
=== km is now known as Guest86632
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ryrychhow can I safely downgrade xserver-xorg to Koala version?00:53
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spencahi all01:47
spencadoes anyone have an old runescape account?01:47
spencathat they dont want anymore01:47
spencaanyone home01:49
spencadoes anyone have an old runescape account?01:51
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ironbeardhey guys, sorry not specific kubuntu question, but setting up a server with a dynamic dns no-ip.com. do i need to list noip as my dns servers, or can i still use google public dns?02:45
BytesunfishIf someone has the time and knowledge I have an issue with an onboard nic that for some reason is being recognized as virbr0 rather than eth0 or eth103:10
BytesunfishI have a second nic that I'm using now that is recognized as eth003:11
BytesunfishI'm on ubuntu 10.04 server03:11
Bytesunfishthe motherboard is an Asus m2n-e03:11
James147Bytesunfish: is the naming a problem?03:12
BytesunfishI could care less about the naming03:12
BytesunfishIt isn't being given good ip addresses and doesn't function like a regular test03:12
Bytesunfishregular nic**03:12
Bytesunfisheth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:16:38:f503:13
Bytesunfish          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Bytesunfish          inet6 addr: fe80::260:8ff:fe16:38f5/64 Scope:Link03:13
Bytesunfish          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:103:13
Bytesunfish          RX packets:896 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:13
Bytesunfish          TX packets:899 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:13
Bytesunfish          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100003:13
FloodBotK2Bytesunfish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
licensed_anybody knows a program to record my audio playing? i would like to record a myspace song03:14
BytesunfishThe eth0 is the nic that is in the pci slot and the virbr0 is the motherboard nic03:15
BytesunfishMy lspci results are here http://paste.ubuntu.com/478181/ Even this shows it as an virbr003:17
BytesunfishDoes anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I've hit a wall with this problem.03:19
well_laid_lawnBytesunfish: anything in dmesg about why it is that?03:23
BytesunfishI put in the command, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for.03:26
Bytesunfishwhat would I grep to see information on the device03:27
well_laid_lawnbr0 maybe03:32
cato37hello. how do i dl the help files for the desktop programs like Kontact?03:34
BytesunfishCan't add a grep to the command03:35
BytesunfishScanning through doesn't show me anything there03:35
well_laid_lawntry   dmesg | grep -i br003:36
Bytesunfish[   23.580835] virbr0: starting userspace STP failed, starting kernel STP03:37
BytesunfishThere was one other but it just said there are no ipv6 routers available which is correct.03:38
ilya-xhow can I change an application's kdewallet settings from "always allow" to prompt me for the password every time?03:45
ilya-xI can see the listing in the KDE Wallet Manager under "Access Control", but I don't see a way to change the policy setting03:45
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cato37bbl. have a good day all04:16
V0r34u5Hey guys, how can I disable AutoCompletion history in the Run Command (atl-f2) ?04:28
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condonAnyone in here running Compiz w/ cube with different images on each face?05:15
condonSet it up a couple years ago, bit of a system crash and sat it in a closet for a while... now can't remember how I did it (want to change the background images)05:16
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condonCan anyone tell me what significant changes there are from 8.04 to the latest buntu install?07:12
phoenix_hello everyone07:20
hector__if my latop has not a bluetooth device,i load down the android source code ,occuring that the process of loading on souce code pause,i don't know if  both of them have a connection.08:12
urgensay that again a different way hector08:25
Surunverii downloaded this tar gz package and unpacked it08:39
Surunveriand it contaiend shell scripts.. or files like setup.sh08:39
Surunveribut i dont know how to start them08:39
Surunverihow to do that?08:39
Surunveriok i found it from google =D08:43
boldakHello, I am using Kubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3 installed here to kicad and he does not work. The console says this: kicad: relocation error: kicad: symbol _ZTI12wxAuiToolBar, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_gtk2u_aui-2.8.so.0 with link time reference. How to fix it? thx08:48
well_laid_lawn!maverick | boldak08:50
ubottuboldak: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:50
boldakThanks I'm in #ubuntu+108:53
Vampirshaвсем привет08:53
Vampirshaчто тут?08:53
maco!ru | Vampirsha08:53
ubottuVampirsha: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:53
Vampirshaмне помощь не нужна08:54
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btariki want to make firefox the web vrowser by default, i have already done it computer>system and settings>default applications>web browser, but it doesn't work perfectly, some applications like amsn continue to open it's links in konqueror, any idea?09:06
btarikI am under kubuntu 10.04 LTS09:08
troopperibtarik: i think its might be inside on amsn settings what is default browser to use, my kopete uses konqueror and firefox is default browser..09:16
btarikproblem solved, in the preferences of amsn, change  xdg-open into  firefox, but i still don't understand why   xdg-open command doesn't  open the links in my default web browser?09:24
ubuntuhi everbody09:30
ubuntuim trying to repair my kubuntu... i did chroot with a livecd... n i have internet in that system up to the router... i was having that problem sometime age... but i cant remember what do i have to do09:31
ubuntuXD could someone help me?09:32
well_laid_lawnwhy is the internet only up to the router?09:35
well_laid_lawnubuntu: ^^09:35
ubuntuhow could i say that09:35
ubuntui have internet on my livesystem09:35
ubuntui did chroot09:35
ubuntuin that system i have only internet up to router...09:36
ubuntuit is so09:36
ubuntui can do ping to my self09:36
ubuntui can do ping to router09:36
ubuntun see the router09:36
ubuntubut not to out world09:36
ubuntui dont know if u get it... cuz my english is not the best thing09:36
well_laid_lawnping -c 3 www.google.com   work?09:37
ubuntuit doesnt work to anywhere out there09:37
ubuntuin that system09:37
ubuntujust... unknown host09:38
ubuntuthat problem i had somewhen...09:38
well_laid_lawnit prob doesn't have the router as the nameserver09:38
ubuntun someone told me... that i got to do... but now i dont remember it09:38
ubuntuwell i have ip... but i think is something with the packages09:39
ubuntucuz... up to router i just need mac adresse09:39
ubuntubut after ruter i need ip09:39
ubuntuwhen the symbolic link is not ok... i dont get ip to outher or anygateway09:40
ubuntuis n it?09:40
ubuntuthe last time09:40
ubuntui just got to delete something on a file... netconf or something like that09:40
ubuntubut i dont find that file09:41
ubuntuor copy one file from livecd to my system09:41
ubuntuyeah... it was so... but what file... i dont find it09:41
well_laid_lawnI wouldn't know09:42
nobarkinganyone else noticing an issue with Firefox's file save dialog after a KDE SC 4.5 upgrade?09:50
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nisha_newbiei added some card games from mint site which unfortunately does not work...how do i remove / uninstall them now?09:59
ubuntuno problem... ive resolved.... copied from live cd to system... resolv.conf10:00
husamis anybody here?10:04
giulianociao a tutti10:11
nobarkinghow can i enable drag and drop wallpaper changes with plasma?10:13
fabbio84i got an .img file, but k3b doesn't recognize the extension, how could i burn it?10:33
well_laid_lawnI think .img files are meant to go on usb sticks fabbio8410:37
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:37
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: are u sure?, because it's a playstation old game (metal gear solid)10:38
well_laid_lawnI did say I think... - and I thought it was an os10:38
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: the owner create the image with clonecd under wondows10:39
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: use file on it to check what it is e.g.   file /path/to/file.img10:39
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: sorry, don't understand, what should i do?10:40
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: file is the name of an app that will tell the structure of a file so in konsole do   file yourfilename.img10:44
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: ok10:45
well_laid_lawn'cause iirc some .img files can simply be renamed .iso10:46
btarikhow can i set up a panel per desktop which shows only the windows that are opened in the current desktop view10:47
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: http://pastebin.ca/191728910:47
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: now i'm trying with acetoneiso, it's a converter from registered image file to iso10:49
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: it says it is data - not that useful - you could try renaming it .iso - but make a copy first10:49
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: i tried but when i open it with k3b, doesn't work.10:52
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: there's not a single file with it10:53
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: the three file, img (the biggest) cue and ccd10:54
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: that does sound like old formats10:55
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: in the owner's guide, he wrote to use alchool 120% or clone, but these are program for windows10:56
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: another question, how could i menage the start-up app in the bar? because everytime i turn on the notebook i had to close some app like the one for bluetooth etc10:58
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: found this - http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/cdrecording/10:59
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: bluetooth seems to be an issue for some - it should be one of the services you turn of10:59
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: i don't wont kubuntu loads on startup11:00
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: you just want a terminal?11:01
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: accept my apologize if my english isn't perfect, i don't know if you understand everything i wrote11:02
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: nonono11:02
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: there is an italian channel if that would help11:02
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:02
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: don't worry, eng or ita doesn't matter11:03
well_laid_lawnk :]11:03
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: kubuntu is fine, but in the taskbar near the clock there are little icon like the battery status or pidgin or volume information, there's also the bluetooth icon, that every startup i close manually11:04
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: i would like that kubuntu doesn't load by himself11:04
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: in the kmenu there is system and then services - turn off bluetooth in services11:05
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: wait there11:06
fabbio84well_laid_lawn: where i should look???11:08
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: I'm not on a kde desktop atm - the k at bottom left is the menu with an entry system? yes11:09
well_laid_lawnfabbio84: in the system bit should be services entry that will allow you to turn off bluetooth11:11
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GG__where icons are stored in konqueror?11:34
e01_i had problems with flash on konqueror, rekonq, arora11:41
e01_is it well known problem or is specific on my system, i am with lucid and upgraded kde to 4.5.011:42
frxstremis there a reason why the "Shutdown" and "Restart" options don't show up in Kubuntu's menu, while they do in Ubuntu? (I installed Kubuntu with 'kubuntu-desktop')11:42
br14n4b4nksafternoon all11:49
br14n4b4nkswhen i boot my pc it regularly hangs at kubuntu bootscreen with the dots ... i have to reboot it a few times to get to the desktop ... any clue what this could be ??11:50
br14n4b4nksim on kubuntu 10.04 btw11:50
br14n4b4nksi assume this is not normal ??11:51
br14n4b4nksi have exact same probs like within this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147444411:54
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mika__hi, why kubuntu blocks the update to kde 4.5 ? i try to sudo aptitude safe-updgrade, but it says that packages have been kept back (all the kde 4.5 pkgs)12:08
Surunverisorry wrong channel12:20
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Thinkmachi all12:36
oalI just changed my motherboard, and I'm having sound issues. When I go to settings>multimedia to test the sound, it works, but not otherwise12:38
mudassarNo sound in youtube in kubuntu 10.04, please help12:38
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mudassaranybody there ? plz help me there is no sound in youtube12:52
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Kohelethjust installed kubuntu, real nice, thanks13:01
mudassarno sound in youtube plz help13:09
mika__why kubuntu blocks the update to kde 4.5 ? i try to sudo aptitude safe-updgrade, but it says that packages have been kept back (all the kde 4.5 pkgs)13:24
troopperimika__:  http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3112376.013:28
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
mika__hi, i've just updated to kde 4.5 with sudo aptitude dist-upgrade... but now it doesn't work anymore... after i try to login at kdm the screen became black and i see only the cursor... i've tried to move the .kde folder to a bkp in order to let it create a new one, but it didn't worked too... any hint on how fix this?14:40
mweijtsmika__:  reinstall kubuntu-desktop14:43
mika__mweijts: ok, thank you... do you know if there is kontact,kmail,etc in the 4.5 version?14:44
mika__<-- reboot... i'm from the live cd14:47
ngongdo you have experienced this one?: Thunderbird, search on a folder, the dialog window appears but no line to enter the first search condition is available14:56
=== sirfal09 is now known as sirfal09__
luishello everybody good morning  i need your help i just changed my burner, i had a cd burner that it was old and i bought a new comobo burner, but kubuntu9.04 doesn't even read it like if it wasn't there can i tought it was broken then i went back to the store but windows detect it just fine, how can i fix this please help???15:16
hsquaredhi, can anyone give a quick hint on how to regenerate the x-org config on console15:29
hsquaredas a newbee I have my difficulties finding the right commands15:30
luissudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:30
EliteHuntersMy Kubuntu Maverick M live USB is not saving the apps to the USB nor the HDD, is there a solution to this and not re-installing all the apps all over again?15:30
hsquaredluis: I'll try that15:31
luiswell that for sure reconofigure your xserver15:32
luisthere's no other command as i know15:32
luisyou can do it by restarting your pc then hit esc before any splash screen it would take tou choose there you click on recovery mode and from ther go to a a shell prompt there you do that15:33
hsquaredsounds good15:34
luisit will take you back to what it was15:34
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
EliteHuntersIs there a solution for Maverick M Alpha 2 not saving apps to the USB15:42
luisok i just found that my kubuntu9.04 does detect my dvd burner, is there but it doesn't work, this is what i got: http://pastebin.com/CLf2D2zz  help me please15:53
luisi just found something else guys, none of my multimedia application make it work but vlc15:55
luisis the only one that make it work15:55
luishelp me please to solve this15:55
ubuntuhi everybody16:01
ubuntuim trying to repair my system16:01
ubuntubut recovery mode doesnt work16:01
ubuntuim on livecd...16:01
ubuntuwith chroot to my system16:01
ubuntubut i cannot repair it16:01
ubuntuif someone could help me16:03
luisand open the dvd burner with vlc and place a dvd and run this and here is what i got :   http://pastebin.com/2ydX6dem  anyone help please16:04
luishey you ubuntu16:04
ubuntui cannot16:05
ubuntucuz on the dvd is my live c16:05
luishave you run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?16:05
Tm_Tubuntu: please don't use enter as punctuation16:05
ubuntuTm_T: oh sorry, i forgot this16:05
killin1a4Im using Kubuntu 10.04 upgraded to KDE SC 4.5 now when i open vlc an open a movie a smaller window open along with the video, if i manually close it, everything crashes.. is this a common problem?16:06
ubuntuluis: i could prove that16:06
luisdon't be sorry he's not even helping so he has no right to comlpain ubuntu16:06
Tm_Tkillin1a4: I think it has to do with new Qt16:06
ubuntuluis: i dont know what i gotta do... i was trying to repair it since 7 houers16:07
killin1a4don't get me wrong, this in no way makes me not like KDE 4.5, i freeking LOVE IT! also Kubuntu itself isnt to bad either ;)16:07
ubuntuhours, n nothing16:07
luiswhat is it that do you want to do ubuntu16:08
Tm_Tkillin1a4: I think vlc just needs to be rebuilt with that newer Qt to make it work right16:08
ubuntumake that my system works16:08
luiswhat do you mean with that whats rthe problem ubuntu?16:08
ubuntui cant start.... not normal... n not with recovery modus16:08
killin1a4Im thinking of removing vlc and going with mplayer. Any thoughts?16:09
ubuntuluis:  i cant start... im now on live cd16:09
ubuntuluis: n i think i broke grub2... trying to repair my system... i did a lot o things... then, i get something on grub2... invalid directory or something like that16:10
James147!grub2 | ubuntu16:10
ubottuubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:10
killin1a4first time using this irc client, wow it even give previews of the links when you hover16:11
luisyou will reboot and then after the brand screen appears like sony , toshiba or whatever your brand may be hit ESC, after that you will be prompt to some option among those you will see one saying recovery mode hit on that one then it will take you to some other option choose the one that prompt you to shell in there you will run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:12
luiscopy ubuntu???16:12
ubuntuwait i got to do somthing for my wife... im here in 5 minutes16:12
luisup to you16:13
qmahi I learning about IRC16:15
qmatrying up konversation16:15
James147!hi | qma16:15
ubottuqma: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:15
qmathanks a lot16:15
qmahi james14716:16
EliteHuntersIs there a solution for Maverick M Alpha 2 not saving apps to the USB16:17
ubuntuim on16:17
ubuntuim reading16:17
James147EliteHunters: maverick support is in #ubuntu+116:17
ubuntuluis: there is a problem.... recovery mode... doesnt work16:18
ubuntuthat is the big one problem16:18
luiswhat do you mean it doesn't work?16:18
luisyou get to see that option rigt ubuntu?16:18
James147ubuntu: its you have a problem with grub follow the link i sent you before, that should tell you how to revcover it16:19
James147if you ^^16:19
luisyeh you do that James knows better16:19
ubuntuwell... when i go on recovery mode... it try to do something... n... stop... telling me... or... kernel panic... or he can do that... or another thing... but never that screen with option to repair or graphicdriver or what else...16:19
ubuntuill read it16:20
ubunturoot@ubuntu:/# grub-install -v16:20
ubuntugrub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100722-1ubuntu116:20
ubuntuhow could i do something like grub-pc reconfigure?16:22
ubuntudpkg grub-pc -reconfigure?16:22
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James147ubuntu: chroot into the broken system then run "sudo update-grub" to reconfigure it... or just reinstall it16:24
ubuntui did it already16:25
ubuntucannot find the device... i dont know why...16:25
ubuntuJames147:  i could install teamviewer... n u can see it on my computer16:26
ubuntuJames147: if u want XD16:26
James147ubuntu: not really ^^ what do you mean it couldent find the device?16:27
ubunturoot@ubuntu:/# update-grub16:27
ubuntu/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).16:27
killin1a4Is it possible to have the nouveau driver, the ati fglrx driver, and the intel video driver installed on the same system, so that you can remaster the system with remastersys and it work with all three cards?16:28
DarthFrogkillin1a4: Should be no problem.  You'll have many more video drivers installed by default anyway.16:29
James147ubuntu: have you chrooted into the broken system proprtly?16:29
James147properly ^^16:29
ubuntui could i know it?16:29
ubuntui did mkdir... /ubuntu16:29
ubuntuu know... fdisk -l---- i get wichone16:30
ubuntuthen... i did... sudo mount /dev/sda2 /ubuntu/ then... sudo chroot /ubuntu16:30
killin1a4ok sounds good.16:30
James147ubuntu: you didnt remount /dev... or any  of the other system files... exit the chroot and follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD16:31
ubuntuill do it16:32
killin1a4is it possible to create a marks file with KPackageKit like you can do with Synaptic?16:33
ubuntuJames147: hey... then i got to restart?... or could i prove? with i dont know what thing... that it works?16:34
ubuntui got to show u something16:34
ubuntuit doesnt work16:37
killin1a4hmm guess not16:41
qmaI want to change my source.list to update virtualbox to version 3.2.8 my current line in sources.list --> deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian lucid non-free16:44
DarthFrogkillin1a4: If you don't get an answer, generally that means no-one knows the answer to your question.16:44
killin1a4yea, I just google a few diff keyword strings, no luck16:45
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RadSurferanyone know how to PERMANENTLY disable monitor shutoff?17:11
RadSurferwhy does linux insist on killing the monitor every 5 minutes anyway! and no way to DISABLE it permanently?17:12
DarthFrogRadSurfer: Are you talking about the screensaver?  Or the power monitor17:15
DarthFrogRadSurfer: Have you tried configuring Power Management in System Settings?17:16
RadSurferpower saver crap. It always wants to turn monitor itself off every 5 mins or so.17:16
RadSurferI've tried everything to disable it. still does it.17:16
RadSurferyes. I went thru all profiles in power management17:16
DarthFrogWell, you can disable display power management.17:16
RadSurferbut I've probably done it already.17:16
DarthFrogHave a look at the Presentation profile.17:17
DarthFrogUnder Edit Profiles.17:17
RadSurferI unchecked that check box, for all profiles17:17
RadSurferSTILL does it17:17
DarthFrogHmm, it might be for laptops only.17:17
RadSurferSo no one knows how to permanently disable monitor shut off?17:18
DarthFrogRadSurfer: Well, you could always try uninstalling the power management software.17:20
RadSurferwell theres a thought. wonder what that would break.17:20
DarthFrogAlso, are  you sure that it's Kubuntu that's doing it and not the monitor itself?17:20
RadSurferthanks anyway17:20
RadSurfermonitor functions normal in CentOS and Win3217:20
DarthFrogRadSurfer: Whatever it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. :-)17:20
luisok guys i have been doing some research on google but none of them seems to work my kubuntu9.04 does detect my dvd drive but it wont mount any media it keeps saying no media found can anyone helpme to fix this please?????17:27
DarthFrogluis: Have you tried swapping out your DVD drive for a known good one?17:28
luisi don't understan your question sorry17:28
DarthFrogMaybe your DVD drive is broken.  Install another one that you know is working, to test.17:29
luiso not at all i tought so too but is brand new and i took it to the store where i bought it and they taste it in win and is just fine the problem is with my kubuntu9.0417:31
DarthFrogStill, I'd want to try another drive.  Perhaps the one you have simply works poorly with your system.17:32
DarthFrogluis: Can you boot from a LiveCD with that drive?17:33
luisi have another one same brand but is just cd this is a combo17:33
luisi already try that and ot wont read any live cd17:34
DarthFrogThen it isn't your Kubuntu installation that is the problem17:34
luisthe thing is that it does actually works just fine in windows as i saw at the store17:34
luiskubuntu does detect my new drive but for some reason doesn't read any media wether cd or dvd17:35
DarthFrogluis: If it won't boot from CD, then the issue is between your hardware.17:36
luisbut how come vlc is the only application that read the medias in my kubuntu the rest won't17:37
DarthFrog???  I thought you couldn't read it at all?17:37
luiscause i just find out that vlc actually does it sorry17:37
contrastGreets, everyone... Is it just me, or is Dolphin 4.5 unstable as f...?17:41
cuzntwhen i go to do sudo apt-get -f install it states Keep the following packages at their current version: and gives a score of 328 .. question is what does the score mean?17:41
* cuznt 's dolphin is fine17:42
contrastcuznt: And you've upgraded to KDE 4.5?17:44
cuznt64 bit17:45
contrastcuznt: Do you have the Virtuoso packages installed? (I removed them, same as I had in the past with no problem, since I knew of no other way to stop the virtuoso-t process from running all the time.)17:46
DarthFrogcontrast: You can turn it off by disabling Nepomuk in System Settings.17:47
DarthFrogVirtuoso is part of Nepomuk.17:47
contrastDarthFrog: Doesn't disabling Nepomuk have some other negative consequences though? I forget the details, but I remember some pretty solid reasons I avoided that route in the past.17:47
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DarthFrogcontrast: I can't answer that, sorry.  Don't know what they might be, though, especially if you've removed virtuoso.17:48
cuzntno idea if i have virtuoso. if it comes standard.. then yes. i have not intentionally installed it17:49
contrastHrmm... I'm wondering if that could possibly be the culprit. Seems unlikely though. :17:50
=== ep_ is now known as Guest78984
contrastFinding a KDE feature release with 16000 bug fixes to be less stable than the previous makes me a sad panda.18:03
maxidesqacI'm using Konrqueror and right there to get quick access to search in google18:17
maxidesqac 18:17
maxidesqacBut I happen to google search in English (google.com) and I want it to be in Spanish (google.com.ar) as18:17
maxidesqacI? Thanks18:17
FloodBotK2maxidesqac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:18
Peace-!es | maxidesqac18:26
ubottumaxidesqac: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:26
=== ubuntu is now known as polis
poliski mi aiuta sono con la live di kubuntu, devo ripristinare il grub18:42
rork!it | polis18:42
ubottupolis: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:42
polisescuse me18:42
rorkno problem18:43
94SAAF0K8how do I see if my machine is karmic or something else18:55
maxidesqacI have a problem with Konqueror (kdeinit PID: 1533 (Segmentation fault)18:56
marseillaii know this is not the right place for my question but i can't find the answer anywhere else19:37
marseillaii don't succeed to build mysql plugin on kubuntu for qt4.6.3 from qt sdk. I'm following this tuto : http://www.lemon-factory.com/2010/04/29/qt-building-the-mysql-plugin-on-ubuntu/ and i got this error : strip --strip-unneeded "/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlmysql.so"19:39
marseillaidoes anyone know why ?19:39
wea0I need to create a backup of my whole kubuntu partition (karmic amd64) to an external drive. Any recommended programs?19:44
slugwea0: partimage19:48
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=== Erik_ is now known as Guest64359
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
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=== Magix is now known as lol538
senfmanwhat kubuntu live usb image would you recommend?21:42
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voxynHello i have a question22:14
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voxyncan i ask it here?22:14
voxynI installed kubuntu-dekstop on my ubuntu installation but i didn't like it at all so i removed it but i still have all the kubuntu application is there a way to install them all?22:15
voxynwithout checking them manually22:15
voxynnever mind i found the solution! i entered this in the console: sudo apt-get remove akonadi-server akregator amarok amarok-common amarok-utils apport-kde apturl-kde ark cdrdao dolphin dragonplayer exiv2 foomatic-db-gutenprint freespacenotifier gdebi-kde gnupg-agent gtk2-engines-qtcurve gwenview hpijs-ppds ibus-qt4 icoutils ijsgutenprint install-package jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaddressbook kamera kate kbluetooth kcalc kcm-gtk kcm-touch22:18
voxynThanks a lot anyway!22:18
ArGGu^^Anybody knows how I get dolphin to view japanese characters22:37
ArGGu^^I just realised it displays them but the file name is in other encoding22:42
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=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
enderw99i think there's a bug in the vt helper code. when i change vts after a resolution change the screen isn't reset.23:44
enderw99running htop actually shows what the buffer held previously at a higher resolution.23:46
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