilliganI've got three physical hds in my machine. sda sdb and sdc. sda has my ubuntu, sdb is a currently reserved disk which I'm going to put backups on, etc, and sdc is a crappy disk that has a fresh win7 installation for my games. I'm trying to set up grub. http://pastebin.com/sJfjC7QX Does this look correct ? (I missed any previous answers - my kid started crying :( )21:38
Glowballheadkase314: Problem is it's some file of the filesystem, it can't be moved while mounted. If the installer can't handle it, it can become a quite shitty task...21:39
oCean_!recover | sadiel It is a *really* tough job to retrieve deleted files if not impossible but here is some information21:39
ubottusadiel It is a *really* tough job to retrieve deleted files if not impossible but here is some information: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3unde21:39
Jordan_Uxissburg: Don't try testdisk untill you've at least tried booting from that last partition.21:40
headkase314Glowball, defragmenting lessens the work GParted has to do making it more reliable - once you are booted on the live cd it can move files that are unmovable when Windows is running.  Thats the theory anyway.\21:40
VR-Fistanon__ you alive? :))21:40
sadielthanks a lot ocean!21:40
williami just install MM 10.10 and updated the drivers and install a braodcom wireless driver on the system ... it says my wireless is still disabled .. any ideas /.21:40
Piciwilliam : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.21:40
duffyMilligan, just use update-grub , it will add the entry for you21:40
oCean_sadiel: I hope it works out for you ...21:41
Jordan_Uxissburg: I'm confident that you are close to having a fully bootable system, so you don't want to do anything that might actually break other things.21:41
xissburgJordan_U: I'll try21:41
gabrieli was removing some old kernel through synaptic....but i think i removed what shoudnt be removed.....and nnow when grub starts, it doesnt show ubuntu, only the other system and memtest..........help??21:41
Glowballheadkase314: Yes, it's completely defragmented, except for those files. But if Wikipedia says GNU Parted can't handle it properly (and if Wikipedia is right about that..), I'm about to screw the Windows install.21:41
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duffyGlowball, wiki is wrong.21:41
Glowballheadkase314: Other option would be to use a live cd and install the ntfsprogs package from there?21:42
ChrisknyfeHi everyone, is it possible to permanently change your text color in XChat, so for instance one could always type in purple?21:42
headkase314Glowball, Using the 10.04 LiveCD I successfully resized a Windows Vista partition.  I believe it is safe, but don't trust me see what everyone else says here too.21:42
headkase314Glowball, rather the 10.04 installer resized it for me..21:42
duffyGlowball, the installer can handle it fine.  Just make backups before you do...thats always a good idea regardless21:42
ZykoticK9Chrisknyfe, it would only be you that sees the purple text - but there are colour options in Xchat21:43
Milliganduffy, didn't find the windows installation. found all the ubuntu kernels though.21:43
thune3Glowball: standard recommendation is to back up important files before any resize operation. Resize operation usually go fine, by you should take precautions assuming that they might not.21:43
ChrisknyfeZykotik9: understood, but I want others to be able to see the text color as well. I have seen several other users do this already, however they're using a different client.21:44
GlowballAll important files are backed up. But it's my parent's pc, they don't have a Windows key anymore, and they want to try out Ubuntu with the possibility to return to their well known Windows before they make the final step21:44
xissburgJordan_U: it says MBR FA:21:44
xissburgstuck there21:44
ZykoticK9!tab > Chrisknyfe21:44
ubottuChrisknyfe, please see my private message21:44
GlowballSo if the Windows install is screwed and they don't like Ubuntu, they're kinda fucked :)21:44
duffyMilligan, well this is mine http://pastebin.org/48370821:44
IdleOne!language | Glowball21:45
ubottuGlowball: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:45
GlowballIdleOne: Oh, sorry :)21:45
headkase314Glowball, there should be a sticker somewhere on the PC that has your Windows Product Key on it - that is a requirement to be legal.  Besides that you need restore media - if none came with the computer there is usually an option somewhere in Window's menus to create it.21:45
ZykoticK9Chrisknyfe, sorry i'm not aware of IRC supporting colours... good luck.21:45
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Milliganduffy, do you know if I need the mapping stuff? Since windows is on a different harddrive, and expects to be the first hd ?21:46
Chrisknyfe ZykoticK9, you can right click the IRC input box and insert a color code from there, like I'm doing with this text.21:46
ZykoticK9Chrisknyfe, but I don't see any colour other then RED which is a client side colour21:47
Glowballheadkase314: It's custom made. Some friend of theirs installed Windows on it (I don't even think it's a legal version at all, actually..), so no Windows key. It's a very old pc, too.21:47
Chrisknyfe Ah, apologies. Here is the text color.21:47
gabrielplease help me21:47
ZykoticK9Chrisknyfe, fail i'm affraid - it's white21:47
duffyMilligan, grub handles it.. so no21:47
roydudeHey folks21:48
ZykoticK9Chrisknyfe, perhaps Xchat doesn't support this feature?21:48
headkase314Glowball, ok I can't help you there then and I suggest you become legal either through properly licensing Windows or completely erasing the hard disk and going full Ubuntu.21:48
ChrisknyfeZykoticK9, that's probably true. I'll have to find another client then :(21:48
roydudeis there anyone around with RAID experience?  jLong term data preservation experienced?21:48
ZykoticK9Chrisknyfe, i mean - Xchat clients won't see the colours...21:48
gabrielis there anyone reading me?21:49
ZykoticK9gabriel, yes21:49
ZykoticK9!ask | gabriel21:49
ubottugabriel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:49
acerimmergabriel: ask away21:49
gabrieli was removing some old kernel through synaptic....but i think i removed what shoudnt be removed.....and nnow when grub starts, it doesnt show ubuntu, only the other system and memtest..........help??21:49
Glowballheadkase314: I understand. But it's a 6 year old pc, they will buy a new pc soon, probably with a legal key (if they aren't convinced by Ubuntu :) ). It's that friend of theirs who did it. They didn't know anything about computers, and I was too young :P21:49
ZykoticK9gabriel, boot a LiveCD, chroot and try grub-update.  I'll send !grub221:50
ZykoticK9!grub2 | gabriel21:50
ubottugabriel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:50
ZykoticK9gabriel, if you removed all kernels, try installing the current kernel while in chroot environment21:50
headkase314Glowball, I know - but now your in this situation!  Owning any retail copy of Windows is always a good step as you can move that copy around to different machines as long as it's only installed on one at a time.  OEM versions that come with new machines you can't do that with.21:51
gabrielhow do i do it??21:51
ZykoticK9gabriel, sorry it's "update-grub" BTW21:51
empewoowhey guys, my network adapter (WPC300N) is showing in lspci, but not in iwconfig! what is wrong?21:52
duffygabriel, as ZykoticK9 said, boot a livecd, chroot and install the kernel.21:52
Barnabasempewoow, wireless adapter ? it should be in /dev/wlan21:53
Barnabasempewoow, if not the driver does not detect it correctly21:53
empewoowBarnabas: how can i check?21:53
gabrieli dont understand.......i boot from the live cd and i open a terminal window........then should i run chroot or update-grub?21:53
Barnabasls /dev/wlan*21:53
TSlackMhey, having trouble with growing log files, seems like its radeon driver who is the troublemaker, dmesg is hammering  *ERROR* radeon_cp_reset called without lock held, .. its like 20gigg every 8 hours21:53
Jordan_Uxissburg_u: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?21:53
ZykoticK9gabriel, read the !grub2 rescue instructions21:53
ubunt1I am trying to configure Tor and I am doing fine so far, following the instructions. But now Tor told me to replace a .conf file for Polipo and I can't do it because the folder and file permissions say that I am not the owner. How can I replace this file?21:53
empewoowBarnabas: No such file or directory21:53
ZykoticK9ubunt1, if it's a system file you need to use "sudo" or "gksu" for the editing/replacing21:54
Barnabasempewoow, could you pastebin the exact output of lspci - perhaps you need to get a driver from 3 party21:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:54
ubunt1How do I use that?21:54
Barnabasempewoow, the ones producing the chipset for the wlan21:55
empewoowBarnabas: it says: 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)21:55
empewoowBarnabas: dunno what i should pastebin, but is that what u mean?21:55
ZykoticK9empewoow, have you updated using a wired connection then checked System / Admin / Hardware Drivers?21:55
Jordan_Ugabriel: You're problem isn't really with grub, if you chroot in and "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic" then the current kernel will be installed and added to the grub menu.21:55
gabrielhow can i read the !grub rescue instructions?21:56
empewoowZykoticK9: ye it gets a modem there, but not my wireless adapter21:56
ZykoticK9empewoow, ok - best of luck man.21:56
sadielhey guise I'm running ubuntu netbook remix on a Lenovo s10-3 netbook. Everything is just is just peachy but I can't use the built in controls to manage the brightness. Is there any way I can work this out? Can I get control of the monitor brightness at least via command line?21:56
Barnabasempewoow, you need to add the driver manually as decribed here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54981621:56
ubunt1How do I use sudo to replace a system file with a new one?21:56
Barnabasempewoow, you need to do this every time the kernel upgrades21:56
gabrielubuntu@ubuntu:~$ chroot21:56
gabrielchroot: missing operand21:56
empewoowBarnabas: i tried this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53920821:56
Masshuuhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LXC#User space tools (lxc)21:57
Barnabasempewoow, or untill linux get support for your NIC21:57
ZykoticK9gabriel, you need to read the instructions to properly chroot!21:57
Masshuusudo apt-get install ...  sceen21:57
empewoowBarnabas: but i got stuck because i cannot open the network-manager in xfce21:57
gabrielyes i want to but how??21:57
Masshuusomeone fix that page, or is sceen some new package thats no in the repos :p21:57
ZykoticK9!info screen21:57
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 595 kB, installed size 1016 kB21:57
gabriel! info screen21:58
MasshuuZykoticK9: See that wiki page, its misspelled21:58
gabriel!info screen21:58
ZykoticK9Masshuu, sorry i see you mean sceen?  no idea what what is.21:58
Masshuuwhich is what i was pointing out21:58
z340Does anyone know how to convert a .3gp (an mpeg audio container) to .wav in ubuntu?21:58
empewoowBarnabas: the card worked in ubuntu, but now i try xubuntu and it doesnt21:59
gabrielshould i mount something to run chroot?21:59
ZykoticK9z340, will mplayer play it?  If so "mplayer -ao pcm $FOO_FILE.3gp" will output to a WAV file21:59
ravenhow vlc streams right?? cvlc file.ts --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mpeg2video,vb=768,deinterlace,width=400,height=300,acodec=libmp3lame,ab=64,samplerate=32000,channels=2}:rtp{dst=,port=5004}' does not work21:59
Jordan_Ugabriel: Follow these instructions up untill, and including, the step with the chroot command. Then instead of continuing with step 3 run "apt-get install linux-image-generic"  http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide21:59
Kagazykotick9, i wrote exactly the same sentence but "does mplayer..." and was about to hit enter when i saw your reply :D22:00
gabrielJordan_U, thanks i ll try it now22:00
ZykoticK9Kaga, ;)22:00
Barnabasempewoow, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133884522:00
ravenhow to get VLC STREAMING?22:00
Kagaoh and it is actually -ao pcm:file=22:00
z340ZykoticK9: Thank you!22:00
Barnabasempewoow, the exact same card as yours22:00
ZykoticK9z340, glad to help ;)22:01
Kagaz340, mplayer -ao pcm:file.wav22:01
poisonborzhi! I've tried to create a snapshot from my /root lvm volume, but each time I try it, gnome hangs up... what could be the problem?22:01
empewoowBarnabas: see, his thing is shown on iwconfig, mine isnt22:01
ZykoticK9Kaga, it will ouput to file.wav by default22:01
peabodyso I installed Kubuntu 64-bit 10.04, and the fresh install package was giving me problems with the entire system freezing, except for the cursor. So I installed Ubuntu 32-bit, and I'm having the same problem.. it will randomly just freeze and the only remedy is to hard power down and restart22:01
Barnabasempewoow, no because you have no driver loaded for it22:01
Kagazykotick9, oh okay22:01
anon__i added a panel to the right22:01
ravenhow to get VLC STREAMING?22:01
Barnabasempewoow, we just concluded that with a ls /dev/wlan*22:02
anon__and now it's showing the desktop on a bit side22:02
anon__how do i remove it22:02
empewoowBarnabas: ok!22:02
Jordan_Ugabriel: You're welcome.22:02
empewoowBarnabas: ill try that link in that thread22:02
biharimarkie-,  HI22:02
anon__Jordan_U, can you help me with a little thing22:02
z340Any suggestions on programs to draw with a wacom tablet on ubuntu?22:02
peabodywhat is causing the system to lock up?22:03
duffyanon__, eh?22:03
sampleeehey people22:03
anon__duffy, i right clicked on the panel and chose 'add new panel'22:04
anon__Now when im browsing FF, a bit of my desktop is showing22:04
sampleeeso where s the place for noobs to ask damn stupid questions?22:04
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headkase314anon__, did you re-maximize the ff window? It may be remembering the old size?22:04
ZykoticK9sampleee, here22:04
ZykoticK9!ask | sampleee22:04
ubottusampleee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:04
Barnabasempewoow, be carefull with step 922:05
anon__headkase314, already done22:05
Barnabasempewoow, you probably do not want to nuke the entire blacklist file22:05
duffyanon__, I dont understand that completely.  A screenshot would help22:05
headkase314anon__, and still the issue?22:05
anon__One minute22:05
pfwebMy Ubuntu doesn't leave of boot screen... help :|22:05
empewoowBarnabas: ok!22:05
sampleeehow do i connect xubuntu to my external network-hd?22:05
Barnabasempewoow, just edit it to fit with your text editor22:05
Leth_i have a problem with gdesklets. It won't start. It says "Could not import tiling module!" Any Idea?22:06
empewoowBarnabas: but what should i edit then22:06
anon__One minute duffy, headkase31422:06
ZykoticK9Leth_, it's a bug!22:06
Leth_oh thank you. Any timetable for a fix?22:06
TSlackMhi having trouble with dmesg flooding [drm:radeon_cp_idle] *ERROR* radeon_cp_idle called without lock held, any tips to fix his?22:06
gabrielJordan_U, ok i did as you said.....should i restart the system?22:06
TSlackMog disable the whole driver?22:07
empewoowBarnabas: after step 3 its gonna download 70 MB of stuff, that correct??22:07
finfin82i want to boot ubuntu from ubs, i created a bootable usb-stick from iso... it stops booting and asks which kernel i want to boot22:07
finfin82any ideas?22:07
sampleeeif i enter ip-adress of my net-hd into thunar, nothing happens22:07
sampleeepinging it works...22:07
sampleeeno idea22:07
Barnabasempewoow, yes you are about to build the drivers22:07
ZykoticK9Leth_, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/+bug/8392222:07
empewoowBarnabas: ok22:07
mawstbutton! add button!22:07
anon__duffy, headkase31422:07
g3dhi, I chose to encrypt my home partition during installation of 10.04, now I'm noticing in my home soft links .ecryptfs and .Private, which point to themselves. mount says that ~/.Private is of type ecryptfs. Does it mean, that my ~ is not encrypted, just ~/.Private is?22:07
anon__right beside it22:07
anon__showing a lil of my desktop22:08
headkase314sampleee, try to keep all text on one line so you don't trigger the flood bot.22:08
Leth_ZykoticK9, Thanks22:08
mawstadd button for imagshack/whatever for print screen screenshot taker!~ upload button! facebook imageshack photobuckuts!22:08
poisonborzI'm using ubuntu 10.04 with lvm222:08
poisonborzhi! I've tried to create a snapshot from my /root lvm volume, but each time I try it, gnome hangs up... what could be the problem?22:08
finfin82dunno why it stops booting ;-(22:08
Barnabasempewoow, in place of 9->12 edit etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:08
empewoowBarnabas: ok, and add one line to it right?22:09
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empewoowBarnabas: i mean two lines, one with # comments22:09
duffyfinfin82, did you tell it to boot from usb ?  does you pc boot from usb?22:09
Barnabasempewoow, add the 3 lines described22:09
xissburgJordan_U: that didnt work22:09
noenHi, I have a problem with my Ubuntu. When I unplug and plug the power chord, I will downclock the cpu on power, and it runs fine on battery (I see the cpu speed is changing on an applet)22:09
noenis that a normal feature?22:09
empewoowBarnabas: ah ye thats what i mean22:09
anon__duffy, headkase314 http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/7650/screenshotfk.png22:09
finfin82duffy: it boots from usb22:09
duffyanon__, maximize the window then ?22:09
duffyfinfin82, how far does it get.22:09
headkase314g3d, all your encrypted files are kept in .private I believe and ~ is mapped to point there when you enter your passphrase.  I'm pretty sure about that, read quite a bit back ago.22:09
anon__duffy, it's maximized. When i added a new panel, that happend22:09
anon__duffy, it's maximized. When i added a new panel, that happend22:09
finfin82duffy: searching for boot record from usb fdd... syslinux 3.63 debian22:10
g3dheadkase314: ok, that's good. Thank you.22:10
duffyanon__, well it will be like that because of the panel.  is the panel still there ? (hidden) ?22:10
halvors1When i try to run a program i get this: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannotopen shared object file: No such file or directory22:10
finfin82and the prompt looks the following "boot:"22:10
anon__it's still there but i can't see it22:10
halvors1Does i need to get it?22:10
halvors1But how?22:10
headkase314g3d, you're welcome.22:10
ZykoticK9!panels | anon__22:10
ubottuanon__: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:10
duffyanon__, and why do yo need 3 panels ?22:11
duffyanon__, I only have 1 :)22:11
sampleeeho do i access my network-hd???22:11
anon__duffy, i don't. I just wanted to test it >.<22:11
sampleeepleez help22:11
noenOoops, a bit unclear problem: When I replug the power to my laptop. The CPU is throttled to 800MHz out of 2.2Ghz. When I disconnect it again, the cpu is running at full speed. Its like the power profiles is inverted for what it should be.22:11
headkase314anon__, if you mouse to the right of the screen does the panel come out? i.e. is it a hidden panel?22:11
ZykoticK9halvors1, some info at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming/error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libstdc-so-522:11
anon__headkase314, gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-pane22:11
anon__i did that22:11
bisserlisDoes anyone know of a method to change the default resolution of your webcam? Mine seems to be set to 640x480 which produces glitchy video, but 320x240 works, only I can't find any sort of conf file.22:11
anon__but now22:11
anon__all the panels are gone22:11
FloodBot3anon__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
Jordan_Uxissburg: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?22:12
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anon__duffy, headkase314 ZykoticK9, i did gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-pane in the terminal, and now ALL my panels are gone..22:12
finfin82duffy: any idea what to enter there?22:12
headkase314anon__, the panels are supposed to reappear at the end of the reset.  You said: pane at the end, did you not end the command with "panel"?22:12
duffyfinfin82, not all usb sticks are able to boot.. I`ll assume yours can.  What iso and what program did you usse22:12
anon__Thank you guys!22:12
headkase314anon__, ;)22:13
* duffy sends anon__ the ubuntu manual22:13
joekanyone able to help with getting jackd working, I keep getting your /etc/limits.conf to read:22:13
joek     @audio   -  memlock    762216,  I made the change to limits.conf but the error remains22:13
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finfin82duffy: i used ubuntus usb-boot-program... and the iso is the latest desktop ubuntu-version22:13
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duffyfinfin82, make it again.  erase the stick and try again22:14
duffyfinfin82, did you md5sum the iso you downloaded?22:14
finfin82i allready did22:14
finfin82yep everything fine22:15
duffyfinfin82, ok i`ll show you another way22:15
z340your screen freezes on a black screen after you logout and you aren't presented with a login screen, what is the best way to get it bacK?  ctrl+alt+f-KEYs still work, but I cant seem to get X up again22:16
noenCan people read this?22:16
olskolircI'm on Lucid and its asking me to install language support and it has a list of languages...english is grayed out what do they want me to pick please?22:16
guntbertnoen: we hear you22:17
headkase314!panels | anon__22:17
ubottuanon__: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:17
halvors1ZykoticK9: It does not work :(22:17
noenguntbert: ok, suppose noone else have had my problem then22:18
halvors1./libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'22:18
halvors1./libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb: line 1: `!<arch>'22:18
noenthought it was a +m channel22:18
fililocoi have a question i get this in dmseg [112597.236758] r8169: eth0: link down22:18
fililoco[112599.363570] r8169: eth0: link up22:18
fililoco[114151.636990] r8169: eth0: link down22:18
fililoco[114153.771525] r8169: eth0: link up22:18
fililoco[114267.825467] r8169: eth0: link down22:18
FloodBot3fililoco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:18
fililoco[114269.951048] r8169: eth0: link up22:18
Rogue1Hi folks, I've been having trouble with an install of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop i386. Fixed the blinking-cursor problems, but now the install gets to 98% and freezes - no hard disk or optical drive activity, and both the keyboard and mouse become totally nonresponsive.  Second time it's done it whilst trying to install (last time was 95%), and the md5sum on the ISO checks out ok -- any ideas?22:18
fililocosorry about flood22:19
noenRogue1: you have any "odd" PCI cards?22:19
guntbertRogue1: did you check the CD (after burning, from the boot menu) too?22:19
=== Cheguerz_ is now known as Cheguerz
madpingerYo, running Lucid with Nvidia binary driver using Twinviewxenirama + XrandR + Composite, All runs great minus the Primary display a LCD blanks out randomly for a few seconds here and there.  Can find zilch in the logs,  any ideals ?22:19
sampleeeneed help22:19
sampleeesamba on xubuntu22:20
sampleeecant mount network-hd22:20
headkase314!samba | sampleee22:20
ubottusampleee: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:20
pixolinHello. Since a couple of days I don't see the Ubuntu logo at startup anymore (only shows at shutdown). I'm using Grub2. Any recommendation?22:20
headkase314sampleee, does that help?22:20
empewoowBarnabas: im at the last step :D allmost done22:20
Barnabasempewoow, aftewards you should have a kernel module (driver) you built yourself22:21
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:21
headkase314sampleee, ok, someone else will have to assist too besides me as I'm not up on samba.22:21
empewoowBarnabas: lol ok, and should i be able to use it in wifi radar or something like that?22:21
empewoowa netowrk manager gui?22:21
sampleeewould be great22:21
Barnabasempewoow, hopefully systemwide22:21
sampleeecant be a big thing anyways22:21
Barnabasempewoow, in the entire system22:22
empewoowah Barnabas i c22:22
empewoowi hope so too :D22:22
xissburg_uJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/U1VjZEBp22:22
headkase314sampleee, so you can't mount a network share.  Is the network share running on a Windows 7 machine by chance?22:22
empewoowthat make & make install thing takes long22:22
sampleeenope its an external hd22:23
sampleeea wd mybook22:23
sampleeeaccess from widoze aint no prob22:23
headkase314sampleee, what is the host operating system that external hd is plugged into?22:23
sampleeeso there aint nothing wrong with the drive or its setup22:23
sampleeeits stand-allone22:24
sampleeeguess some kind a mega-slim unix22:24
guntbert!enter | sampleee22:24
ubottusampleee: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:24
sampleeeman this irc became kinda confusing. didnt use it since ever amiga was still allive22:25
empewoowBarnabas: i did echo ath_pci >> /etc/modules, but nothing happened so i did it again, is that wrong?22:25
sampleeeso headkase314?22:26
sampleeene ideas22:26
dmiddWhat do I have to do when my suspend doesn't work anymore?22:26
Barnabasempewoow, that line adds ath_pci to the end of the file22:26
sampleeei mean with my regular ubuntu it aint no prob22:26
empewoowoh i did it twice22:26
headkase314sampleee, does this manual help (PDF) -> http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CB0QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wdc.com%2Fen%2Flibrary%2Fusb%2F2779-701026.pdf&rct=j&q=wd%20mybook%20linux%20network%20share&ei=3AlnTJjXKM__nAfJ963DBQ&usg=AFQjCNEpN2805WM8nCuCDJbPWGMNs2QMQg22:26
Barnabasempewoow, try to load the file in your text editor to verify22:26
sampleeelet me see22:26
empewoowBarnabas: yes its there twice, ill remove one?22:27
Barnabasempewoow, yes do that22:27
madpingerSo,  everyone takes the easy samba question and ignores me huh :p22:27
headkase314sampleee, everyone, oh my didn't mean that huge url well at least it works.22:27
Barnabasempewoow, that line tells the kernel to load the driver22:27
empewoowBarnabas: i see, im restarting now :)22:27
g3dhow can I verify that my swap partition is encrypted (after a clean 10.04 install?)22:28
sampleeedude thanks22:28
[thor]everyone ignore my root pass22:28
sampleeebut i really dont need help on that mybook22:28
sampleeeits all cool22:28
nobarkinghi all22:28
headkase314sampleee, you're welcome - I hope that manual gets you going straight!22:28
sampleeejust im too stupid to get my xubuntu to be a samba-client22:28
sampleeethats all22:28
sampleeei can ping the hd22:29
sampleeeeven access it right now from a damned xp22:29
headkase314sampleee, ok : see -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33257522:29
oddtodHello i have installed LAMP using Tasksel but i'm having issues with PHP not working when i do a <?PHP phpinfo(); ?> on the HTML page it does not appear properly. I have uninstalled PHP5 and libapache2-php5-mod and reinstalled it.22:29
guntbertmadpinger: that has nothing to do with ignoring you - only the required special knowledge about your problem prevents us from answering :-)22:30
noenHi, I have a problem with my laptop when its on AC power. When on AC power, CPU scaling doesn't work. It works fine while on battery power. Any ideas what to do do to fix it?22:30
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empewoowBarnabas: IT WORKED!22:31
headkase314sampleee, here is comprehensive links -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3765888&postcount=422:31
VR-Fistguys i installed with wubi, booted into ubuntu, completed install but after the restart, my grub doesn't show me an option to boot into ubuntu22:31
Barnabasempewoow, super - when you upgrade your kernel, you have to do at least one of two things22:31
empewoowupgrade what?22:31
sampleeeguess i got it22:31
headkase314sampleee, it's working now?22:31
sampleeeill just rtf22:31
Barnabas1) check if the new kernel supports your nic card out of the box22:31
sampleeei just rtf22:32
Barnabas2) if not reinstall the driver22:32
empewoowBarnabas: ah i see22:32
detrix42Hi all.  I have two monitors.  Today I configured xorg.conf to use two separate X windows.  Now all my icons are all on one monitor. I want some on the other monitor, but I cant move the icons to the other monitor.  And I can not move app windows from one monitor to the other.  Why???22:32
empewoowBarnabas: do the steps again22:32
empewoowBarnabas: ive read that somewhere22:32
headkase314sampleee, everyone, is there a graphical client for SMB shares that can be apt-get'ed for Xubuntu?22:32
Barnabasempewoow, all steps from step 8 and forth22:32
empewoowBarnabas: yep k :)22:32
empewoowBarnabas: im gonna check if i can connect with my router22:32
oddtodmadpinger; your question is pretty specific it would take someone with either a specific knowledge of your issue or a breadth of knowledge that everyone here may not possess22:32
Barnabasempewoow, provided you do not delete the folder you made for the source22:32
sampleeethere should actually not be a dedicated client22:33
sampleeejust some kind of system to be installed to let ubuntu know how to deal with samba22:33
KurusuI've noticed that when I run "tar -xf foo.tar.gz", tar extracts the compressed tarball just fine.  Is it really necessary to specify -z when extracting the contents of a .tar.gz file?22:33
sampleeeand then u just use whatever client22:33
headkase314sampleee, I'm on a windows box, what does "apt-cache search samba-client" return?  Pastebinit22:33
FloodBot3sampleee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
sampleeehang on22:34
empewoowBarnabas: i understand, where is this ~ folder anyway?22:34
Kurusuempewoow: that's your home folder.  it's located at /home/yourusername22:34
Barnabasempewoow, you have a folder named madwifi-ng22:34
Barnabasprobably in your home folder22:35
Ginbun2is it possible to remove the mail folder "On this folder" from Evolution22:35
sampleee@ headkase: ill just struggle with reading manuals. thanks dude...22:35
xissburgoh my gosh ubuntu+wubi destroyed my life22:36
KurusuDoes anybody know if the -z flag is really necessary when telling tar to unpack gzipped tarballs?22:36
empewoowKurusu: thanks, Barnabas ye that folder was in the ~ one22:36
xissburgI cant believe it22:36
nUboon2Agexissburg: how so?  i was trying wubi and kubunt and it worked pretty well i thought.22:36
xissburgI just installed it to play with it and this is what happened...I trashed everything22:36
xissburgit trashed ,y boot loader22:37
tensorpuddingYou can restore the bootloader22:37
tensorpuddingand delete wubi22:37
headkase314sampleee, searching some more returned this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30413122:37
VR-Fist i installed with wubi, booted into ubuntu, completed install but after the restart, my grub doesn't show me an option to boot into ubuntu22:37
xissburgI tryied a lot of thing ppl suggested here nothing owkred22:37
empewoowBarnabas: that folder i downloaded with "sudo svn checkout http://svn.madwifi-project.org/madwifi/trunk/ madwifi-ng" it was in ~ but when i look into home/myuser its not there??22:37
xissburglook http://pastebin.com/U1VjZEBp22:37
xissburgI lost my Win7 it seems22:37
tensorpuddingI bet EasyBCD can restore the Windows bootloader22:37
nisstyre65xissburg: you only lost the MBR (Master Boot Record)22:38
nisstyre65all your data is still there22:38
xissburgand Im here more than 15 hours trying to restore it...Im completely exausted22:38
Barnabasempewoow, hmm then you probably where in another folder22:38
linogexissburg: can you boot into ubuntu or something?22:38
Barnabasempewoow, try sudo find / -type d -name "madwifi-ng"22:38
empewoowhmm it was in ~, ill try to serach (A)22:38
empewoowye :D22:38
Barnabasempewoow, it will take a little while22:38
xissburgSO HOW I RESTORE IT PLEASE??? ;( I don't want alwful attempts at restoring it anymore, I want something that works22:39
xissburglinoge: I am there22:39
livingdaylightI have a little 2.5 external usb hd. Plug it in and it just ticks away and doesn't load. Yet, when I plug it into windows it runs smoothly. Disk Utility won't let me reformat it either. Is there another solution?22:39
=== 92AAAYA6Q is now known as N3VV3K
headkase314sampleee, are the sharing IP ports firewalled?22:39
Barnabasempewoow, the ~/ folder is a system wide alias for your home folder22:39
EddieV113anyone know a good book for beginning programming in linux for c++  ?   (i also know python)22:39
Barnabasor /home/<current user>22:39
linogexissburg: and you lost your mbr?22:39
empewoowye ok :)22:39
Barnabasalt least for all regular users22:39
tensorpuddingxissburg: what happens when you try to boot now? can you boot into ubuntu?22:40
xissburgI don't know what is happening now...I tried using testdisk and things look even worse,,]22:40
empewoowi swore it was there :D the madwifi22:40
headkase314sampleee, here are the ports that need to be open on your Xubuntu box -> http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/server_security.html22:40
xissburgtensorpudding: I can boot from pendrive22:40
remus121989Hello, I know this may sound stupid, but I'm having a hard time w/ an install from a tar file....I'm getting an error message, probably because I'm not entering cmd right...anybody help?22:40
thune3Kurusu: if it works, then it is not necessary. It looks like newer tar has grown some smarts in detecting zipped files, but compatibility with older systems probably requires z.22:41
VR-Fistxissburg: u just installed with wubi and it terminated your win boot?22:41
tensorpuddingxissburg: so you can't boot the computer without the pendrive at all?22:41
xissburgVR-Fist: yes]22:41
VR-Fistmaybe i should be happy it didnt work for me22:41
VR-Fistubuntu didnt appear in grub :/22:42
Kurusuthune3: okay, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't violating some kind of unspoken but necessary rule.......since there's nothing in the man page about autodetection22:42
VR-Fistdunno why22:42
VR-Fistno one here knows why ^^22:42
xissburgtensorpudding: I cant boot into XP but its strange...it is in installation mode22:42
xissburg but I want Win 7 back22:42
thune3Kurusu: understand that some of us have been doing zxvf for 15-20 years22:42
xissburg AND THEN... I want to get totally rid of ubuntu22:42
linogexissburg: where are you booting from? pendrive? hard disk?22:42
tensorpuddingat the very least, there should be a mbr restorer available in the windows 7 disks22:42
xissburgnever more I want to see it her ein my home22:42
tensorpuddingxissburg: you have xp on the disk with windows 7?22:43
xissburglinoge: Im in other machine atm22:43
maxwellianHi guys.  Didn't the cal command used to have a '-m' option to use Monday as the first day of the week?22:43
linogexissburg: and in the other machine, can you boot there?22:43
xissburglinoge Im there too...waiting XP to "install"  to see what happens22:44
linogexissburg: oh22:44
xissburg it is quite stuck22:44
xissburgI wnat WIn7 :(22:45
tensorpuddingxissburg: did you see the post right after yours?22:45
tensorpuddingxissburg: it has a guide on how to restore the windows 7 bootloader22:45
xissburgoh man...I can believe it...what a bad first experience with ubuntu22:45
xissburgI tried it22:45
=== statarb3 is now known as roltux
xissburgabout the other page in the link...It requires for me to burn a CD, which I cant22:46
xissburgthe Win 7 Recovery disk22:46
tensorpuddingdid your computer not come with a recovery disk for windows  7?22:46
wedwohi ask your question22:46
xissburgI even have the iso here...I tried to run it from a pendrive but I couldnt find a way22:46
detrix42Hi all.  I have two monitors.  Today I configured xorg.conf to use two separate X windows.  Now all my icons are all on one monitor. I want some on the other monitor, but I cant move the icons to the other monitor.  And I can not move app windows from one monitor to the other.  Why???22:47
tensorpuddingxissburg: if you can't restore windows 7, you have to fix grub so that you can boot into windows 7, then use windows 7 to overwrite the MBR22:47
empewoowBarnabas: i cannot connect to my router :( it says bad password all the time, but i copied it so it cannot be bad22:48
N3VV3Kim trying to build a efficient but cheap and powerful machine that will have Ubuntu as the main os and be powerful enough to run games like modern warfare 2 at a high resolution in vmware can it be done22:49
detrix42xissburg: sorry I don't remember this, but are you booted into ubutnu or windows?22:49
Raydiationdoes ubuntu have abrt by default?22:49
linogeN3VV3K: you want to install linux to emulate windows?22:49
Barnabasempewoow, can you see your netcard in the network manager and see the wifi router in the list of routers?22:49
empewoowBarnabas: yes, i also see the neighbours :D22:49
tensorpuddingN3VV3K: I strongly doubt that VMware can emulate hardware accelerated graphics, no matter how powerful your machine is.22:50
chun_Hi -- sometimes when I load ubuntu windows don't have borders - any advice?22:50
Barnabasempewoow, then I am pretty sure the driver works and you have the wrong password :-)22:50
N3VV3Ktensorpudding, really22:50
xissburgdetrix42: Im in ubuntu from the pendrive]22:50
VR-Fistguys, i really need your help22:50
N3VV3Kihad mw2 but could only run it in 64022:50
VR-Fistwhy am i missing ubuntu here?? http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Tr3-Pi0d7LQ/TGb3Byg9FzI/AAAAAAAAADw/66Xr7Z-vFr4/s800/IMAG0105.jpg22:50
linogeN3VV3K: i think virtualBOX actually supports accelerated graphics if you use some extensions22:51
detrix42xissburg: open up a terminal, and type the following:    sudo update-grub22:51
empewoowBarnabas: how can that be... i copied it22:51
N3VV3Klinoge, could you point me in the right direction? is virtual box better22:51
tensorpuddingVirtualBox doesn't support hardware accelerated graphics22:52
detrix42xissburg: are you using ubuntu 10.04?22:52
KurusuI found these instructions for how to mount my Windows NTFS partition onto my Linux file system, but I'm curious as to whether or not it's truly safe to do this with all these options: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/22:52
linogeN3VV3K: don't know, i haven't virtualized in about three years so i'm not the best to guide you. You can google virtual box and read about it22:52
KurusuI just want to read files; I don't need to write.22:52
xissburgdetrix42: yes22:53
tensorpuddingKurusu: NTFS-3g is very safe for writing, I understand22:53
empewoowBarnabas: im trying it with Wifi radar and Wicd Network Manager22:53
NeurotiquetteOkay, onto my real question: I used to use dreamweaver, then notepad++. I'm an ex-wysiwyg addict but I'm growing up. What can I use to help me bridge the gap on this OS? I don't like Kompozer, for whatever reason it lags terribly for me. I'm working with files that are php, css, and html. Speed is a factor, I'd love to be able to FTP from the app as well. I found a list of a few of them, but a little feedback socially never22:53
Neurotiquettehurts. :)22:53
detrix42xissburg: did you type what I showed you?22:53
N3VV3Kwhat the most you really need for a new rig with all the bells and whistles22:54
xissburgI'll do after WinXP completes doding its stuff22:54
Kurusutensorpudding: I don't need to write, though.  I just want to be able to view the files without worrying that something I do might alter the permissions back in Windows, or change anything about the file, really.  I'm paranoid about making my filesystem unreadable back in Windows, or about altering information about the files like permissions.22:54
N3VV3Kwhat are guys rigs of i want something that can run games like modernwarefare two all the new stuff22:54
Barnabasempewoow, try to open the log viewer while trying to connect22:54
Barnabassystem->Administration->Log File Viewer22:55
empewoowBarnabas: k, in the program's folder or somethiong? or where can i find this log22:55
guntbertNeurotiquette: please don't try to get "social feedback" here - you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic though22:55
tensorpuddingKurusu: you can specify a mount option in /etc/fstab to mount read-only, check man mount.ntfs-3g22:55
Barnabasempewoow, arh you where on xubuntu right?22:55
empewoowyes i am Barnabas22:55
Kurusutensorpudding: I'll take a look.  Thanks!22:55
grumblyhello-  I need some help with Mplayer and a seriously annoying thing with the volume...  Is there ANY way to keep it from adjusting the volume of the entire system?22:55
Barnabasempewoow, forget what I said then - just a moment22:56
guntbertN3VV3K: that is no ubuntu support question, is it?22:56
empewoowBarnabas: :D22:56
arricherekkI am very new to Linux operating systems, but I want to begin to learn my way around Ubuntu.   I am trying to install it inside Windows on my laptop.  The install seems to have succeeded, but Ubuntu will not boot.  I am using a Toshiba Satellite L505D, and am receiving ACPI errors.  It appears that many are having this problem.  I'm not sure how the solutions I've found (in the form of  kernel patches) apply to my installation.  Does any22:56
Barnabasempewoow, I dont know the name of the log file viewer in xfce22:56
Neurotiquetteguntbert: Don't see how this is offtopic. It's not like I'm talking about beer here. I'm talking about the usability of applications for my ubuntu experience.22:56
Barnabasbut you can view it in a regular terminal22:56
empewoowBarnabas: oh22:57
Barnabastry tail -f /var/log/messages22:57
brontoeeearricherekk, tried virtualbox?22:57
Barnabasand in another window22:57
geoffmccarricherekk i am not using it this way now but i have used ubuntu under virtualbox no probs22:57
Barnabastail -f /var/log/syslog22:57
Barnabasempewoow, you will then monitor the file for additions and it will display in the terminal22:57
guntbertNeurotiquette: this channel is for ubuntu support - you want to sample opinions - please do it in #ubuntu-offtopic22:57
wiktorzna ktoś polski?22:58
guntbert!pl | wiktor22:58
ubottuwiktor: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:58
N3VV3Kguntbert where would i ask that question which #22:58
empewoowBarnabas: will tihs file be updated automatically if i try something in wcif network manaager?22:58
MoMoI have a wireless router running WPA2 ... How do i get my ubuntu client automatically connected to the wireless WITHOUT logging in.  Perferablly, I would like it to establish a connection before proimpting the login screen22:58
arricherekkI'll give VirtualBox a shot.  The people before me who have described this issue experienced it after installing it on a separate partition.22:58
Barnabasempewoow, yes they are the log files for the system22:58
guntbertN3VV3K: not sure  - maybe ##hardware ?22:59
EvilPhoenixgot an interesting issue.22:59
geoffmccarricherekk vitualbox will create a virtualdisk within windows to store the os22:59
EvilPhoenixCPU scaling is on Performance on boot22:59
EvilPhoenixruns everything hot22:59
grumblyAnyone have issues with Mplayer? I really like SMplayer front end, but I am having problems with the volume control while using Mplayer in general...22:59
EvilPhoenixhow can I fix that to default to On Demand usage on the CPU22:59
geoffmccwhen get to partition in setup use entire disk22:59
Barnabasempewoow, it may be an issue with encryption on the wifi connection22:59
arricherekkgeoffmcc, I'll see what I can do.22:59
Barnabasempewoow, but the log should give more info on that23:00
=== Gage is now known as DevAkim
empewoowBarnabas: yes it does, the log file is showing stuff when i try to connect23:00
Barnabasempewoow, paste.ubuntu.com23:00
Barnabasnot in here23:00
detrix42grumbly: I use VLC most of the time.23:01
grumblyAlso, i'm having issues with totem- it suddenly started displaying subtitles and not playing through playlists23:01
arricherekkgeoffmcc, will using a virtual machine stop problems with ACPI?23:01
headkase314grumbly, I also find VLC to be the best overall23:01
empewoowBarnabas: damn, i cannot ctrl+a to select all -.-23:01
grumblydetrix42: I'd use VLC if it would play more consistantly... Sometimes, it decides to play videos choppily23:01
geoffmccarricherekk, should have no problems. I have done using latest ubuntu on winxp and 7 with no problems23:02
alsemDoes anyone have software recommendations to manage Cell Phones?  Razor v3 type!23:02
spaceghost_vlc all the way, only player that doesn't stutter for me23:02
grumblyor sometimes the video will look... interestingly skewed...23:02
headkase314grumbly, in a terminal: "gstreamer-properties", there are some video output settings there - have you tried them for VLC?23:02
brontoeeeis there a nonhackish way to make vlc use vdpau?23:02
headkase314grumbly, no "sudo" with that command.23:02
detrix42grumbly: not sure why yours is playing choppily, I have not had any problems like that with VLC.23:03
grumblyheadkase314: no, i have not.  But its not a constant problem, nor is it with any specific type of video23:03
headkase314grumbly, ok then - but that is there and gstreamer is used by pretty well all multimedia in GNOME.23:03
xissburgmy life is ruined :(23:03
MoMoI have a wireless router running WPA2 ... How do i get my ubuntu client automatically connected to the wireless WITHOUT logging in.  Perferablly, I would like it to establish a connection before proimpting the login screen23:03
grumblyit just did it now- I went from full screen to window and back, THAT is when it began chopping23:03
Kurusutensorpudding: in the man page for mount.ntfs-3g, it says: "umask= value    Set the bitmask of the file and directory permissions that are not present."  What file and directory permissions would not be present if I'm mounting an NTFS file system on Ubuntu?23:03
Kurusutensorpudding: do I even need to bother doing that if all I want to do is read files?23:04
tensorpuddingi'm not sure what they mean with that wording23:05
empewoowBarnabas: maybe i forgot something on the end, as some of it was the connection to the cable again :P23:05
grumblyheadkase314: thanks for the gstreamer-properties cmd.23:05
empewoowso i tried to leave that one23:05
headkase314grumbly, you're welcome.23:05
grumblywhat are the most likely to provide good fix options?23:06
tensorpuddingKurusu: i would guess that the umask sets what the read permissions are as well, but i don't know for sure23:06
ActionParsnipMoMo: you can configure it in /etc/network/interfaces23:07
Barnabasempewoow, the problem is with DHCP I belive - it is the system that assigns you a dynamic IP address on your home network23:07
alsem Does anyone have software recommendations to manage Cell Phones?  Razor v3 type!:-D23:07
empewoowBarnabas: ah ive had that problem with the wired network too23:07
grumblyand how do I get this to... VLC/Totem/Mplayer?23:07
empewoowi had to set ip manually23:07
ActionParsnipMoMo: its DE independant and doesn't need a gui app23:07
empewoowbecause it got a wrong one23:07
empewoowBarnabas: do u think that's the same problem now?23:07
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geoffmccps -ef shows uid as a number, i remember this being the account name b4 - what am i missing?23:07
Barnabasempewoow, lets just verify that23:07
Barnabasin a terminal23:08
empewoowlet me try the same ip as i did in wired23:08
Barnabastry to do a ifconfig -a23:08
empewoowye it worked with the gui23:08
empewoowwait :D23:08
Barnabasand check to see if there is a network address23:08
ActionParsnipgeoffmcc: cat /etc/passwd | grep UID    replace UID with the number23:08
Kurusutensorpudding: Oh well, thanks for your help23:08
headkase314grumbly, I'm pretty sure those three are built on top of gstreamer so the properties would affect them all.  Basically, find something that triggers the choppiness, do it, change gstreamer-properties settings, close media player, open media player, try choppiness inducer again, repeat.23:08
geoffmccActionParsnip- thank u23:09
Barnabasempewoow, inet addr:<adr> under the wlan entry23:09
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grumblyheadkase314: the only one that's being choppy is VLC though... and not always, just sometimes.23:09
empewoowBarnabas: no there is not23:09
nUboon2Agedetrix42: xissburg has a wubi install and needed to restore the Windows bootlooder.  how would update grub help?  needs the equivalent for windows bootloader i think.23:09
xissburgguys i got to boot into WinXP23:10
ActionParsnipgrumbly: what video chip?23:10
xissburgsad newds23:10
grumblynone of the options made it choppy23:10
headkase314grumbly, if you can find something that consistently causes choppiness then you can use that as a test to see if different settings make it happen/not happen.23:10
grumblyActionParsnip: not sure... i think Intel somthing23:10
xissburgSAD NEWS for me23:10
tensorpuddingxissburg: you can restore windows 7 to the bootloader using EasyBCD23:10
xissburgmy other partitions disappeared23:10
ActionParsnipgrumbly: try using mplayer23:10
tensorpuddingxissburg: disappeared how?23:11
detrix42nUboon2Age: something went wrong in the install,  something trashed the MBR, and I know that update-grub will update the MBR.23:11
xissburgtensorpudding: I dont seem them in My Computer23:11
xissburgas they should be there23:11
grumblyActionParsnip: I am having problems with the volume control while using Mplayer in general...23:11
tensorpuddingxissburg: not even the windows 7 one?23:11
empewoowBarnabas: hmm should i edit it in /etc/network/interfaces ??23:11
grumblyActionParsnip: it likes to controll system volume23:11
tensorpuddingxissburg: ...you didn't INSTALL windows xp did you/23:11
detrix42nUboon2Age: but booting off the pendrive will add entries to the boot list,  but it should detect windows and add it23:11
xissburgtensorpudding: no it was installed23:12
ActionParsnipgrumbly: you may need some extra options in xorg.conf. I use a crappy intel thing in this laptop. Here's mine. Makes thins a bit smoother: http://pastebin.com/umerb8Du23:12
tensorpuddingxissburg: you installed it?23:12
xissburgtensorpudding: it was already installed23:12
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay23:12
xissburgmegabraker suggested me to use testdisk to recover the boot23:12
xissburgit trashed my partitions23:12
grumblyActionParsnip: I seem not to have an Xorg.conf in 10.04...  But in 9.10 i had these options.23:13
xissburgand didnt help with anything23:13
nUboon2Agedetrix42: oh, okay.  beyond my knowledge, so if i understand that will give xissburg access to windows off the pen drive, which is good, but what about restoreing the windows bootloader (the orig. problem).23:13
tensorpuddingxissburg: do you know exactly what it did?23:13
xissburgnot :x23:13
ibrahim-kasemI am having random freezing issue when installing 10.04 64 bit only on my hp dv6 1045ee laptop.23:13
ActionParsnipgrumbly: lucid doesn't ship with one but you can make one and it will be used23:13
headkase314grumbly, the xorg.conf file may not be there as it is depreciated but you can still create it and put options into it.23:14
nUboon2Agexissburg: i doubt the partions are changed if all you did was do a wubi install of ubuntu.23:14
tensorpuddingxissburg: check the disk manager23:14
tensorpuddingxissburg: it's in the control panel23:14
grumblyActionParsnip: ugh... I dislike creating xorg.conf by hand... sooooooo frustrationing.23:14
xissburgtensorpudding: but now in GParted it shows only this WinXp partition and another one which it says is is unnalocated23:14
detrix42nUboon2Age: it is my understanding that grub will boot to windows.  windows does not need a boot loader. grub is the boot loader.23:14
tensorpuddingxissburg: how big is the windows xp partition?23:14
sampleee@ headkase: r u a bot?23:14
xissburgtensorpudding: my HDD is 320GB, the xp part is 80GB23:15
headkase314sampleee, I'm a sixth generation neural-network positronic bot.  The best in class.23:15
xissburgI had two other ones, one with 7 and other with files23:15
tensorpuddingxissburg: and the rest is unallocated?23:15
nUboon2Agedetrix42: okay but wubi doesn't use grub for the bootloader, it uses windows boot loader and just inserts one entry.23:15
xissburgGParted says it is unnallcated the part where was 7 and files, tensorpudding23:15
grumblyheadkase314, ActionParsnip: its a pain in the axe and i've been having no other issues- NONE... just VLC and it being a little business end23:15
ActionParsnipgrumbly: well, i just gave you the code you need, just open the file and paste the text, how is that frustrating23:16
detrix42nUboon2Age: ahhhh. ok, then I am incorrect.  I have not played with wubi.  sorry.23:16
tensorpuddingxissburg: what exactly did you do with the testdisk?23:16
empewoowBarnabas: so im not getting the right ip address, should i edit it manually in /etc/network/interfaces ?23:16
grumblyActionParsnip: I can just use what you gave and forego the rest of the conf info?23:16
ActionParsnipgrumbly: vlc is still only compiled for single core as far as I know, thats why I suggest mplayer23:16
headkase314sampleee, did you check to see if your Ubuntu firewall is blocking Samba ports?23:16
ActionParsnipgrumbly: thats the ONLY code you need. that is ALL I have in my xorg.conf23:17
headkase314sampleee, (X)ubuntu23:17
MoMoActionParsnip, thanks ... what about having it authenticate prior to displaying a login screen.23:17
Barnabasempewoow, could you paste the contents of that file?23:17
empewoowyes sure23:17
ActionParsnipgrumbly: so why is it frustrating, when you have to exert zero effort?23:17
awright_anyone here feel like helping with some CentOS questions? i know this is an Ubuntu chan, but i cant find others elsewhere :/23:17
grumblyActionParsnip: AH!! i didnt realize23:17
xissburgtensorpudding: megabraker told me to do some stuff...i dont remember exactly but the idea was to set one of the partitions as bootable because they were not23:17
grumblyhahah... ActionParsnip thanks23:17
Rogue1Hi folks, I've been having trouble with an install of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop i386. Fixed the blinking-cursor problems, but now the install gets to 98% and freezes - no hard disk or optical drive activity, and both the keyboard and mouse become totally nonresponsive.  Second time it's done it whilst trying to install (last time was 95%), and the md5sum on the ISO checks out ok -- any ideas?23:17
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tensorpuddingxissburg: when you booted into xp, you said that it was having to do some stuff23:18
ioawright_: Try #centos.23:18
Rogue1no funny  PCI cards or anything , and disc verified as ok23:18
tensorpuddingxissburg: what did it say it was doing?23:18
ioawright_: Or if they cannot help you then ##linux is a generic channel.23:18
awright_io: thx will try23:18
tensorpuddingxissburg: how were you booting into xp, if grub was producing errors23:18
xissburgtensorpudding: installing :o23:18
btarik1hello, when i updated thunderbid to the 3.2 version i lost the "inbox folder", the folder where i used to read all the new msgs form me different accounts, how can i get it back?23:18
xissburgtensorpudding: after doing some stuff in live ububtu it restored the MBR23:19
io!hi | Guest1282623:19
ubottuGuest12826: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:19
empewoowBarnabas: i now see that there are 2 new connections... ath0 (that one is showing up @ the wifi radar and stuff) and a wifi000 one23:19
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empewoowBarnabas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47811023:19
Guest12826kurwa mać23:19
tensorpuddingxissburg: is the xp partition at the front of the disk?23:19
ActionParsnipgrumbly: you'll need to restart X after editting the file23:20
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grumblyActionParsnip: just as a quick refresh... Xorg.conf goes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf right?23:20
tensorpuddingxissburg: how did you boot into xp?23:20
grumbly(not sure why I23:20
ActionParsnipyep, you will get write access with: ksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:20
awright_io: i tried ##linux but it forces me into ##linux-overflow or some weird crap.23:20
xissburgtensorpudding: the MBR was fxed23:21
grumblyActionParsnip: thanks... I dont use KDE so, i'm pretty sure ksudo will fail :)23:21
tensorpuddingxissburg: the MBR was fixed by what, and why was there no option to boot into Windows 7?23:21
ActionParsnipgrumbly: this is #ubuntu so I assume gnome23:22
grumblyksudo...  I been using gksu...23:22
tensorpuddingxissburg: it sounds to me, without understanding entirely what you did, that either xp or the testdisk obliterated your other partitions, but why i do not know23:22
empewoowBarnabas: any ideas?23:23
io!register | awright_23:24
ubottuawright_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:24
m0t3jlHi, I am experiencing rather strange behavior. Even though my /etc/hosts clearly states that localhost is, neither ping, nor PgSQL are able to resolve localhost to What could have happened? Thanks a lot23:24
xissburgtensorpudding: I did so many so many stuff that I can rememer...23:24
KapliHi, after the new flash update that came out a few days ago or something like that the sound is a bit screechy in youtube on 360p but not above, anyone knows why?23:24
mintypuhi I am new to Ubuntu and am trying to delete some files I recovered with photo rec can any one help me get them off my desktop23:24
tensorpuddingxissburg: it is probable that something broke the partition table and now it does not know about your other partitions; i blame xp most likely, since is said it was "installing"23:24
grumblyhuh.... lspci doesn't say what chip... just Mobile 4 series23:25
Barnabasempewoow, yes I think the system expects the wlan to be named /dev/wlan023:25
tensorpuddingxissburg: it might be possible to restore them, i do not know23:25
Barnabasnot /dev/wifi023:25
Barnabasempewoow, could you check that in /dev?23:25
ioawright_: Some channels require clients to register their nickname before being able to join, unfortunetly. More support is in #freenode in regards to registering a nickname.23:26
tensorpuddingxissburg: in my experience, xp will take liberties with overwriting other partitions on the disk during the install if it is not the first partition on the disk23:26
empewoowBarnabas: ok! wait23:26
xissburgtensorpudding: IM SURE test disk trashed it23:26
awright_io: thx23:26
empewoowBarnabas: there is no wlan0 in dev23:27
xissburgtensorpudding: before running testdisk (in live ubuntu) GParted showed the 3 partitions, right after running it the other two were merged and marked as unnallocated23:27
headkase314io, was there a specific reason this channel changed to registered nicks?  The other day I didn't have to register but today I did, and did.23:27
empewoowBarnabas: but in Wicd Network Manager preferences it is set: Wireless interface: ath023:28
xissburgI just innocently followed megabraker instructions23:28
empewoowBarnabas: so that should be good?23:28
grumblyOk, so Totem won't play playlists and has decided to show subtitles by default even though it is set not to.... Mplayer has problems with some videos and likes to control the whole system sound volume... and VLC has problems with some videos and gets choppy when i go from full screen to windowed, and back to full...23:28
thune3mintypu: they have lock symbols on them? In properties,permissions-tab is your user the owner?23:28
tensorpuddingxissburg: what were megabraker's instructions?23:28
mintypuno it is not23:28
tensorpuddingxissburg: the most likely way that you can get those partitions back is by using testdisk again23:28
xissburgtensorpudding: analyse...then write...I dont remember exactly23:28
Barnabasempewoow, I cant use wicd here - it will deinstall the regular network manager in ubuntu (gnome)23:28
mintypuhow do i become the owner23:28
xissburgtensorpudding: lol23:28
tensorpuddingxissburg: but i don't know the least thing about how testdisk works23:29
empewoowBarnabas: ok i c23:29
grumblymplayer and vlc have DIFFERENT problems with videos... generally if it wont play in vlc, it will in mplayer and vice versa...23:29
Barnabasempewoow, what is the content of your /etc/network/interfaces?23:29
grumblyguhhhhhhhhhhhh.... this is the exact same issue I had on my mac.  choppy vlc or strange volume on mplayer.  neither one are ok with me.23:29
empewoowi have iface eth0 inet static added there23:30
empewoowbut no ath0 and no wlan00023:30
grumblyi'd go with totem, except it wont play the playlists- and this is pretty recent.23:30
thune3mintypu: you would have to "chown mintypu:mintypu files", but if you are just removing the files then using "sudo rm -i file" after cd'ing to desktop would be easier. You need to be careful not to delete the wrong thing.23:30
ioheadkase314: This channel doesn't only allow registered clients (maybe it did temporarily earlier). Although if more than 5 clients join in 10 seconds they get forwarded to #ubuntu-unregged (which may confuse you).23:30
empewoowBarnabas: i also have some static ip configured there because before my wired network was not getting the right ip from dhcp23:30
duffyBarnabas, you can use wicd, so it will remove network-manager, but you can install it again23:30
tensorpuddingxissburg: try booting into the pendrive again, and run testdisk23:30
Barnabasduffy, I know23:31
empewoowBarnabas: should i add ath0 in this file?23:31
Barnabasempewoow, yes try to add ath0 auto23:31
Barnabasand restart the interface23:31
headkase314io, thanks for the information!  I don't think I've been forwarded to unregged yet but now I know to consider that if I'm in a confusing channel ;) Thanks again.23:31
mintypuI will try it and see23:31
Barnabassudo ifconfig ath0 down23:32
cguerreroHello, can anyone help me to mount an LVM volume that has abadsuperblock in ubuntu just to backup?23:32
Barnabassudo ifconfig ath0 up23:32
thune3mintypu: the chown would need to be done with sudo if you went that direction23:32
sebsebseb_nobody_: hi23:32
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: if everything xissburg did was based on this channel we could look at the log and figure out the steps taken so far.23:32
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tensorpuddingIs this channel logged?23:33
sebsebsebtensorpudding: yes23:33
sebsebseb!logs | tensorpudding23:33
ubottutensorpudding: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:33
empewoowBarnabas: no progression, still bad password23:33
empewoowalso in iwconfig no ip there23:33
Barnabasempewoow, thats the problem23:34
Barnabasempewoow, not the pw23:34
empewoowoh ok23:34
empewoowadd ip manually? just like wired/23:34
empewoowthat was the problem with wired..23:34
kcaddonkcaddon: lol23:34
empewoowBarnabas: no luck23:36
nsahoois there a way to easily make bullets and lists in Tomboy ?23:36
duffyI lost count the times Ive seen network-manager with wrong password problems..  tsk.23:36
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tensorpuddingIt seems to me that megabraker and xissburg discussed the relevant bits in private chat23:36
BookmanIs there a  USB device that will allow TV Out that works with Ubuntu/Linux?23:37
duffyempewoow, what encryption are you using23:37
empewoowduffy: wpa123:38
cguerreroHello, can anyone help me to mount an LVM volume that has abadsuperblock in ubuntu just to backup?23:38
Barnabasempewoow, aparantley the developers of the mad wifi drivers chose to name their device /dev/ath0 in place of the standard /etc/wlan023:38
frexMy total memory was 4 gb. it was increased to 8 gb and then I got filesystem errors. Such a change like that, could cause it?23:38
empewoowBarnabas: i know23:38
sebsebsebcguerrero: no I can't, but maybe this will be useful23:38
empewoowBarnabas: u think that is the problem?23:38
Barnabasempewoow, yes23:38
sebsebseb!lvm | cguerrero23:38
ubottucguerrero: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:38
empewoowand duffy u two?23:38
nUboon2Agexissburg:  was the first thing you asked about uninstalling/purging a program and actionparsnip gave you a sudo apt-get purge?23:39
sebsebsebcguerrero: ok np good luck23:39
chaoflowubuntu is messing with my postfix config, how can I tell it, to not touch certain config files under no circumstances?23:39
duffyempewoow, wpa2.  but you`ll need a whole lotta wpa options in interfaces.. I have mine setup ok, but I suggest wicd.23:39
xissburgtensorpudding: pudding yes it was in private chat23:40
Rogue1anyone any ideas on a freezing ubuntu install? md5sum was ok for the ISO, cd check was fine, but freezes everything (incl. keyboard and mouse) at 98%23:40
xissburgand dammit...im so stupid I closed the tab :(23:40
empewoowduffy: im using wpa1, and wicd23:41
camilahello everyone23:42
TenPhil'lo camila23:42
tensorpuddingxissburg: well, reboot into live ubuntu and run testdisk23:42
empewoowyes Barnabas23:42
Barnabastry to add two lines to your /etc/network/interfaces23:43
duffyempewoow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834  pretty much all you need to know about setting up interfaces23:43
camilaanybody here know how to install a philips webcam?23:43
camilahaving troubles23:43
Barnabasfirst remove all stuff regarding ath023:43
nUboon2Agexissburg: do you have a log of your private chat?23:43
Barnabasthen two lines23:43
Barnabasauto ath023:43
camilacant skype without it23:43
Barnabasiface ath0 inet dhcp23:43
Bookmandoes AVerLife Cinema work with ubuntu?23:43
Barnabasempewoow, close down your wicd completely so that it does not mess up things23:44
ePiratubuntu has a firewallß23:44
tensorpuddingePirat: yes, look up ufw23:44
empewoowBarnabas: ok did that, now try wicd again?23:45
xissburgnUboon2Age: I dont think so, Im using chatzilla I dont think it logs23:45
glickhey where does django live in ubuntu?23:45
Barnabasempewoow, try to see if the up down trick makes a difference - what type of network encryption are you using?23:45
billy_camila: what do you mean _cant_ ?23:45
empewoowBarnabas: im using wpa123:46
unitedpotsmokershello guys.... we usually install ubuntu in a hardisk. how to install ubuntu in a pendrive?23:46
tensorpuddingePirat: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html23:47
nUboon2Agexissburg: here's a page on chatzilla and it tells how to turn on logs.  if you haven't done it already i would now:  http://25yearsofprogramming.com/blog/20071123.htm23:47
ryanjamiesonso for some reason when I run hostapd directly to get my wireless nic acting as an AP, it works.  When I try to run it as the daemon from /etc/init.d/ it fails.  anybody in here have a similar experience?23:47
nUboon2Agexissburg: it says "To create log files by default for all your activities, check Log this view."23:47
tensorpuddingglick: what do you mean by "where does it live?"23:48
A|pHaWhat is a good twitter client for Ubuntu like a tweetdeck ?23:48
tensorpuddingglick: there is the python-django package23:48
tensorpuddingA|pHa: gwibber supports twitter23:49
glicki got it23:49
A|pHaOne more question on Vmware23:49
polihello all! I am hitting bug #527401 (grub error on install 'no mapping exists for md0' that is marked as fixed. I need a light on how to boot my box...23:49
xissburgnUboon2Age: I have it here :)23:50
tensorpuddingA|pHa: if you're in 10.04 with Gnome, click the envelope menu in the upper right hand corner23:50
nUboon2Ageyou found the log xissburg?23:50
tensorpuddingA|pHa: then go to broadcast23:50
sohighhow do i pm someone on here23:50
empewoowBarnabas: it just keeps saying "ubuntu wpa_supplicant[687]: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys" in the logs23:50
A|pHabroadcast ?23:50
A|pHaIm on 10.4 TLS23:51
tensorpuddingA|pHa: yes, the option in the menu23:51
A|pHathis is for vmware23:51
ePirattensorpudding, hm ok...23:51
tensorpuddingA|pHa: do you see the envelope, just to the left of the date?23:51
KurusuIs there a simple way to check whether a certain package is installed using a terminal?  Is there a simple way to see which packages are already installed using the terminal?  Like with apt-get or something.  It just needs to be a program that works together with apt-get or synaptic in some manner.23:51
ePirattensorpudding, i found it...23:51
Rogue1sohigh: type /msg nick yourmessage23:51
xissburgnUboon2Age: yes Ill paste it somewhere23:51
Rogue1ie. /msg sohigh hello!23:51
A|pHaIm on Backtrack right now let me switch over you going to on for a bit23:52
Barnabasempewoow, try to close down wicd23:52
xissburgtensorpudding: testdisk shows 3 partitions23:52
Bookmandoes AVerLife Cinema work with ubuntu?23:52
empewoowBarnabas:  k23:52
tensorpuddingxissburg: that is before you restore anything?23:52
sohighthanks rogue23:52
Barnabasempewow in a terminal shut down the interface ath023:52
nUboon2Agexissburg: great!  that is the log of the private chat you were having?23:52
Barnabasusing the ifdown23:52
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A|pHatensor thank I will be right back23:53
xissburgnUboon2Age: http://pastebin.com/cPqzHj7p23:53
Barnabasempewoow, then try connecting the wireless card using > sudo iwconfig eth0 <essid> key <netkey>23:53
empewoowok :o23:54
poliis there a grub running on any of the ubuntu bootable-media?23:54
Barnabassudo ifconfig ath0 up23:54
ePirattensorpudding, how can i allow a port?23:54
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: ^^^^ see xissburg's private chat ^^^23:54
empewoowBarnabas: u sure its eth0?23:54
xissburgnUboon2Age: line 63 on I think]23:54
Barnabasempewoow, no ath023:54
empewoowBarnabas: ok23:54
Barnabasempewoow, you will not recieve a dhcp address before the network link is made, for that to happen you have to setup the encryption first23:55
xissburgnUboon2Age: hmm ops23:55
al_how do you copy all files in a dir and sub dir that are *.jpg and over 100k in size to a new dir?23:55
xissburgnUboon2Age: there's part I started chatting in live ubuntu :/23:55
xissburgno logs for that23:55
xissburgat line 8823:56
xissburgit won help then :(23:56
tensorpuddingxissburg: it doesn't sound like testdisk ran at all23:56
empewoowBarnabas: ok wait im trying to edit the interfaces file manually23:56
xissburganyway..lets continue . . . tensorpudding I see 3 partitions in test disk after quick search23:56
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay23:57
tensorpuddingxissburg: use p to list files, to make sure that they are the right ones23:57
tensorpuddingcan you take a screenshot and put it on imgur or something?23:57
xissburgtensorpudding: p? in testdisk:23:57
tensorpuddingxissburg: Yes, you're still on the Quick Search screen right?23:58
xissburgtensorpudding: my files are there :)23:58
nUboon2Agexissburg: when you say 'live ubuntu' you mean this channel there is a public log of this channel.  if it was today it is at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/14/%23ubuntu.txt23:58
tensorpuddingokay, go back to the quick search by hitting q23:59
xissburgnUboon2Age: even for private chat?23:59
tensorpuddingand then check the other two partitions23:59
xissburgtensorpudding: yes23:59
nUboon2Agexissburg: no not for private chat.23:59
xissburgtensorpudding: they' re all fine23:59
xissburgall my files are there23:59
tensorpuddingxissburg: these three partitions correspond to the three partitions you had before this debacle?23:59

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