
* MengXingHun is away: ^^^今天玩Linux游戏,暂不接客^^^^.....01:10
edakiriHow can I create PNGs with both transparency ("alpha (A)" channel) and colors stored where it is completely transparent?  How can I view such an image and see its transparency and the color where it is transparent?07:08
edakirior what software is capable of that?07:10
holsteinhey edakiri07:11
* holstein is an audio guy07:12
holsteinthe Gimp doesnt do it for you?07:12
edakirias far as I know, it can not view them, so I can also not know whether they are made correctly.  Where it is completely transparent, it shows only the transparency not the color.07:16
edakiriMaybe there is a conversion I could do with GIMP, but I do not know it.07:16
holsteinedakiri: i would think you would need to use GIMP's file format to get started07:28
holsteinthen export to png or whatever07:28
edakiriholstein: Then if I only have the PNG, how can I see the colors again in the transparent areas?07:54
holsteini know there are some graphics guys that come in here from time to time07:55
edakiriIt is possible with PNG to have a pixel fully transparent and yet with full color information, but how do I see it?07:55
holsteini think you might want to ask in a gimp channel07:55
edakirigood idea07:55
holsteini mostly just resize a jpeg here and there07:55
lenzhail folks!!09:13
lenzpls help09:14
lenzi use m-audio audiophile 192 soundcard09:15
lenzbut can't adjust the volumes of capture, can't hear sound from capture09:15
lenzpls advise something09:17
edakirilenz: you must find out what drivers you should use. most people use ALSA there is also OSS.  see whether the driver is loaded with lsmod. look in the kernel messages for messages from the driver.  you can use dmesg for that09:22
edakiri#ALSA and #OSS exist09:23
lenzyep, i hawe both installed09:24
lenzalsa and oss09:25
lenz#alsa is dead09:25
lenzeveryone sleepeng there09:25
lenzsnd_ice1724            95837  609:26
lenzsnd_ice17xx_ak4xxx      2547  1 snd_ice172409:26
edakirilenz: output is working?09:31
edakiridoes m-audio advertise linux support?09:32
lenzyep, i hear sound09:33
lenzand it records my guitar09:33
lenzbut in alsa mixer i cant adjust volume of capture09:34
lenzonly pcm volume can adjust09:34
lenz-audiu is only for win and mac :(09:35
lenzno official linux support09:35
edakirilook in the linux documentation for sysctl parameters to the driver09:41
edakirimaybe you can select channels for alsa.  different boards use different features of the chip.  sometimes not all features of a chip are used09:42
edakiriby the board09:42
=== MengXingHun is now known as [--Girl--]
lenzthnx edakiri! will try now09:45
zushow do i fix missing plaugins in  chrome?  i cant watch any videos09:47
edakirizus: wrong channel09:48
zusedakiri,  yeah, im sorry./09:49
zusi think the KXStudio  chopped my ubuntustudio and ubuntu all up.09:50
phatdHi everyone, i've a question - I've installed UbuntuStudio 10.04 onto a virtual machine (Parallels Desktop) but I can seem to get my root priveliges for some reason and i know that my password is correct cos i can log into the system, so i was wandering whether you could explain to me what i may have done wrong (sorry for the long text :) )18:30
holsteinhey phatd18:31
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?18:31
holsteinlog in as su?18:31
holsteinare you using the sudo command?18:32
phatdHi holstein, yes im trying to install the guest additions18:32
phatdwhith the sudo command18:32
phatdbut it says that the comand was not found.....:(18:32
holsteinphatd: run in a terminal18:33
holsteinsudo fdisk -l18:33
holsteinand tell me if you get output18:33
holsteinthen we'll know that sudo is working18:33
holsteinguest additions is 'fiddly'18:33
holsteini usually open the terminal18:34
holsteintype sudo18:34
holsteinand then drag the install.sh over into the terminal18:34
holsteinwhatever its called18:34
* holstein forgets18:34
holsteinshould look like18:35
phatdyeah, but im running mine at the moment from my laptop.....and its slow as hell......18:35
phatd1px/hour :)))18:35
holsteinsudo path/to/guestboxaddtions/install.sh18:35
holsteinphatd: drag18:35
phatdi go cd /home/phatd/Parallels then sudo ./install18:36
holsteinhopefully the virtual drivers help that18:36
phatdit does not have an sh postfix18:36
holsteinphatd: when you run sudo fdisk -l18:36
holsteindid you see some output?18:36
holsteini would try running18:37
phatdis that a one or an L i cant tell...18:37
holsteinsudo /home/phatd/Parallels/install18:37
holsteinphatd: OH yeah18:37
holsteini was thinking virtualbox additions18:38
holsteinphatd: thats a lower case L18:38
phatdwell sudo does work...18:38
holsteinfor 'list18:38
holsteinphatd: yeah, its a problem with that install script18:38
phatdVbox crashes my computer for some reason18:38
holsteinor just the way your linking to it in the terminal18:38
holsteinto try and run it18:38
holsteinthat would give you a 'command not found'18:38
phatdbut the thing is that it installs on Ubuntu but doesnt in the studio...18:39
holsteinits not the sudo command that is not found18:39
holsteinit the 'install' command18:39
phatdyeah, it gives command not found18:39
holsteinphatd: you can use tab complete18:39
holsteinin the terminal18:39
holsteinyou just start typing some of the letters18:39
holsteinand hit tab18:39
holsteinand it auto-completes18:39
phatdok....ill try now18:39
holsteinthen you know what you are trying to run is actually there18:40
holsteinbut that click and drag method is not bad either18:40
phatdit types in ./installer/18:41
holsteinphatd: hmmm18:41
holsteinyou might want to poke around in there18:41
holsteincd /home/you/Parralles/whatever18:41
holsteinand ls18:41
holsteinto see what is in there18:41
holsteinOR fire up nautilus file manager18:41
holsteinand just confirm just where the hell the installer is18:42
holsteinand what it is called18:42
holsteinif your reading a README18:42
holsteinit could be old18:42
phatdi can see the folders there but they dont have linux executables there....18:42
holsteinyou dont see any 'install' or 'installer' ?18:43
phatdi see both...18:43
phatdinstall and installer18:43
holsteini wish i knew more about parallels18:43
phatdbut they are useless18:43
holsteinive only done this in virtual box18:43
holsteinand i hate to steer you blindly in the wrong direction18:44
phatdi wish vbox wouldn't crash my comp18:44
holsteinsnow leapard?18:44
phatdyou wish18:44
phatdWind0ze 718:44
holsteini havent had the opportunity to mess around with win7 yet18:45
* holstein tried to be diplomatic ;)18:45
phatdi would use linux but im farily new to it...18:45
phatdbtw where r u from?18:45
holsteinphatd: you can run it in WUBI18:46
holsteinyou can get the normal ubuntu disc18:46
holsteinthe LIVE cd18:46
phatdhmmm.....try to guess where im from :)18:46
holsteinand install that as a WUBI install18:46
holsteinthats a decent way to start18:46
phatdthe wubi installs on actual hardware18:46
holsteinthere is a .exe on the disc18:46
holsteinphatd: basically18:46
holsteinBUT you can uninstall it like a program18:46
phatd[21:46:09]  < phatd> hmmm.....try to guess where im from :)18:47
holsteinits kinda like a normal install18:47
holsteinphatd: hmmm18:47
phatdits some where in europe and aisa :)18:47
holsteinGMT +318:48
phatdYes :)18:48
holsteinnot sure18:48
holsteinother than that :)18:48
phatdThats why i run wind0ze 7, because nobody gives a damn about copyrights :)))18:49
holsteinOH, you got a hacked version or something18:49
holsteinyeah, i use to have a cracked XP way back18:49
holsteinthen i bought it18:49
holsteinthen i started using linux18:50
phatdYeah, but it works fine, windoze update works...:)))18:50
holsteini recently purchased snow leopard too18:50
phatdLinux is cooler that any other OS18:50
holsteinonly 30 US18:50
* holstein is not sure how cool it is18:50
holsteinbut windows is a drag18:50
phatdThats a single license copy?18:50
holsteinits a security risk out of the box18:50
holsteinim over it18:51
holsteinphatd: AFAIK is a single license18:51
holsteini havent tried it on more than one box18:51
phatd30 usd in our curency is like 900 rubles18:51
holsteini got a macbook somebody gave me18:51
holsteinneeded some repair18:51
holsteini think you gota have 120US to get the cheap win718:52
holsteinand im not stealing anything anymore18:52
holsteinmuch less bad software18:52
phatdi'v the Ultimate + Office 2010 + Adobe Master CXollection CS5 = 0.00 usd :))))18:52
holsteinstealing windows is like hotwiring a scooter18:52
phatdBut you probably have the money to pay for all this.....and i'm just a student :(18:53
holsteinubuntu is free18:53
holsteini give my time here and there18:53
phatdI know, i use the russian version of Linux Mint18:53
holsteinyeah, mint is cool18:54
holsteinyou can install the ubuntustudio stuff in there18:54
phatdYeah, but it lags sometimes...18:54
holsteinphatd: are you dual booting mint and win7?18:54
holsteinphatd: what lags?18:54
phatdI'm triple booting :))) Win 7 Win XP and Mint, and that lags are mainly cos of the russification process18:55
holsteinphatd: maybe not18:55
holsteinlags in audio?18:55
holsteinyou got a realtime kernel?18:55
phatdyeah, sometimes18:55
holsteindo you use JACK?18:55
holsteinif you mean just flash playback18:56
holsteinand normal audio18:56
phatdi use the simple preinstalled soft that come with mint......i dont install much more...18:56
holsteinthat can happen on a lot of systems18:56
holsteinwell, if you want, just search ubuntustudio in synaptic18:56
holsteinand you should see the meta packages18:56
holsteini would not install them all in mint18:57
phatdi know about that....but it takes to much time to load....18:57
holsteinjust the *-audio *-audio-plugins18:57
holsteinphatd: load?18:57
holsteinor install?18:57
holsteinit can18:57
holsteinphatd: you dont have to get the meta packages18:57
holsteinjust get the stuff you need18:57
phatdLike LMMS???18:58
phatdwhat is i were to search synaptics for parallels vm soft??? do you think that would work??18:59
holsteinLMMS is fiddly too though18:59
holsteinphatd: try it18:59
phatdI use FL Studio :)18:59
holsteini dont think there is anything in the repo for parallels offically18:59
holsteinbut i have not checked18:59
phatdwell if its not there i can check parallels' site19:00
holsteinyou should look around for an ubuntu vitrual image too19:01
holsteini know there are some for virtual box and VM ware19:01
holsteinready to go disk images19:01
holsteinbut you would have to install the studio packages ;)19:01
holsteinphatd: OH19:01
holsteini got it19:01
holsteinin your mint install19:01
holsteinyou tell synaptic to use the ubuntustudio CD as a repo19:02
phatdtype slower :) my brain is allready gone to sleep....:)))))))19:02
holsteincoffee is just kickin in for me :)19:03
phatdi had coffee about an hour ago...it doesnt work for me :(19:03
phatdOk, im p***ed off, ima gonna install vbox (the Sun version) and try to reinstall it, if anythin happens i come back19:06
phatdC Ya Later :)19:06
holsteingood luck19:06

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