
sebsebsebVirtualbox  and a Sun Microsystems version, probably the last one, since my distro.  However even Virtualbox's that are about a year old, are still good.00:00
penguin42yeh, I use kvm - it doesn't like 3d stuff00:00
sebsebsebpenguin42: this version is slightly later than what I used before upgrading the distro, so not that long ago.  anyway 3.1.8 is the version.  Also no KVM for me on here, since this computer does not do hardware virtaulization.00:02
sebsebseb(and Virtualbox OSE, if we are going to be really exact,  :D )00:03
penguin42yes, my main machine fortunately has VT but the others don't00:03
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penguin42anyone know why coretemp isn't automatically loaded for sensors?00:49
IdleOnewhy are all my apps changing theme? they are all turning silver/grey00:49
IdleOneand my buttons have moved to the left again00:51
* IdleOne is irritated00:51
* penguin42 is not really in the mood to debug the gnome bug I seem to be hitting01:04
Daekdroompenguin42, describe it :301:05
* penguin42 did do up there ^ - menu bar taking ages to come up in a few gnome apps, gnome-terminal occasional crashes and gnome-terminal and nuatilus spitting out pages of errors into .xsession-errors - all seem related to ubuntu-local01:06
DaekdroomI didn't run into any of those, yet.01:06
penguin42it's only one of my 2 machines01:06
IdleOnenice... nautilus not opening01:09
IdleOnehmm killing the pid seems to spawn another nautilus01:11
DaekdroomIt has been like that for quite awhile01:11
IdleOnejust started for me01:13
IdleOnethis issue I mean01:13
DaekdroomAh. I was talking about killing nautilus bringing it back]01:13
IdleOneI'm assuming it isn't meant to01:13
DaekdroomIdleOne, could be the gnome-session process bring it back up01:14
* shadeslayer pokes his 150 MB ppa upload01:15
IdleOnewhatever, doesn't really bother me so much01:15
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DaekdroomI find it quite useful when nautilus memory leaks01:15
IdleOnestrange thing is Places > Home Folder is now working again01:18
IdleOneyay for problems that fix themselves01:18
IdleOneuptime 11 days, think I should reboot?01:19
penguin42ooh - my bug goes if I remove the appmenu-gtk package01:22
penguin42right, time for bed01:24
BookmanI am getting the following when trying to update:02:07
BookmanThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.02:07
bacchusRebooting was a bad idea :(02:07
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Sylphidhey all, just upgraded to 10.10 and now setting swappiness appears to have no affect as after setting it to 0 and flushing swap space it is still sending half of the used memory to swap02:16
Sylphidalso it appears that even though i am using only 328M of memory out of 2G it will not let me flush swapspace more than a few times02:17
VolkodavLooks like ure is the openoffice stopper /03:09
Dmstrdjdo drivers exist to run ati radeon video cards now03:12
Jordan_UDmstrdj: Yes, but it depends on the exact model and whether you want open or proprietary drivers.03:15
DmstrdjJordan_U:  well its x1950 pro and i have tried the prop drivers on 10.04 already03:29
DmstrdjJordan_U: no open drivers worked at all03:29
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:13
magicianlordis there a fix to the maverick netbook cursor blinking problem that makes it not boot?04:14
IdleOnemagicianlord: see above and after you login to text mode only type startx and that should start the GUI04:14
IdleOnemagicianlord: if that doesn't work04:14
magicianlordwhen is this gonna be fixed?04:14
IdleOnesoon we hope :)04:14
IdleOneyou have nvdia?04:15
IdleOneI just had to remove nvidia-* to get GUI to load04:15
magicianlorddidnt boot on both intel or nvidia04:17
magicianlordi just told my dawg to try the notext. we'll see if it works04:17
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vishcan we not make a bootable usb image from a daily iso?07:59
vishi'v been trying to make one using usb creator and every time i create one.. the boot hangs with "unknown keyword in configuration file" and "boot: _ "08:00
vishbut if i try ti make the live usb from a ubuntu 10.04 iso it works08:02
zirodayvish: edit syslinux.cfg and remove 'ui' from the file08:27
* vish tries08:27
shadeslayervish: known bug i think08:28
zirodayshadeslayer: you have a bug report handy?08:28
shadeslayerno :(08:29
shadeslayerill check logs08:29
shadeslayerbug 60838208:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838208:30
shadeslayerthat one?08:30
vishshadeslayer: yeah , thats the same bug08:30
vishatleast the one i'm facing..08:30
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/nnrwdyef << from a few days ago08:30
vishdoh! i spent the whole time yesterday thinking it was some bug in usbcreator! and was trying to figure out where the problem actually was.!08:32
* vish should probably have asked here earlier ;)08:32
zirodaylooks like evand is already working on the bug, nothing much more you can do vish08:32
* shadeslayer gets back to project neon08:32
vishziroday: yeah.. thanks for the workaround.. now gonna test it \o/08:33
shadeslayerfrickin ppa builders .... :(08:33
shadeslayervish: ssup with operation cleansweep ? i saw the progress counter at 11 % a few days ago :)08:34
shadeslayersince we are in FF now, i can spare some time for it :D08:34
vishshadeslayer: hmm.. i guess not many are interested in checking patches for projects that they are not really interested in ;)08:34
shadeslayerfeel free to forward any kde* bugs you find ;)08:34
shadeslayervish: everyone has a particular area of interest08:35
shadeslayerfor eg. mine is kde :D08:35
vishshadeslayer: that workflow can be a lot easier/simpler than what it is.. which will make it easier to clear more bugs..08:35
shadeslayerimo we need more of project tabs08:36
shadeslayer76651 Open Bugs :(08:36
vishshadeslayer: we need lp to handle the reviews , like bgo and tagging is an awkward workaround.. for which we have 12 tags. right now. ;p08:37
vishshadeslayer: yay , buggy kde ! ;p08:37
shadeslayervish: most of the bugs on LP are upstream bugs08:37
shadeslayersome of them are truly in our packaging, but majority are upstream08:38
shadeslayervish: oohh.. checkout google.co.in08:38
vishoh! :)08:39
vishshadeslayer: looks like google.com is also the same? or is it just a cache..08:40
shadeslayervish: if you go to google.com it redirects to .in08:40
shadeslayerof course you can actually go to .com08:40
shadeslayerbut its the same doodle there too08:41
boldakHello, I am using Kubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3 installed here to kicad and he does not work. The console says this: kicad: relocation error: kicad: symbol _ZTI12wxAuiToolBar, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_gtk2u_aui-2.8.so.0 with link time reference. How to fix it? thx08:52
boldakDo you know where it could be a problem?09:06
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gesermy guess is that kicad needs a rebuild09:52
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penguin42hmm, my touchpad is working today12:11
ircipimpHi. I can't access http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/ because of some "show_static" error displayed.12:22
ircipimpIs this an error on my side or a known issue?12:23
penguin42looks broken to me12:23
* penguin42 wonders how OpenOffice.org managed to get itself uninstalled12:26
* BUGabundo clicks13:25
Ian_corneit's garfield :)13:26
Ian_corneanyone else notice stuttering when playing songs through rhythmbox?14:55
Ian_cornestream and songs14:57
penguin42anyone here running radeon open source drivers?15:16
coz_penguin42,  I am not sorry15:17
Ian_cornepenguin42: I have to get lucky if I boot on .3515:19
Ian_cornesometimes X freezes15:20
Ian_cornesometimes it doesn't15:20
Ian_cornewhen it doesn't, it's good, and doesn't crash15:20
penguin42Ian_corne: I seem to have a reliable X crash I can trigger; bring up gnome-screensaver-preferences and toggle between the different hacks - even switching to blank sometimes does it15:20
penguin42Ian_corne: Oh, if you have that start up one try removing the set gfxmode in the grub boot - works for me15:20
Ian_cornelet me save my work :p15:20
Ian_cornedo I need to preview penguin42?15:21
penguin42I think so, for me it was doing it with the skyrocket screensaver from the rss-glx package but then I found it did it with most others as well15:22
Ian_corneI'm not seeing any crash15:22
penguin42ok, thanks for trying15:23
Ian_corneah it just did15:23
penguin42ah !15:23
Ian_corneonly seems to happen with fuzzy flakes15:24
penguin42does the backtrace look something like my bug 61823615:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618236 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "repeatable xserver crash using gnome-screensaver-preferences" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61823615:24
Ian_corneI don't know, X crashes and takes the terminal with it :p15:24
penguin42Ian_corne: /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old has the backtrace in15:25
Ian_corneI'll look15:25
Ian_corneexactly the same15:26
penguin42ok, can you confirm that one please15:26
Ian_corneI just did :)15:26
Ian_corneI sometimes have random crashes to but can't reproduce them15:27
penguin42this seems a nice reproducable one15:27
WaYhas anybody tried kde 4.5?15:43
shadeslayerWaY: me15:45
shadeslayerBUGabundo: bye15:45
WaYshadeslayer, when you open amsn or jdownloader it opens a new window for each program on task manager?15:52
shadeslayerermm.. dont have either of those :)15:52
WaYa new window like hanged up15:52
WaYit does not happends with any program that you use shadeslayer ?15:52
shadeslayerWaY: try running from konsole and pastebin debug output15:53
shadeslayerWaY: no15:53
WaYit gives no information from konsole15:53
WaYit's since I have upgraded to kde 4.5, with 4.4 did not happens15:54
shadeslayerWaY: alt+F2 > kdebugdialog > Select all > Ok15:57
shadeslayerthen try again15:57
WaYok, lets try it15:57
WaYwhere do I have to search for the debugging info?15:58
WaYstill the same, no konsole debugging output info :S16:01
blkhow can i "disable wireless" in nm-applet 0.8.1? it's grayed out (running as root doesn't make a difference - same for the "enable networking" tick )16:02
shadeslayerWaY: no idea mon16:06
WaYok, thanks anyway16:08
EliteHuntersMy Kubuntu Maverick M live USB is not saving the apps to the USB nor the HDD, is there a solution to this and not re-installing all the apps all over again?16:17
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shadeslayerEliteHunters: maybe because its not a persistent install?16:26
EliteHuntersanyway to solve that problem at the moment16:26
EliteHunterscause I'm running off the USB at the moment16:27
EliteHunterscause I reloaded firefox and skype thus far16:27
EliteHuntersand to go thru the process all over is tiredsome16:28
shadeslayerEliteHunters: oh sorry17:02
shadeslayerplease highlight next time17:03
shadeslayer!usb | EliteHunters17:04
ubottuEliteHunters: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:04
shadeslayeryoull need to make the live usb again17:04
shadeslayerhow did you make it last time?17:05
EliteHunterswell shadeslayer, I didn't use the usb creator cause for some reason it was not working17:27
shadeslayeryeah known bug17:28
shadeslayerbug 60838217:28
EliteHuntersI used another app at the time, but I can't recall the name at hand17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838217:28
shadeslayerEliteHunters: use workaround there ^17:28
EliteHuntersI can use the work around17:32
EliteHuntersbut I'll have to edit the casper file17:33
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dupondjebluetooth-applet keeps crashing :(17:44
CaptainKnotsdoes anyone know why the power icon in alpha3 is missing? I tried resetting my gnome panels to default and it didn't fix that18:38
CaptainKnotsit just comes up with a black box with a red symbol in it18:38
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knittlhi. why does nautilus take several minutes to be responsive after login? i cannot click anything on desktop nor open new windows. also desktop icons do not refresh19:37
Ian_cornebecause of a bug?, high disk load?19:40
knittli guess it's because of a bug19:40
knittlpreviously it was syncdaemon which was eating IO time19:40
WaYdoes anybody knows how to remove the "Page one" bar from kde?19:59
yofelwhat page one bar? o.O20:01
WaYwhen you make a fresh install of kubuntu maverick20:03
WaYit installs this bar by default on your kde 4.520:03
yofelyou mean a widget on the desktop? (can you get me a screenshot? didn't do a fresh installation for maverick yet)20:05
shadeslayeryofel: the pager20:05
WaYok, I'm showing a screenshot20:06
WaYis it a widget shadeslayer ? I think is a bar20:06
shadeslayerWaY: http://imagebin.ca/view/u-uSsG34.html20:07
WaYthats not the one I mean20:08
WaYthe one I mean is upper, I'll show you20:09
WaYfos, there is no gimp by default grrr20:09
yofelfor screenshots? ksnapshot?20:10
shadeslayerim off to sleep anyways20:10
WaYfor printing 2 arrows jeje20:13
WaYhave a look please20:13
yofelwhere did that come from...20:14
shadeslayeroh that20:14
shadeslayeryofel: known bug on previous release20:14
penguin42CaptainKnots: I also have the missing power icon20:14
shadeslayerpartly our fault20:14
WaYyou know what it is shadeslayer ?20:14
shadeslayerWaY: yep20:14
CaptainKnotspenguin42: did you upgrade from lucid?20:14
WaYok, it's a bit... how can I say it20:15
shadeslayerWaY: can you right click on the area?20:15
penguin42CaptainKnots: Yep20:15
WaYover the Page one?20:16
CaptainKnotsI wonder if it does that on a fresh install penguin4220:16
knittlseem so to be related to some user specific config20:16
WaYI can't close it from task bar20:16
shadeslayerWaY: the upper bar20:16
knittland syncdaemon is still eating all io time20:16
penguin42CaptainKnots: Dunno20:16
WaYyou can configure that page20:16
WaYas another desktop20:16
WaYbut you can't remove it20:16
WaYthe only option you have over the bar is to unlock it20:16
shadeslayerfound it20:17
shadeslayerWaY: right click on desktop20:17
WaYyou can add also some widgets when you unlock it but you can't remove it20:17
CaptainKnotspenguin42: I'm gonna try a fresh install of maverick on my desktop later....I'll let you know if thatr still happens20:17
penguin42CaptainKnots: It's actually my least important bug I'm seeing :-)20:17
shadeslayerWaY: Desktop Settings > Activity > Type : Desktop20:17
WaYwhat else shadeslayer :D20:17
CaptainKnotspenguin42: what other bugs did you find?20:17
shadeslayerWaY: and that should solve the problem20:18
CaptainKnotsI'll check my install for them20:18
shadeslayerif not, just restart plasma to check20:18
shadeslayerkquitapp plasma-desktop; plasma-desktop : in krunner20:18
shadeslayerim off to sleep now... really :P20:18
shadeslayeryofel: ill explain what might have caused that tmmrw20:19
shadeslayerjust remind me... if you want to know :)20:19
WaYit's not disappearing20:19
WaYI'm going to restart20:19
shadeslayerWaY: just restart plasma20:19
penguin42CaptainKnots: Oh I've got a whole bunch; two that stop it booting on this machine without fiddling with the boot stanza in different ways (set gfxmode and nointremap), a repeatable X crash, a few unrepeatables, a pesky one involving app menus to name a few20:20
WaYnow I could remove it20:20
WaYI'm going to restart computer for another thing too20:20
penguin42oh, and Maverick now includes my kernel patch that means Google Earth works20:20
WaYthanks a lot shadeslayer20:20
WaYI'm back for telling what happened20:20
CaptainKnotspenguin42: know what I noticed about maverick? I have an ati mobility hd 4670, and I dont need to install fglrx anymore. compiz runs very smooth, I get full 3d acceleration, and hd playback is seamless. before, even with fglrx, it was pretty messy, and even sd playback was choppy on an i7 with 8gb of ram20:23
CaptainKnotsoh and also it doesn't disable networking everytime I hibernate anymore20:23
penguin42CaptainKnots: I've been running the open source driver since I got this machine and put Lucid on it20:23
penguin42CaptainKnots: With an HD4350 - but I do seem to be able to trigger a bunch of bugs in Radeon code20:24
CaptainKnotswell my card doesnt play nice with the open source driver....I get tons of artifacting20:24
CaptainKnotslaptop ati cards are far from easy to get working properly in any linux distro, especially newer cards20:25
bdrungI have installed indicator-datetime, but the datetime indicator doesn't appear in the panel. is there a option for enabling/disabling it or is it a bug?20:25
EliteHuntersanyone has the repository address for Adobe Flash Player Plugin20:25
penguin42CaptainKnots: I was running lucid with xorg-edgers and found I could run assaultcube OK, but on Maverick with the standard libraries it has severe problems - so I don't know whether to try edgers again or if it's actually a regression20:25
CaptainKnotspenguin42: you could always try it, and revert if necessary20:26
penguin42yeh, reverting it gets a bit messy20:26
EliteHuntersI'm running off a live USB of Maverick M Alpha 2 and it still needs additional apps added to it.20:28
EliteHuntersand the USB isn't set to persistent20:29
EliteHuntersso I lose everything with I boot up20:29
EliteHuntersso is there anyway to properly solve this with a usb creator software.20:30
* penguin42 tries to figure out how to build a package with debug symbols20:32
penguin42can see it has the builds in the build directory but hasn't produced any .debs20:33
BUGabundodamn it20:46
BUGabundosome how killed my X20:46
BUGabundodid the usual safe upgrades20:47
crimsun_stop doing that! ;-p20:47
BUGabundosome X stuff got in20:47
BUGabundonow it won't boot fine :(20:47
* BUGabundo tickels crimsun_ some more20:47
bdrungBUGabundo: buy other hardware ;-P20:50
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BUGabundobdrung: I like nvidia20:54
BUGabundodoesn't give me much trouble20:54
BUGabundoother then one month per devel cicle20:54
bdrungBUGabundo: ati with the free driver doesn't give much trouble. nvidia gave me enough trouble20:54
BUGabundoI can't even make my other laptop with ATI to LCD via hdmi20:55
penguin42IMHO maverick is having a whole bunch of radeon issues20:56
BUGabundoso what's the current method to make the blob work?21:03
BUGabundoabi something ?21:03
BUGabundopenguin42: nvidia driver aka blob21:11
penguin42oh, I dunno about nvidia21:11
WaYmy kubuntu maverick is autorunning plasma-netbook even if it's amd64 version21:11
yofelBUGabundo: yep, ignoreABI - see bug 61902321:17
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 619023 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/619023)21:17
BUGabundogo go ubottu21:17
yofeler... wrong #21:18
yofelbug 616023 :)21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602321:18
WaYI have same bug ubottu21:18
WaYis it solved?21:18
yofelWaY: is your screen smaller than 600 pixels in height?21:18
yofel!me | WaY21:18
ubottuWaY: Hi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:18
yofelerm, smaller than 700 actually I think21:19
WaYnop, 76821:19
yofelhm, I'll check on the correct screen height, but you can change that after login in the settings21:20
WaYI can work without xgl until fix it :S21:20
WaYI'm going to try ignoring ABI21:22
WaYsee you after X restart21:22
BUGabundowhat a confusing bug that is21:23
WaYworks that fix :)21:26
WaYI think there is a bug with notification area and amsn, and jdownloader. It opens like another app hanged in the kde 4.5 taskbar21:28
magicianlordDoes anyone know how to make 10.10 Netbook iso boot? It freezes on cursor.21:45
penguin42at what point?21:46
magicianlordbefore the main selection21:47
magicianlordwhere it shown the debian text21:47
penguin42usb or cd?21:52
magicianlordit's a live iso, used usb-creator21:59
magicianlordalso burned iso to dvd21:59
zauzaui was trying to install from gnome shell ppa but was having issues. I removed the ppa and now i need to run an apt-get install -f to fix dependencies which is pulling a bunch of kde packages to be installed. I don't want this. How do I remove these dependencies ?22:15
EliteHuntersanyone has the repository address for Adobe Flash Player Plugin22:44
penguin42EliteHunters: It's just flashplugin-installer22:45
EliteHuntersthat's not working with the "sudo apt-get install" cmd22:46
EliteHuntersis there something I'm missing in the cmd line segment22:48
EliteHuntersor something I must do in the software management section in third party22:49
yofelflashplugin-installer is in multiverse22:50
yofel *** 022:50
yofel        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/multiverse amd64 Packages22:50
EliteHuntersyofel, how do I then install it into the system, if I'm using a Live USB22:57
jpdsyofel: No mirror?22:57
yofelhm, should work if you have network connection and ran 'apt-get update' once22:58
EliteHuntersI can dl the *.deb file from adobe22:58
EliteHuntersbut the cmd line isn't working for install22:58
yofeljpds: oh, I'll switch back, my mirror was down yesterday22:58
jpdsyofel: Oh? Which one were you using?22:58
yofeljpds: university mirror, ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de22:59
yofelEliteHunters: for downloaded .debs you have to either use 'dpkg -i' or gdebi22:59
jpdsyofel: It's a good idea to report mirror problems in #ubuntu-mirrors.23:00
EliteHuntersyofel:- then what would be the correct cmd line statement to type?23:01
yofelwell, it's back up already, so no point23:01
yofelEliteHunters: sudo dpkg -i *.deb       where *.deb is your .deb file23:02
yofelbut at least for the ubuntu installer the package needs a working internet connection to work, not sure what the adobe one does23:02
EliteHuntersits telling me that the dpkg-i cmd not found23:05
EliteHuntersthe file it there in the dl folder23:05
EliteHuntersmy internet is up and running23:05
yofelEliteHunters: 'dpkg -i' note the space in between23:06
EliteHuntersmy konsole cmd line was "sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb23:06
yofelthen 'dpkg-i cmd not found' doesn't make sense23:07
EliteHuntersnow it's telling me that the package isn't found23:07
EliteHuntersubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb23:08
EliteHuntersdpkg: error processing install_flash_player_10_linux.deb (--install):23:08
EliteHunters cannot access archive: No such file or directory23:08
EliteHuntersErrors were encountered while processing:23:08
EliteHunters install_flash_player_10_linux.deb23:08
Jordan_UEliteHunters: Just double click the .deb file.23:09
penguin42anyone else still having f-spot problems in Maverick?23:09
EliteHuntersjordan_U: done23:09
EliteHuntersthe window is up and there's the option to install package23:10
EliteHuntersthe option however isn't working when clicked and double clicked23:11
EliteHuntersIs there another option?23:13
EliteHuntersjordan_U: Any other option that I can try?23:17
Jordan_UEliteHunters: How big is the flash drive? It might be better in general to just do a standard install.23:18
EliteHunterswell I'm using a 1GB flash drive and yes I could install it on the system (laptop), but I wanted the option to test drive it like this23:19
EliteHuntersand plus Jordan_U, soon I'll have to wipe this drive and install Maverick M Alpha 323:22
Jordan_UEliteHunters: I meant that if it were a 3 or 4 GIG flash drive you could do a full normal Ubuntu install to the flash drive itself.23:23
EliteHuntersI could've dl the DVD iso23:24
EliteHuntersperhaps it is still and option23:24
EliteHuntersI just have to get a larger flash drive23:24
EliteHuntersshouldn't be much of a problem23:24
EliteHuntersnot at all23:24
EliteHuntersbut nevertheless, I'm still try to troubleshoot the problem at hand with the adobe flash plugin23:25
EliteHunterscause firefox dl well using the sudo apt-get23:25
EliteHuntersand skype I had to use the software management and then sudo apt-get23:26
EliteHuntersand thoes two worked well23:26
EliteHuntersit's just this one thus far23:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:26
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:26
EliteHuntersOhh, even Nmap installed well using the sudo apt-get Jordan_U23:27
BUGabundoEliteHunters: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/ still there23:27
EliteHuntersI'll aim for the DVD iso of Maverick M Alpha 323:27
EliteHuntersjust trying to get the one on the flash drive install apps without problems23:28
EliteHuntersAlpha 2 is working well23:28
EliteHuntersjust some problems with installing adobe plugin23:29
EliteHuntersthe deb package isn't installing23:29
EliteHuntersnot from konsole23:29
EliteHuntersand not from the package itself23:29
EliteHuntersSo I'm looking for some help with that problem23:31
EliteHuntersif anyone can help, thanks.23:34
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
* Jordan_U can't wait untill compressed btrfs is used on the LiveCD's because then *real* persistance will be possible.23:43
Jordan_UBut that won't be for a while, if ever.23:43
DaekdroomJordan_U, compressed btrfs on LiveCD? To make them able to ship more in 700MB?23:50
Jordan_UDaekdroom: No, the CD's are already compressed with squashfs (and btrfs compression will likely never be as good as squashfs as that's its sole purpose).23:51
Jordan_UDaekdroom: The advantage from btrfs is that you would still be able to get a lot of compression (hopefully enough not to be a noticeable regression from squashfs) but you could extend the btrfs filesystem from the CD to another (writeable) device.23:52
penguin42oh that would be kind of nice, although that could be done with aufs at the moment?23:55
Jordan_UDaekdroom: Currently with "persistance" when any file is modified the entire file is copied to the casper-rw partition. That's inneficient with large files and small changes, and more importantly the changed / added files are only recognised after the kenel is loaded. So with persistance you can't upgrade the kernel (even though the system will let you install the newer package without complaining)23:55
Jordan_UEven more cool is that if you wanted to "install" this modified system you could simply use btrfs tools to migrate the entire filesytem to a hard drive.23:57
Jordan_Upenguin42: I hope that explains some of why btrfs would be far superior to what we have now with aufs :)23:58
penguin42I've heard that story about copying the whole file and I don't quite get it23:59
penguin42normally on any upgrade the whole file gets rewritten anyway23:59

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