
gesershadeslayer: don't forget to close your bug in your changelog entry the next time00:02
shadeslayergeser: i have to close my own bug in the changelog? 0_o00:02
shadeslayeri didnt know that00:02
geseryes please, else they stay open00:02
shadeslayeryeah, but i would have closed it manually :D00:03
shadeslayerbut either way, ill remember this00:03
shadeslayergeser: thanks :D00:03
geserof course you can close them after your debdiff got sponsored through the web ui but it's easier to do through the changelog and one doesn't forget it00:03
Laneyand better, because then the bug tells you in which version it was fixed00:06
geserand one also has a reference to a previous merge bug (if a need arises in the future to understand some changes and why they kept merged)00:08
Laneysee, many reasons!00:08
geseras the merge bug might have some additional info00:08
shadeslayerany idea where cowbuilder stores generated debs? :P00:10
geserand from a DMB point-of-view: when looking at the sponsored packages from an applicant, the linking to the sponsoring bug makes it easy to check how it got handled00:11
gesershadeslayer: try /var/cache/pbuilder/result/ (if you don't use a script that sets a different directory)00:16
shadeslayergeser: its not there, thats why im asking00:16
shadeslayerwhich i find very odd00:16
geserdoes your ~/.pbuilderrc specify BUILDRESULT?00:19
geserI've never used cowbuilder, so I'm mere guessing00:19
Laneyare you using pbuilder-dist?00:19
shadeslayernope, just simple cowbuilder00:20
geseralmost last idea: check the value of BUILDRESULT in /etc/pbuilderrc00:21
geserand if that doesn't help: check the source00:21
shadeslayerwell.. thats ok, it built fine00:22
geserand the build succeeded?00:23
Laneyis there a cowbuilderrc?00:23
shadeslayergeser: yes00:23
shadeslayerLaney: no00:23
Laneyi suggest you check the manpage00:24
Laneyand if that fails then the source00:24
shadeslayeri did... nothing there :p00:24
geserLaney: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/en/man8/cowbuilder.8.html00:24
shadeslayeri wonder if its because i run sudo -E pdebuild00:25
gesermentions only the pbuilder configuration files, nothing cowbuilder specific00:25
gesershadeslayer: yep, pdebuild != pbuilder00:25
geserslight difference00:25
gesercheck .. for the debs00:25
shadeslayergeser: not there as well00:25
geserok, the pdebuild manpages mentions /var/cache/pbuilder/result00:27
geserthen you have to dig through the source where your debs got put00:27
micahgSpamapS: what Ubuntu version are you on?05:52
micahganyone here that understands scons?05:55
shadeslayererr... hi07:39
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ari-tczewplease open task on maverick and lucid in bug 61761411:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617614 in gwget2 (Ubuntu) "epiphany-extension-gwget cannot be installed: requires 2.29 <= epiphany-browser < 2.30" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61761411:25
Laneythere yo ugo11:29
ari-tczewthanks Laney11:35
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
nthykierHi, I got a package (libsysactivity) that FTBFS on Ubuntu due the Autobuilders using a 2.6.24 kernel and one of the tests needs a 2.6.25 (or newer) - is there a way to get it built on a machine with a newer kernel or should I patch the package to skip the particular test?13:44
tumbleweednthykier: I think the best solution is to patch out the test13:54
bilalakhtarhi tumbleweed13:58
bilalakhtartumbleweed: looking at the nginx issue, Why is the lintian error being discussed now? Why wasn't it discussed when it was added?13:59
bilalakhtartumbleweed: BTW, adding the HTML files is not important13:59
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Its just an added convenience13:59
bilalakhtartumbleweed: and, there's no need to run checks, because nginx has /var/www as its root by default14:00
bilalakhtarunlike apache ^^14:00
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: people make mistakes14:00
tumbleweed(and are lazy)14:00
tumbleweedbut it's easier to get sponsorees to do the right thing :)14:00
bilalakhtartumbleweed: yup, it appears the previous uploader has taken up the issue14:01
bilalakhtartumbleweed: and he is ready to get it fixed14:01
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: I disagree re the checks. /var/www is an area that belongs to the sysadmin, we shouldn't be messing with their things in there14:01
bilalakhtartumbleweed: but see, nginx is a server of its own and not an add-on14:02
bilalakhtartumbleweed: it conflicts with apache and lighttpd14:02
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: so, as a sysadmin, you installed nginx when you deployed your machine14:02
tumbleweednow you upgrade to a new version of ubuntu14:02
tumbleweedand suddenly files appear in your /var/www14:02
tumbleweed(new files, that you didn't expect)14:03
bilalakhtartumbleweed: should we do what debian is doing?14:03
tumbleweedyou mean not installing them?14:03
bilalakhtaryes ^^14:03
bilalakhtarthey are an added convenience14:03
tumbleweedyes, that's the easy solution14:03
bilalakhtarit appears that no bug was filed to have them in there14:03
bilalakhtarin lp ^^14:03
tumbleweedyeah, fair enough to remove them then14:04
bilalakhtarthen the only change from debian would be the ufw profile14:04
bilalakhtarits always better to clean up packages when merging14:04
tumbleweedagreed, we often end up with cruft14:05
tumbleweedbonus points if you look at any bugs in lp with patches :)14:05
bilalakhtarBTW, the html file addition was done way back in karmic14:06
bilalakhtarit skipped lucid14:06
bilalakhtarwas detected in maverick14:06
bilalakhtarRoAkSoAx was the one who uploaded14:06
bilalakhtarRoAkSoAx: ping14:06
tumbleweedthe curse/advantage of group maintainance - every time we touch a package, a different person works on it.14:07
bilalakhtarIts somewhat better14:07
bilalakhtarIn debian, NMUs take a long time to get sponsored14:07
bilalakhtarhere, almost every upload is an NMU14:07
tumbleweedhelps if you are a DD :)14:07
bilalakhtartumbleweed: are you a DD ?14:08
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: no, I need someone to want to advocate me14:08
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I have 6 uploads in debian pending sponsorship, of which 5 are new packages and 1 NMU14:08
bilalakhtarI am hunting down debian IRC channels and asking people to sponsor that NMU which is 2 months old now. But, most of them tell me to contact maintainer, who has been unresponsive14:09
tumbleweedyup, unresponsive maintainers are a pain14:10
bilalakhtartumbleweed: dammit, a confusing, two-way bug #54726714:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 547267 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx should not install into /var/www/nginx-default (Debian policy)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54726714:14
tumbleweedthere you go, you weren't th efirst to run into this14:16
bilalakhtarand, RoAkSoAx has said that he forgot to add the reference to the bug14:16
bilalakhtarearlier, I mentioned that there was no bug14:16
bilalakhtarthere is this one14:16
vishScottK: tumbleweed: hey, [i think]found out why the lp janitor switches the name and email fields..  it seems to do that when the name has a . [dot], for some reason it doesnt like dots ;)14:18
vishtumbleweed: similar happened in Bug #53205614:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532056 in bzflag (Debian) "Inappropriately appears in Ubuntu Software Center's "Graphics" > "3D" section" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53205614:19
tumbleweedvish: aha, file a bug :)14:19
* tumbleweed has acutally just uploaded a (papercut) sponsorship with a .14:20
vishtumbleweed: yeah, should do that , bug in which...?  :)14:20
bilalakhtarvish: file a bug in malone14:20
vishbilalakhtar: malone!14:20
bilalakhtarvish: yes, the janitor is a part of malone14:21
bilalakhtarvish: https://edge.launchpad.net/malone14:21
tumbleweedvish: indeed: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acm/5.0-27ubuntu214:21
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: I don't think this is malone, the problem is in th echanges file processing. soyuz?14:21
bilalakhtartumbleweed: vish: Is the problem here as well? Aha14:22
bilalakhtarGo file in soyuz, vish14:22
vishtumbleweed: yeah, always wondered why it kept doing that.. finally found someone who suffers the same fate! ;p14:23
bilalakhtarvish: Yes, While looking at your uploads I thought why don't you follow the debian changelog policy!14:24
vishbilalakhtar: pff, policies ;p14:24
bilalakhtarvish: for adding changelog entries, I suppose you use dch14:24
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: the changelogs are correct, it's lp which has th ewrong data14:25
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I know that14:26
bilalakhtarso soyuz grabs the latest changelog entry and tries to validate its e-mail address. Due to a dot in the name, it thinks the opposite and interprets the changelog in the wrong manner. malone just copies the data provided by soyuz14:27
nthykiertumbleweed: okay - TY15:02
vishDktrKranz: hi , does zipper work on Ubuntu or is it meant for use only after installing GNUstep?15:49
* vish noticed DktrKranz made the last upload and might have some info.. :)15:49
vishDktrKranz: Bug #613301 was filed as its description seemed confusing for the user...  could you comment on it? thanks.15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613301 in zipper.app (Ubuntu) "Zipper description is confusing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61330116:00
DktrKranzvish: well, it's an app designed for GNUstep, so it requires at least base packages (e.g. gnustep-base). Perhaps description can be improved, but it should be done Debian side first (and there's currently an ongoing transition there)16:05
vishDktrKranz: ah yeah, maybe for that info could be included .  could you comment on the bug?16:09
vishDktrKranz: maybe we can ask the reporter to forward the bug to debian :)16:10
DktrKranzvish: done16:34
ScottKRhonda: I did, but to provide an endorsement.  it seems odd to me people doing random edits on people's wiki pages, but maybe that's just me.16:48
xelisterI fixed a 1 year old damn bug in krusader17:21
xelisterhow to build it now? I got sources via apt-get source + apt-get build-dep17:22
xelistergeser: ok.. now what?17:53
xelisterSuccessfully signed dsc and changes files17:53
xelisterbut I dont see any .deb file17:54
xelisterthe modified by me sources seem to build, debuild seem to execute,  now how to install the builded package to test if program works correctly?17:56
shadeslayerxelister: cd ..18:01
shadeslayerand then : sudo dpkg -i foo.deb18:02
xelistershadeslayer: how to make a diff to be attached as .patch to LP bug report for the bug I fixed?18:11
shadeslayer!debdiff | xelister18:11
ubottuxelister: A simple way to patch Debian/Ubuntu packages is to attach a debdiff to a bug report, or send it to the team which handles the package. Learn more about it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff18:11
vishtumbleweed: hmm , i think there is a white space in the changelog. :s the second entry, probably why it was failing?19:21
micahgjdong_: ping?20:29
RhondaScottK: Yes, it's strange to some degree. Though, I don't see the big deal when turning channel names into links. :)20:32
micahgRhonda: are you familiar with scons?20:37
RhondaNot really. I gave it once a try wether switching from autotools to it for wesnoth would make a sense, but I sticked with autotools. Why do you ask?20:38
micahgRhonda: having trouble getting mongodb to make a source upload20:38
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
yofeldoes anyone know if there's a reason why there are no -dbgsym packages for -backports?22:08
micahgyofel: maybe because they're not officially supported22:09
yofelwas looking through old bugs and found bug 31622722:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316227 in Ubuntu "devscripts-dbgsym unistallable in intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31622722:09
micahgyofel: also intrepid is EOL22:10
yofelyep, but NO release has dbgsyms for -backports so..22:11
yofelyou can reproduce that failure with any package from lucid-backports22:12
ebroderyofel: My understanding is that extracting the dbgsym packages is a giant hack, and it's probably "just" that nobody has implemented that hack for anything but the main archive22:12
ebroder(I have no idea how much resistance there would be on the archive admin/buildd admin/etc admin side to adding functionality for extracting backports dbgsym packages)22:12
yofelerm, debug symbol extraction is on for lucid lucid-updates lucid-proposed and lucid-security, only -backports doesn't have them22:13
ebroderyofel: Exactly. Someone with the right powers cared enough to set it up for -updates, -proposed, and -security. Nobody with the right powers has cared enough to set it up for -backports22:13
yofelany idea where I should send that bug to then? soyuz?22:19
* micahg thought -backports weren't officially supported22:21
Rhondayofel: There is wesnoth-1.8-dbg in karmic-backports. Or is that something completely different?22:21
micahgRhonda: different -dbgsym22:22
yofelRhonda: that is a packaged -dbg package, we are talking about -dbgsym on ddebs.ubuntu.com22:22
yofelthose are automatically generated for every package22:22
yofel(by the buildds)22:22
yofelmicahg: well, I think too that -backports is unsupported so I'll close the bug22:25
ebroderyofel: backports is supported, just not through the same mechanisms as the normal archive. It's on a volunteer basis, like universe22:26
yofelwell, I'll just leave the bug as it is until tomorrow, if anyone knows who I should talk to about or where I should move that bug ping me22:29
ebroderyofel: Sorry - I wasn't clear. Backports are supported, but anything related to intrepid is unsupported. So that bug can be closed. It's a separate bug that backports aren't generating dbgsym packages22:30
yofelok, that makes sense, closing22:31
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