
rbelemRiddell, i need some help with startkde for plasma-mobile00:00
shadeslayerafaik you filed it :P00:00
Riddellhow clever of me00:00
shadeslayerbug 59725400:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597254 in srtp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] srtp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59725400:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: I can't promote stuff.  You'll need to talk to Riddell about libqapt1.00:01
rbelemRiddell, i'm changing it a little bit and i think i will place it in kubuntu-mobile-default-settings00:01
shadeslayerkdesupport for neon done! \o/00:02
JontheEchidnaScottK: Riddell took care of it, it's cool00:02
* ScottK has been away all day.00:02
Riddellrbelem: you'll need an entry in /usr/share/xsessions I guess00:02
rbelemRiddell, yep! can i add a kubuntu-mobile.desktop in kubuntu-mobile-default-settings?00:03
rbelemRiddell, or is it better to make these changes and add to kdebase-workspace pkg?00:05
Riddellyou can even be ahead of upstream and call it Name=Plasma Mobile which desktop won't have the equivalent s/KDE/Plasma/ change until 4.600:06
Riddellit should go upstream too though somehow00:06
rbelemcool :-)00:08
JontheEchidnawow, armel is set to beat everybody else (except sparc which I didn't retry) https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-debug-installer/10.10ubuntu400:17
_Groo_hi/2 all00:32
_Groo_anyone alive?00:32
_Groo_could anyone test dolphin search for me? i believe nepomuk is broken for lucid kde 4.500:32
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
CIA-61[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100815001521-0yq5mk400m4erydz * debian/ (changelog control) Add a build-depend on libutempter-dev for kpty functionality01:15
nhandlerRiddell: It has been disabled for a while. I wasn't around for that decision. From discussion, it sounds like it was primarily due to the technical limitations of the host the bot ran on03:34
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: muon lost ability to authenticate :O07:22
shadeslayersame goes for kpk as well :/07:23
apacheloggeroh dear07:32
apacheloggerqtwebkit doesnt do webm? :O07:32
oxymoronWhen I unrar archives in Ark/Dolphin KDE freeze sometimes, is that KDE or Kubuntu specific?07:33
apacheloggerpossibly unrar specific?07:33
apacheloggereating all ramz and cpuz makes your system freez0r07:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you also get an independent "X" window when flash is active in rekonq?07:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: with konqueror as well07:34
* apachelogger hates flash07:34
shadeslayerwhen webkit is selected07:34
* apachelogger also hates that he cannot watch flipping youtube in html5 thanks to qtwebkit not having webm support07:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: necessary evil which is going to be dropped07:35
oxymoronapachelogger: Alright, but possible to replace unrar with something else that works better? :)07:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: flash is never ever going to go away07:35
shadeslayerat some point in the far future :P07:35
apacheloggernot within the next 5 to 10 years anyway07:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah ^_^07:35
shadeslayerafter 5-10 it shall be redundant 07:35
maco<blink> and <marquee> havent even gone away07:35
oxymoronI think Flash will disappear when more and more people reject it and see potential in HTML5 and future techniques :)07:35
apacheloggeroxymoron: I did not say it was a failure :P07:35
shadeslayeri hate uploading kdesupport :/07:36
oxymoronapachelogger: It is epic failure if unrar use all my RAM and CPU. ANd then I have heavy cavalary with DUal Core Intel E6400 and 4 GB RAM.07:36
macooxymoron: use "nice"?07:36
apacheloggerwell, maybe you are just being bottlenecked?07:36
apacheloggerwhich would make the whole thing a hardware fail07:37
shadeslayeryep ^07:37
oxymoronapachelogger: No, all my hardware components are really good. The problem is unrar, Ark, file transfer protocol or Dolphin IMO.07:37
oxymoronmaco: Where?07:37
apacheloggerthat has nothing to do with good or bad, but with bus limitations :P07:37
shadeslayeroxymoron: man nice07:38
macooxymoron: run the unrar command with nice07:38
maconice -15 unrar foo.rar07:38
apacheloggeroxymoron: it would be good to know what component causes a headache to the CPU or RAM07:38
oxymoronmaco: Aha I didnt know nice was something :P Whats so good about it?07:38
macoit'll be pretty nice and yield cpu to other processes07:38
apacheloggeri.e. observe ksysguard07:38
macooxymoron: if you make a process nice, it yields cpu time instead of killing your system07:38
macooxymoron: confusingly, nice -n15 and nice -15  BOTH mean positive 15, which is pretty nice07:39
maco(max is 19, i think?)07:39
oxymoronapachelogger: Well I can check right away if I can see any process being heavy or components taking "cream"07:39
shadeslayermaco: yep07:39
shadeslayer19 will kill unrar :P07:39
macomeanwhile negative niceness is -n-15 or --15, which makes it a piggy07:39
oxymoronmaco: But then it takes longer to extract? :D07:39
oxymoronmaco: Well its really slow as it is already.07:39
shadeslayeroxymoron: how big is the .rar ?07:40
oxymoronWhy cannot anyone just make some unrar whos actually work, no matter if its closed source or not? :S07:40
* shadeslayer wishes lp had .xz support07:40
oxymoronshadeslayer: 4 GB usually.07:40
macowait the rar is the same size as your mem?07:40
macoso it literally has to use all your ram in order to unrar...07:40
macothat seems problemati07:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: complain in the bug report07:41
oxymoronmaco: WHat?! :D Does the size of rar archive has todo with RAM size, hahahahahaha :D07:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: you should also keep in mind that xz'ing will eat your system though ^^07:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: there is a bug report for this? 0_o07:41
shadeslayerwell.. i dont mind...07:41
oxymoronmaco: it should use as much RAM as it allowed todo without freeze the freaking system.07:41
oxymoronCannot Ark limit this?07:42
shadeslayerbut sure as hell makes kdesupport shrink from 150 MB to 85 MB07:42
oxymoronBut then when moving files in Dolphin, my system is going slow as well.07:42
* apachelogger notes that the kernel should limit this anyhow07:42
oxymoronI think the problem is File transfers through DOlphin.07:42
shadeslayerbug 553668 ?07:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553668 in bzr-builddeb "support xz and lzma tarballs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55366807:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: no07:42
apacheloggerwell yes, that too07:43
oxymoronBut then it doesnt work good trhough terminal either :D07:43
apacheloggerbut there is a soyuz bug07:43
macooxymoron: if its trying to store ALL of the data from the rar *in memory* it has plenty to do with it!07:43
apacheloggerbecause the new source format actually supports xz already07:43
apacheloggerit is just soyuz that does not07:43
apacheloggerin fact it took soyuz years to grow bz2 support ^^07:43
oxymoronmaco: Well why does it do that then, thats just hilarious :D07:43
* apachelogger really wonders what is the big deal of adding more format support07:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw kdesupport import fails, new svn plugin might not be released for 4 weeks..07:44
shadeslayer( its fixed in trunk )07:44
apacheloggerdoes that thing work in any use case?07:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: it does for kdelibs :D07:45
apacheloggerit failed for that too, did it not?07:45
shadeslayeryep :P07:45
shadeslayerwhich reminds me.. import kdebase07:45
oxymoronCPU went unstable as hell when unrar is working, sometimes both cores work 100%, and both are 3.0 GHz, wtf?! RAM wasnt affected at all almost07:45
shadeslayershould i do that as a whole? or split it up07:46
apacheloggeroxymoron: caused by unrar itself?07:46
apacheloggerthat is why people should use the lzma algorithm :P07:46
oxymoronapachelogger: Yes I guess so ... in process it said zoombie on CPU using percentage xD07:46
apacheloggerway cheaper at decompression07:46
oxymoronapachelogger: First it went oup too 20 %, then zoombie :D07:47
apacheloggeroxymoron: how large is that rar file?07:47
apachelogger!find unrar07:47
ubottuFound: unrar-free, libclamunrar6, unrar07:47
oxymoronapachelogger: This one is around 4.4 GB :P07:47
apacheloggeroxymoron: do you use the free or regular unrar version?07:47
apacheloggerhonest to darts vader....07:48
oxymoronapachelogger: regular one I think, but tried free one as well, none is good.07:48
apacheloggerat 4.4 GB I completely understand that your system chokes07:48
apacheloggeroxymoron: that is because the algorithm behind it is utter crap07:48
oxymoronIn WIndows I could do unpacking many 4.4 GB archives without any problem.07:48
oxymoronat the same time07:48
apacheloggerI think the kernel scheduler is messing up07:49
apacheloggerit should not allocate that much CPU time to unrar that the system freezes07:49
apacheloggervery bad scheduling IMHO07:49
oxymoronI hope someone will fix that someday then, this have been problematic for long time since I started using Linux/Kubuntu.07:49
oxymoronapachelogger: Agree07:49
* maco wonders who uses rar to start with07:49
oxymoronmaco: Everyone packing those freaking movies and so on, for the web ...07:50
apacheloggermaco: file shar0rz07:50
oxymoronmaco: I would use other archives if people didnt use rar :D07:50
macoapachelogger: yeah i think pirated software is the only thing ive ever seen rar'd07:50
apacheloggerfile shar0rz that do not get that compressing a movie will not give much gain ;)07:51
oxymorongzip, tar or something like that would work better :)07:51
apacheloggerfile shar0rz that do not get that compressing flipping ISO images will not give much gain ;)07:51
apacheloggersilly file shar0rz07:51
oxymoronI love KTorrent btw, best application ever :)07:51
oxymoronand Amarok :D07:52
apacheloggerit is best when they distribute split rar files via bittorrent07:52
apacheloggerbecause you know07:52
apacheloggertorrent downloads each file individually07:52
oxymoronyeah :P07:52
apacheloggerso if you make loads of small files07:52
apacheloggerit is going to be faster07:52
oxymoronWHy cannot gzip or tar split files like that?07:52
apachelogger...file shar0rz...07:52
apacheloggeroxymoron: it can07:52
apacheloggerjust chop them up :P07:53
oxymoronapachelogger: But then you cannot extract them all at once? :P07:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: should i split kdebase into workspace, apps and runtime? or do i import them as a whole?07:53
apacheloggerjust put them back together :P07:53
oxymoronBtw, does anyone know if KSnapshot will be developed fruthermore and get more nice features like Gnomes?07:53
apacheloggerI very much doubt rar is doing anything else (maybe add a CRC to each chunk, which of course makes the chunks grow...)07:53
oxymoronapachelogger: Hehe :P I hate that CRC, it make unraring fails many times and force me to use -kb option in terminal.07:54
apacheloggerCRC is there for a reason?07:55
oxymoronBut now I am using control in KTorrent which make KTorrent redownload broken files :D07:55
oxymoronYeah but CRC failures moslty doesnt affect movie file :P07:55
apacheloggerthey do07:55
apacheloggerthey just mostly do not do in a noticable manner07:55
apacheloggeralso CRC corruption could also occur if someone tempered with the bitstream I suppose07:55
apacheloggerlike inject malicious code07:56
* shadeslayer goes with all in one07:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: really your decision07:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: all in one makes most sense IMHO07:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: i see no point in splitting it up07:56
oxymoronapachelogger: I guess I shouldnt complain, after all I havent bought movies at all in my whole life :D07:57
oxymoronapachelogger: My dad has bought some DVDs though. And I went to cinemas someitmes, if I know the movie is good :D07:57
apacheloggeras long as you buy software :P07:57
oxymoronUhm ... :D07:58
apacheloggerthis is scareful07:59
apacheloggerNightrose: option parsing and that sort of stuff is going to be messy07:59
oxymoronI am thinking of pay for SPotify, but still to expensive. Its not regarding the money, them I have too much of. The problem is the worthyness of the service and I wont pay 99 SEK per month (4.99£ I think)07:59
* apachelogger ponders writing his own option parser class 07:59
oxymoronI mostly become more willingly when they released native Spotify client on Linux.08:00
apacheloggerspotify is written in Qt is it not?08:00
oxymoronapachelogger: Now it is, but not before I think.08:00
apachelogger...going premium and using the linux client directly supports Qt development...08:00
oxymoronIf it was like 39 or 49 SEK I would pay without doubt. There is one option unlimited version, but then I miss some features like play in my smartphone xD08:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdebase/trunk08:02
oxymoronIn the end theres about how worthy products and services is, and if the money is overcoming what you actually get :P I wont pay more than neccessary even if I can, that would hurt my feelings and going against how much I hate capitalism and materliasm.08:03
oxymoronSO thats one reason I prefer Linux before Windows, its bttter and I can even get it for free :)08:04
oxymoronThen I dont have to support greedy people which make me happy :D08:04
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815070525-by0akxcasjnl1mcn * debian/ (changelog control) do not conflict ubuntu-sso-client08:05
shadeslayeri just use it because i can show off cool desktop effects and i dont have to worry about viruses08:05
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815070545-j29tfc4y8k86js2k * src/AuthHandler.cpp warning--08:05
shadeslayerand the fact that i can actually fix something on my own08:06
oxymoronshadeslayer: :D Its nice not have to worry about antivirus which make the computer itself blowup (Read Windows)08:06
apacheloggerlast I checked my machine was a supreme virus pool08:07
oxymoronI hate those freaking licenses everywhere which not work, they control my computer and updates all the time and bugger me.08:07
oxymoronNorton itself is a freaking virus and integrate and importviruses through the core because its directinteract with the oS :D08:07
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815070754-vstv1bkgv3jls0o1 * src/AccessToken.cpp warning++--08:08
oxymoronIts better rely on the OS protection itself then use those freaking software antivurses :D08:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: quick question, if someone were to implement a piece of software that used qt to access a webcam, will it work the same on windows/linux/mac ?08:08
oxymoronYou dont get upset if you dont know about it :D08:08
apacheloggerthat is like arguing against condoms really08:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: no08:09
apacheloggerI mean08:09
apacheloggerthe software will work (depending on the code  of course)08:09
apacheloggerbut the webcam access will not08:09
oxymoronapachelogger: Haha :D Well condoms mostly not work anyway ... xD08:09
shadeslayerthats my question 08:09
shadeslayerthe part about webcam access08:09
apacheloggerbecause there is no cross-platform library to access/manage/use/webcams08:09
shadeslayerthought so :(08:10
oxymoronapachelogger: Guess why we have so many mongolids in the world? :D08:10
apacheloggerif that one wrote a library for that though08:10
* oxymoron just want to say he would love see webcams implemented. The more options you have, the more free you feel, and isnt KDE about freedom :D08:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: on second thought ... one could use libvlc08:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: my thoughts exactly08:11
apacheloggerthat raises issue of its own though08:11
oxymoronEven if you dont use a specific option it feels nice to know you can make a decision :)08:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: such as?08:11
apacheloggeroxymoron: webcams are supported?08:11
shadeslayerwhee... 1 MB remaining 08:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: restribution08:12
apacheloggeror rather rebuilding and redistribution08:12
apacheloggeror on linux distribution in general08:12
oxymoronapachelogger: Uhm depends in what meaning weyre talking about. DVcams doesnt work through Firewire cmopletly and then no IM Client support webcams totally.08:12
shadeslayeryou mean itll need building on every platform to check if it works08:12
apacheloggeralso I dunno what license libvlc is08:12
apacheloggeroxymoron: kopete supports webcams08:13
oxymoronapachelogger: But sure, Linux core found them and so on.08:13
apacheloggerand if you buy sensible hardware it will work with Linux08:13
valorieoxymoron: condoms DO work08:13
valorieif you use them08:13
oxymoronapachelogger: It doesnt work with my DVCAM which is working like a webcam through USB and Firefire. Cannot make it work in Kopete, Skype or anything.08:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, I mean you need to distribute a 3rd party library along your own app08:13
valorieand you are a bit crazed if you don't08:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: on mac and windows that is08:13
oxymoronvalorie: Rather if you use them correctly, which most people doesnt do xD08:14
valoriehow hard is it (har har) to use them correctly?08:14
oxymoronvalorie: I dont mind having a baby with my girl :D08:14
valorieas long as your girl feels the same08:15
oxymoronvalorie: Yes I am serious ;) And ask people why it is so freaking hard to not overproduce human beings.08:15
valoriewell, biology urges us to make babies08:15
valoriethat's why it's hard not to08:15
apacheloggerlike rabbits we are children of mother nature08:15
oxymoronvalorie: Yeah she feels the same. Though its not optimal having a baby right now, though I am studying master of engineer and well weyre both quite young :P08:16
valoriefor sure08:16
apacheloggerand mother nature has made us flipping horny08:16
macovalorie: speak for yourself :P08:16
oxymoronapachelogger: Hahaha :D08:16
valoriemaco: I done had my babies08:16
macorather offtopic for this channel isnt it?08:17
apacheloggermaco: you do not like the making?08:17
* apachelogger thought everyone liked the making part ^^08:17
* maco is an innocent catholic-school girl08:17
shadeslayeroxymoron: your doing a MS? :D08:17
oxymoronBut nature doesnt force us to make more babies :P THen most parents treat their babies like its some kind of rightful right to have one evren if you dont take care of it.08:17
* apachelogger sees now08:17
oxymoronshadeslayer: MS?08:17
valorieI didn't want to let the "condoms don't work" go by.....08:17
shadeslayeroxymoron: master of sciences 08:17
shadeslayernot the other one :P08:17
macoapachelogger: also, not everyone likes the making, in all seriousness.   http://asexuality.org08:18
oxymoronshadeslayer: Not sure what that is in Sweidsh terms, but I think so :P08:18
apacheloggermaco: point taken08:18
apacheloggereveryone but asexual people like the making08:18
valoriebiology acts on all of us, regardless of our feelings08:18
shadeslayeroxymoron: which branch?08:18
valoriesneaky nature!08:19
oxymoronapachelogger: I think most people like the pleasure no matter if its making or not :D08:19
shadeslayerlike whats your specialization 08:19
apacheloggeroxymoron: did you just compare me with a monkey? :O08:19
oxymoronshadeslayer: Design and products development :) But studies yet and only 2/3 thrid year, so mostly theory.08:19
shadeslayerkdesupport uploaded \o/ https://edge.launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/+builds?build_state=pending08:19
oxymoronapachelogger: What? :S08:20
shadeslayeroxymoron: ah ...08:20
shadeslayeritll take 3 flippin hours to build :/08:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: what does your dpkg -L ubuntuone-kde spit out?08:20
oxymoronshadeslayer: But as a master of engineer it doesnt really matter hwat brahcn/area you take exam in, you can do almost whatever you like anyway.08:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: i dont have that package08:21
shadeslayerand when i try to install :  ubuntuone-kde : Depends: libubuntuone-qt-api0 (= 0.0.0~alpha1+7-0ubuntu0~maverick0~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed08:21
apacheloggerah right08:21
shadeslayerand then  libubuntuone-qt-api0 : Depends: ubuntuone-client but it is not going to be installed08:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: that explains why your icon is broken :P08:22
shadeslayerotoh.. how did that meta package get removed ^_^08:22
apacheloggerit is not a meta package08:22
shadeslayerit has stuff? ok.. :P08:22
apacheloggerit did get removed because of bogus package relation in ubuntu-sso-qt08:22
apacheloggerwhich I hope to have fixed just a couple of minutes ago08:22
apacheloggernot uploaded though08:22
oxymoronshadeslayer: I am not sure, but I would love designing boats in Carribean Sea if possible :D Or else I want to develop a new revolutionary transporting vehicle to replace cars and oil (Hopefully driven by air/water/garbage) and/or new battery technology :P But I have a lot more things I think I am able todo :P I am tired of this lazy and slow going development in the world.08:23
shadeslayeroxymoron: yeah me too :P08:24
shadeslayerbut id rather do something in the computer networks industry08:24
oxymoronshadeslayer: Companies just hold technology back with their freaking patent and licenses to earn more money in their greedy world :P08:24
shadeslayerthats why i have Electronics and Comm. Engineering in my undergraduate course  :)08:24
shadeslayeroxymoron: hehe 08:25
valorieoxymoron, I want the car from Back To The Future 208:25
valoriethe one that flies on garbage-fuel08:25
* apachelogger will become astronaut and run off to vulcan first chance he gets08:25
oxymoronshadeslayer: I am uncertain if I want to work in the IT bransch, mostly boring works, deadlines, projects with incompetent people and so on :P08:26
shadeslayervalorie: lol08:26
oxymoronvalorie: Haha yeah, wonder if possible to make one of those. I will bring that Delorian back to life :D08:26
valoriethe Delorian was classy08:26
apacheloggeroxymoron: people are never incompetent, there potential has merely not been unleashed08:26
oxymoronvalorie: Love that hovering they do in the end of the Back to the future two :D08:26
valoriebut .....Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads08:26
valoriethat's the ticket08:27
oxymoronapachelogger: Well most people show the incompent side and cannot release there potential because of the limitated world of greedyness :D08:27
oxymoronvalorie: Yes, feel like Star Wars with air "roads"? :D08:27
apacheloggernope, the problem is that they get not encouraged08:27
valoriewould love to stop paving over the freaking planet08:28
oxymoronvalorie: I think its realistic, not impossible.08:28
apacheloggerwhich is exaclty what you are contributing to right now08:28
oxymoronapachelogger: Yes, limited which make most people go lazy and comfortable.08:28
valorieright, there would have to be lots of automatic pilot/air control08:28
valoriealso, a lot more of us should be riding bikes, etc.08:28
valoriethat never happens around here, because it's so unsafe08:29
apacheloggerhow is riding a bike unsafe?08:29
apacheloggerdo you have hunters shooting at cyclists? ^^08:29
valorieno safe edges to the roads08:29
oxymoronapachelogger: Well I cannot avoid saying the truth. I cannot encourage incompetence :P if people lift their fat ass and actually do good things I would encourage them.08:29
valorieand car drivers who are antagonistic08:30
valorieI do live out near woods, but usually no hunters08:30
oxymoronvalorie: In Sweden riding bike is unsafe because they drive so freaking fast and get killed by accidental collisions because of unfocused drivers xD08:30
apacheloggeroxymoron: if you blame it on incompetence how can you expect anyone to do anything?08:31
oxymoronI heard a lot of people being damaged for life in accidents with motorcycles08:31
valoriealthough much of that woods will be cut down in the next few years for more houses08:31
valorieLOTs more houses08:32
apacheloggerlittle boxes on the hill side, little boxes made out of ticky tacky...08:32
oxymoronapachelogger: They have to work it up and sharpen up of course. There is potential, but incompetence is because of the lazyness and manipulation from the world market and people in higher hierachys.08:32
apacheloggerdont blame it on others if you are not doing anything about it08:33
oxymoronapachelogger: I have seen my brother for instance which is/was sharp as hell. THen he went out on the streets and got lazy and its quite sad :(08:33
oxymoronapachelogger: I cannot change peoples mind, they have todo it themselves. Only thing I can do is to take care and work myself up, thats how I can contribute.08:34
apacheloggerthat is a very selfish attitude I might say08:34
oxymoronOn my summerjob which I recently end this summer, I am one of the few percentage (Like 3% maybe) who work efficient on the warehouse. 08:35
oxymoronapachelogger: I am done being dragged down by others, I cannot force people to make their move. I can only show the way.08:35
apacheloggerhow are you showing the way by just doing your thing?08:36
oxymoronapachelogger: I have been depressed several times in my life because of other people abandon, being lazy, doesnt do anything and just being dumb.08:36
oxymoronapachelogger: By make other people look up to me and get inspirated ;)08:37
oxymoronBut then I am talk to people as well and help :)08:37
oxymoronIts not that I ignore everything and everyone :P08:38
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815073806-rafqfm24hau3g02i * README add README08:38
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815073841-lsxl1xmw2u9rnfmv * AUTHORS add AUTHORS08:38
oxymoronANyway, I got to go and eat some breakfast :P Fun to talk to ya guys, cya later aligator :P08:39
shadeslayeroxymoron: me too :P08:40
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815074259-hypf6oqphdoz09bn * INSTALL add INSTALL08:43
apacheloggerRiddell: ubuntu-sso is done for the summer08:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: your GSoC project completed ?08:45
apacheloggeronly the auth part08:46
shadeslayerand did you get all your $CASH ? :P08:46
apacheloggerfinal eval is up08:46
shadeslayerah :)08:46
shadeslayerwhose your mentor?08:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Ideas << will that be valid for next year?08:47
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815074842-xkf1mjkkrquaxkl2 * (NOTES.oauth TODO) remove oauth notes from TODO, update todo08:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: valid in what sense?08:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: like suppose i want to do one of the projects next year, so are all of those projects taken up or some are left08:49
apacheloggermost of them are not being done as part of GSOC 08:50
apacheloggerthat does not mean they will still be up next year08:50
shadeslayeryes, the ones that have not been done08:50
shadeslayerwill those be still valid for GSoC ?08:51
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815075104-47t73810q2rwj3b4 * AUTHORS AUTHORS++08:51
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815075140-kp459b80gtf6s0l0 * INSTALL INSTALL++08:51
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815075224-2zvnyqnhxj89r5mw * (NOTES.dolphin README) dolphin.txt becomes NOTES.dolphin08:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: sure08:53
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815075511-td6c4z6ivealgfcb * src/share/ContactSelector.cpp also allow contact groups08:55
CIA-61[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815075814-92qe73b4k1429qcc * README add dependencies08:58
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815075952-p3v7ioinwbnwsmxw * README add deps08:59
shadeslayerlibsrtp still needs to be moved to main :(09:00
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100815083512-oxjvrxy4jvb108ff * src/kcmodule/ (FolderModule.h WebModule.h) q_object macros09:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: around?10:38
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: can you change the text at http://imagebin.ca/view/y9N-1vl0.html to : http://paste.ubuntu.com/478299/10:43
shadeslayer( thats the patch ;) )10:43
Mamarokhm, can I set this to invalid? Isn't the PPA maintainer supposed to fix his package instead? -> bug 61808210:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618082 in amarok (Ubuntu) "package amarok-utils (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/amarokcollectionscanner', which is also in package amarok14 2:1.4.10-0ubuntu3~ppa4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61808210:57
Mamarokit should not install in the same location IMO10:57
shadeslayerMamarok: does OOo work for you>?11:00
yofelwell, it should at least conflict with amarok-utils if that's the case, and since the package is from a PPA the bug is 'Invalid' right.11:01
Mamarokshadeslayer: why do you ask? I don't use it daily so I didn't try.11:01
yofelshadeslayer: well, it's still held back for me, but as it doesn't like my dark theme I've only used koffice since a while ago11:02
yofelit does *open* at least, didn't test more ^^11:03
Mamarokshadeslayer: I have 3.2.0 here, works like a charm11:05
* Mamarok considers switching to KOffice soon though11:06
MamarokI only stay for compatibility reasons with OOo so far, I need to edit and save Excel files often11:07
Mamarokand that works for sure, not sure about Koffice11:07
shadeslayerbecause.. it doesnt work on maverick11:13
shadeslayerit starts but i cant open files11:14
shadeslayeryofel: right now only kdelibs5-data is held back for me11:17
yofelhm, I can open .doc and .odt fine in writer11:20
yofel  Installed: 1:3.2.1~rc2-2ubuntu111:20
yofel  Candidate: 1:3.2.1-5ubuntu111:20
shadeslayeroh missing a o11:21
yofelc&p error :/11:21
shadeslayeramazing... i do not have that package11:22
shadeslayerguess that explains alot11:22
shadeslayernor do i have openoffice.org-base :P11:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: around?11:32
shadeslayerwhat are the deps of the neon ppa11:32
apacheloggerI have no idea what you mean11:32
shadeslayerthe neon ppa11:32
* apachelogger really doesnt get how people can use IDEs11:32
shadeslayertheres a button : Edit ppa deps11:33
shadeslayer( i cant find it since im not a admin in neon )11:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: so?11:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: what are those deps11:33
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
apacheloggeradditional repos that will be added to the sources.list of that PPA11:33
shadeslayerlike any extra ppa's added?11:34
shadeslayerwhich ones11:34
apacheloggerare you sure it is a good idea to have grantlee from the branch?11:34
shadeslayeryofel: ^11:34
yofelapachelogger: not sure, I didn't set it to daily yet, should I use a snapshot of the 1.0 branch instead?11:35
apacheloggerI think you should use the thing in the repo ^^11:36
yofelwell, that's build against the wrong qt version11:36
apacheloggeror on-demand-backport11:36
apacheloggergood point11:36
apacheloggeryofel: in that case I would still build from a stable version/branch11:36
yofelok, an idea how I can get such a branch imported on LP?11:37
* yofel goes searching11:37
shadeslayeryofel: ask jelmer :P11:37
apacheloggerI am glad if I do not need to touch the lunchpad :P11:37
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apacheloggerNightrose: http://paste.ubuntu.com/478323/11:58
apacheloggergetting somewhere here11:58
Nightroseapachelogger: \o/11:59
apacheloggerp caller.parent.version.to_s12:41
apacheloggersomething about this is fishy12:41
apacheloggerNightrose: I think I overengineered \o/12:41
* apachelogger thinks that most of this junk is coming from limitations of the stock optparser of ruby :S12:43
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: that text is inaccurate. The most recent version may not always be the most appropriate13:37
JontheEchidnafor example, the most recent version could cause dependency issues, so apt elects to keep the current version13:38
Riddellgosh, I just got a Kubuntu help request e-mail from Matt Smith13:54
nigelbRiddell: omg! Dr. Who? o.O13:57
RiddellI expect so, very uncommon name that, hardly likely someone else would have the same name13:58
nigelbwow wow wow13:59
nigelbbut there is http://twitter.com/mattstech though13:59
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: oic14:37
shadeslayeranyone running trunk KDE?15:36
Tm_Tme, I, this guy right here15:47
shadeslayerTm_T: hehe15:48
shadeslayerTm_T: ok ill contact you in a few mins :D15:48
shadeslayerTm_T: patch http://pastebin.com/DDi5PwDm15:58
shadeslayerafter building change values of folder view in its config file15:58
shadeslayerand watch for changes :D15:58
Tm_Tshadeslayer: I don't use folderview, what that should do?16:02
shadeslayerTm_T: i cant find the config file myself :P16:03
shadeslayerlemme grep .kde16:03
shadeslayerTm_T: .kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc16:07
shadeslayerchange config values for m_customLabel16:08
shadeslayeror pastebin me that file16:08
Tm_Tsorry, but I don't fully understand what you're after (:16:10
shadeslayerTm_T: http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Tasks#Plasmoids16:11
shadeslayerTm_T: please pastebin that file :)16:11
shadeslayeryoull need to add folder view first of course16:11
Tm_Tafter or before applying the patch? (:)16:11
shadeslayerapply patch > build and install > add folder view > pastebin file :P16:12
apacheloggerulysses, shadeslayer: ubuntuone-kde should now be installable again16:14
* ulysses have to go home to test16:14
Tm_Tapachelogger: in Lucid?16:14
* shadeslayer installs16:15
ulyssesreal men use development release only^^16:15
Tm_TI'm not the only user here16:15
apacheloggerubuntuone-share requires an akonadi view that is only available in 4.516:16
apachelogger+ one would need an ever patched syncd anyway16:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: installs, but i still dont have icon16:17
apacheloggerblame kpc or dolphin16:17
apacheloggerthe design of this new release script of mine is just awesome, except for option parsing stuff16:19
apacheloggerthat just does not go well with the dynamics16:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol : http://imagebin.ca/view/v5QTFrB.html16:20
apacheloggernot my fault16:20
shadeslayerclicking on it makes the ? icon appear16:21
shadeslayerTm_T: whut happened? 16:21
apacheloggerwhat elese is there?16:22
* apachelogger dances with markey16:22
shadeslayerlets see if it syncs :)16:24
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
shadeslayerapachelogger: kongrats, your app works :)16:25
shadeslayerexcept for the icon bit16:25
shadeslayerwould be nice to have KDE icons tho16:26
Tm_Tshadeslayer: uno momento16:39
shadeslayerok :)16:40
Tm_Tshadeslayer: http://www.tm-travolta.net/traces/plasma-desktop-20100815-183835.kcrash16:41
shadeslayerTm_T: you changed the values and it crashed? :16:44
shadeslayer#8  0x02ba4c27 in FolderView::configChanged (this=0x8689c60) at /home/kde4/src/KDE/kdebase/apps/plasma/applets/folderview/folderview.cpp:444 << hmm16:45
Tm_Tshadeslayer: I applied the patch and started with no ~/.kde16:46
shadeslayerand it crashed on start up?16:46
shadeslayermaybe it needs a condition to check if the config is actually there or not16:48
shadeslayerTm_T: does plasma come back up?16:50
shadeslayerTm_T: sorry i broke your plasma16:51
Tm_Tno you didn't, I simply reverted the patch16:51
shadeslayerwell thats another option ^_^16:52
apacheloggerwhat patch?17:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^^17:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: plasma JJ patch : http://pastebin.com/DDi5PwDm17:29
shadeslayerwhich causes http://www.tm-travolta.net/traces/plasma-desktop-20100815-183835.kcrash17:30
shadeslayerand im yet to figure out how to fix it :P17:30
apacheloggerwhat is uiDisplay?17:31
shadeslayer    Ui::folderviewDisplayConfig uiDisplay;17:31
apacheloggeryou probably access something that is not there (config ui elements for example)17:31
shadeslayeri do think so17:32
shadeslayer    const QString label = uiDisplay.labelEdit->text();17:32
apacheloggerwell that is defenitely where the crash happens ^^, so something is fishy about that labelEdit 17:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: same thing works in another function, but that does not validate my pov :P17:33
apacheloggerit actually only supports my theory :P17:33
shadeslayeryeah : http://pastebin.com/a48T18Qp << the whole file17:34
shadeslayerline 80517:34
shadeslayermeans there should be something before that line to import my uiDisplay object17:35
apacheloggeruiDisplay is a designer ui file17:35
apacheloggerthat needs setupUi called or the stuff breaks17:36
apacheloggerwhich is of course not an option in your function17:36
apachelogger...so I would rethink the use of that beasty...17:36
apacheloggerand whether it is necessary to access that stuff in there at all ^^17:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have to check the label if its empty or not and reload it accordingly17:36
apacheloggerin that case you should probably first check some things17:37
shadeslayersuch as?17:38
shadeslayerthat checks if the current label is same as m_customLabel17:38
shadeslayerand then update m_customLabel accordingly17:39
apacheloggerlabel != m_customLabel17:39
apacheloggerI wonder if that makes all that much sense17:39
shadeslayeri know... i didnt do a good job of explaining17:40
apacheloggerwell, no17:40
shadeslayersee  what im doing is reloading all values in configChanged17:40
apacheloggerI just wonder about the performance trade off here17:41
apacheloggersince in the worst case this will cause a qstrcompare and a qstrcopy17:41
apacheloggerneeds some work17:42
apacheloggeron the right way it is though17:42
shadeslayerthanks for the tip :)17:42
shadeslayerTm_T: poke17:50
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/NiPST2iA << new patch17:50
apacheloggereclipse's search is very much full of crap17:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you studying or working ?17:58
apacheloggerI am not exactly sure right now17:58
apacheloggeralso I am not sure I understand the question17:58
shadeslayeri mean.. are you a student or doing a job?17:58
shadeslayeror both :P17:59
shadeslayerpost graduation i presume?18:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: bachelor of science18:02
shadeslayerah.. im in Bachelor of Tech. :P18:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw your free right? unlike other GSoC students rushing to complete their projects... 18:04
apacheloggerif one is rushing now, one has done something very wrong with the schedule :P18:05
shadeslayerwell theyre fixing some last minute bugs that are trivial18:06
apacheloggersupposedly I would do the same if someone would be reporting such things ^^18:06
apacheloggerinstead I am writing IniConfig parsers ^^18:06
shadeslayerfor eg. on of my friends was working on skrooge dashboard, and at the last minute someone reported that theming didnt work18:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: theres a command to find out reverse deps of packages right?18:07
shadeslayerrdepends or something18:07
shadeslayeryofel: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-check-package-dependencies-with-apt-rdepends-on-ubuntu.html18:07
apacheloggerthere is also a scripty in devscripts for build-deps btw18:08
shadeslayerwhodepends ?18:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/a48T18Qp : line 467 to 472, should be fine to update the widget right?18:12
shadeslayeror more appropriately the variables preceding 47118:13
* apachelogger lols since he apparently just replicated the core functionallity of KDE's create_tarball.rb script in some 15 sloc18:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you sure those line numbers are right?18:16
apacheloggerwrong tab18:17
shadeslayerever since i started this JJ, i have more than 7 tabs at any momen :P18:17
apacheloggerlooks good18:18
shadeslayerit got so bad at one time, that ever alternate tab was for project neon and the other one for plasma18:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: awesome.. any other thing that you want me to fix?18:18
shadeslayer( in this particular function )18:18
shadeslayer    m_alignToGrid         = cg.readEntry("alignToGrid", m_alignToGrid); can be moved up in that list as well18:20
apacheloggerstrip them whitespaces :P18:21
apachelogger    m_numTextLines        = cg.readEntry("numTextLines", m_numTextLines);18:21
shadeslayeri thought that was the format ^_^18:21
apacheloggerwell, it can be, but sure as hell not longer than the longest variable of a variable block18:22
apacheloggerand only in a variable block to begin with18:22
apacheloggerfoobar = 1;18:22
apacheloggerfoo    = 2;18:22
apacheloggeris fine (depending on who you ask)18:22
apacheloggerfoobar       = 1;18:22
apacheloggerfoo          = 2;18:23
apacheloggeris not18:23
apacheloggeralso I personally do not like that sort of formating in large piles of software at all18:23
apacheloggerif you need to rearanage stuff your vars get all messed up18:23
apacheloggerunless the block of variables never changes ;)18:23
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/w7HgrGwk 18:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: need advice as to what should be done with new m_previewPlugins variable18:26
apacheloggerwhat is new about?18:27
shadeslayeroh nvm18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: the spaces18:27
shadeslayeri removed them :P18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh btw, rekonq now also has google suggestions18:28
shadeslayeruses konqueror search bar18:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: kde uses true or 1 for passing boolean values ?18:34
* shadeslayer hazards a guess at true18:34
shadeslayera big question18:35
shadeslayersuppose i have a function emitting signals at the end, do i need to connect that or can i directly call that function18:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: kde uses true unless there is reason not to use a bool (like when doing C in which case general C logic applies where 1 == true)18:36
shadeslayeralright.. and my 2nd question ? :)18:37
shadeslayeri guess your busy, will ask on #plasma18:45
rbelemhey Riddell 18:47
* Quintasan is back18:50
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
slughi, i'm trying to install paraview, which depends on libqt4-assistant: Depends: libqt4-network (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4 is to be installed19:05
slugDepends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4 is to be installed19:05
slugi recently installed kde 4.5 from the ppa.19:05
slugppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports i mean19:06
slugi can always go back i guess, but i'm wondering if maverick will have the same issue?19:07
rbelemRiddell, ScottK, apachelogger, I uploaded the first kubuntu-mobile-default-settings to revu. Can you take a look? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kubuntu-mobile-default-settings 19:09
oxymoronshadeslayer: Anything new regarding rekonw ppa yet? :P19:18
shadeslayeroh noes... see you didnt remind me :D19:18
shadeslayeroxymoron: ok i have 15 mins19:18
shadeslayerdistro + rekonq version19:18
oxymoronshadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rekonq but Lucid doesnt have 0.5, only maverick? :S19:19
shadeslayeryou want rekonq in official ppa?19:19
shadeslayeri mean19:19
shadeslayerofficial archives19:19
shadeslayercant be done19:20
oxymoronshadeslayer: WHy not?19:20
shadeslayeroxymoron: because we dont have kde 4.5 in archives19:22
oxymoronshadeslayer: Is Rekonq 0.5 dependent of KDE 4.5? :S19:22
shadeslayeroxymoron: i can upload to ppa19:22
oxymoronshadeslayer: Aha I see ... Well I guess I wait for MAverick then :P19:23
jjesseis 4.5 what i get w/ maverick?19:23
shadeslayerjjesse: yes19:23
oxymoronshadeslayer: Not neccessary, I use daily ppa instead.19:23
oxymoronshadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/~rekonq/+archive/rekonq-daily19:23
shadeslayeroxymoron: alright, but thats under heavy neglect from me and bulldog right now ^_^19:23
shadeslayerill trigger a build hold on19:24
oxymoronshadeslayer: Doesnt use it very much anyway :P Isnt as stable as Firefox yet. But when it is, then I will abandon Firefox.19:24
oxymoronMost problems is because of buggy Webkit engine.19:24
oxymoronGecko Engine is today most stable IMO :P19:24
shadeslayerim in favour of webkit 19:25
shadeslayeroxymoron: sorry cant do anything, lp is going beserk19:25
shadeslayerSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. :P19:25
oxymoronhehe :P19:25
shadeslayerwill try tmmrw from college19:25
oxymoronTHanks for trying :)19:25
shadeslayeroxymoron: right now project neon and some other JJ's are at a priority :)19:26
oxymoronshadeslayer: Btw may I ask, IF I should contribute somewhere on software market, where is the absolute best place to start with best developers and serious projects making differences? :P19:27
shadeslayeroxymoron: you should first of all know basic C++19:27
oxymoronshadeslayer: Yeah, well Rekonq isnt that important right now anyway.19:27
shadeslayerthat is a must19:27
oxymoronshadeslayer: I know basic C++, Python, Java so ...19:27
oxymoronIt was awhile though xD19:27
shadeslayeroxymoron: you can compile 0.5 on 4.5 if you have kde 4.5 :P19:27
shadeslayeroxymoron: then find a JJ with kde people19:28
oxymoronshadeslayer: JJ?19:28
shadeslayeror with a project that you really like19:28
jjessejunior job19:28
jjessei now just about that19:28
oxymoronshadeslayer: Is KDE the most serious project on the whole market right now?19:28
shadeslayeroxymoron: for eg. i just finished this patch  http://pastebin.com/3xG6vW7Y19:28
oxymoronI want to contribute on some project which matter A LOT for people using it.19:29
shadeslayeroxymoron: it has alot of interesting stuff :D19:29
oxymoronshadeslayer: Nice, doesnt look to hard learning code in that way :)19:29
oxymoronBut most of all I want a interesting project which attract me.19:30
shadeslayeroxymoron: find a project you think is going to make it big soonish > mail a request to their ML  asking for a JJ > Voila!19:30
oxymoronshadeslayer: When I enter the project it will go big :D19:30
shadeslayerok im off to sleep.. its 12 AM :P19:31
shadeslayerand ive only slept 4 hours since yesterday :D19:31
oxymoronHmm maybe a free Linux Spotify client :P19:31
oxymoronshadeslayer: Hehe :P19:31
jjesseyou can always do documentation :)19:31
shadeslayerRiddell: please promote libsrtp to main :)19:31
shadeslayerkdenetwork is ftbfs due to that19:31
oxymoronjjesse: Yeah if I want to kill myself :D19:31
jjessehey its not that bad19:32
shadeslayeroxymoron: dude.. i did docs for rekonq19:32
shadeslayeryou get to learn XML :P19:32
shadeslayerand like jjesse said.. its not that bad 19:32
jjesseor you can just send me the changes and i'll get them applied19:32
oxymoronshadeslayer: I have all programming skills, I mostly need to learn QT structure and how people working on these projects19:33
shadeslayeroxymoron: usually IRC or ML's19:33
oxymoronI barely want to document my own framework ... why would I document something else? :P19:33
xelisterhi, please review this patch and SRU it:19:42
xelister+ if (!(leftActiveTab < leftTabTypes.size())) { leftActiveTab=0; } // fix bug LP: #48119819:42
xelisterfixes Krusader medium bug (always crash on startup)19:42
shadeslayerbug 48119819:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 481198 in krusader (Ubuntu) "Krusader always crash on start after todays upgrade of system (ubuntu 9.10)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48119819:43
shadeslayerxelister: ok thats a wrong debdiff19:44
shadeslayerxelister: you need to put in a patch in debian/patches/foo.patch19:44
shadeslayerand not actually modify the actual file19:44
shadeslayeralso, please forward to upstream19:44
xelistercan anyone of you do that?19:45
xelisterits 2 line patch to fix medium prio bug.  (and Im out of time currently)19:45
shadeslayerim off to sleep as well19:45
shadeslayerxelister: can you come back again tommorow ?19:46
xelisterperhaps, depends.  :)19:48
xelisternever mind it seems to anyway work correctly on maveric, perhaps fixed upstream. shadeslayer19:50
shadeslayercould be :)19:51
yofelshadeslayer: forwarding not needed, fixed in 2.2.0-beta1 in maverick19:57
shadeslayeryofel: yeah xelister just confirmed it works19:57
amichairshadeslayer: did u find where software-properties-kde broke?20:28
yofelwhat was the screen height that triggers plasma-netbook again?21:19
apacheloggerI propose that someone makes a movie about me21:23
apacheloggerany takers?21:23
yofelnot me, but get me a ticket so I can watch it :P21:23
yofelI have stuff in systemsettings/lost_and_found, what should I report that against? http://imagebin.ca/view/MpIijig7.html21:25
jussiapachelogger: go find Rexbron.21:26
apacheloggernot found21:26
debfxyofel: i'll fix it21:33
yofelthanks :)21:33
debfxapachelogger: do you have time to sponsor those kcm category fixes?22:28
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq

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