
micahgera: ?04:54
eralook at the reddit logo05:00
micahgwhat's the problem?05:00
eralook at how fuzzy and distorted the firefox version is05:00
micahgera: what version of FF?05:01
micahgoh 3.6 daily...05:01
eraMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100813 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Namoroka/3.6.9pre05:01
micahglooks fine in 3.6.805:02
micahgI'll have to check 3.6.9 later05:03
skierpageLooks fine in 4.0b4pre.05:03
skierpageAlso, perhaps Firefox layout has zoomed the logo slightly, giving the broken-up appearance.05:04
skierpageIf I View > Zoom >Zoom in in 4.0b4pre, the reddit logo starts to look funny.05:05
eraoh wow05:15
erai was zoomed?05:15
eraalso, zoom multiple times, sometimes there's a line under the image.05:16
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