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mkarnickihi guys09:49
duanedesignhello mkarnicki09:49
* duanedesign is writting his sponsorship request for the next UDS09:49
mkarnickiduanedesign: oh oh! it's the time already?09:50
duanedesignmkarnicki: i dont think they announced it. At least i havent heard. But i checked the site and it is up09:50
mkarnickiduanedesign: the uds-m side?09:50
duanedesignits N09:51
mkarnickiduanedesign: thanks. I didn't know they go alphabetically ^ ^09:51
duanedesignmkarnicki: ^09:51
mkarnickiduanedesign: yes, thanks :)09:51
duanedesigngood luck09:52
mkarnickiduanedesign: I think it's little probable to get sponsored if I'm located in Europe.. ?09:52
mkarnickiduanedesign: the flight ticket would be to expensive for me..09:52
duanedesigni am not sure. Last year i did not apply and then people got sponsored that I thought, hmmm, I do more then them09:52
duanedesignso this time I am not talking myself out of it.09:53
mkarnickiduanedesign: oh, I see. sure, good luck then :)09:53
duanedesignso you should definetly try09:53
mkarnickiduanedesign:  I think I will :)09:54
duanedesignwould be fun if we could all go.09:55
mkarnickiduanedesign: yea =) /me thinks about getting a visa09:55
duanedesigndarn it feature freeze was on the 12th09:57
duanedesigni was hoping to get one of my apps in this release09:58
mkarnickiduanedesign: aah, u missed it by 2 days :<09:59
duanedesignoh well. Now i have time to go through Debian and do it the 'right' way10:00
duanedesignmkarnicki: have you ever been to http://projecteuler.net10:02
duanedesigni am doing some of them now10:03
mkarnickiduanedesign: yes, although I'm not much into project euler, that's the stuff I'm interested in during academic year :)10:05
mkarnickiduanedesign: I use http://spoj.pl or http://online-judge.uva.es10:05
mkarnickiworld is full of interesting problems waiting to be solved :)10:06
mkarnickiduanedesign: from euler I solved only first 11 problems, I might continue one day :)10:08
duanedesignneat thanks for the links10:10
mkarnickiyou're welcome10:11
duanedesignmkarnicki: i am self taught so these sites help get me out of my 'comfort zone' :)10:12
mkarnickiduanedesign: ^_^ good luck, let me know if I can be of any help10:12
duanedesignthank you again10:13
* mkarnicki broke AU1 and looks for what he's missing10:14
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ajmitchmkarnicki: I've been sponsored for UDS in the past & I'm in NZ, so it's certainly possible for you :)11:00
mkarnickiajmitch: that's great news :) \o/11:00
ajmitch& this was UDS in spain, as far away from NZ as I could get :)11:01
ajmitch~24h on a plane11:01
mkarnickiajmitch: impressive :) that's really good news11:01
mkarnickiUDS is in 4th week of my academic year, but I really would like to go :)11:02
ajmitchit'd suit me well if I were able to go this year11:03
ajmitchit's a publci holiday in NZ on one of the days, so I'd only need to take 4 days off work + whatever's needed for travel :)11:03
mkarnickiajmitch: :)11:03
duanedesignwow 24hrs on a plane11:04
mkarnickifor the love of Ubunutu hehe11:05
ajmitchduanedesign: yeah, flying from NZ can take awhile :)11:06
* ajmitch would need to be doing some useful stuff to be sponsored again11:06
* mkarnicki doesn't know if his efforts are sufficient11:08
duanedesignajmitch: i guess you get used to it living in NZ11:09
mkarnickidoens't hurt to try :)11:09
duanedesignmkarnicki: yeah that is my thought11:10
* duanedesign gonna wonder outside and try one last time to see the meteor shower before the sun starts to poke its head up11:11
mkarnickisounds great. sun is behind the clouds here11:12
duanedesignmkarnicki: its been reaching 40c here for several days in a row11:12
duanedesigndoesnt look like there is a break in sight11:13
mkarnickiduanedesign: that's terrible, we had those temeratures some time ago, it's nice and ~18C here now11:13
duanedesignits 32c here and its 5am :P11:13
mkarnickiduanedesign: where are you located again? I forgot11:13
mkarnickiduanedesign: what r u doing up at 5AM :D?11:13
duanedesignUnited States - Oklahoma11:13
mkarnickiduanedesign: you got up or didn't go to sleep ;) ?11:14
duanedesigngot up11:14
mkarnickisometimes I go to bed at 4AM o_O11:14
duanedesignwhen work is slow I get my hours all backwards11:14
duanedesigncya in a few11:15
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paulm9hi can someone help me with connecting to ubuntuone15:26
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ojiihi everyone19:35
ojiiI see ubuntu one now supports syncing to mobiles, but I can't find my model (HTC Desire, an Android phone) in the list, can I still somehow use this feature?19:35
duanedesignojii: hello19:36
duanedesignojii: i think with the androids you just pick a phone that is similar to yours19:37
ojiii have no clue what phone would be similar19:37
ojiiI almost want my old stone-age Nokia back19:38
ojiithese new thingies are confusing19:38
ojiii went from Nokia 3410 to HTC Desire, quite a shock tbh19:39
ojiitbh the ubuntuone phone page needs a qr code for android phones instead of those dropdowns19:41
duanedesignojii: ok19:42
duanedesignojii: i looked through the logs19:42
duanedesignojii: if you have android 2.1+ it will work. Select 'other'19:42
ojiii have 2.1 as far as i know19:43
duanedesignojii: and grab the "Funambol" app from the store19:43
duanedesignojii: the page will give you your user/pass and host19:43
ojiiah thanks a lot duanedesign19:44
ojiigonna try that19:44
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