
xissburgtensorpudding: but GParted still shows these two partitions as one single unallocated partition00:00
Barnabasempewoow, I think you have to choose between using wicd and using the linux config files to setup your wlan nic00:00
xissburgtensorpudding: yes, exactly the same, they seem intact00:00
Barnabasempewoow, if you choose the /etc/network/ way look at this url https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo00:00
empewoowBarnabas: yes, i think so too00:00
nUboon2Agexissburg: line 90 says "and misteriously it is installing WinXP.."00:00
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay00:00
empewoowBarnabas: ok thanks00:01
Barnabasin place of wlan0 use ath000:01
Barnabasyou have to add the wpa stuff to the networks file00:01
xissburgnUboon2Age:  oh it was because I got to boot in WinXP and it was installing Xp I dont know why...it then finished installation and is now working00:01
tensorpuddingxissburg: so hit enter to go to the next section00:01
xissburgtensorpudding: on which partition?00:02
tensorpuddingxissburg: on the one with your windows 7 files00:02
thune3al_: something like -- find /location/to/search -name "*.jpg" -size +100k -exec cp '{}' /your/target/dir \;00:03
xissburgtensorpudding: right..then?00:03
Bookmandoes AVerLife Cinema work with ubuntu? Or any other type of TV out?00:03
tensorpuddingxissburg: it should take you to a section that looks like http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/File:Search_menu.gif00:04
tensorpuddingxissburg: is that what it looks like?00:04
xissburgtensorpudding: yes00:04
tensorpuddingdoes it have three partitions?00:04
al_thune3: ta00:05
xissburghow to take a screenshot in ubuntu?00:05
xissburgtensorpudding: it actually shows 4 entries00:05
xissburgone line is extended LBA00:05
tensorpuddingxissburg: that means you have an extended partition somewhere00:05
tensorpuddingthat shouldn't be a problem, i don't think00:06
nUboon2Agexissburg: screenshot, there are several ways, but if you go to accessories do you have "Take Screenshot" there?00:06
tensorpuddingbut take a screenshot, yes00:06
xissburgI got with alt+printscr00:07
nUboon2Agexissburg: that works too. :)00:07
xissburgwhere should I paste it?00:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:07
xissburgops wrong keyboard lol00:08
xissburgtensorpudding: http://imagebin.org/10969800:10
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay00:10
unitedpotsmokershello guys.... we usually install ubuntu in a hardisk. how to install ubuntu in a pendrive?00:11
tensorpuddingxissburg: what order were your partitions in?00:11
tensorpuddingxissburg: and do those sizes seem reasonable?00:11
xissburgXP, 7, files00:11
tensorpuddingxissburg: XP and 7 were the same size?00:11
rooksunitedpotsmokers, System -> Administration -> Startup Disk Creator00:11
teunvDunitedpotsmokers: there is a package called usb-creator that you can use to create a bootable pendrive00:11
xissburgtensorpudding: yes...it is XP 80GB, 7 80GB, files 140GB00:12
tensorpuddingxissburg: this looks correct to me, try writing it.00:12
xissburgtensorpudding: so in this screen I go to Write?00:13
rooksunitedpotsmokers, it requirres iso of ubuntu, and i successfully created an pendrive desktop with it, with storage on pendrive :)00:13
tensorpuddingxissburg: yes00:13
A|pHAtensor thx00:13
tensorpuddingand cross your fingers00:13
A|pHALast question00:13
A|pHANeed help installing Vmware00:13
al_anyone know any good fiel recovery software for ntfs partitions? photorec is good but doesnt recover with filenames/dirs etc00:14
tensorpuddingVMware needs to be purchased/downloaded from the VMware website, it is non-free software.00:14
teunvDA|pHA, which product are you trying to install?00:14
xissburgtensorpudding: now GParted shows the 3 partitions, but says the other ones are empty00:14
A|pHAyea you can get open source version free I thought00:14
tensorpuddingal_: testdisk might be able to help you00:14
tensorpuddingxissburg: empty?00:15
xissburgtensorpudding: yes.00:15
al_tensorpudding: thanks, but irc testdisk is for stuffed partitions, this is a case of format over data00:15
xissburgtensorpudding: the used space has --, while the XP partition has the actual number00:15
tensorpuddingxissburg: that is odd.00:15
teunvDA|pHA, what's the problem?00:15
A|pHAWell I would use virtual box but its not picking up my wifi drivers00:16
tensorpuddingxissburg: you still need to restore the boot sector, i think00:16
quidnunc^ does thisi work for anyone?00:16
quidnunc(with moonlight plugin)00:17
A|pHAwhen i go to install Vmware I have no clue where it installed the repositories00:17
quidnuncA|pHA: Not in /etc/apt/sources.list?00:17
xissburgtensorpudding: but testdisk still show all my files00:18
xissburgtensorpudding: I have to reset I think00:18
A|pHAlet me check00:18
nUboon2Agexissburg: reset?  what do you mean by 'reset'?00:18
teunvDA|pHA VMware is non-free software, you must purchase this so it's not in the repository00:18
schoppenhauerhello. is it possible to install wubi on a system that is encrypted with truecrypt?00:18
xissburgreset the other machine / reboot00:19
tensorpuddingit should still boot into XP00:19
xissburgit is booting in XP directly00:19
nUboon2Agexissburg: so it doesn't show windows bootloader menu you mean (ie. 'directly')?00:20
A|pHAI have the serials I will just get a download of RS00:20
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
xissburgnUboon2Age: yes not boot menu to choose OS00:22
tensorpuddingthe MBR was overwritten by XP with XP's bootloader00:22
tensorpuddingthere is probably a program in the 7 partition that will restore 7 to the MBR00:22
nUboon2Ageha m$ OSs don't even play nice among themselves. ;/00:23
tensorpuddingXP doesn't play nice with anything, period00:23
c3lrsync vs rsnapshot for backups?00:23
tensorpudding7 is much more charitable00:23
xissburgtensorpudding: good news, now I see my other partitions and all its files from WinXP :)00:23
N3VV3Khey guys i there any way i can shrink my hdd to fit a windows partition00:23
tensorpuddingxissburg: :)00:23
xissburgnow , need to fix MBR. ?00:23
tensorpuddingyou might be able to run easybcd from xp00:24
tensorpuddingeasybcd can restore windows 7 to the bootloader i believe00:24
nUboon2Agexissburg: i was confident that nothing had actually altered your win 7 partition.  Wubi certainly doesn't.  its probably just been problems with the Windows bootloader all along.00:24
cristianhola y hello a todos and for all00:24
tensorpuddingerr, nevermind00:24
aeon-ltdN3VV3K: look up gparted liveCD00:24
xissburgso easybcd does the job?00:25
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: xissburg i used easybcd before.  it worked quite nicely.00:25
FshyHey guys. Having a small but annoying issue with Ubuntu -- namely, I have an Aspire TimelineX 4820TG, but installing the FRGLX proprietary driver causes the laptop to blackscreen at start.00:25
xissburgI'll take  alook00:25
tensorpuddingi'm not sure if it runs on windows xp00:25
tensorpuddingit's worth a try00:25
tensorpuddingvista changed the bootloader format so that it worked nicely with other OS00:25
FshyI can reset it by using the nomodeset startup options, but I have to disable the FRGLX drivers to make it work.00:25
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:25
N3VV3Kaeon_ltd in the disk utility00:25
N3VV3Ki think thatll do it00:26
cristianhe instalado ubuntu 10.4 64 bits y me va lento por lo que creo00:26
tensorpudding!es | cristian00:26
ubottucristian: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:26
cristianme gustaria dezinstalarlo e instalar el de 32 bits a ver si va mejor00:26
FshyAnyone got any ideas on my issue?00:26
cristianalguien me podria ayudar00:27
Ederablas cristian00:27
N3VV3Ktensorpudding, how do you pronounce your name00:27
tensorpuddingN3VV3K: exactly how you would guess00:28
cristianok, then we make it in english00:28
N3VV3Ktens or pudding or tenso r pudding00:28
tensorpuddingcristian: you can install 32-bit the same way as 64-bit00:28
Fshy94Apologies. Dc'ed.00:28
ActionParsnipFshy: try this: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/   Use it until you get to the embedded video00:28
tensorpuddingcristian: it will overwrite your old files, so do a backup if there is something you want to save00:28
cristianyes but first i want to uninstall it00:28
tensorpuddingno need00:29
cristianand don know how00:29
tensorpuddinginstalling 32-bit will take care of it00:29
Ederinstall the 64bits, to very much performance00:29
Fshy94ActionParsnip -- I love you.00:30
cristianso it will go in the same partition and the 64 will be erased?00:30
tensorpuddingcristian: yes00:30
avi_hey, where are mounted CDs mounted to? Like if I wanted to SSH into my comp, and cd to a CD I have in the computer, where would I cd to? Thanks!00:30
Fshy94Will attempt, if it works, I'll post that so nobody else has that issue.00:30
avi_Because it's not in /cdrom or /media.00:30
annnieavi_: /dev/sr? something00:30
nUboon2Agexissburg: i found EasyBCD here: http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=100:31
headkase314For 32-bit versus 64-bit I've read that the executables (not program data) are on average 9% bigger and you get a performance boost on average 3-4% faster.  However having 4GB or more for memory should be the primary reason to choose 64-bit.  If you have more than 4GB and wish to use 32-bit you can also install a PAE (Physical Address Extension) kernel to have 32-bit and be able to utilize all your memory.00:31
nUboon2Agexissburg: like tensorpudding i can't tell if it will run from XP.00:31
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avi_annnie, Not that I can see, I don't have a /sr folder, and I've checked the similarly named ones. Hmm00:32
xissburgnUboon2Age: :(00:32
=== Thornton is now known as TheAnswer
annnieavi_: what does fstab -l say?00:32
nUboon2Agexissburg: i'm not saying it won't.  i'm just saying i don't know.00:32
cristianthanks a lot, and the last question is that i have on my computer also windows 7 64 bits and thatś why i installed ubuntu 64 but it seems it doesn work very well00:33
xissburghehe ok00:33
tensorpuddingcristian: which doesn't work well?00:33
cristian64 once00:33
cristianit congelate very often00:34
schoppenhauerhello. is it possible to install wubi on a system that is encrypted with truecrypt?00:34
xissburgnUboon2Age: it is running till now00:34
avi_annnie, Interestingly enough, command not found. I'm using lucid, and the only thing fstab thing I have in /etc is fstab-decode. Hmmmmm00:34
xissburgit shows the partitions00:34
nUboon2Agexissburg: easybcd is running and showing partitions?00:35
tensorpuddingcristian: that should not happen..00:35
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
avi_annnie, No wait, that's wrong. I've got fstab in there but it when I type fstab, fstab -l, or sudo fstab, the command isn't found..00:36
ActionParsnipcristian: it works pretty well, but 32bit is slighlty more supported in some situations but 64bit is great if you have more than 3Gb ram, pae is one solution though00:36
xissburgnUboon2Age: not exactly the partitions but the OSes, XP,7 and Ubuntu00:36
annnieavi_: ok try mount -l00:36
tensorpuddingcristian: are you doing anything when it freezes?00:36
nUboon2Agexissburg: easybcd is showing OSes?  That sounds very promising.00:37
xissburgnUboon2Age: yes it does, and also show some details00:37
xomp_netbook'Ello, I just purchased an Acer Aspire One D260 and am already tired of this Win7 Starter. Hoping someone can help me perhaps get ubuntu installed on this instead? it has no CDROM but I do have an external blank USB hdd I can use if need be.00:37
annnieavi_: the cd has to be mounted00:38
avi_annnie, Yeah that worked. I see my internal and external hard drives.00:38
tensorpuddingxomp_netbook: the easiest way is to make a bootable usb pendrive using unetbootin00:38
avi_annnie, It is indeed mounted, or at least I can browse it in nautilus00:38
cristianiĺl be back in a secound please00:38
annnieavi_: the cd has to be mounted then you can talk to it00:38
tensorpuddingxomp_netbook: but you may consider trying wubi or running ubuntu in virtualbox00:38
A|pHAwhat flash do i need for 10.4 tls ?00:38
avi_annnie, But shouldn't viewing and playing the contents in nautilus indicate that its mounted?00:39
annnieavi_: so wheres it mounted at?00:39
xomp_netbooktensorpudding, can a bootable unetbootin be used on a 1Gb pendrive? I'm afraid I have no larger pendrives.00:39
headkase314xomp_netbook, UNetbootin is what you are looking for -> http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/  You can make your blank USB harddrive bootable with an Ubuntu install with it but preferrably you would use a USB thumbdrive.00:39
=== mindsystem_ is now known as mindsystem
tensorpuddingxomp_netbook: the cdrom installer iso is 600 MB, it will fit00:39
nUboon2Agebtw if you didn't know xissburg, wubi doesn't actually create an ubuntu partition -- it runs as a Windows program with most all the OS contained in one Windows file.  The only thing it changes is inserts an Ubuntu entry into Windows bootloader menu.  It does not alter the MBR afaik.00:39
annnieavi_: yes it seems to be mounted00:39
xomp_netbookah ok, thanks guys I'll give that unetbootin a looksy00:39
avi_annnie, That's the question.. I think it should be in /media/cdrom0, but it's not.. let me try ejecting and remounting..00:40
headkase314xomp_netbook, remember it can be difficult to go back to Windows without an installation method so if things go south maybe someone can lend you a usb cd-rom to reinstall Windows with - be prepared.00:40
annnieavi_: well mount -l tells you where its mounted00:41
xomp_netbookheadkase314, I have 2 other machines in the house running Win7 and an OSX machine too hehe. Linux needs to be in the family :P00:41
c3lwhat file would be the best place to put configurations such as xset foo etc that doesnt get saved?00:41
ActionParsnipnUboon2Age: its actually an image file, the boot loader simply mounts the image and boots the data, just like an ISO can be booted in grub200:41
nUboon2Agexissburg: so wubi is very light on the system, and really usually quite safe.  Real dual boot systems (such as what you've got now with Windows 7 and XP) are much more complicated than Wubi.00:41
scott__Is it OK to have some code in Drupal using .inc files that have regular forms instead of FAPI ?00:41
nUboon2AgeActionParsnip: oh, interesting.  thanks for that info.00:42
phoenixandthorhey guys, I'm trying to follow a tutorial here: http://conkyhardcore.com/beginners/tips-tricks/tt-2-if_existing/ But when I plug in a flash drive, it always comes up as a something other 'disk'. Is here any way to fix this? Look at the tutorial and you'll see what I mean00:42
bryanwithyI haven't used irc in a long time....how do I tell who's in here?00:42
xomp_netbookoh, last question, is there anyway I can be sure wifi will work with ubuntu on this netbook?00:42
ActionParsnipbryanwithy: what client?00:43
xissburgso nUboon2Age what do I do in easyBCD?00:43
xomp_netbookI'd hate to be arsed an install and have no wifi after heh00:43
syslqxomp_netbook: get bootable usb and try00:43
nUboon2Agexissburg: but at this point you've acquired quite a bit of experience with dual booting.  Not pleasant experience, i understand, but nevertheless you've covered many of the areas that can be problematic.00:43
ActionParsnipxomp_netbook: check the hcl, or you can just use the livecd / usb environment and test00:43
Dr_Willisxomp_netbook:  check the forums.. or test with a live cd/flash.  Most netbooks are decently well supported.00:43
xomp_netbookgotcha, thanks00:43
IdleOnebryanwithy: expand the nick list on the right of the screen00:43
nUboon2Agexissburg: off the top of my head i don't remember.00:43
ActionParsnipbryanwithy: the right hand window is the user list00:43
headkase314xomp_netbook, with the LiveCD you'll put on the USB pendrive there is a "try" option, try that first.00:44
annnieavi_: has that helped?00:44
avi_annnie, AH! I've found it! It was listed in mount -l, but I initially overlooked it because I didn't think that it would be located at /home/myuseracc/.gvfs/cdda mount on sr0... what a terrible place to mount!00:44
xissburgnUboon2Age: yea...despite the suffering, it is worth because I learned something...but I'm not yet finished heh00:44
bryanwithyah, I think I was confused...I thought xchat-gnome and xchat were the same thing00:44
florentinhave you an idea for download the file from an xspf file?00:45
syslqavi_: it's coz of fuse00:45
annnieavi_: ok hope that helped00:45
tensorpuddingxissburg: you first would need to install a windows 7 bootloader00:45
bryanwithyI found the nicklist in xchat-gnome, though00:45
IdleOnebryanwithy: they are different but basic layout is the same00:45
nUboon2Agexissburg: baptism in fire.  not fun but it will give you confidence that things can be fixed w/o having to reinstall.00:45
tensorpuddingxissburg: i think this is done under the manage bootloader menu00:45
headkase314xomp_netbook, sometimes your wireless will come up as a restricted driver - you'll get a notificiation if so so you know you can install that when you put in on the hard drive.  Make sure you have wired network access, with wired you can usually work wireless into the picture.00:45
Dr_Willisbryanwithy:  most people that use xchat -   tend to HATE xchat-gnome :)00:45
avi_annnie, Yes, thanks a bunch!00:45
tensorpuddingxissburg: then you would need to create a bootloader entry for windows 700:46
avi_syslq, Ah gotcha. Any way to override that? Why should CDs be mounted with FUSE?00:46
syslqDr_Willis: and for a good reason :), it lacks "dock to systray" if I remember right00:46
annnieavi_: np glad to help00:46
syslqavi_: dunno, check your mountd settings00:46
geoffmcci cant seem to get a startup script to run as a user not root. I thought i did this b4 by chown the script i was trying to start. cant find help on web any pointers?00:47
arnaildogood night00:47
syslqarnaildo: have you pasted your script? And where did you put it?00:48
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: , xissburg here are some easybcd screens that might help: http://neosmart.net/gallery/album/view/neosmart/EasyBCD/EasyBCD+2.0/00:48
annniegeoffmcc: startup script needs to be root00:48
kisukeAny one know how I would make a dialog box popup on boot?00:49
geoffmccannie - i know i did this b4 cause it a shoutcast server and not a good idea to run as root00:49
mike1_Ubuntu 10.04 fails to boot from CD or USB.  drops to busy box with initramfs error and failure to mount everything....00:49
mike1_any help00:49
syslqmike1_: which error?00:49
syslqmike1_: you probably just need to set reference to correct drive in grub00:50
xissburgtensorpudding: I already have an entry for 700:50
mike1_no grub yet, trying to do a fresh install00:50
annniegeoffmcc: sure but  script may need to be root user00:50
syslqmike1_: cd verifys?00:50
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: xissburg: is this the bootloader menu you were referring to? http://neosmart.net/gallery/photo/view/neosmart/EasyBCD/EasyBCD+2.0/Bootloader+Setup/00:50
syslqgeoffmcc: you could put the content of a script as function in rc.local if you dont know otherwise00:50
syslqAlghough it's ugly :)00:51
geoffmcci know with redhat varients its startproc but cant find something with ubuntu that does same thing00:51
nUboon2Ageit gives an option to install win 7 bootloader.  tensorpudding xissburg00:51
geoffmcci could have swarn i did this with a counterstrike server before00:51
annniesyslq: you might confuse him00:51
syslqannnie: probably00:52
BlueIceViruscan soemone help me get my x-fi sound card working ?00:52
syslqBlueIceVirus: sure00:52
xissburgnUboon2Age: no. I was looking into Add New Enrty. I added one for 7 in its corresponding partiion (E:)00:52
mike1_good iso, I've tried booting from usb or CD.    it's just scrolling through /init: line 7 can't open /dev/00:52
BlueIceVirussyslq, i dont even know where to start00:52
geoffmccok, so lemme ask u this. how does apache run as www-data , thats what i want - shoutcast to run as say shoutcast00:52
syslqNo sound or fscked sound?00:53
BlueIceVirussyslq, i cant find anything with recent instr00:53
phoenixandthorhey guys, I'm trying to follow a tutorial here: http://conkyhardcore.com/beginners/tips-tricks/tt-2-if_existing/ But when I plug in a flash drive, it always comes up as a something other 'disk'. Is here any way to fix this? Look at the tutorial and you'll see what I mean00:53
nUboon2Agexissburg: but tensorpudding made the point that FIRST you need to install the win7 bootloader.00:53
R0b0t1How can I mark ruby ask installed using ruby1.9 instead of 1.8?00:53
BlueIceVirussyslq, fresh install of lucid, no sound at all00:53
syslqGo from pulse audio to alsa in sound preferences00:53
syslqthen check alsamixer00:53
bryanwithyI thought my sound card wasn't working once after a fresh install...it was just muted00:54
BlueIceVirusalso, im kinda newb at linux00:54
thiebaudemine also bryanwithy00:54
headkase314syslq, do you mean "gstreamer-properties" in a terminal, that is where I set my sound system to alsa00:54
thiebaudesee if its muted BlueIceVirus00:55
annnieI have 318 days shore leave00:55
syslqheadkase314: no, I mean what I said, sound properties, from pulse audio 2 alsa00:55
headkase314syslq, okey doke.00:55
BlueIceVirussyslq, ok how do i get tehre?00:55
xissburgnUboon2Age: in the Bootloader Setup, I have no partitions to choose00:56
BlueIceVirusthiebaude, not muted00:56
syslqBlueIceVirus: just looking myself :)00:56
BlueIceVirusi went into gstreamer properties and set alsa and tried to test but error00:56
nUboon2Agexissburg: so are you looking at a screen like http://neosmart.net/gallery/photo/view/neosmart/EasyBCD/EasyBCD+2.0/Bootloader+Setup/00:57
syslqBlueIceVirus: open terminal and type gstreamer-properties00:57
BlueIceVirusor done00:57
syslqheadkase314: you were right00:57
headkase314syslq, luck.  I learn more here than anything else ;)00:57
syslqBlueIceVirus: you choose alsa?00:58
syslqheadkase314: it was in the menu in some old releases under sound, but it just works now for several releases00:58
syslqBlueIceVirus: test?00:58
BlueIceVirussyslq, error00:58
syslqWhat does it say?00:58
cristianiḿ back.....like james brown.....hihihihi00:59
nUboon2Agexissburg: if you are looking at a screen like ^^^ the second section/lower right hand side where it says MBR Configuration Options is the part where you can install Win 7 bootloader.  The part above that doesn't matter right now.00:59
BlueIceVirussyslq, let me copy and paste00:59
=== annnie_ is now known as annnie
syslqBlueIceVirus: if it's a lot use pastebin00:59
BlueIceVirussyslq, what is pastebin?00:59
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
cristiani was just saing that ubuntu 64 freezes a lot and i have 4gb01:00
arricherekk1I am running Ubuntu in VirtualBox.  I have installed Guest Additions.  xrandr indicates that my maximum resolution is 800x600; how can I change this?01:00
annnieBlueIceVirus: check out pastebin.org01:00
syslqBlueIceVirus: http://pastebin.com/01:00
xissburgnUboon2Age: ok I did it, I clicked the red button01:00
xissburgbut shouldnt there be partitions?01:00
bryanwithyI have a strange problem that I haven't been able to fix...Ubuntu does not see audio CDs when I load them into my CD or DVD drive, but data CDs work fine.  If I reboot with an audio CD loaded, then I can see it....01:01
cristianand computer is cuore 2 duo01:01
annniexissburg: you should have taken the BLUE one!!!01:01
nUboon2Agexissburg: if you're asking about the section on the top right, that is only talking about *external* media and *those* partitions.01:01
nUboon2Ageannnie: ha, ha, not the right moment.01:01
annnienUboon2Age: wasted I know  :P01:02
BlueIceVirussyslq, did that work?01:02
xissburgnUboon2Age: http://imagebin.org/10971001:02
syslqBlueIceVirus: it did01:03
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: okay xissburg has installed the win 7 bootloader, is there more xissburg needs to do with easybcd?01:03
headkase314BlueIceVirus, yes.  Below the Alsa setting there should be a device selection drop-down box, what is in that box for choices?01:03
BlueIceVirussyslq, thats a nifty site01:03
xissburgnUboon2Age: those "Deleted partition"s look suspicious01:03
syslqBlueIceVirus: can you choose a device in gstreamer properties01:03
tensorpuddingxissburg: you need to create an entry for Windows 701:03
xissburgtensorpudding: I already have it http://imagebin.org/10971001:03
MasshuuUbuntu 11.10 Obstinate Ocelot01:04
BlueIceVirussyslq, choices are: Default; nvidia hdmi; and CA0110 Digital01:04
tensorpuddingxissburg: that looks like it could be right01:04
syslqBlueIceVirus: what is now the choosen one01:05
BlueIceVirussyslq, default01:05
tensorpuddingthe only way to know for sure would be to reboot, though that could be risky01:05
syslqBlueIceVirus: does /dev/snd exists?01:05
xissburgtensorpudding: well.. that's what I have to do :P01:05
BlueIceVirussyslq yes01:06
* nUboon2Age prayers of support for xissburg01:06
BlueIceVirusheadkase314, did you see my reply?01:06
headkase314syslq, CA0110 Digital is an X-fi device: -> http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&source=hp&q=linux+CA0110+Digital&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=e152ff60f580dc2601:06
tensorpuddingxissburg: it would be really helpful to have a windows 7 support cd if you could get one for the future01:07
syslqheadkase314: x-fi?01:07
headkase314syslq, that's what google is saying..01:07
BlueIceVirussyslq headkase314 from what I read, that it is a good sign that I can see that in the options01:07
syslqBlueIceVirus: try and choose it01:07
BlueIceVirussyslq, then test?01:08
syslqBlueIceVirus: yeah01:08
syslqBlueIceVirus: if that doesnt work check the content of /dev/snd dirs01:08
syslqBlueIceVirus: if that doesnt work check the content of /dev/snd dir01:08
tensorpuddingxissburg: is it working?01:08
BlueIceVirussyslq, well no error this time, but I get the testing window with the bar going left to right to left that says click ok to finish, but I dont hear anything01:09
syslqBlueIceVirus: go to /dev/snd dir and check if all device files are in audio group (ls -la)01:09
syslqAlthough then logically there would be access denied error but still01:09
j_dalmondguys, is it possible to make firefox use qt theme instead of gnome?01:10
BlueIceVirussyslq im lost with that last step, I see the snd folder and then what?01:10
headkase314syslq, is it possible that BlueIceVirus has both analog and digital ports on his computer and the speakers are analog and only the digital is showing in gstreamer?01:10
syslqBlueIceVirus: cd /dev/snd01:10
Guest97432this may seem like a silly question, but....anyone here using mIRC?01:10
BlueIceVirussyslq, i did01:11
xissburgNow I have the  OS selection menu but I can't boot in no OS01:11
syslqBlueIceVirus: paste output of ls -la01:11
BlueIceVirussyslq, i did ls to list and see somethigns but I dontknow what they are01:11
xissburgproblems with mbr and ntldr from the messages01:11
jramseyso i've just loaded ubuntu 9.1 (b/c 10 white screens the laptop) on a dell inspiron 1501, broadcom wifi; i've the bc wifi drivers loaded; i see no wifi love ... should i use wicd instead of networkmanager?01:11
syslqheadkase314: could be01:11
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xissburgtensorpudding: Im trying the XP CD which is the only one I have01:11
syslqBlueIceVirus: not ls, but ls -la and paste output01:11
nUboon2Agexissburg: can you relay what the messages are?01:12
jramseyany comments on wicd vs. networkmanager?01:12
xissburgnUboon2Age: wait a mins01:12
annniexissburg: thats very messed up01:12
halvorsI am realy noob in this, but i have a file names start.sh in my home folder (this is an server) i wanto to start it up when system boot, how do that from command line?01:13
tensorpuddingthe windows bootloader is such a pain to deal with01:13
blackstar256@halvors i has to do with cron01:13
BlueIceVirussyslq, let me hook up my toss-link and see if theres audio01:13
ActionParsniphalvors: mark it as executable, then in System -> Prefs -> startup items01:13
ActionParsniphalvors: the .sh file extension isnt needed01:13
WavesonicsI must say, Windows 7 is pretty darn nice01:14
syslqBlueIceVirus: I have no idea what's toss-link01:14
annniehalvors: put a soft link to it into rd.d501:14
ActionParsnip!ot | Wavesonics01:14
ubottuWavesonics: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:14
syslqBlueIceVirus: what does lspci|grep -i "Audio" says?01:14
syslqOr if you know your audio card model from head01:14
j_dalmondguys, is it possible to make firefox use qt theme instead of gtk inside ubuntu?01:14
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X-Sleepy-Xhi! if i dd my current installation to an external hard drive would that create a single file on that hard drive or would it erase the current data stored on that hard drive? i have a 16gb ssd which i want to image to a file and store it on my backup hard drive...01:15
annniej_dalmond: no01:15
ActionParsnipj_dalmond: just grab a qt looking theme01:15
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BlueIceVirussyslq, its the connector for optical audio,01:15
syslqBlueIceVirus: aha01:15
annniej_dalmond: unless its a theme01:15
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BlueIceVirussyslq, bad usage01:16
brad8171hello everyone01:16
BlueIceVirussyslq of grep01:16
syslqBlueIceVirus: ?01:16
FshyOK, so that wasn't a go.01:16
ActionParsnipj_dalmond: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7574/01:16
syslqBlueIceVirus: it's not a file, it's output of a binary01:16
xissburgtensorpudding, nUboon2Age , when I try booting in Ubuntu it says that the file \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr may be absent or corrupted01:16
FshyActionParsnip -- that's a fix for if the logo doesn't work if I'm reading that right.01:16
FshyMy issue is the screen is black *after* the logo.01:17
FshyIronically enough, the logo is the one thing that's working fine.01:17
BlueIceVirussyslq http://pastebin.com/SA81Lf8V01:17
j_dalmondannnie: yeah i understand. thx. actually the motivation was white text in white fields on some websites01:17
headkase314BlueIceVirus, syslq, is the sound card an SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio CA0110-IBG?  If so then bad news, this applies -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/46382901:17
xissburgWhen I try WinXP it says \ntldr may be corrupted...01:17
j_dalmondannnie: it's annoying01:17
syslqBlueIceVirus: what does lspci|grep -i "Audio"01:17
ActionParsnipFshy: grab a new logo if it offends01:18
nUboon2Agexissburg: i wouldn't worry too much about the wubi/ubuntu install because that can easily be deleted and reinstalled.  but what about Win 7 and XP?01:18
j_dalmondActionParsnip: thx a lot :-)01:18
xissburgWhen I try Win7 it says that a needed component doesnt exist or something01:18
FshyActionParsnip -- the logo isn't my problem, again.01:18
FshyMy screen is black, permanently.01:18
jramseyno wireless gurus?01:18
FshyIf I use ATI.01:18
xissburgnUboon2Age: WinXP says \ntldr may be corrupted01:18
FshyThe FGLRX or whatever drivers.01:18
FshyI can't get my ATI card to work.01:18
FshyIf I use the standard Intel thingie it works fine.01:18
nUboon2Agexissburg: can you see which component win 7 says is missing?01:18
tensorpuddingxissburg: there is a tool called ms-sys on ubuntu that can do windows 7 mbr's01:18
FshyWhich would be fine, except its a waste of an excellent piece of hardware.01:19
ActionParsnipFshy: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html  maybe01:19
xissburgnUboon2Age: it doenst tell01:19
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xissburgtensorpudding: I'll boot into live ubuntu01:19
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FshyActionParsnip -- nomodeset lets me log back in, its true.01:19
nUboon2Agexissburg: you have a live ubuntu disk?  good!01:19
ActionParsnipFshy: thats all I know, you can also use the framebuffer driver til the desktop turns up01:20
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 the command syslq just ask me to put returned CA0110-IBG01:20
FshyBut without the drivers.01:20
headkase314syslq, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/463829 the last comments say this issue is still valid in Lucid01:20
xissburgnUboon2Age: pendrive :)01:20
FshyI have to go into low-graphics mode or whatever.01:20
nUboon2Agexissburg: still good.01:20
xissburgIf I can get to fix mbr and ntldr from there...hm..01:20
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 so that means No audio for me at this time? :(01:21
ActionParsnipFshy: all I know is to use the framebuffer driver until the desktop turns up then the nvidia or intel driver kicks in01:21
headkase314BlueIceVirus, I'm just googling, see what syslq says01:21
BlueIceVirusheadkase314j Im awaiting his response01:21
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 Im awaiting his response01:22
KyleXYsircrazy, hi01:22
headkase314BlueIceVirus, theres a lot to read on that page - hold on01:22
xissburgso... tensorpudding , nUboon2Age ,I think we're all tired of this thing...do you think I can recover it from live Ubuntu?01:23
ActionParsnipFshy: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/   follow until the embedded video, its an extra package or two, some boot options and a few file edits01:23
tensorpuddingxissburg: you need to apt-get install ms-sys01:23
annniexissburg: what aru you trying to do?01:24
syslqBlueIceVirus: this happened after you upgraded to 10.04?01:24
nUboon2Agexissburg: i'm not familiar with the utility tensorpudding is talking about, but i will say that bootloader problems look really scarey but are not as serious as they look and can usually be fixed.01:24
xissburgtensorpudding: cant find package01:24
BlueIceVirussyslq, no fresh install01:24
c3lrsync vs rsnapshot for backups?01:24
tensorpuddingxissburg: do you have an internet connection?01:24
tensorpuddingoh dammit01:24
BlueIceVirussyslq i never had sound on 9.04 either01:24
tensorpuddingit was removed from ubuntu's repos01:25
tensorpuddingdue to licensing issues01:25
xissburgannnie: my PC was screwed up by Wubi01:25
syslqBlueIceVirus: give me the output of dpkg -l|grep -i "alsa" and of lsmod01:25
sircrazyneat ubuntu desktop01:25
TheGiantsircrazy lol01:26
annniexissburg: so you cant boot?01:26
ePiratyeah, finally i know what loooong time means... installing inspircd ^^01:26
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: xissburg : http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/01:26
xissburgannnie: yes01:26
L3thal255can anybody help me out with a mounting issue?01:26
upp_hi all, i have rearly a big Problem with my wireless card, i have try all what i can but i hav'nt get any result, plz help to stop my wlan card to disconnect i have Lucid and Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG is my wireless card01:26
EmagehtCan someone please help me with something, its the weirdest ever http://pastebin.com/m4dyNQ7k01:26
annniexissburg: so you cant boot which  ubuntu  or wind0e$01:26
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 are you still reading?01:27
BlueIceVirusheadkase syslq I appreciate your help guys01:27
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: it looks like ms-sys 2.2.0 is the latest.01:27
headkase314syslq, instructions to compile latest alsa (1.0.23 - http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page) on Ubuntu 10.04 -> http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ Do you think the most current ALSA would help?01:27
xissburgannnie: soory but it is a long story which Im tired about telling to everyone :0...basically I installed Ubuntu from Win7 using Wubi and it trashed my boot loader01:27
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headkase314BlueIceVirus, googling between what you a syslq say ;)01:28
syslqheadkase314: let's leave that for the end :)01:28
FloodBot3Emageht: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
syslqBlueIceVirus: run alsamixer from console01:28
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 LOL i did try yesterday to update alsa01:28
xissburgthanks nUboon2Age Ill try it01:28
syslqBlueIceVirus: and check volumes01:28
brabodamn now i lost too01:28
upphi all, i have rearly a big Problem with my wireless card, i have try all what i can but i hav'nt get any result, plz help to stop my wlan card to disconnect i have Lucid and Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG is my wireless card01:28
syslqBlueIceVirus: eh, just check if it's disabled anywhere, volume would not give an error01:28
syslqBlueIceVirus: paste output of lsmod01:28
st__how to enable flash in konqueror?01:28
avi_hey guys, my samba shares (hosted on my computer) aren't mounting not even on localhost.  Nautilus seems to  make the connection fine, but it just thows up a blank folder and the busy-pointer. Am I needing to do some other config'ing?01:29
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding i just downloaded ms-sys 2.2.0.  Were you able to xissburg?01:29
annniexissburg: ubuntu would not trash the wind0e$01:29
BlueIceVirussyslq, im lost as to how to use this mixer01:29
ActionParsnipst__: http://mikemcquaid.com/2007/12/konqueror-with-latest-adobe-flash-howto/01:30
tensorpuddingxissburg: there is a package called mbr01:30
syslq BlueIceVirus you see some channels and colors?01:30
xissburgIm doing it nUboon2Age01:30
BlueIceVirussyslq, i kinda have it all volumes are up, though my s/pdif says mm over it01:30
ActionParsnipst__: http://linux.about.com/od/kubuntu_doc/a/kubudg29t05.htm01:30
syslqBlueIceVirus: paste output of lsmod01:31
BlueIceVirushttp://pastebin.com/Z568qRMr     the lsmod01:31
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: did you change your mind about using ms-sys?  I found it and xissburg is downloading it now.01:31
tensorpuddingnUboon2Age: it'll have to be compiled, will it not?01:31
xissburgtensorpudding told abput mbr package01:31
nUboon2Agegood question.  let me check.01:31
st__you linked me something from 2008?01:31
xissburgthis is becoming super annoying lol :(01:32
tensorpuddingxissburg: this package is in the repos and it has a program install-mbr which could possibly work01:32
ActionParsnipst__: the method is the same, just like applying it to firefox, why not look at the content instead of the year01:32
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annniexissburg: acidents happen01:32
xissburgapt-get install mbr?01:32
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: yes.01:32
xissburghm I got it01:33
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay, what does linux call your hard disk?01:33
tensorpuddingxissburg: is it sda, sdb, etc.01:33
blackstar256ya usually01:34
blackstar256i think mine is sda01:34
headkase314tensorpudding, I would guess in this situation Linux calls his hard disk: "pwned."01:34
xissburgtensorpudding: sda01:34
tensorpuddingxissburg: do sudo fdisk -l01:34
upphi all, i have rearly a big Problem with my wireless card, i have try all what i can but i hav'nt get any result, plz help to stop my wlan card to disconnect i have Lucid and Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG is my wireless card01:34
upphi all, i have rearly a big Problem with my wireless card, i have try all what i can but i hav'nt get any result, plz help to stop my wlan card to disconnect i have Lucid and Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG is my wireless card01:34
FloodBot3upp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
upphi all, i have rearly a big Problem with my wireless card, i have try all what i can but i hav'nt get any result, plz help to stop my wlan card to disconnect i have Lucid and Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG is my wireless card01:35
tensorpuddingxissburg: i'm going to guess that the windows 7 partition is sda501:35
tensorpuddingxissburg: since it is under an extended partition01:35
IdleOne!patience | upp01:35
ubottuupp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:35
xissburgtensorpudding: I agree01:35
xissburgtensorpudding: I've seen it, it was sda501:35
jramsey_upp here =>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide01:36
syslqBlueIceVirus: it seems ok, run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and paste feedback01:36
BlueIceVirussyslq, i know that there is a newer version of alsa 1.0.23 i still have .2101:36
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay, so try sudo install-mbr -i n -p 5 -t 0 /dev/sda01:36
xissburgook :)01:36
tensorpuddingi hope that it works01:36
tensorpuddinginstall-mbr might not understand extended partitions for some reason, which could cause problems01:37
syslqBlueIceVirus: you can try that too01:37
BlueIceVirushow? ;(01:37
headkase314BlueIceVirus, please consider bookmarking this for reference -> http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/  Wait what happens between you and syslq first of course, maybe he can get it working without such drastic measures.01:37
tensorpuddingxissburg: does it return anything?01:37
xissburgtensorpudding: Invalid default partition 501:37
tensorpuddinghow is it that mbr's boot from logical partitions anyway01:38
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 is that the instr for upgrading alsa?01:38
syslqBlueIceVirus: download source and compile it01:38
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: is that error stopping it entirely or could it still boot up?01:38
headkase314BlueIceVirus, yes and I've verified that those instructions are for the most current version of ALSA01:39
xissburgtensorpudding: I verified it here, 7's partition is /dev/sda501:39
xissburgdammit dude...01:39
xissburgthis thing is so hard to get working ;(01:39
tensorpuddingxissburg: there are probably some major trickeries going on to boot from extended partitions01:39
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 syslq ok let me update and get back01:39
nUboon2Ageoh okay that means that win 7 is different enough mbr doesn't know how to handle it.01:39
headkase314BlueIceVirus, would probably take around 20 minutes of following the instructions to do so just post here if you run into any issues?  syslq, this good with you?01:40
nUboon2Agexissburg: i wonder if it is working on XP though?  tensorpudding?01:40
bazhangtensorpudding, this is a wubi install that xissburg has01:40
tensorpuddingright now we don't give a hoot about the wubi01:40
Dwarf2000tenderpudding XD01:40
tensorpuddingwe just want to get windows 7 booting01:40
xissburgnUboon2Age: it was not the last time I tried. Nothing is working lol01:41
tensorpuddingyou could get windows xp booting again01:41
tensorpuddingxissburg: try sudo install-mbr -i n -p D -t 0 /dev/sda01:41
tensorpuddingthat will get windows xp booting again01:42
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: xissburg if mbr worked to get xp booting then that would def. be a step forward, yes?  easybcd should really work i think.01:42
xissburgtensorpudding: now it didnt output anything01:42
tensorpuddingthat means it worked01:42
xissburgnUboon2Age: I was booting in XP before, directly, without OS choice menu, but after using easybcd the OS menu popped up but none of them worked01:43
tensorpuddingxissburg: i think we messed up when we made the boot options01:44
nUboon2Agexissburg: yes, but i'm thinking we just had a config error in easybcd and that it should still work if we set it up correctly.01:44
xissburgso I'll try booting into XP now01:45
BytesunfishIf someone has a moment, I have a motherboard (Asus M2N-E) that has an onboard gigabit ethernet that is being incorrectly recognized as device virbr0. I have a pci card 10/100 that is my only link to this computer. I'm running server edition x64. System is updated daily.01:46
xissburgtensorpudding: , nUboon2Age Xp doesnt work01:46
BlueIceVirusheadkase314, ran into an issue01:46
nUboon2Agexissburg: what did you get?01:46
xissburgnUboon2Age: the same error as before, for all 3 OSes01:46
jramseyxissburg, is the error on pastebin?01:47
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 on the part where it wants me to put sudo cp ~/alsa* it tells me a file something.bz2 is not a dir01:47
xissburgI think that...I could copy the important files into another partition and format other and reinstall Windows there..01:47
xissburgat least my files are still there01:47
xissburgjramsey: no01:48
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: xissburg wouldn't the goal be to get back into EasyBCD to set up correctly?01:48
xissburgnUboon2Age: I can't  boot in XP anymore01:48
alvaroI'm trying to get HDMI audio to work.  But all I get when I do "mplayer /foo/bar/file.mp3" is static.  Any ideas?01:48
st__xissburg, boot from floppy01:48
xissburgI got to use easybcd before in XP there...after that I couldnt boot again01:48
headkase314BlueIceVirus, was away now back give me a second to review what said01:49
nUboon2Ageone thing xissburg: if you do choose to reinstall win 7 and xp, tensorpudding, doesn't xissburg have to install xp first, then win 7?  i still hope it wouldn't come to that.01:49
headkase314BlueIceVirus, that cp command should copy the three .yar.bz2 files you downloaded into your /usr/src/alsa folder which you should be in.  The files are supposed to be in your /home/username folder and not in a subfolder from there01:51
jramseyxissburg, have you checked this => http://neosmart.net/forums/showthread.php?t=680001:51
vol7ronall: for some reason I can't view flash in my web browsers (chrome/ff), but Adobe says my browser has it installed01:51
st__xissburg, do you have a floppy drive?01:51
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 i just found them and was about to move them01:51
xissburgst__:  im running live ubuntu from pendrive]01:53
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 I cant move them into that folder permission den01:53
headkase314BlueIceVirus, it is not neccessary to make them in the /usr/src/alsa folder you can follow the instructions in your home folder to compile them there.  How familiar are you with the console?01:53
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 im newb at linux but im getting it perty fast01:53
Nero_where i can get deb. files for vlc 1.1.2?01:53
headkase314BlueIceVirus,  ok, type "cd ~" without quotes01:54
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: jramsey:  from that forum posting that jramsey gave i found "If your Windows Vista or Windows 7 bootloader has been damaged or corrupt in some way, you'll have to get it reset before you can use EasyBCD to configure a dual-boot."01:54
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: jramsey: http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+from+the+DVD01:54
tensorpuddingxissburg: you can try getting ms-sys to work01:54
Dwarf2000Nero_ www.google.com01:54
berwalddNero: You should be able to get vlc from the Synaptic Package Manager built into Ubuntu01:54
jramseyyeah it looks like an evening is ruined with this01:54
vol7ronIf it helps, I have 64b Ubuntu 10.04 ... why is it hard to get Flash running?01:54
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 what does the ~ do, cd does the same thing it seems01:54
Nero_i can not find usefull information...01:54
headkase314BlueIceVirus, type "ls alsa*" without quotes, you should see the three alsa files you downloaded.  ~ is a shortcut for your home folder.01:54
xissburgtensorpudding: yes, we forgot that one01:55
tensorpuddingxissburg: the goal should be to find some way to get back to xp, so that you can use easybcd to get windows 7 back01:55
xissburgnUboon2Age: I cant burn Cds01:55
berwalddNero_: If you go to your menu and into Synaptic you can search for vlc in there01:55
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 ok im unpacking them where they are01:55
nUboon2Agexissburg: oh, okay.  couldn't remember.01:55
xissburgnUboon2Age: I almost tried that approach, but I couldnt burn the iso to my pendrive01:56
Dwarf2000Nero_ http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/graphics/vlc01:56
xissburgtensorpudding: going to live ubuntu to try ms-sys01:56
Nero_yes, i know how to install software ..01:56
Nero_i need the 1.1.2 ver.01:56
Nero_not 1.0.601:57
headkase314BlueIceVirus, ok, you will have the 3 folders in your home directory.  For each of the 3 folders execute the commands "./configure", "make", and then "sudo make install"01:57
tensorpuddingxissburg: you'll need to install the build-essential package to compile ms-sys01:57
=== ad4m is now known as McLinux
tensorpuddingxissburg: then run ms-sys -7 /dev/sda01:57
BlueIceVirusheadkase314 already on the works ;)01:57
sikilpaakeis there any way to view and mount my partitions through <<ssh -X -C -c blowfish user@ "gksu nautilus">> ?01:57
jramseyxissburg, => https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick01:58
bastid_raZorNero_: http://nightlies.videolan.org/01:58
headkase314BlueIceVirus, you will be following the cd commands in the tutorial but you are in your home folder instead of /usr/src/alsa.  The difference between the instructions and what you are now doing is that "./configure" and "make" do not need the sudo command while the "make install" does need a sudo prefix.01:58
BlueIceVirusheadcase314 is there a quick way to respond to a person in here rather than type the name every time?01:58
sikilpaakeBlueIceVirus: try to see if your client supports autocomplete for names01:58
hiexpotan BlueIceVirus01:58
headkase314BlueIceVirus, type part of their name then press TAB to complete it works in my IRC client (x-chat)01:58
IdleOneBlueIceVirus: use tab completion type head and hit TAB01:59
sikilpaaketype sik and then hit TAB01:59
BlueIceVirusim in the webchat version for this irc01:59
xissburgjramsey: no, burn the Windows 7 Recovery disc to pendrive01:59
BlueIceVirusok got it01:59
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: thats a lot faster ;)01:59
sikilpaakeBlueIceVirus: SikEnCide sikilpaake01:59
sikilpaakeBlueIceVirus: sure is01:59
BlueIceVirusheadkase314:  just like tab in the terminal01:59
nUboon2AgeWhat about ths tensorpudding: have you heard of fixmbr: "restore the Windows bootloader using "fixmbr" from a recovery CD, and use Parted Magic to delete the Linux partition and expand the Windows partition. " xissburg: tensorpudding; jramsey:01:59
jramseyit's tough jumping into a thread mid-stream02:00
BlueIceVirushiexpo: hey buddy, i was looking for you the other day02:00
sikilpaakeis there any way to view and mount my partitions through <<ssh -X -C -c blowfish user@ "gksu nautilus">> ?02:00
headkase314BlueIceVirus, ok, yup.  Now make sure you have no errors from ./configure and make before you type "sudo make install"  If you have any errors post them here02:00
BlueIceVirushiexpo: i finally got lucid installed, but on a diff drive instead of the raid02:00
tensorpuddingnUboon2Age: there is no linux partition, and fixmbr only works for xp mbr's, and only runs from a valid windows xp recovery disk, which xissburg doesn't have02:00
tensorpuddingif xissburg had one, this would have been solved eons ago02:00
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: so if it sayd successfully compiled its good?02:01
dudehello, I am running Lucid and was installing some software from the repos and after I reboted I can not access any websites or the update servers02:01
tensorpuddingthis problem has had very little to do with ubuntu, except that the ubuntu live cd is the only recovery environment available02:01
headkase314BlueIceVirus, if ./configure and make do not give an error message then the compile is good and you can do make install02:01
hiexpoBlueIceVirus,  kool02:01
BlueIceVirushiexpo: but now tring to get my x-fi working ;)02:02
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: ok02:02
dudethe eth0 shows connected but I cant get anywhere02:02
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:02
vol7rongot flash working in FF on Ubuntu 10.04, but Chrome is still lacking02:02
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:03
McLinuxhow can it be read... these japanese characters02:03
tensorpuddingget japanese fonts02:03
McLinuxi have them02:03
xissburgtensorpudding: I have a windows XP installation disc02:03
McLinuxits just .. not readable unless i enlarge the font sizes02:04
vol7ronit's 64b, which is why Flash isn't working in Lucid02:04
tensorpuddingxissburg: you do?02:04
xissburgI tried getting into recovery mode but I cant remember the admin password :(02:04
McLinuxflash isn't working on 64b ubuntu?02:04
tensorpuddingmore tragedies02:04
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: is that a generic password?02:05
McLinuxxissburg: ubuntu?  could be your own user account pw?02:05
vol7ronMcLinux: not in chrome, for me02:06
tensorpuddingi have flash working in chrome 6402:06
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: or generic by manufacturer?02:06
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: I have to restart now, brb02:06
McLinuxWeird, because I have 64b plus cHrome-- working fine.02:06
tensorpuddingi can't remember how i got it working though02:06
headkase314BlueIceVirus, ok02:06
tensorpuddingnUboon2Age: I don't know02:06
vol7ronMcLinux: I had to go the backend way of installing it in firefox too ~ http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/02:06
xissburgnUboon2Age: I tried a  few ppossible passwords...I cant believe I couldnt break it...and it sucks because you have only 3 chances..then it resets the machine02:06
EvilPhoenixi need this dependency for a program (amazon MP3 downloader): libboost-filesystem1.34.1  How can I get it?02:06
McLinuxij ust did sudo apt-get install flash-plugin02:07
nUboon2Agexissburg: is that a cd/dvd?02:07
dudecan anyone help me with a network problem?02:07
tensorpuddingxissburg: did you compile ms-sys?02:07
xissburgwhat is the root password in live Ubuntu?02:07
vol7ronMcLinux it could just be that i'm retarded, which is probably the case02:07
xissburgnUboon2Age: its a WinXP CD02:07
xissburgtensorpudding: yes02:07
McLinuxvol7ron: if you are then i am too..02:07
xissburgI cant get to su make install it02:07
McLinuxdude: what exactly is the network problem?02:07
wedwodude what's your question?02:07
vol7ronMcLinux: I couldn't find any flash-plugin, which repo?02:07
xissburgsu asks for pw02:07
tensorpuddingxissburg: try doing sudo -i02:08
dudeMy eth0 shows me conected but I cannot actually connect to anything02:08
sacarlsonxissburg: sudo su02:08
tensorpuddingthen doing make install02:08
McLinuxvol7ron: think i used: flashplugin-installer02:08
FshyI gotta say, this is kinda getting on my nerves....02:08
tensorpuddingthe live cd's don't have a user password02:08
McLinuxdude, you are online now? or is this via a different machine?02:08
wedwodude .. ifconfig02:08
vol7ronMcLinux: hopefully this will work :), I'd rather use it than a dated checksum02:08
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: ok, im back02:09
dudemclinux, yes and no02:09
headkase314BlueIceVirus, ok do "cat /proc/asound/version"02:09
xissburgmake install wont work wow02:09
dudewedwo, all setting with ip# are correct02:09
McLinuxdude, clarify02:09
headkase314BlueIceVirus, and say what the version number is02:09
xissburgFshy: lol02:09
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: well now I actually have .23 alsa ;) nice02:09
FshyOK, let me try explaining this again to see if anyone can help a bit more. I know its an extremely vague error.02:09
sacarlsonxissburg: oh and you like windows xp so you can run it inside virtualbox inside ubuntu02:09
FshyI'll try and fetch some logs if possible.02:10
dudeMclinux, eth0 shows me connected, I can ping from term, but cant laod webpages or pull anything from repos02:10
vol7ronMcLinux: that worked... thank you very much.  Adobe said I had an up-to-date version of Flash, but Chrome said it wasn't installed.  Perhaps because it was a beta version of chrome, it wasn't installed properly02:10
xissburgsacarlson: runs bad02:10
headkase314BlueIceVirus, ok now "sudo alsaconf" click ok and reboot again.02:10
tensorpuddingvol7ron: chrome doesn't have flash for 64-bit02:10
McLinuxvol7ron: no problem.. i think it had to do with chrome looking in a different location for plugins02:10
tensorpuddingvol7ron: but adobe just says "oh, you have chrome, therefore you have flash"02:10
sacarlsonxissburg: ya bad for you games I'm sure  it would be slow for that02:10
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: ok restarting again02:11
tensorpuddingvol7ron: because adobe is lame and pulled support for 64-bit linux for a while so they could fix it, and at some point in the indefinite future they'll bring it back02:11
vol7rontensorpudding: McLinux's flashplugin-installer enabled it in chrome, so it's working02:11
McLinuxflash doesn't perform great on anything other than Windows.. but it still works02:12
vol7rontensorpudding: whether it's a dated version, or not, at least I have something now02:12
tensorpuddingxissburg: did you get ms-sys to build?02:12
xissburgtensorpudding: suggestion for parameters for ms-sys? :P02:12
Mqueuehello im trying to run partimage to make backup on windows drive and my system keeps halting what could be wrong ?02:12
vol7ronI'm just trying to use speedtest.net02:12
tensorpuddingxissburg: try ms-sys -7 /dev/sda02:12
MACscrhow can i select all avi and mvk files from a folder and its subfolders and move them to a new directory?02:12
McLinuxdude, what sort of IP does eth0 have?02:12
xissburgtensorpudding: Windows 7 master boot record successfully writeen . . .02:12
FshyOK, my issue is this. I have an Acer Aspire TimelineX 4820TG laptop, which contains both an Intel graphics card and an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 graphics chip. The default install used the Intel chip for graphics, but in Hardware Drivers in 10.04, it gave me the option to chose the FGLRX proprietary drives for the ATI card. If I Activate them, it requires me to reboot, at which point I do...02:13
Fshy...so. During startup, I come back in, see the logo, and it black screens after that.02:13
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: sounds promising.02:13
vol7ronMy Linux is in VMware, so I'm not too worried about performance just yet.  When I get my new SSD, I'll have a new partition for a full-fledged, sweet linux box02:13
xissburgnUboon2Age: heh02:13
sikilpaakehow can i mount all mountable drives through the command line?02:13
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay, that might be a start..but i'm not sure exactly what it will do, if it know how to find the partitions02:13
FshyIf I use the nomodeset option, I can get back in, however, it says Graphics Error and puts me in this ridiculously lame "low graphics mode", where the ATI chip is most definitely not active.02:13
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: ok now im back again02:13
McLinuxFshy; laptop?  are you using a monitor with it? Hdmi output at all?02:14
tensorpuddingxissburg: the only way to know is to reboot yet again02:14
xissburgIll do it02:14
dudeMclinux, eth0 shows inet Bcast192.168.1.25502:14
FshyNo monitor, its just a laptop.02:14
McLinuxok, can you at least the router ?02:14
FshyI get some output, but only for the ubuntu logo part.02:14
FshyAfter that, black screens.02:14
McLinuxsorry, ping* the router02:14
headkase314BlueIceVirus, ok now to see if it made a difference.  In a console "gstreamer-properties" ALSA should be the sound system and NOW what are your choices for devices.  syslq you there?  Need you again!02:14
McLinuxI ran into that, are you trying to do a new install or is this a complete install?02:14
vol7rondude, what are you trying to do?02:15
avi_hey guys, I'm trying to set up a samba server in Lucid to, among other things, share a CD in the computer's cd rom drive. The problem is, that in Lucid CDs get mounted to ~/.gvfs, which for some reason you cannot view in samba shares. I mounted my entire ~ in samba, and looked for .gvfs, but it was NOT THERE. Basically everything was however, including other hidden files.. How can i fix this? Thanks!02:15
FshyMcLinux: Sorry, who are you referring to? Lets use the name tag thingies.02:15
dudeMclinux, yes02:15
=== Thornton is now known as TheAnswer
xissburgtensorpudding: same errors as before in the OS selection screen :(02:15
McLinuxFshy; sorry, yes.. is this a new install attempt (aka booting to LiveCD)?02:15
dudevol7ron, I have lost access to internet through browser and repos02:15
vol7rondude, but you're using IRC?02:16
Mqueuehello im trying to run partimage to make backup of windows drive and my system keeps freezing what can be the issue ?02:16
FshyMcLinux: No, I installed it fine, and normally it defaults to using the Intel chip, so I had a perfectly good install -- just not using the ATI chip. When I attempt to use the FGLRX drivers to activate the ATI chip, all hell breaks loose though.02:16
dudevol7ron, different computer02:16
xissburgok I think its enough eh guys02:16
McLinuxFshy; Hrm, do you disable the INtel chipset (In BIOS for example?)02:17
nUboon2Agexissburg: let's see if tensorpudding has any more ideas.02:17
tensorpuddingxissburg: okay, try rebooting into the pendrive and writing an xp mbr02:17
sacarlsonavi_:  i guess I would need to see your /etc/samaba/smb.conf file  I think I gave you a sample of mine the other day02:17
sikilpaakehow can i mount all mountable drives through the command line?02:17
wurlingtonmount -a02:17
vol7rondude: are you running any sort of firewall/av?02:17
spaceghost_man cpan takes ages to install stuff, been installing dependencies for like 35 minutes02:17
FshyMcLinux: No? I wasn't even sure I should try that.02:17
tensorpuddingxissburg: the mbr that ms-sys writes must be set to just boot from the first bootable partition02:17
xissburgtensorpudding: heh let me do it02:17
sikilpaakewurlington: that mounts all of the ones on fstab02:17
McLinuxdude, I would check that the browser isn't trying to use a proxy or if there was some firewall configured.. not sure how to "check" for that...02:17
sikilpaakewurlington: i need to mount all the ones that *can* be mounted02:18
xissburgit would be good to at least have xp back02:18
dudevol7ron, firestarter is shutdown right now and clamav not running02:18
sacarlsonavi_:  is your CD mount point mounting as the same ubuntu user as fouruser?02:18
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: ok back again,02:18
McLinuxFshy; did you have the ATI card working in a previous install, or OS?02:18
wurlingtonsikilpaake, i duno then :-\02:18
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: going to check sound02:18
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, ok what devices are there now?02:18
FshyMcLinux: Works fine in the Win7 dual boot.02:18
McLinuxdude, check your router--?02:18
dudeMclinux, that wouldnt affect updating the repos too would it?02:18
vol7rondude: make sure ps is listing it's not running02:18
plouffeAre there any open source java browsers in ubuntu repositories?02:18
avi_sacarlson, I can't remember if you did. But the problem is not getting to my home folder, that works great. The problem is .gvfs not showing up when browsing a samba share.02:18
McLinuxdude, repos is downloaded via http.. port 8002:18
vol7rondude: shutdown, then restart your computer02:18
dudevol7ron, ?02:18
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: same ones as before plus now I get CA0110 Analog too02:19
headkase314k, choose analog and test02:19
Fshyplouffe: I'm not sure whether he ever finished or even started it, but I know a dude called eondev awhile ago was making one.02:19
headkase314^ BlueIceVirus_02:19
FshyOr thinking about making one.02:19
vol7rondude: shutdown your firewalls and restart your computer, also check for proxies as McLinux stated02:19
grumboanyone here use merge? (the tool for merging conflicting files)02:19
McLinuxFshy; that's a bit.. Fshy ;)  Have you had it working under a previous Linux install?02:19
sacarlsonavi_:  just one file missing?  or can't see the cd that's mounted?02:19
plouffeFshy thanks for the headsups02:19
FshyMcLinux -- nope. Just went with ubuntu 10.04. I know its not just me though.02:20
vol7rongrumbo: merge or comparing differences or git/merge?02:20
tensorpuddingxissburg: the command for putting the xp mbr on would be ms-sys -m /dev/sda02:20
dudeVol7ron , Mclinux, have rebooted a number of times, both computers running through same router and switch, have power cycled everything, changed cables02:20
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: well I picked analog and clicked test, no sound, and pushed ok and now its froze02:20
dudeI will check for proxies02:20
grumbovol7ron: i'm using it for git's mergetool command02:20
McLinuxdude, this is a home network right? not corporate, or whatever?02:20
FshyMcLinux: There's one other dude with the issue in the ubuntu forums, but he gave up since he didn't know how to use nomodeset, and just reinstalled the entire OS.02:20
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, are your speakers analog or spdif?02:20
avi_sacarlson, CDs get mounted at /~/.gvfs And the entire .gvfs directory is missing when accessing via samba.02:21
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: i have both pluged in02:21
vol7rondude: how many connection are allowed through the router?  I know that's unlikely cause, but if you have a lot of computers and only allow 5 connections, you may have maxed out.02:21
McLinuxFshy; I have an ATI card, I had trouble getting it to boot.. eventually sat down, plugged my PC into my monitor using a VGA cable.. installed the driver, configured it to display on the correct display and rebooted.. works now.02:21
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, what do you mean "froze" complete computer (and you are on a different one) or just that window?02:21
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: just that one02:21
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: have to close the terminal to get it to close02:21
FshyMcLinux: *frowns*...a little impractical given where I am at present...but if that were the case, shouldn't nomodeset be able to access the ATI config settings?02:22
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, ok type "xkill" in a console and click on the frozen window02:22
sacarlsonavi_:  can you create a sym link to the file maybe then it will see it?  make sure the sym link isn't .something   the "." makes hiden files02:22
vol7rongrumbo: i'm not too familiar, since I haven't had the need yet, but what's the problem?02:22
FshyWhich...needless to say, errors out when tried.02:22
dudeMclinux, vol7ron, I was browsing internet and saw I needed to reboot the system because of an update, did so, and when it came back up I couldn't access anything02:22
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, type "gstreamer-properties" again and try the digital and click test02:22
avi_sacarlson, Yeah, that was my next move. I'll try and let you know.02:22
McLinuxFshy; don't know... i tried nomodeset myself, didn't work, I freaked out since this was on a brand new PC :)02:22
halvorsI want to run an executable file when Ubuntu start, how do that? At a server.02:22
vol7rondude: were you looking at porn?02:23
McLinuxTurns out, Ubuntu/ATI doesn't seem to like DVI or HDMI cables when installing the drivers02:23
robertpayneAnyone have an apt-get repo with php 5.3.3 by chance? Looking to try and get it w/o compiling from source for php-fpm02:23
FshyI've tried pushing the switch-monitor button on a whim...it didn't really do anything, but then again, no monitor was plugged in.02:23
dudelol, no02:23
bastid_raZor!boot | halvors02:23
ubottuhalvors: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:23
McLinuxdo you have a spare monitor in the house? I'd try the vga cable just on a whim..02:23
dudevol7ron, gnokii02:23
grumbovol7ron: well, it's apparently supposed to have handy buttons for determining which file's changes to use in the merged result... but it doesn't, at least on my system. I get the three columns and the diff highlighting, but no buttons to pick which changes to use, as seen in the screen shot here: (the buttons being the arrows) http://meld.sourceforge.net/meld_preview.png02:23
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: same thing happend02:24
FshyMcLinux -- technically yes, but I'm not *at* the house :P02:24
FshyNor anywhere near the house.02:24
FshyNor will be anywhere near a monitor till Wednesday :P02:24
nUboon2Agexissburg: any luck?02:24
bryan_my CD drive likes playing keep away....it ejects, I reach for the CD, and it says "Sike!" and pulls back02:25
McLinuxFshy; yuck!  All I can say is your symptoms matches mine.  Though it may not be the same exact problem for you... It boots, displays Ubuntu logo (even displays the scrolling text if I remove "quiet nosplash" from GRUB boot)02:25
FshyIts annoying me, since I'm usually pretty good at smacking stuff around til it works. I fixed the headphone jack with ALSA, fixed the stupid wifi issue...02:25
McLinuxFshy; once it appears to want o boot GDM, it blinks out... and appears to freeze02:25
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, ok, we're back to step one except now you have the latest version of ALSA.  I'm sorry but this is the limits of my knowledge.  So, hopefully someone else will be able to help us continue.  If you end up coming back at a later time - if it's not solved in this session - make sure to mention you have updated ALSA.  There may be no solution to that hardware, I'm hoping there is and we just don't02:25
headkase314see it.02:25
FshyInteresting. Scrolling text?02:25
=== bryan_ is now known as bryanwithy
McLinuxThe boot messages02:26
vol7rongrumbo: wish I could help, do you get the arrows or the boxes to the left?02:26
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: bummer02:26
FshyI don't get that, at least unless I misunderstand you.02:26
McLinuxAll that stuff that appears under dmesg02:26
BlueIceVirus_hiexpo: do you know anyting about setting up an x-fi?02:26
xissburgnUboon2Age: dcalled ms-sys, successfully written, rebooting now02:26
nUboon2Agexissburg: was xp already installed or did you install it during the fix attempts?02:26
FshyOh wait. You're right.02:26
FshyMine does do that.02:26
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: im almost willing to buy a diff card just for it to fkin work02:26
hiexpoBlueIceVirus_,  wifi?02:26
FshyOK, so we do have near identical scenarios.02:26
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, Sorry, I just don't know what to do.  You're lsmod mentioned an Intel HDA module, do you have onboard sound you can use in the meantime?02:26
BlueIceVirus_hiexpo: no no, soundblaster x-fi02:26
xissburgnUboon2Age: already installed02:27
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: nope02:27
grumbovol7ron: yeah, the boxes are just for seeing where the diffs are, they aren't buttons in any capacity... don't get the arrows... I'll see if I their mailing list has anything the seems relevant02:27
FshyJust out of curiosity, McLinux, do you get the weird pink stuff around the Ubuntu logo in the beginning?02:27
hiexpoBlueIceVirus_,  oh sorry no i am a wifi guy02:27
McLinuxHey, I didn't use Linux on my brand spanking new PC for almost 2 months for that reason, till it dawned on me to plug in the VGA cable...02:27
FshyThat eventually resolves itself?02:27
McLinuxyeah it was kind of like an artifact02:27
FshyOnly occurs on this guy.02:27
BlueIceVirus_hiexpo:  no its a sound card02:27
FshyYeah, yeah.02:27
hiexpoyup BlueIceVirus_02:28
dudevol7ron , not running through a proxie02:28
FshyAlright, I guess I'll leave Ubuntu alone til Wednesday and give it a shot. Thanks a lot McLinux.02:28
xissburgnUboon2Age, tensorpudding samething :(02:28
BlueIceVirus_hiexpo: lol i got it now02:28
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, I'm at my limit, don't lose hope just make sure you provide the information that ALSA is the latest version on your system whenever you try here or on ubuntuforums.org02:28
McLinuxSorry :( Hopefully it works lke magic on Weds02:28
FshyThere a time you're usually around or some email jic something goes wrong and I feel like contacting you, McLinux?02:28
xissburgheadkase314: I'm at my limit02:28
McLinuxI'll try to be around02:28
vol7rondude: does 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' do anything for you?02:29
tensorpuddingxissburg: it still has the windows 7-style bootmanager options, or does it give a different error?02:29
headkase314xissburg, yeah I've been taking a look as your posts have gone by, man.. :(02:29
hiexpohey does weakernet have a channel?02:29
FshyKk. Thanks a bundle. I really should hang out here a bit more.02:29
xissburgtensorpudding: Win7 style OS chooser yes02:29
tensorpuddingxissburg: that is strange, it suggests that the changes that ms-sys is supposed to be doing isn't happening02:30
xissburgheadkase314: I'm screwed lol but at least my files are yet intact, I think I won't lose them in any way but...I think I have no other choice other than reinstall now]02:30
dudevol7ron, hmm got 'ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth002:30
LicuadoraI instaled alsamixer, bur when i try to open it with the terminal, it said "file does not exist"02:30
dudeopps wrong puter02:31
headkase314xissburg, yup thats a bonafide disaster - the best way to learn things! ;)02:31
xissburgheadkase314: lol :(02:31
nUboon2Ageits kinda like your win 7 and xp are stuck out on an island.  they aren't going anywhere, but getting to them has been difficult.02:31
tensorpuddingnUboon2Age: windows 7 is ithaca, and we're odysseus02:32
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: :)02:32
tensorpuddingxissburg: maybe it's possible to run bcdedit.exe, the thing that windows uses to edit the bootloader, through wine02:32
tensorpuddingyou can still mount the windows 7 partition using wine02:32
LicuadoraCan somebody tell me why cant i connect to internet?02:32
tensorpuddingerr, you can mount the windows 7 partition using ntfs-3g02:32
vol7rondude: ?02:33
xissburgit takes time to install wine?02:33
LicuadoraI have wireless right now, but when i connect the cable, i can acces internet02:33
ilovefairuzLicuadora: what happens when you try to connect to a wireless network?02:33
StravHi. It seems I need some help getting grub2 recon my windows 7 install. I just reinstalled grub2 with my root linux partition as grub root install dir, then chrooted into my install to "update-grub2" and yet, no windows installation found. Then I suspected I might have overwritten the mbr while playing with grub's install options so I went in my windows install disk, fixed the mbr, tried to install/update grub again, still no windows02:33
Stravfound. Next step, I tried entering a manual entry in /etc/grub.d/ as 11_windows, with hd(0,3) (where 3 = /dev/sda3 where is the windows mbr) and still, no luck. Any one can help on that...?02:33
headkase314tensorpudding, using bcdedit.exe in wine sounds... well... Are you sure about that?02:33
dudevol7ron, it said "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"02:33
Licuadorailovefairuz: I can connect via WIFI, but not with a wire02:33
Licuadorailovefairuz: It simply does not recongnize the cable02:34
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headkase314tensorpudding, I don't think WINE has implemented low-level hard disk access is what I mean...02:34
vol7rondude: open up /etc/network/interfaces02:34
ilovefairuzLicuadora: put the cable in and type: sudo mii-tool02:34
nUboon2Ageheadkase314: xissburg we could look at the winehq and see if it is rated.02:34
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: ^^^02:34
ilovefairuzStrav: have you tried booting it by hand from a grub shell?02:35
dudevol7ron, done02:35
vol7ronanything listed?02:35
Stravilovefairuz: nope, I'm not really acquainted with the grub shell commands.02:35
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, how about you try unpluggin one of your speaker connections - either the analog or the digital and then gstreamer-properties the one you leave plugged in?  Perhaps having both plugged makes a difference?02:35
Licuadorailovefairuz: SIOCGMIIREG on eth0 failed: Input/output error02:35
LicuadoraSIOCGMIIREG on eth0 failed: Input/output error02:35
Licuadora  No MII transceiver present!.02:35
xissburg nUboon2Age What???02:35
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: i tired that02:36
dudevol7ron, all it has in there is "auto lo, iface lo inet loopback"02:36
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: :(02:36
Stravilovefairuz: I'll give it a try... thanks.02:36
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, darn, that was like my last hope02:36
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: lol02:36
tensorpuddingit'd be nice if windows had a live cd02:36
avi_sacarlson, Hey, sorry for the hold up. Says "Unable to mount location", and beneath that "Failed to mount Windows share"02:36
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, but don't give up hope there are people way more knowledgable than me here - you just have to be on at the right time to catch them!02:36
vol7rondude: well that's good, add in an auto eth002:36
xissburgtensorpudding, nUboon2Age what did we do to bring xp to life that time???02:36
JimBastardnoob question : how can i update git on ubuntu using apt-get? it seems to be stuck at git version
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: yep02:37
avi_sacarlson, In nautilus that is. So i guess it just REALLY doesn't want me to read .gvfs.. why should it be mounting there? What's the point of /cdrom or /media/cdrom0?!02:37
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BlueIceVirus_any one else have any knowladge of audio problems?02:37
xissburgtestdisk corrected the partitions02:37
ilovefairuzLicuadora: does the light blink as if the cable is connected or not?02:37
tensorpuddingxissburg: i think that somehow you resurrected the xp boot manager when you reinstalled xp02:37
sacarlsonavi_:  who is the owner of the directory?02:37
nUboon2Agexissburg: headkase314: tensorpudding at least winehq doesn't have an entry in the appdb, but i'll keep looking around.02:37
halvorsbastid_raZor: Is there some simple commands i can run? I have the executable file.02:38
dudevol7ron, I did that and saved, then ran the networking restart and I got the same error message02:38
ilovefairuzJimBastard: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy git-core    (to check available versions)02:38
sacarlsonavi_: sorry my cd rom is offline so I can't simulate to see what you see02:39
Licuadorailovefairuz: nope, no blinking02:39
bastid_raZorhalvors: you wanted to run a command on boot. correct?02:39
ilovefairuzLicuadora: no led light at all?02:39
Licuadorailovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/GrZ7dhwz02:39
JimBastardilovefairuz: still root@hook:/usr/src# git --version git version
tensorpuddingxissburg: i'm running out of idea02:39
vol7rondude: pastebin your ifconfig02:39
xissburgoh man it sucks...I have a lot of school stuff to do and I couldn't do anything because of this...everything depends on my main PC...02:39
tensorpuddingxissburg: how did you install windows 7 on the machine in the first place?02:40
Licuadorailovefairuz: well, there is one led on, buinking02:40
xissburgI only have one thing to say...02:40
grumbovol7ron: I grabbed the current development version from meld's git repo, built it and viola! buttons!02:40
ilovefairuzJimBastard: the command i gave you is to check the version in the repositories02:40
BlueIceVirus_is there anyone that can help me get my sound working?02:40
dudevol7ron different computer02:40
fengshaunwhere is the grub config file?02:40
JimBastardilovefairuz: sorry yeah, thats the same version02:40
tensorpuddingxissburg: the only idea i have left is to find a way to burn an iso of the windows 7 recovery disk02:40
ilovefairuz!info git-core | JimBastard02:40
ubottuJimBastard: git-core (source: git-core): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (lucid), package size 5490 kB, installed size 11376 kB02:40
xissburgtensorpudding: I had the three partitions, XP was installed first...few months ago I installed 7 in the other 80GB partition.02:41
vol7rongrumbo: so the pictures were dev lies :)02:41
strav_ilovefairuz, it worked from the grub shell... so I guess next thing to do is to checkout how to write a custom grub entry...02:41
shumanfengshaun: /etc/default/grub ?02:41
xissburgtensorpudding: YES02:41
fengshaunshuman, thanks02:41
bastid_raZor!grub2 | fengshaun : grub2 has many changes. read this page to learn more:02:41
ubottufengshaun : grub2 has many changes. read this page to learn more:: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:41
xissburgperhaps I can do it...I need to find a CD where I can burn02:41
vol7rondude: well do you use dhcp?02:41
tensorpuddingxissburg: actually, wait, you could try reinstalling xp, that would restore xp to the mbr02:41
JimBastardgit-core:   Installed: 1:   Candidate: 1:   Version table:  *** 1: 0         500 http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status02:41
ilovefairuzJimBastard: this is the latest version on lucid, what ubuntu version are you running?02:41
dudevol7ron, yes02:41
jfeltI have a question about the canonical-census package - I was wondering if anyone had any data on how many installs were out there, and what sort of hardware Ubuntu is being run on?02:41
fengshaunbastid_raZor, thanks02:41
xissburgtensorpudding: repair?02:41
vol7rondude: have you looked into your router settings?02:41
ilovefairuzLicuadora: pastebin: lshw -C network02:41
cystictrying out the new ubuntu... me menu is sweet02:42
avi_sacarlson, I own it. Interestingly, trying to change any of the other's access to it automatically switches back to none. I think we found our problem!02:42
bastid_raZorfengshaun: good luck.02:42
tensorpuddingxissburg: you said that repair failed because you didn't have the password for Administrator02:42
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: do you know hot to edit grub?02:42
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fengshaunbastid_raZor, no, I'm looking for menu.lst02:42
strav_ilovefairuz, still it's kinda strange update-grub2 cannot find my windows mbr... I have a pretty straightforward partition scheme.02:42
nUboon2Agexissburg: tensorpudding: this page has recovery DVD for win 7 link http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+from+the+DVD02:42
rwwjfelt: the package was just put in the partner repository for OEM use. It hasn't seen significant (or any?) deployment yet, so there aren't any statistics02:42
vol7rondude: you should type up what your ifconfig is saying and put it on pastebin02:42
fengshaunbastid_raZor, I want to add an entry02:42
cystici wish there was a way to make status online available from me menu without opening epathany02:42
xissburgtensorpudding: the command line repair. The "installation repair"  worked02:42
JimBastardilovefairuz: sorry, how can i check my current version? im on a random cloud instance doing some stuff righ tnow02:42
tensorpuddingxissburg: installing again would overwrite any data you had on the XP partition, but it wouldn't destroy any data on the 7 partition, or the files02:42
tensorpuddingxissburg: oh, okay02:42
mankashsometimes login screen keep coming back even if I type the correct password02:42
tensorpuddingxissburg: do that02:42
ilovefairuz!info git-core jaunty | JimBastard, this is the latest version on jaunty02:42
Guest2143I recall using a program that creates a family tree type tree layout, but I can't remember the name (not GRAMPS). The term "thought bubble" comes to mind, Anybody know what it is?02:42
ubottuJimBastard,: git-core (source: git-core): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 4220 kB, installed size 8784 kB02:42
xissburgnUboon2Age: yea I wasted some time trying to run that from  pen drive02:43
bastid_raZorfengshaun: if you'll notice on that page, menu.lst is now unused and there is a different method for adding custom entries. all the information is addressed on the page linkd.02:43
ilovefairuzJimBastard: you're running jaunty aren't you? not lucid02:43
fengshaunbastid_raZor, my fault, thanks02:43
JimBastardi think so, how can i chec02:43
JimBastardim on a random instance02:43
bastid_raZorfengshaun: you're welcome.02:43
Licuadorailovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/XGZpFKZm02:43
ilovefairuz!version | JimBastard02:43
ubottuJimBastard: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:43
dudevol7ron, sorry but what is pastebin?02:44
avi_sacarlson, Interesting. If I try to give myself file access, which by default "--", then try to give file access to "others", it automatically kills my file access.. Why should this happen?02:44
JimBastardDistributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 9.04 Release:9.04 Codename:jaunty02:44
vol7rondude: a place you can quickly paste some temporary text to let others view02:45
ilovefairuzstrav_: boot the machine, press SHIT at boot, when the menu shows up, type 'c'02:45
nUboon2Agexissburg: you mean you tried to burn the DVD via the pen drive?  Sorry i don't understand what you mean.02:45
xawanHey Everyone! How knows the solution of the skype microphone problem? My microphone (internal) works everywhere except in skype....When I see the info on pavucontrol, Didnt appaere the Alsa conf in a call of skype02:45
vol7rondude: also, what does uname-r02:45
vol7rondude: also, what does "uname -r" show02:45
ilovefairuzJimBastard: you'll have to upgrade to lucid if you want a more recent version02:45
ilovefairuz!who > JimBastard02:45
ubottuJimBastard, please see my private message02:45
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, was away am now back.  Make sure you bookmark -> http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ and when you find a sound person give them that link and tell them you successfully did that - that is something the person should know02:46
JimBastardilovefairuz: i can't update the whole box i think, there is no way to just install the new git?02:46
vol7rondude: by turning on auto eth0, what I meant (and hope you typed out) was "auto eth0" \n "iface eth0 inet dhcp"02:46
LicuadoraSpeaking of drivers, how do i upgrade my Motherboard drivers?02:46
headkase314!grub2 | BlueIceVirus_02:46
ubottuBlueIceVirus_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:46
ilovefairuzJimBastard: for for a ppa with prebuilt packages or compile from source02:46
dudevol7ron, 2.6.32-24-generic-pae02:46
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: i did bookmark it02:46
BookmanAre there any online poker sites that are friendly to ubuntu?02:46
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, ok good!02:46
ilovefairuz!ot | Bookman02:47
ubottuBookman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:47
dudevol7ron , no I opend gedit and typed it it the file "auto eth002:47
Bookmanilovefairuz, how is my question offtopic?02:47
ilovefairuzBookman: because it is.02:47
vol7rondude: include that after the auto lo stuff, but put both lines in there02:48
pmp6nlBookman just use a modern browser like firefox and you should be fine02:48
Bookmanilovefairuz, not sure I understand your logic02:48
headkase314Bookman, this is a technical support channel for Ubuntu.  A poker side is not tech support..02:48
ilovefairuzLicuadora: have you tried another cable ?02:48
BookmanI am asking a simple question here....which online programs work with ubuntu?  Poker Stars?  No02:48
McLinuxdude; can you do "wget www.google.com", then open the resulting page in Chrome or your preferred Browser?02:48
BaKKaRhello can I ask something regarding xampp on ubuntu here?02:49
peepingtomCould someone please tell me where I should ask questions about Ubuntu's implementation of ecryptFS? I'm wondering if it has support for Intel AES instructions.02:49
BookmanII think that is technical02:49
ilovefairuzBookman: here is it: don't ask about poker-related topics here.02:49
halvorsbastid_raZor: I want to simple to run an executable when system boot.02:49
Dmstrdjguess you cant get help unless they like the game02:49
halvorsAlso automaticly.02:49
rwwubottu: xampp | BaKKaR02:49
ubottuBaKKaR: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.02:49
shumanBaKKaR: just ask, maybe someone can help you02:49
shumanmaybe not02:49
Bookmanilovefairuz, why not?  Technical question....I don't understand02:49
Licuadorailovefairuz: Yeah, I have sai this before, many times. It worked in a Livecd of Ubuntu 8.04, But Sabayon, or Ubuntu 10.04 like i am using right now wont reckongnize it02:49
LicuadoraStrange, indeed02:50
LicuadoraI even re installed the kernel, and nothing02:50
=== dhananjay is now known as dhananjay_
pmp6nlAnyone know a way to reinstall Ubuntu and save configurations etc.?02:50
ilovefairuzLicuadora: if not the cable, it's a driver issue02:50
peepingtompmp6nl: There isnt a super easy way but it's not hard02:51
LicuadoraHow do i fix the driver?02:51
ilovefairuzLicuadora: because it cannot detect the link (the cable)02:51
vol7rondude: you have to restart the network after02:51
peepingtompmp6nl: You can boot to a liveCD, mount your ubuntu partiton, put everything in a folder02:51
dudemclinux, connection refused02:51
Wispringhello everyone...is anyone here familiar with running VirtualBox under Ubuntu?02:51
vol7rondude: s/network/network interface/02:51
pmp6nlpeepingtom: ok. could I save the files in / and just restore them, or is that likely to cause more problems02:51
peepingtompmp6nl: Then when you re-install, don't format. Then you can move the configuration files back02:51
McLinuxdude, that looks like a) proxy or b) firewall02:51
sacarlsonxissburg: can't you just mount the win7 partition collect all your personal files and move them to your usb flash to save then and reinstall windows with something like this http://www.liliputing.com/2008/04/install-windows-xp-on-mini-note-usb.html02:52
ilovefairuzLicuadora: you don't.. i'm trying to find if anyone else has encountered this issue, and please file a bug report (join #ubuntu-bugs for help on that)02:52
dudevol7ron, it took it!!!, what is the terminal command to stop firestarter service?02:52
Licuadorailovefairuz: i want to upgrade all my drivers, how do i do that?02:52
BaKKaRmy question is, I am trying to install a php/mysql application and i have placed it in the script directory in the correct place. However when I try to begin the installation it says "This install has no rights to create or update file data.php. so I am not sure but I do belive this might be a file permission issue. Can someone shed some light for me on this one please.02:52
BookmanOk, anyone else without a hate for poker.  Can you suggest a site that works with Ubuntu?02:52
Licuadoraok, thank you02:52
vol7rondude: did it work?02:52
ilovefairuzLicuadora: they get shipped with the kernel, so if we didn't find a workaround, you'll have to wait for a kernel update that fixes it02:52
bastid_raZorhalvors: add the command to /etc/rc.local   ;use the full path to the command.02:52
headkase314Bookman, try "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" and ask there02:52
ilovefairuzLicuadora: also, pastebin: /var/log/messages02:53
peepingtompmp6nl: It's not an issue if you're selective about what configuration files you move back, just move back what you feel is necessary. Stuff in your home folder is always safe, you can't ruin a whole system with that stuff02:53
Wispringcan anyone help me with getting sound to work in winxp under vmware under ubuntu?02:53
dudevol7ron ?dude: s/network/network interface/?02:53
ilovefairuzBookman: one last time: poker is illegal in most parts of the world: do not ask about it here02:53
sacarlsonBaKKaR: I think you could use sudo install.sh  to have superuser access at install02:53
dudevol7ron, I still cant connect but it recognizes the eth0 now02:53
vol7rondude: nevermind that...ahh good02:53
pmp6nlpeepingtom: is there a way to determine what configuration files I should keep?  or how I find them?  Basically I am just having a problem with kernels and I think a complete reintall might help.  thanks02:54
ilovefairuzWispring: ask in ##windows02:54
vol7ronjust do Firewall -> Stop Firewall02:54
Bookmanilovefairuz, no it is not.  Please keep personal opinions out of your help suggestions.02:54
Wispringno...it's an ubuntu thing02:54
Wispring i run ubuntu02:54
ilovefairuz!ops | Bookman02:54
ubottuBookman: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!02:54
bastid_raZorBookman: possibly ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:54
xissburgnUboon2Age: use the pendrive as CD02:54
halvorsbastid_raZor: also at the bottom, /home/ss/executablefile ?02:54
halvorsOnly path?02:54
xissburgsacarlson: that would be a good last resort02:54
cysticwhy do all games on ubuntu suck so horribly?02:55
BaKKaRsacarlson, what I am trying to install is a web application. Something is similar to joomla or wordpress where you go to http://path-to-directory/scropt/install.php. and it gives  me this error when i am trying to install it.02:55
headkase314cystic, which games?02:55
TheAnswer:O LIESSSSSS02:55
dudecystic, try nexuiz02:55
Wispringuse wine cystic02:55
peepingtompmp6nl: Well that really depends what you've made changes to. If it's just userland stuff like firefox profiles and the like, lots of gnome applications store their settings in your home folder at ~/.config and some apps store them at ~/.nameofprogram02:55
cysticpacman, air combat, 3d chess02:55
bastid_raZorhalvors: yes, have 'exit 0' as the last line. add everything above it.  also make usre that /home/ss/executablefile has the executable permissions02:55
sacarlsonBaKKaR: don't you have admin priv?02:55
nUboon2Agexissburg: so are you going to try tensorpudding's suggestion?02:55
TheAnswerwhat about Urban terror02:55
vol7rondude: but I think "firestarter stop" might be the term command02:55
Wispringcystic use wine and run windows games02:56
halvorsYes it have02:56
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  ok, thanks for the info.  Also, do you have an idea why a kernel would suddenly stop working properly or how I could go about recompiling an ubuntu kernel02:56
halvorsBut how do this using terminal02:56
halvorsAlso how save edited file in vi02:56
ilovefairuzLicuadora: to easily paste it: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo pastebinit /var/log/messages02:56
BaKKaRsacarlson, yes i do have admin priv but the thing is, how to setup a permission for that directory for the installer to work. can you help me with that pls as a starter02:56
Licuadorailovefairuz: how do i do that var/log thing?02:56
xissburgnUboon2Age: repairing XP install02:56
sacarlsonBaKKaR: I think you need to setup the config dir to 777 to start setup security after it installs02:56
nUboon2Agexissburg: i was just giving that page again because when you go to burn a windows recovery disk you'd need those links or ones like them.02:56
peepingtompmp6nl: unless a program asks for you to type in your password before you makes changes to settings, those settings are stored in your home folder in those "hidden" dot folders. To see them in nautilus (gnome file browser), press ctrl+h02:57
Bookmanilovefairuz, did you get burned by online poker once?  I don't understand the excitement you seem to have over a simple question.  It it technical.  As with any other program.  Which one works with Ubuntu?02:57
peepingtompmp6nl: As for recompiling, you almost certainly don't need to do that. What broke, exactly? does it just not boot after grub?02:57
BaKKaRsacarlson, so is it like #>chmod +777 directory-name, just like this?02:57
bastid_raZorhalvors: you need to edit the file with sudo and to save and quit type :wq   in vim02:57
headkase314!ops | Bookman02:57
ubottuBookman: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!02:57
sacarlsonBaKKaR: that sounds good02:57
Wispringi would google the ubuntu online poker thing02:57
sacarlsonBaKKaR: man chmod02:58
dudevol7ron, YES it was the firewall too!!! thanks you so much for your help02:58
tensorpuddingxissburg: assuming that it works, and you can boot into XP, follow http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+with+EasyBCD02:58
tensorpuddingxissburg: Type 1 & 2 should do it02:58
vol7rondude: everything good?02:58
BookmanMust be a sore point here.  I saw no harm in asking the question!02:58
dudevol7ron, why would my interfaces file lose eth0 all of a sudden?02:58
tensorpuddingxissburg: choose the drive letter that refers to the windows 7 partition02:58
headkase314!troll | Bookman02:58
ubottuBookman: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel02:58
Wispringanyone here with running VirtualBox in Ubuntu?02:59
vol7rondude: it doesn't need eth0 to operate (mine doesn't have it)02:59
dudevol7ron, I can connect now yes02:59
BlueIceVirus_anyone able to help me solve my audio issues02:59
Bookmanheadkase314, how is that?02:59
headkase314Bookman, asking same question over and over and receiving answer that here is not the place for your question.02:59
pmp6nlpeepingtom: well it boots, but wireless, power management, and other features no longer work.  It was suddenly.  The kernel worked perfectly now not so much.  We cant find a kernel that works properly forthe comptuer02:59
BaKKaRsacarlson, i have tried that but it is invalid mod, i think i the command can be setup or syntax is different02:59
tensorpuddingBookman: there are online poker programs that work in Wine, check the Wine AppDB02:59
halvorsbastid_raZor: How edit it?02:59
sacarlsonBaKKaR: chmod 777 yourfile02:59
dudevlo7ron, it nust have been the firestarter, I didnt see it running in htop or anywhere else, oh well, I am still learning02:59
vol7rondude: around the time Lucid came out a lot of people had internet problems02:59
sacarlsonBaKKaR: take out th + you had there03:00
halvorsAlso i am inside vim but cant edit.03:00
halvorsI opened with sudo.03:00
Bookmantensorpudding, that is a good option, thanks.03:00
peepingtompmp6nl: Is is like brand new hardware or weird old stuff? Did you install one of those cutting-edge kernels from the mainline ppa? You'd know if you did this, it wouldnt happen automatically03:00
WispringBookman WINE is ez to install...try it03:00
SalmonSamhas anyone been able to use sip2sip with empathy?03:00
dudevol7ron, yes I almost went back to 9.10 but am hangin inthere03:00
vol7rondude: I'm not a Linux guru, just because the interfaces file doesn't have it, doesn't mean there wasn't a cached version somewhere03:00
sacarlsonBaKKaR: oh or dir  chmod 777 /theplace/yourdir03:00
kingtutis anyone getting an error massage proc/bus/usb03:00
bastid_raZorhalvors: sudo vi /etc/rc.local   the press i to enter insert mode then make the changes. press Esc to exit insert mode. then :wq to exit and save03:00
dudevol7ron, more of a guru than I, thanks again03:00
BaKKaRsacarlson, ok i have tried that but still same error03:01
vol7rondude: sometimes re-defining things fixes problems, just like flushing the dns03:01
BookmanHoly cow, I didn't need to get beat up here....wow. Some angry people.03:01
vol7rondude: no problem, McLinux helped me with my problem, so I had to help someone else03:01
dudecystic, try nexuiz, it is a great fps03:01
WispringBookman can you see this?03:01
peepingtompmp6nl: Can you post the output of "uname -a"? That'd tell me what version of the kernel you're running, we could find out if someone an oddball one was installed. Things shouldnt randomly break in a stable ubuntu release, you're not running 10.10 maverick are you?03:01
dudevol7ron, ic pass it on huh? ok03:01
BookmanWispring, yes03:01
pmp6nlIts a friends computer, an I3 processor based computer which seems to have issues with ubuntu.  We updated to 2.6.32-24-generic kernel and everything worked perfectly.  One day everything stopped working.  I am not sure if she did something or not, but we are trying to find a kernmel that will actually work with the hardware.  No its 10.0403:02
sacarlsonBaKKaR: just open the whole /var/www then03:02
halvorsand for save?03:02
halvorsbastid_raZor: ?03:02
vol7rondude: btw I don't think "firestarter stop" works, I think it just starts firestarter again03:02
sacarlsonBaKKaR: not sure what dir you put it in03:02
vol7rondude: I think it's "firestarter --stop"03:02
bastid_raZorhalvors: :wq will save and quit03:02
WispringBookman chk your conference thing03:02
dudevol7ron, correct, I went into prefs and shut it down that way, and killed the auto start03:02
sacarlsonBaKKaR:  maybe it's just a symlink  make sure if it is that you chmod at what it points to03:02
vol7rondude: it also looks like there's a "lock" option03:03
BaKKaRsacarlson, i have it saved in the /opt/lampp/htdocs directory, i am running the xampp server03:03
dudevol7ron, i will try that one03:03
nUboon2AgeBookman: of course there are poker games in the repos.  as far as on-line poker goes i don't know if there is any native linux poker client, but here's two approaches: http://www.thepokerbank.com/rooms/ubuntu/03:03
vol7rondude: I mean, the firewall could have been locked in the background, which blocked all your traffic03:03
BookmannUboon2Age, thanks!03:04
pmp6nlpeepingtom: Its a friends computer, an I3 processor based computer which seems to have issues with ubuntu.  We updated to 2.6.32-24-generic kernel and everything worked perfectly.  One day everything stopped working.  I am not sure if she did something or not, but we are trying to find a kernmel that will actually work with the hardware.  No its 10.0403:04
sacarlsonBaKKaR: so no symlinks?03:04
nUboon2AgeBookman: i was just googling around for "ubuntu, on-line poker"03:04
dudevol7ron, true... ok firestarter --stop indeed shuts it down03:04
BaKKaRsacarlson, no symlinks.03:04
ilovefairuznUboon2Age: do not discusses poker here03:04
BaKKaRsacarlson, lemme take a second look as well03:05
vol7rondude: based on your ifconfig, it looks like your eth0 connection setting was good... I think going to your router page would have given you more information if you were truely connected and just your firewall was blocking your traffic03:05
halvorsbastid_raZor: I got it, thank you ;)03:05
BookmannUboon2Age, thanks, I was not understanding the animosity to my question here!03:05
nUboon2Ageilovefairuz: i'm not, just providing a few ubuntu references for the game.03:05
bastid_raZorhalvors: you're welcome03:05
vol7rondude: you should check what ifconfig says now, just to compare if setting auto eth0 did anything03:05
bazhangBookman, jpoker is in the repos03:05
dudevoltron, router setup was aok. it was all on the local machine03:05
peepingtompmp6nl: I have no idea, the only stuff you can do to screw up an Ubuntu kernel is to either install one of those "backports" packages which are newer kernel-modules (hardware drivers) that are ported to an older version of ubuntu (and they usually work fine). The other thing is to try and compile your own kernel modules, replacing some files with the ones that came with Ubuntu packages. So if you want to find out if it's an actual kernel pr03:05
DmstrdjBookman: that is plentiful here03:06
headkase314Bookman, I suggest you listen to bazhang as he is an operator here03:06
vol7rondude: router may have been fine, but you can check the devices that are connected to the router on the router itself03:06
BlueIceVirus_any one able to help me with my sound card problems?03:06
vol7rondude: if you found your MAC address there, then you know the problem wasn't with your network interface03:06
dudevol7ron, ifconfig doesnt have cast now hmm, why would that be03:06
nUboon2AgeBookman: i think there was a bit of misunderstanding.  This is a bit a a stress environment where folks are trying to answer technical questions about ubuntu, and sometimes the stress and the definition of 'what is technical ubuntu question' can lead to misunderstandings.03:06
Bookmanbazhang, yes but is there anything comparable to poker stars or the like?03:06
dudevoltron ic re:router03:06
peepingtompmp6nl: Like when Ubuntu installs a new version of the kernel, it keeps the old ones. And all the kernel modules for different kernels live in their own folders, so if you were to for example try to compile your own modules and screw something up, it would generally only affect the kernel that's currently running.03:07
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: So if I had a diff X-FI card then i wouldnt have these problems?03:07
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  is there some reason that uninstalling and reinstalling that kernel does not fix the issue?  Is there a way I can just download the kernel sources separately and compile them my self03:07
BookmannUboon2Age, If that is the case, forgiven.03:07
bazhangBookman, perhaps via wine if that is a windows game; check the appdb and join #winehq03:07
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: like a standard soundblaster card vs the msi ver that came with my mobo?03:07
bazhang!appdb | Bookman03:07
ubottuBookman: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:07
vol7rondude: not sure, but you can make it broadcast that :)03:07
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, I think if you had a different card your chances of having working audio would be greater - yes what comes with the mobo is a good candidate to try.03:07
Bookmanbazhang, see, perfect help with no animosity.  Love it!03:08
dudevol7ron, hmm interesting if I am thinking the same thing03:08
BaKKaRsacarlson, no symplinks there. Just the installation directory03:08
bazhangBookman, apt-cache search poker turns up some others as well03:08
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, I think that because of the page I dug up (lost the link now) which talks about the x-fi specifically having issues under Ubuntu.03:08
vol7rondude: if it's not broke, don't fix it... but it is good to understand03:08
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: the card I have now is the one that came with my mobo.03:08
Dmstrdjany chance the new 10.10 would be able to usetilize an ati radeon video card03:09
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, so there is no onboard sound for your mobo or the x-fi is onboard?03:09
Wispringanyone here familiar with getting sound to work in winxp under VirtualBox under Ubuntu?this is quite a technical question IMHO.03:09
xissburgI'm back, had to reset this machine03:09
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: i did read that the guy in the page you found was talking about the msi version, which is what I have03:09
Bookmanbazhang, thanks again.  Let me check those out.  No bad words needed!03:09
Dmstrdjhaha, use*03:09
nUboon2Agexissburg: how's it going?03:09
bazhangDmstrdj, #ubuntu+1 for maverick support/discussion03:09
pmp6nlwispring: what have you tried?  Should work by default03:09
Dmstrdjbazhang: k thanks i look around there03:10
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: no on board audio,03:10
bazhangWispring, you may also wish to ask in #vbox03:10
Wispringbazhang..thanks that's the kind of answere i needed03:11
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, if it comes down to it would you be willing to spend like $15 and get a generic card for audio?  I know it's not an x-fi but x-fi is really about gaming and there isn't much commercial high-end gaming on Ubuntu?03:11
peepingtompmp6nl: You probably won't see any benefit from compiling one yourself versus installing the binary packages that are available though. The reason people do that is to add patches or use newer kernels than are supplied with Ubuntu. Have you tried booting to an earlier version of the kernel to see if it's actually a kernel problem? 'cause it's probably not an issue with the kernel, but some stuff in userland. Did everything break at once?03:11
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: http://www.msi.com/index.php?func=prodmbspec&maincat_no=1&cat2_no=171&cat3_no=537&prod_no=143803:11
xissburgnUboon2Age: the WinXp recovery is going on, I think it will be successful and bring XP back03:11
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: Ya, im tinking about getting one of those cheap usb sound cards03:11
nUboon2Agegood xissburg. very good.03:12
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pmp6nlpeepingtom:  since she got the computer it has had problems running ubuntu (this was a commone thread on ubuntuforums).  Some kernels would allow for this, others that, and finally the one I am speaking of worked with everything.03:12
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, yeah theres no audio on that spec sheet so you have an x-fi add-in card.  Stay clear of USB audio!  Get a realtek add-in card - basic audio that works fine under Ubuntu03:12
peepingtompmp6nl: Also as for why uninstal/reinstalling kernel packages didn't work, were you trying to reinstall the kernel package that you were currently using, or did you boot into an earlier one to reinstall the latest kernel, or could you maybe have by mistake only uninstalled/reinstalled an older version of the kernel that wasn't in use?03:12
peepingtompmp6nl: But it's a regular ubuntu install and it just randomly broke one day, right?03:13
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: Oh, ok no usb audio. Check ;)03:13
peepingtompmp6nl: What im saying is that it's an issue caused by an update to the ubuntu kernel, you can easily boot to the older version by holding shift at boot and picking it at grub03:13
peepingtompmp6nl: if booting to an older version doesn't fix it, you don't have a kernel issue :)03:14
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, yup, usb audio is as big a can of worms as your current x-fi!  Google whatever you decide to purchase + "ubuntu" and choose something that either has no negative links or has positive links03:14
peepingtompmp6nl: and then you could easily reinstall without format and put your files back as we discussed earleir03:14
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: well like you said, all i need is simple audio for linux03:15
pmp6nlpeepingtom: All kernels have had issues.  Just different issues with each kernel (ie: wireless, power management, screen flicker). The most recent kernel fixed all of these issues for a few days then it randomly stopped working properly03:15
LicuadoraDoes anyone knows what does this means?03:15
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, you can also check the Linux hardware compatibility list -> http://www.linux-drivers.org/03:15
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, yup basic audio is absolutely fine.03:15
peepingtompmp6nl: Do you need proprietary drivers? You can install a mainline kernel in Ubuntu03:15
peepingtompmp6nl: but it doesn't ahve the headers so you can't use ubuntu-supplied proprietary drivers03:16
Mqueuehow to burn UIF formats ?03:16
peepingtompmp6nl: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:16
Bookmanilovefairuz, see, was that so hard to answer?  I was not doing anything wrong with my question03:17
Jordan_Upeepingtom: There is a header package there as well.03:17
nUboon2Agexissburg: as tensorpudding recommended, these instructions would apply after you're able to boot into XP http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+with+EasyBCD03:17
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: my current card is on this list :/?03:17
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: !!!!03:17
peepingtomJordan_U: I meant for the restricted stuff like nvidia proprietary drivers, am I wrong?03:17
nUboon2Agexissburg: except instead of 'vista' just replace with 'win 7'03:17
peepingtomJordan_U: specifically the ubuntu-supplied proprietary binary driver modules03:17
pmp6nlpeepingtom: I cant recall, its on a friends computer.  But if it does I have tried it both ways.  Just not sure why this particular model is having all these issues and why the one kernel just stopped working03:17
xissburgnUboon2Age: I got some (old) CDRWs. I'll try to burn it on them03:18
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, here is ALSA compatible hardware -> http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main Technically your card is on the list but it obviously shouldn't be.  I have realtek cards and fine those work like champs!03:18
_GLaDOS_Ah, I like these types of support channels03:18
_GLaDOS_Users helping other users03:18
Bookmanheadkase314, I was not doing anything wrong with my question.  I had it answered correctly before being reported for abuse.  I have no idea why you did that.03:18
manu__hello ubuntu people03:19
headkase314Bookman, whatever - its over.03:19
Jordan_Upeepingtom: Ubuntu uses DKMS, which builds the drivers (or rather, the glue portion of them) when you install a new kernel. If the proprietary drivers are compatible with the version of the kernel you are installing at all, then they should work as long as you install the header package.03:19
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: well the other thing is  I only have a pcie x1 slot03:19
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macoheadkase314: realtek is one of a dozen companies making codecs for azelia (hda) audio chips.  each company has many many codecs & revisions of those though, so unless you're looking at a list of subsystem vendor id's paired with codec revisions...03:19
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: i dont have reagular pci slots avail03:19
Bookmanheadkase314, no it is not.  I still do not know why you did what you did.  I asked a simple question.03:19
nUboon2AgeBookman: just a misunderstanding i think.  let's move forward. :)03:20
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, a sound card is pretty low on requirements I think you could find one to go in a pcie x1 slot?03:20
peepingtomJordan_U: So this is from a time before DKMS was implemented in Ubuntu? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000542.html03:20
macoBlueIceVirus_: keep in mind they make usb sound cards for like $1003:20
BlueIceVirus_maco: we already decided usb is a no go :)03:21
headkase314maco, how troublesome are USB sound cards in Linux - I have a bad feeling about them?03:21
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: im looking at newegg for pcie cards and they are only creatives and auzuretech03:21
macoheadkase314: the guy that did ubuntu audio for years and years has two that work fine...  usb headsets are also usb sound cards (built into them) and i have one of those and its fine03:21
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  would I just go to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ and try a new kernel and see what happens?  Use the package installer to install them then select that version in grub?03:22
tensorpuddingxissburg: did those instructions help?03:22
macoheadkase314: he actually recommended to one of our friends today "just go pick up a $10 usb sound card at best buy" with no mention of specific models to watch for03:22
headkase314maco what is the exact brand you could recommend to BlueIceVirus_ ?03:22
BookmannUboon2Age, I just want to make sure that everyone understands that i asked a legit question.  No matter how harsh the help was at the beginning.03:22
peepingtompmp6nl: Yup, no harm done if it doesn't work03:22
macoheadkase314: i have the impression they are very well supported03:22
macoheadkase314: they have a /lot/ less variation than onboard cards do03:22
xissburgtensorpudding: I got WinXp to boot again. It is still finishing the repair03:22
headkase314maco, ok maybe my woogie feeling is misplaced for USB audio then?03:22
xissburgtensorpudding: I got some old CDRWs Ill try to burn that Win7 recovery in it03:23
pmp6nlpeepingtom: so its that easy, just use the gdebi package installer for both the image and headers?03:23
peepingtompmp6nl: It says theyre made for 10.10 maverick but I dont see why it wouldnt work with Lucid03:23
peepingtompmp6nl: Yup, I went through a similar thing with my laptop in Feb and it worked for me03:23
HB2hi somebody know why sometimes the flash objects turns "gray  color" ????03:23
macoheadkase314: probably :)  most stores will let you return if it doesnt work in linux anyway. ive checked with microcenter and best buy on that, and they both said they'll take back for *any* reason in the first month03:23
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  Thank you very much for your help, I will have her try various kernels and see what works.  I really appreciate your help!03:24
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, got maco's comment about returning?  Inquire about that pre-purchase and you only lose your time worst-case?03:24
peepingtompmp6nl: Just to clarify, did you ever have to install any drivers using the Ubuntu "hardware drivers" "Restricted driver" thing?03:24
peepingtompmp6nl: no problem btw, good luck!03:24
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BlueIceVirus_headkase314: sounds like an idea03:24
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  I do not think so, but I cant remember (its on a friends computer).  will it matter with new kernels?03:25
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, keep asking questions!  Everyone here is better to recommend than just me! ;)03:25
nUboon2AgeBookman: yes i understand.  it is unfortunate, but true that problem does come up semi-frequently.  i don't quite know how to solve it.  bazhang is one of the operators and seems to understand your questions in the context they were intended so maybe having a chat with bazhang might be helpful.  its kind of a cultural issue with this channel.  people are a little tense at times and sometimes push the panic button a little03:25
macoBlueIceVirus_: in the meantime, whatever's wrong with your audio driver, please report a bug :)  ubuntu-bug -s audio03:25
peepingtompmp6nl: Well that's what I was wondering, that Jordan_U guy said its not an issue but Ive read documentation that says there are no restricted modules in mainline builds03:25
macoBookman: bazhang has already said in #ubuntu-ops that its just a misunderstanding and folks shouldnt worry about you03:25
BookmannUboon2Age, Nice to know.  It would be nice to have the others admit.  No worries.03:26
HB2hi somebody know why sometimes the flash objects turns "gray  color" ???? I'm using Flash player 10 and nspluginwrapper 1.3 on amd64 arch =/ I HATE FUCKING FLASH !!!!!03:26
ilovefairuzmaco: posting poker websites links here is VERY questionable at the very lest03:26
macoHB2: watch your language03:26
headkase314Bookman, ok - know I have that experience if it happens again.  grumble grumble, sorry.03:26
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  ok.  I suppose it wouldnt hurt to install the kernel and see what happens... I can always switch back03:26
peepingtompmp6nl: But lots of hardware has open source drivers now. Also just for future reference, you don't have to recompile a whole kernel to compile a module03:26
macoilovefairuz: well if they were related to the question... but i wasnt here at the time03:26
BlueIceVirus_maco: done ;)03:26
macoBlueIceVirus_: thank you!03:27
nUboon2Agexissburg: those instructions wouldn't require getting the recovery dvd, but of course at some point you'll want/need it.03:27
bazhangBookman, and others, lets move on please03:27
peepingtompmp6nl: Like many drivers arent built into the kernel itself because they're so crappy that the Linux develpers won't let the code merge with theirs03:27
Bookmanbazhang, done.  Just a learning experience I hope! Understanding!03:27
peepingtompmp6nl: That's why Ubuntu has the restricted modules, and also for proprietary drivers03:27
xissburgnUboon2Age: the recovery DVD is to try to recover Win703:27
xissburgnow that the partitions are ok03:28
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: well i have another issue, freakin adobe flash isnt working03:28
bazhangBookman, PM please03:28
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  on the new kernel wont I have an option to select restricted drivers?03:28
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, flash not working as in at all or only when you try to click on it?03:28
peepingtompmp6nl: er maybe not "restricted modules" for open source stuff that isnt in the kernel, but thats why Ubuntu has to add some drivers in separately03:28
nUboon2Ageso to clarify xissburg there are two paths we are talking about here.  1) the http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+with+EasyBCD03:28
peepingtompmp6nl: No idea, Jordan_U said so but https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000542.html says no, hopefully you can :)03:28
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: well im using chrome. and sites are asking me to install the latest, but its supposedly already in chrome03:29
pmp6nlpeepingtom:  oh ok.  Thanks I will give it a whirl and see.  I really appreciate your help!!!03:29
nUboon2Agexissburg: that one doesn't require the recovery DVD and may/should fix the bootloader menu.03:29
peepingtomnp. Also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds?action=show&redirect=KernelMainlineBuilds03:29
bullgardHow can I determine if the program Rhythmbox depends on Avahi or Avahi depends on Rhythmbox?03:29
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, it is in chrome - I know that for a fact, sorry maybe the sites are not coded properly?  Does youtube work fine without errors?03:29
manu__if any of it syas an error03:30
nUboon2Agexissburg: 2) is only if you cannot boot into any version of Microsoft Windows.03:30
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: let me try03:30
peepingtombullgard: Avahi doesnt depend on rhythmbox03:30
mrman208!rhythmbox | bullgard03:30
ubottubullgard: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:30
ZykoticK9BlueIceVirus_, i don't think the Chrome with flash built-in, is on linux yet (i could be wrong).  Try installing flash non-free or whatever it's called these days ;)  I get mine from ubuntu-restricted-extras.03:30
nUboon2Agexissburg: they recommend doing #1 first.03:30
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, I know for a fact because I saw a Chrome update the other day and consciously checked my flash version in Chrome, installed the update, checked flash again: and my flash version was higher.  So, it's a fact.03:31
McLinuxNot booting into any version fo MS windows isn't neccessarily a Bad Thing(tm)03:31
mj8741Hi all: what program do I need to convert avi files to mp4?  thanks03:31
nUboon2Agexissburg: 2) if that doesn't work for some reason or you can't boot into windows (and i don't see why you wouldn't be able to now that you know you can recover XP)03:31
bryanwithyI'm getting a lot of errors on youtube and other flash sites with Chrome, but not firefox....03:31
xissburgnUboon2Age: we tried #1, it failed03:31
bazhangmj8741, handbrake03:31
nUboon2Agexissburg: not really03:32
ZykoticK9headkase314, you really should consider using Chromium over Chrome - just for the open source, reporting bugs in ubuntu fact.  Only an opion - please don't take offence :)03:32
BlueIceVirus_ZykoticK9: well ill give it a try anyeay03:32
mj8741bazhang: is that in Ubuntu repository?03:32
nUboon2Agexissburg: we didn't follow those instructions note for note i don't think.03:32
xissburgnUboon2Age: it failed...after that I coudn't boot again03:32
headkase314ZykoticK9, you are correct Chromium should be used over Chrome - I have no excuse ;)03:32
ZykoticK9headkase314, s/opion/opinion03:32
xissburgnUboon2Age: hm...we must be more careful this tiem03:32
nUboon2Agexissburg: but we weren't following those instructions.  we were trying to guess from memory.03:33
bullgardpeepingtom: How can I review myself if your statement: "Avahi doesnt depend on rhythmbox" is true or false?03:33
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:33
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: bluetooth audio ;)03:33
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, ?? You got audio now?03:33
xissburgnUboon2Age: which instructions?03:33
bazhangmj8741, in a PPA as well as their website03:33
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: over bluetooth03:33
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: dont need a soundcard for that03:33
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, w00t! ;)03:33
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: better than nothing ;)03:34
mj8741bazhang: I'll check it out - thanks03:34
nUboon2Agexissburg: these ones.  just substitute Win X7 wherever it says Vista:  http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+with+EasyBCD03:34
edjuEverything I've seen so far tells me that an iPhone is recognized by 10.04 out of the box.  Well, it isn't.  Not asking for a how-to here - but anyone have a pointer to a guide for the simple-minded?03:34
BlueIceVirus_headkase314: brb need to restart browser03:34
headkase314BlueIceVirus_, so does youtube work for flash?03:34
ZykoticK9mj8741, i certainly second bazhang's handbrake suggestion, if you want MP4.03:34
xissburgoooh I sseee03:34
peepingtomIs cryptd module related to ecryptfs?03:34
nUboon2Agexissburg: so that's #103:34
peepingtombullgard: Right-click and properties on the package in synaptic, or dpkg --help in terminal03:35
peepingtomie. I dunno how to do it with dpkg but that'll tell you how03:35
Rafihello anybody can help me? i forget my irc password. How can I get it back??03:35
nUboon2Agexissburg: 2) requires making a Win 7 recovery DVD so you'll need to be able to burn DVDs.  That's here:  http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+from+the+DVD03:35
ZykoticK9Rafi, you might want to try #freenode i believe.  Good luck.03:36
rsvpwhich keys will SWITCH DESKS 1 through 4 ??03:36
Rafithanks zykoticK903:36
xissburgnUboon2Age: I can do it now I think, but not  a DVD, a CD...the Win 7 Recovery iso is 160MB big03:37
magicianlordrsvp: window key + e03:37
ZykoticK9nUboon2Age, xissburg could you please move the "Windows" talk to PM or ##windows ;)  Thanks.03:37
xissburgZykoticK9: Windows allergic?03:37
ZykoticK9!ot > xissburg03:38
ubottuxissburg, please see my private message03:38
headkase314magicianlord, that is the default expo key in compiz however I don't know which keys they are by default to go straight to a particular desktop03:38
bazhangxissburg, offtopic here03:38
nUboon2AgeZykoticK9: please don't start in.  This is extremely ubuntu related.03:38
peepingtomedju: ipod touch suport generally comes from libgpod03:38
bazhangxissburg, try ##windows03:38
peepingtomedju: How "not working" is it?03:38
bazhangnUboon2Age, its at the windows support stage. ##windows please03:38
xissburgZykoticK9: everything start after I installed ubuntu using Wubi from Win7...that's why I'm here.03:39
macopeepingtom: no ipod touch needs libifuse and libusbmuxd but those should be on a default install03:39
xissburgit trashed my boot loader03:39
nomadi have a waxing crescent03:39
rsvpmagicianlord, what window key?03:39
magicianlordheadkase314: not sure. i don't use gnome much03:39
macoedju: keep in mind you have to use the itouch for one sync with itunes before you use it on ubuntu03:39
nUboon2AgeZykoticK9: bazhang xissburg using ubuntu to try to recover.03:39
bazhangnomad, does that relate to Ubuntu?03:39
magicianlordrsvp: between spacebar and control03:39
bazhangnomad, explain03:40
headkase314magicianlord, I'm on a Windows machine too at the moment so I can't pop into Compiz Settings Manager to see what the defaults are.03:40
macomagicianlord: could be a pc101 keyboard.. no windows key on that03:40
edjupeepingtom, I have libgpod.  Well I plug it in, and no icon, no nothing.  Though dmesg shows it.03:40
xissburgZykoticK9: bazhang this problem involves all OSes around ;)03:40
nomadwhen i went into osmo it told me i had a waxing crescent03:40
Jordan_Upeepingtom: I'm using a mainline kernel with the standard nvidia package right now. Since that mail mentions linux-restricted-modules, which no longer exists as a package, it must be from before the switch to DKMS.03:40
bazhangnomad, okay nothing to do with Ubuntu; #ubuntu-offtopic please03:40
nomadoh ok03:40
headkase314rsvp, if you use compiz for your desktop install compiz settings manager and it will be under System > Preferences.  There you can set keyboard shortcuts to particular desktops03:40
edjupeepingtom, I have to use it w/ itunes first?03:41
IdleOneZykoticK9: let it go :)03:41
peepingtomJordan_U: Makes sense I wasnt trying to antagonize you just wanted an answer :) Thanks03:41
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nomadi love ubuntu03:41
rsvpmagicianlord, that does not work here... ummm -- any alternatives?03:41
peepingtomedju: I honestly have no idea, im reading about it now03:41
nomadand i cant wait for maverick03:41
Jordan_Upeepingtom: np, and you're welcome :)03:41
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: well youtube video works now after getting that plugin that other guy mentioned but now audio03:41
magicianlordubuntu should combine unity with openbox03:41
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: no audio from youtube03:41
tom__hello i have problem with intel G41 graphics03:42
rsvpheadkase314, thanks -- what are some good unused combos for switching desks?03:42
ZykoticK9IdleOne, sorry.03:42
headkase314BlueIceVirus, back to getting a "recommended" pcie x1 audio solution?03:42
tom__i am connected to a VGA KVM switch03:43
nomadvideo games are at times more difficult than real life03:43
IdleOneZykoticK9: :) no worries03:43
headkase314rsvp, if you use compiz and install it's settings manager you can make the key combinations anything you would like.  Compiz is *highly* configurable and its all done through an easy graphic user interface.03:43
tom__when xwindows starts G41 chipset doesn't recognise vga connection and defaults to dvi i guess03:43
nomadx-moto is a fun game though. im happy with the selection in ubuntu03:43
tom__when monitor plugged in directly to vga it works03:44
rsvpheadkase314, I'm looking at the UI now... ones of interest are disabled.  Any good suggestions?03:44
nomadwhy do some people still run older versions of ubuntu03:44
onlybleedinghey guys, trying to get my drivers working for this laptops radeon mobility x2300...03:44
BlueIceVirusheadkase314: im going to try a diff browser03:45
onlybleedingfound this page that looked promising: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47823803:45
headkase314rsvp, perhaps Super + F1 through F4 for your desktops?03:45
onlybleedingsomeone posted a huge list of commands03:45
onlybleedingbut when I do sudo aticonfig --initial03:45
sacarlsonnomad: notice most people in here have problems from update.  maybe that's why?03:45
headkase314BlueIceVirus, I'm away for about 5 minutes from now - be back in 503:45
rsvpBlueIceVirus, be sure to check out "meld" -- it's great for diff side-by-side.03:45
onlybleedingI get aticonfig: No supported adapters detected03:46
onlybleedingevery command up until there seems to work ok...03:46
edjupeepingtom, Where are you reading about the itouch?03:47
murlidhari have downloaded ubuntu netbook remix and tried to boot from a usb disk but i am not able to boot it. :(03:48
blueicevirusheadkase314: ok buddy03:48
murlidharcan anyone confirm that ubntu netbook remix cannot be installed on a desktop ?03:48
blueicevirusheadkase314: i just learned empathy has irc chat  yay03:48
tensorpuddingxissburg: any luck?03:49
peepingtomedju: I'm checking out libmobiledevice and libgpod and ifuse changelogs03:49
peepingtomedju: What version do you have?03:49
murlidharblueicevirus: it doesn't support tab autocomplete even.03:49
peepingtomedju: Ill let you know if I find something user-friendly03:49
blueicevirusmurlidhar: i think it does03:50
xissburgtensorpudding, nUboon2Age I'm now in Xp, and can boot in it normally03:50
blueicevirusmurlidhar: it does03:50
edjupeepingtom, What version of what?03:50
murlidharblueicevirus: :( i am not able to use it as a live cd.03:50
murlidhardunno why03:50
blueicevirusmurlidhar: but not like the web version, you have to type a little more of the name03:50
blueicevirusmurlidhar: maybe it needs updates03:51
murlidharblueicevirus: yes a lot of updates necessary.03:51
peepingtomedju: iphone/pod?03:51
tensorpuddingxissburg: have you tried restoring windows 7 bootloader using those instructions?03:51
murlidharblueicevirus: not just for irc but im protocols too03:52
blueicevirusmurlidhar: yep03:52
peepingtomedju: cursory google search give you this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone good luck!03:52
xissburgtensorpudding: I'll do so now. Also, i already burned the Win 7 Recovery disc03:52
nUboon2Agetensorpudding: note that we were getting some neg. feedback about talking about a (partially) win prob here on this channel.03:52
headkase314blueicevirus, so how goes the flash struggle with a different browser?03:52
blueicevirustrying to install ff now03:53
edjupeepingtom, I have a hand-me-down 1st generation iPhone, w/o a phone account - use wireless.03:53
rsvpheadkase314 et al. -- thanks for your help -- I'm using MENU key for workspace 1 and MENU+WINDOWS keys for workspace 2. Works great! quick switching.03:53
headkase314blueicevirus, for ff you will need to install "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"03:53
edjupeepingtom, I'll check it out - thanks.03:53
headkase314blueicevirus, to get flash in ff03:53
murlidharblueicevirus: but also they can't update it cuz actually it is the telepathy plugins that need to be updated.03:53
headkase314rsvp, you're welcome! ;)03:53
blueicevirusso what is a good browser?03:54
bazhang!browsers > blueicevirus03:54
ubottublueicevirus, please see my private message03:54
murlidharchromium if u not into custom fonts and stuff.03:54
peepingtomedju: basically "unlock it before plugging it in", I guess :)03:54
headkase314blueicevirus, I use chrome but the big contenders on Ubuntu are ff, chromium (open source Chrome), and Opera03:54
edjupeepingtom, That's what I mean - it just says it works.03:55
blueicevirusubottu: i dont know how to view pms in empathy03:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:55
murlidharanyone know if ubuntu netbook remix can be installed or used as a live cd on a desktop ?03:55
pmp6nlTrying to install a header and get a dependencies error... any idea how to fix this?'03:55
Dr_Willismurlidhar:  yes it can03:55
IdleOneblueicevirus: you should see a tab at top of your window with the name ubottu03:56
Dr_Willismurlidhar:  it may look a little weird on a BIG monitor. :) but it can work.03:56
murlidharDr_Willis: 14inch screen ?03:56
IdleOneblueicevirus: I mean at the top of empathy03:56
blueicevirusIdleOne: no tab here03:56
bebo_mzhi every one03:56
bebo_mzi need help03:56
murlidhar!ask | bebo_mz03:56
ubottubebo_mz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:56
bebo_mzmy clamav antivirus engine is outdate03:56
LinuxFetusHey I have Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit.  How do I install Eclipse Helios?03:56
blueiceviruswhat is eclipse helios?03:57
murlidhara game i think.03:57
LinuxFetusmurlidhar: No.03:57
murlidharsounds like a game name though03:58
LinuxFetusblueicevirus: Eclipse is one of the more popular Java IDE's (if not the most popular?).  Helios is the most recent version.03:58
FshyLinuxFetus -- I used the zip version.03:58
LinuxFetusblueicevirus: Integrated Developer Environment.  It's what programmers use instead of editing things from like gedit or something.03:58
bazhang!ide | blueicevirus03:58
ubottublueicevirus: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator03:58
FshyYou can then replace the default(Europa?) by changing it there.03:58
FshyThe ubuntu repo's don't actually have Helios.03:59
murlidharblueicevirus: integrated development environment ? ide !03:59
nUboon2Agexissburg: what does ff mean?03:59
blueicevirusLOL ok03:59
murlidharnUboon2Age: firefox03:59
nUboon2AgeFshy: i just had to go to eclipse.org to get helios.03:59
FshySo go to their site and get the compressed version, extract, and, if you feel like it, replace the app data stuff with Helios.04:00
blueicevirushow do i install a bz2 file04:00
nUboon2Agemurlidhar: oh thank you. :) xissburg04:00
LinuxFetusFshy: That didn't quite make sense... But I'll try and do it.04:00
FshynUboon2Age -- sure, but thats only runnable from the extracted folder or from a shortcut.04:00
blueicevirusi dled ff as a bz2 file, but there is no ./configure04:00
FshyYou know what, I'm not making sense to anyone but myself.04:00
murlidharmention not nUboon2Age04:00
FshyJust go to their site and get the compressed version, and extract.04:00
nUboon2AgeFshy: yes i think you're right.04:00
sacarlsonbebo_mz: most of us here don't use antivirus since it's not a problem in linux/ubuntu it's a windows thing04:00
headkase314blueicevirus, what kind of bz2 file? Source code, icons, window frames?04:00
FshyIsn't that a packaged file?04:01
nUboon2AgeFshy: in other words when you evoke it you have to give an explicit path, yes?04:01
LinuxFetusFshy: I'm downloading the tar.gz file right now.  I don't know what's in it exactly.04:01
blueicevirusheadkase314: glad your back. i downloaded firefox and it gave me a bz2 file04:01
xissburgwhat lool04:01
FshyEverything, LinuxFetus.04:01
FshyJust extract it to a folder, and there'll be a runnable file in there.04:02
peepingtomblueicevirus: Don't do that.04:02
FshynuBoon2Age -- correct.04:02
headkase314blueicevirus, oops saw ff after ;) ff should be installed by default with Ubuntu.  There are ppa's for later versions but really do not recommend them - you should stay with the default install.04:02
peepingtomblueicevirus: Do you just want a cutting edge version?04:02
headkase314blueicevirus, Should be under: Applications > Internet > Firefox04:02
FshyAlthough I personally wouldn't have used vocabulary that suggested a medieval atmosphere myself, NUBoon2Age :P04:02
blueiceviruspeepingtom: no, i removed ff earlier ;?04:02
LinuxFetusFshy: So is it like Windows, then -- self-contained into one folder?  I'm not familiar with the file structure in Linux -- what gets stored in /home /etc /boot /dev /usr or whatever directories there are.  Are you saying I just need to extract it to a common directory and everything will be runnable from that directory?   That's the way it is in Windows... you just extract the folder and run eclipse.exe.04:03
bebo_mzsacarlson : i usr it because in my network they use windows and i was use windows but now ubuntu 10.04 but i use clamav for scan my flash momery and any thing i take it from my network04:03
headkase314blueicevirus, be warned if you install the ppa it could break on a bad update and you'll have to wait for the next update to hopefully fix it.04:03
xissburgtensorpudding: nUboon2Age now I have Win 7 booting :DD04:03
McLinuxLinuxFetus: If running as the current user, then yes, that's how it works.  It won't be available to other users unless configured to be, by the administrator.04:04
nUboon2Agexissburg: yessssssssss!!!!! Goooooooaaaaaaaalllllllll!04:04
FshyBingo, LinuxFetus.04:04
xissburgtensorpudding:  nUboon2Age easyBCD failed in the first try...it trashed the boot again...the Win 7 Recovery disc did it in *one click*04:04
ZykoticK9blueicevirus, i think headkase314's comment is accurate, but "harsh".  PPAs are very handy, if you want/need more up-to-date software on Ubuntu.04:04
sacarlsonbebo_mz: maybe something like this freshclam04:04
xissburgnow I can't boot in Win XP and Ubuntu :x04:05
headkase314ZykoticK9, I'm a fan of ppa's just not for firefox ;)04:05
LinuxFetusFshy: McLinux: Well I have access to root and I can sudo...   What's the Linux equiv of "Program Files"  I figure I can extract it there... should I chmod anything?04:05
nUboon2Agexissburg: okay, good to know.04:05
=== JuttyMire is now known as Maser
ZykoticK9headkase314, actually i used to have problems with firefox's PPA as well (don't use FX anymore)04:05
McLinuxthere are many strategies, one would be to create /usr/local/eclipse and chmod it so it is available to all users04:05
blueicevirusheadkase314: ?04:05
bebo_mzsacarlson :freshclam i know that is that in to clamav04:05
xissburgwell 7 is my main OS here. But now...to fix the others.. oh well...I think I can let it to another day :)04:06
LinuxFetusMcLinux: Isn't there a /usr/share ?04:06
headkase314blueicevirus, specify ?04:06
blueicevirusIm not getting pms if you guys are sending them04:06
sacarlsonbebo_mz: yes thats the command you run to update the database for clamav04:06
McLinuxLinuxFetus: it varies by flavor, but yes. the idea is /usr/** is user domain stuff.04:06
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xissburgits quite funny to look at it now...after every thing, pushing youy guys knowledge and skills to the limit...the Win 7 Recovery CD did the job in *on click* :/04:07
sacarlsonbebo_mz: normaly it's setup in crontab to auto run at intervals04:07
McLinuxi'm not actually an expert on ubuntu itself04:07
McLinuxit's just what i run  now, so i'm here04:07
blueicevirusheadkase314: well back to square one with sound, Im not getting sound from ff or chrome04:07
muelliwell McLinux, LinuxFetus. It'd better be /usr/local/. "/usr/" does not stand for "user" but rather "unix system resources".04:07
xissburgwell, I have to say thank you very much, lots of guys helped but specially tensorpudding  and nUboon2Age. I can't believe how helpful you guys are04:08
tensorpuddingmuelli: pretty sure that's a backronym04:08
bebo_mzsacarlson : so i write sudo apt-get upgrade freshclam to upgrade clamav engine04:08
LinuxFetusmuelli: What does "local" refer to, then?04:08
McLinuxmuelli: thanks, so /usr/local/share, it is04:08
headkase314blueicevirus, I think if you want to stick with Ubuntu the best thing you can do is crack open the case pull out the x-fi and put in any old generic sound card.  I really think that would be the solution to the woes.04:08
tensorpuddingit used to be that user accounts were under /usr04:08
tensorpuddingin systems like plan 9, they still are04:09
McLinuxThere are no laws, you could install things in /opt/*** if you desired, as long as you configured the correct perms, and setup the symlinks04:09
sacarlsonbebo_mz: no to upgrade the clamav engine i think it's just apt-get install clamav04:09
xissburgdo you guys think that if I uninstall ubuntu (Wubi) it will trash the boot again?04:09
LinuxFetusMcLinux: I figured there weren't "laws"  I just wanted to keep things logically organized.04:09
headkase314blueicevirus, just responded to the pm you sent - I don't know how long it was there unnoticed!  Shouldn't really pm, see this next line:04:09
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:09
tensorpuddingxissburg: i don't think so04:09
muelliwell McLinux. Again, you'd rather not overwrite files put there by the system^tm, i.e. by any installed package. So pretty much everything except /home/, /usr/local/ or /opt/ is out.04:10
LinuxFetusIs ubottu a bot?04:10
nUboon2Agexissburg: one thing that is very notable about all the ubuntu irc channels and the ubuntuforums.org in my experience is the extremely patient and helpful approach people take.  and it can be a "pass it forward" kind of experience, so now that you've been helped hopefully you will come back and help others.04:10
xissburgtensorpudding: I'll do it now then lol...I cant boot in Ubuntu nor XP now, only 704:10
IdleOneLinuxFetus: yes ubottu is a bot04:10
tensorpuddingxissburg: you can configure the bootmanager using easybcd, and create entries for them04:10
bebo_mzsacarlson : i aredy install it clamav and calmtk04:10
blueicevirusLOL, i found all my pms from you guys. at the menu bar have to click the envalope04:10
McLinuxLinuxFetus: My personal habit has beent o install user based stuff to /usr/share or /usr/local such as perosnally compiled, etc... and barring that.. going to /opt (e.g. /opt/SomeSoftware)04:10
LinuxFetusmuelli: So are you saying that those 3 directories are not overwritten by the system and therefore are safe to put something like this?04:11
blueicevirusheadkase314: ok04:11
muelliLinuxFetus: yes.04:11
sacarlsonbebo_mz: yes and if there is a newer version then it will install that too04:11
headkase314blueicevirus, ok too ;)04:11
xissburgnUboon2Age: I love to be able to help, in this sense I don't have much experience so I usually am not capable of delivering a high quality and advanced help as you guys can04:11
xissburgbut as I learn more I help more04:11
blueicevirusheadkase314: anyway, im done fking with ubuntu for the day. back to windows and play some SC2 :) thaks for the help04:12
magicianlordis there a solution to the blinking cursor problem in netbook remix maverick that causes it to not boot?04:12
headkase314blueicevirus, you're welcome! Hope you come back regularly ;)04:12
xissburgtensorpudding: do you think that if I do this using EasyBCD in Win7 I can get the boot to work right for the 3 OSes?04:12
blueicevirusheadkase314: will do04:12
muellimagicianlord: most likely ;-)04:12
rwwmagicianlord: Maverick support is in #ubuntu+104:12
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muellimagicianlord: Try to boot without the "quite" parameter. Edit your boot line in GRUB, probably by hitting delete to get into GRUB und then and "e" to edit your boot line. Remove "quite" and try to boot.04:13
sacarlsonbebo_mz: see your already up todate so all you need is to run freshclam04:13
rwwmuelli: it's spelled "quiet"04:13
muellioh. maverick. sorry04:13
LinuxFetusMcLinux: muelli: What's the command to extract a tar.gz file to a specified directory?  I figure I'm gonna have to sudo this since my /usr folder has a lock on this... and it's good for me to know the CLI, I figure, anyway.04:14
muellirww: thanks. you're right. magicianlord ^^04:14
nUboon2Agexissburg: no i still doubt wubi was really the problem.  if you run install or uninstall wubi the most it could do is confuse the bootloader, but now you have a quick recovery for that.  Also i think you should be able to use easybcd (or other tools, but i think easybcd should work fine now from win 7) to fix the bootloader menu so that it properly can address and start XP.04:14
muelliLinuxFetus: well. the simples thing to do is "cd directory; tar xvf /path/to/file.tar.gz"04:14
LinuxFetusmuelli: xvf?04:14
headkase314LinuxFetus, I would recommend extracting helios in your home folder like -> /home/username/programs/helios <- you can run it from there fine and don't need to worry about permissions04:14
muelliLinuxFetus: do a "man tar" to get an explanation.04:15
newbiei need help with nvidia drivers please04:15
JetPackTuxedoHas anyone played around with some of rythmbox's CI?04:15
xissburgnUboon2Age: I'll try that now since now Im secure that I can (probably) recover it using the Win 7 Recovery disc :004:15
bebo_mzsacarlson : but when i open clamtk it's write antivirus engine 0.96.1 is outdate and theres new v 0.96.204:15
LinuxFetusmuelli: I did that before I asked... I'm just not familiar with options that don't involve hypens.04:15
rwwLinuxFetus: extract (x) the following file (f) and give verbose output (v)04:15
muelliLinuxFetus: nevermind. tar is very old and doesn't follow new age hyphenation rules ;-)04:15
rwwLinuxFetus: see the DESCRIPTION section. The hypen is optional for tar options04:15
Dr_Willisbebo_mz:  yes. the thing updates so much - the version in the repos quickly gets 'old' but the program shuld still update teh virus definitions - thats the imporntant part.04:16
muelli!ask | newbie04:16
ubottunewbie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
Dr_Willisnewbie:  state the actual problem to the channel.04:16
muelli!details | newbie04:16
ubottunewbie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:16
FshyYes, thank you for the caps lock.04:17
FshyThat always gets people to help.04:17
justin_does anyone have a suggestion for a 3d online game for linux that is similar to modern warfare 204:17
LinuxFetusmuelli: is xfv shorthand for -x -f -v ?04:17
sacarlsonbebo_mz: that's just the graphical front end to the clamav but you can apt-get install clamtk  also if you want the latist04:17
muelliLinuxFetus: probably :-)04:17
shiftingcontrolcan anyone tel me hw to remove recovery option in grub2?04:17
Dr_Willisshiftingcontrol:  the Grub2 docs/wiki page tell how to do that. and other tweaks04:17
Dr_Willis!grub2 | shiftingcontrol04:17
ubottushiftingcontrol: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:17
kcaddonso I've heard osx is better than ubuntu04:17
Dr_Williskcaddon:  ive also hears such discussions go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:18
newbiedriver installed wont start on alienware m11x64 bit ubuntu04:18
GHHphoto editing and designing software in Ubuntu like  photoshop (without GIMP) please?04:18
* headkase314 dons flameproof suit - kcaddon 04:18
LinuxFetusmuelli: Does that sort of shorthand work on other commands, too?  Like in general, if I want -a -b -c .... I can just do abc... ?04:18
justin_osx is no way better than ubuntu04:18
bebo_mzsacarlson : so the antivirus engine is has updated and i install last v of clamtk04:18
muelliLinuxFetus: probably not :-(04:18
nUboon2Agexissburg: another thing you can do to run Ubuntu is Portable Ubuntu.  Its kinda like Wine in reverse.  it allows you to run Ubuntu and most Ubuntu programs under windows.04:18
muelliLinuxFetus: but sometimes, yes. Just try :-)04:18
justakillhey is the're a liferea irc channel?04:18
xissburgnUboon2Age: I read somewhere that there is/was a bug in Wubi where after the installation of a specific update in Ubuntu it would possibly trash the boot loader. Its exactly what happened to me04:18
itai_michaelsonhi - i just installed amarok and no sound comes out of it, it appears to be playing but i cant hear anything, VLC plays the same tracks fine04:18
Dr_WillisGHH:  theres other photo editing apps out there. but i never bother with them.   no idea what you mean by 'desiging software'04:19
justakillAnyone here use liferea04:19
newbiei need help making compiz work but ant get driver to work04:19
rwwjustakill: #liferea, unsurprisingly. If you're using it on Ubuntu and have questions, this channel works too.04:19
nUboon2Agexissburg: Portable Ubuntu Tres is basically Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.04:19
LinuxFetusmuelli: Just a quirk of this one?  It's weird, not all commands have the same logic to them... Like I remember seeing one the other day that didn't use hyphens at all... But yeah, I guess your suggestion is the simplest :)04:19
GHHDr_Willis, Photo design04:19
nUboon2Agexissburg: do you know where you saw that bug report so i can read it too?04:19
Dr_Willisnewbie:  with video issues. always tgell the channel the exact chipset.04:19
headkase314newbie, go to: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers, what is listen in the box there?04:19
well_laid_lawnjustakill: there's #liferea04:19
sacarlsonbebo_mz: well I never ran clamtk clamav has always been invisible and automatic.  so yes I guess, after update clamtk run it and see04:20
headkase314newbie, listed not listen..04:20
justakilljoin #liferea04:20
muelliLinuxFetus: yeah. As I'm saying. There are old school tools like tar, dd, ... which behave not very nice ;-) But you'll figure out. Once you learn the power of man pages, you'll be fine :o)04:20
Dr_WillisGHH:  check the package manager, and the getdeb web site.. and perhaps some other linux software sites. There proberly tools out there that do what you want. but tjhey may not be in the default repos.04:20
nUboon2Ageif you have a faster machine Portable Ubuntu works fairly decently.  xissburg04:21
newbieNVIDIA GeForce GT 335M video chipset cant get to work please help04:21
McLinuxLinuxFetus; tar doesn't exactly extract to a specific dir04:21
headkase314newbie, again, go to: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers, what is listed in the box there?04:21
GHHDr_Willis, Then only GIMP in Ubuntu?For KDE?04:21
muelliwell McLinux. the manpage tells otherwise.04:21
kcaddonso I've heard osx is better than ubuntu04:21
McLinuxyes -C tells it to chdir04:21
McLinuxif it EXISTS04:21
nUboon2Agexissburg: Portable Ubuntu Tres is here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableubuntu/04:21
muellikcaddon: please go to #ubutnu-offtopic for those kinds of discussions. They are not welcome here.04:22
newbieunder hardware driver s listed is accelerated hardwared rivers04:22
Dr_WillisGHH:  theres other Photo 'editing'  and manipulation programs out there for Linux. - I dont use them. I tend to use gimp for my minimal needs.04:22
prince_jammysLinuxFetus: gnu tar can be made to change into a dir with -C04:22
xissburgnUboon2Age: hmm I'll try to find it...not sure if I'll get it04:22
muellikcaddon: #ubuntu-offtopic even. sorry.04:22
McLinuxunlke typical ZIP operations which would create the directories for you (where you have permissions) where applicable.04:22
nUboon2Agexissburg: did you know where i could read that bug report?04:22
headkase314newbie, there should be a "recommended" one for your nvidia card there.  Click the recommended one then click on "Activate"  Once that is done reboot your system and come back here.04:22
McLinux-C tells it to perform teh 'untar' AT that particular location04:23
justakilli don't know if the problem is ubuntu related but what happens is i cannot use the feed name rule in liferea04:23
justakilli don't know if anyone else has this problem04:23
Dr_Willisjustakill:  perhaps chedk the forums.. also check the lifera forums04:23
justakillwell i can use it it just dosn't seem to work04:23
justakilli tried to look around not getting any real answer04:23
justakilli'd also like to know if liferea is particulary bugged and slow or if its just my computer thats not working well....04:24
justakillanyway if any one can fill me in....04:24
LinuxFetusMcLinux: Alright, now how do I edit what appears under my "Applications" ?  Since I didn't use a package manager, it didn't automatically list it there, I take it...04:25
McLinuxAre you talking about hyour menu?04:25
headkase314LinuxFetus, under: System > Preferences > Main Menu is the editor for your menus.04:25
muelliLinuxFetus: put a .desktop file in  ~/.local/share/applications/04:25
abhijitGood Morning!04:26
McLinuxRight-click on "Applications" --> select "edit Menus"04:26
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: but you can find the package manager synaptic in system>administration>synaptic package manager04:26
xissburgnUboon2Age: http://www.omaregan.com/?p=583 at the *The Trouble Begins* but it is not exactly my problem.04:26
LinuxFetussacarlson: True, but the application I wanted wasn't in the standard whatever they're called (the URL's the package managers check...)04:26
num-lockHi my HDD went out no big deal. I rma it. But for now I installed ubuntu 9.04 to a usb 16gb stick and it seems this older pc cant boot from it. It sees it. Its just not in the bios options or under the qucik boot menu. Can I boot in to the live cd then boot in to the usb install of ubuntu? If so how its been a while since I played with sudo and such.04:27
xissburgnUboon2Age: but it was what happened to me...before I install the bunch o ubuntu updates the boot loader was working perfectly. after installing it trashed everything04:27
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: oh those are the repositories that can be setup in synaptic04:27
LinuxFetussacarlson: Right, this isn't in a repository.04:27
McLinuxLinuxFetus; You'd do a "New Menu" for a new sub-folder or "New Item" for a new entry.  Sometimes if you compile/install a new app it is required if you want things to appear nice prim and proper.04:27
toniushello! How turn off autostart transmission-daemon ?04:27
nUboon2Agexissburg: oh, so there were some updates that seemed to be related to the onset of the problem, eh?  interesting.04:28
justin_excuse me, what is the terminal command to edit the grub list, or take partitions out of the list that i dont use04:28
muellitonius: execute gnome-session-properties. It's probably listed there.04:28
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: you lost me.  what package are you tring to load?04:28
McLinuxThis is one instance where they need to borrow from Windows and make it a folder.04:28
headkase314LinuxFetus, you can add extra repositories with the "add-apt-repository <PPA>" command PPA's are Personal Package Archives.  They are used to get extra software.  Of course this does not apply to Helios you are installing right now.04:28
abhijit!grub2 | justin_04:28
ubottujustin_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:28
muellijustin_: I'd use nano ;-)04:28
McLinuxmuelli: *cringe*horror* why not VI?04:29
muelliMcLinux: because nano doesn't make as much music as vi ;-)04:29
justin_whats nano?04:29
McLinuxVi works, everywhere..04:29
headkase314tonius, also check: System > Preferences > Startup Applications04:29
xissburgnUboon2Age: yes. After reading this post I got to suspect that it happened *because* of the updates. I don't know what but one of them was something about grub...it asked me if I wanted to install or not, and said it was recommended to install and so on...I did it of course04:29
nUboon2Agejustin_: nano is a simple easy to use editor.04:30
McLinuxwhere Vi may abandon you, you must speak 'ed'.04:30
tensorpuddingi think ee is nicer than nano04:30
muelliMcLinux: heh. well. So does shooting your foot. HEnce that's not a valid argument if you have better things at hand :-)04:30
LinuxFetussacarlson: headkase314: I already loaded the application (Eclipse Helios) and it's installed and everything... I don't think it's found in any repositories (this version of it -- they have the old version in the current repos).04:30
tensorpuddingif you want easy04:30
justin_ok well where do i find the grub menu list04:30
McLinuxShooting your foot, using vi?04:30
McLinuxYou're kidding me, right, muelli?04:30
abhijitjustin_, see the link given by ubottu04:30
LinuxFetussacarlson: headkase314: I already loaded the application (Eclipse Helios) and it's installed and everything... I don't think it's found in any repositories (this version of it -- they have the old version in the current repos).04:30
LinuxFetusSorry for the double post.04:30
nUboon2Agexissburg: hmmm... it should happen. grub shouldn't come into the picture at all, but somehow maybe it caused it. hmm....04:30
mluser-laptopCan someone recomend a good icon editor for gnome or kde (i've already tried kiconedit, but its too slow for me)04:31
justin_i did and i cant find the file04:31
bikcmpHi everyone, how would I get rid of apt saying this message? I can't get it to remove or install this package. The following packages have unmet dependancies: gdk-imlib11: Depends: libungif4g (>= 4.1.3)04:31
headkase314LinuxFetus, yup it's not in the repositories - keep doing what your doing now: thats the right way!04:31
justin_is catfish an option?04:31
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: so your good to go. if it's installed and runs what more do you need?04:31
McLinuxgnome-iconedit ?04:31
LinuxFetussacarlson: Well I wanted to add a launcher to my menu; I'd always let the package managers edit my menu bar at the top of my Ubuntu.04:32
mluser-laptopMcLinux: what package does it come with?04:33
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: oh ok well I just right click on the top panel and add it there if I run it alot but someone above showed you how to add it to application menu04:33
tonymahoonhey guys i've broken the permissions on folders in my home folder. how can i change the folder permissions but not the file permissions04:33
LinuxFetussacarlson: Well I have a dock below -- but I'd like it there, too.04:33
xissburgnUboon2Age tensorpudding any ideas about how to use EasyBCD to try to recover the other OSes? I don't really know what to do because in the docs it only talks about vista04:34
xissburgI tried restoring the MBR for WinXp. didnt work04:34
nUboon2Agexissburg: it might be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/60981504:34
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: just right click on applictions04:34
prince_jammystonymahoon: how did you break them?04:34
toniusmuelli : it is not listed in gnome-session-properties,04:34
somethinginteresI am having trouble copying stuff to my new HDD  it seems to be a premission error. Says "I am not the owner so I can't change permissions" - help!04:34
toniusheadkase314 : and in System > Preferences > Startup Applications is not listed too04:35
LinuxFetussacarlson: Oh yeah -- some people already told me how (via GUI and CLI)04:35
muelliwell tonius. It might be a service. Check /etc/init.d for a file name transmission or the like.04:35
xissburgwow nUboon2Age!! Exactly that!04:35
nUboon2Agexissburg: i could be wrong but i don't think you'd need to restore the mbr.  i think it might just be configuring the menu items.04:36
YEW50 04:36
tonymahoonprince_jammys: i did a recursive chmod 775 on my home directory, which is fine for my files, but now the directory permissions are stuffed.04:36
newbieim back04:36
prince_jammystonymahoon: i would have guessed it's the other way around. now all files are executable.04:36
sacarlsonLinuxFetus: yes just right click on the control panel over Applictions and edit menu04:36
LinuxFetussacarlson: I got it, thanks :)04:37
newbiei installed activated driver but stillno go04:37
abhijit!details | newbie04:37
ubottunewbie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:37
nUboon2Agexissburg: ok for the bug report could you please list the basics of your computer.  Which version of Windows 7, computer model, maker, speed, 64bit or 32 bit and which version of ubuntu (32 bit or 64bit)?04:37
tonymahoonprince_jammys: ah ok, what should i change the file permissions to?04:37
xissburgnUboon2Age: hmm...anyway the Win 7 Rec disk did a nice job...well it was quite worth the trouble other wise I wouldn't have played so much with those crazy linux commands04:37
nUboon2Agexissburg: if you provide me that, i'll enter it into the bug report for you.04:37
ColbyLudwigAre there any drivers for an ATI Radeon X1270?04:38
xissburgnUboon2Age: you mean post it there?04:38
abhijit!ati | ColbyLudwig04:38
ubottuColbyLudwig: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:38
nUboon2Agexissburg: not necessarily here.  we could go to pm if you prefer.04:38
prince_jammystonymahoon: well, they all have the executable bit set now, but that might be desirable for *some* files. are you experiencing any problems?04:38
newbiei need help making nvidia driver work for NVIDIA GeForce GT 335M video chipset how do04:39
tonymahoonprince_jammys: yeah putty isn't recognising my public key when i'm sshing in, which i presume is becuase it can't see the file.04:39
ColbyLudwigLast time I installed Ubuntu, graphics corruption occured during installation.04:39
ColbyLudwigIt got reduced if I enabled "nomodeset" in GRUB,04:39
nUboon2Agexissburg: i opened a private chat w/ you...04:39
ColbyLudwigbut it still happened.04:40
sacarlsonnewbie: so you tried System>Administration>hardware drivers ?04:40
prince_jammystonymahoon: ah, ~/.shh is special. try '' chmod 700 ~/.ssh ''04:40
newbieohh yes and also gone through countless threads but still cant do it04:40
JoshDreamlandI want my IPAQ PDA to communicate with Ubuntu. Some guide says I need USBnet. Will I need to recompile the kernel for that?04:41
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
xomphello, trying to install mybb locally but get the error "MyBB requires one or more suitable database extensions to be installed. Your server reported that none were available." anyone know what this means and how to fix?04:41
newbiei even tried going through  init 3 sudo sh nvidia-linux.run04:41
xompI have LAMP installed and everything is up-to-date04:41
tonymahoonprince_jammys: hmm it's still refusing the key04:41
headkase314newbie, have you gone to: System > Preferences > Appearance and under "Desktop Effects" tried to enable them?04:42
prince_jammystonymahoon: my id_rsa.pub in ~/.ssh has permissions 644, my ~/.ssh has 700.04:42
sacarlsonnewbie: then you must have gone to nvidia web site and tried there latist released linux drivers04:42
tonymahoonprince_jammys: i'll give that a go04:42
newbieyes also tried latest nvidia website drivers04:43
flameshave a backtrack channel?04:43
rwwflames: #backtrack-linux04:43
ColbyLudwigxomp: do you have MySQL installed?04:43
headkase314newbie, installing the drivers from nvidia's website can cause issue when a kernel update comes around.  It is much better to stick with the "Hardware Drivers" drivers to avoid that issue.04:43
flamesthank Rww04:43
xompColbyLudwig, yes, LAMP is installed.04:44
ColbyLudwigxomp: Odd.04:44
newbieextra effects wont load04:44
xompColbyLudwig, typical (everything doesn't work as it should) thing for me hah04:44
ColbyLudwigxomp: trust me.04:45
ColbyLudwigit happens to me all the time.04:45
ColbyLudwiglike the past week trying to get OS X to run.04:45
ColbyLudwigand work with this graphics card.04:45
newbiei think there is already a confilct with kernel and driver that is recommended04:45
ColbyLudwigbut no.04:45
newbieon 10.4  64 bit ubuntu ultimate04:45
tonymahoonprince_jammys: gd it, still isn't working. god permissions will be the death of me.04:45
muelliUbuntu Ultimate :D class...04:45
xompColbyLudwig, hackintosh?04:45
bazhang!ultimate > newbie04:46
ubottunewbie, please see my private message04:46
xompColbyLudwig, give the folks in #snowleopard a try irc.osx86.hu :)04:46
headkase314newbie, refer to this thread -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608465 <- it will give you some things to try.04:47
prince_jammystonymahoon: have you tried a usual ''ssh user@host '' , without putty?04:47
muelliso.. nobody with a question or problem? :o004:49
tonymahoonprince_jammys: yeah i can log in with the password04:49
ColbyLudwigmuelli: I do.04:49
prince_jammystonymahoon: have you added your key to ~/.authorized_keys at the remote machine?04:50
muelliColbyLudwig: which is?04:50
prince_jammystonymahoon: if not, append the contents of your key file to ~/.authorized_keys at the remote box.04:50
tonymahoonprince_jammys: yeah i had. it was working fine yesterday then it just stopped working. the only thing that changed was i was stuffing around with permissions trying to get samba to work properly.04:51
Mistakesis there an option for the make command to use gcc?04:52
muellitonymahoon: use ssh-copy-id04:52
muelliMistakes: yes.04:52
muelliMistakes: set your env variable "CC" to "gcc".04:52
ColbyLudwigHow can I fix SEVERE graphics corruption with an ATI Radeon X1270 (problem has been described in a lot of diff threads, ie http://is.gd/eicW4 and http://is.gd/eicXc)04:52
ColbyLudwigthat was for muelli04:52
muelliuh ColbyLudwig. probably install the correct driver. If that doesn't work, fix the driver. If that doesn't work, buy a better supported card.04:53
kadimi need to boot a usb stick from a live cd. the usb stick has ubuntu fully installed but the pc wont use usb as a boot method. how can i do this?04:53
ilovefairuzsom interesting usability tidbits http://nmarques.digitalwhores.net/2010/08/12/personal-notes-on-fedora-and-regular-pc-computing-users/04:53
ilovefairuzsome &04:53
muelliColbyLudwig: btw: I don't click those rickroll evil shortcut links.04:53
Mistakeskadim: set the usb first in the bios boot order04:53
kadimno option.04:54
ColbyLudwigmuelli: 1) I'm not putting any money in this stupid netbook. 2) It's the stock driver that I used.04:54
ilovefairuzoh sorry, wrong channel!04:54
ColbyLudwig3) No rick roll.04:54
Mistakesif your bios doesn't support usb booting, then you're kinda SOL there04:54
kadimthe drive will boot up my new pc not my older one04:55
MistakesKadim: if your bios doesn't support usb booting, then you're kinda SOL there04:55
muelliColbyLudwig: apt-get source linux; apt-get build-dep linux ;-) Sorry mate. I can't help you with graphics stuff. I buy my hardware on purpose to embrace open sourcy companies like Intel.04:55
kadimcant i boot to  the live cd and chroot or something? i recall doing this long time ago04:55
ColbyLudwigmuelli: its ok.04:55
ColbyLudwigthanks for your attempt tho!04:55
xissburgtensorpudding: THANKS A LOT 4 THE HELP04:56
muellikadim: well. You might be able to give root=/dev/sdb1 or whatever your USB pendrive is for the kernel boot parameteres04:56
prince_jammystonymahoon: well, if my permissions are a "model", you could reproduce them with '' chmod 700 ~/.ssh; chmod 644 ~/.ssh/*; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa ''04:56
muellikadim: that'll still boot the initrd and the kernel off the CDROM but everything past that should be based on your pendrive.04:57
tonymahoonprince_jammys: cheers, i think i might give up on it for the mean time. thanks for your help.04:59
prince_jammystonymahoon: do you get an error message at all?05:00
muellitonymahoon: well. debugging SSH messages can be done via /var/log/auth.log or the like.05:00
muellitonymahoon: again, use ssh-copy-id05:00
tonymahoonmuelli: ssh-copy-id?05:00
prince_jammyshe thinks it's a client-side problem05:00
jasonespn360 how do you run?05:01
Matt1Hey, I've got a problem with Ubuntu locking up a lot, anyone lend a hand?05:01
muelliwell prince_jammys, tonymahoon. Client side is even easier to debug with ssh -v or -vv.05:01
tonymahoonok here's what i got: authentication refused bad ownership or modes for directory /home/tom05:01
muellithere you go tonymahoon.05:01
prince_jammystonymahoon: ah.05:01
Mistakesso . . . in noob speak, how can i set gcc as my default compiler?05:02
muelliMistakes: export CC=gcc05:02
tonymahoonprince_jammys: so that means the permissions are wrong on my home foler right?05:02
muellitonymahoon: nope. ownership05:02
prince_jammystonymahoon: show us the output of ''ls -ld ~''05:02
muellitonymahoon: sudo chown $USER /home/tom05:02
tonymahoondrwxrwxr-x 50 tom tom 4096 2010-08-15 13:58 /home/tom05:02
muelliuh tonymahoon. apparently, permissions.05:02
prince_jammystonymahoon: remove group writability.05:03
muellianyway. good luck. I'm off.05:03
tonymahoonmuelli: cheers mate05:03
prince_jammyschmod 755 ~  # NOT recursive!!05:03
prince_jammystonymahoon: chmod 755 "$HOME"05:03
tonymahoonprince_jammys: yay! we got it. thanks mate and to muelli too. good stuff.05:04
prince_jammyscool. ssh is picky about who has access to your keys05:05
tonymahoonprince_jammys: with good reason i suppose. my lan is not exactly a high value target though :)05:05
=== TheAnswer is now known as Thornton
prince_jammysssh doesn't want any dir that's an ancestor of ~/.ssh to be group-writable, i think.05:06
tonymahoonprince_jammys: yeah must be.05:07
prince_jammysall the way up to /home and /05:08
tonymahoonprince_jammys: well now i've got everything working samba included. it's a miracle.05:08
=== Thornton is now known as TheAnswer
ARGGGim going to install 9.10 in hopes that it will be compatable with my ATI Radeon x1300 grapics card will i beable to install it on my slave drive?05:13
LinuxFetusARGGG: Feel free to ignore if I jumped in on the conversation and my advice is rubbish, but you can install various OS's on different partitions....05:16
LinuxFetusARGGG: There is no need to install one on a separate drive, unless you're trying to operate drives simultaneously for speed/performance.05:16
LinuxFetusQuestion:  I'05:17
ARGGGthank you05:17
LinuxFetusARGGG: Chances are GParted isn't installed, but you cannot edit a partition that you're currently using.  So unless you can shrink a partition that isn't being used to run your current distro, then run Ubuntu Live to edit the partitions.  GParted is pretty straight-forward and simple to use.05:18
LinuxFetusQuestion:  I'm on Ubuntu 10.04.  At the top of my Desktop, I have the standard Gnome panel (Applications, Places, System, etc.).  I have several applications next to System, but they're all really close together.  Is there a way to change the minimum distance in pixels between the icons?  Sometime I click on the wrong application (I'm using a touchpad on a laptop... I don't like to use a USB mouse because it will detract from my USB05:20
LinuxFetus bandiwidth.)05:20
infidi have 64bit ubuntu and hulu.com is saying hulu player doesn't work in 64-bit versions of flash, gotta be kidding me. Can i still have a 32-bit version of flash installed next to my 64bit version?05:21
karpushi, my friend who's running windows, her OS was borked, and possibly one of her harddrives too (I don't know, haven't seen the HDD yet), the problem is that she's using a RAID0 config, meaning all the data is spread out over the two drives, would it be possible to boot from an ubuntu live cd and try to mount the hdd? I don't know much about raid0, and even less with linux05:21
ARGGGso with the live cd i can partition my slave drive on install and not lose any data that i may have saved : LinuxFetus05:21
vivisecterHey could someone help me upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 without the use of internet and off a CD?05:22
vivisecterI've yet to find documentation on the forums.05:22
LinuxFetusARGGG: GParted doesn't erase data unless you tell it to format your partition/drive.  You can resize the partition that's being used by your current distro and run another parallel... unless you want to use your other drive for some reason.05:22
LinuxFetusvivisecter: I assume that another media (i.e. USB) isn't available to you?05:23
vivisecterUnfortunately no it's my parents computer and it's only able to connect to wifi in 10.04 but it won't install 10.04 from the live CD but will install 8.04.05:23
LinuxFetusvivisecter: Have you tried http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:24
LinuxFetusIt give instructions for a network upgrade from 8.04 to 10.0405:24
vivisecterSee why couldn't I find that earlier I'll give it a shot and see what happens.05:24
Jordan_Uvivisecter: Before you go that route, what happens when you try to install 10.04?05:24
vivisecterIt hangs up usually at about 56% and will not go any further.05:25
LinuxFetusI used the query "upgrade ubuntu without cd" on Google and it was the first result.05:25
vivisecterWell I have the CD but no network access.05:25
LinuxFetusvivisecter: Perhaps there is another issue going on and a network upgrade wouldn't fix it.05:25
LinuxFetusNetwork access == WiFi, methinks.05:25
vivisecterYou would be correct.05:25
vivisecterLike I said 10.04 works flawlessly with the WiFi 8.04 won't even try to connect.05:26
LinuxFetusvivisecter: Oh, so you're saying that when you run 10.04 live, you can connect to WiFi, but you can't install 10.04.  When you install 8.04, you can't connect to WiFi?05:27
vivisecterSorry if I cobbled it earlier.05:27
Jordan_Uvivisecter: What step does the installer say it's on when it freezes?05:27
rwwvivisecter: upgrading 8.04 to 10.04 without Internet access? Try the alternate CD or ISO, per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades section "Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD"05:27
vivisecterCopying new files.05:27
thune3karpus: i'm running on a system that has a raid-1 fake/software raid setup which I don't use for ubuntu, i'm on 9.10 and the system sees it as two seperate drives. However, when I pop in 10.04 cd, it detects it as a raid-1 array and offers to mount it as such automatically (though I have never doen so).05:28
Jordan_Uvivisecter: Try installing via the alternate install CD, if it fails you can also use it as an upgrade CD (but I really suggest trying to install via the alternate CD first).05:28
JoshDreamlandI've taken several steps now to try to connect my PocketPC to Ubuntu. Why isn't Ubuntu acknowledging its existence in any way?05:28
Jordan_Uvivisecter: You can't use the normal LiveCD as an upgrade CD.05:28
JimBastard_which is better out of the box for a high traffic web server? Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) or Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) ? sorry if that is a noob request, im a noob.05:28
vivisecterThat could be where my problem was coming from.05:29
RandomNerdKarelI have been in and out of Linux the last few years, used to have favourite audio player but there seems to be a few other options these days. Any personal preferences out there?05:29
rwwJimBastard_: 10.04. Using a non-LTS on a server and thus having to upgrade it every 6 months would be a pain.05:29
Jordan_UJimBastard_: Use 10.04, simply because it's LTS (and the latest release)05:29
JimBastard_what does TLS stand for?05:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)05:29
FalsAlarmanyone ever hear of software that can recover data from a sata hdd that doesn't show up at POST?05:29
JimBastard_you guys rock05:30
rww(compared to normal releases, which are 18 months)05:30
vivisecterWell the download is going to take about an hour and a half so when it's done I'll giver her a go and report back.05:30
fredohow to convert amd64 to i386??05:30
abhijitfredo, iso?05:30
Jordan_UFalsAlarm: If it doesn't show up in /dev when booted from linux then it's not likely that any *software* will help you.05:30
rwwfredo: reinstall. there isn't a supported method for changing an existing install from one to the other05:30
abhijitfredo, you can install 32bit software into 64 bit ubuntu05:31
abhijitFalsAlarm, testdisk?05:31
karpusthune3: ok, maybe I'll ask her to burn a live cd, it doesn't hurt to try since she basically tried everything, if that doesn't work, her choice is to send it to a data recovery company, the problem is that they charge between €30000 to €500000 lol05:31
ubunt1My notifications thing is showing two "broadcast account" items... Why?05:32
prince_jammysfor half a mill euros, she better have great data.05:32
fredoi have many pack. of amd64  ,is their any way  to install them?05:32
fredoi m using ubuntu 9.1005:32
karpusprince_jammys: oops, got an extra zero, but yeah, it is WAY too pricey, ain't happening05:32
thune3karpus: i would recommend mounting read-only, but i'm not sure how to do that with places menu05:33
rwwubottu: hi | ylmfos05:33
ubottuylmfos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:33
Jordan_Ukarpus: I'm sure you already know this, and have told your friend, but having critical data without a backup is careless. Having that data on RAID0 is asking for trouble.05:33
karpusshe only stored documents and photos on it, so I can't seem to figure out why she stores important data to her on those drives... no backup either, but I guess she learned a lesson from this05:33
karpusJordan_U: yeah, I said the same thing...05:34
fredowhen i boot then memtest86 appears with operating system name .05:34
fredohow to remove this05:34
karpusthune3: I'll look into it05:34
JoshDreamlandOkay, Multisync is useless05:35
Jordan_Ufredo: sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ; sudo update-grub05:35
JoshDreamlandis there a not-useless program to make Ubuntu talk to a PDA?05:35
ARGGGLinuxFetus: will i be able to choose what os i want to boot into upon start up?05:35
vincleo :o05:36
karpuswell, time for work soon so I'd better get ready, thanks for your opinions/comments05:36
LinuxFetusARGGG: Yeah, Ubuntu will install a boot-loader called GNU GRUB.05:36
tonsofpcsi hope it isn't GNU GRUB05:37
fredohow to convert synaptic packages in a repository???05:37
LinuxFetusoh wait.05:37
LinuxFetusMaybe it's just regular GRUB haha.05:37
LinuxFetusI'm tired.05:37
Jordan_Utonsofpcs: Why do you say that?05:37
prince_jammysfredo: explain what you mean.05:37
Jordan_ULinuxFetus: You were correct, GRUB is part of the GNU project, so GNU GRUB is appropriate.05:38
ARGGGLinuxFetus: thanks for the info time to try it out05:38
fredosoftwares which we install by synaptic if i want to give these s/w to my friend then how should i make them a repositry???05:39
Jordan_U!offline | fredo05:39
ubottufredo: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD05:39
LinuxFetusARGGG: GRUB can be configured to have a background of your choosing, various resolutions (granted your GPU and monitor support said settings), you can re-arrange the menu items (generally an installation of a distro will add 4 items -- two kernel settings and two memtests) additionally it installs the most recent OS at the top, and you may wish to rearrange the order and change the delay (i.e. if nothing is selected in __ seconds, a05:39
LinuxFetusutomatically load ____ kernel).05:39
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thune3JoshDreamland: i'm not expert, maybe the synce stuff or maybe not?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile05:43
JoshDreamlandthune3: Thanks much, I'll look into it.05:43
Dr_WillisJust got a laptop with an eSATA port. I plugged in an external HD that has esata and USB conectors.. but esata dident seem to work with it. The HD dident even sound like it spun up. Is there somthing im missing here? it should be plug and play just like USB right?05:43
Aemaethhaha, i'm surfing from my phone05:47
SlartDr_Willis: not sure about power supply.. but yes.. otherwise my eSATA drive functions the same as an USB drive05:47
Dr_WillisSlart:  yea. ive never tried esata befor. So its possible this usb enclosure may not  work right. I got some time back and just reliozed today it was eSATA :005:48
Dr_WillisI finally have a use for these cables i dident know what it was for. :) This laptop also has a weird 'port' its a USB and eSata in one.. It may be theres some way to toggle it to be one or the other. (checking the manuals Now)05:49
KE1HADr_Willis, Im trying to find the page, it's on the 2.6 kernel page somewhere, but not all the eSATA controllers are support yet from what I recall reading.05:50
SlartDr_Willis: just fired up my first eSATA drive which I got a month ago or so.. lets see if it shows up05:50
thune3Dr_Willis: This guy said he had to enable ahci in bios: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152839805:50
SlartDr_Willis: yes, it shows up in nautilus.. if it makes any difference I'm running with ahci enabled in my BIOS05:51
Dr_Willisthune3:  ok.. - im reorganising some stuff and will try that. In 'theory' an external eSata should be as fast as an internal hd right?05:51
Dr_Williswill check ahci here in a min.  I was wantiong to move my old laptops linux install via esata to the new box and just boot from the exteranl hd. :)05:51
mv2112mv-2exit mv211205:52
thune3Dr_Willis: should be same as sata 1.5 if i understand it05:53
Esathi, is there any wiki channel for Ubuntu05:54
Slartthune3: wikipedia claims that eSATA is the same as SATA 30005:55
* fancybit_ 发飙05:55
unr3a1was curious, I do not use the envelope next to the volume control.  Is there anyway to remove just the envelope and leave the volume?05:57
tpmccallum_What is the best game available via apt-get for my 7 year old son?05:57
maco!cn | fancybit05:57
ubottufancybit: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:57
Dr_Willistpmccallum_:  depends on what they like. Ive seen several 'games for linux' articals over the past few weeks,.05:57
thune3Slart: indeed, thx. I saw "Some single disks can transfer 157 MB/s during real use" and made a calculation that misled me.05:57
Slartthune3: although that is only present in the swedish wikipedia.. not the english.. perhaps it shouldn't be trusted fully.. we swedes are weird05:57
Dr_Willistpmccallum_:  frozenbubble is a must get :)05:57
macounr3a1: you dont use empathy, pidgin, evolution, or gwibber?05:58
Dr_Willistpmccallum_:  and xmoto, bloboats,05:58
xanguaif ou want get people's  opinion tryy #ubuntu-offtopic tpmccallum_05:58
tpmccallum_ok thanks all05:58
rwwubottu: games05:58
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php05:58
unr3a1maco, nope05:59
Slartthune3: ah.. nevermind that.. there is a nice table with SATA comparisons.. it seems to be the same as SATA 300.. I think I need some coffee now before I get even more confused06:00
unr3a1maco, so do you know how I can remove the envelope?06:03
macounr3a1: no. i think its built into the whole notification system06:04
unr3a1maco, ok.  thanks06:05
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lonejackHi, I'm using Lucid version, does anybody know where are stored repositories? I knew that the list was stored in etc/apt/sources.list. Do you know if exist another?06:06
xanguawhat exactly do you want to do lonejack¿06:07
Dr_Willislonejack:  in that directory theres that file and the sources.list.d06:07
MitigationElfI am brand-spankin-new to Ubuntu. I istalled it today on my HP Touchsmart iQ775. After installation was complete, the monitor  is very difficult to read - though I can make most things out - barely. If the os were Windows, I would say it was a resolution or driver proble. I was able to find the resolution settings and that did nothing to positively affect the display. I was also able to make out where/how to connect to the intern06:07
lonejackDr_Willis, yesss, now I see06:07
Dr_Willislonejack:  the habbit of altering sources.list is a little outdated.. normally one makes entries one per file in  sources.list.d now06:07
lonejackDr_Willis, thank you06:08
Dr_Willislonejack:  makes it  a MUCh cleaner setup.06:08
lonejackI think so06:08
thune3Slart: yeah, i also didn't look all the way down to the table the first time06:08
unr3a1maco, just wanted to give you heads up, took a shot and googled it.06:11
unr3a1maco, http://whileitcompiles.com/ubuntu/how-to-remove-envelope-from-indicator-applet/06:11
macounr3a1: alright thnks. ill bookmark06:12
Dr_WillisI finaly found a applet thing that puts gmail in the Envelope menus :)06:12
Dr_Willisor whatever you call that stuff these days...06:12
budweiserHello I have a problem with Flash in Ubuntu, I'm using Gnome and many times when I am watching a fullscreen video in Flash I can't exit fullscreen mode06:13
budweiserI have to shutdown my computer and restart06:13
xanguabudweiser: have you just tried the Esc key¿06:13
Dr_WillisThats weird.. niormally with flash fullscreen.. if i so much as sneeze at it.. it unfullscreens06:13
JoshDreamlandEach time I run synce-pls, I get "** Message: Hal reports no devices connected"06:13
JoshDreamlandThe device is definitely connected.06:14
budweiserNothing responds06:14
budweiserCan't get to the desktop or anything, it flickers some06:14
gotencan anyone suggest me irc channel for open-java06:15
punkmexichi my gpodder cant download youtube videos anyone can help im using version 2.706:16
Slartbudweiser: sounds like full screen flash alright.. the full adobe experience =)06:16
budweiserMaybe an alternative would work better06:16
Slartbudweiser: I get almost the same problems.. I don't have to restart but I have to struggle to un-fullscreen it06:17
foxHi, guys, why everytime I use gvim to write something, it can't be saved!06:19
foxit says "can't open file for writting06:20
Dr_Willisfox:   een to your home dir? or are you spefifically editing a file somewhere else?06:21
budweiserhas anyone here tried lightspark06:21
budweiserSlart, how do you exit it06:21
foxin a sub directory of my home06:21
Dr_Willisfox:  how about in just youir home dir?06:22
Slartbudweiser: I think I just press esc.. not entirely sure though.. I try to avoid full screen06:22
foxin my home dir, it'ok06:23
Dr_Willisfox:  check ownership and permissions on the subdir,.06:24
xanguabudweiser: you mean that flash plugin¿ i don't06:24
foxthanks. I checked, the owner is root06:24
foxso how can I change that to my owner(fox)?06:25
glickexcuse me, is it difficult to upgrade from django 1.1.1 to 1.2? 1.2 isnt in the repos yet so ill have to do it by hand06:25
foxDr_Willis: thanks a lot!06:26
macoglick: 1.2 is in 10.10's repositories. you could download the source package and rebuild it for 10.0406:26
Dr_Willisfox:  sudo chown username:username  directory06:27
Dr_Willisfox:  is the dir empty?06:27
Dr_Willis!permissions | fox06:27
ubottufox: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:27
glickmaco, where do i download the source package?for 10.1006:27
macoglick: i wouldnt just use the binary package directly since i think they use different python versions06:27
foxthe dir is not empty06:28
=== unix is now known as Guest58233
budweiseris gnash any good06:28
macoglick: dget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python-django/python-django_1.2.1-1.dsc06:28
foxubottu: I will read that source. Thanks!06:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:28
macoglick: itll download 3 files. unpack with:   dpkg-source -x python-django_1.2.1-1.dsc06:28
Dr_Willisbudweiser:  from what i hear.. not really06:28
xanguabudweiser: if you wnat to play all flash content in web use adobe's plugin06:29
FloodBot3Guest58233: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:29
macoglick: install build dependencies "sudo apt-get build-dep python-django" and then cd into the directory that unpacking it created, and run "dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us"06:29
macoglick: actually.... dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us06:30
macoglick: itll create a deb for 10.04 for you06:30
clinchercheese detects my laptop's built in webcam but I cant get it to work on aMsn or any other app. I have an HP dv4-2013. Can anyone help me?06:31
c|onemanis there a path character limit in linux that should worry about? I'm making lots of folder depth on my webspace to classify things better]06:37
Dr_WillisHmm. I think theres a limit c|oneman  but  not sure how big it is...06:38
Dr_Willisit may be im thinking of the bash 'command line legenth' limit also.06:38
Dr_Willisc|oneman:  dont forget 'soft links' also - for organizing things06:39
c|onemanare those like, those fodlers with the shortcut icon when I use winscp to my iphone?06:40
sheenobuhey what's that window manager tool that lets you specify windows to skip in window list?06:40
sheenobualso lets you undecorate windows06:40
glickmaco, where did it download it to06:40
glickwhen i run dpkg-source -x i get no such file or directory06:41
macoglick: current directory06:41
macoglick: type "ls" and it shouldve downloaded 3 files that say python-django...  one is .orig.tar.gz, one .dsc, and one .debian.tar.gz or .diff.tar.gz06:41
sheenobuit's not a window manager but a window manager tool06:42
glicka yes, had to get dget first06:42
glickmaco, two files06:42
sheenobuooo devilspie06:43
macoglick: which 2?06:46
glickmaco, a .orig.tar.gz and .debian.tar.gz06:47
macoglick:  no .dsc though?06:47
macoglick: weird weird, well wget that one then06:47
glickit built a deb06:47
glicktwo debs06:48
glicka doc06:48
glickand the regular one06:48
FloodBot3glick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:48
macoits not supposed to build til you run dpkg-buildpackage -b06:48
glicki did run that maco06:48
macoglick: im confused about what order you did things then06:48
glickthe order you mentioned06:49
macoglick: ok, install the debs and you have 1.2 i think06:49
glickmaco, just upgrade or install?06:49
=== fancybit_ is now known as fancybit
macoglick: install. dpkg doesnt differentiate like rpm does06:49
glickhmm lets see if it works :)06:51
glickthanks maco seems to work06:53
lonejackHi, I've to install the eclipsePDT(all in one) pakage. Which is the best directory where to place it?06:53
macoglick: yay06:53
Andre305Hello everyone06:54
ThisDBHi And06:54
ThisDBI can't type -,-06:55
ssfdre38how can i connect my server to my computer?06:55
ThisDBssfdre38: filesharing?06:55
ssfdre38im trying to config my server for dns06:55
ThisDBOh can't help you there06:56
ssfdre38yea im trying to make an irc server06:57
AviMarcusI changed my montior settings, and now the top panel is a blur and I can't see it. Everything else is working perfectly. Is there a way I can restart that w/o restarting the whole computer?06:57
xanguaAviMarcus: restart what¿ your panel¿06:58
Andre305Help ---> I am using an eee pc 1005peb with the latest netbook remix. Like a total noob i installed gma500 chipset firmwares thinking it would improve my graphics (probably not needed). It downgraded all of my graphics and upon reboot I had to run it in low graphics mode. I tried to uninstall all the poulsbo packets in synaptic package manager but my graphics are still on low. Is there any way I can go back to my previous settings (def06:58
AviMarcusyes xangua, i can't see anything on it.06:58
gotenhow to deploy a tomcat project on console version06:58
holocenefor program simple backup suite, it says restored files/dirs are owned by root. If backing up /home with many users, is it very practical to change ownership back to the users?06:59
ssfdre38does anyone know how to config the ubuntu DNS?07:01
ssfdre38if you do please pm me?07:01
joschissfdre38: "the ubuntu DNS" is what exactly? your resolver configuration? your own authoritative or caching name server? any specific software package?07:02
Andre305anyone know how to uninstall installed packets and restore previous settings? pm me07:02
AviMarcusI did killall gnome-panel but that didn't help. So I disabled the main screen, then re-enabled it and it's fine now.07:03
AviMarcusMaybe I needed both. Anyway.07:03
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ssfdre38joschi: Im trying to make a irc server and i know i need the dns on ubuntu but i was wondering how can i config it07:03
abhijitAndre305, which packets/07:03
joschiAndre305: `sudo aptitude purge [packages]` will remove the packages and all of their configuration07:03
joschiAndre305: when you reinstall the packages, the stock configuration will be used07:04
joschissfdre38: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html07:04
ssfdre38do i need to connect it to my ubuntu computer?07:05
peepingtomI changed resolution using the gnome settings and it runs an xrandr command each time I log in. Could someone please tell me what folder those settings are stored in?07:05
Andre305joschi: I don't know how to reinstall my stock configs07:06
JunikszHello, is there any software which can reach my Nokia 6300 phone datas, eg. sms, dates, etc07:07
sinurgewhat is the reason that apt-get upgrade will tell that packages have been left back07:07
peepingtomsinurge: it's normally because you have a package conflict, lack a dependency, or have a package forced to a specific version07:08
harohi , I've just bought a Genius "easypen" device. Is there something easy I can follow in order to get it working under an originally ubunti 9.10, that has been updated regularly ?07:08
Andre305joschi: i uninstalled what i thought were the packets in synaptic but they have not corrected themselves07:09
peepingtomJuniksz: gnokii07:09
Andre305how do i restore default graphic properties to my netbook? I installed the wrong drivers07:10
peepingtomAndre305: PURGE to delete settings, not uninstall07:10
Junikszpeepingtom, thanks, i'll search it07:10
Andre305peepingtom: how do i purge?07:11
Andre305I already uninstalled... is that a problem?07:11
peepingtomAndre305: In Synaptic click [status]  then [Not installed, residual config]. Right-click the package and purge07:13
peepingtomAndre305: actually not purge, "complete removal07:14
punkmexichi my gpodder cant download youtube videos anyone can help im using version 2.707:15
muteHey.  Help me out with something?  I have a directory of mixed case files names all of which need a batch renaming to the same names, but only lowercased.  Point me in the right direction?07:15
wulfmang whater?07:15
Andre305peepingtom: it's not in there. maybe this will help. i installed it through terminal.07:16
Andre305i'll be back07:17
peepingtomAndre305: sudo apt-get purge **nameofpackage** . I dont even know what your problem is specifically, that's just how you wipe out system-wide settings. it does not wipe out settings in your home folder.07:17
wulfmanpunkmexic>>  i use download Youtube+ 2.2 plugin for firefox, it works. not sure what gpodder is07:17
punkmexicgpodder downloads podcasts (videos or audios of blogs)07:18
punkmexicfor firefox i use videodownloader07:18
wulfmanpunkmexic>>  oh, sorry never used it07:19
joschimute: `for i in *; do declare -l NAME="$i"; echo mv "$i" "$NAME"; done`07:20
Andre305peepingtom: this is the name of the packet "sudo apt-get install poulsbo-driver-2d poulsbo-driver-3d poulsbo-config" and when i do the terminal purge it give me this.. E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)07:20
Andre305E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:20
rwwmute: rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *07:20
IdleOneAndre305: close synaptic and run the command again in terminal07:21
wulfmanAndre305>>  you got two package tools open at same time07:21
=== Jack is now known as Guest22701
Andre305brilliant one idileone07:23
Andre305apparently i did purge it from synaptic07:23
Andre305i also get this message07:23
Andre305The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:07:24
Andre305  libtool autotools-dev libva1 libltdl-dev07:24
Andre305Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.07:24
IdleOneAndre305: read the message it gives you the answer :)07:25
Andre305how do i write that in terminal?07:25
muterww: That sounds really simple.  I'll try it.07:25
Andre305apt-get autoremove libtool autotools-dev libva1 libltdl-dev07:25
IdleOneAndre305: apt-get autoremove   don't put the ' '07:25
muterww: -n will do a test mode, right?07:25
rwwmute: correct07:26
IdleOneAndre305: you may need to add sudo if it gives you a permission denied07:26
rwwmute: I literally copypasted that from the manpage, though, so it should work :)07:26
Andre305btilliant.... i need to reboot to see if they take effect. stay tuned!07:27
wulfmanAndre305>>  i think just sudo apt-get autoremove07:27
muterww: Thank you.07:28
Andre305no good guys07:30
Andre305i get a message when it starts up of cannot detect pbe and mentions no drivers installed07:30
Andre305how do i reset it back to the default drivers?07:30
Andre305i think it was a firmware upgrade... is there any way i can get ubuntu to reinstall its original graphic drivers?07:31
IdleOnewhat is pbe?07:32
Andre305no idea07:33
Andre305maybe it was pba07:33
Andre305in either case its looking for the graphic drivers and arent finding them07:33
=== devunt_ is now known as devunt
Andre305psb... that sounds right07:34
Andre305<--- bad memory07:34
rwwthat would be the Poulsbo Xorg driver ;)07:34
Andre305yeah... thats the one that started my whole mess'07:35
nIRVquick question: how to I make it so that a task started by init.d runs on a user I specify (versus root) ?07:35
IdleOneso right now xorg is looking for poulsbo07:36
Andre305i read on a forum that installing some graphic drivers for my 1005peb would be a good thing. it wasn't. so I'm trying to get them back to default. I dont know what that would be07:36
IdleOnerww: would a mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf .bak  help him out?07:37
Andre305i uninstalled all of poulsbo cause it made my graphics run on low as soon as i updated it through terminal07:37
rwwIdleOne: no idea, literally the only thing I know about the Poulsbo driver is that I don't want to know anything about the Poulsbo driver lest I be driven insane in the process07:37
IdleOnerww: it couldn't hurt anything right?07:37
rwwIdleOne: indeed. it's probably what I'd try first07:38
IdleOneAndre305: ok run sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf .bak07:38
rwwI assume you removed the Poulsbo packages at some point07:38
dismal_denizenDoes anyone have the drivers for TuxDroid?07:38
IdleOneAndre305: then restart your X by holding alt-sysrq-k keys07:38
IdleOneAndre305: ok run sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak  <<< this one (there is an extra space in the first one I gave you)07:39
IdleOneAndre305: when you run the above command you wont see any output07:40
Andre305yep... no output. done07:40
IdleOneok now alt-sysrq-k07:41
Alivesanyone using ubuntu as an AP with WPA encryption?07:41
Alivesi cant figure out how to get wlan0 to come up07:41
Alivesi keep getting messages saying "dont seem to have all the variables for wlan0/inet"07:41
IdleOnesee you soon andre07:41
macoAlives: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up07:41
Alivessudo ifup wlan007:41
AvonGenesisWhats the alternative way to edit keyboard shortcuts through terminal?07:41
Alivesgives that error07:41
rwwAlives: that's a different command from maco's ;)07:41
macoAlives: ifup and ifconfig ... up are two different things07:42
Alivesmaco: im having trouble finding a good guide on this...07:42
Alivesok ill try ifconfig07:42
macoAlives: ifup uses the configuration in /etc/network/interfaces if you have it created07:42
macoAlives: if you havent configured it in there... error07:42
IdleOneAndre305: nothing!  ? good or bad nothing?07:42
macoAlives: if you want to use ifup and the interfaces file, see:  man 5 interfaces07:42
Andre305still in low graphics mode07:42
rwwalthough it sounds like it's partially configured, since no configuration is a different error :\07:42
Alivesrww: yes, i have been pulling config directives from guides i have found online07:43
IdleOneAndre305: lspci | grep VGA07:43
IdleOnewhat's that give you?07:43
Alivesrww: it seems to be an issue with how wpa_supplicant comes into the picture07:43
Andre305i did the command. it took me to a re-loging page. and the back to low graphics07:43
Andre305whats what give me?07:43
macoAlives: wpa-ssid  linksys07:44
IdleOneAndre305: run lspci | grep VGA07:44
rwwAlives: yeah, wpa_supplicant is a pain. I can do WEP in interfaces, but WPA eludes me.07:44
macoAlives: wpa-psk Your password goes here07:44
macoAlives: thats all you need to make ifup/interfaces work for wpa, IME07:44
Alivesmaco: you mean: wpa_supplicant <ssid> <password" >07:44
NightKhaosWireless was actually surprisingly easy on my machine, even UniWide (for UNSW) that has a authication based network instead of a PSK. :)07:44
macoAlives: no i do not07:44
Andre305Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller07:45
* Alives looks up wpa-psk prog07:45
IdleOnehmm that should be well supported07:45
macoAlives: wpa supplicant can work inside the /etc/network/interfaces file07:45
macoAlives: thats what i find easiest. i store all my ssid/psk pairs in that file and uncomment whichever im going to use at the time07:45
Andre305it is... like i said.. i was a noob and messed with it07:45
Aliveswpa-psk is not a valid program according to aptitude and dpkg --list07:45
macoAlives: so, you edit interfaces file, and put:  iface wlan0 inet dhcp07:45
IdleOneAndre305: How old is this Ubuntu install?07:45
AlivesNightKhaos: im trying to setup an AP, not a client07:46
Andre3053 days old07:46
macoAlives: under that, put:  wpa-ssid <ssid>07:46
macoAlives: i did not say wpa-psk was a program07:46
IdleOneAndre305: reinstall :) I know it's a real dirty fix but will get you back to default everything07:46
macoAlives: it is a configuration item inside /etc/network/interfaces07:46
Alivesok cool07:46
macoAlives: under that:  wpa-psk <password>07:46
Aliveslet me change that then07:46
Andre305i know... but what a pain... then i have to install everything all over again... ugh!07:46
IdleOneAndre305: wait07:47
IdleOne!clone > Andre30507:47
ubottuAndre305, please see my private message07:47
=== NightKhaos|Ghost is now known as NightKhaos
IdleOneyou get that message?07:47
macoAlives: you just need a stanza in /etc/network/interfaces like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/478248/ then run "sudo ifup wlan0"07:47
Andre305yeah... im decyphering it07:48
macoAlives: if you want to change APs, comment out your lines, add some new ones (my preferred way so i dont have to remember them) and then "sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0"07:48
macoAlives: ifup will automatically handle sending the key and dhcp07:48
IdleOneAndre305: that command will create a file called my-packages, it's a simple text file which will list everything you have installed at this point in time07:48
Alivesmaco: yeah, but i am trying to make an AP07:49
Aliveswill this work for that?07:50
macooh... :-/  hrmph07:50
Alivesi already have this routing and tcp fwding on eth07:50
Alivestrying to add wlan0 into the mix07:50
Alivesonce i get connection with wpa on wlan0, i will bridge eth0 and wlan007:50
macoAlives: sorry, i thought you were just trying to sort out how to use wpa with ifup :-/07:50
Alivesto avoid complex iptables rules07:50
=== NightKhaos|Ghost is now known as NightKhaos
Alivesmaco: no :), but i really appreciate your thouroughness07:51
Alivesmaco: any ideas on how to make it into an AP?07:51
macoAlives: no, sorry07:51
Alivescool thanks07:51
IdleOneAndre305: sorry I can't help more then that07:51
Andre305its cool...07:51
Andre305can i pm you real quick to verify what you sent me... im still unsure about it07:52
IdleOneAndre305: or hang around here and ask every now and then and someone might be able to help out07:52
deoxxawhy is the keyboard/mouse so slow under ubuntu 10.04 on the macbook 2.1?07:54
deoxxaby slow i mean unresponsive, as if there's a buffer somewhere that's being read at excruciatingly long intervals07:55
airtonixpercentage of mac users : [--------5%--------], percentage of mac users here using ubuntu [--0.005%--], chance of someone who cares enough to give an answer : ---07:56
geanHello Brothers!07:56
shuduoanyone know why i got "dpkg-gencontrol: error: package ... not in control info" msg on compiling kernel under ubuntt?07:56
airtonixdeoxxa, you're better off asking this kind of question on the forums07:57
deoxxaairtonix, i see07:57
airtonixdeoxxa, since there is a macosx section i believe.07:58
hipitihopwhen building from source, is the ubuntu way to ./configure, make and make install from some home dir or should git source be moved to /usr/src ?07:59
well_laid_lawn!checkinstall | hipitihop07:59
ubottuhipitihop: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!07:59
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, thanks will go and read, is that the recommended way regardless of what I'm building from source ? e.g. I'm want to build FreeSwitch after doing a git clone of source to a subdir off my home08:01
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: I use 'cause it lets me uninstall apps I make easily08:02
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: in ./configure -help it will tell you the path the app will install to - normally /usr/local - and in the configure options is where you set the install path08:04
well_laid_lawn -prefix=/usr as an example08:04
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, so far not done much from source, so sorry if I'm asking basic questions. Are you saying I need to edit original ./configure downloaded with source ?08:06
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: no - there are options you can add to ./configure like   ./configure -prefix=/usr   - ./configure -help will tell what's available as options08:08
Dr_WillisWow. I was asking about eSATA earlier on my new laptop.. going to boot ubuntu from the esata port.. then i relized this laptop had a second empty hard drive slot... :) Joy.08:09
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, I see, so why wuold I want to specify where to install, e.g. if I use normal apt-get install somepkg, where does that normally get installed to ?08:10
Dr_WillisJust curious if anyone has used esata as a boot disk befor with ubuntu or linux?08:10
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: normally /usr/bin for user apps08:10
kooshahii. is there any gnome software to get google reader feeds?08:10
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: /usr/local might not be in your $PATH08:11
Dr_Williskoosha:  i think theres some google applets (gadgets?) that can do that. Not sure about other ways08:11
kooshaok thank you08:11
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, hmm, so if I'm trying to make something like FreeSwitch on a mythbuntu where my userid is the auto logged in user, then I shoul dbe ok with default location ?08:12
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: yep should be - in terminal type   $PATH   to check08:13
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games08:13
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: looks fine :]08:14
bryanwithywhy can I not join most of the channels on freenode?08:15
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: I make my apps in my home dir then install the deb08:15
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, thanks for the checkinstall tip, but I don't think you answered the initial question which is if I did a git clone to a subdir of my home, should I move the source to /usr/src before make etc08:15
Dr_Willisbryanwithy:  many required a 'registered' nick name08:15
Dr_Willis!register > bryanwithy08:16
ubottubryanwithy, please see my private message08:16
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: sorry - I make everything in my home dir - never use /usr/src08:17
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, cool thanks08:17
Aemaethoh wow, fspot didn't crash at 10,000 this time08:18
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, final question, I hope, when given steps like ,configure, make and make install, do I need sudo in those steps or after I have package ready08:19
macohipitihop: only make install needs sudo, and only if you didnt add --prefix=$HOME/local to your ./configure08:19
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: if it involves install you need sudo - no sudo needed for configure or make08:20
macohipitihop: thats because make install does the actual installation wherever the prefix is set to, and the default prefix is /usr/local/08:20
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, ok and 'make install' is still relevant even though checkinstall builds package ? (guess I should read the docs now, bugged you enough ;-)08:21
RookieStarhi, ppl08:21
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: instead of make install do   sudo checkinstall08:21
RookieStarnow i got a big problem08:21
RookieStari installed ubuntu 10.04, but cant get into desktop08:22
RookieStaronly something like tty1 the command lines08:22
RookieStarwhat can i do?08:22
RookieStarpls help, thanks08:22
RookieStari tried some setting in BIOS like turn on/off APIC/VIRUS, but no help08:23
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, indeed ... unfortunately failing in first step 'auto-apt run .configure' getting "E: Exec .configure failed, auto-apt failed"08:23
RookieStari googled and did some typing like startx or something, but no help 208:24
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: not knowing the app all I can suggest is to make sure you are in the right dir08:25
RookieStarwhat's wrong with the pc08:25
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RookieStarcom'on, folks, would u pls help me?08:25
Suit_Of_Sableshmm is there a way to manualy edit the colors gtk in xfce rather than just downloading and installing themes? I could do it in gnome. sorry  the xfce channel has been dead for hours08:26
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, I did 'git clone git://git.freeswitch.org/freeswitch.git' while in ~/git-source08:26
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: log into the tty and do   cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i ee   and see what is the issue08:26
RookieStarthanks, i will do that, a sec08:27
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: you'll have to check with the apps website for a faq or readme08:28
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, so while in ~/git-source/freeswitch I did 'auto-apt run ./configure' ... http://www.voipkb.com/wiki/index.php/Install:Linux#Ubuntu08:29
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn: no such file or directory08:29
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: which ubuntu are you using/08:31
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn> 10.0408:32
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, any chance using auto-apt in a ssh session is causing a problem ?08:32
RookieStarnewly install08:32
RookieStarinstalled from hard disk08:32
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: you need to be one dir lower - cd freeswitch-1.0.608:33
bihari   /ns id 46002108:34
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: try   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:35
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, no such dir in teh git version .. subdirs are 'build, cmake_modules, conf, debian, src, etc08:35
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: try   find ./ -name configure08:36
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>i tried, but it cant find the file, should i get the internet connected first?08:36
dhiraji want my gnome desktop to automatically align the icons, is this possible..?08:36
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: yep :]08:36
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, ./src/mod/endpoints/mod_gsmopen/gsmlib/gsmlib-1.10-patched-12ubuntu1/configure08:37
alabdGood day all , what was the name of that software that could possible to schedule relaxation times when we are working with PC08:37
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn> so? :(08:37
rwwalabd: there's a setting that'll do it in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (I think; I'm not in GNOME right now). There's also the 'workrave' package, which does a similar thing.08:39
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>oh! i c, internet, ok08:40
dhirajanyone there to help me out..?08:40
alabdrww, thanks08:41
well_laid_lawnhipitihop:  the ./ part of ./configure means the current dir so there needs to be a configure file in the current dir08:41
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, there is a configure.in at the top level which has #                                               -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.08:42
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>i've got the internet on, and tried again "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", but it still cant find the package08:43
rwwsudo apt-get update08:44
dov@dhiraj:  it looks like gnome can't do it yet, but kde can.  Check this out:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49941&page=2 for a script that might work for you in gnome08:44
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: sorry but I've never used automake - the sites howto seems straightforward just have to adjust the dirs accordingly08:44
RookieStarok, i try that08:44
rwwubottu: tab08:45
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:45
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, yes seems so, just confused why the git based source seems to not correspond08:45
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>i think it cant get the internet cause it even cannot ping any site08:46
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: have youused autoconf to make the configure script as suggested from the file?08:46
dhiraj@dov: thank you for the thread...but it seems that the script is for XFCE08:47
dhirajnot for gnome08:47
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: sounds like lots have gone wrong with your install - did you do the cd check?08:47
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, no I have not08:48
occamsRZRWhoop whoop08:48
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>i installed it from hard disk08:48
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: I don't know how to use autoconf but it sounds like you need to run it08:48
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>when installing, i cut the internet wire off08:48
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: and that should get the needed configure script08:49
RookieStarshould i update AMD ATI thingy?08:50
dovdhiraj, sorry about that.  Maybe I'll take a crack at converting that script next weekend.  Have you checked to see if gnome-shell (gnome 3) will include that feature?  I think it's due to be released in a couple of weeks08:51
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, yes you are on teh right track, some minor errors when it ran.. unfortanelty now get following from 'auto-apt run ./configure' "cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in build/config "."/build/config"08:53
dovdhiraj, did you try #gnome?08:53
dhirajdov, sure i will check it, thanks for your help08:54
bullgard'detlef@no:~$ screen -x; There is no screen to be attached.' How can I re-attach screen?08:54
Dr_WillisIf theres no other screens running.. there is none to reattatch to...08:55
brontoeeebulldog, screen -r ?08:55
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: as i said I don't know the app - there is a readme with the source?08:55
Dr_Willisscreen has some list option to see what screesn exist08:55
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn>should i reinstall it? or i will be the same?08:55
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: I would do the cd check first08:55
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn> i dont have a cd of ubuntu08:56
bullgardbrontoeee: '~$ screen -r; There is no screen to be resumed.'08:56
well_laid_lawnRookieStar: it is an option on the cd's boot menu08:56
bullgardDr_Willis: Hm...08:56
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, no, but have been advised now to try 'autoreconf -fvi'08:57
well_laid_lawnscreen -ls   to see what's there08:57
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: luck ;']08:57
wqz2719bullgard: how did you detach screen before?08:57
hipitihopwell_laid_lawn, thanks... it is these sort of problems why so far I'm still shy about recommendations to isntall from source, invariably something like this comes up and I get stuck and bother people08:59
bullgardwqz2719: I did not. Some other influence.08:59
well_laid_lawnhipitihop: you not bothering anyone - i just don't know the app or it's build process... :]09:01
quesadaI'm using bare X (with xmonad) and I miss an option to make windows chrome dark. Is this possible (outside of gnome/kde's themes)?09:02
macoquesada: you can still set gtk themes in ~/.gtkrc i think09:03
quesadamaco: thanks, will check09:03
biharigcc is already insttaled om lucid?09:05
Kwpolskabihari: I think no.09:05
bazhangbihari, install build-essential09:06
bihariis GCC is already installed in lucid?09:06
wqz2719gcc is, but no header files09:06
RookieStar<well_laid_lawn: thanks, i'll be back!09:06
bihariwhat is build-essential ?09:06
bazhangbihari, install it09:06
RookieStarhave a good day, guys09:06
bazhang!b-e > bihari09:06
ubottubihari, please see my private message09:06
adityahey, having a very weird problem here - the cursor is following the mouse pointer like mad. It's driving me crazy. How can I stop that behavior?09:07
Igramuladitya, maybe the mouse button is stuck.09:07
xoverhow do I make the kernel run the current statup scripts in my runlevel09:10
adityaIgramul, nope. It doesn't happen right away. I type 3-4 characters and the cursor goes to the text area under the pointer or if the pointer is not on a text area then the cursor disappears09:10
xoverI have added some sysv script links and want to refresh without changing runlevels09:10
bazhang!upstart > xover09:10
ubottuxover, please see my private message09:10
A|pHAhow do i run net rpc tunneling09:10
xoverbazhang, I know how to do that09:11
xoverI am asking how do I get the kernel to reread the runlevels script links09:11
xoveri tried telinit 2 and nothing happens09:11
dovaditya: maybe there's an accessibility setting you changed recently?09:11
adityadov, nope. It's a fresh install.09:12
A|pHAmapunixgroup root chmod ?09:12
lenzhere is ubuntu studio users?09:12
dovaditya: is it on a laptop or using something like bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo or extra peripherals?09:12
adityanothing else09:13
A|pHADonde esta la backtrack 133t ?09:13
bazhanglenz, #ubuntustudio09:13
bazhangA|pHA, #backtrack-linux09:13
A|pHAno slack09:13
A|pHAsi senior09:13
biharigcc gross_salary -o gross_salary.c << i am trying to compile my programe but it having some problem09:13
dovaditya: basically, the focus always follows the mouse, right?09:14
adityanot for windows09:14
dovaditya: what os and window manager?09:14
adityajust for text09:14
dovaditya: and app?09:14
adityaUbuntu 10.04 gnome09:14
adityaall apps09:14
wqz2719bindi: wrong syntax. try: gcc -o gross_salary gross_salary.c09:14
wqz2719bihari: wrong syntax. try: gcc -o gross_salary gross_salary.c09:14
* bindi is scared09:14
dovaditya: so if you open a terminal, you get the same thing?09:14
wqz2719bindi: sorry, wrong tab completion09:15
adityano cause there is only one text area in terminal09:15
dovaditya: i want to try to reproduce your problem.  give me an app to try on09:15
adityadov, like now in xchat if I leave the cursor over the list of channels while I am typing - the channel changes all of a sudden09:15
dovaditya: ok, let me try something09:16
adityadov, okay, another situation, I am typing password for GMail and the cursor suddenly disappears from the password box because pointer is not inside the box09:16
airtonixaditya, if its a wireless mouse you might like to try usign a wired mouse.09:17
adityadov, while I am chatting with 3-4 people on GMail and if the pointer is in the window of 1st contact while I am chatting with the 2/3/4th person then cursor suddenly jumps to 1st window09:17
adityait is the touchpad09:17
biharihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/478275/ look i got the same problem09:17
adityaof the laptop09:17
airtonixaditya, is it a synaptics or a alpa touchpad ?09:17
dovaditya: i understand.09:17
biharihttp://codepad.org/ipZlCncf and this is my programme09:18
adityaairtonix, synaptics09:18
dovaditya: have you tried lowering the sensitivity settings for tapping the touchingpad?09:18
bazhangA|pHA, backtrack is not supported here09:18
adityadov, how? gsynaptics is not working09:18
dovaditya: i use mouse preferences09:19
adityasystem -> preferences -> mouse?09:19
adityathere is no such thing as the tap sensitivity09:20
dovaditya: i have a toshiba satellite that responds to that dialog09:20
dovi used the dbl click09:20
bihari look i have a programe http://codepad.org/ipZlCncf but i got an error  http://paste.ubuntu.com/478275/   can any one help me09:20
A|pHA*--***  ****--  **09:20
adityadov, what?09:20
bazhangA|pHA, stop that09:20
dovaditya: there's a tab for touchpad09:21
dovaditya: enable mouse clicks with touchpad09:21
adityadov, cannot find it :(09:21
wqz2719bihari: the source from http://codepad.org/ipZlCncf compiles fine here09:21
dovaditya: i'm running gnome 2.30.209:22
dovaditya: System->Prefs->Mouse09:22
dovaditya: Touchpad Tab09:23
adityadov., there is no touchpad tab09:23
bihariwqz2719,  yes but not on GCC09:23
adityaand I get this error GSynaptics couldn't initialize.09:23
adityaYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics09:23
wqz2719bihari: i have gcc09:23
dovaditya: one sec.  I'll find a screenshot for you09:24
dovaditya: i'm not using xorg.conf09:24
dovaditya: it's autoconfigured in 10.0409:24
dovaditya: ok.  I found one for you.  Sorry about the length of the url09:25
abhijit!paste > dov09:25
ubottudov, please see my private message09:25
Dr_Willisheh. a url across 2 lines.. not going to work vbery well.09:25
dovubottu: ok.  tx09:26
rwwdov, aditya: Try http://www.thinkwiki.org/images/e/e0/Screenshot-Mouse_Preferences.png ;P09:26
rwwall that other stuff is silliness added by Google Image Search09:27
adityarww, dov, there is no touchpad tab in my mouse properties09:27
airtonixaditya, if there is no touchpad tab it means you dont have a synaptics touchpad09:27
bullgard'~$ screen -list; No Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-detlef.' How to fix this?09:27
adityathen what is it :-|09:27
dovrww: thanks09:27
airtonixaditya, most likely the same as mine... (not fully supported by ubuntu yet)09:28
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adityaairtonix, argh... I can't even install Arch on this09:29
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airtonixaditya, what kind of laptop is it ?09:34
adityaMSI s600009:35
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airtonixaditya, what does it say when you run : syndaemon -d -t09:38
adityaairtonix, unable to find synaptics device09:43
geri2hi what is causing this problem? http://www.upload-pictures.de/bild.php/805,xtermproblemVGQQ1.png09:43
Thiago_MGolá bom dia09:45
Thiago_MGalgum brasileiro aeee09:46
sacarlsongeri2: sounds like you don't have a running xserver.  are you running just a server without graphics?  no gui stuf?09:46
Thiago_MGto precisando de ajuda09:46
Thiago_MGDAGLEES pode me ajudar09:46
geri2sacarlson, if xterm is opening a gui window...a xserver should run in the background?09:46
kanguhow can I install gimp under ubuntu ?09:47
sacarlsongeri2: you lost me there.  are you running from ubuntu-desktop  or just a server headless?09:47
vdvhi all09:48
vdvis there any live dvd with ubuntu?09:48
Thiago_MGbom dia a todos09:48
rwwubottu: br | Thiago_MG09:48
ubottuThiago_MG: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:48
geri2from ubuntu desktop i entered alt + f2 ... there i entered xterm...a gui window opened then i run this command as you see in the paste...09:48
geri2gui terminal09:48
geri2sacarlson, do you understand?09:50
sacarlsongeri2: not sure then.  I don't expect your display is something other than :0.0 that's default and you should have privliges as root.  maybe run it as a user?09:51
geri2sacarlson, the display error is gone now09:53
sacarlsongeri2: don't suppose it would run better in gnome-terminal?  I don't use thta alt-f2 thing and I don't run java stuf09:53
geri2i am on kde09:54
geri2just run from the default terminal09:54
sacarlsonoh ok09:54
geri2sacarlson, it worked;)09:55
fancybitthere are many .d files, what's the generally usage of them?09:55
sacarlsongeri2: why?09:55
geri2i run the command from the defaukt terminal09:56
geri2as a user09:56
sacarlsongeri2: how good guess on my part total luck09:56
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Guest78691can anyone help me update my apt-get sources?10:01
Calinouyou mean in a terminal : sudo apt-get update ?10:02
Calinouyou mean that?10:02
Guest78691yeah, i've gone to /etc/apt/sources.list10:02
Calinousudo apt-get update10:02
Guest78691and run apt-get update10:02
Kwpolskaand just "apt sources".10:02
Guest78691and it throws me a bunch of 404 errosr10:02
Calinouyea, and?10:02
Guest78691but i don't know what to put inside the sources file10:02
Guest78691guessing the files aren't on the sources?10:02
KwpolskaGuest78691: are you connected to the internet properly or is the mirrors correct?10:02
Calinouavoid modifing sources.list if you're not experimented10:03
Guest78691i thik theres a problem with the mirrors10:03
Guest78691its connected to the net10:03
Guest78691Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]10:04
Guest78691thats why i get after running update10:04
* Calinou hides10:04
rwwGuest78691: are you running Gutsy?10:04
Guest78691the servers been running for three years, so i'm sure somethings out of date10:05
rwwGuest78691: You shouldn't be, its repositories haven't gotten security updates since April, 2009. It's also not supported here.10:05
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rwwubottu: eol10:05
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:05
wqz2719gutsy is not supported anymore10:05
Guest78691ah right10:06
Guest78691so is there something i can run to upgrade everything to the latest version10:06
rwwGuest78691: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Gutsy10:06
nobarkingi'm noticing an issue with Firefox's file save dialog after a KDE SC 4.5 upgrade in Kubuntu, is there a fix for this?10:07
Guest78691ah thanks10:07
Guest78691although, if I run that, it looks like it'll reboot and log me out10:07
Guest78691and unless it all works well and runs sshd again, i'm locked out?10:08
c3lnobarking: go to firefox settings and tick the box to always ask where to save files10:08
nobarkingc3l: i think it has to do with the Qt file dialog tweak Kubuntu does out of the box...10:09
rwwGuest78691: assuming that you don't have local console access, correct. I personally wouldn't recommend doing a release upgrade over ssh.10:09
Guest78691that sounds sensible10:09
Guest78691well thanks for the help everyone10:09
c3lGuest78691: I wouldnt relie on it, but normally yes. but issues an occure when doing release upgrades. I suggest being physically present when you update10:10
Guest78691i might go in one day and just wipe everything and put the latest dist on there10:10
Guest78691is there a good guide on setting up a webserver with ftp? i did it all manually last time and it was slightly annoying. surely there must be an ubuntu guide with the best way of doing everything (LAMP + FTP)10:11
rwwubottu: lamp10:11
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:11
rwwI don't know about the FTP side of things. I use SFTP instead.10:11
Guest78691i did use that initially, but found it really slow10:12
c3lGuest78691: thats what id do :)10:12
Guest78691although I got into a whole lot of trouble from using unsecured ftp in cambodia (fail) so would be keen to give sftp another go10:12
Gangrelanyone knows how to find and install drivers for my wireless pci card? LevelOne WNC-30110:12
c3lfor transfering files ssh is ideal, only use ftp if theres no other solution, ftp is insecur too10:12
ServerTechhow can i change the SUDO pass10:13
Guest78691how would you transfer files using ssh from the local host10:13
c3lServerTech: sudo uses your users password10:13
wqz2719c3l: and ftp is very ugly protocol. (control connection + data connection)10:13
ServerTechhmm c3l changind the user pass will also change the sudo pass?10:14
c3lGuest78691: whats the destination10:14
Guest78691ftp has all these draw backs, but it's supported by so many apps10:14
rwwServerTech: there's no such thing as a "sudo pass". sudo asks for your user password.10:14
Guest78691destination is from my mac to the server10:14
c3lServerTech: yes, sudo password will allways be the same as the userpassword10:14
Guest78691uploading code, images, etc10:14
wqz2719Guest78691: unfortunately, yes10:14
c3lServerTech: rww said it better =)10:14
brontoeeeGuest78691, ssh server on linux + either free filezilla on mac or transmit which supposedly can mount ssh locations natively10:15
c3lscp /local/mac/file user@server.com:/remote/path  ?10:15
Kwpolskac3l: what?10:16
Guest78691ah true, it can. i love how it can mount the destination as well10:16
c3lKwpolska: cant he just use scp?10:17
Guest78691c3l: that wouldn't work as the command would be fun on the remote machine, it doesn't have access to the local files10:17
Kwpolskac3l: he can.10:17
c3lyes he can scp user@remote.com:/path/file /local/path10:17
Kwpolskabut I am actually not sure if he can mount it somewhere by scp10:17
c3las long as the ssh server is running at remote10:18
c3lKwpolska: do you need to mount it?10:18
c3lthen use sshfs10:18
c3lit might be easier if you got many files10:18
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=== Igramul_verified is now known as Igramul
Guest78691it's easier because you can do anything like save photoshop files directly the site, open all the code in an editor and edit live etc10:19
Kwpolskac3l: I am not asking any question to you, I don't care. I'm using nautilus and filezilla for it10:19
wqz2719sshfs rocks10:19
c3lbut you could just alias the long ugly scp command and make it shorter and faster to use. but sshfs is great10:19
Gatesshfs is fantastic10:20
c3lwhats with the attitude? this is a public support channel, and I did give you a solution, several actually10:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:21
ghufranhi. can someone help me with pitivi? i rendered a file but there is no video in it.. just audio.10:21
Dr_Willisghufran:  you sure its not your player that dosent have the proper codec/setup for teh video file?10:21
ghufranDr_Willis, i exported it to output.avi and used vlc.10:22
A|pHAHow do you exchange keys setting up wireless VPNs w/ RSA3 +MD6 ?10:22
gimpy283I installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 then loaded the ubuntu-desktop package.  This works but not to my TV.  I have installed the proprietary nvidia drivers, lowered my resolution, adjusted other settings such as sync, but every time it boots, as soon as it gets to where the desktop should come up, my TV stops displaying it.  Any ideas?10:22
Dr_Willisghufran:  see what teh file, or ffprobe command say about the file. and run vlc from a terminal and see if it mentions any video codecs.10:22
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  Use the nvidia settings tool and enable the tv out. Ive had nvidia cards int eh past that default to the TV (svideo) out  when they boot up. BUT once the nvidia drivers startup the tv turns off. Unless its configured tobe the default device10:23
c3lgimpy283: are you connected with hdmi?10:24
ghufranDr_Willis, tried command prompt. i dont see anything ..10:24
A|pHARSA3 + MD6 key exchange ?10:25
A|pHAsorry, for wireless VPNs10:25
fanzhenhey, using wubi.exe to install ubuntu. it always download online, but how to using my own intall file??10:25
ghufranDr_Willis, this is what i get with ffprobe: http://pastie.org/109337210:26
Dr_Willisghufran:  the ffprobe command is a tool ive recently learned about that can give some good info on various video files also.  :) lets see what it sayz10:26
fanzhenhave put install file in the same directory with wubi10:26
fanzhenbut it didnt work10:26
brontoeeeDr_Willis, ghufran it says that ffmpeg  doesnt have a clue what video is10:27
Dr_Willisghufran:  it does seem the avi is either curruptd.. or  a odd codec... that is interesting10:27
ghufranDr_Willis, it says unsupported codec. i wonder which codec it is talking about..10:27
Dr_Willisat least now its pointing to an issue with the  pitivi tool.10:27
brontoeeeghufran, try mediainfo10:27
ghufranbrontoeee, i have ffmpeg and i can encode/decode just fine using the commandline. what is mediainfo?10:28
fanzhenhey, using wubi.exe to install ubuntu. it always download online, but how to using my own intall file?? have put install file in the same directory with wubi.but it didnt work10:28
brontoeeeghufran, google it10:28
ghufranbrontoeee, ok!10:28
VaranI'm using the java lib joal  and i have installed openal lib in ubuntu but joal doesn't the detect the libopenal.so.1 ubuntu has in it's lib dir ... should ubuntu not also make a symlink to libopenal.so for the current version?10:29
gimpy283Dr_Willis: There is not TV out option in Nvidia's control app.  It does see that a TV is connected, but nothing for "TV out mode" or anything similar.10:30
gimpy283c3l: Nope, s-video.10:31
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  i set up my TV same as I would 2 monitors..10:32
Dr_Willisclick on the TV display, activate it.. it starts working10:32
brontoeeeghufran, its imho the best tool to get info about movie files10:33
linux_help needed, gps bluetooth does not connect, config fails10:33
ghufranbrontoeee, yes. trying to install it.. its not in apt i think10:33
brontoeeeghufran, this i think https://launchpad.net/~shiki/+archive/mediainfo10:34
brontoeeeghufran, also gui is to be desired, but cli version rocks10:35
mwdWhere can I see, if the nouveau driver or the standard vesa driver is active?10:35
gimpy283Dr_Willis: You live in a world were things work as they should?  Never heard of such a place.10:36
c3lgimpy283: I dont know about svideo, but it could maybe cause trouble with some drivers as hdmi, if you can, try plugging in your tv with a normal vga cable and see if that works10:37
ghufranbrontoeee, oh i fixed it. stupid mistake. i hadnt changed the container to avi while rendering the video10:37
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mwdWhere can I see, if the nouveau driver or the standard vesa driver is active?10:40
bullgardGedit does not find '[$$:$$] ' in a text. How to express »a single charcter« in Gedit > Search for:?10:40
gimpy283c3l: TV doesn't VGA, hence the use of s-video.10:41
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  ive used svideo out for ages with my nvidia systems. rarely had an issue.10:43
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  whats your video chipset anyway?10:43
brontoeeeghufran, cool10:44
mwdWhere can I see, if the nouveau driver or the standard vesa driver is active?10:45
erUSULmwd: /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:46
daycapcan someone please help me Im very new to ubuntu and am having problems with some programs that I run seem to be in a strange font and I don't know how to fix this10:46
gimpy283Dr_Willis: GeForce 9....something.  this is to replace an older system I was using as a media center which also ran Ubuntu and had a nvidia card.10:47
mwd@erUSUL: Thanx, I know the log, but I want to check the active driver with a script. Is there a command which shows me the active graphics driver?10:48
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  well in the past ive had Nvidia cards default to using the Svideo out If a tv was hooked up. Ive evern isntalled ubuntu that way. But when i installed the nvidia drivers. I had to  be sure to have a Moniotor hooked up. or use the command line tools to enable the TV out.10:48
erUSULdaycap: what programs ?10:49
erUSULdaycap: check System>Preferences>Appearance||Fonts10:49
daycapsome of the programs that I run seem to be in a strange font10:49
btarikhow can i set up a panel per desktop which shows only the windows that are opened in the current desktop view10:49
gimpy283Dr_Willis: If s-video is plugged in this card will nto show anything on VGA, not even POST.  With VGA and s0video plugged in it will not show anything via s-video, not even POST but will see that something is attached via s-video when I go into the settings manager.10:50
erUSULbtarik: change the properties of the windows list applet10:50
rajeevHow to start archive manager in ubuntu?10:50
erUSULrajeev: alt + f2 - file-roller10:51
rajeeverUSUL: thx10:51
daycapthey all seem to be set to something I can read but I just ran office and all the menus are in a strange font10:52
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  so it defaults to svideo if scideo is the only think hooked up. You should be able to confiogure it after you get the monitor setup  to use the tv out with the nvidia-settings tool.10:53
Dr_Willisi dont even have a Svideo TV here any more to test/makeup an xorg.conf for an example :()10:53
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gimpy283Dr_Willis: You mentioned tv out before, but there is nothing named TV out.  It sees that aTV is connected but all the settings are the same as they would be for a monitor.  There is nothing that says "use tv out" or anything similar.10:55
iversbah, my computer is just putting everything in cached with the psysical memory and uses no swap. what to do ?10:56
bullgardGedit does not find '[$$:$$] ' in a text. How to express »a single character« in Gedit > Search for:?10:56
Dr_Willisgimpy283:  its using the tv output - you DO configure it the same as you basically would a monitor.10:57
Dr_Willisif its showing the tv. you should be able to click on it and tell it to use twinview, or clone the displays,  or whatever and hit apply and it should turn on the tv.10:58
rwwivers: umm, that's intended behavior...10:58
iversrww: sure, but I googled it and found a article about what the system uses with the free memory10:59
iverswhat the system use the free memory FOR10:59
iversthats more correct10:59
jos001how to install Ibus11:00
rwwivers: I'm not sure what you mean. If it's free memory, it's by definition not being used.11:00
iversrww: uses free memory for cpu caching ?11:00
jos001what are the commands of installation software in a terminal box11:00
rwwivers: CPU caches have nothing to do with RAM, they're implemented within the CPU itself.11:01
iversjos001: sudo apt-get install ibus11:01
bullgardjos001: apt-get install11:01
jos001but now I dont have apt11:01
iversrww: and still it does use Physical Memory for it11:01
jos001can;t find it...it has not been installed11:02
Dr_Willisjos001:  you dont have the 'apt-get' command ?11:02
Dr_Willis!info ibus11:02
ubottuibus (source: ibus): New input method framework using dbus. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 454 kB, installed size 4008 kB11:02
bullgard!prefix | jos00111:02
ubottujos001: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:02
Dr_Willisjos001:  yes you do? yes you dont?11:02
rwwivers: I have no idea what you're talking about.11:03
iversrww: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/07/memory-swap-management/11:03
Dr_WillisNo factoid for that one. :()11:03
iversDr_Willis: fail :>11:03
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html11:04
rwwivers: that article is written imprecisely. "CPU cache" and "free memory" both mean something other than how it uses them.11:05
jos001sudo: apt: command not found11:05
rwwjos001: it's apt-get, not apt11:05
Dr_Willisjos001:  the command is 'apt-get' not 'apt'11:05
iversYeah rww. I might have some problems expressing my self.11:05
Dr_Willis!apt | jos00111:05
ubottujos001: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)11:05
jos001Thank u very much11:06
Dr_Willis!manual | jos00111:06
ubottujos001: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:06
rwwivers: however, the point of it appears to be that Linux uses memory for caching and releases that memory if another program needs it, which is correct. However, your original question mentioned swap. The swap isn't generally used for caching because it's slow, and caching data from the hard disk on the hard disk is rather pointless.11:07
rwwhence, as I said, caching in memory and not caching in swap are intended behavior.11:07
iversrww: yeah I dont get it why they use swap. As my laptop, I don't have swap since its 6 gb memory11:08
appi_uppiHi, ubuntu performance has slow down. How do i troubleshoot it to fix?11:08
jos001sorry i made mistake,the command should be apt-get install package or apt   -get   install package11:09
jos001not the latter one11:09
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rwwivers: because it gives you more breathing room if you run out of physical memory before the kernel starts killing off processes11:09
rwwivers: but yes, if you have 6GB of memory, this situation is not likely to happen.11:10
jos001now it works ,apt-get install ibus11:10
iversrww: its just lost drive space11:10
rwwivers: oh, you also need a swap partition for hibernation to work11:10
rwwbut if you don't care about either of those things, feel free to not make one.11:10
iversrww: you don't need it if you write memory to a temp file11:11
gimpy283Dr_Willis: I just copied a known working xorg.conf from the previous ubuntu+nvidia+svideo box to this one and it STILL fails.11:11
nwahallo ppls11:11
sacarlsonappi_uppi: you can try the command top,  it will show what is using your cpu and memory.  my guess is it's compiz  if you have that active.11:12
bihari i have a problem when i am runing this programe http://codepad.org/f9mGJxWJ  in my gcc i got a error purchase.c: In function ‘main’:purchase.c:15: warning: too few arguments for format11:12
nwai need support need to play youtube video in side the totem player11:12
appi_uppisacarlson, sure will run the command now11:13
nwabut i got err mess like this one "Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.11:13
rwwbihari: You used %c in the first argument to printf, so it needs a second argument saying which variable you want to be used there.11:13
Hadyhi is anyone here? i'm in a huge panic :S11:13
dabukalamI just installed tweetdeck, but it broke my software index. Now aptitude wants me to apt-get -f install, which will remove tweetdeck. I don't want to remove tweetdeck. How can I repair the index without uninstalling TD?11:14
dabukalam!ask | Hady11:14
ubottuHady: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:14
Hadyi need to ask something about ubuntu netbook remix11:14
iversask your question Hady11:14
fi3ei2nwa: right click to file and check permission tab11:14
HadyI am having loads of trouble with the wifi on Ubuntu Netbook Remix, i have set up my wifi settings correctly.  But it won't connect11:15
iversHady: do you have a broadcom chipset ?11:15
fi3ei2nwa: and check "others access"11:15
Hadyno, i don't know what that it.  but i have wifi built in to my netbook11:15
iversHady: many netbooks comes with broadcom chipsets that need 3rd party firmware11:16
nwaFi3ei2 right click on video inside the totem ?11:16
bullgardGedit does not find '[$$:$$] ' in a text. How to express »a single character« in Gedit > Search for:?11:16
iversHady: do a lspci and check11:16
dabukalamHady: Can you see a list of wireless networks?11:16
nwaFi3ei2 how do i check sorry i now to this :)11:16
Hadyin the network manager?11:16
fi3ei2nwa: no, you have download file from youtube, and trying to open this, rihgt?11:16
fi3ei2nwa: right?*11:16
nwai need to play video online from youtube11:17
Hadyi dont have a list of wireless networks11:17
nwalike minitube you now11:17
appi_uppisacarlson, it is chrome with 59% of CPU utilization11:17
Hadyit just says "Wireless Networks disconnected"11:17
dabukalamHady: Open terminal and type "lspci | grep broadcom" withouth the quotes11:17
iversthx dabukalam11:18
Dr_Willisbulldog:  You are looking for the exact pattern [$$:$$]' ? or what exactly?11:18
fi3ei2nwa: i dont know to use totem but try this, type "sudo totem" to terminal11:18
fi3ei2and type your password11:18
fi3ei2and try to connect youtube videos again11:18
bazhangfi3ei2, you dont use sudo with totem11:18
Dr_Willisrunning totem as root.. is a scary idea.11:18
nwadude i m on the ubuntu no need to sudo shit :)11:19
fi3ei2really? im just using it -.-11:19
bazhangnwa, watch the language11:19
nwaMy bad11:19
Hadyhold on, ignore this thing; 1 l11:19
iversrunning totem at all is scary11:19
Dr_WillisFor a GUI app one would use gksudo not sudo for staters...11:19
nwai talk that way in real life :(11:19
bazhangnwa, dl the youtube video, right click open with whatever player11:19
dabukalamHady: if you have a british keyboard, the | is usually above the \11:20
Dr_WillisTheres firefox extensions that can download and convert  youtube videos to other formats as well11:20
Hadyi type in lspci | greb broadcom and nothing comes up11:20
bazhangvideo download helper is one such example11:20
dabukalamgreb or grep?11:21
sacarlsonappi_uppi: maybe try firefox, don't recall chrome make me run slow.11:21
dabukalamtry grep :)11:21
iversHady: so a "sudo lspci" and paste the output here -> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com11:21
nwaBazhang i dont have the youtube video download .... i need the totem to play youtube like minitube you now11:21
deoxxalol @ greb11:21
iversyeah.. what is greb11:22
bazhangnwa, doubt it can11:22
appi_uppisacarlson, Sure, will do that..11:22
bazhangnwa, try miro for that instead11:22
Hadyi type sudo lspci and it says password for hady11:22
iverstype in your password, Hady11:23
bazhangHady, no need for sudo with that11:23
Hadyit won't let me type now :S11:23
fi3ei2nwa: miro or minitube, you have to install suitable codecs for totem11:23
bazhangHady, it does, but does not show it11:23
fi3ei2i recommended miro11:23
nwai now11:23
Hadyit has loads of usb devices and stuff11:23
bazhangHady, but not needed with lspci11:23
iversHady: paste output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com11:24
bazhangno that's lsusb11:24
Hadyi cant i'm typing this on my pc, the linux is on my netbook11:24
Hadyshould i type it?11:24
nwabut in side the totem it say youtube how come it not playing the youtube ..you now11:24
vertigo_ZTвсем привет, будите помагать новеньким?)11:25
bazhang!ru | vertigo_ZT11:25
ubottuvertigo_ZT: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:25
kevinSJWhat PDF reader comes with Ubuntu 10.04?11:25
tensorpuddingkevinSJ: evince11:25
bazhangdocument reader aka evince11:25
Hadyis ivers still there?11:25
Dr_WillisI find evince faster then adobe's pdf reader11:26
iversHady: yeah11:26
iversHady: do you see a line containing Broadcom ?11:26
tensorpuddingevince isn't really at all like acrobat reader11:26
Hadyk, i was just saying, i cant copy paste because i'm chatting on my pc11:26
Hadyand my ubuntu is on my netbook11:26
iversYeah, I got that11:26
Hadyoh right11:26
nwaTotem is a was off time ........it promise A lot like youtube but now working11:26
Dr_Willisthis is when ssh and  putty come in handy  - to cut/paste to the remote pc :)11:26
Hadyi cant see a line saying broadcom11:26
bazhangnwa, which is why we recommended other things to use11:27
ivershady: What network interface do you have them11:27
kevinSJIs http://live.gnome.org down at the moment?11:27
Hadywhat do you mean network interface?11:27
Hadythis is all hardware controllers here, nothing about networks11:28
SlartkevinSJ: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/11:28
nwaBazhang ... i undertstand i did mange to making it work on time whit help off some one ...11:28
SlartkevinSJ: wonderful little service11:28
nwabut now donẗ member11:28
mirrormirrordoes anyone know if theres desktop mode in jolicloud11:28
Hadyi've tried typing lspci and sudo lspci and i just get hardware controllers11:29
Hadyno networks11:29
KE1HAkevinSJ, but it's down here too.11:29
nwai now it work´s... :=) totem is it open source ?11:30
KE1HAthat's a cool ap that :-)11:30
iversHady: do lspci | grep Ethernet11:30
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Hadyk, i get "Ethernet: controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co. , Ltd."11:31
iversHady: you don't have 2 there ?11:32
Hadywell, i do have a another part that says "Ethernet controller (rev 02)"11:32
Ashev1591Hai all11:33
UbuntuUserHi all11:34
UbuntuUseri am facing some problem with my mouse11:34
Ashev1591When i hibernate my ubuntu it can't in to Gui when i power off my computer11:34
abhijit!details | UbuntuUser11:34
ubottuUbuntuUser: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:34
UbuntuUserits not working11:34
Dr_Willisunplug/plug it back in perhaps ubuntuser?11:36
abhijitAshev1591, which version of ubuntu?11:36
UbuntuUserI am running the windows as well as ubuntu 10.04 LTS and i the mouse is not working on ubuntu but its working fine on windows11:37
abhijit!hardware | UbuntuUser11:37
ubottuUbuntuUser: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:37
UbuntuUserubottu: i am using the logitech mouse its three button my machine is P4 1.2GHZ11:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:38
Dr_Willisubuntuser:  and if you Unplug and Plug the mouse back in - does that 'wake it up'  and it starts workiong or not?11:39
Dr_Willisubuntuser:  this is a USB mouse? or a PS2 mouse?11:39
UbuntuUserubottu: i tried that lots of time but its not working11:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:39
bazhangUbuntuUser, ubottu is a bot11:39
Ashev1591Can any1 help me11:39
abhijitAshev1591, look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/49994011:40
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UbuntuUserI will check about the mouse11:40
=== [1] is now known as [L]
amal!gihappy birthday glitter11:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:40
bazhangamal, ?11:40
abhijit!mouse | UbuntuUser11:41
ubottuUbuntuUser: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:41
kyle_Hello people. In Music Player 10.4 I have imported a smb folder.  I now want to stop it looking at this folder.11:41
kyle_How do i stop it looking at this folder.11:41
amalfull version of call recorder for nokia 580011:41
amalfull version of call recorder for nokia 580011:41
Dr_Willisamal:  Huh?11:41
bazhangamal, this is not a file sharing network STOP11:41
iversbazhang: the internet is for porn :-)11:42
yeastwarsI distinctly remember being able to use my mouse wheel and drag windows around the workspace switcher in some previous gnome version. How can I turn this feature back on?11:42
bazhangivers, that is not appropriate nor acceptable for here11:42
bazhang!guidelines > ivers11:43
ubottuivers, please see my private message11:43
Dr_Willisyeastlord3:  its a compiz feature i belive.11:43
sourcemakerI have a problem with apache... I installed a SSL certificate and now... the browser responses the message sec_error_bad_signature... what's wrong?11:43
iversbazhang: damn, let down your guard, it was a joke11:43
yeastwarsDr_Willis: I've been looking through the convoluted compizconfig dialog for about ten minutes and have yet to find it11:43
Dr_Willisyeastlord3:  i belive its a setting of one of the application switchers, or somthing..   try the ccsm search box? :)11:44
bazhangivers, this is not a joke channel. nonsense in #ubuntu-offtopic11:44
yeastwarsDr_Willis: I found some posts mentioning it being in the viewport section, but I couldn't find the proper setting11:44
ZolI'm trying to use Samba to share a folder with my windows box on the local network11:44
iversbazhang: no, I guess you never got a speeding ticket either.11:44
Dr_Willisyeastwars:  theres also some plugins that are not installed by default any more.11:44
Dr_Willisyeastwars:  it may be in one of those11:44
Dr_WillisNot on a Linux box - so i cant check it out yeastwars11:45
ZolI can see my linux box in the network section on windows, but when I try to access it I'm asked for credentials. I haven't created any users and when I try to submit with my login & password that I use for ubuntu nothing happens.11:45
br14n4b4nksafternoon all11:45
kyle_Hello people. In Music Player 10.4 I have imported a smb folder.  I now want to stop it looking at this folder.11:45
Dr_WillisZol:  give your linux users a samba password via command like -->   'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'   perhaps. and set up a password for then11:45
br14n4b4nkswhen i boot my pc it sometimes hangs on kubuntu bootscreen11:45
br14n4b4nksi have to reset it a few times then it runs through to the dekstop11:46
Dr_WillisZol:  the users login password and samba password can be different. I always set them the same.11:46
br14n4b4nksany clue what this could be ??11:46
br14n4b4nksim on kubuntu 10.04 btw11:46
Dr_Willisbr14n4b4nks:  try the 'text' option  and watch for error messages in the text output next time it hangs perhaps.11:46
abhijitbr14n4b4nks, try in #kubuntu11:46
yeastwarsDr_Willis: oh, it was in "rotating cube"... obviously.11:46
ZolDr_Willis: thanks, will try that11:46
dreamtravelerHeya, i need some help with vlc 1.1.0. I have downloaded the .debs from tinyurl.com/26jtupb and also have downloaded the necessary versions for dependencies tinyurl.com/2ugqn4l and yet i get the "mp4v" error, have sound but no video.11:47
Dr_Willisyeastlord3:  yea. that sounds about right.11:47
br14n4b4nksDr_Willis, can i switch to text boot while booting ??11:47
kalamissing codecs11:47
Dr_Willisyeastwars:  or rotateing hexagon in my case.11:47
shuduoanyone has met problem "dpkg-gencontrol: error: package ... not in control" on compiling kernel under ubuntu?11:47
Dr_Willisbr14n4b4nks:  not that ive seen.11:47
abhijit!kernel | shuduo11:47
ubottushuduo: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages11:47
wildbatany tools to capture a video of the screen or window ?  i wanna make a tutorial video.11:47
Dr_Willis!medibuntu | kala11:47
ubottukala: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:47
abhijitwildbat, istanbul desktop video recorder11:47
bazhang!screencast | wildbat11:47
ubottuwildbat: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:47
wildbatthanks ~11:48
ZolAha! I got access to the computer now. But I seem to lack permissions to my shares. :/11:48
UbuntuUserubottu: i am not able to find wheather its USB or PS2 my miuse is of logitech it has three buttons it does not have the end terminal like a USB11:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:48
shuduoubottu: thanks. i'm a developer, need to compile myself11:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:48
ZolOh, now it works. :)11:48
kalahow to use USB devices with virtualbox?11:48
abhijit!bot | shuduo UbuntuUser11:48
ubottushuduo UbuntuUser: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins11:48
bazhangkala, vbox from where11:49
dabukalamI just installed tweetdeck, but it broke my software index. Now aptitude wants me to apt-get -f install, which will remove tweetdeck. How can I repair the index without uninstalling TD?11:49
Dr_Williskala:  you need the virutalbox version from the VBOX homepage. NOT the one from the repos.11:49
kalai downloaded from home page11:49
bazhangkala, installed from where11:49
Dr_Willisdabukalam:  i would fix it.. then reinstall TD.11:49
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | kala11:49
ubottukala: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:49
kalai cant get my USB devices work on "guest" cant select any11:50
bazhangkala, try in #vbox11:50
Dr_Williskala:  check teh vbox doc/manual also. You confiogure the usb gizxmos in the vbox settingz, then while the guest os is running you use a menu item/icon at buttom right to let it have controll of the device. I do recall needing some tweaks/fix's for some devices also.11:50
yeastwarsDr_Willis: wait no that was a global binding so now my mousewheel switches workspaces everywhere, *sigh*11:50
kalai see list of devices cant select any11:52
dabukalamDr_Willis: Everytime I install it it breaks the index again :/11:52
UbuntuUserHI can any one please help me, i am having a logitech three button mouse which is not working on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS i think my mouse is PS2 i am working on a p4 machine I installed ubuntu10.04LTS from windows11:53
abhijitUbuntuUser, http://www.google.co.in/#hl=en&&sa=X&ei=ZcdnTOnqCc6XcayOpZAF&ved=0CB4QBSgA&q=logitech+three+button+mouse+ubuntu+lucid&spell=1&fp=f74487e3e7b7a35511:56
Goliathhey what are the minimum ram requirements for ubuntu?11:57
bazhangabhijit, that's not very helpful; please try to select useful individual links11:57
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu11:57
bazhang!requirements > Goliath11:57
ubottuGoliath, please see my private message11:57
yeastwarsGoliath: it depends on what you're going to do with it11:57
yeastwarsDr_Willis: welp, disabling compiz fixed it if you can call that a fix11:58
abhijitbazhang, ok. i was confused too.11:58
Goliathyeastwars, i will do common things. i have 512mb sdram. is xubuntu a better choice?11:58
=== Esl is now known as GhstEsl
Dr_Willisyeastwars:  you are using the metacity 'feature' instead of the compiz stuff then :)11:59
yeastwarsDr_Willis: yes, it also comes with the magnificent 'feature' of forcing me to unmaximize a window before being allowed to resize it :)11:59
Goliathaccording to the site it appears xubuntu is better for this system12:01
bazhangGoliath, or lubuntu12:01
Goliathwhats that12:02
bazhangGoliath, lxde with openbox very lightweight12:03
jos001help me,I just download ibus-pinyin*.tar.gz ,but I dont know how to install it ,who can help me ,thanks ,it locates under /tmp/12:03
* Aiya greets12:03
* sriramoman greets everyone in here!12:03
bazhangjos001, install from repos not tar.gz12:03
jos001bazhang ,yes,but how to install from repos ,I am new12:04
kalaanyone can tell me where is "controls" of themes located at?12:04
AiyaHello all.Im now using ubuntu netbook edition.So How do I login into ssh (shell).What program should I use to login.Thanks.12:04
abhijitjos001, which version of ubuntu?12:04
* dreamtraveler geia12:04
tensorpuddingwonder how much effort it would be to make gwibber support tumblr12:04
jos001I don't know it not ubuntu is jolicloud for netbook ,it is ubuntu-based.12:04
bazhangjos001, open synaptic package manager and search for it12:05
kalaanyone can tell me where is "controls" of themes located at?12:05
abhijitjos001, see this: http://code.google.com/p/ibus/wiki/Ubuntu12:05
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side12:05
kalai mean more like push buttons12:05
Dr_Williskala:  in the theme selection dialogs. theres a advanced/customize button that lets you pick diffemt widgit sets12:07
sriramomanhi guys, i have a quad-core processor. i used taskset command on a heavy python process to set its affinity to all the cores, and set the nice value to -20. yet on top command, the CPU usage is exactly 100 / 4 = 25. how do i ensure all the cpus are used maximum priority for a process, instead of "load balancing" mathematically12:07
kaladr_willis: i know but I want to make custom onesd12:07
Dr_Williskala:  theres guides at the gnome-look and other theme sites I imagine on making yiour own. or take an existing theme and start looking at the files and edit them12:08
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erUSULsriramoman: the process may be not be smp/threaded so maybe it can only run in one cpu no matter what12:08
paketehello! Is there a solution for fixing stand by mode in 10.04. When the lid is closed, system hangs. Please help!12:09
sriramomanerUSUL: so thats why we need to strictly go for SMP software wherever possible, to take full advantage of multicores, is it?12:09
Dr_WillisYou could set the lid close action to be just  dim or turn off the display instead of hibernate/sleep/suspend.12:10
erUSULsriramoman: correct.12:10
erUSULsriramoman: not all tasks can be parallel though12:10
bullgardGedit does not find '[$$:$$] ' in a text. How to express the operator »a single character« in Gedit > Search for:?12:10
bullgardGedit does not find '[$$:$$] ' in a text. How to express the operator »any single character« in Gedit > Search for:?12:11
sriramomanerUSUL: yeah, thank u, fine:)12:11
paketeDr_Willis , but is the actual stand by mode. I dont need hibernation. Just regular stand by(sleep) mode. I set the action for the lid as "suspend", but system hangs, with ac power as well as on battery12:13
paketeis there* ?12:14
shkiperhow I can to delete the gnome?12:15
ibrahim-kasemwhich one is better ? upgrading 9.10 karmic to lucid 10.04 or installing a new fresh copy ?12:16
dabukalamEverytime I install Tweetdeck it breaks my software index. How can i fix the index without removing TD?12:16
B-r00tibrahim-kasem: fresh install12:16
kalafresh copy12:16
spyderi think upgrading is better but it waste of time12:17
ibrahim-kasemB-r00t, kala thnx guys12:17
abhijitibrahim-kasem, fresh copy12:19
ibrahim-kasemabhijit, thnx dude ;)12:20
abhijitibrahim-kasem, :)12:20
Killaklownhi guys12:20
KillaklownI have a dual booting question12:20
KwpolskaKillaklown: which is?12:20
Killaklownif I install winblows after ubuntu.... will it automatically create the windows boot on grub?12:21
abhijitwinblows? :-012:21
kalait will override ubuntu one12:21
abhijitKillaklown, if you install windows after ubuntu then you need to restore grub. windows will overwrite it12:21
Killaklownabhijit: ohh i see12:21
Killaklownabhijit: ok ok so just go thru normal install but just reinstall grub?12:22
kalahttp://internauta2000.deviantart.com/art/Ambiance-Refined-GnoMenu-Theme-174558758?q=sort%3Atime+gallery%3Ainternauta2000&qo=1         can anyone help me getting this to work12:22
toopGreetings Hello Can you help me please?12:22
abhijit!fixgrub | Killaklown yes12:22
ubottuKillaklown yes: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:22
toopGreetings Hello Can you help me please?12:22
abhijit!ask | toop12:22
ubottutoop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:22
toopok sorry12:22
Killaklownabhijit: thanks bro12:22
Killaklownabhijit: hugs12:22
Kwpolskathe ubottu answers shall be shorter.12:22
abhijitKillaklown, welcome.12:22
kalahttp://internauta2000.deviantart.com/art/Ambiance-Refined-GnoMenu-Theme-174558758?q=sort%3Atime+gallery%3Ainternauta2000&qo=1         can anyone help me getting this to work12:22
abhijitKwpolska, you can make suggestions about ubottu in #ubuntu-bots12:23
hubi123hello, I have a problem with sound. In 5.1, only the center speaker section and with noise. I have a asus Xonar DX. Ps. Sorry for my poor English.12:23
toopThe video has my laptop? what command to use12:23
abhijit!details | toop12:23
ubottutoop: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:23
Kwpolskakala: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/HOW+TO+INSTALL+%22GNOMENU%22?content=108571 check this out, plz12:23
toopabhijit: The video has my laptop? what command to use12:23
abhijittoop, i dont understood your question.12:23
biharican any one tell me whats the diffrence between this two programes code and why there  out put is diffrent  http://codepad.org/xgqavWhN   <> http://codepad.org/csirfB3f12:24
toopok wait i dont speak english12:24
Kwpolskabihari: diff can do so12:24
kalaKwpolska: thank you12:24
Kwpolskabihari: you forgot a comma12:24
Kwpolskabihari: but you shall ask #c-basic for that12:24
abhijittoop, which language you speak?12:24
Saevarbihari, ; behind if statement ending it...so the printf is ALWAYS, 'cause it's new command :P12:25
kutsushitahey guys whats up?12:25
abhijit!es | toop12:25
ubottutoop: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:25
toopI know how that video has my laptop use the shell command to find out if a 256 or 128 or more12:25
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe12:25
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية12:26
AiyaGreeting.Im planing to buy a desktop and install linux into it as primary OS.So I want to ask advise how many processor and RAM and other thing I need to consider before Im buying it and what brand desktop works best with linux.I will install ubuntu since its user friendly.I need it with good graphic card since i want to do cubic action all.Thanks12:26
abhijitinvestigate > ibrahim-kasem12:26
bihariSaevar,  so which one is true?12:26
Kwpolskaibrahim-kasem: just shut up with spamming the bot12:26
biharithis one12:26
Saevarbihari, first one is good... it will no printf :P12:26
Saevarbihari, yep12:27
abhijit!irc > ibrahim-kasem12:27
ubottuibrahim-kasem, please see my private message12:27
ibrahim-kasemKwpolska, thnx !!12:27
hubi123hello, I have a problem with sound. In 5.1, only the center speaker section and with noise. I have a asus Xonar DX. Ps. Sorry for my poor English.12:27
bihariYes acording to rule we dont use comma at the end of if else statment12:28
abhijitAiya, read the release notes.12:28
Kwpolskabihari: it would be better to use {}12:28
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
bihariOutput:No errors or program output. << it says12:28
hubi123hello, I have a problem with sound. In 5.1, only the center speaker section and with noise. I have a asus Xonar DX. Ps. Sorry for my poor English.12:30
abhijit!sound | hubi12312:30
ubottuhubi123: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:30
Sushiloverhi there, I'd like to have my "show desktop" shortcut work properly. Here's the problem: when I do the command for it, it shows my desktop, when I unminimize a window, then do the command again, it unminimizes all other windows, I then need to do the command again in order for it to hide them all again12:30
umeshHi all i am using a logitech three button mouse which is PS/2 and its not working with Ubuntu 10.04LTS can any one please help me in this12:31
ryrychhow can I install xorg from Karmic with *all* its dependencies?12:32
airtonixSushilover, show desktop is not the right word for that tool.. "toggle minimise/maximise state of all windows" is a better description12:32
airtonixSushilover, or : toggle iconified state of all windows.12:32
abhijit!xorg | ryrych12:32
ubotturyrych: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:32
ryrychunfortunately, it won't install them12:32
Sushiloverairtonix: yeah that's what I meant, anyways, I'll probably need to enter a custom command for it to work the way I want it to, but I can't find the right command.12:33
ePaxWhat is plugin-container?12:33
bullgardePax: A sub-program for Firefox.12:34
N3VV3Khey guys how do you burn a dmg file in ubuntu12:34
ePaxbulldog: Any idea what it does?12:34
airtonixSushilover, if you're referring to the gnome-panel widget that toggles window state... then im not sure you will find the command12:34
umeshany help with mouse please12:34
biharihttp://img829.imageshack.us/f/screen1l.png/ look guys i am confused i cant see the answer12:34
bullgardePax: It contains (houses) plugin-programs for Firefox.12:35
abhijit!mouse | umesh12:35
ranjanumesh, what happened to ur mouse?12:35
ubottuumesh: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:35
Sushiloverairtonix: no, the keyboard shortcut, but it does the same thing though12:35
ryrychabhijit: I *don't* have problems with resolution...12:35
ranjanHi all ..how to enable the fingerprint reader for login in laptops??12:35
umeshi recently installed the ubuntu and my logitech Ps/2 mouse is not working12:36
iwontbecreative!hardware | umesh12:36
ubottuumesh: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:36
airtonixSushilover, i suspect you would have to become familiar with what dbus is and how you would manipulate it12:36
abhijitranjan, http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/get-your-fingerprint-reader-to-work-in.html12:36
ranjanabhijit, thank you12:37
abhijitranjan, welcome.12:37
umeshIwontbecreative: i am using the Logitech mouse with my p4 intel Machine12:37
Sushiloverairtonix: I had no idea it would be that hard. For my custom shortcut to launch System Monitor all I did was enter the Name, Command, Shortcut, and done.12:37
airtonixSushilover, yes but metcity does not expose it's workings like that .. you also need to appreciate how gnome,gconf, metacity and dbus all communicate12:38
Sushiloveraight airtonix12:38
Sushiloverso it's not possible I guess12:39
airtonixit is12:39
Dr_Willisproberly possible.. but not trivial :)12:39
Sushilovercan you find the command?12:39
kloolussHi. I need help formatting an external HD. It is a 1TB drive but it came preformatted into a 10meg partition and 99.9gigs of empty space. I can't format the empty space!12:39
oom8ailklooluss: maybe you should wipe the first blocks of the disk and repartition it from scratch12:40
Dr_WillisSushilover:  there may be some other ways to do a 'miminize' all.  - but ive never looked into it. 'devilspie' might be able to handle it.12:40
kloolussoom8ail - how do I do that?12:40
Sushiloverok, thx, bbl12:40
kloolussI'm on Kamic 64bit btw12:41
Dr_Willisklooluss:  use gparted and repartition it how you want.  Its odd a exteranl USB hd would have a reserved partition12:41
oom8ailklooluss: if you do not need any data on the disk, use something like # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=512:41
Dr_Willisklooluss:  be sure that 10gb partition is unmounted also. many tools refuse to work on a mounted filesystem12:41
normaluserDr_Willis: nah many do to store backupapps and stuff like that12:41
oom8ailklooluss: then you may partition it with fdisk12:41
kloolussDr_Willis: It's designed for Windows & Macs, the small partition had some .exes and things on it. I think you're supposed to do it all from Windows.12:42
Dr_Willisgparted should let you delete it..12:42
lhavelundSo, I'm in a minor pickle. How can I, with the ftp program in Ubuntu, copy whole folders (including subfolders and dotfiles, etc.) across to a remote host?12:42
oom8ailklooluss: the command writes 5mb on top of the raw disk and will overwrite the existing partition table for good12:42
hariomHow to install latest updates from apache to Ubuntu 10.0412:42
Dr_Willislhavelund:  you mean the command line ftp?12:42
neil_dtrying to get my laptop playing dvds I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and run the /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh script... but I still can't play a dvd :(  anyone know why?12:42
lhavelundDr_Willis: Correct.12:42
airtonixhariom, define "latest updates"12:42
Dr_Willislhavelund:  theres some options to do it.. last i used that was years and years ago..  somthing to watch out for are permissions and ownerships getting lost. You may want to 'tar' the stuff first.12:43
Dr_Willislhavelund:  i cant recall the recursive 'put' option for ftp really.. I much perfer scp thesed ays12:43
hariomI guess the 10.04LTS comes with 2.2.14 Apache2 and current stable is 2.2.1612:44
lhavelundDr_Willis: I'm just trying to copy over an entire /home partition right now; I'm having to re-do my server. I'll gladly have to manually sort out permissions etc. later, but for now, this is all I have.12:44
lhavelundDr_Willis: And scp isn't an option :(12:44
Dr_Willishariom:  there may be a PPA with newer12:44
hariomairtonix: how to install security fix getting released in very few months.12:44
lhavelundDr_Willis: I believe it's "mput".12:44
Dr_Willislhavelund:  Id have to do some googling on it.. its been 10+ yrs :012:44
hariomDr_Willis: could you pls explain what is PPA?12:44
lhavelundDr_Willis: Sheesh.12:44
Dr_Willis!ppa | hariom12:44
ubottuhariom: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:44
airtonixhariom, you either  : 1. find an apt repository with the latest version packaged for you. or 2) you compile it yourself.12:44
Dr_Willislhavelund:  or use a gui to ftp :) if cli only 'mc' can do it...  been ages sicne i did that also12:45
lhavelundDr_Willis: I'm just going to check mc's docs; might be a good way to go about it. Thanks!12:45
Dr_Willislhavelund:  yea. i forget how to do ftp in mc also. :) Been too long.12:45
dagon666ppa:team-xbmc is down. I wanted to reinstall and now I ended up without it at all :D12:46
lhavelundDr_Willis: mc is pretty simple :)12:46
Dr_Willisyea. but how you enter the  ftp:// stuff - is what i dont rember12:46
hariomDr_Willis: so in reality it is not out of the box to get security updates for apache ? sudo apt-get update and then dist-upgrade is not helping12:46
lhavelundDr_Willis: ftp://user:pass@location, I suppose.12:46
Dr_Willishariom:  Security updates are   one thing.. jsut new versions are a nother.12:46
oalHmm, startup sound works, but nothing else, not vlc, not flash ... Any ideas what's wrong?12:47
rocket16Is it possible to use another package manager in Ubuntu? Like pacman or portage?12:47
Dr_Willishariom:  ubuntu follows that 6 Mo release schedule. it dosent normally 'update' packages between releases.12:47
molqrhello all ... is there an iso image for download that has ``a lot of packages" already ...i m aware of http://www.ubuntu-hr.org/ningi/ ... but i need 64 bit ubuntu ..12:47
Dr_Willisrocket16:  that would be..  prolematic i imagine.12:47
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iomolqr: "A lot of packages already?".12:48
Dr_Willismolqr:  lots of packages for what? I recall a project called 'ubuntu B-Side' ages ago that had a 2nd cd with many different apps as a companion to a nomral cd/install.12:48
winterweaverI installed docky, using the ricotz ppa, but this now causes conflicts with another app I require, which need a more standard python-gtk2-dev. I've removed the ppa, but the ricotz packages are still installed. can I savely remove them? and then reinstall? (libgtk) being the main one, without risk of damaging my system?12:48
lhavelundDr_Willis: wput will do it, apparently.12:48
Dr_Willislhavelund:  a kin to 'wget' ? :)12:49
lhavelundDr_Willis: Yup! :)12:49
lhavelundDr_Willis: Clever, eh? ;)12:49
molqrio well Dr_Willis's answer is what i had in mind12:49
Dr_Willislhavelund:  never used wput.12:49
lhavelundDr_Willis: Neither have I.12:49
Dr_Williswell i will BBL. Take care12:50
jpdsmolqr: http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/lucid/release/12:50
molqrthanks jpds i will check that out..12:50
kloolussI have tried gparted. Wiped the existing partitions, told it to create a small FAT partition and a big ext4 one. It doesn't work: "An error occurred while applying the operations" and then it doesn't give any more detail.12:51
ahmed_ i installed aprogramme  with command java but i want to remove it how can ido?12:52
normaluserklooluss: is  the disk mounted anywere?12:52
deeversetting up a openldap hdb database, i'm getting "additional info: olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: Permission denied" although the permissions are sufficient. Debug output doesn't tell me more neither. What's the problem here?12:52
kloolussOK, I just found the error details: "Partition map has no partition map entry!"12:53
jpdsmolqr: Well, that's the DVD ISO for lucid, which should hold of of the "main" repo.12:53
molqrthanks jpds that is precisely what i was looking for :) .. the basic install + some other... the main use of this is for a computer which does not have a good internet connection12:54
jpdsmolqr: You might want to check http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/lucid/release/ubuntu-10.04-dvd-amd64.list first.12:55
molqrjpds, yes that is a good idea..  to get a list of software first...12:56
kloolussOK, tried again, now it says "mac disk labels do not support extended partitions."12:56
neil_dtrying to get my laptop playing dvds I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and run the /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh script... but I still can't play a dvd :(  anyone know why?12:56
dri245first time after a reboot/start, when i get into a partition, i get a shortcut for it on my desktop. is there any way i can change this?12:56
gfdrhi everybody12:57
kloolussneil_d: Have you tried VLC? It plays just about anything, even when other media players don't work.12:57
neil_dklooluss: yes!   it doesn't do anything but resize its window a bit.12:58
winterweaverI installed docky, using the ricotz ppa, but this now causes conflicts with another app I require, which need a more standard python-gtk2-dev. I've removed the ppa, but the ricotz packages are still installed. can I savely remove them? and then reinstall? (libgtk) being the main one, without risk of damaging my system? I just want to replace his packages with the default packages12:58
FandekaspHow can I convert a video to the 3 following html5-compliant formats : ogg, mp4 and webm ? (I want to display something like that in my website : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/250402/) I've found HandBrake (but doesn't work now because of gnome), and Miro Video Converter (but not for linux). FFMpeg doesn't encode to these formats, and mencode encode only in mp4, but not in ogg or webm.13:01
FandekaspThank you for your help13:01
Hadycan anyone help me with installing a wifi driver?13:02
trijntje!patience | Hady13:03
ubottuHady: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:03
Hadyok, but do YOU know the answer?13:04
winterweaverubottu is a bot Hady :)13:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:05
trijntjeHady, there is probably someone who can help you, if you give some more details someone might help13:05
Hadyok, i'm trying to install a wifi driver because my internet doesn't work, does anyone know how?13:05
HadyIn ubuntu netbook remix13:05
deeversetting up a openldap hdb database, i'm getting "additional info: olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: Permission denied" although the permissions are sufficient. Debug output doesn't tell me more neither. What's the problem here?13:06
trijntjeHady, how are you trying to install that driver? via system -> administration -> hardware?13:06
kloolussOK, I think I got it. I had to click "device" and "create partition table" first. Then I was able to create an extended partition, and two partitions within that (one Fat32 and one Ext4)13:06
Hadyi was trying to install it through terminal?13:06
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks (again not a problem on older builds). All Linux volumes+swap are on13:06
trijntjeHady, please be more specific, what command did you use, where did you get the driver etc?13:07
Hadyi got the driver from launchpad.net and i was using the command "sudo -i <filename>"13:08
Hadyhold on13:08
adminewbdoes it occur to someone I may have better luck with another venue?13:09
readytoact음음.. 한글잘나옴13:11
tensorpudding!ko | readytoact13:11
ubottureadytoact: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko13:11
readytoactubottu:  -_-..13:11
slacker-Hi, I just installed the netbook iso but I can't figure out how to set up multiple workspaces. any suggestions?13:11
slacker-I can't seem to add anythying to the menubar13:12
jos001is here any Chinese User who use Jolicloud OS13:13
tensorpuddingthere are chinese channels13:13
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:13
jos001how to enter the channel13:14
tensorpuddingjos001: /join13:14
tensorpuddingso /join #ubuntu-cn, say13:14
tensorpuddingbut with no space in front of the /join13:14
adminewbslacker-, have you tried menu bar operations with other variations of ubuntu? i.e. not netbook remix13:14
adminewbjust curious13:15
slacker-adminewb: yes, i've done if for years13:15
adminewbslacker-, would this be gnome?13:16
slacker-mostly, yes13:16
adminewbwould there be special user docs for gnome on netbook?13:17
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MikeChelenhow can mplayer/mencoder be set to record from the correct microphone? /dev/dsp1 and /dev/audio1 are both using the wrong microphone, and no other options seem to work13:18
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babawhy is 64bit still not recomended?:13:19
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar13:20
slacker-adminewb: i've had a look around under 'help' is that what you mean? or google13:20
erUSULbaba: known and reported issue.13:20
karlowhat is the best msn messenger ?13:21
adminewbslacker-, my thought was the built in help system, but googling at ubuntu.com may be useful too13:21
erUSUL!best > karlo13:21
ubottukarlo, please see my private message13:21
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete13:21
babaerUSUL, ok, cuz i'm installing it in my virtualbox13:21
babato use as a server13:21
babaand you recommend 32bit13:21
karlook, ok, ok13:21
slacker-adminewb: the built in help system crashes for half the results the search comes up with13:22
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erUSULkarlo: amsn; emesene are also popular13:22
kloolussI have just formatted an external HD using gparted. I created a FAT32 partition and an ext partition. It seems I have no permissions over the ext4 one, I can't write anything to it! How do I change the permissions? Do I need some kind of sudo chmod command? Ubuntu Karmic 64bit.13:22
ubottuIf you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab13:23
adminewbslacker-, dreadful13:23
kloolusserUSUL: Thanks, but what does that mena? How do i fix it? It's an ext4 filesystem, that should support unix stuff, surely..?13:24
magicianlordklooluss: sudo chmod 777 <device name>13:24
magicianlordit will allow all to write to teh ext partitino13:24
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kloolussmagicianlord: Thanks. How do I find the devicename?13:25
erUSULklooluss: yes; you make folders inside the partition and give apropiate permissions to those folders ( to create them use « sudo mkdir /media/whatever/foldername » )13:25
slacker-hm, might have to use the gconftool cli13:25
magicianlordklooluss: connect the drive, then in terminal type 'mount' and look for the partition you created . it should be /dev/sdb2 or something13:25
jo0863(I hope my english is god enaugh) When I had switched to "CTRL+ALT+F4 (for Example) and want to go back to X with using "ALT+F7" my ubuntu 10.04 freeze (On screen is the TTY an the cursor isn't blinking any more, CAPS-LED doesn't switch) Only ALT+SysReq+K brings me back to login-Screen on F8. Its a ATI Radeon 9200 SE. Any ideas?13:26
MarkRichHello, I'm using the Gnome Search Tool on Utuntu 10.4 & so far doesn't seem to be able to search the contents of PDFs, Docs, or ODT files.  It does search for files with an extension of txt though.  Is there a way of doing this using Gnome Search?13:26
adminewbjo0863, sure you don't need CTRL+ALT+F7 to get your desktop again?13:27
alien__hi , i am having trouble burning dvd images in ubuntu 10.04 ..tried k3b and brasero ..please advise13:27
slacker-adminewb: alright, that worked13:28
dri245question: first time after a reboot/start, when i get into a partition, i get a shortcut for it on my desktop. is there any way i can change this?13:28
jo0863adminewb: CTRL+ALT+F7 also does not work.13:28
adminewbsame misbehavior then i suppose13:28
slacker-now I have to find out how to add the workspace switcher app to the menu...13:28
Slartdri245: you mean remove the shortcut? sure.. open a terminal and run "gconf-editor" then click on Apps, nautilus, desktop .. there are now options on the right side for lots of desktop related things.. changes should take effect immediately when you change them, no ok button to press etc13:29
MarkRichDoes anyone know if the Gnome Search Tool on Ubuntu 10.4 will search the contents of ODT, doc, or PDF files?13:29
erUSULdri245: you do not want the partitions to show up in the desktop ?13:29
dri245trying now, Slart .13:29
dri245erUSUL,  yeah, when i go into a partition from the "Places" menu, i don't want them to show on my desktop after.13:30
erUSULdri245: well Slart guessed right and beat me to it ;P is the show volumes thing13:30
adminewbslacker-, so your original trouble with gnome on netbook is resolved?13:30
randyrkellyhow i update the kernel?/13:30
slacker-adminewb: one part is, yes13:31
MarkRichHello everyone, will the Gnome Search Tool search the contents of doc, PDF, & ODT files?13:31
yeastwarsis the indicator applet supposed to be in sync with evolution's status? I have one new email in one of my accounts, yet the envelope thing in the system tray still says 013:32
randyrkellyhello and goodmornig13:32
dri245successful operation, thanks Slart  and erUSUL  :)13:32
Slartdri245: you're welcome13:32
slacker-adminewb: I just can't get to the panel context menu. I always end up in one of the applet's ones13:32
randyrkellycan someone please assist me?13:32
deeversetting up a openldap hdb database, i'm getting "additional info: olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: Permission denied" although the permissions are sufficient. Debug output doesn't tell me more neither. What's the problem here?13:32
randyrkellydeever, can u help13:33
alien__MArkrich : try beagle for search13:33
adminewbslacker-, you've tried right-clicking (whatever that means on netbook) on an unused part of a panel?13:33
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deeverrandyrkelly: huh?13:34
bobo123Hi! I have a problem with firefox in ubuntu (10.04), it doesnt react on the ctrl-shift-D keyboard shortcut (Add bookmark for all the tabs).  I asked in #firefox and he say that ctrl-shift-D do work for him in Windows. So is it something that is destroyed in the linux/ubuntu version of firefox, or do ctrl-shift-D works for you?13:34
slacker-adminewb: there is no unused part. that's the problem13:34
slacker-the applets use it all up13:34
randyrkellyim trying to update my kernel deever13:34
deeverrandyrkelly: why are you doing this?13:35
randyrkellyit has been updated13:35
AiyaHow do I make multiple screen and cubic action in ubuntu...13:35
halvorsI get this message: /home/ss/bf2/bin/ia-32/bf2: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:36
halvorsWhat should i do?13:36
MarkRichSo the Gnome Search Tool can't search the contents of PDF or ODT files?13:36
adminewbslacker-, about all i can think of is to disable one of the applets for the moment to make room13:36
alien__any one having issues as me burning dvd  images in ubuntu13:36
deeverhalvors: where did you get that message?13:37
kloolussfixed, thanks everyone.13:37
Aiyaalien__: I wound suggest you to use virtual drive to install ubuntu.You want to install into your PC?13:37
randyrkellyso can i install the new kernel?13:38
AiyaHow do I make multiple screen and cubic action in ubuntu after enable the select extra in effect option.I need guideline13:38
jaikHi Ubuntuusers - could you tell me which directory from $PATH I use for self-written programs - I know, I could use every directory - but which directory IS USED most common by ubuntuusers?13:38
slacker-adminewb: window-picker-applet autoscales and uses up all free space. And right clicking on it doesn't provide a 'close' button. I might have to kill it and hope it'll come back next time I log on13:38
MarkRichOK, so the Gnome Search Tool is unable to search the contents of ODT & PDFs.13:38
deeverrandyrkelly: what the hell are you trying to do? kernel updates are distributed regularly over the normal system software update mechanism...just don't bother about it13:39
sburjanhello. can someone tell me how can I change the bootd order options from Grub 2 ? (10.04)13:39
daniel_b_hi! After updating to a newer kernel, my wireless module does not work anymore... Is there a chance to downgrade to the kernel on disk manually (via apt-get?) .. 2.) Is it possible to update to the Maverick kernel?13:39
halvorsdeever: WHen run BF2 Server.13:40
anon__Hey guys13:40
alien__Aiya: i have already installed ubuntu ....but in ubuntu iam not able to burn dvd isos13:40
anon__I need help quickly13:40
anon__I installed some updates13:40
halvorsi only need that lib13:40
anon__A window popped up, asking me to install grub-pc, should i install it?13:40
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar13:40
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:40
randyrkellyok thanks hey im a noob. i seen there is a new kernel and was asking  deever13:40
slacker-adminewb: ah.. the panel doesn't allow adding anything to it. "Add to panel" is not clickable13:40
alien__Mark Rich: I guess u can try google desktop for linux ?13:40
Aiyaalien__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto you can check at here13:41
anon__I updated some stuff in the update manager, a window popped up, asking me to install grub-pc, should i install it?13:41
adminewbslacker-, for weird13:41
halvorsAnyone know how to fix this: I get this message: /home/ss/bf2/bin/ia-32/bf2: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ?13:41
halvorsdeever. ?13:41
halvorsdeever: ?13:41
slacker-adminewb: maybe that's a 'feature' of the netbook edition13:42
adminewbmust be so13:42
slacker-bit disturbing13:42
anon__I updated some stuff in the update manager, a window popped up, asking me to install grub-pc, should i install it?13:42
halvorsWhere can i find log from this channel?13:42
slacker-ah well, maybe I can work out how to add a applet using gconftool...13:42
adminewbslacker-, you have just 1 panel, rather than top+bottom?13:42
anon__I updated some stuff in the update manager, a window popped up, asking me to install grub-pc, should i install it?13:42
slacker-adminewb: no bottom panel13:43
deeverhalvors: ah, and from your home directory13:43
slacker-adminewb: there's something like a panel on the left but it doesn't have a context meny13:43
deeverhalvors: ?13:43
anon__slacker-, I updated some stuff in the update manager, a window popped up, asking me to install grub-pc, should i install it?13:43
adminewbslacker-, bottom panel is only place i ever see the workspace selector13:43
ceschi there. How to know which version of kernel is installed in your ubuntu distro?13:44
slacker-anon__: sure ...13:44
alien__Aiya: thanks .. iam doing the same procedure in k3 b or brasero ...there is only problem burning dvd images :-( looks like there might be a bug or sdetting that iam not aware of13:44
tensorpuddingcesc: uname -r13:44
anon__Okay slacker-13:44
slacker-adminewb: yeah, on the normal desktop config it does that per default13:44
razz1what is the best way to control a vista system from ubuntu13:44
tensorpuddingrazz1: control?13:44
adminewbcesc, try the system monitor for gnome, it has a property sheet showing which kernel you booted13:44
slacker-hm, more googling13:44
razz1like vnc13:44
tensorpuddingrazz1: there is remote desktop13:44
tensorpuddingrazz1: the rdesktop program can connect to windows machines using that protocol13:45
tensorpuddingthere is also vnc servers for windows13:45
tensorpuddingand vnc clients13:45
alien__razz1 : rdp /vnc clients are there in ubunt13:45
ranjanhow to use laptops webcam with empathy??13:45
tensorpuddingubuntu has vinagre, and you can install tightvnc or realvnc server on windows13:45
ceschow to get out of terminal windows without closing it ....... after man anycommand... ?13:45
N9NUdoes anyone know of a program that will allow me to print off an image that is much larger than a single piece of paper? I want to print it on 4 sheets...with each containing 1/4 of the image13:46
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pheonixmanhi guys, i wanna know what are the widgets options available for gnome..?13:46
mun_does anyone know of a good battery status applet?13:46
sylvainHi everyone13:46
=== sylvain is now known as Guest66704
tensorpuddingcesc: hitting q will close man13:46
razz1tensorpudding: rdp is not secure is it? will try tightvnc/realvnc, which one should I try first, and what about security13:46
cescthanks tensorpudding13:46
Guest66704someone knows about "Emmanuel Fleury" here ?13:46
tensorpuddingneither rdb nor vnc are secure13:46
tyler_drazz1: I have used realvnc the past 5 years and find it extremely easy to use and secure.13:47
tensorpuddingvnc can be protected through ssh tunneling, though good luck installing an ssh server on windows13:47
slacker-adminewb: oh dear, ubuntuforums suggests installing ubuntu-desktop and logging in to gnome, change the panel there and log back into the netbook wm13:47
tensorpuddingthere is some encryption available on a few vnc servers13:47
tensorpuddingbut not all clients take advantage of it13:47
razz1tensorpudding: I am using hamachi vpn, so I guess it really doesnot matter. but I just want ot know whether rdp or vnc was better, vnc seems to be the choice13:48
dennyI'm having trouble getting xinerama working, where's the best place to post my conf and logs and ask for help?13:48
ceschow to change GRUB list order?13:48
bobo123if there are anyone that is using firefox here, he could perhaps try press ctrl-shift-D and say if it works for him?13:48
Confuziusif I want to move a harddrive full of media from an ubuntu desktop to an ubuntu server do I need to do anything special, or just swap the disk from one to the next?13:48
alien__thanks guys ..bye13:48
tyler_dbobo123: didn't do anything13:48
tensorpuddingConfuzius: they use the same filesystems, it is just a matter of copying13:49
tyler_dConfuzius: back it up13:49
randyrkellyhow i install a bin file?13:49
Confuziusim talking about moving a physical drive13:49
N9NUConfuzius: according to your past life, your suppose to be far more knowledgeable than any of us :)13:49
abhijitrandyrkelly, first make it executable chmod +x ./filenam.bin and then do ./filenam.bin13:50
razz1tensorpudding: tyler_d: or should I just use vistas built in rdp server inside vpn13:50
tensorpuddingConfuzius: moving a physical drive depends heavily on hardware, not software13:50
tyler_drandyrkelly: from a terminal you need to cd to the correct dir then do ./thisisthebinfile.bin ( possibly a chmod +x thisisthebinfile.bin) first13:50
bobo123tyler_d: ok. it is supposed to bookmark all tabs, and do work in Windows.13:50
quibblerrandyrkelly-> look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23330913:51
tyler_drazz1: I would go ahead and simply do this, rdp is just slow, you have already sort of botched security(though I do love hamachi) so yah, do it13:51
ConfuziusI understand how it works hardware wise, but do i need to unmount the drive before i turn off the computer or will it just sort itself out when it boots up and finds no drive anymore?13:51
cescwhen I switch my pc on... I have the choice to select either ubuntu or windows... among other options on GRUB. How do I sort all this options so windows doesn't appear at the bottom?13:51
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar13:51
Kierani'd like to wipe a external hdd for selling using ubuntu, idea's?13:51
abhijitcesc, you cand edit that but if windows dont apper how will you select it?13:51
ryrychI have a problem with pinning: http://pastie.org/109369313:51
N9NUcesc: edit your /boot/grub/menu.1st file. It might be in /grub/ as well13:52
randyrkellysaid could not find package13:52
tensorpuddingConfuzius: if you remove a drive from the computer you need to remove the /etc/fstab entries that mount any filesystems on it13:52
cescthanks N9NU13:52
deeveranyone here running a slapd?13:52
razz1tyler_d: what do you mean by "you have already sort of botched security", i hope i haven't done anything stupid!!13:52
abhijitrandyrkelly, you first need to go the the folder in which the file is using cd.13:52
Confuziustensorpudding, thanks13:52
tyler_dConfuzius: it will sort that portion out on the old machine, we will assume your using ext2 or ext 3 on both... you may have to muck with the server and /etc/fstab to get it to automagically mount it on the server13:52
Kierananyone please13:52
tyler_drazz1: hamachi isn't optimal for security is all I was trying to say. Should be fine :D13:53
abhijitKieran, shred and wipe13:53
ryrychKieran: shred13:53
tensorpuddingKieran: you can use the good old dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hard-drive13:53
ryrychKierad: but take into account it's a long process13:53
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N9NUxfer to a nice 500GB SSD - They are cheaper now - $150013:54
abhijitKieran, http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_shred.htm13:54
ryrychcan anyone help me?13:54
N9NUi have my old stack of 8" floppys if you need a few13:54
razz1tyler_d: have you read somewhere about any loopholes or exploits or is it just a hunch. I can set up a ssh connection but hamachi is so easy13:55
deeveranyone here running a slapd? the initial hdb database isn't created here and it doesn't let me create it on my own afterwards...:(13:55
slacker-adminewb: I think I might just use the GNOME session rather than the netbook one13:55
AiyaHow do I make cubic effect?13:55
ryrychwas above: I have a problem with pinning: http://pastie.org/109369313:55
trijntje!compiz | Aiya13:55
ubottuAiya: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz13:55
cescanother question: when you go to Update Manager and it tells you there is # updates available ..... it checks what you have and then if there is a newer version available it will tell you so... and should I select all the updates and install them... what I mean.. it shows you only updates for things you already have?13:55
tensorpuddingryrych: there is probably more people on #debian who know about pinning than on here13:55
tyler_drazz1: just on the pretence that its now closed source, though I do like the concept would like more information on it I guess is my opinion.13:56
bazhangcesc, correct13:56
Aiyatrijntje: Thanks13:56
N9NUAiya: Hit CTRL+F1213:56
N9NUsee what happens13:56
cescthanks bazhang.13:56
razz1tyler_d: had me worried there for a second13:57
tyler_dryrych: I'm sorry I know nothing of "Pinning"13:57
Kieranjust looking for a util to wipe my external usb hard drive for gnome/ubuntu, anyone please? TIA :))13:57
cescbecause I just installed xubuntu and the first time update manager has detected 172 updates to install.13:57
trijntjeN9NU, what should that do?13:57
abhijitKieran, i told you already.13:57
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto ryrych this?13:58
tyler_dKieran: gparted, or system-->disk-utility13:58
abhijitKieran, you got me msg or lost it?13:58
N9NUits the default for compiz cube13:58
Kieranwho would i use shred to wipe hd?13:58
N9NUat least it used to be....it is for mine13:58
bazhangKieran, secure deletion13:58
bazhangKieran, you can read the manual for it by typing in a terminal man shred13:59
ryrychbazhang: I know this howto but It didn't help me13:59
ryrychon #Debian they only supports Debian13:59
razz1tyler_d: realvnc or tightvnc whichone is easier for the other person to setup, he is not very computer literate13:59
ryrychas they said me13:59
bazhangryrych, then ask a clearer question13:59
N9NUrunning 'compiz-manager' will pull up the motherload of options for you13:59
razz1tyler_d: ok realvnc then13:59
razz1tyler_d: thanks mate13:59
tyler_drazz1: :) np13:59
ryrychbazhang: but the pasted output tells everything14:00
Kieranlookinh at it now, only deletes shreds files, not wiping HD - still learning ubuntu/debian lol14:00
KukuNutKieran: when you install just select 'format' and all data would be wiped out14:00
Kieranformat can be recoverable14:00
bazhangKieran, it has different options, such as overwriting once deleted14:00
slacker-adminewb: thanks for your help14:01
Kierancheers all14:01
randyrkellyabhijit, sudo .so its  in my download folder14:01
Kieranexternal hdd going redundant so looking into selling - need ca$h lol14:01
abhijitrandyrkelly, but you asked about .bin file?14:01
N9NUyou sell?14:02
abhijitrandyrkelly, then? i dont know about .so file.14:02
N9NUI buy14:02
Kieran1 think i like about ubuntu, its community - do all aggree?? :)14:02
randyrkellyi tried those steps ad says no diresctory14:02
abhijitKieran, yes.14:02
Kieranim sleeing, not straight away14:03
KieranUK only sorry14:03
Kierangoing to try locally, then natianly14:03
neil_dtrying to get my laptop playing dvds I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and run the /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh script... but I still can't play a dvd :( ... I keep getting the error ... Error cracking CSS key for etc. ... anyone know why?14:03
N9NUdo all use Gee-Knowm or KDE?14:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:03
Kieranusing gnome here14:04
razz1tyler_d: realvnc free edition is not available for vista -http://www.realvnc.com/products/download.html14:04
DasEineil_d: try vlc player first, and check :14:04
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:04
JackomoLightanyone knows how to set up my Wireless on backtrack 4?14:05
DasEineil_d: sudo apt-get install vlc14:05
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Kierangetting scrambled plymouth when shutting down, is there a quick fix for this??14:05
bazhang!backtrack | JackomoLight14:06
ubottuJackomoLight: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:06
DasEiJackomoLight: no bt support here, but :14:06
Kieranstill shuts down but unsightly lol14:06
DasEi!wireless > JackomoLight14:06
ubottuJackomoLight, please see my private message14:06
YankDownUnderKieran, Find out your proper video modes and edit the /etc/default/grub - re-run update-grub when you're done.14:06
Kieranok cheers14:06
Kierancheers all again :D14:07
razz1can anybody correct me if  Ia mwrong, realvnc cannot be used for free on vista?14:07
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar14:08
DasEirazz1: new to me , ask in #win, tightvnc and ultravnc are free14:08
neil_dDasEi: vlc gives the same error when run from the terminal.14:09
razz1DasEi: tightvnc or ultravnc - which one is easier to setup14:09
pheonixmanhi, is there any alternatives for screenlets or gesklets in ubuntu..?14:09
frenkciao a tt14:09
YankDownUnderpheonixman, You can use Cairo-Dock and "detach" the applets.14:09
logos_does anyone here uses anjuta?14:10
DasEirazz1: tightvnc , assuming ubu-vista14:10
razz1DasEi: yes14:11
prizmWhy is SeaMonkey crashing?14:11
DasEineil_d: pastebin the errormesage from trml ?14:11
DasEi!paste > neil_d14:11
ubottuneil_d, please see my private message14:11
prizmSometimes, all of a sudden the window just disappears instantly, and the process terminates itself14:12
N9NUcause monkeys dont like water14:12
prizmI get XID conflict errors if I run SeaMonkey in terminal14:12
daniel_b_hi! where can i download Ubuntu Maverick?14:13
prizmIncase you're wondering, it's the AMD64 built of SeaMonkey 2.0.5 from ubuntu repos14:13
oCean_daniel_b_: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/alpha3, but remember, discussion/support is in #ubuntu+114:14
DasEirazz1: apt-cache search tightvnc list the needed packages14:14
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar14:14
daniel_b_oCean_: thanks;)14:14
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razz1DasEi: ubuntu is on the client side and vista on server side, setting up tightvnc server on vista, we are inside a VPN not really worried about ssh. Are there any security gotchas that I need to be aware of?14:16
DyNAmiC_BoaT_FAIhey, so KlamAV found some virsus's on an external hd using the live cd but when i try to quaratine them I wasn't able to I got error about checking your diskspace/permissions so I decided to run it via cli with clamav but it didn't find any virsus's... is this normal?14:16
tensorpuddingeven if you're on a vpn, you still might have to worry about password sniffing14:16
* YankDownUnder thinks that "Vista" and "security" shouldn't be in the same sentence14:16
tensorpuddingif there is anyone you don't trust on your VPN14:16
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DJmartboot them off14:17
YankDownUnderDyNAmiC_BoaT_FAI, run with either sudo or as root14:17
logos_What IDE do you recommend for C developing?14:18
DyNAmiC_BoaT_FAIYankDownUnder: I ran clamav as sudo, but it didn't find any virus's. How would I run the gui KlamAV as sudo, and should i since clamav didn't find any with the cli14:18
DaekdroomDyNAmiC_BoaT_FAI, the GUI shouldn't do anything the CLI doesn't14:18
tensorpuddinglogos_: try geany14:18
prizmIf you want to try though, it's kdesu klamav or gksu clamav14:18
YankDownUnderDyNAmiC_BoaT_FAI, It would appear as though it's already cleaned the bugs mate. However, this would be something to ask the Clamav folks...14:19
prizmsudo won't work on X apps for me14:19
DasEirazz1: not that I new on a protected internal network14:19
logos_tensorpudding I'll try. U know Ajunta? I liked it.14:19
tensorpuddingi don't actually use geany personally either14:20
tensorpuddingi tried it once and it seemed suitably decent14:20
razz1DasEi: ok14:20
logos_tensor, im using ti right now, very clean and simple. Nice!14:20
logos_tensorpudding im using ti right now, very clean and simple. Nice!14:20
adminewbis there somewhere I should be seeking help in preference to here?14:21
lostintimehi, if I have a server setup with a bunch of accounts and I want to duplicate the accounts on another server, can I just copy the home directory, /etc/passwd and shadow?14:22
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar14:22
adminewblostintime, /etc/group goes along with passwd no?14:23
digiforI am having problems with VLC and Movie Player crashing when I try to use full screen.14:25
digiforVideo card is VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G73 [GeForce 7300 GT] (rev a1)14:25
digiforWhat is the best way for me to trouble shoot this?14:26
DasEidigifor: what trouble does it ?14:29
copymogood os14:30
MjellowToYouIs it possible to install Ubuntu from a USB-drive?14:31
aeon-ltdMjellowToYou: yes14:31
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar14:31
abhijit!usb | MjellowToYou14:32
ubottuMjellowToYou: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:32
lostintimeadminewb: yep, that too.  Should that be sufficient?  Would passwords remain the same if I copy /etc/shadow?14:32
MjellowToYouThanks, I'll se if that help me14:33
kn100I've added my ext4 disk to fstab, it mounts fine, and I can modify/delete/create/execute files from the disk from nautilus and the terminal as the user14:33
adminewblostintime yes I'd expect so but haven't tried it14:33
kn100but transmission gives me permission denied14:33
rekhello,should i open some ports in my router if i want to access to my windows printer?14:33
lostintimeadminewb: same for me :)  Okay thank you!14:33
kn100and I can not for the life of me figure out why14:33
kn100Can anyone help?14:34
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abhijit!printer | rek14:34
ubotturek: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:34
digiforDasEi, basically it crashes when I play .avi at full screen14:35
DasEinot getting by here, trying to VBoxMange, goal is change identifier of a vdi, Vbox is displaying setup vdi's fine (the GUI) , VBoxManage list vms  returns nothing (??), and even in same folder the vdi is in, it's not found..14:35
DasEiwrong tab , sorry14:35
digiforor I get sound with a frozen picture14:35
tsmallcan anybody here help me fix the wifi on my macbook?14:36
abhijit!wifi | tsmall14:36
DasEidigifor: system > hardwaredrivers, driver installed ?14:36
ubottutsmall: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:36
rekwhat abhij14:36
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tsmallubottu: thanks, i'll take a look there14:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:36
kn100Why does transmission return permission denied whereas I can modify files as the user in nautilus?14:36
kn100I added a hard disk to my system, added it to fstab with the following line14:37
kn100/dev/sda5                                   /media/Data     ext4   defaults               0 114:37
e-meditatorHello, i've lost connectivity to internet on Ubuntu 10.04.However I have VMware (XP) installed and internet/network works on that. I'm a newbie with Linux. Could somone help please?14:37
Saevarkn100, what about permision to /media/Data directory ?14:37
kn100it mounts fine, I can modify/delete/create files with nautilus14:37
kn100Saevar, I've chowned it14:38
digiforDasEi, nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version current) [reccommended]14:38
Saevarkn100, permissions ?14:38
kn100Saevar, but I can edit files on the disk fine from nautilus with no special permissions14:38
N9NUadd:  -o rw to the options in the fstab line14:38
digiforActivated and in use14:38
kn100but transmission returns permision denied for the disk14:38
kn100N9NU, I'll try that14:38
DasEidigifor: so it is installed, all packages up to date ?14:38
lelleis there a way to install windows from ubuntu? like wubi but reverse14:38
DasEidigifor: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:39
digiforDasEi, I am a paranoid patcher14:39
Saevarkn100, you know about permission inheritance do u ?14:39
N9NUoh my14:39
kn100Saevar, Not a lot14:39
digifordone once a day14:39
kn100I know a little about the permissions system14:39
DasEidigifor: what app you use to play avi's ?14:39
Saevarlook on permissions on /media directory14:39
k23lelle, virtualbox14:39
Saevarkn100, look on permissions on /media directory14:39
e-meditatorlelle, you could use VMware14:39
kn100N9NU, just tells me that that line is bad14:40
kn100is the space necessary?14:40
lellek23: e-meditator will it make my wireless functioning? ...... no14:40
digiforDasEi, usually vlc or Movie Player14:40
N9NUwhere did you put it14:40
kn100In options14:40
N9NUshoud be like this14:40
kn100/dev/sda5                                   /media/Data     ext4   -o rw                 0 114:40
N9NUok thats fine14:41
N9NUlemme check sumthin14:41
N9NUis this external USB14:41
SaevarN9NU, he said he added...not connected from external :P14:41
digiforComputer is a 24 inch iMac14:41
DasEidigifor: start vlc from trml and watch an avi, afterwards the freeze check it's otput there and look also in /var/log/syslog and messages ;; I assume enough ram, not oc'ed to a limit and harddrive not full, there should be additional info14:41
erUSULkn100: drop the -o and instead of "rw" put  "defaults"14:41
N9NUwoops. my bad14:41
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:41
Saevarkn100, what are permissions on /media14:41
N9NUis mine  /dev/sdb4 /media/zip auto umask=0,user,iocharset=utf8,noauto,flush,user_xattr,exec,-o\040rw 0 014:42
kn100Saevar, drwxr-xr-x   4 root  root     4096 2010-08-15 13:23 media14:42
Saevarkn100, try chmod 777 /media14:42
kn100drwxrwxrwx 17 kn100 kn100 4096 2010-08-15 14:21 Data14:42
N9NUif data is in /media14:43
kn100It is14:43
SaevarN9NU, this seems to be more permissions inheritance14:43
kn100I've set it to recursive just in case14:43
N9NUoh your just modding the folder14:43
e-meditatorlelle, it could - there is an option in it when you connect , whether you want to use bridged connection NAT etc.. so if you choose bridged connection then you could connect directly through it. Just that i dont know if ubuntu can share the connection from that.14:43
SaevarN9NU, i thought, but he modded everything under :P14:43
N9NUkewl beans14:43
digiforI have 17.5GB free hardware space14:44
N9NUif all else fails: Run as ROOT 24/7 baby :)14:44
N9NUdo you have: user_xattr in the fstab entry as well?14:45
Saevarkn100, i thing add ,user to fstab14:45
kn100done that14:46
kn100chown'd media14:46
kn100drwxrwxrwx   4 kn100 kn100    4096 2010-08-15 13:23 media14:46
Saevarhm that wasn't so smart but if u want14:46
Saevartry now14:46
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kn100It's not the most security concious thing but I don't really care xD14:46
kn100its working14:47
kn100I can download stuff!14:47
FloodBot3kn100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
kn100Thanks Saevar!14:47
N9NUyeah...afterall, ROOT is a User :)14:47
kn100(and anyone else, N9NU etc)14:47
Saevarkn100, youre welcome14:47
kn100Thanks all :D14:47
N9NUill send you the bill14:47
jaikHello Ubuntuusers - could somebody tell me, why this Command doesn't work: if [`test mocp -U` == 0]; then echo "PAUSE"; else echo "RUN"; fi;14:48
N9NUI take IOU's - valid for 100 years14:48
SaevarN9NU, root is user that's true :P but some daemons need /media as root as he will see  after restart :P14:48
e-meditatori've lost internet on Ubuntu 10.04. However I can still access the net from VMware (XP). Could someone please help me with configuring internet on ubuntu? thanks :)14:48
Saevarjaik, what the hell is mocp ?14:48
jaikSaevar: MOCP is an audio player14:48
Saevarjaik, ahso14:48
erUSULjaik: probably lack of spaces around [ ]14:49
N9NUi heard from BIll Gate's wife that he is microsoft in bed as well.14:49
erUSULjaik: also if you are in bash use [[ ]]14:49
digiforI have two gig of ram.14:49
abhijit!language | N9NU14:49
ubottuN9NU: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:49
abhijit!ot | N9NU14:49
ubottuN9NU: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:49
N9NUlanguage? change your triggers14:50
digiforDasEi, I can't see any references to vlc in messages or syslog14:50
jaikSaevar: That doesn't work either: if [[`test mocp -P` != 0 ]]; then echo "PAUSE"; else echo "RUN"; fi;14:50
N9NUbut i will respect this channels rules14:50
jaikSaevar: bash: test: mocp: unary operator expected14:50
Saevarjaik, hm....14:51
Saevarjaik, i think [] is command test himself14:51
Saevarjaik, if i remeber bash correctly14:52
Saevari'm using tcsh :P14:52
DasEidigifor: what does happen , if the freeze occurs, is just vlc not playing on or does the whole desktop freeze ?14:52
RafterXhow do I mount my USB-pen attached?14:53
RafterXcannot find it in /dev/*14:53
joschiSaevar, jaik: /usr/bin/[: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped14:53
jaikSaevar: Now I tried that: if [ `test 'mocp -P'` == 0 ]; then echo "PAUSE"; else echo "RUN"; fi;  // answer: bash: [: ==: unary operator expected // RUN14:53
joschijaik: leave out the test14:53
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molqrRafterX, does tail | dmesg show it detected?14:53
RafterXmolqr: sec..14:53
erUSULRafterX: do « tailf /var/log/messages » in a terminal and plug the usb-pen14:54
N9NUmount -t <fs> /media14:54
N9NUuse /media/xxxx instead14:54
babaubuntu releases happen in august or october?14:55
asgapril and october14:55
erUSULbaba: october and april14:55
N9NUi keep forgetting this is Ubuntu. I use another  distro14:55
babaanyone using ubuntu on vbox?14:55
babai was wondering about setting up a servr14:55
babafor webdevg14:55
joschibaba: yes14:56
erUSUL!enter > baba14:57
ubottubaba, please see my private message14:57
babajoschi, what do you use as a serveR?14:58
joschibaba: web server?14:58
RafterXmy USB: usb 2-2.3: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 614:58
babajoschi, yes14:58
veshhi there i have 10.0.4 live and want to revert from 10.10 to 10.0.4. on startup its not booting the cd for the install - any ideas14:58
babai used to use xampp on windows14:58
e-meditatorwhen i do  "sudo route add -net netmask eth0" i get an error "route: netmask doesn't match route address" .... any help?14:59
joschibaba: just run `sudo tasksel install lamp-server`.14:59
N9NUmount -t <your fs> /media/usb-key2/ /whatever/whatever14:59
babajoschi, will lamp work with django?15:00
RafterXerUSUL: thanks :) Found it :)15:00
erUSULRafterX: no problem15:00
Bubujowhi all15:00
joschibaba: as long as you configure it, yes15:00
babajoschi, is it difficult to configure?15:01
e-meditatorN9NU: tried that.. same error15:01
digiforOnly vlc crashes15:01
joschibaba: e.g. with mod_wsgi or mod_fcgid or mod_python15:01
joschibaba: depends on what you find difficult15:01
joschibaba: just try it15:01
joschibaba: it's a VM after all and you can start over if you break it ;)15:01
digiforDasEi, When the vlc's picture locks I still get sound15:01
erUSUL!lamp | baba15:02
ubottubaba: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:02
digiforor it just crashes. Rest of the desktop is normal15:02
Bubujowm trying to install packages offline but i have a lot of dependencies and those have their own dependencies as well...what can i do to ease the pain ?15:02
N9NUis ur private LAN using 192.168.100.x ?15:02
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:02
e-meditatorN9NU: yes15:02
DasEidigifor: does the pc become inresponsive ?15:02
dri245i installed a game, katalyst, but i don't know where it put it. any idea how to find out?15:02
dri245it's not in the applications menu15:02
N9NUhang on checking15:02
e-meditatori can access the network, its just the internet that is the problem.. i guess this must be because of the route?15:03
erUSULdri245: try « alt + f2 » run katalyst15:03
N9NUdri245: run 'update-menus' if using KDE15:03
coz_dri245,   do you have a link for that  ?15:03
DasEidri245: use find or locate after sudo updatedb15:03
erUSULdri245: or « dpkg -L | grep bin »15:03
dri245ok thanks, will try15:03
erUSULdri245: or « dpkg -L katalystpackagename | grep bin »15:03
Rogue1Hiya, can anyone help diagnose a freezing Ubuntu install?15:03
N9NUwhats your gateway15:03
N9NUi mean is your WAN gateway set right15:04
coz_Rogue1, is it a system freeze?15:04
DasEidigifor: ?15:04
N9NUfrom your Eye Es Pea15:04
veshi have 10.0.4 cd and its does not boot up for an istall can i run it any other way15:04
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:04
coz_Rogue1,  which video card do you have on that machine?15:04
lelle!enter > lelle15:05
ubottulelle, please see my private message15:05
e-meditatoryes.. it must be.. coz i'm accessing the net right now from the same machine.. through VMware using XP..15:05
oCean_N9NU: when talking to someone in particular, please start a line with that person's nick15:05
coz_Rogue1,  are you still here??15:05
N9NUmy bad...im not used to 1400 people in IRC....i use Mandriva :( and we have 10015:05
coz_N9NU, :)15:06
Rob14Hello =)15:06
digiforDasEi, I was reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1058836&highlight=vlc+crash+fullscreen+avi15:06
Rogue1coz_: built-in card on the motherboard - which is a Rocky-4784EV... had to downgrade my install distro to 9.04 before I had a successful install (problems with blinking underscores). Now I've got 9.04, and managed to get all the updates (last time it froze), I am unable to upgrade to 9.10 - everything freezes, not evenkbormouser`espond15:06
coz_Rob14,  welcome15:06
DasEidigifor: It's a little nervy if you response takes such a long time, could you please answer to my questions ?15:06
coz_Rogue1,    ok system freezes is generally  a video driver issue15:07
N9NUe-meditator: So you can access INET via embedded OS within15:07
coz_Rogue1,  are you sure the video driver is installed properly?15:07
digiforDasEi, it gave me the idea to look in the vlc settings. Ticked the box that says 'Fullscreen' and vlc seems to work without crashing15:07
Rob14I installed Ubuntu on sdb but forgot to change the boot loader so when i just installed xp on sda it was overwritten. How can I reinstall grub from the live cd?15:08
e-meditatorN9NU: thats right, i can15:08
digiforDasEi, Thanks for your assistance at any rate15:08
erUSUL!grub2 | Rob1415:08
ubottuRob14: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:08
DasEi!yay | digifor:15:08
ubottudigifor:: Glad you made it! :-)15:08
erUSULRob14: the wiki has instructions15:08
N9NUe-meditator: and you cant from the host OS..hmm...lemme check sumthin15:08
Rogue1coz_, how am I supposed to be sure? Don't have any drivers for it. System worked fine before on VortexBox (based on Fedora Core 11) - but since trying to install Ubuntu, I've had no end of problems15:08
e-meditatorN9NU: thts right.. sure please thanks15:08
Rob14ok thankyou erUSUL =)15:09
coz_Rogue1,   are you on ubuntu now15:09
digiforBetween the forums and irc most problems can be solved. or even rtfm if it gets real desparate!15:09
Rogue1coz_, video seems to be working fine - but still freezes when I try to run system upgrade or update - and I'm not now, but can be?15:09
veshlive cd wont boot any ideas15:09
erUSULRob14: if you have a specific question regarding the instructions just ask15:09
N9NUe-meditator: are you using a dedicated router/pc to act as your gateway or is INET straight into that machine15:09
coz_Rogue1,  well  I would like to know the exact video card   in terminal   with    lspci | grep -i  vga15:10
e-meditatorN9NU: dedicated router..15:10
=== dementor is now known as amadews
harmandeephi guys15:10
harmandeepneed help with /etc/nsswitch.conf15:10
oCean_e-meditator: using 'ifconfig eth0' will show you the specifics for that interface, including the correct netmask used there. Also be sure to use correct syntax, like "route add -net default gw <gwaddress>"15:10
Rogue1coz_, I'll go take a look, and will be back to you soon :)15:10
coz_Rogue1, ok15:10
N9NUe-meditator: ok....you can ping that correct?15:10
harmandeep what does COMPAT service specifications means in nsswitch.conf ?15:10
e-meditatorN9NU: my connection was working well until my comp restarted.. power out..15:10
N9NUe-meditator: Oh....sue power company.15:11
cotteris there any way to send pictures on my windows based phone through the usb as the system doesnt recognise the phone15:11
e-meditatorN9NU: yes .. i can ping gateway and other machines on network15:11
oCean_e-meditator: setting a route to a specific ip-address is not the same as creating route to an entire network. In your example you use -net, but you do specify just a single host. That cannot be correct, hence he error msg for the netmask15:11
e-meditatoroCean_: i did check that.. the netmask is
reki don't find my printer in my windows shares...how can i add my printer?15:11
rasenganWhat is the best software to record bandwidth usage by IP?15:12
e-meditatoroCean_: what command should i use then ?15:12
iceroot!best | rasengan15:12
ubotturasengan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:13
oCean_e-meditator: ok, setting a default gw should go like this "sudo route add -net default gw"  <- this is for a *default* gateway15:13
N9NUif it was connecting before power went bye bye, then his config might have been rudely modded15:13
coz_rasengan,  check this    http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html15:13
e-meditatoroCean_: when i do that i get "SIOCADDRT: File exists"15:13
oCean_e-meditator: setting a gateway for a specific network would be in format like "sudo route add -net gw"  <- in case you want to route a network15:14
oCean_e-meditator: what does route -n output?15:14
oCean_e-meditator: mind you, pastes go in pastebin :)15:14
N9NUe-meditator: route -v15:14
e-meditatoroCean_ :   U     0      0        0 eth015:15
e-meditatorbut there are another 3 entries15:15
amadewshy any one now how to configure lm-sensors?15:16
e-meditator192.168.95.0   U     0      0        0 vmnet115:16
oCean_e-meditator: the line starting with the is your default gateway15:16
asgamadews: run sensors-detect15:16
oCean_e-meditator: use pastebin for pastes!15:16
oCean_!pastebin > e-meditator15:16
ubottue-meditator, please see my private message15:16
coz_amadews,   look here maybe   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto15:16
amadewsasg not detecting anything15:16
asgamadews: it will assist in determining what sensors are available and help configure the necessary modules.15:16
e-meditatoroCean_: thats right.. how do i change the default gateway for eth0 ?15:17
robertpayneare firewall rules applied immediately when you use iptables-restore < iptables.rules?15:18
mayuniahello again, speaking in Spanish or know someone15:18
erUSULrobertpayne: yep; maybe already stablished connections wont be affected though15:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:18
oCean_e-meditator: I don't know your specifics, but in general, you first have to drop existing "sudo route del -net default", then the add command again.15:18
coz_mayunia,    #ubuntu-es15:18
e-meditatoroCean_ :15:18
e-meditatorDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface15:18
e-meditator192.168.100.0   U     0      0        0 eth015:18
e-meditator192.168.95.0   U     0      0        0 vmnet115:18
e-meditator172.16.223.0   U     0      0        0 vmnet815:18
e-meditator0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth015:18
FloodBot3e-meditator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
robertpayneerUSUL: yes of course.. hmm I can't seem to get 3306 to open up to my other box for remote SQL access :(15:18
oCean_e-meditator: nono15:18
coz_e-meditator,  generally you need to go to pastebin.com    and paste long outputs there15:19
N9NUe-meditator: do a 'man route'15:19
oCean_e-meditator: as i said before: no pastes in this channel.15:19
oCean_N9NU: that is not helpful15:19
N9NUwell...i see plenty of examples to add routes15:19
N9NUand gw15:19
oCean_e-meditator: your default route is now set through, you should be able to ping that address15:19
e-meditatoroCean_: Sorry.. i did use pastebin.. but i did something wrong i think15:20
RogProgGoogle me : Roger Kjøde15:20
oCean_e-meditator: ok, well nvm. Your default gw should probably be set to the ip of your router.15:21
keith1I have a question. I am trying to begin a program here where I live to refurbish old landfill discarded computers for children. I am wondering if there is a centrally located resource for minimum requirements for Ubuntu. The reason I ask is that I may have to install older versions into some computers due to their age. I know of one I am working on now that has this issue. Any ideas?15:21
oCean_RogProg: how is that an ubuntu question?15:21
N9NUhe can access inet via vitural OS, so hardware router is set right15:21
coz_keith1,  mm  let me check15:21
sacarlsonrobertpayne:  did you ever look at your mysql server with myphpadmin ?mysql has built in security for outside access15:21
Rogue1coz_, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  315PRO PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter15:21
e-meditatoroCean_: How do i do that.. ? i can ping my router..
asgkeith1: the official documentation at ubuntu.com have information on current and older version requirements15:22
e-meditatorbut i cant access the internet ..15:22
coz_Rogue1,   ooo a SIS  video card15:22
RogProgCheck out my java work at www.rufo.com15:22
robertpaynesacarlson: yes I have.. is there anything beyond setting up the users permission to it? I might've missed something15:22
keith1Can you download previous versions from Ubuntu15:22
oCean_!reqs | keith115:22
ubottukeith1: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu15:22
oCean_RogProg: stop spamming!15:22
RogProgwww.rufo.no for norwegians15:22
Rogue1coz_, ooo indeed - will it be  a probl em?15:22
coz_Rogue1,  I am not sure  ubuntu has sys drivers by default ... I am not sure ...but I do know that 3d acceleration with sis  can be an issue15:22
oCean_RogProg: stop immediately15:22
N9NUe-meditator: have a look at /etc/sysconfig/network-options/ifcfg-ethx15:23
sacarlsonrobertpayne: yes you can make it so only locahost can access if fact that may be how the accouts default15:23
RogProgUse dualboot win 7 & ubuntu15:23
coz_Rogue1,  I think I have a sis driver deb package somewhere  let me check15:23
oCean_e-meditator: if that is actually your router's address, and you can ping it, then you should also be able to ping internet addresses. Can you ping ?15:23
Rogue1not bothered about that, coz_ - it's just a local machine used for playing/streaming music and video15:23
lee_I have a netbook it was thrown against a wall, and the screen would not display. The screen shows a bright white. Its not cracked but a wire maybe loose. Is there anything I can do?15:23
keith1Awesome. This is part of why I like Ubuntu..tech support in under 3 seconds15:23
coz_Rogue1,  oh ok15:23
z340ketih: i suggest not going back to versions out of support.  check out http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors15:23
robertpaynesacarlson: I thought if you telnet over via 3306 it doesn't matter? it's listening in on 3306 but the user's by default are set to be localhost only15:23
RogProgfdisk /mbr15:23
coz_Rogue1,   mm   you installed via a live cd  yes???15:24
lee_I don't know what IRC channel to post this in.15:24
oCean_RogProg: stop it15:24
abhijitlee_, ask in ##hardware15:24
e-meditatoroCean_: i can ping
Rogue1coz_, yes - only one that worked was 9.04 Desktop i8615:24
coz_lee,    that sounds bad... and it may be more than a loose wire15:24
sacarlsonrobertpayne: I don't think so the myphpadmin shows you who and from what source ip can access15:24
oCean_e-meditator: in that case you're online! You're probably just missing the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf15:24
coz_Rogue1,   are you downloading the cd  via windows?15:24
oCean_e-meditator: add "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf, and you should be a happy surfer15:25
erUSUL!software | dri24515:25
ubottudri245: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:25
keith1thanks for the links everyone..I truly appreciate it15:25
lee_abhijit: that channel is invites only15:25
coz_Rogue1,  re insert the live cd in the problem system.... when the menu shows  choose   "check cd for errors"15:25
abhijitlee_, no15:25
Rogue1coz_, no - used Ubuntu 10.04, verified the cd itself and the md5sum of the ISO15:25
N9NUDNS eh15:25
coz_Rogue1,  i see15:25
oCean_!pm | mayunia RogProg15:25
ubottumayunia RogProg: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:25
robertpaynesacarlson: ah I have to use a SSH tunnel15:25
lee_abhijit: no?15:25
abhijitlee_, type /j ##hardware15:26
sacarlsonrobertpayne: oh so all your users come from the same localhost computer?15:26
coz_Rogue1,  mm  this is odd then.... I have seen a few systems that reject  linux in general  but you said this actually worked15:26
robertpaynesacarlson: not necessarily.. but currently mysql is only listening on on
e-meditatoroCean_: Thanks a lot !! it worked :))15:26
robertpaynesacarlson: it's more secure to tunnel over ssh and maintain mysql on localhost only15:27
RogProgAnyone kicking taekwondo?  http://folk.uio.no/rogerkj/TKD/15:27
=== lee_ is now known as style232323_
sacarlsonrobertpayne: ok and where are your users as far as ip?15:27
robertpaynesacarlson: in terms of people interacting with mysql directly?15:27
oCean_e-meditator: yay! The file /etc/resolv.conf should probably read your ISP's nameservers, which are added to /etc/resolv.conf when you get a dhcp lease. Nvm that, Maybe next boot that'll work out. Or else, add the again :)15:27
Rogue1coz_, indeed - 10.04 livecd ran then froze, then wouldn't install (blinking underscore only after BIOS) ... 9.04 installed ok, and am on the GUI happily now, but freezes whenever I try to upgrade to 9.1015:28
N9NUGoogle baby!15:28
sacarlsonrobertpayne: directly? the appache server ip15:28
style232323_##hardware :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with service is the error I recieve15:28
oCean_RogProg: please stop it15:28
asgstyle232323_: /msg nickserv help (you need to identify to join some channels)15:29
=== RogProg is now known as I_am_q
I_am_qbe back,..   apologize for the inconvininece!15:29
RafterXHave a problem when running Teamspeak 3 client from shell command. All my other shells running becomes blank, as if nothing runs in them anymore. But when closing ts3, they are fine again..? Any idea?15:29
sacarlsonrobertpayne: are all users running from an apache server on the same ip as mysql?15:30
e-meditatoroCean_: alright.. i hope that i dont have to add that every time i boot up :)15:30
Rogue1any thoughts, coz_ ? or anyone else, for that matter?15:30
coz_Rogue1, `  ok   lets see... I can suggest a few things but if ubuntu is rejecting hardware set up I am not sure it would help...but.... i would download either or both the alternate cd  or the minimal install cd...15:30
zoomhello everybody, gnome doesn't mount automaticly my cdrom how can i correct this ? thx15:30
abhijitstyle232323_, identify first15:30
coz_Rogue1,   try the alternate cd    ...this of course is NOT a live cd15:30
style232323_abhijit: Does that mean I have to register my nickname15:31
coz_Rogue1,   be sure to check md5sum on that iso and try to burn it at 1x if possible15:31
abhijitstyle232323_, yes15:31
abhijit!register | style232323_15:31
ubottustyle232323_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:31
Rogue1coz_, I was just mousing around and the whole thing froze again. Getting sick of this. ISOs are fine, discs are   fine, install went ok, and video is operating fine on my monitor, but it just won't let me upgrade.. or do anything useful15:31
N9NUzoom: mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/xxx   <== via CLI15:32
Rogue1coz_, Ubuntu won't give me an option to burn at any less than 10x, despite my optical drive only supporting up to 8x15:32
N9NUreplace cdrom if need be15:32
coz_Rogue1,  darn15:32
joaobatistabom dia!!15:33
coz_Rogue1,  well i would still try the alternate install.... with 10.0415:33
Rogue1ok, thanks :)15:33
coz_Rogue1,  if that does not work try the 9.10  etc ... I know this is a pain.. and as i said  this is not a usual situation if hardware is being rejected15:33
StorfiskarenHey guys, I'm having an issue with firefox not starting on ubuntu 8.04. It allocates 47mb of memory and then nothing15:33
joaobatistaalguem sabe como faço para instalar lexmark x 2650 no ubuntu15:34
zoomN9NU, is automount will be ok all time after this cli ?15:34
coz_Storfiskaren,  8.04?15:34
bazhangjoaobatista, linuxprinting.org check there15:34
N9NUzoom: this is just a one time mount method15:34
Aiyais that possible to make cube effect on ubuntu netboon version?15:34
Storfiskarenyes. it's lts so I haven't bothered updating it15:34
Aiyais that possible to make cube effect on ubuntu netbook version?15:34
coz_Aiya,   no it isnt15:35
N9NUzoom: you can check your /etc/fstab to verify the entry15:35
Rogue1coz_, not sure how the hardware is being rejected, given that I could (at least, on 9.04) get on GNOME and look around - only trying to use Update Manager seemed to freeze it?15:35
=== style232323_ is now known as Lee_
KanaseroYou could if you install compiz.15:35
Storfiskarencoz_ it's on virtual machine aswell15:35
zoomN9NU that works your cli but i prefer an automount when i insrt the cdrom how can i do that ?15:35
Aiyacoz_: what are the effect i can make in ubuntu netbook version?15:35
N9NUyeah....verify your /etc/fstab entry for the CDR15:36
coz_Rogue1,  understood... and it most likely is not that problem...however   I would still try the alternate cd installation.... it goes step by step and if any errors pop up it will show ...at the least...which area of installation went wrong15:36
ITSCOTTERim on netbook and i have cube15:36
KanaseroYou could do all the effects a normal one can.15:36
coz_Aiya,   I believe netbook edition is using mutter15:36
Rogue1Ok, coz_ - thanks - will let you know how it goes15:36
=== vic is now known as Guest59691
=== Lee_ is now known as _Lee28_
Aiyacoz_: Thanks15:36
KanaseroAs long as your graphic card is capable and you install the correct packages.15:37
coz_Aiya,   and you cannot use mutter which has compositing along with compiz  it is eigher or15:37
acidagum bras aqui na salinha?15:37
bazhang!br | acid15:37
ubottuacid: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:37
bootfailhey all - my system froze and i was forced to cold(re)boot it.  ubuntu 10.4.  now, when comp tries to boot I get this: http://pastebin.com/w8cmdVKr.  Any idea how to fix?15:37
napterkHi! Is it better for Grub2 to have a separate /boot partition?15:37
pheonixmanwhere do i upload pics to show you guys15:38
coz_bootfail,  is this a fresh install ?15:38
N9NUzoom: also make sure your automount daemon is set to run at boot up15:38
zoomok ...15:39
bootfailcoz_: no - been using and updating and installing packages for about a month15:39
coz_bootfail,   mm   did you try another reboot15:39
alsemIam trying to use BitPIM but it can't get to my USB port.  There is no folder in the /proc.....etc. path.  How am I suppose to mount the USB port in U10.04?15:41
pheonixmanupload screeshots15:41
pheonixmanwhere do i upload them..?15:41
bootfailcoz_: several - same msg each time15:41
headkase314napterk, I don't think so - unless you want your / and /home partitions to be a different file system like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Btrfs because the boot partition must be ext2 - ext4.  If your / and /home partitions are also going to be ext2 - ext4 then there is no need for a separate /boot partition15:41
headkase314!grub2 | napterk15:41
ubottunapterk: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:41
erUSUL!screenshot | pheonixman15:41
ubottupheonixman: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.15:41
headkase314napterk, see that grub2 entry too15:42
gunvaldHi all!15:42
pheonixmanhttp://imagebin.org/109767 , my problem is that i get a different icon for cdrive15:43
coz_bootfail,   this is strange... can you get to  text console after that message?15:43
pheonixmandoes anyone know how to change the same15:43
bootfailcoz_: no15:44
s5sI have a problem with my graphics driver15:44
coz_bootfail,  oh darn.... mmm  you can try a recover from the live cd  however  at this point is when I generally reinstall15:44
s5sI get random colors on the screen15:44
N9NUto mount USB key: mount /dev/sdc4 /media/usb-key1/  - change sdc4 as needed15:45
s5sATI dropped support for my card so I can only use the 8.593 version of fglrx but I don't think it compiles on newer kernels15:45
headkase314s5s, it's not so much a newer kernal the legacy driver doesn't work with but rather newer versions of the X windowing system that prevents it..15:46
bootfailcoz_:so cold booting can corrupt the boot process beyond recovery - that's awful15:46
s5sheadkase314: any advice?15:46
Kanaseros5s: What Graphic chip ?15:46
alsemU9NU is this for me?  to mount USB key: mount /dev/sdc4 /media/usb-key1/  - change sdc4 as needed  If so I don't understand how to do this.  I'm rather new to Linux and Ubuntu.15:47
s5sI want to use the open source driver (R520 for my card I think)15:47
pheonixmanhas anyone seen the screenshot..?15:47
RandyRKellySo is there away that you can install a bin file artistically15:47
coz_bootfail,  generally no... although like any OS  not properly shutting down can have adverse affects for sure15:48
headkase314s5s, the situation is that really if you want to use Ubuntu 10.04 you have to use the built-in open-source driver.  That one is automatically set up for you on install.  To use the proprietary Ati driver I believe you have to go back to Ubuntu 8.1015:48
bootfailcoz_: agreed, but the crappy one that m$ makes at least allows for recovery...15:48
napterkheadkase314: thank you for the articles. I only take ext4 for the system partitions. I always had /boot on a separate partition but I never understand why this is better.15:48
coz_bootfail,  so does linux... I am a bit puzzled by this one... but  unless someone else has trobuleshooting suggestions  I am at a loss with it15:49
headkase314napterk, the only situation I know of that would require a separate partition for /boot is if you are using a file-system not "baked into" the boot kernal for your other partitions.15:49
s5sheadkase314: hmm I'll go and see what's not working then. I might be the x server itself15:49
N9NUalsem: yes..lemme detail for you15:49
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N9NUcan you open a Terminal/Konsole15:49
bootfailcoz_: im gonna boot with a livecd, chroot, then try reinstalling that base package and re-installing the boot loader15:50
headkase314s5s, I'm late to the party - maybe recap your entire situation every 5 minutes or so and I'll catch the recap next time?15:50
alsemI would greatly appreciate that N9NU.  I'll wait.15:50
coz_bootfail,  that  seems to be reasonable15:50
N9NUalsem: can you open a Terminal/Konsole15:50
s5sheadkase314: ok cool15:50
alsemYes I can open a terminal no problem.  Also I understand two ways to become root --  sudo and su -15:50
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bootfailwill try again i guess 1 time before i do: hey all - my system froze and i was forced to cold(re)boot it.  ubuntu 10.4.  now, when comp tries to boot I get this: http://pastebin.com/w8cmdVKr.  Any idea how to fix?15:50
N9NUalsem: as root user, type: mount /dev/  and hit the enter key15:51
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N9NUalsem: hit the TAB key after typing that in15:51
N9NUoops....change the /dev/ to /dev/s15:52
AiyaCan anyone help me on how to make two workspace(worksheat.)Thanks15:52
AiyaCan anyone help me on how to make two workspace(worksheat.)Im using ubuntu netbook version.thanks15:53
N9NUalsem: then hit tab to autocomplete with sdx entries15:53
mayuniai am new want to be hacker15:53
coz_bootfail,   found this    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29550815:53
coz_bootfail,   also this   http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116771015:54
N9NUalsem: type  mount /dev/s and hit TAB..not enter15:54
alsemN9NU:  I tried it with the ENTER first.  Response was NO such file or directory.  I tried it with the TAB and it just went off into never land until I hit ENTER.15:54
N9NUalsem: your USB key is most likely  /dev/sdx15:54
mortal1I have a problem.  Every time I hook up my laptop to my tv, I have to click 'configure screen', mirror screens, apply, keep current.  Is there any way for my display manager to remember my settings?15:54
N9NUok..you must not have bash-completion installed15:55
headkase314mayunia, read this PDF to start -> http://www.sindominio.net/metabolik/alephandria/txt/stephenson_at_the_beginning.pdf <- "In the beginning was the Command Line"15:55
zoomwhy gnome don't automount my cdrom please ?15:55
N9NUalsem: can you view your /etc/fstab file15:55
gentooxeralsem: type this into Konsole: sudo fdisk -l | grep dev15:56
pheonixmanwhere are default themes located in ubuntu...?15:56
sacarlsoncoz_: bad disk drive supperblock error?15:56
N9NUalsem: and see what name your hard drive is using....its either hdx or sdx15:56
coz_sacarlson,  not sure  apparenlty bootfail   has an issue   http://pastebin.com/w8cmdVKr15:56
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coz_sacarlson,  I have not often seen this occur  so it is puzzlingme15:57
coz_puzzleing  me15:57
alsemN9NU:  Yes I can gedit the /etc/fstab.  the Hard drive is sda  with assorted partitions.15:57
N9NUalsem: if your using SATA disks, then it will be /dev/sdxx15:57
N9NUalsem: as your are15:57
Rogue1coz_, ISO md5sum was fine, CD-ROM integrity was fine - just going  to try the install now15:58
coz_Rogue1,  with an alternate cd?15:58
Rogue1coz_, yes - 10.04 alternate, as you suggested15:58
coz_Rogue1,  cool  let me know15:58
gentooxerN9NU: alsem: why don't you both just parse dmesg output to get the device name?15:58
barfoo365Hi all, im having some major issues with my ubunut server 10.04 install after installing virtualbox.  It hangs on boot and gives me a initramfs prompt.  Anyone any ideas on where to start with fixing it?15:58
alsemN9NU:  The Terminal is still out to never never land after I entered the TAB.15:59
barfoo365I have a forum post regarding the issue at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9720803#post9720803 which has a screenshot if that helps15:59
sacarlsoncoz_: that last tells me almost nothing.  does it get as far as mounting the root dir ?  if not grub problem?  otherwise do a fsck /dev/sda1 and other disks you use15:59
N9NUgentooxer: i figured everyone had bash completion installed by default15:59
coz_sacarlson,  not sure you may have to ask  bootfail   about it since he is the one experiencing it15:59
asgAiya: Add the 'workspace switcher' to a panel and use the 'preferences' for that plugin to add an additional workspace15:59
N9NUusing TAB would be most beneficial16:00
gentooxerN9NU: alsem: or scan it with fdisk or lsscsi16:00
Rogue1coz_, will I get an option about using my  password to decrypt my home folder w/ the alternate install?16:00
alsemgentooxer:  Could you be alittle more explicied please!16:01
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coz_Rogue1,  do you want to encrypt the home folder?/16:01
blkhow can i "disable wireless" in mavericks nm-applet? it's grayed out (running as root doesn't make a difference - same for the "enable networking" tick )16:01
bazhangblk, #ubuntu+1 for Maverick16:01
xomphey there, I'm obviously on the internet here but the wifi icon is showing greyed out with a red exclaimation mark in it. Anyway to fix this? or is this how it's supposed to be? Thanks16:01
coz_Rogue1,  well then go with it  otherwise bypass that section16:01
pheonixmananyone there to help me out16:01
blkbazhang, sry n thx16:01
N9NUalsem: type df in the konsole16:01
coz_pheonixman,  i didnt see your question16:02
gentooxeralsem: what are you trying to connect again?16:02
N9NUalsem: what is the last entry? /dev/sdbx  or sdcx or sddx16:02
pheonixmancoz_, http://imagebin.org/109767 , my problem is that i get a different icon for cdrive16:02
alsemN9NU:  Did and got a whole prind out for that I don't under stand. Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on16:03
alsem/dev/sda7             44575616   5160376  37150880  13% /16:03
alsemnone                   1462028       316   1461712   1% /dev16:03
alsemnone                   1466248       164   1466084   1% /dev/shm16:03
alsemnone                   1466248       336   1465912   1% /var/run16:03
alsemnone                   1466248         0   1466248   0% /var/lock16:03
alsemnone                   1466248         0   1466248   0% /lib/init/rw16:03
alsem/dev/sda5             35495584  16072704  19422880  46% /media/sda516:03
alsem/dev/sda6             35495584    350412  35145172   1% /media/sda616:03
tsunami_lol stfu16:03
pheonixmancoz_, when i change the icons using change desktop, all the icons except the one for cdrive changes16:03
owd95how much better works nvidia in linux then ati?16:03
coz_pheonixman,  when you click on "c drive"  icon  what are the contents...is this a dual boot?16:03
xomp!pastebin alsem16:04
N9NUalsem: ok....  mount /dev/sdbx /mnt/xxx   change the x to either 1 or 2 or 316:04
N9NUi dont know if you have data on the usb key16:04
umeshHi all i am not able to here any voice from the spekar those are working on windows i am ubuntu 10.04LTS P4 machine spekar are of Mercur MS-440 can any one guide me on this16:04
alsemgentooxer:  I am trying to connect my Razor phone to BIT PIM program.  the phone a V3m uses the USB port.  My SDD works ok and the Wacom tablet works OK but not the phone.16:04
mayuniai am new want to be hacker16:04
coz_pheonixman,  this appears to be a cd in the drive... is that the case  or is this an onboard  hard drive?16:04
bazhangmayunia, wrong channel16:04
N9NUalsem: most usb keys will have two device entries /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 for example16:04
pheonixmancoz_, yeah it is a dual boot, my window xp is installed in this drice16:05
xomphey there, I'm obviously on the internet here but the wifi icon is showing greyed out with a red exclaimation mark in it. Anyway to fix this? or is this how it's supposed to be? Thanks16:05
roscogruenhow do i share a folder w/ another computer on the same router/modem?16:05
bazhangxomp, everything works fine otherwise?16:05
coz_pheonixman,  mm that is odd  that it is showing a cd icon instead of hard drive icon    ...under Places  is the same cd icon listed for that drive?16:05
gentooxeralsem: disconnect and connect the device and look at the end of the output from the command: dmesg16:05
xompbazhang, correct16:05
bazhangxomp, you could file a bug if you wish16:05
gentooxerit should tell you what device was connectet16:06
bazhangxomp, is this ethernet or wireless16:06
xompbazhang, wireless16:06
pheonixmancoz_, yeah the same icon show in "places" and also in the nautilus.16:06
coz_pheonixman,  try changing system themes...under   system/preferences/appearance    see if the different themes also show this as a cd icon16:06
bazhangxomp, perhaps ubuntu-bug networkmanager16:06
umeshany help for speaker and mike please16:06
N9NUalsem: my guess:  mount -t auto /dev/sdb2 /mnt/16:06
pheonixmancoz_, tried the same, then too its showing the same icon16:06
N9NUyour almost there16:07
xompbazhang, cba to file a bug report. I'll just live with it :)16:07
pheonixmancoz_, do you know where the icons present int the system/preferences/appearance are show16:07
coz_pheonixman,  mmm this is odd.... do you have an iso image on that drive16:07
xompbazhang, was really wondering if it was expected behavior.16:07
N9NUand do yourself a big favor; install bash completion16:07
alsemN9NU: I tried the mount/dev/sdb 1,2,3 /mnt/1,2,3 and all three returned the No such file or directory16:08
coz_pheonixman,   go under  system/preferences/appearance   hit the  "Customize" button and the   icons  tab16:08
bazhangxomp, clearly not, but I generally don't worry about it if otherwise works (aesthetics aside)16:08
N9NUalsem: doh!16:08
N9NUalsem: ok....copy and paste ..1 second16:08
kyenteialsem: Perhaps it's not sdb you require then? Try "dmesg | grep sd" and "dmesg | grep hd16:08
coz_ok guys...sorry ./..i have to break here ..shower time...be back later16:08
pheonixmancoz_, i did change using customize, but it wont change16:08
gentooxeralsem: why don't you use dmesg to look for the device?16:08
coz_pheonixman,  did you try the icons  tab under appearance?/16:09
sacarlsonroscogruen: are both computers ubuntu?  if so you might use the package ssh  apt-get install ssh  with ssh-server running on the target you can connect and share files with the client with places>connect server>ssh ,  other option is use samba16:09
dr3mrousing ubuntu 10.04 i typed ps aux and read the output to check if there is a malecious process  but there is a process i don;t know what it do named 'heart'?? what does it do16:09
oCean_alsem: use "sudo blkid" to discover all of the partitions16:09
coz_pheonixman,  mm  is there an iso  image on the windows drive ?16:09
kyenteidr3mro: Not a default ubuntu process. Could be something you have installed.16:09
coz_pheonixman,  I have not run into this issue before  ... I am just trying to see what could be causing this16:09
roscogruensacarlson: yes.  i want a functioning shares folder16:10
dr3mrokyentei, is there a possibility to be a virus16:10
roscogruenone shares but not the other16:10
pheonixmancoz_, nope there is no iso image, but it contains a folder in which i have mounted my virtualbox16:10
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barfoo365Can someone take a look at my screenshot and give me an idea of where to be looking in my config to resolve my issue? http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq6pAzA16:10
dr3mrokyentei, can you ps aux | grep heart and tell me if you have it too16:10
sacarlsonroscogruen: well those are some of your options there are more16:10
pheonixmancoz_, however when i right click the drive and change the icon it changes16:10
coz_pheonixman,  ah  ok that may be why this is happening but not sure16:11
N9NUalsem: copy and paste this:  mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/       if you get an error, change it to /dev/sdb116:11
alsemgentooxer:  Did as you requested and here is the end of the dmesg command.16:11
alsemid = 016:11
alsem[ 2386.704792] atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xf1 on isa0060/serio0).16:11
alsem[ 2386.704798] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e071 <keycode>' to make it known.16:11
alsem[ 2387.045740] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf2 on isa0060/serio0).16:11
alsem[ 2387.045745] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e072 <keycode>' to make it known.16:11
abhijit!paste | alsem16:11
ubottualsem: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:11
roscogrueni just typed mount and didn't get what is listed by a book.  sacarlson16:11
pheonixmancoz_, should i delete the folder and see..?16:11
N9NUhis hard drive is /dev/sda, therefor the next in line (the usb) would be /dev/sdb16:11
asgdr3mro: can you pastbin the output of your ps aux and also /proc/<PID>/cmdline for the process16:11
HermanDEbarfoo365, What's the problem?16:12
coz_pheonixman,  well only if the folder is not needed  perhaps  but I am not sure about the outcome16:12
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N9NUsdbx  x will be either 1, 2 or 3 depending on the file system16:12
Magkakoshey whats the gpu driver that ubuntu uses before i install anything proprietary? nv or nouveau?16:12
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dr3mroasg ok16:12
xysince when is pasting allowed in here?16:12
sacarlsonroscogruen: mount what?  another windows computer?  ubuntu sytems?  what protocol?16:12
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oCean_xy: it isn't16:13
bazhangxy, since the floodbot is not operational16:13
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alsemgentooxer:  Got you.  Let me go install it in a minute here.16:13
pheonixmancoz_, i delete it, but no change in the icon16:13
barfoo365HermanDE : My Ubunutu 10.04 install just freezes on that screen when booting16:13
headkase314Magkakos, if you're nvidia hardware then I'm certain it's nouveau16:13
Rogue1coz_, froze at 83%, or appeared to - now at 90%,  s o  we'll see what hapens16:13
bazhangxy, just have to !paste | nick to warn them16:13
N9NUalsem: if you wish, make sure your 'automounter' service is running or installed16:13
coz_pheonixman,   then I am puzzled for sure but i will stay logged on to see if someone else has a suggestion16:13
dr3mroasg http://pastebin.com/AGa0za7j16:14
barfoo365HermanDE : I have managed to boot to a terminal prompt with the install CD but am not sure where I should be looking to resolve the issue16:14
coz_Rogue1,  oooo  already a freeze?/  that is not good16:14
alsemN9NU: I did what you suggested and got special device does not exist.16:14
daedalus_Hi, last night I got everything working just fine. I was able to zoom in using shift+scroll wheel. Today that feature doesn't work and I can't find it in the nvidia control configure program ultiliity thing.16:14
pheonixmancoz_, sure but what should i do..?16:14
Magkakosheadkase314, so the the default open driver is nouveau for nvidia. does ubuntu use vesa driver ever?16:14
HermanDEbarfoo365, Have you verified the CD?16:14
barfoo365HermanDE : As in check for errors?16:14
HermanDEbarfoo365, Yep.16:14
coz_pheonixman,  not sure at this point..... maybe someone has another suggestion or...you could try the ##linux channel16:14
roscogruensacarlson: both are ubuntu16:14
barfoo365HermandDE : Yes, no errors.  This is an already established install that has been running fine for several weeks16:15
Rogue1coz_, seems to have passed it - let me choose username, encryption, finished that up - will see what happens now16:15
headkase314Magkakos, you can force the vesa driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf but to give instructions I'd have to google a bit.16:15
coz_Rogue1,   ok16:15
N9NUalsem: ok. im just abt positive your USB is going to use /dev/sdb16:15
barfoo365HermanDE : I am just using the rescue function of the CD to give me a terminal prompt16:15
asgdr3mro: it's part of erlang which you are running16:15
sacarlsonroscogruen: so what protocol have you chosen ssh or samba or other?16:15
roscogruenone is dual booted but only use the non-ubuntu once a year.16:15
N9NUalsem: did you try sdb116:15
Magkakosheadkase314, ok no need16:15
roscogrueni used samba to create a network for the win7 partition of one16:15
HermanDEbarfoo365, Have you tried to disable the ethernet from the bios?16:15
headkase314Magkakos, ok ;)16:16
barfoo365HermanDE : Nope, i'll try it now, 2 secs16:16
roscogruenbut now that i'm running ubuntu partition on it, i can't share files out of it16:16
dr3mroasg what is erlang16:16
asgdr3mro: a programming language16:16
Aiyahow do I make 4 workspace in ubuntu netbook remix version?16:16
N9NUalsem: if yes, then try sdb2  then sdb3  one of em has to work........is this a pre-formatted key?16:16
headkase314dr3mro, a programming language -> http://www.erlang.org/16:16
dr3mroasg i didn't run it16:16
alsemN9NU:  Yup but got same results.16:16
asgdr3mro: something you are running is written in it though16:16
pheonixmancoz_, by the way do you know where are the icons present in the change desktop apperance/customize/icons present..?16:17
asgdr3mro: probably the couchdb stuff above the 'heart' process16:17
Rogue1coz_, got to go to the airport now. Seems to be preparing for software selection/installation, so will let it do it's thing, and continue the install when I get back.16:17
dr3mrook so its not malecious16:17
N9NUthats odd. what error16:17
Magkakosis nouveau better than nv for nvidia cards?16:17
Rogue1coz_, thanks for all your help so far :)16:17
coz_pheonixman,  usually   they are in /usr/share/icons16:17
erUSULMagkakos: it should be16:17
coz_Rogue1,  no problem16:17
asgdr3mro: no, not at all16:17
alsemgentooer:  Loaded the lsscsi program.  I agree I don't think the Razor acts as a mass storage device.16:17
coz_Rogue1,  I am curious if the alternate install works :)16:17
Quantum_Ionpheonixman,  search in /usr/share/icons16:17
N9NUohhhh its a phone?????16:18
Quantum_Ioncd /usr/share/icons16:18
sacarlsonroscogruen: well with samba there are complex security settings to deal with so you should google "samba ubuntu"  with ssh it's just a mater of apt-get install ssh on each and connect as I showed before16:18
MagkakoserUSUL, ok and compared to the old nvidia driver i have to use. (173) would it be better to use nouveau i guess?16:18
roscogrueni thought it was just a simple mount when they both share the same modem16:18
AiyaIs that possible to have ubuntu and ubuntu netbook remix edition on same PC?16:18
erUSULMagkakos: well that i dunno; never used nouveau myself.16:18
Quantum_Ionpheonixman, run this command from terminal #find / -name *.png16:19
headkase314Magkakos, if you are not using your Ubuntu system for 3d games and nouveau does compiz effects for you just fine then nouveau is better.  If you want full 3d functionality then the proprietary nv is better.  Also, you should install the proprietary nv from System > Administration > Hardware Drivers as installing the .run file from nvidia.com can cause issues later when a kernel update comes along.16:19
roscogruenit is a simple process.  just share them.  Buuuut16:19
kn100Magkakos, http://z0r.de/135416:19
alsemN9NU:  if yes, then try sdb2  then sdb3  one of em has to work........is this a pre-formatted key?  what is a pre-formatted key?16:19
kn100Magkakos, sorry, had to, it was relevant. Nouveau is OK but I seriously suggest you get the nvidia drivers16:19
kn100they are infinitely faster16:19
N9NUalsem: i just saw you said Razor....i take that to be a Motorola phone then16:19
sacarlsonroscogruen: on samba?  you have to tell samba what files you want to share.  with ssh it only depends on the user you login.  access any file he can16:19
daniel_b_hi! just installed ubuntu. I'd like to install kubuntu-desktop but that's failing, because deps cant be resolved. (for example for arc. ) Which repos must I have installed?16:20
roscogruenit doesn't have be samba.  just sharing the folders16:20
roscogruenno ssh man.16:20
Magkakoskn100, there are opensource drivers called nv besides nouveau. and there are the proprietary from nvidia16:20
Quantum_Ionroscogruen,  apt-get install ssh16:20
roscogruenno thanks, as i said.16:21
kn100Magkakos, they are no longer supported16:21
barfoo365HermanDE : With ethernet disabled it gets past that point and then gives me this screen http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsBbj1A16:21
N9NUalsem: if it's a phone, then you can use your Gnome or KDE phone apps to connect to it. Your phone may have to be manually 'told' to connect via a command in your phone16:21
kn100Magkakos, Trust me, it's not the best option to use the proprietary system but the performance gain is quite literally 10 fold16:21
roscogruenANYONE:  how do i share a folder w/ another computer on the same router/modem?16:21
N9NUalsem: im just guessing at all this16:21
alsemgentooxer:  Forgiveme but I am also working with N9SU and lost a big part of your messages.  Wish there was a way to filter this so I only get relative information. But Please repeate your requests again.16:22
roscogruenthe folders are shared but the darned drive is not showing up on the other computer.  i think it is a mounting issue16:22
N9NUalsem: i though all this time it was a USB key/thumb drive16:22
DasEiroscogruen: samba is most simple, or just ssh in the other pc16:22
N9NUalsem: continue with gentooxer16:22
Quantum_IonThe Google Chrome Web Browser is definately faster than FireFox, but FireFox is better at downloads to save and pause long downloads16:23
Magkakoskn100, the thing is i damaged my gpu while cleaning it and for some reason, the opensource drivers now work, but i get black screen for the proprietary16:23
gentooxeralsem: why don't you use the private chat?16:23
HermanDEbarfoo365, What is located on ata1?16:23
bastid_raZorroscogruen: you could use ssh to mount them via a GUI.. Places > Connect to Server , then use Method ssh and add a bookmark which will enable you to have the link in Places Menu.16:23
roscogruenDasEi: could you tell me how to mount the drive. so it is seen by the other computer16:23
headkase314Magkakos, if you manually install the .run file from nvidia's website the next time a kernel update comes along for your computer X windows will fail to start and your video driver will be in a broken state - has happened to me.  To avoid this, install the nv driver from System > Administration > Hardware Drivers.  Select the recommended driver there and click on Activate.16:23
kn100Magkakos, that sounds like you damaged something which isn't required for 2d acceleration but is for 3d16:23
alsemN9NU:  How do I tell the phone to connect?  I was following the directions in BitPIM and when they indicated I needed the USB port mounted I found I didn't!16:23
kn100Magkakos, in that case, Nouveau is your only choice16:23
HermanDEbarfoo365, What is located at ata1?16:24
DasEiroscogruen: you set up a folder on one machine, then install samba..16:24
barfoo365HermanDE : ata1 is my IDE drive with the OS install16:24
roscogruendone DasEi16:24
gentooxeralsem: try /dev/ttyUSB16:24
DasEiroscogruen: then change smb.conf to point to that folder16:24
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:24
N9NUalsem: you might not have to....some phones need to...most dont16:24
DasEiworks fine for linux, too16:24
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
HermanDEbarfoo365, It looks like the system is reporting errors with the filesystem.16:24
roscogruenright.  DasEi do you have a gOOD link to show me how to edit smb.conf?16:24
HermanDEbarfoo365, Which file system are you using?16:25
barfoo365HermanDE : ext316:25
Magkakoskn100, ok you said the opensource nv isnt any longer supported?16:25
DasEiroscogruen: for permanent, get put in the share in /etc/fstab16:25
alsemgentooxer:  The answer is 'Command not found'16:25
DasEiroscogruen: igfy16:25
kn100Magkakos, Nvidia no longer develops it16:25
kn100Magkakos, Plus Nouveau is better than nv now anyway16:25
Hello00is "i7-720QM 1.6GHZ(2.8 Turbro Mode 8MB Cache)" much better than "Intel Core Duo T2400 - 1.8GHZ (2MB CACHE)"? Would I notice a significate difference in speed and performance if I bought the new i7-720QM?16:25
N9NUuse the OEM driver from nvidia16:26
gentooxeralsem: I meant tell your application to connect to the phone via /dev/ttyUSB16:26
HermanDEIs your data on a SATA or IDE drive?16:26
roscogrueni need a link to walk me through this.   suffered much brain damage from another OS16:26
DasEiroscogruen: http://samba.netfirms.com/16:26
Magkakoskn100, ok thanks for the info16:26
kn100Magkakos, no problem :)16:26
barfoo365HermanDE : A mixture, I have 2 IDE drives and 2 SATA drives.  The OS is on one of the IDE drives, the rest is my data16:27
HermanDEbarfoo365, It looks like your system is detecting sdd1 just fine.16:27
DasEiroscogruen: http://tinyurl.com/2kpojq16:27
DasEiscroll a little down, there you go16:27
roscogruenDasEi: THX. i am starting to think the problem might exist in connection.16:27
HermanDEbarfoo365, but failing on one of your IDE drives...16:27
roscogrueni can't get that link up16:28
DasEiroscogruen: can ypu ping the other machine ? no fw, same subnet ?16:28
headkase314roscogruen, right-click on the link and choose "open in web-browser"?16:28
roscogruenthx headkase314 .  had no idea that was how it was done16:28
barfoo365HermanDE : Do you think the ethernet failing is a red herring?  Or is it related to the dying drive?16:28
headkase314roscogruen, you're welcome ;)16:28
sacarlsonroscogruen: maybe test with ssh and you'll see if the problem is network comunication problem or security settings in samba16:29
_TrulloI have a asrock 330, I'm trying to get sound thru both hdmi and analog output at the same time, anyone able to help?16:29
=== Magkakos is now known as Goliath
alsemgentooxer:  I tried the /dev/... and the application, BitPIM, didn't connect to the phone.16:29
FillThisIncan some of you help me?16:29
bazhangFillThisIn, ask a question16:29
_Trullohttp://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=58978 I follows that guide16:29
HermanDEbarfoo365, There are some problems with detecting the proper 8139 driver.16:29
DasEiroscogruen: also can set your messenger to use a specific browser for direct left-click16:29
roscogrueni see the connection go on/off/on/off all darn day since adding the second computer16:29
HermanDEbarfoo365, That has been fixed by disabling the ethernet in the bios.16:29
_Trullohttp://pastebin.com/c0SM7PsD my aplay -l ..16:29
FillThisInHow can  i make my intel chipset work for packet injection its a iwl496516:29
HermanDEbarfoo365, So, that problem is solved.  It is now the problem with the filesystems on the drives.16:30
roscogruen"connection" to internet16:30
barfoo365HermanDE : I think I might cut my losses and ditch the 120gb OS IDE drive, its years old and wouldn't surprise me if it was on its way out.  It gets real hot at times which cant be good :)16:30
CopperredHello...I am having a hard time understanding what Compiz is.....it is a Desktop enviroment like Gnome?   I am runnning Lucid....and cannot find the Compiz (or Compiz Fusion) control panel.  I have a WIN XP Vbox virtual machine that autoloads upon Ubuntu starting up.....i would like that WinXP VM to be sent to Workspace 2 on my desktop.  I am told I can do this with Compiz......yes no?   Other simple idea?16:30
DasEiroscogruen: just answer16:30
DasEiroscogruen: can ypu ping the other machine ? no fw, same subnet ?16:30
FillThisInCan anyone hear me?16:30
DasEiFillThisIn: yup16:30
erUSULCopperred: compiz is a window manager16:30
HermanDEbarfoo365, Just follow the suggested fsck16:31
FillThisIncan anyone help me?16:31
N9NUcompiz runs on top of the window manager16:31
roscogruennot sure.  what is command to ping?16:31
DasEi!who | roscogruen16:31
ubotturoscogruen: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:31
N9NUor eh gnome16:31
dabukalamEverytime I install Tweetdeck it breaks my software index. How can i fix the index without removing TD?16:31
DasEiroscogruen: being on one box, you got the ip of the other one..16:31
gentooxeralsem: I don't find you phone in the list of supported ones16:32
DasEiroscogruen: ping SomeIPaddress16:32
headkase314Copperred, in System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, search for compiz settings manager.  Install that and then it will appear under System > Preferences.  From Compiz Settings Manager you can configure everything in compiz.  To enable compiz go to System > Preferences > Appearence and under Desktop Effects choose "extra".16:32
CopperrederUSUL: Where do I find this Compiz?  certain command line?      I would like the WIN XP vm to go to workspace 2 automatically upon Ubuntu loading up.16:32
sacarlsonCopperred: I thought compiz is like eye candy on gnome xserver it makes stuff spin on and off the screen.  takes lots of coputer power to run and normaly takes a good video card.16:32
FillThisInDo you know how to put packet injection to work on Intel iwl4965?16:32
roscogruenthx.  DasEi i'm bing bombarded with comments and no time to do the things you've suggested.  i'm going to sign off for a bit.  brb16:32
erUSUL!ccsm > Copperred16:32
ubottuCopperred, please see my private message16:32
FillThisInDo you know how to put packet injection to work on Intel iwl4965?????????????????????????????????????????????????16:32
alsemgentooxer:  It is listed as a V3m one of the ones in the Razor family.16:33
erUSULCopperred: i dunno if compiz support what you want. maybe more hep in #compiz16:33
bazhangFillThisIn, stop with the ???16:33
FillThisInokay ^16:33
gentooxeralsem: ah OK16:33
N9NUerUSUL: compiz-manager will bring up the motherload of options once its running    FYI16:33
barfoo365HermanDE : Thanks, i'll give it a go16:33
Copperredis tehre a LOW RESOURCE way to send this window automatically to Workspace 2?16:33
FillThisInBazhang: but can ya help?16:33
dexterhey ppl16:34
bazhangFillThisIn, explain exactly why you need that16:34
pheonixmanhi, when i try to run $gtk-update-icon-cache ./index.theme it gives the error "gtk-update-icon-cache: No theme index file."16:34
pheonixmancan anyone help me..?16:34
gentooxeralsem: so what the Problem with the wizard of bitpim16:34
alsemgentooxer:  so how do I interact with the phone in order to connect it?16:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:34
FillThisInBazhang: i need to  run aircrack/airdump/etc... to test the internet security of my grandmas internet16:34
gentooxeralsem: start bitpim and follow the orders there16:35
sacarlsonalsem: maybe bluetooth?16:35
FillThisInbut i can't make the chipset injection work16:35
bazhangFillThisIn, not with that chipset no. and cracking wifi is offtopic on this network16:35
gentooxeralsem: selecting the phone type an so on16:35
FillThisInBazhang: I googled for it and there are some patches but i can't make them work16:36
FillThisInactually i don't even know what to do with them16:36
bazhangFillThisIn, this is a subject outside this channel's scope16:36
gentooxeralsem: did you use that find phone button?16:36
FillThisInseya then16:36
pheonixmananyone there to solve my problem16:36
Aiyawhat is the preference shortcut key in ubuntu netbook remix edition.Thanks16:36
DasEiFillThisIn: sure grandma liked it ?16:36
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.16:36
N9NUalsem: read: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-94713.html16:37
alsemgentooxer: sacarlson:  I ran BitPIM as suggested.  I selected Alltel. Motorola and then NO phones are listed.  If I use Verizon then I can get the V3m.  I read someting about Bluetooth but have no idea how to invoke that!16:37
sacarlsonalsem: I haven't played with bluetooth in a long time but as memory holds it required some kind of authentication at some point.16:39
sacarlsonalsem: and bluetooth needed to be active in the phone to start16:39
abhijit!bluetooth | asle16:39
ubottuasle: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:39
gentooxeralsem: and the phone is plugged in right?16:39
alsemgentooxer:  YES and the screen light is on.16:40
s5sHey guys I have a problem with radeon driver. I get a white screen when it is loaded (even if X isn't started). I can't see anything and the screen isn't completely white but is a mixture of colors which also change over time16:40
jramseygarmin gps on usb; doesn't seem to work; how do i know which usb device is assoc. with the garmin?16:40
N9NUalsem: Here is the motherload of answers for you: http://linuxidx.com/linux.php?q=Hello+from+linux+and+dun+|+HACK+THE+RAZR16:41
gentooxeralsem: what does it tell you if you try to scan the com ports?16:41
sacarlsons5s: is this a new install or did it break?16:41
alsemSacarflson and N9NU:  N9NU gave me a link to a Bluetooth article so I need to read that.  Also N9NU just posted a link to some answers.  So let me go read these and I will get back with you folks.   Thanks a bunch...................   Al16:42
N9NUread the last link i sent ya16:42
N9NUthere are several 3rd party programs u can use16:42
gentooxeralsem: http://www.bitpim.org/help/faq-faildetection.htm16:43
jramseyhow can i show which /dev device controls a usb garmin gps?16:43
V0r34u5Hey guys, I am looking for a free and open webmail provider16:43
sacarlsonjramsey: try lsusb16:43
expectingåñòü ðóññêèå?16:43
seb_it is french chat ?16:43
oCean_!ru | expecting16:43
ubottuexpecting: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:43
jramseysacarlson, i did but it doesn't seem to show the /dev device16:43
jramseygarmin is listed16:43
s5ssacarlson: it's a brand new install and it is also minimal - I only have about 300 packages. However I boot up in a tty and I can see that when the driver is loaded this happens. If I blacklist everything is OK16:44
gentooxerV0r34u5: keep us posted :)16:44
headkase314V0r34u5, I don't know if that is off-topic for here but how about gmail and hotmail?16:44
gentooxerheadkase314: thats so offtopic16:44
xoverguys vsftpd is killing me, it create a pid, but it does not exist16:44
N9NUV0r34u5:    hushmail.com - w/ 4096 bit enc.16:44
xoverand i cannot log in16:44
headkase314gentooxer, ok - I won't say any more on it then! ;)16:45
expecting÷òî, âîîáùå ðóññêèõ íåìà?16:45
bazhang!ru | expecting16:45
ubottuexpecting: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:45
gentooxerheadkase314: :)16:45
andreligneHello! I get an error when I try to launch Spotify in the terminal. "/usr/share/themes/Murrina-Tangoesque/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:63: Murrine configuration option "hilight_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please use "highlight_shade" instead.Segmentation fault" Anyone who knows what that means? :)16:46
jramseysacarlson, dmesg shows usb 3-1 changes as i remove and insert the garmin16:46
ceschi there. I have right now a wired internet connection. But I want to use this computer with a usb wireless adapter (which is Alfa Network AWUSO36H). On my other computer with ubuntu I didn't have to install any drivers to work. On this machine (with xubuntu) it is not recognized. What should I do to fix this?16:46
sacarlsonjramsey: so what /dev/xxx is that?16:46
janisozaurI have a patch for a driver which is compiled as a module in my default ubuntu kernel. can I compile only this module after I apply the patch and replace the .ko file or do I need to compile whole kernel?16:46
jramseysacarlson, that is my question :)16:46
sacarlsonjramsey: well I see /dev/usb/usbmonx  in my system but all I have is one usb mouse16:47
jramseysacarlson, i see usbmon0-616:48
dabukalamEverytime I install Tweetdeck it breaks my software index. How can i fix the index without removing TD?16:48
janisozaurdabukalam: software index?16:49
sacarlsonjramsey: maybe it mounts as a disk?16:49
stjohnmedranogood day everyone16:49
stjohnmedranoanyone frome cebu16:49
FillThisInDo you know how to put packet injection to work on Intel iwl4965?16:50
bazhangFillThisIn, wrong channel16:50
FillThisInwhats the right channel?16:50
jramseysacarlson, places/computer doesn't list it as such16:50
bazhangFillThisIn, not on this network I'd wager16:50
dabukalamjanisozaur: yeah, aptitude...16:50
cescI need help. I'm using right now a wired internet connection on my xbuntu with no problems. But I want to use this computer with a usb wireless adapter (which is Alfa Network AWUSO36H). On another PC I have my other with ubuntu I didn't have to install any drivers for this wireless adapter to work. On this machine (with xubuntu) it is not recognized. What should I do to fix this?16:51
jramseyFillThisIn, what do you mean pkt injection?16:51
bazhangjramsey, cracking wifi16:51
sacarlsonjramsey: I didn't remember what gps you had but I found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54463116:51
FillThisInjramsey, use with aircrack16:51
bazhangFillThisIn, please stop16:51
janisozaurdabukalam: how is it broken?16:51
headkase314cesc, for your Alfa Network AWUSO36H there is this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=891292 thread which links to this -> http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8187L driver.  However the driver is supposed to already be in the kernel.  Your mileage may vary, maybe you could try to install the realtek16:52
headkase314 driver?16:52
FloodBot3headkase314: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
FillThisInBazhang, do you any channel/network that i can go?16:52
jramseysacarlson, it's a garmin; i have 9.1 ub. on a pos dell inspiron; it loads in the pkg mgr an older version of gpsd. i am not sure it is correct so a newer version is available but i want to verify i'm getting nmea strings from the garmin before building/installing a newer gpsd, which is why i need to know which dev16:52
headkase314did not flood, line was auto-split by irc client.16:52
bazhangFillThisIn, no. please stop asking here16:53
cescthanks headkase314 gonna check this link16:53
jramseyFillThisIn, google is your friend; go google your subject and irc channels16:53
headkase314cesc, if the driver gives you any issues installing it post here for help!16:53
=== moayad_ is now known as moayad
gsrHi all.  I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an HP Pavilion dv7.  I want to shortcut key an enable/disable my trackpad.  I followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad to try and enable SHMConfig.  However, synclient and gsynaptics have no effect on my settings!.  I can enable/disable (using shm config: synclient TouchpadOff=1), but it has no effect on my touchpad.16:54
=== moayad_ is now known as moayad
gsrAnyone else encountered this problem?16:54
sacarlsonjramsey: it apears it has it's own custom kernel module looks like you will have some googleing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45711516:55
janisozaurI have a patch for a driver which is compiled as a module in my default ubuntu kernel. can I compile only this module after I apply the patch and replace the .ko file or do I need to compile whole kernel?16:55
amd64hello, my machine logs out, or locks itself if i am away for a while and i don't want ti too. how can i stop this?16:55
ewethi, is there something I can read about the rationale behind ubuntu not having a root user? I'd like to read that _before_ I set up my test-server ;)16:55
janisozauramd64: have you checked screensaver options?16:56
bazhang!sudo > ewet16:56
ubottuewet, please see my private message16:56
dabukalamjanisozaur: no idea16:56
jramseysacarlson, yeah i saw the blacklist post but i can't believe garmin has issues; i also don't see any dev listed in dmsg and the other posting shows the dev assigned in dmesg16:56
sacarlsonjanisozaur: you can compile just your patched code,  you might have to replace your old or rename it?16:56
janisozaurdabukalam: then how do you know it is brokien?16:56
gsr!sudo > gsr16:56
ubottugsr, please see my private message16:56
sacarlsonjanisozaur: you will need the running kernel header files to be able to compile drivers for it.16:57
amd64janisozau i just read that, i never thought it would be controlled via the screensaver. thanx16:57
janisozaursacarlson: how do I compile only this module? run "make" in directory containing it? I suppose I should configure the kernel prior to that?16:57
dabukalamjanisozaur: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/526229/softindexbroken.png16:58
Travis_42Every now and then (for example, right now), the time in the upper gnome panel doesn't update. For example, right now it has said 11:08AM since 11:08AM and it is now 11:58am. how do I get it to start updating again?16:58
janisozaurdabukalam: have you read this message? have you tried what it says?16:58
sacarlsonjanisozaur: dabukalam: wow cool because I didn't know.  normaly I get patches that have instructions on how to implement16:59
tristanhow i can do to mi web appear in google??16:59
mr_louAm I the only one getting slightly tired of my ffmpeg codecs disappearing all the time? I made a batch function long time ago that lets me type a simple command to convert a video to a mobile format. I don't use it a whole lot, but everytime I need it I'm missing the codec that worked fine last time. What is that??16:59
=== xy is now known as [--]
headkase314!hi | everbill17:00
ubottueverbill: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:00
everbillone question17:00
headkase314!ask | everbill17:00
ubottueverbill: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:00
wildc4rdafternoon all!17:00
=== [--] is now known as xy
knoxvillehow can I disable nessus from startup?17:01
dabukalamjanisozaur: Guys, I'm not a complete noob. Sorry i didn't make myself clear... -f wants me to uninstall tweetdeck. I don't want to. And yes I've tried re-installing17:01
everbillsupport in spanish?17:01
oCean_!es | everbill17:01
ubottueverbill: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:01
janisozaurdabukalam: my apt-get doesn't know tweetdeck - can't reproduce17:03
KB9CMWnewbee which mms plugin do I need to listen to AM radio stations/17:05
=== rrkmdw is now known as randyrkelly
Aiyafinnaly Im able to make cubic effect in ubuntu netbook remix version.Some idiot told me its not possible17:05
lellecan you install windows from ubuntu? like wubi in windows but reverse...17:06
bazhanglelle, in a virtualbox17:06
ZykoticK9lelle, VirtualBox?17:06
bazhang!vm > lelle17:06
ubottulelle, please see my private message17:06
lelleZykoticK9: ??? i want a winblows partition not a virtual inside ubuntu17:06
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55
bazhanglelle, then no17:07
eichihow to save grub2 edit with "e" before boot. if i press ESC, its seens not so save the edit?!17:07
sacarlsonmr_lou: I'm not sure what codec you have that's missing but you could try install restricted format that includes most codec that are used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats17:07
bazhangeichi, update-grub check the grub2 wiki17:07
lelleeichi i think you can edit grub settings inside ubuntu17:07
bazhang!grub2 | eichi17:07
ubottueichi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:07
ZykoticK9mr_lou, if you are trying MP4 or using AAC audio - it was removed upstream - there is a "bug" in Launchpad somewhere about it.17:08
eichibazhang: bazhang that is not my question, i know that. but i just want to test some parameters, then edit in grub is enaught17:08
eichiwant to have the key for apply17:08
ewetbazhang, okay thanks - so it's basically just to force using sudo17:09
uwehi all17:09
bazhangewet, sudo -i if you need a root shell17:09
uwehow can i find out the path where JDK is installed17:09
cescHi. I just downloaded a linux driver from realtek for my usb wireless adapter. and when trying to install from terminal window with the command "make" the installation fails and says... make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop17:10
sacarlsoneichi: the grub2 configs to edit are in /etc/grub/defaults  or something like that17:10
ZykoticK9uwe, try "which java" in a terminal17:10
bihari guys i have seen this C code in yashwant kanetkar book http://codepad.org/N3Buu0hf is it correct?17:10
janisozauruwe: you can check installed files in synaptic17:10
uweah thanks17:10
eichisacarlson: thats not my question, you all talk things to me liks an keyword bot17:10
mr_lousacarlson, ZykoticK9, it says libfaac missing.17:11
ZykoticK9mr_lou, that's AAC - it's gone.  You'd need to use a non-Ubuntu version of ffmpeg for that codec to work.17:11
mr_lousacarlson, ZykoticK9, Last time it was a similar thing, and I struggled for some hours getting it working again.17:11
mr_louZykoticK9, I believe that's what I did last time too....hmm.... mkay.17:11
cescany ideas about my problem...17:12
cescHi. I just downloaded a linux driver from realtek for my usb wireless adapter. and when trying to install from terminal window with the command "make" the installation fails and says... make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop17:12
headkase314!pm | cesc17:12
ubottucesc: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:12
sacarlsoneichi: maybe your problem is in the editor that you didn't tell us the one you used mayb vi or vim or gedit or..............................17:12
ZykoticK9mr_lou, here is the related bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/faac/+bug/37490017:12
headkase314cesc, from your pm you are at the compiling step of the driver?17:12
leechso i closed banshee media player.. but the music is still playing...kinda cool but its getting old17:12
janisozaurcesc: do you have kernel headers installed?17:12
uweah thanks17:12
lelleleech: maybe its still running in tray? some programs do that17:13
cescI don't know janisozaur I'm a complete  noob. How to check if I have them?17:13
ewetbazhang, thanks for that - I know that :) I wanted to be sure about the strategy of ubuntu behind it (the why - not the what ;) ) but it's pretty straight forward -- thank you :)17:13
janisozaurcesc: sudo apt-get build-essential17:13
headkase314cesc, listen to janisozaur and others - I'm not at an Ubuntu machine right now you'll probably have to install compiling tools.  Type "sudo apt-get install build-essential" at a console prompt to begin.17:13
janisozaurcesc: * sudo apt-get install build-essential17:13
leechkillall'ed it17:13
adminewbHelp please diagnosing a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where this rig was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message relating to "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise trying to boot LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system uses both MBR and GPT partitioned physical hard disks -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap ar17:14
mr_louZykoticK9, You don't happen to know of some other easy way of converting whateverformat to mobile phone compatible mp4 format?17:15
ZykoticK9leech, i just opened Banshee and used the X to close it.  it minimizes to system tray.17:15
bazhangadminewb, it got cut off at All Linux volumes+swap a17:15
ZykoticK9mr_lou, non-cli program Handbrake is amazing for MP417:15
mr_louZykoticK9, Thanks a lot. I will take a look.17:16
adminewbbazhang I see, that was the gist of it anyway17:16
bazhangmr_lou, handbrake is indeed nice17:16
cescjanisozaur getting new files after sudo apt-get install build-essential17:16
leechyes it does that normally17:16
=== Hutley_ is now known as Hutley
leechno worries thanx for your input17:17
ZykoticK9mr_lou, FYI Handbrake isn't in default Ubuntu repos17:17
adminewbjust stating that GPT disk contains all Linux volumes + swap, & that amd64 installation is an upgrade from karmic17:17
janisozaurcesc: this package should depend on kernel headers, after it installs, try running make once again17:17
cescthanks I'll do that.. I will let you know17:17
headkase314janisozaur, cesc, you may also have to type "./configure" before the make (without quotes)17:17
janisozaurheadkase314: good point, I've assumed it was already past that step17:18
mr_louZykoticK9, Thanks, I found out. :-) I'm at their download site, I think.17:18
cescok thanks for both of you17:18
SingAlonghi all17:19
thewanderer1can you recommend a way to make my desktop work identically to that of Windows 7? it doesn't have to be GNOME, it can be any desktop environment.17:19
bazhangmr_lou, also a PPA for it17:19
ZykoticK9mr_lou, the PPA is at https://launchpad.net/~handbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa17:19
icerootthewanderer1: install kde417:19
SingAlongI enter my password at the login screen and again it shows me the login screen asking for the password. My password is right tho. I even logged in as root and reset my password and it doesnt fix the problem. Anyone?17:19
eichiseems, that update-grub2 does not integrate the things, i did in /etc/grub.d/40_custom, why that?17:21
thewanderer1iceroot: I know KDE4, but I mean to emulate the exact looks of W717:21
cescwhen I type ./configure it says bash: ./configure: No such file or directory17:21
sacarlsonSingAlong: caps lock set?17:21
icerootthewanderer1: look at reactos if they have something like that17:21
raskahHas anyone else had trouble with firefox after Ubuntu 10.04 install? I cant show the download window, and it wont create any bookmarks17:21
bazhangthewanderer1, install some themes then17:21
headkase314cesc, ok try make then17:21
SingAlongsacarlson: No. Thats not the problem. Coz when i type the wrong password it does show a failure message. but when i type the right password it goes to a black screen and then comes back to the login screen17:21
headkase314cesc, you're welcome - if make runs it should end with no errors if there are errors pastebin and give link here.17:22
thewanderer1I'll look at how ReactOS has developed17:22
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sacarlsoneichi: you might look with the gui startup-manager  apt-get install startup-manager  there you can setup your 40_custom to run as default.  I think at boot you can also hold shift scrool to the botom to find it to boot17:22
janisozaurSingAlong: can you finally login to your desktop?17:23
thewanderer1oooh, a shiny new Windows 7 transformation pack for GNOME :)17:23
headkase314SingAlong, is caps lock on?  Seriously! ;) Just to rule it out?17:23
SingAlongThats not the problem. Coz when i type the wrong password it does show a failure message. but when i type the right password it goes to a black screen and then comes back to the login screen17:23
SingAlongjanisozaur: only as root. but not as my actual user.17:23
Rogue1coz_, no such luck - froze at 10% (Configuring language-pack-en-base) - HDD LED is still lit, but nothing else happens - and it's been that way since I signed off here17:23
stratovariushi all17:24
stratovariushow to put crunch output to a txt file?17:24
SingAlongheadkase314: I can login via recovery mode though.17:24
erUSULstratovarius: command > output.txt17:24
janisozaurSingAlong: maybe there is a script that logs you out in you start-up applications or you login into gdm(/kdm/xdm/whateverdm) session?17:24
headkase314SingAlong, sounds like something is borked in your config files.  You are logging in in a GNOME session?  Do you have any other desktop managers you can try to log in with using the same user?17:25
Junikszhello, how can i update my kernel?17:25
Goliathdoes anyone here use lubuntu?17:25
ikoniaJuniksz: ubuntu releases packaged kernel updates when needed or bugs are fixed17:25
HaPK_PerCarhi people17:25
SingAlongheadkase314: ya I was logging in from UNR. I'll try raw gnome17:25
ikoniaJuniksz: if a kernel update is available to you, it will advertise it's self within the package manager17:25
headkase314cesc, how's it going for you?17:26
SingAlongheadkase314: raw gnome doesnt work too.17:26
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SingAlongheadkase314: anyway I can reset my xorg conf from the root account?17:26
Junikszikonia, but i somehow stop this, and don't remind me17:26
headkase314SingAlong, so it's established that your password is correct but the desktop is failing to load?17:26
SingAlongheadkase314: exactly!17:26
ikoniaJuniksz: there is no update available if you are not getting an annoucment17:26
headkase314SingAlong, ok, let's see what others say now - I'm not an expert!17:26
HaPK_PerCarI got a new laptop, a toshiba satellite L645. I got ubuntu into it, simple and easy, but it won't connect to the internet! not even if I attach a net cable to it. What can I do??17:27
cescIt went wrong... check it http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/n8ApSUzB17:27
Junikszikonia, 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:27
janisozaurcesc: "sudo mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/build && make"17:27
headkase314cesc, listen to janisozaur  - I'm weak at this step17:28
Junikszikonia, i think that isn't the lastest  kernel17:28
ikoniaJuniksz: yes, what's wrong with that17:28
ikoniaJuniksz: that is the latest one ubuntu has released17:28
ikonia!info linux-kernel17:28
ubottuPackage linux-kernel does not exist in lucid17:28
ikonia!info kernel-image17:28
ubottuPackage kernel-image does not exist in lucid17:28
ikonia!info linux0image17:28
ubottuPackage linux0image does not exist in lucid17:28
adminewbHaving a boot problem on desktop Lucid amd64 build. Where I was able to boot either 32 or 64bit builds previous, now it locks up on amd64, just after a console message with "child_rip+0" as symbolic address. Likewise booting LiveCD image of same. Thoughts? May be notable that the system has both MBR and GPT partitionings -- again not a problem on older 64 builds. All Linux volumes+swap are on GPT disk, WinXP on MBR. Note also the amd64 install17:28
ikonia!info linux-image17:28
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)17:28
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
nima_hi there17:28
nima_I'm a beginner ubuntu user and I have some questions17:29
janisozaurJuniksz: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?17:29
Junikszjanisozaur, do nothing17:29
janisozaurJuniksz: do you have repos enabled in /etc/apt/sources* ?17:29
Junikszikonia, so everything is great?17:29
raskahno matter what i do... i cant make firefox download anything or make any bookmarks. weird. it was fine the last time i installed ubuntu17:29
nima_is there anybody to help me17:30
raskahit just does nothing17:30
bazhangnima_, ask a question17:30
headkase314!ask nima_17:30
janisozaur!ask | nima_17:30
ubottunima_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:30
Junikszjanisozaur, sure17:30
ikoniaJuniksz: well, it would seem there is a minor version update out, however, have you rebooted since your last update ?17:30
progre55hi guys! how can I edit user details on a terminal? say, I have a user called ubuntu and want to edit it's full name and address17:30
HaPK_PerCarI got a new laptop, a toshiba satellite L645. I got ubuntu into it, simple and easy, but it won't connect to the internet! not even if I attach a net cable to it. What can I do??17:30
nima_how can i access to root through terminal17:30
thewanderer1progre55: nano /etc/passwd17:30
ikoniaJuniksz: make sure you're booting of the lastest kernel when you boot from grub17:30
thewanderer1nima_: sudo su17:30
ikonia!root > nima_17:30
ubottunima_, please see my private message17:30
llutzprogre55: usermod17:30
abhijit!manual | nima_17:30
ubottunima_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:30
ikoniathewanderer1: please don't suggest that, it's wrong17:30
progre55thewanderer1: thanks17:31
Junikszikonia, the newer kernel isn't work for me, so i've remove, andnow, thereis no other kernel17:31
progre55llutz: usermod ubuntu ?17:31
thewanderer1oh, sorry, that's what I just always do17:31
erUSULprogre55: man chfn17:31
llutzprogre55: "man usermod"17:31
ikoniaJuniksz: ok - so the newer kernel doesn't work, so you've gone back to the next latest, which means your up to date17:31
progre55okay )17:31
cescjanizosaur after typing what you said .... make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.17:31
janisozaur!tab | cesc17:31
ubottucesc: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:31
ikoniacesc: what are you trying to build ?17:31
HaPK_PerCarI got a new laptop, a toshiba satellite L645. I got ubuntu into it, simple and easy, but it won't connect to the internet! not even if I attach a net cable to it. What can I do?? please someone T_T17:32
nima_and how can i install java runtime 64-bit17:32
abhijit!java | nima_17:32
ubottunima_: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:32
cescI try to install a usb wireless adapter. An Alfa Network AWUS036H17:32
headkase314ikonia, cesc,  Alfa Network AWUSO36H -> http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8187L driver.17:33
ikoniaheadkase314: in that package there should be a file called README and INSTALL17:33
cescyes I downloaded that driver. but compiling it give me problems.17:33
ikoniaheadkase314: read those files17:33
headkase314ikonia, cesc is building it - I googled for the device17:33
ikoniaheadkase314: ooh, I see17:34
cescI'm on xubuntu17:34
adminewbif someone can think of a better venue for my boot trouble I'd like to know17:34
ikoniacesc: that doesn't change anything, you need to read the README and INSTALL files in the package17:35
nima_is there anyone from the countries that filter the internet?17:35
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cescyes I did.. it says 1st to type make17:35
ikonianima_: what does that have to do with ubuntu ?17:35
abhijitnima_, filter? means?17:35
sacarlsonadminewb: well for one maybe you should add a pastebin with lshw  and any other hardware info.17:35
ikoniacesc: are you in the right directory ?17:36
nima_I am from iran and i can't install jre17:36
mr_louZykoticK9, It would seem I'm missing something... At least the "Start" button in Handbrake isn't active.17:36
eichigrub2 in ubuntu seems to ignore clocksource=acpi_pm  :( /sys/..../curent_clocksource is hpet but i did clocksource=acpi_pm in grub settings17:36
adminewbok sacarlson17:36
eichisomeone has an idea????17:36
thewanderer1nima_: then you're out of luck - search for an open alternative to it17:36
HaPK_PerCarI got a new laptop, a toshiba satellite L645. I got ubuntu into it, simple and easy, but it won't connect to the internet! not even if I attach a net cable to it. What can I do?? please someone T_T17:36
thewanderer1nima_: there are alternative packages for Java in the repositories17:36
abhijitnima_, which language you speak?17:36
thewanderer1HaPK_PerCar: the information you are providing is not enough - what do you mean by "connecting to the Internet"?17:37
eichiHaPK_PerCar: you mean ethernet connection to router?17:37
s5sDoes anyone know what the project page for the open source radeon driver is because I need to download the source and google doesn't help much17:37
HaPK_PerCarthewanderer1, trying to connect wireless trough a wireles router17:37
cescyes I'm in the directory where I extracted the archive17:37
HaPK_PerCareichi, yeah, also17:38
eichis5s: search for "xorg radeon wiki"17:38
headkase314cesc, putting the name of the person you are talking to in your comment will highlight it for them.17:38
thewanderer1HaPK_PerCar: how do you know that the connection is not working? what are the symptoms and what do you do to spot them?17:38
abhijit!ir | nima_17:38
ubottunima_: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.17:38
HaPK_PerCareichi, yeah, also tring to connect trough a cable17:38
nima_my mother-in-t is farsi17:38
Dug__is anyone here able to help me with an Audio problem ? im not sure but it might be a driver problem, i have updated my alsa driver and installed PulseAudio and still no luck :(17:38
Dug__im using Ubuntu 10.04 64-Bit17:39
abhijitnima_, in your iranian channel those people may know more about your issue. type /j #ubuntu-ir to join your iranian channel17:39
eichiHaPK_PerCar: try sudo dhcpclient eth0             in terminal17:39
nima_ok thank u so much17:39
HaPK_PerCarthewanderer1, well it simply won't connect, I mean, ubuntu tries to conect trough the wireless but it can't17:39
nima_where can i type this?17:39
abhijitnima_, here only17:39
headkase314ikonia, cesc cesc was able to make but the make terminated with errors.  cesc can you copy paste more of the error than you pastebin'd last time and pastebin again?17:39
HaPK_PerCarthewanderer1, it's a if it doesn't finds the router, or as if it need special authentication17:40
HaPK_PerCareichi, I'll try that17:40
janisozaurnima_: in the same input box where you type messages to thechannel17:40
Dug__can anyone help ?17:40
eichiHaPK_PerCar: cable or wireless?17:40
abhijitnima_, no. type /j #ubuntu-ir17:40
bullhornupgrading my karmic koala to some lynx with my 3g modem :)17:40
ceschere it is.. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3JvFSSRT17:40
HaPK_PerCareichi, wireless17:40
HaPK_PerCareichi, it won't even recognize if a cable is connected17:41
headkase314cesc, ok hopefully someone will be able to give you the next step17:41
HaPK_PerCareichi, command dhcpclient doesn't exists17:41
Dug__Is anyone available who can help with Alsa Driver's and pulse audio please ? i only have a small problem but im new to linux and not sure what else i can do :(17:41
thewanderer1HaPK_PerCar: it should be dhclient, not dhcpclient17:42
eichiHaPK_PerCar: doenst matter, i thougt you are cabled. i asked you if ethernet and you said yes17:42
sniperjoanyone clarify that notify-send will appear under  a fullscreen app such as VLC ?17:42
HaPK_PerCarthe dhclient says that there's no such device, blind socket17:43
janisozaurcesc: I've downloaded and successfully compiled the driver you gave link to17:43
janisozaurcesc: can you pm me?17:44
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Dug__Is there anyone available who can help a linux beginner with what i think is an Alsa Driver and PulseAudio problem please ?17:45
headkase314janisozaur, cesc for reference here is the thread that identifies the device and links to the driver ->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89129217:45
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:45
CalinouDug__: look17:45
md-llyrHow can I make Nautilus show me thumbnails of my video files when browsing my Windows drives?17:46
HaPK_PerCarI can't connect wireless, or cabled for that matter... what can I do?17:46
Dug__ive seen them17:46
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: plug the cable in :>17:46
Dug__they dont help it doesnt state the problem i get17:46
Muellimd-llyr: check nautilus preferences. Thumbnails might be disabled for files bigger than x.17:46
coz_md-llyr,   mm  that should be under  Edit preferences17:46
Dug__i only have small problem i just need a small bit of help from someone who knows what they are doing :(17:47
HaPK_PerCarMuelli, it is in...17:47
coz_md-llyr,  go under nautius...Edit... Preferences....Preview tab17:47
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: well. then ceck /var/log/daemon.log17:47
HaPK_PerCarubuntu simply won't recognize it17:47
Dug__my problem isnt being able to hear sound17:47
Dug__its recording sound with my microphone17:47
md-llyrThanks! Will check that right now. Oddly, it works when browsing my /home folders17:47
Dug__can somebody help please or atleast point me in the right direction ?17:47
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: hm. maybe you're using some weird chipset. Can you pastebin the output of "ifconfig -a"?17:48
MuelliDug__: what exactly is the problem?17:48
coz_md-llyr,  there is a pull down to show thumbnails "always"17:48
Dug__my microphone will record sound but when it plays back it has a lot of interference noise with it17:48
coz_md-llyr,  also be aware that when opening the windows drive  especially with videos it may take a short while for the thumbnails to show up17:48
Dug__and the sound it plays back is breaking up and hard to make out17:48
pheonixmancoz_, got any luck..?17:49
MuelliDug__: hm. maybe check with alsamixer whether the levels are way too high or anything.17:49
coz_pheonixman,  still not fixed??17:49
pheonixmancoz_, nope17:49
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: I use wicd with wireless it's cool for setup.  apt-get install wicd  ,  but your problem could be in your driver or maybe in your accesspoint or router17:49
Dug__hmm alsamixer is part of pulseaudio ?17:49
MuelliDug__: nope17:49
coz_pheonixman,  oh my... and did you try the ##linux channel ?17:49
Dug__hmm I should have installed this ?17:49
pheonixmancoz_, nope17:49
MuelliDug__: just type it. you'lee see17:49
coz_pheonixman,   I am not sure why that icon persists17:49
Dug__ok i found it im installing now will let you know if that works :) thanks17:50
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, yeah, maybe the problem is the router...17:50
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: you have any other computer that does work with wifi in your system?17:51
HaPK_PerCarMuelli, I can't paste it here directly, it's in a different pc, but what I'm supposed to see there?17:51
pheonixmancoz_, i wanted to know how does an icon get attached to a particular folder or hard-disk17:51
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: see whether there are interfaces.17:51
sorush20Hi, my network manager has suddenly disappeared17:51
sorush20what can I do?17:51
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, I haven't tryed with ubuntu wireless...17:51
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: i.e. other than "lo" but also an "eth0" or an "wlan0"17:51
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, it works fine with windows17:51
coz_sorush20,  disapeared from the panel?17:51
SuperMiguelany one running ubuntu on a macbook pro?17:52
HaPK_PerCarMuelli, there is a wlan0, no eth017:52
sorush20coz_ yes17:52
Dug__Muelli: still the same the sound has a lot of intereference no matter what volume setting i set my mic to17:52
Dug__any other ideas ? :(17:52
coz_sorush20,  mm  one thing to try is to remove the  notification area and then right click panel  add to panel.... notification area17:52
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: weird then. You should have a eth0, no? Check whether your wired network is supposed to be supported.17:52
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: ok it's not your router or access point then.  did you give wicd a try,  if you can see wlan0 in ifconfig  you should see some results with wicd17:52
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: and in parallel, you can do a sudo dhclient wlan0 and see what it says.17:53
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: Muelli: well if he's not connected to the accesspoint yet then dhclient won't work yet17:53
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, can't install wicd, can't find the package17:53
Dug__Muelli ?17:54
coz_sorush20,   the other option ,.,, if that doesnt work is    to reset the gnome panel with    gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel17:54
MuelliDug__: sorry mate. Try a different mic...17:54
SingAlongubuntu crashes and returns to login scren after login. Happens only for my particular user. Anyway to fix this?17:54
Dug__hmm i cant this one is internal but it worked fine on windows :(17:54
Muellisacarlson: true. HaPK_PerCar: Does iwlist scan show your access point?17:54
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sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: I guess you can try connect with command line with iwconfig wlan0 essid "youraccesspointname"  then dhclient wlan017:55
MuelliSingAlong: well. try to move .local out temporarily. Then .gconf.17:55
SingAlongMuelli: .local in my home dir?17:55
pheonixmanhttp://imagebin.org/109767, my problem is one of my hard-drives takes some different icon, does anyone know to solve the same.?17:55
MuelliSingAlong: in the home directory of the user with the login problems.17:55
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, how I'm I supposed to know the name of my acces point?17:56
SingAlongMuelli: done! i renamed it17:56
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: after you try iwconfig wlan0 essid "youraccesspoint" you should do another iwconfig wlan0 to see if it attaches to you accesspoint17:56
OceanSurf I recently upgraded to 10.04.....in doing so have I lost the simple Volume Control Dial that normally sits at the top of the screen on the pull down menu.....as well the sound is not on upon every startup...and the only way for me to turn it back on is via the terminal command alsamixer where I have to go to the Speaker and take it to 100%...it is always at zero upon startup.   How do I fix all this?17:56
Dug__Is there anyone else who could help me fix my microphone problem please ?17:56
MuelliSingAlong: try to log in. If that doesn't work, try .gconf folder.17:56
SingAlongMuelli: do i just delete that .gconf?17:57
sorush20coz_ that worked perfectly..17:57
MuelliSingAlong: nope. better not. just temporarily rename it17:57
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: well you can iwlist wlan0 scanning  I think that will give you a list of accesspoints it see's but I don't know how to tell what is yours.17:57
ZykoticK9OceanSurf, to see a volume control in panel - right click: add to panel / indicator applet17:57
coz_sorush20,   cool17:57
SingAlongMuelli: doesnt work. already deleted .gconf and tried it17:57
coz_OceanSurf,   right click panel   Add to panel  and look for indicator applet   that should br/join #ubuntu17:57
coz_OceanSurf,  that should bring back  the volume conrol17:58
MuelliSingAlong: well. you need to have gconfd killed, too. So you'd be better off rebooting before trying to login.17:58
sorush20coz_ but now the netowork manager will not show me the usual netwrok menu17:58
SingAlongMuelli: I did sudo service gdm restart.17:58
MuelliSingAlong: anyway, does it not work after having .local renamed?17:58
pheonixmanguys, anyone there..?17:58
SingAlongMuelli: nope.17:58
MuelliSingAlong: yes. that's bad.17:58
ZykoticK9pheonixman, i don't see the different icon (or do you mean for the cdrom drive?)17:59
SingAlongMuelli: I dont mind resetting gnome and xorg config. I just have a lot of stuff configured/installed in my home dir. So if I'm able to retain that. I'll be happy17:59
OceanSurfcoz: done17:59
MuelliSingAlong: unless you don't delete anything, you're fine.17:59
Rogue1coz_, no such luck - froze at 10% (Configuring language-pack-en-base) - HDD LED is still lit, but nothing else happens - and it's been that way since I signed off here17:59
OceanSurfCoz or ZykoticK9:  any idea why the volume is always to ZERO upon any restart?17:59
pheonixmanZykoticK9, its not a cdrom, it my cdrive that has taken the icon of cdrom17:59
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, iwlist says no scan resulst on wlan017:59
SingAlongMuelli: anyway to reset this thing to be able to login normally? I could login via ubuntu's recovery mode into the UI. but thats no the usual UNR.18:00
ZykoticK9OceanSurf, pheonixman - to both of you:  sorry I'm not sure ;)18:00
Muellipheonixman: dunno. but is there a "autostart.ini" or anything in that cdrive that defines an icon? I don't even know if nautilus respects that, but it might.18:00
Dug__can anyone help me please ? ive had this problem for a week now and I cant find anyone willing to help :(18:00
SingAlongMuelli: When I try to use another desktop manager for login in normal mode it screws up.18:00
OceanSurfill be back!18:01
coz_Rogue1,  your kidding?  darn...man something is definity up there... how large is your hard drive?18:01
OceanSurfgoing to restart now and see18:01
Dug__im completly new to linux i dont know what else i can do :(18:01
MuelliSingAlong: why don't you just move .local and .gconf and .gconfd, reboot and retry?18:01
MuelliDug__: try an external mic first.18:01
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: mabe time to try windows again to be sure wifi works there.  if not it's broke18:01
SingAlongMuelli: hmm... havent rebooted after deleting them I'll try rebooting18:01
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, wifi works fine18:02
coz_Rogue1,  do you have a large hard drive??18:02
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: how could you check that so quickly? Anyway, check whether your chipsets are actually supported.18:02
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: then I guess it's broken try another ubuntu boot cd.  what version is this one?18:02
Rogue1coz_, no - had these problems with both a 20GB and a 120GB18:02
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, lucid18:02
sorush20when I try to log in to ubuntu gnome, my hdd just doesn't make any noise, and I can't load gnome, however I am able to load gnome failsafe. How do I repair this18:03
coz_Rogue1,  ok mm  I was hoping that the drive just needs a good wiping18:03
HaPK_PerCarMuelli,  how can I check that?18:03
Dug__Muelli, tried an external mic and the same result18:03
SingAlongMuelli: my netbook is rebooting. hope that fixes it. Coz I tried even re-installing the gdm18:03
MuelliHaPK_PerCar: Well. Find out which hardware you've got. lshw will tell you. Or dmesg. Then go and google.18:04
ZykoticK9OceanSurf (not currently here) - i wonder if the cdrom icon show because the drive's label starts with "cd"rive?18:04
Dug__sounds like there is interference of some sort when it plays back and the sound is breaking up18:04
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: did it work with older ubuntu?  there is also version 10.1 prerelease.  you should search google to see if your wifi device has a bad history  you can see what you have with lsusb or lspci18:04
MuelliSingAlong: jeez. you shouldn't need such a brutal method.18:04
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, iwconfig wlan0 says I'm connected to my router, but doesn't associates an acces point18:04
SingAlongMuelli: rebooted and the problem still exists18:04
MuelliDug__: aha! There you go. So it's not necessaillry your internal mic.18:04
kriss3dUhmm anyone here good with grub ? im having a problem with grub booting to a grub shell instead of the menu specified in menu.lst18:04
MuelliSingAlong: funny. hm. But it works for another user, right?18:04
Dug__i know i mentioned when i first entered the room i think it might be the driver18:04
SingAlongMuelli: ya other users its fine18:05
Muelli!grub | kriss3d18:05
ubottukriss3d: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:05
Dug__like the alsa driver or something but im not sure because im new to linux :(18:05
ZykoticK9kriss3d, just to confirm.  You are using Grub1 and not Grub2 correct?18:05
coz_Rogue1, well all I can suggest is 1) go to the ##linux channle and explain the situation...2)  check in the bios  on this machine to see if any settings may be getting in the way... and 3)  download  Dban and do a complete wipe of the hard drive18:05
MuelliSingAlong: hm. funny indeed. so check the users .xsession-errors or dmesg or /var/log/messages.18:05
Dug__i tried updating my alsa driver today but it had no effect18:05
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: oh your accesspoint is in iwconfig?  then it works  you can now dhclient wlan0 and you up and running18:05
MuelliDug__: uh. that might actualyl be the problem ;-)18:05
SingAlongMuelli: the .xsession-errors has some errors abt evolution18:05
Dug__but it was the same before updating18:05
kriss3dZykoticK9, i belive i am using grub1. version 1.98.somthing18:05
MuelliSingAlong: well. what exactly?18:06
systmhi, I have a laptop thats running 10.04 and it's battery died during a reboot and now when i boot from grub with normal or recovery it gets a kernel panic, which i think has something to do with my hard drives not being fsck/umounted properly, what should i do?18:06
Dug__its been like it for one week and today i tried to update it ddidnt change anything18:06
ZykoticK9kriss3d, what ubuntu version are you using?  was it fresh installed?18:06
Muellisystm: well. what exactly is the error message ?18:06
SingAlongMuelli: do you want me to check demsg via the same user that crashes or via root? (i can login as the old user in term mode not via the desktop mode)18:06
Dug__either way it sounds the same18:06
MuelliSingAlong: doesn't matter :-) But you can "login" as the user on the console (Ctrl+Alt+F1) I hope.18:06
systmMuelli: let me reboot18:07
ZykoticK9kriss3d, FYI grub 1.98 is actually grub 2 - and thus you shouldn't be editing menu.lst18:07
Dug__any ideas on where i should go from here ?18:07
kriss3dZykoticK9,  its an older core.Its for Backtrack 4. Im just having problems installing grub to the usb stick.. aparently the grub might be grub2 since its 1.98..18:07
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ZykoticK9!backtrack | kriss3d18:07
ubottukriss3d: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:07
SingAlongMuelli: ya thats what i meant. i can login as the problematic user via the console not the desktop. so hope i can reset the stuff to be able to login normally.18:07
MuelliDug__: remove your custom driver and get the ubuntu stock kernel in place. Then try to adjust levels with  alsamixer  and pavucontrol. If that doesn't work, than I'd file a bug.18:08
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, no, it won't work. it says no dhcpoffers recived18:08
SingAlongMuelli: possible to do any kind of hard reset on desktop config? (keeping data in my home dir intact)18:08
MuelliSingAlong: get the error message.18:08
Dug__hmm :s how do i remove th updated driver and go back to the old one :s18:08
kriss3dZykoticK9,  i know. i just figured this place might have some people who is good with grub. but seeing as it might be grub2 im having i at least have a clue where to begin.18:08
Dug__ive only just this week started using ubuntu18:08
MuelliSingAlong: well. moving .config out is pretty much a "reset". So try that, too.18:09
ZykoticK9!grub2 > kriss3d good luck.18:09
ubottukriss3d, please see my private message18:09
headkase314!grub2 | kriss3d18:09
ubottukriss3d: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:09
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: oh guess your right not asocieated,  then back and see if your hardware has a bad history in google.18:09
Muelliso Dug__, lesson 1: Don't mess around with the kernel stuff ;-) if you need elevated privileges, it mostly has a reason ;-)18:09
SingAlongMuelli: ya just checked the .config dirs. the only thing there that seems not-so-nice is chrome. but thats fine :D i'll try moving .config18:09
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, wireless is a realtek, I'll go search that18:10
MuelliSingAlong: get the error message from .xsession-errors.18:10
Dug__so where can i find out how to remove the updated alsa driver and go back to 1.0.2118:11
Dug__cus i updated to 1.0.2318:11
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: look for the partnumber returned from lsusb  (asume it's usb)  or lspci if not usb18:11
SingAlongMuelli: the xsession errors file seems to have gone blank now.18:11
SingAlongMuelli: well moving .config did no good18:11
sacarlsonHaPK_PerCar: realtek makes 100's or wifi things just look for the one you have18:11
ZykoticK9!info alsa-base18:12
ubottualsa-base (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 266 kB, installed size 472 kB18:12
ZykoticK9Dug__, how did you update to that version?18:12
Dravekxare directory listings GROUP: USER, or USER: GROUP?18:12
Dug__i used this guide http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ was just following all the terminal commands18:12
Dug__in the order he said18:13
MuelliDravekx: eh, what exactly are you talking about? ls -l will show you user-group-other.18:13
systmMuelli: the top most error is "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 0317d00018:13
headkase314Dug__, it's me is that you? x-Fi?18:13
Muellisystm: ouch. that looks terrible. Do you have anything weird installed, like vmware, virtualbox, other proprietary drivers?18:13
DravekxMuelli, if I type ls -l, it is user-group-other?18:13
systmMuelli: nope18:13
Dug__x-Fi ? :s that isnt me18:13
ZykoticK9Dug__, that's manual compile/install stuff - sorry i have NO idea how to go about undoing those changes.  Best of luck.18:13
MuelliDravekx: yes. cmp. "man ls"18:13
Dug__oh :/18:13
Dug__so basically im screwed lol18:14
headkase314Dug__, ok, cause last night I walked someone through the guide on that exact link and for him too it did not resolve the issue.18:14
Dug__i only used that guide today18:14
Dug__like literly a few hrs ago lol it didnt make any effect18:14
Dug__do you know how i can undo it and go back to the old alsa driver ?18:14
ZykoticK9headkase314, Dug__ sticking to Repository based updates is often better then manually installing stuff.18:15
Dug__yeah i was desperate though i cant find an answer to my problem anywhere18:15
ZykoticK9headkase314, Dug__ i realize above is not always possible ;)18:15
headkase314Dug__, there are three packages that are compiled you may try to reinstall those exact three packages in synaptic.18:15
Dug__hmm ok so i search for alsa-driver in synaptic ? and install18:15
systmMuelli: any ideas?18:16
c3poHi, i have acer laptop,  touch pad is not working, but previously it worked fine. any ideas?18:16
ZykoticK9Dug__, headkase314 that still might not replace the other/manually installed version...  you may start getting ugly conflicts without uninstalling the updated alsa stuff.18:17
headkase314Dug__, look at the guide and for the three files you downloaded find each one in synaptic and right-click and choose reinstall.  When all three are reinstalled reboot and type "cat /proc/asound/version" to make sure you are back to .2118:17
SingAlongc3po: acer??? same pinch. same pain18:17
knopperGood Evening,18:17
kthomas_vhany reason to have postgres running on my server if I don't know why it's running ;) ?18:17
kthomas_vhgood evening knopper18:17
headkase314Dug__, this is flying by the seat of my pants so I hope it works and does not cause further issues.18:17
HaPK_PerCarsacarlson, hmm, it seems I have an old driver for it18:17
HaPK_PerCaranyway, I'll try some things18:17
HaPK_PerCarthanks for the help!18:18
Dug__so i guess this is one file i need to find and reinstall from the line18:18
Dug__wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.23.tar.bz218:18
c3poSingAlong, acer 7520G18:18
headkase314Dug__, so in synaptic search for "alsa-driver" for that one.18:18
Dug__ok thanks :)18:18
SingAlongc3po: sorry cant help. I'm not a pro around.18:18
knopperMay I trouble someone for some assistance?18:19
muellisoftknopper: sure :-)18:19
muellisoft!ask | knopper18:19
ubottuknopper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:19
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
Mbear10.04 I have to start CUPS with a sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart every time I want to use a network printer. CUPs doesnt seem to start automatically?18:19
Dug__i have an "alsa-base" no alsa-driver in there though :s18:19
rasenganAnyone know of a way to measure PPTP Traffic by IP?18:19
KwpolskaMbear: you need to enable the service18:19
knopperMy apologies.18:19
KwpolskaMbear: try chkconfig cups on18:20
MbearKwpolska how?18:20
Kwpolskawith sudo of course18:20
KwpolskaMbear: sudo chkconfig cups on18:20
headkase314Dug__, I'm uncomfortable with proceeding then.  I don't want to break your system.18:20
Dug__hmm ok :/18:20
SingAlongMuelli: I figured out!!! its the problem in my bash_profile or profile or bashrc file18:20
Dug__i dunno what to do then18:20
ZykoticK9Kwpolska, Mbear i have no chkconfig on my system.18:20
headkase314Dug__, so what is your sound issue that prompted you to upgrade ALSA?18:20
MuelliSingAlong: :-) Yeah. Hm. I could have thought about that. But lucky you :-)18:20
Dug__i CNT ever use my microhpone unless i go back to windows : /18:20
Netlynxanyone tried ubuntu on Probook 5320m already?18:21
knopperI am looking for a way to list all the pdf files I have on this drive and add it to a txt file18:21
Dug__well when i playback sound from m microphone18:21
MbearNor me18:21
Mbearchkconfig not found18:21
Dug__it has some loud interference noise in the background18:21
ZykoticK9Dug__, do you happen to be using a EEE pc?18:21
KwpolskaZykoticK9: Mbear: I'm not sure what is the tool in ubuntu, I heard that it's probably chkconfig, as in Fedora. Not sure.18:21
Gerrinanybody know the GNOME panel reset code18:21
SingAlongMuelli: i tried using those on my new user account and it threw my out like before but works now. i need to figure out which file that it18:21
Muelliknopper: for startes: find /path/to/drive -iname '*.pdf' >> /tmp/textfile18:21
Dug__dont think so :s18:21
abhijitGerrin, gtk-window-decorator --replace18:21
Dug__im on a laptop with internal mic18:21
MuelliSingAlong: well. I'd go to a console and just log in and see.18:21
ZykoticK9Kwpolska, from fedora - no wonder i hadn't heard of it ;)  different in ubuntu.18:21
KwpolskaZykoticK9: search google for replacements18:22
SingAlongMuelli: I'm just going to copy the files again one by one (just 3 files right) and figure out which file causes the problem18:22
Dug__any ideas why my mic does not record sound properly though, it records but with lots of intereference and the breaking up18:22
Gerrinthat didnt work18:22
MuelliSingAlong: well. sounds way too complicated but as long as you have a way ... :-)18:22
Dug__i was told updating the alsa driver might help thats why i updated it today18:22
ZykoticK9Kwpolska, try to avoid giving others misleading information, if you don't know you don't have to answer ;)  take care man.18:22
abhijit!controls | Gerrin18:23
ubottuGerrin: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side18:23
bazhangZykoticK9, sudo apt-get install chkconfig18:23
abhijitGerrin, see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147558418:23
headkase314Dug__, if your sound output is working fine then keeping the updated ALSA may not be a problem and may not be the root issue18:23
MuelliDug__: remove your drivers, adjust levels with alsamixer and pavucontrol and see.18:23
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ZykoticK9!panels | Gerrin18:23
ubottuGerrin: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:23
knopper..hundreds of books, I will let you know if it works in a few.  Thank you.18:23
dri245question: i have a folder .Trash-1000, in one of my partitions. is this the recycle bin for that partition, or can i delete it?18:23
Dug__i dont know how to remove the drivers on linux :/18:23
Muellidri245: yes and yes18:24
Dug__headkase314, yeah my sound output is working fine, youtube and music etc all plays back np18:24
dri245so i can delete the recicle bin, Muelli ?18:24
Dug__its just my mic that wont work properly18:24
ZykoticK9bazhang, i'm not really having an issue - someone else was and Kwpolska suggested chkconfig as a solution.  i was trying to help the person with the origional issue avoid confusion :)  thanks though.18:24
Muellidri245: sure you can.18:24
JackomoLightAnybody knows how to set up the WIRELESS on BackTRACK 4? Here is my adap: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN18:24
MbearOK, so I have found bum instead of chkconfig  ... cups isn't listed in it18:24
bazhang!backtrack | JackomoLight18:25
ubottuJackomoLight: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:25
bazhangJackomoLight, I've told you before bt is not supported here18:25
dri245why would that be possible, Muelli ? it's like a system file18:25
MbearOK.. sorry cups is listed in bum, is checked for auto start and is running18:25
JackomoLightI`m sorry Iam bothering you again18:25
JackomoLightI`ve just tried everything18:25
Muellidri245: O_o is it really...? I thought it's just a regular folder...18:25
bazhangJackomoLight, #backtrack-linux18:25
JackomoLightand I am still failing18:25
Dug__hello ?18:26
headkase314Dug__, Muelli suggested "alsamixer" in a console, can you make any adjustments there related to your microphone?  Also "gstreamer-properties" in a console will give you some sound related options to experiment with.18:26
pheonixmani am getting this error while deleting a folder "Device or resource busy"18:26
dri245any helper around?18:26
Dug__ive trie alsamixer it had no effect the interference sound is still there18:26
Dug__but not sure how to open it in console i used it with the gui18:26
abhijit!ask | dri24518:26
ubottudri245: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:26
SingAlongMuelli: my .profile is the problem!!!18:27
Dug__and havent tried anything with gstreamer-properties i need to install it ?18:27
headkase314Dug__, to open a console go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal18:27
headkase314Dug__, then type "gstreamer-properties" there without the quotes18:27
abhijitahh :(18:27
MuelliDug__: Press Alt+F2, type "gnome-terminal" and just enter "gstreamer-properties". You'll get further instructions if you need any18:27
abhijit!pm | dri24518:27
ubottudri245: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:27
dri245abhijit, i have a folder .Trash-1000, in one of my partitions. is this the recycle bin for that partition, or can i delete it?18:27
Muellidri245: yes and yes18:27
pheonixmanany helper out there..?18:28
headkase314Dug__, and of course press Enter to execute the command!18:28
Muelli!ask | pheonixman18:28
ubottupheonixman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:28
abhijit!trash | dri24518:28
ubottudri245: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:28
pheonixmani am getting this error while deleting a folder "Device or resource busy"18:28
Dug__i have gstreamer properties my input plugin was set to custom18:28
Dug__should i change this to alsa ?18:28
MuelliDug__: just play aruond with it18:29
PCChrisI'm trying to add a shared printer located on an XP box in Ubuntu 10.04 using system-config-printer, but I keep getting a CUPS server error:  "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-not-possible'.18:29
headkase314Dug__, can you change the input to reflect your actual mic?  In the device section what are your choices?18:29
dri245abhijit, so can i delete it? i'm asking to know if i may or not, since i want to, but i don't wanna ruin smth, since i'm new to ubuntu. in win, recycle bin was a system file and such...18:29
MuelliAuto is the best choice though I guess18:29
Muellidri245: it is not. I've just told you.18:29
abhijitdri245, I am not sure.18:29
dri245i don't like your arrogance, Muelli, therefore i asked for someone else.18:29
dri245thanks tho, i'll get back later.18:29
Muellidri245: *shrug*18:29
Dug__headkase314,  my device is ALC662 rev1 analog if i choose the alsa input18:30
Dug__i will close it then test it18:30
adminewbis there a simple way a la ICS in WinXP, to set up an Ubuntu desktop station to act as a router?18:30
PCChrisI'm trying to add a shared printer located on an XP box in Ubuntu 10.04 using system-config-printer, but I keep getting a CUPS server error:  "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-not-possible'.18:30
SingAlongMuelli: http://pastie.org/1094077 thats my .profile causing the problem. any help with that?18:30
pheonixmanMuelli, did you get my question.?18:30
kamranOmananyone has UBUNTU presentation18:30
kamranOmani need to give in a university18:30
kamranOmanOR ...18:30
headkase314Dug__, try it but don't use the gstreamer-properties "test" button, go to the application that is giving you trouble and try there after changing and applying the setting.18:30
Muellipheonixman: dunno. But did you get my question?18:31
abhijitkamranOman, its in your example folder18:31
Dug__hmm its a lot better but still has some interference in the background ill try messing with the alsamixer now becuase the interference is a lot less18:31
kamranOmanis there document , that tells us SALES BENEFITS over WINDOWS deployment18:31
headkase314Dug__, excellent keep posting here as needed.18:31
MuelliSingAlong: yes. export foo=bar, no spaces18:31
pheonixmanMuelli, i just asked my doubt18:31
abhijitkamranOman, see windows7sins.org18:31
Dug__ok :)18:31
MbearCUPS doesn't start automatically on boot.  I am using BUM to confirm that CUPS is checked (for auto-start) but it's not running after a clean boot.18:31
pheonixmanMuelli, or rather i told my problem..18:31
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pheonixmanMuelli, should i ask it again..?18:31
MuelliSingAlong: but check .bash_profile, too.18:31
Muellipheonixman: sure :-)18:32
Dug__quick question when i change alsamixer settings inside terminal i need to close terminal to save it or ?18:32
SingAlongMuelli: ya checked those 2 and bashrc too. those dont have problems18:32
MuelliDug__: just exist alsamixer with escape18:32
pheonixmanMuelli, i am getting this error of "Device or resources busy" while deleting a folder18:32
sarge1221Quick question but is there any kind of gui based software out there to double check that a ISO image has been successfully burned to disk? not talking about md5sum but ensuring the disk itself is not corrupt.18:32
abhijitahh :( :( :(   :'(18:32
abhijit!pm | kamranOman18:32
ubottukamranOman: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:32
=== shai_ is now known as shai
Dug__my god its tons better lol18:33
Dug__still some interference but you can make out what im saying now ;D18:33
Dug__so i guess not its just to mess with the settings18:33
Muellisarge1221: well md5sum is probably the most efficient method.18:33
MuelliDug__: congrats :-)18:33
Dug__i just had to open gstreamer in terminal and select the right settings for the input :D18:33
knopperit worked, thank you.  Is there a way to just list the file name?  Or should I just open it in gnumeric and chop the path?18:33
Dug__thanks guys :D :D :D :D18:33
sarge1221Muelli: wait can you test the disk using md5sum?18:33
Dug__now my laptop is working 100% with linux :D18:33
headkase314Dug__, awesome! you're welcome! ;)18:34
abhijit!yay | Dug__18:34
ubottuDug__: Glad you made it! :-)18:34
Muellisarge1221: sure18:34
Dug__finally ive made th change from windows to ubuntu and it all works :P18:34
Muelliknopper: sure there is a way. Welcome to the world of shellscripting :-) check "basename".18:34
Dug__no more viruses or having to defrag goodbye windows ;D18:34
sarge1221Muelli: I know the iso image itself is fine before burning so how do you test it again after the image is burned to disk?18:34
adminewbIs there a simple way a la ICS in WinXP, to set up an Ubuntu desktop station to act as a router?18:34
Jordan_UkamranOman: For what use (server, desktop, enterprise)? These may be usefull: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/case-studies18:34
abhijitDug__, cheers for Linux!!!18:34
Muellisarge1221: I'd do a md5sum /dev/cdrom18:35
Aemaethwhy does my friend lose the ability to click youtube videos?18:35
abhijitAemaeth, its flash bug.18:35
Muelliadminewb: yes. NetowkrManager supports sharing IIRC.18:35
Dug__quick question though, do i always have to have the pulseaudio applet running on my desktop to keep my sound working as it should ?18:35
henrikjHello, i need a script to be run when people logon to a ubuntu desktop machine. It should be a global change for all user accounts18:35
Muellihenrikj: hm. /etc/profile might be your thing. Or stuff in /etc/env.d/18:36
SingAlongMuelli: fixed! thanks a million times!18:36
headkase314Dug__, try closing it and see - once configured I would expect you wouldn't need it open - just try!18:36
robertzaccourcan i use a live cd to test out my printer?18:36
MuelliSingAlong: was it the spaces? :-)18:36
adminewbMuelli thanks much18:36
Muellirobertzaccour: yes18:36
Mbear CUPS doesn't start automatically on boot.  I am using BUM to confirm that CUPS is checked (for auto-start) but it's not running after a clean boot.18:36
robertzaccourMuelli, ok thanks18:36
SingAlongMuelli: rule-n -> never let anyone screw with your user account. especially windows fanboys18:36
sarge1221Muelli: okay so in terminal i would put /dev/cdrom and it will run a md5sum on the disks iso image then?18:36
Dug__ok :)18:36
CaptainKnotsdoes anyone know why the power icon in 10.10 alpha3 is missing? I tried resetting my gnome panels to default and it didn't fix that18:37
Muellisarge1221: That's what I'd expect, yes.18:37
henrikjMuelli: thanks, does that run on GUI logon? cos i used /etc/bash.bashrc and it only run once the users started a terminal18:37
headkase314Dug__, You're welcome, made my day too! ;)18:37
Muelliuh henrikj. good point. To be honest, I don't really know. But who doesn't run a shell? ;-)18:37
sarge1221Muelli: thanks man didn't know you could use it to check the disk too thanks a bunch.18:37
bazhangCaptainKnots, #ubuntu+1 for Maverick18:37
henrikjMuelli: these users dont im afraid xD18:37
karlohow I can see my computer details ? (like CPU, processor....)18:38
Muellisarge1221: well. that's kinda Linux. "Everything is a file", even drives. Although that philosophy is not followed that closely anymore ;-)18:38
bazhangkarlo, sudo lshw18:38
rebecca_ubuntu 10.0.4  live cd is not booting up for a fresh install - i currently havw 10.1018:38
Muellihenrikj: Well. Just check, I'd say. You could also change stuff in the GDM config, I guess. But I dunno where that is. Maybe /etc/gdm/ or so...18:38
henrikjMuelli: i will check that, thanks :)18:39
rebecca_any ideas guys18:39
aeon-ltdrebecca_: check bios18:40
henrikjMuelli: /etc/gdm/PostLogin was exactly what i needed so sweeeeeeet thanks!! This is saving me a great hassle.18:40
rebecca_i checked the bios its all ok set to boot from cd - i tried ubuntu server edition and that boots fine18:41
Muellihenrikj: :-) Glad it helped18:41
c3l where can I read more about how *-*-*-font-*-*-*-*-* works?18:41
aeon-ltdrebecca_: have you used the disc before?18:41
rebecca_i have the iso image the problem is that it will take forever to download from the internet again18:41
rebecca_no first time using the dis18:41
rebecca_how can i check or write to disk again and ensure that its going to be bootable18:42
aeon-ltdrebecca_: reburn the disk, and md5 sum the iso18:42
Jordan_Urebecca_: What happens when you try to boot from it? How did you burn the disk?18:42
beppohello, my system is lagging hard when accessing the harddisk after upgrade from karmic to lucid18:43
beppoanyone some idea why?18:43
rebecca_i dropped the image on the disk and burnt it - how do i md5 sum the iso18:43
DasEirebecca_: md5sum  Some.iso18:43
PCChrisI'm trying to add a shared printer located on an XP box in Ubuntu 10.04 using system-config-printer, but I keep getting a CUPS server error:  "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-not-possible'.18:43
Dug__i have to log now guys got some stuff to do but thanks a lot for the help :)18:43
rebecca_im currently using 10.10 - is there anyway of running the cd from here18:43
DasEi!md5sum > rebecca_18:43
ubotturebecca_, please see my private message18:43
DasEirebecca_: yes, see :18:44
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:44
eastDNAhi anyone frm india here18:44
PCChrisany suggestions?18:44
rebecca_im trying this now18:44
xangua!in | eastDNA18:44
ubottueastDNA: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India18:44
HoopyFroodcan I have some help?18:46
aeon-ltd!ask | HoopyFrood18:47
ubottuHoopyFrood: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:47
c3lwhere can I read more about how *-*-*-font-*-*-*-*-* works?18:47
randyrkellyhow do i install a tgz18:47
rebecca_i right clicked on the disk and clicked check - with the md5 and it was successfulll18:47
rebecca_any other ideas18:47
xanguarandyrkelly: what do you want to instal¿18:48
sarge1221Muelli: here is what i got. 791466a92948a5bd69555698cd20032c     791466a92948a5bd69555698cd20032c <after download from internet     86b9c4ffffb75cf239affbcf3dd7d8d1 <After burn to disk18:48
jpdsc3l: Can you stop doing that please?18:48
Muelliwell sarge1221. Doesn't look too good then I guess :-/18:49
xanguado what¿ c3l what do you exactly want¿18:49
randyrkellyandroid sdk18:49
sarge1221Muelli: If i keep getting high failure rates on burn what can I do to reduce failed burns?18:49
dhanihi there...18:49
Muellisarge1221: uh. burn more slowly.18:49
randyrkellyxangua, ^^^18:49
dhanii tried to play warcraft using Wine on Ubuntu but its just soooooo slooooow.... can this be fixed???18:50
PCChrisI'm trying to add a shared printer located on an XP box in Ubuntu 10.04 using system-config-printer, but I keep getting a CUPS server error:  "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-not-possible'.18:50
xangua!appdb | dhani18:50
ubottudhani: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:50
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success18:50
headkase314dhani, see this guide -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft18:51
xanguarandyrkelly: no idea, isn't there a manual in the file or in it's web¿18:51
sarge1221Muelli: If i took it down to the lowest possible would that be good or is that just as bad as too fast?18:51
Muellisarge1221: the slower the safer.18:51
RidpojkenNeed some help with soundcards here, anyone?18:51
headkase314!ask Ridpojken18:52
headkase314!ask | Ridpojken18:52
ubottuRidpojken: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:52
sarge1221Muelli: okay good to hear you saved me a lot of wtf questions on why a bunch of linux distros fail at splash screen boot XD18:52
Muellisarge1221: glad to have helped :-)18:53
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I know, it's kind of a complex problem, so i thought that if some sound guru like my self got any spare time18:53
headkase314!details | Ridpojken18:53
Rogue1Hmm...Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop install from livecd works ok, but system freezes on trying to upgrade to 9.10 - any ideas?18:53
ubottuRidpojken: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:53
headkase314Ridpojken, so whats up?18:54
sebsebsebRogue1: yep18:54
sebsebsebRogue1: loads of people had issues upgrading 9.04 to 9.1018:54
c3lxangua: I want to understand how to use that kind of font settings18:54
PCChrisany ideas?18:55
sebsebsebPCChris: maybe if you repeate, the issue, I just joined18:55
PCChrisI'm trying to add a shared printer located on an XP box in Ubuntu 10.04 using system-config-printer, but I keep getting a CUPS server error:  "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-not-possible'.18:55
HoopyFroodRougue1: can you back up your data, and then clean install, then reinstall your programs from the backup?18:56
Ridpojkenheadkase314: 1. ubuntu can't find my onboard soundcard but it finds my Soundblaster Live card 2. When i try to go to the sound prefs i get stuck at a message "Waiting for sound system to respond" forever18:56
sebsebsebPCChris: don't know, this might be helpful though18:56
sebsebseb!cups | PCChris18:56
ubottuPCChris: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:56
Rogue1sebsebseb, had this problem  for a while - attempts to install  from 9.10 or 10.04, be it desktop livecd or alternative cd, fail or bring up nothing but a blinking cursor. Running an SiS 315PRO graphics, built into motherboard. Need to be  running 10.04, but can't even  seem to get the upgrade to work - package manager simply freezes and the whole system hangs18:56
janisozaur!ssh > cesc18:56
ubottucesc, please see my private message18:56
sebsebsebRogue1: ah yes SIS graphics cards18:56
Aemaethmy printer was easy to setup...but   it was a network printer18:56
sebsebsebRogue1: now those tend to cause issues with Linux distros, or at least Ubuntu, it seems18:56
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success18:57
headkase314Ridpojken, Go to: System > Preferences > Sound.  Your detected hardware will be listed under the various tabs.  Is the hardware you are trying to use there but not chosen?18:58
dhanithanks for those who helped me...18:58
headkase314cesc, how did the driver go?18:58
sebsebsebRogue1: Why do you want 10.04?18:58
Ridpojkenheadkase314: But i can't get in to the sound prefs. I get stuck at the "waiting for sound system" thing...18:58
sebsebsebRogue1: 9.04 is still good untill end of October when support runs out, and 8.04 has untill the end of April next year, and thats still a good version18:59
Rogue1sebsebseb: just prefer to be up-to-date. find some packages don't seem to be available in add/remove programs, etc. etc.18:59
headkase314Ridpojken, go to: Applications > Accessories > Terminal and in the terminal type "gstreamer-properties" without the quotes and press enter.  In the device section for the sound output can you select your wanted device there?18:59
Rogue1sebsebseb: system ran fine using VortexBox (vortexbox.org, based on Fedora Core 11) - but I've been plagued with problems since trying to get Ubuntu on it :(19:00
pheonixmanwhen i try to delete a folder, it gives me the error "Device or Resource busy" ...any help19:00
sebsebsebRogue1: vortexbox ?19:00
sebsebsebRogue1: you had Fedora 11 on there?19:00
Ridpojkenheadkase314: under the alsa plug in, yes19:01
Rogue1sebsebseb: no, I had VortexBox on there (jukebox/media streaming server) - which is built on FC1119:01
sebsebsebRogue1: oh19:01
_Pbhas anyone here installed ubuntu, then another distro, and wasn't able to boot back into ubuntu?19:01
HoopyFroodis it a problem in grub?19:01
headkase314Ridpojken, does your onboard sound now function correct if you choose it?  And can you now go into the regular sound properties without it hanging?19:02
_Pbi think so19:02
sarge1221Muelli: what happens if you get this message when you try to md5sum a disk?  sarge1221@Darkmotion:~$ md5sum /dev/cdrom                        md5sum: /dev/cdrom: Input/output error19:02
_PbHoopyFrood: also, i can't seem to mount or fsck my ubuntu partition19:02
Muellisarge1221: hm. I'd say an Input/Output error happened ;-)19:02
ZykoticK9_Pb, just an FYI, but whatever grub you installed most recently, is probably in control - so you'll probably have to configure grub in whatever the "other" os is.19:02
sarge1221Muelli: what does that mean?19:02
Muellisarge1221: if you didn't remove the disk yourself then your drive might be faulty.19:02
HoopyFrood_Pb: try making a grub rescue disk (google it) or use an ubuntu live cd19:02
headkase314Ridpojken, after changing to your onboard sound see if regular properties still hangs19:02
_PbHoopyFrood: ok19:03
ath_I'm looking for a gnome panel applet to give me sys info, ie: cpu, ram, hdd, network device info, in a simple text format, preferrably a 'gnome panel' applet, anyone know of one?19:03
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I can see my sounblaster card or CA0106 that ubuntu calls it, the onboard card is not there.19:03
Ridpojkenheadkase314: And no, the sound pref is still "jammed"19:03
sarge1221Muelli: it auto removed the disk after the burn. i stuck disk back in to check it and got that.19:03
HoopyFrood_Pb: then reinstall grub19:03
headkase314Ridpojken, what happens if you test the device in gstreamer-properties?19:03
ZykoticK9_Pb, reinstalling Grub from Ubuntu might be a good idea (hopefully it will autodetect the other linux during setup)19:03
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I get a sound19:03
kamranOmanwhat do we have CLAM AV in UBUNTU 10.04 ?19:03
PCChrissebsebseb:  Thanks for the links.  I think I might not have the proper Samba packages...just installed smbclient; will see if it works19:04
kamranOmanlike windows we can test our AV or IS software using EICAR files...19:04
ZykoticK9_Pb, you don't need a "grub rescue disk" btw, a livecd would be preferred19:04
kamranOmanhow can i test on UBUNTU ?19:04
headkase314Ridpojken, that's good.  If you can't use the regular sound properties after the successful test in gstreamer-properties do other applications now have proper sound?19:04
sarge1221Muelli: good chance it might be faulty then? I have for the paste few tried to burn a bunch of ISO's and the only one to actually make through was tinycore XD19:04
voxynI have a question can i aisk it here?19:04
_PbZykoticK9: thanks, i'll try that19:04
Muellisarge1221: yeah. sounds pretty much like your drive is broken :-/19:05
ZykoticK9!grub2 > _Pb19:05
ubottu_Pb, please see my private message19:05
synackfinthere's some rogue user-space code that's allocating huge memory (I noticed during strace some mmap calls for 500MB);  I want to breakpoint all "mmap" calls so I can get a stacktrace, is this possible?19:05
HoopyFroodZykotickK9: Its the easiest way to determine if the problem is Grub or not19:05
Muellisarge1221: check demsg though.19:05
Muellisarge1221: dmesg  even19:05
=== sshc_ is now known as sshc
sarge1221Muelli: how do oyu check demsg or dmesg?19:05
Muellisynackfin: yes.19:05
Muellisarge1221: open a terminal, type "dmesg"19:05
voxyni want to experiment with the kde window manager if i install it will it make ubuntu much slower or will it not effect the performance?19:05
Ridpojkenheadkase314: Yup19:06
ZykoticK9voxyn, minimal to no effect19:06
_PbZykoticK9, HoopyFrood: oh man, i was doing something stupid and just figured it out. i'll still try that to get ubuntu to show up on the boot list though, thanks!19:06
headkase314Ridpojken, ok does that resolve a "no sound" condition for you and a separate issue is that the regular sound properties hangs?19:06
voxynokey what is the best way to install kde?19:06
ZykoticK9_Pb, don't fix what isn't broken ;)19:06
voxyncan you install it from the ubuntu  software manager?19:06
pheonixmananyone out there to help...?19:07
Ober7!ask | pheonixman19:07
ubottupheonixman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:07
Ridpojkenheadkase314: The reason why i'm trying to get in to the sound prefs is because i want to record from my line input19:07
Ridpojkenheadkase314: The problem is, i get no sound19:07
xanguavoxyn: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:08
ZykoticK9voxyn, install kubuntu-desktop for all kde/kubuntu stuff19:08
MuelliRidpojken: check alsamixer, pavucontrol and gstreamer-properties19:08
pheonixmanOber7, i am trying to delete a folder, its giving me the error "Device or resource busy"19:08
headkase314Ridpojken, in gstreamer-properties there is also an input section - can you change it there?  I ask because I don't know how to resolve the regular sound properties hanging.19:08
kamranOmanagain i  ask ...19:08
sarge1221Muelli: dmesg> http://pastebin.com/wkT5GYRZ19:08
kamranOmananyone knows how to test AV in UBUNTU19:08
kamranOmanI have KLAMAV updated...19:08
sarge1221Muelli: how do you check demsg?19:08
kamranOmani can test things in :"windows " ...using EICAR file..19:08
kamranOmanbut can i do the same in UBUNTU...19:09
voxynzykotick9: thanks a lot! going to install it now! bye19:09
Ridpojkenheadkase314: What does the input Test button does? Does it monitor the input to the output?19:09
ikoniakamranOman: what do you wish to test ?19:09
Muellisarge1221: yeah. looks bad :-( [ 3583.644814] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current]19:09
PCChrissebsebseb:  was missing smbclient package.  It's working now, thanks.19:09
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
kamranOmanAV is working or not ? effectiveness....konia19:09
headkase314Ridpojken, I've never had success with the input test - I just set it to the mic and use a different program to test.19:09
ikoniakamranOman: AV works different in linux19:09
ikonia!antivirus > kamranOman19:09
ubottukamranOman, please see my private message19:09
headkase314Ridpojken, or line-in in your case.19:09
sebsebsebPCChris: ok :)19:09
synackfinMuelli: ?19:09
headkase314Ridpojken, but the line-in may be labeled as "Microphone 1" or 2 or so on, test them all.19:10
c3lwhere can I read more about how this kind of font configuration works? *-*-*-font-*-*-*-*-*19:10
=== _NG is now known as _ng
Aemaethi guess you could download a virus and scan the file? EICAR means nothing to me19:10
Muellisynackfin: just attach a debugger and break on your desired function. You could also ptrace it manually if you like.19:10
Ridpojkenheadkase314: My inputs isn't labeled in gstreamer, so i need to test witch one of them is the line in19:10
sarge1221Muelli: T_T can you offer some insight in what causes disk drives to go bad? also you can explain how you check demsg? I keep this info for furture reference.19:10
wolfric_how can i get into a serial terminal?19:10
kamranOmanhow to get a virus download19:10
kamranOmanor make a virus script ?19:11
headkase314Ridpojken, what is the input sound system and what are the choices given for the devices?19:11
AemaethRidpojken, headkase314 has a good point, once you get into your sounds settings my proper line input was mic 2 not mic 1 which was default19:11
Muelliwolfric_: you can use screen on your serial device, i.e. screen /dev/ttyS019:11
ikoniawolfric_: do you want access to a serial termainal, or do you just want a terminal to access19:11
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
Ridpojkenheadkase314: ALSA, and i got four "CA0106" to choose from19:11
wolfric_ikonia: serial19:12
headkase314Ridpojken, that sounds hopeful - test each one and see if one succeeds?19:12
ikoniawolfric_: local serial, or remote machine19:12
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I've tried the test thing, no sound19:12
=== gilles is now known as goranka
headkase314Ridpojken, test with a different program, not gstreamer-properties test button.. ?19:12
wolfric_ikonia: local....19:12
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I've tried the sound recorder too, it just says i don't got proper codecs/plugins19:13
ziggymy hardrive is f´ing up, i fscked my root and home partition and there were tons of errors and now my system is once again freezing up, anyone have any clue whats happening (dmesg output http://pastebin.com/tWPyiKGp ) any help would be appreciated19:13
headkase314Ridpojken, sound recorder not having the proper plugins is a separate issue.  What other program that you have installed can test audio input?19:13
ikoniawolfric_: http://www.howtoforge.com/setting_up_a_serial_console19:13
gorankaOn laptop+tracpad with Win7, can drag windows easier after double tap, how can config same in ubuntu?19:14
=== sleepinglapdrago is now known as Lap_dragon
Ridpojkeni got a quite advaced radio automation suite called Rivendell, but it takes a while to configure it to another alsa input...19:14
headkase314Ridpojken, I'm not sure but I think "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" may help with sound recorder - but I am not sure on that for the plugins/codecs.. !19:14
ZykoticK9ziggy, "I/O error, dev sda" is NOT a good sign.  I'd backup any files ASAP if I where you.19:15
sebsebseb!language | ziggy19:15
ubottuziggy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:15
headkase314Ridpojken, I'm not at an Ubuntu system right now can anyone else suggest a program to test sound input?19:15
ziggyzyk, you think the drives about to die?19:15
ZykoticK9!tab > ziggy19:16
ubottuziggy, please see my private message19:16
ZykoticK9ziggy, yes19:16
janisozaurcan I control LEDs in my laptop manually? it's hp 8510p19:16
YertleTheTurtleI'm looking for the menu shown in this blog post: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html but the System > Pref > sound menu is different now (Running 10.04) could anyone point me in the right direction?19:16
headkase314What is a good program that can be apt-get installed to test sound input?19:16
no_u0hello anyone here used Charles reverse proxy on ubuntu?19:16
YertleTheTurtleheadkase314, sound recorder should be pre-installed19:16
Aemaethheadkase314, skype?19:16
headkase314YertleTheTurtle, do you know how to resolve the issue of not installed plugins/codecs for sound recorder?  Thank you/19:17
janisozaurheadkase314: volume prefernces can serve some information about input status19:17
no_u0when i open charles, i get the loading screen, but when it closes, the app doesnt come up19:17
YertleTheTurtleheadkase314, no idea sorry19:17
no_u0but the process is still runnng19:17
headkase314janisozaur, volume preferences is hanging when started - I'm asking for Ridpojken19:17
no_u0or anyone know of another Reverse proxy server i can Use?19:18
ZykoticK9headkase314, YertleTheTurtle try selecting OGG as output format!  not mp3 etc19:18
ZykoticK9Ridpojken, see above19:18
headkase314Ridpojken, as ZykoticK9 says?19:18
kamranOmanI am unable to find SIZZLING templates in OPEN OFFICE19:18
kamranOmani found the templates but they are no match to msoffice templates19:19
kamranOmananyone can guide me to download more templates19:19
kamranOmanlike business templates19:19
kamranOmanproject mgmt19:19
kamranOmanoperational mgmt.19:19
cesc_hey again. I just finally installed the drivers for my usb wireless adapter (Alfa Network AWUS036H) following janisozaur instructions. I just rebooted the machine after following readme instructions... but there is no wireless extensions when I type iwconfig19:19
FloodBot3kamranOman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
kamranOmandocumentation type19:19
Ridpojkenheadkase314: ZykoticK9: I'll try that19:19
dri245abhijit, i have a folder .Trash-1000, in one of my partitions. is this the recycle bin for that partition, or can i delete it? i want to know if i may delete it since i want too, if the recycle bin can work good without it as well. but as in windows recycle bin files were system, i don't wanna ruin my installation or smth19:19
cesc_now I'm wired connected to the internet.19:19
dri245can anyone help with this one please?19:19
abhijiti cant.19:20
GothSparkdri245 you judt found the linux dustbin :)19:20
jure_when I plug my headphones into my laptop, Ubuntu doesn't mute the speakers. why?19:20
Ridpojkenheadkase314: "Could not capture using the "CD qual........" audio profile. Please verify it's settigs. You may be missing the necessary plug-ins19:20
headkase314cesc_, ask someone who knows (I don't know how to check this) if the driver you installed is loaded in your kernel?19:20
ZykoticK9dri245, you should probably empty the trash properly for the drive in question - over manually deleting the folder19:20
YertleTheTurtleI'm looking for the menu shown in this blog post: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html but the System > Pref > sound menu is different now (Running 10.04) could anyone point me in the right direction?19:21
Aemaethjure_, cause it doesn't know yu want to mute your speakers19:21
dri245trash is empty anyway, ZykoticK9 . and that folder has 3 items in it. i do NOT mean to empty the bin by deleting items manually. i mean if i MAY delete that folder or if that folder is a system folder19:21
cesc_anyone know how to check if the driver I installed is loaded in my kernel?19:21
headkase314Ridpojken, can you change the format anywhere to OGG?  I'm on a Windows machine so it is very difficult for me to know exactly where the settings are.. ?19:21
mr_danielFollowing is failing for me: 'g++ ... -lexecinfo'. It seems like I am missing execinfo library and execinfo.h header file. Where can I find the header file? I work under ubuntu 10.04, which package do I need to install?19:21
DasEicesc_: lsmod19:21
janisozaurheadkase314: lsmod shoud list r8187l19:22
jure_how do I fix this, Aemaeth?19:22
AemaethYertleTheTurtle, gstreamer-preferences looks like that to me19:22
janisozaurcesc_: see above19:22
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I've tried OGG, same message19:22
kamranOmanhow can i get professional grade samples of open office templates. MS Office 2007 templates are good, i need similar grade stuff or atleast competitive material for writing ....business related material docs.19:22
paulotem alguem ai?19:22
cesc_yes I just typed this on terminal window...19:22
janisozaur!es | paulo19:22
ubottupaulo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:22
cfraany easy way to get rid of pulse ?19:22
cesc_let me put the output in a pastbin for you guys.19:22
DasEi!br | paulo19:22
ubottupaulo: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:22
pauloI am is Brasilian19:23
pauloNot talk English =-(19:23
DasEipaulo: see above19:23
headkase314Ridpojken, What we are attempting right now is getting a different program other than gstreamer-properties to take sound input.  Once a suitable program is found then in gstreamer-properties we will go through each of the four listed devices and test each one.  That is high-level, now lower than that we need to find a suitable program for sound input.19:23
Aemaethjure_, when i put in headphones i have to change my sound preferences > output connector19:23
Ridpojkenheadkase314: right19:24
LicuadoraI cant turn off my PC19:24
headkase314Ridpojken, I'm crippled - I'm on a windows machine so I can't even pop into Applications > Ubuntu Software Centre to see what's available.19:24
marekw2143hi, having installed opengl in ubuntu, how to check where it's headre files are?19:24
Ridpojkenheadkase314: Windows...thats bad.... :P19:24
LicuadoraWhe i select turn off, it sends me to the login menu19:25
abhijit!register | kamranOman19:25
ubottukamranOman: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:25
headkase314Ridpojken, yeah I'm house-sitting this weekend.19:25
ZykoticK9Licuadora, does "sudo shutdown -h now" work?  might not want to test if this is the internet connection you're on ;)19:25
ZykoticK9Licuadora, select shutdown from GDM then19:25
Ridpojkenheadkase314: Get a mac!19:25
ZykoticK9Licuadora, the login screen19:25
headkase314Ridpojken, but I &hearts; the Ubuntu! ;)19:25
Licuadorathats what i did, but it didnt worked19:25
Aemaethget a pc and install mac19:26
headkase314heheh, html doesn't work in irc I see ;)19:26
LicuadoraWhy is Ubuntu so buggY?19:26
abhijitbye all :)19:26
ZykoticK9Licuadora, best of luck.19:26
jure_Aemaeth, I don't have a choice of output connector19:26
Ridpojkenheadkase314: I only use it because the software i want to use is only for linux..19:27
LicuadoraI was trying to fix my eth0, i installed some back ports, a new driver rom INTEL, and then it started19:27
=== Lap_dragon is now known as the_rogue_smiler
ar0nic[2:26pm] <Licuadora> Why is Ubuntu so buggY?19:27
mr_danielI can't find 'glibc' in synaptic, but I need because of execinfo.h. Or has ubuntu no glibc available?19:27
ar0nici don think so mang =|19:27
ar0nichave you made sure you have the repo its in?19:27
headkase314Ridpojken, so my suggestion is to explore the ubuntu software center and find an audio recording program.  Once you have that candidate test all four available inputs in gstreamer-properties.  Then as separate issues: the hanging of the regular sound properties and sound recorder not having proper plugins/codecs.  Does this sound like a good break-down to you?19:28
POVaddctmr_daniel: install the build-essential package19:28
cesc_ok the output is here guys.. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fRHMprf119:28
Licuadoraar0nic: Like right now, it does not let me turn off my PC, it sends me to the login screen, and when i try to turn it off from there, nothing happens. I had to use the machine's button19:28
Ridpojkenheadkase314: Yup Tnx for the help!19:28
headkase314Ridpojken, you're welcome! I hope it works!19:28
cesc_line num 3 that is the realteak chipset my wireless adapter uses19:29
ar0nichmm wierd Licuadora19:29
Ridpojkenheadkase314: Me too! ;)19:29
ar0nicnever heard taht one before19:29
mr_danieljust searched for 'build-essentials', but the package is already installed.19:29
cesc_so I suspect it is loaded in kernel then19:29
LicuadoraI really hope 10.10 comes out soon, so ican do a frsh install19:30
Licuadorai hate this bubby 10.0419:30
POVaddctmr_daniel: it is build-essential, not build-essentials19:30
Licuadoranow that i think about it, every version of Ubuntu is buggy19:31
Licuadorawell, at least UNSTABLE19:31
Licuadoraone mistake, and BAM! mess up19:31
AemaethLicuadora, on the youtubes look up "Desktop Linux Still Sucks"19:31
sebsebsebLicuadora: bubby?  you mean buggy?19:31
gochillahey, i have a general question. can someone help me understanding why there's a huge difference in the sum of all the process memory usages (resident memory) and the result of a 'free' call?19:31
IdleOneLicuadora: Do you have a question or just feel like ranting?19:31
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success19:31
Kjeldorhello, can i use/run itunes on ubuntu?19:32
Licuadoraçyeah buggy. Then again I cant go back to Windows19:32
mr_danielwait a minute, I just tested to compile a c-code-snippet and it works, when I #include <execinfo.h>. There must be something wrong with the ./configure script I use19:32
=== the_rogue_smiler is now known as Lap_dragon
sebsebsebLicuadora: October 10th is the 10.10 release,  also there are other distros that can be used instead, that might work better for you19:32
HoopyFroodKjeldor: no19:32
Aemaeth10/10 10.10 cute19:32
sebsebsebKjeldor: maybe just about in Wine, if not a Windows virtual machine yes :)19:32
ZykoticK9Aemaeth, actually it's 10.10.10 for date ;)19:32
Licuadorasebsebseb: NAh, i tryed Sabyon, and is a whole different thing.19:33
tdlmokay guys, how do i undo a mount --bind?19:33
AemaethZykoticK9, yeah, just remembered what year it is, are they trying to create some sort of 2012 scenario by tempting fate?19:33
Muellitdlm: umount19:33
dhanii dont think so...19:33
dhanitry Ultimate Edition19:33
sebsebsebLicuadora: Sabayon is alright, but probably not really the best one for newbies to start with19:33
Kjeldorso how exaclty do i do this? i have wine installed, and im downloading itunes right now. ill install itunes later?19:33
tdlmMuelli: i tried umount but it says 'device busy'19:33
Muellitdlm: well. maybe the device is busy then ;-) Try umount -l19:33
Licuadorasebsebseb: even Ubuntu Studio, studio64, they all suck. The only one good is Ubuntu, but... it is so unstable19:34
tdlmMuelli: you are amazing19:34
tdlmthank you19:34
cesc_headkase314 I think the drivers are loaded in kernel check this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fRHMprf1   line 3 is the chipset for my wireless usb driver19:34
aeon-ltdLicuadora: say wut?19:34
tdlmi HATE that feeling19:34
Muellitdlm: :-) Glad it helped.19:34
WhitePelicanhi, I like ubuntu but use some kde apps. how do I update to kde 4.5 without installing kubuntu?19:34
Aemaethwhat is ubuntu studio, i've seen it in the repositories but it looked like it was going to overwrite some of my settings so i let it be19:34
sebsebsebLicuadora: no loads of good distros out there that are newbie friendly,  some are more user friendly than Ubuntu really even http://www.distrowatch.com :)19:34
aeon-ltdLicuadora: yeah the spin offs suck, except crunchband and mint but ubuntu stock is pretty stable19:34
tdlmif that works here19:34
OerLicuadora, no problem here, stable.19:35
LicuadoraOer: one of the few lucky persons19:35
Licuadoraotherwise these kind of channel would not exist19:35
headkase314cesc_, was away let me catch up19:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:35
cesc_thanks dude19:36
HoopyFroodKjeldor: You culd try using rythmbox and amarok, unless you have an iphone or ipod touch19:36
KjeldorI have iphone 3gs19:36
HoopyFroodKjeldor: try these tips: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone19:36
headkase314cesc_, I don't know how to interpret that output so recap your situation for everyone else here to look at too!19:36
Ridpojkenheadkase314: what was the command for the gstreamer thing now again?19:36
Kjeldori also want to sync my apps and contacts as well as pictures19:37
headkase314Ridpojken, in a terminal: "gstreamer-properties" without quotes19:37
ar0nicLicuadora have you even attempted to google your problem19:37
no_u0i've installed Pound, but idk where it is19:37
ar0nic"computer wont shut down properly ubuntu"19:37
Licuadoraar0nic: PFFF. then whats this channel for!?19:37
no_u0how can i runit19:37
HoopyFroodKjeldor: what version of ubuntu are you running?19:38
ar0nicnot holding your hand19:38
xanguaar0nic: that's very vague S:19:38
ar0nicits for when all esle fails19:38
ar0nicxangua kidna19:38
OerLicuadora, maybe it is a BIOS preference, ACPI S1 or S319:38
Aemaethi thought Licuadora was more upset about genreal problems19:38
LicuadoraWell, this is one kinnda of a problem, the system wont turn off19:38
collabraLicuadora: these channels are just as much for advertising and promotion as they are for technical help.... I'm truly sorry you've had a bad experience with ubuntu19:38
pelmenguys, after upgrade to 2.6.32-24 destop now boots much slower, than used to. Everything is as fast until xserver starts. Than black screen. 5 seconds... i see mouse pointer...5 seconds...i see background...5 seconds.. i see gnome panels. boot finished. ?19:39
ar0nicthats not true collabra19:39
collabraar0nic: what19:39
pilhello everyone - two days ago , I couldn't connect to this server - it was saying that some kind of botnet connected from my ip address - do you know any malware remover program to scan my system for malwares?19:39
ar0nicthat these channels are for adverts and promotions19:39
Oerpelmen do you use a SSD ?19:39
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
headkase314Licuadora, as a work-around you can hold the power-button on the system for 5 seconds and it will shut off.  If the shutdown sequence makes it as far as unmounting the filesystem then you can do this with no issues.19:39
pelmenOer: nope19:39
t3chi3wtf is up with ubuntus updates screwing with vbox clipboards and home keys?19:39
Aemaethwhy does my sound preferences look different than some i've seen in images?  mine doesn't have settings for theme sounds19:40
=== bryan is now known as Guest62967
xangua!language | t3chi319:40
ubottut3chi3: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:40
coz_Aemaeth,  are you trying to change sounds ?19:40
Licuadoraheadkase314: i can turn it off like that, but i want to do it the right way19:40
ZykoticK9pil, you where probably picked up by accident by the Freenode bot "idora" or similar - it probably wasn't malware on your system, just bad timing19:40
Aemaethyeah, i can change them by replacing the current files, but that seems like a roundabout way of doing that19:41
collabraar0nic: so acording to you,.... this channel doesn't promote ubuntu?... yeah, believe what you want....19:41
xanguapelmen: try to boot with an older kernel; press Alt when booting to see the grub menu19:41
pilZykoticK9: you sure?19:41
coz_Aemaeth,  are they working when you do that?19:41
LicuadoraYou know waht? forget it, i'll intall the distro again, for the 15th time19:41
ZykoticK9pil, no19:41
icedwaterHello, need some tips troubleshooting my sound settings. Earphones don't seem to work on Lucid, they work fine on my MP3 or Windows 7.19:41
Aemaethcoz_, mostly, system logout doesn't seem to ever play19:41
icedwaterNot sure what has changed.19:41
xanguacollabra: this is a channel for ubuntu support, ONLY ubuntu19:41
headkase314Licuadora, I hear you - sometimes my system doesn't shutdown too - started happening when I connected my computer through HDMI to my HDTV.  That's unresolved for me too..  Work in progress.19:41
Aemaethbut i think that's with the default ogg too19:41
Oerxangua press shift for grubmenu ?19:41
karloHow can I make windows transparent when moving them ?19:41
coz_Aemaeth,   right I have had the same issues here...  without great results19:41
pilZykoticK9: do you know any malware remover programs for ubuntu?19:41
ZykoticK9!virus | pil19:42
ubottupil: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:42
coz_Aemaeth,  I know that maverick is calling for new sound themes if you are interested in creating some19:42
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success19:42
xanguaOer: is shift¿¿ i thought it was alt :S sorry pelmen19:42
ubuntu-usrhi all19:42
coz_Aemaeth,  they were suppose to be on lucid but mark shuttleworth forgot about them :)19:42
blackMatrixhi, im booting ubuntu from a flash drive, is there a way to access windows files while still on ubuntu OS19:42
xanguakarlo: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager < configure compiz plugins with that19:42
Aemaethme and my buddy could make the supreme portal theme (by our standards)19:42
sebsebsebblackMatrix: I think so19:43
sebsebsebblackMatrix: places > windows partition ?19:43
xanguablackMatrix: just mount window's partition19:43
ZykoticK9blackMatrix, usually yes.  click on the Places menu, do you see any drives/partitions?19:43
Aemaethbut really it just seemed ridiculous that we had to investigate so much just to mess around with audio19:43
pilubottu, ZykoticK9: so like ZykoticK9 said that it was only bad timing for me that day not connecting to the server?19:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:43
ubuntu-usri'm using uck-gui (ubuntu custumization kit) but i option with synaptic isn't avaible, what to enable it?19:43
coz_Aemaeth,  here are two links  http://design.canonical.com/2010/08/ubuntu-needs-a-new-sound-theme/  and this is where you sould post them   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Design/SoundTheme/Submissions-11-04?action=quicklink19:43
ZykoticK9pil, you could ask in the #freenode channer they would know more19:44
ikoniaubuntu-usr: please ask that again a little more clear19:44
pilZykoticK9: thanks19:44
blackMatrixok, i will try that...any risks i should be aware of while mounting the windows partition ?19:44
cesc_guys I explain my issue again for everyone. I have a usb wireless adapter (Alfa Network model AWUS036H). I have downloaded the drivers for it from Realteak because it uses chipset 8187L. After some problems with compiling the drivers I have succeeded and rebooted my machine. After logging in again... I unplugged my wired internet connection, went to terminal windows and typed iwconfig with no luck.. it says no wireless extensions. The drivers are loaded in the19:44
cesc_ kernel.19:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:44
hylianthis is probably a strange request, but is there a place where i can just say to the ubuntu community how much i think ubuntu rocks and how much i appreciate all their hard work?19:44
coz_blackMatrix,  there should be no risks at all19:44
ubuntu-usrikonia, what i should explain more?19:44
collabraxangua: Both of you are missing the bigger point to the 'ubuntu support' channel..... This may be a channel where you can get support for your newly installed ubuntu system,... but It's secondary purpose is in promotion,... look, most people here advocate the use of ubuntu or it's dirivitives.... and thus actively 'promotes' ubuntu.19:45
IdleOnehylian: you just did :)19:45
ikoniaubuntu-usr: "i option with synaptic is not available" ?19:45
xanguahylian: how about offtopic¿ :)19:45
reki don't find my network printer what can i do?19:45
headkase314cesc_, that is the perfect recap - post that every 5 minutes or so and if no one at this time has an answer post the same thing other times you try here.  Good luck I really hope it can get ironed out soon for you.19:45
hylianxangua im not talking irc, imeant like a forum, and since it's directly related to ubuntu, i thought it was on topic, sorry.19:46
Oerubuntu-usr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization ?19:46
xanguahylian: ubutnu forum then¿19:46
IdleOnehylian: perhaps ubuntu forums19:46
blackMatrixthanks sebsebseb xangua zykotick9 and coz_19:46
cesc_thanks keadkase314 for your advice and help19:46
Oerubuntu-usr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization19:46
hylianok thanx dude, thanx for helping people out too, we all appreciate it.19:46
IdleOnehylian: the best way to say thank you is to help out on IRC and forums and spread the love to friends and family19:47
headkase314cesc_, you're welcome - it really can be luck of the draw for if someone has the knowledge you need in the channel.19:47
Bridge|anyone in #java, could possible send me a invite?19:47
pure_hatecesc, Are you sure the driver is loaded?19:47
hylianohh i have, dad's running ubuntu and rhythmbox and lovin' it19:47
pheonixmancoz_, you there..?19:47
HoopyFrood need help, I installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success19:47
ZykoticK9!register | Bridge|19:47
ubottuBridge|: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:47
pure_hatemost times if you unplug a alfa you have to rrmod rtl8187 && modprobe rtl818719:47
cesc_I don't understand why on my other machine with ubuntu lucid lynx my wireless adapter is working fine and on my xubuntu is not.19:48
Bridge|lol, Thanks ZykoticK919:49
* Bridge| kicks himself19:49
DuncanD0nutsi have an issue, and I'm new to ubuntu. i installed 10.04 yesterday on my laptop and everything is running great. i want to install my mouse so I don't always have to use this damn touchpad :p19:50
icedwaterAnyone have headphones not working in Lucid? I can't seem to find a fix on the community page.19:50
DuncanD0nutswhere do I start?19:50
icedwaterDuncanD0nuts: Is it a USB mouse?19:50
ikoniaDuncanD0nuts: you just plug a mouse in19:50
DuncanD0nutsi did, and it's not working :\19:50
ikoniaDuncanD0nuts: you shouldn't need to install anything19:50
icedwaterDuncanD0nuts: what sort is it?19:50
DuncanD0nutsgeneric dell optical mouse19:50
pure_hateDuncanD0nuts, Did you boot up with the mouse pluged in , or did you plug it in after you were booted?19:52
DuncanD0nutsboth, initially i just plugged it in. when that didn't work, i tried a restart with it plugged in to no avail19:52
bullhorni think something in the update went wrong19:52
bullhorngnome is fubar'd19:52
bullhorni dont see the closewindow/maximimze/minimze buttons19:52
bullhornon any window19:53
cesc_guys I explain my issue again for everyone. I have a usb wireless adapter (Alfa Network model AWUS036H). I have downloaded the drivers for it from Realteak because it uses chipset 8187L. After some problems with compiling the drivers I have succeeded and rebooted my machine. After logging in again... I unplugged my wired internet connection, went to terminal windows and typed iwconfig with no luck.. it says no wireless extensions. The drivers are loaded in the19:53
cesc_ kernel.19:53
xanguabullhorn: alt+f2 > metacity --replace19:53
coz_bullhorn, is compiz running?19:53
oCean_DuncanD0nuts: any output from 'dmesg | grep -i mouse' ??19:53
pure_hatecesc, scroll up, I asked you a few questions. you seem to have missed it19:53
pure_hateDuncanD0nuts, you can try to reload the mouse driver to force it, modprobe psmouse19:54
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success19:54
=== ubuntu is now known as geekartiste
bullhorni have no idea, im a nob :|19:55
DuncanD0nutsonly things listed is "macintosh mouse button emulation" and "ps/2 mouse device"19:55
DuncanD0nutsill try that pure19:55
coz_bullhorn,  ok  firs hit   alt+F2   and as suggested...type in      metacity --replace19:55
coz_bullhorn,  then go to applications/accessories  and open a terminal19:55
coz_bullhorn,   in that terminal  copy and paste this command     lspci | grep -i vga19:56
bullhorni have the buttons on some of the windows now but they are on the left side instead of the right side lol19:56
ilulbahasa indonesia plece19:56
DuncanD0nutsit's working, but it wasnt a solution from here19:56
DuncanD0nutsoddly, i changed usb ports and the mouse started working19:56
HoopyFroodbullhorn: they're supposed to be that way...19:56
oCean_DuncanD0nuts: I'd expect at least one or two lines mentioning mouse in combination with usb. Are you sure that port is functioning?19:56
coz_bullhorn,  right that is the way of ubuntu but I personally dislike it very much  and that can be changed19:56
DuncanD0nutsthanks for the assistance though guys19:56
oCean_DuncanD0nuts: oh..19:56
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India19:56
ilultoloooongggg.....aku kesulitan masuk19:56
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia19:56
DuncanD0nutswell, the mouse lit up in the original port19:56
DuncanD0nutsbut didnt work19:57
icedwater!id | ilul19:57
ubottuilul: please see above19:57
DuncanD0nutsin the other port it's working perfectly19:57
icedwaterilul: Please go to #ubuntu-id :)19:57
DuncanD0nutsproblem, solved, im happy. thanks19:57
bullhornit wasnt like that in 10.0919:57
bullhorn10.4 is popo19:57
coz_bullhorn,  no do you want to change it back??19:57
bullhornyes please19:57
ilulcaranya memasukkan id bagaimana?19:57
d09eat90dhi room19:58
ZykoticK9!controls | bullhorn19:58
coz_bullhorn,  also  when you talk to someone specifically  type the first 2 or 3 letters of their name and hit the tab button to compete the name and then write the message19:58
ubottubullhorn: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side19:58
cescpure_hate I think it is loaded in kernel check this out.. line 3    http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fRHMprf119:58
coz_bullhorn,  ok hit  alt+F2 again and type in    gconf-editor19:58
=== Erik_ is now known as Guest64359
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success19:58
coz_bullhorn,   click apps  then scroll down to matacity  then click the plus sign  then click on   Genearl under metacity19:59
pure_hatecesc, You may need to use the rtl8187 driver19:59
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB
d09eat90dany idea how to anonymize with tor using vidalia on lucid?19:59
iluloh............... help me...........19:59
icedwaterilul: #ubuntu-id19:59
coz_bullhorn,  tell me when you are there19:59
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
coz_bulldog,   now on the right panel  look for   "button_layout"19:59
dhaniis there any help channel for wireless problem?19:59
Professor_Ghow can i get my headphones to automatally switch when thay are plugged in20:00
cescrtl8187 instead of rtl8187L ?20:00
Aemaethhow can i link my phone internet to my wireless card so that others can access the internet around me?20:00
icedwaterilul: pergi ke #ubuntu-id, sini bahasa inggeris sahaja :P20:00
coz_bulldog,  double click that  and a dialog pops up   and delete  what is under  "Value"  and then copy and paste this   :minimize,maximize,close20:00
iluljhoin room?20:00
oCean_ilul: /join #ubuntu-id20:00
bullhornaha, coz_20:00
icedwaterilul: ya - my bahasa is rubbish.20:00
bullhornso you just move the ":" to the left, coz_20:00
coz_bulldog,  then click ok  and close out of gcong20:00
Professor_Ghow can i get my headphones to automatally switch when thay are plugged in?. anyone20:00
coz_bullhorn,  sort of yes  the order has to be changed as well20:01
icedwaterProfessor_G: are your headphones not working too?20:01
bullhorncoz_, wrong person but nevertheless, got it. thanks :)20:01
pure_hatecesc, yes. I would also be using compat-wireless rather than the drivers from realteks site, although I find it hard to belive that the alfa doesnt work in ubuntu20:01
coz_bullhorn,  sorry that was for you:)20:01
bullhorncoz_,  now its back like it was for over 15 years :D20:01
coz_bullhorn,  no problem20:01
bullhorn'dont fix whats not broken'20:01
Professor_Gicedwater,  nope thay work when i manualy select analog headphones from setings20:01
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success20:01
coz_bullgard,  no in a terminal   copy and paste this command     lspci | grep -i vga20:01
david__hola  todos los hackers de ubuntu20:02
d09eat90dTor is running on my lucid lynx with vidalia, but seems not anonymizing me...20:02
d09eat90di'm behind firewall...20:02
Professor_Ghow do i solve my issue20:02
ARGGGi just installed 9.10 and my secondary monitor does not show up in display how would i be able to get it working im using ati radeon x130020:03
d09eat90dcan someone guide me?20:03
coz_d09eat90d,  if no one can help with this here try the ##linux channel :)20:03
CygokuI have a problem, every time I launch empathy it ask for a password keyring, how can I disable that ??20:03
Professor_Ghello help me20:03
hsrHow to monitor and download network media? Say for example: Radio20:03
coz_Professor_G,   what is the issue?20:03
Professor_Gcoz_,  how can i get my headphones to automatally switch when thay are plugged in?. anyone20:04
hsrProfessor_G: Which OS do you use?20:04
hsrProfessor_G: I mean version, GNOME or KDE..20:05
coz_Professor_G,  welll   did you open a terminal and type   alsamixer to be sure  all sliders are not all the way down and none are muted?  if muted hit the keybiard lower case "m"  to unmute20:05
Professor_Ghsr,  ubuntu 10.4 DSL (i think the letters at the end are right)?20:05
Aemaethit's really weird, it won't let me bridge the connection between phone and wireless without having security setup, i want an open network created :(20:05
cescpure_hate... I have 2 pc at home .. one with ubuntu 10.04 in which I plugged the Alfa Network wireless adapter and it worked straight away with no need to load drivers at all. And the other computer with xubuntu 10.04 which is the one I'm having problems with.20:05
hsrProfessor_G: Thats LTS Lond term suppott20:05
hsrProfessor_G: Thats LTS Lond term support20:05
hsrProfessor_G: Thats LTS Long term support  .. Sorry20:06
hsrProfessor_G: :et me see how can i help you..20:06
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success20:06
pure_hatecesc, the best thing to do is create to lsmod text files and then diff them to see what the difference is.20:06
bullhorni forgot even the basics of linux lol20:06
Professor_Ghsr,  what do i do again?20:06
bullhorni dont remember how to use apt-get and search and whatnot20:06
icedwaterhsr: If you help him, I will be pretty grateful too... I'm probably in the same situation.20:06
coz_Professor_G,  open a terminal20:06
icedwaterbullhorn: What did you need?20:07
coz_Professor_G,    type    alsamixer20:07
ZykoticK9cesc, have you plugged the xubuntu machine into the ethernet network and done all updates?20:07
pure_hatethere should be much difference in the wireless between xubuntu and ubuntu except the GUI wireless manager20:07
coz_Professor_G,  then check that the sliders are up in volume and none are muted20:07
bullhornicedwater, i need to get rid of an old beta version of chrome and find the latest stable one20:07
Aemaethoh sweet i figured it out, you have to change the security settings before you enter anything for name20:07
icedwaterbullhorn: Did you set the Google repository?20:07
cescyes Zykotick9 is the first think I have done.. there was 172 updates to catch up. :)20:07
Professor_GUsage: /sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}20:07
hsrProfessor_G: Let me see how i can help, i am pretty sure about KDE settings using Mixer but i'll have to search a bit for GNOME... lemme see20:07
Professor_Ghsr,  i'm using game20:08
HoopyFroodbullhorn, use synaptic to uninstall chrome-beat (or chromium-bet, whichever,) and then find the chrome package20:08
Professor_Ghsr,  gnome sorry20:08
bullhorni got this one icedwater : http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/20:08
icedwaterbullhorn: sudo apt-get update I guess? Then sudo apt-get upgrade?20:08
ZykoticK9cesc, ok - just trying to account for difference in hardware support (ubuntu & xubuntu "should" support the same hardware)20:08
magicianlordGood day.20:08
jemaduxxrisimopoei kaneis apo edw irssi ?20:08
hsrcoz-: alsamixer got no settings for using to headphone when they are plugged, tht may not help20:09
hsrcoz-: alsamixer got no settings for switching to headphone when they are plugged, tht may not help20:09
cescpure_hate I'm going to pastebin the lsmod text file for my ubuntu machine where my alfa network works with no problems and then you can compare with the pastebin I wrote earlier here.20:09
ilulada yang bisa berbahasa indonesia?20:09
fcuk112when i enable sharing on a folder thru nautilus, where are the details stored...  does it store in smb.conf?20:10
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success20:10
icedwaterilul: aku tak bisa, #ubuntu-id ada20:10
d09eat90dbahasa indonesia20:10
kyomy external speakers do not work20:10
ubuntu-usrwhere i get package melchior for ubuntu?20:11
ubuntu-usri can't google it20:11
ilulsiapa yang bisa berbahasa INDONESIA?20:11
Shakey_Jake@kyo can you get sound from headphones?20:11
kyojust headphones20:11
d09eat90dicedwater, only few people on #ubuntu-id20:11
ilulada yang dari Indonesia?20:12
Shakey_Jakeand youre plugging the speakers into the headphone socket?20:12
icedwaterd09eat90d: Nothing I can do, I'm guessing based on my limited Malay knowledge anyway20:12
xangua!english > ilul20:12
ubottuilul, please see my private message20:12
kyointegrated speakers20:12
hsrHow to monitor and download network media? Say for example: Radio20:12
hsrHow to monitor and download network media? Say for example: Radio20:12
Shakey_Jakeoh, i get you20:12
Shakey_Jakekyo: which version of ubuntu are you running?20:12
kyoubuntu 9.0420:13
headkase314hsr, for rhythmbox in synaptic search for "rhythmbox radio browser"20:13
headkase314hsr, and don't forget to enable it in the plug-in settings of rhythmbox - it does shoutcast, icecast, etc.20:13
Shakey_Jakehave you tried system>preferences>sound>output ?20:13
iluld09eat90d bang?20:14
cescpure_hate here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mZ7fx9V3 the lsmod file in my ubuntu machine where Alfa Network wireless adapter worked straight away. And here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fRHMprf1  lsmod file for my xubuntu machine where I'm having problems with.20:14
hsrheadkase314: Does it allow to download as well?20:14
headkase314hsr, it allows you to record streams as they play20:14
magicianlordwhat is responsible for the native resolution in console, without nouveau being installed?20:14
magicianlordis it hte kms within the kernel20:15
magicianlordor what20:15
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kyoJake: yes I did, but nothing happen20:15
hsrheadkase314: Well i listen to RadioParadise and SKY.fm using their links in m3u format... will it work?20:16
Kjeldori cant find the laucher for the libimobiledevice after installing it from the PPA20:16
kyoshould I change something in "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base"20:16
headkase314hsr, rhythmbox radio browser is self-contained and only does radio - I do not believe but am not sure that you can point it at sky.fm20:16
Shakey_Jakethere's nothing in either the 'choose a device' box or the connector menu that look like they could be your speakers?20:16
magicianlorddoes anyone know if MOC plays streaming audio? radio, for example20:16
Shakey_Jakewell, that's the ext option if there isn't a friendly gui of doing things20:17
hsrheadkase314: Is there a plugin like that for Amarok?20:17
headkase314hsr, that specific plug-in is for rhythmbox I don't doubt that there is something similar for Amarok I just don't know what it would be.20:17
pure_hatecesc, thats a mess but try this: rmmod r8187l && modprobe ar9170usb && ifconfig wlan0 up20:18
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success20:18
Kjeldori cant find the laucher for the libimobiledevice after installing it from the PPA20:18
fcuk112i've enabled a share through nautilus with r/w perms, but when i try to copy something from another ubuntu machine i get permission denied - any ideas?20:19
hsrheadkase314: Thanks a lot, i will be able to work it out myself then. If not atleast by seeing the code of that plugin and make one for amarok.. Thanks20:19
headkase314hsr, you're welcome - good hunting.20:19
wickitsarahgreetings to all20:19
kyonothing, still just headphones20:19
magicianlordwickitsarah: GOOD DAY20:20
charlesnohow does IRC work20:20
Arcidiasit is magick20:20
ikoniacharlesno: just ask questions, and people will answer20:20
wickitsarahim new so please do not get to mad at me ok20:20
Shakey_Jakekyo: whart's the output from 'cat /proc/asound/cards' ??20:20
headkase314!ask | wickitsarah20:20
ubottuwickitsarah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:20
Kjeldori cant find the laucher for the libimobiledevice after installing it from the PPA20:21
HoopyFroodI installed Lucid and Grub to an external hard drive, but whenever I boot to the hard drive, the grub rescue screen appears. I have tried installing grub onto the drive from ubuntu, another copy of which I have on my internal drive, and manually replacing the grub folder as root, both without success20:21
wickitsarahim still learning how to use this im srry ok20:21
ARGGGi just installed 9.10 and my secondary monitor does not show up in display how would i be able to get it working im using ati radeon x130020:21
hsrheadkase314: Ryhthombox allows to point to any station using the url option, it allows to add url of station, thats sufficient. Using mp3/m3u/aac format anyone can find the url.. external radios can work20:21
ikoniaHoopyFrood: what rescue screen20:21
ikoniaHoopyFrood: exactly what do you get on screen20:22
anodesniARGGG, opensource or proprietary driver?20:22
charlesnois ArchLinux as good as Ubuntu?20:22
kyoJake: I have not idea :O20:22
ikoniacharlesno: that's personal opinion, try them both20:22
headkase314Kjeldor, I believe that is for an ipod or touch or iphone?  If so then libimobiledevice is just so you can plug it into a usb port.  From there you can use rhythmbox to manage the device or something like gtkpod.20:22
ArcidiasHoopyFrood: why don't you add a line to your harddrive instance of GRUB so you can choose to boot from the external?20:22
HoopyFroodikonia, instead of the bootloader, it says GRUB rescue >20:22
HoopyFroodas a command line20:22
headkase314hsr, well good then? ;)20:22
wickitsarahim like ubuntu and puppy so far20:22
anodesniARGGG, http://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature20:22
ikoniaHoopyFrood: ok, so your grub is looking at the wrong partitions for it's menu info20:23
ARGGGthank you20:23
Kjeldoroh i see20:23
charlesnowhat linux distro is recommended if i want to learn as much as possible about how it works20:23
HoopyFroodikonia, why, though?20:23
icedwatercharlesno: Are you new to Linux?20:23
Arcidiascharlesno: LFS20:23
anodesniARGGG, according to the page xrandr should work with your card20:23
Arcidiascharlesno: or Slackware20:23
ikoniaHoopyFrood: probably becuase you're using a USB drive and it didn't work out the install info properly20:23
headkase314Kjeldor, I believe you can search for "gtkpod" in synaptic and that can be used to manage the device - people seem to think that one is the most reliable anyway.20:23
HoopyFroodikonia, I reinsatlled it via the terminal on ubuntu on my internal drive20:24
Arcidiascharlesno: ArchLinux is also an option20:24
wickitsarahtry one of those tick books fr begainers20:24
HoopyFroodikonia, it being grub20:24
charlesnoI'm kind of new, I've been using Ubuntu for a few months but i haven't forced myself to really learn the terminal or anything20:24
icedwatercharlesno: I would say Ubuntu is just fine... learn step by step instead of jumping in at the deep end.20:24
ikoniacharlesno: this channel supports the ubuntu operating system - not general discussion20:24
ikoniaHoopyFrood: then you've installed it to look at the wrong places20:24
anodesniARGGG, what output does "xrandr -q" give?20:24
Kjeldorsynaptic is where?20:24
charlesnoI apologize ikonia20:24
ikoniacharlesno: no need to apologize20:24
icedwatercharlesno: Bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic ?20:24
pure_hatecharlesno, Gentoo and then Linux from Scratch if you *really* want to learn20:24
wickitsarahscotty beam us up lol20:24
ARGGGanodesni not sure what that means20:24
hiblissI need some help with Samba on Ubuntu server 10.0420:25
headkase314Kjeldor, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager20:25
HoopyFroodikonia, so the automatic installation went wrong... :( I can maually edit grub.cfg, then, I guess20:25
ikoniaHoopyFrood: that won't do anything20:25
hiblissjust updated and got a new kernel20:25
hiblissand Samba started acting up20:25
HoopyFroodikonia, so how should I reconfigure it?20:25
headkase314Kjeldor, then there is a search box at the top you can type gtkpod in and in the results window right-click on gtkpod and choose install20:25
ikonia!grub2 > HoopyFrood20:25
ubottuHoopyFrood, please see my private message20:25
anodesniARGGG, you should open a terminal and type in "xrandr -q" and then look which devices it discovers20:25
charlesnothanks guys, goin to off topic20:26
hiblissI can still access the shares from a windows machine20:26
hiblissby mapping directly20:26
Kjeldorthanks.. doing it now20:26
HoopyFroodikonia, already checked that link20:26
headkase314Kjeldor, ok20:26
anodesniARGGG, you should see something like VGA connected, LVDS connected20:26
ikoniaHoopyFrood: ok, so then you understand how to point grub at the right parrtitions20:26
d09eat90dcan someone guide me to configure tor+vidalia for lucid lynx??20:26
anodesniARGGG, then you know if ubuntu has detected your secondary screen20:26
HoopyFroodikonia, right, and it hasnt worked20:27
DasEid09eat90d: sure20:27
ARGGGanodesni yes i see its not seeing my tv20:27
ikoniaHoopyFrood: then you've not configured it right, or the ubuntu partition is corrupt/damaged20:27
headkase314!info gtkpod20:27
ubottugtkpod (source: gtkpod): manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.14-2ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 252 kB, installed size 660 kB20:27
HoopyFroodikonia, damn... well, I'll give it another shot20:27
HoopyFroodikonia, before i reinstall20:28
hiblissanyone have a sec to help me out with Samba20:28
DasEid09eat90d: tor already installed ?20:28
Kjeldorheadkase314: im done, whats next?20:28
ARGGGDVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) anodesni20:28
aruntomarhi guys. my top output shows 2 contradictory values.... so i got confused and need clarification. my cpu usage on the top 3rd line shows that it's using hardly 3% but in the process list it shows that my virtualbox is using 112% cpu usage, so which one is correct20:28
headkase314Kjeldor, now look in your Applications Menu and I believe you will see gtkpod under Sound & Video20:29
anodesniARGGG, are you sure they are turned on?20:29
ARGGGif i have the tv connected when i start up it will make my monitor go black and the tv will flicker in black and white20:29
HoopyFroodheadkase314, I didn't think gtkpod worked with iphones...20:29
DasEid09eat90d: ??20:29
hsrProfessor_G: Sorry, i coudn't find the a proper solution20:30
hsrProfessor_G: Sorry, i coudn't find a proper solution20:30
headkase314HoopyFrood, are you sure?20:30
anodesniARGGG, you could try the proprietary drivers and configure the tv-out using "sudo amdcccle" in the terminal20:30
headkase314HoopyFrood, I think in the preferences of gtkpod you can choose a model of device to connect to?20:30
HoopyFroodheadkase314, thats what I thought i saw at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod20:30
hsrheadkase314: Hey20:30
Kjeldorheadkase314: I dont see my iphone inside20:31
anodesniARGGG, this is similar to the amd catalyst suite in windows20:31
hsrheadkase314: Is there any way to monitor network media?20:31
HoopyFroodheadkase314, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone reccomends libmobiledevice20:31
ARGGGhow do i install the proprietary drivers?20:31
ikoniaARGGG: open the system -> administration -> hardware drivers tool20:31
headkase314Kjeldor, see HoopyFrood link above and to confirm what exactly is the device?  And in gtkpod under Edit > Preferences can you choose the model of your device.  I'm not in front of gtkpod right now so preferences may be in another location.20:32
HoopyFroodheadkase314, I tried to help Kjeldor with this before20:32
anodesniARGGG, it's in system->administration -> proprietary driver install (or something like that)20:32
HoopyFroodHe couldnt find the launcher20:32
headkase314HoopyFrood, he has libmobiledevice installed but now needs a management front-end for the device20:32
magicianlordIS it better to remove the battery from a laptop at 50% charge for 6 months plus storage, or leave it connected20:32
cescheadkase314 how do I remove the driver I installed before.. the realteak rtl8187l. I think it must be the rtl8187 without the final l20:32
HoopyFroodheadkase314, I dont know of any...20:33
headkase314!infor rmmod20:33
headkase314!info rmmod20:33
ubottuPackage rmmod does not exist in lucid20:33
headkase314cesc, I'm not sure but I think it's rmmod <devicename>20:33
DasEimagicianlord: not ubuntu related, load it to 100% and recharge latest half a year20:33
istvanI have a powermac g4 running 10.04 that I just set up. It connects to the network with wireless just fine, but I can't get ethernet to work. I have other ubuntu/windows machines that are online via ethernet just fine. ideas?20:33
ARGGGnot able to select anything in hardware drivers20:34
anodesniARGGG, I think your card is too old and is not supported anymore by amd/ati20:34
ARGGGindeed that was what i was haveing troubles with20:35
Kjeldorheadkase314: i couldnt find inside the preference where i could select what device i have20:35
syslqheadkase314: did that guy solved sound problems later?20:35
hsrheadkase314: ther?20:35
headkase314Kjeldor, what exactly is the device model?20:35
anodesniARGGG, it's strange though since the open source drivers should support tv-out for your card20:36
Kjeldoriphone 3gs20:36
ikonia!iphone > Kjeldor20:36
ubottuKjeldor, please see my private message20:36
hsrheadkase314: Do you know how to monitor network media?20:36
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kyothank you very much! I dotn remember your nick Jake, but its working20:36
headkase314syslq, the updated ALSA gave him an additional "analog" x-fi device but it also did not work.  In the end last night he was really considering just buying a $10 generic audio card to replace the x-fi20:36
anodesniARGGG, maybe this works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21576320:36
Shakey_Jakekyo: cool beans20:36
urbmenHi everyone20:36
Shakey_Jakekyo: you're welcome20:37
headkase314hsr, no sorry I do not20:37
ARGGGnot sure what is going on with it but if i have the tv connected at startup it will make my monitor go black and the tv does some strange things20:37
Rogue1hey urbmen20:37
kyobye bye Shaker_Jake20:37
syslqheadkase314: lol :)20:37
hsrheadkase314: Thanks a lot for your help till now :-)20:37
urbmenwhats everyone up to20:37
headkase314hsr, you're welcome - everyone here helps ;)20:37
hsrProfessor_G: Are you here?20:37
hsrProfessor_G: Are you here?20:37
ActionParsnipurbmen: chillin20:37
urbmennicely nicely20:38
ikoniajeromel: he's long gone20:38
hsrWho was asking about headphone issues here??20:38
anodesniARGGG, it seems more people are having this problem20:38
Kjeldorcan I just run itunes onto something? while runing UBUNTU?20:39
hsrWho was asking about headphone issues here??20:39
hsrWho was asking about headphone issues here??20:39
ikoniaKjeldor: no20:39
Kjeldornot even on WINE?20:39
urbmenjust wondering if anyone can help then, I've just installed ubuntu 8.4, and I am struggling to get the flash player to work20:40
headkase314Kjeldor, iTunes on WINE -> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134720:40
xanguaurbmen: get it from adobe's web or update lo lucid ;)20:40
headkase314Kjeldor, from the ratings it doesn't work the best but maybe it can work enough20:40
ImaLamertry #winehq20:41
ActionParsnipurbmen: what browser?20:41
AndrewMCurbmen: Why such an old version of ubuntu20:41
ActionParsnipxangua: no need20:41
ActionParsnipAndrewMC: hardy is still supported20:41
urbmenfirefox 3.6.820:41
xanguaActionParsnip: update to lucid¿ just saying ;) it's awesome20:41
AndrewMCActionParsnip: Oh ok20:41
ActionParsniphardy is supported until April 201120:42
urbmenits just the disk i had to hand20:42
ActionParsnipso its not old by any means, it gets updates just like the others20:42
AndrewMCActionParsnip: Still its an old version20:42
urbmenit works and it stable20:43
IdleOneupgrading to lucid won't fix the issue20:43
=== Genlan is now known as Eenix
ArcidiasAndrewMC: you're disputing another man's choice of distro?20:43
ActionParsnipAndrewMC: true but its stillup to date with updates20:43
IdleOne!flash | urbmen20:43
ubottuurbmen: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:43
AndrewMCActionParsnip: Thats a good point20:43
d09eat90dgoogleearth bugs on lucid20:43
ActionParsnipurbmen: if you run: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree     does it install?20:43
d09eat90dit's installed but it won't run20:43
ActionParsnip!info flashplugin-nonfree hardy20:43
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:43
ActionParsnipurbmen: if you install ubuntu-restricted-extras    it will install flash and java too for you20:45
Kjeldorso how do i open itunesetup.exe with wine? or something?20:45
luwhi question:  why on ubuntu's website it says "not recommended for daily desktop use" for the 10.04 64bit version?20:45
ArcidiasKjeldor: cd to the directory of itunesetup.exe and execute wine itunesetup.exe20:45
rwwluw: because Ubuntu's website developers don't know what they're talking about and are bad at fixing bugs20:45
ArcidiasKjeldor: open Terminal20:46
elkcloneluw: lmao20:46
magicianlordis lpia available for 10.04?20:46
ActionParsnipKjeldor: is it itunes 7 or 8?20:46
rwwmagicianlord: no20:46
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Canonical-Drops-Support-for-LPIA-on-Ubuntu-10-04-128175.shtml20:46
Kjeldornewest itunes20:46
luwrww: interesting...it's kinda ridiculous that they would put that20:46
ActionParsnipKjeldor: i dont use apples garbage, you need to be the smart one here dude20:46
Kjeldorso what do i do?20:47
ActionParsnipKjeldor: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html20:47
IdleOneKjeldor: where did you save the file to?20:47
ActionParsnipKjeldor: or get a better player (easier)20:47
Kjeldorin DOWNLOADS20:47
thune3luw: this statement is a screen, if you believe it you are likely too new to linux to deal with additional(minor) issues that sometimes come with 64-bit installation.20:47
IdleOneKjeldor: ok in terminal type cd ~/Downloads20:48
ActionParsnipKjeldor: using that guide will let you use rhythmnbox20:48
Kjeldori dont want rythymnbox20:48
KjeldorIdleOne: then?20:48
luwthune3: statement screen?  what other minor issues should one be worried about running the 64bit kernel?20:48
IdleOneKjeldor: now type: wine itunesetup.exe20:49
IdleOneKjeldor: assuming you already installed wine20:49
Kjeldorkjeldor@kjeldor-laptop:~$ cd ~/downloads20:49
Kjeldorbash: cd: /home/kjeldor/downloads: No such file or directory20:49
ActionParsnipluw: some hardware manufacturers only make 32bit drivers. Some apps from 3rd party sources dont have 64bit support20:49
ActionParsnipKjeldor: its a capital D20:49
rwwKjeldor: capital D in Downloads20:49
ArcidiasKjeldor: Downloads with capital D20:50
IdleOneKjeldor: I said cd ~/Downloads20:50
IdleOnenot downloads20:50
IdleOnelinux is case sensitive :)20:50
ubottuFile names in Ubuntu are case sensitive, MyFile is not the same as myfile, and if you put spaces in there and use a console you need to "escape" the space, thus "gedit My\ File.txt"20:50
Kjeldorits my first day =)20:50
IdleOneno problem20:50
istvanI have a powermac g4 running 10.04 that I just set up. It connects to the network with wireless just fine, but I can't get ethernet to work. I have other ubuntu/windows machines that are online via ethernet just fine. ideas?20:50
ActionParsnipKjeldor: i'll put money on itunes failing badly20:50
rubbahdawgoi, someone who can help me with meim trying to play a bit around with renoise on my friend's linux computer but he's got zero idea of how to use the os himself20:51
ActionParsnipistvan: does the interface get an IP address?20:51
blackMatrix1hi all. when you boot ubuntu from flash drive and install apache2, mysql etc and turn off the power and bring it back up, does it loose all the installations ?20:51
luwActionParsnip: oh ok, now that does make sense.  i was stuck on what was unstable about ubuntu and was considering them their own thing.20:51
urbmenhello again I have installed the flashplugin-nonfree, I have closed and opened mozilla and I still can not view youtube or tv catch up20:51
istvanActionParsnip, under the conenctons menu tool it just says 'disconnected'20:52
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: depends, if it is a live usb - yes, but if it has a persistence option - then yes20:52
xanguaif is not a persistent install, yes urbmen20:52
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:52
luwbut i guess youre right, you cant really do that20:52
IdleOneKjeldor: when you get a bunch of errors while wine is trying to install itunes you will understand why ActionParsnip suggested Rhythmbox20:52
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ActionParsnipistvan: screw that, run: ifconfig   do you see an address for your adapter20:52
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: the former was a "no"20:52
urbmenjust for the record I have basic level experience with ubuntu20:52
blackMatrix1Arcidias: where do you change the settings for persistence20:53
Arcidiaswell you must have a casper-rw loop file20:53
izatt82hello to the IRC world20:53
rubbahdawgi need help installing the "real time threads" for sound buffering or something like that, but i dont get how to write in the config as im asked to do in the readme20:53
Kjeldorbut I also want to sync my apps20:53
Arcidiashi izatt8220:53
nUboon2AgeKjeldor: just fyi, last i checked the newest itunes wine was succesfull with was 7.3 i think.20:53
batbratI am trying to install freeglut3 and libqt4-dev on my Dell Inspiron 15R without also installing the mesa packages. My laptop has an ATI Radeon HD5470 card and I already have fglrx-dev. What is a good workaround?20:53
ActionParsnipurbmen: ok can you give the output of:   lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; ; dpkg -l | grep swf20:53
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: well, when you make the live usb you must tell it to have persistence20:54
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: how did you do it?from windows or linux host?"20:54
urbmensay again sorry what do you want me to do20:54
ActionParsnipKjeldor: you have a device from one of the most shortsigted and ignorant companies. What did you expect20:54
izatt82i gave up on installing itunes in wine and just downloaded virtualbox PERL because it has USB support20:54
ArcidiasI second what ActionParsnip said20:54
istvanActionParsnip, only an inet6... huh... thats weird. why isn't that working then?20:54
blackMatrix1Arcidias: you mean when I create the bootable usb I have to set persistence ? I created the CD from Windows host.20:54
rubbahdawgplease someone...20:55
ActionParsnipistvan: does the interface have flashing lights around the network cable20:55
Ober7Kjeldor why don't you try and run MS windows in a virtual machine? i have the apple cure too and thats what i do20:55
istvanActionParsnip, nope20:55
nUboon2AgeKjeldor: which might be useful for you still, but just so you know wine isn't able to run newer versions of itunes.  you can always check the wine appdb at http://appdb.winehq.com to see if a particular windows program is working on wine yet.20:55
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: oic, then see pendrivelinux.org20:55
* batbrat hopes to solve the problem20:55
magicianlordIs LPIA available for 10.0420:55
ActionParsnipistvan: then its not plugged in right, there is a standard that there should be lights around the link. Check the router link light too20:55
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: they have a tool which can make you a persistent usb drive20:55
Ober7apple curse*20:55
Arcidiasmagicianlord: no20:55
Kjeldorhow do i run ms windows in a virtual machine?20:56
nUboon2Agevirtualbox is a pretty good way to run stuff from other OSs.  Its not too bad to figure out Kjeldor.20:56
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: for Canonical themselves: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-November/000643.html20:56
izatt82dont use virtualbox OSE though it doesn't have USB support. if needing it for the iphone make sure to get virtualbox PERL20:56
Arcidiasmagicianlord: as ActionParsnip pasted a link earlier - Canonical dropped support20:56
istvanActionParsnip, no, there are no lights on the computer. Also, if i set my netbook up as a bridge and plug this computer into that, it works fine, so it's not HW, it's my home netowork (which i'm not admin of)20:56
Ober7Kjeldor: use a virtual machine like virtual box20:56
magicianlordActionParsnip: since which version20:56
ActionParsnipKjeldor: thats the only real way but it requires a windows license and install media. You will also be running Windows inside ubuntu (quite a lot of bloat)20:57
Arcidiasmagicianlord: 10.04, as was pointed20:57
FlannelArcidias, magicianlord, ActionParsnip: Debian still supports it strongly.20:57
ArcidiasFlannel: the question was about ubuntu and we are in an ubuntu help channel20:57
magicianlordArcidias: i'm in terminal, so it's a little hard to type that into links20:57
blackMatrix1Arcidias: Thank you. I am using the pendrivelinux and I see the option to set persistence. one more question, Is max persistence only 4GB or its because of my usb size ?20:57
Ober7Kjeldor: like Arcidias said you need to have a legal windows cd or iso20:57
izatt82its pretty easy to installit20:58
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: it's the maximum size, I'm afraid20:58
ActionParsnipizatt82: sounds expensive, i'd use a cheap XP license20:58
Kjeldorso now, how do i uninstall itunes from wine?20:58
FlannelArcidias: Of course.  But Ubuntu doesn't support LPIA anymore, so the recommended upgrade path (since I'm not aware of any community supported LPIA effort) is Debian.20:58
rwwmagicianlord: It was dropped for 10.04, and pretty bad in 9.10. There is no supported upgrade path for LPIA users; if you have one, you're recommended to reinstall with a sane architecture.20:58
nUboon2Agemagicianlord: here's the ubuntu dev announcement: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-November/000643.html20:59
rwwFlannel: anything that can run LPIA can run x86, afaik?20:59
magicianlordrww: so it's not worth installing 9.10 over 10.04 on a netbook?20:59
rwwmagicianlord: no20:59
Flannelrww: Ah, is that the case?20:59
blackMatrix1Arcidias: thats good enough...till I completely move away from all that disk space windows is sitting on :-)20:59
magicianlordi would still like to try20:59
kyle_hello peeps. In ubuntu 10.4/Nautilus 2.30.1 How can I search for files in sub dir's.20:59
rwwmagicianlord: congratulations. enjoy wasting your time20:59
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: glad to hear it20:59
magicianlordwasting my time is what i do21:00
KjeldorHow do I uninstall itunes from wine?21:00
xanguaKjeldor: apps>wine>uninstall21:00
ArcidiasblackMatrix1: btw, the process of making the 4gb casper loop file takes some time and the progress bar does not move, so sit it out, don't freak out21:00
rwwFlannel: I've never heard of one that didn't, and last time I read anything by Intel about it, they were planning to keep it that way21:01
Sid123what is a suitable player for playing HD video in lucid (.mkv 11 GB of size) smoothly21:01
istvanActionParsnip, also, uner network connections ipv6 is set to ignore.. so idk why that has an address21:01
magicianlordis anyone here using 10.04? is it still usuable after the upgrade issues?21:01
xanguaSid123: are you using a netbook¿21:01
xanguamagicianlord: what upgrade issues¿21:02
rwwFlannel: I don't see LPIA on http://www.debian.org/ports/ , incidentally.21:02
ActionParsnipFlannel: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUK248&q=lpia+10.04&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=     It's pretty much all over :)21:02
magicianlordxangua: there was some recent update that rendered grub 2 inoperable21:02
Sid123xangua: NO .I am using a desktop with nvidia GEfore graphics card21:02
xanguamagicianlord: i set up updates every 2 weeks, i hope hen that ehy fix if in teh next 2 weeks S:21:03
ArcidiasSid123: then VLC21:03
xanguaor mplayer21:03
magicianlordgood idea, but what if the bug happens when you update21:03
izatt82i use VLC to watch all my video files no matter what type21:04
xanguamagicianlord: does this affects only dual boot systems¿¿21:04
rwwmagicianlord: do you have a bug number I can look at?21:04
livingdaylightguys, I'm on Ubuntu running VB for the first time. I've used it a couple times a couple years back and the setup seems different now as to how I recall it.21:04
Sid123<Arcidias>i already have tried,but it was not playing smoothly21:05
acathlaSid123, mplayer with VDPAU21:05
livingdaylightBasically, I had no trouble finding the .iso and loading it. Now, however, I can't seem to find where or when during the process I create the path to the .iso. Can someone help?21:05
livingdaylightI dont know when to point VB to the .iso in my downloads folder21:05
rubbahdawghow does one reach enlightment and attention?21:05
Arcidiasrubbahdawg: E17 has a package in the repos21:05
BiNhOwi`m from brazil21:06
BiNhOwlooking girls..21:06
rubbahdawgarcidias, sorry what?21:06
izatt82livinglight goto settings and then click on storage21:06
ikoniaBiNhOw: please look elsewhere21:06
macoBiNhOw: wrong place21:06
rubbahdawgrepos?, im veeery new to linux21:06
ikoniaBiNhOw: this channel is for ubuntu support only21:06
kyle_if i do that can I thin say i want to move them all to one folder.21:06
macorubbahdawg: repos = repositories. servers full of software21:06
BiNhOwikonia sorry21:06
Sid123acathla: what is VDPAU .does it support all graphics card?21:06
batbratUm, do GL/gl.h and GL/glu.h come with the fglrx-dev package? That seems to be the issue21:06
Arcidiasrubbahdawg: weren't you asking about Enlightenment17 the window manager?21:06
batbratCan someone please help me figure this out?21:07
acathlaSid123, let me find some URLs for you21:07
istvanActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/biL47eXt <-- there. that might be more helpful than my explaining21:07
rubbahdawgarcidias, no sorry, i was jokin coz i tried to reach attention about my sound problem earlier21:07
rubbahdawgim trying to use renoise, but i got problems with installing "real time threads"21:07
acathlaSid123, table for supported nvidia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_PureVideo21:07
rubbahdawgcould you help me if i specify a bit further?21:08
Arcidiasrubbahdawg: I'm afraid I am of no use to you there, my friend21:08
nUboon2Agelivingdaylight: i can try.  are you just trying to figure out the path to a file?21:08
ActionParsnipistvan: i'd try a known good cable, or try a different port on the router21:08
ActionParsnipistvan: check the connection LED on the router is lit21:08
cesc_guys I decided to install driver RTL8187 instead of RTL8187L which I installed earlier on.21:08
livingdaylightnUboon2Age, yes21:09
istvanActionParsnip, the cable is fine, as i said it connects to the bridged laptop fine. also, if i read that ifconfig correctly it shows some packets both for read and write?21:09
nUboon2Agelivingdaylight: clarification: are you saying you're using Visual Basic on Ubuntu?21:09
cesc_when trying to compile the driver ...... I got this output... let me pastebin it.21:09
livingdaylightnUboon2Age, Virtual Box21:09
ArcidiasnUboon2Age: VirtualBox21:09
nUboon2Agelivingdaylight: ah virtualbox21:09
ActionParsnipistvan: it is recieving packets, try setting the ipv4 address manually21:09
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: you want to boot from the iso in your Downloads folder, right?21:10
livingdaylightArcidias, yes21:10
magicianlordWhat is planned for 10.10?21:10
ActionParsnip!maverick | magicianlord21:10
ubottumagicianlord: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:10
Sid123<acathla:will xbmc do it?21:10
Arcidiasmagicianlord: Gnome3!21:10
istvanActionParsnip, do i need to reboot or just hit apply after that? (and should i use the gui?)21:10
nUboon2Agelivingdaylight: i think Arcidias may be of more help.  i've used virtualbox but not enough to be that much help.21:10
magicianlordGnome 3 would be nice.21:10
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: then make a new machine, by clicking the New button up left21:11
rubbahdawgarcidias, do you have any idea what it mans when it says, " To enable RT thread creation via PAM open the /etc/security/limits.conf file as root (or via sudo)."21:11
ActionParsnipistvan: you can use any method you like, shouldnt need a reboot. Linux is designed to not need reboots21:11
Arcidiasrubbahdawg: no idea21:11
rubbahdawgdarned, thank you anyway21:11
acathlaSid123, yes, I think, never tried. With 10.04, you just install some libs and type "mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau youfile.mkv"21:11
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: follow everything till you have completed the setup, then click on the name of your setup21:11
acathlathere are some tutorial for ubuntu21:11
livingdaylightArcidias, I assigned the name, memory and hd size..21:11
livingdaylightArcidias, just need to create the path to the .iso from which I will boot and install os21:11
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: so now go down to Storage21:12
izatt82livingdaylight:  after you have created a new VM go to settings and then click on storage on the right you can select the ISO21:12
Kjeldorhow come itunes doesnt clean out from WINE diretory after uninstall21:12
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: Click Storage and add a CD21:12
ActionParsnipKjeldor: because of the way its coded. Some apps work extremely well, some work badly, some won't even install21:12
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: and it would give you a selection box, where you can find the iso, then add it, then Start the virtual box21:12
acathlaSid123, just install libvdpau121:12
Arcidiaslivingdaylight: and that;s it!21:13
Kjeldorso what shall I do?21:13
ActionParsnipKjeldor: you need to remove some entries in ~/.config21:13
randyrkellyis there another zip file manager that is very good21:13
Arcidiasguys, I gotta get going21:13
Arcidiasgood night all21:13
ActionParsnipKjeldor: check in ~/.config/menus/applications-merged21:13
Kjeldorhow do I do that?21:14
ActionParsniprandyrkelly: you can use command line, what are you trying to achieve?21:14
ActionParsnipKjeldor: open the folkder in nautilus, you can press CTRL+H to sow hidden files21:14
randyrkellywell unzip the android sdk21:14
ActionParsniprandyrkelly: whats the file name?21:14
Kjeldornautilus? where is that?21:14
Sid123<acathla>i have already but doesn't seem to help much21:15
ActionParsnipKjeldor: click Places -> Home Folder21:15
ActionParsnipKjeldor: that runs nautilus21:15
ActionParsniprandyrkelly: so its: filename.tgz21:15
randyrkellyActionParsnip, yes21:15
acathlaSid123, watch the output of mplayer, it will tell you what's wrong21:15
randyrkellyActionParsnip, android-sdk_r06-linux_86.tgz21:16
cesc_guys I decided to install driver RTL8187 instead of RTL8187L which I installed earlier on.21:16
cesc_when trying to compile the driver ...... I got this output...  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yMWK1F9r21:16
ActionParsniprandyrkelly: gzip -cd filename.tgz | tar xvf -21:16
cesc_I got some errors there.. any help?21:16
istvanActionParsnip, the lights on my switch for that port are off. and it's not the cable, i tried that same cable with my netbook (again just now) which is in brdge and it worked no problem21:17
=== aliendude3500 is now known as aliendude5300
Sid123<acathla>it says ------------->MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team21:18
Sid123mplayer: could not connect to socket21:18
Sid123mplayer: No such file or directory21:18
Sid123Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.21:18
FloodBot3Sid123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
ActionParsnipistvan: ok, when it works on the netbook, does the LED on the router light up?21:18
CT1Hi. Other than '~/.gtk-bookmarks'  Where do the other places that appear in 'Places' come from?  I have an NTFS volume mounted on boot but it appears twice in 'Places'  Where should I start looking for why this happens?  "Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library"21:19
KjeldorActionParsnip: What do I do next? I have Places>Home Folder opened21:19
istvanActionParsnip, i used the netbook to connect the coputer having questions. I set the netbook to forward the inet connection from wireless to it's ethernet port. and i tried 4 different ports ont he switch, 2 of which i know to be good.21:19
Sid123<acathla>hey can u help21:20
cesc_guys I decided to install driver RTL8187 instead of RTL8187L which I installed earlier on.21:20
cesc_when trying to compile the driver ...... I got this output...  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yMWK1F9r21:20
cesc_I got some errors there.. any help?21:20
ActionParsnipKjeldor: read the previous stuff I said, its all there21:20
ActionParsnipistvan: fine but if you look at the router, is the connected indicator LED on for the link??21:21
KjeldorActionParsnip: Im inside .nautilus folder now...21:21
istvannot when the computer having isues is connected. there are a bunch of other computers connected to that switch, and all of them do have the lights, yes.21:22
nlkohey, if i want to install ubuntu on my laptop with encrypted drive from the start do i need the alternative cd?21:22
istvanActionParsnip, so i'm confused esp. cause ifconfig said packets were getting recieved, but the lights on the switch say no connection?21:22
Quantum_Ionnlko, Are you gonna be erasing everything on the hardrive21:23
nlkoQuantum_Ion: yes21:23
nlkoQuantum_Ion: fresh install21:23
ActionParsnipKjeldor: read what I said. I never mentioned .nautilus, try reading and not guessing21:24
* Bridge| fresh installs his brain......21:24
ratdoghello, somehow i lost the gnome network manager on the desktop. Where it would go in the panel. It doesn not auto start. Im on Lucid.21:24
ActionParsnipistvan: does it turn on with the netbook which gets the web when its connected?21:24
istvanActionParsnip, havn't tried that. will do now21:24
ActionParsnipratdog: press ALT+F2, type: nm-applet   press ENTER21:24
CT1Where can I read up on how the "Places" menu is populated? "~/.gtk-bookmarks" is only half the story.  How are drives added to the menu automatically?21:24
ActionParsnipistvan: i asked you 4 times now21:24
nlkoQuantum_Ion: ive gone for http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso, seem ok?21:24
cesc_I'm desperate. I'm trying to install drivers for my Alfa Network AWUS036H on my machine running xubuntu. This wireless usb adapter has chipset Realtek RTL8187. Early this afternoon I installed RTL8187L driver successfully on kernel but the device is not recognized. I reckon it must be chipset RTL8187 instead (withou the final L). Now I'm trying to install it and I get errors. The output is here21:25
KjeldorActionParsnip: Even if I read your post 100x, I still wouldnt understand it as I am a new user to UBUNTU. It would be of great help if you could lay it down to me in "laymans terms" for the time being while I'm learning21:25
ActionParsnip(21:13:49) ActionParsnip: Kjeldor: check in ~/.config/menus/applications-merged21:26
ActionParsnipKjeldor: you are just lazy21:26
thune3cesc_: i'm guessing that the "2007" version that you are trying to compile is not compatible with newer kernels, but I'm probably wrong.21:26
istvanActionParsnip, and i answered that all of the other comptuers (including this one which is running 10.04) that are connected to that switch have the lights on the switch that corospond to them on. but i figured i'd give up and tell u what the deal with the netbook is too.21:26
Quantum_Ionnlko What was on the hardrive before Linux ?21:26
Kjeldorhow do i do that "check in"21:26
ratdogActionParsnip did not work..21:26
ActionParsnipKjeldor: open the folder21:26
KjeldorIm a windows user, and new to UBUNTU sorry21:27
ActionParsnipKjeldor: you arent new to reading though21:27
ratdogActionParsnip something popsuo then disapears21:27
Kjeldoryeah, but how do I execute what your saying21:27
ActionParsnipistvan: if you run: sudo lshw -C network     what is the product name for the wired connection?21:27
nlkoQuantum_Ion: windows and linux21:27
bsmith093i bought one of those sata ide to usb kits on ebay, i cant get it to work and honestly it looks very flimsy could it be a fake because the adapter that the sata cables pluginto feells very light21:27
Quantum_Ionnlko you said the disk was encrypted by what operating system ?21:28
nlkoQuantum_Ion: im pretty sure its not a big deal, was just wondering which iso had the encrypted drive option at install time21:28
nlkoQuantum_Ion: it wasnt, i want it to be now, bu ubuntu21:28
ActionParsnipKjeldor: you follow the folder tree until you get to the folder, you will then see the files which are being merged with your apps menu and can clean them up21:28
Quantum_Ionnlko, take the 32 Desktop Install I would wipe the hard disk clean if you just plan to use Ubuntu Linux on the drive21:28
sarah32hi i have a small problem could pls someone help me ?21:29
CT1Can anyone tell me, or point me to some documents explaining how the "Places" menu is populated please?21:29
sarah32E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 25165824. (man 5 apt.conf)21:29
sarah32E: Error occurred while processing language-pack-gnome-tl-base (NewFileDesc2)21:29
sarah32E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid-proposed_main_binary-i386_Packages21:29
FloodBot3sarah32: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:29
KjeldorIm totally lost21:29
sarah32me too21:29
ActionParsnipsarah32: use a pastebin and we can see the full output, please dont flood in future21:29
cesc_thune3 on Alfa web site I downloaded the latest driver for it an it says for Linux kernel 2.6.x21:29
ActionParsnipKjeldor: from your home directory you will see the ".config" folder, double click it, then double click "menus", then double click "applications-merged"21:30
* ActionParsnip puts away his spoon21:30
Kjeldorgot it!21:31
ratdogActionParsnip any other ideers?21:31
* ActionParsnip sighs21:31
ActionParsnipKjeldor: that folder has all the items which wine has failed to remove, remove what you don't need21:32
cesc_I'm desperate. I'm trying to install drivers for my Alfa Network AWUS036H on my machine running xubuntu. This wireless usb adapter has chipset Realtek RTL8187. Early this afternoon I installed RTL8187L driver successfully on kernel but the device is not recognized. I reckon it must be chipset RTL8187 instead (withou the final L). Now I'm trying to install it and I get errors. The output is here21:32
Kjeldordone moved to trash...21:32
daedalus_Hi people. Yesterday I could zoom in using shift+scroll wheel (after activating the restricted nvidia drivers) today it won't let me. I don't see the option in the nividia program21:32
ActionParsnipratdog: install wicd if youo don't use 3G21:32
sarah32<cesc_> what driver did you install ?21:33
sarah32<cesc_> did you try to install compat-wireless ?21:33
ratdogActionParsnip done that, still no luck :/21:33
Kjeldorhow come when I open wine, I still see alot of itunes applications inside? Is there a way to remove those permanently?21:33
sarah32<cesc_> and what OS do you use ?21:33
cesc_a driver for my usb wireless adapter.. Alfa Network model AWUS036H21:33
cesc_I use xubuntu updated to today.21:34
istvanActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/FKbiiK1q21:34
cesc_xubuntu 10.0421:34
cesc_No I did not try to install compat-wireless.21:34
sarah32<cesc_> what driver did you install ? and if you use lucid i do and i have rtl8187l and rtl8187b i mean i lucid u dont need to install any drivers unless u want use aircrack or something21:34
packagedelivererHi, I have a newbie question, I'm using a command line. Is it possible to link a directory to another? for example doing "cd /folder/subfolder" positions you in "/folder/subfolder2" ?21:34
Jordan_Ucesc_: First thing I would try is "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic"21:35
sarah32<sarah32> do you use alfa just for internet or for hacking neigbours too ?21:35
ActionParsnipistvan: our wireless has an IP21:35
Jordan_U!tab | sarah3221:36
sarah32<cesc_>do you use alfa just for internet or for hacking neigbours too ?21:36
ubottusarah32: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:36
cesc_sarah32 this usb wireless adapter.. I use it on another machine with ubuntu 10.04 with no problems at all. It worked straight away without installing any drivers.. On this other machine with xubuntu 10.04 it doesn't work.21:36
sarah32sorry jordan21:36
ZykoticK9packagedeliverer, check out the ln command, you need to use -s for directories21:36
Jordan_Usarah32: No reason to be sorry :)21:36
istvanActionParsnip, yes, it's online with wireless just fine. but i'm looking to use the ethernet. and as far as i can tell those settings are separate? they are int he gui network connections anyway...21:36
nUboon2Agecesc_: i see on the web where others have used ndiswrapper successfully with the RTL8187.21:36
killerforeverrhttp://icecream-co.webnode.com/chatbox/ all go ur gonna be gms and pms now now now21:36
killerforeverrhttp://icecream-co.webnode.com/chatbox/ all go ur gonna be gms and pms now now now21:36
killerforeverrhttp://icecream-co.webnode.com/chatbox/ all go ur gonna be gms and pms now now now21:36
FloodBot3killerforeverr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:36
nUboon2Agecesc_: so that is always an option.21:36
packagedelivererHey ZykoticK9, ln produces "Operation not permitted" I'm a logged in as root21:36
sarah32<cesc_>  check up dmesg21:37
ActionParsnipistvan: you can use network manager in the indicator applet21:37
packagedelivererA google search told me symbolic links were not possible for fat32 nor ntfs?21:37
Jordan_Ucesc_: If it works out of the box with 10.04 on another machine then you probably shouln't be compiling and installing non-standard drivers.21:37
ZykoticK9packagedeliverer, the syntax would be like "ln -s /source/directory /source/directory2" - you'd need to use sudo if not in home directory21:37
daedalus_Next question, does ubuntu come with something to play rss/xml podcasts?21:38
istvanActionParsnip, yes, thats what i'm using, and i think i have everything set rite. if not, i'v changed it around pleanty of times21:38
ZykoticK9packagedeliverer, i'd recommend against using "root" account in ubuntu21:38
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Jordan_Ucesc_: Xubuntu uses exactly the same kernel an drivers as Ubuntu, so it's probably not actually a problem with the wireless drivers. Possibly a problem with USB in general (can you use other USB devices?) or a simple configuration problem.21:39
cesc_sarah32 I have my own internet connection but I have experimented hacking some neigbours just to see that this works.21:39
ActionParsniphelpmeeee: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tunesviewer-itunes-university-media-and-podcasts-in-linux.html21:39
nUboon2Agecesc_: i wonder if differences in xubuntu and ubuntu's network manager could explain the difference.  There is a #xubuntu channel that might be helpful too.21:39
sarah32<cesc_> i know your ip21:39
sarah32will report you to your neighbours21:40
packagedelivererZykoticK9, I'm using telnet with sh, not bash, I'll need to figure out how to get sudo working21:40
ZykoticK9packagedeliverer, if you really are "root" you don't need sudo21:40
sarah32<cesc_> try to install if you know how compat-wireless with those drivers your internet will work and aircrack too i mean if you want21:40
ZykoticK9packagedeliverer, telnet = fail, check out SSH for secure connections21:41
sarah32and check up aircrack website there is a very lot of info about alfa21:41
cesc_the bizarre thing is why my Alfa Network works out of the box on my PC with ubuntu lucid lynx and not on my other pc with xubuntu 10.04.21:41
ActionParsnipsarah32: i know yours too21:41
sarah32<cesc_> cuz there maybe is driver missing21:41
sarah32<ActionParsnip> no you know my proxy21:41
ratdogActionParsnip can i purge wirc with terminal then re-install21:42
packagedelivererZykoticK9, it's an emtec NAS, it can't handle SSH, hence telnet21:42
ActionParsnipsarah32: what's my ip ;)21:42
Jordan_Upackagedeliverer: That is correct, you cannot create symlinks on fat32 (not sure about ntfs) and you also cannot create hard links to directories on almost all filesystems.21:42
cesc_let's see compat-wireless in ubuntu software center21:42
sarah32<cesc_> type dmesg and you will see if oyur card is working or there is a driver missing21:42
ratdogActionParsnip can i have help with the command?21:42
nUboon2Agecesc_: that's why i say it could be about differences between ubuntu and xubuntu.21:42
cesc_ok let me see.21:42
istvanActionParsnip, did i miss waht you were saying with the connection tools? i stillc an't get a ethernet connection...21:42
sarah32<ActionParsnip> 911?21:42
packagedelivererJordan_U, I also tried ntfs, it didn't work21:42
ActionParsnipratdog: sudo apt-get --purge remove wicd   will remove it fully21:42
ratdogty, /me hands ActionParsnip a DEW21:43
ActionParsnipsarah32: i'm an ubuntu member, we get cloaks21:43
winterweaverI need to install some packages, but it fails because I previously installed docky, and now have the ricotz ppa packages conflicting with the default packages. See error here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155353721:43
sarah32<ActionParsnip> im a Windows 7 member21:43
sarah32so what21:43
sarah32im better21:43
FloodBot3sarah32: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
ActionParsnipsarah32: yes, but you dont get irc cloaks to completely mask your ip21:44
rwwanyone can get an irc cloak to mask their isp. huzzah unaffiliated/ cloaks21:44
slidinghorntrying to use conkyforecast and need help getting an image to show for current conditions.  was recommended to use a template, but after seeing an example, it's over my head -- looking for someone "taller" than myself ;-)21:44
sarah32<ActionParsnip> i dont know much about cloaks etc21:44
owd95someone that can recommend me a good nvidia card, i have a ati 5770 now?21:45
Daekdroomowd95, You shouldn't be thinking of getting a new videocard if you have a 577021:46
headkase314owd95, if you're Ubuntu only a 5770 should be adequate for pretty-well any task?21:46
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: depends on requirements21:46
ActionParsnipowd95: whats the system for?21:47
DaekdroomActionParsnip, I can't think of anyone using Ubuntu and envying more than the power of a 5770 unless he's going to use it for something other than 3D power.21:47
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: we'll see21:47
headkase314owd95, I say that because there aren't that many cutting-edge high-requirement games for Ubuntu.  Now if you're dual-booting with Windows and want games there then that's different...21:47
ratdogk, ActionParsnip how can i purge gnome network manager?21:48
owd95i heard that nvidia cards works better in linux then ati... and games not working great in wine...21:49
owd95and compiz not works smooth with my ati card...21:49
ActionParsnipratdog: sudo apt-get --purge remove network-manager21:49
thewanderer1how can I install Ubuntu on a pendrive? how much space do I need?21:50
ratdogActionParsnip took a break21:50
ratdogo ty21:50
headkase314owd95, my Radeon HD 4670 works like a champ in Ubuntu (I'm Ubuntu only) but I don't use it in WINE.  What processor do you have?  I think that may make more difference for you?21:50
ActionParsnipowd95: nvidia always work fantastically in Linux21:50
owd95headkase314: i have an intel core i5 75021:50
ActionParsnipowd95: nvidia have been supporting Linux for at least 10 years that I'm aware of, and probably earlier21:50
headkase314owd95, do you know the frequency? (Ghz)21:50
owd95headkase314: yes, 2.6GHz i think with turbo21:51
owd95ActionParsnip: nice, can you recommend me a good card then?21:52
headkase314owd95, I can't see your processor being a bottleneck then.  However a 5770 is a decent card too.  So, it makes me wonder if WINE itself is what is deficient here..  Opinions anyone?21:52
ActionParsnipowd95: nvidia but not the very very latest ones and you'll be fine21:52
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, do you want a LiveCD type environment on the USB key or a real install onto a USB key?21:52
thewanderer1ZykoticK9: an install - and yes, I'm aware of flash wear or w/e, I will handle that stuff21:53
zipperHi everbody21:53
owd95headkase314: so you think i can keep my card?21:53
thewanderer1only I don't have an optical drive...21:53
zipperi got a problem burning dvd0s with brasero21:53
headkase314owd95, one second googling21:53
DasEi!unetbootin | thewanderer121:53
ubottuthewanderer1: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:53
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, do a regular install and select it as the install drive - BUT you need to click "advanced" and select to install GRUB onto the USB key if you want to select it to boot from BIOS (understand that part?  might not be clear)21:54
zipperi cant burn any dvd21:54
DasEi thewanderer1: unetbootin is very confortable to me21:54
thewanderer1ZykoticK9: yes, well, I can manage GRUB, I only needed to know if this is possible in a straightforward way21:55
thewanderer1will the persistent install produce an overlay so it keeps all files (aufs or so)?21:55
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, if you want a LiveCD type then use unetbootin or startup disk creator as suggseted by others21:55
owd95ActionParsnip: thx21:55
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, both ways are "pretty" straight forward actually21:55
thewanderer1ZykoticK9: not really, I want a persistent install so that I can store files, packages, and tweak settings21:55
headkase314owd95, I'm not all that familiar with WINE but would WINETricks -> http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks help make programs run better / easier to run?  There is a link to Ubuntu .deb files on that page that includes the latest WINETricks21:56
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ZykoticK9thewanderer1, if you want persistent then i'd recommend using the Ubuntu Startup Disk creator over unetbootin21:56
headkase314owd95, Includes the latest WINE tricks as part of the latest WINE for Ubuntu21:56
owd95headkase314: thx! i will try that!21:56
bsmith093is there a way to batch streamdump about 15 .ram files21:56
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, persitent != install21:56
headkase314owd95, no promises but I hope it helps21:56
headkase314owd95, as always read a lot, type a little ;)21:57
bsmith093i know i could do it one at a time manually but that would take forever so id much rather have some software do it for me ( just feed it the rams21:57
thewanderer1ZykoticK9: I thought it would give me an overlay so that all my files and settings are kept, like an aufs branch mounted over my root filesystem that uses some writable directory as the backing store21:57
thewanderer1I'm unclear on this now - what does persistent mean here?21:57
thewanderer1I'd like it to behave exactly like a disk install21:58
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, some of the USB key is used to store files/data21:58
thewanderer1ah-ha, so no persistency in Ubuntu...21:58
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, you can perform a regular install onto the USB - just do the Grub manual thing21:58
thune3thewanderer1: if doing full install to USB, be aware of  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/549756 it was only recently fixed and could affect you if installing with lucid.21:58
thewanderer1thune3: thanks, it looks scary21:59
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, that's want i'm talking about grub21:59
opijThe LXDE desktop environment doesnt seem to save me any resources, yet, Lubuntu barely takes up 60 MB of ram. I'm not looking for non-ubuntu support here, just would like to know what I'm doing wrong.21:59
thewanderer1I don't like rescuing my system as I don't have an optical drive :P21:59
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, just click on "advanced" and manually point grub to the usb during install!21:59
thewanderer1so where do I boot the installer from?22:00
thewanderer1from the same pendrive that I install to?22:00
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, you'd need 2 USB drives22:00
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, did you say you have no optical drive?22:00
thewanderer1yes, I did22:01
thewanderer1not even one at this house :P22:01
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, then you'd need 2 usb drives to do anything.  good luck man :)22:01
ChigginsCould someone help me get VNC up and running? I can't seem to connect to anything22:02
thewanderer1well, I can actually set that up with debootstrap...22:02
thewanderer1if I know what packages I need to get it going22:02
headkase314It amazes me that hardware is shifting so that sometimes you just don't have an optical drive.  I remember before optical drives and its looking like I'll see the end of optical drives too! ;)22:02
opijThe LXDE desktop environment doesnt seem to save me any resources, yet, Lubuntu barely takes up 60 MB of ram. I'm not looking for non-ubuntu support here, just would like to know what I'm doing wrong.22:03
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thewanderer1opij: LXDE is supposed to take 60-80MB RAM...22:03
sarah32cesc, are you still here?22:04
Messyi dont now why ubuntu doesnt come with an irc client22:04
opijthewanderer1, it's taking over 50022:04
macoMessy: it does... empathy... but its awful22:04
slidinghornMessy:  it comes w/ xchat22:04
slidinghorndoesnt it?22:04
MessyNo it doesnt22:05
macoslidinghorn: no, xubuntu does though, i think22:05
craigbass1976I've a friend on gutsy.  Though he's on broadband, connection is still too slow to upgrade to hardy, then to lucid.  Well, not if I don't want to be here all week.  How do I get thunderbird running once I get a clean lucid running, somehow using the tbird profile from gutsy22:05
headkase314slidinghorn, I had to install XChat22:05
macokubuntu has quassel22:05
Quantum_Ionxchat has been he standard for a longtime22:05
slidinghorni guess i just forgot installing it, lol22:05
Messyempathy doesnt have irc support and i installed xchat manually22:05
macocraigbass1976: just keep the dot files in ~22:05
thewanderer1Pidgin supports IRC :P22:05
macocraigbass1976: .mozilla and maybe .mozilla-thunderbird22:05
Messyyea but its not on default install22:05
macocraigbass1976: but you know, you can install clean and just not delete /home...22:05
panopticalmint comes with xchat22:05
headkase314Pidgin supports IRC?  I'll have to play with that when I get home!22:05
macoMessy: empathy does have ir suppot22:06
panopticalpidgin's irc support sucks22:06
macoMessy: its *bad*support, but its there22:06
ZykoticK9Messy, i agree with you re IRC - but it's offtopic22:06
headkase314Heheh, ok bad support ;)22:06
ZykoticK9maco, i wouldn't make the claim that empathy supports IRC - serious issues there...22:06
MessyI dont know what the topic is because i started xchat and it logged me in here automaticly22:06
macoMessy: bad enough that the initial setup wizard doesnt offer it. but if you go to create a new account through the menus, its there22:06
macoZykoticK9: i *said* it was *bad*22:06
macoMessy:  its at the top of the window22:07
sarah32guys will ubuntu lucid work on my desktop pc ?22:07
Messymaco : I searched through the available new accounts and irc was not there22:07
macosarah32: try with a live cd and find out22:07
headkase314sarah32, boot the live cd and try22:07
macoMessy: the initial thing on the wizard doesnt offer it22:07
sarah32i i have commodore22:07
macoMessy: but ive seen it in use22:07
sarah32and the other is atari22:07
ZykoticK9Messy, there is a "bug" that you need to add another type of account - prior to being able to successfully add an IRC account (with empathy)22:07
thewanderer1sarah32: it's not a "desktop PC" :P22:07
headkase314sarah32, there are two options when you boot from the cd: install and live cd desktop.  Go to the desktop and see if everything works.22:08
MessyI see..22:08
macoZykoticK9: i dont think thats a bug...im pretty sure its "this protocol is so crap, we need to hide it"22:08
sarah32my dad told me it is22:08
batbratI'm trying to figure out an installation issue.22:08
macosarah32: commodore is about 15 years too old22:08
slidinghornrunning conkyforecast on Lucid.  Trying to use the images in /usr/share/conkyforecast/images/weathericons but they're not showing up.  My .conkyrc here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/478531/   and here's a screenshot: http://imagebin.org/10983322:08
thewanderer1sarah32: "PC" is a name used to refer to IBM-compatible personal computers. Commodore is not IBM-compatible. alright?22:08
Quantum_IonI wish Ubuntu Linux recognized all wifi cards during the live cd tryout22:08
headkase314Don't make me pull out my Amiga and start bashing people with it! ;)22:08
mneptokmaco: uhhh ... try 2522:08
macothewanderer1: PC means Personal Computer, regardless of architecture22:08
ZykoticK9maco, it's an Empathy upstream bug - and they say they "won't fix" because it's too much work to fix IRC on Empathy and they recommend using an alternative :|22:08
duffydacklinux on amiga is possible...:)22:08
Quantum_IonAmiga is a collectors item22:09
batbratI'm trying to install freeglut3 without libgl1-mesa-dev. I tried to compile it from source since the package manager could not help me.22:09
macosarah32: you need a computer made in the last decade22:09
Quantum_IonI wish I had kept my IBM PCjr22:09
cescsarah32 yes I'm still here22:09
sarah32thewanderer1,  so what commodore is ? it isnt a tractor for sure22:09
thewanderer1maco: in the last 15 years :P22:09
macosarah32: its a early-1980s computer22:09
batbratWhen compiling from source, freeglut is unable to find the gl headers22:09
headkase314cesc, hows the wireless going?22:09
Quantum_Ionit used 5 1.4 floppy drive remember those22:09
macosarah32: it doesnt meet the minimum specs required for ubuntu22:09
batbratI located them at /usr/include/ATI/GL22:09
cesctrying to download the correct compat-wireless from ubuntu software center22:09
thewanderer1sarah32: sorry, Ubuntu doesn't provide a system architecture for Commodore/Atari22:09
Slartbatbrat: have you installed the opengl headers for development?22:09
macosarah32: you need an intel-compatible cpu and at least 256MB of RAM.. so.. around 1998 or newer22:09
thewanderer1sarah32: Ubuntu only works on i386 and amd64-compatible PC's22:10
sarah32cesc u can add backtrack repistory to your ubuntu and there u will have drivers for rtl8187 pathced for injecton so you wont need to compile or anything22:10
batbratIf you mean fglrx-dev,then yes Slart22:10
mneptokthewanderer1: and PPC22:10
Quantum_Ionsara32, I hope you have a modern laptop with 4GB of RAM MEMORY TOO22:10
headkase314thewanderer1, ppc too?  What is ps3 architecture?22:10
sarah32maco ok tnx22:10
thewanderer1hm, I wasn't aware for Ubuntu for PPC22:10
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, sarah32 actually i doubt ubuntu would run on a true 386 these days22:10
cescwhich is the backtrack repository?22:10
macothewanderer1: its a community supported port22:10
thewanderer1ZykoticK9: alright, i387 :P22:10
maco!backtrack | cesc22:11
ubottucesc: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:11
headkase314cesc, you mean backport?22:11
Quantum_IonWhen XP is no longer supported by Micro I will just through Ubuntu Linux on it22:11
batbratSlart: Do you know what needs to be done to get things working?22:11
macoZykoticK9: 686 is minimum i think now22:11
ZykoticK9maco, i believe so as well ;)22:11
sarah32commodore was a calculator not a computer and i used it in 80's22:11
macoheadkase314: no, cesc wants to use bt4's repos22:11
thewanderer1I haven't heard of packages being compiled for i68622:11
cescno sarah32 suggested backtrack repository22:11
Slartbatbrat: hmm.. nope.. but let me google around for a bit.. see if I can't find something useful22:11
OerQuantum_Ion, good thought.22:11
macothewanderer1: its been 486 for ages, but support for 486 is being dropped in 10.1022:11
headkase314maco, oh ok - was wondering if he was trying to get a backport of some wireless modules from +122:12
thewanderer1maco: oh uh.22:12
batbratSlart: Thanks. I hope you find something useful.22:12
Quantum_Ionsarah32, you can always take out the hardrive of old computers and go purchase a hardrive enclosure and use the old hard drive as a backup hardrive22:12
thewanderer1hm, I can see some interesting stuff in UNetBootin22:12
macothewanderer1:  packages *say* 386, but they're not ;-)22:12
ZykoticK9thewanderer1, in Ubuntu the i386 is really i68622:12
thewanderer1ah, alright22:12
thewanderer1Developers, developers, developers.... :P22:12
macoafaik, they say 386 for legacy reasons.... ie, so upgrades dont freak out22:12
Quantum_Ionsarah32, every 4 -5 years you need to purchase a new computer22:13
headkase314thewanderer1, 10.10 I believe is going to be i686+ only, dropping i586?  Anyone confirm that?22:13
thewanderer1headkase314: I don't know, haven't been to Ubuntu for like 2 years22:13
macoQuantum_Ion: disagree22:13
macoQuantum_Ion: 10 years22:13
macoQuantum_Ion: well... for desktops22:13
sarah32Quantum_Ion, i bought last year msigt72522:13
macoQuantum_Ion: because they can be upgraded nicely :)  but laptops...ok sure 5....22:14
Slartbatbrat: you've downloaded the source for freeglut somewhere?22:14
sarah32i think it will last few years22:14
thewanderer1if I select "10.04 Hd_media" in Unetbootin instead of "10.04 Live", will it install Ubuntu on my pendrive just like it is installed on a hard disk?22:14
headkase314Confirmed: http://www.thisweekinlinux.com/2010/06/ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-drops-pre-i686-cpu-support-does-it-affect-you/22:14
RickBuzzly_You're one of my kind sarah32. Love the 8-bits.22:15
sarah32RickBuzzly_,  me too22:15
aeon-ltdheadkase314: about time, kinda. if you have a i686 cpu, the difference is/was huge22:15
RickBuzzly_6502 forever22:15
thewanderer1phew, my Pentium Pro is safe!22:15
headkase314aeon-ltd,  So no Atom processors for 10.10 as I'm certain those are i586?22:15
thewanderer1headkase314: what?!22:15
ZykoticK9headkase314, no they're not..22:16
macoheadkase314: no.. im using an Atom right now with 10.1022:16
aeon-ltdheadkase314: unr might still retain support22:16
* maco is using normal kubuntu...22:16
thewanderer1Atom is amd64, guys...22:16
aeon-ltdheadkase314: its not hard for canonical to supply 2 different kernels22:16
RickBuzzly_68000 also :)22:16
thewanderer1unless you have some really ancient Atom stuff22:16
headkase314maco, ok I thought Atom was 586 I am absolutely willing to admit I'm wrong with that! ;)22:16
macothewanderer1: only some. some are 32bit22:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:16
Quantum_IonAtom is Intel22:17
Quantum_IonAtom is that processor in netbooks22:17
Zolhow come I have around 75 processes of console-kit-daemon --no-daemon  running?22:17
macoQuantum_Ion: yes....and...? that doesnt prevent being amd6422:17
ZolI kill them but they return. :(22:17
ZykoticK9Zol, i only have 122:18
Quantum_IonAMD64 is made by AMD22:18
thewanderer1Quantum_Ion: no22:18
macoQuantum_Ion: amd64 is an architecture22:18
Quantum_IonATOM is made by Intel22:18
k23Zol, they are threads i guess22:18
macoQuantum_Ion: intel licenses it from amd22:18
Quantum_Ionmaco, wtf22:18
thewanderer1Quantum_Ion: if you wanna talk about that, feel free to join #debian-offtopic22:18
thewanderer1it's a good place to chat, really22:18
macoQuantum_Ion: intel's own 64bit architecute (itanium) is not backwards compatible with ia32, so 32bit OSes cant run on it, which means it never even got out the gate22:18
Quantum_Ionmaco, thanks for the info22:18
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sarah32can we talk on debian-offtopic about children marriage familly problems etc ?22:19
SlartZol: this looks like it could provide some info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55627222:19
sarah32thewanderer1, ???22:19
bob_ 22:19
thewanderer1sarah32: there are some channel guidelines I believe - that fits better in private conversations or #defocus22:19
voxynHello guys22:19
SqRt7744does anyone know how to go about finding the cause of a hard lockup when I try to suspend? I'm thinking along the lines of remote debugging, but maybe there is a simpler way...22:20
Slartbatbrat: I haven't really found anything.. as far as I can tell the opengl development headers should come from the ATI package22:20
batbratSlart: They do come with the ATI package22:20
batbratThey get installed in /usr/include/ATI/GL/22:21
Slartbatbrat: and I can't really see a reason for them not being used by the sources for glut22:21
winterweaverI need to install some packages, but it fails because I previously installed docky, and now have the ricotz ppa packages conflicting with the default packages. See error here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155353722:21
batbratGlut searches for them in GL/22:21
batbratNot ATI/GL/ ...22:21
ZykoticK9SqRt7744, be sure to see if you can find anything at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu for lockup issues like that, search for similar hardware etc.  good luck man.22:21
Slartbatbrat: tried creating symlinks?22:22
batbratThe problem is irritating. I don't really think I should copy the GL folder out to /usr/include/22:22
Victor_Tgodd afternoon every body22:22
batbratDo oyu mean symlink to GL in the include directory.22:22
Slartbatbrat: nope.. I would be surprised if you had to do that too.. but it might be a quick way to make things work22:22
Slartbatbrat: yes22:22
SqRt7744...no kernel debugging experience whatsoever.22:22
Victor_Ti am having some problems with a printer usung samba22:22
SqRt7744ZykoticK9: already posted the bug there, others are affected, but I think if I could debug the responsible module myself, I may be able to fix the error. Trouble is I don't really know where to start.22:22
Slartbatbrat: or just copy them.. it's not like those files are huge22:22
Victor_Tyesterday was working fine but today not :S22:23
batbratI thought of that. I don't know if that is a safe thing to do though22:23
batbratSlart: Have you done this kind of thing before?22:23
ZykoticK9SqRt7744, nor I - good luck man.22:23
Victor_Ti am using a epson stylus tx-10522:23
headkase314batbrat, would a symlink be better so that when you install a later version you don't have to recopy the newer headers?22:23
SqRt7744any kernel debuggers here per chance?  (thanks anyway ZykoticK9 )22:23
Slartbatbrat: I've never had problems with gl headers missing22:24
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ToStItOsWhere can I get support for usbmodeswitch22:24
batbratSlart: Ok22:24
cescwhen I edit a text file with nano and want to save the changes it says is ^O to WriteOut I press CTRL-O but it does nothing.22:24
thewanderer1!br | MIMI22:24
ubottuMIMI: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:24
thewanderer1cesc, are you working through PuTTY?22:25
batbratSlart: Thanks for helping. I'm going to dig around a bit. I'll symlink if I cannot find any alternative in another thirty minutes.22:25
headkase314cesc, when you press ctrl+o you get at the bottom left a file name.  Press enter to accept the filename then ctrl+x to exit22:25
Slartbatbrat: you're welcome.. I hope you succeed in some way =)22:25
headkase314cesc, at least that's how nano should work22:25
cescheadkase314 when I press Ctrl+O nothing happens at the bottom... to enter a filename.22:26
thewanderer1cesc, does Ctrl+x work for you?22:26
cescno nothing happens.22:26
cescis bizarre.22:26
ToStItOsIs there a site or channel for usbmodeswitch22:27
headkase314cesc, your not on a laptop keyboard and have number keys locked on instead of letters?  Shot in the dark..22:27
aeon-ltdcesc: also its o not zero22:27
cescI have edited sources.list putting deb http://repo.offensive-security.com/dist/bt4 binary/ at the bottom line22:27
headkase314cesc, do you need a console editor or could you use something friendlier like gedit?22:27
cescI want to save the file.22:28
aeon-ltdcesc: opened using sudo?22:28
cescno I typed nano source.list22:28
headkase314cesc, that's why need a sudo nano22:28
aeon-ltdcesc: if this is the apt sources list you need sudo22:28
Victor_Ti try reinstall the app of gnome, samba and the driver and i can not make that the printer make its job22:28
Victor_Tplease help :(22:28
Victor_Ti try reinstalling cups to22:29
batbratSlart: I'll let you know if I find a good answer.22:29
thewanderer1is there an option to load Ubuntu to RAM from the liveCD? (actually LiveUSB, making it via unetbootin right now)22:30
m_a_r_khi, i need some help upgrading Apache2 on Ubuntu - is this the right channel to ask?22:30
headkase314cesc, everyone, are you heading into rough territory putting backtrack repositories into xubuntu?22:30
headkase314cesc, you may end up needing to reinstall if it all goes south.22:30
thewanderer1cesc, use apt-pinning to avoid breakage.22:31
cescsomeone said to me if I added this repository I would get the drivers for RTL8187 automatically22:31
thewanderer1cesc, yes, but you need to know what you are doing if you want to do security research22:31
IdleOneheadkase314: not a good idea to mix repos, besides the fact that we don't support backtrack.22:31
thewanderer1(for the rest, there's Mac...)22:31
cescok I'll remove it22:32
headkase314cesc, what worries me is that it is a different distribution.  That's woogie territory - see IdleOne just posted22:32
doctorZeusI've ran into an issue with samba: when I share a folder out, it only shares that folder, so all of the sub folders are not accessible.  I've looked all around trying to find a way to tell samba to propagate/inherit permissions.  Any ran into this?22:32
Victor_Ti am go to ask again22:33
thewanderer1can I boot Ubuntu to RAM?22:33
doctorZeusI'm talking a lot of folders..actually looking at writing a chmod script that grants read to sambausers but I find it hard to believe there is not an easy way to tell samba to propagate folder permissions22:34
Victor_Ti am trying to share my epson tx105 from a windows machine22:34
headkase314cesc, since the adapter works fine with Ubuntu 10.04 (and is such a pain with Xubuntu 10.04) what about installing Ubuntu 10.04 on that machine too?  Or in other words, why do you need Xubuntu over Ubuntu?22:34
thewanderer1I want to load Ubuntu to RAM so that I can replace the medium (pendrive)22:34
Victor_Ti can not get access from the assistent program22:34
thewanderer1doctorZeus: you might be doing it wrong22:34
cescI need it because that PC is a pentium III with only 128 Mb ram, vga 16 Mb and 20 Gb HD22:34
headkase314cesc, or install Ubuntu 10.04 then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop as an extra package?22:35
Victor_Tbecause the button firts not work22:35
headkase314cesc, Aah, that makes sense.22:35
doctorZeusthwanderer1: definitely possible, this is my first go at smb.  What I've done is install samba, change the workgroup name in smb.conf, restart the service and then right-click on the folder(s) I want to share.  Problem is, it only shares THAT folder.  There are 72 other folders I want to share that are inside the one I already shared22:35
headkase314Lucid Lynx has a minimum of 256MB of RAM a search tells me.22:36
cescI was said that hitting the TAB key I would be able to scroll through nicknames when answering to someone on IRC.. but it doesn't work..22:36
doctorZeuseven if I wanted to manually share each folder it shares out each individual folder making the network places of windows look crazy22:36
cescI use Xchat irc.22:36
thewanderer1doctorZeus: do you know that it is a permisison problem, or just guessing?22:36
ToStItOsIs anyone familiar with usbmodeswitch22:37
thewanderer1doctorZeus: see /etc/samba/smb.conf for the list of shares that it generates22:37
thewanderer1you're probably better off using that than clicking your way through22:37
doctorZeusthewanderer1: when I grant each folder permission it works so yes I believe it is a permission problem.. let me see what that file looks like at the moment22:37
thewanderer1doctorZeus: http://wiki.debian.org/Permissions22:37
cescif you want to answer to someone in particular in the channel do you have to write the name every time or there is a better way to do it?22:37
thewanderer1doctorZeus: that howto includes a section on Default ACL which can be used for permission inheriting22:38
ZykoticK9!tab > cesc22:38
ubottucesc, please see my private message22:38
cescoh I see nice feature...22:39
headkase314cesc, here is a list of low-resource Linux distributions -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini_Linux  If you're willing to experiment...22:39
jgcampbell300can anyone here recommend a piece of software that protects my privacy when messing around on the internet22:39
doctorZeusthwanderer1 I was just about to come back and say looks like I need to go work on setting up ACL..  hopefully I can get it going that way. thanks22:40
cescI was hitting the tab key without writting any letter first....22:40
cescthanks headkase31422:40
Tonusjgcampbell300, tor button extension for firefox.22:40
headkase314cesc, you're welcome.22:40
ToStItOsI need help with usbmodeswitch????22:41
jgcampbell300i would like to find something to protect my info when surfing, connecting to p2p, or anything else22:41
EvilToasterWhy does apache2 not start at bootup?22:41
ZykoticK9ToStItOs, is that even in the ubuntu repo?22:41
marceloubuntu español22:41
muelli!details | ToStItOs22:41
ubottuToStItOs: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:41
jgcampbell300i thought peerblock was only for windows22:41
cescheadkase314, the think is that xubuntu is nice and on this pentium III is still working well.22:41
thewanderer1jgcampbell300: try tor22:42
marceloubuntu en español???22:42
thewanderer1jgcampbell300: tor will not help you with p2p, though, unless you want poor bandwidth22:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:42
Dug__Can someone tell me how i can add "Gnome Power Manager applet back to my panel please ? :s i acciently removed the battery icon displaying my battery power and it doesnt seem to be in the list for "Add to panel"22:42
jgcampbell300hmm poor bandwith ... how much does it take away22:43
ToStItOsIts not. I have a Cellular franklin u210 usb modem and googling I came upon a site that really is not very explanatory to me22:43
headkase314cesc, I hope you can get that adapter working so you can stick with Xubuntu - that would be the best outcome.22:43
muelliDug__: no such applet exists anymore AFAIK. Run   gnome-power-preferences22:43
ToStItOsFrom my understand usbmodeswitch is suppose to turn the modem into a serial so linux can recognize22:44
Dug__hmm howcome i had the applet just ? :s it was displaying my battery charge in %22:44
headkase314Dug__, is it an indicator?  Try adding a indicator widget to your panel.22:45
Dug__ok ill try that22:45
ZykoticK9Dug__, System / Preferences / Power Management - General tab ;)22:45
ToStItOsProblem is I have usbmodeswitch installed but the modem is still recognized as a storage device22:45
Dug__ahh was an indicator Thanks headkase31422:45
Jordan_Ujgcampbell300: Please do not use tor for p2p, you will get terrible speeds but the bandwidth you use will make it harder for people who legitimately need the service.22:45
thewanderer1ToStItOs: then it means your modem device id is not supported22:45
muelliToStItOs: you mihgt need newer rulesets :-/ Try researching which versino ofosbmodeswitch is supposed to support your device.22:45
headkase314Dug__, you're welcome.22:45
Dug__although one question if no one minds, i think it was ubuntu 9.10 it used to display the time remaining of my battery life and time remaining for it to fully charge22:46
Dug__howcome with 10.04 it only displays the charge level in % and no estimated times ?22:46
muelliDug__: try. That's one of the deprecations of GNOME IMHO.22:47
cescheadkase314, I will wait until janisozaur comes back because he helped me to install drivers for realtek RTL8187L when I was having errors compiling it. But I think maybe is the wrong driver and I need RTL8187 only... I was trying to compile it but I got errors too... so janisozaur is not here at the mo.22:47
ToStItOsthewanderer1, Well whats strange is on the manufacture website same model linux is supported so something is not making sense22:47
Dug__meaning it isnt supported anymore ?22:47
ubuntu-usrdoes anyone know easy tool for remaster ubuntu live cd iso except ubuntu customization kit? i'm don't like web services as reconstructor.com22:47
ToStItOsmuelli, will give that a try22:47
headkase314cesc, if I knew where to start I'd be right there - I've enough experience configuring general desktop stuff but when it comes to the hardware itself I'm not the best right now :(22:47
Dug__is there anything i can add to ubuntu 10.04 for estimated battery time left and time till charged ?22:48
cescheadkase314, janisozaur was really a master dealing with that.22:48
headkase314cesc, yes.  Don't forget to recap your situation every 5 - 10 minutes: you never know who can come online and also help too!22:49
m_a_r_kHi, I'm running Gutsy and can't apply the latest Apache2 updates - all other updates are installed - when I get to apache2-mpm-prefork update, apt complains that apache2.2-common is the wrong version (2.2.4-3ubuntu0.1) and that I need to have 2.2.4-3ubuntu0.2 - but apache2.2-common won't install - so I wind up having 3 packages that won't update: apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2.2-common, and apache2-prefork-dev - anyone know how to fix22:49
m_a_r_k this problem?22:49
Dug__or is there no tool like this anymore ?22:49
Jordan_UDug__: I'm pretty sure that the default battery applet will tell you that, though I'm not currently on a laptop so I can't confirm.22:50
Dug__mine only shows me the charge level in %22:50
Dug__no estimated remaining time or anything :(22:50
ZykoticK9Dug__, on my EEE default 10.04 install that's exactly what it shows.  "Laptop battery 1 hour 10 minutes until charged" when i click on the icon22:50
marcelosaben el canal de ubuntu en español?22:51
cescheadkase314, yes you are right.22:51
Jordan_UDug__: Have you tried right clicking the applet to see if there is way to change the preferences?22:51
Jordan_U!es | marcelo22:51
ubottumarcelo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:51
EvilToasterApache2 does not start at boot. i installed with apt-get install and checked chkconf and scripts. but it still does not start by it self.22:51
headkase314cesc, ;) Good luck.  Away for five minutes..22:51
Dug__i click on preferences22:51
Dug__but no option for displaying remaining time etc22:51
ZykoticK9Dug__, i actually don't see anything in Preferences that seems to apply22:51
Dug__me neither :( i cant understand why 9.10 used to display estimated remaining time but 10.04 wont for me (22:52
ZykoticK9Dug__, i actually think in a while those numbers will start showing up automatically on your system as well (if this is a fresh install)22:52
Dug__this is a fresh install22:53
Dug__only installed it yesterday and been running on mains power most of the time22:53
EvilToasterApache2 does not start at boot. i installed with apt-get install and checked chkconf and scripts. but it still does not start by it self. im running 10.04.22:53
ZykoticK9Dug__, i imagine it really depends on the acpi/power management support on the hardware that is the biggest factor.  hope it works for ya.22:54
Dug__i have to give the "statistics" time to record enough data for it start being able to estimate my remaining time and charge time ?22:54
ubuntu-usrin my ubuntu customization kit i can't open synaptic. i have mounted clean partition with write and read mode as application pointed me. what's wrong?22:55
Andre_Hatjepessoal, eu instalei o ubuntu studio, formatei o PC e reinstalei o ubuntu 10.04 lts, so que na instalação do studio havia optado por criptografar os arquivos, agora preciso descriptografar a pasta, alguem ai sabe como se faz isso?22:55
ubuntu-usri don't see such option as i saw on screenshots http://s6.tinypic.com/2yngmsm.jpg22:56
Dug__think ill have to use my laptop a bit more an let it run low without the mains power then and hopefully it will soon start to calculate the time remaining22:56
Ober7EvilToaster: i use a program called rcconf to manage all my start up programs, maybe give it a try? u can always apt-get remove it if it doesnt help22:56
Jordan_U!pt | Andre_Hatje22:57
ubottuAndre_Hatje: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:57
opijis it true that Lubuntu will be an official flavor in 10.10?22:59
ubuntu-usrmoreover when i type in terminal uck-gui, terminal still blank (nothing is logged) and only gui window appears. of course i can step by step further but in the end i can't run synaptic or manage anyhow packages22:59
Dug__sorry lots of noob questions from me today lol >.< are their any tools or programs i can download to help improve power management when my laptop is running of a battery23:00
IdleOneWhat do I need to install to get USB support in VirtualBox?23:00
Dug__becuase my battery life seems to be shorter than when it was running windows XP23:00
mneptokIdleOne: VBox guest extensions23:01
EvilToasterOber7, does not help me much :S23:01
IdleOnemnemon: thanks, could remember the name23:01
IdleOnecouldn't either23:01
narutofirst time on IRC chat23:01
mneptokIdleOne: you can't remember mine, either :P23:01
IdleOneheh yeah23:01
aeon-ltdDug__: i've got nothing to tell you whats taking so much power, but you could just watch what you run and get rid of unneccessary processes23:01
narutoany c++ programmers here?23:01
aeon-ltdnaruto: ask in #c23:02
EvilToasternaruto, depends :)23:02
Dug__ok ill take a look at them23:02
Dug__thanks for all the help today any guys ;D23:02
opijis it true that Lubuntu will be an official flavor in 10.10?23:02
narutohmmm ive been bored at work lately23:02
narutomy manager s making me develop stupid forms in PHP and mysql23:03
narutoi need a break...23:03
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Dug__i need to log now but thanks for the info today guys :)23:03
narutoso i was wondering if any one want to get started on some interesting projects23:03
jimmyzanyone help me boot ubuntu from usb key?23:03
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:03
Andre_HatjeI installed ubuntu studio, formatted the PC and reinstalled ubuntu 10:04 lts, so that the installation of the studio has chosen to encrypt the files, now I need to decrypt the folder, someone here knows how to do it?23:04
dwangoACUbuntu 10.04 - when in X, Shift+Function keys swithces to console instead of Ctrl+Alt+Function; any idea to set it to Ctrl+Alt+Function?23:04
EvilToasterjimmyz, lock at unetbootin23:04
weezdoes anyone know anything about seetin up a mailing list/newsletter?23:04
narutoany one played around with bazaar yet?23:05
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EvilToasterIs it only me having problems with apache2 at boot? in 10.04? i can start it later but it never start at boot :S23:05
IdleOnemneptok: you recommend ose or  non free version?23:05
jimmyzi am trying pendrive linux EvilToaster23:05
opijis it true that Lubuntu will be an official flavor in 10.10?23:06
xissburgjimmyz: I successfully booted from pendrinve using unetbooting...pretty simple23:06
aeon-ltdopij: does it matter?23:06
EvilToasterjimmyz, ah okey23:06
opijaeon-ltd, _you_ don't matter.... unless you're staff.23:06
sprockets2000anyone played sc2 on ubuntu 64?23:07
Oer!theme | Oer23:07
ubottuOer, please see my private message23:07
jimmyzwhat file does teh bios look for on the usb key to boot from?23:07
aeon-ltdopij: dude i was just saying that nothing is different except decision on pkgs23:07
opijaeon-ltd, buzz off23:07
aeon-ltdopij: you be trollin'?23:08
erUSULjimmyz: bios does not read any file23:08
opijdoes anyone know the answer to my question?23:08
weezdoes anyone have experience making an email newsletter?23:08
jimmyzoh? i'm just trying to figure if pendrivelinux successfully created a bootable key23:09
jimmyzor if something is wrong in my bios settings23:09
mneptokopij: please be polite23:09
sprockets2000just use unetbootin23:09
sprockets2000and see if it works23:09
Ober7< mneptok> opij: please be polite23:09
opijmneptok, sorry i was a little rude23:09
opijaeon-ltd, sorry i just have been trolled a lot lately23:10
aeon-ltdopij: its cool. :)23:10
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
opijaeon-ltd, the reason it matter's is because the ops will boot you from the IRC channels and  Forums unless its an official release23:11
mneptokopij: not true. although you might get directed to the specific channel if the questions become too detailed.23:11
opijmnemon, are you an op?23:12
AlbertoPsorry, wrong channel :(23:12
mneptokopij: Mint, Crunchbang, and other derivatives are not supported in #u, but different flavors of Ubuntu can be.23:12
mneptokopij: nope :P23:12
opijmnemon, I've been told to go to another channel unless it comes on an official canonical live cd23:13
dsnydersHi all!  When I log in there is a background picture.  Where is that stored?23:13
mneptokopij: you may be asked, depending on the traffic. and ignoring op requests, regardless of what you use, is going to get you banned.23:14
mneptokopij: and if theonly thing #u supported was officially supported canonical stuff, Xubuntu would not be supported here.23:14
mneptok(Canonical does not provide commercial support for Xubuntu)23:15
doctorZeusI just hit the X to (what I thought was) cancel a file "move", and the files that did move are no longer in the original folder and theres no trace of it at the source destination23:15
doctorZeusis that expected behavior?23:15
So_ConfusedHello room... Does anyone here know how to start/have an encrypted chat using Pidgin? I dl'd the otr Plugin from Software Center, but see no options to start one.23:15
opijmneptok, sorry i meant that it has to be an official derivative of ubuntu23:16
opijnot canonical23:16
opijby the way mneptok, canonical does support xubuntu23:17
Jordan_Uopij: If it uses only official Ubuntu repositories (including community supported universe), which as far as I know lubuntu does, then it can be supported here. But there may be better channels to ask in like #lubuntu.23:17
WMPhi, why all packages php5-fpm use old config?23:18
opijJordan_U, are you an op?23:18
Jordan_Uopij: No.23:18
IdleOneopij: what does being an op have to do with anything?23:18
IdleOneWe are all equal here, helping and asking for help23:19
DasEicould someone do an nmap -A on  (my host)  and pastebin the output ?23:19
opijIdleOne, because i've been told WAAAY too many times untrue things by people that dont know what they're talking about23:19
Jordan_Uopij: xubuntu-desktop is in universe rather than main, which normally means that it is not supported by Canonical.23:19
IdleOneopij: if and when lubuntu becomes an official flavor is up to Canonical, you can ask in #lubuntu if they have more info on that23:20
=== au_ is now known as au
opijJordan_U, check the bottom of http://www.xubuntu.org/23:20
edugonchHello, do you know a good ftp client that allows me share files between 2 servers and not the localhost?23:21
opijoh i see23:21
Jordan_Uopij: Are you refering to "© 2008 Canonical Ltd. Xubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd." ? That's far from a statement that they provide commercial support services.23:21
opijit is not supported by canonical23:22
opijthats old23:22
opijdidnt notice the 200823:22
dwangoACedugonch: I can't think of a client that can do that, actually...  Interesting problem.23:22
edugonchNautilus does, but it is soooooooooooo slowwwwww23:22
dwangoACedugonch: Perhaps you could hack together a script to do what you wanted, maybe using named pipes... hmm23:22
edugonch139 hours23:22
dwangoACedugonch: Yeah, it's slow because it's going server -> client -> server23:22
erUSULedugonch: gui ? command line ?23:23
dwangoACedugonch: Now that I say that, there's no way to do what you want unless you control one of the servers23:23
opijJordan_U, they are /claiming/ that it will be official in #lubuntu, but I want to hear from an op whether it's true or not. I cant seem to find anything on google.23:23
dwangoACedugonch: I'm assuming you want to go from one server to another directly which means you'd have to have the ability to log in to one server, act as a client, and upload the file to the other from there23:23
edugonch<erUSUL>, GUI will be better23:24
IdleOneopij: the ops team handles IRC issues. They have nothing to do with Canonical23:24
erUSULdwangoAC: edugonch there are servers that support server to server transfer dunno if that is the case ...23:24
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
erUSULedugonch: filezilla; gftp23:24
opijIdleOne, then how do they know when to kick someone out when someone isn't talking about a canonical supported distro?23:24
dsnydersHi all!  When I log in there is a background picture.  Where is that stored?  I want to use it for my desktop.23:24
edugonch<dwangoAC>; yes, I'm changing server, so I don't see the necesity of get the files to my computer and then upload them again23:24
IdleOneopij: you mean like now?23:24
edugonchfilezilla does not support multiple servers23:25
IdleOneopij: see !guidelines and !coc for what the ops base the decision to ban on23:25
opijIdleOne, im trying to find out if it's _Going_ to be supported23:25
IdleOneopij: I am telling you WE don't know23:25
opijIdleOne, who is "WE"23:25
bobby0Enter text here...any nice girl wnt to chat23:25
macobobby0: wrong plac23:26
IdleOneeverybody in here who does not work for Canonical23:26
paulmainI just installed lucid, and have no sound.  It worked in Gutsy.  Also, I'm stuck at a resolution of 800x600.  ANyone?23:26
dwangoACedugonch: So it sounds like you have access to one of the FTP servers at the very least, right?23:26
macobobby0: this channel is for ubuntu tech support, not picking up dates23:26
bobby0hi maco23:26
dwangoACedugonch: If so, do you have to use FTP protocol?  Perhaps another protocol would be better suited for what you're trying to do.23:26
Jordan_Uopij: Like I stated before, what Canonical supports and what the community (i.e. this channel) support are not the same.23:26
edugonchI have access to both23:26
dwangoACmaco: That... was very funny. :)23:26
macodwangoAC: happens far too often23:27
macodwangoAC: thats the second ive seen today23:27
edugonchWell, I'll try, and do you know a good and fancy command line client?23:27
opijJordan_U, I'm just sick of ops asking me to shut up about distros that have tiny channels23:27
dwangoACmaco: Still, picking up dates? :)23:27
kita4everJust use default23:27
dwangoACedugonch: Well, since you have access to both servers there are a lot of options available -23:27
Autoclesisanyone sync samsa clip with rhythmbox?23:28
dwangoACedugonch: Are both servers running Ubuntu (or at least Linux)?23:28
IdleOneopij: can you please move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic as it is not  Ubuntu tech support related.23:28
edugonchYes, using CentOs23:28
dwangoACedugonch: Ugh - RPM based (such a dirty thing to say here :).  OK, so you're using CentOS on both servers?23:29
dwangoACedugonch: And if I understand you correctly, your client is Ubuntu, correct?23:29
erUSULedugonch: good and fancy command line client --> lftp ( scriptable )23:29
Autoclesisrhythmbox won't show songs to import23:29
dwangoACedugonch: And finally, you want to use a GUI to move the files around, right?23:29
dwangoACedugonch: So here's a very creative solution to your problem that lets you do this with a GUI - it's a little .. er.. controversial :)23:30
dwangoACedugonch: First, on one of your CentOS servers install neatx - http://code.google.com/p/neatx/23:30
dwangoACedugonch: Then on your Ubuntu client install the NX Client, availabe at http://www.nomachine.com23:31
dwangoACedugonch: Then use the NX client to conenct to the CentOS server to get full access to its graphical GUI23:31
dwangoACedugonch: From there, use whatever GUI FTP client you like to upload files to the second server23:31
dwangoACedugonch: Like I say, it's a bit unorthodox but it allows you to fully access the server and do a server to server copy without the file being sent through your Ubuntu client.23:32
edugonchummmm, intersting, I'll try it, but I don't know if my server have GUI installed23:32
dwangoACedugonch: You don't have to use neatx as there's a fully featured .RPM file for CentOS on http://www.nomachine.com's website but I prefer to use open source when I can.23:32
dwangoACedugonch: Well, you can always install a desktop environment :)23:32
dwangoACedugonch: But, installing a GUI on an RPM distro isn't something I can help you with23:33
edugonchYes, at least the basic23:33
dwangoACedugonch: Did all of that make sense?  I know it wasn't at all the direction you were thinking about going but it'd definitely work23:33
dwangoACQuestion of my own, Ubuntu 10.04 - when in X, Shift+Function keys swithces to console instead of Ctrl+Alt+Function; any idea to set it to Ctrl+Alt+Function?23:34
dwangoACGoogle is a wreck when looking for related keywords on that topic. :)23:34
Ober7dwangoAC: maybe i havent been following but why not just fxp?23:35
dwangoACOber7: He wants to do this through a GUI23:36
edugonch<dwangoAC>, it is a good idea, I'll try it23:36
dwangoACOber7: Plus his servers are both CentOS, so if he wants to do that he probably wants to ask in a different channel. :)23:37
Ober7dwangoAC: i am sure there are gui ftp cients supporting fxp23:37
augdawghow can i get the mail daemon to run in the background for evolution?23:37
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ramontayaghow do you take a screenshot with the right-click menu open?23:37
Ober7its the ftp servers im worried about23:37
dwangoACOber7: You're right, it looks like a couple of clients do now that I look but I have no idea how he'd configure CentOS's FTP server to do that23:38
Ober7pureftpd does it probably vsftpd23:38
aeon-ltdramontayag: scrot -d 3 (in terminal) or prtsc on keyboard23:39
dwangoACramontayag: Interesting - you're right, you can't do it by pressing alt+printscreen with the right-click menu open23:39
dsnydersHi all!  When I log in there is a background picture.  Where is that stored?  I want to use it for my desktop.23:39
dwangoACramontayag: However, if you open the Take Screenshot app you can set a delay and then take the screenshot23:39
RabbitbunnyIs there a 'gksudo nautalus' type command I can run?23:39
ramontayagdwangoAC, a delay? oh cool let me try that23:39
duliwhat package provides Crypt_Blowfish (pear php)?23:40
ramontayagdwangoAC, thanks it worked!23:40
dwangoACramontayag: I do that kind of delayed screenshot in beta testing all the time but I've never had the right-click menu problem before :)23:40
dwangoACramontayag: Glad I could help23:40
RabbitbunnyIs there a 'gksudo nautalus' type command I can run?23:43
macoRabbitbunny: yep, but it helps to spell nautilus right ;-)23:43
erUSULRabbitbunny: what are you tryin to do ?23:44
Rabbitbunnymaco: oh. Well, that explains it. Thanks.23:45
RabbitbunnyerUSUL: bad things. thing which may break my warranty.23:45
erUSULRabbitbunny: i knew it ;P handle with care23:46
glassresistorim about to move an install of ubuntu from a ssd with ext2 to a hhd with ext4, can i boot from a cd and use cp with options to copy hidden files ect  and have it work23:47
glassresistorid probably just use ddrescue but i want to change the file system23:48
* winexmms_ is listening to: .chicagoisthebirthplace - ANALOG DIALOG - Detroit Debris - (0:22/1:47)23:48
cescwhich app do you guys use to subscribe to podcasts?23:48
erUSULglassresistor: should work; maybe pax or tar are faster? also you will have to reinstal grub23:48
aeon-ltdcesc: i hear miro is quite good23:48
Jordan_Uglassresistor: You can do an in place "upgrade" from ext2 to ext3/4.23:48
erUSULglassresistor: and tweak /etc/fstab to match the new uuid's23:48
erUSULwinexmms_: disable that script here please23:49
cescthanks aeon-ltd23:49
Jordan_Uglassresistor: The only downside is that you will only be using ext4 features like extents with newly written files (ext3 is just ext2+journaling so you'll get all of ext3's "features" immediately).23:49
glassresistorerUSUL: how would i install just grub?23:49
erUSULglassresistor: use the instruction on how to recover grub after installing windows23:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:50
glassresistorerUSUL: thanks23:51
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dsnydersHi all!  When I log in there is a background picture.  Where is that stored?  I want to use it for my desktop.23:52
glassresistorchanging the fstab file from a livecd should work23:52
erUSULglassresistor: yes23:52
glassresistorgreat never bootstraped anything but gentoo b423:52
aeon-ltddsnyders: you mean gdm the login manager?#23:52
umanwhat is the difference between the packages flashplugin, flashplugin-installer, and flashplugin-nonfree?23:53
dsnydersaeon-ltd, Yes, I believe so.23:53
umanI don't care about software freedom issues; I just want flash to work in Firefox as stably and reliably as possible; which should I install?23:53
umanby the way, I am using 64-bit Ubuntu 10.0423:53
glassresistoruman: i don't think the are different actually23:54
aeon-ltddsnyders: look in /usr/share/ or /usr/share/gdm, i think the gdm themes are stored there23:54
dsnydersaeon-ltd, I've been looking, but I do not know what the file is called.  There are 300+ folders in /usr/share and /usr/share/gdm doesn't seem to have any pictures in it.23:55
Quaxir_Does anyone know bandwith meter for linux which would work in console?23:56
=== Quaxir_ is now known as Quaxir
muellisoftQuaxir: maybe ntop.23:56
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trismdsnyders: /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png is probably the background you mean, which is oddly not a png23:56
glassresistorQuaxir: bwn-ng23:56
glassresistorits in apt23:56
[thor]Quaxir: byobu contains a bandwidth meter23:56
glassresistor[thor]: really? were23:56
aeon-ltddsnyders: look in /usr/share/gdm/themes23:56
[thor]glassresistor: one of the options./. errr... checking23:57
SnakkerAny Arch Linux users here?23:57
aeon-ltdSnakker: yeah23:57
erUSULSnakker: wrong channel ?23:57
Quaxirookkey, thanks for you 3 :D. Now I just should find out which one is best :P23:57
SnakkerNah, not wrong channel.23:57
glassresistor[thor]: whats the cnrl-a command for menu?23:57
SnakkerI know where the #archlinux channel is...it's just I couldn't really find any help there. :/23:57
[thor]glassresistor: F9 --> Status Notifications --> enbable "network"23:58
dsnyderstrism, good call.  That's what I was looking for.  /usr/share/backgrounds/mistymorning.jpg23:58
glassresistor[thor]: i have the function keys turned off cause they class with htop23:58
glassresistor[thor]: there is also a screen stye command buti  forgot the key23:58
[thor]glass resistor: dunno the ctrl command, sorry23:58
Quaxirglassresistor, did you mean bwm-ng? (there's no bwn-ng in apt :S)23:59
dsnydersaeon-ltd, There is no /usr/share/gdm/themes folder.   No worries though, trism pointed me  /usr/share/backgrounds23:59
glassresistorQuaxir: yeah opps crappy keyboard23:59
ravenwhich files to change the ip-adress?23:59
aeon-ltddsnyders: 'kay23:59

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