
pmatulisryanjamieson: no, but you may try strace on the init script to see what's up00:44
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robertpayneAnyone know or have a apt-get source with php 5.3.3 that is ubuntu ready by chance? :)01:57
jmarsdenrobertpayne: 5.3.3 is already in maverick, rmadison says: php5 | 5.3.3-1ubuntu3 |      maverick | source, all02:49
robertpaynejmarsden: will it install and run on 10.4 lucid though?02:49
jmarsdenI have no idea, but you can grab the source package and backport it, if you need it badly enough :)02:50
robertpaynejmarsden: hehe :P well it includes PHP-FPM support which finally lets easy install for nginx+php02:50
robertpaynemeh I'll wait.. just use good ole apache reverse proxy for now still02:51
_Techie_i need help setting up my server as a gateway from 192.168.10.X to my modem @
_Techie_i need help setting my server up as a gateway between networks04:03
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ChmEarl_Techie_, well your modem should be dhcp or static assigned by Provider04:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #618080 in spamassassin (main) "spamassassin crashes regularly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61808005:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #618104 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.96.1 dfsg-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61810408:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #618107 in clamav (main) "package clamav-freshclam 0.96.1 dfsg-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61810708:16
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uvirtbotNew bug: #618127 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: pakken smbclient er installert og satt opp fra før" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61812709:27
_Techie_i need help setting up my server as a gateway between my LAN eth0, adn my WAN eth109:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #618151 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61815110:46
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=== Esl is now known as GhstEsl
robertpayneI hate php...13:14
twbrobertpayne: +113:14
robertpaynetwb: why does wordpress have to run off the garbage.. it can't even produce half decent error logs when it fails13:15
twbBecause wordpress is garbage?13:16
robertpaynetwb: true... but it's one of the better blogging engines available currently that is free13:16
twbrobertpayne: "better" in the sense that it's full of security holes?13:17
robertpaynetwb: I guess I should reword.. widely supported/developed in terms of plugins, themes etc.. but yea security is a bit of a concern on some parts of it13:18
robertpayneI think I hate DNS even more though... one of my domains is having a hell of a time rolling over to a new nameserver... other 4 went nice and smooth13:20
twbPersonally I prefer to stick to a simple makefile and purely static content, and to hell with "reader comments"13:21
twbIf they want to comment they can bloody well use the mailto: link at the bottom of the article, and I'll moderate it and issue errata to the article as necessary13:22
robertpaynetwb: too much overhead on comments past a few a week/month then though13:23
twbI don't see why13:24
twbMost comments I see are totally pointless, so they wouldn't require an update13:24
twbAnd MUAs are better at filtering out spammers than anything web-based :-)13:25
RoyKseems someone (my boss?) will need to get to work today..... serverroom data: temperature = 29.900000, humidity = 40.340000 and dewpoint = 14.97000013:25
twbAre the sensors *really* that accurate?13:26
RoyKtwo decimals only13:26
RoyKit's the stuff we use all over - the sensors are accurate13:26
twbI was bitching about the significant figures13:28
RoyKprintf("DEBUG: temperature = %f, humidity = %f and dewpoint = %f\n", values.temperature, values.humidity, values.dewpoint);13:29
RoyKthat should probably be changed to only use two decimals :þ13:30
twbWell, C is not exactly numerate13:30
RoyKafaik you can do all you can in C13:32
RoyKDEBUG: temperature = 30.08, humidity = 40.15 and dewpoint = 15.0513:32
RoyKI wonder how far it'll climb before boxes go down......13:33
joschihi, is there a good ruby library for interfacing with the vSphere APIs? anything that goes beyond just having run `wsdl2ruby`?14:29
joschiuntil now I've found http://rubyvmware.rubyforge.org/ but I'd like to see some alternatives14:29
polihello all! I am having problems with UEC: what is the trick to have CC and NC on the same machine? I just don;'t seem to be able to register the node :(15:00
robertpayneDoes iptables log out results anywhere?15:09
rasenganWhat's the best software to get bandwidth usage?15:11
twbrobertpayne: if you tell it to: yes15:17
twbrasengan: depends what you mean by "bandwidth", but as a guess, try mrtg15:18
robertpaynetwb: hmm well I don't really think it's issue.. but for some reason it still wont allow connections to mysql from my other box  though iptables -L looks correct15:20
RoyKwtf  DEBUG: temperature = 25.54, humidity = 43.37 and dewpoint = 12.1615:37
RoyKand climbing15:37
RoyKit's fucking sunday - serverroom temp should'd do that15:38
RoyKDEBUG: temperature = 25.90, humidity = 43.15 and dewpoint = 12.4115:39
RoyKone of the ACs have probably died15:40
RoyKDEBUG: temperature = 26.18, humidity = 42.93 and dewpoint = 12.5915:42
RoyKnot what you want in a serverroom15:42
robertpaynemelting hardware?15:55
twb26°C isn't that bad15:56
twbBetter than half the gear I see, which is in somebody's cupboard with no ventilation15:57
RoyKtwb: well, it reached 31˚C before my boss managed to get there and turn on the fuse, now it's climbing again16:05
twbReally I wouldn't even care about the external temperature16:05
twbit's only the sensors on the disks and cpus I'd care about16:05
RoyKwell, if the room temperature is > 30˚C, bad things usually start to happen16:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #618263 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script pre-installation nuevo devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61826316:56
knoxvillehow can I disable nessus from bootup?16:56
twbknoxville: don't install it?17:01
knoxvilletwb: I only run nessus a few times a month so I need it installed, but there is no sense in having the nessusd process start on bootup when I won't be using it17:01
twbIf it's an upstart event, the only way I know to disable it but still make it possible to start it, is to edit /etc/init/foo-d17:02
knoxvilletwb: I will have to look at the /etc/init.d/nessusd file then17:03
twbNo, /etc/init.17:03
knoxvilletwb: oh my bad17:03
twbknoxville: /etc/init.d/ is the sysvinit compatibilty layer17:03
twbIf it's still using sysvinit, you can simply "update-rc.d nessusd disable"17:04
twbBut upstart, being designed solely to annoy me, requires you to edit code to achieve the same result17:04
knoxvilletwb: thanks I think that is going to work!17:04
twbI'd check for you but I can't be bothered finding a lucid host with apt-file on it.17:05
knoxvilletwb: I just ran the command and it looks like it took it, I'm going to reboot the server now and check17:05
knoxvilletwb: well actually I don't want to reboot right now c17:05
twb"update-rc.d foo disable" will silently not work properly if foo is an upstart job17:08
gekis there a clear how-to to convert my ubuntu server from mbox to Maildir?18:35
zashiirc there is a script somewhere that converts18:39
gekzash: any clues where I might find it?18:47
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ryanakcaI assume it isn't normal for today's liveCDs to be missing from their directory? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100815/20:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #618417 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61841723:36

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