
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
Wiesshundquick question, for approx 5 year old hardware, 10.04 or 9.10 studio?01:07
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
holsteinWiesshund: hmmm01:12
holsteinwhat are you planning on doing?01:12
holstein10.04 over 9.10 i say01:12
Wiesshundwell ive a current workstation, windows based with audition. ive some newer hardware i thought id upgrade it with, and perhaps move it away from windows01:13
Wiesshundnewer meaning about 5 years old, as opposed to its current hardware which is more like 1001:14
WiesshundI know there is alot of older stuff that 10.04 has dropped legacy support for.01:15
holsteinWiesshund: theres no live CD for ubuntustudio01:17
WiesshundIm also wondering if ardour would possibly be able to use my audition session files at all01:17
holsteinbut i would download the new lucid live CD01:17
holsteinand run some commands with the hardware01:18
holsteinand see if its all recognized01:18
holsteinWiesshund: you can ask over in #ardour01:18
holsteinbut i sersously dought that01:18
holsteinyou can export to .wav01:18
holsteinand import though01:18
holsteinWiesshund: what hardware?01:19
WiesshundIve got both 10.04 and 9.10 live cd's here, supposed i could easily just do an "upgrade" to studio by adding the appropriate packages and the low latency kernel01:19
holsteinif your sound device is listed at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main01:19
holsteinyour good to go01:19
holsteinpretty much01:19
holsteinWiesshund: you might not need the kernel01:20
Wiesshundholstein going to update it to an nvidia nforce 3 250 based motherboard with amd X64 3200+01:20
holsteinjust depends on your needs01:20
holsteinWiesshund: what sound device are you using?01:20
Wiesshundsound device is cheap, just a stack of sound blasters01:20
WiesshundSB lives01:21
holsteinwell, thats probably all going to work01:21
holsteinas well as those work ;)01:21
Wiesshundi know its cheap, but it hasnt worked bad01:21
holsteinbe careful with the proprietary nvidia drivers and the RT kernel01:21
holsteinagain, you might not need the RT kernel01:21
Wiesshundi can always have both kernels right? boot the RT try it and remove it if its not working?01:22
Wiesshundnvidia motherboard chipset drivers still being flaky?01:22
holsteinjust with the RT kernel i hear01:23
Wiesshundok, will make a note of that01:23
holsteinyeah, i think you'll be OK with that hardware01:23
holsteini would go for 10.0401:23
holsteinseems to be a bit faster01:24
holsteincheck out #opensourcemusicians when you get a chance :)01:24
holsteinpodshow - community01:24
holsteingood times01:24
Wiesshundi'll give the livecd a try, if that works out, i might just morf it to studio with synaptic01:24
Wiesshundspecialy since being an audio workstation i never gave it a dvd01:25
holsteintry lspci01:25
holsteinand aplay -l01:25
holsteinand arecord -l01:25
holsteini usually just upgrade the normal one01:25
Wiesshundwell, gonna start the hardware changes first, better make sure its all still functional01:29
Wiesshundthanks for the help01:29
holsteinanytime :)01:29
holsteingood luck01:29
digitwebdigitteknohippie here again, just installed ubuntu studio without selecting any of the package bundles, and itÅ› a comfortable mere 1.6gb on the disk.01:40
digitweb:)    just thought i should report that back.01:40
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
zusholstein,   heya06:57
tucemiuxhe's not in right now, how can I help you? :-)07:13
zustucemiux,   hi there08:21
tucemiuxsorry did i wake you? o_O08:23
zusnot really, was kinda in and  out of the channel08:23
tucemiuxah ok, this is the weekend so holstein most likely is up and about08:24
zusnoticed i didnt get a respond lol08:24
zuswell ill be back in a bit08:32
zusare any  or all the programs in ubuntu studios avaialble to download on thier own individually?11:31
edakirizus: all may be11:38
edakiriu-studio uses linux-rt kernel. To get same behavior you may need to install it.11:39
zusyea i got the set up. i was wondering about the  programs if they were all  a u studio package or avaialble individually11:41
holsteinhey Zed_23:40
Zed_hello holstein23:40
tucemiuxholstein, how goes it23:41
Zed_i tried avLinux, and it has the same problem23:41
Zed_didn't upgrade alsa (yet)23:41
holsteinhey tucemiux23:42
holsteinZed_: well23:42
Zed_btw, do you need to stop pulseaudio?23:42
holsteini guess that tells you something23:42
tucemiuxwhat's so great about avLinux?23:43
holsteinZed_: you shouldnt23:43
holsteintucemiux: i just suggest that as a LIVE disc23:43
holsteinslimilar to ubuntustudio in packages23:43
Zed_well now i'm not even getting as far as i was23:43
holsteinZed_: i would try and ALSA upgrade script then23:44
holsteinand see how far you get then23:44
* holstein gotta run23:46
holsteini gotta get to the gig23:46
Zed_holstein, have fun23:46
tucemiuxhave fun holstein talk to you l823:50

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